Ajay Shetty: Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS)

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Mobile Anti Theft System

Ajay Shetty

Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS)

MSc Computer science

Masters Thesis Report

Department of Computer Science & Technology

Feng Dong


Mobile Anti Theft System


Mobile Anti-Theft system is an application based on Android used for tracing back
stolen or lost mobile. Once our system is installed onto a mobile phone and an alternate
number is fed into the software (ATS). The owners SIM card gets registered in the database.
Whenever phone is rebooted ATS is invoked in stealth mode and verifies whether if the SIM
card present in mobile phone is of owner. If the SIM belongs to owner (registered in
database), the software doesn’t do any activity. If SIM is been changed and that SIM is not
registered in the database then, ATS sends a message to the alternative mobile number
(friends / relatives number which is been saved while installing the application) in stealth
mode and starts listening for incoming SMS messages. Now if owner send a SMS request to
ATS asking for GPS co-ordinates, ATS would do so. Since our system is based on GOOGLE
Android operating system our system would send the complete address (postal address) as to
where the mobile is.

Mobile Anti Theft System


I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to my project supervisor Feng Dong,
Who helped me by being a mentor along with supervisor throughout the project period with
his valuable suggestions and comments.
I would like to thank University of Bedfordshire for providing resources and facilities
throughout my course work.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr Fiaz Hussain project coordinator for
guiding throughout the project.
Finally I like to express and extend my gratitude to the entire teaching, support staff
and to all my friends who helped me to complete my thesis on time.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Table of Contents

1. Preamble 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Aim and Objectives 1
1.3 Literature Survey 1
1.3.1 What Androids are made of 2
1.3.2 Stuff At your Disposal 3
1.3.3 Why Android 3
1.4 Motivation 4
1.5 Statement of the problem 4
1.5.1 Problem definition 5
1.5.2 Problem explanation 5
1.6 Objective of the study 5
1.7 Limitations and enhancements of study 5
1.8 Organization of the report 6
2. System requirements and specifications 7
2.1 Purpose of this document 7
2.2 General description 7
2.2.1 Users and their characteristics 7
2.2.2 Product perspective 8
2.2.3 Overview of functional requirements 8
2.2.4 Overview of data requirement 8
2.2.5 General constraints, assumptions dependencies, guidelines 9
2.2.6 User view of product 9
2.2.7 Hardware and Software requirements 9
3. System design description 10
3.1 Preliminary design 10
3.1.1 Layout of the system 10
3.1.2 About technology 11
3.1.3 Design considerations 13
3.2 Architectural strategies 13
3.2.1 The modules of the system 14
3.2.2 Interfaces 14
3.2.3 Dataflow diagrams 14
3.3 Detail system design 16
3.3.1 Use case diagram 16
3.3.2 DFD 17
3.3.3 E-R diagram 19

Mobile Anti Theft System

4. Implementation 20
4.1 Database module implementation 20
4.2 Core module implementation 23
4.3 Communication module implementation 24
4.4 Manifest File 26
5. Testing 28
5.1 Testing process 28
5.2 Testing objectives 28
5.3 Levels of testing 29
5.3.1 Unit testing 29
5.3.2 Integration testing 29
5.3.3 System testing 30
6. Conclusion and future work 32

Mobile Anti Theft System


1.1 Introduction
In today’s world cell phones play a very important role in everyone’s life? It provides
multiple options like voice and video conversation, GPS tracking system, multimedia and
internet usage. Radio signals are constantly being broadcasted by cell phones and hence can
trace a lost mobile. Mobile phone tracking system technology can be deployed in any GSM
supported handsets. All cell phones constantly send signals to its nearest towers hence it is
been possible to track a lost phone accurately. (Android, 2010)
Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS) is a project which is based on GPS satellite
tracking system which is been used by cars and road transport industry from years (Hou Rui,
2012). GSM phone tracking is likely to show the radius in which the phone is located but not
the exact place and even accuracy depends on factors like network coverage, landscape and
weather conditions also. When we couple GPS with Google maps the postal address of the
lost mobile can be found accurately.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

Mobile anti theft system is a project which helps us to track the location of the smart
phones. It consists of Android client application which will automatically send SMS when
SIM card is changed. Position tracker works on GPS (Global Positioning System) and GPRS.
When requested MATS will fetch latitude and longitude satellites and send it as a SMS,
moreover if mobile is connected to the internet it retrieves the postal address from Google
maps. (ZHANG Hao, 2011)
To recover lost mobile phones thus creating a fear psyche in thieves that they cannot
get away with mobile phones which means we can monitor any cell phone and helping those
who cannot afford to lose their expensive cell phones.

1.3 Literature Survey

Android is a new and very user friendly operating system for mobile devices which
includes key applications, middleware and even uses Linux Kernel modified version.
(Android, 2010)

Mobile Anti Theft System

It was primarily developed by Android Inc., soon after Google purchased it and
currently Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write codes in Java language and
the devices are controlled using Java libraries developed by Google. Google released most of
its android code using Apache License which is a free software and open source license.
(Shaun Whitehead, 2007)
Android devices are mostly mobile phones based. Android technology can be used in
other areas as well like PCs, car dashboards but mostly it is being used in phones right now
(Android Developers, 2007). In recent years mobile phones are capable of providing internet
access because of the trend like text messaging and Apple’s Iphone products. These days
smart phone which supports internet access is gaining more popularity. So it makes more
interesting working with android applications, which is an interesting technology as well as
fast moving market segment. (Milano, 2011)

1.3.1 What Androids Are Made Of

While writing applications on desktop, you are “master of your own domain”. You
can launch main window and no of child windows as in dialog boxes. From our viewpoint we
are on our own, features which are supported by OS, and mostly unaware of any other
programs running at same time. While there is no interaction between other programs we can
communicate with MySQL or any other database typically using an API like frameworks
atop it. Android has comparably same concepts packaged in a different way and structured
for crash-resistant. (Murphy, 2008)
Activity can be explained as building block of user interface. We can consider activity
as Android analogue for window or dialog in desktop application. It can even be possible that
activity not having a user interface, while the code packaged in the structure of services or
content providers.
Content Providers
For any data stored in a device Content Providers offer a level of abstraction which is
accessible by various applications. In android development it encourage us to make our own
data which can be accessed by other applications and even build our own content provider
which gives you a complete control over how that data can be accessed.

