The Monster Times 06 Apr 12 1972

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The newspaper discusses zombies and zombie films at length, with articles on the history and portrayal of zombies in different media.

The newspaper is focused on discussing zombies, with multiple articles analyzing zombies in different films and contexts.

The newspaper discusses a wide variety of monsters and films, including zombies, witches, aliens, science fiction serials like Buck Rogers, and horror classics from directors like Orson Welles.


Monster Times page 1


said to be "Jane Eyre
... the West Indies"
a gothic tale of
a young girl who becomes reat way to open an issue, huh?
mistress of a zombie-ridden
household. No zombies,
ZOMBIES. Who cares about zombies? We
just a sleep-walker. do! Letit be known that THE MONSTER

At right is the-zombie- TIMES is a newspaper that CARES!

Nobody likes zombies they're not really
. . .

-nning the mine-owner

n PLAGUE OF THE monsters. They're not really even dead.
OMBIES! They're not really alive. Nor particularly
bright. Nor are many of their films any
Come to think of it, wewonder
ourselves, why
we're doing a whole zombie
issue, afterBut it's too late, now.

Noted film and expert, Ron

Borst commences a vasty gargantuan and
exhaustive and exhausting survey of what
we'd hope is an exhausted topic; The
Zombie in Films, on the 2nd page
following ... so turn the page,
now . we're too tired to ...
. .

Th e Monster Times page 1




itl I


said to be "Jane Eyre
:n the West Indies"
a gothic tale of
a young girl who becomes ^reat way to open an issue, huh?
mistress of a zombie-ridden
household. No zombies,
ZOMBIES. Who cares about zombies? We
just a sleep-walker. do! Letit be known that THE MONSTER

At right is the-zombie- TIMES is a newspaper that CARES!

Nobody likes zombies they're not really . . .
canning the mine-owner
in PLAGUE OF THE monsters. They're not really even dead.
ZOMBIES! They're not really alive. Nor particularly
bright. Nor are many of their films any
Come think of it, we wonder
ourselves, why we're doing a whole zombie
issue, after all. But it's too late, now.
Noted film researcher and expert, Ron
Borst commences a vasty gargantuan and
exhaustive and exhausting survey of what
we'd hope is an exhausted topic; The
Zombie in Films, on the 2nd page
following ... so turn the page,
now we're too
. . . tired to ... .

page 2 The Monster Times

The World’s

of Horror,

Sci-Fi PAGE 20

and PAGE 16

Lookit the zombie come out of the grave.

He ain't changed his socks, and does he need a shave!
A zombie's sad story will choke up your throat.
Cause he ain't too handsome; his skin's such a bloat!
People don 't like him, and girls shy away.
So he sings lotsa love songs of Maggots in May,
And graveyard rats lolling by the light of the moon. A survey of the zombie film from Z to Omega,
for those who don’t think one zombie film is enough.
So pity the poor zombie, but bury him soon!

lThe above song was found slid under our office door a They walked! They talked! They did practically everything.
couple of weeks ago, by person or persons Hmmm. . .were they really zombies?
unknown . and it’s best that they remain
. .

so unknown. Still, it got us to thinking of zombies

. . .

{samsthing we don’t do often), and so we hit on yon

brainstorm: this tempestuous all-zombie ish. Ano just You read the book! You saw thr movie?
look at what the cyclone dragged in; enough zombies to
Then the second mew*! Maw read the newspaper story! PAGE 1

last an afterlife-time. From the ASTRO-ZOMBIES to the

here. Was way ahead of its time. .and still is. .

"QUO ZOMBIE?" Maybe someday, when we’re all dead and buried.

Zombies: Why and Whither? Zombies are rather

newcomers to the Traditional Monster club . . . that is, “AND THE DEAD SHALL WALK”:
monsters who are more or less “natural” or “organic” as a A special Lovecraftian MT horror comic strip,

health-food-faddist cannibal might call ’em), rather than commissioned of Doom-dealing Demonic Dan Green.
the “new breed” of monsters produced by technology or
from outer-space. They seem to be the last of the SPECIAL ZOMBIE POSTER IN FOUL COLOR!:
old-school, superstition-produced monsters. Something to make your spirits rise cheerfully
Zombies are pretty unique in Monsterdom; zombies
and witches seem the only monsters that are believed in
16 (if not necessarily your lunch rise cheerfully).

today, in some parts of the civilized world, such as the

But here in America, Zombies are considered, good, You wonder where we gell all our info. So do we.
unclean fun, and so many good, unclean and funny Rumors that Bill Feret's related to Rona Barrett are quite untrue.
zombies have paraded across the silver screen, and into
our hearts, that we decided to dub this our special
Part III of a series. The only fight
BROADWAY (Just in case you thought we forgot!), and where a movie maker killed an already dead author.
zombies from Poe (LIGEA was a woman who came back
from the dead).
Zombies from Pennsylvania came from their graves to MONSTER MARKET : This time we product test (what else?)
appear in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, zombies from —a ZOMBIE MASK! Even a zombie
some bar in Tijuana pretended to be from outer space in can get zombied to death reading TMT!
the John Carradine fiasco, ASTRO-ZOMBIES.
Zombies once thrived in comic books, stories of the
undead once lived in abundance on pungent pulp paper BADTIME STORIES. . .A REVIEW:
comix, but since the Comics Code Authority came along, Baying Berni, baneful wolf of Wrightson's Weir,
they all went to the WHITE ZOMBIES’ has done it again!. . .A horror book that’s All-Wright, son!

GRAVEYARD . . . that is, obscurity. Now, with the

comix and a young, new, educated generation
discovering suppressed and censored comic books of the Is a classic film; not to mention a gory one,
1950’s, our survey of ZOMBIES IN COMIX was made, about zombie ghouls and guys. Hop on the grave-train!
especially for this issue . . zeroing in most particularly on

that old EC-yarn, “Horror We? How’s Bayou?” Did . . .

you know there’s a law on the books in New York State THE MONSTER MAIL:
that makes horror comix illegal? More on that, when we Dead issues (of THE MONSTER TIMES) live again,

do our special EC Horror Comix issue #9, which follows called to life by the critical comments of our readers.
our special all-HAMMER Films issue, #8, which follows
our special GODZILLA featured issue #7, which follows
this one in two mere weeks. THIS ISSUE'S COVER is a gargantuan panel by Dan Green of his comic strip "AND THE DEAD SHALl
Now doesn’t that entice you to subscribe, and not WALK!" We dug his grave comic strip so much, we had Dan blowup one panel with additions of Dan s
miss out on the great grue stuff cornin’ soon enuf? deathly detail. We’ll be futurely featuring more Green-grabbers.

THE MONSTER TIMES, No. 6, April 12, 1972 published every two weeks by The Monster Times
THE MONSTER TIMES IS PRODUCED AND CREATED BY LARRY BRILL & LES WALDSTEIN. Publishing Company. P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Subscriptions in
are invited provided
Editor CHUCK McNAUGHTON Managing Editor: JOE BRANCATELLI. Copy Editor: JOE KANE.
U.S.A.: $6.00 for 13 issues, outside U.S.A.: $10.00 for 26 issues. Contributions
material. Entire
WNOROSKI Columnists: BILL FERET, DENNY O’NEIL. CM RICHARDS. Contributing Writers: return postage is enclosed; however, no responsibility can be accepted for unsolicited
contents copyrighted (c) 1972, by The Monster Times Publishing company. Nothing may
be reprinted in
Contributing Photographer: BARRY GLUTSKY. West Coast Correspondent: LARRY WALDSTEIN.
European Correspondent: JESSICA CLERK. Advertising Manager: LARRY BRILL. Contributing Artists whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Subscriber change of address; give f
HICKMAN. JEFF JONES. MIKE KALUTA. GRAY MORROW. PAUL NEARY. BILL NELSON. LARRY weeks notice. Send an address imprint from recent issue or state exactly how label is addressed.

The Monster Times page 3

Excerpted from PHOTON magazine (C) 1971


early origins

The term “zombie” is derived from the

same source as those other supernatural
terms: ‘‘vampire’’ and
“werewolf” from man’s imagination;
. . .

to be specific from a combination of

religious beliefs (and, possibly, fear) and
superstition. Unlike the other two, the
zombie can almost be termed a local
creation, having its foundation in our
neighboring West Indies (rather than from
remote comers of Europe and Asia). For
although the ancient practice of voodoo
can be traced back to Africa, the
monsterish zombie doesn’t seem to have
developed until “black magic” spread to
the isle of Haiti, usually identified as the
birthplace of “zombieism.”
The term first came into noteriety
through William B. Seabrook’s account of
his visit to Haiti, The Magic Island, first
published in 1929, entire chapter
entitled, “ . . . Dead Men Working in the
Cane Fields,” to the zombie, and his
definition termed the creature:

“. . neither a ghost, nor yet a

person who had been raised like
Lazarus from the dead. The
‘Zombie’ they say, is a souless
human corpse, still dead, but taken The latest zombie on the screen scene that we know of is Peter Cushing as kindly Mr. Grimsdyke from the EC-co mix-based film, TALES
from the grave and endowed by FROM THE CRYPT. The first zombie, (below, far-left! was controlled by Bela Lugosi, in the 1932 classic, WHITE ZOMBIE. That's Bela in
the tux and goatee. Not your usual zombie master, when Bela got beaned, his zombies fell flat on their . . . faces, and other places.

sorcery with a mechanical discovered that a group of so-called

semblance of life— it is a dead body zombies toiling in a field were no more
which is made to walk and act and than dim-witted misfits; individuals
move as if it were alive. People who pressed into slavery by unscrupulous
have the power to do this go to a villains. But in spite of this discovery,
fresh grave, digup the body before local natives who had become Seabrook’s
it has had time to rot, galvanize it friends continued to insist that the
into movement, and then make of zombie as a supernatural creature did
it a servant or slave, occassionally indeed exist; that relatives of dead people
for the commission of some crime, reported seeing their long-dead relations
more often simply as a drudge months after they had been entombed.
around the habitation or the farm,
setting it dull and heavy tasks, and WHITE ZOMBIE
beating it like a dumb beast if it

slackens.” “Unusual times demand unusual

pictures,” blurbed the ads heralding the
Unlike the vampire or lycanthrope, a arrival of WHITE ZOMBIE during
zombie cannot be destroyed by the mid-summer of 1932. “Here’s a burning,
well-known religious methods, sunlight or glamorous love-tale told on the
silver bullets. It toils from sunup to borderland of life and death ... the story
sunset in the cane fields, and is fed a of a fiend who placed the woman he
tasteless food called “bouillie.” The food desired under the strange spell of WHITE
must be devoid of salt, and the zombie ZOMBIE, rendering her soul-less, lifeless,

must never be permitted to taste meat, yet permitting her to walk and breathe
for to do either would end in the and do his every bidding! See this live,

zombie’s realization that he is indeed a weird, strangest of all love stories!”

“walking dead”; 'he would voluntarily America received WHITE ZOMBIE
return to his grave to remain there with same tremendous box-office
permanently. response as andDRACULA
During his travels about Haiti, FRANKENSTEIN got only scant months
Seabrook was determined to view this before.
phenomenon for himself, but eventually Allegedly inspired by Seabrook’s The
Bela Lugosi and friends gallop through a mad scene in WHITE ZOMBIE
% The Monster Times

hands were clasped only lightly. But his on age-old gothicism and romanticism, it
grip tightened as more and more power may always be fondly regarded as one of
had to be asserted as in the case where he the finest— if not the finest-gothic horror
commands Madeline to kill her lover. film from the era of the 1930’s.
Without this mental exchange between
zombie and master, the slaves failed to Zombies Invade Cambodia
function. When Legendre is momentarily
In 1936, the Halperin brothers
knocked unconscious, the zombies lost
attempted to re-create their initial success
control of their movements and blindly
plummet over the cliff.
emerged as, quite literally, a carbon-copy
Black magician Legendre does not
of WHITE ZOMBIES in terms of
merely create his zombies by ressurecting
characters, dialog and theme, but lacked
them from their graves; he is able to
the classical elements which made the
create a type of semi-zombie subservient
earlier film a cinematic triumph.
to his will through his own magical
The picture opens with some
prowess. He manages this through the use
confusing sequences set on the
of a strange drug. When Madeline inhales
Franco-Austrian frontier during the last
the scent, her mind goes blank, but she is
months of World War I. Agroup of
hardly an actual zombie, since she has
zombie soldiers advance against a hail of
only appeared to die. Similarly,
bullets to put the enemy to rout. Later,
Beaumont does not die from the drugged
an oriental priest, chaplain of a French
wine. Rather, his mind slowly
colonial regiment, is condemned to life
disintegrates, him a vegetable
imprisonment because he possesses the
whose last glimmer of humanity enables
power of turning men into senseless
him to destroy his master in the
automations, acting only in accordance
concluding reel.
with his will. Colonel Mazovia (Roy
A highly interesting but puzzling
D’Arcy) hides himself in the priest’s
question concerns the relationship
prison cell and rescues a parchment
between Legendre and his “pet” vulture,
containing the location of the secret
which Beaumont realizes is Legendre’s
formula which the priest attempted to
familiar. Exactly what the bird represents
in relation to Legendre, or to the plot, is
After the war is over, an expedition
unclear. At a showing of the film in New
ocmposed of representatives from all the
York, the author asked historian William
Allied countries come to Cambodia to
K. Everson if he found any meaning in
destroy the secret of the zombies.
this relationship. Everson replied that he
Colonel Mazovia is a member of this
had once put the same question to his
expedition, as are Armand Louque (Dean
acquaintance Lugosi personally, and the
Jagger), a student of dead languages;
actor "bluntly replied, “It’s simple!
Clifford Grayson (Robert Noland), an
Transmigration of souls!” What Lugosi
Englishman; General Duval (George
An ad from the actual WHITE ZOMBIE pressbook, which is exceedingly rare and fragile and meant is open to interpretation. Could
Cleveland) and his daughter, Claire
costly .but your newspaper spares no expense in getting all the monster curios you, the
. Legendre simply have dominated this bird
(Dorothy Stone). The shy and diffident

reader, deserve. as he had his human victims? Or is the

Armand falls in love with Claire, who
" bird a manifestation of a demon or dark
accepts his proposal of marriage in order
The screenplay faithfully depicted the spirit which serves the “white warlock”?
Magic Island, the only real connection to spite Clifford, whom she really loves.
between WHITE ZOMBIE and the zombie according to the Haitian Lugosi triumphs in WHITE ZOMBIE.
Later, when the three are working near
non-fictional work is in its faithful superstitions and voodoo practices. His Lugosi achieved his all-time greatest
each other, Claire reveals her love for
presentation of zombieism. The most interesting development was in portrayal of evil. It is also interesting to
Cliffordand Armand frees her from their
pressbook from WHITE ZOMBIE does having Legendre (Bela Lugosi) transmit note that Lugosi only received a flat sum
engagement. As a result of “accidents”
quote liberally (without giving specific mental commands to his slaves by of $800 for this role in a film that made
(caused by the wily Mazovia), and the
credit)from Seabrook’s description of clasping his hands together and millions for itsproducers.
refusal of the natives to work for the
Lugosi shares one short dialog ex-
the zombie, but only to stress establishing a linkage between his brain whites, the expedition returns to the base
change with Baumont. (Robert Frazer) in
believability in the creature. and their undead minds. Usually, his
which he watches his former employer
mentally disintegrate into a nonentity. He
performs the final act of changing
Beaumont into a living zombie— carving
the voodoo doll— and as Beaumont
struggles to lift his hand to let it fall on
Legendre’s in a last attempt to implore
the fiend to release Madeline from her
fate,Legendre merely lifts his own arm
from beneath and reminds Beaumont of
their first encounter when Beaumont
refused to shake hands with him. His tone
might almost imply that he feels pity for
his victim, but he has become so
accostomed to denying humans the right
to live that it is doubtful whether
Beaumont’s actions have even the
slightest effect on his emotions.

WHITE ZOMBIE was made in 1932,

but over the years it has achieved a
remoteness in time as romantic and
gothic as its theme. Its acting styles and
technical facilities are admittedly
primitive, but so, too, are they unique.
Although the film may well be criticized
for striving for over-melodramatic
horrors, it succeeds well in the attempt;
certainly as well as a DRACULA or
FRANKENSTEIN. And because of its
many unique properties: the superior
photographic effects and macabre
but sometimes get this urge to scratch an itch, and can't help myself,"
"Sorry pal . . . I
settings; the limited but meaty dialog; the
confeses this WHITE ZOMBIE slave of Bela Lugosi.
lack of offensive comedy and the stress 1936 REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES
1 f I "-'' >vs-v».vm t- —
! 1
Th@ Mohstier ‘Times
iii‘iiiilllliilu'ii 1
page 5

"The zombie ... is a soulless human corpse,

still dead, but taken from the grave and

endowed by sorcery with a mechanical semblance

of life, it is a dead body which is made to walk
and act and move as if it were alive."

at Pnom Penh. However, when Armand accurate to state that often cited as chi. f

discovers a previously overlooked clue, he representatives of the zombie sub-gen r

sneaks back to Angkor against orders. are two grade depending upon
‘C’ (to ‘Z’

In the temple at Angkor the scholar one’s taste) cheapies produced by the
views an ancient ceremony. Later he infamous Monogram Studios.
follows one of the native servants of the
-Monogram’s first entry into the fielu
high priest out of the temple and through was KING OF THE ZOMBIES, produced
a swamp to a bronze doorway. After the during 1941 and released prior to the
servant leaves, Armand accidently strikes December attack on Pearl Harbor. The
a gong held by a strange idol and a panel film was directed by Jean Yarbrough

in the wall translates the inscription, he (also known as the Rondo Hatton
realizes that it is the secret. HOUSE OF HORRORS up to such recent
When he returns to the expedition he
is dismissed by his superior for HOUSE), and tried to combine several
insubordination and, hence, goes mad. He successful elements such as comic rel
and even Nazi villains. Zombies the
turns his servant into a zombie, and soon
over the are described by a pert young servant
thereafter gains control all

members of the expedition, making them Samantha (Marguerite Whitten) as “Dead

folks. .that walks around!” Samantha
obey Iris every command. By threatening .

