Y400001 - AMS4020CL Operator's Manual Rev1 - 2

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AMS 4020CL



Y400001--- Revision 1.2

Read this manual thoroughly to obtain the requisite understanding of AMS 4020CL (Amada Modular
System Cycle Loader) operations.
Follow the instructions carefully to ensure the use of proper procedures and the prevention of
accidents, injuries, or damage to the machine. Do not operate the AMS 4020CL by guessing. Failure
to follow the instructions described in this operator’s manual may create hazardous situations for
all personnel that will interact with the machine. Keep the manual on hand and refer to it whenever
you are unsure about how to perform any of the procedures.
The Cycle Loader works in conjunction with the Amada 4020-series lasers to achieve complete
automation. It is assumed that the operator has been trained in the operation of the laser cutting process
and has a basic background in laser cutting technology.
This manual may include important notes or precautions that may affect the performance, reliability, or
safety of the system, and classifies them as follows:

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will

result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could

result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in

minor to moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in

damage to the machine and/or materials being processed.

Indicates an item of information which should be known to personnel

NOTE performing work.

Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is complete and correct. However, as Amada
America strives to continually improve our products, the information in this manual may be subject to
change without notice and may not exactly match the equipment as described to you. If you have questions
about any item or procedure, please contact your local Amada America representative for clarification.
This Operator’s Manual is for the main CL module only. For operation and maintenance information related
to add-on modules that integrate with the CL, please see the appropriate module’s Operator’s Manual.
Upon transfer of ownership, please give this operator’s manual to the new owner so that they have access
to this information in the future.
Manufactured by Amada America, Inc.
7025 Firestone Blvd
Buena Park, CA 90621
Phone: (877) AMADA-US (262-3287) or (714) 739-2111
AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual
© 2020 Amada America, Inc.
No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the prior written permission of Amada
America, Inc. or Amada Holdings Co., Ltd.
Printed in the USA
Y400001--- i 08/07/2020 Rev. 1.2
AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.0 Safety Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 For Safe Operation .................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 System Overview......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 System Features........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.1 CL Method of Operation...................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Single Laser Cell Configurations ......................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Work Cell Controls .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1.4 CL Module Overview .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.5 Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Safety Features ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Safety Fences and Guards ................................................................................................. 7
2.2.2 Safety Break Indicators ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Emergency Stops (E-Stops)................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Material Loading Guidelines....................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Loading/Unloading .............................................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Raw Material Placement ..................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 System Raw Material Origin Locations ............................................................................. 10
2.3.4 Sheet Separation Devices ................................................................................................ 12
2.4 CL HMI Controls ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Physical Controls .............................................................................................................. 13
2.4.2 Touch Screen Controls ..................................................................................................... 14
2.5 CL Main Control Screen........................................................................................................... 15
2.5.1 Machine Status ................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.2 Operation Mode Menu ...................................................................................................... 16
2.5.3 Menu Tab Ribbon ............................................................................................................. 17
2.5.4 Sub Function Menu ........................................................................................................... 17
2.5.5 Auto Mode Overview ........................................................................................................ 18
2.5.6 MDI Mode Overview ......................................................................................................... 18
2.5.7 Manual Mode Overview .................................................................................................... 19
3.0 CL Initialization and Shutdown ................................................................................................ 20
3.1 Startup ..................................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Shutdown................................................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Origining .................................................................................................................................. 21
3.4 Stopping CL Operation ............................................................................................................ 22
3.4.1 Line Stop .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.2 Maintenance Stop ............................................................................................................. 22
3.4.3 Safety Stop ....................................................................................................................... 22
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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Table of Contents

3.4.4 Emergency Stop (E-Stop) ................................................................................................. 22

4.0 CL Operation ............................................................................................................................. 23
4.1 Automatic Mode Operation ...................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Guidelines for Loading and Unloading Material ................................................................. 23
4.1.2 Automatic Mode Interlocks ................................................................................................ 23
4.1.3 CL Interlock Verification .................................................................................................... 24
4.1.4 CL READY Screens .......................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Scheduling AMNC 3i for Automatic Mode ................................................................................ 26
4.2.1 Selecting the Operating Mode........................................................................................... 26
4.2.2 Loading a Schedule .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Process Quantity Input Window ........................................................................................ 27
4.2.4 Job Settings Window ........................................................................................................ 28
4.2.5 Schedule Preparation ....................................................................................................... 29
4.2.6 Program Icons .................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.7 Loading a Program ........................................................................................................... 30
4.2.8 Moving a Program ............................................................................................................ 31
4.2.9 Saving Programs and Schedules ...................................................................................... 31
4.2.10 Process Monitor ................................................................................................................ 32
4.3 Automatic Mode Operating Procedure ..................................................................................... 33
4.3.1 Before starting .................................................................................................................. 33
4.3.2 Common reasons for schedule failure ............................................................................... 33
4.3.3 Starting the schedule ........................................................................................................ 33
4.4 MDI Mode Functions ................................................................................................................ 34
4.4.1 Enabling MDI Mode .......................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 MDI Suction Controls ........................................................................................................ 35
4.4.3 MDI Fork Controls............................................................................................................. 36
4.5 Manual Mode Functions........................................................................................................... 37
4.5.1 Enabling Manual Mode ..................................................................................................... 37
4.5.2 Manual Fork and Suction Controls .................................................................................... 38
4.5.3 Additional Suction Controls ............................................................................................... 38
5.0 Auxiliary Functions ................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 MONITOR Functions ............................................................................................................... 41
5.1.1 Page Layout ..................................................................................................................... 41
5.1.2 Interrupt Functions ............................................................................................................ 43
5.1.3 WORKON/WORKOUT FUNCTIONS ................................................................................ 44
5.1.4 Laser and Schedule Status ............................................................................................... 46
5.2 PALLETS Page........................................................................................................................ 47
5.3 SHTL Menu Page .................................................................................................................... 48

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Table of Contents

6.0 Alarms ........................................................................................................................................ 49

6.1 ALARMS Page......................................................................................................................... 49
6.1.1 Alarm Details Window ....................................................................................................... 50
6.1.2 Alarm History .................................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Alarm Error Codes ................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.1 Control Error Codes .......................................................................................................... 51
6.2.2 Operation Error Codes ...................................................................................................... 52

Appendix A Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 55
Appendix A.1 Daily Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 55
Appendix A.2 Semi-Annual Maintenance ......................................................................................... 56
Appendix A.3 Annual Maintenance .................................................................................................. 56
Appendix A.4 Chain Lubrication Information .................................................................................... 57
Appendix A.4.1 Chain Location (Fork Traverser) .......................................................................... 57
Appendix A.4.2 Chain Location (Fork Frame) ............................................................................... 58
Appendix A.4.3 Chain Location (Suction Traverser) ..................................................................... 59
Appendix A.4.4 Recommended Lubricants................................................................................... 60
Appendix B Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 61
Appendix B.1 Troubleshooting Table ............................................................................................... 61
Appendix B.2 DIAGNOSE Pages..................................................................................................... 62
Appendix C M-Code/G-Code Information ....................................................................................... 66
Appendix C.1 Example M-Code/G-Code Usage .............................................................................. 67

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure 1. AMS 4020CL main power switch in lock-out/tag-out state .................................................. 1
Figure 2. Rear-Loading single-laser CL setup ..................................................................................... 3
Figure 3. Front-Loading single-laser CL setup .................................................................................... 4
Figure 4. CL Features ............................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 5. Safety break indicators location ........................................................................................... 7
Figure 6. AMS 4020CL Safety features ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7. Raw Material placement ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8. Sheet origin locations for front-loading CL ........................................................................ 10
Figure 9. Sheet origin locations for rear-loading CL ......................................................................... 11
Figure 10. Suction frame with separation devices ............................................................................ 12
Figure 11. Sheet Separator / Double Sheet Detector ......................................................................... 12
Figure 12. HMI control interface layout .............................................................................................. 13
Figure 13. Touchscreen controls ........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 14. Control screen layout......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 15. Machine Status pane .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 16. Operation Mode Menu pane............................................................................................... 16
Figure 17. Menu Tab Ribbon pane ...................................................................................................... 17
Figure 18. CL Sub Function Menu pane ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 19. Auto Mode view .................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 20. MDI Mode layout ................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 21. Manual Mode layout ........................................................................................................... 19
Figure 22. CL main power switch ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23. Origining procedure ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 24. Verifying the CL READY state ........................................................................................... 24
Figure 25. CL Sub Function Menu when CL is not ready .................................................................. 24
Figure 26. CL READY pages................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 27. AMNC 3i control panel ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 28. Setting AMNC 3i to Schedule mode .................................................................................. 26
Figure 29. Procedure to load a schedule............................................................................................ 27
Figure 30. Process Quantity Input window ........................................................................................ 27
Figure 31. Job Settings window .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 32. AMNC 3i Schedule tab ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 33. Program Load page............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 34. Move Program window ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 35. AMNC 3i Save menu ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 36. Saving Jobs & Schedules dialog box (1 of 2) ................................................................... 31
Figure 37. Saving Jobs & Schedules dialog box (2 of 2) ................................................................... 32

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Figure 38. Process Monitor page ........................................................................................................ 32

