Rays From The Rose Cross v8n8 1917 Dec

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General Contents
The Mystic Light
A Department devoted to articles on Occultism, Mystic Masonry, Esoteric Christianity, and
similar subjects.
The Question Department
Designed to give further light upon the various subjects dealt with in the different departments,
where queries from students and other subscribers make this necessary.
The Astral Ray
Astrology from an original angle, Cosmic light on Life’s Problems.
Studies in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
Our Origin, Evolution and ultimate Destiny is religiously, reasonably and scientifically explained
in this department.
Nutrition and Health
Our body is ‘A Living Temple’, we build it without sound of hammer, by our food. In this
Department articles on diet teach how to build wisely and well.
The Healing Department
The Rose Cross Healing Circle, its meetings and their results.
Echoes from Mount Ecclesia
News and Notes from Headquarters
Subscription in the U. S. and Canada: $2 a year Single copies 20¢ Back numbers 25¢
England: 8s 4d a year; Germany: 8 marks 25 Pf.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS must reach us before the 10th of the month preceding issue, or we cannot be
responsible for the loss of magazine. Be sure to give OLD as well as NEW address.
Entered at the Post Office at Oceanside, California, as Second Class matter under the Act of August 24th, 1912

Rosicrucian Fellowship
Oceanside California
Printed by the Fellowship Press
The Mystic Light
* * * * * *


The Builder
By James A. Edgerton

This is the song of the builder; So busy am I with helping,

My hammer swings and rings Constructing the good of earth,
In harmony with the vital key That I cannot halt for finding fault,
Of the song at the heart of things; But have plenty of time for mirth.
The chord of the Master Builder If there’s joy, or cheer, or laughter,
That sounds when the worlds have birth I am there with all my heart,
Is the music sweet I seek to repeat For a right success spells happiness
As I rear the homes of earth. And that is the nobler part.

From rock, from mine and from forest There is room for work and for gladness
I shape the cities of man; And making the good prevail,
The ships that flee down the ways of the sea But there is no place for the carping race,
I fashion, improve and plan; For the spite and the weakling’s wail,
The jungle I make a garden; There is space for the life constructive
The distance I dwarf with steel And for helping the world along;
Till a continent wide is a few hours’ ride To create is the sign of the power divine,
When spanned by the spinning wheel. This this is the builder’s song.

The Legend of the Poinsettia

Corinne Dunklee

cately sensitive petals caught and held the colors

N the years agone, when man walked on
earth hand in hand with the angels, know- given to them by the varied thoughts and emotions
ing only their stainless innocence and radi- of men. Only the rarest and finest of the flower-
ating only their perfect beauty. When never souls were able to blossom in all their pristine
a thought of evil had tinged his conscious- purity.
ness to be reflected abroad in divers colors. For a long time still there grew a flower so white
Flowers that are reflections of consciousness all that it rivaled the breath of mountain snows, and
shone in purest white, making the world a verita- the neck of the swan was pale beside it. Tradition
ble dream-garden of pure and fragrant beauty. holds that wherever a pure soul lived unspotted by
As ages passed and the vibration of a mighty the world these flowers blossomed in wondrous
star opened the portals of matter for the entrance profusion. Along pathways steeped in meditations
of man, and the spirit became more firmly of Saints they shone as fair as the thought they
enmeshed in its material form, gradually the deli- reflected.

On that Holy Night, when the shepherds were sing of Silence and of Sleep.
watching upon the Judean hills, and the golden Toward the short days’ end, across the western
star guided them on their way to the sacred edge of a low, grey sky, February draws a line of
manger, their path was covered with these white, gold. While from the earth’s grey’ heart she gathers
mystic blooms, and the rays from the Star of the tear-drops and transmutes them into golden daf-
East turned their petals into shimmering silver. fodils of promise for the weary world. Miracles she
When the Holy One carried the cross up the tells to land and sky. For her name of names is Hope.
steep ascents of Golgotha the ground was a white March wraps the world in veils of vague and
carpet of their beauty. They clustered lovingly tender greens, and stands with clasped and eager
about his bruised feet as though they would fain hands, while the world-soul plays the wonderful
make amends for the cruel nails and the crown of prelude of awakening. Violets spring from her
thorns. Silently their white faces watched in mute thoughts as blue as the sky toward which they lift
appeal the enactment of the crucifixion. The frag- their eyes. For the inner name of March is
ile petals shivered in sympathy with the great cos- Aspiration.
mic thrill that trembled through worlds when the Virgin April, clad in shimmering tears, bends
mighty spirit broke his bondage of flesh. above the tired world. Gathering up its pain and
As the blood flowed from the cut of nails and sorrows she bends lily-lips upon them. When they
the clasp of thorns, one sacred drop fell deep into are filled with a holy consciousness of peace, she
the heart of a little white blossom and nestled fashions them into the Lily of Annunciation, to
there. Almost imperceptibly the petals bent low breathe upon humanity the secret of her soul-
beneath the horror, then softly, gently flamed to Attainment.
blood-hued crimson. All through the heart of the May, with lilting laughter, whispers deep to the
earth this wave was carried until everywhere that heart of the woodland, causing him to open the
these mystic flowers had blown in radiant white doors or his treasure-house to her, where she
their color was changed into the crimson of blood. wraps herself in fairy garlands to awaken the
The purest soul of all the flower-world through beautiful. For May is the soul-string of harmony,
ages to come must bathe its heart in the blood of that must ever be sowed to bring to life the latent
the Christ and give to the world its message beauties of the world.
through the beauty of flaming petals. Young June, the Soul of Love, in ecstatic music
of dreams dips her brush in the tones of the sky, to
II the crimson of dusk and the white mists of dawn,
The closing time of the flower-year is come. the rose-blush of sunrise and the amber gleam of
Each petal month has blown into fragrant sheaves gloaming, she adds he smooth luster of starlight,
of memory. The Weavers of Flower-land sit in and the sweet breath of dreams from human
council to decide what flower shall be held sacred hearts. When, lo, the world knows the birth of a
to the Christmas time. What blossom is fair rose.
enough to represent the month of Cosmic Birth. Resting idly upon blue, hazy pillows of sky,
On silken pinions of the wind messages have gone with coverlets formed in white, fleecy clouds,
to the Guardian Deities of the months asking them breathing an incense distilled from the hearts of
to come and present their claims before the coun- millions of soft-hued poppies, rests calm July, the
cil of the Flower-world. Home of Repose.
Crooning the slumber-song of winter in faint Bearing aloft rank upon rank of stately blos-
notes of flickering sunlight, comes pale January soms, that have fashioned their petals from the
clad in sable garments. Her snowwhite arms are gold of the sunlight, and woven their hearts with
laden with fragile hyacinth bells, that tremble in love for its God, stands, the month of shivering
soft music to the yearning song her soul must ever glory that is the very breath of the sun—stately

August—the Soul of Perfect Beauty. CHRIST MASS

September, the great cosmic mother, whose Blanche Cromartie
innermost name is Purity, shines across the sky.
Building the treasures of her secret thoughts into The Christ Mass had just been celebrated, the
rich boughs of waving goldenrod to caress the benediction bestowed; priests and people were
world, and to make it fairer while she holds it on kneeling in the solemn hush which followed.
her heart. Outside icy rain, mingled with great snowflakes,
In the calm stillness, broken only by a fitful was falling in blinding sheets and the choking fog
sighing through the trees, October, who is the Soul of a great manufacturing city shrouded everything
of Meditation, bends her head. All before and in its stifling pall and penetrated into the dimly
around, her magnificent forests of the world are lighted church, filling aisles and arches with murk
shedding half-wistful, golden tears for the sum- and gloom.
mer’s ebbing beauty, and half fearful, crimson
Kneeling among the other communicants, the
tears for the bleakness just ahead.
Dreamer became suddenly aware of a bright light
With majestic mien and stately tread comes the
emanating from her own brow and forthwith her
royal November. Crowned with garnered treasures
whole person seemed to become a star, lusterful
and golden diadems. Bearing a cherished blossom
and fair.
of her heart. The queenly chrysanthemum, that
flower born of consciousness of too great a pride. “If I am a star all the others must be stars too,”
From November breathes Temptation, a breath so said the Dreamer within herself, and with that she
subtle that by it the brightest angels fell. raised her eyes to look at her fellow-worshippers.
Cosmic bells are ringing throughout infinite
What joy! Every one of them had a light, or
space. A chorus of joy that first must be pain. A
rather, were lights; some of them just trembling
song of achievement that proclaims the coming of
flamelets, others mere sparks, some glowing with
December, whose heart of hearts is Sacrifice. Her
a steady radiance, others gleaming like tropic-seen
blossoms are wondrous tall and stately, with
stars. And while she gazed at this glad sight every
blood-crimson petals that enclose a golden heart.
single light was magnified in its shining till the
Involuntarily the Weavers of Flower-land give
dim church was filled with gleaming stars. Such
homage to them, while the beauties of the other
gladsome lights they were, having a certain tender
months lie half-forgotten. All during the long-
mellowness in their radiance which revealed its
years the sacred blood-drop has lived in the heart
origin, for the Dreamer perceived that such har-
of the little blossom, whispering day by day the
mony is in immortal souls, that there are some rare
wondrous meaning of its message, until, with the
moments when this muddy vesture of decay can
joy of knowing, the flaming petals have grown
no longer avail to cloak it, and that all, even the
and the golden heart expanded into perfection of
most backward in heaven’s way, are Christs in po-
stately beauty. For as the white petals shone with
tential, none the less; so that under the hallowing
the crimson of blood this purest flower-soul awak-
gracious influence of the Christ Mass we can
ened to the beauty of its cosmic mission, and knew
beam forth with that radiancy of light which some
that it must also take on the color of the flesh and
day it will be ours ever to wear.
go out into the flower world to bring its souls back
into a realization of purity and love, that manifests And, as the Dreamer left the church to plunge
only in petals of purest white. into the winter cold without, her heart o’erflowed
So each year when the Christ-life is born into with warmth of thankfulness that so glorious an
the earth at Christmas time comes the soul of the assurance had been granted her of our essential
poinsettia in the gorgeous, sacrificial robes of red Christhood, our oneness with the Children of
to bring its message to the world of flowers. Light.

CHRIST’S YEAR DAYS AND YEAR NIGHTS sign—Saturn’s influence being to destroy and
J. Casey obstruct—we find the rays of the Sun growing less
“Why is it,” asked my friend, “each year at this powerful, the days becoming shorter and the mate-
time, when the harvests have been gathered for the rial side of life upon the wane. But the night time
winter and the leaves begin to fall, there comes of the body is the day time of the soul. While
over me a desire to turn my mind to spiritual material activities are ebbing, spiritual activities
things? I read a chapter from my Bible each day are increasing. At this time it is said if we had spir-
and I really put my soul into practicing the beauti- itual sight we could see a great wave of golden
ful, simple teachings of Christ. I take great plea- light descending toward us from the Sun. That is
sure in doing those things which I think will help the Christ, who has been with the Father during
others to live His teachings. As Christmas comes the physically active summer, returning again to
that feeling grows upon me. I cannot just explain give His life for us. At Christmas time, when the
it, but I think I must feel toward my fellowmen days are shortest, His uplifting and purifying
somewhat as Christ felt when he stood before influence is the strongest. As the Sun starts upon
Jerusalem and said, ‘How often I would have its journey northward and the days lengthen, He
gathered you together as a hen gathers her chicks withdraws from the earth and at Easter ascends
under her wings.’ I want to share my fellow-man’s again to the Father. He says, ‘I came forth from
sorrows and troubles. But as winter passes and my Father into the world; again, I leave the world
spring comes with its balmy days and April show- and go to my Father.’ He has spent His year day
ers; when the trees are budding and the meadow with us.
larks calling in the fields, there comes over me the “If He did not make His yearly visit to us during
sense of a great loss. It is as if I had met a great the Fall, there would be no more holiday feeling at
disappointment; so much had been promised and Christmas time than there is during a mid-summer
so little realized. Something tells me I must turn day. And, you, my friend, because you were trying
my energies to the material side of life; I must now to attune your life to His, felt His help and His
provide for the physical. I do not dislike that for I presence during the Fall and Winter, and when He
am a practical man, but why has that altruistic withdrew in the Spring, you sensed His absence.
feeling left me?” “We maintain balance by focusing our energies
“Your question,” I answered, “is explained very for part of the year upon physical duties and the
logically in the Rosicrucian Teachings. As they are other part upon spiritual verities. We gain strength
thoroughly Christian, their explanations are partic- and learn to stand alone, as it gives us the oppor-
ularly helpful to the followers of Christ, and in tunity to put into practice during the Summer
perfect harmony with Christian ideals. They teach those principles upon which we have been theo-
that Christ is the Earth Spirit. When He was cruci- rizing during he Winter. And as we are Christs in-
fied, the Bible says, ‘A great darkness came over in-the-making, there comes to us each year at this
the earth.’ But it wasn’t a darkness, it was a great time great opportunity to work with Him and
light that blinded the people, and that light was the become like Him.”
Christ Spirit entering the earth. Before the time of
Christ, Jehovah was the Earth Spirit, but Jehovah MOTHER SHIPTON’S PROPHESIES
influenced the earth and us from without, for He Half a century before America was discovered,
was the Lawgiver. Christ said, ‘I give you a new “Mother Shipton,” the Yorkshire Seeress, prophe-
commandment, that you love one another.’ Love sied the discovery of an unknown land in which
tends to lift us above the law and it comes from gold would abound. She saw the automobiles and
within. Hence Christ’s influence upon us and the railroads of today with the many accidents they
earth comes from within. would cause, the telephone and the telegraph,
“During the latter part of September, when the divers submarines, airships and the great iron
Sun enters Libra, which is Saturn’s exaltation ships which have superseded vessels of wood. She