Clifford, he forces Claire to consent to.

and “Old Tahama”, the cook (Madame
Sul-te-wan), have but to clap their hands
marry him, but finally comes to realize
to have the zombies march in for their
that he can never really force her to love
evening dinner. The story is an incohesive
him. Despairing of ever obtaining the one
thing he most desires, Armand
relinquishes his power and liberates the As the night (and the picture) wear on.
from semi-death, there are the usual nocturnal appearances
zombies their
destroying both himself and the ancient
of glassey-eyed zombies, etc, etc, etc

At length in the lengthy picture,
easily be discerned from the zombies turn against their master, a Nazi
As can
lacking in both spy.
synopsis, the picture is

sincerity and in authenticity.

followed only two years later. Monogram
Zombies meet Bob Hopei worked to degrade famed Shakespearian
actor John Carradine in a similar fashion.
Although the debasement of Dracula The plot for this one made KING OF
and Frankenstein’s Monster was not to THE ZOMBIE’S screenplay seem a
take place until the release of ABBOTT masterpiece of construction, even though
4.N, D, COSTEfLO ME E T used the same dull formula. There’s
FRANKENSTEIN in 1948, the zombie some by-play between the hero and the
suffered a much quicker decline by zombies; in this case a fellow by the name
serving as a monsterish foil to the antics of Lazarus (James Baskett) who remarks
of comedian Bob Hope in a to Jeff over the car he drives, “Beautiful
lushly-mounted Paramount thriller of car. I drove a car like this for master.
1940 infilled THE GHOST BREAKERS. “Yes?” replies Jeff. “When I was alive,”
Briefly, Hope plays Larry Lawrence, a he adds.
radio commentator whose frequent There is a Nazi agent who is named
remarks against gangsters finally force him Von Altermann. His goal is to develop a
to leave town. He accidentally traps new army, an army of zombies which will
himself in Mary Carter’s (Paulette not be stopped by bullets and will be, in
Goddard) trunk, and by the time he fact, invincible. Firing a bullet
manages to make his presence known, he point-blank into his zombie wife, Von
"Be sure to look for me on pege
admonishes this zombie, one of the few really
is on a ship bound for Cuba. Miss Carter
good-lookin' zombies ever seen. That's why we're running so many photos of him. Call it Continued on page 29
has inherited a supposedly haunted castle, PLAGUE OF THE PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES)

and Lawrence offers to. go along as her

protector. Anthony Quinn turns up in a
dual role throughout these proceedings,
but the horror does not begin until they
reach the island. There, Paramount’s art
director Hans Dreier (assisted by Robert
Usher) created not only the spooky castle
settings, but an eerie native hut in which
an old woman (Virginia Brissac) lived
with her zombie son (well played by
Noble Johnson, specialist in horror roles).
Larry manages to foil the prowling
zombie, and reveals the whole thing as an
evil plot by Miss Carter’s supposed friend,

Geoff Montgomery (a young Richard

Carlson). In the conclusion, Montgomery
meets a horrible finish and the island . is

found to be the source of a fortune in

mineral deposits, but a supernatural
presence of the castle’s femme spirit and
the zombie are left unexplained.
On the whole, THE GHOST
BREAKERS is a reworking of the “old
dark house” theme But when gaunt
and brutish Noble Johnson lumbers down
the dimly lit staircase in the latter half of
the film, a genuine shuddery moment
appears in an otherwise mediocre film.

total debasement:
the Monogram Zombies Mexican monster epic about a mysterious masked wrestler.
was pretty revolting to us.
It is most unfortunate but perhaps











"NOT DEAD ENOUGH" screeched the cover blurb on this 1953 pre-Code comic, MYSTIC ... as any zombie-lover can plainly see. No zombies in the story inside, tho.

W.h the beginning of horror comix in the most comic readers couldn't tell the difference material for "approved comics." Some appear
today in the quickly multiplying field of
late forties, it was inevitable that stories between a ghoul, a zombie, and an ordinary
containing ghouls and zombies would mortified corpse. They were moving factors in non-approved gross, horror comics, but still are
wretchedly arise from the pages of the four the burden of the dreaded Comix Code done in putrescent fashion. Since THE
color comix' loam. They flooded the market— at Authority. Authors and writers depicted them MONSTER TIMES always reports on putrescent
a time when the market was dying-and were so badly that they were banned for many years. things in our own
putrescent fashion, we
twisted and mangled so that by the late fifties. Even today, zombies and ghouls are contraband unearth the foul-lowing facts of . .

IS CIMIIX! by Steve Jenkins
The Monster Times page 7


'Scenes dealing with instruments associated with walking dead, Portfolio

torture, ghouls and cannibalism are prohibited."


code for editorial matter - Comics Code Authority 1954




he Late Great Undead EC Comix made the greatest that the doctor, like the obese salesman and the young
Zombie story of all time. In a 1952 ish of HAUNT OF lady before him, is sacked and thrown into the William

FEAR comix, the yarn "Horror We, How's Bayou," set a quicksand bog, along with his personal belongings and
trend for zombie and ghoul comix for years to come. the car he arrived in. Sidney retires to an uneasy sleep. M.

Authored by Al Feldstein and Bill Gaines, and drawn by He is to get no rest this dark night, however. For tonight

"Ghastly" Graham Ingels, it was a triumph of artistic is Through some supernatural force, the
a strange night.

and writing harmony. bodies that have been rotting in the quicksand are now
Despite the fact that "Horror We, How's Bayou" was reforming themselves.
The salesman's head is on the doctors body, the

a typical EC story (snap ending, over writing), it became

a standout story of fear and terror. The story concerns woman's head fused to the salesman, and so on. The buy!

two brothers living in the swampy morbid Bayou three conglomerates return to the mansion for what is to
country. Everett, the abominable younger brother, is a become an almost universal theme in zombie/ghoul
homicidal maniac who must be satisfied every so often, horror stories: revenge. They enter the house and, with
lest he turn on Sidney, his elder brother. Sidney, in the doctor's destructive tools, do unto Sidney, as have
order to stave off his brother's deathly desires, lures been done unto their muddy mussed-up selves. They
victims to the dreary bayou hermitage by reversing a attack the hunchbacked Sidney, dismembering his limbs
and sew him back together, saying nothing, just Without doubt the greatest title for any zombie story ever
road sign leading them to the house.
Every victim is given the same treatment; an offer to going about their deadly work. No true zombie would
spend the night. During the night Everett's mad thirst talk, and they do not. Clearly showing that this story down head hanging from the left hip, sobbing . . . the
for murder overwhelms him, and he kills and then had been researched to some extent by the authors. left leg, sewn to the left shoulder, crooked awkwardly
dismembers his gory gictims. Later they are tossed in a The narrator ends this tale of revenge in this manner: around a makeshift crutch . . . the right leg swaying from
sack and thrown into a quicksand bog. "Suddenly, a key rattles into the lock of the heavy door the right shoulder . . . the left arm . . . Well, anyway,
Everett has done this bestial action twice as the story of Everett's room! He turns from the barred window! you get the idea.

opens. His third victim is a doctor. Following procedure, Disney, or what was once Sidney but is now nothing After "fixing" Sidney, they all return to the
Everett kills, dismembers and disposes of the bloody more than a confused reorganization of Sidney's quicksand bog, and we assume were never seen again.
remains of what is left of the doctor. Sidney sees to it dismembered body, stands before him The upside While the story was rather grim and difficult to

More HORROR WE? HOW'S BAYOU? Tale from the Swamp . . .Artist "Ghastly" Ingels made us aware of polluted water's hazards before even American industry did.

(Beneath its sucking^sijr face, the dismembered ) A stringy- haired rotted woman's head bobs to
—^Tgure ^4/ CAN
mow r///5 tale will end, you can go to the head of the


were constant contributors. Although not of the same
cloth that the EC artists were, they were talented, but
Lee did nothing more than have them hack out story
after repugnant story.
Many of Atlas' covers were decorated with zombies
and ghouls, and yet the story-line suggested ghosts, mad
scientists, or robots. Representative of these frauds were
such titles as Mystic (No. 26 and No. 28) and Uncanny
Tales (No. 19). Apparently zombies and the like were
selling then, but no one in Lee's stable knew how to
write them correctly.

A story in Adventures into Terror No. 30 is such a

case. It's apparently about zombies, but the story raises
many "The Dead Don't Sleep", the
questions. Entitled
artists drew the zombies as eerie ghosts on the insides,
and like decrepit skeletons on the cover. They must be
zombies because they give every appearence of having

hjman material form (broken dirt over their graves,

holding knives) and the like. Yet they are drawn as


In one of the better Atlas tales, entitled "From Out

No. of the Grave" concocted by Gene Colan (who is still
activetoday at Marvel) the story line confuses ghouls
and zombies. The revenge motive is once again apparent.
The vent vindication from the grave on these who move
their bodies and sell the corpses to be sidsected by
doctors in surgery lessons. Yet, while the story is mildly
entertaining, the confusion muddies the plot. The
entities have ghoul features black hair and chalk
face, but have the actions of a zombie.

In all the zombie comics of the mid-fifties, only a few

Well, it really wasn't. This "zombie" was more like a putrefied giant leprechaun (he even wore green shrouds). The "normal" seem researched to get any sense of authenticity. One of
human gains control by threatening to burn the zombie 's old clothes . . which will destroy him. Wouldn't it destroy you? It destroyed us!
is "The Mad Mamba" from Adventures into Weird


illustrate,"Ghastly" Ingels, as he came to be known there was no shortage of dancing

during the period does a masterful job of drawing the SUVTMM.ltiE ZOmmt KElO LOLA if* AMD AS ONE CREATURE FROM THE NiChT, PARTNERS FOR LOLA That nkSHT/waRiSw
story. Burderned by the overwritten captions, Ingels A VISE * like GRiPM HEV mOveo DEAD RETURNED TO HiS GRAVE, living NiGHT/ IT 5ECMEO AS IF SHE WOUUO
SO Swiftly, it was AS if theiR another too* his place.* the olo sv'£r iS£’sC STOP DAnCinG.'
produces an illustrating job that still amazes today's fine
FEET NEVER TOUCH EO THE GROuND witch played on anc> on, beating 1

"comic-art" artists. It is a great tribute to Ingels when out the wild rhythm on her
one realizes that the comic artists of today have gone
twenty-odd years, and have still to match the ghastly,
gruesome mood that Ingels conjured up in some of his
finest graphic works. Artist of heaving horror Berni
Wrightson swears by Ghastly Ingels.
Many of the other horror comics produced in the 50's
time period were only pale imitations of the fine horror
that EC produced. The June 1954 issue of UNCANNY
TALES carried a story titled "When Walks the Zombie".
The story, both art and story wise would normally be
devoid of interest, but it was one of the very last stories
in comics to have the word 'zombie' connected with it

for almost twenty years. In October 1954 the Comics

Code Authority was formed, and bowing to outside
pressure, forbade many stories, including those which
featured vampires, zombies, ghouls and cannibals. The
zombie went out with a terrible example.
"When Walks the Zombie" would have to be
considered as a front runner if a poll for
"worst-comic-story-EVER" was taken. The story is

simply pap, and the art is barren, and rather childish.

The writer knew very little of the legends surrounding Inc.

the zombie. According to no less a source as Webster's

Dictionary, a zombie is "a human being with out will or Comics,

speech but capable only of automatic movement." Well,

our zombie in this story can move at will, talk at will,
and do everything else he heartily desires. This Animirth

pseudo-zombie is depicted as digging HIMSELF up from

his grave each starless night at midnight to claim himself
a victim. He then plummets back into his grave, and

awaits the next evening.

Many times throughout the story all we see is the (C)

zombie from the head up, from the torso up, or with his 23,

feet seemingly stuck in the unbroken ground above his

shadowy grave. This is strange in itself. How could the No.

ground remain unbroken if he enters and leaves the grave

twice each shadowy night. And we're never told what WORLDS

our zombie does with the victims. They just disappear.

Stories of this ilk were the mainstay of Atlas Comics,
EC's main competition those days. It's editor was Stan WEIRD

Lee. Lee, as opposed to Feldstein, Gaines and the other

men at EC, had absolutely no standard of quality. Any

schlock available was thrown in. And thrown in

frequently. Whereas, EC had a top staff of artists and

"First you put your tarsels close up-tight! - then ya rattle to the left, and ya clatter to the right! . . .then ya jingle and jangle and
authors. Lee had several good artists working for him on night! that’s what WE — THE MAD MAMBA!"
clank all . . . call
these books. Joe Maneely, Joe Sinott and Doug Wildey
The Monster Times page 9

Worlds, from the ever-present Atlas folks. Oddly enough,

this story makes no mention of zombies, but probably is
one of the best tales on zombies of the era. "The Mad
Mamba" is centered around two dancers who go on tour
to Haiti. One is approached by an old witch who offers
the dancer to witness the secret Haitian voodoo rites.
The dancer agrees and goes to the appointed place, an
old burial ground. When she arrives the old witch throws
into the air some blue colored powder which turns to
flames. The flames are estinguished and the smoke
covers all of the graves. Zombies break from the graves
and dance at the bidding of the frightful witch.
Arthur Miller, look out!
Even though it seemed to be best fit for a Roscrucian
Roseland, or a dime-a-dance hall giveaway prize, "The
Mad Mamba" is one of the few stories that has any real
truth concerning zombies. Haitians are notorious belivers

"Ghoul—a legendary being held to rob graves

and feed upon corpses. (They are neither man
nor woman, they are neither brute nor human.)"

Edgar Allan Poe

in voodoo and zombies. And in "The Mad Mamba" there

is one of the rare instances of a zombie actually doing

the bidding of a living being, which is how zombies

supposedly do exist.





Part of the memorable TALES FROM THE CRYPT No. 24 zombie cover, drawn by Al Feldstein, who also wrote most of their
(C) horror stories, too. Mr. Feldstein now edits MAD magazine. A frightening thought.

"Zombie Army" which was totally forgettable. It wasn't rarely used correctly. When they have, they have been
really concerned about zombies, just, another stock ruined by either bad art or bad writing. Perhaps with the
character mad The art is very poor here, and
scientist. relaxation of the code, comics will make proper use of
again the reproduction makes it worse. It was just zombies and ghouls. We hope that very soon we will see
another of all too many, too numerous to list. a GOOD zombie story, in a GOOD comic, with GOOD
From Looking back over the history of the zombie in artists and GOOD writers. If and when it occurs, we'll
comics, it is painfully apparent that they have been certainly let you know!
THE LIVING AND THE DEAD was another one of those stories
you've seen so often of revenge from the other side of the grave.
If you want to see any more of them whatsoever, we highly dud50, PIERRE DABLOND
recommend Warren Publications, GREEPY & WEARY. DIES AS HORRIBLE AS HE
TlAAfZ r ,

The zombie in the comics of the sixties have been

relatively ignored. The comic books under the comics
code authority are still forbidden. Or at least they were

up until 1971. At that time, the Comix code allowed

both werewolves and vampires to be depicted in the
classical form such as Dracula.Der Golem, etc. However,
neither Marvel of National or any other comix group has
done any zombie stories. We must assume they are still
banned. (For some reason, the revised version of the
code has been kept quiet, and it is virtually impossible to
get a copy of the new rules.)
The black and white, non-code comic magazines do
make extenstive, if not good use of the zombie.
Magazines such as WEIRD, HORROR TALES, and
SHOCK. Stanley and Eerie Publications are the major
distributors here.
Stanley Publications seem to use at least one zombie
story per issue. Often they are reprints of the poor fifties
material. Sometimes new material is included, most
being far worse than the reprint stuff. Sad but true.
Representative of these horror stories is "Zombie
Mannikins", illustrated by an artist named "Osway."
The story concerns a madman named Lebaron who uses
fresh dead bodies to make good looking mannikins,
which is a very strange sort of taxidermy indeed.
The story again is concerned with the weird revenge
motive, and is rather uninspiring. The art, though, is a
travesty. The bodies are badly out of proportion, and is
made worse through muddied reporduction and bad
shades of gray.
They called this member of THE ZOMBIE ARMY a zombie . . . but we have a little trouble believing them. But they said so in
Eerie publication recently produced a story entitled weren't, they wouldn't be allowed to put in WEIRD. Ok, so it's a zombie-werewolf! Enough already!
print, so it must be true. If it it
page 10 The Monster Times

complicated the whole thing is over his face. The two of them went
Eighteen years ago, Richard The book and the first film
reeling back toward the sidewalk and the
Matheson wrote a novel; I AM were about vampiric zombies (or (Book/Movie/Movie) we got MT mouth went darting down
LEGEND. Since then, it's been was it zombie-like vampires?). The assistant editor Jim Wnoroski and Robert Neville’s throat.
made into two films. The first time, second film, we really can't be sure. top resident film reviewer Denny “Abruptly he jerked up his right fist
Vincent Price played the hero. In It's been said that it's too bad that O'Neil to write a and felt it drive into Cortman’s throat. He
joint-review-article-book -review heard the choking sound in Cortman’s
the second film (to show you how both films have been made, for now
throat. Up the block the first of them
times have changed), we were given we'll never see Matheson's I AM which we've scotch-taped together
came rushing and screaming around the
Charlton Heston in THE OMEGA LEGEND faithfully filmed. To give and called . .
MAN. you an idea how elaborate and “With a violent movement, Robert
Neville grabbed Cortman by his long,
greasy hair and sent him hurtling down

"I the Legend am the driveway until he rammed head on

into the side of the station wagon . .
“Neville dived for the door and
unlocked it. He pushed it open, slipped
inside,and turned. Ashe slammed it shut
an arm shot through the opening. He
forced the door against it with all his

of the Last strength until he heard bones snap, then

he opened the door a little, shoved the
broken arm out, and slammed the door.
With trembling hands he dropped the bar

Omega Man
into place . .