Figure 39. MDI mode procedure .......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 40. MDI suction controls .......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 41. MDI fork controls ................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 42. Manual mode procedure .................................................................................................... 37
Figure 43. Fork unit and Suction traverser manual controls ............................................................ 38
Figure 44. Suction frame manual controls ......................................................................................... 39
Figure 45. Zone Control with less than 9 zones enabled .................................................................. 39
Figure 46. ZONE Input dialog box and Zone Map with suction cup assignments ........................... 40
Figure 47. Suction Cup Diagnostic status view ................................................................................. 40
Figure 48. Monitor Menu page (1 of 2) ................................................................................................ 41
Figure 49. Monitor Menu page (2 of 2) ................................................................................................ 42
Figure 50. Interrupt functions ............................................................................................................. 43
Figure 51. WORKON/WORKOUT functions ........................................................................................ 44
Figure 52. WORKON/WORKOUT indicators ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 53. WORKON/WORKOUT states.............................................................................................. 45
Figure 54. Laser Panel Area and Process Area ................................................................................. 46
Figure 55. Schedule Monitor ............................................................................................................... 46
Figure 56. PALLETS page ................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 57. SHTL menu page ................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 58. ALARMS page .................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 59. Alarm details window ......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 60. Alarm details window with photo ...................................................................................... 50
Figure 61. Alarm History pane ............................................................................................................ 51
Figure 62. Fork Traverser location...................................................................................................... 57
Figure 63. Fork Traverser chain locations ......................................................................................... 57
Figure 64. Fork Frame location ........................................................................................................... 58
Figure 65. Fork Frame chain locations ................................................................................................ 58
Figure 66. Suction Traverser location ................................................................................................ 59
Figure 67. Suction Traverser vertical chain locations ....................................................................... 59
Figure 68. Suction Traverser horizontal chain locations .................................................................. 60
Figure 69. DIAGNOSE page 1 .............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 70. DIAGNOSE page 2 .............................................................................................................. 62
Figure 71. DIAGNOSE page 3 .............................................................................................................. 63
Figure 72. DIAGNOSE page 4 .............................................................................................................. 63
Figure 73. DIAGNOSE page 5 .............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 74. DIAGNOSE page 6 .............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 75. DIAGNOSE page 7 .............................................................................................................. 65
Figure 76. DIAGNOSE page 8 .............................................................................................................. 65
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Figure 77. M-code example ................................................................................................................. 67

List of Tables
Table 1: AMS 4020CL Technical Specifications................................................................................... 6
Table 2: AMNC Conditions Required for CL Automatic Mode .......................................................... 23
Table 3: Generic Table ......................................................................................................................... 30
Table 4: Control Error Codes .............................................................................................................. 51
Table 5: Operation Error Codes .......................................................................................................... 52
Table 6: Daily Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 55
Table 7: Semi-Annual Maintenance .................................................................................................... 56
Table 8: Annual Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 56
Table 9: Recommended Lubricants .................................................................................................... 60
Table 10: Troubleshooting Table ........................................................................................................ 61
Table 11: M-codes list .......................................................................................................................... 66

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Table of Contents

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Safety Guidelines

1.0 Safety Guidelines

Only personnel designated as trained and qualified who have read and
understood this Operator's Manual should be allowed to operate this

DO NOT ENTER the machine operating area when the AMS 4020CL is
powered and not locked/tagged out of operation. Under no
circumstances should personnel enter or extend any body part into the
operating area unless the system is powered off and locked/tagged out
of operation.
Follow Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedures (see Figure 1 for an example) to
prevent other personnel from energizing the CL system while any work,
no matter how brief, is performed on or inside the machine area. Remove
all keys before starting work.

Figure 1. AMS 4020CL main power switch in lock-out/tag-out state

Y400001--- 1 08/07/2020 Rev. 1.2

AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Safety Guidelines

1.1 For Safe Operation

 INSPECT the entire work cell before starting operation. Ensure that all guarding and safety
mechanisms are in place and working properly. Check the machine for potential problems and failures
before beginning operation.
 DURING operation utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent injury from hazards. Utilizing
PPE devices such as safety goggles, ear plugs, gloves, and safety shoes can prevent injuries from
hazards associated with moving machinery and material processing.
 DURING inspection, repairs, cleaning, lubricating, or other maintenance work performed on the
machine take all necessary precautions utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) and lock-out/tag-
out procedures.
 NEVER enter or allow other personnel to enter the machine operating area while under power, even
in a stopped condition. Always properly shut down, turn off power, and use lock-out/tag-out procedures
to recover from failures requiring personnel entry to operating areas.
 NEVER modify or replace component parts, safety guards, control circuits, or the PC based NC unit.
Any modifications to the work cell or associated software and controls are strictly prohibited and voids
all warranties by Amada and of other Amada supplied components. Always consult with the appropriate
Amada personnel when considering possible modifications.
 NEVER install or attempt to install any software on the system including Anti-Virus or Security software.
 NEVER remove, cover, or alter any safety equipment including placards and warning labels.
 NEVER wear loose fitting clothing or jewelry which may get caught in moving machinery.
 NEVER attempt to self-service the work cell or associated devices before consulting with the
appropriate Amada personnel.
 NEVER place hand tools, parts, worksheets, and other unnecessary items on or in machine areas
during operation. Always ensure such items are removed after service work is performed and before
removing lock-out devices.
 UTILIZE the Emergency Stop button when a hazard or failure occurs. Switch the Mode Key to
Maintenance and remove the key before attempting to correct a problem.
 ALWAYS keep access panels, maintenance areas, and ventilation ports clear from obstacles and
 ALWAYS check the machine operating area for other personnel and alert them before powering on
and operating machinery

NOTE Always keep a copy of these safety instructions by the system.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.0 System Overview

The AMS 4020CL is a modular laser automation solution engineered to reduce unnecessary downtime
through automatic loading and unloading of sheet material. The work cell can be configured for front or
back loading and is designed to be easily expandable. The system is added to new or existing standalone
laser equipment, and can be expanded to support multiple lasers, towers, parts sorting robots, output
stations, material conveyors for connection to other processes, and loading/unloading modules, all of which
can be done without moving or disassembling the CL unit.
The CL automates the process of loading raw materials to the laser cutter and then receiving the finished
cut sheet material(s) back from the laser cutter. Dual cutting pallets are provided for overlapped processing
of the sheet material(s). When any errors are detected within the system, alarms go off. Manual Operator
assistance is required to clear the error(s) flagged before operations can be resumed.

2.1 System Features

2.1.1 CL Method of Operation
The CL, when added to a single laser cell with a laser shuttle table (LST), automates the sheet loading
and unloading process. Sheet material is transferred from the CL raw material table to the LST cutting
pallet by the CL. After the cutting pallets cycle, processed sheets are then retrieved by the CL from the
LST pallet and stacked on the CL unloading pallet located above the suction traversing unit.
The CL system becomes an AMS 4020 SUPREME when the CL is added to a system layout consisting of
multiple laser cells, each with their own LST. For more details on the operation of an AMS 4020 SUPREME
configuration, see the AMS 4020INS Operator’s Manual.
2.1.2 Single Laser Cell Configurations
Figure 2 shows a rear-loading (RLD) single-laser CL configuration. Figure 3 shows a front-loading (FLD)
single-laser CL configuration.

Forklift Access
(Add/Remove) Material CL Materials
Handling System

Shuttle Table

Laser Cutting System

Figure 2. Rear-Loading single-laser CL setup

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

CL Materials
Handling System Shuttle Table

Forklift Access
(Add/Remove) Material

Laser Cutting System

Figure 3. Front-Loading single-laser CL setup

2.1.3 Work Cell Controls
The Laser machine, LST, and CL are provided with separate control consoles. For automatic operation,
these machines are engineered to work together. Some machine control functions are duplicated on each
machine's control panel while most control operations are machine specific.
 Laser machine controls:
o All Laser program loading and scheduling is done at the Laser control console
o All job specific data is setup at the Laser control console
o For schedule operating purposes, the Laser may utilize various Line Control functionality depending
on the system requirements
 The LST handles cutting pallet exchanges as raw material cycles through the loading process and
finished parts cycle through the unload process.
 Control data is automatically retrieved by the CL from the work cell during automatic operation to
determine when to load and unload material.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.1.4 CL Module Overview

The material handling Cycle Loader has a modular design which allows it to be flexible in its configuration.
The CL includes the following components and features.
 Slave Module, which holds the raw material loading area and acts as the primary pallet storage unit
when an AMS 4020CLT tower module is installed
o Raw Material Table – stores stacked raw material

On CLT-configured systems, the material table is replaced with removable material

NOTE pallets. See Section 2.1.4 of the AMS 4020CLT Operator’s Manual for more information.

 Master Module, which contains the following components:

o Suction Frame & Traversing Unit - separates and loads raw sheet material to the LST
o Fork Unit – removes processed sheet material from the LST
o Unloading Pallet – stores processed sheet material on top of the suction traversing unit
o Electrical Enclosure – powers/controls the CL and communicates with the Laser Cell
 Control Pedestal - provides user interface

Fork Unit for Slave

unloading Module
Electrical Enclosure Raw
& System Air Supply Material

Unloading Pallet,
Suction Frame,
& Traversing Unit
Laser Shuttle Table
& Cutting Pallets

Figure 4. CL Features (laser and covers not shown)

The AMS 4020CL Master Module may also be described as the Main Module.
NOTE Likewise, the Slave Module may also be described as the Sub Module.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.1.5 Technical Specifications

There are several parameters to consider when sourcing, loading, and configuring raw material for the CL.
Complying with the following specifications will ensure efficient and trouble-free CL operation.

Description Specifications

Lasers: ENSIS 4020, LCG 4020 AJ

Compatible Amada Lasers and Laser Shuttle Tables: LST 4020CL, LST 4020G
Laser Shuttle Tables:
Compatible lasers and tables are right-output lasers and have
940mm pass lines

22ga-10ga: 55 sec.
Next Material Cycle Time: 6ga-0.50”: 90 sec.
0.62”-1.00”: 180 sec.

Non-M2 Lasers: 12652 x 8420 x 2972 (498.1” x 331.5” x 117”)

Installation Space (LxWxH)
(Dimensions are for single-laser M2 Lasers: 12708 x 8420 x 2972 (500.3” x 331.5” x 117”)
Check your laser’s Parts List Manual to determine the model.