Mobile Anti Theft System

System messages which run inside the device, various applications notification such
as hardware changes like SD card inserted, notifications of incoming data like SMS arrived
and even application events are called as Intents. It doesn’t only allow you to respond to such
intents but also to initiate other activities or let know when particular event occurs such as
suggest WIFI availability when in range. (Murphy, 2008)
All the above stated Activities, intent receivers and content providers are all short
term and can be terminated any time whereas services are intended to run continuously
independent of other activities such as play music while using other applications, in here
music controlling is no longer available but the service keep running in the background.

1.3.2 Stuff at Your Disposal

Android based devices are generally with Internet ready. We can take benefit of
internet as we wish in any level from raw java sockets to built-in Web browser which is
based on Webkit.
Most of the android devices have access to GPS which can tell where the device is
exactly located on the earth using Google Maps. GPS also helps in locating the desired
location where we want to travel and even shows the places around us where we commonly
go in everyday life which makes it easy to travel otherwise can be to locate the device and its
movements in case the device is stolen (Murphy, 2008)
Phone Services
Android devices are similar to other phones which are typically used to make calls,
send SMS and can be used for multimedia applications to download music anytime anywhere
and games and everything else what we expect from a modern telephonic technology.

1.3.3 Why Android

 Zero start-up cost to begin development with
The tool required to develop any android applications is free of cost and
Google charge very small fee deal out application in the market. (Grell, 2010)

Mobile Anti Theft System

 Freedom to innovate
Android OS is an open source platform which is based on Linux kernel and
other open source libraries. Moreover are free to build applications which runs on
android devices and even free to extend platform as well. (Grell, 2010)
 Freedom to collaborate
Android developers are encouraged to share code with others and they don’t
even have to sign an NDA to do this. According to a survey conducted by Black Duck
Software, the amount of open source libraries and mobile applications grew at a rate
of 168% faster on Android compared to any other platform from year 2008-2009.
(Grell, 2010)
 Multi-platform support
Android OS are supported on several different hardware devices including
various phones and tablets.
 Multi-carrier support
Android powered smart phones are offered by most of the carrier services.

1.4 Motivation
Almost every owner of a costly mobile handset fears the nightmare of losing his
mobile phone. We have come across many middle class people losing costly mobiles and
unable to get back the same even with the help of police officers. And in INDIA there is no
system in place to help such people. Seeing their plight and the upcoming android platform
which promises to be present on ever upcoming handset

1.5 Statement of the Problem

Mobile anti theft system is a project which helps us to track the location of the
mobiles. It consists of an Android client application which will automatically send an SMS
when SIM card is changed. Position tracker works on GPS (Global Positioning System) and
GPRS. When requested MATS will fetch latitude and longitude satellites and send it as an
SMS moreover if mobile is connected to the internet it retrieves the postal address from
Google maps.

Mobile Anti Theft System

1.5.1 Problem Definition

When the mobile user loses his mobile phone, in INDIA as well as in many parts of
world there is no mechanism in place which can help the owner of the mobile recover his
mobile phone. Herein we propose to develop a system which is autonomous and intimates
with the owner via SMS when it detects SIM change.

1.5.2 Problem Explanation

As soon as the thief steals the mobile phone he tries to change the SIM card. This
means he has to switch off the phone and change it then reboot it.
On boot completion the system has to detect SIM card change and intimate the owner
(relative) about it. When the relative receives SMS intimating him about the SIM change he
precedes with further action whether to inform law enforcement authorities or extract the
location of the mobile or postal address of the mobile phone where it is present currently.

1.6 Objective of the Study

To recover lost mobile phones thus creating a fear psyche in thieves that they cannot
get away with mobile phones. Monetizing by helping poor chaps who could not afford to lose
a mobile phone. To touch as many human lives as much we can and receive their good

1.7 Limitations and Enhancements of Study

Our system can be installed on only mobile phones with Google android operating
system. Further on SIM change SMS can be received only if the thief’s SIM has enough
currency in it. To get the location of the mobile phone it needs to have GPS built in it. To get
the postal address the mobile should have GPS as well as GPRS and be connected to the
Further improvement of the system can perform the following functionalities.
 Functionality of our system can be extended so that when requested it sends the recent
call log through which the owner can contact the recently dialled numbers of thief and
get to know more about the thief.

Mobile Anti Theft System

 We proposed to add a functionality later wherein the owner of the mobile can retrieve
his data stored on the mobile via internet and can add or delete his personal data on
the phone

1.8 Organization of the Report

In this report we have briefly described about the introduction of our project. How it
works, its limitations, future enhancements. We have also explained about system
requirements and specification in which we have specified about the users and their
characteristics, Product Perspective , overview of functional requirements and data
requirements, general constraints, assumptions dependencies, guidelines ,the user view of
product use and hardware and s/w requirements. We have also explained about system
Design description in which we describe about the layout of the mobile anti theft
system, technologies used, design considerations, modules of the system, interfaces, data
flow diagrams and the detail system design. We have also explained about module
implementations and different testing processes.

Mobile Anti Theft System


2.1 Purpose of this Document

The idea of whole document is to represent bounded physical representation of body
of information what we designed have the capacity to communicate or not. This document
contains diagrammatic, symbolic and sensory-representational information of the whole
project. This document produces an artefact by collecting and representing information. This
document helps the user to understand about the project in a lucid manner. The
documentation gives an overview of functional requirements and data requirements. This
document explains hardware and software Requirements, user view of product use, general
constraints and guidelines of a project.
Documentation is nothing but a method of communicating what the whole project is
about. Objective, realistic and complete are the important factors kept in mind while writing
satisfactory documentation. So adequacy of the project is not based on length, format,
complexity or volume. No standardized documentation is described to write for projects. The
whole process of implementation, operation of system and development is based on a proper
documentation. Documentation helps in different ways like maintaining the project and also
reference to the user like at any point any help required about the project, it can be
understood by having a look at the documentation.
Documentation can also be done by embedding proper comments in the executable
code of the modules. Parenthesis, spaces, blank lines along with suitable loops around the
comments block were used to improve the readability.

2.2 General Description

2.2.1 Users and Their Characteristics
Owner of the mobile phone will install our software, start our application enter his
alternate number his name and password and then commit it into database. When he loses his
mobile he waits for a SMS from MATS. When he receives that SMS now he starts the
correspondence with MATS via requesting for location or postal address etc. (Victor Matos,

Mobile Anti Theft System

Relative of owner can request for location as well even though the mobile is lost or
not, he acts as a master to our MATS system. Suppose in a scenario wherein the thief hasn’t
changed the SIM relative can request for location etc.
Thief changes the SIM of mobile phone as soon as possible and reboots the system.
On reboot our system is triggered then intimation is sent to relative.

