2021 AWS Xray Guide

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Developer Guide
AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWS X-Ray: Developer Guide

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AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Table of Contents
What is AWS X-Ray? ........................................................................................................................... 1
Getting started .................................................................................................................................. 4
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 5
Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk and generate trace data ....................................................................... 6
View the service map in the X-Ray console .................................................................................... 6
Configuring Amazon SNS notifications .......................................................................................... 9
Explore the sample application .................................................................................................. 11
Optional: Least privilege policy .................................................................................................. 13
Clean up ................................................................................................................................. 15
Next steps ............................................................................................................................... 15
Concepts ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Segments ................................................................................................................................ 16
Subsegments ........................................................................................................................... 17
Service graph ........................................................................................................................... 19
Traces ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Sampling ................................................................................................................................. 21
Tracing header ......................................................................................................................... 21
Filter expressions ...................................................................................................................... 22
Groups .................................................................................................................................... 22
Annotations and metadata ........................................................................................................ 23
Errors, faults, and exceptions ..................................................................................................... 23
Security ........................................................................................................................................... 25
.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Data protection ........................................................................................................................ 25
Identity and access management ............................................................................................... 27
Audience ......................................................................................................................... 27
Authenticating with identities ............................................................................................ 27
Managing access using policies .......................................................................................... 29
How AWS X-Ray works with IAM ........................................................................................ 31
Identity-based policy examples .......................................................................................... 35
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 42
Logging and monitoring ............................................................................................................ 43
Compliance validation ............................................................................................................... 44
Resilience ................................................................................................................................ 44
Infrastructure security ............................................................................................................... 45
VPC endpoints ......................................................................................................................... 45
Creating a VPC endpoint for X-Ray ..................................................................................... 45
Controlling access to your X-Ray VPC endpoint .................................................................... 47
Supported Regions ........................................................................................................... 47
X-Ray console .................................................................................................................................. 49
Viewing the service map ........................................................................................................... 49
Viewing the service map by group ...................................................................................... 52
Changing the node presentation ........................................................................................ 52
Viewing traces ......................................................................................................................... 54
Viewing segment details ........................................................................................................... 60
Viewing subsegment details ...................................................................................................... 62
Filter expressions ...................................................................................................................... 64
Filter expression details ..................................................................................................... 65
Using filter expressions with groups ................................................................................... 65
Filter expression syntax ..................................................................................................... 66
Boolean keywords ............................................................................................................ 66
Number keywords ............................................................................................................ 67
String keywords ............................................................................................................... 68
Complex keywords ........................................................................................................... 69

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

id function ...................................................................................................................... 71
Deep linking ............................................................................................................................ 73
Traces ............................................................................................................................. 73
Filter expressions .............................................................................................................. 73
Time range ...................................................................................................................... 73
Region ............................................................................................................................ 74
Combined ........................................................................................................................ 74
Histograms .............................................................................................................................. 74
Latency ........................................................................................................................... 75
Interpreting service details ................................................................................................ 75
Sampling ................................................................................................................................. 76
Configuring sampling rules ................................................................................................ 76
Customizing sampling rules ............................................................................................... 77
Sampling rule options ....................................................................................................... 78
Sampling rule examples .................................................................................................... 78
Configuring your service to use sampling rules ..................................................................... 79
Viewing sampling results ................................................................................................... 79
Next steps ....................................................................................................................... 80
Insights ................................................................................................................................... 80
Enable insights in the X-Ray console ................................................................................... 81
Enable insights notifications .............................................................................................. 82
Insight overview ............................................................................................................... 83
Review an insight's progress .............................................................................................. 85
Analytics ................................................................................................................................. 86
Console features .............................................................................................................. 86
Response time distribution ................................................................................................ 87
Time series activity ........................................................................................................... 88
Workflow examples .......................................................................................................... 88
Observe faults on the service graph ................................................................................... 88
Identify response time peaks ............................................................................................. 89
View all traces marked with a status code ........................................................................... 89
View all items in a subgroup and associated to a user ........................................................... 90
Compare two sets of traces with different criteria ................................................................. 90
Identify a trace of interest and view its details ..................................................................... 90
Groups .................................................................................................................................... 90
Create a group ................................................................................................................. 91
Apply a group .................................................................................................................. 93
Edit a group .................................................................................................................... 93
Clone a group .................................................................................................................. 95
Delete a group ................................................................................................................. 96
View group metrics in Amazon CloudWatch ......................................................................... 96
X-Ray API ........................................................................................................................................ 97
Tutorial ................................................................................................................................... 97
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 97
Generate trace data .......................................................................................................... 98
Use the X-Ray API ............................................................................................................ 98
Cleanup ......................................................................................................................... 100
Sending data ......................................................................................................................... 100
Generating trace IDs ....................................................................................................... 102
Using PutTraceSegments ................................................................................................. 102
Sending segment documents to the X-Ray daemon ............................................................ 103
Getting data .......................................................................................................................... 104
Retrieving the service graph ............................................................................................ 104
Retrieving the service graph by group ............................................................................... 108
Retrieving traces ............................................................................................................. 109
Retrieving and refining root cause analytics ....................................................................... 112
Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 113

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Encryption settings ......................................................................................................... 114

Sampling rules ............................................................................................................... 114
Groups .......................................................................................................................... 117
Sampling ............................................................................................................................... 118
Segment documents ............................................................................................................... 121
Segment fields ............................................................................................................... 122
Subsegments ................................................................................................................. 123
HTTP request data .......................................................................................................... 126
Annotations ................................................................................................................... 128
Metadata ....................................................................................................................... 129
AWS resource data .......................................................................................................... 129
Errors and exceptions ...................................................................................................... 131
SQL queries ................................................................................................................... 132
Sample application ......................................................................................................................... 134
Getting started (CLI) ............................................................................................................... 136
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 137
Create the Amazon EC2 instance ...................................................................................... 138
Install the AWS CLI ......................................................................................................... 138
Deploy Scorekeep ........................................................................................................... 139
Generate trace data ........................................................................................................ 141
Get data ........................................................................................................................ 142
Configure Amazon SNS notifications ................................................................................. 146
Clean up ........................................................................................................................ 147
Next steps ..................................................................................................................... 147
AWS SDK clients ..................................................................................................................... 148
Custom subsegments .............................................................................................................. 148
Annotations and metadata ...................................................................................................... 149
HTTP clients .......................................................................................................................... 149
SQL clients ............................................................................................................................ 150
AWS Lambda functions ........................................................................................................... 152
Random name ................................................................................................................ 153
Worker .......................................................................................................................... 154
Instrumenting startup code ..................................................................................................... 156
Instrumenting scripts .............................................................................................................. 158
Instrumenting web clients ....................................................................................................... 160
Worker threads ....................................................................................................................... 163
X-Ray daemon ................................................................................................................................ 165
Downloading the daemon ....................................................................................................... 165
Verifying the daemon archive's signature ................................................................................... 166
Running the daemon .............................................................................................................. 167
Giving the daemon permission to send data to X-Ray .................................................................. 167
X-Ray daemon logs ................................................................................................................. 168
Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 168
Supported environment variables ..................................................................................... 169
Using command line options ............................................................................................ 169
Using a configuration file ................................................................................................ 170
Run the daemon locally .......................................................................................................... 171
Running the X-Ray daemon on Linux ................................................................................ 171
Running the X-Ray daemon in a Docker container ............................................................... 171
Running the X-Ray daemon on Windows ........................................................................... 172
Running the X-Ray daemon on OS X ................................................................................. 173
On Elastic Beanstalk ............................................................................................................... 173
Using the Elastic Beanstalk X-Ray integration to run the X-Ray daemon ................................. 174
Downloading and running the X-Ray daemon manually (advanced) ....................................... 175
On Amazon EC2 ..................................................................................................................... 176
On Amazon ECS ..................................................................................................................... 177
Using the official Docker image ........................................................................................ 177

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Create and build a Docker image ...................................................................................... 178

Configure command line options in the Amazon ECS console ............................................... 180
Integrating with AWS services .......................................................................................................... 181
API Gateway .......................................................................................................................... 182
App Mesh .............................................................................................................................. 183
AWS AppSync ........................................................................................................................ 185
CloudTrail .............................................................................................................................. 185
CloudWatch ........................................................................................................................... 187
CloudWatch RUM ........................................................................................................... 187
CloudWatch Synthetics .................................................................................................... 188
AWS Config ........................................................................................................................... 194
Creating a Lambda function trigger .................................................................................. 194
Creating a custom AWS Config rule for x-ray ..................................................................... 195
Example results .............................................................................................................. 196
Amazon SNS notifications ................................................................................................ 197
Amazon EC2 .......................................................................................................................... 197
Elastic Beanstalk ..................................................................................................................... 197
Elastic Load Balancing ............................................................................................................. 197
EventBridge ........................................................................................................................... 198
Viewing source and targets on the X-Ray service map ......................................................... 198
Propagate the trace context to event targets ..................................................................... 198
Lambda ................................................................................................................................. 202
Amazon SNS .......................................................................................................................... 203
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 204
Creating a Lambda subscriber function .............................................................................. 204
Creating an Amazon SNS topic ......................................................................................... 205
Creating a Lambda publisher function ............................................................................... 205
Testing and validating context propagation ....................................................................... 207
Step Functions ....................................................................................................................... 207
Amazon SQS .......................................................................................................................... 208
Send the HTTP trace header ............................................................................................ 209
Retrieve the trace header and recover trace context ............................................................ 209
Amazon S3 ............................................................................................................................ 210
Configure Amazon S3 event notifications .......................................................................... 210
Instrumenting your application ........................................................................................................ 212
Instrumenting your application with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry ........................................ 212
Instrumenting your application with AWS X-Ray SDKs ................................................................. 213
Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray SDKs ......................................... 213
Working with Go ............................................................................................................................ 215
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go ........................................................................................... 215
X-Ray SDK for Go ................................................................................................................... 215
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 216
Reference documentation ................................................................................................ 216
Configuration ................................................................................................................. 217
Incoming requests .......................................................................................................... 221
AWS SDK clients ............................................................................................................. 223
Outgoing HTTP calls ....................................................................................................... 224
SQL queries ................................................................................................................... 225
Custom subsegments ...................................................................................................... 225
Annotations and metadata .............................................................................................. 226
Working with Java .......................................................................................................................... 228
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java ......................................................................................... 228
X-Ray SDK for Java ................................................................................................................. 228
Submodules ................................................................................................................... 229
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 230
Dependency management ............................................................................................... 230
Auto-instrumentation agent ............................................................................................. 231

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Configuration ................................................................................................................. 238

Incoming requests .......................................................................................................... 246
AWS SDK clients ............................................................................................................. 248
Outgoing HTTP calls ....................................................................................................... 250
SQL queries ................................................................................................................... 251
Custom subsegments ...................................................................................................... 253
Annotations and metadata .............................................................................................. 255
Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 258
Multithreading ............................................................................................................... 261
AOP with Spring ............................................................................................................. 261
Working with Node.js ...................................................................................................................... 265
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript ................................................................................. 265
X-Ray SDK for Node.js ............................................................................................................. 265
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 266
Dependency management ............................................................................................... 267
Node.js samples ............................................................................................................. 267
Configuration ................................................................................................................. 267
Incoming requests .......................................................................................................... 271
AWS SDK clients ............................................................................................................. 273
Outgoing HTTP calls ....................................................................................................... 274
SQL queries ................................................................................................................... 276
Custom subsegments ...................................................................................................... 276
Annotations and metadata .............................................................................................. 278
Working with Python ...................................................................................................................... 282
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python ..................................................................................... 282
X-Ray SDK for Python ............................................................................................................. 282
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 284
Dependency management ............................................................................................... 284
Configuration ................................................................................................................. 284
Incoming requests .......................................................................................................... 289
Patching libraries ............................................................................................................ 293
AWS SDK clients ............................................................................................................. 294
Outgoing HTTP calls ....................................................................................................... 295
Custom subsegments ...................................................................................................... 296
Annotations and metadata .............................................................................................. 297
Instrument serverless applications .................................................................................... 300
Working with .NET .......................................................................................................................... 305
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET ......................................................................................... 305
X-Ray SDK for .NET ................................................................................................................. 305
Requirements ................................................................................................................. 306
Adding the X-Ray SDK for .NET to your application ............................................................. 306
Dependency management ............................................................................................... 306
Configuration ................................................................................................................. 308
Incoming requests .......................................................................................................... 312
AWS SDK clients ............................................................................................................. 315
Outgoing HTTP calls ....................................................................................................... 316
SQL queries ................................................................................................................... 318
Custom subsegments ...................................................................................................... 320
Annotations and metadata .............................................................................................. 320
Working with Ruby ......................................................................................................................... 323
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 323
Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 324
Service plugins ............................................................................................................... 324
Sampling rules ............................................................................................................... 325
Logging ......................................................................................................................... 327
Recorder configuration in code ......................................................................................... 327
Recorder configuration with rails ...................................................................................... 328

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Environment variables ..................................................................................................... 328

Incoming requests .................................................................................................................. 328
Using the rails middleware .............................................................................................. 329
Instrumenting code manually ........................................................................................... 329
Configuring a segment naming strategy ............................................................................ 330
Patching libraries .................................................................................................................... 331
AWS SDK clients ..................................................................................................................... 331
Custom subsegments .............................................................................................................. 332
Annotations and metadata ...................................................................................................... 333
Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby ........................................................... 333
Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby .............................................................. 334
Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby ................................................................ 334
Creating X-Ray resources with CloudFormation ................................................................................... 336
X-Ray and AWS CloudFormation templates ................................................................................ 336
Learn more about AWS CloudFormation .................................................................................... 336
Tagging ......................................................................................................................................... 337
Tag restrictions ...................................................................................................................... 337
Managing tags in the console .................................................................................................. 338
Add tags to a new group (console) ................................................................................... 338
Add tags to a new sampling rule (console) ......................................................................... 338
Edit or delete tags for a group (console) ............................................................................ 339
Edit or delete tags for a sampling rule (console) ................................................................. 339
Managing tags in the AWS CLI ................................................................................................. 339
Add tags to a new X-Ray group or sampling rule (CLI) ......................................................... 340
Add tags to an existing resource (CLI) ............................................................................... 341
List tags on a resource (CLI) ............................................................................................. 342
Delete tags on a resource (CLI) ......................................................................................... 342
Control access to X-Ray resources based on tags ........................................................................ 342
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 343
X-Ray SDK for Java ................................................................................................................. 343
X-Ray SDK for Node.js ............................................................................................................. 343
The X-Ray daemon ................................................................................................................. 344
Document History .......................................................................................................................... 345

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

What is AWS X-Ray?

AWS X-Ray is a service that collects data about requests that your application serves, and provides tools
that you can use to view, filter, and gain insights into that data to identify issues and opportunities for
optimization. For any traced request to your application, you can see detailed information not only
about the request and response, but also about calls that your application makes to downstream AWS
resources, microservices, databases, and web APIs.

AWS X-Ray receives traces from your application, in addition to AWS services your application uses
that are already integrated with X-Ray. Instrumenting your application involves sending trace data for
incoming and outbound requests and other events within your application, along with metadata about
each request. Many instrumentation scenarios require only configuration changes. For example, you can
instrument all incoming HTTP requests and downstream calls to AWS services that your Java application
makes. There are several SDKs, agents, and tools that can be used to instrument your application for X-
Ray tracing. See Instrumenting your application (p. 212) for more information.

AWS services that are integrated with X-Ray (p. 181) can add tracing headers to incoming requests,
send trace data to X-Ray, or run the X-Ray daemon. For example, AWS Lambda can send trace data about
requests to your Lambda functions, and run the X-Ray daemon on workers to make it simpler to use the
X-Ray SDK.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Instead of sending trace data directly to X-Ray, each client SDK sends JSON segment documents to a
daemon process listening for UDP traffic. The X-Ray daemon (p. 165) buffers segments in a queue
and uploads them to X-Ray in batches. The daemon is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS, and is
included on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS Lambda platforms.

X-Ray uses trace data from the AWS resources that power your cloud applications to generate a detailed
service graph. The service graph shows the client, your front-end service, and backend services that your
front-end service calls to process requests and persist data. Use the service graph to identify bottlenecks,
latency spikes, and other issues to solve to improve the performance of your applications.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

See the getting started tutorial (p. 4) to start using X-Ray with an instrumented sample application.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Getting started with AWS X-Ray

To get started with AWS X-Ray, launch a sample app in Elastic Beanstalk that is already
instrumented (p. 228) to generate trace data. In a few minutes, you can launch the sample app,
generate traffic, send segments to X-Ray, and view a service graph and traces in the AWS Management

This tutorial uses a sample Java application (p. 134) to generate segments and send them to X-Ray.
The application uses the Spring framework to implement a JSON web API and the AWS SDK for Java to
persist data to Amazon DynamoDB. A servlet filter in the application instruments all incoming requests
served by the application, and a request handler on the AWS SDK client instruments downstream calls to

With the X-Ray SDK for Java, you can trace all of your application's primary and downstream AWS
resources by making two configuration changes:

• Add the X-Ray SDK for Java's tracing filter to your servlet configuration in a WebConfig class or
web.xml file.
• Take the X-Ray SDK for Java's submodules as build dependencies in your Maven or Gradle build

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

You can also access the raw service map and trace data by using the AWS CLI to call the X-Ray API. The
service map and trace data are JSON that you can query to ensure that your application is sending data,
or to check specific fields as part of your test automation.

• Prerequisites (p. 5)
• Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk and generate trace data (p. 6)
• View the service map in the X-Ray console (p. 6)
• Configuring Amazon SNS notifications (p. 9)
• Explore the sample application (p. 11)
• Optional: Least privilege policy (p. 13)
• Clean up (p. 15)
• Next steps (p. 15)

This tutorial uses Elastic Beanstalk to create and configure the resources that run the sample
application and X-Ray daemon. If you use an IAM user with limited permissions, add the Elastic
Beanstalk managed user policy to grant your IAM user permission to use Elastic Beanstalk, and the
AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess managed policy for permission to read the service map and traces in the X-
Ray console.

Create an Elastic Beanstalk environment for the sample application. If you haven't used Elastic Beanstalk
before, this will also create a service role and instance profile for your application. A default VPC
must exist in the region you're going to deploy to or Elastic Beanstalk will fail to deploy the sample

To create an Elastic Beanstalk environment

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk Management Console with this preconfigured link: https://
2. Under the Platform section, set the Platform to Java and the Platform branch to Java 8
running on 64bit Amazon Linux.
The current version of the Scorekeep application requires Java 8. You will receive a warning
that Java 8 is a deprecated platform branch. While this is not recommended for production
applications, you may run this sample application on Java 8 for non-production use, in
order to learn about X-Ray.
3. Choose Create application to create an application with an environment running the Java 8 SE
4. When your environment is ready, the console redirects you to the environment Dashboard.
5. Click the URL at the top of the page to open the site.

The instances in your environment need permission to send data to the AWS X-Ray service. Additionally,
the sample application uses Amazon S3 and DynamoDB. Modify the default Elastic Beanstalk instance
profile to include permissions to use these services.

To add X-Ray, Amazon S3 and DynamoDB permissions to your Elastic Beanstalk environment

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk instance profile in the IAM console: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role.
2. Choose Attach Policies.
3. Attach AWSXrayFullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, and AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess to the role.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk and generate trace data

Full access policies are not best practice for general use. For instructions on configuring
a policy with least privilege to reduce security risks, see Optional: Least privilege
policy (p. 13).

Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk and generate trace

Deploy the sample application to your Elastic Beanstalk environment. The sample application uses Elastic
Beanstalk configuration files to configure the environment for use with X-Ray and create the DynamoDB
that it uses automatically.

To deploy the source code

1. Download the sample app: eb-java-scorekeep-xray-gettingstarted-v1.3.zip

2. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.
3. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
4. Choose Upload and Deploy.
5. Upload eb-java-scorekeep-xray-gettingstarted-v1.3.zip, and then choose Deploy.

The sample application includes a front-end web app. Use the web app to generate traffic to the API and
send trace data to X-Ray.

To generate trace data

1. In the environment Dashboard, click the URL to open the web app.
2. Choose Create to create a user and session.
3. Type a game name, set the Rules to Tic Tac Toe, and then choose Create to create a game.
4. Choose Play to start the game.
5. Choose a tile to make a move and change the game state.

Each of these steps generates HTTP requests to the API, and downstream calls to DynamoDB to read and
write user, session, game, move, and state data.

View the service map in the X-Ray console

You can see the service map and traces generated by the sample application in the X-Ray console.

To use the X-Ray console

1. Open the service map page of the X-Ray console.

2. The console shows a representation of the service graph that X-Ray generates from the trace data
sent by the application.

The service map shows the web app client, the API running in Elastic Beanstalk, the DynamoDB
service, and each DynamoDB table that the application uses. Every request to the application, up to a
configurable maximum number of requests per second, is traced as it hits the API, generates requests to
downstream services, and completes.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
View the service map in the X-Ray console

You can choose any node in the service graph to view traces for requests that generated traffic to that
node. Currently, the Amazon SNS node is yellow. Drill down to find out why.

To find the cause of the error

1. Choose the node named Amazon SNS. The node details panel is displayed.
2. Choose View traces to access the Trace overview screen.
3. Choose the trace from the Trace list. This trace doesn't have a method or URL because it was
recorded during startup instead of in response to an incoming request.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
View the service map in the X-Ray console

4. Choose the error status icon within the Amazon SNS segment at the bottom of the page, to open
the Exceptions page for the SNS subsegment.

5. The X-Ray SDK automatically captures exceptions thrown by instrumented AWS SDK clients and
records the stack trace.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configuring Amazon SNS notifications

The cause indicates that the email address provided in a call to createSubscription made in the
WebConfig class was invalid. Let's fix that.

Configuring Amazon SNS notifications

Scorekeep uses Amazon SNS to send notifications when users complete a game. When the application
starts up, it tries to create a subscription for an email address defined in an environment variable.
That call is currently failing, causing the Amazon SNS node in your service map to be red. Configure a
notification email in an environment variable to enable notifications and make the service map green.

To configure Amazon SNS notifications for scorekeep

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
3. Choose Configuration.
4. Choose Software Configuration.
5. Under Environment Properties, replace the default value with your email address.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configuring Amazon SNS notifications

The default value uses an AWS CloudFormation function to retrieve a parameter stored in a
configuration file (a dummy value in this case).
6. Choose Apply.

When the update completes, Scorekeep restarts and creates a subscription to the SNS topic. Check your
email and confirm the subscription to see updates when you complete a game.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Explore the sample application

Explore the sample application

The sample application is an HTTP web API in Java that is configured to use the X-Ray SDK for Java.
When you deploy the application to Elastic Beanstalk, it creates the DynamoDB tables, compiles the API
with Gradle, and configures the nginx proxy server to serve the web app statically at the root path. At the
same time, Elastic Beanstalk routes requests to paths starting with /api to the API.

To instrument incoming HTTP requests, the application adds the TracingFilter provided by the SDK.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/WebConfig.java - servlet filter

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter;

public class WebConfig {

public Filter TracingFilter() {
return new AWSXRayServletFilter("Scorekeep");

This filter sends trace data about all incoming requests that the application serves, including request
URL, method, response status, start time, and end time.

The application also makes downstream calls to DynamoDB using the AWS SDK for Java. To instrument
these calls, the application simply takes the AWS SDK-related submodules as dependencies, and the X-
Ray SDK for Java automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients.

The application uses a Buildfile file to build the source code on-instance with Gradle and a
Procfile file to run the executable JAR that Gradle generates. Buildfile and Procfile support is a
feature of the Elastic Beanstalk Java SE platform.

Example Buildfile

build: gradle build

Example Procfile

web: java -Dserver.port=5000 -jar build/libs/scorekeep-api-1.0.0.jar

The build.gradle file downloads the SDK submodules from Maven during compilation by declaring
them as dependencies.

Example build.gradle -- dependencies

dependencies {

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Explore the sample application

dependencyManagement {
imports {

The core, AWS SDK, and AWS SDK Instrumentor submodules are all that's required to automatically
instrument any downstream calls made with the AWS SDK.

To run the X-Ray daemon, the application uses another feature of Elastic Beanstalk, configuration files.
The configuration file tells Elastic Beanstalk to run the daemon and send its log on demand.

Example .ebextensions/xray.config

XRayEnabled: true

"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/tasks/taillogs.d/xray-daemon.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |

The X-Ray SDK for Java provides a class named AWSXRay that provides the global recorder, a
TracingHandler that you can use to instrument your code. You can configure the global recorder to
customize the AWSXRayServletFilter that creates segments for incoming HTTP calls. The sample
includes a static block in the WebConfig class that configures the global recorder with plugins and
sampling rules.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/WebConfig.java - recorder

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorderBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.EC2Plugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.ElasticBeanstalkPlugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.sampling.LocalizedSamplingStrategy;

public class WebConfig {
static {
AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard().withPlugin(new
EC2Plugin()).withPlugin(new ElasticBeanstalkPlugin());

URL ruleFile = WebConfig.class.getResource("/sampling-rules.json");

builder.withSamplingStrategy(new LocalizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));


This example uses the builder to load sampling rules from a file named sampling-rules.json.
Sampling rules determine the rate at which the SDK records segments for incoming requests.

Example src/main/java/resources/sampling-rules.json

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Optional: Least privilege policy

"version": 1,
"rules": [
"description": "Resource creation.",
"service_name": "*",
"http_method": "POST",
"url_path": "/api/*",
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 1.0
"description": "Session polling.",
"service_name": "*",
"http_method": "GET",
"url_path": "/api/session/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"description": "Game polling.",
"service_name": "*",
"http_method": "GET",
"url_path": "/api/game/*/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"description": "State polling.",
"service_name": "*",
"http_method": "GET",
"url_path": "/api/state/*/*/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

The sampling rules file defines four custom sampling rules and the default rule. For each incoming
request, the SDK evaluates the custom rules in the order in which they are defined. The SDK applies the
first rule that matches the request's method, path, and service name. For Scorekeep, the first rule catches
all POST requests (resource creation calls) by applying a fixed target of one request per second and a rate
of 1.0, or 100 percent of requests after the fixed target is satisfied.

The other three custom rules apply a five percent rate with no fixed target to session, game, and state
reads (GET requests). This minimizes the number of traces for periodic calls that the front end makes
automatically every few seconds to ensure the content is up to date. For all other requests, the file
defines a default rate of one request per second and a rate of 10 percent.

The sample application also shows how to use advanced features such as manual SDK client
instrumentation, creating additional subsegments, and outgoing HTTP calls. For more information, see
AWS X-Ray sample application (p. 134).