foresaw the great political upheavals in the world, century; they may be deferred to the end, only
notably in France, her alliance with England, and time can decide, but certain it is that preparations
an amalgamation of the Anglo-Saxon races which for a great change have been going on for cen-
may yet come to pass, notwithstanding their pre- turies and are now nearing their completion in the
sent strife. She beheld the emancipation of the Jew invisible world. Therefore we may expect soon to
and his preferment to positions of prominence and see Mother Shipton’s prophesy concerning this
an unprecedented spread of knowledge among matter fulfilled, as the ones mentioned in the be-
those of even the most lowly estate, ending with ginning of our note have been.
the prediction of certain upheavals of the earth’s We append the prophesy so that our readers may
crust, whereby old lands will become submerged judge for themselves.
and new land appear, and in 1991 she foresees the Carriages without horses shall go,
end of the world. And accidents fill the world with woe;
The last-named prophesies will probably cause Primrose Hill in London shall be,
most of us to shake our heads in a skeptical man- And in its centre a Bishop’s See;
ner, but if we give the matter a little thought the Around the world thoughts shall fly
idea may not seem so farfetched. We know that In the twinkling of an eye;
upheavals of the earth have taken place in the past, Water shall great wonders do.
and earthquakes and volcanic outbursts show us How strange! yet shall be true,
that the subterranean activities are not suspended The world upside down shall be,
by any means. And gold found at the root of trees;
The writer has seen for a number of years great Through hills man shall ride,
subterranean caverns filled with oil and gas, which And no horse or ass by his side;
run in a general direction from Maine across the Under water men shall walk,
American continent in a southwesterly direction, Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk;
beneath Southern California and far out into the In the air men shall be seen,
South Pacific Ocean. Their explosion would make In white, in black and in green.
a great gap in the earth. At the same time he sees
an archetype in the process of construction which A great man shall come and go!
shows the shape the earth will take at that place Iron in water shall float
when a cataclysm or series of cataclysms have As easy as a wooden boat,
broken up the present shape of this continent and And gold shall be found
the adjoining ocean. In a land that’s not now known.
Perhaps it is hazardous to set a time when this Fire and water shall more wonders do,
remodeling of the earth will begin, but the arche- England shall at last admit a Jew;
type or matrix molded in mindstuff, and repre- The Jew that was held in scorn
senting the creative thought of the Grand Architect Shall of a Christian be born.
and His builders, seems so nearly complete that A house of glass shall come to pass
judging by the progress made during the years the In England, but alas!
writer has watched its construction it seems safe to War will follow with the work
say that by the middle of the present century In the land of the Pagan and Turk,
(1950), if not before, the upheavals will have start- And State and State in fierce strife
ed, and it is not at all incredible that there may be Will seek each other’s life.
one of such a magnitude in 1991 that the ancient But when the North shall divide the South,
Seeress was justified in judging it the end of the An Eagle shall build in the Lion’s mouth.
world. Taxes for blood and for war
Or perhaps the writer is premature in judging Shall come to every door.
that the upheavals will start in the middle of the Three times shall lovely France

Be led to play a bloody dance, ter which is sinning, having gotten the upper hand.
Before her people shall be free, When this has been overcome, the Ego will shine
Three Tyrant Rulers shall she see— out in all its radiance and we shall then be able to
Three Rulers in succession see, say from our hearts, as did the Christ, “Our
Each sprung from different dynasty; Father.”
Then shall the worser fight be done,
England and France shall be as one; “NO MAN’S LAND”
The British Olive next shall twine Janie Morgan
In marriage with the German Vine. In the present war-terminology “No Man’s
Men shall walk over rivers and under rivers. Land” means the tract of land lying between the
All England’s sons that plough the land most advanced line of trenches of the fighting
Shall be seen book in hand; armies, across which no man can pass from either
Learning shall so ebb and flow, side without being shot at; where the dead must
The poor shall most wisdom know. lie, and from where, if possible, the wounded are
Waters shall flow where corn doth grow. taken away by stealth at night.
Corn shall grow where waters doth flow; * * * *
Houses shall appear in the vales below. She dreamed, yet she knew she was awake and
And covered by hail and snow. out of her body. All around was brilliant light, and
The world then to an end shall come, she was with her dearly loved mother, who had
Nineteen hundred and ninety-one. left her many years previously. The mother was
clothed in a shining garment and her face was
“OUR FATHER” radiant. They were talking over certain points in
Janie Morgan the Rosicrucian Teachings, when the Dreamer
How often we repeat these words, but how little began to read aloud a poem entitled” No Man’s
we think of and understand them. At the present Land,” and as she continued reading the exquisite
stage of evolution it is so much easier to realize description of this land, the most beautiful visions
“My Father,” and to feel the union between” My opened out, and the poem seemed gradually to
Father and me.” But to say “Our Father” aright is change into reality. Her mother, taking her by the
so enormously big, one trembles at the thought. hand, led her on into a sphere of unspeakable light,
“Our” being the plural of “my,” means that “my” where the most perfect bliss and happiness
is merged into “our”; that my personality no reigned. She said: “This is ‘No Man’s Land,’ and
longer exists as a single unit separate from. every it is so called because it belongs to no one special
other, but each and all are embraced in the word man, race, or nation. All are brothers here.” They
“our.” Therefore, when we address the Author of stood together at the threshold and looked in, and
our being, in Whom we literally live and move, as there the Dreamer saw myriads of beings, all
“Our Father,” we tacitly express our belief that He clothed like her mother, with the same radiant love
is the Father of us all, as a united humanity; also beaming from their faces, while a voice said to
of those we alas, too often, dislike or despise, her, “We are all one here, although we have come
showing that we are all brothers. from every nation and country on earth. There are
In this time of war, when passions are running no enemies here.”
wild, let us stop and remember that in “Our As the Dreamer watched, she saw people who,
Father” are included our so-called enemies; that like herself, were on the threshold, contemplating
they are just as precious to Him as we are, and that this glorious multitude, returning to earth to their
they are His children as much as we. daily work. As they got nearer to their bodies, they
While we denounce and abhor acts of cruelty seemed to forget what they had seen. She asked
and oppression in anyone, let us distinguish her mother the reason, who replied, “It is because
between the Ego and the Personality. It is this lat- (Continued on page 59)
The Astral Ray
* * * * * *

The Sailors of the Infinite

Compiled by Geo. Schindler

URTIVE shadows flitting across the the eternal stars will be in their same relation as
prairies in the twilight, the forest rais- when first seen by infant man. And yet, they are
ing its silhouette bathed in purple not eternal from the cosmic viewpoint, they only
gleams of the last rays of the vanishing seem so when we approach the problem from the
sun, golden cloudlets sailing like illu- finite human angle. Man is like a moth on an apple
minated little airships driven by zephyrs o’er the below, looking at the steeple of the village church,
enchanting scene. Below, a belated bee humming thinking it infinite light because the perspective is
by, a cigale chirping her evening song, and in the always the same if he looks at it from either pole
far distance on the other side of the moat spread of the apple. He is like the fly that lives only one
like a black cloth behind which twinkles a scintil- night and looks at the morning purple as the blaz-
lating little light trembling through the increasing ing fire of its world’s destruction, the annihilation
darkness—this is the time the stars wake up. of its whole generation. This short-lived creature
Slowly are they coming, breaking through the perceives no change in its surroundings in the few
twilight one after another, grouping themselves hours of its existence, so us with the stars. The
into those well known configurations we have one-day fly certainly thinks the oak tree eternal,
seen as children, which the men, like the centenar- but we know that our great grandfather has plant-
ian, still finds in the same place and form, just as ed it and that its large boughs are already begin-
though there were no passing of time. And we who ning to wither and die; but still, our great grand
stand awed at the thought of their infinitude see children will be looking for little oak pipes and
the chariot in the sky exactly as thousands of years acorns in the shelter of its shady branches. Could
ago it has been seen by our ancestors, the cavemen. you make thousands of years into seconds and
Reader, you may see the circle of Orion and the millions of miles into yards, you could see how
refulgent Sirius just as the oldest Egyptians saw the stars whirl hither and thither, this way and that
them when they went down into their pyramids, way, like fireflies in a summer night, like leaves of
the walls of whose vaults, the burial grounds of a tree in an orchard driven by the storm across
their dead, were directed towards Sirius. And field and prairie, like snowflakes before a whirl-
when of those sarcophagi and pyramids not one wind. Yet the distances from each other are so
stone is left one upon the other at the border of the inconceivably great, the space from star to star so
desert, and all the modern magnificence has tremendous, that it takes dozens of years before
passed away with them and been forgotten, still you can, with the finest measuring instrument,

detect the approach or change of alignment one fifth and sixth magnitude disappear. Those differ-
thickness of a spider’s thread. With all this, the ent magnitudes are in principle quite clear and are
stars are moving with a velocity through space in relation with distances from our Solar System.
exceeding that of a cannon ball over one hundred We have grown to believe that their diameters
times. do not differ much, at least those suns we have
The Sun itself and the earth on which you now been able to measure and compare to date. The
stand, looking towards the other sailors in the Sea light of the stars is therefore our measuring stick
of the Infinite, is steering our craft towards the for their distances. But what is the number of all
constellation of Hercules at the rate of twelve and visible stars you can see by your naked eye, com-
one-half miles per second. The beaming Sirius pared with those uncountable milliards of suns
approaches you four and three-fourth miles every floating in those endless depths of the universe
second; the beautiful Vega, the principal star in the which appear in our most powerful telescopes like
constellation Lyra, comes eight miles closer to you diamond splinters on the black robe of he Goddess
with each of your pulse beats; and if you stood still Urania?
to the end of your days, you could not perceive the Look up, right over you stands the Swan; you
slightest change. Think of it, yet there is no cause scarcely see a dozen stars with the naked eye, but
for apprehension when we consider the tremen- look through the latest glass of the astronomer and
dous distances separating our Solar System from you discover those concealed from your imperfect
those of Sirius or Vega, etc. natural vision. You are unable to count them all; a
The Sun is ninety-three million miles distant world of worlds appear before you; scintillant
from us. How great a distance is this? A cannon sparks in the infinite, glittering snowdust, and yet
ball would have to travel ten years and an electric nothing else but giant suns, each one many mil-
spark, the quickest of all messengers, traveling lions bigger than our earth ball, whirling through
180,000 miles per second, would require five and space with a velocity thousands of times faster
one-half minutes to cross that distance by direct than our fastest express train. Here you have stars
wire from the earth to the Sun. But infinitely far- thousands of times farther away in space than
ther away is our next sister Sun. Tremendous those glittering ones in the constellations, stars of
spaces stretch between those two fire balls, those the eighth and tenth magnitude with a distance of
beaming oases in the desert of space, and all those 780 to 1,000 light years. Light travels in the form
other eyes are suns like ours. The nearest neighbor of waves, those waves run a distance of 197,000
of our Sun is in the constellation Centaurus, miles per second, and patters through the distance
275,000 times farther from us than the Sun is from from the Sun to the earth in eight and one-fourth
the earth. minutes.
And this is our neighbor! Our telegrams would A light year is then the distance a light wave can
require three years to reach it, but we also have to travel in one year. You can easily figure that that
consider stars in other constellations as our neigh- distance is 588,282,047,500 miles long. Then the
bors, though they are, like Sirius, five times, or next neighbor sun, Alpha Centaurus, is four and
Capella fifteen times, or as the North Star, twenty- three-fourths light years distant from us and even
five times farther away in space than Alpha that is nothing compared with those little diamond
Centaurus, because all that you can see with your splinters of the eighth and tenth magnitude, from
terrestrial instruments for measurement lies just which the light waves now perceived by your eye
like the empire of our Sun in the same province of began to travel at the birth of Christ.
the universe. Astronomers classify the stars Those stars, however, are yet in that province of
according to their brightness, from one to sixteen, the universe in which our Solar System is a little
but only those from one to six can be seen by the village. But as you have found in your school
naked eye, and by moonshine even those of the atlas, the colored lines surrounding the province

marking its border, so you can see in the firma- light, you would finally behold this tremendous
ment the gigantic contour of the border of the state system as a shimmering star island. There are
composed of milliards of suns, the Milky Way, probably as many such Milky Way systems as
spreading its arched ribbon before you, but mind there are Solar Systems. Several such systems are
you, you see only one-half of the ring. The inhab- known at the present day. From the sun of one of
itants of the other half of our little earth see the those systems, the Milky Way would appear to the
other half, for the whole is a broad girdle encir- spectator as a small gray spot, and the fire of those
cling the firmament, appearing to us like a delicate five hundred million suns would glimmer togeth-
picture Woven out of soft misty cloudlets; but look er to a disappearing spot in space and be lost to the
through the telescope and it dissolves into un- eye of the astronomer at his telescope, even as a
countable stars, like snowflakes in a snowstorm. A flash of a match.
spot you can cover with your hand contains thou- The group of stars in the Andromeda consists of
sands of Solar Systems, side by side, over and millions of suns crowding each other so that in the
under each other, an infinite sea of radiant sparks, latest telescope they appear indistinguishable, and
each a sun accompanied by one or several planets, are seen as a spirally formed light spot. In other
each probably populated by milliards of thinking similar star clusters somewhat nearer to us, but
beings, the great light that rules the day of its smaller, astronomers are able to segregate the stars
ownSolar System. fairly well. Such an object is the swarm of stars in
Approximate estimates show that about five the constellation Hercules. How far those Milky
hundred million suns up to the sixteenth mag- Way Systems, those individual provinces of the
nitude constitute the Milky Way girdle. The far- state of Urania are separated from each other, who
thest stars in the Milky Way are the astounding can say? Small parasite of the earth, your question
distance of 3,000 to 3,500 light years. The diame- is amiss, we do not know, we cannot know. Maybe
ter of that tremendous ring is estimated at from 10,000, maybe 50,000 light years; what is that
five to seven thousand light years. Here the intel- number to us, we one-day flies? Let us drop the
lect stops. What can such inconceivable numbers inquiry into that labyrinth out of which there is no
signify and mean to mortal man? Many of those Ariadnes thread leading. We would sink in the
stars have probably been extinct for thousands of stream of the infinite that has no shore. Here is
years, but you can still see them radiating their where presentiment triumphs over knowledge, but
light, the last wave of which is yet on its journey, what appeared to you so sure and true, what you
may be for hundreds of years, until it finally took for eternity itself, sways before your eyes,
reaches the distant point we call our Sun. whirls and breaks.
A conflagration, probably due to a collision Those suns up there turn in the light of modern
between two heavenly bodies, was suddenly dis- science to be comparatively short-lived pictures.
covered in Novo Persci in 1901. It was calculated Were you not a one-day fly you could see them
that this catastrophe had in reality taken place dur- lighted and extinguished as you do the coals in the
ing the war of thirty years, only the messenger, the poor man’s grate across the street. The suns will
light, was so long underway that it was not seen by cool down and extinguish, the congeries of suns
the dwellers on earth till that year. will disappear as flowers and grass disappear
We have in the Milky Way an immense ring of before you, but they will also be resurrected in the
suns which again encircles another great swarm of eternal creation, in that economy of Nature in
suns, these stars of the constellations to which our which not a grain is lost. Naturally, of this we
own Sun also belongs. Our Solar System is situat- know nothing, though many speculations and dis-
ed not far from the middle point of the Milky Way coveries of new stars are entertained, and deduc-
ring. If you could fly upward and upward for hun- tions made as if Nature were letting us have a
dreds of thousands of years with the swiftness of glimpse in the workshop where suns are shaped.

