VCS - Verification Report - GACL

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Document Prepared By KBS, Climate Change Division, KBS Certification Services Private Ltd.

KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.,

414 - 424, Om Shumbham Tower,
Neelam Bata Road,
N.I.T., Faridabad, Haryana, 121001.

Project Title 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab

Version 02

VCS Registry ID.: VCSR679
KBS Reference no. VCS.13.VER.002.MP01

Report Title 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab

Client Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.

Pages 29

Date of Issue 20-September-2013

Prepared By KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.

Contact Climate Change Division, KBS Certification Services Private Ltd.

KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.,
414 - 424, Om Shumbham Tower,


Neelam Bata Road,

N.I.T., Faridabad, Haryana, 121001.India

Approved By Ashok Kumar Gautam, Manager Technical & Certification

Work Carried Technical Reviewer & Technical Expert (TA 01.1): Asim Kumar Jana
Out By
Team Leader, Technical Expert and Local Expert (TA 01.1): Kaushik Pal
Verifier: Sayali A. Kumar


KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd. (here in after also referred as KBS) has performed the verification
of the emission reductions reported for the project activity “6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur,
Punjab” for the period 30-March-2009 to 19-June 2011 (both dates included), to review and determine
the monitored reductions in GHG emissions that have occurred as a result of the project activity. The
project is registered under VCS Ref Id: VCSR679 and the current monitoring period covers the period
pre-CDM registration. The project activity was validated as VCS project by TÜV Rheinland (validation
Report No.: 01 996 9105063620, dated 22 March 2011). It was also registered as a CDM project on 20
June 2011 under the UNFCCC reference number 4886 with a 10-year CDM fixed crediting period from
20 June 2011 to 19 June 2021. As emission reductions occur prior to the date of CDM registration of
the project activity, the emission reductions prior to the project’s CDM registration cannot be claimed as
Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). These emission reductions are thus claimed as Verified Carbon
Units (VCU) under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) version 3.3. This is in accordance to the
eminent VCS Guidance for projects that are registered in two GHG programs.

The verification was performed on the basis of VCS Programme Guide version 3.4 & VCS Standard
version 3.3 for the VCS projects, as well as criteria given to provide for consistent project operations,
monitoring and reporting. The verification was conducted by means of document review, follow-up
interviews and site inspection, and the resolution of outstanding issues.

In our opinion, the GHG emission reductions reported for the project in the monitoring report (version
03 dated 16 August 2013) are fairly stated. The GHG emission reductions were calculated correctly on
the basis of approved small scale methodology AMS-I.C (version 18) and the monitoring plan
contained in the registered VCS PD of 22 March 2011.

KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd. confirms that the monitoring system is in place and the claimed
emission reductions or removals are free from material errors, omissions or misstatements, with a
reasonable level of assurance. The report describes a total of 02 finding(s) which include:

• 01 Corrective Action Requests (CARs)

• 01 Clarification Requests (CLs) and
• 00 Forward Action Requests (FARs)

All finding(s) have been closed satisfactorily. Hence, KBS is able to certify that the emission reductions
from the “6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab” during the period amount to 61,416 tonnes
CO2 equivalent.

KBS does not assume any responsibility towards the issuance and utilization of the VCUs hereby
verified and certified. Request for issuance of VCUs shall be made by the project proponent to an
approved VCS Program Registry based on the requirements set out under the most recent version of


the VCS Program Guidelines clause on VCS Registration.

The verification of reported emission reductions is based on the information made available to KBS and
the engagement conditions detailed in this report. KBS cannot be held liable by any party for decisions
made or not made based on this report.

BE Baseline Emissions
CAR Corrective Action Request
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CERs Certified Emission Reductions
CL Clarification Request
CO2 Carbon dioxide
DNA Designated National Authority
DOE Designated Operational Entity
DR Document Review
EB CDM Executive Board
EF Emission Factor
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ER Emission Reduction
FAR Forward Action Request
FCIPL First Climate (India) Pvt. Ltd.
GACL Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.
GHG Greenhouse gas(es)
GPS Global Positioning System
HCA Host Country Approval
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
KBS KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd
MP Monitoring Plan
NEWNE North East West North-East
O&M Operation & Maintenance
OM Operating Margin
PA Project Activity
PD Project Description
PP Project proponent
SEIAA State level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
VCSA Verified Carbon Standard Association
VVS Validation and Verification Standard


Table of Contents Page

1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Objective 6
1.2 Scope and Criteria 6
1.3 Level of assurance 7
1.4 Summary Description of the Project 7
2 VALIDATION PROCESS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION..................................................... 7
2.1 Validation Process 7
2.2 Validation Findings 8
2.2.1 Gap Validation 8
2.2.2 Methodology Deviations 8
2.2.3 Project Description Deviations 8
2.2.4 New Project Activity Instances 8
2.3 Validation Conclusion 8
3 VERIFICATION PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Method and Criteria 8
3.2 Document Review 9
3.3 Interviews 9
3.4 Site Inspections 10
3.5 Resolution of Any Material Discrepancy 11
4 VERIFICATION FINDINGS .................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Project Implementation Status 11
4.2 Accuracy of GHG Emission Reduction or Removal Calculations 18
4.3 Quality of Evidence to Determine GHG Emission Reductions or Removals 19
4.4 Management and Operational System 20
5 VERIFICATION CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 20
6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 23
ANNEX 1: DETAILED FINDINGS .......................................................................................................... 26
ANNEX 2: CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE...................................................................................... 28


Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. has commissioned KBS to carry out the verification and certification of
emission reductions reported for the “6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab” (the project) in
the period 30 March 2009 to 19 June 2011 (both dates included). This report contains the findings from
verification and includes a verification statement for the verified carbon units.