Optional: Least privilege policy

You have just deployed this tutorial using the AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
security policies. Using a full access policy isn't the best practice in the long term. To improve the security

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Optional: Least privilege policy

of what you deployed, follow these steps to update your permissions. To learn more about security best
practices in IAM policies, see Identity and access management for AWS X-Ray.

To update your policies, first you identify the ARNs of your Amazon S3 and DynamoDB resources. Then
you use the ARNs in two custom IAM policies. Finally, you apply those policies to your instance profile.

To identify your Amazon S3 resource

1. Open the Resources page of the AWS Config console.

2. Under Resource type, filter by Amazon S3 Bucket to find the ARN of the Amazon S3 bucket that
your application uses.
3. Choose the Resource identifier that's attached to elasticbeanstalk.
4. Record its full Amazon resource name.
5. Insert the ARN into the following IAM policy.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ScorekeepS3",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::elasticbeanstalk-region-0987654321"

To identify your DynamoDB resource

1. Open the Resources page of the AWS Config console.

2. Under Resource type, filter by AWS DynamoDB Table to find the ARN of the DynamoDB tables that
your application uses.
3. Choose the Resource identifier that's attached to one of the scorekeep tables.
4. Record its full Amazon resource name.
5. Insert the ARN into the following IAM policy.


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ScorekeepDynamoDB",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:region:1234567890:table/scorekeep-*"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Clean up


The tables that the application creates follow a consistent naming convention. You can use the
format of scorekeep-* to indicate all tables following that convention.

To change your IAM policy

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk instance profile in the IAM console: aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role.
2. Remove the AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess policies from the role.
3. Choose Attach policies, and then Create policy.
4. Choose the JSON and paste in one of the policies created previously.
5. Choose Review policy.
6. For Name, assign a name.
7. Choose Create policy.
8. Assign the newly created policy to the aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role.
9. Repeat for the second policy created previously.

Clean up
Terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment to shut down the Amazon EC2 instances, DynamoDB
tables, and other resources.

To terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
3. Choose Actions.
4. Choose Terminate Environment.
5. Choose Terminate.

Trace data is automatically deleted from X-Ray after 30 days.

Next steps
Learn more about X-Ray in the next chapter, AWS X-Ray concepts (p. 16).

To instrument your own app, learn more about the X-Ray SDK for Java or one of the other X-Ray SDKs:

• X-Ray SDK for Java – AWS X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 228)
• X-Ray SDK for Node.js – AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 265)
• X-Ray SDK for .NET – AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 305)

To run the X-Ray daemon locally or on AWS, see AWS X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

To contribute to the sample application on GitHub, see eb-java-scorekeep.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWS X-Ray concepts

AWS X-Ray receives data from services as segments. X-Ray then groups segments that have a common
request into traces. X-Ray processes the traces to generate a service graph that provides a visual
representation of your application.

• Segments (p. 16)
• Subsegments (p. 17)
• Service graph (p. 19)
• Traces (p. 20)
• Sampling (p. 21)
• Tracing header (p. 21)
• Filter expressions (p. 22)
• Groups (p. 22)
• Annotations and metadata (p. 23)
• Errors, faults, and exceptions (p. 23)

The compute resources running your application logic send data about their work as segments. A
segment provides the resource's name, details about the request, and details about the work done. For
example, when an HTTP request reaches your application, it can record the following data about:

• The host – hostname, alias or IP address

• The request – method, client address, path, user agent
• The response – status, content
• The work done – start and end times, subsegments
• Issues that occur – errors, faults and exceptions (p. 23), including automatic capture of exception

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

The X-Ray SDK gathers information from request and response headers, the code in your application, and
metadata about the AWS resources on which it runs. You choose the data to collect by modifying your
application configuration or code to instrument incoming requests, downstream requests, and AWS SDK
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

You can use the X-Ray SDK to record additional information such as annotations and metadata. (p. 23)
For details about the structure and information that is recorded in segments and subsegments, see AWS
X-Ray segment documents (p. 121). Segment documents can be up to 64 kB in size.

A segment can break down the data about the work done into subsegments. Subsegments provide
more granular timing information and details about downstream calls that your application made to
fulfill the original request. A subsegment can contain additional details about a call to an AWS service,
an external HTTP API, or an SQL database. You can even define arbitrary subsegments to instrument
specific functions or lines of code in your application.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

For services that don't send their own segments, like Amazon DynamoDB, X-Ray uses subsegments to
generate inferred segments and downstream nodes on the service map. This lets you see all of your
downstream dependencies, even if they don't support tracing, or are external.

Subsegments represent your application's view of a downstream call as a client. If the downstream
service is also instrumented, the segment that it sends replaces the inferred segment generated from the
upstream client's subsegment. The node on the service graph always uses information from the service's
segment, if it's available, while the edge between the two nodes uses the upstream service's subsegment.

For example, when you call DynamoDB with an instrumented AWS SDK client, the X-Ray SDK records a
subsegment for that call. DynamoDB doesn't send a segment, so the inferred segment in the trace, the
DynamoDB node on the service graph, and the edge between your service and DynamoDB all contain
information from the subsegment.

When you call another instrumented service with an instrumented application, the downstream service
sends its own segment to record its view of the same call that the upstream service recorded in a
subsegment. In the service graph, both services' nodes contain timing and error information from those
services' segments, while the edge between them contains information from the upstream service's

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Service graph

Both viewpoints are useful, as the downstream service records precisely when it started and ended work
on the request, and the upstream service records the round trip latency, including time that the request
spent traveling between the two services.

Service graph
X-Ray uses the data that your application sends to generate a service graph. Each AWS resource that
sends data to X-Ray appears as a service in the graph. Edges connect the services that work together
to serve requests. Edges connect clients to your application, and your application to the downstream
services and resources that it uses.
Service Names
A segment's name should match the domain name or logical name of the service that
generates the segment. However, this is not enforced. Any application that has permission to
PutTraceSegments can send segments with any name.

A service graph is a JSON document that contains information about the services and resources that
make up your application. The X-Ray console uses the service graph to generate a visualization or service

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

For a distributed application, X-Ray combines nodes from all services that process requests with
the same trace ID into a single service graph. The first service that the request hits adds a tracing
header (p. 21) that is propagated between the front end and services that it calls.

For example, Scorekeep (p. 134) runs a web API that calls a microservice (an AWS Lambda function)
to generate a random name by using a Node.js library. The X-Ray SDK for Java generates the trace ID
and includes it in calls to Lambda. Lambda sends tracing data and passes the trace ID to the function.
The X-Ray SDK for Node.js also uses the trace ID to send data. As a result, nodes for the API, the Lambda
service, and the Lambda function all appear as separate, but connected, nodes on the service map.

Service graph data is retained for 30 days.

A trace ID tracks the path of a request through your application. A trace collects all the segments
generated by a single request. That request is typically an HTTP GET or POST request that travels
through a load balancer, hits your application code, and generates downstream calls to other AWS
services or external web APIs. The first supported service that the HTTP request interacts with adds a
trace ID header to the request, and propagates it downstream to track the latency, disposition, and other
request data.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Service graph data is retained for 30 days.

To ensure efficient tracing and provide a representative sample of the requests that your application
serves, the X-Ray SDK applies a sampling algorithm to determine which requests get traced. By default,
the X-Ray SDK records the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests.

To avoid incurring service charges when you are getting started, the default sampling rate is
conservative. You can configure X-Ray to modify the default sampling rule and configure additional rules
that apply sampling based on properties of the service or request.

For example, you might want to disable sampling and trace all requests for calls that modify state or
handle user accounts or transactions. For high-volume read-only calls, like background polling, health
checks, or connection maintenance, you can sample at a low rate and still get enough data to see any
issues that arise.

For more information, see Configuring sampling rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76).

Tracing header
All requests are traced, up to a configurable minimum. After reaching that minimum, a percentage of
requests are traced to avoid unnecessary cost. The sampling decision and trace ID are added to HTTP
requests in tracing headers named X-Amzn-Trace-Id. The first X-Ray-integrated service that the
request hits adds a tracing header, which is read by the X-Ray SDK and included in the response.

Example Tracing header with root trace ID and sampling decision

X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793;Sampled=1

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Filter expressions

Tracing Header Security

A tracing header can originate from the X-Ray SDK, an AWS service, or the client request. Your
application can remove X-Amzn-Trace-Id from incoming requests to avoid issues caused by
users adding trace IDs or sampling decisions to their requests.

The tracing header can also contain a parent segment ID if the request originated from an instrumented
application. For example, if your application calls a downstream HTTP web API with an instrumented
HTTP client, the X-Ray SDK adds the segment ID for the original request to the tracing header of the
downstream request. An instrumented application that serves the downstream request can record the
parent segment ID to connect the two requests.

Example Tracing header with root trace ID, parent segment ID and sampling decision

X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793;Parent=53995c3f42cd8ad8;Sampled=1

Filter expressions
Even with sampling, a complex application generates a lot of data. The AWS X-Ray console provides an
easy-to-navigate view of the service graph. It shows health and performance information that helps you
identify issues and opportunities for optimization in your application. For advanced tracing, you can drill
down to traces for individual requests, or use filter expressions to find traces related to specific paths or

Extending filter expressions, X-Ray also supports the group feature. Using a filter expression, you can
define criteria by which to accept traces into the group.

You can call the group by name or by Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to generate its own service graph,
trace summaries, and Amazon CloudWatch metrics. Once a group is created, incoming traces are checked
against the group’s filter expression as they are stored in the X-Ray service. Metrics for the number of
traces matching each criteria are published to CloudWatch every minute.

Updating a group's filter expression doesn't change data that's already recorded. The update applies only
to subsequent traces. This can result in a merged graph of the new and old expressions. To avoid this,
delete the current group and create a fresh one.
Groups are billed by the number of retrieved traces that match the filter expression. For more
information, see AWS X-Ray pricing.

For more information about groups, see Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Annotations and metadata

When you instrument your application, the X-Ray SDK records information about incoming and outgoing
requests, the AWS resources used, and the application itself. You can add other information to the
segment document as annotations and metadata. Annotations and metadata are aggregated at the trace
level, and can be added to any segment or subsegment.

Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter expressions (p. 64). Use
annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the console, or when calling the
GetTraceSummaries API.

X-Ray indexes up to 50 annotations per trace.

Metadata are key-value pairs with values of any type, including objects and lists, but that are not
indexed. Use metadata to record data you want to store in the trace but don't need to use for searching

You can view annotations and metadata in the segment or subsegment details in the X-Ray console.

Errors, faults, and exceptions

X-Ray tracks errors that occur in your application code, and errors that are returned by downstream
services. Errors are categorized as follows.

• Error – Client errors (400 series errors)

• Fault – Server faults (500 series errors)
• Throttle – Throttling errors (429 Too Many Requests)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Errors, faults, and exceptions

When an exception occurs while your application is serving an instrumented request, the X-Ray SDK
records details about the exception, including the stack trace, if available. You can view exceptions under
segment details (p. 60) in the X-Ray console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Data protection

Security in AWS X-Ray

Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. As an AWS customer, you benefit from a data center and
network architecture that is built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations.

Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and you. The shared responsibility model describes this
as security of the cloud and security in the cloud:

• Security of the cloud – AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs AWS services
in the AWS Cloud. AWS also provides you with services that you can use securely. The effectiveness
of our security is regularly tested and verified by third-party auditors as part of the AWS compliance
programs. To learn about the compliance programs that apply to X-Ray, see AWS Services in Scope by
Compliance Program.
• Security in the cloud – Your responsibility is determined by the AWS service that you use. You are also
responsible for other factors including the sensitivity of your data, your organization’s requirements,
and applicable laws and regulations.

This documentation will help you understand how to apply the shared responsibility model when using
X-Ray. The following topics show you how to configure X-Ray to meet your security and compliance
objectives. You'll also learn how to use other AWS services that can help you to monitor and secure your
X-Ray resources.


• Data protection in AWS X-Ray (p. 25)

• Identity and access management for AWS X-Ray (p. 27)
• Compliance validation for AWS X-Ray (p. 44)
• Resilience in AWS X-Ray (p. 44)
• Infrastructure security in AWS X-Ray (p. 45)

Data protection in AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray always encrypts traces and related data at rest. When you need to audit and disable
encryption keys for compliance or internal requirements, you can configure X-Ray to use an AWS Key
Management Service (AWS KMS) key to encrypt data.

X-Ray provides an AWS managed key named aws/xray. Use this key when you just want to audit key
usage in AWS CloudTrail and don't need to manage the key itself. When you need to manage access to
the key or configure key rotation, you can create a customer managed key.

When you change encryption settings, X-Ray spends some time generating and propagating data keys.
While the new key is being processed, X-Ray may encrypt data with a combination of the new and old
settings. Existing data is not re-encrypted when you change encryption settings.
AWS KMS charges when X-Ray uses a KMS key to encrypt or decrypt trace data.

• Default encryption – Free.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Data protection

• AWS managed key – Pay for key use.

• customer managed key – Pay for key storage and use.

See AWS Key Management Service Pricing for details.

X-Ray insights notifications sends events to Amazon EventBridge, which does not currently
support customer managed keys. For more information, see Data Protection in Amazon

You must have user-level access to a customer managed key to configure X-Ray to use it, and to then
view encrypted traces. See User permissions for encryption (p. 35) for more information.

X-Ray console

To configure X-Ray to use a KMS key for encryption using the X-Ray console

1. Open the X-Ray console.

2. Choose Encryption.
3. Choose Use a KMS key.
4. Choose a key from the dropdown menu:

• aws/xray – Use the AWS managed key.

• key alias – Use a customer managed key in your account.
• Manually enter a key ARN – Use a customer managed key in a different account. Enter the
full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key in the field that appears.
5. Choose Apply.

CloudWatch console

To configure X-Ray to use a KMS key for encryption using the CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Encryption within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose Edit in the Encryption configuration section.
5. Choose Use a KMS key.
6. Choose a key from the dropdown menu:

• aws/xray – Use the AWS managed key.

• key alias – Use a customer managed key in your account.
• Manually enter a key ARN – Use a customer managed key in a different account. Enter the
full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key in the field that appears.
7. Choose Update encryption.

X-Ray does not support asymmetric KMS keys.

If X-Ray is unable to access your encryption key, it stops storing data. This can happen if your user loses
access to the KMS key, or if you disable a key that's currently in use. When this happens, X-Ray shows a
notification in the navigation bar.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity and access management

To configure encryption settings with the X-Ray API, see Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption
settings with the AWS X-Ray API (p. 113).

Identity and access management for AWS X-Ray

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an AWS service that helps an administrator securely
control access to AWS resources. IAM administrators control who can be authenticated (signed in) and
authorized (have permissions) to use X-Ray resources. IAM is an AWS service that you can use with no
additional charge.

• Audience (p. 27)
• Authenticating with identities (p. 27)
• Managing access using policies (p. 29)
• How AWS X-Ray works with IAM (p. 31)
• AWS X-Ray identity-based policy examples (p. 35)
• Troubleshooting AWS X-Ray identity and access (p. 42)

How you use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) differs, depending on the work that you do in

Service user – If you use the X-Ray service to do your job, then your administrator provides you with
the credentials and permissions that you need. As you use more X-Ray features to do your work, you
might need additional permissions. Understanding how access is managed can help you request the right
permissions from your administrator. If you cannot access a feature in X-Ray, see Troubleshooting AWS X-
Ray identity and access (p. 42).

Service administrator – If you're in charge of X-Ray resources at your company, you probably have full
access to X-Ray. It's your job to determine which X-Ray features and resources your employees should
access. You must then submit requests to your IAM administrator to change the permissions of your
service users. Review the information on this page to understand the basic concepts of IAM. To learn
more about how your company can use IAM with X-Ray, see How AWS X-Ray works with IAM (p. 31).

IAM administrator – If you're an IAM administrator, you might want to learn details about how you can
write policies to manage access to X-Ray. To view example X-Ray identity-based policies that you can use
in IAM, see AWS X-Ray identity-based policy examples (p. 35).

Authenticating with identities

Authentication is how you sign in to AWS using your identity credentials. For more information about
signing in using the AWS Management Console, see Signing in to the AWS Management Console as an
IAM user or root user in the IAM User Guide.

You must be authenticated (signed in to AWS) as the AWS account root user, an IAM user, or by assuming
an IAM role. You can also use your company's single sign-on authentication or even sign in using Google
or Facebook. In these cases, your administrator previously set up identity federation using IAM roles.
When you access AWS using credentials from another company, you are assuming a role indirectly.

To sign in directly to the AWS Management Console, use your password with your root user email
address or your IAM user name. You can access AWS programmatically using your root user or IAM

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Authenticating with identities

users access keys. AWS provides SDK and command line tools to cryptographically sign your request
using your credentials. If you don't use AWS tools, you must sign the request yourself. Do this using
Signature Version 4, a protocol for authenticating inbound API requests. For more information about
authenticating requests, see Signature Version 4 signing process in the AWS General Reference.

Regardless of the authentication method that you use, you might also be required to provide additional
security information. For example, AWS recommends that you use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to
increase the security of your account. To learn more, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS
in the IAM User Guide.

AWS account root user

When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single sign-in identity that has complete access
to all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is called the AWS account root user and
is accessed by signing in with the email address and password that you used to create the account. We
strongly recommend that you do not use the root user for your everyday tasks, even the administrative
ones. Instead, adhere to the best practice of using the root user only to create your first IAM user. Then
securely lock away the root user credentials and use them to perform only a few account and service
management tasks.

IAM users and groups

An IAM user is an identity within your AWS account that has specific permissions for a single person or
application. An IAM user can have long-term credentials such as a user name and password or a set of
access keys. To learn how to generate access keys, see Managing access keys for IAM users in the IAM
User Guide. When you generate access keys for an IAM user, make sure you view and securely save the key
pair. You cannot recover the secret access key in the future. Instead, you must generate a new access key

An IAM group is an identity that specifies a collection of IAM users. You can't sign in as a group. You
can use groups to specify permissions for multiple users at a time. Groups make permissions easier to
manage for large sets of users. For example, you could have a group named IAMAdmins and give that
group permissions to administer IAM resources.

Users are different from roles. A user is uniquely associated with one person or application, but a role
is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. Users have permanent long-term credentials, but
roles provide temporary credentials. To learn more, see When to create an IAM user (instead of a role) in
the IAM User Guide.

IAM roles
An IAM role is an identity within your AWS account that has specific permissions. It is similar to an IAM
user, but is not associated with a specific person. You can temporarily assume an IAM role in the AWS
Management Console by switching roles. You can assume a role by calling an AWS CLI or AWS API
operation or by using a custom URL. For more information about methods for using roles, see Using IAM
roles in the IAM User Guide.

IAM roles with temporary credentials are useful in the following situations:

• Temporary IAM user permissions – An IAM user can assume an IAM role to temporarily take on
different permissions for a specific task.
• Federated user access – Instead of creating an IAM user, you can use existing identities from AWS
Directory Service, your enterprise user directory, or a web identity provider. These are known as
federated users. AWS assigns a role to a federated user when access is requested through an identity
provider. For more information about federated users, see Federated users and roles in the IAM User

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Managing access using policies

• Cross-account access – You can use an IAM role to allow someone (a trusted principal) in a different
account to access resources in your account. Roles are the primary way to grant cross-account access.
However, with some AWS services, you can attach a policy directly to a resource (instead of using a role
as a proxy). To learn the difference between roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access,
see How IAM roles differ from resource-based policies in the IAM User Guide.
• Cross-service access – Some AWS services use features in other AWS services. For example, when you
make a call in a service, it's common for that service to run applications in Amazon EC2 or store objects
in Amazon S3. A service might do this using the calling principal's permissions, using a service role, or
using a service-linked role.
• Principal permissions – When you use an IAM user or role to perform actions in AWS, you are
considered a principal. Policies grant permissions to a principal. When you use some services, you
might perform an action that then triggers another action in a different service. In this case, you
must have permissions to perform both actions. To see whether an action requires additional
dependent actions in a policy, see Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for AWS X-Ray in the
Service Authorization Reference.
• Service role – A service role is an IAM role that a service assumes to perform actions on your behalf.
An IAM administrator can create, modify, and delete a service role from within IAM. For more
information, see Creating a role to delegate permissions to an AWS service in the IAM User Guide.
• Service-linked role – A service-linked role is a type of service role that is linked to an AWS service.
The service can assume the role to perform an action on your behalf. Service-linked roles appear
in your IAM account and are owned by the service. An IAM administrator can view, but not edit the
permissions for service-linked roles.
• Applications running on Amazon EC2 – You can use an IAM role to manage temporary credentials
for applications that are running on an EC2 instance and making AWS CLI or AWS API requests.
This is preferable to storing access keys within the EC2 instance. To assign an AWS role to an EC2
instance and make it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile that is attached
to the instance. An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that are running on the
EC2 instance to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using an IAM role to grant
permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances in the IAM User Guide.

To learn whether to use IAM roles or IAM users, see When to create an IAM role (instead of a user) in the
IAM User Guide.

Managing access using policies

You control access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities or AWS resources. A
policy is an object in AWS that, when associated with an identity or resource, defines their permissions.
You can sign in as the root user or an IAM user, or you can assume an IAM role. When you then make
a request, AWS evaluates the related identity-based or resource-based policies. Permissions in the
policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied. Most policies are stored in AWS as JSON
documents. For more information about the structure and contents of JSON policy documents, see
Overview of JSON policies in the IAM User Guide.

Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which principal can
perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.

Every IAM entity (user or role) starts with no permissions. In other words, by default, users can
do nothing, not even change their own password. To give a user permission to do something, an
administrator must attach a permissions policy to a user. Or the administrator can add the user to a
group that has the intended permissions. When an administrator gives permissions to a group, all users
in that group are granted those permissions.

IAM policies define permissions for an action regardless of the method that you use to perform the
operation. For example, suppose that you have a policy that allows the iam:GetRole action. A user with
that policy can get role information from the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the AWS API.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Managing access using policies

Identity-based policies
Identity-based policies are JSON permissions policy documents that you can attach to an identity, such
as an IAM user, group of users, or role. These policies control what actions users and roles can perform,
on which resources, and under what conditions. To learn how to create an identity-based policy, see
Creating IAM policies in the IAM User Guide.

Identity-based policies can be further categorized as inline policies or managed policies. Inline policies
are embedded directly into a single user, group, or role. Managed policies are standalone policies that
you can attach to multiple users, groups, and roles in your AWS account. Managed policies include AWS
managed policies and customer managed policies. To learn how to choose between a managed policy or
an inline policy, see Choosing between managed policies and inline policies in the IAM User Guide.

Resource-based policies
Resource-based policies are JSON policy documents that you attach to a resource. Examples of resource-
based policies are IAM role trust policies and Amazon S3 bucket policies. In services that support resource-
based policies, service administrators can use them to control access to a specific resource. For the
resource where the policy is attached, the policy defines what actions a specified principal can perform
on that resource and under what conditions. You must specify a principal in a resource-based policy.
Principals can include accounts, users, roles, federated users, or AWS services.

Resource-based policies are inline policies that are located in that service. You can't use AWS managed
policies from IAM in a resource-based policy.

Access control lists (ACLs)

Access control lists (ACLs) control which principals (account members, users, or roles) have permissions to
access a resource. ACLs are similar to resource-based policies, although they do not use the JSON policy
document format.

Amazon S3, AWS WAF, and Amazon VPC are examples of services that support ACLs. To learn more about
ACLs, see Access control list (ACL) overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Other policy types

AWS supports additional, less-common policy types. These policy types can set the maximum
permissions granted to you by the more common policy types.

• Permissions boundaries – A permissions boundary is an advanced feature in which you set the
maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity (IAM user or role).
You can set a permissions boundary for an entity. The resulting permissions are the intersection of
entity's identity-based policies and its permissions boundaries. Resource-based policies that specify
the user or role in the Principal field are not limited by the permissions boundary. An explicit deny
in any of these policies overrides the allow. For more information about permissions boundaries, see
Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.
• Service control policies (SCPs) – SCPs are JSON policies that specify the maximum permissions for
an organization or organizational unit (OU) in AWS Organizations. AWS Organizations is a service for
grouping and centrally managing multiple AWS accounts that your business owns. If you enable all
features in an organization, then you can apply service control policies (SCPs) to any or all of your
accounts. The SCP limits permissions for entities in member accounts, including each AWS account
root user. For more information about Organizations and SCPs, see How SCPs work in the AWS
Organizations User Guide.
• Session policies – Session policies are advanced policies that you pass as a parameter when you
programmatically create a temporary session for a role or federated user. The resulting session's
permissions are the intersection of the user or role's identity-based policies and the session policies.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
How AWS X-Ray works with IAM

Permissions can also come from a resource-based policy. An explicit deny in any of these policies
overrides the allow. For more information, see Session policies in the IAM User Guide.

Multiple policy types

When multiple types of policies apply to a request, the resulting permissions are more complicated to
understand. To learn how AWS determines whether to allow a request when multiple policy types are
involved, see Policy evaluation logic in the IAM User Guide.

How AWS X-Ray works with IAM

Before you use IAM to manage access to X-Ray, you should understand what IAM features are available
to use with X-Ray. To get a high-level view of how X-Ray and other AWS services work with IAM, see AWS
Services That Work with IAM in the IAM User Guide.

You can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to grant X-Ray permissions to users and
compute resources in your account. IAM controls access to the X-Ray service at the API level to enforce
permissions uniformly, regardless of which client (console, AWS SDK, AWS CLI) your users employ.

To use the X-Ray console (p. 49) to view service maps and segments, you only need read permissions.
To enable console access, add the AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess managed policy (p. 39) to your IAM

For local development and testing (p. 34), create an IAM user with read and write permissions.
Generate access keys for the user and store them in the standard AWS SDK location. You can use these
credentials with the X-Ray daemon, the AWS CLI, and the AWS SDK.

To deploy your instrumented app to AWS (p. 34), create an IAM role with write permissions and assign
it to the resources running your application. AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess includes permission to
upload traces, and some read permissions as well to support the use of sampling rules (p. 76).

The read and write policies do not include permission to configure encryption key settings (p. 25) and
sampling rules. Use AWSXrayFullAccess to access these settings, or add configuration APIs (p. 113)
in a custom policy. For encryption and decryption with a customer managed key that you create, you also
need permission to use the key (p. 35).