“His rage-palsied hands ripped out the

clothes from the bureau drawer until they
closed on loaded pistols . . .

“He jerked open the door and shot the

first one in the face. The man went
spinning back off the porch and two

on Earth".BIues women came at him in muddy, torn

dresses, their white
him. He watched
bullets struck
arms spread to enfold
their bodies jerk as the
them, then he shoved them
both aside and began firing his guns into
their midst, a wild yell ripping back his

H is fingers shook as he turned the

ignition key. His hands gripped the wheel
“He kept
firing the pistols until they
rigidly as he made a tight turn and U were both empty. Then he stood on the
started back toward Gardena . . porch clubbing them with insane blows,
“A groan cut itself off in his throat as losing his mind almost completely when
he jammed the gas pedal to the floor and the same ones he’d shot came rushing at
the small station wagon leaped ahead, the him again. And when they tore the guns
speedometer needle fluttering, then out of his hands he used his fists and
moving steadily past the sixty-five mark, elbows and he butted with his head and
the seventy, the seventy-five. What if they kicked them with his big shoes.
were already waiting for him? How could “It wasn’t until the flaring pain of
he possibly get in the house? . . . having his shoulder slashed open struck
“The silent streets flew past and he him that he realized what he was doing
kept looking from side to side to see if and how hopeless his attempt was.
any of them were appearing in the Knocking aside two women, he backed
doorways. It seemed as if it were already toward the door. A man’s arm locked
getting dark, but that could have been around his neck. He lurched forward,
imagination. It couldn't be that late, it bending at the waist, and toppled the
couldn't be . . . man over his head into the others. He
“Then, as he turned the comer with a jumped back into the doorway, gripped
screech of dinging tires, he couldn’t hold both sides of the frame, and kicked out
uacK the gasp. his legs like pistons, sending the men
“They were all in front of his house, crashing back into the shrubbery.
waiting. “Then, before they could get at him
“A sound of helpless terror filled his again, he slammed the door in their faces,
throat.He didn’t want to die. He might locked it, bolted it, and dropped the
have thought about it, even contemplated heavy bar into its slots.
it. But he didn’t want to die. Not like “Robert Neville stood in the cold

this. blackness of his house, listening to the

“Now he saw them all turn their white vampires scream.
faces at the sound of the motor. Some “He stood against the wall clubbing
more of them came running out of the slowly and weakly at the plaster, tears
open garage and his teeth ground together streaming down his bearded cheeks, his
in impotent fury. What a stupid, brainless bleeding hand pulsing with pain.
way to die! Everything was gone, everything.”
he saw them start running
toward the station wagon, a line
— from I AM LEGEND,
by Richard Matheson,
of them across the street. And, suddenly, 1954 Fawcett Publications.
he knew he couldn’t stop. He pressed
down on the accelerator, and in a
moment the car went plowing through
them, knocking three of them aside like
tenpins. He felt the car frame jolt as it
struck the bodies. Their screaming white
faces went flashing by his window.
“Now they were behind and he saw in

the rear-view mirror that they were all

pursuing him. A sudden plan caught hold
in his mind, and 'pulsively he slowed
down, even brak. <5 ,
until the speed of
the car fell to thirty, then twenty miles
an hour.
“He looked back and saw them
gaining, saw their grayish-white faces
approaching, their dark eyes fastened to
his car, to him . .

“He jerked the car to the curb and

shoved the door open. As he raced
around the edge of the car he heard the
billowing cry of their approach around
the corner . .

“ ‘Seville!’
“His body jerked back as Cortman
came lunging out of the dark shadows of
the garage.
“Cortman’s body dove into his and
almost knocked him down. He felt the
has been tracking him all
cold, powerful hands clamp on his throat Sickly looking thing, that zombie-vampire, there. Vincent Price
paperback cost 25<! and smelled the fetid breath clouding morning. Now for Mr. Price to stake his on-track bet
Tan years ago, this
. . 1

The Monster Times page 1

Part 1 s Part 2:
Matheson am Legend! Omega big noise
By Jim Wnoroski by Dennis O’Neil

ichard Matheson is probably one of There’s nothing new in THE OMEGA

the best around fantasy writers of our

all MAN: you’ve seen pictures about the End
time, but you aren’t familiar with any
if Of Civilization As We Know It, and
of his short stories as yet, Mr. Matheson yod’ve seen pictures about mutated
also scripted many of the early Roger monstrosities,and you’ve surely seen
Corman Poe films such as TALES OF Charlton Heston slaying multitudes,
TERROR and THE PIT AND THE muscles ahulge, teeth spread across his ?
PENDULUM. He also wrote the classic face like a piano keyboard. (Heston’s
tale of surreal marvel, THE INCREDIBLE dentist must be the proudest man in
SHRINKING MAN. Hollywood.) But the film is worth your
Further along, Matheson went on to admission money nonetheless. Director
writing approximately- one fourth of the Boris Sagal has blended his elements well
scripts for the now classic fantasy — so weak, in fact, that had he blended
teleseries, TWILIGHT ZONE. them a tiny bit more skillfully, he might
More recently, writer Matheson has have produced a small treasure. As it is,

been responsible for two of the highest

rated made-for-TV movies ever made; 2
DUEL, a fantastic tale of a mysterious

1HEY "It takes forever to get service in this place," says OMEGA MAN'S zombie-corpse who's I
obviously eaten at YING's . one of TMT's staff's favorite restaurants.
. .
LEAVE city stalking out what resting vampires he And so, the zombie-vampires skewer
can find and kill before sundown, when Vincent Price, THE LAST MAN LEFT
the zombie-like creatures arise again to ON EARTH, to death before the pulpit
seek out Mr. Neville in a vicious circle of of an abandoned church fit . . .

Hide & Seek. punishment for a fellow who’d made his

The book follows Neville’s progress daily work the eradication of all the

and survival over the years since the vampire-zombie race with the old
plague mysteriously struck the world and stake-in-the heart ploy.

normalcy was destroyed. How he turns But in Matheson’s book, he poisons

his house into a fortress to keep out the himself with pills, on the realization that:
marauding invaders, how the memories of “Normalcy was a majority concept, the
the past and happy times come back to standard of many and not the standard of
haunt his dreams each night; and how he just one man.
finally finds that, due to an infection “Abruptly that realization joined with
a hat in. chjldhoc he ha$ what he saw on their faces — awe, fear, .... . Today, Matheson's book, costs 75 If ...

unwittingly become' - the last man' on shrinking horror - and he knew that they
Earth!” were afraid of him. To them he was some he’s given us expert entertainment. There
terrible scourge they had never seen, a are other survivors of the plague in this
Matheson at any Price scourge even worse than the disease they one.

had come to life with. He was an invisible Most of the other survivors caught the
Now if that last sounds a bit familiar,
sickness, lived through but were
specter who had left for evidence of his it,
it’s because it also served as the title to an
existence the bloodless bodies of their hideously disfigured and driven to a
adaptation of Matheson’s novel made in
raging paranoia which taker the form of
1962 by an Italian company. Starring
loved ones. And he understood what they
feltand did not hate them.” religious mania. These, black-clad figures
Vincent Price, the black and white film
Many people considered Matheson’s who call themselves The Family, rip
was an interesting, seldom rising sleeper
book to be far superior to the film that around Los Angeles destroying all traces
that even today is virtually ignored by
Vincent Price made, and kept up hope of science and culture; their leader,
television late show programmers. Even
after dark, this flick remains coffined in
that someday I AM LEGEND would be Brother Matthias, feels his is a holy-

filmed again . . . only by the book! mission. Heston, too, feels the crusader’s
its film-can, most or the time. urge, so he goes after the Family with
Then a half a year ago, it WAS remade.
Although THE LAST MAN LEFT ON But the results of the ressurection? You submachine guns, pistols and bombs. In
EARTH suffered somewhat from faulty can see for yourself, as it’s still playing in the course of his attempts to finish what
production values and did not faithfully the boondocks and the smaller 2nd-run the germs started, he is captured,
live up to Matheson’s own expectations in Big City grind houses, and Denny O’Neil sentenced to death, and rescued by —
the book, the film did possess quite an observes thusly . . .
yes! — a third group of survivors.
unusual atmosphere that was totally Although they are also diseased, they
lacking from the more recent Warner have not yet totally succumbed to the
Dramatic sketch of Vincent Price, from
LAST MAN LEFT ON EARTH pressbook Brothers take-off, THE OMEGA MAN, sickness. With their help, Heston finds a

with Charlton Heston in the title role. cure and . .

trailer truck threating the life of an More of that shortly. .and I won’t blow the climax for
. .

innocent and THE

driver, NIGHT Vincent Price managed to keep his you. You’ll probably guess it anyway,
STALKER- the Las Vegas vampire story hammy qualities pretty much in check once you realize that Heston, Sagal and
that was so good that plans are now for this outing, and as a result the company aren’t interested in making any
rolling to release it to theatrical motion audience relates more to the Neville apocalyptic statements, nor are they
picture houses across the country, THE character than the typical Price caricature willing to insult the audience’s
NIGHT STALKER had the highest rating which he puts on in most of his movies. intelligence with a sweetness-and-light
of any motion picture. Very much in the same vein of George ending. It’s a compromise, and like all
But what has to be Matheson’s most Romero’s more recent underground compromises, it is unsatisfying. But
famous work was the novel he penned for classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, anyone able to accept the realities of
the late pulp science-fiction writer Henry the film sports the same types of goulish commercial cinema won’t object too
Kuttner. called
It was AM ! blood sucking creatures — as well as an much; at least, the story has been
LEGEND-and still stands today as one ending that no onw would ever expect. compromised with thorough
of the best examples of imaginative For in THE LAST MAN LEFT ON professionalism.
literature ever produced in the fantasy EARTH'S conclusion, Neville finds that a To my surprise, 1 enjoyed Heston’s
genre. new race of “quasi-vampires” has evolved performance. In most of the roles he’s
Told in a no-nonsense style as you that can exist in daylight, and who played since his excellent job in Orson
have just seen, it graphically unravels the function as intelligent beings — not Welles’ TOUCH OF EVIL, he’s seemed
tale of Robert Neville, sole survivor of a mindless zombies out only to kill and to have a Moses fixation — recited every
strange malady that strikes the Earth plunder. And it is this new race who bring line as though the Almighty were hiding
turning all except himself into ravenous Robert Neville to trial for the strangest in his tonsils. Here, he’s creditably
vampire-zombie creatures that make crime ever commited by a human being — human, giving his character suggestions of
nightmares come alive. the fact that he just exists AS A HUMAN Headache-ridden Charleton Heston needs a weakness, foibles, and even fears and
Each day the solitary man scours the BEING. couple of tablets and a gag-writer.
. . .
Continued on page 28
age 12 The Monster Times

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page 13

ZOMBIES) and being pursued by berserk

CIA men (Wendell Corey and Tom Pace)
as well as berserk agents of a foreign
power (Tura Satanna and Rafael
Campos). Carradine’s scenes are actually
one long scene (in which he throws
together an Astro Zombie or two while
delivering a long, garbled,
pseudo-scientific rap to Franchot, who
doesn’t appear to understand English)
spliced into the film at various stages to
integrate it with the rest of the action.
Most of Wendell Corey’s segments take
place in a “CIA office” (although the
Whole film seems to have been shot in
and around a cheap motel) where he
delivers a long, garbled, pseudo-serious
rap to his ever-grinning assistant, who
doesn’t appear to understand anything.
Eventually the CIA agents and the seedy
agents of the unnamed foreign power
(which, with a little mental detective
work, can be figured out to be Tijuana)
tangle outside the motel and several
people get shot— al though not nearly
enough of them to improve the film to
any discernible degree.
The highlight of the ASTRO
ZOMBIES, outside of the opening
when the
sequence, occurs berserk Astro
Zombie (Rod Wilmoth) runs through the
streets in search of a woman (he’s been in
that basement lab a long time,
remember). After laying on a lab slab for
so long, this sudden activity begins to put
a strain on his batteries and he starts to
run down, lurching from side to side,
until he recharges by pressing a flashlight
against his skull mask! He eventually does
find a woman, but she doesn’t like him
any more than the CIA does.
As the press releases for this forgotten
classic point out: “Originally conceived
before the first heart transplant even took

They walked! They talked! winked! They blinked! We nodded to sleep

place, the thrill-laden chiller goes one step
beyond in that it also deals with brain
transplants.” Like most projects that are
too far ahead of their time, the ASTRO


untimely demise
greeted with a dash of
scorn, a pinch of ridicule, and countless
tons of disinterest. To this day, more
than four years after
birth and

Bet you were
wondering what blinking-light eyes and stiff little arms berserk hunchback named Franchot
writer T. V. Mikels

when it points to the

its producer-director-screen-

unknown, in relative obscurity. Such is

the price the pioneer must pay for his
daring and courage!
But the press

dwells, in parts

it up best

and says simply but eloquently:

the heck we can do with Zombies. moving mechanically up and down in (William Bagdad), busily assembling
is “See it and you die a thousand
Like, aren't they a bit too few, if time to the methodical turning of his berse'’ ‘human transplants’ (ASTRO deaths.”
not too much? One zombie film per wheels, treading sand in the jerky,
lifetime is about all that one person irrational way that wind-up toys do.

can tolerate, and all we at TMT Although he looks harmless enough, three
or four tanks appear behind him,
have been doing is cramming
apparently trying to do him in. The robot
zombies down your eyeballs. We're
has no trouble eluding them at first since
zombie-ing you to death and . . .
neither he nor the tanks, being wind-up
then some. It's all a clever scheme, toys, possess any motor control at all (at
you see. Once you're dead, we'll one point one of the tanks’ turrets starts
bring you back to be our slave. spinning mildly in manic monotonous
Kidding aside, the following circles, possibly a victim of sunstroke),
kidding article is one of Young they circle each other in dizzy indecision
Mighty Joe (Kane's) laffadaisical until one of the tanks accidentally rams
looks at the ONE zombie film that into the robot, who topples over on his
back, defeated, although his legs continue
you must see, if you're only ever
to kick since he hasn’t completely
going to any zombie film as long as
unwound yet.
you live. You should live so
The above must have had something to
long! . .
of the ASTRO
do with the plot
ZOMBIES, since that was the scene that
BY JOE KANE opened the movie. I never did figure out
the connection between the sandbox
TThe scene is a desolate four foot battle and the rest of the plot— which
stretch of the vast, blazing hot American consisted, according to a press release on
sandbox. The is soon broken by
stillness the film and my memory-of a berserk
the entrance of something resembling ASTRO SPACE CENTER dropout (John "Which way to the orgy of senseless killing?" asks this ASTRO ZOMBIE, banging on the
Robbie the Robot, complete with Cairadine) who, with the assistance of a motel set's screen-door after recharging his head with a flashlight.

page 14 The Monster Times

His senses of smell and taste returned. He smelled the foul,

bloated stench of decay. He tasted the brine- taint of droppings
from the small creatures who'd nestled in his mouth in the
grave ... his weak eyes focused on a cult of moving
things ... he felt a tickling in his skull. The tickling told him
he'd been there once before!

He slashed the axe in arcs of ferocity ... it

seemed to him his violence was life only to

himself to THEM, it was a change in the
way things happen to be
The Monster Times page 1

And so they hoisted him on their shoulders and carried him

back, those ones that would not bleed who could not
. . .

bleed . they carried him down the hillslope. The incline

. .

made blood run to his head . made his eyes bulge

. . made . . .

him dizzy ... All his senses were working, now: sight, hearing,
thought ,taste,smell. .He was alive
. . .


It would take time, of course. By then, the Ones Who Could Not Bleed would
have sewn up their wounds, clamped together their gashed-open
skins . returned their eyes to their sockets and their limbs to their
. .
bodies perhaps by the next time he escaped from his grave, he, too, would
. .

be just like them Perhaps then, he, too, WOULD NOT BLEED! ... He
. . . GREEN

hoped so ... He violently hoped so.