1.1 Objective
The objectives of this verification exercise are, by review of objective evidence, to establish that:
• The project activity has been implemented and operated as per the registered VCS PD and that
all physical features (technology, project equipment, and monitoring and metering equipment) of
the project are in place;
• Monitoring report and other supporting documents are complete;
• The actual monitoring systems & procedures and monitoring report conforms with the
requirements of the approved monitoring plan and the approved monitoring methodology;
• The data is recorded and stored as per the monitoring methodology and approved monitoring
• The data reported are accurate, complete, consistent, transparent and free of material error or
The objective of this verification was to verify and provide a verification statement of emission reductions
reported for the “6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab” for the period 30 March 2009 to 19
June 2011.

1.2 Scope and Criteria

The verification scope is defined as an independent and objective review of the VCS project description
(VCS PD). The VCS PD is reviewed against the criteria stated in the VCS Version 3.3 and the relevant
documents and policy announcements made by the VCSA. The “6.5 MW cogeneration project in
Akbarpur, Punjab” is registered as a VCS project activity (Reference Number: VCSR679).

The scope of the verification is:

 To verify that actual monitoring systems and procedures are in compliance with the monitoring
systems and procedures described in the monitoring plan.
 To evaluate the GHG emission reduction data and express a conclusion with a reasonable level
of assurance about whether the reported GHG emissions reduction data is free from material
 To verify that reported GHG emissions data is sufficiently supported by evidence.

The criteria of the verification are:

 VCS Program Guide version 3.4 /B02b/

 VCS Standard version 3.3 /B02a/ and other relevant requirements defined by VCSA.
 The approved small scale methodology AMS-I.C (version 18). /B01/

The verification shall ensure that reported emission reductions are complete and accurate in order to be

Our approach is risk-based, drawing on an understanding of the risks associated with reporting GHG
emissions data and the controls in place to mitigate these. Our examination includes assessment, on a
test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in relation to the project’s GHG emission
reductions for the defined monitoring period.


The verification is not meant to provide any consulting towards the client. However, stated requests for
clarifications and/or corrective actions may provide input for improvement of the project design.

1.3 Level of assurance

The verification report expresses a conclusion with a reasonable level of assurance about whether the
reported GHG emissions reduction data is free from material misstatement. KBS applied a materiality
threshold of 5% with respect to omission or misstatements concerning reported quantities as per VCS
standard /B02a/.

1.4 Summary Description of the Project

Title of project activity: 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab
Project ID: The project activity was validated under VCS by TÜV Rheinland (validation
Report No.: 01 996 9105063620, 22 March 2011 /B13/) and it was also
registered as a CDM project on 20 June 2011 under the UNFCCC reference
number 4886 (
RHEIN1307501311.32/view) /B03/
Monitoring Period: 30 March 2009 to 19 June 2011 (both dates included)
Applied methodology: AMS-I.C. ver. 18 - Thermal energy production with or without electricity /B01/
Location of the Project Village – Akbarpur; P.O. Box – 1, Ahmedgarh; District – Sangrur, Punjab –
activity: 148021.
Latitude: 31° 30' 0" N; Longitude: 75° 22' 0" E
Project Participant: Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd.


The project activity has been validated under VCS (VCS Project Registry Id: VCSR679 /B15/). The
validation of the project activity under VCS has been performed by TUV Rheinland Japan Ltd. vide
validation report no. 01 996 9105063620 dated 22/03/2011 /B13/. The commissioning date of the project
activity is 30/03/2009. Since, the validation of the project activity has already been carried out; KBS has
performed only verification for the current monitoring period based on VCS validation report. The basis of
taking end date of this monitoring period is the before the date of registration under CDM scheme.

2.1 Validation Process

This section is not applicable for the project activity.

2.2 Validation Findings

2.2.1 Gap Validation

The project activity has been validated under VCS (VCS Project Registry Id: VCSR679 /B15/).
The validation of the project activity under VCS has been performed by TUV Rheinland Japan
Ltd. vide validation report no. 01 996 9105063620 dated 22/03/2011 /B13/. The commissioning
date of the project activity is 30/03/2009. Thus, the project activity has been registered within the
validation deadline of two years and is eligible to claim credits under VCS.

2.2.2 Methodology Deviations

The verification process has assessed all factors and issues that constitute the basis for emission
reductions from the project according to the applicable small-scale CDM methodology AMS-I.C
(version 18) /B01/. There was no methodology deviation applied to this project.

2.2.3 Project Description Deviations

Not Applicable.

2.2.4 New Project Activity Instances

The project was not a grouped project; hence this clause is not applicable.

2.3 Validation Conclusion

Not applicable.


3.1 Method and Criteria

KBS’ approach to the verification is a two-stage process.

In the first stage, KBS completed a strategic review and risk assessment of the projects activities and
processes in order to gain a full understanding of:

 Activities associated with all the sources contributing to the project emissions and emission
reductions, including leakage if relevant;
 Protocols used to estimate or measure GHG emissions from these sources;
 Collection and handling of data;
 Controls on the collection and handling of data;
 Means of verifying reported data; and
 Compilation of the monitoring report.

At the end of this stage, KBS produced a Verification Checklist which, based on the risk assessment of
the parameters and data collection and handling processes for each of those parameters, describes the
verification approach and the sampling plan.

Using the Verification checklist, KBS verified the implementation of the monitoring plan and the data
presented in the Monitoring Report for the period in question. This involved a site visit and a desk review
of the monitoring report. This verification report describes the findings of this assessment.

