07 - Centre of Mass & Rotational Motion - FF

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Centre of Mass and

7 Rotational Motion

Centre of Mass:
Centre of mass of a body is a point where the entire mass of the body is supposed to be
  
i. If r1 , r2 , …… rn are position vectors of the particles of masses m1 , m2, …… mn respectively
constituting the system, then position vector r of the centre of mass is given by
  
 m1 r1  m 2 r2   m n rn
r .
m1  m2    m n
Differentiating on both sides, we get
  
 m1 V1  m 2 V2   m n Vn
V cm 
m1  m 2    m n

Differentiating again on both sides, we get

  
 m1 a1  m2 a 2  m 2 a n
a cm 
m1  m 2   m n

For symmetrical bodies with uniform distribution of mass, the centre of mass coincides with the
geometrical centre of the body.
ii. The centre of mass of a regular body can be given by

 dm . x  dm . y
xcm = and ycm =
 dm  dm
 ax  ay
iii. For a lamina the centroid can be obtained by xcent = and ycent =
a a
Points to Remember
Centre of mass of some common bodies
a. Uniform ring Centre of the ring
b. Uniform rectangle Centre of the rectangle
c. Uniform solid sphere or hollow sphere Centre of the sphere

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d. Semi circular ring 2R/ from the centre along the line of symmetry
e. Semi circular disc from centre along the line of symmetry
f. Uniform solid and hollow cylinder On the line of symmetry at half length

g. Cone from the base

 Central forces like coulombic force or gravitational force can not change the position of the centre
of mass of a systemof particles.

 m1  m 2  g
 The accelration of the centre of mass of given system is a cm =
 m1  m2  2

 If the external force acting on a system is zero the centre of mass of the system, may either move
uniformly or remains at rest depending upon the intial condition.

Moment of Inertia:
Moment of Inertia is that property of objects owing to which they oppose any change in their state
of rotatory motion. It is measured with respect to axis of rotation. The moment of Inertia of an
object is different about different axes of rotation. The moment of inertia of a body depends on the
distribution of mass but does not depend upon the speed or angular velocity of the body.

Point to Remember
 The moment of inertia. of a body is least when the axis of rotation passes through the centre of
gravity of the body.
 Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis can neither be taken as a scalar, nor it can be
treated as a vector. It can be taken as a tensor.

 Theorem of perpendicular axes:

Iz = Ix + Iy, where X and Y-axes lie in the plane of the Lamina and Z-axis is perpendicular to its
plane and passes through the point of intersection of X and Y-axis.

 Theorem of parallel axes:

I = Ic + Mh2 , where Ic is moment of inertia of the body about an axis through its centre of mass, I
is the moment of inertia parallel to previous stated axis and h is the perpendicular distance between
the two axes.

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Moment of inertia, radii of gyration of some regular bodies

S.No. Body Axis of rotation Moment of Radius of

inertia (I) Gyration (K)

1. Uniform circular (i) about an axis and MR2 R

ring of mass M perpendicular to its plane
and radius R.
1 R
(ii) about a diameter MR 2
2 2
(iii) about a tangent in 3 3
MR 2 R
its own plane 2 2
(iv) about a tangent 2MR2 R 2
 to its plane
1 R
2. Uniform circular (i) about an axis passing MR 2
2 2
disc of mass M through centre and
and radius R perpendicular to its plane

1 R
(ii) about a diameter MR 2
4 2
5 R
(iii) about a tangent in MR 2 5
4 2
its own plane
3 3
(iv) about a tangent  to MR 2 R
2 2
its plane
2 2
3. Solid sphere of (i) about its diameter MR 2 R
5 5
radius R & mass M
7 7
(ii) about a tangential axis MR 2 R
5 5
2 2
4. Spherical shell of (i) about its diameter MR 2 R
3 3
radius R and mass M
5 5
(ii) about a tangential axis MR 2 R
3 3
5. Solid cylinder of (i) about its own axis 1 R
MR 2
length l, radius R 2 2
 l2 R2  l2 R2
and mass M (ii) about an axis passing M   
 12 4  12 4
through C.G. and  to
its own axis.
l2 R2  l2 R2
(iii) about the diameter of M   
3 4  3 4
one of the faces of