• X-Ray identity-based policies (p. 31)
• X-Ray resource-based policies (p. 34)
• Authorization based on X-Ray tags (p. 34)
• Running your application locally (p. 34)
• Running your application in AWS (p. 34)
• User permissions for encryption (p. 35)

X-Ray identity-based policies

With IAM identity-based policies, you can specify allowed or denied actions and resources as well as the
conditions under which actions are allowed or denied. X-Ray supports specific actions, resources, and
condition keys. To learn about all of the elements that you use in a JSON policy, see IAM JSON Policy
Elements Reference in the IAM User Guide.

Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which principal can
perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
How AWS X-Ray works with IAM

The Action element of a JSON policy describes the actions that you can use to allow or deny access in a
policy. Policy actions usually have the same name as the associated AWS API operation. There are some
exceptions, such as permission-only actions that don't have a matching API operation. There are also
some operations that require multiple actions in a policy. These additional actions are called dependent

Include actions in a policy to grant permissions to perform the associated operation.

Policy actions in X-Ray use the following prefix before the action: xray:. For example, to grant someone
permission to retrieve group resource details with the X-Ray GetGroup API operation, you include the
xray:GetGroup action in their policy. Policy statements must include either an Action or NotAction
element. X-Ray defines its own set of actions that describe tasks that you can perform with this service.

To specify multiple actions in a single statement, separate them with commas as follows:

"Action": [

You can specify multiple actions using wildcards (*). For example, to specify all actions that begin with
the word Get, include the following action:

"Action": "xray:Get*"

To see a list of X-Ray actions, see Actions Defined by AWS X-Ray in the IAM User Guide.

Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which principal can
perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.

The Resource JSON policy element specifies the object or objects to which the action applies.
Statements must include either a Resource or a NotResource element. As a best practice, specify
a resource using its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can do this for actions that support a specific
resource type, known as resource-level permissions.

For actions that don't support resource-level permissions, such as listing operations, use a wildcard (*) to
indicate that the statement applies to all resources.

"Resource": "*"

You can control access to resources by using an IAM policy. For actions that support resource-level
permissions, you use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource that the policy applies to.

All X-Ray actions can be used in an IAM policy to grant or deny users permission to use that action.
However, not all X-Ray actions support resource-level permissions, which enable you to specify the
resources on which an action can be performed.

For actions that don't support resource-level permissions, you must use "*" as the resource.

The following X-Ray actions support resource-level permissions:

• CreateGroup
• GetGroup
• UpdateGroup
• DeleteGroup
• CreateSamplingRule

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
How AWS X-Ray works with IAM

• UpdateSamplingRule
• DeleteSamplingRule

The following is an example of an identity-based permissions policy for a CreateGroup action. The
example shows the use of an ARN relating to Group name local-users with the unique ID as a
wildcard. The unique ID is generated when the group is created, and so it can't be predicted in the policy
in advance. When using GetGroup, UpdateGroup, or DeleteGroup, you can define this as either a
wildcard or the exact ARN, including ID.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following is an example of an identity-based permissions policy for a CreateSamplingRule action.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The ARN of a sampling rule is defined by its name. Unlike group ARNs, sampling rules have no
uniquely generated ID.

To see a list of X-Ray resource types and their ARNs, see Resources Defined by AWS X-Ray in the IAM User
Guide. To learn with which actions you can specify the ARN of each resource, see Actions Defined by AWS

Condition keys
X-Ray does not provide any service-specific condition keys, but it does support using some global
condition keys. To see all AWS global condition keys, see AWS Global Condition Context Keys in the IAM
User Guide.

To view examples of X-Ray identity-based policies, see AWS X-Ray identity-based policy
examples (p. 35).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
How AWS X-Ray works with IAM

X-Ray resource-based policies

X-Ray does not support resource-based policies, but it does support resource-level policies.

Authorization based on X-Ray tags

You can attach tags to X-Ray groups or sampling rules, or pass tags in a request to X-Ray. To control
access based on tags, you provide tag information in the condition element of a policy using the
xray:ResourceTag/key-name, aws:RequestTag/key-name, or aws:TagKeys condition
keys. For more information about tagging X-Ray resources, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and
groups (p. 337).

To view an example identity-based policy for limiting access to a resource based on the tags on that
resource, see Managing access to X-Ray groups and sampling rules based on tags (p. 37).

Running your application locally

Your instrumented application sends trace data to the X-Ray daemon. The daemon buffers segment
documents and uploads them to the X-Ray service in batches. The daemon needs write permissions to
upload trace data and telemetry to the X-Ray service.

When you run the daemon locally (p. 171), store your IAM user's access key and secret key in a file
named credentials in a folder named .aws in your user folder.

Example ~/.aws/credentials


If you already configured credentials for use with the AWS SDK or AWS CLI, the daemon can use those. If
multiple profiles are available, the daemon uses the default profile.

Running your application in AWS

When you run your application on AWS, use a role to grant permission to the Amazon EC2 instance or
Lambda function that runs the daemon.

• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) – Create an IAM role and attach it to the EC2 instance
as an instance profile.
• Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) – Create an IAM role and attach it to container
instances as a container instance IAM role.
• AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Elastic Beanstalk) – Elastic Beanstalk includes X-Ray permissions in its default
instance profile. You can use the default instance profile, or add write permissions to a custom instance
• AWS Lambda (Lambda) – Add write permissions to your function's execution role.

To create a role for use with X-Ray

1. Open the IAM console.

2. Choose Roles.
3. Choose Create New Role.
4. For Role Name, type xray-application. Choose Next Step.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

5. For Role Type, choose Amazon EC2.

6. Attach the following managed policy to give your application access to AWS services:

• AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess – Gives the X-Ray daemon permission to upload trace data.

If your application uses the AWS SDK to access other services, add policies that grant access to those
7. Choose Next Step.
8. Choose Create Role.

User permissions for encryption

X-Ray encrypts all trace data and by default, and you can configure it to use a key that you
manage (p. 25). If you choose a AWS Key Management Service customer managed key, you need to
ensure that the key's access policy lets you grant permission to X-Ray to use it to encrypt. Other users in
your account also need access to the key to view encrypted trace data in the X-Ray console.

For a customer managed key, configure your key with an access policy that allows the following actions:

• User who configures the key in X-Ray has permission to call kms:CreateGrant and
• Users who can access encrypted trace data have permission to call kms:Decrypt.

When you add a user to the Key users group in the key configuration section of the IAM console, they
have permission for both of these operations. Permission only needs to be set on the key policy, so you
don't need any AWS KMS permissions on your IAM users, groups, or roles. For more information, see
Using Key Policies in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

For default encryption, or if you choose the AWS managed CMK (aws/xray), permission is based
on who has access to X-Ray APIs. Anyone with access to PutEncryptionConfig, included in
AWSXrayFullAccess, can change the encryption configuration. To prevent a user from changing the
encryption key, do not give them permission to use PutEncryptionConfig.

AWS X-Ray identity-based policy examples

By default, IAM users and roles don't have permission to create or modify X-Ray resources. They also
can't perform tasks using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS API. An IAM administrator
must create IAM policies that grant users and roles permission to perform specific API operations on
the specified resources they need. The administrator must then attach those policies to the IAM users or
groups that require those permissions.

To learn how to create an IAM identity-based policy using these example JSON policy documents, see
Creating Policies on the JSON Tab in the IAM User Guide.

• Policy best practices (p. 36)
• Using the X-Ray console (p. 36)
• Allow users to view their own permissions (p. 36)
• Managing access to X-Ray groups and sampling rules based on tags (p. 37)
• IAM managed policies for X-Ray (p. 39)
• Specifying a resource within an IAM policy (p. 41)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

Policy best practices

Identity-based policies are very powerful. They determine whether someone can create, access, or delete
X-Ray resources in your account. These actions can incur costs for your AWS account. When you create or
edit identity-based policies, follow these guidelines and recommendations:

• Get started using AWS managed policies – To start using X-Ray quickly, use AWS managed policies
to give your employees the permissions they need. These policies are already available in your account
and are maintained and updated by AWS. For more information, see Get started using permissions
with AWS managed policies in the IAM User Guide.
• Grant least privilege – When you create custom policies, grant only the permissions required
to perform a task. Start with a minimum set of permissions and grant additional permissions as
necessary. Doing so is more secure than starting with permissions that are too lenient and then trying
to tighten them later. For more information, see Grant least privilege in the IAM User Guide.
• Enable MFA for sensitive operations – For extra security, require IAM users to use multi-factor
authentication (MFA) to access sensitive resources or API operations. For more information, see Using
multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the IAM User Guide.
• Use policy conditions for extra security – To the extent that it's practical, define the conditions under
which your identity-based policies allow access to a resource. For example, you can write conditions to
specify a range of allowable IP addresses that a request must come from. You can also write conditions
to allow requests only within a specified date or time range, or to require the use of SSL or MFA. For
more information, see IAM JSON policy elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.

Using the X-Ray console

To access the AWS X-Ray console, you must have a minimum set of permissions. These permissions
must allow you to list and view details about the X-Ray resources in your AWS account. If you create an
identity-based policy that is more restrictive than the minimum required permissions, the console won't
function as intended for entities (IAM users or roles) with that policy.

To ensure that those entities can still use the X-Ray console, also attach the following AWS managed
policy to the entities. For more information, see Adding Permissions to a User in the IAM User Guide:


You don't need to allow minimum console permissions for users that are making calls only to the AWS
CLI or the AWS API. Instead, allow access to only the actions that match the API operation that you're
trying to perform.

Allow users to view their own permissions

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows IAM users to view the inline and managed
policies that are attached to their user identity. This policy includes permissions to complete this action
on the console or programmatically using the AWS CLI or AWS API.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ViewOwnUserInfo",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

"Resource": ["arn:aws:iam::*:user/${aws:username}"]
"Sid": "NavigateInConsole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

Managing access to X-Ray groups and sampling rules based on

You can use conditions in your identity-based policy to control access to X-Ray groups and sampling rules
based on tags. The following example policy could be used to deny an IAM user role the permissions to
create, delete, or update groups with the tags stage:prod or stage:preprod. For more information
about tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).

To deny a user access to create, update, or delete a group with a tag stage:prod or stage:preprod,
assign the user a role with a policy similar to the following.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAllXRay",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "xray:*",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "DenyCreateGroupWithStage",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/stage": [
"Sid": "DenyUpdateGroupWithStage",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/stage": [

To deny the creation of a sampling rule, use aws:RequestTag to indicate tags that cannot be passed as
part of a creation request. To deny the update or deletion of a sampling rule, use aws:ResourceTag to
deny actions based on the tags on those resources.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAllXRay",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "xray:*",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "DenyCreateSamplingRuleWithStage",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "xray:CreateSamplingRule",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/stage": [
"Sid": "DenyUpdateSamplingRuleWithStage",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/stage": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

You can attach these policies (or combine them into a single policy, then attach the policy) to the IAM
users in your account. For the user to make changes to a group or sampling rule, the group or sampling
rule must not be tagged stage=prepod or stage=prod. The condition tag key Stage matches both
Stage and stage because condition key names are not case-sensitive. For more information about the
condition block, see IAM JSON Policy Elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.

A user with a role that has the following policy attached cannot add the tag role:admin to resources,
and cannot remove tags from a resource that has role:admin associated with it.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAllXRay",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "xray:*",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "DenyRequestTagAdmin",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "xray:TagResource",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/role": "admin"
"Sid": "DenyResourceTagAdmin",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "xray:UntagResource",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/role": "admin"

IAM managed policies for X-Ray

To make granting permissions easy, IAM supports managed policies for each service. A service can
update these managed policies with new permissions when it releases new APIs. AWS X-Ray provides
managed policies for read only, write only, and administrator use cases.

• AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess – Read permissions for using the X-Ray console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK to
get trace data and service maps from the X-Ray API. Includes permission to view sampling rules.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

"Resource": [

• AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess – Write permissions for using the X-Ray daemon, AWS CLI, or AWS
SDK to upload segment documents and telemetry to the X-Ray API. Includes read permissions to get
sampling rules (p. 76) and report sampling results.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

• AWSXrayFullAccess – Permission to use all X-Ray APIs, including read permissions, write
permissions, and permission to configure encryption key settings and sampling rules.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

To add a managed policy to an IAM user, group, or role

1. Open the IAM console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identity-based policy examples

2. Open the role associated with your instance profile, an IAM user, or an IAM group.
3. Under Permissions, attach the managed policy.

Specifying a resource within an IAM policy

You can control access to resources by using an IAM policy. For actions that support resource-level
permissions, you use an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify the resource that the policy applies to.

All X-Ray actions can be used in an IAM policy to grant or deny users permission to use that action.
However, not all X-Ray actions support resource-level permissions, which enable you to specify the
resources on which an action can be performed.

For actions that don't support resource-level permissions, you must use "*" as the resource.

The following X-Ray actions support resource-level permissions:

• CreateGroup
• GetGroup
• UpdateGroup
• DeleteGroup
• CreateSamplingRule
• UpdateSamplingRule
• DeleteSamplingRule

The following is an example of an identity-based permissions policy for a CreateGroup action. The
example shows the use of an ARN relating to Group name local-users with the unique ID as a
wildcard. The unique ID is generated when the group is created, and so it can't be predicted in the policy
in advance. When using GetGroup, UpdateGroup, or DeleteGroup, you can define this as either a
wildcard or the exact ARN, including ID.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

The following is an example of an identity-based permissions policy for a CreateSamplingRule action.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

"Resource": [

The ARN of a sampling rule is defined by its name. Unlike group ARNs, sampling rules have no
uniquely generated ID.

Troubleshooting AWS X-Ray identity and access

Use the following information to help you diagnose and fix common issues that you might encounter
when working with X-Ray and IAM.

• I Am not authorized to perform an action in X-Ray (p. 42)
• I Am not authorized to perform iam:PassRole (p. 42)
• I want to view my access keys (p. 43)
• I'm an administrator and want to allow others to access X-Ray (p. 43)
• I want to allow people outside of my AWS account to access my X-Ray resources (p. 43)

I Am not authorized to perform an action in X-Ray

If the AWS Management Console tells you that you're not authorized to perform an action, then you
must contact your administrator for assistance. Your administrator is the person that provided you with
your user name and password.

The following example error occurs when the mateojackson IAM user tries to use the console to view
details about a sampling rule but does not have xray:GetSamplingRules permissions.

User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/mateojackson is not authorized to perform:

xray:GetSamplingRules on resource: arn:${Partition}:xray:${Region}:${Account}:sampling-

In this case, Mateo asks his administrator to update his policies to allow him to access the sampling rule
resource using the xray:GetSamplingRules action.

I Am not authorized to perform iam:PassRole

If you receive an error that you're not authorized to perform the iam:PassRole action, then you must
contact your administrator for assistance. Your administrator is the person that provided you with your
user name and password. Ask that person to update your policies to allow you to pass a role to X-Ray.

Some AWS services allow you to pass an existing role to that service, instead of creating a new service
role or service-linked role. To do this, you must have permissions to pass the role to the service.

The following example error occurs when an IAM user named marymajor tries to use the console to
perform an action in X-Ray. However, the action requires the service to have permissions granted by a
service role. Mary does not have permissions to pass the role to the service.

User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/marymajor is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Logging and monitoring

In this case, Mary asks her administrator to update her policies to allow her to perform the
iam:PassRole action.

I want to view my access keys

After you create your IAM user access keys, you can view your access key ID at any time. However, you
can't view your secret access key again. If you lose your secret key, you must create a new access key pair.

Access keys consist of two parts: an access key ID (for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) and a secret
access key (for example, wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY). Like a user name and
password, you must use both the access key ID and secret access key together to authenticate your
requests. Manage your access keys as securely as you do your user name and password.
Do not provide your access keys to a third party, even to help find your canonical user ID. By
doing this, you might give someone permanent access to your account.

When you create an access key pair, you are prompted to save the access key ID and secret access key in
a secure location. The secret access key is available only at the time you create it. If you lose your secret
access key, you must add new access keys to your IAM user. You can have a maximum of two access keys.
If you already have two, you must delete one key pair before creating a new one. To view instructions,
see Managing access keys in the IAM User Guide.

I'm an administrator and want to allow others to access X-Ray

To allow others to access X-Ray, you must create an IAM entity (user or role) for the person or application
that needs access. They will use the credentials for that entity to access AWS. You must then attach a
policy to the entity that grants them the correct permissions in X-Ray.

To get started right away, see Creating your first IAM delegated user and group in the IAM User Guide.

I want to allow people outside of my AWS account to access my

X-Ray resources
You can create a role that users in other accounts or people outside of your organization can use to
access your resources. You can specify who is trusted to assume the role. For services that support
resource-based policies or access control lists (ACLs), you can use those policies to grant people access to
your resources.

To learn more, consult the following:

• To learn whether X-Ray supports these features, see How AWS X-Ray works with IAM (p. 31).
• To learn how to provide access to your resources across AWS accounts that you own, see Providing
access to an IAM user in another AWS account that you own in the IAM User Guide.
• To learn how to provide access to your resources to third-party AWS accounts, see Providing access to
AWS accounts owned by third parties in the IAM User Guide.
• To learn how to provide access through identity federation, see Providing access to externally
authenticated users (identity federation) in the IAM User Guide.
• To learn the difference between using roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access, see
How IAM roles differ from resource-based policies in the IAM User Guide.

Logging and monitoring in AWS X-Ray

Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of your AWS
solutions. You should collect monitoring data from all of the parts of your AWS solution so that you can

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Compliance validation

more easily debug a multi-point failure if one occurs. AWS provides several tools for monitoring your X-
Ray resources and responding to potential incidents:

AWS CloudTrail Logs

AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS CloudTrail to record API actions made by a user, a role, or an AWS
service in X-Ray. You can use CloudTrail to monitor X-Ray API requests in real time and store logs in
Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, and Amazon CloudWatch Events. For more information, see
Logging X-Ray API calls with AWS CloudTrail (p. 185).
AWS Config Tracking

AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS Config to record configuration changes made to your X-Ray
encryption resources. You can use AWS Config to inventory X-Ray encryption resources, audit the X-
Ray configuration history, and send notifications based on resource changes. For more information,
see Tracking X-Ray encryption configuration changes with AWS Config (p. 194).
Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring

You can use the X-Ray SDK for Java to publish unsampled Amazon CloudWatch metrics from your
collected X-Ray segments. These metrics are derived from the segment’s start and end time, and
the error, fault and throttled status flags. Use these trace metrics to expose retries and dependency
issues within subsegments. For more information, see AWS X-Ray metrics for the X-Ray SDK for
Java (p. 258).

Compliance validation for AWS X-Ray

Third-party auditors assess the security and compliance of AWS X-Ray as part of multiple AWS
compliance programs. These include SOC, PCI, HIPAA, and others.

For a list of AWS services in scope of specific compliance programs, see AWS Services in Scope by
Compliance Program. For general information, see AWS Compliance Programs.

You can download third-party audit reports using AWS Artifact. For more information, see Downloading
Reports in AWS Artifact.

Your compliance responsibility when using X-Ray is determined by the sensitivity of your data, your
company's compliance objectives, and applicable laws and regulations. AWS provides the following
resources to help with compliance:

• Security and Compliance Quick Start Guides – These deployment guides discuss architectural
considerations and provide steps for deploying security- and compliance-focused baseline
environments on AWS.
• Architecting for HIPAA Security and Compliance Whitepaper – This whitepaper describes how
companies can use AWS to create HIPAA-compliant applications.
• AWS Compliance Resources – This collection of workbooks and guides might apply to your industry
and location.
• AWS Config – This AWS service assesses how well your resource configurations comply with internal
practices, industry guidelines, and regulations.
• AWS Security Hub – This AWS service provides a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS
that helps you check your compliance with security industry standards and best practices.

Resilience in AWS X-Ray

The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. AWS Regions provide
multiple physically separated and isolated Availability Zones, which are connected with low-latency,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Infrastructure security

high-throughput, and highly redundant networking. With Availability Zones, you can design and operate
applications and databases that automatically fail over between Availability Zones without interruption.
Availability Zones are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than traditional single or
multiple data center infrastructures.

For more information about AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see AWS Global Infrastructure.

Infrastructure security in AWS X-Ray

As a managed service, AWS X-Ray is protected by the AWS global network security procedures that are
described in the Amazon Web Services: Overview of Security Processes whitepaper.

You use AWS published API calls to access X-Ray through the network. Clients must support Transport
Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 or later. We recommend TLS 1.2 or later. Clients must also support cipher suites
with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) such as Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) or Elliptic Curve Ephemeral
Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later support these modes.

Additionally, requests must be signed by using an access key ID and a secret access key that is associated
with an IAM principal. Or you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to generate temporary
security credentials to sign requests.

Using AWS X-Ray with VPC endpoints

If you use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to host your AWS resources, you can establish
a private connection between your VPC and X-Ray. This enables resources in your Amazon VPC to
communicate with the X-Ray service without going through the public internet.

Amazon VPC is an AWS service that you can use to launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you
define. With a VPC, you have control over your network settings, such the IP address range, subnets,
route tables, and network gateways. To connect your VPC to X-Ray, you define an interface VPC
endpoint. The endpoint provides reliable, scalable connectivity to X-Ray without requiring an internet
gateway, network address translation (NAT) instance, or VPN connection. For more information, see
What Is Amazon VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Interface VPC endpoints are powered by AWS PrivateLink, an AWS technology that enables private
communication between AWS services by using an elastic network interface with private IP addresses.
For more information, see the New – AWS PrivateLink for AWS Services blog post and Getting Started in
the Amazon VPC User Guide.

To ensure you can create a VPC endpoint for X-Ray in your chosen AWS Region, see Supported
Regions (p. 47).

Creating a VPC endpoint for X-Ray

To start using X-Ray with your VPC, create an interface VPC endpoint for X-Ray.

1. Open the Amazon VPC console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

2. Navigate to Endpoints within the navigation pane and choose Create Endpoint.
3. Search for and select the name of the AWS X-Ray service: com.amazonaws.region.xray.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Creating a VPC endpoint for X-Ray

4. Select the VPC you want and then select a subnet in your VPC to use the interface endpoint. An
endpoint network interface is created in the selected subnet. You can specify more than one subnet
in different Availability Zones (as supported by the service) to help ensure that your interface
endpoint is resilient to Availability Zone failures. If you do so, an interface network interface is
created in each subnet that you specify.

5. (Optional) Private DNS is enabled by default for the endpoint, so that you can make requests to X-
Ray using its default DNS hostname. You can choose to disable it.
6. Specify the security groups to associate with the endpoint network interface.

7. (Optional) Specify custom policy to control permissions to access the X-Ray service. By default, full
access is allowed.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Controlling access to your X-Ray VPC endpoint

Controlling access to your X-Ray VPC endpoint

A VPC endpoint policy is an IAM resource policy that you attach to an endpoint when you create or
modify the endpoint. If you don't attach a policy when you create an endpoint, Amazon VPC attaches
a default policy for you that allows full access to the service. An endpoint policy doesn't override or
replace IAM user policies or service-specific policies. It's a separate policy for controlling access from
the endpoint to the specified service. Endpoint policies must be written in JSON format. For more
information, see Controlling Access to Services with VPC Endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

VPC endpoint policy enables you to control permissions to various X-Ray actions. For example, you can
create a policy to allow only PutTraceSegment and deny all other actions. This restricts workloads and
services in the VPC to send only trace data to X-Ray and deny any other action such as retrieve data,
change encryption config, or create/update groups.

The following is an example of an endpoint policy for X-Ray. This policy allows users connecting to X-Ray
through the VPC to send segment data to X-Ray, and also prevents them from performing other X-Ray

{"Statement": [
{"Sid": "Allow PutTraceSegments",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"

To edit the VPC endpoint policy for X-Ray

1. Open the Amazon VPC console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

2. In the navigation pane, choose Endpoints.
3. If you haven't already created the endpoint for X-Ray, follow the steps in Creating a VPC endpoint
for X-Ray (p. 45).
4. Select the com.amazonaws.region.xray endpoint, and then choose the Policy tab.
5. Choose Edit Policy, and then make your changes.

Supported Regions
X-Ray currently supports VPC endpoints in the following AWS Regions:

• US East (Ohio)
• US East (N. Virginia)
• US West (N. California)
• US West (Oregon)
• Africa (Cape Town)
• Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
• Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
• Asia Pacific (Osaka)
• Asia Pacific (Seoul)
• Asia Pacific (Singapore)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Supported Regions

• Asia Pacific (Sydney)

• Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
• Canada (Central)
• Europe (Frankfurt)
• Europe (Ireland)
• Europe (London)
• Europe (Milan)
• Europe (Paris)
• Europe (Stockholm)
• Middle East (Bahrain)
• South America (São Paulo)
• AWS GovCloud (US-East)
• AWS GovCloud (US-West)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing the service map

AWS X-Ray console

The AWS X-Ray console enables you to view service maps and traces for requests that your applications

The console's service map is a visual representation of the JSON service graph that X-Ray generates from
the trace data generated by your applications.

The map consists of service nodes for each application in your account that serves requests, upstream
client nodes that represent the origins of the requests, and downstream service nodes that represent
web services and resources used by an application while processing a request.

You can use filters to view a service map or traces for a specific request, service, connection between two
services (an edge), or requests that satisfy a condition. X-Ray provides a filter expression language for
filtering requests, services, and edges based on data in request headers, response status, and indexed
fields on the original segments.

Viewing the service map

View the service map in the X-Ray console to identify services where errors are occurring, connections
with high latency, or traces for requests that were unsuccessful.

To view the service map

1. Open the X-Ray console. The service map is displayed by default. You can also choose Service map
from the left navigation pane.
You can now view the service map within the Amazon CloudWatch console. Open the
CloudWatch console and choose Service map under X-Ray traces from the left navigation
pane. You can also continue to use the X-Ray console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing the service map

2. Choose a service node to view requests for that node, or an edge between two nodes to view
requests that traveled that connection.
3. Use the histogram (p. 74) to filter traces by duration, and select status codes for which you want
to view traces. Then choose View traces to open the trace list with the filter expression applied.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing the service map

Within the CloudWatch console, choose a service node in the X-Ray service map to display additional
information, including tabs for metrics, alerts, and response time distribution. On the Metrics
tab, select a range within each graph to drill-down to view more detail, or choose Faults or Errors
options to filter traces. On the Response time distribution tab, select a range within the graph to
filter traces by response time. You can view traces at any time by choosing View traces, or if a filter
has been applied, choose View filtered traces.

