Value Chain Analysis: de La Salle University Medical Center
Value Chain Analysis: de La Salle University Medical Center
Value Chain Analysis: de La Salle University Medical Center
Medical and healthcare research- Real-time recording of patients’ records and information
Computer and Information System- Real-time recording of hospital revenues
Acquisition of new medical technologies- Data analytics
Website developers for the building and designing of site contents and interface- Security services
Assistance from Information Desk - Security services
Communication with Medical Representatives-
Purchasing of medical technologies and inventories
Storing of medical supplies
Admission of patients. Outpatient services (Consultations, Results of laboratory tests. Availing of insurance coverage Follow-up check-ups and
Appointments laboratory exams, therapies, Results of swab testing. (HMO) treatments
Patients from other hospitals physical exams, etc.) PhilHealth members/dependents Monitoring services
(transfer and referrals) Diagnosis treatment care coverage
Collection of patients’ vital Inpatient care services (Childbirth, Customer Service
information and health declaration surgeries, hospitalization, Financial aid from Medical Social
form. treatment of serious illness, etc.) Services
Description of symptoms Collection of swab specimens. Discounts and benefits to all DLSAA
Activities Emergency room card holders
Receiving of hospital inventories. Exclusive privileges and discounts
to members of the DLSUMC
Diabetes Club
Premier suites, facilities, and drive-
thru immunizations.
Primary Activities
In analyzing the De La Salle University Medical Center's Value Chain, the patients' participation in the health care services provided by the hospitals dramatically affects the result
of its value chain. First, in the inbound logistics, the raw materials or inputs of the hospitals are the medical supplies, technologies, and patients. The medical supplies and
technologies acquired from its various suppliers sustain the needs of diagnosing and treating a patient's illness. Hence, acquiring hospital inventories is necessary for laboratory tests,
surgeries, and other medical services. On the other hand, patients categorized as a walk-in, with appointments, and from ambulatory services are inputs of the hospitals to perform
their operations. The vital information, including the health declaration acquired from the patients, will be needed in determining the appropriate clinical departments. Additionally,
the patient's symptoms descriptions are necessary to decide on the medical doctors' appropriate services.
Consequently, the medical doctors will administer outpatient services, diagnosis treatment care, and inpatient services to treat the patients. In the process activities, it will run
necessary laboratory tests to diagnose the illness accurately. After this, treatments will be provided, such as surgeries to cure the condition. For patients who have muscle injuries,
treatments will be in the form of physical therapies. Third, outbound logistics involves the giving of laboratory results to patients who acquired such services. During this pandemic,
many patients undergo COVID-19 testing and could obtain the results through email or pick-up. Through the laboratories of the hospitals, it will deliver the results to patients and be
forwarded to respective clinical departments who requested such tests before undergoing any surgical procedures.
In the marketing and sales activities, the hospital provides insurance coverage for health cardholders. PhilHealth members or dependents are also accepted to avail services and
hospital admissions. It also advises patients in applying for financial aid from Medical Social Services. This promotion encourages patients to acquire other services from DLSUMC
since they will have discounts on the service fees. Moreover, it offers privileges and discounts to DLSAA card holders and patients who will apply for membership of the DLSUMC
Diabetes Club. The hospital may also provide premiere suites for patients and encourage them to avail their drive-thru immunizations for hassle-free services. And lastly, the after-
care services of the hospital involve follow-up check-ups and monitoring of the patients' conditions. It could add to the determination of the quality of the services provided,
especially if there were no adverse reactions to treatments.
Support Activities
The support activities of the De La Salle University Medical Center are the infrastructure, human resources management, technology development, and procurement needed to
analyze the hospital's value chain. The infrastructure includes the organization's structure to implement the strategies, provide solutions, and make sound decisions for the continuity
chain their participation helps determine the perceived value they receive,
illness and information about it accurately. Aside from this, updated software is required to record the revenue and patient data in real-time. It should also have tight security services
to prevent leaking of confidential information of the staff and patients.