In the last depth of the universe we see great gas- between the subject and the Superior Member
clouds, called nebulae, floating, their light leads meet is marked by a bad aspect. Its special mean-
the astrophysicists to suspect the existence of a ing can be read by the House in which it falls.
certain fundamental matter. Such a nebula is in the But bad aspects often bring good results. An
constellation of Orion, which, like many others, examination of a good many horoscopes will
shows a slow transformation by condensation—it show that the people with positive genius almost
is slowly beginning to move, to form nuclei, spi- always have many bad aspects to the Mystery
rals and rings. These and the spiral nebulae in the Planets.
constellation of the Dog, led to the belief that such People with many good aspects to the same
places are the beginnings of a star, a sun, or per- planets have faith plus and then more faith, but
haps many suns. they seldom show genius. Very likely the power of
It is probable that the suns are created by con- genius is latent, but it is not brought to expression.
densation of such nebulae; it is probable, we don’t It is as if the soul in fighting its way to light and
know, but, with a good deal of courage we reach a peace, by the effort it makes, and the suffering it
point where we can add an inkling, a supposition, endures, lighted the spark which caused the flash
an inspiration, or presentiment to the probable, the of superiority which we call genius.
probable to the discovered, and one thing after And it seems as if these people with the many
another has pieced together our conception of the cross aspects, especially to Neptune, cannot be
great Sidereal structure, and thus we arrive at the helped. They have got to find their own way. As
knowledge of the physical world. they are always unusually sensitive, and more
But do not believe that it ever will be finished, conscious than ordinary humanity of every bruise,
or that we will ever discover or reach the funda- this makes a difficult situation for a friend who
mentals of all things. As the dry leaves are blown understands the case and stands ready to help. But
by the morning wind to the land of uncertainty, so advice will be thrown away. Give nothing but
must we ever reject error and constantly add new- sympathy. Eventually they will work their own
found knowledge to the proud structure. way to peace.
And while they are thus working and suffering,
BAD ASPECTS TO THE MYSTERY PLANETS they are producing work in music and literature,
By C. W. Stiles which is helping all mankind. In the high moments
A person should feel honored by having any of inspiration which come to them, they have their
kind of aspect to these planets, for it shows the reward for much of the suffering they are under-
Gods are aware of him and take an interest in his going. At such times they feel the call of the
development. Divine, which they are inclined to deny in ordi-
Bad aspects to Neptune and Uranus are very nary moments.
much as if a person were a member of a family It will be found that many of the bad aspects in
which contained one very Superior Member. these people of genius are separating, so it is prob-
The subject in question seldom agrees with the able that in former lives they have been fighting
Superior Member, generally refuses point blank to against these same pricks. It is likely that the fires
take his suggestions or listen to his advice. of genius were lighted in other times and other
The Superior Member never forces his counsel, lives so they are old geniuses re-born and were
nor insists that his advice be taken. He lets the ready in childhood to astonish their friends by
subject go ahead, stub his toes and fall, and fall their talents.
again, until he is so badly bruised he begins to In time they will learn their lesson and over-
wonder what is the matter. Then, just possibly, he come. Then they will be born with good aspects to
may begin to listen. the same planets, many of them separating, so we
The place where the cross currents of thought can see what they have had to conquer.

The Children of Sagittarius--1917

November 23 to December 22 stars, are as different as day is from night, for they
EDITOR’S NOTE—It is the custom of astrologers, when are extremely idealistic, moral and law-abiding,
giving a reading requiring as data only the month in which noble characters who win the respect of society in
the person is born, to confine his remarks to the characteris- general and particularly all with whom they come
tics given by the sign the Sun is in at the time. Obviously, in contact. Therefore they become in time the pil-
however, this is a most elementary reading and does not real-
lars of society and receive positions of honor and
ly convey any adequate idea of what these people are like, for
if those were their sole characteristics there would only be preferment in the State or Church as judges or
twelve kinds of people in the world. We are going to improve divines. They are very orthodox and conservative
upon this method by giving monthly readings that will fit the in their opinions and punctilious to a fault in their
children born in the given month of that particular year, and observance of all customs and traditions of the
take into consideration the characteristics conferred by the
times wherein they live; but they are not progres-
other planets according to the sign wherein they are during
that month. That should give a much more accurate idea of sive, for they value the opinions of their contem-
the nature and possibilities of these children and will, we poraries very highly and are seldom induced to
hope, be of some use to the many parents who are not fortu- espouse any progressive ideas which might jeop-
nate enough to have their children’s horoscopes cast and read ardize the respect of the community enjoyed by
individually. We keep these magazines in stock so that par- them. They are firm believers in the necessity of
ents may get such a reading for children born in any month
after June, 1917. The price of back numbers is 25¢ each.
red tape.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the great benefic

planet, and it may be said generally that those who
are born while the Sun is in the sign from B
November 23rd to December 22nd, are well-liked
among the set in society where they move. They
are of a hearty and jovial disposition, princes
among men, hail-fellows-well-met, and their
acquaintances are usually always glad to see them.
But there are two very distinct classes born under
this sign. In the Pictorial Zodiac, Sagittarius is rep-
resented as a Centaur, half horse and half man, and
one class of those who come to birth under its
influence are well described by the animal part
thereof, for they are of a sporty nature, ready to
gamble on the speed of a horse at long odds or to
stake their last dollar on a game of cards. They are
fond of “a good time right straight through” and Withal, however, they are very charitable and
their moral nature is of a low grade, aptly de- benevolent, tender and sympathetic; they can
scribed by the animal part of the symbol, so that always be relied upon to aid any altruistic move-
they have no scruples with respect to the indul- ment, and though they are of a kindly nature and
gence of their appetites, passions, and desires. endeavor to avoid quarrels with others in their
They are lacking in respect for both the law and own behalf. They sometimes fight with great zeal
ordinary morals; hence, they are often found and courage for others who have been injured and
among the criminal class. But those children of in whose behalf their sympathies have been enlist-
Sagittarius who are symbolized by the human part ed; hence, they make admirable lawyers.
of the Centaur, aiming the bow of aspiration at the The Sagittarians are usually excellent con-

versationalists and they have a quick and bright a leaning towards Medicine, Chemistry, Surgery,
mind. This will apply with more than ordinary Healing, and Hygiene, and also incline them to the
force to those born in 1917, for at the present time study of Dietetics. It is to be hoped that in a great
Mercury, the planet of speech and reason, is in number of them these studies will show them the
Sagittarius the whole month, but they are also necessity of husbanding their energies so that the
likely to have a more than usually restless nature, tendency to heart trouble may not work itself out.
for Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is in the The ounce of prevention is always better than the
Mercurial sign Gemini, and Mercury in Sagittarius, pound of cure.
thus they are in mutual reception, and those who Uranus in Aquarius gives these children the
are born under that combined influence will cer- same stamp of originality and spiritual advance-
tainly have the wanderlust to a superlative degree. ment as all others who are born in this generation
The well-known Sagittarius mania for walking preparatory to the opening of the Aquarian Age.
will be well exemplified in them and parents Progress and advancement is in the air and it is
should hold them in restraint as much as possible, very doubtful if even the conservatism and love of
for at the present time Saturn, the planet of convention usually expressed by Sagittarius will
obstruction, is in Leo, the sign ruling the heart, be able to withstand it.
and in opposition to Uranus, the planet of irregu- We mentioned in the beginning of this reading
larity, and that means heart trouble in later life, that Sagittarius is a double-bodied sign, half man
unless the child can learn to moderate its roving and half horse, and it is like the other double-bod-
tendencies and love of athletics. ied signs with respect to marriage. It shows the
Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, in the tendency to more than one union, and one of them
Mercurial sign Virgo, makes the 1917 Sagittarius will have a disastrous termination. But forewarned
children fond of science and invention and gives is forearmed and by subduing the passions and let-
them original ideas and may serve considerably to ting care and foresight rule in the choice of a part-
bring down the conservatism of Sagittarius spoken ner the unhappiness foreshown by Saturn in Leo
of in the forepart of this reading. It will give them may be at least minimized.

Your Child’s Horoscope

If the readings given in this department were to be paid for they would be very expensive. for besides typewriting. typesetting, plating
of the figure, etc., the calculation and reading of each horoscope requires at least one half day of the editor’s time. Please note that we do
not promise anyone a reading to get them to subscribe. We give these readings to help parents in training their children, to help young
people find their place in the world, and to help students of the stellar science with practical lessons. If your child’s horoscope appears, be
thankful for your luck. If it does not. you have no cause for anger at us.
We Do Not Cast Horoscopes.
Despite all we can say, many people write enclosing money for horoscopes, forcing us to spend valuable time writing letters of refusal
and giving us the trouble of returning their money. Please do not thus annoy us: It will avail you nothing.

criticism because Saturn, the planet of obstruction,

P ORTER R. D., born Nov. 6, 1913, 6 p. m., San
Francisco, California.
At the time of Porter’s birth we find the
on the ascendant, will make him rather timid and
slow to express himself. But he will be a very deep
Mercurial sign Gemini rising and Mercury, the thinker of a scientific nature and the lines of orig-
planet of reason, sextile to Uranus, the planet of inal research which he will follow will eventually
intuition. This will give him an open, original give him recognition in literature or science, and
mind of an ingenious and scientific nature, it will his life’s work is destined to meet with success.
make him scorn to follow the beaten paths of We also find Jupiter, the planet of benevolence,
thought and give him what many will call very sextile to the Sun, which is placed in the martial
eccentric ideas. He will, however, escape much energetic sign, Scorpio. This also shows that

Porter will have an energetic, enterprising nature traits, coupled with the assistance which he is
and that with all his eccentric but advanced ideas bound to receive from influential friends, will
he will not go beyond bounds, for he will be very make it possible for him to accumulate a comfort-
anxious to have the esteem and respect of others able competence and place him in easy financial
and fearful of doing anything whereby he might circumstances all through life.
lose it. This would breed in him diplomacy, so that With respect to health, we find that Jupiter, the
he will be very successful in gaining the friendship great magnetic planet, is sextile to the Sun, the life
of people with influence, who will take sufficient giver. This is one of the best signs of radiant health
interest in him to help him obtain good positions, which can be found in any horoscope and it will
where he may work out his ideas to the best enable him to throw off almost any inimical influ-
advantage. And though Saturn on the ascendant ence and maintain health throughout life. There
makes him rather timid and slow to express him- are, nevertheless, slight indications of possible
self he will, nevertheless, seek entrance into soci- trouble with two weak points, which we deem it
ety, because, he is fond of company and a general best to mention in order that you may apply the
good sociable time, and because he feels that by so ounce of prevention to make it doubly sure that
doing he can best cultivate the acquaintance of there will be no need of the pound of cure. Saturn,
those who may be of benefit to him. the planet of obstruction, is placed on the ascend-
But it must not be inferred that he is only seeking ant in the sign Gemini, which rules the lungs, This
the society of people for what good they may do shows a tendency toward trouble with these
him. Saturn, the planet of sincerity, is trine to organs and it would be well to instruct him in deep
Venus in the seventh sign Libra, which indicates breathing during childhood so that he may over-
society, and thus it shows that he will be a very come. Mars, the planet of fire, in conjunction with
faithful friend who is also much attached to his the watery Neptune in Cancer, the sign which
family. A model member of any community and rules the stomach, shows the tendency towards
entirely worthy of the respect of his fellows which trouble with that organ also; a tendency to indis-
cretion in diet, and you should therefore be careful
to teach Porter simplicity of diet and frugality.

Willard H., born Nov. 11, 1912, at 8:30 a. m.,

Vancouver, B. C.
When Willard was born the four common signs
were on the angles, Sagittarius rising, and this at
the first glance would give us the impression that
he is of a vacillating, flexible nature, lacking in
energy and ambition. But fortunately the life-giv-
ing Sun and Mars, the planet of dynamic energy,
are conjoined in the martial sign Scorpio. And
although this configuration occurs in the Twelfth
House, it will give him a great fund of vitality and
enterprise. Moreover, the, restless Moon is in the
First House, conjoined with Jupiter, the great
benefic, and Venus, so that there is no fear that he
he seeks and values. This configuration of Saturn will be a shirker or a dreamer. He will take hold in
and Venus will also make him economical, con- due time and do his part of the world’s work. It is
servative, and shrewd in his investments. It will somewhat of a disappointment to see Mercury, the
give him a first-class business ability and these planet of reason, unaspected, though well placed

in the mental sign Sagittarius, but the Moon, the inclined to quarrel with others. The splendid First
planet of imagination, is well aspected by Jupiter House conditions which we have already noticed,
and Venus, showing a cheerful, gentle and affec- will probably push this other side of his nature into
tionate disposition; generous, honest and benevo- the background so that it will only very seldom
lent and Willard will gain a great deal in life on come to the front, and perhaps not at all if he
account of the confidence which will be placed in learns how to control himself under trying cir-
him because of these sterling qualities. It is not to cumstances. But it is always well for parents to
be imagined, either, that he will be a fool because know the faults which are latent so that they may
of his lack of reasoning power. Saturn in the mer- be able to take steps to counteract them in the
curial sign Gemini with Uranus, which is just on years of childhood when the nature is still plastic
the cusp of the intellectual sign Aquarius, and sex- and before these tendencies have come to an
tile with Neptune in the psychic sign Cancer, will expression. Therefore you should be careful to
give him an intuitional ability, a spiritual insight foster the good side of his nature and frown very
that will solve his problems beyond all that could hard on the evil and you will probably be able to
ever be accomplished by reason. And it is this fac- eradicate this tendency entirely.
ulty which will give him the ability to advise oth- On account of the First House conditions,
ers and in such a manner that the outcome will already mentioned, Willard will be very fond of a
almost always justify the confidence placed in good, sociable time. He will have an open eye for
him. all that is beautiful and gain by his dealings with
women, who will be very much attracted to him.
That would be a danger for most people, but for-
tunately the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
will make Willard value the opinion of the com-
munity very much and he is not likely to do any-
thing that may bring him into disgrace. He will
succeed very well in any business connection with
ladies wear or kindred lines. The Moon conjunc-
tion Jupiter and Venus will bring him prosperity
and happiness through marriage to a woman of a
very sweet disposition. This configuration also
gives him wonderful fund of health and vitality,
though it is possible, because of the Twelfth House
conjunction of the Sun and Mars, that he may
meet accidents, fever, and danger from fire.