-Story by Chuck McNaugton, Art by Dan Green. DAN

6 *

page 1 The Monster Times page 17


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M sf*a.>&.ss!

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The Monster Times

Bill Gaines: from EC to DC!

Methinks it might be "Alas, in

There is another remake of Jules
being shot in the Canary Islands with
Omar Shariff as its star. We just had a
splendid production few years ago,

... our way of getting the latest

is starring not only Michael Callan and
hot-off-the-wire info to you; reviews, Herbert Lorn, but Harryhausen creations
previews, scoops on horror films in as well. So where's the mystery?
production, newsworthy monster
curiosities, bulletins, and other
grues-f lashes. There are several
contributors to our hodge-podge Teletype
page BILL FERET, our man
. . . in Show should know William M. Gaines,
Biz (he's a professional actor, singer, who published those great horrific
dancer with the impressive resume list of EC ghoul and sci-fi comix of the
stage, film and TV credits to his name), early 1950’s which were run out of
makes use of his vast professional business by the pantywaist Comics
experiences and leads to Feret-out items Code Authority. Well, Mr. Gaines
of interest to monster fans, and duly went on to publish MAD magazine
report on them in his flashing
and prosper profoundly. You can’t
Walter-Wind-chill manner.
argue with success, and so last week
In issue #5 we talked about He slept with a book under his
William M. Gaines was named
Esquire magazine jumping on the pillow every evening, and each
monster bandwagon, with their morning he’d wake up and the
Envision STAR TREK with music. Superheroes of the 70’s. Latest book’s contents would be
Wellmaybe not precisely that, but close. publication to get hip is “absorbed.” Or so he said. Without
Peter Hall, who just finished a directorial CRAWDADDY magazine, and their doubt the hillbilly song “Send me
chore on Harold Pinter’s play, OLD new comic strip, TALES OF LOST the Pillow that You Dream On,”
TIMES, will direct a new musical for ATLANTIS, alledgedly based on was inspired by Mr. Cayce, the
Broadway entitled VIA GALACTICA. the mystical writings of Edgar Sleeping Prophet. We feel that the
It's written by Galt MacDermott who Cayce. If you aren’t up on your rock tune by the lamentably
wrote HAIR and TWO GENTLEMEN OF mystics, Edgdr Cayce was “The disbanded CREAM called “Tales of
VERONA, and Christopher Gore. (Gore?) Sleeping Prophet,” who went into Lost Atlantis” helped inspire the
It takes place in the much distant future, trances, told people they could cure producers of the CRAWDADDY
when the entire solar system has been themselves through folk medicine comic strip, Mike Olshan, author,
colonized, and a group if inhabitants methods, foretold the sinking of and Frank Brunner, artist. Both
from a-tiny, unimportant planet wish to CaTTfomTa into the sea (California Mike and Frank are contributors to
explore new horizons. It's an ambitious
editorial director of the DC sank, as you know, sometime in THE MONSTER TIMES, and their
venture but MacDermott's off Superman group one of the .
pulled 1968, just as Mr. Cayce predicted).
. .

work will be appearing quite soon.

some miracles before. Rehearsals start in
most wholesome comix outfits this
side of Casper the Ghost. We expect
Co-starring with Ray Milland in AlP's cryptsful of horrifically great
read a few different ways. OF THE APES and the suspense-chiller
FROGS are Judy Pace, Nicky Cortland, changes to be made by DC in the
A Black Magic opus is lensing now in THE ASPHYX, will be shot in Todd A-0.
and... three water moccasins, four future, and wish success for the EC
London called LUCIFER RISING,
rattlesnakes, nine tarantulas, an 11-inch
horror comix adaptation film
directed by underground film-maker
centipede and several black scorpions,
currently out, TALES FROM THE Kenneth Anger. Marianne Faithful
plus a brooding moss-covered plantation.
CRYPT. Congratulations ,
starred and Jimmy Page

of the Led
A British film company is planning MONSTER TIMES subscriber,
Zeppelin is supplying the score.
another "new" musical version of Lewis
William M. Gaines!
Veteran Horror actor, Elisha Cook, Jr.
That makes 4 or 5 screen adaptations, a An Italian company is releasing film HILL) has been put into AlP's Blaculaf
few of which were masterpieces. with the "mysterious" title, SLAP THE currently filming on location in LA


33rd ST 7th AVE. (10 A.M. to Do you suppose there might be an
MAY 14 2883 W. 12 8<
4 P.M.) No Special Guests
JUNE 9-1 ED. WESSEL BON HOMME $4— Advnc. Philip Jose Farmer
$6— At Door Edmond Hamilton
Clayton, Mo.
ST. LOUIS, MO. 63114 & others. AGAIN?


Meet Comic Book and
Keep your pointed little ears
ST Available
Comic Strip Artists, and
33rd 8< 7th AVE.
SAT. THRU WED. 2883 W. 12
THOUSANDS of Fans Like perked to WHBI, 105.9 on your FM
B'KLYN, N.Y. 11224 Yourself for 5 DAYS!
radio dial, 3 AM Tuesdays, for the
May 26-29 E.C. FAN-ADDICT CONVENTION HOTEL McALPIN Various Prices THE GREATEST Hour or Frankenstein (our name
FRI, SAT, 2623 Silver Court Broadway 8i 34th Street Write Con For HORROR COMIX for competing monster-pub
SUN & MON East Meadow, N.Y. 11554 New York City More Information OF ALL TIME publisher, Calvin Beck's new
hour-long weekly Monsteradio
he CON-CALENDAR is a special exclusive Detractors of such events put them down by or if you wish to and science
see classic horror show). Calvin raps about horror,
feature of saying that they're just a bunch of cartoonists fiction films, or meet the stars of old time
sci-fic, comix, and all other aspects
peat land of ours are quaint and curious and science fiction writers and comic book movie serials, or today's top comic book artist
of quaintly curious zealots. The publishers talking, and signing autographs for and writers— or if you just want to meet other of this monstous century's popular
called "conventions," and the fans who, like maniacs, spend sums on monster or comics science fiction freaks, like arts renaissance. We’re giving a plug
"fans," deserve the attention of out-of-date comics, science fiction pulps, and yourself, and learn you're not alone in the
to the competition, because THE
> and non-fans alike, hence this trail-blazing monster movie stills. But that's just the reason world, OR if you want to meet the affable
for going. If you want a couple of glossy demented lunatics who bring out THE MONSTER TIMES editors have
To those readers who've never been to one of pictures of Dracula or King Kong, or a 1943 MONSTER TIMES, go ahead and visit one of been invited to attend, soon.
hair-brained affairs, we recommend it. copy of Airboy Comics (God alone knows why) those conventions. We dare ya!

The Monster Times page 19

- :

COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, luminescence which is the basic lighting

but nonetheless dismissed it as faring far for the entire set.

below the quality of the best of the When our heroes are backed against a
Universal Frankenstein epics. Having seen wall in terror, there are the shadows of
it again recently, I must admit I have gratings and bars projected over them and
completely re-evaluated it. the entire wall, adding to the trapped
feeling of the dungeon. Even here, all the
I didn't catch and now cannot
bricks in the wall are very small and
subsequently discover, who directed it,
crumbling, as opposed to the oversized
but whoever he be, he be a genius. There
cinder-block type which have been used
was a scene where Bela Lugosi as Dracula,
again and again. Overall there are
bites the neck of Lenore Aubert and not
masterful uses of lighting and effects; the
only do we see the Count teething her re instituting an TV
werewolf's transformations, the grotesque commercials sell products?"
throat, but by the use of a cleverly-placed Inquiring Photographer column. Or "Do you know your
over-hung swamp and in the castle hair is
mirror behind them, we are treated to the Very Soon. We know
corridor scenes, which sported some don't w n i ?
sight of Miss Aubert's ecstatic expression what to
marvelously gothic and ornate call it, probably longer?" . . . well, we're sure
of horror and loathing, all at the same something like The Inquiring you can do better than what we
furnishings ... yes, in ABBOTT &
time! Poe-tographer,

In the dungeon scenes, for a piece of The next time you catch this little Photographing Inquirer, We’ll credit each question
superb atmosphere, we see a grate in the masterpiece on TV (probably for the Monster in the Street, Fearful used at the head of the column,
stone floor, from which billows of umpteenth time), don't look Fotos, or something ridiculous and then ask that question of
at what's
serpentine steam and mist are going on in front of you, but what's going like that. But we need your several people ... and print
continuously spewing, as well as a hellish on in back of them help. Send us questions you their replies and photos.
would like to see asked of witty Send your questions to
by unwitting fans and PHOTOS COLUMN. THE
conventions and other ghoulish MONSTER TIMES. Bo* 595,
gathering plots. Questions like Old Chelsea Station, New York,
"Which do you prefer, Japanese New York, 10011.
or American monster films?” We’ll pay $1.00 for each
Or "Do you think monsters in question used.

MT subscriber Jack Biederman moaned, “Oooooy am I thirsty!”

sends in the following Jewish name o’ the snakes St.
“In th’
Vampire Joke of the Month: Patrick chased from the Emerald
At a crowded Vampire Isle!” gasped the Irish Vampire,

convention at New York’s Statler "I’ll get something for ye, pore
Hilton, autumn, an Israeli
last soul!” At which he pulled a
vampire was forced to share a room hip-flask of blood from his cape,
with an Irish vampire. It had been a and opened it. “Here, take this, lad,
long night of conventioneering, and it’s my own private stock, tapped

dawn was creeping forth, so the from a fine Irish patrolman!”

two vampires returned to their The Israeli vampire drank up,
sum, tire w®
vampm wsi.
When the Irish vamp entered the
MG sarfa t>ack mo
Irish vampire climbed into his own,
Yfts I'm

room, his roommate was already and prepared to have a good day’s
sacked out in a coffin, but moaning sleep. Then from the Israeli
low with more of a pitiful tone vampire's coffin came the same,
than an ominous one: low, pitiful moan "Ooooh! Was
. . .

"Oooooy! am thirsty!” he I I thirsty! Ohhhy was thirstyyyy!” I

HEY GANG! $200“



$ for No
of Mr.
THE OLD PA Bas 535, OH Chelsea 1
Spock, and the original prep of the Starship He*
Station, York. N.Y. 100UI
Enterprise! Rush it to me in that sturdycardboard
mailing tube, right away! I enclose 20* postage for NAME- I
each poster on an order totalling less than $2000, I
for postage and handling. By the way, just in case ADDRESS— I
yon guys don't take the time to reed the addresses
on the letters you get, I'm sanding the loot and
"Hello? Maternity Hospital? Do you deliver?" CRT- -STATE-
This is the iast of the The first of the films of this period.
Poe/Corman series (bet you The Haunted Palace (1963), was actually
thought it'd never end!). Well, so a hybrid of Poe’s story of the same name
thought most movie goers, in that and H.P. Lovecraft’s short story, “Charles
far-off decade (the '60's) when Dexter Ward.” Distributors of the film
Roger Corman's Poe-flix oozed reportedly balked when Corman insisted
across the world's movie screens, that Lovecraft receive a screen credit,
cleverly concealed half the time fearing it would detract from Poe’s magic
boxoffice appeal, but Roger won out.
from critical eyes by the
Again Corman and crew were stricken by
Amer i ca n -International Pix
the financial plague spread by A1P execs
fog- machines.
and their perenially frightened
To date, Roger Corman has accountants, but Corman is nothing if not
stated he will never make another dogged, and he managed to make this
Edgar Allen Poe-based film. Which film a marked improvement over most of
is good, judging by some of his the prior entries in the series.
worst ... but considering his The atmosphere of THE HAUNTED
occasional masterpieces like PALACE is properly and vividly cold,
HOUSE OF USHER (see ish No. 4), damp, and misty, with flights through
and MASQUE OF THE RED BY JOE KANE stone passeageways and foggy village
streets captured on Corman’s celluloid
DEATH (covered in this article) it
canvas in eerie, vivid detail. Once again,
can be considered a shame. We'd
and this is one of Roger’s strongest
sorta like to see Corrosive Mr.
virtues, he succeeds in making all these
Corman make another standard props and effects seem new
Poe-pic ...IF, that is, he'd do a
good job. So there, Roger, old
thrown the gauntlet in your face
with this series. Let's see you take
up the challenge and do (at

. . .

least) ONE more GOOD horror pic

based on old Edgar. OK?

"THE HAUNTED PALACE" (the story)'

In the village of Arkham, in 1765, the uneasy villagers are aware of strange
goings-on at the mansion of Joseph Curwen (VINCENT PRICE). They fol-
low a girl to the Curwen house where she becomes the subject of strange, rites
performed by Curwen. He is a warlock (male witch) who imprisons young girls What was the
and leaves them to the mercies of strange creatures from the nether world.
The irate villagers watch and when they hear the young girl's scream, they
question him and his woman, Hester Tillinghast (CATHY MERCHANT).
terrifying thing
The villagers burn him as a witch. Curwen vows that he will rise from the
dead and curses the villagers, their children and their children's children.
100 years later, a ship visits Arkham and debarks, Charles Dexter Ward in the PIT
(VINCENT PRICE) and his wife Ann (DEBRA PAGET). Ward bears a
striking resemblance to Curwen, his ancestor. The townspeople are convinced
that Curwen's curse has been fulfilled and that he has returned from the
that wanted
Only Dr. Willet (FRANK MAXWELL) helps the Wards to find their way to
the Curwen “palace” and on their way they encounter strangely deformed
At the old mansion, they discover a portrait of Joseph Curwen and notice
its resemblance to Ward. They meet Simon Orne (LON CHANEY)
the care-
taker, who seems familiar to Ward. When Ward looks again at the Curwen
portrait, a thange comes over him and his personality and appearance change
to resemble his warlock ancestor.
Ward is waging a battle against the supernatural, influence of his ancestor
who seeks to take over his body, fulfill his curse and resume the evil ceremo-
nies with the nether world. Orne and another man who mysteriously appears.
Jabez Hutchinson (MILTON PARSONS), are the warlock assistants of Cur-
wen who have been awaiting his return. The strange sacrificial ceremonies are
mating rites seeking to unite humans with the evil creatures from beyond who
seek to rule the world. The deformed persons seen in the village are the dual
results of these ceremonies and Curwen’s curse.
One night, while Curwen has taken over Ward, he unearths the coffin of Hes-
ter Tillinghast and invokes evil powers to bring her back to life. Ann tries to
help her husband fight off his ancestor with Dr. Willett, but to no avail. A
series of strange deaths, all by burning, of the descendants of the men who
burned Curwen over a hundred years ago arouses the villagers of Arkham.
Dr. Willett seeks to help Ann. They are surprised by Ward, completely
taken over by Curwen. Curwen prepares to sacrifice Ann in the mating cere-
mony of the weird creature. Outside, the angry villagers storm the mansion
and set it afire, destroying the Curwen painting. At this point Ward momen-
tarily regains his self, rescues Ann, and assisted by Dr. Willett they escape
from the burning house. As the “haunted palace” burns to the ground, de-
stroying everything within, we see Ann and' Ward, watching and realize that
a change has taken place their resemblance is more to Curwen and Hester!
. . .