Max. Sheet Size: 159.45" x 79.72" (4050mm x 2025mm)

Min. Sheet Size: 35.43" x 13.78" (900mm x 350mm)

Material Thickness Range 0.030" to 1.00” (0.76mm to 25mm)

Max. Single Sheet Weight 3,000lbs.*

Max. Material Pallet Load 8,000lbs.

Max. Material Pallet Stack Height 7.5 inches (191mm) including pallet
Max. Finished Parts Stack Height 9.25 inches (235mm) including pallet

Table 1: AMS 4020CL Technical Specifications

This table covers specifications for the AMS 4020CL only. For the
NOTE specifications of the SUPREME, CLT, or other add-on modules, see the
appropriate module’s Operator’s Manual.

For CL machines installed to a laser equipped with an LST 4020CL, be aware

* that the weight capacity of the CL is less than the maximum load capacity of
the LST cutting pallets. Do not exceed the CL maximum weight capacity.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.2 Safety Features

The AMS 4020CL is equipped with safety features designed to protect the equipment and personnel during
operation. Even with these features, however, every precaution should be taken to ensure safe conditions
exist during operation. These safety features are described as follows.
2.2.1 Safety Fences and Guards
Safety fences and/or guards are installed at the CL sides and shuttle table passage to prevent access to
these working areas during operation. Fencing and guards are removable only for maintenance access
and should be maintained as installed. Do not modify any safety fencing, guarding, or associated hardware
for any reason.
2.2.2 Safety Break Indicators
On initial machine power on, "F C B (K) (T)" will flash at the top of the screen, indicating a safety break.
"F", "B", and “T” indicate light curtains located on the CL have been tripped and need to be reset (see
Figure 6). When anything passes between the beam sending and receiving units, operation of the CL is
paused while the laser machine operation continues uninterrupted. Light curtains are located at the Front
of the CL (in front of the shuttle table), the Back of the CL (in front of the raw material loading area), and
the very front of the Tower (on the Slave module frame if an AMS 4020CLT is installed), respectively. The
Reset button on the Control Panel will also flash, indicating the curtain(s) must be reset first.
"C" indicates no motor drive power and will flash when the controls are not fully powered on.
“K” indicates that the mode key (see Section 2.4.1) is in maintenance mode.
During a light curtain break, "F", "B", (and/or “T") will display solidly, indicating the beam is broken.
To reset, clear the obstruction and press the blue Reset button at the affected light curtain's material access
opening first. Once affected light curtain(s) have been reset, the Reset button on the Control Panel will be
solidly lit, indicating this reset is no longer locked out. Press the Reset button on the main Control Panel
to complete the process.

Figure 5. Safety break indicators location (FCBKT)

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.2.3 Emergency Stops (E-Stops)

The CL is equipped with Emergency Stop or “E-Stop” buttons that are interconnected with the Laser
system. Activating any E-Stop immediately stops all work. E-Stops buttons are latching and must be
rotated in the direction of the arrows to be released.
E-Stops on the CL are located on the Main Control Pedestal (see Figure 12) and at the front and rear
material access opening on the CL (see the figure below). E-Stops are also located on the Laser machine
and the Laser Shuttle Table controls.

NOTE For information about restarting after an emergency stop see Section 3.4.4.


Light Curtain-Protected
Back Opening

Light Curtain-Protected
Front Opening
CL Main

Shuttle Table Controls

(may be separate or integrated)
Laser Controls
(may be separate or integrated)

Figure 6. AMS 4020CL Safety features

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.3 Material Loading Guidelines

When loading raw material on the CL, it is necessary to be aware of the need for proper, accurate
placement or positioning of the stack. Positioning of the raw material onto the raw material pallet is critical
for proper CL operation. Positioning is based on the Laser Machine origin relative to the CL and must
follow the guidelines presented in this section.
2.3.1 Loading/Unloading
A forklift is recommended for loading raw materials onto the material pallet and unloading post processed
materials from the top of suction traversing unit. Do not exceed the weight or overall height restrictions for
loading/unloading listed in Table 1.
A sufficiently sized pallet (2 m x 4 m maximum) is recommended for the CL to collect processed sheets
from the top of the suction traversing unit. See Section 4.1.1 for more information.
2.3.2 Raw Material Placement
Material loaded onto the raw material pallet should be fully supported in a manner that maintains a level
surface for vacuum loading. The suction frame vacuum cups require that the gripping surface of sheet
material be uniform in order to make proper contact, otherwise loading errors and sag sensor alarms may
occur if the surface variation is too great.

Figure 7. Raw Material placement

Exercise extreme care when loading and unloading pallets and materials on
the CL. Collisions between material or forklift with any CL components may
cause damage to the machine and raw materials.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.3.3 System Raw Material Origin Locations

Locating pins on the Raw Material Pallet indicate the origin or X - Y axis 0 (zero) position. Raw material
can be placed directly at the origin position of the Raw Material Pallet. Material is most often placed on an
appropriately sized secondary pallet first (typically wood), and then placed at the origin position of the Raw
Material Pallet. Proper placement ensures raw material transfers correctly to the origin position inside the
laser machine.

Exercise extreme care when loading pallets and materials on the CL. Bumping hard
into the raw material table or the Sub module may result in improper suction
traverser movement or traverser damage caused by misaligned material.

Figure 8. Sheet origin locations for front-loading CL

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

Figure 9. Sheet origin locations for rear-loading CL

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.3.4 Sheet Separation Devices

The CL includes sheet separation devices to prevent picking up multiple sheets simultaneously. Upon
contact with the material the sheet present sensor signals startup of the sheet separation/loading process.
This process is configured through options selected at the HMI. Suction cups lift the corner of the sheet
multiple times while the Air Knife forces compressed air between the sheets. A double-sheet detector
ensures that only one sheet is loaded onto the LST.

Figure 11

Figure 10. Suction frame with separation devices

Figure 11. Sheet Separator / Double Sheet Detector

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual System Overview

2.4 CL HMI Controls

Only personnel designated as trained and qualified who have read and
understood this Operator's Manual should be allowed to operate this

2.4.1 Physical Controls

The physical Human Machine Interface (HMI) controls are located on the control pedestal or console.
There are five buttons and one switch that can be toggled on/off.

Figure 12. HMI control interface layout

 Line Start – The CL will start cell operation and Laser schedule processing when all the conditions are
met, and the cell is in Automatic Mode. Pressing Line Start will start the Laser schedule.
 Line Stop – The CL Line Stop will stop or pause any movement of the CL and Shuttle Table. Resume
operation by pressing the button again and then pressing Reset.
 Reset – A flashing Reset button indicates a system error that must be fixed. The button will become
solidly lit once the error is fixed and can then be pressed to restart system operations.
 Emergency Stop (E-Stop) – The CL Emergency Stop button is connected to the laser emergency
stop circuit (see Section 2.2.3). Press to stop all machine activity on the CL, Laser, Shuttle Table, and
any installed add-on modules in an emergency. When the button is pressed, all operations stop.
 System Power – Pressing System Power fully initializes the controls and CL drive motors in
preparation for operation.
 Mode Key – The Mode Key selects the CL operation state.
o Power Mode (aligned with System Power button) is used for all normal operation
o Maintenance Mode (wrench icon) locks the controls, preventing all functionality

If any maintenance or service work is to be performed inside the machine

operation area, switch the Mode Key to Maintenance and remove the key
to prevent others from restarting the CL.

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2.4.2 Touch Screen Controls

The CL utilizes a touch sensitive graphical user interface on the Control Pedestal for operator convenience.
The color touch screen displays various menus for operating the CL. The menu system provides the
method of operator input for setup, manual mode, and automatic operations. It also provides work cell
feedback for viewing current status and alarms.


4 lasers maximum

TOUCHSCREEN CONTROLS (up, back, forward)

Figure 13. Touchscreen controls

 Touch Panel Alarm Lamp – Normal operation is indicated with a solid green light. A flashing red light
indicates an error.
 Display Shortcut Keys – Touch the buttons to navigate between pages.

Never use a sharp or pointed object such as a pen or screwdriver to operate

the touch screen as this may damage the screen surface. Never tap or press
hard on the screen as this does not improve the screen responsiveness. Tap
gently with the pad of your fingertip to signal user input selection. Seek help
from Amada Service if the interface does not function as intended.

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2.5 CL Main Control Screen

The Control Screen is divided into regions designed to group specific functions:

Figure 14. Control screen layout

 MACHINE STATUS (yellow box in Figure 14, Section 2.5.1) – Shows the current state of CL peripheral
devices and the work cell conditions
 OPERATION MODE MENU (green box, Section 2.5.2) – Shows frequently used functions used to
operate the automation system
 MENU TAB RIBBON (purple box, Section 2.5.3) and SUB FUNCTION MENU (orange box, Section
2.5.4) – Control which menus are displayed in the MAIN DISPLAY AREA
 MAIN DISPLAY AREA (blue box) – Shows menu options for each specific menu function
 STATUS BAR (red box) – Displays the positions for the Suction Traversing Unit, the Suction Frame,
and the Fork Unit, as well as date, time, safety break status (see Section 2.2.2), and page information

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2.5.1 Machine Status

The Machine Status view indicates the ON/OFF and ACTIVE states of peripheral devices on the CL as
well as the conditions of the automation work cell. A green indicator reflects a device that is ON or an
ACTIVE condition. A grey indicator reflects a device that is OFF or an INACTIVE condition. A red indicator
reflects an Emergency Stop state (see Section 3.4.4). A blue indicator reflects that the CL is in
Maintenance Mode (see Section 3.4.2). A flashing indicator regardless of color (such as ORIGINED)
reflects a need to perform a process.

Figure 15. Machine Status pane

2.5.2 Operation Mode Menu
The Operation Mode Menu shows frequently used automation options and indicators. A green indicator
reflects an active condition. A grey indicator reflects an inactive condition.