Alice E., born Jan. 15, 1913, at 2 pm., Puerto

But beneath this gentle exterior which is so Rico.
good and noble that will make him much sought The first aspect which we note in this figure is
after by all who come in contact with him, there is that the Moon is placed in the Twelfth House of
another nature indicated by the Sun conjunction sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing, square to the
Mars in Scorpio and in the Twelfth House, which life-giving Sun. This is the one note which is
is the department of sorrow, trouble, and self- entirely out of keeping with the rest of the horo-
undoing. He will have some splendid qualities and scope, for it indicates a vacillating mind, disap-
faculties from that aspect; it will give him courage pointment, financial difficulties, and general mis-
and energy as already said, but in addition it will fortune in life, mostly because of an egotistical,
make him headstrong, overbearing, egotistical and forbidding personality. As the aspect comes from

the Twelfth House it is, however, something that is where others will look up to her. The other aspects
latent and which may be overcome by proper in the figure contribute to this end and point in the
training in childhood, so that it may scarcely show same direction. Mars, the planet of dynamic ener-
itself in the life. And you, as parents, ought to gy, is in conjunction with Mercury, the planet of
watch carefully and try to eradicate those traits reason and dexterity. Also with Jupiter, the planet
whenever they show themselves. And as the good of noble, good fellowship and all other desirable
side in this horoscope is so much stronger than the qualities. This shows that Alice will have a practi-
evil tendency mentioned, there is no doubt that cal, mechanical turn of mind, constructive and
you will be able to help to overcome. enterprising, a very magnetic personality, enthusi-
This is, otherwise, a very strong and fine horo- astic and full of energy, whereby she will draw
scope. Four fixed signs are on the angles, indicat- others to herself. It will make her frank, open,
ing a strong will and determination. And this is honest, and self-reliant. Always ready to help oth-
also a figure where Saturn plays a particularly fine ers who are in need of it, and therefore she will
part and shows all his good qualities. For he is on gain numerous friends.
the ascendent and trine to the Sun and Uranus, But it would be well for her to seek her friends
sextile to Neptune. This will give Alice a method- mostly among men, for on account of the configu-
ical, orderly disposition. It will make her modest, ration already mentioned—Moon square Sun, the
tactful, diplomatic; also very thrifty and a good Moon being placed in the Twelfth House of sor-
row, trouble, and self-undoing and secret enmi-
ty—women will prove deceitful and treacherous
to her despite all her efforts to help them. Saturn
on the ascendent has the tendency to make people
timid so that they shun company of other people,
but in Alice’s horoscope we find that Mars and
Mercury are sextile to Venus, the ruler of the as-
cendent. This will make Alice fond of music, soci-
ety, and pleasure so that she will enjoy life thor-
oughly, and the Eighth House indications show
that in addition to what money she will make her-
self, she is likely to obtain a legacy; hence, she
will always be in good financial circumstances.
With respect to health, however, we find that
Alice is not as fortunately placed as in other cir-
cumstances of life, for even though Saturn is well
aspected, its position on the ascendant weakens
manager of any business. She will be well fitted to the constitution to a certain extent and the Moon,
take responsibility, for it endows her with a very which is the significator of health for a woman,
deep, penetrating intuition, so that she is sure to square to the life-giving Sun in the Twelfth House,
make a success of whatever she undertakes. is also an indication that circumspection is neces-
Therefore she will certainly rise in life. The Moon sary. Be careful of colds during childhood and do
square to the Sun will probably cause considerable not let her overtax her strength.
jealousy on the part of those who are above her in
the beginning, but the trine of Saturn and Uranus May M. D., born March 17, 1909, at 7:30 a. m.,
will give her the persistence, perseverance ,and all Kenneth California.
other qualities which are necessary to rise in spite At the time of May’s birth four cardinal signs
of any opposition and get to the top of the ladder were on the angles, indicating that her life will be

an active one, and we also find the Sun, which is attraction, sextile to Mars, the planet of dynamic
the life-giver, and brings action into our existence, energy. This shows that May can depend on com-
sextile to the Moon and Uranus, the planet of orig- fortable financial circumstances. She will have
inality and intuition. This gives Mayan original, splendid earning power, but also a tendency to
intuitive but rather independent and unconven- spend her substance as fast as it comes. She is
tional nature. She will want to do her own think- likely to be an excellent exemplification of the old
ing and shape her own course in life unhampered adage that “What comes easy goes easy.” And it
by the advice of interference of others. That is also works in another direction by making her
very good for there are only too many people in somewhat dangerously attractive to the opposite
the world with a wishbone instead of a backbone sex. We say “dangerously” because Mars highly
who never get off the spot. There is, of course, the elevated in the Tenth House of a woman’s horo-
danger that people of May’s temperament may go scope always lays her liable to slander and scan-
to extremes, but if they can only keep on the right dal. Besides, we find Saturn, the planet of obstruc-
course they are a benefit to themselves and others tion, square to Mars and Mercury, the planet of
mentality in opposition to Jupiter, the planet of
self-indulgence, in the Fifth House, governing
courtship and kindred conditions. Therefore you
should teach May to be very circumspect in her
actions and to avoid even the appearance of evil so
that she may escape the sorrow and trouble which
is always incident to indiscretion, whether the
actual censure is merited or not.
We spoke in the beginning of this reading of
May’s intuition, but there is another aspect which
modifies this, provided she will allow it. That is
Mercury in opposition to Jupiter which is in the
Mercurial sign Virgo. This adds to her mentality
and makes it more alert, but it will also make her
vacillating and fearful of trusting to her intuition.
Therefore she will be too apt to miss opportunities
and let them slip by or make unfortunate decisions
with whom they come in contact. Now that you or changes. If you can teach her always to rely on
know of this tendency, you will also probably be her first impression regardless of anything she
able to help her during the years of childhood to may afterwards think or feel, you will help her to
form her ideas and ideals in such a manner that she overcome this trouble. She also has the fault of a
will not become an extremist. This configuration very hasty temper and she will brood over her sup-
also gives May a distinct leaning toward the occult posed wrongs. That is a very unfortunate condi-
side of Nature, so that she will have a good chance tion and when you see her in that mood try to get
of developing her intuitional ability, and in that her to shake herself free from it and show her the
way she will know, beyond a doubt or question, danger as soon as she is old enough.
what is the right line of action for her. This is a With respect to health, we find that Saturn in
splendid aspect for success in life and popularity, Aries, the sign which governs the head, square to
it infuses the personality with an energy and mag- Mars, will make her liable to headaches and colds
netism which will not fail to attract others and so in the head. The reason may be found in the fact
she will reap benefit from it. that Saturn, the planet of obstruction, is also
We also find Venus, the planet of love and square Neptune in the sign Cancer, which governs

the stomach. Attention to the diet is required from planet of originality and independence, is in the
the earliest childhood and if she is brought up on Sixth House, which governs employment, and this
a very simple selection of food, with as much always brings a clash between the ideas of work-
exercise in the open air as possible, it will proba- ers and employers. But you should strive to over-
bly prevent this tendency from working itself out. come any feelings of that kind during the time
when you are learning so that you may be well
Vocational Reading equipped to take up the work for yourself when
Carl F., born March 28, 1901, 10:45 a. m., San you have thoroughly familiarized yourself with
Francisco, California. the business.
At the time of your birth we find Cancer rising.
This is a sign of weak vitality and gives rather an Francis W., born March 24, 1901, at 1:42 p. m.,
indolent nature. Therefore, in order to assure suc- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
cess in life, you must try to overcome this fault. It is curious to note that you were born a few
You have an excellent mentality because we find days before Carl F., who has been given the other
Mercury, the planet of reason, trine to Uranus, the vocational reading in this month’s magazine. On
planet of intuition, sextile to Saturn, the planet of that account, your horoscope and his are very
forethought and deep concentration, and also sex- much alike except as regards the ascendent and the
tile to Jupiter, the planet of aspiration and ideal- Moon’s place. The weak sign Cancer is on his
ism. This will enable you to plan your life and plan ascendent, while your rising sign is the fiery, ener-
it right. You cannot help but make a success if you getic solar sign Leo. Your ruler, the Sun, is trine to
will only carry out your plans and not simply let the ascendent, and Mars, the planet of dynamic
them lie idle in your brain, because you dread the energy is there, giving you a great fund of vitality.
expenditure of energy it will involve to work them There is also the mixture of cardinal and fixed
out. signs on your horoscope, which will give you vim
Saturn, the planet of thrift, economy, and and persistence to help you through the battle of
acquisitiveness, in conjunction with Jupiter, the life. And even though the planets are in the same
planet of opulence and sextile to the mental plan- zodiacal position, yours are differently placed in
et Mercury, will also make you acquisitive, thrifty the houses from his. For Mercury, the mental plan-
and economical. This will give you an advantage et, is ruler of the Second House, which governs
over many who have good earning power, but finance, and it is sextile to Saturn, the planet of
spend their money as quickly as they earn it, and patience and persistence, which is the ruler of your
sometimes a great deal faster. It will give you suc- Sixth House, indicating service. It is conjoined to
cess in agriculture, should you wish to take up that Jupiter, the planet of opulence, showing that you
vocation. But if not, there is another way equally will have no difficulty in obtaining positions of
sure which is indicated by the life-giving Sun in trust at a good salary.
conjunction to Venus, the planet of pleasure, both You will be best off while working in an execu-
in the Tenth House, indicating the social standing, tive capacity for others, for we find that Venus, the
and both of them trine to the Moon, placed in the ruler of Taurus, which occupies the Tenth House,
Second House, which governs finance. This is square to Neptune, the planet denoting fraud
House is held by Cancer, the sign which rules the and deception. Should you attempt business for
stomach and food, showing that catering to the yourself you will be almost certain to meet disas-
appetites of the public, particularly in foods and ter, and we would, therefore, advise you to take up
drinks which tickle the palate, will be another such work as will fit you for an executive position
good vocation for you. In which ever vocation you in a manufacturing concern. Make your employ-
take up you will find that you will have trouble er’s interests your own, and work with a view of
while you are working for others, for Uranus, the rising to the top in that way.

THE SUN PERIOD sheaths or bodies, the innermost being the vehicle
of Abstract Thought, the one next outward being
(Continued from page 65)
the sheath of Concrete Thought, and the most out-
not shine through the mist, there was light during ward, or densest, being the sheath of Desire. So
the second creative day, or the Sun Period of the rarified were the bodies of Earth’s inhabitants at
Earth, a light produced by the Earth itself, which that time that they were not affected by either heat
was then a sun, in more or less nebulous condition. or cold, and so were salamanders, or fiery beings.
Science now holds that in the evolution of neb- They were not objective beings, not even when
ulous matter, there is first a dark heat, correspond- densified to the plane of desire, but lived wholly
ing to the Saturn state, when, as the Bible states it, within themselves.
“darkness was upon the face of the deep.” This Desire with them was for the highest spiritual of
condition is followed by a luminous nebulous con- which they were capable, that of the Life Spirit
dition, which was the light that manifested on the state. So highly attenuated were they that they
second, or Sun Period of the Earth. On the upper were radiant beings, possessing a glory far beyond
portion of the Sun Round, it was the light of the that of our Sun today. Truly this was the “Golden
Life Spirit; on the lowest portion, it densified into Era” of our world’s history, the period of infantile
the desire world state, much more rarified than the innocence and blessedness, when, as the Christ
chemical light that now radiates from the Sun, the tells us, referring to the state of infantile inno-
center of our solar system. cence, “In heaven their angels do always behold
Hot, luminous, and rarified as was the Earth at the face of my Father who is in heaven.” It was the
that time, elements and conditions that did not state of the highest heavens earth has to do with,
manifest to the sentient nature, the Earth was nev- and of the highest angelic beings, nay, of the
ertheless inhabited by “Life Spirits” with three Logos, or Sun of God, on the descending scale.

“NO MAN’S LAND” you and live in and for Him, then you will always
(Continued from page 47) have free access to this glorious sphere where all
they have not yet learned what is necessary in is love and peace and calm.”
order to stay here.” Then the Dreamer began to As the Dreamer descended into her body, her
feel herself drawn down towards her own body, mother gave her a radiant parting smile, and
though it was against her will. She said, “Tell me, passed on into that glorious region. But the
mother, what must I do to stay here; I don’t want Dreamer, on opening her eyes to this world, knew
to leave.” The mother answered, “You must go it was no dream, but the great privilege had been
back and do your daily duty, it is not yet time for given her of seeing beyond the veil and bringing
you to stay here, but take the Christ down with back the remembrance with her.