3.2 Document Review

A desk review is undertaken, involving but not limited to,

• A review of the data and information presented to verify their completeness;

• A review of the monitoring plan and monitoring methodology, paying particular attention to the
frequency of measurements, the quality of metering equipment including calibration requirements,
and the quality assurance and quality control procedures;
• An evaluation of data management and the quality assurance and quality control system in the
context of their influence on the generation and reporting of emission reductions.

The list of documents reviewed is included in the section ‘References’

3.3 Interviews

As per the audit plan the assessment team went on site and interviewed the concerned person as per
following table:

Date Name Position Short description of the subject

11/07/2013 Mr. Rajesh Sehgal Senior Vice President, Opening Meeting: Introduction, scope
GACL and objective of work, roles and
Mr. Sarbjat Singh Assistant General responsibilities of audit team, resources
Manager, GACL required, and timetable of the onsite
Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, audit including venue for closing
GACL meeting and any concerns from PP.
11/07/2013 Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, Implementation and operation of project
GACL activity (project boundary, technology,
Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL project equipment, monitoring and
Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL metering equipment) as per registered
VCS PD/previous verification.
11/07/2013 Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL Management and monitoring
procedures followed at project site.
11/07/2013 Mr. Parvesh Mittal DCS Operator, GACL Physical inspection of the project
Mr. Vivek Dhiman Turbine Operator, activity: Site visit and interview of
GACL monitoring personnel
Mr. Gautam Paul Lab Attendant, GACL
Mr. Jagdeep Singh Boiler Operator, GACL
11/07/2013 Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, Management and operational system:
GACL Documentation, allocation of
Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL responsibilities, qualification and
training, data recording &archiving,
internal audit and management review
and emergency procedures.
11/07/2013 Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL Verification checklist: compliance of
monitoring procedures followed at
project site with registered VCS PD and
monitoring methodology.
11/07/2013 Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL Review of monitored data and relevant
Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL document in accordance with registered
monitoring plan and applied monitoring
11/07/2013 Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL Review of ER calculations in
accordance with applied methodology

and relevant tools.

3.4 Site Inspections

A site visit is undertaken by members of verification team, involving but not limited to,
• An assessment of the implementation and operation of the project activity as per the registered VCS
• A review of information flows for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters;
• Interviews with relevant personnel to confirm that the operational and data collection procedures are
implemented in accordance with the approved monitoring plan;
• A cross-check between information provided in the monitoring report and data from other sources
such as plant log books, inventories, purchase records or similar data sources;
• A check of the monitoring equipment, including calibration performance and observations of
monitoring practices against the requirements of the VCS PD and the selected methodology;
• A review of calculations and assumptions made in determining the GHG data and emission
• An identification of quality control and quality assurance procedures in place to prevent or identify and
correct any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring parameters.

The site visit for this verification assessment was undertaken by assessment team – Kaushik Pal (Team
Leader, Technical Expert and Local Expert) and details are mentioned below;

Location Village – Akbarpur; P.O. Box – 1, Ahmedgarh; District – Sangrur,

Punjab – 148021; India.
Dates 11/07/2013
Key points discussed Name of person interviewed Designation, Organization
Implementation and Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, GACL
Operation of the project Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
activity based on Revised
Monitoring Plan and physical
features of the project activity
as per VCS PD
Information flows for Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
generating, aggregating and
reporting the monitoring
Competency of the operating Mr. Parvesh Mittal DCS Operator, GACL
personnel, monitoring Mr. Vivek Dhiman Turbine Operator, GACL
personnel and calibrating Mr. Gautam Paul Lab Attendant, GACL
agencies Mr. Jagdeep Singh Boiler Operator, GACL
Data collection procedures Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, GACL
Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
Calibration performance and Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, GACL
monitoring practices followed Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
for monitoring equipments
used in the project activity
Quality Control and Quality Mr. Amardeep Singh Deputy Manager, GACL
Assurance procedures Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
against the approved revised
monitoring plan
Calculation and assumptions Mr. Dharmpal Singh Plant Incharge, GACL
made in determining the GHG Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL
data and emission reductions
Compliance with VCS Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL

criterion and relevant
guidance with respect to
revised monitoring plan
Level of accuracy (Materiality) Mr. Soumik Biswas Manager, FCIPL
of the monitoring activity

3.5 Resolution of Any Material Discrepancy

During the course of verification the findings may be raised as under;

CAR is raised if one of the following occurs:

• Non-compliance with the monitoring plan or methodology are found in monitoring and reporting and
has not been sufficiently documented by the project participants, or if the evidence provided to prove
conformity is insufficient;
• Modifications to the implementation, operation and monitoring of the registered project activity has not
been sufficiently documented by the project participants;
• Mistakes have been made in applying assumptions, data or calculations of emission reductions that
will impact the quantity of emission reductions;
• Issues identified in a FAR during validation to be verified during verification(s) have not been resolved
by the project participants.

Clarification request (CL) is raised if information is insufficient or not clear enough to determine whether
the applicable VCS requirements have been met.

FAR is raised during verification if the monitoring and reporting require attention and/or adjustment for the
next verification period.

The verification report contains all CARs, CLs and FARs raised during this verification in transparent
manner and provides clear information of the issues raised, response received and its resolutions,
including the changes in the documents.


4.1 Project Implementation Status

As per the registered VCS PD /B14/ the project activity was commissioned on 30/03/2009 /P05/. Also as
mentioned in the monitoring report /P02/ the plant is operating successfully from the date of
commissioning till date; these were checked against the commissioning certificate /P05/ and the plant
records /P09/.