The service map indicates the health of each node by coloring it based on the ratio of successful calls to
errors and faults:

• Green for successful calls

• Red for server faults (500 series errors)
• Yellow for client errors (400 series errors)
• Purple for throttling errors (429 Too Many Requests)

In the center of each node, the console shows the average response time and number of traces that it
sent per minute during the chosen time range.

If your service map is large, the console defaults to a zoomed out view. Use the on-screen controls or
mouse to zoom in and out and move the image around.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing the service map by group


– Zoom in or out. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

– Scroll the service map. Click and drag to scroll by using the mouse.

– Frame the selected node or edge in the center of map.

Viewing the service map by group

Using a filter expression, you can define criteria by which to accept traces into a group. Use the following
steps to then display that specific group in the service map.

To view a group service map

1. Open the service map page of the X-Ray console.

2. Choose a group name from the dropdown menu to the left of the search bar.

Changing the node presentation

Use the following options to change the way your service map is presented. You can toggle on service
icons to better follow the stream of services, and you can change the weights of your nodes to better
represent traffic or health.

To change the node presentation

1. Open the service map page of the X-Ray console, or an individual trace map.

Node options are in the bottom right of the map.

2. Choose a presentation for your node.

Service Icons enabled

Service Icons – When enabled, shows an icon for the AWS service respresented by the node,
instead of the default summary of activity.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Changing the node presentation

Node weight by None

None – No node resizing, all nodes are of the same weight.

Node weight by Health

Health – The node size is calculated by the total number of impacted requests. Impacted
requests include fault, error, and throttle. For example, a node with 10% total impacted
requests out of 1000 sampled (100 requests impacted) has a larger node size than a node with
only 50% total impacted requests out of 100 sampled (50 requests impacted).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

Node weight by Traffic

Traffic – The node size is calculated by the total number of sampled requests. For example, a
node with 1000 sampled requests has a larger node size than one with 100 sampled requests.

Viewing traces
Use the trace list in the X-Ray console to find traces by URL, response code, or other data from the trace

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

X-Ray console

To view traces in the X-Ray console

1. Open the Trace overview in the X-Ray console.

2. Choose a URL to filter the trace list.

3. Choose a trace ID to view the trace map and timeline for a trace.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

CloudWatch console

To view traces in the CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

2. Choose Traces under X-Ray traces in the left navigation pane. The Traces page allows you to
filter by group, and optionally enter a filter expression (p. 64) to filter the traces displayed in
the Traces section at the bottom of the page.
3. Refine your query in the Query refiners section. You can choose an option from the Refine
query by menu, to filter by Node, URL, and additional filters. A list of available filter values is
displayed immediately below. Choose one or more entries and choose Add to query to add to
the filter expression at the top of the page.

4. Choose Run query at any time to display a list of matching traces within the Traces section at
the bottom of the page.
5. Choose a trace ID from the list to display the Trace details page for a single trace. A Trace map
is displayed showing the nodes involved in the trace, along with a trace summary and a timeline
of trace segments.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing traces

The Timeline view shows a hierarchy of segments and subsegments. The first entry in the list is the
segment, which represents all data recorded by the service for a single request.

Below the segment are subsegments. This example shows subsegments recorded by instrumented
Amazon DynamoDB clients, and a custom subsegment.

The X-Ray SDK records subsegments automatically when you use an instrumented AWS SDK, HTTP, or
SQL client to make calls to external resources. You can also tell the SDK to record custom subsegments
for any function or block of code. Additional subsegments recorded while a custom subsegment is open
become children of the custom subsegment.

From the Timeline view, you can also access the raw trace data that the console uses to generate the
timeline. Choose Raw data to see the JSON document that contains all the segments and subsegments
that make up the trace.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing segment details

Viewing segment details

From the trace timeline, choose the name of a segment to view its details. The Overview tab shows
information about the request and response.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing segment details

The Resources tab for a segment shows information about the AWS resources running your application
and the X-Ray SDK. Use the Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS plugin for the SDK to
record service-specific resource information.

The remaining tabs show Annotations, Metadata, and Exceptions recorded on the segment. Exceptions
are captured automatically when thrown from an instrumented request. Annotations and metadata
contain additional information that you record by using the methods that the SDK provides.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing subsegment details

Viewing subsegment details

From the trace timeline, choose the name of a segment to view its details. For subsegments generated
with instrumented clients, the Overview tab contains information about the request and response
from your application's point of view. This example shows a subsegment from an instrumented call to

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Viewing subsegment details

The Resources tab for a subsegment shows details about the DynamoDB table, operation called, and
request ID.

For custom subsegments, the Overview tab shows the name of the subsegment, which you can set to
specify the area of the code or function that it records.

Use custom subsegments to organize subsegments from instrumented clients into groups. You can also
record metadata and annotations on subsegments, which can help you debug functions.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Filter expressions

In this example, the application records the state of each Game object that it saves to DynamoDB. It does
this by passing the object into the putMetadata method on the subsegment. The X-Ray SDK serializes
the object into JSON and adds it to the segment document.

Using filter expressions to search for traces in the

When you choose a time period of traces to view in the X-Ray console, you might get more results
than the console can display. In the upper-right corner, the console shows the number of traces that it
scanned and whether there are more traces available.

You can narrow the results to just the traces that you want to find by using a filter expression.

• Filter expression details (p. 65)
• Using filter expressions with groups (p. 65)
• Filter expression syntax (p. 66)
• Boolean keywords (p. 66)
• Number keywords (p. 67)
• String keywords (p. 68)
• Complex keywords (p. 69)
• id function (p. 71)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Filter expression details

Filter expression details

When you choose a node in the service map (p. 49), the console constructs a filter expression based
on the service name of the node, and the types of error present based on your selection. To find traces
that show performance issues or that relate to specific requests, you can adjust the expression that the
console provides or create your own. If you add annotations with the X-Ray SDK, you can also filter based
on the presence of an annotation key or the value of a key.
If you choose a relative time range in the service map and choose a node, the console converts
the time range to an absolute start and end time. To ensure that the traces for the node appear
in the search results, and avoid scanning times when the node wasn't active, the time range only
includes times when the node sent traces. To search relative to the current time, you can switch
back to a relative time range in the traces page and scan again.

If there are still more results available than the console can show, the console shows you how many
traces matched and the number of traces scanned. The percentage shown is the percentage of the
selected time frame that was scanned. To ensure that you see all matching traces represented in the
results, narrow your filter expression further, or choose a shorter time frame.

To get the freshest results first, the console starts scanning at the end of the time range and works
backward. If there are a large number of traces, but few results, the console splits the time range into
chunks and scans them in parallel. The progress bar shows the parts of the time range that have been

Using filter expressions with groups

Groups are a collection of traces that are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate
additional service graphs and supply Amazon CloudWatch metrics.

Groups are identified by their name or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and contain a filter expression.
The service compares incoming traces to the expression and stores them accordingly.

You can create and modify groups by using the dropdown menu to the left of the filter expression search
If the service encounters an error in qualifying a group, that group is no longer included in
processing incoming traces and an error metric is recorded.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Filter expression syntax

For more information about groups, see Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90).

Filter expression syntax

Filter expressions can contain a keyword, a unary or binary operator, and a value for comparison.

keyword operator value

Different operators are available for different types of keyword. For example, responsetime is a
number keyword and can be compared with operators related to numbers.

Example – requests where response time was greater than 5 seconds

responsetime > 5

You can combine multiple expressions in a compound expression by using the AND or OR operators.

Example – requests where the total duration was 5–8 seconds

duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8

Simple keywords and operators find issues only at the trace level. If an error occurs downstream, but is
handled by your application and not returned to the user, a search for error will not find it.

To find traces with downstream issues, you can use the complex keywords (p. 69) service() and
edge(). These keywords let you apply a filter expression to all downstream nodes, a single downstream
node, or an edge between two nodes. For more granularity, you can filter services and edges by type
with the id() function (p. 71).

Boolean keywords
Boolean keyword values are either true or false. Use these keywords to find traces that resulted in errors.

Boolean keywords

• ok – Response status code was 2XX Success.

• error – Response status code was 4XX Client Error.
• throttle – Response status code was 429 Too Many Requests.
• fault – Response status code was 5XX Server Error.
• partial – Request has incomplete segments.
• inferred – Request has inferred segments.
• first – Element is the first of an enumerated list.
• last – Element is the last of an enumerated list.
• remote – Root cause entity is remote.
• root – Service is the entry point or root segment of a trace.

Boolean operators find segments where the specified key is true or false.

Boolean operators

• none – The expression is true if the keyword is true.

• ! – The expression is true if the keyword is false.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Number keywords

• =,!= – Compare the value of the keyword to the string true or false. These operators act the same
as the other operators but are more explicit.

Example – response status is 2XX OK


Example – response status is not 2XX OK


Example – response status is not 2XX OK

ok = false

Example – last enumerated fault trace has error name "deserialize"

rootcause.fault.entity { last and name = "deserialize" }

Example – requests with remote segments where coverage is greater than 0.7 and the service
name is "traces"

rootcause.responsetime.entity { remote and coverage > 0.7 and name = "traces" }

Example – requests with inferred segments where the service type is "AWS:DynamoDB"

rootcause.fault.service { inferred and name = traces and type = "AWS::DynamoDB" }

Example – requests that have a segment with the name "data-plane" as the root

service("data-plane") {root = true and fault = true}

Number keywords
Use number keywords to search for requests with a specific response time, duration, or response status.

Number keywords

• responsetime – Time that the server took to send a response.

• duration – Total request duration, including all downstream calls.
• http.status – Response status code.
• index – Position of an element in an enumerated list.
• coverage – Decimal percentage of entity response time over root segment response time. Applicable
only for response time root cause entities.

Number operators

Number keywords use standard equality and comparison operators.

• =,!= – The keyword is equal to or not equal to a number value.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
String keywords

• <,<=, >,>= – The keyword is less than or greater than a number value.

Example – response status is not 200 OK

http.status != 200

Example – request where the total duration was 5–8 seconds

duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8

Example – requests that completed successfully in less than 3 seconds, including all
downstream calls

ok !partial duration <3

Example – enumerated list entity that has an index greater than 5

rootcause.fault.service { index > 5 }

Example – requests where the last entity that has coverage greater than 0.8

rootcause.responsetime.entity { last and coverage > 0.8 }

String keywords
Use string keywords to find traces with specific text in the request headers, or specific user IDs.

String keywords

• http.url – Request URL.

• http.method – Request method.
• http.useragent – Request user agent string.
• http.clientip – Requestor's IP address.
• user – Value of the user field on any segment in the trace.
• name – The name of a service or exception.
• type – Service type.
• message – Exception message.
• availabilityzone – Value of the availabilityzone field on any segment in the trace.
• instance.id – Value of the instance ID field on any segment in the trace.
• resource.arn – Value of the resource ARN field on any segment in the trace.

String operators find values that are equal to or contain specific text. Values must always be specified in
quotation marks.

String operators

• =,!= – The keyword is equal to or not equal to a number value.

• CONTAINS – The keyword contains a specific string.
• BEGINSWITH , ENDSWITH – The keyword begins or ends with a specific string.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Complex keywords

Example – http.url filter

http.url CONTAINS "/api/game/"

To test if a field exists on a trace, regardless of its value, check to see if it contains the empty string.

Example – user filter

Find all traces with user IDs.

user CONTAINS ""

Example – select traces with a fault root cause that includes a service named "Auth"

rootcause.fault.service { name = "Auth" }

Example – select traces with a response time root cause whose last service has a type of

rootcause.responsetime.service { last and type = "AWS::DynamoDB" }

Example – select traces with a fault root cause whose last exception has the message "access
denied for account_id: 1234567890"

rootcause.fault.exception { last and message = "Access Denied for account_id: 1234567890"

Complex keywords
Use complex keywords to find requests based on service name, edge name, or annotation value. For
services and edges, you can specify an additional filter expression that applies to the service or edge. For
annotations, you can filter on the value of an annotation with a specific key using Boolean, number, or
string operators.

Complex keywords

• annotation.key – Value of an annotation with field key. The value of an annotation can be a
Boolean, number, or string, so you can use any of the comparison operators of those types. You can't
use this keyword in combination with the service or edge keyword.
• edge(source, destination) {filter} – Connection between services source and
destination. Optional curly braces can contain a filter expression that applies to segments on this
• group.name / group.arn – The value of a group's filter expression, referenced by group name or
group ARN.
• json – JSON root cause object. See Getting data from AWS X-Ray (p. 104) for steps to create JSON
entities programmatically.
• service(name) {filter} – Service with name name. Optional curly braces can contain a filter
expression that applies to segments created by the service.

Use the service keyword to find traces for requests that hit a certain node on your service map.

Complex keyword operators find segments where the specified key has been set, or not set.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Complex keywords

Complex keyword operators

• none – The expression is true if the keyword is set. If the keyword is of boolean type, it will evaluate to
the boolean value.
• ! – The expression is true if the keyword is not set. If the keyword is of boolean type, it will evaluate to
the boolean value.
• =,!= – Compare the value of the keyword.
• edge(source, destination) {filter} – Connection between services source and
destination. Optional curly braces can contain a filter expression that applies to segments on this
• annotation.key – Value of an annotation with field key. The value of an annotation can be a
Boolean, number, or string, so you can use any of the comparison operators of those types. You can't
use this keyword in combination with the service or edge keyword.
• json – JSON root cause object. See Getting data from AWS X-Ray (p. 104) for steps to create JSON
entities programmatically.

Use the service keyword to find traces for requests that hit a certain node on your service map.

Example – Service filter

Requests that included a call to api.example.com with a fault (500 series error).

service("api.example.com") { fault }

You can exclude the service name to apply a filter expression to all nodes on your service map.

Example – service filter

Requests that caused a fault anywhere on your service map.

service() { fault }

The edge keyword applies a filter expression to a connection between two nodes.

Example – edge filter

Request where the service api.example.com made a call to backend.example.com that failed with
an error.

edge("api.example.com", "backend.example.com") { error }

You can also use the ! operator with service and edge keywords to exclude a service or edge from the
results of another filter expression.

Example – service and request filter

Request where the URL begins with http://api.example.com/ and contains /v2/ but does not reach
a service named api.example.com.

http.url BEGINSWITH "http://api.example.com/" AND http.url CONTAINS "/v2/" AND !


Example – service and response time filter

Find traces where http url is set and response time is greater than 2 seconds.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
id function

http.url AND responseTime > 2

For annotations, you can call all traces where annotation.key is set, or use the comparison operators
that correspond to the type of value.

Example – annotation with string value

Requests with an annotation named gameid with string value "817DL6VO".

annotation.gameid = "817DL6VO"

Example – annotation is set

Requests with an annotation named age set.


Example – annotation is not set

Requests without an annotation named age set.


Example – annotation with number value

Requests with annotation age with numerical value greater than 29.

annotation.age > 29

Example – group with user

Requests where traces meet the high_response_time group filter (e.g. responseTime > 3), and the
user is named Alice.

group.name = "high_response_time" AND user = "alice"

Example – JSON with root cause entity

Requests with matching root cause entities.

rootcause.json = #[{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "EntityPath": [{ "Name":

"GetWeatherData" }, { "Name": "get_temperature" } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature",
"EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature" } ] } ] }]

id function
When you provide a service name to the service or edge keyword, you get results for all nodes that
have that name. For more precise filtering, you can use the id function to specify a service type in
addition to a name to distinguish between nodes with the same name.

id(name: "service-name", type:"service::type")

You can use the id function in place of a service name in service and edge filters.

service(id(name: "service-name", type:"service::type")) { filter }

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
id function

edge(id(name: "service-one", type:"service::type"), id(name: "service-two",

type:"service::type")) { filter }

For example, the Scorekeep sample application (p. 134) includes an AWS Lambda function named
random-name. This creates two nodes in the service map, one for the function invocation, and one for
the Lambda service.

The two nodes have the same name but different types. A standard service filter will find traces for both.

Example – service filter

Requests that include an error on any service named random-name.

service("random-name") { error }

Use the id function to narrow the search to errors on the function itself, excluding errors from the

Example – service filter with id function

Requests that include an error on a service named random-name with type AWS::Lambda::Function.

service(id(name: "random-name", type: "AWS::Lambda::Function")) { error }

To search for nodes by type, you can also exclude the name entirely.

Example – service filter with id function

Requests that include an error on a service with type AWS::Lambda::Function.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Deep linking

service(id(type: "AWS::Lambda::Function")) { error }

Deep linking
You can use routes and queries to deep link into specific traces, or filtered views of traces and the service

Console pages

• Welcome page – xray/home#/welcome

• Getting started – xray/home#/getting-started
• Service map – xray/home#/service-map
• Traces – xray/home#/traces

You can generate links for timeline, raw, and map views of individual traces.

Trace timeline – xray/home#/traces/trace-id

Raw trace data – xray/home#/traces/trace-id/raw

Example – raw trace data


Filter expressions
Link to a filtered list of traces.

Filtered traces view – xray/home#/traces?filter=filter-expression

Example – filter expression

https://console.aws.amazon.com/xray/home#/traces?filter=service("api.amazon.com") { fault =
true OR responsetime > 2.5 } AND annotation.foo = "bar"

Example – filter expression (URL encoded)


For more information about filter expressions, see Using filter expressions to search for traces in the
console (p. 64).

Time range
Specify a length of time or start and end time in ISO8601 format. Time ranges are in UTC and can be up
to 6 hours long.

Length of time – xray/home#/page?timeRange=range-in-minutes

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Example – service map for the last hour


Start and end time – xray/home#/page?timeRange=start~end

Example – time range accurate to seconds


Example – time range accurate to minutes


Specify an AWS Region to link to pages in that Region. If you don't specify a Region, the console redirects
you to the last visited Region.

Region – xray/home?region=region#/page

Example – service map in US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)


When you include a Region with other query parameters, the Region query goes before the hash, and the
X-Ray-specific queries go after the page name.

Example – service map for the last hour in US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)


Example – recent traces with a duration filter



• Page – Traces
• Time Range – Last 15 minutes
• Filter – duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8

Using latency histograms in the X-Ray console

When you select a node or edge on an AWS X-Ray service map (p. 49), the X-Ray console shows a
latency distribution histogram.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Latency is the amount of time between when a request starts and when it completes. A histogram shows
a distribution of latencies. It shows duration on the x-axis, and the percentage of requests that match
each duration on the y-axis.

This histogram shows a service that completes most requests in less than 300 ms. A small percentage of
requests take up to 2 seconds, and a few outliers take more time.

Interpreting service details

Service histograms and edge histograms provide a visual representation of latency from the viewpoint of
a service or requester.

• Choose a service node by clicking the circle. X-Ray shows a histogram for requests served by the
service. The latencies are those recorded by the service, and don't include any network latency
between the service and the requester.
• Choose an edge by clicking the line or arrow tip of the edge between two services. X-Ray shows a
histogram for requests from the requester that were served by the downstream service. The latencies
are those recorded by the requester, and include latency in the network connection between the two

To interpret the Service details panel histogram, you can look for values that differ the most from the
majority of values in the histogram. These outliers can be seen as peaks or spikes in the histogram, and
you can view the traces for a specific area to investigate what's going on.

To view traces filtered by latency, select a range on the histogram. Click where you want to start the
selection and drag from left to right to highlight a range of latencies to include in the trace filter.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

After selecting a range, you can choose Zoom to view just that portion of the histogram and refine your

Once you have the focus set to the area you're interested in, choose View traces.

Configuring sampling rules in the X-Ray console

You can use the AWS X-Ray console to configure sampling rules for your services. The X-Ray SDK and
AWS services that support active tracing (p. 181) with sampling configuration use sampling rules to
determine which requests to record.

• Configuring sampling rules (p. 76)
• Customizing sampling rules (p. 77)
• Sampling rule options (p. 78)
• Sampling rule examples (p. 78)
• Configuring your service to use sampling rules (p. 79)
• Viewing sampling results (p. 79)
• Next steps (p. 80)

Configuring sampling rules

You can configure sampling for the following use cases:

• API Gateway Entrypoint – API Gateway supports sampling and active tracing. To enable active tracing
on an API stage, see Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for AWS X-Ray (p. 182).
• AWS AppSync – AWS AppSync supports sampling and active tracing. To enable active tracing on AWS
AppSync requests, see Tracing with AWS X-Ray.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Customizing sampling rules

• Instrument X-Ray SDK on compute platforms – When using compute platforms such as Amazon
EC2, Amazon ECS, or AWS Elastic Beanstalk, sampling is supported when the application has been
instrumented with the latest X-Ray SDK.

Customizing sampling rules

By customizing sampling rules, you can control the amount of data that you record. You can also modify
sampling behavior without modifying or redeploying your code. Sampling rules tell the X-Ray SDK how
many requests to record for a set of criteria. By default, the X-Ray SDK records the first request each
second, and five percent of any additional requests. One request per second is the reservoir. This ensures
that at least one trace is recorded each second as long as the service is serving requests. Five percent is
the rate at which additional requests beyond the reservoir size are sampled.

You can configure the X-Ray SDK to read sampling rules from a JSON document that you include with
your code. However, when you run multiple instances of your service, each instance performs sampling
independently. This causes the overall percentage of requests sampled to increase because the reservoirs
of all of the instances are effectively added together. Additionally, to update local sampling rules, you
must redeploy your code.

By defining sampling rules in the X-Ray console, and configuring the SDK (p. 79) to read rules from
the X-Ray service, you can avoid both of these issues. The service manages the reservoir for each
rule, and assigns quotas to each instance of your service to distribute the reservoir evenly, based on
the number of instances that are running. The reservoir limit is calculated according to the rules you
set. Because the rules are configured in the service, you can manage rules without making additional
You can now configure X-Ray sampling rules from within the Amazon CloudWatch console. You
can also continue to use the X-Ray console.

X-Ray console

To configure sampling rules in the X-Ray console

1. Open the X-Ray console.

2. Choose Sampling in the left navigation pane.
3. To create a rule, choose Create sampling rule.

To edit a rule, choose a rule's name.

To delete a rule, choose a rule and use the Actions menu to delete it.

CloudWatch console

To configure sampling rules in the CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Sampling rules within the X-Ray traces section.
4. To create a rule, choose Create sampling rule.

To edit a rule, choose a rule and choose Edit to edit it.

To delete a rule, choose a rule and choose Delete to delete it.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sampling rule options

Sampling rule options

The following options are available for each rule. String values can use wildcards to match a single
character (?) or zero or more characters (*).

Sampling rule options

• Rule name (string) – A unique name for the rule.

• Priority (integer between 1 and 9999) – The priority of the sampling rule. Services evaluate rules in
ascending order of priority, and make a sampling decision with the first rule that matches.
• Reservoir (non-negative integer) – A fixed number of matching requests to instrument per second,
before applying the fixed rate. The reservoir is not used directly by services, but applies to all services
using the rule collectively.
• Rate (number between 0 and 100) – The percentage of matching requests to instrument, after the
reservoir is exhausted. The rate can be an integer or a float.
• Service name (string) – The name of the instrumented service, as it appears in the service map.
• X-Ray SDK – The service name that you configure on the recorder.
• Amazon API Gateway – api-name/stage.
• Service type (string) – The service type, as it appears in the service map. For the X-Ray SDK, set the
service type by applying the appropriate plugin:
• AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment – An AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment (plugin).
• AWS::EC2::Instance – An Amazon EC2 instance (plugin).
• AWS::ECS::Container – An Amazon ECS container (plugin).
• AWS::APIGateway::Stage – An Amazon API Gateway stage.
• AWS::AppSync::GraphQLAPI – An AWS AppSync API request.
• Host (string) – The hostname from the HTTP host header.
• HTTP method (string) – The method of the HTTP request.
• URL path (string) – The URL path of the request.
• X-Ray SDK – The path portion of the HTTP request URL.
• Amazon API Gateway – Not supported.
• Resource ARN (string) – The ARN of the AWS resource running the service.
• X-Ray SDK – Not supported. The SDK can only use rules with Resource ARN set to *.
• Amazon API Gateway – The stage ARN.
• (Optional) Attributes (key and value) – Segment attributes that are known when the sampling decision
is made.
• X-Ray SDK – Not supported. The SDK ignores rules that specify attributes.
• Amazon API Gateway – Headers from the original HTTP request.

Sampling rule examples

Example – Default rule with no reservoir and a low rate

You can modify the default rule's reservoir and rate. The default rule applies to requests that don't
match any other rule.

• Reservoir: 0
• Rate: 0.005 (0.5 percent)
AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configuring your service to use sampling rules

Example – Debugging rule to trace all requests for a problematic route

A high-priority rule applied temporarily for debugging.

• Rule name: DEBUG – history updates

• Priority: 1
• Reservoir: 1
• Rate: 1
• Service name: Scorekeep
• Service type: *
• Host: *
• HTTP method: PUT
• URL path: /history/*
• Resource ARN: *

Example – Higher minimum rate for POSTs

• Rule name: POST minimum

• Priority: 100
• Reservoir: 10
• Rate: 0.10
• Service name: *
• Service type: *
• Host: *
• HTTP method: POST
• URL path: *
• Resource ARN: *

Configuring your service to use sampling rules

The X-Ray SDK requires additional configuration to use sampling rules that you configure in the console.
See the configuration topic for your language for details on configuring a sampling strategy:

• Java: Sampling rules (p. 240)

• Go: Sampling rules (p. 219)
• Node.js: Sampling rules (p. 268)
• Python: Sampling rules (p. 286)
• Ruby: Sampling rules (p. 325)
• .NET: Sampling rules (p. 309)

For API Gateway, see Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for AWS X-Ray (p. 182).

Viewing sampling results

The X-Ray console Sampling page shows detailed information about how your services use each
sampling rule.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Next steps

The Trend column shows how the rule has been used in the last few minutes. Each column shows
statistics for a 10-second window.

Sampling statistics

• Total matched rule: The number of requests that matched this rule. This number doesn't include
requests that could have matched this rule, but matched a higher-priority rule first.
• Total sampled: The number of requests recorded.
• Sampled with fixed rate: The number of requests sampled by applying the rule's fixed rate.
• Sampled with reservoir limit: The number of requests sampled using a quota assigned by X-Ray.
• Borrowed from reservoir: The number of requests sampled by borrowing from the reservoir. The first
time a service matches a request to a rule, it has not yet been assigned a quota by X-Ray. However, if
the reservoir is at least 1, the service borrows one trace per second until X-Ray assigns a quota.

For more information about sampling statistics and how services use sampling rules, see Using sampling
rules with the X-Ray API (p. 118).