Figure 16. Operation Mode Menu pane

 ORIGIN – Select to perform the machine Origin process. A flashing indicator indicates the need to
perform the origin process.
 MANUAL and AUTO – Automation mode buttons used to switch between MANUAL and AUTO mode
(see Sections 2.5.5, 2.5.6, and 2.5.7 for an overview of the automation modes).
 PALLET CHANGE (SHTL menu only) – Indicates a pallet change is occurring by flashing green.
 INTERRUPT – Select to temporarily suspend AUTO mode while running a schedule to perform shuttle
table or material unloading operations (see Section 5.1.2).

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2.5.3 Menu Tab Ribbon

The Menu Tab Ribbon provides access to the main menu pages. Touch the button to access each menu.
The active menu is illuminated yellow. A grey button indicates an OFF state. A flashing red button (mainly
used by ALARMS) indicates immediate attention is needed.

Figure 17. Menu Tab Ribbon pane

 CL – Select to access menu pages associated with the CL.
 CLT – Select to access menu pages associated with the Tower storage option (if installed).
 SHTL – Select to access menu pages associated with the Shuttle Table.
 ALARMS – Select to access the Alarm pages.
 ROS – Select to access menu pages associated with the Right Output Station (if installed).
2.5.4 Sub Function Menu
The Sub Function Menu provides access to submenu items under each category. Touch the button to
access each submenu function. The active submenu is illuminated yellow.

Figure 18. CL Sub Function Menu pane

 MDI – Select to access semi-automatic CL functions (Section 4.4).
 MANUAL – Select to access functions for manual movement of each CL axis (Section 4.5).
 READY – Select to check Ready status of Cell components (Section 4.1.4).
 MONITOR – Select to access Auxiliary functions and Cell information (Section 5.1).
 MAIN – Select to access the main screen.
 PALLETS – Select to access Load/Unload Pallet Interrupts (Section 5.2).
 The PARAMETER and SETTING pages are used for system installation and setup by Amada Service.
 DIAGNOSE – Select to access the diagnostics pages used for troubleshooting (Appendix B.2)
 ALARM – Select to access the Alarm page (Section 6.0)

 The Sub Function Menu will vary between CL modules. See the
appropriate module’s Operator’s Manual for a description of each
module’s Sub Function Menu options.
NOTE  The PLC unit version is shown on the MAIN screen
 Operators cannot change options in the PARAMETER or SETTING pages
under normal conditions.

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2.5.5 Auto Mode Overview

In Automatic Mode, the CL can process multiple sheets of raw material unattended. Select the AUTO
button in the Operation Mode Menu to enter automatic mode. In auto mode, the CL can automatically
load and unload sheets until the laser schedule is complete, the raw material runs out, or the unloading
stack reaches the maximum height allowed.

Figure 19. Auto Mode view

2.5.6 MDI Mode Overview
MDI Mode is used to quickly move CL sub-modules into position. In MDI mode, the CL can automatically
move between material locations. Select the MANUAL button in the Operation Mode Menu, then select
MDI in the Sub Function Menu. Using the Page Up/Down arrows, go to the page(s) with the desired
function(s), select the desired movement options from the Main Display Area, and touch the START
button. The operator then executes the functions with the LINE START button.

Figure 20. MDI Mode layout

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2.5.7 Manual Mode Overview

In Manual Mode, the CL is controlled directly by the operator. Each sub-module can be moved
independently to position the CL sub-modules to a desired location. Select MANUAL in the Operation
Mode Menu, then select MANUAL in the Sub Function Menu. Use the buttons within the Main Display
Area to perform the desired movements.

Figure 21. Manual Mode layout

Do not use Manual Mode to load or unload materials except in recovery

situations. Instead, use MDI Mode operations, which are semi-automatic, less
error prone, and less likely to damage the CL.

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3.0 CL Initialization and Shutdown

The CL is designed for easy startup. Always follow the warnings below during startup and operation.

 Only personnel designated as trained and qualified who have read

this Operator's Manual should be allowed to operate this work cell.
 Always check the machine operating area for other personnel and
alert them before powering on and operating the machinery.
 Never enter or allow other personnel to enter the machine operating
area during startup. Always properly shut down, turn off power, and
use lock-out/tag-out procedures every time a situation requires
personnel to enter the operating areas to perform work.
 Inspect the entire work cell before starting operation. Ensure that all
guarding and safety mechanisms are in place and working properly.
Check the machine for potential problems and failures before starting
operations. Ensure that necessary precautions are observed when
there is material in the fork unit or on the suction frame during startup.

3.1 Startup
To start the CL:
1. Laser Power Switch – Turn on the LST and laser power using the selector switch on the side of the
laser, then enable laser operation at the laser control panel.
2. E-Stop – Check the E-Stop buttons to ensure they are reset (Figure 6).
3. Air Supply – Check that the compressed air supply (located on the covered panel next to the electrical
enclosure) is on and that the air shut off valve is open.
4. Main Power Switch – Rotate the main power switch on the electrical enclosure counter-clockwise to
the RESET position first, and then clockwise to the ON position (Figure 22).
5. Boot Process – The system boot-up sequence begins. The Touch Panel Alarm Lamp (Figure 13)
turns green and the Menu screen appears when the sequence completes.
6. Safety Check – After powering ON the CL, LST, and Laser, perform a safety check to clear safety
alarms, lights, and flashing “F C B K” indicators.
a. Check the Touch Panel Alarm Lamp for errors (flashing red). If any error messages appear at the
bottom of the screen touch the OK button to clear it. Clear any errors before proceeding.
b. On the HMI control panel, press the Control Power button to power the controls (the button will then
illuminate white). Ensure the mode key switch is in the power position (Figure 12).
c. Press the blue reset button on each light curtain, then reset the safety devices using the blue
RESET button on the HMI control panel (Figure 6 and Figure 12).
d. Press the NC reset on the laser control panel to establish a safety handshake between the laser
and the automation system.
e. Press the reset button on the LST control panel near the laser power switch to clear LST alarms.
f. Upon completion, the HMI screen should be clear of alarms or flashing “F C B K” indicators,
signifying that the safety devices are ready, and that startup is complete.
7. CL Ready – The CL and laser are ready for the origin process after completing the safety check.

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3.2 Shutdown
To shut down the CL, rotate the main power switch on the electrical enclosure to the off position (see
Figure 22). It is recommended that the compressed air supply also be shut off should the CL stay shut
down for an extended duration.



Figure 22. CL main power switch

3.3 Origining
To execute the origin process on the laser, refer to the “Zero-returning” section
NOTE of your laser’s Operator’s Manual.

The machine origin process (origining) must be completed before any operations can be performed. Upon
startup, ORIGINED in the Machine Status pane and the ORIGIN button indicator in the Operation Mode
Menu pane will flash, indicating the origin process has not been performed. To perform the origin process:
1. Ensure the POWER button is solidly illuminated, the ALARMS and RESET buttons are not flashing,
and the mode key is in the POWER position (Section 2.4.1). Otherwise, the CL will not start origining.
2. Press MANUAL on the CL Operation Mode Menu pane.
3. Press ORIGIN, then press LINE START to start origining.

Figure 23. Origining procedure

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3.4 Stopping CL Operation

Depending on the situation, CL operation can be stopped using the following methods.
3.4.1 Line Stop
Press LINE STOP on the HMI control panel to pause CL operation. Line Stop halts CL and LST operation
but allows the laser to continue processing material. Line Stop also pauses Light Curtain operation.
Line Stop should be used in the following situations:
 To pause the machine for inspection
 To remove loose or falling parts
 To check for collisions or other dangerous situations that may arise
To restart CL operation, press LINE STOP again, then press RESET. Finally, press LINE START.
3.4.2 Maintenance Stop
Switching the Mode Key to the Maintenance position (see Figure 12) immediately stops all CL operations
and disables CL movement while continuing laser material processing. The CL will end the current Laser
schedule regardless of its progress, and the CL work cell and Laser Schedule must be restarted after
completing maintenance work. A Maintenance stop of the CL should only be used when the CL is not in
motion and when personnel intend to enter the working area for any maintenance or service reasons.

Use Line Stop only for the purposes listed in Section 3.4.1. Use
Maintenance Stop for all other purposes to prevent others from
accidentally restarting the CL.

3.4.3 Safety Stop

When a light curtain beam is broken, the CL is placed in a Safety Stop state. Safety Stop halts CL, LST,
and Laser Schedule operation, but allows the laser to continue processing material.
CL/LST operations and laser schedules may be resumed after correcting the problem. Once the
obstruction is removed and the reset buttons on the CL are pressed (see Section 2.2.3), press RESET
then LINE START to resume operation.
3.4.4 Emergency Stop (E-Stop)
When an Emergency Stop button is pushed on the control pedestal or the CL (see Figure 6), the work cell
enters an emergency stop state. Emergency Stop immediately halts all CL, LST, and Laser operation.
To restart operation, power cycle the entire system if needed and release all pressed E-stop buttons.
Ensure the laser controls are in Retract mode, clear the alarms as described in Step 6 in Section 3.1, and
restart the schedule.

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4.0 CL Operation
The CL has 3 modes of operation: Automatic, MDI (Manual Data Input), and Manual (Direct Input). Each
mode of operation is used for specific purposes and is explained in the following sections.