2.2.2 Product Perspective

MATS would be widely used as people are concerned about their mobile phones.
Moreover the software needs very less memory and the package can be downloaded over
internet. This system could be used by concerned parents to track their children at that
moment of time without their notice. Employers can track employees as well. (Shaun
Whitehead, 2007)
A little modification along with web interface would make this a tracking application.

2.2.3 Overview of Functional Requirements

Input requirement is a Mobile with GPS and GPRS facility. It should be a Google
Android OS mobile. The mobile will have software installed in it.
On SIM change it shall alert the alternate number via SMS. And when requested it
would send GPS co-ordinates as well as postal address if requested. Everything would
happen in stealth mode without notice to the user.

2.2.4 Overview of Data Requirements

MATS has to be fed with IMSI number , alternate phone number and password so that
whenever the phone is rebooted it checks with the one present in database and the one
present. If it’s different from the actual present then number of steps involved is discussed
After fetching GPS co-ordinates from satellite, our system would check if the mobile
is connected to internet. If yes then mobile would send those GPS co-ordinates to GOOGLE
MAPS and fetch the postal address from Google maps. This postal address would be sent to
owners other no. via SMS (ZHANG Hao, 2011). There is no ATS system in market which
would send complete postal address on being stolen. All other systems would send only GPS

Mobile Anti Theft System

2.2.5 General Constraints, Assumptions Dependencies, Guidelines

There is no such constraint for development of this project. But still there is constraint
which is the connection or interfacing the network between the PC terminal and mobile
phone .The major aspect here is as we are dependent on Google map. The entire project will
be executed by using GPRS and GPS mechanism as a request for all the operation claimed
for the functional aspect of this project. (Elliott D. Kaplan, 2006)
Certain situation is being considered for the project to be in working condition:
 When registering a SIM, it should be present in the mobile.
 When registering a new SIM, one SMS would be sent before we register a new SIM.
 To get the postal address the thief has to have internet enabled on his SIM.
 Assumption is that the thief would change the SIM card without formatting the phone,
if he formats the phone then our software will not be available and thus can’t help to
do so.
 We assume that thief’s SIM card has enough currency for sending an SMS.

2.2.6 User View of Product

Once installed the software, user don’t have to reopen the software every time and
check the details. Only if the SIM is changed then the software would do the activities in
stealth mode without the user notice. Only interface with the system is during registration of
SIM in database. Since our system is based on GOOGLE Android operating system our
system would send the complete address (postal address) as to where the mobile is which
makes it easy to trace the lost mobile. So once the software is installed and details of the user
are entered the software would have no contact with the user and it does its work in
background without disturbing the user which makes it user friendly.

2.2.7 Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements
1. Mobile phones with ARM processor, GPS and GPRS support.
Software Requirements
1. Google Android OS 1.5
2. Sqllite database

Mobile Anti Theft System


3.1 Preliminary Design

The Mobile Anti theft project contains 3 modules.
 Database Module
This module is used to fetch the real data from user and store into database using
SQLLite. In this module first user interface where user provides SIM IMSI number and
alternate number then click submit button. Next it will store information in the database. The
users can fetch the information from database to bind user interface control.
 User can enter name, alternate number and IMSI number.
 User can change the alternate number and IMSI number.
 Communication Module
This application needs to be installed on mobile. The software helps us to obtain the
current location of the phone using GPS facility and retrieve postal address with GOOGLE
Maps using GPRS facility.
 Core Module
We are using an Android OS service which will be acting as a communicator between
device app and SQLLITE Server database in Phone.
This service will receive information as data and store in the database. This service
starts automatically in stealth mode and check the SIM IMSI Number with the database.If
SIM IMSI Number does not match with the database, it sends a SMS to alternate number
stating that SIM has changed else reboot normally. It always checks the SMS whether SMS
contains query string that start with MATS or not?
If SMS contains query string then it will respond with the result in stealth mode
(means thief does not know about the message).

3.1.1 Layout of the System

The web application module consists of four sub modules. The first sub module is
designing a login page which is used by the user to enter the username and password. This is
done using drag and drop options. The second sub module is designing the home page which
consists of a Google map and also the options such as refresh, sign out and a drop down list

Mobile Anti Theft System

in which we can select the specific user whose location has to be retrieved. The third sub
module is to establish a connection between the login page and the home page. Last sub
module is to retrieve the location of a specific user from the server and to display it.
The web service module consists of four sub modules. The first sub module is
hosting the web application to the server. Second sub module is to obtain the latitude and
longitude values from the mobile phones and store it in the database of the server. Third sub
module is to convert the obtained values from the mobile phone using XML. Next module is
to send the location of a specific user as requested to the system user.
The mobile application module consists of four sub modules. The first module is the
designing of the login page. Second module is to get and set the username and password. The
third module is to design a timer which will refresh after every 5 minutes. The final module is
to update the latitude and longitude values to the server every 5 minutes.

3.1.2 About Technology

“Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in
system which is primarily written in Java and Java applications can be created using this”
(Burnette, 2005) Using plug-ins it can be written in other languages also like COBOL, C,
C++, PHP and many others. The IDE can be called as Eclipse PDT for PHP, Eclipse JDT for
java and Eclipse CDT for C. (Burnette, 2005)
Eclipse is open source and free software that can be used for multi-language software
development. Initially the code was derived from Visual age. Default form of eclipse is meant
for java developers which consisted of Java Development Tools (JDT).
“Java is a programming language developed originally by James Gosling at Sun
Microsystems which was released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems under
Java platform.” (Danny B. Lange, 1998)
The syntax of java is derived from C and C++ and has a simpler object model and
intermediate byte code which can be run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) independent of
the architecture. It is a “write once and run anywhere” code so can be run on any machine
which has java in it which means platform independent. Java is a general purpose object
oriented, concurrent and class based model and is developed specially to have very less
implementation dependencies possible. Java is the language which is attracted by many

