Technical Data Sheet: Supported Hardware
Technical Data Sheet: Supported Hardware
Supported Hardware
The programs MLab and PLab are independent of specific hardware. They support a
variety of devices from different manufacturers and the common bus systems.
In general, self-developed native drivers are integrated directly into the operating
system. By this means optimized access times on the one hand and the manufacturer
independent driver support for a variety of operating systems can be realized
(eg Windows 10, 7, XP).
Manufacturer Devices
Native drivers: PA1700, APCI3120, APCI1710, APCI3200, APCI035,
ADDI-DATA APCI3600, APCI3000, APCI3006, APCI3010, APCI3016, APCI3100,
APCI3106, APCI3110, APCI3116, APCI1648/96, APCI3500, APCI3501
Analog Device Native drivers: RTI800, RTI802, RTI815, RTI834, RTI835
BMC Messsysteme Native drivers: Base 300
B+S Multidata Integra
We reserve the right to update this information without prior notice. You’ll find further informations at
CAETEC CAN module systems
We tried to ensure the correctness of this information; however, we do not accept liability for any error or omission.
CAETEL PCM systems: CAETEL32 and others
Native drivers: IFAT, IF16, PCIDMA, ECIA100/101, RCIO
CAESAR Datensysteme
Systems: MOPS, Quasar
CSM CAN module systems
Native drivers: DT2812, DT2814, DT21EZ, DT2821, DT2831, DT2831G,
DT2833, DT2835, DT2836, DT2837, DT2838, DT2839, DT301, DT302,
Data Translation DT303, DT304, DT321, DT322, DT3010, DT3010/32, DT3016, DT340
Generic drivers: Open Layer DT ECON-Serie, DT 9800-Serie, DT 9834-Serie,
DT 9836-Serie, DT 9832-Serie
Gantner Instruments Systems: e.series, Q.series, Q.brixx
Goldammer External drivers: USB Basic light
HBM Systems: MGC-Plus mit Ethernet
Imtron Systems: AD-ETH
IOTech Native drivers: Daq/112B, Daq/216B, Daq/100B, Daq/200B
IPETRONIC CAN module systems
Jäger Systems: ADwin-light-16
Johne + Reilhofer PCM systems: TM8K13, MEAS and others
Native drivers: 2750-Serie, DAS-1702HR, DAS-1702HR-DA, DAS-1802HR,
DAS-1802HR-DA, DAS-1701ST, DAS-1701STDA, DAS-1801ST, DAS-
1801ST-DA, DAS-1702ST, DAS-1702ST-DA, DAS-1802ST, DAS-1802ST-DA,
Keithly Instruments
HardwareSupportDatasheetEn.docx / Stand: 18.05.2020
Manufacturer Devices
Native drivers: DAQ-Card 6024, DAQ-Card 6036, DAQ-Card 700, DAQ-Card
1200, AT-MIO-16H-9, AT-MIO-16L-9, AT-MIO-16H-15, AT-MIO-16L-15, AT-
National Instruments
MIO-16H-25, AT-MIO-16L-25, PCI 65xx-Serie
Generic drivers: DAQmx DAQ 6015, FPGA 783x
Peak Systems Generic CAN driver: CAN devices for PC104, USB, PCI
Native drivers: DAQP12, DAQP12H, DAQP16, DAQP208, DAQP208H,
RACAL-HEIM Systems A480, DataRec4
Rexroth Systems: HCE control elektronic
RTD Embedded
Native drivers: DM(5)406, DM(5)406-2, DM6425
Native drivers: PCM12, PCM12H, PCM16, PCM208, PCM208H, PCM308,
Sorcus Generic CAN drivers: CAN-Box
Sony PCM systems: DAT4, DAT8, DAT16
Generic drivers: Ethernet, Firewire, Test devices
Generic CAN driver: All CAN devices supported by the Vector standard
Vector Informatik
interface, CANape
Volland PCM systems: Compact256 and others
Special VMIC-5565
MTI, MTx, DataTaker800, DSA-Link, MicroSAT, IBPCard, Datascan 7000,
Mantracourt T24
Seriell, NMEA 183-2, GPS, SharedMemory, I8255, I8254/55, AM9513, TPC/IP,
UDP, OPC-Client, DDE, Windows-HDI
Please note:
Some of the drivers may be optional and/or available upon request only.
Some drivers may not support all the capabilities of the hardware.
Some drivers may be restricted to certain platforms
If you are in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us for clarification
The list of supported devices is growing constantly. In case you can't find your desired hardware in our list,
do not hesitate to contact us. We have own resources for driver development, so in most cases connection
of our software to your hardware can be realized cost efficiently.