4.1 Automatic Mode Operation

In Automatic Mode, the CL processes multiple sheets of raw material unattended by loading the raw
material to the LST for Laser processing and unloading processed sheets to the unloading area located
on top of the Suction Unit. Processing is fully automated and continues until the laser schedule completes,
the CL runs out of raw material, or the unloading stack reaches the allowed maximum height.
4.1.1 Guidelines for Loading and Unloading Material
Before starting a schedule, load raw material onto the CL's raw material table (see Section 2.3). Normally,
only one type of material, one thickness, and one size of sheet is loaded. If desired, raw materials can be
stacked in an arrangement which enables switching material thicknesses and/or types to accommodate
the schedule being run. Be aware that the CL does not check sheet size or material type for program
compatibility. The CL uses double sheet detection (see Section 2.3.4) to properly load material on the LST.
Placing a pallet for collecting processed sheets on top of the CL Suction Unit is highly recommended. The
pallet should be sized according to the sheets being unloaded. Choose a pallet size (4 m x 2 m maximum)
that is larger than the cut material sheets to keep sheets flat. The height of the unload pallet and processed
sheets should not exceed the maximum finished part stack height listed in Table 1.
4.1.2 Automatic Mode Interlocks
Table 2 lists the required conditions of the system for Automatic Mode.

System Component Required Condition

Suction Frame & Traversing Unit Origin Complete (UP)
Vacuum Off
Fork Frame Open
Fork Frame and Traversing Unit Origin Complete
Cutting Pallet Position At Pass Line Height
Pallet Lifter Down
AMNC Mode Not Active
Laser Machine In Line Mode
Laser Machine In Memory Mode
Laser Machine Not in Remote Mode
Laser Machine Not in Operation
Table 2: System Conditions Required for CL Automatic Mode

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4.1.3 CL Interlock Verification

The work cell requires the Laser, LST, and CL to be in a READY state before automatic operation can
begin. To check the system ready state:
1. Select AUTO from the Operation Mode Menu.
2. Select CL from the Menu Tab Ribbon.
3. Select the Scheduler type and the target Laser machine (if the system is an AMS 4020 SUPREME)
from the Main Display area.
4. Check the READY button - If the button is grey (no indicators), then the status is ready. If a small yellow
box appears in the upper right-hand corner of the button, then attention is needed

Figure 24. Verifying the CL READY state

Figure 25. CL Sub Function Menu when CL is not ready

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4.1.4 CL READY Screens

Review the 3 CL READY Screens for items that are not ready. Use the page up and page down arrows at
the top right corner of the screen to index through the pages. Items that are not ready are shown with a
green indicator, while grey indicators indicate items that are ready.

Figure 26. CL READY pages

Exercise extreme care when manually moving a component of the CL. Visually
inspect CL components and materials before, during, and after any movement.
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4.2 Scheduling AMNC 3i for Automatic Mode

The CL is designed to work with many Amada Laser models and control systems. This section gives an
example overview of preparing a single AMNC 3i-equipped laser for CL automation.

The following instructions are for a laser with standard AMNC 3i controls. For lasers
NOTE using other controls, please see your laser’s Operator’s Manual for instructions.

4.2.1 Selecting the Operating Mode

1. Power the laser, zero-return the axes, and clear the laser alarms.
2. Press the MEMORY button on the laser control panel to switch the laser controls to memory mode.

Figure 27. AMNC 3i control panel

3. Press the Switching menu, then Schedule to switch the operating mode to Schedule mode. Then, set
Line Control to ON in the Operation Settings area.

Figure 28. Setting AMNC 3i to Schedule mode

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4.2.2 Loading a Schedule

If a schedule is already loaded, skip to Section 4.2.5. Otherwise, a schedule can be loaded as follows:
1. Select the LOAD Tab.
2. Select the SCHEDULE tab from the LOAD sub menu.
3. Select the Schedule from the display.
4. Select GO TO SCHEDULE from the Menu Footer.
a. Alternatively, select the Schedule Tab to go directly to the currently loaded schedule

Figure 29. Procedure to load a schedule

4.2.3 Process Quantity Input Window
The Process Quantity Input dialog box may appear automatically after loading a schedule or job. Set the
In Rack and Out Rack number to 1 for all jobs before executing a schedule run.

Figure 30. Process Quantity Input window

In Rack and Out Rack indicate specific pallets when an optional AMS
NOTE 4020CLT (and AMS 4020TT) module is added to a single-laser cell CL system.

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4.2.4 Job Settings Window

JOB Settings may be accessed from the Schedule page to view current In Rack, Out Rack, other settings,
and fields for material name, size, and thickness. These values copy over from the program header. Check
to ensure the values are correct. To view the Job Settings page, select the Job Settings Tab in the
Schedule Footer. Select OK after entering necessary data.

Figure 31. Job Settings window

Some job setting options are available when an optional module is installed to
a single-laser CL system:

NOTE  Pallet options indicate specific pallets available when an AMS 4020CLT
(and AMS 4020TT) module is added.
 2nd ST options are used when an AMS 4020ROS module is added.

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4.2.5 Schedule Preparation

The Schedule Page is used to control all data determining which programs to run, what quantities need to
be processed, and the next job sequence to run. Select a job to modify the data or order.
 Jobs can only be processed in the listed order.
 Adding a Start Flag sets a new start point in the schedule. Jobs before the flag are skipped.
 Jobs may be designated skipped by selecting the job and the SKIP button.
 Jobs may be deleted from the schedule. Select the job and then the Delete button.
 An End Flag may be set to designate the last job to end the sequence.
 Jobs may be copied and renamed using the EDIT LIST button.

Scheduled jobs that have a count recorded in the Normal Exit and Abnormal
NOTE End columns should be reset to 0 (zero) before running the current schedule.
Otherwise, these values will reduce the actual Process Quantity output.

Figure 32. AMNC 3i Schedule tab

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4.2.6 Program Icons

An Icon may appear at the left side of the program name indicating an issue with the program. Check the
information pertaining to the icon indication and correct it before starting operation.

Icon Issue Description

The laser processing conditions set in the program are not registered in the
machine. An alarm will occur for this job when the operation starts.

G92 (origin setting) value in the program does not match the machine origin.

Table 3: Generic Table

4.2.7 Loading a Program
To add a program to a currently loaded schedule:
1. Select the LOAD tab from the current Schedule screen.
2. Select Program from the Load Sub Menu.
3. Select the File Location from the Folder Tree.
4. Select the Program(s) from the Main Display area.
5. Select the GO TO SCHEDULE button from the Load Menu footer

The Process Quantity Input window may appear after Step 5. See Section 4.2.3
NOTE for more information on these settings.

Figure 33. Program Load page

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4.2.8 Moving a Program

Programs may be moved within the order shown on the schedule screen. To move a program, select the
job (or group of jobs) and touch the MOVE button in the Schedule Footer. The dialog box below will appear
with the options available for moving the job within the schedule.

A Job's position may also be moved within a schedule by touching the Program
NOTE Name in the list until highlighted, then dragging it to the new desired location.

Figure 34. Move Program window

4.2.9 Saving Programs and Schedules
Selecting a job or jobs enables the Save Menu. You may choose to save a Program or Schedule from the
Save Menu.

Figure 35. AMNC 3i Save menu

The program of the selected job is saved to the selected folder location.

Figure 36. Saving Jobs & Schedules dialog box (1 of 2)

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The selected job(s) are saved as a single schedule. The settings in the job (quantity, etc.) are included in
the schedule data.

Figure 37. Saving Jobs & Schedules dialog box (2 of 2)

4.2.10 Process Monitor
The Process Monitor displays the names of programs currently running as well as those which have
ended in a schedule. The schedule list is shown on the left side of the display. Schedule progress can be
viewed from this screen.

Figure 38. Process Monitor page

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4.3 Automatic Mode Operating Procedure

Cell operation may begin once CL and Laser preparations are completed.
4.3.1 Before starting
1. Ensure the desired amount of raw material is properly placed on the material table. If the schedule
calls for mixed materials, they must be arranged on the material table in the proper order and quantity.

With mixed materials, the unloading order is reversed from the loading order; the
NOTE sheets on top will be at the bottom after schedule processing. As such, the stack
will be uneven, and small parts may fall out unless tabbed securely to the skeleton.

2. Verify that the Laser and CL are in ready states.

3. Verify that the CL Origin is set, and that the Forks are open.
4. Verify that there is an empty shuttle table pallet in the Laser and at the LST.
5. Verify that the LST pallet is at pass line height, regardless of which position the pallet is currently
located on the LST.
6. At the CLT control panel, ensure AMC3i and LASER 1 are pressed on the MAIN page
7. Press LINE START on the CL control panel to enable CL operation upon schedule start
4.3.2 Starting the schedule
After the precautions are followed, the CL settings on the laser and CL are set correctly, and the ready
state is attained, at the laser control panel, turn on the laser power, turn the laser shutter key to open, and
press the Start button. The CL will start picking up the material per the selected schedule for a given job.
4.3.3 Common reasons for schedule failure
 Origin process not done - Ensure the CL and laser are properly origined (see Section 3.3).
 Remove material/parts from the Laser/LST using the interrupt functions (see Section 5.1.2).
 LST incorrectly positioned – Ensure at least one of the shuttle table pallets is at the pass line height
and not in the work set ready position.
 CL traverser not at material loading position – Ensure the CL traverser is at the material loading station
side and not at the laser loading side.
 Laser settings and memory mode - Ensure the laser is ready and programmed with the correct settings
(see Section 4.2).
 Check if system is ready to start the schedule using the CL readiness screens (see Section 4.1.4).

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4.4 MDI Mode Functions

MDI mode allows the CL to quickly move its components from one functional position to another. MDI
mode is normally not used to move sheets of material and may be utilized only under Manual mode.

NOTE For the operator’s safety, all interlocks remain active.

4.4.1 Enabling MDI Mode

An operator can enable MDI mode by doing the following:
1. Power on the CL and set the Origin (if it is not already set; see Sections 3.1 and 3.3).
2. In the Operation Mode Menu, select Manual.
3. In the Sub Function Menu, select MDI.
a. Use the Page Up/Page Down arrow keys on the upper-right corner to change Mode pages.

Figure 39. MDI mode procedure

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4.4.2 MDI Suction Controls

The MDI Suction page shows functions for executing movement of the Suction Frame and Suction
Traversing Unit. Use the options shown below to control the CL Suction Frame thru MDI functions.