When writing to Headquarters

that letters require 3¢ postage under the present war tax provision
Question Department
* * * * * *

Spirit Materialization
Puerto Rico, Sept. 7, 1917 is strange,” said the woman, “for I feel exactly as
Dear Editor: I always do when some one who has passed over

O you remember I wrote you a let- is near me.” Presently, she continued, “Who is that
ter some months ago about a friend man running after the automobile? He seems
who died in the hospital in San Juan greatly excited and is worried about something.”
Jan. 1, 1916. You published that let- The servant asked what the man looked like, and
ter in the June number of the Rays. the woman said, “He is a tall man, with a heavy
Well, I have just returned from a visit to his home, mop of gray hair.” Then the servant said: “That
and, if anything were needed to make me believe must be Mr. P.” By this time the party in the car
in the continuance of life after death, this friend’s had alighted and the woman said: “The man is
doings, would certainly make a believer of me. now satisfied and calm. He is going away by the
He is seen constantly around his plantation. Not back door.”
by one or two, but by many. I counted five of the One of the peons who saw him in the grove one
most reliable workmen who had each seen him evening said he went up to a tree and lifted a grape
from two to five times. These people are all psy- fruit in his hand. He seems only to have spoken
chic and do not seem to be afraid of “spirits,” as once, and then to one of the most reliable of his
the ignorant classes in the North are. They all men. He stood under a tree as usual and when this
agree that he always appears dressed in white, man looked at him he said: “Luciano, I want you
which was his custom in life. They unite in saying to tell Mrs P. that she must not walk over this plan-
that he looks exactly as he always did except that tation straining her ankle all the time. Tell her to
he seems lighter on his feet. get a horse and go about on that.” “Very well,”
Some weeks ago his wife and children came to said the man, “I will tell her. But I don’t think she
see me one afternoon. She was trying out a new has ever sprained her ankle but once.” “Oh, yes
chauffeur, and while she was here, my son went in she has,” was the answer, “she has done it several
to the village with the new chauffeur to have some times.” And the fact was as stated. She had
slight repairs made. After Mrs. P. had started sprained her ankle four or five times in a few
home, my son told me she ought not to trust that months. As was to be supposed, these visits are
man, for he considered him both ignorant and getting scarcer and farther between. The oldest
unreliable. I felt uneasy because there are some child (aged eight) declares she frequently hears
very dangerous curves on the road she had to pass. him calling out in front of the house. He calls them
When she reached home, there was a strange separately and sometimes all together by a pet
woman on the porch waiting for her. The woman name he was accustomed to use for them. It does
was strange in the neighborhood, knew nobody, not seem to be a call for them to come, but simply
and nobody knew her. As the car entered the drive a sort of “hail.” He is very much “there” still to
this woman, who turned out to be a medium, everybody on that plantation.
began to shiver and asked a servant standing near Now I know all this sounds simply impossible,
if anybody had died in that house lately. The ser- and I do not know how to account for such appear-
vant said “no,” nobody had for over a year. “That ances, but the evidence seems incontrovertible.

Can you explain it? in it materializes, and whereby it is seen. For that
I found upon inquiry that Mr. P. never per- reason twilight, dusk, or even pale moonlight are
formed the evening exercise. He always fell asleep ideal conditions for spirit materialization, and Mr.
the minute his head touched the pillow. He tried Parker wisely followed the line of least resistance
and found he could not do it. This probably when he wanted to show himself to people around
accounts for the fact that he has continued to his plantation. Naturally, however, the work in the
appear for so long. But during the last six months other world which lies before every spirit is grad-
he has only been seen twice, and those appear- ually drawing him away so that the appearances
ances were some time back. are becoming less frequent.
The man to whom he spoke looks like an ane-
mic subject, but he is very intelligent, so much so THE KEYS OF HEAVEN AND HELL
that he is used exclusively for a tree doctor. Question—Did Christ really give Peter the keys
How could my friend have materialized so fre- of Heaven and Hell, or what does that passage
quently? He always stood in the twilight under the mean?
trees. But none of the peons to whom he has Answer—Undoubtedly Christ gave them to
appeared are known as mediums. I am puzzled. Peter, and to others as well, but they were not keys
Very sincerely yours, such as we use to unlock doors; yet no man can
C.W.S. enter either place unless he has these keys. They
Answer—From what we know of Mr. Parker’s are musical “keys” or incantations, such as are
study during life, it is evident that he was familiar used in all Occult orders and for all Occult pur-
with the laws governing spirit materialization, for poses. The modern Masons have something simi-
they have been very thoroughly elucidated in our lar, for they furnish the lodge differently for each
literature, and being taken out in the prime of life degree; they use different passwords and different
when his interest was thoroughly centered in his grips, so that a Mason, though he may be initiated
family and plantations, he was like the unripe seed in some degrees, is as effectually barred from all
which clings to the flesh of the fruit with all its others as a stranger, because he has not the “keys”
might. It is therefore no wonder that he has stayed that unlock the doors. In the Occult orders, like the
around his plantation as long as he has. You say Rosicrucians, the keynote of the incantation
that none of the peons who have spoken to him are intoned at each degree is of a different vibratory
known to be mediumistic, but they are, to some measure from the keynote of all the other degrees,
extent, with a very few exceptions, and you will and one who has not the key, and is able to attune
also note that Mr. Parker usually appeared in the himself to it, is halted as it were by an invisible
twilight. That is for the same reason that the spy, wall of vibration which surrounds the Temple.
in our story, “Facing the Firing Squad,” which There is a different vibration in the ether of the
appeared in our November magazine, saw the lower desire world, surrounding the earth, which
Rosicrucian in a dusky corner of the room where constitutes Hell, from that which prevails in the
he was waiting, and for the same reason later, part of our atmosphere which constitutes the upper
when he was a freed spirit, the Rosicrucian direct- desire world and the region of concrete thought.
ed him to go into a darkened corner of the room This rate of vibration again differs from the pitch
where his sister was sitting so that she might there of these states of matter which is inside the earth,
see him. It is for the same reason also that medi- in each of the nine subterranean strata; therefore
ums insist upon having the rooms wherein they each of these divisions of the invisible world also
perform materializations darkened; namely, that requires a different keynote, which is gradually
light sets the ether into violent vibrations much taught Initiates as they progress upon the path
higher than those which a materializing spirit is towards Adeptship. It was the “key”-note to one or
generally capable of imparting to the ether where- more of these various realms that was given to

Peter and others by Christ, who was the Initiator in did not consider him in a fit state to gratify his
their case. The same “keys” are now given to His desire for a repetition. This was on a Saturday
followers by His successors, who initiate worthy afternoon. I promised to go next day, Sunday, and
ones into the mysteries, that they may serve their tell him what happened, but was prevented. He
fellow men better in a larger sphere of endeavor. died on Monday.
Thus music has a greater mission than simply to How could such an emaciated person appear as
provide enjoyment for us; in fact, the harmony of being in the full vigor of manhood? Can one see
the spheres is the basis of all evolution. Without ghosts of the living?
that, there could be no progress, and when once Answer—Yes, indeed, there are a considerable
our ears have become attuned to that, we have the number of cases of phantasms of the living. All
“key” to all advancement. that is required is that the body should be in a very
deep state of sleep or unconsciousness, such as
GHOSTS OF THE LIVING usually occurs when the person is near the door of
Question—I was in our talking shop a few days death. It may be in the act of drowning or when
ago when the granting of a lapsed scholarship was induced by the fall from a horse, automobile, or
being urged by our most radical member to a poor similar conditions, or after receiving a blow on the
boy who had won one when legally too young to head, or on the sickbed, when the physical body is
receive it, and who, being sick at this particular very emaciated and frail and close to dissolution,
examination, was beaten by another boy. Still, he as in the case mentioned by our correspondent.
was pronounced by the examiners in England as Then most of the ether constituting the vital body
morally entitled to this scholarship. may be drawn out of the physical vehicle, which is
While listening to the debate, some one sitting left in a trance-like condition that may last only a
by my side touched me and said, “Look, Mr. Mac few minutes. But as space is no barrier in the
F!” I looked in the direction pointed out to me and invisible worlds, the desire of the person thus
there was one of the College Masters, Mr. Mac, momentarily liberated may carry him to the ends
standing behind the Government Secretary, listen- of the world and cause him to appear to some
ing intently to the debate. I told the person that Mr. loved one many thousand miles from the place
Mac and I were schoolmates and that I had not seen where his body is lying. And it is much easier for
him for years, yet he did not seem to grow old. such a spirit to materialize than for those who have
After the Government Secretary had spoken, left the body at death, because with these phan-
Mr. Mac went out. I remarked that perhaps the tasms of the living the silver cord is still intact;
youngster was one of his favorites, which caused connection with the seed atom in the heart has not
him to leave his college duties to come and hear been broken. Thus, it is quite possible that the
the debate. youngster whose scholarship was under discus-
A few days later I went to see a friend a little out sion was a favorite of Mr. Mac F., as supposed by
of town and in the course of our conversation I our correspondent, and when he felt himself liber-
told her of the debate. Judge of my surprise then, ated by a sinking spell on that afternoon, his desire
when she said that Mr. Mac was dying at the to be well and about his work in the college took him
moment when I thought that I had seen him. I told to his familiar haunts and made him listen to the
her she must be misinformed because some one debate concerning the boy’s title to receive the benefit.
pointed him out to me and I knew him too well to With regard to the question how a man who is
be deceived. “Well,” she said, “go into the next so emaciated could appear in full vigor, we may
chamber and you will see him.” I went. There on state that it is a law in the Desire World that as a
the bed lay my school-fellow, Mr. Mac, nothing man thinketh, so is he, literally and without quali-
but skin and bones, waiting for the end. He had fication. Should he think of himself as aged, worn
heard my conversation and was interested, but I (Continued on page 73)

The Rosicrucian
Cosmo Conception
* * * * * *

Geo. T. Weaver

The Sun Period, or Second Creative Day

Part IX

s has been previously stated, this has noth- period, or rather the second half of the Earth,
ing to do with the Sun, the center of our called the Mercurial Period. In this paper we are
solar system, but refers exclusively to the treating of the second, called the Sun Period, or
Earth, the planet on which we abide. It refers to the Sun’s day of the Earth. We have seen that the
the “Sun Period of the Earth,” as the Saturn Saturn Period introduced Time, the beginning of
Period, already presented, referred to the “Saturn the dual process of involution and evolution; and
Period of the Earth.” It simply states a stage of as Saturn is the “God of this world,” he is the god
evolution of our planet, a period when it was a that projected the Earth, as, in the broader sense,
Sun, corresponding, in every particular, to that of he projected Time. And being the projector of
the Sun except that of size. It was called the Sun Time and of this world, he will be the ruling spir-
Period because of this correspondence. These it of both, so long as time continues; that is, until
stages are not named after the planets, but after the the angel referred to in Revelation shall proclaim
days of the week, which itself indicates a progres- that “Time shall be no more.” We have seen also
sion. The only reference allowable to the planets is that the Saturn Period of the Earth, as of every-
that of sameness of condition, the Saturn Period thing else, was and is the germinal period, the
referring to the condition of the Earth when it was period during which the sheath dies in order that
as Saturn now is; the Sun Period referring to the the germ may sprout and bring forth. Following up
condition of the Earth when in the unfoldment, it this beginning of life, we enter the second stage,
was as the Sun now is—But in a much more rari- the Sun Period, indicating the gestative period,
fied state than either. during which chaos, in every sphere is being,
As the microcosm is an exact correspondence to transformed into cosmos.
the macrocosm, referring to man in the former By referring to the diagram on page 197 of the
instance and to the Earth in the latter, and as man Cosmo-Conception, we will see that the Saturn
has had his Saturn Period, his Sun Period, his Period extended through the World of Divine
Moon Period, and now is passing through his Spirit, the World of Life Spirit, the Region of
Earth Period, each of these periods indicating a Abstract Thought and the Region of Concrete
definite stage in the process of his involution and Thought. It began with the first and highest of
evolution; so the Earth has had its periods corre- these spheres, and as it involved it took on the var-
sponding, and is, at the present time, in its fourth ious other spheres referred to as sheaths, so that

when the Saturn Period, technically considered, Stage before the Fall, and did not then need these
closed, its outermost sheath was that of concrete two outermost vehicles. In consequence of the Fall
thought, which is the mortal thought, the person- the Earth has taken upon itself a gross material
ality, the highest plane of Time, so far as Mind is body, a crust of crystallized matter, corresponding
concerned. Thus partaking of the quintessence of to the gross physical of the human organism,
Divine Spirit, by involution it introduced Time, which is but the essence of crystallized matter
and timely limitations. Having run its course and transmuted into flesh and blood, as the result of
accomplished its purpose, the Saturn Period the evolution process.
merged into the Sun Period; not immediately, but The microcosmic beings have inhabited the
after a long intermediate period of rest, Earth from its incipiency, for these are the Virgin
corresponding in length to the day portion. Spirits that came out from God, the Supreme One,
By referring to the same diagram, we will see and in the involution and evolution processes,
that the Sun Period of the Earth embraced the began their long journey through matter for the
World of Life Spirit, the world of Abstract purpose of manifestation and experience. In the
Thought, the Region of Concrete Thought, and the Saturn Period the outermost body that is as awak-
Desire World. It began, therefore, with the inner- ened was that of the Concrete Mind. In the Sun
most sheath of the Saturn Period, and awakened a Period, man in the making awakened as his outer-
sheath of denser substance for its outermost sheath most vehicle the Desire Body. As the Sun Period,
than was manifest in the Saturn Period. Thus does called the Hyperborean Epoch, drew toward its
it appear that the Virgin Spirit had descended far- close, beings with desire bodies awakened came
ther into gross matter in the Sun Period than it had upon the stage of action. But it should be known
in the Saturn Period. In its incipiency, its inner- that a merely awakened life form is practically no
most being, that of “Life Spirit,” was the all-em- form at all, it is the merest essence of form; so
bracing essence. But as it continued to involve, it really it cannot be said that beings with desire bod-
formed for itself, as its innermost sheath, the ies then existed. At most they were archetypal.
Region of Abstract Thought, which may be called The mineral plane, as we know it, is the lowest of
its Spiritual Body. Later on it added an outer all the planes, for it is in its crystallized state; dur-
sheath of Concrete mind stuff, and still later a ing the Sun Period of the Earth, mineral was in its
vehicle of Desire Body substance. state of highest attenuation, the merest essence of
While the Sun, as we know it today, is much mineral, in the undifferentiated state, which was
more complex in its organism, possessing, in addi- the pure essence of Gold, for gold is the primal
tion to the above, an etheric and a chemical body, mineral, all baser metals are the results of the
descending, therefore, as low as the region of the involution process of gold. Gold is the metal of the
Vital Body, it reaches up to the highest of the Sun Sun; and as it descended to the plane of Lead, the
planes of the Earth, and extends downward as low mineral of Saturn, it will reascend through plane
as the Vital Body of the Earth and of man. The two after plane until it eventually is restored to gold,
lower are not strictly solar, but belong to the Moon but at that time, to the quintessence of gold. Our
and Earth; but this it does as the all-synthesizing Earth, like that of the Sun, is founded upon the
Deity of our system. There is a Lunar and an gold standard. This is its foundation in the ideal
Earthy element in the Sun as there is a “humanity sense, and all standards are idealistic. Vegetation
in Deity,” or the Sun could not assist the Moon did not then exist, for on a ball of fire vegetation,
and Earth by its radiations on these lower planes. as we know it, could not grow. Vegetation pos-
If it be true these two lower planes have been sesses a vital body, which mineral does not. But at
added because of the Fall, then the Sun has that time even vegetation was in its sub-archetyp-
accommodated itself to the fallen condition of al state. And, as we have seen, beings with desire
Moon and Earth. But the Earth was in its Sun bodies, which is the chief characteristic of the ani-