Roger Corman brought an additional this period that Corman managed to

four Poe adaptations to the screen before transplant Poe from prose to pictures in a
packing -•
in “poor Poe” (as Karloff manner which the master deserved.
embark on more
to the oft-purloined poet) to
modem bad trips like
Without question, the masterpiece of this
quartet and of all the Poe films was the
BLOODY MAMA, and GASSSS. The DEATH, whose rich, decadent beauty,
final four films of the series were THE minus the low-key excesses of the
HAUNTED PALACE, MASQUE OF THE previous outings, was the most fruitful
RED DEATH, TOMB OF LIGEIA, and work to emerge from Corman-Poe’s
THE OBLONG BOX and it was during posthumous partnership.
The Monster Times

again. The deformed inhabitants of
doomed New England village are also a
frightening sight: half-blank, fleshed-over
faces glimpsed wandering eerily and ORGIES OF EVIL!
aimlessly through, staring hypnotically
through mists that reek of evil and death.
Price handles his role with admirable and ...somewhere among the
effective restraint this time and the squirming, teeming terrors
ending leaves you wondering whether he
in this orgy of evil ... is
has regained his original identity of
Charles Dexter Ward or not since, at the the thing, whose vile desire
very close of the film, he still bears a she must obey ... or those
remarkable resemblance to Curwen, the
Arkham warlock of yore whose curse had
she loves will scream out
fallen upon his head. Price does a good their lives on a bloodstained
job with both roles. altar of horror!


was Corman’s first British film,
starring Price but with a supporting cast
composed of talented Britons.
Daniel Haller’s stunning sets brilliantly
record the brightly colored rooms
described in such loving detail by Poe in
his story. Corman equally delights
taking his audience on a terrifying tour of
the doomed castle, moving his camera
from room to room, from shimmering red
to brilliant blue to the blackest of black
chambers. There are outbursts of sudden
savagery as the perverse, decadent nobles
play out their last desperate hours in
these chambers while the Red Death
way to the castle, but these are
'stalks its

k. not performed for cheap shock effect. This mind-bending

When an evil duke, clad in an ape mask was used
in the poster art,
costume for the gala Masque Ball soon to
as well as made into
become,, the playground of the plague, is a give-away at
burned alive by a vengeful dwarf, the matinees,
terror lies in the grotesquerie of the act for thosewho might
confuse MASQUE
itself and not in any Grand Guignol gore
(which means
masquerade ball)

The film has an eerily elusive quality with ''mask,”

,. Vincent Price
about it that makes it more than a good
horror film. Corman himself once
sure had a MASQUE
on his mask!
remarked that it was not his goal to show
evil triumph over good, or vice versa, but
to record Poe’s own haunting ambiguity
plague-ridden veil of destruction over the
last of the terrified Masque Ball dancers,
he pursues Prince Prospero himself who
sees, behind the discarded mask of the
"MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH" (the story) Red Death, his own face. It is at the
climax that the film really takes off, with
Prince Prospero (Vincent Price), a man of Satan and a tyrannical power in
the land, encounters murmurs of rebellion from the villagers when he rides and drama of death and desperation
let a carefully-choreographed spastic ballet
amongst them to invite them to eat the scraps from his table at a special end- unfold on its own terms. With sure and of the plague-stricken dancers, a gathering
of-harvesting feast which he is holding for his nobleman friends.
steady dialogue provided by screenwriters of other “Deaths”, similar to the hooded
Gino (David Weston) and Ludovico (Nigel Green), encouraged by an old
woman’s prophecy that the day of their deliverance is at hand, stand defiantly Charles Beaumont and R. Wright figure but cloaked in various colors that
before Prospero, who furiously orders their imprisonment. When Francesca Campbell, and a sturdy acting job turned match those of Prospero’s chambers, and
(Jane Asher), a beautiful young girl, pleads for their release, she is asked to in by Vincent Price, MASQUE OF THE the final migration of this group of
settle their late. One man must die; is it to be Gino, the man she loves, or
Ludovico, her father? RED DEATH involves the audience Deaths who, after reporting the results of
The moment of decision is delayed when Prospero sees evidence of the immediately and takes it for one of the their deadly missions, walk off together
dreadful Red Death in the village, and orders that all dwelling houses in the most bizarre and hauntingly beautiful through the mists. The Red Death then is
area be burnt to the ground. He dispatches his couriers to the castles of the
rides it is ever likely to enjoy. The climax seen disclosed to be only one of many
other noblemen who have been invited to his Masque Ball— with instructions
that they avoid the infected village. is almost as frantic as the freak-out scene messengers of destruction, stalking the
He retreats to his castle, a fortress against the Red Death with his com- in the British classic DEAD OF NIGHT. countryside with the grim determination
panion, Alfredo (Patrick Magee), his guards, and the three prisoners, whose
After the Red Death spreads its of the damned.
struggles for survival, he hopes, will provide some entertainment.
While the two men are flung into dungeons, Francesca is given jewels and
gowns, and instructed in the ways of the Court by Juliana (Hazel Court), Hazel Court courted by bloody RED DEATH plague . . .

Prospero’s companion. She is taken into his confidence, and shown the dark
workings of his mind, tortuously intent on evil, as a follower of Satan.
Gino and Ludovico are brought before the assembled guests in the banquet-
ing hall to provide amusement. Each is ordered to cut himself with daggers,
one of which is tipped with poison. Ludovico lunges swiftly by Prospero who
impales him on his sword. Gino is freed— but only to return to his village where
the Red Death is rampant. But he promises to come back and rescue
Juliana calls on all the evil spirits to give her strength stemming from total
understanding, and triumphantly announces that she has survived her own
sacrifice. Elated, she faces the slow swinging pendulum of the dimly-lit clock,
from the recesses of which she hears a hollow, echoing voice. The glass shat-
ters, and a scimitar-like blade thrusts hard at her crumpled body, as midnight
strikes the hour.
Unperturbed by her death, Prospero assembles his guests for the commence-
ment of the Masque Ball; a Ball which is transformed into a Dance of Death
as an uninvited guest, a man in red, passes amongst the revellers.
As death comes to the corrupted, the dancing is transformed into a sur-
realistic waltz to hell and Prospero, Prince of Evil, meets his Satan, as Gino
and Francesca are re-united.
The Monster Times

. . A crawling shape ... a blood-red thing that writhes . . .

vermin fangs in human gore inbued!”

. . .

THE TOMB OF LIGEIA was British-based Poe films but fails to evoke
considered by many as a slight step down either Edgar Allan or even a genuine sense
from MASQUE. Missing the epic scope of Hollywood or Hammer horror. Maybe
and unique mood of Masque, TOMB was Corman realized that he was losing the
still one of the best of the Corman-Poe Poe touch he had struggled so hard to
collaborations. Intense and imaginative, it achieve, and so gave up trying to graft the
spins an intriguing web of ghostly master to the screen. At any rate, THE
confrontations, grand holocausts, and the OBLONG BOX was not the impressive
usually cryptic capers, but all threads are farewell that the TOMB OF LIGEIA
woven tightly and expertly, and the would have been.
revived corpse of Poe’s tale is given fresh
fascinating life. Corman’s second British According to someone who worked
film, the TOMB OF LIGEIA features sets for him, Corman has pretty much
constructed by Britisher Colin Southcott, despaired of bringing even minor works
who contrasts the gray shades of an old of filmic art to the screen. Unhappy at
abbey where the film was shot with the the reception his statement on American
yellows and blues of the interior of the “youth culture” (GASSSS) received,
old house and the greens and reds of the Corman informed friends that he felt
fields where the hunting scenes take more comfortable turning out (in the role
place. The overall effect is one of rich of producer this time) the less ambitious
contrasts and one that adds tremendously efforts associated with him during the
to the macabre atmosphere of the film. early years of his career. For all his flaws
THE OBLONG BOX, Corman’s final and defects, Corman is still capable of
entry in the Poe series, signalled a return turning out an occasional film of real
to sensationalism and the abandonment merit (witness THE INTRUDER, his
of many of the subtler aspects that made powerful drama of racial bigotry and the
the MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH and civilrights struggle down South — with
the TOMB OF LIGEIA so effective. With William Shatner cast in the role of a
voodoo rites, human sacrifices and a power-crazed right-wing rabblerouser!)
of violent murders, all mixed into a and, instead of turning his back on his
melodramatic re-working of Poe’s original audience, we would hope that he
material, the film manages to sustain the continue taking cinematic risks.
higher production values that Corman Sometimes the payoffs are more lucrative
was able to maintain throughout the than probably even he imagines.

"TOMB OF LIGEIA" (the story)

Verden Fell (VINCENT PRICt,. is burying his deceased wife Ligeia in

an English country churchyard in 1821 when the local parson protests that the
ceremony should not take place because the woman was not a Christian. Fell
counters that his wife will not rest ‘because she is not dead’ and he quotes her
philosophy: 'Man need not kneel before the angels nor lie in death forever but
for the weakness of his feeble will.’
Suddenly a black cat screeches and Ligeia’s eyes open. Fell appears stunned
but triumphant as he explains to the parson that the eye movement was
merely muscular contraction.
A few months later as nearby residents of an affluent community are on a
fox hunt. Lady Rowena Trevanion (ELIZABETH SHEPHERD) wanders
from the hunt and fins herself staring unaccountably at the strange inscrip-
tion on Ligeia's tombstone. A cat hisses, her horse panics and she is thrown.
Simultaneously, the black-clad figure of Fell appears and Rowena faints.
Her hunting companion, Christopher Gough (JOHN WESTBROOK)
reaches the spot, recognizes Fell as an old friend. Fell carries the injured Ro-
wena to his home, a vast Gothic abbey. Rowena’s father, Lord Trevanion
(DEREK FRANCIS) comes in, holding the fox from the hunt which Fell re-
veals was Ligeia’s pet. While they talk, the fox disapepars strangely but Fell
explains that the cat has made off with it.
Some days later, Rowena visits Fell and as they are about to kiss the cat
darts between them and scratches Rowena’s face. Fell resolves to have the
canine destroyed, but the cat lures Rowena to the bell tower of the abbey
where she is nearly killed before Fell rescues her.
The pair grow closer and are married and after a honeymoon Fell absents
himself from the abbey on the first night of their return and several strange
events occur to frighten Rowena.
Subsequently other strange events occur as Fell expresses a wish to sell the
abbey only to find this impossible since no death certificate for Ligeia can be
found. In another odd development Fell hypnotizes Rowena who recites the
words of Ligeia’s philosophy of deathlessness while under the spell. Then, a
curious Christopher reopens Ligeia's grave to discover only a wax effigy in the
Finally, the horror struck Rowena smashes a mirror which reveals a hidden
staircase which she climbs to find the solution to the mystery of the black cat

or a thing too evil to mention?
listen for the SCREAM in the night
look into the eyes of the Cfeature
who rules the land of the living dead!
' T"

The ge 23

eV rave-robbing may be out of style, but fan exploitation isn't. Monster fans deserve a reliable
market-test to rely upon before sending money to all-too monstrous manufacturers. Therefore, to dull
the fangs of some vampires of our industry, we at MT innovate The Monster Market to product test
items, and report accurately on them — and about the bargains, too!
IMPORTANT! If we are really going to be able to keep the monster magnates in line, we'll need
your help. Please write in and tell us of your experience in the monster market, whether it be good,
bad or none of the above. Write to THE MONSTER TIMES, c/o The Monster-Market, P.O. Box 595,
Old Chelsea Station. N.Y. 10011.

\r Edition
No .1

The case of

No. 2 STAR TREK Special

"Fastest Gun in
the Graveyard," is

what we called MTs

almighty publisher,
Larry Brill, when he
donned the HORROR
ZOMBIE mask and
wedded a cowboy
capgun he found in
an antique store, and
walked into the
Chase- Manhattan
Bank. "I didn't
know was Bugs on the
I loaded, No. 3 Giant
said Larry.

Larry's graveyard-green mask cost $2 at Horror House, altho they tried to get $3 . but as the . .

mask wasn't advertised at $3, they let it go for $2, "As a favor." MT readers should make sure
they also get the same "favor" as the June FOR MONSTERS ONLY advertises the mask at $2.

Product Tested: Zombie Mask for sale at $2.00 instead of their off any tall buildings in a single
new $3.00 price. Well, blame “The bound.
Available Horror House,
Economy” for that. Everybody If you get this mask, take care of
235 Park Avenue South,
does, y’know, these days. it and a
special tip to the
New York, N.Y. 10003 . . .

The ad is a bit misleading, in a health-conscious, it is wise to rinse

Price: $3.00 plus 25c postage.
sort of positive way. It says the out the inside of the mask before
zombie mask has black hair. The putting it on your face. Who knows
^^s, gang! You’ve seen zombies in hair is blue. Aha! A pleasant how long it was sitting around in
the movies, read about zombies in surprise, that! No one could the rubber factory, accumulating
books and magazines and comix chemical dust? ... or paint and No. 4 Bride of
possibly think the mask is your real Frankenstein
and THE MONSTER TIMES. Now face, with that there blue hair. So lacquer fumes? ... or polyester
nobody would certainly try to do filaments? Hate to sound like the
you in.
The hair is stitched into the
rubber mask in one straight seam.
school nurse about this, folks, but
what with all the problems people
are having with tainted tuna and
The rest of the hair area is other edibles environmentally
temporarily attached with what polluted, you just can’t be too
appears to be spray-lacquer. Pull it
lightly, and it removes. We can
fun and freakish-looking
It’s a
So many of you have been
forsee a day when all that will hold we assure you. But it’s
fright-mask, writing in for 'em, we've
the hair onto the mask is that one not permanent, and needs to be decided to start a special
seam. cleaned and groomed as any pet MONSTER TIMES BACK
It’s not real hair, either ... a might. ISSUE SERVICE. Due to costs
sort of polyester fabric, resembling It might be wise to cut a large in postage and handling, all
spun nylon or rayon. We took a hole the recess indentation that
in back issues cost $1.00 apiece,
HORROR ZOMBIE lock of the hair and gave it the old suffices as the interior of the except for our rare collectors'
flame test. It didn’t burst into HORROR ZOMBIE mask’s mouth. prize. Issue No. 1 at $2.
The zombie walks again As the wrap-around mask fits
flames, but zimply crizzled up into
when you wear this mask a little ball of ash. Which is the snugly over the head, and the only
Make Checks payable to:
of mystery. Made of safety feature, gang. If someone holes for ventilation are two slits in THE MONSTER TIMES
heavy latex rubber. should accidentally set fire to the the nose and two eye-holes, you _ P.O. Box 595
mask’s hair while you have it on, might find yourself falling into [f Old Chetaea Station
twisted teeth and black
green skin,
the hair will just crinkle up into a
knot of ash at the top of the mask
zombie-like fits of unconsciousness
for lack of oxygen from time to
11# r New York. N.Y. 10011

hair. time. Might! that

and go out. You’ll be moderately is.

safe, having time to get it off your With these simple precautions,
head. Or so we think. and careful treatment of this Name
you, too can become a HORROR Now don’t go letting zombie mask, you could have many
ZOMBIE! this information inspire you to start hours of enjoyment with this Address

We’ve gotta admit, Horror setting fire to people’s heads HORROR ZOMBIE mask, running
House’s zombie mask is pretty (monsters or otherwise). Just around and upsetting adults and
good, although it was a better buy a because a person has a parachute other dull people.
State Zip
month ago, when they advertised it doesn'tmean he should go jumping -C.M. Richards
page 24 The Monster Times


BADTIME STORIES by Berni Wrightson,

Graphic Masters Publishers, 48 pages, available
$5.00 per copy.
via mail order,

^Afhen a comic book editor wants a horror

comix script illustrated with a shiver-ish style,
these days, the first name on his lips is Berni
Wrightson. Bemi’s terrorifie touch is so in
demand, and so effective, that both of those
giant comiconglomerates DC & Marvel use him
to render their horror comic-zine covers as often
as possible.
Even though he’s just a couple of years past
teen-hood (aged 23), Berni has had the honor of
being the Boris Karloff-ian or Alfred
Hiteheock-ian host to comic collections of
horror, sci-fi stories in the DC line, drawing
himself into splash panels, introducing the terror
tales which are to follow. This is pretty rare in an
industry where most comix artists and writers
remain relatively anonymous, and
Now we have the first permanently-printed
soft-cover slick paper collection of Berni
Wrightson’s own BADTIME STORIES.
Not only is Bemi’s work mysterious, it

manicly from mood to mood with each

story . and each story is drawn in a different
. .

media, black ink, or tone board, or painted grey

wash, etc. as if each story were culled from
different convolutional cubby -holes of Bemi’s
burgeoning brain.
And what worlds are kept hidden in those
creeping convolutional creases?! One of them is
our world in the not-so-far future our world, . . .

that is, if we don’t control our environmental

mucker-uppers ... a world where THE LAST

HUNTERS stalk their prey. There’s writing in

this; Wrightson word-smithery at its best . . .

prose well-worthy of regaling IN

“They world of bilious black slime

sat in a . . .

the shore of a once green and living ocean; a sea

whose foamy brine once licked white sand . . .

whose breakers once roared out its ceaseless

symphonies in an endless ode to the miracle of
creation. They waited the After Men
. . . . . .

they waited in silence, like the now silent

waters they waited
. . . for the coming of the
. . .

dawn . . .

“The silence before the dawn was no different

now than the silence that followed it. The world
was all but dead, now dead, except for the
. . .

After Men. Those pitiful, tenacious remnants of

a once-proud arrogant humanity ... the hunters
whose existence was little more than a
HE SWEET? ... see him screaming down the near-useless struggle for survival in a polluted
street. UNCLE BILL'S BARREL never waren't the same, after Unde
and dying world ...” got into He hunted moonshine
Bill it. in the moonshine!
The Monster Times page 25


The truly LAST

takes no pleasure,
remnants of the
brought him into
. , ,
, that world . . .

crack of doom for our
hunts them down and

kills them with all

the calculating
coolness of a

The After-Men survey their world of soot and grime and oil-slicks and dim sunrises, in THE LAST HUNTERS .

A grim world, indeed ... and a little more racket inside the coffin, in front of the grave, we
eloquent than “It’s clobberin’ time!” or other put a stone sayin’ ‘Rest in Peace’ ...”
coined comix phrases we’ve all heard. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN, MAN is a more
Not to give you the idea that this is a heavy recent Wrightson merging of the macabre with
book, tho. There’s plenty of gore and grue and pioneer humor but with an ending that is
. . .

fiendish fun to be found amongst the other definitely not for minors ... so all you under
BADTIME STORIES. 17’s out there, be ye warned this . . . book is not
Forinstance, there’s the last story in the book, for you. As far as ol’ John Law is concerned.
UNCLE BILL’S BARREL, which was originally That’s sort of a shame, but that’s the way things
drawn comic called WEB
for a defunct horror are ... a badtime story of another nature.
OF HORROR ... in 1968. There are few more The $5.00 price on this volume seems a little
humorous horror stories ever done than this . . . steep, but it is well done, and the paper is slick
gleeful tale of a hillbilly corpse who kept rising and the covers are kneat particularly the . . .

from his grave for his nightly swig o’ moonshine. back, which is an almost same-size full-color
Upon Uncle Bill’s first rising from his grave, reproduction of Bemi Wrightson’s version of the
his hillbilly kin-folk grab his “animated prune” devil ala FANTASIA’S Night on Bald Mountain
corpse and shove it into a store-boughten coffin sequence.
(nailed shut) and bury him again. As the hill-tad So it’s worth $5.00 to us . . . we’re really into
narrator observes; “ ’Cause he was raisin’ such a Wrightson’s writhing work.