Figure 40. MDI suction controls

An operator can move the Traversing Unit from one bay to the other as follows:
1. Select the desired Traversing Unit Position with either the Left or Right Arrow keys or selecting from
the drop-down menu.
a. When a Traversing Unit Position is selected, the TRAVERSER SET and POS boxes will show
different values for the current and desired positions, respectively. Once the traverser has moved,
the numeric values will be identical.
2. If desired, select an MDI Speed (Slow, Medium, Fast, Maximum) from the drop-down menu, or set a
speed as a percentage from 1 to 100 in the box below (an input dialog will appear when selected).
3. Touch START, then press LINE START on the HMI controls to begin the position change process.
An operator can move the Suction Frame up or down as follows:
1. Select the desired Suction Frame Unit position with either the Up or Down Arrow keys or selecting
from the drop-down menu.
a. When a Suction Frame position is selected, the FRAME SET and POS boxes will show different
values for the current and desired positions, respectively. Once the frame has moved, the numeric
values will be identical.
2. Touch START, then press LINE START on the HMI controls to begin the position change process.
To blow air through the suction cups or to turn the suction vacuum on or off, press the Suction On or
Suction Blow button. When either option is enabled, the corresponding button indicator illuminates.

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4.4.3 MDI Fork Controls

The MDI Fork page shows functions for executing movement of the Fork Unit. Use the sequence shown
below to control the CL thru MDI functions.

Figure 41. MDI fork controls

An operator can move the Fork Frame up or down as follows:
1. Select the desired Fork Frame position with either the Up or Down Arrow keys or by selecting from
the drop-down menu.
a. When a Fork Position is selected, the SET and POS boxes will show different values for the current
and desired positions, respectively. Once the frame has moved, the numeric values will be identical.
2. Touch START, then press LINE START on the HMI controls to begin the position change process.
An operator can open and close the Fork arms as follows:
1. Select the desired Fork Position with either the Open or Close Arrow keys or selecting from the drop-
down menu.
a. The current position is indicated by the Open and Close indicators.
2. Touch START, then press LINE START on the HMI controls to begin the position change process.

The Fork Unit normally closes when it is retrieving a cut sheet from the laser
cutting pallet. Opening the Fork Unit afterwards is only allowed when the safety
NOTE interlock conditions are met. As such, opening the Fork Unit may be prohibited
depending on the positions of the other CL traverser axes even if a cut sheet
is not present on the Fork Unit.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual CL Operation

4.5 Manual Mode Functions

Manual mode allows the operator to manually move each CL axis where/when needed. Manual mode may
be used to recover from unexpected work stoppages and/or to return the CL to the ready position.

Do not use Manual Mode to load or unload materials except in recovery

situations. Instead, use MDI Mode operations, which are semi-automatic, less
error prone, and less likely to damage the CL.

NOTE For the operator’s safety, all interlocks remain active.

4.5.1 Enabling Manual Mode

An operator can initiate Manual mode by selecting the following buttons:
1. Power on the CL and set the Origin if needed (see Sections 3.1 and 3.3).
2. Select MANUAL from the Operation Mode Menu, then select MANUAL from the Sub Function Menu.
a. Use the Page Up/Page Down arrow keys to change Mode pages.

Figure 42. Manual mode procedure

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual CL Operation

4.5.2 Manual Fork and Suction Controls

The MANUAL 1 page shows functions for executing movement of the Fork Frame and Suction Frame.
Use the sequence shown below to control the CL thru Manual functions.

Suction Air
(see Figure 44)

Figure 43. Fork unit and Suction traverser manual controls

To drive the Fork Unit or Suction Unit, select the button corresponding to the desired action. Movement
stops when the button is released, or the unit has reached the end position.
Be sure to end any sequence of movements with the Fork and Suction Frame Units all the way UP with
the Fork Unit OPEN. The suction frame should also be in the loading position before resuming operation.
The UP and OPEN buttons highlight red when the specific end position is reached.
4.5.3 Additional Suction Controls
Additional Suction Frame functions can be manually operated in MANUAL 2. Use the options shown in
Figure 44 to control the suction frame thru Manual functions.
 The sheet separating devices (Edge Peeler and Air Blower) and Thickness Detector can be turned
on or off by pressing the appropriate button. When any of the options are enabled, the corresponding
button indicator illuminates.
 To blow air through the suction cups or to turn the suction vacuum on or off, choose how many zones
you want enabled with the ZONE input box (see below), then press the Suction On or Suction Blow
button. When either option is enabled, the corresponding button indicator illuminates.
 Select the ZONE input box in the Main Display menu to change the active suction zones from 1 to 9.
When the box is selected, the Numerical Input dialog box will appear. As shown in Figure 46, a zone
is a superset of the previous zone(s), with each zone having an assigned set of suction cups. When
the Zone input is 9, all zones (and suction cups) will be active. When the zone input is 8 or lower, as
shown in Figure 45, any zone(s) (and assigned suction cups) above the input is disabled while all
zone(s) (and assigned suction cups) below the input stay active and are highlighted in green.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual CL Operation

See Figure 46

ZONE Control
(See Figure 46)

Figure 44. Suction frame manual controls

Figure 45. Zone Control with less than 9 zones enabled

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual CL Operation

Figure 46. ZONE Input dialog box and Zone Map with suction cup assignments

The suction cup layout on your CL may differ from that shown in Figure 46, depending
NOTE on your material processing needs. Contact Amada Service for more information.

When processing material with the CL, ensure that all assigned suction cups in the
enabled zones are functional and able to fully seal onto the material with no air leaks.
The DIAGNOSTIC 8 page (see Figure 47 below and Figure 76 in Appendix B.2) can
be used to locate any suction zone faults during operation.

Figure 47. Suction Cup Diagnostic status view

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

5.0 Auxiliary Functions

Auxiliary Operations are additional procedures users may implement to allow for more flexible operation
of the CL and Laser Cell. Additionally, the Shuttle Table SHTL functions that can be performed from the
CL Control Panel are described in Section 5.3.

5.1 MONITOR Functions

CL and Laser Cell functions may be monitored and adjusted to implement additional processes that
intervene into normal operational processes. This section describes the functions that can be utilized from
the Monitor pages.
5.1.1 Page Layout
The Monitor pages show functions which may be utilized to manipulate a running schedule in order to
make changes to a schedule while still in operation. Additionally, the Monitor page allows operators to view
CL, Laser, and schedule status for certain functions.

Process Display is on
MONITOR 2 (see Figure 49)

Figure 48. Monitor Menu page (1 of 2)

 The Interrupt Function Buttons and OK Status Indicators (Section 5.1.2) allow overriding CL
automated control to perform unloading and loading operations.
 The Thickness Detector Monitor reports the status of the Thickness Detector for the current job.
 The Work On / Work Out Functions (Section 5.1.3) allow overriding of shuttle pallet material status

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

Figure 49. Monitor Menu page (2 of 2)

 The Laser Function Monitor and Schedule Monitor on MONITOR and the Process Display on
MONITOR 2 (Section 5.1.4) displays the current status of the automation system.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

5.1.2 Interrupt Functions

When the INTERRUPT button is pressed during Schedule operations, the CL will allow loading or
unloading of pallets or material from the CL or shuttle table with one of four functions while continuing to
process the sheet inside the laser. The Interrupt Functions will override the CL by exchanging LST cutting
pallets, loading a single sheet to a cutting pallet, unloading a single sheet from a cutting pallet, or moving
the suction traverser into an unloading position. An operator can initiate Interrupt Functions by selecting
the following buttons:
1. While in AUTO mode, select MONITOR from the Sub Function Menu.
2. Select INTERRUPT from the Operation Mode Menu.
3. Check the OK status of the desired Interrupt function before selecting the function. If the function is
ready the indicator will be yellow.
4. Depending on your desired task, select one of the following:
a. [INTERRUPT SHUTTLE] to change the shuttle table pallets
b. [INTERRUPT LOAD] to have the CL load material onto the shuttle table
i. Select [THICKNESS DETECTOR] prior to loading to verify the material thickness
c. [INTERRUPT UNLOAD] to have the CL unload material from the shuttle table
d. [INTERRUPT PARTS PALLET] to move the suction traverser to an unloading position, allowing
the operator to remove processed material from the CL

A Shuttle Exchange requires the LST to be WORKSET READY. To set the

NOTE LST into WORKSET READY mode, select SHTL on the menu tab and select
WORKSET READY in the main display area. For help, see Section 5.3.

Process Display is on
MONITOR 2 (see Figure 49)

Figure 50. Interrupt functions

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions


Process Display is on
MONITOR 2 (see Figure 49)

Figure 51. WORKON/WORKOUT functions

WORKON/WORKOUT functions allow the operator to designate the location of sheet materials in the
Laser machine and on the Shuttle table when current processing conditions change. Changes may be
necessary after interrupting a schedule to introduce a new job which must be processed before the rest of
the schedule completes.
To enable WORKON/WORKOUT functions:
1. If a schedule is currently running, press LINE STOP to allow the Laser to finish the current work in
process and suspend CL operation.
2. Switch to Auto mode if needed, then select Monitor from the CL Sub Function Menu.
3. Select Interrupt from the Operation Mode Menu.
The WORKON and WORKOUT functions and indicators will turn on as shown in Figure 52.