Next steps
You can use the X-Ray API to manage sampling rules. With the API, you can create and update rules
programmatically on a schedule, or in response to alarms or notifications. See Configuring sampling,
groups, and encryption settings with the AWS X-Ray API (p. 113) for instructions and additional rule

The X-Ray SDK and AWS services also use the X-Ray API to read sampling rules, report sampling results,
and get sampling targets. Services must keep track of how often they apply each rule, evaluate rules
based on priority, and borrow from the reservoir when a request matches a rule for which X-Ray has
not yet assigned the service a quota. For more detail about how a service uses the API for sampling, see
Using sampling rules with the X-Ray API (p. 118).

When the X-Ray SDK calls sampling APIs, it uses the X-Ray daemon as a proxy. If you already use TCP
port 2000, you can configure the daemon to run the proxy on a different port. See Configuring the AWS
X-Ray daemon (p. 168) for details.

Using insights in the AWS X-Ray console

AWS X-Ray continuously analyzes trace data in your account to identify emergent issues in your
applications. When fault rates exceed the expected range, it creates an insight that records the issue and
tracks its impact until it's resolved. With insights, you can:

• Identify where in your application issues are occurring, the root cause of the issue, and associated
impact. The impact analysis provided by insights enables you to derive the severity and priority of an
• Receive notifications as the issue changes over time. Insights notifications can be integrated with your
monitoring and alerting solution using Amazon EventBridge. This integration enables you to send
automated emails or alerts based on the severity of the issue.

The X-Ray console identifies nodes with ongoing incidents in the service map. To see a summary of the
insight, choose the affected node. You can also view and filter insights by choosing Insights from the
navigation pane on the left.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Enable insights in the X-Ray console

X-Ray creates an insight when it detects an anomaly in one or more nodes of the service map. The
service uses statistical modeling to predict the expected fault rates of services in your application. In
the preceding example, the anomaly is an increase in faults from AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The Elastic
Beanstalk server experienced multiple API call timeouts, causing an anomaly in the downstream nodes.

Enable insights in the X-Ray console

Insights must be enabled for each group you want to use insights features with. You can enable insights
from the Groups page.

1. Open the X-Ray console.

2. Select an existing group or create a new one by choosing Create group, and then select Enable
Insights. For more information about configuring groups in the X-Ray console, see Configuring
groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90).
3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Insights, and then choose an insight to view.

X-Ray uses GetInsightSummaries, GetInsight, GetInsightEvents, and GetInsightImpactGraph API
operations to retrieve data from insights. To view insights, use the AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess IAM
managed policy or add the following custom policy to your IAM role:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Enable insights notifications

"Resource": [

For more information, see How AWS X-Ray works with IAM (p. 31).

Enable insights notifications

With insights notifications, a notification is created for each insight event, such as when an insight
is created, changes significantly, or is closed. Customers can receive these notifications through
Amazon EventBridge events, and use conditional rules to take actions such as SNS notification, Lambda
invocation, posting messages to an SQS queue, or any of the targets EventBridge supports. Insights
notifications are emitted on a best-effort basis but are not guaranteed. For more information about
targets, see Amazon EventBridge Targets.

You can enable insights notifications for any insights enabled group from the Groups page.

To enable notifications for an X-Ray group

1. Open the X-Ray console.

2. Select an existing group or create a new one by choosing Create group, ensure that Enable Insights
is selected, and then select Enable Notifications. For more information about configuring groups in
the X-Ray console, see Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90).

To configure Amazon EventBridge conditional rules

1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console.

2. Navigate to Rules in the left navigation bar, and choose Create rule.
3. Provide a name and description for the rule.
4. Choose Event pattern, and then choose Custom pattern. Provide a pattern containing "source":
[ "aws.xray" ] and "detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ]. The following
are some examples of possible patterns.
• Event pattern to match all incoming events from X-Ray insights:

"source": [ "aws.xray" ],
"detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ]

• Event pattern to match a specified state and category:

"source": [ "aws.xray" ],
"detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ],
"detail": {
"State": [ "ACTIVE" ],
"Category": [ "FAULT" ]

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Insight overview


5. Select and configure the targets that you would like to invoke when an event matches this rule.
6. (Optional) Provide tags to more easily identify and select this rule.
7. Choose Create.

X-Ray insights notifications sends events to Amazon EventBridge, which does not currently
support customer managed keys. For more information, see Data protection in AWS X-
Ray (p. 25).

Insight overview
The overview page for an insight attempts to answer three key questions:

• What is the underlying issue?

• What is the root cause?
• What is the impact?

The Anomalous services section shows a timeline for each service that illustrates the change in fault
rates during the incident. The timeline shows the number of traces with faults overlaid on a solid band
that indicates the expected number of faults based on the amount of traffic recorded. The duration of
the insight is visualized by the Incident window. The incident window begins when X-Ray observes the
metric becoming anomalous and persists while the insight is active.

The following example shows an increase in faults that caused an incident:

The Root cause section shows a service map focused on the root cause service and the impacted path.
You may hide the unaffected nodes by selecting the eye icon in the top right of the Root cause map. The
root cause service is the farthest downstream node where X-Ray identified an anomaly. It can represent a
service that you instrumented or an external service that your service called with an instrumented client.
For example, if you call Amazon DynamoDB with an instrumented AWS SDK client, an increase in faults
from DynamoDB results in an insight with DynamoDB as the root cause.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Insight overview

To further investigate the root cause, select View root cause details on the root cause graph. You can
use the Analytics page to investigate the root cause and related messages. For more information, see
Interacting with the AWS X-Ray Analytics console (p. 86).

Faults that continue upstream in the map can impact multiple nodes and cause multiple anomalies. If
a fault is passed all the way back to the user that made the request, the result is a client fault. This is a
fault in the root node of the service map. The Impact graph provides a timeline of the client experience
for the entire group. This experience is calculated based on percentages of the following states: Fault,
Error, Throttle, and Okay.

This example shows an increase in traces with a fault at the root node during the time of an incident.
Incidents in downstream services don't always correspond to an increase in client errors.

Choosing Analyze insight opens the X-Ray Analytics console in a window where you can dive deep into
the set of traces causing the insight. For more information, see Interacting with the AWS X-Ray Analytics
console (p. 86).

Understanding impact

AWS X-Ray measures the impact caused by an ongoing issue as part of generating insights and
notifications. The impact is measured in two ways:

• Impact to the X-Ray group (p. 90)

• Impact on the root cause service

This impact is determined by the percentage of request that are failing or causing an error within a given
time period. This impact analysis allows you to derive the severity and priority of the issue based on
your particular scenario. This impact is available as part of the console experience in addition to insights


AWS X-Ray insights de-duplicates issues across multiple microservices. It uses anomaly detection
to determine the service that is the root cause of an issue, determines if other related services are
exhibiting anomalous behavior due to the same root cause, and records the result as a single insight.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Review an insight's progress

Review an insight's progress

X-Ray reevaluates insights periodically until they are resolved, and records each notable intermediate
change as a notification (p. 82), which can be sent as an Amazon EventBridge event. This enables
you to build processes and workflows to determine how the issue has changed over time, and take
appropriate actions such as sending an email or integrating with an alerting system using EventBridge.

You can review incident events in the Impact Timeline on the Inspect page. By default the timeline
displays the most impacted service until you choose a different service.

To see a service map and graphs for an event, choose it from the impact timeline. The service map shows
services in your application that are affected by the incident. Under Impact analysis, graphs show fault
timelines for the selected node and for clients in the group.

To take a deeper look at the traces involved in an incident, choose Analyze event on the Inspect
page. You can use the Analytics page to refine the list of traces and identify affected users. For more
information, see Interacting with the AWS X-Ray Analytics console (p. 86).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Interacting with the AWS X-Ray Analytics console

The AWS X-Ray Analytics console is an interactive tool for interpreting trace data to quickly understand
how your application and its underlying services are performing. The console enables you to explore,
analyze, and visualize traces through interactive response time and time-series graphs.

When making selections in the Analytics console, the console constructs filters to reflect the selected
subset of all traces. You can refine the active dataset with increasingly granular filters by clicking the
graphs and the panels of metrics and fields that are associated with the current trace set.

• Console features (p. 86)
• Response time distribution (p. 87)
• Time series activity (p. 88)
• Workflow examples (p. 88)
• Observe faults on the service graph (p. 88)
• Identify response time peaks (p. 89)
• View all traces marked with a status code (p. 89)
• View all items in a subgroup and associated to a user (p. 90)
• Compare two sets of traces with different criteria (p. 90)
• Identify a trace of interest and view its details (p. 90)

Console features
The X-Ray Analytics console uses the following key features for grouping, filtering, comparing, and
quantifying trace data.


Feature Description

Groups The initial selected group is Default. To change

the retrieved group, select a different group from
the menu to the right of the main filter expression
search bar. To learn more about groups see, Using
filter expressions with groups.

Retrieved traces By default, the Analytics console generates

graphs based on all traces in the selected group.
Retrieved traces represent all traces in your
working set. You can find the trace count in this
tile. Filter expressions you apply to the main
search bar refine and update the retrieved traces.

Show in charts/Hide from charts A toggle to compare the active group against the
retrieved traces. To compare the data related to
the group against any active filters, choose Show
in charts. To remove this view from the charts,
choose Hide from charts.

Filtered trace set A Through interactions with the graphs and tables,
apply filters to create the criteria for Filtered
trace set A. As the filters are applied, the number

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Response time distribution

Feature Description
of applicable traces and the percentage of traces
from the total that are retrieved are calculated
within this tile. Filters populate as tags within the
Filtered trace set A tile and can also be removed
from the tile.

Refine This function updates the set of retrieved traces

based on the filters applied to trace set A.
Refining the retrieved trace set refreshes the
working set of all traces retrieved based on the
filters for trace set A. The working set of retrieved
traces is a sampled subset of all traces in the

Filtered trace set B When created, Filtered trace set B is a copy of

Filtered trace set A. To compare the two trace
sets, make new filter selections that will apply
to trace set B, while trace set A remains fixed. As
the filters are applied, the number of applicable
traces and the percentage of traces from the total
retrieved are calculated within this tile. Filters
populate as tags within the Filtered trace set B
tile and can also be removed from the tile.

Response time root cause entity paths A table of recorded entity paths. X-Ray
determines which path in your trace is the
most likely cause for the response time. The
format indicates a hierarchy of entities that are
encountered, ending in a response time root
cause. Use these rows to filter for recurring
response time faults. For more information about
customizing a root cause filter and getting data
through the API see, Retrieving and refining root
cause analytics.

Delta (�) A column that is added to the metrics tables

when both trace set A and trace set B are active.
The Delta column calculates the difference in
percentage of traces between trace set A and
trace set B.

Response time distribution

The X-Ray Analytics console generates two primary graphs to help you visualize traces: Response Time
Distribution and Time Series Activity. This section and the following provide examples of each, and
explain the basics of how to read the graphs.

The following are the colors associated with the response time line graph (the time series graph uses the
same color scheme):

• All traces in the group – gray

• Retrieved traces – orange
• Filtered trace set A – green
• Filtered trace set B – blue

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Time series activity

Example – Response time distribution

The response time distribution is a chart that shows the number of traces with a given response time.
Click and drag to make selections within the response time distribution. This selects and creates a filter
on the working trace set named responseTime for all traces within a specific response time.

Time series activity

The time series activity chart shows the number of traces at a given time period. The color indicators
mirror the line graph colors of the response time distribution. The darker and fuller the color block
within the activity series, the more traces are represented at the given time.

Example – Time series activity

Click and drag to make selections within the time series activity graph. This selects and creates a filter
named timerange on the working trace set for all traces within a specific range of time.

Workflow examples
The following examples show common use cases for the X-Ray Analytics console. Each example
demonstrates a key function of the console experience. As a group, the examples follow a basic
troubleshooting workflow. The steps walk through how to first spot unhealthy nodes, and then how
to interact with the Analytics console to automatically generate comparative queries. Once you have
narrowed the scope through queries, you will finally look at the details of traces of interest to determine
what is damaging the health of your service.

Observe faults on the service graph

The service map indicates the health of each node by coloring it based on the ratio of successful calls
to errors and faults. When you see a percentage of red on your node, it signals a fault. Use the X-Ray
Analytics console to investigate it.

For more information about how to read the service map, see Viewing the service map.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Identify response time peaks

Identify response time peaks

Using the response time distribution, you can observe peaks in response time. By selecting the peak in
response time, the tables below the graphs will update to expose all associated metrics, such as status

When you click and drag, X-Ray selects and creates a filter. It's shown in a gray shadow on top of the
graphed lines. You can now drag that shadow left and right along the distribution to update your
selection and filter.

View all traces marked with a status code

You can drill into traces within the selected peak by using the metrics tables below the graphs. By
clicking a row in the HTTP STATUS CODE table, you automatically create a filter on the working dataset.
For example, you could view all traces of status code 500. This creates a filter tag in the trace set tile
named http.status.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
View all items in a subgroup and associated to a user

View all items in a subgroup and associated to a user

Drill into the error set based on user, URL, response time root cause, or other predefined attributes. For
example, to additionally filter the set of traces with a 500 status code, select a row from the USERS
table. This results in two filter tags in the trace set tile: http.status, as designated previously, and

Compare two sets of traces with different criteria

Compare across various users and their POST requests to find other discrepancies and correlations. Apply
your first set of filters. They are defined by a blue line in the response time distribution. Then select
Compare. Initially, this creates a copy of the filters on trace set A.

To proceed, define a new set of filters to apply to trace set B. This second set is represented by a green
line. The following example shows different lines according to the blue and green color scheme.

Identify a trace of interest and view its details

As you narrow your scope using the console filters, the trace list below the metrics tables becomes more
meaningful. The trace list table combines information about URL, USER, and STATUS CODE into one
view. For more insights, select a row from this table to open the trace's detail page and view its timeline
and raw data.

Configuring groups in the X-Ray console

Groups are a collection of traces that are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate
additional service graphs and supply Amazon CloudWatch metrics. You can use the AWS X-Ray console or
X-Ray API to create and manage groups for your services. This topic describes how to create and manage
groups by using the X-Ray console. For information about how to manage groups by using the X-Ray API,
see Groups (p. 117).

You can create groups of traces for service maps, traces, or analytics. When you create a group, the group
becomes available as a filter on the group dropdown menu on all three pages: Service map, Traces, and

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Create a group

Groups are identified by their name or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and contain a filter expression.
The service compares incoming traces to the expression and stores them accordingly. For more
information about how to build a filter expression, see Using filter expressions to search for traces in the
console (p. 64).

Updating a group's filter expression doesn't change data that's already recorded. The update applies only
to subsequent traces. This can result in a merged graph of the new and old expressions. To avoid this,
delete a current group and create a new one.
Groups are billed by the number of retrieved traces that match the filter expression. For more
information, see AWS X-Ray pricing.

• Create a group (p. 91)
• Apply a group (p. 93)
• Edit a group (p. 93)
• Clone a group (p. 95)
• Delete a group (p. 96)
• View group metrics in Amazon CloudWatch (p. 96)

Create a group
You can now configure X-Ray groups from within the Amazon CloudWatch console. You can also
continue to use the X-Ray console.

X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Open the Create group page from the Groups page in the left navigation pane, or from the
group menu on one of the following pages: Service map, Traces, and Analytics.
3. On the Create group page, enter a name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of
32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.
4. Enter a filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Using
filter expressions to search for traces in the console (p. 64). In the following example, the group

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Create a group

filters for fault traces from the service api.example.com. and requests to the service where
the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5

5. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights,
see Using insights in the AWS X-Ray console (p. 80).

6. In Tags, enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. As you add a tag, a new line appears for you
to enter another tag. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's
row. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).

7. Choose Create group.

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose Create group above the list of groups.
5. On the Create group page, enter a name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of
32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.
6. Enter a filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Using
filter expressions to search for traces in the console (p. 64). In the following example, the group
filters for fault traces from the service api.example.com. and requests to the service where
the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5

7. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights,
see Using insights in the AWS X-Ray console (p. 80).

8. In Tags, choose Add new tag to enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. Continue to
add additional tags as desired. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose Remove
underneath each tag. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and
groups (p. 337).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Apply a group

9. Choose Create group.

Apply a group
X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Open one of the following pages from the navigation pane:

• Service map
• Traces
• Analytics
3. On the group menu, choose the group that you created in the section called “Create a
group” (p. 91). The data shown on the page changes to match the filter expression set in the

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Open one of the following pages from the navigation pane under X-Ray traces:

• Service map
• Traces
3. Enter a group name into the Filter by X-Ray group filter. The data shown on the page changes
to match the filter expression set in the group.

Edit a group
X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Do one of the following to open the Edit group page.

a. On the Groups page, choose the name of a group to edit it.

b. On the group menu on one of the following pages, point to a group, and then choose Edit.

• Service map
• Traces
• Analytics
3. Although you can't rename a group, you can update the filter expression. For more information
about how to build a filter expression, see Using filter expressions to search for traces in the
console (p. 64). In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service
api.example.com, where the request URL address contains example/game, and response
time for requests was greater than or equal to five seconds.

fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Edit a group

4. In Insights, enable or disable insights and insights notifications for the group. For more
information about insights, see Using insights in the AWS X-Ray console (p. 80).

5. In Tags, edit tag keys and values. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional; you can
delete values, if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more
information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).

6. When you're finished updating the group, choose Update group.

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Edit.
5. Although you can't rename a group, you can update the filter expression. For more information
about how to build a filter expression, see Using filter expressions to search for traces in the
console (p. 64). In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service
api.example.com, where the request URL address contains example/game, and response
time for requests was greater than or equal to five seconds.

fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5

6. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights,
see Using insights in the AWS X-Ray console (p. 80).

7. In Tags, choose Add new tag to enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. Continue to
add additional tags as desired. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose Remove
underneath each tag. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and
groups (p. 337).

8. When you're finished updating the group, choose Update group.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Clone a group

Clone a group
Cloning a group creates a new group that has the filter expression and tags of an existing group. When
you clone a group, the new group has the same name as the group from which it's cloned, with -clone
appended to the name.

X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that
you want to clone.
3. Choose Clone group from the Actions menu.
4. On the Create group page, the name of the group is group-name-clone. Optionally, enter
a new name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain
alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.
5. You can keep the filter expression from the existing group, or optionally, enter a new filter
expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Using filter
expressions to search for traces in the console (p. 64). In the following example, the group filters
for fault traces from the service api.example.com. and requests to the service where the
response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

service("api.example.com") { fault = true OR responsetime >= 5 }

6. In Tags, edit tag keys and values, if needed. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional;
you can delete values if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more
information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).
7. Choose Create group.

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Clone.
5. On the Create group page, the name of the group is group-name-clone. Optionally, enter
a new name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain
alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.
6. You can keep the filter expression from the existing group, or optionally, enter a new filter
expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Using filter
expressions to search for traces in the console (p. 64). In the following example, the group filters
for fault traces from the service api.example.com. and requests to the service where the
response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

service("api.example.com") { fault = true OR responsetime >= 5 }

7. In Tags, edit tag keys and values, if needed. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional;
you can delete values if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more
information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).
8. Choose Create group.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Delete a group

Delete a group
Follow steps in this section to delete a group. You can't delete the Default group.

X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that
you want to delete.
3. On the Actions menu, choose Delete group.
4. When you're prompted to confirm, choose Delete.

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Delete.
5. When you're prompted to confirm, choose Delete.

View group metrics in Amazon CloudWatch

After a group is created, incoming traces are checked against the group’s filter expression as they're
stored in the X-Ray service. Metrics for the number of traces matching each criteria are published
to Amazon CloudWatch every minute. Choosing View metric on the Edit group page opens the
CloudWatch console to the Metric page. For more information about how to use CloudWatch metrics,
see Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

X-Ray console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that
you want to view metrics for.
3. On the Edit group page, choose View metric.

The CloudWatch console Metrics page opens in a new tab.

CloudWatch console

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.
3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.
4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Edit.
5. On the Edit group page, choose View metric.

The CloudWatch console Metrics page opens in a new tab.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


The X-Ray API provides access to all X-Ray functionality through the AWS SDK, AWS Command Line
Interface, or directly over HTTPS. The X-Ray API Reference documents input parameters for each API
action, and the fields and data types that they return.

You can use the AWS SDK to develop programs that use the X-Ray API. The X-Ray console and X-Ray
daemon both use the AWS SDK to communicate with X-Ray. The AWS SDK for each language has a
reference document for classes and methods that map to X-Ray API actions and types.

AWS SDK References

• Java – AWS SDK for Java

• JavaScript – AWS SDK for JavaScript
• .NET – AWS SDK for .NET
• Ruby – AWS SDK for Ruby
• Go – AWS SDK for Go
• Python – AWS SDK for Python (Boto)

The AWS Command Line Interface is a command line tool that uses the SDK for Python to call AWS
APIs. When you are first learning an AWS API, the AWS CLI provides an easy way to explore the available
parameters and view the service output in JSON or text form.

See the AWS CLI Command Reference for details on aws xray subcommands.

• Using the AWS X-Ray API with the AWS CLI (p. 97)
• Sending trace data to AWS X-Ray (p. 100)
• Getting data from AWS X-Ray (p. 104)
• Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption settings with the AWS X-Ray API (p. 113)
• Using sampling rules with the X-Ray API (p. 118)
• AWS X-Ray segment documents (p. 121)

Using the AWS X-Ray API with the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI lets your access the X-Ray service directly and use the same APIs that the X-Ray console
uses to retrieve the service graph and raw traces data. The sample application includes scripts that show
how to use these APIs with the AWS CLI.

This tutorial uses the Scorekeep sample application and included scripts to generate tracing data and a
service map. Follow the instructions in the getting started tutorial (p. 4) to launch the application.

This tutorial uses the AWS CLI to show basic use of the X-Ray API. The AWS CLI, available for Windows,
Linux, and OS-X, provides command line access to the public APIs for all AWS services.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Generate trace data

You must verify that your AWS CLI is configured to the same Region that your Scorekeep sample
application was created in.

Scripts included to test the sample application uses cURL to send traffic to the API and jq to parse the
output. You can download the jq executable from stedolan.github.io, and the curl executable from
https://curl.haxx.se/download.html. Most Linux and OS X installations include cURL.

Generate trace data

The web app continues to generate traffic to the API every few seconds while the game is in-progress,
but only generates one type of request. Use the test-api.sh script to run end to end scenarios and
generate more diverse trace data while you test the API.

To use the test-api.sh script

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
3. Copy the environment URL from the page header.
4. Open bin/test-api.sh and replace the value for API with your environment's URL.


5. Run the script to generate traffic to the API.

~/debugger-tutorial$ ./bin/test-api.sh
Creating users,
configuring game,
playing game,
ending game,
game complete.

Use the X-Ray API

The AWS CLI provides commands for all of the API actions that X-Ray provides, including
GetServiceGraph and GetTraceSummaries. See the AWS X-Ray API Reference for more information
on all of the supported actions and the data types that they use.

Example bin/service-graph.sh

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The script retrieves a service graph for the last 10 minutes.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/service-graph.sh | less

"StartTime": 1479068648.0,
"Services": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Use the X-Ray API

"StartTime": 1479068648.0,
"ReferenceId": 0,
"State": "unknown",
"EndTime": 1479068651.0,
"Type": "client",
"Edges": [
"StartTime": 1479068648.0,
"ReferenceId": 1,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"TotalCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"OkCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.054000139236450195
"EndTime": 1479068651.0,
"Aliases": []
"StartTime": 1479068648.0,
"Names": [
"ReferenceId": 1,
"State": "active",
"EndTime": 1479068651.0,
"Root": true,
"Name": "scorekeep.elasticbeanstalk.com",

Example bin/trace-urls.sh

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query

The script retrieves the URLs of traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/trace-urls.sh

Example bin/full-traces.sh

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
TRACEIDS=$(aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time
$(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Id' --output text)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids $TRACEIDS --query 'Traces[*]'

The script retrieves full traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/full-traces.sh | less

"Segments": [
"Id": "3f212bc237bafd5d",
"Document": "{\"id\":\"3f212bc237bafd5d\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",
"Id": "309e355f1148347f",
"Document": "{\"id\":\"309e355f1148347f\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",
"Id": "1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75",
"Duration": 0.05099987983703613

Terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment to shut down the Amazon EC2 instances, DynamoDB
tables and other resources.

To terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
3. Choose Actions.
4. Choose Terminate Environment.
5. Choose Terminate.

Trace data is automatically deleted from X-Ray after 30 days.

Sending trace data to AWS X-Ray

You can send trace data to X-Ray in the form of segment documents. A segment document is a JSON
formatted string that contains information about the work that your application does in service of a
request. Your application can record data about the work that it does itself in segments, or work that
uses downstream services and resources in subsegments.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sending data

Segments record information about the work that your application does. A segment, at a minimum,
records the time spent on a task, a name, and two IDs. The trace ID tracks the request as it travels
between services. The segment ID tracks the work done for the request by a single service.

Example Minimal complete segment

"name" : "Scorekeep",
"id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0a",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979",
"end_time" : 1.478293361449E9

When a request is received, you can send an in-progress segment as a placeholder until the request is

Example In-progress segment

"name" : "Scorekeep",
"id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0b",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979",
“in_progress”: true

You can send segments to X-Ray directly, with PutTraceSegments (p. 102), or through the X-Ray
daemon (p. 103).

Most applications call other services or access resources with the AWS SDK. Record information about
downstream calls in subsegments. X-Ray uses subsegments to identify downstream services that don't
send segments and create entries for them on the service graph.

A subsegment can be embedded in a full segment document, or sent separately. Send subsegments
separately to asynchronously trace downstream calls for long-running requests, or to avoid exceeding
the maximum segment document size (64 kB).

Example Subsegment
A subsegment has a type of subsegment and a parent_id that identifies the parent segment.

"name" : "www2.example.com",
"id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0c",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979"
“end_time” : 1.478293361449E9,
“type” : “subsegment”,
“parent_id” : “70de5b6f19ff9a0b”

For more information on the fields and values that you can include in segments and subsegments, see
AWS X-Ray segment documents (p. 121).

• Generating trace IDs (p. 102)
• Using PutTraceSegments (p. 102)
• Sending segment documents to the X-Ray daemon (p. 103)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Generating trace IDs

Generating trace IDs

To send data to X-Ray, you need to generate a unique trace ID for each request. Trace IDs must meet the
following requirements.

Trace ID Format

A trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-

a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

• The version number, that is, 1.

• The time of the original request, in Unix epoch time, in 8 hexadecimal digits.

For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds, or 58406520
in hexadecimal digits.
• A 96-bit identifier for the trace, globally unique, in 24 hexadecimal digits.

