KSP Smiles 2 Lesson Plans Module 1
KSP Smiles 2 Lesson Plans Module 1
KSP Smiles 2 Lesson Plans Module 1
Lesson plan
LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 1 The Theme of the Lesson: Hello again p.4-5
Learning objectives(s) L1 L2 L9
that this lesson is S1 S3
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use simple greeting and introduction forms and respond to some prompts and instructions
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
extend modelling and drilling sequences monitoring response to Values links: being polite to
with some groups prompts and instructions others
seek extended answers from some
monitoring clarity of speech in
learners e.g. ask some learners to
instruction and singing tasks
introduce to other learners
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.
LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 2 The Theme of the Lesson: Shapes and Colours
Learning objectives(s) L1 L4
that this lesson is S4 S6 S7
contributing to R6
UE14 UE17
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand some instructions and produce some appropriate responses when prompted
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more Assessment – how are you planning Cross-curricular links
support? How do you plan to challenge the more to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check
able learners? ICT links
Values links
differentiation instruction above in Step 1 monitor and drill learner stress Cross-curricular links : [Maths]
placement on polysyllabic shape shapes
monitor learner use of target
language in production activities
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives
LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 3 The Theme of the Lesson: What colour is it?
Ending the lesson Ask the pupils to take out their red, blue,
green, yellow, orange and pink coloured
L1 pencils. Name a colour. Ask the pupils to
raise their corresponding coloured pencils.
Repeat with the rest of the colours.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
differentiate in story/dialogue follow-up check question formation ICT links: source an
tasks and pronunciation when appropriate interactive shape or
learners model their Step 1 colour game for learners to do
have story picture cards and ask stronger dialogue interactions. and project to whiteboard for
learners to remember who says what in the learners to do as a whole group
story and weaker learners to name with different learners taking
characters, colours and objects turns at the keyboard.
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.
Beginning the lesson Hand out the flashcards. Call out a colour, Track 11 CD1
e.g. blue. The pupil with the corresponding
flashcard holds it up for the rest of the class
to see. Repeat with the rest of the flashcards.
Play the Goodbye song from the previous
lesson (Track 11 CD1). Invite the pupils to
sing along.
Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to Teddy Bear
L1 use the code and colour in the shapes. Then elicit Template
the colours by pointing to the shapes and asking
pupils to tell you what colour they are. Tell the
pupils that they are going to make the face of a
teddy bear using circles only. Hand out the
photocopies. Guide them through the cutting and
gluing together of the circles. Go around the
classroom providing any necessary help. While
the pupils are doing the craftwork, feel free to play
any song from the module. Make sure you
display their work somewhere in the classroom.
Step 2 Look, read and complete. Listen Track 13 CD1 Write the following
and check. on the board:
My name’s
W1 W8 Write the phrase All About Me on the board. ___________ . I am
Explain what it means. Explain, in L1 if ___________ years
UE3 UE13 necessary, that there are some things that old. I am from
show who we are. Go through the incomplete ___________ . My
UE15 list and give examples about yourself. During favourite colour is
this procedure, explain/elicit any unknown ___________ . My
words/phrases. Refer the pupils to the Family:
activity. Go through the list of the missing ___________ My
words and explain/elicit their meaning. Allow favourite things:
the pupils some time to complete the poster. ___________ I like
Play the CD, twice if necessary. The pupils wearing:
listen and check their answers. Ask some ___________ My
pupils to read out from the poster. favourite subjects:
___________ I can:
Ending the lesson Ask the pupils to tell the class something that
shows who they are (e.g. favourite
S1 colour/thing/subject, what they like wearing
……. )
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
give extra support to less able writers in check spelling and use of cross-curricular Maths: colour
poster tasks e.g. prompting with initial structure in learner poster code shape task
letters, spelling out some words
monitor learner use of words
and pronunciation in final task
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.
Previous learning What shape is it? Where is it? Names of shapes It’s in …
Ending the lesson Display the pictures of the paintings you have
brought to class on the board. Ask the pupils
S1 to say which ones are realistic and which
ones are abstract.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you planning to Cross-curricular
more support? How do you plan to check learners’ learning? links
challenge the more able learners? Health and safety
give extra support through modelling and use monitoring time during individual ICT links
drilling of stress placement during individual craftwork to assess [eliciting] learner’s links: Art and
craftwork response to questions about shape and Design vocabulary
colour and shape picture
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.
LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 6 Storytime The Theme of the Lesson: The Rainbow
Step 3 Listen and read. Act out the story. Track 16 CD1
(activity 4)
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
Values links
give extra support with modelling and monitor learner Values link: the importance of
drilling in small group story rehearsal comprehension during story the environment
ordering task
Reflection Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about
your lesson.