The ex-ante estimation of emission reduction was 77,960 tCO2 for the current monitoring period of 812
days considering 35,044 tCO2 per annum. However, for the verification period from 30/03/2009 to
19/06/2011, the emission reduction at actual was found to be 61,416 tCO2, which has shown a 21.22%
decrease from the estimation done for the same period (30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011). During the tenure of
current monitoring period, it was observed from the shut down periods that project activity generated
lesser amount of electricity resulting in the lower quantum of emission reduction. The VCS PD considered
85% CUF, whereas during the current monitoring period the project activity achieved only 66% (on gross
power generation) of plant load factor.

Shut Down details /P09/:

The major and only shutdown of the project activity was from the 19/04/2011 till after the end of current
monitoring period for maintenance activities. This fact was cross checked and verified from the plant

The verification team has confirmed during the site visit that there are no changes that have happened in
the project activity which may impact the applicability of the methodology. The verification team has also
critically reviewed the implementation and operation of the project activity and found satisfactory.

Parameters determined ex-post:

4.1.1 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Gross electricity generated by the project activity in the year y (EGgross,y), MWh
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions
Monitoring equipment
(type, accuracy class, Type Trivector Meter, E3M051, 3 Phase 4 Wire
serial number,
Make Secure Meters Ltd.
calibration frequency,
date of last calibration, Accuracy Class 0.5S
validity) Serial Number KAU06136
Calibration frequency Annual
Dates of last
29-03-2009 01-03-2010 23-11-2010
Validity 28-03-2010 28-02-2011 22-11-2011
Calibrating Agency Adecon India
Measuring/Reading/ Measurement frequency: Continuous
Recording frequency Recording frequency: Hourly
Reporting frequency: Monthly
Data collection (from The gross electricity generated is measured by trivector energy meter.
data generation, The data is recorded in plant log book on hourly basis. The collected
aggregation, to data is aggregated and reported on monthly basis.
recording, calculation
and reporting)
Verified value 84484.63
Cross checks The verification team cross checked the reported data in the MR /P02/
and ER sheet /P04/ with the log book (plant records) /P09a/ records
during site visit.
QA/QC procedures Calibration of the energy meter is carried out at annually, as stated
applied above. The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting
The reported values cross-checked with the plant records /P09a/ by the
verification team were found consistent.

4.1.2 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Auxiliary electricity consumption by the project activity in the year y (EGaux,y), MWh
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions


Monitoring equipment
(type, accuracy class, Type Energy meter, EM 6400
serial number, Make Conzerv
calibration frequency, Accuracy Class 0.5S
date of last calibration, Serial Number 186772/3764-4109
validity) Calibration frequency Annual

Dates of last Validity Calibrating Agency

05/10/2008 06/10/2009 Conzerv
28/07/2009 Pressure & Process
01/03/2010 28/02/2011 Adecon India
24/11/2010 United Automation &
Measuring/Reading/ Measurement frequency: Continuous
Recording frequency Recording frequency: Hourly
Reporting frequency: Monthly
Data collection (from The auxiliary electricity generated is measured by trivector energy
data generation, meter. The data is recorded in plant log book on hourly basis. The
aggregation, to collected data is aggregated and reported on monthly basis.
recording, calculation
and reporting)
Verified value 11282.594
Cross checks The verification team cross checked the reported data in the MR /P02/
and ER sheet /P04/ with the log book (plant records) /P09b/ records
during site visit.
QA/QC procedures Calibration of the energy meter is carried out at annually, as stated
applied above. The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting

The reported values cross-checked with the plant records /P09b/ by the
verification team were found consistent.

CL-01 was raised to obtain clarification on varying auxiliary consumption during the current monitoring
period. The response by PP was deemed acceptable and the query was successfully closed.

4.1.3 Data/Parameter, Unit:

The amount of net electricity supplied by the project activity during the year y (EGBL,y), MWh
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions
Monitoring equipment The parameter net electricity supplied by the project activity is a
(type, accuracy class, calculated parameter. As per the requirement of the monitoring plan,
serial number, this parameter is calculated on monthly basis as the difference of Gross
calibration frequency, electricity generated and the auxiliary consumption of electricity,
date of last calibration, following the equation:
validity) EGBL,y = EGgross – EGaux


Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency: Monthly

Recording frequency Reporting frequency: Annually
Data collection (from This parameter is calculated as follows:
data generation, EGBL,y (Net electricity supplied by project activity) = EGgross (Gross
aggregation, to electricity generated by project activity) – EGaux (Auxiliary electricity
recording, calculation consumption by project activity).
and reporting)
These parameters are measured continuously by energy meters and
recorded in the log book. Similarly, the Net Electricity supplied by
project activity is calculated monthly considering the values of the
measured parameters and aggregated annually.
Verified value 73202.036
Cross checks The verification team cross checked the reported data in the MR /P02/
and ER sheet /P04/ with the log book (plant records) /P09c/ records
during site visit.
QA/QC procedures The net electricity supplied by the project activity is calculated as the
applied difference of gross electricity generated and auxiliary consumption of
electricity by the project activity. This data is recorded in the plant log
book /P09c/. The data will be kept till two years after the end of the
crediting period.

The reported values cross-checked with the plant records /P09c/ by the
verification team were found consistent.