. .
. ,







THE TASK ... is the title of a fine story about a contest between "good" and evil! Beware THE REAPER OF LOVE. He eats broken hearts and
drinks shed tears and even sleeps with Teddy Bears.
! :

The Monster Times


Dear “Monster Times” staff;
I have so far bought and read all issues

of MT, and, to my great pleasure, have

found them excellent. I am glad to see
that you have different articles than other
magazines, such as “Famous Monsters of

Filmland,” which are reprints usually, or

crummy film synopses. Also, I have
found that you have excellent pictures
and drawings, I especially like the big
2-page poster in each issue. In future
articles I would like to see —
Frankenstein photos and inside stories,
maybe an article on how to use make-up
Finlay, to become a “monster”, and a story on
the life of Boris Karloff. Keep up the
good work.
Matt Klyppes

P.S.; I liked the fantastic STAR TREK
issue and Mushroom Monsters and King

Aw, Pshaw! We aren’t really better than

Famous Reprints of Synopsisland, are
we? Shucks! That’s a might cordial thing
to say Matt! Thank ya kongly!


Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs:

As comic and monster magazine

a On Dec. 19, 1971 Stanly Kubricks “A
collector, was thrilled to see your
Clockwork Orange” premiered at
publication on the news stand. Hollywood, New York, and at the Metro
It was love at first sight when I gazed Theatre in San Francisco, where I
through The Monster Times. Your articles attended. Since then I have seen it three
and format are. excellent. more times, and unlike 2001: A Space
Since issue No. 1, I have made it a Odessey, I cannot take my eyes off the
habit to buy 2 copies of each issue and I screen. Unlike 2001 it is fast paced and
have placed an ad in issue No. 3. the plot and message are understandable.

YiHJ ’ RE THE HEAD MONSTER! I hope Monster Times will continue to

be published just as long as monsters keep

A Clockwork
Strangelove a black comedy.
Orange is, like
It is

on enchanting us and needless to say, that sardonic, satirical and lavishingly sadistic.
Yep, you are the Head Monster, balance . . . .balance isn't an easy thing. could be forever. Like 2001 it is brilliantly visual and his
around here, as far as we're concerned. Kong had balance, 'till they shot him Yours Truly, ingenious use of music helps heighten
You, the Reader. You, the Subscriber. down. Frankenstein had balance with Anthony Capialbi your emotions to the violence on the
You, who digs monsters and horror and those monster shoes of his, but Der New York City screen.
Yet the violence is not used as gore or
science fiction and fantasy in movies & Golem had no balance when he lost his
So you’re the guy who’s responsible for attraction as in other films. In Sam Pekin
comix & TV & records & books; the star,and flopped right over. A monster
our phenomenal success! We thought all pah’s St raw Dogs the audience is anxiously
whole carnival-ful of wonders that is the newspaper must walk a fine tightrope of waiting for the violence to occur from the
along it was two people buying one copy.
Mass-Media Renaissance of this century. avid but varied reader interest. It must beginning of the movie. Well directed and
Just goes to show ya!
These modern, imaginative wonders were present not only what it THINKS the performed. Straw Dogs is of fine quality.
made for You, and Your Journal, THE reader wants, but what the reader DOES However one is repulsed by the rape
MONSTER TIMES, is also made for want. INSECTX IN COMIX HE LIKEX and violence in “A Clockwork Orange,”
YOU! We gather news and info about So help us keep our balance. Tell us by due to the realistic style that Kubrick has
You A, B, C order what you want to see most Dear Editor, given it. So close is the reality that one
them for
have to walk seven blocks to get to almost feels that he is there, a witness to
We've got an overload of material, and in MT: monsters, comix, sci-fi, TV, I

the nearest newsstand — but I’d walk all the brutality that is in the film.
don't know where to begin. We've got so reviews, nostalgia, records, fiction,
seven miles to get “The Monster Times.” The main character is Alex, a teenage
much great stuff on hand, and so many product tests, news, etc. We will tally up
It’s really great. I really enjoyed your rogue who is a cunning Psychopathic liar,
SPECIAL ISSUES already in the works your responses as percentages third issue. And since I’m an avid comic a thief, a sadist, a rapist, and a murderer.
(like a FLASH GORDON ISSUE, and a scientifically, using the largest hat any of book fan, I truly de-sected your article on Why then does the audience like him?
FRANKENSTEIN ISSUE, and a RAY our editors wears. super heroes modeled after insects. Well, he’s intelligent, self-reliant,
BRADBURY ISSUE, and an EC So fill out the form below, and send it Beside’s the new stuff, me and my dominating, witty and has a magnetic
HORROR COMICS issue or a TARZAN, in, and we guarantee you hundreds of comic book pen-pal’s in the personality, that the audience accepts and
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS issue, your opinion will be read. fanzine club’s dig such old golden-age admires (at least 1 did) this could never
we don't want to you
goodies as The Shadow, Spy Smasher,
. . .
have been done without the dynamic
and . . . well tell
Captain Marvel, Flash Gordon, The performance of Malcom McDowell.
too much, some of the competition may
Spider, Capt. Midnight, The Green The main theme deals with taking a
be reading!), and we've got so many
special features in the works, too.
in ear
Head Monster. That's
MT folk. Ok, so I'm nov. your
really swellish.
Hornet etc. etc. — Since your author, criminal and making him incapable of
i I !
Jimmy Thornton, is such an expert on choosing between right or wrong. This is
We are planning more columns, • think THE MONSTER TIMES should *
The Green Hornet why not have him . . . achieved by having him become (through
reviews, news scoops, listings of events of have the following topics emphasized in do a big, detailed article on him. 1 hypnotics, drugs & other brain-washing
| (
interest to practically every imaginable ,
the following order indicated by A, B, C, . promise you that we’d buy extra copies techniques), physically sick whenever he
sort of fan. We've got special new sideline or 1 2, 3, or
, . any way you want!
. . of THAT issue of M.T. wishes to become violent or have sex. The
publications planned . . . top secret stuff, — Ronnie Howard. achievement has far more disastrous
and we've even planned a special X-mas Classic Horror Sci-Fi Films.
New York City results as leaves him less than human.

supplement combination gift-buying To me A Clockwork Orange is the best

We’ve got a Gordon/Buster

Flash movie of 1971. I do not expect the
guide of monster products and curios and Articles on Comix.
readers to take my word for it, but to

Crabbe ish in the works, Ron!

a section we cheerfully call THE
remember there are two views to every
MONSTER TIMES REVIEW OF BOOKS, Original Comix film. For a correct view, it must be seen
for those who still read, these days. This
by you alone.
should make the New York Times turn News. WHAT GRADE IS MT IN? David C. Anderson
green with envy! Dear MT Walnut Creek, Calif.
We've got comix and comics and more Film, Book, Record reviews. When saw that Gray Morrow did the

of same; no matter how you spell 'em, cover of Monster Times, I figured I’d Just goes to show; so many people
you'll be getting them. We've got so many gamble half-a-buck in the hopes that I Denny O’Neils ’review of A
disagreed with
Product Tests.
posters planned that you'll have to rent a would be buying an interesting, fact filled Clockwork Orange, that we received a
newspaper about fantasy flix. After re-review. The editors agree still with Mr.
warehouse to hang them all up.
reading a few articles I realized that here O’Neil, but figure its fair to let readers
Like we we've got more stuff
was yet another Cutezy-Wootzy monster disagree in print. That’s how we do things
thanwe can get into print right away.
_ Other (specify) here at your newspaper.
mag. This time a Rolling Stone format.
And we want to please you! You're the |

The copy is just HORRIBLE! What grade

Head Monster! Name Age_
are you guys in anyway? Believe me,
So write us NOW! Tell us what you unless you hire some capable writers to Send so us many letters,
want to see first, and we'll comply. Address support your fairly fresh collection of postcards, boosts, detractions,
Tell us how certain articles strike you, foios, the newspaper will fold and you’ll bomb etc., that the Post
or if you would like to strike them. Rate I City be in trouble . . .
Office will have to deliver our mail
us from A-Z, and spell out exactly how Dan Goscit, with a bulldozer. Address all
you like or dislike our presentation of ^
State Zip, New York City correspondence to; THE
Strange Stuff. I THE MONSTER TIMES P.O. Bo* 5»5,
We’re in the FIRST grade, Dan! Chelsea Station, N.Y., 10011.
We particularly want to know about , OM CtMbM Station.) N.Y. 10011 ei
The Monster Times page 27


Filmed in Pennsylvania, with actual Pennqhoulvanians as the canniballistic zombies, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD became an overnight iivinq un-dead legend.

THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING Canby, reviewer for the New York Times, Romero has obviously studied the motionless all through the flick. A small
DEAD is a strange film. It's sort of said in essence that the film looked masters, but he has far from copied them. fault to be sure, yet it still mars the
about ghouls and science fiction. amateurish in he noticed many
that A better word would be emulate, as his overall plot structure.

But ghouls are living who feed on scenes where the camera was not held style is definitely all his own. His irony
Karl Hardman, one of the film’s
the dead. In NLD, the dead rise up steadily, resulting in jerky screen with all the characters (i.e., the sister
producers, also had the insistence to
movements. Perhaps he refers to the finally being killed by her living-dead
to devour the living. So it's sort of a include himself among the cast as the
middle of the picture when the audience, brother; and the hero Ben. who fought to
zombie picture, too. Then again .. character of Harry. Although I cannot
as well as the characters on the screen, stay most,
alive being killed not by
But whatever it is, it's been quibble with Mr. Hardman’s talent for
watch television newsreel footage that zombies but by the local sheriff who
making waves of controversy. First turning out a great motion picture on a
recounts the ever increasing number of mistakes him for a member of the army
it was eaten alive by the critics. minor budget, his talent as an actor
bodies which are rising from their graves of the dead) creates a very disturbing
Later, they ate their words of leaves something to be desired. Try to
to feed on the flesh of the living. There mood which cannot be easily shaken,
imagine a balding, 5’ 5” Vincent Price
scorn, and have praised the film to are scenes of panic-stricken people, high even after the movie concludes and one
and you’ve visualized him to a tee.
the skies. The most amazing aspect government officials being mobbed by leaves the theatre. All these elements,
of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD newsmen in Washington, D.C., and an then, taken in total, provide for a picture
But aside from these two small flaws,
that was made by amateurs on interview with the local county of classic calibre.
is it
sheriff— all done in a hand-held camera
a grant from a Pennsylvania close to perfection. There no story
university. In many ways it looks
style. It’s obvious that Romero intended Night of the living Die-gest is

padding, the actors (with thatone

like a grade B product but . . .
One interesting sidelight on NIGHT exception) are all very good to excellent
keeping in mind the way it came OF THE LIVING DEAD was a Readers’ in their performances. These, as well as
Digest re view/ article in regard to
about, it's a grade A effort. But the sound, lighting, make-up,
Americas lax censorship problem. The photography, and direction combine to
author Jim Wnoroski thinks it's
Digest article by author Roger Ebert make the picture the superb creation that
even better than that ....
seems to see nothing but the blood in the it is.

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is a picture, feeling that this type of film has
classic film . . . but nobody seems to no redeeming value and is unsuitable for Within a year since its critics predicted
realize it yet! the eyes of the young— an adult being too itwould die & stay dead, NIGHT OF
sophisticated to even bother with a THE LIVING DEAD achieved the
She horrifying opening scenes of
"Say something against Readers' Digest, eh!"
scream MT-hating Middle- America zombies.
picture of this class.
this, that
It seems, from all

Mr. Ebert just wanted to speak

it so well deserved in the first
Rex Reed and other major movie
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD came on out on condition of current film
the critics have all re-evaluated it — some
the screen. Director George Romero this footage to be done in this manner, even comparing Don
sets trends, and NIGHT OF THE LIVING it to Seigal’s 1956
mood simulating to perfection the condition of INVASION OF THE BODY
the eerie right off in a cemetery. DEAD was the closest film at hand when classic
Johnny and Barbara arrive early on a actuality, so necessary for believability.
the article was written, thus becoming an SNATCHERS’ And the public has caught
gloomy evening to place a wreath at their In fact, this lack of studio perfection is on too, as booking agents have well
already pre-judged scapegoat. An
grandfather’s grave. Romero, who also what probably contributes most to the realized in billing the film with everything
interesting sidelight too is the fact that
doubles as the film’s cinematographer, is picture's overall success with the from Tod Browning’s FREAKS to Woody
Mr. Ebert later went on to write the
evidently a student of the old “Universal” movie-going public. It’s almost like Allen’s BANANAS. The picture has even
screenplay of Russ Meyer’s sexpose of
school of the thirties. Directly from the watching what you could call a demonic had the distinction of playing six and
blood and violence, BEYOND THE
cemetery, where brother and documentary. seven month engagements in both New
start in the VALLEY OF THE DOLLS.
sister come under attack by a frightening Another big objection to the film is its York and Los Angeles — as well as being
disheveled stranger, there are a number of tastelessness in showing explicit gore In all fairness, however, to the art of added to the French Film Archives for
James Whale-like slanted shots with scenes. A few in particular reveal several criticism, the film does have a few minor classic cinema.
additional high and low level angles. members of the living dead literally inconsistancies. One of which is a scene
James Whale you may recall was one of ripping apart the dead bodies of a young where Barbara flees to a seemingly All in all, it seems the true key for
Universal Pictures’ most talented couple and devouring them in full deserted house, only to find the appreciating NIGHT OF THE L VIING
directors of the thirties, turning out such close-up. Romero stays with the walking occupant, a woman, severely mangled at DEAD is involvement. Engrossing oneself
classics as FRANKENSTEIN and THE zombies, in all states of decomposition, as the top of a flight of stairs. Throughout in the film, which most critics failed to

INVISIBLE MAN the audience watches them salivate over the film the audience is led to accept the do the first time out, will put the viewer
an arm. liver, brain, eye, or what have fact that soon after death the corpse will right in middle of a “plausible
Canby can be a dead-head you. In another scene, a small girl rise and seek out human flesh (and indeed fantasy” — a paradox to be sure, but
Some reviewers have argued over and repeatedly stabs her frantic mother with a this is the case with all others in the there’s always something different and
picked at the movies finer points. Vincent sharp garden hoe. picture), yet this woman remains still and unusual about a classic.
poge 28 The Monger Times

I am the Legend of the

Last Omega Man on
Continued from page 11 THE OLD ABANDONED WAREHOUSE! Now you Some
THE OLD ABANDONED WAREHOUSE is here! can of the items are for older fan enthusiasts, and some
order rare and hard-to-get books about monsters, comics, ask you to state age when purchasing. Don’t be put off by
doubts. Oh, he’s heroic — downing the formality, the pulsating Post Office
pulps, fantasy and assorted betwitching black sundries, isn’t.
baddies with the casual earnestness of a
camp counsellor inveighing against the
evils of smoking —
that he regrets his bloodletting.
but he manages to hint
Good as Heston is, he looks
amatuerish next to Anthony Zerbe’s POSTERS BY t8 awakens your sense of
Brother Matthais. I’m coming to believe *23
FRANK FRAZETTA. awe and fascination. The
Zerbe is the finest young character actor Tor mood and tone and colors and details are re-

in the movies. His redneck cop in THE anatomy and stark por- produced magnificently.

LIBERATION OF L.B. JONES is a lesson traits of wonder, Frazetta Breathtaking to see and

in the art ot portraying pitiful creeps. In is the master! Each poster own!

THE OMEGA MAN, Zerbe’s task is

considerably more difficult; his role Alan Barbour, ed. $4.00 Alan Barbour, ed. $4.00
demands he infuse sympathy, Silhouetted against an The world's favorite Boris Karloff was the A JOB FOR SUPERMAN.
Jim Steranko
book- magnilicent master of dis- $3.0Q
believability and flashes of nobility in a orange moon is the raven- Dracula is seen in a Kirk Alyn $5.00
There is a series in-
ful of photos of Bela guise and menace. You The first actor ever to
ing beast of our night-
nightmarishly ugly fanatic. He succeeds, Lugosi in weirdest
his can see dozens and doz- play the part of Superman
volved here, and this ii
mares, about to pounce volume one. You can find
splendidly. His Matthias is always roles. Softcover twin vol- ens of photographs of his has written this memoir.
on the victim who has un- few better descriptions o(
ume to the Karloff book. various roles in this 52- It is filled with film-mak-
believable; occasionally, he attains the fortunately discovered how comic books evolved
Excellent stills from the page all-photograph soft- ing stories (how he caught
him! $2.50 (from newspaper strips
grotesque granduer of a Quasimodo. great Lugosi horror films, cover book. Each photo is fire while flying), good hu-
and pulp adventure maga-
One more
performance deserves B. SKIN DIVER (cover and plenty of them. full-page size (8% x 11) mor, and many, many
zines),and there are hun-
painting for EERIE 3). 52-pages. and is dear and vivid. A photographs. Fun reading,
mention, that of Rosalind Cash as the dreds of photos and
There is the treasure horror-film fan’s prize. even for non-film fans.
illustrations. Nifty reading,
romantic interest. She superbly projects
the mocking sensuality of a black woman
the ocean depth in
its riches
great art — poster-sized
ABYSS 1. full-color cover by th^
which the awed skin-diver
forced to sneer at her own emotions. I
has discovered it. But
Jones et al., ed. $2.00 author. f
This deadly magazine
found particular brand of
her what is that fearful, mon-
comic book was the coop-
tough-tenderness enormously appealing. strous thing rearing up
erative effort of Jeff Jones,
behind it? $2.50
Her patfi as written, is almost a complete Mike Kaluta, Bruce Jones,
C. BREAK THE BARBAR- and Berni Wrightson. They
zero, yet she fills it with vitality and
IAN VS. THE SORCERESS experiment with stories of
beauty. (cover painting for Paper- the odd and the macabre,
Do I havecomplaints about THE back Library paperback). in spidery, Gothic style!