Mobile Anti Theft System

developers in this 20th century and used widely in web applications and application software.
(Danny B. Lange, 1998)
“XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) consists of set of rules for encoding
documents electronically and is defined in XML 1.0 Specification formed by W3C, all gratis
open standards.” (Tim Bray, 2006)
XML’s aims are to lay emphasis on usability, generality, and simplicity over the
Internet. XML is written in textual data format, and supported via Unicode. Even though
XML’s designs focuses on documents, it’s broadly used for representing arbitrary data
structures, such as web services. (Tim Bray, 2006)
Google Maps are the basic web mapping service technology and application provided
by Google, free of cost for non commercial use which powers map based services which
includes Google Maps, Google Transit, Google Ride Finder and maps which are embedded
on third-party applications via Google Maps API. (Victor Matos, 2010)
It offers services like street maps, navigation planner for travelling from source to
destination by foot, car or any public transport and even helps in locating shops, restaurants ,
cinema and many other across the world.
SQLlite system is a relatively small c programming library. The source code for
SQLlite is available in public domain. SQLlite is inbuilt in android operating system.
GPRS technology is most commonly used to transfer data (information) through
wireless network. GPRS can be found most commonly these days in smart phones, mini
computers, PDA’s which enables to access email, websites and other internet related
information. With the help of GPRS anyone can access internet anywhere to enjoy their
favourite sites as well as applications like Facebook, twitter, Skype and even multimedia like
music videos, games and many more. (Reynolds, 2008)
GPRS is packet based technology which means data is transferred over the network as
a series of “packets “on numerous paths rather than using a permanent bit-stream on a
dedicated line like dial-up. In GPRS technology when packets are sent through a network it
splits into separate information from the source and are reassembled correctly on receiving
end. (Reynolds, 2008)

Mobile Anti Theft System

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based routing structure made up of a
24 satellites network placed in the orbit by U.S. Department of Defence. It was initially
proposed for military applications, but government announced availability of system for
civilian use in 1980’s. GPS works anywhere in the world in any weather conditions 24/7. No
setup charges or subscription fees to use GPS. (Elliott D. Kaplan, 2006)

3.1.3 Design Considerations

 IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) number of the SIM.
 Alternate number of the Owner.
 Name of the Owner.
 Pre-defined text that will send to alternate number when SIM will change.
 SMS that contain query string.
 Text message stating that SIM has changed.
 GPS Location of phone.
 Postal Address of the phone.

3.2 Architectural Strategies

Fig 1: Functions in the project

Mobile Anti Theft System

3.2.1 The Modules of the System

There are totally 3 modules. They are
1. Database Module
This module is used to fetch the real data from user and store into database
using SQLLite. In this module first user interface where user provides SIM IMSI
number and alternate number then click submit button. Next it will store information
in the database. The users can fetch the information from database to bind user
interface control.
 User can enter name, alternate number and IMSI number.
 User can change the alternate number and IMSI number.
2. Communication Module
This application needs to be installed on mobile. The software helps us to
obtain the current location of the phone using GPS facility and retrieve postal address
with GOOGLE Maps using GPRS facility.
3. Core Module
We are using an Android OS service which will be acting as a communicator
between device app and SQLLITE Server database in Phone. This service will receive
information as data and store in the database. This service starts automatically in
stealth mode and check the SIM IMSI Number with the database. If SIM IMSI
Number does not match with the database, it sends a SMS to alternate number stating
that SIM has changed else reboot normally.

3.2.2 Interfaces
The web application module is being authenticated and it is hosted on the web server
module. Similarly the mobile application module also be hosted on to the web server module.
On receiving the input from the mobile application module the web server module processes
and thus the output is displayed in the web application module

3.2.3 Dataflow Diagrams

Data flow model is a perceptive way of showing how the data is processed in a
system. It is also known as a process of documenting, modelling and identifying how the data
should move around information system. Data flow model examines stored data, processes

Mobile Anti Theft System

which transform data from one form to another, external entities which sends information
onto a system and from the system and dataflow i.e. route in which data flows. Notations
used in data flow model symbolize data movements, data storage and functional processing
between the functions. These models describe the way data goes during sequence of steps.
Transformation of data is done at each step before going to next stage. These transformation
or processing steps are program functions whereas data flow models are used in documenting
a system design.
With the help of data flow model any user can understand how system operates,
accomplished and implemented. To design more efficient system old dataflow models can be
compared with new dataflow models drawn. Dataflow models are used to help the end user
understand the whole system and how and where their data is being utilized. Various
modelling rules are kept in mind while developing any DFD which are as follows:
 Each process should contain one data for flow in and flow out.
 Every process should transform the data which is incoming and produce new form of
data which is going out.
 Every data which is stored must involve in one data flow at least.
 External entity should be concerned with one data flow at least.

Fig 2: Data flow diagram (SmartDraw)

Mobile Anti Theft System

3.3 Detail System Design

3.3.1 Use Case Diagram
Use case diagram here shows the roles of all the people involved in this project. Here
in our project we consider 3 cases they are owner, relative and thief.

Fig 3: Use case diagram

From the above use case diagram we know that the owner can register the details in
the database when software is installed and at any point can retrieve the details and if
necessary can change it accordingly and relative receives SMS, GPS co-ordinates and postal
address whenever the change of SIM is done and thief doesn’t play a role in this but he is
related with changing SIM and rebooting as soon it’s done, relative of the owner will get the
details accordingly.

Mobile Anti Theft System

3.3.2 DFD
Foreground is nothing but what user interface of this application includes. Whenever
the user invokes the application it asks for login and if the user is new then it asks to create
account. After creating account user can provide all the details and never open the application
again and if necessary then he can access it using the login details and only the owner can
change the details if necessary. And the application will run on every boot without the users

Fig 4: Foreground application DFD

The actual process running in the background is not known to the user. He just enters
the details requires and saves the application. Whenever the system is rebooted the process
checks for the saved IMSI and if it’s same as the stored then it doesn’t start any events. In
case if the IMSI stored is not same as current IMSI the application will act and series of
events will occur without the knowledge or without giving any hint it sends SMS to the
alternative number stored by the owner.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Fig 5: Background process DFD

Mobile Anti Theft System

3.3.3 E-R Diagram

E-R diagram defines the relationship between entities. Here in our case we have 5
entities and below in the figure we have shown the relationship between the entities.