mal creation, existed then as secondary thought tics, but also by many scientists, that the Saturn
forms; they were salamandric in nature, capable of state of the Earth had not wholly subsided, but its
enduring heat in its most intense state. Forms, rings continued, intercepting the light of the Sun.
properly, as we understand the term, did not This accords with the Bible statement as seen in
belong to the Sun Period of the Earth. It was late Gen. 2:6, where it is said that “There went up a
in the Moon Period before Etheric forms were mist from the Earth, and watered the whole face of
awakened, and not until the closing portion of the the ground.” This mist was produced by the con-
Martian half of the Earth Period that chemical dition of the Earth at that time, which had not yet
bodies, embracing the gross physical, appeared in wholly freed itself from the Sun Period state. It
manifestation. should be kept in mind that each period, or new
The Sun Period was the era of the introduction creative day, emerges out of the preceding night.
of Light upon the Earth, “And God said, ‘Let there The Earth Period, or fourth day, came out of the
be light,’ and there was light.” Just as Life was preceding Moon night, or long intervening rest
introduced during the Saturn Period, at first on the period. That is, when the fourth day came, the
archetypal plane, but wakening into dynamic con- Earth passed through the various periods preced-
dition in the Sun Period; so in the Sun Period ing—Saturn, Sun and Moon—being reborn, as it
Light was first awakened as pure mind radiations, were, on a round higher. The first revolution of the
but later densifying into the light of the Desire Earth during the Earth Period corresponds to the
World. In opposition to the position taken here it condition of the Saturn Period, which was that of
has been said by self-styled scientists, there could a new conception; the second round corresponded
have been no light during the second creative day, to the condition during the Sun Period; the third
since the luminaries were not created until the round, to that of the Moon. The Moon Period,
fourth day. immediately preceding that of the Earth Period, is
Scientists who accept the Bible statements, have described as the time when there was an expanse
attempted to meet this apparent discrepancy by created, dividing the waters from the waters. At
holding that the light here referred to was of a dif- that time the heat of the glowing firemist arising
ferent nature to that radiating from the Sun, even from the Earth, coming in contact with the sur-
on the desire plane; they have contended that it rounding cold of space, and descending, formed a
was likely phosphorescent light. Both classes of body of water on the surface. The contact of the
scientists miss the mark. The Bible does not say water thus formed with the fiery core of the Earth,
that on the fourth day the Elohim created the generated steam, and as a mist it surrounded the
luminaries, but the statement is, “Let there be Earth, forming an atmosphere of “fire-fog.” This
light,” or let the luminaries manifest. Light previ- condition continued during the fourth round of the
ously existed before the fiat went forth, “Let there Sun Period, and the Earth, as we have said, inter-
be light,” just as the Sun, Moon, and stars existed cepting the view of the Sun and the planets.
before they were commanded to shine forth. “God It was not until after this condition, at the time
is Light,” so the Word declares; and just so He of the great flood, referred to in the Bible as the
synthetically embodied the solar system. Just as Noahtic flood, but really the flood that destroyed
Light was not created, but only first manifested on the Atlantean continent and race, that this misty
the day, so the Solar system was not operated on state was dissipated and the Sun, Moon, and stars
the fourth day, but simply brought into expression. first made their appearance. The flood is referred
At that time a certain condition was produced by to as the breaking up of the “fountains of the great
which the light of the luminaries could become deep,” and the opening of the “windows of heav-
manifest. Previous to this fourth day, when sun- en,” which latter expressed the dissipation of the
light first made its appearance to the inhabitants of previous mist. But while the light of the Sun did
the earth, it is generally believed, not only by mys- (Continued on page 59)

Nutrition and Health

* * * * * *

Disease Held Greatest Foe by Daniels

OLLIER’S WEEKLY for September father, a railroad contractor, was an old-school,
22, 1917, published the story of how hard-headed frontier type of American who had
Gordon Edwards, a young engineer, shot Indians. In 1905 Edwards was graduated
discovered a wonderful anesthetic from Stanford University as an electrical engineer.
and of his struggle for several years For some years he stuck to his trade, beginning at
against red tape and tradition to induce the entente the bottom, sharing dinner pail and overalls with
allies to use it in the field hospitals for the alle- his fellow mechanics and laborers. But he went
viation of pain and as an antiseptic. Some of our slowly.
readers may have read it there, and they will sure- Finally, he decided to leave power plant and
ly be glad to read it again because the spirit of shop, and began to sell bonds for a San Francisco
noble humanitarianism, dauntless courage, and house. The first month he made five hundred dol-
unselfishness which it breathes, and those who lars. But he had no liking for business.
have not read it will be glad to learn of another
angel of mercy in human shape, a great benefactor He Finds His Mission
to all humankind, This war has brought out the One day he heard some young doctors lament-
demoniacal nature in many, it has made us shed ing that there existed no perfect anesthetic for den-
scalding tears at the depth of depravity it has tistry. There would be fame and a fortune, they
revealed, but thank God! it has also brought out said, for whoever could discover what was need-
the nobility of character, unselfishness, and capac- ed. Their words, or rather the possibilities their
ity for self-sacrifice hidden in the most unlooked- words disclosed, set the ex-engineer bond sales-
for places and we cannot fail to rejoice at the man thinking very hard. Like all the world outside
recital.—Editor the profession, Edwards had unconsciously
assumed, without precisely thinking it, that there
“War has always meant pain. We can do nothing must be three or four good anesthetics. The lack of
to silence it,” say the doctors. All in Europe and any was certainly worth investigating. So he read
almost all in America have accepted this, impo- a little medicine and listened to doctors, gathering
tently thrusting their fingers into their spiritual the rudiments of physiology and anatomy, picking
ears, lest they be unnerved utterly. But they have up the general terms quickly, and then neglecting
not been able to shut out the consciousness of the everything in those fat leather bound medical
suffering—often unvoiced—on a thousand battle books which did not treat the special problem of
fields and on a million beds. local anesthesia. There was not a great deal to
But one American has refused to fold his hands read. He learned what anyone else might have
and listen. “Pain,” he declared,” is man’s enemy. It done—that there existed at the disposal of the
must be conquered like a disease. For it is the most medical profession, for purposes of local injec-
terrible of diseases, and no one shall count the toll tion, practically nothing but cocaine. And cocaine,
it takes of human lives.” injected in the smallest quantities, is always dan-
His name is Gordon Edwards, and he was born gerous. It is a poison and may cause sudden death;
in Milwaukee some thirty-odd years ago. His it is “dope,” a narcotic drug, and may breed an

appetite worse than death. Most surgeons wisely him in a flash of insight just how he could modify
refrain from using it. his injection solution to make it applicable to
Edwards began diligent work in a laboratory. external wounds.
Many known substances have analgesic or pain- He hurried home, trembling with excitement,
allaying properties. But for certain other reasons but exalted by an inexplicable certainty of success.
they may not be used. Edwards chose the most The course of his life during the two years previ-
likely of these (which, for obvious reasons, I do ous, since the day he heard about the need for a
not name) and set to work to eliminate the dis- local anesthetic, seemed to have been mysterious-
agreeable properties, working for something to be ly shaped to this moment’s revelation. For there in
injected with a hypodermic syringe. his laboratory in the first September of the war he
After a year of research, Edwards gave up bond knew exactly how the drugs should be prepared,
selling and went to New York. By the beginning of and already half saw himself working among
1914, after eighteen months’ search, he had devel- Europe’s wounded.
oped a satisfactory injection. But a few months When the new solution was complete, however,
more taught him the fatuity of supposing he could his confidence had subsided. He wanted actual
get it adopted immediately or even within a short proof of what he believed. One after the other, he
term of years. telephoned to the big New York hospitals and he
Local anesthetics demand a new and slow tech- found at Vanderbilt Clinic an old woman with leg
nique. Older physicians, used to ether and chloro- ulcers and persuaded the reluctant physician to try
form, prefer the quicker methods of complete out his solution. Leg ulcers, it seems, are common
anesthesia and will not learn a new method. So among old women and are extremely painful.
Edwards abandoned his search for a general anes-
thetic and returned to that phase of the problem Nikalgin
which had first attracted his attention. “I am When he next saw the physician at Vanderbilt,
through,” he said. “I have wasted two years, and I the man was no longer skeptical. “Edwards,” he
have debts. Now I shall go in seriously for dental cried, “leg ulcers are a scandal to the profession.
anesthesia and get back some of my money.” Just We have never been able to do anything with
then war descended over the face of half the earth. them. But I have treated successfully twenty-five
Almost immediately Edwards began to hear the cases with your solution. The patients do not suf-
sound of pain. fer at all, and they get well in no time.”
A few days later he was talking with his medical It was enough. Cases vary, but pain is always
friends about the need for a local anesthetic— much the same. Gordon Edwards possessed the
something you can spray on a raw surface,” he secret of relieving pain in all external wounds.
explained. Thousands of men ill. Europe were suffering ago-
“Nonsense,” they answered, “you can obtain nies from external wounds, and only he could help
anesthesis only by injection because part of the them. It was clear that he had but one course
effect is obtained by pressure on the nerves.” before him.
He protested. “How are you going to anesthetize He hurriedly named his solution “nikalgin”—
a wound twice the size of a beefsteak by injection? victory over pain—choosing Greek as a conces-
What the wounded soldiers in Europe want is sion to the profession. Then he gathered his
something you can slosh on by the bucketful.” belongings together, made up as much con-
The doctors shrugged their shoulders. centrated solution as he could carry, and took ship
One September day, when Edwards was sitting for Europe. In November, 1914, he landed in
in the Red Cross office in New York among the England.
bustle of those preparing to leave for the field of What Might Have Been
war, wondering what he had better do, it came to If I were a writer of popular fiction, I should

now be nearing the end of my story. From this tals, soldiers and suffering, whereof confusion was
point on it should read something like this: king.
“Gordon Edwards, presenting his discovery to The surgeon general in the British War Office
the War Office in London, was received with open listened politely to what Edwards had to say, and
arms. The surgeon general introduced him imme- then suggested that the discoverer go home and
diately to the more important members of the return to England after the war.
Cabinet, who declared themselves honored to “But my solution is meant to relieve the suffer-
meet so true a friend of mankind. The principal ing of soldiers!”
surgeons of the United Kingdom assembled to “Try the civil hospitals.” “They have no wound-
view a demonstration of nikalgin at the Crystal ed.”
Palace. There, in the presence of the most eminent “And we have no time. For the present we can-
doctors of the day, Edwards scored a complete tri- not undertake to investigate your solution, what-
umph, news of which was rapidly diffused over ever its merits.”
the waiting world by wireless telegraphy. Bells Edwards stayed a week in London without
were rung and salutes fired. The King appointed a opportunity even for demonstrating the value of
day of thanksgiving. The War Office immediately his solution. Everything was against him, but
ordered a large supply of the solution and had it chiefly two facts: he was not a doctor and he was
sent to every hospital in Britain. Requests for an American. “Patent-medicine faker” was the
more arrived from the colonies. Money and hon- least of the epithets applied. And indeed, during
ors poured in upon the discoverer. He rose high in the eighteen succeeding months he remained, for
society. As soon as the British hospital force was many a surgeon, the “nickel-gin fellow, that mad
supplied with nikalgin, he was taken to France on American engineer.” In London no one took the
the royal yacht. Upon his arrival in Boulogne-sur- slightest interest in him or in his solution. Finally
Mer, he was met by a troop of little girls, who he secured a letter from the surgeon general and
strewed his path with flowers. Everywhere it was crossed the channel to France. The battle of the
the same story of triumph. Men opened their Yser was on, and train after train of British
doors, their hearts, and their pocketbooks to him wounded was returning from Ypres. But that made
who had found a means of robbing war of its most no difference to the surgeons, who turned him out
bitter sting. After Boulogne, Paris. The great city of Abbeville and later out of Boulogne.
flew the Stars and Stripes beside the sacred tricol- December found him in Paris, alone and igno-
or in honor of America. The Ministry of War rant of the city, the French language, and what he
ordered a million gallons of nikalgin to be sup- had better do. A lucky encounter permitted him to
plied at the earliest possible moment. A large give a demonstration of his solution at the large
chemical laboratory was placed at Edward’s dis- Hospital Buffon, before some thirty surgeons, one
posal. Orders came in from Belgium, Serbia, of whom was a very great surgeon indeed.
Russia, and far-away Japan. The Red Cross in When Edwards entered the operating room and
Switzerland took up the discovery and passed it on found his august spectators waiting for him he
to the Central Empires. The name of Gordon Ed- suddenly remembered with horror that leg ulcers
wards passed from lip to lip, and soon the entire were not war wounds and that he had really never
world was ringing with the fame of him who had tested his solution at all. But he turned his atten-
conquered the suffering of wounded soldiers. tion to the case. A soldier’s hip and thigh had been
Sweet, is it not? But exaggerated. A trifle! But, scooped out by an exploding shell.
keeping in mind that something like this ought to
have resulted in an ideal world, let us return to “It Shall Be Used!”
London in November of 1914, and more specifi- The nurses bared the enormous wound. The
cally to a world of officialdom, surgeons, hospi- American rapidly soaked a great piece of cotton