You can write a script to generate trace IDs for testing. Here are two examples.


import time
import os
import binascii

START_TIME = time.time()
TRACE_ID="1-{}-{}".format(HEX, binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(12)))


START_TIME=$(date +%s)
HEX_TIME=$(printf '%x\n' $START_TIME)
GUID=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=12 count=1 2>/dev/null | od -An -tx1 | tr -d ' \t\n')

See the Scorekeep sample application for scripts that create trace IDs and send segments to the X-Ray

• Python – xray_start.py
• Bash – xray_start.sh

Using PutTraceSegments
You can upload segment documents with the PutTraceSegments API. The API has a single parameter,
TraceSegmentDocuments, that takes a list of JSON segment documents.

With the AWS CLI, use the aws xray put-trace-segments command to send segment documents
directly to X-Ray.

$ DOC='{"trace_id": "1-5960082b-ab52431b496add878434aa25", "id": "6226467e3f845502",

"start_time": 1498082657.37518, "end_time": 1498082695.4042, "name":
$ aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents "$DOC"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sending segment documents to the X-Ray daemon

"UnprocessedTraceSegments": []

Windows Command Processor and Windows PowerShell have different requirements for quoting
and escaping quotes in JSON strings. See Quoting Strings in the AWS CLI User Guide for details.

The output lists any segments that failed processing. For example, if the date in the trace ID is too far in
the past, you see an error like the following.

"UnprocessedTraceSegments": [
"ErrorCode": "InvalidTraceId",
"Message": "Invalid segment. ErrorCode: InvalidTraceId",
"Id": "6226467e3f845502"

You can pass multiple segment documents at the same time, separated by spaces.

$ aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents "$DOC1" "$DOC2"

Sending segment documents to the X-Ray daemon

Instead of sending segment documents to the X-Ray API, you can send segments and subsegments to
the X-Ray daemon, which will buffer them and upload to the X-Ray API in batches. The X-Ray SDK sends
segment documents to the daemon to avoid making calls to AWS directly.
See Running the X-Ray daemon locally (p. 171) for instructions on running the daemon.

Send the segment in JSON over UDP port 2000, prepended by the daemon header, {"format":
"json", "version": 1}\n

{"format": "json", "version": 1}\n{"trace_id": "1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793", "id":

"defdfd9912dc5a56", "start_time": 1461096053.37518, "end_time": 1461096053.4042, "name":

On Linux, you can send segment documents to the daemon from a Bash terminal. Save the header and
segment document to a text file and pipe it to /dev/udp with cat.

$ cat segment.txt > /dev/udp/

Example segment.txt

{"format": "json", "version": 1}

{"trace_id": "1-594aed87-ad72e26896b3f9d3a27054bb", "id": "6226467e3f845502", "start_time":
1498082657.37518, "end_time": 1498082695.4042, "name": "test.elasticbeanstalk.com"}

Check the daemon log (p. 168) to verify that it sent the segment to X-Ray.

2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Debug] processor: sending partial batch

2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Debug] processor: segment batch size: 1. capacity: 50

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Getting data

2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Info] Successfully sent batch of 1 segments (0.020 seconds)

Getting data from AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray processes the trace data that you send to it to generate full traces, trace summaries, and
service graphs in JSON. You can retrieve the generated data directly from the API with the AWS CLI.

• Retrieving the service graph (p. 104)
• Retrieving the service graph by group (p. 108)
• Retrieving traces (p. 109)
• Retrieving and refining root cause analytics (p. 112)

Retrieving the service graph

You can use the GetServiceGraph API to retrieve the JSON service graph. The API requires a start time
and end time, which you can calculate from a Linux terminal with the date command.

$ date +%s

date +%s prints a date in seconds. Use this number as an end time and subtract time from it to get a
start time.

Example Script to retrieve a service graph for the last 10 minutes

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The following example shows a service graph with 4 nodes, including a client node, an EC2 instance, a
DynamoDB table, and an Amazon SNS topic.

Example GetServiceGraph output

"Services": [
"ReferenceId": 0,
"Name": "xray-sample.elasticbeanstalk.com",
"Names": [
"Type": "client",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [
"ReferenceId": 2,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 3,
"ErrorStatistics": {

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving the service graph

"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 1,
"TotalCount": 1
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.273
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"ReferenceId": 1,
"Name": "awseb-e-dixzws4s9p-stack-StartupSignupsTable-4IMSMHAYX2BA",
"Names": [
"Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317583.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [],
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.12
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,
"Count": 1

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving the service graph

"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,
"Count": 1
"ReferenceId": 2,
"Name": "xray-sample.elasticbeanstalk.com",
"Names": [
"Root": true,
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"State": "active",
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [
"ReferenceId": 1,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.12
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"ReferenceId": 3,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving the service graph

"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.125
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 3,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 1,
"TotalCount": 1
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.273
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving the service graph by group

"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"ReferenceId": 3,
"Name": "SNS",
"Names": [
"Type": "AWS::SNS",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317583.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [],
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.125
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1

Retrieving the service graph by group

To call for a service graph based on the contents of a group, include a groupName or groupARN. The
following example shows a service graph call to a group named Example1.

Example Script to retrieve a service graph by name for group Example1

aws xray get-service-graph --group-name "Example1"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving traces

Retrieving traces
You can use the GetTraceSummaries API to get a list of trace summaries. Trace summaries include
information that you can use to identify traces that you want to download in full, including annotations,
request and response information, and IDs.

There are two TimeRangeType flags available when calling aws xray get-trace-summaries:

• TraceId – The default GetTraceSummaries search uses TraceID time and returns traces started within
the computed [start_time, end_time) range. This range of timestamps is calculated based on
the encoding of the timestamp within the TraceId, or can be defined manually.
• Event time – To search for events as they happen over the time, AWS X-Ray allows searching for traces
using event timestamps. Event time returns traces active during the [start_time, end_time)
range, regardless of when the trace began.

Use the aws xray get-trace-summaries command to get a list of trace summaries. The following
commands get a list of trace summaries from between 1 and 2 minutes in the past using the default
TraceId time.

Example Script to get trace summaries

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60))

Example GetTraceSummaries output

"TraceSummaries": [
"HasError": false,
"Http": {
"HttpStatus": 200,
"ClientIp": "",
"HttpURL": "http://scorekeep.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/session",
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36",
"HttpMethod": "POST"
"Users": [],
"HasFault": false,
"Annotations": {},
"ResponseTime": 0.084,
"Duration": 0.084,
"Id": "1-59602606-a43a1ac52fc7ee0eea12a82c",
"HasThrottle": false
"HasError": false,
"Http": {
"HttpStatus": 200,
"ClientIp": "",
"HttpURL": "http://scorekeep.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/user",
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36",
"HttpMethod": "POST"
"Users": [
"UserName": "5M388M1E"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving traces

"HasFault": false,
"Annotations": {
"UserID": [
"AnnotationValue": {
"StringValue": "5M388M1E"
"Name": [
"AnnotationValue": {
"StringValue": "Ola"
"ResponseTime": 3.232,
"Duration": 3.232,
"Id": "1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496",
"HasThrottle": false
"ApproximateTime": 1499473304.0,
"TracesProcessedCount": 2

Use the trace ID from the output to retrieve a full trace with the BatchGetTraces API.

Example BatchGetTraces command

$ aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids 1-596025b4-7170afe49f7aa708b1dd4a6b

Example BatchGetTraces output

"Traces": [
"Duration": 3.232,
"Segments": [
"Document": "{\"id\":\"1fb07842d944e714\",\"name\":
"Id": "1fb07842d944e714"
"Document": "{\"id\":\"194fcc8747581230\",\"name\":\"Scorekeep
\"user_agent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36\",\"client_ip\":\"\"},
\"},\"xray\":{\"sdk_version\":\"1.1.2\",\"sdk\":\"X-Ray for Java\"}},\"service

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving traces

\"namespace\":\"aws\"},{\"id\":\"071684f2e555e571\",\"name\":\"## UserModel.saveUser
\":{\"test\":\"Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser\"}},\"subsegments\":[{\"id\":
"Id": "194fcc8747581230"
"Document": "{\"id\":\"00f91aa01f4984fd\",\"name\":
"Id": "00f91aa01f4984fd"
"Document": "{\"id\":\"17ba309b32c7fbaf\",\"name\":
"Id": "17ba309b32c7fbaf"
"Document": "{\"id\":\"1ee3c4a523f89ca5\",\"name\":\"SNS\",\"start_time
"Id": "1ee3c4a523f89ca5"
"Id": "1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496"
"UnprocessedTraceIds": []

The full trace includes a document for each segment, compiled from all of the segment documents
received with the same trace ID. These documents don't represent the data as it was sent to X-Ray by
your application. Instead, they represent the processed documents generated by the X-Ray service. X-

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Retrieving and refining root cause analytics

Ray creates the full trace document by compiling segment documents sent by your application, and
removing data that doesn't comply with the segment document schema (p. 121).

X-Ray also creates inferred segments for downstream calls to services that don't send segments
themselves. For example, when you call DynamoDB with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records
a subsegment with details about the call from its point of view. However, DynamoDB doesn't send a
corresponding segment. X-Ray uses the information in the subsegment to create an inferred segment to
represent the DynamoDB resource in the service map, and adds it to the trace document.

To get multiple traces from the API, you need a list of trace IDs, which you can extract from the output of
get-trace-summaries with an AWS CLI query. Redirect the list to the input of batch-get-traces to
get full traces for a specific time period.

Example Script to get full traces for a one minute period

EPOCH=$(date +%s)
TRACEIDS=$(aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time
$(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Id' --output text)
aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids $TRACEIDS --query 'Traces[*]'

Retrieving and refining root cause analytics

Upon generating a trace summary with the GetTraceSummaries API , partial trace summaries can
be reused in their JSON format to create a refined filter expression based upon root causes. See the
examples below for a walkthrough of the refinement steps.

Example Example GetTraceSummaries output - response time root cause section

"Services": [
"Name": "GetWeatherData",
"Names": ["GetWeatherData"],
"AccountId": 123456789012,
"Type": null,
"Inferred": false,
"EntityPath": [
"Name": "GetWeatherData",
"Coverage": 1.0,
'Remote": false
"Name": "get_temperature",
"Coverage": 0.8,
"Remote": false
"Name": "GetTemperature",
"Names": ["GetTemperature"],
"AccountId": 123456789012,
"Type": null,
"Inferred": false,
"EntityPath": [
"Name": "GetTemperature",
"Coverage": 0.7,
"Remote": false

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


By editing and making omissions to the above output, this JSON can become a filter for matched root
cause entities. For every field present in the JSON, any candidate match must be exact, or the trace will
not be returned. Removed fields become wildcard values, a format which is compatible with the filter
expression query structure.

Example Reformatted response time root cause

"Services": [
"Name": "GetWeatherData",
"EntityPath": [
"Name": "GetWeatherData"
"Name": "get_temperature"
"Name": "GetTemperature",
"EntityPath": [
"Name": "GetTemperature"

This JSON is then used as part of a filter expression through a call to rootcause.json = #[{}]. Refer
to the Filter Expressions (p. 64) chapter for more details about querying with filter expressions.

Example Example JSON filter

rootcause.json = #[{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "EntityPath": [{ "Name":

"GetWeatherData" }, { "Name": "get_temperature" } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature",
"EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature" } ] } ] }]

Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption

settings with the AWS X-Ray API
AWS X-Ray provides APIs for configuring sampling rules (p. 76), group rules, and encryption
settings (p. 25).

• Encryption settings (p. 114)
• Sampling rules (p. 114)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Encryption settings

• Groups (p. 117)

Encryption settings
Use PutEncryptionConfig to specify an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key to use for
X-Ray does not support asymmetric KMS keys.

$ aws xray put-encryption-config --type KMS --key-id alias/aws/xray

"EncryptionConfig": {
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:123456789012:key/c234g4e8-39e9-4gb0-84e2-
"Status": "UPDATING",
"Type": "KMS"

For the key ID, you can use an alias (as shown in the example), a key ID, or an Amazon Resource Name

Use GetEncryptionConfig to get the current configuration. When X-Ray finishes applying your
settings, the status changes from UPDATING to ACTIVE.

$ aws xray get-encryption-config

"EncryptionConfig": {
"KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:123456789012:key/c234g4e8-39e9-4gb0-84e2-
"Status": "ACTIVE",
"Type": "KMS"

To stop using a KMS key and use default encryption, set the encryption type to NONE.

$ aws xray put-encryption-config --type NONE

"EncryptionConfig": {
"Status": "UPDATING",
"Type": "NONE"

Sampling rules
You can manage the sampling rules (p. 76) in your account with the X-Ray API. For more information
about adding and managing tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).

Get all sampling rules with GetSamplingRules.

$ aws xray get-sampling-rules

"SamplingRuleRecords": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sampling rules

"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "Default",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:sampling-rule/Default",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 10000,
"FixedRate": 0.05,
"ReservoirSize": 1,
"ServiceName": "*",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 0.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1529959993.0

The default rule applies to all requests that don't match another rule. It is the lowest priority rule and
cannot be deleted. You can, however, change the rate and reservoir size with UpdateSamplingRule.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 10000-default.json

"SamplingRuleUpdate": {
"RuleName": "Default",
"FixedRate": 0.01,
"ReservoirSize": 0

The following example uses the previous file as input to change the default rule to one percent with no
reservoir. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional.
To remove existing tags from a sampling rule, use UntagResource

$ aws xray update-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://1000-default.json --tags [{"Key":

"key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}]
"SamplingRuleRecords": [
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "Default",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:sampling-rule/Default",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 10000,
"FixedRate": 0.01,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "*",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 0.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1529959993.0

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sampling rules

Create additional sampling rules with CreateSamplingRule. When you create a rule, most of the
rule fields are required. The following example creates two rules. This first rule sets a base rate for
the Scorekeep sample application. It matches all requests served by the API that don't match a higher
priority rule.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 9000-base-scorekeep.json

"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 9000,
"FixedRate": 0.1,
"ReservoirSize": 5,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1

The second rule also applies to Scorekeep, but it has a higher priority and is more specific. This rule
sets a very low sampling rate for polling requests. These are GET requests made by the client every few
seconds to check for changes to the game state.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 5000-polling-scorekeep.json

"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 5000,
"FixedRate": 0.003,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "GET",
"URLPath": "/api/state/*",
"Version": 1

Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional.

$ aws xray create-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://5000-polling-scorekeep.json --tags

[{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}]
"SamplingRuleRecord": {
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/polling-
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 5000,
"FixedRate": 0.003,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "GET",
"URLPath": "/api/state/*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 1530574399.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530574399.0
$ aws xray create-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://9000-base-scorekeep.json
"SamplingRuleRecord": {
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/base-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 9000,
"FixedRate": 0.1,
"ReservoirSize": 5,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 1530574410.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530574410.0

To delete a sampling rule, use DeleteSamplingRule.

$ aws xray delete-sampling-rule --rule-name polling-scorekeep

"SamplingRuleRecord": {
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/polling-
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 5000,
"FixedRate": 0.003,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "GET",
"URLPath": "/api/state/*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 1530574399.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530574399.0

You can use the X-Ray API to manage groups in your account. Groups are a collection of traces that
are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate additional service graphs and supply

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Amazon CloudWatch metrics. See Getting data from AWS X-Ray (p. 104) for more details about
working with service graphs and metrics through the X-Ray API. For more information about groups, see
Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90). For more information about adding and managing tags,
see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups (p. 337).

Create a group with CreateGroup. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required,
and tag values are optional.

$ aws xray create-group --group-name "TestGroup" --filter-expression "service(\"example.com

\") {fault}" --tags [{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value":
"GroupName": "TestGroup",
"GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID",
"FilterExpression": "service(\"example.com\") {fault OR error}"

Get all existing groups with GetGroups.

$ aws xray get-groups

"Groups": [
"GroupName": "TestGroup",
"GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID",
"FilterExpression": "service(\"example.com\") {fault OR error}"
"GroupName": "TestGroup2",
"GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup2/UniqueID",
"FilterExpression": "responsetime > 2"
"NextToken": "tokenstring"

Update a group with UpdateGroup. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required,
and tag values are optional. To remove existing tags from a group, use UntagResource.

$ aws xray update-group --group-name "TestGroup" --group-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-

east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID" --filter-expression "service(\"example.com\")
{fault OR error}" --tags [{"Key": "Stage","Value": "Prod"},{"Key": "Department","Value":
"GroupName": "TestGroup",
"GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID",
"FilterExpression": "service(\"example.com\") {fault OR error}"

Delete a group with DeleteGroup.

$ aws xray delete-group --group-name "TestGroup" --group-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-


Using sampling rules with the X-Ray API

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

The AWS X-Ray SDK uses the X-Ray API to get sampling rules, report sampling results, and get quotas.
You can use these APIs to get a better understanding of how sampling rules work, or to implement
sampling in a language that the X-Ray SDK doesn't support.

Start by getting all sampling rules with GetSamplingRules.

$ aws xray get-sampling-rules

"SamplingRuleRecords": [
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "Default",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/Default",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 10000,
"FixedRate": 0.01,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "*",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 0.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530558121.0
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/base-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 9000,
"FixedRate": 0.1,
"ReservoirSize": 2,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 1530573954.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530920505.0
"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/polling-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 5000,
"FixedRate": 0.003,
"ReservoirSize": 0,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "GET",
"URLPath": "/api/state/*",
"Version": 1,
"Attributes": {}
"CreatedAt": 1530918163.0,
"ModifiedAt": 1530918163.0

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


The output includes the default rule and custom rules. See Sampling rules (p. 114) if you haven't yet
created sampling rules.

Evaluate rules against incoming requests in ascending order of priority. When a rule matches, use the
fixed rate and reservoir size to make a sampling decision. Record sampled requests and ignore (for
tracing purposes) unsampled requests. Stop evaluating rules when a sampling decision is made.

A rules reservoir size is the target number of traces to record per second before applying the fixed
rate. The reservoir applies across all services cumulatively, so you can't use it directly. However, if it is
non-zero, you can borrow one trace per second from the reservoir until X-Ray assigns a quota. Before
receiving a quota, record the first request each second, and apply the fixed rate to additional requests.
The fixed rate is a decimal between 0 and 1.00 (100%).

The following example shows a call to GetSamplingTargets with details about sampling decisions
made over the last 10 seconds.

$ aws xray get-sampling-targets --sampling-statistics-documents '[

"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"ClientID": "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF10",
"Timestamp": "2018-07-07T00:20:06",
"RequestCount": 110,
"SampledCount": 20,
"BorrowCount": 10
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"ClientID": "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF10",
"Timestamp": "2018-07-07T00:20:06",
"RequestCount": 10500,
"SampledCount": 31,
"BorrowCount": 0
"SamplingTargetDocuments": [
"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"FixedRate": 0.1,
"ReservoirQuota": 2,
"ReservoirQuotaTTL": 1530923107.0,
"Interval": 10
"RuleName": "polling-scorekeep",
"FixedRate": 0.003,
"ReservoirQuota": 0,
"ReservoirQuotaTTL": 1530923107.0,
"Interval": 10
"LastRuleModification": 1530920505.0,
"UnprocessedStatistics": []

The response from X-Ray includes a quota to use instead of borrowing from the reservoir. In this
example, the service borrowed 10 traces from the reservoir over 10 seconds, and applied the fixed rate

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Segment documents

of 10 percent to the other 100 requests, resulting in a total of 20 sampled requests. The quota is good
for five minutes (indicated by the time to live) or until a new quota is assigned. X-Ray may also assign a
longer reporting interval than the default, although it didn't here.
The response from X-Ray might not include a quota the first time you call it. Continue
borrowing from the reservoir until you are assigned a quota.

The other two fields in the response might indicate issues with the input. Check
LastRuleModification against the last time you called GetSamplingRules. If it's newer, get a
new copy of the rules. UnprocessedStatistics can include errors that indicate that a rule has been
deleted, that the statistics document in the input was too old, or permissions errors.

AWS X-Ray segment documents

A trace segment is a JSON representation of a request that your application serves. A trace segment
records information about the original request, information about the work that your application does
locally, and subsegments with information about downstream calls that your application makes to AWS
resources, HTTP APIs, and SQL databases.

A segment document conveys information about a segment to X-Ray. A segment document can be up
to 64 kB and contain a whole segment with subsegments, a fragment of a segment that indicates that a
request is in progress, or a single subsegment that is sent separately. You can send segment documents
directly to X-Ray by using the PutTraceSegments API.

X-Ray compiles and processes segment documents to generate queryable trace summaries and full
traces that you can access by using the GetTraceSummaries and BatchGetTraces APIs, respectively.
In addition to the segments and subsegments that you send to X-Ray, the service uses information
in subsegments to generate inferred segments and adds them to the full trace. Inferred segments
represent downstream services and resources in the service map.

X-Ray provides a JSON schema for segment documents. You can download the schema here: xray-
segmentdocument-schema-v1.0.0. The fields and objects listed in the schema are described in more
detail in the following sections.

A subset of segment fields are indexed by X-Ray for use with filter expressions. For example, if you set
the user field on a segment to a unique identifier, you can search for segments associated with specific
users in the X-Ray console or by using the GetTraceSummaries API. For more information, see Using
filter expressions to search for traces in the console (p. 64).

When you instrument your application with the X-Ray SDK, the SDK generates segment documents for
you. Instead of sending segment documents directly to X-Ray, the SDK transmits them over a local UDP
port to the X-Ray daemon (p. 165). For more information, see Sending segment documents to the X-
Ray daemon (p. 103).

• Segment fields (p. 122)
• Subsegments (p. 123)
• HTTP request data (p. 126)
• Annotations (p. 128)
• Metadata (p. 129)
• AWS resource data (p. 129)
• Errors and exceptions (p. 131)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Segment fields

• SQL queries (p. 132)

Segment fields
A segment records tracing information about a request that your application serves. At a minimum, a
segment records the name, ID, start time, trace ID, and end time of the request.

Example Minimal complete segment

"name" : "example.com",
"id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0a",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979",
"end_time" : 1.478293361449E9

The following fields are required, or conditionally required, for segments.

Values must be strings (up to 250 characters) unless noted otherwise.

Required Segment Fields

• name – The logical name of the service that handled the request, up to 200 characters. For example,
your application's name or domain name. Names can contain Unicode letters, numbers, and
whitespace, and the following symbols: _, ., :, /, %, &, #, =, +, \, -, @
• id – A 64-bit identifier for the segment, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16 hexadecimal
• trace_id – A unique identifier that connects all segments and subsegments originating from a single
client request.

Trace ID Format

A trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-

a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:
• The version number, that is, 1.
• The time of the original request, in Unix epoch time, in 8 hexadecimal digits.

For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds, or 58406520
in hexadecimal digits.
• A 96-bit identifier for the trace, globally unique, in 24 hexadecimal digits.
Trace ID Security
Trace IDs are visible in response headers (p. 21). Generate trace IDs with a secure random
algorithm to ensure that attackers cannot calculate future trace IDs and send requests with
those IDs to your application.
• start_time – number that is the time the segment was created, in floating point seconds in epoch
time. For example, 1480615200.010 or 1.480615200010E9. Use as many decimal places as you
need. Microsecond resolution is recommended when available.
• end_time – number that is the time the segment was closed. For example, 1480615200.090 or
1.480615200090E9. Specify either an end_time or in_progress.
• in_progress – boolean, set to true instead of specifying an end_time to record that a segment is
started, but is not complete. Send an in-progress segment when your application receives a request
that will take a long time to serve, to trace the request receipt. When the response is sent, send the

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

complete segment to overwrite the in-progress segment. Only send one complete segment, and one
or zero in-progress segments, per request.

Service Names
A segment's name should match the domain name or logical name of the service that
generates the segment. However, this is not enforced. Any application that has permission to
PutTraceSegments can send segments with any name.

The following fields are optional for segments.

Optional Segment Fields

• service – An object with information about your application.

• version – A string that identifies the version of your application that served the request.
• user – A string that identifies the user who sent the request.
• origin – The type of AWS resource running your application.

Supported Values
• AWS::EC2::Instance – An Amazon EC2 instance.
• AWS::ECS::Container – An Amazon ECS container.
• AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment – An Elastic Beanstalk environment.

When multiple values are applicable to your application, use the one that is most specific. For example,
a Multicontainer Docker Elastic Beanstalk environment runs your application on an Amazon ECS
container, which in turn runs on an Amazon EC2 instance. In this case you would set the origin to
AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment as the environment is the parent of the other two
• parent_id – A subsegment ID you specify if the request originated from an instrumented application.
The X-Ray SDK adds the parent subsegment ID to the tracing header (p. 21) for downstream HTTP
calls. In the case of nested subsegments, a subsegment can have a segment or a subsegment as its
• http – http (p. 126) objects with information about the original HTTP request.
• aws – aws (p. 129) object with information about the AWS resource on which your application served
the request.
• error, throttle, fault, and cause – error (p. 131) fields that indicate an error occurred and that
include information about the exception that caused the error.
• annotations – annotations (p. 128) object with key-value pairs that you want X-Ray to index for
• metadata – metadata (p. 129) object with any additional data that you want to store in the
• subsegments – array of subsegment (p. 123) objects.

You can create subsegments to record calls to AWS services and resources that you make with the
AWS SDK, calls to internal or external HTTP web APIs, or SQL database queries. You can also create
subsegments to debug or annotate blocks of code in your application. Subsegments can contain other
subsegments, so a custom subsegment that records metadata about an internal function call can contain
other custom subsegments and subsegments for downstream calls.

A subsegment records a downstream call from the point of view of the service that calls it. X-Ray uses
subsegments to identify downstream services that don't send segments and create entries for them on
the service graph.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

A subsegment can be embedded in a full segment document or sent independently. Send subsegments
separately to asynchronously trace downstream calls for long-running requests, or to avoid exceeding
the maximum segment document size.

Example Segment with embedded subsegment

An independent subsegment has a type of subsegment and a parent_id that identifies the parent

"trace_id" : "1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793",
"id" : "defdfd9912dc5a56",
"start_time" : 1461096053.37518,
"end_time" : 1461096053.4042,
"name" : "www.example.com",
"http" : {
"request" : {
"url" : "https://www.example.com/health",
"method" : "GET",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/601.7.7",
"client_ip" : ""
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"content_length" : 86
"subsegments" : [
"id" : "53995c3f42cd8ad8",
"name" : "api.example.com",
"start_time" : 1461096053.37769,
"end_time" : 1461096053.40379,
"namespace" : "remote",
"http" : {
"request" : {
"url" : "https://api.example.com/health",
"method" : "POST",
"traced" : true
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"content_length" : 861

For long-running requests, you can send an in-progress segment to notify X-Ray that the request was
received, and then send subsegments separately to trace them before completing the original request.