Fig 6: E-R diagram of the model

Mobile Anti Theft System


Implementation means to carry out or to put into effect. The implementation phase of
the system of any software is to obtain source code from the design specifications.
Implementation becomes necessary to obtain source code and related internal documentation
required to understand the system and be demonstrated easily. Documentation and code is
written in a way so that testing, debugging and modification become easy.
Post-implementation is nothing but an evaluation in which we can verify that
objectives of the project is met completely and to check if actual cost of the project does not
go beyond initial evaluation. It can be even stated as review about the problems which need
to be converted for the success of the project.
Once implementation and conversion is done, review is conducted to check whether
the system meets all the expectations and is changed if any improvements are required. Post
implementation also measures performance of the system against pre-determined necessities
and also checks if any modification or re-design necessary.

4.1 Database Module Implementation

Here in this module we develop a database using sqllite database which has one
relation to store name, password, IMSI, relatives’ phone number. We connect to sqllite
database through java and commit values into database. Again when the phone is rebooted
this database is opened and queried for IMSI number if it matches then we close it else we
fetch relatives phone number and send an SMS to that number.

A.1 Database Module (Database Adapter)

A.1.1 open ()
public synchronized SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase()
This is user defined function which helps in opening connection to the database. It
contains the method getWritableDatabase().
It is used to create or/and open database which is used for writing and reading. Once
successfully database is opened it will be cached and can be called whenever any write
operation to be done on database. When no longer we need it, can be closed by call close ( ).

Mobile Anti Theft System

Errors like full disk or bad permission may occur and can cause fail of operation but if
problem is fixed future attempts can be made to call open (). (GrepCode)

A.1.2 close ()
public synchronized void close()
It is used to close the database which is already open so that resources are released.

A.1.3 createNote(name,password,imsi,phoneNo.)
public long insert (String table, String nullCoumnHack, ContentValues values)
This is user defined function which is used to create an entry in the database.

Table 1: parameters during creating an entry in database (Android Developers, 2007)

ID of the new row inserted or -1 incase error occurs.

A.1.4 deleteNote(id)
public int delete (String table, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
This is user defined function is used to delete an entry in the database. Convenient
method in database for deleting rows.

Table 2: parameters during deleting an entry in database (Android, 2010)

Mobile Anti Theft System

“Number of rows affected if a whereClause is passed in, 0 otherwise. To remove all
rows and get a count pass "1" as the whereClause.” (Android Developers, 2007)

A.1.5 fetchNote(id)
public Cursor query (String table, String[] columns, String selection, String[] selectionA
rgs, String groupBy,String having, String orderBy)
User defined function which is used to fetch an entry from the database. Queries the
table given and returns the cursor on result set.

Table 3: parameters used for fetching an entry in database

Cursor object positioned before the first entry

Mobile Anti Theft System

4.2 Core Module Implementation

This module is related to user interface. Getting user input , validating it and then
connecting to database module to commit the same if already registered user has to enter
valid password to gain access to interface.

A.2 Core Module (Anti Theft Class)

A.2.1 storeIntoDb()
This function connects to database module and uses its API’s via createNote() to store
data .

A.2.2 validate()
This function validates the user input checks for null values.

A.2.3 init()
This function initializes views of user interface view means buttons, textbox etc.

A.2.4 onClickListener()
This interface listens for the button click event and performs the action specified.

A.2.5 btnSubmit
This button when clicked calls the function storeIntoDb() through the interface
onClickListener() which store data present in the views.

A.2.6 btnCancel
This button when clicked cancels the activity and closes the application.

Mobile Anti Theft System

4.3 Communication Module Implementation

This module deals with communication. It intimates the relative on sim change,
responds to incoming SMS, gets the GPS co-ordinates and sends it to the relative, connects to
internet sends the GPS co-ordinates to Google maps and gets the postal address from it and
forwards it to the relatives phone number. The communication here is with satellites, with
other mobile phone and on internet.


A.3.1 smsReceived class
This class extends broadcastReceiver class. broadcastReceiver class receives the
system wide events . smsReceived class is invoked when when an sms is received. When this
class is executed it check if the SMS starts with a particular string if so then it proceeds
execution else it stops.

A.3.2 onReceive()
public abstract void onReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
When Intent broadcast is being received by a BroadcastReciever, this process will be
called. During this moment the present result values on BroadcastReciever can be
viewed/modified using other methods. Long-run operations should never be performed
because functions are called in the main thread of the process (system allows 10 seconds
timeout before considering blocking of the receiver and killing the candidate).
If <receiver> tag is used to launch BroadcastReciever, object dies immediately after
returning from the function. So no operations should be performed which returns the result
asynchronously. So in order to interact with services, instead of using bindService(Intent,
ServiceConnection, int) we can use startService(Intent) to interact with already running
service. We also use peekService(Content, Intent) (Developers, Android).

Table 4: parameters used for onrecieve function.

Mobile Anti Theft System

A.3.3 smsManager class

This constructor is used to check the instance and message as well as phone number
of the sender. This class takes care of sending text, data and pdu SMS. It’s a static method of
calling object.

A.3.4 startActivity()
public abstract void startActivity (Intent intent)
It launches an activity. No information will be received of the activity when it exists.
Note, if it’s been called outside Activity Context, then FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
launch flag should be included with the intent. (Andriod developers)
If no activity exists for given Intent then its throws ActivityNotFound Exception.

A.3.5 getOriginatingAddress ( )method:

public String getOriginatingAddress ()
Returns the sender address of SMS in string form or NULL if not available.

A.3.6 smsRespond class:

This class gets the gps co-ordinates and sends an sms to the sender of an sms.

A.3.7 location class

This class gets the GPS co-ordinates from GPS receiver on the mobile.
Location.getlatitude and location.getlongitude methods are used to get the co-ordinates.

A.3.8 locationManager class

System location services can be accessed using this class. Using this service
applications get updates periodically about device geographical location
This class is not initiated directly instead it is retrieved by calling

Mobile Anti Theft System

4.4 Manifest File

This file contains all the components of the application their attributes etc. All
Android application will have AndroidManifest.xml file in its root directory. All the
information about the application should be presented to android which is done by this
manifest file, so that the application can run successfully on android. What the manifest file
does is explained below
 It creates java package name for application which acts as a unique identifier.
 It describes the components such as services, receivers, activities, broadcast and
content providers which are collected in application and also the names of classes
which employ all components and publish their capability such as which Intent can
they handle.
 It also determines which process host application components.
 It declares permissions in order to access protected space of API and also with which
applications it can interact.
 And also declares permission in order for other applications to interact with its
 The minimum level of API that the android applications require.
 Lists linked libraries of that particular application.

<application> tag
This is a container tag which defines the application components viz services,
activities, receivers, content providers and permissions.

