Nursing School Study and Organization Tips

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Nursing School Study and Organization Tips

Nursing school can be overwhelming at times. Here is one way to look at your role as a
● Consider school as your job. Your office is the library; you do occasionally have to
leave your office for meetings (class).
● Think of your courses as projects or accounts you would manage in your job
(your assignments and coursework).

Get Organized:
● Make a list of things you need to get done for the day/week/month. This helps
narrow down your tasks and prioritize what’s important. When you create that clear
tangible plan, it’s easier to hold yourself accountable for how you spend your time.
● Organize a binder for each class.

Here are 5 tips to help you be successful:

1. Take care of yourself. Eat nutritious food, exercise, and rest. Do not pull all
2. Go to class on time.
3. Be prepared for class. Come with preprinted PowerPoints for the content that will
be discussed and pens/highlighters.
4. Take good notes and ask questions! Review notes soon after class while the
material is still fresh in your mind. Read about unclear/uncertain material.
5. “Chunk”/Sort Information into manageable pieces (see step-by-step information
a. If instructors tell you to know material (ex. table, chart, page). Know it!
b. Plan your study time in short intervals, 30-45 minutes, and then take a short
break (15-20 minutes).
c. Minimize distractions & create an environment conducive to learning.
i. Silence your cell phone.
ii. Turn off email and social media notifications during study time and
d. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Review notes every day. Relisten to lectures
while driving, exercise, etc.
e. Utilize alternative sources for being taught the information
i. Consider a study buddy or small study group of 3-5 people
ii. Online resources such as YouTube or Pinterest (just make sure the
information comes from a reliable source)
iii. Nursing Tutor
Do not try to read/study everything: One of the most important skills you’ll have to learn
throughout nursing school is focusing your reading by looking at the objectives for that
section in your syllabus. You will see that the assigned reading covers more information
than is necessary which can provide too much information making it more difficult to retain
the most important information. When you’re reading, you’re looking specifically for the
information that will help you be able to answer the step-by-step information below.


● Step #1: Learn the pathophysiology first. This is hands-down the most important
step, so don’t skip it. Be able to explain what is broken or not working.
● Step #2: Focus on the common signs and symptoms.
● Step #3: Focus on what you need to assess for (ex. VS, labs).
● Step #4: Focus on the nursing interventions/treatments. These will generally
1. Treats or manages the symptoms
2. Addresses or corrects the underlying cause
3. When to notify the doctor
4. Safety
5. Education

Test Taking Tips:

● Do not read into questions. Base
decisions only on what information
you are provided with. No assume
or make speculations that are not
● Determine priority of care using
the guide here.

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