Example In-progress segment

"name" : "example.com",
"id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0b",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979",
"in_progress": true

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Example Independent subsegment

An independent subsegment has a type of subsegment, a trace_id, and a parent_id that identifies
the parent segment.

"name" : "api.example.com",
"id" : "53995c3f42cd8ad8",
"start_time" : 1.478293361271E9,
"end_time" : 1.478293361449E9,
"type" : "subsegment",
"trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979"
"parent_id" : "defdfd9912dc5a56",
"namespace" : "remote",
"http" : {
"request" : {
"url" : "https://api.example.com/health",
"method" : "POST",
"traced" : true
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"content_length" : 861

When the request is complete, close the segment by resending it with an end_time. The complete
segment overwrites the in-progress segment.

You can also send subsegments separately for completed requests that triggered asynchronous
workflows. For example, a web API may return a OK 200 response immediately prior to starting the
work that the user requested. You can send a full segment to X-Ray as soon as the response is sent,
followed by subsegments for work completed later. As with segments, you can also send a subsegment
fragment to record that the subsegment has started, and then overwrite it with a full subsegment once
the downstream call is complete.

The following fields are required, or are conditionally required, for subsegments.
Values are strings up to 250 characters unless noted otherwise.

Required Subsegment Fields

• id – A 64-bit identifier for the subsegment, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16
hexadecimal digits.
• name – The logical name of the subsegment. For downstream calls, name the subsegment after the
resource or service called. For custom subsegments, name the subsegment after the code that it
instruments (e.g., a function name).
• start_time – number that is the time the subsegment was created, in floating point seconds in
epoch time, accurate to milliseconds. For example, 1480615200.010 or 1.480615200010E9.
• end_time – number that is the time the subsegment was closed. For example, 1480615200.090 or
1.480615200090E9. Specify an end_time or in_progress.
• in_progress – boolean that is set to true instead of specifying an end_time to record that a
subsegment is started, but is not complete. Only send one complete subsegment, and one or zero in-
progress subsegments, per downstream request.
• trace_id – Trace ID of the subsegment's parent segment. Required only if sending a subsegment

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
HTTP request data

Trace ID Format

A trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-

a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:
• The version number, that is, 1.
• The time of the original request, in Unix epoch time, in 8 hexadecimal digits.

For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds, or 58406520
in hexadecimal digits.
• A 96-bit identifier for the trace, globally unique, in 24 hexadecimal digits.
• parent_id – Segment ID of the subsegment's parent segment. Required only if sending a subsegment
separately. In the case of nested subsegments, a subsegment can have a segment or a subsegment as
its parent.
• type – subsegment. Required only if sending a subsegment separately.

The following fields are optional for subsegments.

Optional Subsegment Fields

• namespace – aws for AWS SDK calls; remote for other downstream calls.
• http – http (p. 126) object with information about an outgoing HTTP call.
• aws – aws (p. 129) object with information about the downstream AWS resource that your
application called.
• error, throttle, fault, and cause – error (p. 131) fields that indicate an error occurred and that
include information about the exception that caused the error.
• annotations – annotations (p. 128) object with key-value pairs that you want X-Ray to index for
• metadata – metadata (p. 129) object with any additional data that you want to store in the
• subsegments – array of subsegment (p. 123) objects.
• precursor_ids – array of subsegment IDs that identifies subsegments with the same parent that
completed prior to this subsegment.

HTTP request data

Use an HTTP block to record details about an HTTP request that your application served (in a segment)
or that your application made to a downstream HTTP API (in a subsegment). Most of the fields in this
object map to information found in an HTTP request and response.


All fields are optional.

• request – Information about a request.

• method – The request method. For example, GET.
• url – The full URL of the request, compiled from the protocol, hostname, and path of the request.
• user_agent – The user agent string from the requester's client.
• client_ip – The IP address of the requester. Can be retrieved from the IP packet's Source
Address or, for forwarded requests, from an X-Forwarded-For header.
• x_forwarded_for – (segments only) boolean indicating that the client_ip was read from an X-
Forwarded-For header and is not reliable as it could have been forged.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
HTTP request data

• traced – (subsegments only) boolean indicating that the downstream call is to another traced
service. If this field is set to true, X-Ray considers the trace to be broken until the downstream
service uploads a segment with a parent_id that matches the id of the subsegment that contains
this block.
• response – Information about a response.
• status – number indicating the HTTP status of the response.
• content_length – number indicating the length of the response body in bytes.

When you instrument a call to a downstream web api, record a subsegment with information about the
HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate an inferred segment for the remote

Example Segment for HTTP call served by an application running on Amazon EC2

"id": "6b55dcc497934f1a",
"start_time": 1484789387.126,
"end_time": 1484789387.535,
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5158284b67678a3bb5a78c",
"name": "www.example.com",
"origin": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"aws": {
"ec2": {
"availability_zone": "us-west-2c",
"instance_id": "i-0b5a4678fc325bg98"
"xray": {
"sdk_version": "2.9.0 for Java"
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"client_ip": "",
"url": "http://www.example.com/api/user",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101
"x_forwarded_for": true
"response": {
"status": 200

Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"name": "names.example.com",
"namespace": "remote",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "168416dc2ea97781",
"name": "names.example.com",
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5153bb58284b67678aa78c",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200
"inferred": true

Segments and subsegments can include an annotations object containing one or more fields that X-
Ray indexes for use with filter expressions. Fields can have string, number, or Boolean values (no objects
or arrays). X-Ray indexes up to 50 annotations per trace.

Example Segment for HTTP call with annotations

"id": "6b55dcc497932f1a",
"start_time": 1484789187.126,
"end_time": 1484789187.535,
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd515828bs07678a3bb5a78c",
"name": "www.example.com",
"origin": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"aws": {
"ec2": {
"availability_zone": "us-west-2c",
"instance_id": "i-0b5a4678fc325bg98"
"xray": {
"sdk_version": "2.9.0 for Java"
"annotations": {
"customer_category" : 124,
"zip_code" : 98101,
"country" : "United States",
"internal" : false
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"client_ip": "",
"url": "http://www.example.com/api/user",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101

"x_forwarded_for": true
"response": {
"status": 200

Keys must be alphanumeric in order to work with filters. Underscore is allowed. Other symbols and
whitespace are not allowed.

Segments and subsegments can include a metadata object containing one or more fields with values
of any type, including objects and arrays. X-Ray does not index metadata, and values can be any size,
as long as the segment document doesn't exceed the maximum size (64 kB). You can view metadata in
the full segment document returned by the BatchGetTraces API. Field keys (debug in the following
example) starting with AWS. are reserved for use by AWS-provided SDKs and clients.

Example Custom subsegment with metadata

"id": "0e58d2918e9038e8",
"start_time": 1484789387.502,
"end_time": 1484789387.534,
"name": "## UserModel.saveUser",
"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"
"subsegments": [
"id": "0f910026178b71eb",
"start_time": 1484789387.502,
"end_time": 1484789387.534,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 58,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",
"resource_names": [

AWS resource data

For segments, the aws object contains information about the resource on which your application
is running. Multiple fields can apply to a single resource. For example, an application running in a

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS resource data

multicontainer Docker environment on Elastic Beanstalk could have information about the Amazon EC2
instance, the Amazon ECS container running on the instance, and the Elastic Beanstalk environment

aws (Segments)

All fields are optional.

• account_id – If your application sends segments to a different AWS account, record the ID of the
account running your application.
• ecs – Information about an Amazon ECS container.
• container – The container ID of the container running your application.
• ec2 – Information about an EC2 instance.
• instance_id – The instance ID of the EC2 instance.
• availability_zone – The Availability Zone in which the instance is running.

Example AWS block with plugins

"aws": {
"elastic_beanstalk": {
"version_label": "app-5a56-170119_190650-stage-170119_190650",
"deployment_id": 32,
"environment_name": "scorekeep"
"ec2": {
"availability_zone": "us-west-2c",
"instance_id": "i-075ad396f12bc325a"
"xray": {
"sdk": "2.9.0 for Java"

• elastic_beanstalk – Information about an Elastic Beanstalk environment. You can find this
information in a file named /var/elasticbeanstalk/xray/environment.conf on the latest
Elastic Beanstalk platforms.
• environment_name – The name of the environment.
• version_label – The name of the application version that is currently deployed to the instance
that served the request.
• deployment_id – number indicating the ID of the last successful deployment to the instance that
served the request.

For subsegments, record information about the AWS services and resources that your application
accesses. X-Ray uses this information to create inferred segments that represent the downstream
services in your service map.

aws (Subsegments)

All fields are optional.

• operation – The name of the API action invoked against an AWS service or resource.
• account_id – If your application accesses resources in a different account, or sends segments to
a different account, record the ID of the account that owns the AWS resource that your application
• region – If the resource is in a region different from your application, record the region. For example,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Errors and exceptions

• request_id – Unique identifier for the request.

• queue_url – For operations on an Amazon SQS queue, the queue's URL.
• table_name – For operations on a DynamoDB table, the name of the table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

Errors and exceptions

When an error occurs, you can record details about the error and exceptions that it generated. Record
errors in segments when your application returns an error to the user, and in subsegments when a
downstream call returns an error.

error types

Set one or more of the following fields to true to indicate that an error occurred. Multiple types can
apply if errors compound. For example, a 429 Too Many Requests error from a downstream call may
cause your application to return 500 Internal Server Error, in which case all three types would

• error – boolean indicating that a client error occurred (response status code was 4XX Client Error).
• throttle – boolean indicating that a request was throttled (response status code was 429 Too Many
• fault – boolean indicating that a server error occurred (response status code was 5XX Server Error).

Indicate the cause of the error by including a cause object in the segment or subsegment.


A cause can be either a 16 character exception ID or an object with the following fields:

• working_directory – The full path of the working directory when the exception occurred.
• paths – The array of paths to libraries or modules in use when the exception occurred.
• exceptions – The array of exception objects.

Include detailed information about the error in one or more exception objects.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries


All fields are optional except id.

• id – A 64-bit identifier for the exception, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16
hexadecimal digits.
• message – The exception message.
• type – The exception type.
• remote – boolean indicating that the exception was caused by an error returned by a downstream
• truncated – integer indicating the number of stack frames that are omitted from the stack.
• skipped – integer indicating the number of exceptions that were skipped between this exception and
its child, that is, the exception that it caused.
• cause – Exception ID of the exception's parent, that is, the exception that caused this exception.
• stack – array of stackFrame objects.

If available, record information about the call stack in stackFrame objects.


All fields are optional.

• path – The relative path to the file.

• line – The line in the file.
• label – The function or method name.

SQL queries
You can create subsegments for queries that your application makes to an SQL database.


All fields are optional.

• connection_string – For SQL Server or other database connections that don't use URL connection
strings, record the connection string, excluding passwords.
• url – For a database connection that uses a URL connection string, record the URL, excluding
• sanitized_query – The database query, with any user provided values removed or replaced by a
• database_type – The name of the database engine.
• database_version – The version number of the database engine.
• driver_version – The name and version number of the database engine driver that your application
• user – The database username.
• preparation – call if the query used a PreparedCall; statement if the query used a

Example Subsegment with an SQL Query

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

"id": "3fd8634e78ca9560",
"start_time": 1484872218.696,
"end_time": 1484872218.697,
"name": "[email protected]",
"namespace": "remote",
"sql" : {
"url": "jdbc:postgresql://aawijb5u25wdoy.cpamxznpdoq8.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/
"preparation": "statement",
"database_type": "PostgreSQL",
"database_version": "9.5.4",
"driver_version": "PostgreSQL 9.4.1211.jre7",
"user" : "dbuser",
"sanitized_query" : "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id=?;"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWS X-Ray sample application

The AWS X-Ray eb-java-scorekeep sample app, available on GitHub, shows the use of the AWS X-Ray SDK
to instrument incoming HTTP calls, DynamoDB SDK clients, and HTTP clients. The sample app uses AWS
Elastic Beanstalk features to create DynamoDB tables, compile Java code on instance, and run the X-Ray
daemon without any additional configuration.

The sample is an instrumented version of the Scorekeep project on AWSLabs. It includes a front-end web
app, the API that it calls, and the DynamoDB tables that it uses to store data. All the components are
hosted in an Elastic Beanstalk environment for portability and ease of deployment.

Basic instrumentation with filters (p. 246), plugins (p. 238), and instrumented AWS SDK
clients (p. 248) is shown in the project's xray-gettingstarted branch. This is the branch that you
deploy in the getting started tutorial (p. 4). Because this branch only includes the basics, you can diff it
against the master branch to quickly understand the basics.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Getting started (CLI)

The sample application shows basic instrumentation in these files:

• HTTP request filter – WebConfig.java

• AWS SDK client instrumentation – build.gradle

The xray branch of the application adds the use of HTTPClient (p. 250), Annotations (p. 255), SQL
queries (p. 251), custom subsegments (p. 253), an instrumented AWS Lambda (p. 202) function, and
instrumented initialization code and scripts (p. 156).

To support user log-in and AWS SDK for JavaScript use in the browser, the xray-cognito branch
adds Amazon Cognito to support user authentication and authorization. With credentials retrieved
from Amazon Cognito, the web app also sends trace data to X-Ray to record request information from
the client's point of view. The browser client appears as its own node on the service map, and records
additional information, including the URL of the page that the user is viewing, and the user's ID.

Finally, the xray-worker branch adds an instrumented Python Lambda function that runs
independently, processing items from an Amazon SQS queue. Scorekeep adds an item to the queue each
time a game ends. The Lambda worker, triggered by CloudWatch Events, pulls items from the queue
every few minutes and processes them to store game records in Amazon S3 for analysis.

For instructions on using the sample application with X-Ray, see the getting started tutorial (p. 4). In
addition to the basic use of the X-Ray SDK for Java discussed in the tutorial, the sample also shows how
to use the following features.

Advanced Features
• Getting started with AWS X-Ray through the AWS CLI (p. 136)
• Manually instrumenting AWS SDK clients (p. 148)
• Creating additional subsegments (p. 148)
• Recording annotations, metadata, and user IDs (p. 149)
• Instrumenting outgoing HTTP calls (p. 149)
• Instrumenting calls to a PostgreSQL database (p. 150)
• Instrumenting AWS Lambda functions (p. 152)
• Instrumenting startup code (p. 156)
• Instrumenting scripts (p. 158)
• Instrumenting a web app client (p. 160)
• Using instrumented clients in worker threads (p. 163)

Getting started with AWS X-Ray through the AWS

This tutorial shows you how to use the AWS CLI to deploy the Scorekeep sample application with an AWS
CloudFormation template, and then to generate and retrieve trace data. You use the AWS CLI to access
the X-Ray service directly and the same APIs that the X-Ray console uses to retrieve the service graph
and raw trace data.

To access the raw service map and trace data, you use the AWS CLI to call the X-Ray API. The service map
and trace data are in JSON format. You can then query the trace data to ensure that your application is
sending data, or to check specific fields as part of your test automation.

This tutorial takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Although we provide links to learn more
about various related topics, you don't need to leave this page to complete the tutorial. We do suggest

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

you open and review the scripts in a text editor or in the GitHub repository as you go. The scripts
demonstrate use cases for the AWS CLI and how to manage the data returned by API calls.

• Prerequisites (p. 137)
• Create the Amazon EC2 instance (p. 138)
• Install the AWS CLI (p. 138)
• Deploy Scorekeep (p. 139)
• Generate trace data (p. 141)
• Get data (p. 142)
• Configure Amazon SNS notifications (p. 146)
• Clean up (p. 147)
• Next steps (p. 147)

The following sections describe what you should know and what permissions you must be able to access
to follow this tutorial.

Command line
This tutorial uses an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance of Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS,
which is AWS Free Tier eligible. The Ubuntu instance provides a terminal. To follow the procedures in this
tutorial, you need a command line terminal or shell to run commands. Commands are shown in listings
preceded by a prompt symbol ($).

$ this is a command
this is output

You should also be familiar with working with vi in the terminal. There are many information sources on
vi where you can learn the basic commands, such as a Vim Cheat Sheet.

User permissions
When working on an Amazon EC2 instance, the recommended way to get credentials is to use an
instance profile role. This allows you to delegate permissions to make API requests without distributing
your AWS credentials. You will create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that specifies
the permissions that you want to grant to the applications that run on your Amazon EC2 instance.

Use the following steps to prepare a role to attach to your Amazon EC2 instance on creation.

To create a Scorekeep role

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Choose Roles, and then choose Create role.
3. Under Common use cases, choose EC2, and then choose Next: Permissions.
4. Choose AdministratorAccess, and then choose Next: Tags.
5. Choose Next: Review, assign the name scorekeep-ubuntu, and then choose Create role.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Create the Amazon EC2 instance

Create the Amazon EC2 instance

To demonstrate how to configure the sample application using the AWS CLI, you first deploy a clean
Amazon EC2 instance through the console. The rest of the tutorial requires this instance.

To create an Ubuntu Amazon EC2 instance

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at https://
2. Verify you are in the AWS Region where you want to create the instance.
3. Choose Launch Instance. Use the search feature to filter for Ubuntu, and then choose Ubuntu
Server 18.04 LTS. It's AWS Free Tier eligible.
4. From the top of the launch wizard, choose 3. Configure Instance. Then assign the scorekeep-
ubuntu role you created in the permission prerequisites to the IAM role field.
5. From the top of the launch wizard, choose 5. Add Tags, and then choose Add tag. Next, do the

• For Key, enter Name.

• For Value, enter scorekeep-ubuntu.
6. From the top of the launch wizard, choose 6. Configure Security Group. Rename Security group
name to scorekeep-ubuntu.
7. (Optional) For Source, choose My IP. Restricting access to your instance is a security best practice.
8. Choose Review and Launch, and then choose Launch.
9. Choose Create a new key pair and name it scorekeep-ubuntu-key.
10. Choose Download Key Pair, and then choose Launch Instances.

This instance takes less than five minutes to launch, and you can connect soon after.

To connect to an Ubuntu Amazon EC2 instance

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at https://
2. Verify you're in the AWS Region where your instance was created.
3. Choose Instances.
4. In the list of instances, select scorekeep-ubuntu.
5. For instructions on connection methods, choose Connect.

Install the AWS CLI

After you're connected to the instance, you need to install the AWS CLI. You use AWS CLI commands
throughout the subsequent steps to create resources, deploy the instrumented application, and pull
trace data on the application you deployed.

To configure the AWS CLI and make calls, you need an AWS access key ID and AWS secret access
key. When working on an Amazon EC2 instance, use the role attached to your instance to get these
credentials. Do not use your personal keys.

For detailed information and scenarios on instance profiles on Amazon EC2, see IAM roles for Amazon
EC2 and Using temporary credentials with AWS resources.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Deploy Scorekeep

To install and configure the AWS CLI

Run the following commands to download the AWS CLI, and then unpack and install it.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user
$ sudo apt install awscli
$ aws --version
aws-cli/1.18.63 Python/3.6.9 Linux/4.15.0-1065-aws botocore/1.16.13

Run the following commands to get the credentials from your Amazon EC2 instance role and assign the
credentials for use.

You must also choose a Region to enter from the Regional endpoints table. This is required. It determines
the Region that subsequent resources are created in and where scripts point to.

$ curl
"Code" : "Success",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-04-29T01:03:10Z",
"Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
"SecretAccessKey" : "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY",
"Token" : "TokenString",
"Expiration" : "2020-04-29T07:38:23Z"
$ export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=TokenString
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=Region

If you disconnect from your Amazon EC2 instance before finishing the tutorial, you need to
repeat these export commands to reestablish the credentials and the Region.

Deploy Scorekeep
The environment and application are now ready for you to deploy Scorekeep. This sample Java
application (p. 134) generates segments and sends them to X-Ray.

The application uses the Spring Framework to implement a JSON web API, and the AWS SDK for Java to
persist data to DynamoDB. A servlet filter in the application instruments all incoming requests served by
the application. A request handler on the AWS SDK client instruments downstream calls to DynamoDB.

The package contains several numbered shell scripts, which streamline the creation of your resources.
The package also includes an AWS CloudFormation template. To learn more about AWS CloudFormation,
see What is AWS CloudFormation?

To download and deploy Scorekeep

Run the following commands to install and configure git, and run git clone to clone the Scorekeep
repository to your Ubuntu server. Scorekeep has different branches for different getting-started projects.
For this tutorial, run git checkout xray-gettingstarted.

$ git config --global user.name "Name"

$ git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
$ git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/eb-java-scorekeep.git

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Deploy Scorekeep

$ cd eb-java-scorekeep
eb-java-scorekeep$ git checkout xray-gettingstarted

Run the project's deployment scripts to create an Amazon S3 bucket and deploy the application.
Continue reading about the scripts while the project deploys.

eb-java-scorekeep$ ./1-create-bucket.sh
make_bucket: beanstalk-artifacts-8174xmplbb388b50
eb-java-scorekeep$ ./2-deploy.sh
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file out.yml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /home/ubuntu/eb-java-scorekeep/out.yml --stack-
name scorekeep

Waiting for changeset to be created..

Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - scorekeep

The 1-create-bucket.sh script creates a bucket with the naming convention beanstalk-
artifacts-$BUCKET_ID, where $BUCKET_ID is a randomly generated ID.

The 2-deploy.sh script creates an AWS CloudFormation stack that contains an AWS Elastic Beanstalk
environment. It uses the AWS CLI to upload the source code to Amazon S3 and deploy a template that
defines the stack's resources.
Creation of all the stack artifacts takes about 10 minutes. You might need to press Enter to
prompt the final success message.

Example eb-java-scorekeep/2-deploy.sh

set -eo pipefail
ARTIFACT_BUCKET=$(cat bucket-name.txt)
git archive --format=zip HEAD > package.zip
aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket $ARTIFACT_BUCKET --
output-template-file out.yml
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file out.yml --stack-name scorekeep --capabilities

The template.yml file creates an Elastic Beanstalk environment with the required permissions, Amazon
DynamoDB tables, and other resources that the sample application uses.

Example eb-java-scorekeep/template.yml

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: An AWS Elastic application that uses DynamoDB.
Type: String
Type: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application
ApplicationName: Scorekeep
Description: RESTful web API in Java with Spring that provides an HTTP interface for
creating and managing game sessions and users.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Generate trace data

Type: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion
ApplicationName: !Ref application
SourceBundle: ./package.zip
Type: AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment
ApplicationName: !Ref application
EnvironmentName: BETA
- Namespace: aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment
OptionName: AWS_REGION
Value: !Ref AWS::Region

When the deployment completes, run 3-open-website.sh to get the site URL.

eb-java-scorekeep$ ./3-open-website.sh

Open the website in a browser to see the web app and start generating trace data.

Generate trace data

You can also use the test-api.sh script included in the pacakge to run end-to-end scenarios and
generate diverse trace data while you test the API.

To use the test-api.sh script

1. Install the jq library. The test-api.sh script uses jq to parse JSON returned by API calls.

$ sudo apt install jq

2. Use the AWS CLI to get your environment's CNAME. Use the EnvironmentName BETA to query. This
is the name that was defined in the AWS CloudFormation template.

$ aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environments --environment-names BETA

"Environments": [
"EnvironmentName": "BETA",
"EnvironmentId": "e-fn2pvynnue",
"ApplicationName": "Scorekeep",
"VersionLabel": "scorekeep-version-1jd6hjta4qjzl",
"SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.10.4 running Java 8",
"PlatformArn": "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-west-2::platform/Java 8 running
on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.10.4",
"EndpointURL": "awseb-e-f-AWSEBLoa-1UJJGXA6MKWMN-1234567.us-
"CNAME": "BETA.eba-example.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com",

3. Open /bin/test-api.sh and replace the value for API with your environment's URL.

eb-java-scorekeep$ vi bin/test-api.sh


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Get data

4. Run the script to generate traffic to the API.

eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/test-api.sh
Creating users,
configuring game,
playing game,
ending game,
game complete.

Get data
You can use the GetServiceGraph API to retrieve the JSON service graph. The API requires a start time
and end time. You can calculate these from a Linux terminal by using the date command.

$ date +%s

date +%s prints a date in seconds. Use this number as an end time, and subtract time from it to create a
start time.

Example script to retrieve a service graph for the last 10 minutes

$ EPOCH=$(date +%s)
$ aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The following example shows a service graph with four nodes, including a client node, an EC2 instance, a
DynamoDB table, and an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.

Raw service graph

Example GetServiceGraph output

"Services": [
"ReferenceId": 0,
"Name": "xray-sample.elasticbeanstalk.com",
"Names": [
"Type": "client",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [
"ReferenceId": 2,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 3,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Get data

"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 1,
"TotalCount": 1
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.273
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"ReferenceId": 1,
"Name": "awseb-e-dixzws4s9p-stack-StartupSignupsTable-4IMSMHAYX2BA",
"Names": [
"Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317583.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [],
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.12
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Get data

"Count": 1
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,
"Count": 1
"ReferenceId": 2,
"Name": "xray-sample.elasticbeanstalk.com",
"Names": [
"Root": true,
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"State": "active",
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [
"ReferenceId": 1,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.12
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.044,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"ReferenceId": 3,
"StartTime": 1528317567.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Get data

"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.125
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"Aliases": []
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 3,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 1,
"TotalCount": 1
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.273
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.005,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.015,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.157,
"Count": 1

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configure Amazon SNS notifications

"Value": 0.096,
"Count": 1
"ReferenceId": 3,
"Name": "SNS",
"Names": [
"Type": "AWS::SNS",
"State": "unknown",
"StartTime": 1528317583.0,
"EndTime": 1528317589.0,
"Edges": [],
"SummaryStatistics": {
"OkCount": 2,
"ErrorStatistics": {
"ThrottleCount": 0,
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"FaultStatistics": {
"OtherCount": 0,
"TotalCount": 0
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalResponseTime": 0.125
"DurationHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1
"ResponseTimeHistogram": [
"Value": 0.049,
"Count": 1
"Value": 0.076,
"Count": 1

Configure Amazon SNS notifications

Scorekeep uses Amazon SNS to send notifications when users complete a game. When the application
starts up, it tries to create a subscription for an email address defined in an environment variable. That
call is currently failing, causing the ErrorStatistics count in your raw data.