<service> tag
Service is declared as application components. Services doesn’t have visual user
interface like activities. These services run in background or as a rich API which can be
called by other applications. In manifest file all the services should be represented the one
which are not tagged will not run at all.

<activity> tag
Activity is a part of the visual user interface which implements parts of the
application. Same as service it should be represented in manifest file or else will not be run.

Mobile Anti Theft System

<receiver> tag
It declares broadcast receiver as application components. These receivers allow
applications to accept intents which are broadcasted by system or any other applications, even
if other components are not running,
This can be done in 2 ways either by declaring it in manifest file or by dynamically
creating receiver in code and registering with Context.registerReceiver() method.

<uses-permission> tag
This tag is used to get permission in order to correct operation of any application.
These permissions are granted while installing a application not when it’s running already.

Mobile Anti Theft System



5.1 Testing Process

After designing phase there is the coding phase. In this phase, every module identified
and specified in the design document is independently Coded and Unit is tested .Unit testing
(or module testing) is the testing of different units or modules of a system. In this phase, the
physical design of the system is converted into the logical programming language.
(Oladimeji, 2007)

Fig 6: Levels of testing [ (Ste, 2002)]

5.2 Testing Objectives

The coding for the Drug Accessor is done in java, jsp, struts and Daffodil server
before starting of the coding; we have tried to follow some coding standards and Guidelines.
The coding standards are: -
 Naming standards for the java Classes and variables etc.
 Screen design standards.

Mobile Anti Theft System

 Validation and checks that need to be implemented.

The Guidelines are: -
 Code should be well documented.
 Coding style should be simple.
 Length of function should be short.

5.3 Levels of Testing

5.3.1 Unit Testing
In this, the programs that made up the system were tested. This is also called as
program testing. This level of testing focuses on the modules, independently of one another.
Unit testing is conducted to check if individual modules are working correctly. In unit
testing, code testing strategy is adopted which initially examines the logic of the program and
all the syntax errors will be checked for, during the development process itself. In this test
case every instruction or module is checked in the program i.e. during testing every path is
checked and even the loops. In this case we take random values and check if the program
executes properly. Unit testing includes a detailed explanation of test cases, management of
test cases and testing criteria. (Lambert M. Surhone, 2010)
User Input
In User interface the data entry is done through GUI and tested. Each element is
tested for valid range and invalid range of data.
Error Handling
In this system we have tried to handle all the errors that are occurred while running
the GUI forms. The common errors we saw are reading the empty record and displaying a
compiler message, etc.
We have handled errors using exception handling. Many errors have been handled using
try catch blocks provided by java. Most of the errors occurred while committing data into
database these have been handled with utmost care.

5.3.2 Integration Testing

In this process of testing all the modules which are developed by different people are
integrated using an integration plan. Integration plan is nothing but the plan which is used to
combine all the small modules together to recognize the full system. In this methodology the

Mobile Anti Theft System

modules are checked after every partly integrated system is combined. Integration testing
mainly checks for interfaces between units. (John Watkins, 2011)
Module dependency graph is the most significant factor which monitors the
integration plan. The way of different modules calling each other in an order explains the
module dependency graph. Structured chart is also a form of module dependency graph. So
we can develop integration plan based on structure chart using any of the following
 Big-bang approach.
 Top-down approach.
 Bottom-up approach.
 Mixed approach.

Bottom up Integration Testing

In this methodology, every subsystem is tested distinctly and after integration the
complete system is tested. Subsystem consists of several modules that communicate which
each other using well defined interfaces.” (Pusuluri, 2008) The key purpose of testing every
subsystem is to check the interface between various modules; here both the data and control
interface is tested. The primary benefit of bottom-up integration testing is that numerous
separate subsystems are tested concurrently and the disadvantage of this approach is the
complexity involved because of the large number of small subsystems.
In Main module, individual programs are tested initially then after obtaining
successful results we moved on further for integration. After integrating certain parts it’s
tested again until we obtained the good results later on the whole system is combined and
tested for system testing. (Pusuluri, 2008)

5.3.3 System Testing

System testing is the process in which the overall system is checked if the interactions
between components are working properly. It is also used to find inconsistencies between
specification and implementations. It also involves reliability, performance, load and security
In this stage the system is checked experimentally so that all the user requirements are
fulfilled. The testing of system takes places in different levels to ensure that system is free
from failure. System testing is usually done by the test team who ensures the complete

Mobile Anti Theft System

working of the system. (Glenford J. Myers, 2012) System testing is usually performed on
system test machines in simulated environments like VMware. System is provided to the user
for entry validations and the values are provided to ensure the correctness at each and every
stage. The values are provided to user to make sure he doesn’t enter unrelated data. These
tests are done to make sure it produces correct outputs. All the output was checked and was
found to be correct. After checking for all the tests, sessions are conducted for feedback and
sent finally for acceptance test. Finally system gets accepted and is checked with live data.
There are actually 3 different kinds of system testing they are
 Alpha testing- This type of testing is actually carried out by a test team related
with organization
 Beta testing- This type of testing is carried out by a selected group of
 Acceptance testing- This test is carried out by the customer to decide whether
to accept the system delivery or not.

Mobile Anti Theft System



Existing Mobile Anti Theft Systems can only send SMS and details about SIM and GPS
co-ordinates when theft is detected.
On theft detection our system would send an SMS to the owner alerting him of the
phone number of the thief without the knowledge of thief in stealth mode.Then our system
would retrieve GPS co-ordinates from satellites and then send a second SMS. Then MATS
(Mobile Anti theft system) would connect to internet and send those GPS co-ordinates to
GOOGLE MAPs and then using Google maps API, it would retrieve the postal address of the
stolen phone and send it as an SMS to the relatively stored number. This functionality is not
found on any of the existing anti-theft system.
After I phone this is the rage in US markets. Lately it’s catching up in INDIA; many
handset manufacturers are porting this OS for their handsets, which means that our system
will be needful on these handsets. Chinese are implementing this OS which again means in
increased user base. Application development is using java language which is powerful.
The kernel of the OS is derived from Linux.
For a company is into transportation, can track their vehicles easily by checking
online anytime from anywhere. This solution also contains a chatting mechanism where
administrator or user can chat with each other to pass information.
Future work of the system can perform the following functionalities. The developed
and previously tested functionalities can be modified later with more user-friendly functions
to make the system more useful.
Now the application is working for Device application. Maintaining Share price
details as a localized system and accessing the details anywhere in the world. Later we can
implement some telecom concepts, so that the user will get the information about the
activities of the company in a mobile device. As technology and requirements are changing
day by day, we can add more functionality and we can implement the system with new
requirements. The system is designed in such a way that it is flexible to change any further
requirements Prescribed by the user.

