7 Redox Reactions: Core Curriculum

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TEST Name:

7  Redox reactions
Core curriculum
1 This shows how zinc and copper(II) oxide react together:

Zn (s)  1  CuO (s)    ZnO (s)  1  Cu (s)

a Explain what oxidation and reduction mean, as illustrated by the reaction above.

Oxidation means

Reduction means [2]

b The reaction above is called a redox reaction because


c In the reaction above, the oxidising agent is and the reducing

agent is [2]

d A more reactive metal will take oxygen from the oxide of a less reactive metal.

Which metal is more reactive, zinc or copper? [1]

e In the name copper(II) oxide, the Roman numeral tell us that


f Copper forms another oxide, called copper(I) oxide. Its formula is [1]

2 In these reactions, is the underlined substance oxidised, or reduced, or neither?

Underline your choice.
a N2O4    2NO2 oxidised reduced neither

b CO  1  2H2O    CO2  1  H2 oxidised reduced neither

c CuO  1  H2    Cu  1  H2O oxidised reduced neither

d Mg  1  O2    2MgO oxidised reduced neither

e H2O2  1  2HI    2H2O  1  I2 oxidised reduced neither

f CO2  1  C    2CO oxidised reduced neither

g CaCO3    CaO  1  CO2 oxidised reduced neither [7]

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TEST Name:

Extended curriculum
3 a Add electrons to the correct side, to balance the ionic equations in the table.
b Then identify each change as oxidation or reduction.

The balanced ionic equation Oxidation, or reduction?

i O2   2O22

ii 2Br2   Br2
iii Fe21   Fe31

iv Al31   Al


4 This table is about oxidising and reducing agents. Complete the spaces labelled (i) – (viii).

redox reagent colour product formed colour of this Is the reagent

before product a reducing or
reaction oxidising agent?
potassium dichromate(VI) orange chromium(III) green (i)
(K2Cr2O7) in the presence ions (Cr31)
of acid
potassium manganate(VII) (ii) manganese(II) (iii) (iv)
(KMnO4) in the presence ions (Mn21)
of acid
potassium iodide (KI) (v) iodine (I2) (vi) (vii)

iron(II) ions (Fe21) green iron(III) ions brown (viii)


5 Zinc and iodine react together to form zinc iodide:

Zn  1  I2    ZnI2

Write ionic equations for the oxidation and reduction reactions that take place:




© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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