Brak, with sword and Moody and dramatic and

OMEGA MAN? Yep. For one, the
on horseback, looks up VIRGIL FINLAY. high quality.
dialogue is banal. Talk in the movie is into murky skies to see Donald M. Grant $12.00
mostly of the kitchen-naturalism school, is it a vision of a woman? Beautiful hardcover
she seems to
Is that evil
book, limited memorial
and to match the theme, it should have convey? Or menace $2.50 edition, including a mag- FRAZETTA.
been witty, poetic or both. nificent sampling of the Vern Coriell, ed.

art of this great science- It’s Frazetta we

(cover painting for Lancer
hOmega the Range... paperback) fiction illustrator.
black-and-white and some
Mostly say more?
A slim sketchbook which
Toe to toe, Conan fights
My biggest objection, however, is to with brute savagery, death
outstanding color plates. covers some of the finest
in every axe-stroke, against
Also contains a full listing black and white lineworfc
the film’s unarticulated assumption that
two frost giants. The of Finlay's work and where by this super-artist, Frank
the Heston gunslinger is right, and the to find it, and his bio. LITTLE NEMO IN SLUM- chedelic” comic strip art- Frazetta. Each figure shows
scene is a blazingly white
Zerbe fanatic wrong. Sagal constantly mountain top under an Proves again and BERLAND. work of Winsor McCay. detail, mass, strength, and
ice-blue sky! Thorough again, page after page Winsor McCay $3.00 Nemo appeared in the drama. For collectors of
employs light-darkness symbolism: the early 1900’s, and the best
drama! $2.50 that Finlay did for horror is still . . . You must be
Family are seen as bats, slinking into the & sci-fi what Norman This softcover, thin the best visual fantasy 18 to buy this volume.
night; their eyes are hidden behind dark E. CONAN THE CON- Rockwell did for The Sat- book is an amazing look ever to appear on a comic State age when placing
QUER0R (cover painting urday Evening Post. at the art nouveau “psy- page! order.
lenses; their costumes are reminders of : for Lancer paperback)
the medieval inquisition. Religion is Bursting like a fire-
equated with superstition, which is storm into the midst of a
hellish battle, Conan
equated with savagery, and Mother
comes, astride his mad-
Hardware is presented as the ultimate dened charger, cleaving
benefit of mankind. Given the film’s basic his bloody way! The back-
ground is fire and death
situation, the IBM-ish glorification of and savagery $ 2.50
applied science is absurd. I think Brother ALL FIVE FRAZETTA
Matthias has an arguable point: if POSTERS $10.00
technology leads to genocide, it may (POSTERS ARE MAILED IN
indeed be worthy of destruction. So a : STRONG CARDBOARD
disinterested party might find himself THE GREAT COMIC BOOK . DARK DOMAIN. TARZAN AND THE VIKINGS.
HEROES. Gray Morrow $4.00 Hal Foster $7.00 BOOK ONE. (
rooting for the bad guys. HERO PULP INDEX $5.00 A sketchbook of a comic Here one of the
is Hal Foster $5.00
Jules Feiffer
I I watched Charlton
didn’t, though. Weinberg & McKinstry, A frank and nostalgic art master featuring fan- greatest adventure strips The first Tarzan ever to
ed $3.50 backward look at a child- tasy, science-fiction il’us- ever drawn, by the finest appear in comics form
motorcycle across a pit of flames,
pilot a
was a
Where did the Black hood of comic book read- trations and visual delights artist the comic art world drawn by
daily strip
and Rosalind challenge him to a necking Hood appear before comic ing. And then adventure delights such as girls, has ever produced! Even Hal Foster with the text of)
bout, and Anthony fling a spear. I comic book monsters, swordsmen, and before beginning his 33- the book printed beneath
books? When did the long after (original) k

and incredibly successful adventure showing us the girls! This volume is rec- year Prince Valiant career, each panel. Designed to;
fantascized it was me alone in the City of Hal Foster did the Sunday run for a few weeks, Tar-
Shadow series begin? How complete origin stories ommended for serious
the Angels, able to grab anything I
long did Doc Savage run? of Batman, Superman, students of art, illustra- pages of Tarzan, and this zan has now been going;
book for forty years. But this
wanted (maybe including Rosalind) The pulp magazines with and Green Lantern, and tion, science fiction, fan- (softcover, Life-

continued adventure hero episodes in the careers of tasy,swordsmen monsters Magazine-sized) reprints book contains the first)
without interference from police and
features are listed in this the Spirit, Flash, Hawk- and of girls but over— 55 pages of Tarzan’s story. strips ever drawn, re-
work and similar inconveniences. I compact and efficient ref- man, and more! All in age 18. Where else can this "lost" printed in clear lines in a 1
beautiful color! Dynamite! work be seen? wrap-around softcover
admired the neat cutting and smooth erence book.
book. Good value.
camera technique and the whole lexicon
of sheer, undeniable competence that
Hollywood is damned for by those unable
to understand what an achievement it is.
I’ll go out of my way to see Sagal’s
The proverbial Old Abandoned Warehouse house Enterprises presents the most AWEful, NOTE: Add 20< postage and handling per
next film; THE OMEGA MAN establishes
which you’ve heard about in so many comics, AWE-inspiring AWEsome AWEtifacts AWEvail- item for orders totalling less than $20.00.
his credentials as a deft fantasy-weaver.
Heck-fire, I may even see Heston’s next. movies and pulp adventure and detective able at AWE-striking AWE-right prices! Indi- Make checks and money orders payable to:

And Rosalind Cash’s? Baby, you just try novels is open for business. Abandoned Ware- cate which items you want ABANDONED WAREHOUSE
to keep me from the theater.
— Denny O’Neil NAME-
$2.50 each or ail five for $10.00 -A JOB FOR SUPERMAN $5.00
comic strip in issue No. 3, COMES THE -TARZAN ILLUS BOOK 1 $5.00
GRAY DAWN by Rich Buckler & Marv -FRAZETTA FOLIO $2.50 (State age)
Wolfman originally appeared in PHASE -VIRGIL FINLAY $12.00 Sales Tax: For delivery in N.Y.C. add 7%. delivery elsewhere in
All five $10.00 New York add 6%.
magazine, fan-published-zine. PHASE is a -HERO PULP INDEX $3.50

available at $5.00 per copy via the mail, ABYSS #1, $2.00 -THE GREAT COMIC BOOK HEROS $5.00
at 4314 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn, New FANTASTIC (KARLOFF), $4.00 -DARK DOMAIN, $4.00 (State age)

York, 11203,

assistant, Nicholas (George Zucco), are

performing a voodoo ceremony over
Betty and the doctor’s wife. Marlowe had
kidnapped the girls for the purpose of
bringing his wife back to normal, for
Continued from page 5
which he needs a girl with the exact
mental plane that his wife formerly had.
After failing on the others, the girls had
become zombies and were kept in upright
Altermann succeeds in quelling
coffin-closets and attended to by
skepticism. He further points to Lazarus
dim-witted Job (John Carradine’s
as yet another of his creations. However,
degrading role — worse than his
as he continues to rave about an
invincible army, he is shocked to hear a
DRACULA’S CASTLE). As the police
hollow-sounding “No!” emerge from his
interrupt his final attempt at restoring his
dead wife’s lips. He remarks that he must
wife to normalcy, Marlowe is shot, but
continue to experiment on her, so that
before he dies he destroys his wife and
her brain will be capable of only receiving
releases the other girls from their
and obeying orders, rather than
zombie-like state. Yes it was another one
questioning them.
of “them”
Von Altermann wills his bride to
remain in her dead state, but her will is

strong enough so that she rises on her I Walked with a Zombie

own power and disappears into the
jungle. The hero convinces one Mammy
with a romantic, almost humorous charm
Beulah (Madame Sul-te-wan) to aid him
in the form of a narration. It is seemingly
in a fight against her master. She calls to
bare of macabre, but as with all of
Lila (in a high, wailing moan) who comes
director Val Lewton’s films, there is to be
and tells him that only her husband’s
found an underlying premise of terrors to
death can free her. The Nazi scientist calls
come. As the credits fade from the
out his zombies to stop, but Lila appears
screen, and while ocean waves calmly
and her will power triumps the zombies ;
stalked from out of the tin mine! Really. That’s where this zombie actually came from, in
pound against a desolate beach, the light It

slowly lumber toward the petrified

Hammer Films' PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES . tho it sounds like a rot-tin gag.
. .

voice of Betsy, the film’s

doctor. Von Altermann escapes from his
(portrayed by Frances Dee) delivers the
indead creations, but in fleeing through
short prelude: “I walked with a zombie!” title is Holland Holland’s wife,
Jessica Unknown to the Americans, their
he treacherous swamplands, both he and
she laughs. . .with a soft, tinkling ghostly who is first proclaimed a zombie by Dr. arrivalhas been noted by Doctor Renault.
is zombie wife perish in quicksand.
Then the voice continues, “Does
laughter. Maxwell, though only in jest. Mrs. Rand’s Renault has succeeded in turning humans
seem an odd thing to say. If anyone had into zombies through scientific means,
story of voodooism is discounted by
ollowed by another Monogram
said that to me a year ago, I’m not at all Maxwell when he recalls that Jessica but his guinea pigs have always reverted
emi-zombie film in 1941 VOODOO would have known what a back to themselves. .or died. .shortly
sure if I never really died. What Lewton has neatly . .

zombie was! Ah well, I might have had accomplished in I WALKED WITH A after Renault injected them with his
In VOODOO MAN, Young Women
some notion that. .he was strange and .
ZOMBIE is giving us a zombie fil' serum. Nevertheless, he continues to
have been disappearing mysteriously near
frightening. .even a little funny.
. It all without zombies! strive to create a being such as Kalaga
the town of Twin Falls. A retired
began in such an ordinary way.
. (Darby Jones), a zombie created by
physician, Doctor Richard Marlowe
(Lugosi), lives near the small village with Indeed. Betsy takes a vacation in San
Zombies on Broadway 'Voodoo which he took from the natives
for his servant 20 years before. Enter
his wife, who suffers a strange malady. A Sebastian, in the West Indies. She meets a RKO, seeking to capitalize on what
Jean LaVance, a torch singer. Mike is
young Ralph Dawson
scriptwriter, man named Paul Holland (Tom Conway) seemed to be a dying (yet still profitable)
ZOMBIES ON turned into a zombie by Renault. But
(Michael Ames), becomes involved when who employs her as his housekeeper. genre, released
before the doctor can inject his most
a girl from whom he hitched a ride Holland then takes Betsey downstairs BROADWAY, which combined witless
recently developed serum into Miles, the
disappears near Marlowe’s home. in his home where he introduces her to humor with low-grade horror. Top-billed
were comics Wally Brown heros get free and make their way from
Dawson and the abducted girl’s sister, Doctor Maxwell (James Bell). It is the in the affair
the castle. Renault orders Kalaga to kill
Betty Benton (Wanda McCay), report the physician who first calls her by her and Alan Carney who can only be
charitably described as a pre-Martin and
them, but the zombie kills his master
disappearance to the local authorities, supernatural name, when he tells Betsy,
instead, throwing his body into a grave
then journey out to the Marlowe “She makes a beautiful zombie, doesn’t Lewis team with none of the few
endearing qualities which resulted in the
which Renault had dug for the others.
residence. They devise a plan to locate she?” “What is a zombie?” questions the
success of the latter comedy duo. Sharing Jean and Jerry lead the zombieized
Betty’s missing sister, but Betty herself nurse. “A ghost! a living dead! It’s also a
Mike successfully aboard the ship bound
disappears within the Marlowe walls. drink.” the billing (but not the screen time) was
for the States, and all goes well with their
Ralph and the police arrive and break Of course, the zombie denoted in the an already haggard-looking Bela Lugosi.
plans to display him as “The Zombie
The script, whiih was probably
Hut” attraction up until the last minute,
"I've heard of chicks on casting couches, but this is ridiculous!" mumbled Alan Carney (in devised within a couple of hours (or so it

stitches) as Bela Lugosi's magic serum turned him into a cast-stiff BROADWAY ZOMBIE Brown and Carney when Strager reverts to his normally silly
seems), had playing
self. about to personally shoot
Miller is
Jerry Miles and Mike Strager, a couple of
agents for supposedly reformed the boys when
the lights go off during
Ace Miller (Sheldon Leonard),
some Outside the office, the
capacity audience (including Walker and
who is attempting to finalize plans for the
Professor Hopkins) continue to chant for
opening of his nightclub. “The Zombie
the promised zombie. When the
Hut.” Problems arise when Miles and
Strager promise a zombie on opening
attraction does appear, it is none other
night. This is quickly snatched up by
than Ace Miller himself, the victim of

radio commentator Douglas Walker Renault’s stolen hypodermic needle

(Louis Jean Heydt) who announces that which stabbed him in the fight. Hopkins
the zombie will be just another of Miller’s
and Walker are satisfied and the night is a
con John Q. Public. Miller total success — until Jerry Miles sits down
tricks to
threatens to liquidate the publicists if
on the hypo and rises to become the
latest bug-eyed monster! Lotsalaffs!
they can’t deliver a real zombie and, after
a short sojourn to a local museum, the
example of talent falling short of its
boys learn from Professor Hopkins (lan
potential, and looks little better than
Wolfe) that a one-time colleague of his.

Richard Renault (Lugosi), sailed to the BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN

isle of San Sebastian many years previous
GORILLA. .an even more obscure

to make a study of the phenomenon. Lugosi opus than Z’s ON B!

Miller forces the boys to sail to the

Valley of the Zombies
island, and in no time a calypso singer
warns: “Their chance to leave may come In 1946 Republic Pictures released
too late; and blood on the ground may- what was to become the last zombie title
mark their fate. of the decade with their VALLEY OF

page 30 The Monster Times

The ground broke open and a rotting

swaying uncertainly. The hand that the
support dripped clots of mud and skin.”

THE ZOMBIES. Although the title is all the jewelry stores on Fifth Avenue?”
something of a misnomer — having more The weakness of the film can be
to do with vampirism than zombies — the attributed mostly to thelow budget. The
low-budgeted quickie had a thoroughly pressbook praised director Edward Cahn
engaging plot throughout its brief as an “efficiency expert” for rigging up
58-minute running time. actors Palmer and Ashley with bubble
Ormand Murks (Ian Keith), a machines resembling oxygen tanks.
pathologically disturbed scientist, has Unfortunately, the effect is hardly
been committed to a mental institution convincing even on the mini-screen of a
by Doctor Rufus Maynard (Charles television set and the slow-moving actors
Trowbridge) because of his insane belief in diving suits behind the water tank did
that blood transfusions can prolong his little to aid this fraud.
life. He seemingly dies on an operating The horror film epidemic known as
table a short time later, but turns up very the “Teenage Monster” craze which
much alive in Maynard’s office. He reveals ravaged the genre at the end of the fifties
to the physician that his one great life’s caught up with the zombie in an
ambition has been to prove that man incredibly inept film called TEENAGE
could appear as though he were dead, yet ZOMBIES. Starring Katherine Victor as a
live! Murks discovered that an foreign scientist intent on making
intemiediate stage between life and death mindless slaves of most of the human
did indeed exist-a world of living death! race, she conducted her experiments on a
Murks tells the doctor that he learned the lonely island off the Californian coast.
secret in a “land of voodoo rites and devil The “teenagers” arrive as a group of
potents,” in “the valley of the zombies!” pre-AIP “Beach Party” kids who are
However, once the mysterious serum is quickly imprisoned by the femme
taken, the person must live within this scientist’s stoop-shouldered zombie-man
intermediate stage 'for the remainder of (who is laughable at best). They
his life and subsist on constant clawed his way from the grave, Peter Cushing as the walking dead Mr. Grimsdyke eventually the woman and the foreign
Having just
transfusions. After Murks tells the in TALES FROM THE CRYPT gets ready to deliver a valentine-shaped heart . . agents who
have come to get her secret in
physician his secret, he is told by the welcome climax. Most of the film was
Maynard that he does not have the- right (1952), was an unoriginal action effort which saved VOODOO ISLAND more shot on a desolate beach, in the back yard
blood type on hand. The revelation using much stock footage from previous than rescued ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU, of one of the cast’s or crew’s home, and
causes Murks to kill the doctor for his serials. It was later released in a feature which was released on a double bill with
on a laboratory set which is perhaps the
blood. Murks’ younger brother, who is version as SATAN’S SATELLITES THE MAN WHO TURNED TO STONE worst of all time-at the very least, it’s a
convinced that Murks has gone too far. (1958), but neither title accurately by Columbia that same year. Opening runner-up.
also pays with his life. And so on, to the described its mundane plot: an alien with the tinny, “canned” music familiar
attempt to overthrow the earth. to all those who frequented theaters on
Murky end. Zombies sizzle the '60's
Boris Karloff turned up in a very Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons
cheaply produced film (partially shot in during the late ’50’s, ZOMBIES OF obscure film called THE DEAD
Zombies of the '50's Hawaii) called VOODOO ISLAND, which MORA TAU begins with young Jan ONE surfaced unobstrusively in 1960. .