Mobile Anti Theft System

1. Andriod developers. (n.d.). public abstract class. Retrieved 03 26, 2012, from
content: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Context.html

2. Android. (2010, 11 03). Retrieved 3 24, 2012, from New Android Market for Phones:

3. Android Developers. (2007, 12 17). what is Andoid. Retrieved 03 29, 2012, from

4. Burnette, E. (2005). Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

5. Danny B. Lange, O. M. (1998). Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents

Aglets. Boston, MA, USA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.

6. Developers, Android. (n.d.). BroadcastReceiver. Retrieved 3 25, 2012, from public

abstract class:

7. Elliott D. Kaplan, C. J. (2006). Understanding GPS: Principles And Applications.


8. Glenford J. Myers, C. S. (2012). The Art of Software Testing. New Jersey: John Wiley
and Sons.

9. Grell, G. (2010). Introduction to Android Development. 12.

10. GrepCode. (n.d.). android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper. Retrieved 03 18, 2012,

from com.google.android / android:

11. Hou Rui, J. Z. (2012). Andriod OS & Symbian OS. Security Mechanism Analysis of
Open-Source , 4.

12. John Watkins, S. M. (2011). Testing It: An Off-the-Shelf Software Testing Process.

13. Lambert M. Surhone, M. T. (2010). Unit Testing. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K.

14. Milano, D. T. (2011). Android Application Testing Guide. Birmingham: Packt

Publishing LTD.

15. Murphy, M. L. (2008). The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development. United States
of America: CommonsWare, LLC.

16. Oladimeji, P. (2007). Levels of Testing. Levels of Testing , 30.

Mobile Anti Theft System

17. Pusuluri, N. R. (2008). Software Testing Concepts And Tools. Delhi: Dreamtech Press.

18. Reynolds, F. (2008). Smart Phones. A Call for Innovation , 7.

19. Shaun Whitehead, J. M. (2007). IN SAFE HANDS: A Review of Mobile Phone Anti-theft
Designs. Loughborough: S. Whitehead et al.

20. Shi-Cheng, Z. (2009). Development and Research of Application Based on Google

Android. Computer Knowledge and Technology , 28.

21. SmartDraw. (n.d.). What are Data Flow Diagrams? Retrieved april 12, 2012, from
Software Design Tutorials: http://www.smartdraw.com/resources/tutorials/data-

22. Ste, R. D. (2002). Systematic software testing. USA: Artech House .

23. Tim Bray, C. M.-M. (2006). Extensible Markup Language (XML).

24. Victor Matos, R. G. (2010). Building applications for the Android OS mobile platform:
a primer and course materials.

25. ZHANG Hao, C. S.-y. (2011). Implementation of Mobile Phone Anti-theft Tracking
Based on Android. 05.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Appendix A: Mobile Anti Theft Snapshots

Snapshot of the virtual machine in which mobile anti-theft system is running. In here
we enter the alternative number and we even have the option of email also wherein not only
the message to the mobile but also email will be sent.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Snapshot of the Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS) after installing in a Android based
phone. Here we can add the contact and email address of the recipient (friend/ relative) who
gets the details if the SIM is changed.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Appendix B: Primary Research

Mobile Anti Theft System

Mobile Anti Theft System

Mobile Anti Theft System

Appendix c: Interim Report

In today’s world cell phones play a very important role in everyone’s life. It provides
multiple options like voice and video conversation, GPS tracking system, multimedia and
internet usage. Radio signals are constantly being broadcasted by cell phones and hence can
trace a lost mobile. Mobile phone tracking system technology can be deployed in any GSM
supported handsets. All cell phones constantly send signals to its nearest towers hence it is
been possible to track a lost phone accurately.

Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS) is a project which is based on GPS satellite
tracking system which is been used by cars and road transport industry from years. GSM
phone tracking is likely to show the radius in which the phone is located but not the exact
place and even accuracy depends on factors like network coverage, landscape and weather
conditions also. When we couple GPS with Google maps the postal address of the lost mobile
can be found accurately.


Mobile anti theft system is a project which helps us to track the location of the smart
phones. It consists of Android client application which will automatically send SMS when
SIM card is changed (Shi-Cheng, 2009). Position tracker works on GPS (Global Positioning
System) and GPRS. When requested MATS will fetch latitude and longitude satellites and
send it as a SMS, moreover if mobile is connected to the internet it retrieves the postal
address from Google maps. (ZHANG Hao, 2011)

To recover lost mobile phones thus creating a fear psyche in thieves that they cannot
get away with mobile phones. Monetizing by helping poor chaps who cannot afford to lose a
cell phone.

Android is a new and very user friendly operating system for mobile devices which
includes key applications, middleware and even uses Linux Kernel modified version.

It was primarily developed by Android Inc., soon after Google purchased it and
currently Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write codes in Java language and
the devices are controlled using Java libraries developed by Google. Google released most of
its android code using Apache License which is a free software and open source license.

Existing system
Existing systems send only SMS about SIM details and GPS co-ordinates when theft is

Proposed system
On theft detection our system would send an SMS to the owner alerting him of the
phone number of the thief without the knowledge of thief in stealth mode.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Then our system would retrieve GPS co-ordinates from satellites and then send a
second SMS. Then MATS (Mobile Anti theft system) would connect to internet and send
those GPS co-ordinates to GOOGLE MAPs and then using google maps API, it would
retrieve the postal address and send it as an SMS.
This functionality is not found on any of the existing anti-theft system.
After I phone this is the rage in US markets. Lately it’s catching up in INDIA; many
handset manufacturers are porting this OS for their handsets, which means that our system
will be needful on these handsets. Chinese are implementing this OS which again means in
increased user base. Application development is using java language which is powerful.
The kernel of the OS is derived from Linux.

“Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in
system which is primarily written in Java and Java applications can be created using this”
(Burnette, 2005) Using plug-ins it can be written in other languages also like COBOL, C,
C++, PHP and many others. The IDE can be called as Eclipse PDT for PHP, Eclipse JDT for
java and Eclipse CDT for C. (Burnette, 2005)

Eclipse is open source and free software that can be used for multi-language software
development. Initially the code was derived from Visual age. Default form of eclipse is meant
for java developers which consisted of Java Development Tools (JDT).