with nikalgin and applied it to the raw flesh. A in anyone spot, but went from town to town, talk-
kindly old surgeon drew the patient’s attention to ing with anyone whom he could interest, infinite-
another matter. After a few minutes the engineer ly patient and untiring. He went repeatedly to
removed the cotton. Boulogne and, now that he was a little better
“Is anesthesia complete?” the very great sur- known, succeeded in persuading a few military
geon asked. surgeons to listen to him. He began to receive
“I believe so.” orders for varying quantities of solution and filled
In a flash the Frenchman had jabbed a bit of them out of his own slender resources and, when
glass tubing into the very heart of the wound, these were exhausted, from the pockets of various
probing vigorously into the live flesh. The doctors Americans who had faith in him. Sometimes he
gasped. Edwards went white, then quickly flushed did not know where his next dollar was coming
with pleasure, for the patient had not moved a from, but always it put in an appearance at the op-
muscle, tranquilly going on with the story of how portune moment. Then, in July, so many physi-
he had come by his wounds. He felt nothing at all. cians had recommended nikalgin and asked to be
The very great surgeon, visibly disturbed, tried supplied with it that the War Office officially
another case. The result was absolutely conclu- adopted it for the British army. This marked the
sive. Anesthesia through nikalgin was established. second date in Edwards’ long struggle.
The very great surgeon withdrew hastily, mut- Back in Paris the same month, the engineer con-
tering “Extraordinary, extraordinary!” with great tinued his exertions. Poor though he was, he per-
rapidity. ceived that he had made a mistake in trying to sell
Edwards will always remember that day, his solution to the British. Though it had finally
December 11, 1914, for it gave him confidence in been adopted by the War Office, already it was
himself, without which he could never have held being refused to army surgeons. Nikalgin is
up under what was to come. chiefly composed of two not uncommon sub-
The other surgeons were warm in their expres- stances. Edwards made no secret of the composi-
sions of appreciation. But they would not urge that tion, withholding only the manner of preparation.
nikalgin be adopted elsewhere or do anything to To British surgeons who asked for nikalgin the
aid in making it known. Later the very great sur- War Office supplied raw materials and suggested
geon said privately to Edwards that war, after all, that these be made up in the various hospitals as a
means pain and that an analgesic is too great a lux- substitute. The substitute once made did not anes-
ury for days of suffering and confusion. It is thetize, and it cost the War Office six shillings a
incredible but true that nothing permanent came gallon more than Edwards’ price. But that did not
from this demonstration. prevent—to this day does not prevent—the War
The American Ambulance at Neuilly was not Office from declaring to many surgeons that
even interested in Edwards. nikalgin was too expensive to be generally used!
Early in 1915, on the advice of friends, he sent It seemed hopeless. But during those long
some solution to various hospitals at the British months one thought was uppermost in Edwards’
front. It was not acknowledged, and when in April mind: My solution will relieve suffering, which
he finally managed to reach the headquarters at apparently nothing else can allay; hence, it
Saint-Omer he found that it had not even been must—MUST—eventually commend itself to the
tried. He returned to London and tried new tactics. doctors. Meantime, for the soldiers’ sake, it shall
Establishing a producing laboratory, he sent out be used. Accordingly he filled all British orders
letters to nearly every hospital in England. To such direct and sent the bills to the War Office. This
as replied he sent samples and instructions for the was sheer presumption, and he waited a long time.
use of nikalgin. A few surgeons tried it; all who But the bills were always paid. In Paris, however,
did wrote for more. Edwards did not remain long he decided on a radical step; he offered to supply

the entire French army with nikalgin for nothing. a demonstration at the Belgian front. In the oper-
How this engagement, if accepted, could be ful- ating room at La Panne, Edwards saw in five min-
filled had no notion; he relied on his star, the pow- utes the need for a new technique. A year previous
er which seemed to have guided him to the dis- he had ceased the old unscientific and extravagant
covery of his wonderful solution and led him from application to wounds of cotton soaked in solu-
California to war-stricken Europe. Never has his tion, and adopted an atomizer. This was a mistake.
faith been misplaced. He has never had to refuse a Too little nikalgin reached the wound through lay-
single request for nikalgin. Private individuals, ers of gauze and pus. What was needed, evidently,
Americans, have always furnished the funds. was a pressure jet which would throw a small but
steady stream of liquid with force enough to pen-
Miss Morgan to the Rescue etrate through bandages and infection to the raw
Edwards ceased, however, dealing with officers, flesh. When he returned to Paris, he invented such
and officials. In the Paris hospitals he became a jet, solving thereby the last technical problem.
friends with several surgeons. A famous Japanese Meantime, Miss Morgan had been busy. A sud-
bacteriologist tried nikalgin and liked it. He was den invitation from General Nivelle, then com-
specially interested in the treatment of gas gan- manding the Second Army, to visit the Verdun
grene. In September he wrote to Edwards: “I beg front, drove all other thoughts from the engineer’s
to inform you that after a number of experiments head.
conducted by me I have verified the antiseptic
power of your nikalgin solution. The experiments A Terrible Test
have been made with streptococci, staphylococci, In the Verdun hospital Edwards revolutionized
and the lockjaw germ.” Four days later a Russian wound dressing for the surgeons of the Second
wrote: “I never noticed any poisonous cases when Army. He reached the building late one evening.
nikalgin had been used.” These words revealed After dinner he said to the staff: “Tomorrow bring
possibilities unguessed by the discoverer, but as all your worst cases of external wounds into the
they did not seem practical, Edwards sighed and operating room. I’ll treat them each once, and after
forgot the double testimony. that you can take the pressure jets and the solution
One person shares the glory of Edwards’ mis- and do it yourself.”
sion. Miss Anne Morgan went to Paris to aid the Never was brought together a more terrible col-
French. She has supplied the money for hundreds lection of maimed, charred and mangled living
of gallons of nikalgin. He has never called on her bodies than the one in the operating room the fol-
in vain. When they first met in March, 1916, he lowing morning. The surgeons, used to the worst,
told her of the blank wall which seemed to encom- grew pale at the sight of some of the cases.
pass him. Edwards, the layman, had never imagined any-
“You must be mistaken, Mr. Edwards. It is thing so awful. Twice during the morning’s work
unbelievable that the French refuse to accept he nearly fainted; but he did not faint.
nikalgin as a gift. These surgeons are open- After a few comparatively simple cases, the
minded and intelligent. Either you have not pre- attendants wheeled forward a closely swathed fig-
sented the matter in the right way to them or your ure half upright in a chair. It was a victim of liquid
solution is not all you claim.” fire. The head was almost entirely enveloped in
“Nikalgin does all I claim for it. Suppose you gauze. One hand and arm had been burned black,
try, Miss Morgan.” and they, too, were partly covered with white ban-
She tried. Three months later the remarkable dages. But there was worse. The victim had been
woman confessed that she had knocked unheard at struck in the chest by the fluid, and the result sur-
fifty doors. No one cared enough to investigate. In passed Dante’s imaginings. A sheet of gauze eigh-
July, 1916, Edwards received an invitation to give teen inches square covered a burn on the body that

stretched from neck to navel. The outlines of the did not even realize that his wounds were being
gaping hole wherein the flesh had been burned treated. He felt nothing. There was no sound in the
away showed through the stuff, which in places operating room while the dressing proceeded.
was stuck to the flesh beneath. What one could see When it was over the attendants slowly wheeled
of the face, black, spotted with flaming red holes, away the rebandaged figure—back to life from the
gray where the flesh had been reduced to a cinder, very vale of agony that slopes down into death.
shocked the spectators almost to nausea. For from For if his wounds could be dressed and the pain
out this frightful ruin stared two living eyes! obviated, he was saved. There is no need to
Chance had saved them for the owner, perhaps at describe the enthusiasm of the surgeons, many of
the expense of hand and arm. whom had had their nights turned to hell through
Within that roasted heap of flesh life stirred brooding on the suffering they daily inflicted.
sluggishly. Suffering had been so intense, shock so Another soldier, with a suppurating hole through
unsettling, that the man had been reduced to a his thigh a foot long, which necessitated the pass-
half-bestial organism capable of no sensation but ing of strips of gauze through the tunnel, usually
pain. The expression was as vacant as that of an suffered agonies. On this day he announced that
idiot, hiding nothing but fear. For in a dozen he would rather die than undergo dressing another
places large nerves were completely exposed. The time.
doctors had not dared to put the patient to bed “I promise you it will not hurt a bit,” Edwards
when he arrived the day before. When brought said earnestly.
into the operating room he sat propped up on cush- The man looked up, and in his eyes the
ions, oblivious to everything but sensation, heed- American read the infinite hostility of the long-
less of everything but the pain that was slowly dri- deceived sufferer against those hale and hearty
ving consciousness from the devastated dwelling. persons who take the name of others’ pain in vain.
“Now I ask you, Monsieur Edwards,” the chief Yet such was the effect of nikalgin that he permit-
surgeon said slowly, “what can you do with a case ted the surgeons to cleanse the wound by sawing
like that? That breast must be dressed or the man fresh gauze back and forth through it, and this
will die of poisoning. Yet, with the nerves exposed without a quiver. Until he saw the fresh bandages
as they are, if I attempt to remove that apron of in position, he refused to believe that the old ones
gauze stuck to the cooked flesh, he will die of the had been removed.
pain. Can you do anything for him?” Leaving with the doctors of the Verdun front all
“I’ll try,” Edwards answered, already doubtful the solution he had on hand, Edwards returned to
of the task. England. It was at Manchester a month later that a
Gently he began to spray the chest, and for fully letter reached him from the chief surgeon of the
ten minutes moistened the gauze, until it dripped Second Army asking him to return with more
with solution. Then, while a nurse gently lifted the solution at once. The letter continued in what to
bandaged chin until the eyes were fixed on the Edwards seemed immortal words: “Wounds have
ceiling, the chief surgeon began at the neck to peel healed normally without suppuration and with a
down the gauze, while Edwards never ceased total absence of all secretion.”
playing a stream of anesthetic on to the raw flesh. It was a bombshell. Why, wondered the engi-
An inch! neer, had he never followed up the information
The surgeon, perspiring, looked quickly at the contained in the first letters from the Russian and
patient. He had not moved. Another inch! The sur- the Japanese? If nikalgin was good against gas
geon, emboldened and fearful lest the momentary gangrene, if applied in time, it would naturally
effect should pass, stripped away the gauze from serve splendidly against ordinary pus!
the burn in a single movement. And those strange, Once more he met the surgeon inspector. “How
frightened eyes never left the ceiling. The patient much solution have you brought?” “Twenty-five

gallons—about a hundred liters.” no richer—in fact, he is poorer—than he was

The Frenchman tossed his hands in dismay. “A when he first began his hunt for an anesthetic. He
hundred liters will last one hospital only ten days. has never made one cent. He is at the present
What shall we do when they are gone? What about moment filling the demands of five of the largest
the other hospitals? We must have enough Paris hospitals, and twenty smaller hospitals at
nikalgin to keep the entire army flooded. Nice, Lyons and other points. Only the Russian and
Whatever is useful in one military hospital is the new American armies remain to be supplied.
needed in all of them.” Nikalgin can be used for temporary relief and to
Edwards nearly choked with emotion. “I have permit painless dressing of all external wounds.
been waiting two years for some one to say just As an antiseptic it has apparently no rival. Tom
that. You are the first. I’ll not fail you. How much Foster, a little English soldier, was dying. His leg,
solution do you require for immediate needs?” amputated at the thigh, was wasting away slowly
“A minimum of five hundred liters and as much under an inch of loathsome green pus. A new oper-
more regularly.” ation higher up already tempted the surgeons. But
“You shall have it as soon as I can get it made Tom preferred to die.
up. And from now on I shall keep you supplied.” Yet once the pain was quelled, his cure was so
He stayed long enough in Paris to cable Miss marvelous that Edwards, entering the operating
Morgan for funds; then, certain of her reply, went room the third day, found the boy laughingly rais-
on to London. Before the solution was ready the ing his stump in both hands while the nurse
money was in his hands. stripped away the bandages. When the flesh final-
By December, 1916, his solution was in use on ly appeared it was red and clean as a new cut. All
the Somme front as well. Aside from the futile infection had disappeared. In a week Tom Foster
attempts of the British War Office to substitute, no longer interested the surgeons. How much of
difficulties disappeared one by one. Nikalgin won this strange healing power of nikalgin is due to its
admission into the great military hospital of Paris, direct antiseptic powers, how much to natural
Val de Grace, where an eminent Russian surgeon, action marvelously quickened by the suppression
a woman, took it up eagerly. During a short visit to of pain, Edwards does not know.
the Italian front in May of this year, Edwards gave Corporal Lespinasse’s foot had been carried
demonstrations of his discovery in several hospi- away by a projectile. Gangrene set in, and his life
tals, and the product, new to the surgeons, excited was despaired of, and dressing his wound had
their wonder and admiration. Italy’s medical men, been intolerable for patient and operators alike
seemingly less sluggish than those of France and until Edwards came. During the first painless
England, are adopting it today. The Italian dressing his eyes sought the American’s in mute
Minister of War has only to ask for it and nikalgin gratitude, while the nurse, awed by silence when
will be sent to Italy free of charge for the duration she expected shrieks, had murmured softly over
of the war, as a “gift from the United States.” and over: “Ah, doctor, don’t you remember how
Every day testimonials reach him from the most horrible this was yesterday?”
varied sources. Most of them were written by sur- The fourth day Lespinasse walked from the
geons, some of whom are world-famous. Some of operating room on his own crutches. As Edwards
the letters are from soldiers, and their letters are was leaving a few minutes later, the nurse whis-
like tangible prayers, seeming withal to cry out at pered: “Go out this way, monsieur; I think some-
all who blocked Gordon Edwards. body is waiting for you.” It was Lespinasse.
Seizing Edwards’ hand, he kissed it passionately,
Edwards’ Reward then in confusion drew himself up with a stiff mil-
Edwards today, having accepted the burden of itary salute. When Edwards visited the hospital
furnishing free of charge two immense armies, is next day the news had spread, and not a soldier but

saluted as reverently as though he were a general. toward a great discoverer, “an American and not a
physician,” it is because humanity lacks tolerance.
Light in Darkness The war resembles a fever—when it does not kill
In the preface to The Doctor’s Dilemma, it purifies. And it reveals like a flash of lightning
Bernard Shaw has rather more than said his say in a dark night. It has shown beyond possibility of
concerning modern doctors. The story of Gordon doubt that we who were meant to “go dancing
Edwards speaks more eloquently than any com- through the earth like stars” labor under no lumi-
mentary. Yet there is little ground for resentment, nous comet coma, but dully under a burden of
and Edwards feels none. ignorance, prejudice, and ill will.
The medical profession in this war has done its Yet a little light can illuminate much darkness.
best, and none shall tally its obscure acts of devo- The nobility of a great individual glorifies the race
tion and self-sacrifice. That it had seemed impreg- as much as the limitations of an entire nation can
nated with prejudice and intolerance lies on our- abase it.
selves. The doctors are merely a branch of the America, entering the war, must not allow the
great tree which is ourselves, at once in our col- music of the drums, the fifes, and the bugles to
lectivity and in our essence. If they were intolerant drown the sound of the sufferers.