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6. Cylindrical shell of (i) about its own axis MR2 R

mass M and
 R2 l2  R2 l2
radius R (ii) about an axis passing M   
 2 12  2 12
through its C.G. and
 to its own axis.
7. Long thin rod of (i) about an axis through
3 12
length L. C.G. and  to rod.
(ii) about an axis through
12 3
one end and  to rod
8. Rectangular lamina (i) about axis passing  l 2  b2 
M l 2  b2
of length a and through its C.G. and 
 12  12
breadth b  to plane
3 3
9. Uniform cone of (i) about an axis through MR 2 R
10 10
radius R, height its C.G. and joining its
l and mass M vertex to centre of base
10. Parallelopiped of About its central axis
 R 2  b2  R 2  b2
length a, breadth b M 
 12  12
and height c,
mass M
Mb2 b
11. Triangular lamina (i) About perpendicular Ip 
6 6
of mass M, base B,
perpendicular p and
hypotenuse h

Mb2 b
(ii) About base Ib 
6 6
Mb 2 p 2 bp
(iii) About hypotenuse Ih 
6(b2  p 2 ) 6(b2  p 2 )

The turning effect of a force about the axis of rotation is called moment of force or torque due to
 
the force : If a force F acts at a point, whose position vector is r; the torque due to force
  .
  r F

In Cartesian coordinates :  z  xFy  yFx .

In polar coordinate :  = r F sin  where  is angle between force vector F and position vector r .
Points to Remember
 Sense of torque may be clockwise or anticlockwise.

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 Torque due to a force is only due to its transverse component of force. The radial components of
force does not contribute to the torque of a force.
 As force produces linear accelration in translatory motion, torque produces angular acceleration in
rotatory motion hence  = I.
 In rotational motion the sum of all work done by torques is equal to the change in rotational kinetic
energy of the body.
    
 As   r  F therefore . r  .F  0

 The torque of a force about a line is independent of the choice of the origin as long as it is chosen
on the line.
 It is not necessary that the torque acting on the body is zero even if the resultant of all the forces
acting on the body is zero.
 As for translatory equilibrium the net force acting on the body should be zero similarly for rotatory
equilibrium the net torque acting on the body should also be zero.
 For complete equilibrium both the net force as well as net torque acting on the body should be zero

i.e.,  Fx  0 ,  Fy  0 and  net  0

A bar kept against a wall on a rough floor may be an example of a body in complete equilibrium.

Angular Momentum
If p is linear momentum of the particle and r its position vector, then angular momentum of the
  
particle, L  r  p.

In cartesian coordinates : L z  xp y  yp x

In polar coordinates : L = r p sin , where  is angle between the linear momentum vector p and

the position vector r.
Geometrically, angular momentum of a particle is equal to twice the product of mass of the particle

and areal velocity of its radius vector about the given axis. Hence L = 2m

Points to Remember
 For any rotating body the angular momentum about a given axis is given by L = I
 The rate of change of angular moementum of a body is equal to the net external torque acting on it.

 dL
Hence   .

 dL
 In a non inertial frame of refreance L = I can be applied as it is but   can not be applied as
it is.
 If a body of mass M moves with a speed v along a line y = mx + c its angular momentum about the
origin is given by

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m2  1
 The angular momentum of a body in combined rotation and translation about any fixed point can be
   
given by L  Lcm  Mr  v

Lcm = angular momentum of body about the centre of mass
 = position vector of centre of mass wrt the fixed point.

Conservation of Angular Momentum

• Law of conservation of angular momentum states that if the torque acting on the system is zero,
then, the total angular momentum of the system remains constant, i.e., Ext = 0 then L = constant or
I = constant or as I increases,  decreases and vice-versa or I1 n1 = I2 n2 or I1 /I2 = T1 / T2 .

Important Formulae and key points

The analogy between various quantities describing linear motion and rotational motion

Linear motion Rotational motion

Distance/displacement (s) Angle or angular displacement ()

ds d
Linear velocity v  Angular velocity  
dt dt

dv d 2 s d d 2 
Linear acceleration, a   Angular acceleration   
dt dt 2 dt dt 2

Mass (m) Moment of inertia (I)

Linear momentum, p = mv Angular momentum L = I.