4.1.4 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Quantity of rice-husk consumed in the project activity during the year y (FCrice husk,y), Tonne
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Cross checking the calculation of baseline emissions
Monitoring equipment Weigh Bridge:
(type, accuracy class, Type Digital
serial number,
Accuracy ±5 kgs
calibration frequency,
Serial Number 270424
date of last calibration,
Make Wipro
Calibration frequency Annual

Dates of last Validity Calibrating Agency

22/12/2008 21/12/2009
21/12/2009 20/12/2010 Department of Legal
30/12/2010 29/12/2011 Metrology, Punjab
22/03/2011 21/03/2012
Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency: Monthly
Recording frequency

Data collection (from This parameter is calculated as follows:

data generation, Quantity of rice husk consumed = Opening stock of rice husk – Closing
aggregation, to stock of rice husk + Quantity of purchased rice husk
recording, calculation

and reporting)
The quantity of rice husk purchased is measured using weigh bridge,
the details of which have been given above.
Verified value 96931.056
Cross checks The verification team cross checked the reported data in the MR /P02/
and ER sheet /P04/ with the rice husk procurement and consumption
records /P10/ during site visit.
QA/QC procedures Calibration of the weigh bridge is carried out at annually, as stated
applied above. The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting
period. A delay of 10 days has occurred in the calibration of weigh
bridge during the year 2010. However, since this parameter is not used
for calculation of emission reductions, the delay is not necessary to be
taken into consideration.

The reported values cross-checked with the plant records /P10/ by the
verification team were found consistent.

4.1.5 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Quantity of sub-bituminous coal consumed in the project activity during the year y (FCcoal,y), Tonne
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Monitoring equipment Weigh Bridge:
(type, accuracy class, Type Digital
serial number,
Accuracy ±5 kgs
calibration frequency,
Serial Number 270424
date of last calibration,
Make Wipro
Calibration frequency Annual

Dates of last Validity Calibrating Agency

22/12/2008 21/12/2009
21/12/2009 20/12/2010 Department of Legal
30/12/2010 29/12/2011 Metrology, Punjab
22/03/2011 21/03/2012
Measuring/Reading/ Recording frequency: Monthly
Recording frequency

Data collection (from This parameter is calculated as follows:

data generation, Quantity of coal consumed = Opening stock of coal – Closing stock of
aggregation, to coal + Quantity of purchased coal
recording, calculation
and reporting)
The quantity of coal purchased is measured using weigh bridge, the
details of which have been given above.
Verified value 0
Cross checks Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
QA/QC procedures Calibration of the weigh bridge is carried out at annually, as stated

applied above. The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting
period. A delay of 10 days has occurred in the calibration of weigh
bridge during the year 2010. However, since coal was not consumed
during the monitoring period, the delay is not necessary to be taken into

4.1.6 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Net calorific value of sub-bituminous coal consumed in the project activity during the year y (NCVcoal,y),
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Monitoring equipment Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
(type, accuracy class,
serial number,
calibration frequency,
date of last calibration,
Measuring/Reading/ Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
Recording frequency
Data collection (from Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
data generation,
aggregation, to
recording, calculation
and reporting)
Verified value Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
Cross checks Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
QA/QC procedures Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.

4.1.7 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Emission factor of sub-bituminous coal consumed in the project activity during the year y (EFCO2,coal,y),
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Monitoring equipment Not applicable since default values have been used.
(type, accuracy class,
serial number,
calibration frequency,
date of last calibration,
Measuring/Reading/ -
Recording frequency
Data collection (from The value of carbon emission factor for coal has been sourced from
data generation, IPCC 2006 guidelines, Table 1.2, Chapter 1 of Volume 2 /B11/.
aggregation, to
recording, calculation

and reporting)
Verified value 100
Cross checks Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.
QA/QC procedures Not applicable, since coal is not used during this monitoring period.

4.1.8 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Net calorific value of rice-husk consumed in the project activity during the year y (NCVrice husk,y), TJ/tonne
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Cross-checking the calculation of baseline emissions
Monitoring equipment Not applicable as testing is conducted by independent NABL accredited
(type, accuracy class, external agency.
serial number,
calibration frequency,
Testing agency: Haryana Test House
date of last calibration,
validity) Dates of testing: 22/01/2010, 20/01/2011

Measuring/Reading/ Monitoring frequency: Annual

Recording frequency
Data collection (from NCV of rice husk is obtained through annual test results done by NABL
data generation, accredited laboratory. These tests were conducted by Haryana Test
aggregation, to House. Two test results have been recorded for the monitoring period
recording, calculation under verification. The test reports for each consignment /P11/ have
and reporting) been checked and verified by the verification team
Verified value NCV NCV
Monitored Monitored
(kCal/kg) (TJ/tonne)
3068.57 0.0128475
3477.05 0.0145577
Cross checks The test results were compared with the NCV of solid biomass (11.6
TJ/Gg) provided in 2006 IPCC guidelines /B11/ and found to be within
QA/QC procedures The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting period.

CAR-01a was raised to rectify the NCV test report date which was incorrectly given in the MR and
successfully closed.

4.1.9 Data/Parameter, Unit:

Moisture content of rice-husk in year y (Mrice husk,y), %
Discussion and verification assessment
Purpose of data Cross-checking the calculation of baseline emissions
Monitoring equipment Testing agency: In house lab test by electronic weighing scale
(type, accuracy class,
serial number,

calibration frequency,
date of last calibration,
Measuring/Reading/ Monitoring frequency: Weekly and consolidated on monthly basis
Recording frequency

Data collection (from Moisture content of rice husk is monitored on weekly basis through
data generation, annual test results done by In-house laboratory. These test results are
aggregation, to aggregated on monthly basis. The average of these values for the
recording, calculation monitoring period has been reported. The aggregated report for the test
and reporting) reports of each week /P12/ have been checked and verified by the
verification team.
Verified value Period Average Moisture %
30/03/2009 to 31/03/2010 11.78
01/04/2010 to 31/03/2011 12.09
1-Apr-2011 to 19-June-2011 9.79
Cross checks The verification team cross checked the reported data in the ER sheet
/P04/ with the aggregated report of each week /P12/.
QA/QC procedures The data will be kept till two years after the end of the crediting period.