Figure 52. WORKON/WORKOUT indicators

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

To configure the WORKON and WORKOUT settings:

1. Select WORKON / WORKOUT to turn on the functions, then
2. Select LASER to indicate a sheet of material (raw or cut) is loaded on the cutting pallet located inside
the Laser machine.
a. The Laser indicator will become green with the word MATERIAL inside.
b. If Blank (no indicator) is displayed, then no material is present, or material has been removed.
3. Select SHUTTLE to toggle between:
a. MATERIAL to indicate that a sheet of raw material is loaded on the cutting pallet located outside
the Laser machine. The Shuttle indicator will become green with the word MATERIAL inside.
b. PARTS to indicate a sheet of cut material is loaded on the cutting pallet located outside the Laser
machine. The Shuttle indicator will become green with the word PARTS inside.
c. Blank to indicate a sheet of raw material has been removed from the cutting pallet located outside
the Laser machine. The Shuttle indicator will go off.
The WORKON and WORKOUT settings between the Laser, LST, and CL are summarized in Figure 53.

Figure 53. WORKON/WORKOUT states

Additional indicators are enabled when an ROS is installed. See Section 3.1.2
NOTE of the AMS 4020CL/ROS Operator’s Manual for more information.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

5.1.4 Laser and Schedule Status

The monitor pages display information from the Laser and Program relevant to CL processes.
Laser Panel Area (MONITOR)
 The +XY and +Z indicators turn on when the named axis is in its Home Position.
 The MEM indicator turns on when the Laser is in Memory Mode.
 The LASER indicator turns on when the Laser shutter is open and ready for operation.
Process Area (MONITOR 2)
 The Process area displays CL processes for AMCF, Pickup (PK), Loading (LD), Unloading (UL), and
Stacking (ST).
 M-Codes associated with CL processes that are currently running are indicated on the left-hand side
of the main display area.
 JOB and JOBRUN displays the dimensions and suction zones engaged of the current material and
the defined parameters and zones of the current program.
Schedule Monitor (MONITOR)
 The Schedule Monitor displays the current program step for loading (LD), unloading (UL), the material
table (PK), shuttle table (LST), laser (LSR), and ROS (if installed).
 JOB indicates the current job number being done, while JOB SEQ indicates the current step in the job.
A non-zero number indicates that a step is being done at that location, while 0 indicates that the location
is not currently in a process.

Figure 54. Laser Panel Area and Process Area

Figure 55. Schedule Monitor

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

5.2 PALLETS Page

The PALLETS page works as a Reset menu, allowing material to be added to the Raw Material Table, or
allowing finished parts to be removed from the Suction Unit without interrupting schedule operation.
 If the material table becomes empty, the Suction Frame detects the absence of material. This
generates a Pallet Empty alarm and the Pallets button will show a green indicator. To continue the
current schedule operation, load material onto the table. Select Pallets from the Sub Function Menu
and the Pallet Empty button to reset the table's empty condition. Press RESET, then LINE START to
resume operation.
 If the Suction Unit Unloading Pallet stack reaches the maximum height, an Unloading Error will be
generated. To continue schedule operation press RESET to continue the sheet unload. This may be
repeated up to 3 times before the pallet must be unloaded and replaced. After replacing the pallet
select Pallets from the Sub Function Menu and select the Pallet Full button to reset the pallet's full
condition. Press RESET, then LINE START to resume operation.

Figure 56. PALLETS page

If a tower module is installed, functions on this page are disabled. See Section
NOTE 5.0 of the AMS 4020CLT Operator’s Manual for information on how to reset the
pallet material states on the CLT.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Auxiliary Functions

5.3 SHTL Menu Page

Shuttle table (LST) functions may be executed through the SHTL menu on the CL Control Panel only when
the CL is in MANUAL mode. Select the appropriate button to start the movement process. When the button
is released motion is stopped. Hold the button to complete the move function. When manually exchanging
Cutting Pallets, the process must be performed in the correct order of operations. The current position is
indicated with green text. The following functions are controlled from this screen:
 Use the SHUTTLE controls to move a cutting pallet from the laser to the shuttle table or vice versa.
Pressing UP or DOWN raises or lowers the shuttle table elevators.
 Use the SAFETY SHUTTER controls to open or close the Laser Safety Shutter. The laser must be in
its manual mode before the controls will enable.
 Use the PALLET LOCK controls to open or close the Laser or Shuttle Table pallet lock.
 Use the LIFTER controls to raise or lower the Pallet Lifter.
 Press READY under WORKSET to position the Shuttle Table for Schedule operations. The button is
also used for shuttle table interrupt functions (see Section 5.1.2).
 Use RESET to clear LST errors.

Figure 57. SHTL menu page

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

6.0 Alarms
Alarms occur when a fault is detected on the CL or Laser Cell. Operators may utilize the following
information to view, troubleshoot, and resolve faults when they occur. When an Alarm occurs the ALARMS
button will flash red.

6.1 ALARMS Page

The Alarms page may be opened at any time by selecting ALARMS from the Menu Tab Ribbon or by
selecting ALARM from the Sub Function Menu when displayed.

Figure 58. ALARMS page

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

6.1.1 Alarm Details Window

Alarm Details may be viewed by selecting the Alarm entry, then the Help button. Directions and pictures
may be provided in the detail screen. Select Close when finished.

Figure 59. Alarm details window

Figure 60. Alarm details window with photo

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

6.1.2 Alarm History

The Alarm History Log maintains a running list of the 2000 most recent alarms. The Alarm History may
be sorted by any of the Data Labels listed in the header. Select a heading to sort the entries to that label.
Select the header again to sort the entries in ascending or descending order (indicated by the arrow).
Users may save the History as a CSV file (Comma-Separated Value) to the Control Panel SD card. The
file name will be assigned automatically in the format: YYYYMMDDHHMMLOG.csv.

Figure 61. Alarm History pane

6.2 Alarm Error Codes

The following error code tables apply only to the CL. For errors related to the
NOTE laser machine or CL add-on modules, see the appropriate section in the laser
machine or add-on module’s Operator’s Manual.

6.2.1 Table 4: Control Error Codes

Code Message Pictures? Corrective Action

Check system area for any damage or material

Front emergency
AL5600 4 Yes, 2 interference; once cleared, reset front E-stop and
stop pushed
press RESET and/or POWER.
Check if the main air line is off or has low pressure.
AL5601 4 Air pressure off No
Then press RESET and/or POWER.
Check E-stops and air pressure, then press
AL5602 4 Control relay off No
Check POWER button. Press if button not

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

Code Message Pictures? Corrective Action

The maintenance key is not in power position or the

light curtains were broken. Switch maintenance key
AL5603 4 Drives relay off Yes, 1 to power or clear light curtains and reset.
Check motor drive status. Press RESET afterwards.

AL5604 4 Line stop PB pressed No Press LINE STOP again. Then press RESET.

AL5605 4 Line stop hold Yes, 1 Press RESET to clear.

Check system area for any damage or material

Rear emergency
AL5606 4 interference; once cleared, reset rear E-stop and
stop pushed
press RESET and/or POWER.
Front side safety light Light curtain beam broken.
AL5607 4 No
curtain tripped Clear light curtain and reset.
Rear side safety light Light curtain beam broken.
AL5608 4 No
curtain tripped Clear light curtain and reset.
Front side safety
AL5609 4 No See Error AL5600.
E-Stop pressed
Rear side safety
AL5610 4 No See Error AL5606.
E- Stop pressed
Check system area for any damage or material
HMI emergency
AL5611 4 interference; once cleared, reset HMI E-stop and
stop pushed
press RESET and/or POWER.

AL5612 4 Line stop PB pressed See Error AL5604.

6.2.2 Table 5: Operation Error Codes

Code Message Pictures? Corrective Action

Check the laser for any faults, then press the NC

CLEAR button on the laser and/or shuttle table
AL5614 4 Laser Line Stop On No
control panels.
Press RESET on the CL controls afterward.

Check the laser for any obstructions or open

Laser Safety doors, then press the NC CLEAR button on the
AL5615 4 No
Abnormal laser and/or shuttle table control panels. Press
RESET on the CL controls afterward.

Check for any damage or hanging parts.

Fork lower
AL5700 4 No Move fork up to clear lower over travel sensor and
over travel
reset alarm.

Check for any hanging parts, or damage to the

Suction frame
AL5701 4 No suction frame or suction Traverser. Move
forward over travel
Traverser backward to clear over travel and reset.

Check for any hanging parts, or damage to the

Suction frame
AL5702 4 No suction frame or suction Traverser. Move
backward over travel
Traverser forward to clear over travel and reset.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

Code Message Pictures? Corrective Action
Check the positioning of the raw material and
AL5703 4 Sheet sagging alarm No for any debris or damage of the suction cups.
Fix accordingly, then reset.

Suction frame lower Check for any damage on frame, material table, or
AL5704 4 No
over travel suction cups. Fix accordingly, then reset.

Verify that there is a schedule job loaded on the

AL5705 4 Schedule failed to start No
laser. Then clear alarm and start again.

The unload pallet has reached the maximum

height. Replace pallet from Unloading station.
AL5706 4 Unload pallet full No
Select PALLETS page and select Pallet Full, then
reset alarm.
The raw material table is empty.
AL5707 4 Load pallet empty No Replenish table with material, then go to PALLETS
page and select Pallet Empty, then reset alarm.

Reposition the raw material on the table, then

AL5708 4 Multiple sheet pickup No
reset alarm. (See also Section 2.3.4)

Traverser or process jammed or waiting for a

AL5709 4 PK excessive time No
switch of position to be made.

Traverser, suction cup, shuttle table, or process got

AL5710 4 LD excessive time No
stuck or waiting for a switch of position to be made.

Traverser, suction cup, shuttle table, or process got

AL5711 4 UL excessive time No
stuck or waiting for a switch of position to be made.

Check for parts on shuttle or slats coming off

AL5712 4 Fork Tilt Up Stop No
shuttle. Clear parts and reset alarms.

Check for parts hanging off the forks. The scanner

AL5713 4 Fork Tilt Down Stop No
has been blocked. Clear and reset.

Traverser, fork, or process got stuck or waiting for

AL5714 4 Stacking excessive time No
a switch of position to be made.

Thickness detect can The material is too far from the thickness detector.
AL5800 4 No
see material Adjust pallet position accordingly.