Force F = ma Torque,  = I

dp dL
Also, force F  Also torque,  
dt dt

1 2 1 2
Translational KE, K T  mv Rotational K.E. K R  I
2 2

   
Work done, W =  F · ds Work done W =   · d
   
Power P = F · v Power P   · 

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Linear momentum of a system is conserved Angular momentum of a system is conserved

when no external force acts on the system. when no external torque acts on the system
(Principle of conservation of linear momentum). (Principle of conservation of angular

Equations of translatory motion Equations of rotational motion

v = u + at 2  1  t

1 1 2
s  ut  at 2   1 t  t
2 2

v2 – u2 = 2as, where the symbols have 22  12  2 where the symbols have their
their usual meaning usual meaning.

Distance travelled in nth second Angle turned in nth second n  1  (2n  1)
Sn  u  (2n  1)


Rolling motion is a combination of translatory motion of the centre of a circular body (like wheel, sphere a
cylinder) and rotatory motion of body about its own centre. If v is the velocity of the centre of body and 
is its angular velocity about its own centre then during pure rolling on a stationary horizontal surface the
relation v = r should be obeyed.

V V Vp=2V

V  Vcm=V
+ V=0 = O
Translatory Pure rotational V0=0
motion motion Pure Rolling Motion

Points to Remember :
 Consider a body in pure rolling with a linear velocity Vcm and angular velocity . Let the velocity contact
with the surface be V0 then V0 = Vcm – r. During pure rolling V0 must be equal to Vs hence
Vs = Vcm – r ....(i) On differentiating with respect to time we get
 r Vcm
as = acm – r ...(ii)
O Vs
The above equations are used to discribe pure rolling

 As rolling contains translational motion as well as rorational motion about the centre of body hence the total
kinetic energy of rolling is given by
KE Rolling  KE Translational  KE Rotational

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1 2 1
Hence KE Rolling  mvcm  I2
2 2

• During pure rolling the percentage of total K. E. of body in the form of linear K. E. is given by =

mr 2
 100
I  mr 2

• During rolling if Vcm represent the velocity of centre of mass,  represent the angular velocity and
r radius of body then
(a) If v = r the body is in pure rolling and no friction in there.
(b) If v > r the body is in rolling with forward sliding and friction acts backward.
(c) If v < r The body is in rolling with backward sliping with friction acts forward.
• If a body is in pure rolling on a rough horizontal surface under the action of an external force. And
if x is the distance of the application of force above the centre of body then

(a) if x  friction is forward

x no friction exists

x friction is backward
x=0 friction is backward

Rolling of body down an inclined plane

fs N
Consider a cylinder of mass M and radius R rolling down an incline 
The forces are shown on the cylinder
gs a
Points to remember mg cos  in
mg 
• For pure rolling


mg sin 
• Friction force is upward and is given by f 
 mR 2 
1  
 I 
g sin 
• The acceleration of body down the plane a 
 I cm 
1  mR 2 
 
tan 
• Condition of pure rolling µ 
 mR 2 
1  
 I 

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Values of velocity, acceleration and time taken to reach bottom, rolling down an incline of
inclination .

S.No. Body Velocity at bottom Acceleration Time taken to

reach the bottom

1 4s
1. Circular ring or gs sin  g sin 
2 gsin 
cylindrical shell

2 3s
2. circular disc or solid 1.33 gs sin  g sin 
3 gsin 

10 5 14s
3. Solid sphere gs sin  g sin 
7 7 5g sin 

3 10s
4. Spherical shell 2gs sin  g sin 
5 3gsin 

Banking of roads

• For a vehicle taking circular turn on a level road, if the coefficient of friction between tyres and road
is , then the maximum velocity v with which a vehicle can take a circular turn of radius r is given by

v 2  rg .

• To enable the vehicles to round a curved smooth track of radius r with maximum speed v, the track

should be banked at an angle  given by tan  

• While rounding a track of radius r with speed v, the angle through which the cyclist should bend

himself from vertical is given by tan   .