CAR-01b was raised to include the average moisture content value from 1-April-2011 to 19-June-2011
which was not included earlier in the MR and successfully closed.

4.2 Accuracy of GHG Emission Reduction or Removal Calculations

As per the applied methodology AMS-I.C. Version 18 /B01/ and the registered VCS PD /B14/, the
emission reductions for the project activity are calculated as per the formula given below:

ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy


ERy=Emission reductions in year y (t CO2/y)

BEy=Baseline Emissions in year y (t CO2/y)
PEy=Project emissions in year y (t CO2/y)
LEy=Leakage emissions in year y (t CO2/y)

Project emissions:

The project activity has estimated project emissions from the consumption of coal. However, no fossil fuel
was used during the current monitoring period. Also, the review of project implementation and operation
at site by the verification team established there is no project emission associated with the project activity
for the current monitoring period.

Leakage emissions:

The project activity has not estimated any leakages associated with the project activity. Also, the
verification team has cross-checked some sample biomass transportation challans /P16/ and certificate
giving the distances of places from where biomass is procured /P18/ to confirm the availability of rice husk
within 200km radius of the project activity. Hence, no leakages are applicable for the current monitoring



ERy= BEy

Since the project activity claims emission reductions from electricity generation only, the ER are
calculated as per methodology AMS-I.D., version 16 /B12/.

Baseline emissions:

BEy=EGBL, y × EFCO2,grid,y


BEy =Baseline Emissions in year y (t CO2)

EGBL,y=Quantity of net electricity supplied to the grid as a result of the implementation of the CDM project
activity in year y (MWh)
EFCO2,grid,y=CO2 emission factor of the NEWNE grid in year y = 0.839 tCO2/MWh; (fixed ex-ante)

The net electricity supplied to the grid is calculated as follows:

EGBL,y = Gross Electricity generation (EGgross,y) – Auxiliary Electricity consumption (EGaux,y)


BE = (84484630 – 11282594) MWh × 0.839 tCO2/MWh

= 61,416 tCO2e (Rounded conservatively)

As described above,

PE = 0 tCO2e
LE = 0 tCO2e

ER = 61,416 tCO2e (Rounded conservatively)

There has neither been any event of failure of meters at the project site, nor have any of the meters
exceeded the maximum permissible limit of error. The calculation of emission reductions is found to be
correct. The data involved in emission reduction calculation has been thoroughly verified with plant
records and found satisfactory. Refer to the section 4.1 of this report where all the assumptions, accuracy
class of all the individual meters were described to compute the baseline emission and project emission
from the project activity for the current monitoring period.

4.3 Quality of Evidence to Determine GHG Emission Reductions or Removals

The reported values, notation, units and sources in the monitoring report for all the monitoring parameters
have been cross checked with the emission reduction sheet /P04/ and monitoring report /P02/. During the
course of verification, the data is cross verified with the values mentioned in the emission reduction sheet
and monitoring report. The procedure for data recording, transfer and compilation was also verified and
found in compliance with the monitoring plan of the registered VCS PD /B14/.

Furthermore, the cross checks have been performed during site inspection on the continuous operation of
the monitoring equipment and procedures.

4.4 Management and Operational System

The management system for the project activity is in place. The organization structure with the
responsibilities, personnel competencies, monitoring procedure and monitoring management has been
properly identified. By interviewing with the staff and checking during the site visit, KBS can confirm that
the monitoring management system is implemented properly.

Monitoring and reporting of electricity generation, rice husk consumption, calorific value measurement
and moisture in rice husk are part of normal operations of the project. The quality of meter readings are
assured through calibration of energy meters /P13/ & weigh bridges /P14/.


The scope of the verification:

We, KBS have been engaged by Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. To certify that the greenhouse gas
(GHG) emission reductions reported for the 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab for the
period from 30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011 in the verification report and the monitoring report version 03 dated
16/08/2013 are eligible for registration as Voluntary Carbon Units.

This engagement covers the verification of emission reductions from anthropogenic sources of
greenhouse gases included within the project boundary of the 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur,
Punjab with the requirements of VCS Standard version 3.3.

Our approach is risk-based, drawing on an understanding of the risks associated with reporting GHG
emissions data and the controls in place to mitigate these. Our examination includes assessment, on a
test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in relation to the project’s GHG emission
reductions for the defined reporting period.

The verification is not meant to provide any consulting towards the Client. However, stated requests for
clarifications and/or corrective actions may provide input for improvement of the project design.

Conclusions of the verification:

a) KBS is an entity accredited by the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change
(UNFCCC) to undertake certification and verification services in the sector in which the Project is
undertaken. The accreditation is accepted by VCSA as indicated in Clause 5 of VCS Program Guide
Version 3.3.
b) The monitoring report, together with other information examined, was prepared as per the VCS
Monitoring Report Template, Version 3.2.
c) The information in the monitoring report together with other information examined by the assessment
team, including all the information necessary to determine that the emission reductions achieved
have been determined correctly.
d) Based on the examination of the monitoring report and other relevant information, the project meets
all the requirements of the VCS Standard Version 3.3.
e) Based on our examination of the monitoring report and other relevant information, the claiming
emission reductions during the monitoring period from 30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011 are verified as
61,416 tonnes CO2 equivalent.

Liability statement with regards to the accuracy of the verification statement

The management of Gillanders Arbuthnot & Co. Ltd. is responsible for the preparation of the GHG
emissions data and the reported GHG emissions reductions. KBS is responsible for verification and
confirming emission estimates for the project, as described in the monitoring report.