Fork frame forward

AL5801 4 No See AMS 4020INS Operator’s Manual
over travel

Fork frame backward

AL5802 4 No See AMS 4020INS Operator’s Manual
over travel

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Alarms

 List Item 1

 List Item 1

 List Item 1

 List Item 1

NOTE  List Item 1

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Appendix A Maintenance
DO NOT ENTER the machine operating area when the machine is under
power and not locked out of operation. Under no circumstances should
personnel enter or extend any body part into the operating area unless
power is off and locked out of operation.
When performing maintenance operations, switch the Mode Key to
Maintenance Mode and remove the key. Alternately, personnel may shut
down the machine, turn off the power, and use proper lock-out/tag-out
procedures to inadvertently prevent re-energizing moving components.
Unexpected operation while working inside the operating area can cause
serious injury or death.

Appendix A.1 Table 6: Daily Maintenance

Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure
Item Detail Method Adjustment/Action

Check rails for deposits

Traversing Unit Rails Visual Remove any foreign matter deposited.
of foreign matter.

Suction Frame Motor

Fork Unit Motor Check motor for
Auditory Repair/replace motor.
Fork Frame Motor abnormal noise.
Traversing Unit Motor

Check machine for

Tighten, repair, or replace loose and
Machine Hardware loose or bent hardware, Visual
damaged parts.
panels, and brackets.

Compressed Air Set Air Pressure. Visual Adjust pressure to 0.55MPa (80psi)

Check for Water. Drain collected water.

Reducing Valve Visual
Check for Air Leaks Repair or replace valve if leaking.

Check for deposits of

LM Guide Rails Visual Remove any foreign matter deposited.
foreign matter.

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Appendix A.2 Table 7: Semi-Annual Maintenance

Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure

Item Detail Method Adjustment/Action

Photoelectric Devices Check that switch Remove any foreign matter

and Switches properly turns on and off from sensing surface.

Check bolts on or near

Bolts Visual If bolts are loose re-tighten them
moving parts for tightness.

Bearings and Lubricate with grease gun.

Check for lubrication Visual
LM Guides (Refer to lubricant guide.)

Check cup surface for

deposits of foreign matter. Clean pads in case
Check cup lip for of foreign matter.
Vacuum Pads Visual
cracks and damage. Replace cups in case of cracks,
Check cups for damage, or improper pickup.
proper pickup.

Air Knife and

Check for proper
Thickness Detector Visual Repair or Replace
positioning of unit.
(Double Sheet Detector)

Appendix A.3 Table 8: Annual Maintenance

Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure
Item Detail Method Adjustment/Action

Drive/Driven Chains for

Have Amada Service tension any
Fork Unit, Fork Frame, Check chains for slack Visual
chains that have slack.
and Suction Frame

Suction Frame
Lowering Chains Lubricate with a brush every 3
Fork Unit Check chain for lubrication, months (refer to lubricant guide).
Lowering Chains missing or damaged parts. Have Amada Service repair or
Fork Frame replace chains where needed.
Open/Close Chains

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Appendix A.4 Chain Lubrication Information

Appendix A.4.1 Chain Location (Fork Traverser)

Figure 62. Fork Traverser location

Figure 63. Fork Traverser chain locations (highlighted blue)

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Appendix A.4.2 Chain Location (Fork Frame)

Figure 64. Fork Frame location

Figure 65. Fork Frame chain locations (highlighted blue)

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Appendix A.4.3 Chain Location (Suction Traverser)

Figure 66. Suction Traverser location

Figure 67. Suction Traverser vertical chain locations (from bottom; highlighted blue)
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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Maintenance

Figure 68. Suction Traverser horizontal chain locations (from bottom; highlighted blue)
Appendix A.4.4 Table 9: Recommended Lubricants
Recommended Lubricants
Manufacturer Chains LM Guides Bearings

Amada Mechanic 32 Amada Grease No. 2 Amada Grease EP-2

Mobil Mobil DTE Light Oil Mobilux 2 Mobilux EP-2

Shell Turbo Oil T-32 Gadus S2 V100-2 Gadus S2 V220-2

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Troubleshooting

Appendix B Troubleshooting
Appendix B.1 Table 10: Troubleshooting Table
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
CL not powered Power on system (see Section 3.1)
Let system cool, power cycle
Thermal relay tripped system, and contact Amada
Fork unit, Fork traverser, or Service for system inspection
Suction traverser not moving
System wiring fault Contact Amada Service for repair
Defective motor
Defective motor drive
Contact Amada Service for
Fork unit does not open Chain off sprocket or broken
part repair or replacement
Fork or Suction traverser Sprocket key broken or missing
does not move up or down Sprocket worn or damaged
Fork unit opening or closing Reduce load, then contact Amada
too fast or very slowly Motor speed reducer overloaded
Service for motor inspection
Fork traverser or Suction
traverser moving up or down Contact Amada Service for
Motor speed reducer defective
too fast or very slowly motor repair or replacement

Chains no longer or not Contact Amada Service

properly tensioned for chain tensioning

Fork unit, Fork traverser, or Chains or sprockets worn,

damaged, or improperly installed Contact Amada Service for
Suction traverser operating
part repair or replacement
very loudly Traverser rails worn or damaged
Debris on traverser rails Clear debris from rails
Chains need lubrication. Lubricate (see Appendix A.4)

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Troubleshooting

Appendix B.2 DIAGNOSE Pages

Diagnostic screens are provided to help provide feedback to service personnel when troubleshooting
issues. This information should only be interpreted by qualified Amada service technicians. This
information is accessible to operators in the event Amada Service requests it.
To access the Diagnostic screens, select the DIAGNOSE button on the Sub Function Menu. Use the
Page up and Page down arrow keys to view all pages.

Figure 69. DIAGNOSE page 1

Figure 70. DIAGNOSE page 2

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Troubleshooting

Figure 71. DIAGNOSE page 3

Figure 72. DIAGNOSE page 4

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Troubleshooting

Figure 73. DIAGNOSE page 5

Figure 74. DIAGNOSE page 6

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Troubleshooting

Figure 75. DIAGNOSE page 7

Suction zone errors can be seen on DIAGNOSTIC 8 in two ways. In STATUS VIEW (shown in Figure 47
in Section 4.5.3), suction cup leaks are indicated with a flashing green icon by Leak Detected for the
affected zone(s). In MAP VIEW (shown in the figure below), zones with suction cup leaks are indicated by
the affected zone(s) flashing in red.

Figure 76. DIAGNOSE page 8

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual M-Code/G-Code Information

Appendix C M-Code/G-Code Information

G-code is a programming language that Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines use to move tools
and perform tasks. It is a language that can occasionally be quite complex and may vary from machine to
machine. Tool movements consist of rapid positioning commands, straight line moves, or movement along
an arc of the tool at a controlled feed rate.
M-code (miscellaneous machine commands) define auxiliary functions such as tool changes, coolant on/off
commands, opening/closing doors, exchanging shuttle tables, or other commands. Since many M-codes
call for machine functions like 'open workstation door,' some say "M" stands for "machine", even though it
was unintended.

M-codes Meaning
M30 Program end
M33 Loading command
M34 Unloading command
M37 Two sheets remaining
M38 One sheet remaining
M39 Schedule end
M68 Initialization of schedule
M69 Job start
Short M-code range: (normally used for Single tower machines, if installed)
39 + [pallet number] M-code for Material table
339 + [pallet number] M-code for Unloading pallet
Long M-code range: (normally used for Twin tower machines, if installed)
399 + [pallet number] M-code for Material pallet
439 + [pallet number] M-code for Unloading pallet
Table 11: M-codes list

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual M-Code/G-Code Information

Appendix C.1 Example M-Code/G-Code Usage

Figure 77. M-code example

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AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Revision History

Revision History
Revision Date Editor List of Changes

 Page margins widened

 Minor styling and formatting adjustments
 Raw Material and Parts loading guidelines in Section 4.1
 Verbose explanations simplified for clarity
 Figure and Table captions rewritten for clarity
 Safety Stop section switched with Maintenance Stop section
 Line Stop section warning moved to Maintenance Stop section
 Sub Module purpose in Section 2.1.4 expanded
 Section 2.2.2 revised
 Corrected note in Section 4.2.3
 Section 4.3 reordered and revised
1.2 04/01/2020 EL  Clarification on functionality of Section 5.3 added
 Troubleshooting table revised
 Fixed figure callouts in Sections 4.4 and 5.0
 Added, removed, or revised information with comments from
Amada Engineering and Amada Service:
o Renamed Touch Panel Ready Lamp to Touch Panel Alarm
o Added step on resetting the LST alarms in Section 3.1
o Removed note on CLT origining (AMS 4020CLT does not
have origin process)
o Removed sections involving SETTING or PARAMETER
o Added mode requirements for selected functions
 Updated to latest manual format
 Minor corrections to errors and grammar
 Rearranged Sections 1.0 and 2.0
o Consolidated Raw Material Location sections into one
o Moved Safety Features sub-section to Section 2.0
1.1 11/15/2019 EL
 Clarified instructions in Sections 4.0 and 5.0
 Corrected and expanded or consolidated information in Table 1
 Updated Foreword
 Corrected NOTICE-CAUTION assignments (NOTICE for
machines, CAUTION for people)
1.0 05/15/2019 EL  Initial release

Y400001--- 68 08/07/2020 Rev. 1.2

AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Notes


Y400001--- 69 08/07/2020 Rev. 1.2

AMS 4020CL Operator’s Manual Notes

Y400001--- 70 08/07/2020 Rev. 1.2

Amada Co., Ltd.

Amada America, Inc.

7025 Firestone Blvd.
Buena Park, CA 90621

For assistance, please contact Amada America at:

(877) AMADA-US
(877) 262-3287

© Amada America, Inc.

All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA

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