(Continued from page 62) and autocrat. Each one will act in harmony with
and decrepit, he would shape his vehicle along his basic nature, and therefore the divine hierarchs
those lines and appear so to all others, but the gen- always choose some one who is of a character fit-
tleman in question was evidently thinking of ted to the part they want him to play in the coming
regaining his health and vigor so that he might crises, and place him in such a position that he has
take up his work anew, and consequently he the power to carry out his designs, either for good
appeared in perfect health when seen by our cor- or for ill, and on that account he becomes at least
respondent, and the person who pointed him out. partly responsible for his acts and the conse-
quences thereof. If he does well, and by his acts of
RESPONSIBILITY OF RULERS nobility, justice, and altruism aids a nation to rise,
Question—In a recent lesson we were told that guiding it through the rocks and shoals of its
the Race Spirit influenced different persons to infancy, as did George Washington, for instance,
take a part in great world movements. If the part then great honor and glory will naturally be his in
was unjust, is the person responsible for it? Would some future life, where he will be given dominion
he suffer for it? over others whom he may help.
Answer—The statement was made in the On the other hand, if he plays the part of a Nero
Students’ Lesson for September, “Our Invisible in breaking up a great Empire, doing as it is said
Government,” that the divine hierarchs who guide of one of the kings of Israel, “evil with both hands
evolution from the invisible worlds always find a greedily,” naturally sorrow and suffering will
soul who is strong, either for good or evil, and use result. He probably cannot be made to feel all the
that one when progress demands the fall of an old pain which he inflicted, any more than a George
nation or the raising of a new. Washington can receive all the joy which has
But it would be impossible to induce a spirit of come to the millions who have benefited through
a brutal and tyrannical nation to play a self-sacri- his wisdom and altruism, but each will certainly
ficing and noble part; he cannot change his char- receive as much as it is possible to give him, or, at
acter overnight any more than the leopard can any rate, as much as is required to make one a
change his spots, and vice versa, a spirit of a noble good man and the other a better.
nature will not consent to play the part of tyrant

The Rosy Cross Healing Circle

On the Witness Stand
The following letters are similar to many others long black gowns and high pointed black hoods,
received at Headquarters. They bear witness to the and would come down and walk around my crib.
verities of the invisible world and the doings of the One night they each and everyone stuck a short
people who live there.—Editor knife (dagger I suppose) into my right side! Never
shall I forget the sensation of mortal terror and you
October 9, 1917 can imagine there was howling and valerian that
The Esoteric Secretary night. I remember my parents had the doctor to see
Dear Friend: me several times and I remember the “grown ups”
Your kind and interesting letter was handed me used to call me a “queer child.”
just as I was starting for Atlantic City with my I never “saw” any more “people” after my father
patient, who is blind. I have had a week’s rest, was drowned when I was seven, until I read Mr.
which was absolutely necessary; for after being Heindel’s Cosmo and followed the directions in
with her all summer she had taken nearly every the chapter on Concentration, but that was a won-
ounce of my vitality. derful and delightful experience, but too long to
I am greatly interested in the little booklet on tell now, only I never dared to repeat it because I
healing and can see how enormously it must did not want to come back.
increase a person’s usefulness, but it does seem so I fear I have bored you with all this, only I think
weird and uncanny! I have taken the Rays for I must have had some queer experiences in a pre-
nearly a year and I think it and Mr. Heindel’s writ- vious life which holds me back now. May I send
ings the most intensely interesting things I have you the horoscope which I have cast?
ever read, and I’ve been a pretty omnivorous read- Sincerely yours,
er. I never understood the things that happened E. H. P.
when I was a tiny child until I read the Cosmo.
There were three kinds of “people” living in our October 10, 1917
house. One kind in the cellar, another in the attic The Esoteric Secretary
and still another in mother’s dress closet. They Dear Friend:
used to come out at night. There were crowds that I have improved greatly this last week. Last
came up from the cellar and, if I were tired and fell Saturday night the Invisible Helpers gave me the
asleep before I could “go out” (yes, that is what I most wonderful treatment and the most strenuous
called it), and touch my bare foot to the bare one I have had. There were evidently pupils with
ground and go up over their heads they would them being taught. He who stood at my head
crowd me so that I’d wake up and simply howl, called “Reese,” and some one standing in the cor-
and father would get up and give me valerian. I ner came to the head of my bed also and watched.
can see (in imagination) now, how I used to go Then the bones in the upper part of my back were
right up over their heads and lie flat in the air and changed with whirlwind speed. I wakened smiling
they’d reach up for me, but! knew they could not to think of such changes being made with no suf-
do anything to me after that and I could go con- fering.
tentedly back and go to sleep. There is a man in this city who is said to be very
The ones in mother’s closet never did anything clever at bone setting and his name is “Reese.”
but I was afraid of the ones in the attic. They wore Does it do any harm to put two and two together,

even if it does come out three, so long as one is dynamic energy, which they infuse into every
keeps it a secret? thing or enterprise started under their influence,
I really cannot understand how I can be so stu- and therefore the healing thoughts of the helpers
pid as to remember much of what takes place and all over the world are endowed with added power
still not recollect seeing them. when launched upon their errands of mercy under
The change in Mr. S. is almost unbelievable. He this cardinal influence.
has had no pain in the past month, for the first time If you would like to join in this work, sit down
in years. All of the swelling has left his limbs and quietly when the clock in your place of residence
he is wearing shoes. But the point that impressed points to the given hour: 6:30 p.m., meditate on
me was that he is thinking of getting well now so Health, and pray to the Great Physician, our Father
that his poor old wife can have a rest from wage in Heaven, for the restoration to health of all who
earning. He is thinking of her. He is sure of getting suffer, particularly for those who have applied to
well now and is no longer dependent upon us for Headquarters for relief.
encouragement, but we will continue seeing him At the same time visualize the Pro-Ecclesia
every little while. where the thoughts of all aspirants are finally gath-
But Mrs. R. needs me. It is hard for her to be ered by the Elder Brothers and used for the stated
cheerful sometimes, although she knows there is a purpose.
wonderful cleansing going on in her body. We print herewith some letters from people who
Sincerely yours, have been helped, also a list of dates on which
Mrs. E. M. T. Healing Meetings are held

Healing meetings are held in the Pro-Ecclesia at Dates of Healing Meetings

Headquarters on the nights when the Moon enters December 7—14—21—27
Cardinal Signs in the Zodiac. The hour of service January 4—11—17—24—31
is about 6:30 p.m. The virtue of the Cardinal Signs February 8—14—20—28

Freemasonry and Catholicism

was crowded out this month,
but the next installment will
appear in January

Menu from Mt. Ecclesia

Sliced Oranges
Boiled Rice
Egg Omelette
Milk or Coffee
Okra Soup Supper
Mixed Nut Loaf with Mushroom Sauce Pear, Pineapple and Almond Salad
Mashed Potatoes Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce
Creamed Peas and Carrots Date and Nut Sandwich
Whole Wheat Bread, Butter and Honey Milk or Tea

OKRA SOUP through a colander; slowly add a cup of milk and
To one quart of strained tomato juice add one a tablespoon of butter; whip with spoon until light
can of Okra; boil for twenty minutes; strain; add and fluffy. After placing on plate to serve, allow it
tablespoon of browned butter and salt to taste; one to reheat in oven, placing a small lump of butter in
teaspoon of sugar. centre.
Blanch and boil one pound of chestnuts until Wash, scrape and cut into small squares six car-
tender; grind in vegetable grinder with one-half rots, boil in hot water until almost tender; add one
cup each of English walnuts and peanut meats; small can of green peas; boil for ten minutes,
one cup cold boiled lentils; two cold boiled pota- adding salt, a little sugar and chopped parsley;
toes; one pimento; one small stalk celery; one drain and add a cream dressing.
cove garlic and one onion sliced and fried in oil
until brown. Grind the second time to make mix- PLUM PUDDING
ture smooth and fine; add two eggs and seasoning Beat three eggs, gradually add one cup of
to taste. Bake in loaf and serve with mushroom cream, three-fourths cup whole wheat bread
sauce. crumbs, one and one-half cups flour and one cup
MUSHROOM SAUCE butter. Beat well while adding one cup sugar, one
Wash one pint of fresh mushrooms, chop fine cup seeded and chopped raisins, one cup currants
and stew in two tablespoons of oil or butter, one and a small piece of chopped citron. Pour into but-
tablespoon of minced olives and onions until well tered baking dish with tight fitting top, and steam
browned, adding one tablespoon of flour. Season several hours.
and add one cup water and boil until it is of con- PEAR, PINEAPPLE AND ALMOND SALAD
sistency of thick gravy. Peel and cut into squares six winter nellie pears,
MASHED POTATOES and one can of pineapples; blanch and chop fine
Peel and boil six large potatoes, adding a little one-half pound almonds. Garnish plates with pars-
salt while boiling; when tender, drain and allow to ley sprigs; mix pears and pineapple; sprinkle nuts
stand fifteen minutes to steam. Mash or press over top and serve with mayonnaise dressing.
Echoes from Mt. Ecclesia
* * * * * *

A Talk in the Pro-Ecclesia

Lizzie Graham

nyone who has been accustomed to meet Gift One. Then into those he breathed the breath of
the students of the Rosicrucian Philosophy Life—Gift Two. Then the Gift of motion, and of
must often have been asked this question: hearing, and of seeing, and of smelling, and tast-
“How Shall I Serve?” And from the frequency of ing, and feeling, and many, many other gifts, or
the questioning you might conclude that every talents, to use in service. But the greatest gift of all
opportunity had been eagerly filled; but I confess is Eternal Life, through His son, Christ Jesus.
with regret that it is not so. If we will take these gifts, or talents, one by one,
Do you remember in that favorite hymn, “Lead and use each to its fullest extent in the service of
Kindly Light,” there is a line, “I loved to choose Christ, we will have no occasion to ask the ques-
my path”? That is the way with most of us. There tion with which we started. Opportunities will so
are only some things that we care to do, and the crowd upon us that hours, and days, and even life
old childish cry of “I don’t want to” comes to our itself will be all too short.
lips or our hearts, when a line of service is sug- To return to the parable. He who used all his ten
gested to us that does not meet with our approval. talents received more—so shall we—sight, hear-
Or sometimes the cry is, out of fear, “Oh, I cannot ing and all other faculties will be extended beyond
do that,” forgetting our motto text that “if we walk belief. And also new gifts will be added. But, do
in the Light, as God is in the Light, we have fel- not forget how to use the talents, the service must
lowship one with another.” We have much greater be for others, “We lose what on ourselves we
power than if working alone; and back of all is the spend.”
strength of Our Father. Just suppose that during the next week, every
If we are to follow the command of our master, one of us endeavors to use on each day one talent
Christ, we must be the servant, or server of all. to its fullest extent in service to others. It may be
Observe, Servant, not Slave. The slave is driven to our singing or our playing. It may be our sewing
his work by the lash of the whip, the true servant or our digging. Our quickness of sight, our accu-
serves through love, as an honor and a privilege. racy of hearing, our talent for neatness, or for love,
Sometimes we are eager to get the opportunity of or for harmony in the home. Each one will surely
serving a great personage, or teacher or a writer, bring joyful service.
but the soul of the meanest being on earth is just The answer to the question, “How Shall I
as dear to Our Father, and the honor of serving Serve?” cannot be given by anyone but yourself.
him just as great and the opportunities to do so are You alone know what you can do, and how far you
many every day. can make your “Living Temple” respond to the
But back to the question “How Shall I Serve?” desire of the spirit within. Others may give you
The parable of the Talents, in Matthew, twenty- suggestions, but only yourself can say at the end
fifth chapter, teaches us that service must be with of the day to the tired body, “Well done, thou good
all the talents that Our Master has given us. Not and faithful servant.” Let us serve with every part
one talent, or gift may be laid away, all must be used. of the temple.
We read in Genesis that God gave us bodies— The brain, the voice, hands and feet. Service out-

side of the temple, money service, counts, not for Lord to Thee.” If our lives are so consecrated we
so much as the giving of one’s own self. We may shall attract opportunities as a magnet draws iron
be allowed to change the words of Lowell in Sir filings.
Launfal and say “The service without the server is
Perhaps you may ask. To whom are we to ren- Many motor parties are now visiting Mount
der service? We find the answer in the Rosicrucian Ecclesia from San Francisco and different points
Temple Service. “Loving, self-forgetting service in Southern California, and as the number of
to others,” that is Humanity, but Humanity has workers is also increasing, due to our extended
two sides, the physical and the spiritual. Which activities in both the publishing and cor-
shall we serve? We do a great deal of service on respondence departments, accommodations are
the physical side of life. Providing food, clothing, gradually becoming scarce. Lately, a number of
shelter, amusements and so forth. We read that we cars arrived on a Saturday and almost doubled our
should “seek and serve the Divine Essence hidden usual number, with the result that we had to place
within” the physical temple; but we can only serve beds in the library and extra beds in some of the
through the physical temple because the Divine rooms to take care of the overflow.
Essence, the spiritual side of man, is hidden with- That Sunday evening Mr. Heindel—by re-
in. Therefore we must reach it through our quest—gave Wagner’s famous mystic Music
thoughts, the motive behind the act of service. Drama, Parsifal, illustrated with stereopticon,
It seems as though Frances Havergal had this which was much appreciated by all, as it shows
thought of service when she wrote that song the soul’s progress upon the path in a most graph-
beginning, “Take my life and let it be, Consecrated ic and inspiring manner.


To us, Astrology is a phase of Religion, and we The magazine is now sent gratis to 330
teach it to others on condition that they will not Libraries. Part of these subscriptions have been
prostitute it for gain, but use it to help and heal paid for by members and the rest are supplied by
suffering humanity. the Headquarters fund. The price to Libraries will
How to Apply for Admission not be raised, so that members wishing to sub-
Anyone who is not engaged in fortune telling or scribe for one or more may do so at the former
similar methods of commercializing spiritual price: One Dollar a year in the United States, One
knowledge will upon request receive an applica- Dollar and Twenty-five Cents in Canada, and One
tion blank from the General Secretary of the Dollar and Fifty Cents foreign.
Rosicrucian Fellowship. When this blank is
returned properly filled, he may admit the appli-
cant to instruction in either or both correspon- CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM BY
dence courses.
The Cost of the Courses
There are no fixed fees; no esoteric instruction A course of monthly letters and lessons are
is ever put in the balance against coin. At the same issued by the Rosicrucian Fellowship to aid those
time it cannot be given “free,” “for nothing,” for who wish to probe more deeply the Mystery of
those who work to promulgate it must have the Life and Being. Upon request the General
necessities of life. Type, paper, machinery and Secretary may admit students to the preliminary
postage also cost money, and unless you pay your degree, but advancement in the deeper degrees
part someone else must pay for you. depends upon merit.

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