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1. The moment of inertia of the cuboid given below about its edge, Ixx (as shown in the figure) is

l x

 l 2  b2  t 2   b2 l 2   l 2  b2  t 2   l 2 b2 
(1) M   (2) M    (3) M   (4) M   
 12   12 3   3  3 3

2. A cylinder of radius R1 is fixed to a horizontal surface, another cylinder of radius R2 (when R2 < R1 )
is placed on top of the fixed one and is given a very slight jerk so that it rolls without slipping down
along the surface of the lower cylinder. When the upper cylinder leaves the surface of the lower one,
then angle  (as figure) will be

 3 1  4  1  4  2
(1) cos1   (2) cos   (4) sin 1  
(3) sin  
 4 7 3 3
3. When W joules of work is done on a flywheel, its frequency of rotation increases from 1 Hz to 2
Hz. The moment of inertia of the flywheel about its axis of rotation is given by
(1) 2 2 2 (2) 2 2 2 (3) 2 2 2 (4)
2  (  2  1 ) 2  ( 2  1 ) 4  (  2  1 ) 4  (  22  12 )

4. A solid sphere rolls down from the top of an inclined plane. Its velocity on reaching bottom of the
plane is v. When the same sphere slides down from the top of the plane, its velocity on reaching the
bottom is v. The ratio v/v is
(1) 3/ 5 (2) 1 (3) 7/5 (4) 3/ 5
5. AB and CD are two identical rods each of length l and mass m joined to form a cross. The moment
of inertia of these two rods about a bisector of the angle between the rods (xy) is


(1) ml2/6 (2) ml2/3 (3) ml2/12 (4) 2ml2/3

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6. A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping down a slope of angle  with
horizontal. The cylinder is connected to a spring of force constant k at the centre, the other side of
which is connected to a fixed support at A. The cylinder is released when the spring is unstretched.
The force of friction (f) is

(1) always upwards

(2) always downwards
(3) initially upwards and then becomes downwards
(4) initially upwards and then becomes zero
7. A light particle is moving with speed u and collides with heavy mass approach towards with a speed
v. If the collision is perfectly elastic, then the velocity of the particle after collision is
(1) 2v + u (2) 2v – u (3) v + 2u (4) None of these
8. A sphere of mass m moving horizontal with velocity v0 collides against a pendulum bob of mass m. If
the two masses stick together after the collision, then the maximum height attained is


v20 v20 v20 v20

(1) (2) (3) (4)
2g 4g 6g 8g

9. A 1 kg ball moving at 12 ms– 1 collides head-on with a 2 kg ball moving in opposite direction with a
speed of 24 ms– 1. If coefficient of restitution is , then
(1) The respective velocities of the two balls after collision are – 28 ms– 1 and – 4 ms– 1
(2) The respective velocities of the two balls after collision are – 8 ms– 1 and 9 ms– 1
(3) The energy lost in the collision is 1312 J
(4) The energy gained in the collision is 1312 J
10. A disc of mass M and radius R is rolling with angular speed  on a horizontal plane as shown in the
figure. The magnitude of angular momentum of the disc about the origin O is

O x

1 3
(1) MR 2  (2) MR 2  (3) MR 2  (4) 2MR 2 
2 2

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11. A ball of radius r rolls inside a hemispherical shell of radius R. It is released from point A as shown
in the figure. The angular velocity of centre of the ball in position B about the centre of the shell is

g 10g 2g
(1) 2 (2) (3) (4) None of these
5(R  r) 7(R  r) 5(R  r)

12. Two circular loops P and Q are made from a given sample of uniform wire. The radius of P is ‘r’ and
that of Q is ‘nr’. If the moment of inertia of Q is four times that of P, the value of ‘n’ is
(1) 42/3 (2) 41/3 (3) 43/2 (4) 43/4
13. A disc of mass ‘M’ and radius ‘R’ is free to rotate about a horizontal axis passing through its centre.
A body of mass ‘M’ is fixed at the highest point of the disc. Now the system is released. When the
body comes to the lowest position, then its angular speed will be


1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
 2g   3g   3g   8g 
(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)  
 3R   2R   8R   3R 