Our certification approach draws on an understanding of the risks associated with reporting GHG
emissions data and the controls in place to mitigate these. Our examination includes an assessment of
evidence, through desk review, and where necessary, interviews, stakeholder discussions and site visits,
relevant to certifying the rightfulness of the amounts and disclosures in relation to the Project’s GHG
emission reductions.

We planned and performed our work to obtain the information and explanations that we considered
necessary to provide sufficient evidence for us to give reasonable assurance that the amount of GHG
emission reductions for the given period, prepared on the basis of the monitoring report, are fairly stated.
This assessment included:

 Collection of evidence supporting the reported data;

 Checking whether the provisions of the Monitoring Plan in the registered PDD, were
consistently and appropriately applied;
 Site visit and interview of relevant staff.

We have verified whether the information included in the monitoring report representing the emission
reductions achieved has been determined correctly for the given period from the baseline figure.

Certification statements

Based on process and procedures conducted, in our opinion, the monitoring report version 03 dated
16/08/2013 on emission reductions for 6.5 MW cogeneration project in Akbarpur, Punjab during the
reporting period from 30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011 is materially correct and is a fair representation of the
GHG data and information and the emission reductions are fairly stated. All relevant facts have been
found correct by our examination. The GHG emission reductions calculation is correct.

Therefore, KBS is able to certify that the project is in full compliance with the VCS Standard Version 3.3,
and the quantity of the reported emission reductions during below reporting period are completely,
comparably, accurately and correctly reported.

(0) Reporting period: From 30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011

Verified GHG emission reductions or removals in the above reporting period:

Baseline Project Leakage Emission

Period Emissions Emissions Emissions Reductions
(tCO2e) (tCO2e) (tCO2e) (tCO2e)
30/03/2009 – 31/12/2009 21,654 0 0 21,654
01/01/2010 – 31/12/2010 30,409 0 0 30,409
01/01/2011 – 19/06/2011 9,353 0 0 9,353
Total 61,416 0 0 61,416

The total emission reduction verified for the above mentioned period is 61,416 tCO2e.
Location: Faridabad, Haryana, India
Date: 20/09/2013

Kaushal Goyal
Managing Director
KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.



Documents submitted by project participant:

Reference Document
/P01/ Draft Monitoring report version 01 dated 22/06/2013.
/P02/ Final Monitoring report version 03 dated 16/08/2013
/P03/ Emission reduction calculation Excel sheet corresponding to /P01/.
/P04/ Emission reduction calculation Excel sheet corresponding to /P02/.
st st
/P05/ Commissioning certificate – Protocol for completion of 1 Syn and 1 Load Trial of TG
Test (No. CCC/NR/05-06/R0/012) dated 30/03/2009 by Triveni Engineering &
Industries Ltd.
/P06/ Technical specifications of the project equipment
/P07/ Relevant clearances including:
a. Consent to Operate (as per Water Act, 1974) by Punjab Pollution Control Board:
i. No. SGR/WPC/2009/V-396 dated 27/01/2009 (validity: 26/01/2010)
ii. No. 169 dated 14/01/2011 (validity: 26/01/2011)
iii. No. 630 dated 17/02/2011 (validity: 26/01/2014)
b. Consent to Operate (as per Air Act, 1981) by Punjab Pollution Control Board:
i. No. SGR/APC/2008/V-368 dated 27/01/2009 (validity: 26/01/2010)
ii. No. 171 dated 14/01/2011 (validity: 26/01/2011)
iii. No. 631 dated 17/02/2011 (validity: 26/01/2014)
c. No Objection Certificate (No. EE-P/2006/SGR/LM/40/17270) dated 22/12/2006 by
Punjab Pollution Control Board
d. Certificate of Use of Boiler by Punjab Boiler Inspection Department
i. No. 5639 dated 04/01/2009 (validity: 03/01/2010)
ii. No. 6461 dated 04/01/2010 (validity: 03/01/2011)
iii. No. SPL/01/11/01 dated 05/01/2011 (validity: 04/01/2012)
e. Environment Clearance (No. SEIAA/2008/24976) dated 27/06/2008 by State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Punjab
/P08/ Biomass Assessment Study report dated 23/10/2008 by DSCL Energy Services
Company Ltd.
/P09/ Plant log book records for the current monitoring period including:
a. Gross electricity generation
b. Auxiliary electricity consumption
c. Net electricity generation
/P10/ Monthly rice husk procurement and consumption records for the current monitoring
/P11/ Annual test reports for NCV of rice husk from NABL accredited laboratory for the
current monitoring period:
i. Test certificate (No. 12073-A) dated 22/01/2010 by Haryana Test House
ii. Test certificate (No. 14473-A) dated 20/01/2011 by Haryana Test House
/P12/ On site laboratory test report for moisture content of rice husk for the current
monitoring period
/P13/ a. Calibration certificates for gross electricity generation energy meter for the current
monitoring period:
i. Test certificate (No. SDE/PO/SML/06-07/045) dated 09/02/2007 by Secure
Meters Limited
ii. Test certificate (No. GACL/CPP/AI/TVM/09/022) dated 29/03/2009 by Adecon
iii. Test certificate (No. GACL/CPP/AI/TVM/10/13) dated 01/03/2010 by Adecon