With the trend of the early and was released by United Artists in 1957. Peters (Autumn Russell) returning to her The Mexican character Santo, a
mid-fifties leaning toward science fiction Karloffs role was that of Philip Knight, a Grandmother’s home on Mora Tau off combinaiion wrestler and masked
rather than horror, it comes as little professor who is skeptical in regard to the the African coast after an absence of ten super-hero who has managed to face
surprise that script writers began powers of supernatural and voodoo. He years. She is met and driven to her almost every conceivable type of monster
developing more stories in which aliens journeys to an obscure isle where he finds Grandmother. at one time or another in a series of
were reducing earthmen to mindless man-eating plants and voodoo-practicing Off the coastline, a boat has arrived to wretched South-of-the-Border epics (the
creatures, or mad doctors were using natives who turn members of the party dive for the huge fortune in diamonds end of which are not yet in sight)

science to create zombie-like creatures. into shrunken dolls and mindless believed to be at the bottom of the sea appeared in SANTO CONTRA EL
CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN nonentities (they are never actually off the voodoo-haunted Mora Tau. ZOMBIES (SANTO AGAINST THE
(1955), PLAN NINE FROM OUTER termed zombies). While the film is usually Leading the expedition is George ZOMBIES) in 1962.
SPACE (1959), THE EARTH DIES considered one of Karloffs worst, his Harrison (Joel Ashley) who has come INVASION OF THE ZOMBIES was
SCREAMING (1964), MONSTROSITY competent performance and the overall with his wife Mona (Allison Hayes), diver reputedly filmed in 1963 by
(1964) and NIGHT OF THE LIVING bizarre nature of some of the scenes (i.e., Jeff Clark (Gregg Palmer) and Iselin-Tenny Productions, however most
DEAD (1969) are some examples of the two young girls play around a plant archeologist Jonathan Eggert (Morris
researchers are in accord that the film was
fusing of science fiction with the which devours one of them) save it from Ankrum) along with few crewmen.
eventually retitled and distributed by
Before they are even underway, a figure
supernatural. total disaster, appealing to fans of 20th Century Fox as THE HORROR OF
Republic chapter Gratuitous Gore. slips on board ship and kills one of the
Pictures’ play, PARTY BEACH.
ZOMBIES OF THE STRATOSPHERE The same sort of bizarre touches crew.
Legends surround the sinking of the CREATURES WHO STOPPED LIVING
"Thought you said Tijuana was that way!" demands zombie who set off looking for SANTO
on page 6, and ended up here on page 30. In case you're wondering, Tijuana is famed for its
“Susan Bee” 60 years previous. Captain AND BECAME MIXED-UP ZOMBIES
bars, and a "zombie" is a kind of drink. SANTO is a kind of Mexican wrestler. Jeremy Peters, as he appeared so long (formerly THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE
ago, is still the same today, “except for CREATURE WHO STOPPED LIVING
his eyes,” she sadly notes. For when the AND BECAME A CRAZY MIXED-UP
“Susan Bee” put in for trade way back in ZOMBIE) speaks for itself.

1894, the sailors discovered a cask full of American-International handled the

uncut diamonds protected by the natives. stateside distribution of an Italian Galatea
Captain Peters and a number of the crew Production Roma Contro Roma, whose
were killed in the struggle over the jewels, English title became WAR OF THE
while the remainder of the men ZOMBIES. John Drew Barrymore, son of
successfully returned to the ship with the the famed thespian, played Aderbal, an
fortune. But shortly afterwards, the Armenian priest who serves a powerful
undead Captain andhis crew— now one-eyed goddess. The insane priest’s lust
zombies— returned to their ship to kill for power causes him to lead an uprising
those who had survived the battle and to against the Roman Empire and he is
scuttle the ship as well. Since then they initially successful in destroying large
have been doomed to walk the earth as numbers of Roman soldiers through his
undead beings, to guard the treasure from magical prowess. When the Senate in

falling into the hands of the living. Rome dispatches Centurion Gaius (Ettore
Perhaps one ot the most humorous Manni) to quell the rebellion, Aderbal
lines comes near the end of the picture manages to capture the officer and
when Jeff Clark is trying to convince Mrs. restores an army of dead men to do battle
Peters that the zombies can be foiled. By with the Roman legion. But when Gaius
distributing the jewels in every part of the escapes and the sorcerer destroyed, the
world, how zombies be able to do
will the undead perish as well and order is
anything? “What would they do? Picket restored to Armenia.
! .

The Monster Times page 31

corpse rose from the opening,

corpse placed on the headstone for
THE MONSTER TIMES FAN FAIR is another reader service of MT.
from Tales of the Crypt,
Care to buy, sell or trade movie stills, old comics or tapes of old
a novel from Bantam Books
by Jack Olecf radio programs? Or maybe buy or advertise a fan-produced
magazine? An ad costs only 0 cents per word (minimum, 25 words).

Make all checks and money orders payable to THE MONSTER

Although it is usually agreed upon by until 1965 that the British filmmakers TIMES, and mail your clearly printed or typewritten ad on the
most that television has seldom risen to began to explore the possibilities of a coupon below, to: THE MONSTER TIMES, Box 595, Old Chelsea
great heights in the area of fantasy voodoo theme in their films, with their Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. We reserve the right to refuse ads
horror, one outstanding contradiction to production of THE PLAGUE OF THE whsch would not be deemed appropriate to our publication.
that belief lies in NBC’s THRILLER ZOMBIES.
series hosted by Boris Karloff during the The locale is a small Cornish village
first years of the ’60’s and
still to be seen where the usual series of inexplicable
in syndication in certain parts of the deaths resulting from a strange malady
PHOTON is the filmzine that fans find FANDOM’S FANZINE — fandom’s
country. One of the adaptions during the continues to claim the lives of the fabulous! Devoted to the serious study only combination Newszine/Contribu-
show’s second season was based on villagers. of the fantasy film, each issue contains tion publication. Send subs (4 for
an 8x10 glossy still. All offset. One $!.)/& articles to Emanuel Maris 316
Robert E. Howard’s classic short story The screenplay for THE PLAGUE OF dollar to Mark Frank, 801 Avenue W. 88th St., N.Y. 10024
“Pigeons From Hell” which originally THE ZOMBIES can simply be described "C”, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218
appeared in Weird Tales magazine in the as a patiently-plotted piece of hokum,
late 1930’s. The video adaption was so lacking any depth,
Wanted: DeForest Kelley and Star
real but carrying
conceived and filmed; so WANTED DESPERATELY: 14x36 Trek Fans in the Cincinnati Area. Also
chillingly enough care in its development that it is
insert posters of Frankenstein Meets

wanted: clips and articles, memori-

faithful to the original work, that I felt not tedious. cliche-ridden piece of
It’s a the Wolfman, House of Frankenstein, abilia of DeForest Kelley, especially
obligated to include it within this work which purports a degree of Frankenstein (50’s reissue). John
your own snapshots, clips from news-
discussion although it may not be a authenticity toward its subject matter Parnum 143 School House Lane,
papers, etc. Will pay good price for all
zombie tale in the strictest sense. Philadelphia, Pa. 19144.
and always treatsit completely seriously. Hue and Cry Issues and Star Trek
Howard’s monsterish creation had its
The zombies are created through a Newsletters, Mad Magazine containing
Wanted: Decca’s "Fifty Years of
basis not only in thezombie, but in the voodoo ceremony presided over by a high Movie Musci” album. Gary Rafferty Star Trek satire, other ST fanzines
witch, the vampire and the werewolf as priest and, blood of the
after the 19— 120th Street, Troy, N.Y. 12182 with mention of DeForest Kelley.

well. His inhuman fiend was called a intended victim has been obtained, the KATHI S. 1572 Glen-
“zuvenbie”, and the author defined the
SENSATIONAL OFFER! Real parker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45223
fluid is poured over one of the small prehistoricteeth — Use for making
creature as something “ ... no longer wooden dolls. The victim begins to monster masks and your own set of “Creature Features” 8:30 Sat. Night
human. It knows neither relatives nor become sluggish in life until he eventually vampire teeth. 20 for $1.00. Kimball WNEW-TV Channel 5
friends. It is one with the people of the dies to be reborn as a zombie, his soul
— 871 Marlowe, Orlando, Fla. 32809.
Black World. It commands the natural encased in the doll. L’INCROYABLE CINEMA.s Britain's
Fandom Stranger fanzines contains
demons— owls, bats, snakes and In spite of the somewhat intelligent finest fantasy film magazine is now
sensational art, articles and stories by
werewolves, and can fetch darkness to available to American Subscribers at
handling, the zombies themselves are not fans and pros $1 a copy (1 copy)
N.Y. $.80 per copy, and $2.50 for three
blot out a little light. It can be slain by so fortunate. Their makeup, consisting of from. . . Box 344, St. James,
issues. Order now from Steve and
lead or steel, but unless slain thus, it complexion, 11780.
it is
a greenish hue and a rotting Erwin Vertlieb, 1517 Benner Street,
lives forever, and it eats no such food as horrendously overdone. Philadelphia, Pa. 19149.
Wanted: OP
Farkhams, Etc., San
humans eat. It dwells like a bat in a cave
Tomaino, 601 Chicago Ave., Point
or (an old house. Time means naught to Zombies from Z to Z... Pleasant Beach, N.J. 08742. WE’LL
for allowing us to run some of your
thd zuvembie; an hour, a day, a year, all is
unfortunate but sadly true that
It is Thousands of stills, posters & rare stills in THE MONSTER
one\ It cannot speak human words, nor
the “zombie” as a creature of horror has pressbooks for sale. Sci-fi, horror, COLLECTORS, we are on the lookout
think as a human thinks, but it can general titles & stars. Send for rare monster, horror, sci-fi and
never realized its full potential on the fantasy & -

hypnotize the living by the sound' of its want lists of SASE for sci-fi list to fantasy stills, pressbooks, lobby cards,
has seldom been depicted
silver screen. It
voice, and when it slays a man, it can MARVEL GALAXY, 44 E. San posters, and other visual goodies with

body until the flesh as anything more than a lumbering, Fernando St., San Jose, Calif. 95113. which to exotically embellish our
control the lifeless is
heavily-madup poor man’s Frankenstein articles. We’ll credit your photos and
As long the blood flows, the
For Sale: 500 — 78 RMP Jazz & Pop
cold. as FAMOUS! Send
Monster. I suspect that the character will
you’ll BECOME
Records — 1940 — 1950 Era — Write
corpse is its slave. Its pleasure lies in the checklistsof your collections to us,
never again rise to the classic proportions
human beings.”
slaughter of — Roscoe Ward, 226 Kinkel St., P.O. Box 595 Old Chelsea Station,
it reached only once— in the Lugosi Westbury, N.Y. 11590. New York City, N.Y. 10011 Include
“Pigeons From Hell” was directed by
film-and fantasy film producers are so your Address and Phone Number . .

John Newland, who is immediately Wanted, Old ComicBooks and BLB’S Thanx.
commercially minded at this time that an
recalled as the host of ONE STEP before 1950. Reasonable prices paid.
artistic film similar in content to
BEYOND. In all,added up to
the episode "The Comic Kid" — Mark Phillips 30 "Horror and terror tales” — Unbeliev-
Lewton’s contribution seems even more
be perhaps the best of the series, and can Harwood St., Lynn, Ma. 01902. able classics in sound. Price, Karloff,
impossible a dream. Lorre others. Spine tingling suspense

be favorably compared to almost any of
“Zombie” films have never made up a Want Back Magazine of Horror,
Issues: Open reel tape, Or Cassette, 24 hr. ser-
the best theatrical excursions into the
large niche of the fantastic cinema, and Shriek, Startling Mystery, Turok. Also, vice. Write RADIO MEMORIES — 71
macabre. In the zombie genre, ranks Fanzine Sword/Sorcery, Weird
the field remains virtually untapped of McKinley Ave., Dumont N.J. 07628
second only to WHITE ZOMBIE. Fantasy Horror Film Material. Send
the many exciting possibilities which Lists. T. Wawro, 13409 N. Stockton “SCIENCE FICTION FANS:- They're
Zombies Hammer away films like

and even “Pigeons

St., Lodi, Calif. 95240. back

from the "VAULT
of your favorites . . .
. X-
Hammer done every
films have From Hell” have partially evidenced over
For the serious fan of horror and MINUS ONE, — 2000-PLUS, — DI-
science fiction movies, Original MENSIONS, BUCK ROGERS, FLASH
monster imaginable. However, it was not the last forty years. Monsters Magazine is for you. 50c an GORDON, TOM CORBETTE. FU-
issue. Original Monsters/Box 257 MANCHU, ORSON WELLS’ CLASSICS.
WAR OF THE ZOMBIES saw Roman soldier John Drew Barrymore bury more zombies than Lakewood, N.J. 08701. We’ve got ’em all, open reel or cassette
is son of the famed actor, John Barrymore. We say this
24 hr. service. Write — “RADIO ME-
to impress
even we'd like to! J.D.B.
vou even thouqh John Drew Barrymore isn't in this photo. Nor his father.
MORIES - 71 McKinley Ave., Dumont,
Comic books, fanzines, stills, posters, N.J. 07628
Big-Little books, dealers, collectors:
and The Monster Times folk! Every WANTED FOR REVIEW!!! TMT is

“SECOND SUNDAY!" at the about to begin it Fan-Ad-Art-Zine

Statler-Hilton, 33rd St. & 7th Ave. reviews start sending them in c/o
. . .

N.Y.C. 10AM to 4PM. Admission, Zines, The Monster Times, Box 595,
$ 1.00 Old Chealsa Station, N.Y. 10011

Enclosed is $ for my word (minimum 25) classified ad

page 32 The Monster Times

KINGOFTHE “FRIGHT ON! I think a subscription to THE MONSTER TIMES is just what has

been missing in my life! Life didn’t seem to mean much to me, for a long, dreary
time. Doldrums had been setting in. I felt sort of, well, you know, hollow.
MONSTERS Meaningless. You know. And then I ran into THE MONSTER TIMES in my
neighborhood newsstand (I was flying a little low — nearly broke my wings). Saw
What? Tired of zombies already? THE MONSTER TIMES and I was suddenly transformed became a new . . .

Funny you should mention that, person. Well, the same old person, really, but a person. You know l^ow it is,
so are we. Next issue we sail away sometimes you haven’t even got the get up and go to change back into a human,
from those undead denizens of you know. Well, you know. You know. But now that I’ve found THE MONSTER
Horrific Haiti, and set course for
TIMES, life is a wonderful new adventure. Like how to make it to the newsstand
in that thin sandwich of time between sundown and the newsstand close-down.
Japan, current stomping ground of
You know. It’s really a challenge. But as the days are getting longer, I won’t be
one particular prehiterrorosity, a
able to do it anymore. Especially with that deathly Daylight Saving Time! So now
MR. G. GODZILLA, who was I subscribe, to get THE MONSTER TIMES delivered every two weeks, delivered in
quite notorious for his incredibly a plain, brown envelope, right to my coffin." i
bad breath. Our GODZILLA film
book will be handled rather C Drackuleski

straight, though keep your eyes Brooklyn, New York

peeled for future issues, when we
With every sub of a year or more, the subscriber gets a free 25-word classified ad, to
present his autobiography . . .

be run on our Fan-Fair page. You can advertise comics or stills or pulps, etc. or for
anything else, orovided it's in good taste!
says Mike Us Ian who's got
America's first college comix
course going, at Indiana I think THE MONSTER TIMES
University ....
is just what I've been looking for!
Subscription rates:
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the name of our special own MT $10.00 for 26 issues (1 year)
Make check or money order payable to:
comic next issue, drawn by
$18.00 for 52 issues (2 years)
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$12.00 for 26 issues CANADA
the forthcoming GRAY MOUSER P.O. Box 595, Old Chelsea Station,
$18.00 for 26 issues FOREIGN
& FAFHRD comix
series at DC New York City, N.Y. 1001
And we've got the scoop on that
KING KONG Volkswagen TV As a new subscriber (for a sub of one

commercial. The one with Fay year or more), here is my 25-word ad,
Wray's daughter in it!
to appear FI
as soon as possmie.
^ pf charge in Fan-Fair Address

And we've got coverage of the

annual Comix Fandom Geo the
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State -Zip.
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MONSTER TIMES reader can vote — PS: I pledge by the light of the next full moon to
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