14. Which of the following represents graphically the relation between log K and log I where K and I
represent the radius of gyration and moment of inertia respectively?
log I

log I
log I

log I

(1) (2) (3) (4)

log K log K log K log K

15. Two identical rods are joined to form an X. The smaller angle between the rods is . The moment of
inertia of the system about an axis passing through the point of intersection of the rod and
perpendicular to their plane is proportional to
(1)  (2) sin2  (3) cos2  (4) independent of 
16. A thin uniform rod of length L and the linear density  rotates with an angular velocity  about an
axis perpendicular to the rod and passing through the mid point. Its K.E. of rotation will be

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 L3  2  L2  2
(1) (2)  L2  2 (3) 24  L2  2 (4)
24 12
17. A thin rod of length ‘l’ and mass ‘m’ is suspended from one of its ends. It is set into oscillations about
a horizontal axis. Its angular speed is ‘ ’, while passing through its mean position. How high will its
center of mass rise from the lowest position?

2l 2 2l 2 2l 2 2l 2

(1) (2) (3) (4)
3g 6g g 2g
18. A tangential force F is applied on a stationary solid sphere of mass M, under the influence of which
the sphere starts rolling without slipping. The acceleration of the centre of the sphere will be
2F 5F 10F 7F
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5M 2M 7M 10M
19. A smooth wire is bent into a vertical circle of radius ‘a’. A bead P can slide smoothly on the wire.
The circle is rotated about diameter as axis with a speed ‘’. The bead P is at rest with respect to
the circular ring in the position shown. Then 2 is equal to

a/2 P

(1) (2g/a)1/2 (2) ( 2g /(a 3) )1/2 (3) g 3 / a (4) 2a /(g 3)

20. A homogeneous ball is placed on a plane making an angle  with the horizontal. At what values of the
coefficient of friction  will the ball roll down the plane without slipping ?

2 2 2 3
(1)  tan (2)  tan (3)  tan (4)  tan
7 5 3 4

21. The rectangular blocks A, B, C and D are piled one above the other in such a way that each block
projects a little beyond the block below it. If the length of each block is l, then the maximum possible
projection for A is


l l l l
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 4 6 8

Sanshiksha Head Office: 2nd Floor,Zameer Compound,Above SBI city branch,Canal Road ,Raebareli. Ph.7705002074/75 [ 13 ]

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22. The diameter of a flywheel increases by 1%. The percentage increase in moment of inertia about its
axis passing through the centre will be
(1) 2% (2) 2.5% (3) 1.5% (4) 3%
23. A cockroach of mass ‘m’ is moving on the rim of a disc with velocity V in the anticlockwise
direction. The moment of inertia of the disc about its own axis is I and it is rotating in the clockwise
direction with angular speed . If the cockroach stops moving, then the angular speed of the disc will
I I  mVR I  mVR I  mVR
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I  mR 2 I  mR 2 I  mR 2 I
24. Three particles each of mass m gram, are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of
side l cm (as shown in the figure). The moment of inertia of the system about a line AX
perpendicular to AB and in the plane of ABC, in gram-cm2 units will be
l l
A m Y

3 5 3
(1) ml 2 (2) 2ml2 (3) ml 2 (4) ml 2
4 4 2
25. A uniform rod of length ‘l’ is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis through.
The rod begins rotating from rest from its unstable equilibrium position. When it has turned through an
angle , its angular velocity  is given as

6g 6g  6g  6g
(1) sin  (2) sin (3) cos (4) cos 
l l 2 l 2 l


Sanshiksha Head Office: 2nd Floor,Zameer Compound,Above SBI city branch,Canal Road ,Raebareli. Ph.7705002074/75 [ 14 ]

Academy Branches :
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/ Orai
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1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (3) 5. (3)

6. (3) 7. (1) 8. (4) 9. (1) 10. (3)

11. (2) 12. (2) 13. (4) 14. (4) 15. (4)

16. (1) 17. (1) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (1)

21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (3) 25. (2)


Sanshiksha Head Office: 2nd Floor,Zameer Compound,Above SBI city branch,Canal Road ,Raebareli. Ph.7705002074/75 [ 15 ]

Academy Branches :
Conatct Nos.
NTPC Unchahaar Campus
9305160331 /
/ Orai

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