“Java is a programming language developed originally by James Gosling at Sun
Microsystems which was released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems under
Java platform.” (Danny B. Lange, 1998)

The syntax of java is derived from C and C++ and has a simpler object model and
intermediate byte code which can be run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) independent of
the architecture. It is a “write once and run anywhere” code so can be run on any machine
which has java in it which means platform independent. Java is a general purpose object
oriented, concurrent and class based model and is developed specially to have very less
implementation dependencies possible. Java is the language which is attracted by many
developers in this 20th century and used widely in web applications and application software.
(Danny B. Lange, 1998)

“XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) consists of set of rules for encoding
documents electronically and is defined in XML 1.0 Specification formed by W3C, all gratis
open standards.” (Tim Bray, 2006)

XML’s aims are to lay emphasis on usability, generality, and simplicity over the
Internet. XML is written in textual data format, and supported via Unicode. Even though
XML’s designs focuses on documents, it’s broadly used for representing arbitrary data
structures, such as web services. (Tim Bray, 2006)

Mobile Anti Theft System


Google Maps are the basic web mapping service technology and application provided
by Google, free of cost for non commercial use which powers map based services which
includes Google Maps, Google Transit, Google Ride Finder and maps which are embedded
on third-party applications via Google Maps API. (Victor Matos, 2010)

It offers services like street maps, navigation planner for travelling from source to
destination by foot, car or any public transport and even helps in locating shops, restaurants ,
cinema and many other across the world.

SQLlite system is a relatively small c programming library. The source code for
SQLlite is available in public domain. SQLlite is inbuilt in android operating system.

Burnette, E. (2005). Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Danny B. Lange, O. M. (1998). Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents Aglets. Boston, MA,
USA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.

Shi-Cheng, Z. (2009). Development and Research of Application Based on Google Android. Computer
Knowledge and Technology , 28.

Tim Bray, C. M.-M. (2006). Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Victor Matos, R. G. (2010). Building applications for the Android OS mobile platform: a primer and
course materials.

ZHANG Hao, C. S.-y. (2011). Implementation of Mobile Phone Anti-theft Tracking Based on Android.

Mobile Anti Theft System

Project Proposal

Student Number 1032499

Student Name Ajay Shetty

Degree Course MSc computer science

Supervisor Name Feng Dong

Title of Project Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS)

Mobile anti theft system MATS is the project based on
Description of your artefact GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite tracking
system that has been used for number of the years by
cars and road transport industry.
Existing systems send only SMS about SIM details
and GPS co-ordinates when theft is detected
On theft detection our system would send an SMS to
the owner alerting him of the phone number of the thief
without the knowledge of thief in stealth mode.
Then our system would retrieve GPS co-ordinates from
satellites and then send a second SMS.
Then MATS (Mobile Anti theft system) would connect
to internet and send those GPS co-ordinates to
GOOGLE MAPs and then using Google maps API, it
would retrieve the postal address and send it as
an SMS.

What methodology (structured After fetching GPS co-ordinates from satellite, our
process) will you be following to system would check if the mobile is connected to
realise your artefact? internet. If yes then mobile would send those GPS co-
ordinates to GOOGLE MAPS and fetch the postal
address from Google maps. This postal address would
be sent to owners other no. via SMS.

How does your project relate to This project is associated with my course as mentioned
your degree course and build upon above that I m doing MSc in Computer Science. I learnt
the units/knowledge you have Java and database related subjects which gave me a
studied/acquired idea of what I can do using it.

GOOGLE Android operating system 1.5.
Resources Eclipse IDE with Java Plug-in.
ADT Plug-in for Eclipse.
Android SDK.
Have you completed & submitted
your ethics form?

Mobile Anti Theft System


Form for Research Ethics Projects (CATSethicsform)

1. Student Name Ajay Shetty

2. Student Number: 1032499

3. Degree Pathway MSc Computer Science

4. Supervisor’s name Feng Dong

5. Email [email protected]

6. Working title of the project Mobile Anti Theft System (MATS)

SECTION A Proposal

Please summarise below the ethical issues involved in the research proposal and how they will be
addressed. In any proposal involving human participant’s clear explanation of how informed consent
will be obtained, how confidentiality will be observed, how the nature of the research and the means
of dissemination of the outcomes will be communicated to participants must be provided.

Once our system is installed onto a mobile phone and an alternate number is fed into the
software (ATS). The owners SIM card gets registered in the database.
Whenever phone is rebooted ATS is invoked in stealth mode and checks whether the SIM
card present in mobile phone is of owner. If the SIM belongs to owner (registered in
database), the software doesn’t do any activity. If the SIM has been changed and that SIM
is not registered in the database then ATS sends a message to owners other mobile number
(friends / relatives no.) in stealth mode and starts listening for incoming SMS messages.
Now if owner sends a SMS request to ATS, asking it to send mobiles GPS co-ordinates,
ATS would do so.

Mobile Anti Theft System

SECTION B Check List

Please answer the following questions by circling YES or NO as appropriate.

1. Does the study involve vulnerable participants or those unable to give informed consent (e.g. children,
people with learning disabilities, your own students)?

2. Will the study require permission of a gatekeeper for access to participants (e.g. schools, self-help
groups, residential homes)?

3. Will it be necessary for participants to be involved with consent (e.g. covert observation in non-public

4. Will the study involve sensitive topics (e.g. obtaining information about sexual activity, substance

5. Will blood, tissue samples or any other substances be taken from participants?

6. Will the research involve intrusive interventions (e.g. the administration of drugs, hypnosis, physical

7. Will financial or other inducements be offered to participants (except reasonable expenses or small
tokens of appreciation)?

8. Will the research investigate any aspect of illegal activity (e.g. drugs, crime, underage alcohol
consumption or sexual activity)?

9. Will participants be stressed beyond what is considered normal for them?


10. Will the study involve participants from the NHS (patients or staff) or will data be obtained from NHS

If the answer to any of the questions above is “Yes”, or if there are any other significant ethical issues, then
further ethical consideration is required. Please document carefully how these issues will be addressed.

Signed (student): Ajay Shetty Date: 23/03/2012

Countersigned (Supervisor): Feng Dong Date: 23/03/2012

Mobile Anti Theft System

Appendix d: Project Poster


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