iv. Test certificate (No. GACL/CPP/AI/TVM/11/01) dated 23/11/2010 by Adecon
b. Calibration certificates for auxiliary electricity consumption energy meter for the
current monitoring period:
i. Test certificate dated 05/10/2008 by Conserv
ii. Test certificate dated 28/07/2009 by Pressure & Process Boilers
iii. Test certificate (No. GACL/CPP/AI/TVM/10/14) dated 01/03/2010 by Adecon
iv. Test certificate dated 24/11/2010 by United Automation & Services
/P14/ Calibration certificates for fuel consumption weigh bridge by Department of Legal
Metrology, Punjab:
i. Test certificate No. 150891 dated 22/12/2008
ii. Test certificate No. 255359 dated 21/12/2009
iii. Test certificate No. 697087 dated 30/12/2010
iv. Test certificate No. 648732 dated 22/03/2011
/P15/ Training records for monitoring and data archiving
/P16/ Sample Rice husk transporter challans in the current monitoring period
i. No. 678 dated 23/09/2009 by V. D. Traders
ii. No. 78 dated 09/01/2010 by Tek Chand Mohan Lal
iii. No. 161 dated 30/04/2010 by Tek Chand Mohan Lal
iv. No. 49 dated 18/12/2010 by M/s. Maa Durga Enterprises
v. No. 814 dated 01/03/2011 by V. K. Enterprises
/P17/ Internal audit records dated 05/04/2010 and 05/04/2011 during the current monitoring
/P18/ Certificate stating the distances from places of biomass procurement by Dashmesh
Truck Tempo Union
/P19/ Shutdown details during the current monitoring period from 30/03/2009 to 19/06/2011.

Background investigation records:

Sr. No. Title of document/reference/website

/B01/ Approved Baseline & Monitoring Methodology: AMS-I.C, version 18
/B02/ a. VCS Standard Version 3.3
b. VCS Program Guide Version 3.4
c. VCS Registration and Issuance Process, Version 3.4
/B03/ UNFCCC Webpage of the registered CDM Project
/B04/ Kyoto Protocol (1997).
/B05/ Decision 3/CMP.1, Decision 4/CMP.1 and Decision 1/CMP.2, § 28.
/B06/ CEA CO2 database version 5.0
/B07/ Websites referred:
/B08/ Verification protocol of KBS
/B09/ Guideline on the application of materiality in verifications (EB: 69, Annex: 06, Version:
/B10/ UNFCCC CDM Validation and Verification Standard (Version: 03)
/B11/ 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
/B12/ Approved Baseline & Monitoring Methodology: AMS-I.D, version 16
/B13/ VCS Validation Report No. 01 996 9105063620 by TÜV Rheinland Japan Ltd. Dated
/B14/ Registered VCS PD version 04, dated 22/03/2011

/B15/ VCS APX Registry project page –


Annex 1: Detailed Findings

Total findings raised CAR: 01 CL: 01 FAR: 00

Table 1: Resolution of Corrective Action and Clarification Requests

Summary of project owner
CL/CAR No Summary of findings section(s)/Annexe(s) of Verification team conclusion
the MR
CAR-01 a. During site visit it was observed that a. There was a typographical error Section 3.2 a. The corrected date of
the NCV of rice husk was monitored in the submitted monitoring calibration report in the revised
annually however in the submitted MR report. The date of the NCV MR was cross-checked with
it was showing more than one year. analysis report has been the calibration report and
PP is requested to put the correct date corrected in the MR. found OK. Hence, CAR is
in the MR. b. The average moisture content closed.
b. Sec 3.2 of MR does not report April values for the three months b. The revised MR includes
’11 to June’11 moisture content value. April’11 to 19 June’11 have now moisture content values
Cp Spread sheet and lab reports. been reported in the revised covering the entire monitoring
MR. period. Hence, CAR is closed.


CL-01 The auxiliary consumption value for the The verifier is requested to note that - The justification provided is found
project activity varies from 16% to 11% for the auxiliary consumption was acceptable considering the
the current monitoring period. Hence PP higher in the initial months after industry norms and based on
was requested to clarify the variation. commissioning and has stabilised to professional judgement. Hence,
a level of 12-13% after 6-7 months CL is closed.
of operation. In the initial phases
after commissioning the auxiliary
percentage is usually higher due to
unstable operating conditions, load
fluctuations and other teething
issues associated with


Annex 2: Certificate of Competence

Personnel Name: Kaushik Pal

Qualified to work as:
Team Leader Technical Expert
Validator/Verifier Financial Expert
Technical Reviewer Local Expert (India)
Area(s) of Technical Expertise
Sectoral Scope Technical Area
Energy Industries (renewable/non- TA 1.1: Thermal energy generation from fossil fuels and
renewable) biomass including thermal electricity from solar

Energy Demand TA 3.1 Energy Demand

Approved by (Manager C & T) Mayank Kumar Jain
Approval date: 04/04/2013

Personnel Name: Sayali Kumar

Qualified to work as:
Team Leader Technical Expert
Validator/Verifier Financial Expert
Technical Reviewer Local Expert (India)
Area(s) of Technical Expertise
Sectoral Scope Technical Area
Energy industries (renewable/non- TA 1.2: Energy generation from renewable energy
renewable sources) sources
Approved by (Manager C & T) Mayank Kumar Jain
Approval date: 25/06/2012

Personnel Name: Asim Kumar Jana

Qualified to work as:
Team Leader Technical Expert
Validator/Verifier Financial Expert
Technical Reviewer Local Expert (India)
Area(s) of Technical Expertise
Sectoral Scope Technical Area
Energy industries (renewable/non- TA 1.1: Thermal energy generation from fossil fuels and
renewable sources) biomass including thermal electricity from solar
TA 1.2: Energy generation from renewable energy sources

Energy Demand TA 3.1: Energy Demand
Chemical Industry TA 5.1: Chemical process industries
Solvents use TA 12.1: Chemical process industries
Waste handling and disposal TA 13.1: Waste handling and disposal
Approved by (Manager C & T) Mayank Kumar Jain
Approval date: 13/04/2012


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