For more information about how this appears in the console, see View the service map in the X-Ray

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Clean up

The following command sets the value of the NOTIFICATION_EMAIL variable in the BETA environment
to [email protected].

$ aws elasticbeanstalk update-environment --environment-name BETA --option-settings

"EnvironmentName": "BETA",
"EnvironmentId": "e-iarzmpigxz",
"ApplicationName": "Scorekeep",
"VersionLabel": "scorekeep-version-1rrbj5e9c31yc",
"SolutionStackName": "64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.10.7 running Java 8",

When the update completes, Scorekeep restarts and creates a subscription to the Amazon SNS topic.
Check your email and confirm the subscription to see updates when you complete a game.

Clean up
Run the 6-cleanup.sh script to delete the bucket you created and take down your AWS
CloudFormation stack. You'll be asked to confirm with a yes or no. After you confirm, you can exit the
command line, terminate your Amazon EC2 instance, and delete your IAM role.

To terminate your Amazon EC2 instance (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at https://
2. Verify you are in the Region where your instance was created.
3. Choose Instances.
4. In the list of instances, select scorekeep-ubuntu.
5. Choose Actions.
6. From the list, choose Instance State, and then choose Terminate.
7. To confirm, choose Yes, Terminate.

To delete your IAM role (console)

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. Choose Roles. Search for scorekeep-ubuntu and then select it.
3. Choose Delete role, and then Yes, delete.

Next steps
Learn more about X-Ray in AWS X-Ray concepts (p. 16).

To instrument your own app, learn more about the X-Ray SDK for Java, or one of the other X-Ray SDKs,
see the following:

• AWS X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 228)

• AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 265)
• AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 305)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

To run the X-Ray daemon locally or on AWS, see AWS X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

To contribute to the sample application on GitHub, see eb-java-scorekeep.

Manually instrumenting AWS SDK clients

The X-Ray SDK for Java automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients when you include the AWS SDK
Instrumentor submodule in your build dependencies (p. 230).

You can disable automatic client instrumentation by removing the Instrumentor submodule. This enables
you to instrument some clients manually while ignoring others, or use different tracing handlers on
different clients.

To illustrate support for instrumenting specific AWS SDK clients, the application passes a tracing handler
to AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder as a request handler in the user, game, and session model. This
code change tells the SDK to instrument all calls to DynamoDB using those clients.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/SessionModel.java – Manual AWS SDK client


import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.handlers.TracingHandler;

public class SessionModel {

private AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard()
.withRequestHandlers(new TracingHandler(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder()))
private DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(client);

If you remove the AWS SDK Instrumentor submodule from project dependencies, only the manually
instrumented AWS SDK clients appear in the service map.

Creating additional subsegments

In the user model class, the application manually creates subsegments to group all downstream calls
made within the saveUser function and adds metadata.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/UserModel.java - Custom subsegments

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
public void saveUser(User user) {
// Wrap in subsegment
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("## UserModel.saveUser");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Recording annotations, metadata, and user IDs

In the game model class, the application records Game objects in a metadata (p. 256) block each time
it saves a game in DynamoDB. Separately, the application records game IDs in annotations (p. 255) for
use with filter expressions (p. 64).

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/GameModel.java – Annotations and metadata

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
public void saveGame(Game game) throws SessionNotFoundException {
// wrap in subsegment
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("## GameModel.saveGame");
try {
// check session
String sessionId = game.getSession();
if (sessionModel.loadSession(sessionId) == null ) {
throw new SessionNotFoundException(sessionId);
Segment segment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();
subsegment.putMetadata("resources", "game", game);
segment.putAnnotation("gameid", game.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {

In the move controller, the application records user IDs (p. 257) with setUser. User IDs are recorded in
a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/MoveController.java – User ID

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
@RequestMapping(value="/{userId}", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public Move newMove(@PathVariable String sessionId, @PathVariable String gameId,
@PathVariable String userId, @RequestBody String move) throws SessionNotFoundException,
GameNotFoundException, StateNotFoundException, RulesException {
return moveFactory.newMove(sessionId, gameId, userId, move);

Instrumenting outgoing HTTP calls

The user factory class shows how the application uses the X-Ray SDK for Java's version of
HTTPClientBuilder to instrument outgoing HTTP calls.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL clients

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/UserFactory.java – HTTPClient instrumentation

import com.amazonaws.xray.proxies.apache.http.HttpClientBuilder;

public String randomName() throws IOException {

CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://uinames.com/api/");
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
try {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream inputStream = entity.getContent();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, String> jsonMap = mapper.readValue(inputStream, Map.class);
String name = jsonMap.get("name");
return name;
} finally {

If you currently use org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder,

you can simply swap out the import statement for that class with one for

Instrumenting calls to a PostgreSQL database

The application-pgsql.properties file adds the X-Ray PostgreSQL tracing interceptor to the data
source created in RdsWebConfig.java.

Example application-pgsql.properties – PostgreSQL database instrumentation


See Configuring Databases with Elastic Beanstalk in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide
for details on how to add a PostgreSQL database to the application environment.

The X-Ray demo page in the xray branch includes a demo that uses the instrumented data source to
generate traces that show information about the SQL queries that it generates. Navigate to the /#/xray
path in the running application or choose Powered by AWS X-Ray in the navigation bar to see the demo

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL clients

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Lambda functions

Choose Trace SQL queries to simulate game sessions and store the results in the attached database.
Then, choose View traces in AWS X-Ray to see a filtered list of traces that hit the API's /api/history

Choose one of the traces from the list to see the timeline, including the SQL query.

Instrumenting AWS Lambda functions

Scorekeep uses two AWS Lambda functions. The first is a Node.js function from the lambda branch
that generates random names for new users. When a user creates a session without entering a name,
the application calls a function named random-name with the AWS SDK for Java. The X-Ray SDK for
Java records information about the call to Lambda in a subsegment like any other call made with an
instrumented AWS SDK client.
Running the random-name Lambda function requires the creation of additional resources
outside of the Elastic Beanstalk environment. See the readme for more information and
instructions: AWS Lambda Integration.

The second function, scorekeep-worker, is a Python function that runs independently of the
Scorekeep API. When a game ends, the API writes the session ID and game ID to an SQS queue. The
worker function reads items from the queue, and calls the Scorekeep API to construct complete records
of each game session for storage in Amazon S3.

Scorekeep includes AWS CloudFormation templates and scripts to create both functions. Because you
need to bundle the X-Ray SDK with the function code, the templates create the functions without any
code. When you deploy Scorekeep, a configuration file included in the .ebextensions folder creates
a source bundle that includes the SDK, and updates the function code and configuration with the AWS
Command Line Interface.

• Random name (p. 153)
• Worker (p. 154)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Random name

Random name
Scorekeep calls the random name function when a user starts a game session without signing in
or specifying a user name. When Lambda processes the call to random-name, it reads the tracing
header (p. 21), which contains the trace ID and sampling decision written by the X-Ray SDK for Java.

For each sampled request, Lambda runs the X-Ray daemon and writes two segments. The first segment
records information about the call to Lambda that invokes the function. This segment contains the same
information as the subsegment recorded by Scorekeep, but from the Lambda point of view. The second
segment represents the work that the function does.

Lambda passes the function segment to the X-Ray SDK through the function context. When
you instrument a Lambda function, you don't use the SDK to create a segment for incoming
requests (p. 271). Lambda provides the segment, and you use the SDK to instrument clients and write

The random-name function is implemented in Node.js. It uses the SDK for JavaScript in Node.js to send
notifications with Amazon SNS, and the X-Ray SDK for Node.js to instrument the AWS SDK client. To
write annotations, the function creates a custom subsegment with AWSXRay.captureFunc, and writes
annotations in the instrumented function. In Lambda, you can't write annotations directly to the function
segment, only to a subsegment that you create.

Example function/index.js -- Random name Lambda function

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk-core');

var AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));

AWS.config.update({region: process.env.AWS_REGION});

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

var Chance = require('chance');

var myFunction = function(event, context, callback) {

var sns = new AWS.SNS();
var chance = new Chance();
var userid = event.userid;
var name = chance.first();

AWSXRay.captureFunc('annotations', function(subsegment){
subsegment.addAnnotation('Name', name);
subsegment.addAnnotation('UserID', event.userid);

// Notify
var params = {
Message: 'Created randon name "' + name + '"" for user "' + userid + '".',
Subject: 'New user: ' + name,
TopicArn: process.env.TOPIC_ARN
sns.publish(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
else {
callback(null, {"name": name});

exports.handler = myFunction;

This function is created automatically when you deploy the sample application to Elastic Beanstalk.
The xray branch includes a script to create a blank Lambda function. Configuration files in the
.ebextensions folder build the function package with npm install during deployment, and then
update the Lambda function with the AWS CLI.

The instrumented worker function is provided in its own branch, xray-worker, as it cannot run unless
you create the worker function and related resources first. See the branch readme for instructions.

The function is triggered by a bundled Amazon CloudWatch Events event every 5 minutes. When it runs,
the function pulls an item from an Amazon SQS queue that Scorekeep manages. Each message contains
information about a completed game.

The worker pulls the game record and documents from other tables that the game record references. For
example, the game record in DynamoDB includes a list of moves that were executed during the game.
The list does not contain the moves themselves, but rather IDs of moves that are stored in a separate

Sessions, and states are stored as references as well. This keeps the entries in the game table from
being too large, but requires additional calls to get all of the information about the game. The worker
dereferences all of these entries and constructs a complete record of the game as a single document in
Amazon S3. When you want to do analytics on the data, you can run queries on it directly in Amazon S3
with Amazon Athena without running read-heavy data migrations to get your data out of DynamoDB.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

The worker function has active tracing enabled in its configuration in AWS Lambda. Unlike the random
name function, the worker does not receive a request from an instrumented application, so AWS Lambda
doesn't receive a tracing header. With active tracing, Lambda creates the trace ID and makes sampling

The X-Ray SDK for Python is just a few lines at the top of the function that import the SDK and run its
patch_all function to patch the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) and HTTclients that it uses to call Amazon
SQS and Amazon S3. When the worker calls the Scorekeep API, the SDK adds the tracing header (p. 21)
to the request to trace calls through the API.

Example _lambda/scorekeep-worker/scorekeep-worker.py -- Worker Lambda function

import os
import boto3
import json
import requests
import time
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all

queue_url = os.environ['WORKER_QUEUE']

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting startup code

def lambda_handler(event, context):

# Create SQS client
sqs = boto3.client('sqs')
s3client = boto3.client('s3')

# Receive message from SQS queue

response = sqs.receive_message(

Instrumenting startup code

The X-Ray SDK for Java automatically creates segments for incoming requests. As long as a request is
in scope, you can use instrumented clients and record subsegments without issue. If you try to use an
instrumented client in startup code, though, you'll get a SegmentNotFoundException.

Startup code runs outside of the standard request/response flow of a web application, so you need to
create segments manually to instrument it. Scorekeep shows the instrumentation of startup code in its
WebConfig files. Scorekeep calls an SQL database and Amazon SNS during startup.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting startup code

The default WebConfig class creates an Amazon SNS subscription for notifications. To provide
a segment for the X-Ray SDK to write to when the Amazon SNS client is used, Scorekeep calls
beginSegment and endSegment on the global recorder.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/WebConfig.java – Instrumented AWS SDK client in

startup code

if ( System.getenv("NOTIFICATION_EMAIL") != null ){
try { Sns.createSubscription(); }
catch (Exception e ) {
logger.warn("Failed to create subscription for email "+

In RdsWebConfig, which Scorekeep uses when an Amazon RDS database is connected, the configuration
also creates a segment for the SQL client that Hibernate uses when it applies the database schema
during startup.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting scripts

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/RdsWebConfig.java – Instrumented SQL database

client in startup code

public void schemaExport() {
EntityManagerFactoryImpl entityManagerFactoryImpl = (EntityManagerFactoryImpl)
SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactoryImplementor =
StandardServiceRegistry standardServiceRegistry =
MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources(new
MetadataImplementor metadataImplementor = (MetadataImplementor)
SchemaExport schemaExport = new SchemaExport(standardServiceRegistry,

schemaExport.create(true, true);

SchemaExport runs automatically and uses an SQL client. Since the client is instrumented, Scorekeep
must override the default implementation and provide a segment for the SDK to use when the client is

Instrumenting scripts
You can also instrument code that isn't part of your application. When the X-Ray daemon is running,
it will relay any segments that it receives to X-Ray, even if they are not generated by the X-Ray SDK.
Scorekeep uses its own scripts to instrument the build that compiles the application during deployment.

Example bin/build.sh – Instrumented build script

SEGMENT=$(python bin/xray_start.py)
gradle build --quiet --stacktrace &> /var/log/gradle.log; GRADLE_RETURN=$?
if (( GRADLE_RETURN != 0 )); then
echo "Gradle failed with exit status $GRADLE_RETURN" >&2
python bin/xray_error.py "$SEGMENT" "$(cat /var/log/gradle.log)"
exit 1
python bin/xray_success.py "$SEGMENT"

xray_start.py, xray_error.py and xray_success.py are simple Python scripts that construct
segment objects, convert them to JSON documents, and send them to the daemon over UDP. If the
Gradle build fails, you can find the error message by clicking on the scorekeep-build node in the X-Ray
console service map.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting scripts

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting web clients

Instrumenting a web app client

In the xray-cognito branch, Scorekeep uses Amazon Cognito to enable users to create an account and
sign in with it to retrieve their user information from an Amazon Cognito user pool. When a user signs in,
Scorekeep uses an Amazon Cognito identity pool to get temporary AWS credentials for use with the AWS
SDK for JavaScript.

The identity pool is configured to let signed-in users write trace data to AWS X-Ray. The web app uses
these credentials to record the signed-in user's ID, the browser path, and the client's view of calls to the
Scorekeep API.

Most of the work is done in a service class named xray. This service class provides methods for
generating the required identifiers, creating in-progress segments, finalizing segments, and sending
segment documents to the X-Ray API.

Example public/xray.js – Record and upload segments


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting web clients

service.beginSegment = function() {
var segment = {};
var traceId = '1-' + service.getHexTime() + '-' + service.getHexId(24);

var id = service.getHexId(16);
var startTime = service.getEpochTime();

segment.trace_id = traceId;
segment.id = id;
segment.start_time = startTime;
segment.name = 'Scorekeep-client';
segment.in_progress = true;
segment.user = sessionStorage['userid'];
segment.http = {
request: {
url: window.location.href

var documents = [];

documents[0] = JSON.stringify(segment);
return segment;

service.endSegment = function(segment) {
var endTime = service.getEpochTime();
segment.end_time = endTime;
segment.in_progress = false;
var documents = [];
documents[0] = JSON.stringify(segment);

service.putDocuments = function(documents) {
var xray = new AWS.XRay();
var params = {
TraceSegmentDocuments: documents
xray.putTraceSegments(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
} else {

These methods are called in header and transformResponse functions in the resource services that the
web app uses to call the Scorekeep API. To include the client segment in the same trace as the segment
that the API generates, the web app must include the trace ID and segment ID in a tracing header (p. 21)
(X-Amzn-Trace-Id) that the X-Ray SDK can read. When the instrumented Java application receives a
request with this header, the X-Ray SDK for Java uses the same trace ID and makes the segment from the
web app client the parent of its segment.

Example public/app/services.js – Recording segments for angular resource calls and

writing tracing headers

var module = angular.module('scorekeep');

module.factory('SessionService', function($resource, api, XRay) {
return $resource(api + 'session/:id', { id: '@_id' }, {
segment: {},
get: {

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting web clients

method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-Amzn-Trace-Id': function(config) {
segment = XRay.beginSegment();
return XRay.getTraceHeader(segment);
transformResponse: function(data) {
return angular.fromJson(data);

The resulting service map includes a node for the web app client.

Traces that include segments from the web app show the URL that the user sees in the browser (paths
starting with /#/). Without client instrumentation, you only get the URL of the API resource that the
web app calls (paths starting with /api/).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Worker threads

Using instrumented clients in worker threads

Scorekeep uses a worker thread to publish a notification to Amazon SNS when a user wins a game.
Publishing the notification takes longer than the rest of the request operations combined, and doesn't
affect the client or user. Therefore, performing the task asynchronously is a good way to improve
response time.

However, the X-Ray SDK for Java doesn't know which segment was active when the thread is created.
As a result, when you try to use the instrumented AWS SDK for Java client within the thread, it throws a
SegmentNotFoundException, crashing the thread.

Example Web-1.error.log

Exception in thread "Thread-2" com.amazonaws.xray.exceptions.SegmentNotFoundException:

Failed to begin subsegment named 'AmazonSNS': segment cannot be found.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

To fix this, the application uses GetTraceEntity to get a reference to the segment in the main thread,
and Entity.run() to safely run the worker thread code with access to the segment's context.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/MoveFactory.java – Passing trace context to a

worker thread

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Entity;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
Entity segment = recorder.getTraceEntity();
Thread comm = new Thread() {
public void run() {
segment.run(() -> {
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("## Send notification");

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Worker threads

Sns.sendNotification("Scorekeep game completed", "Winner: " + userId);


Because the request is now resolved before the call to Amazon SNS, the application creates a separate
subsegment for the thread. This prevents the X-Ray SDK from closing the segment before it records
the response from Amazon SNS. If no subsegment is open when Scorekeep resolved the request, the
response from Amazon SNS could be lost.

See Passing segment context between threads in a multithreaded application (p. 261) for more
information about multithreading.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Downloading the daemon

AWS X-Ray daemon

The AWS X-Ray daemon is a software application that listens for traffic on UDP port 2000, gathers raw
segment data, and relays it to the AWS X-Ray API. The daemon works in conjunction with the AWS X-Ray
SDKs and must be running so that data sent by the SDKs can reach the X-Ray service.
The X-Ray daemon is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit issues and
pull requests on GitHub: github.com/aws/aws-xray-daemon

On AWS Lambda and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, use those services' integration with X-Ray to run the
daemon. Lambda runs the daemon automatically any time a function is invoked for a sampled request.
On Elastic Beanstalk, use the XRayEnabled configuration option (p. 173) to run the daemon on the
instances in your environment.

To run the X-Ray daemon locally, on-premises, or on other AWS services, download it, run it (p. 167),
and then give it permission (p. 167) to upload segment documents to X-Ray.

Downloading the daemon

You can download the daemon from Amazon S3, Docker Hub, or Amazon ECR and then run it locally, or
install it on an Amazon EC2 instance on launch.

Amazon S3

X-Ray daemon installers and executables

• Linux (executable) – aws-xray-daemon-linux-3.x.zip (sig)

• Linux (RPM installer) – aws-xray-daemon-3.x.rpm
• Linux (DEB installer) – aws-xray-daemon-3.x.deb
• Linux (ARM64, executable) – aws-xray-daemon-linux-arm64-3.x.zip (sig)
• Linux (ARM64, RPM installer) – aws-xray-daemon-arm64-3.x.rpm
• Linux (ARM64, DEB installer) – aws-xray-daemon-arm64-3.x.deb
• OS X (executable) – aws-xray-daemon-macos-3.x.zip (sig)
• Windows (executable) – aws-xray-daemon-windows-process-3.x.zip (sig)
• Windows (service) – aws-xray-daemon-windows-service-3.x.zip (sig)

These links always point to the latest 3.x release of the daemon. To download a specific release,
replace 3.x with the version number. For example, 2.1.0.

X-Ray assets are replicated to buckets in every supported region. To use the bucket closest to you or
your AWS resources, replace the region in the above links with your region.


Amazon ECR

As of version 3.2.0 the daemon can be found on Amazon ECR. Before pulling an image you should
authenticate your docker client to the Amazon ECR public registry.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Verifying the daemon archive's signature

Run the following command to authenticate to the public ECR registry using get-login-password

aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --

password-stdin public.ecr.aws

Pull the latest released 3.x version tag by running the following command:

docker pull public.ecr.aws/xray/aws-xray-daemon:3.x

Prior or alpha releases can be downloaded by replacing 3.x with alpha or a specific version
number. It is not recommended to use a daemon image with an alpha tag in a production
Docker Hub

The daemon can be found on Docker Hub. To download the latest released 3.x version, run the
following command:

docker pull amazon/aws-xray-daemon:3.x

Prior releases of the daemon can be released by replacing 3.x with the desired version.

Verifying the daemon archive's signature

GPG signature files are included for daemon assets compressed in ZIP archives. The public key is here:

You can use the public key to verify that the daemon's ZIP archive is original and unmodified. First,
import the public key with GnuPG.

To import the public key

1. Download the public key.

$ BUCKETURL=https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2
$ wget $BUCKETURL/xray-daemon/aws-xray.gpg

2. Import the public key into your keyring.

$ gpg --import aws-xray.gpg

gpg: /Users/me/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 7BFE036BFE6157D3: public key "AWS X-Ray <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1

Use the imported key to verify the signature of the daemon's ZIP archive.

To verify an archive's signature

1. Download the archive and signature file.

$ BUCKETURL=https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2
$ wget $BUCKETURL/xray-daemon/aws-xray-daemon-linux-3.0.0.zip

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Running the daemon

$ wget $BUCKETURL/xray-daemon/aws-xray-daemon-linux-3.0.0.zip.sig

2. Run gpg --verify to verify the signature.

$ gpg --verify aws-xray-daemon-linux-3.0.0.zip.sig aws-xray-daemon-linux-3.0.0.zip

gpg: Signature made Wed 19 Apr 2017 05:06:31 AM UTC using RSA key ID FE6157D3
gpg: Good signature from "AWS X-Ray <[email protected]>"
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: EA6D 9271 FBF3 6990 277F 4B87 7BFE 036B FE61 57D3

Note the warning about trust. A key is only trusted if you or someone you trust has signed it. This does
not mean that the signature is invalid, only that you have not verified the public key.

Running the daemon

Run the daemon locally from the command line. Use the -o option to run in local mode, and -n to set
the region.

~/Downloads$ ./xray -o -n us-east-2

For detailed platform-specific instructions, see the following topics:

• Linux (local) – Running the X-Ray daemon on Linux (p. 171)

• Windows (local) – Running the X-Ray daemon on Windows (p. 172)
• Elastic Beanstalk – Running the X-Ray daemon on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (p. 173)
• Amazon EC2 – Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon EC2 (p. 176)
• Amazon ECS – Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon ECS (p. 177)

You can customize the daemon's behavior further by using command line options or a configuration file.
See Configuring the AWS X-Ray daemon (p. 168) for details.

Giving the daemon permission to send data to X-

The X-Ray daemon uses the AWS SDK to upload trace data to X-Ray, and it needs AWS credentials with
permission to do that.

On Amazon EC2, the daemon uses the instance's instance profile role automatically. Locally, save your
access keys to a file named credentials in your user directory under a folder named .aws.

Example ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

If you specify credentials in more than one location (credentials file, instance profile, or environment
variables), the SDK provider chain determines which credentials are used. For more information about
providing credentials to the SDK, see Specifying Credentials in the AWS SDK for Go Developer Guide.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
X-Ray daemon logs

The IAM role or user that the daemon's credentials belong to must have permission to write data to the
service on your behalf.

• To use the daemon on Amazon EC2, create a new instance profile role or add the managed policy to an
existing one.
• To use the daemon on Elastic Beanstalk, add the managed policy to the Elastic Beanstalk default
instance profile role.
• To run the daemon locally, create an IAM user and save its access keys on your computer.

For more information, see Identity and access management for AWS X-Ray (p. 27).

X-Ray daemon logs

The daemon outputs information about its current configuration and segments that it sends to AWS X-

2016-11-24T06:07:06Z [Info] Initializing AWS X-Ray daemon 2.1.0

2016-11-24T06:07:06Z [Info] Using memory limit of 49 MB
2016-11-24T06:07:06Z [Info] 313 segment buffers allocated
2016-11-24T06:07:08Z [Info] Successfully sent batch of 1 segments (0.123 seconds)
2016-11-24T06:07:09Z [Info] Successfully sent batch of 1 segments (0.006 seconds)

By default, the daemon outputs logs to STDOUT. If you run the daemon in the background, use the --
log-file command line option or a configuration file to set the log file path. You can also set the log
level and disable log rotation. See Configuring the AWS X-Ray daemon (p. 168) for instructions.

On Elastic Beanstalk, the platform sets the location of the daemon logs. See Running the X-Ray daemon
on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (p. 173) for details.

Configuring the AWS X-Ray daemon

You can use command line options or a configuration file to customize the X-Ray daemon's behavior.
Most options are available using both methods, but some are only available in configuration files and
some only at the command line.

To get started, the only option that you need to know is -n or --region, which you use to set the
region that the daemon uses to send trace data to X-Ray.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray -n us-east-2

If you are running the daemon locally, that is, not on Amazon EC2, you can add the -o option to skip
checking for instance profile credentials so the daemon will become ready more quickly.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray -o -n us-east-2

The rest of the command line options let you configure logging, listen on a different port, limit the
amount of memory that the daemon can use, or assume a role to send trace data to a different account.

You can pass a configuration file to the daemon to access advanced configuration options and do things
like limit the number of concurrent calls to X-Ray, disable log rotation, and send traffic to a proxy.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Supported environment variables

• Supported environment variables (p. 169)
• Using command line options (p. 169)
• Using a configuration file (p. 170)

Supported environment variables

The X-Ray daemon supports the following environment variables:

• AWS_REGION – Specifies the AWS Region of the X-Ray service endpoint.

• HTTPS_PROXY – Specifies a proxy address for the daemon to upload segments through. This can be
either the DNS domain names or IP addresses and port numbers used by your proxy servers.

Using command line options

Pass these options to the daemon when you run it locally or with a user data script.

Command Line Options

• -b, --bind – Listen for segment documents on a different UDP port.

--bind ""

Default – 2000.
• -t, --bind-tcp – Listen for calls to the X-Ray service on a different TCP port.

-bind-tcp ""

Default – 2000.
• -c, --config – Load a configuration file from the specified path.

--config "/home/ec2-user/xray-daemon.yaml"

• -f, --log-file – Output logs to the specified file path.

--log-file "/var/log/xray-daemon.log"

• -l, --log-level – Log level, from most verbose to least: dev, debug, info, warn, error, prod.

--log-level warn

Default – prod
• -m, --buffer-memory – Change the amount of memory in MB that buffers can use (minimum 3).

--buffer-memory 50

Default – 1% of available memory.

• -o, --local-mode – Don't check for EC2 instance metadata.
• -r, --role-arn – Assume the specified IAM role to upload segments to a different account.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Using a configuration file

--role-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/xray-cross-account"

• -a, --resource-arn – Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS resource running the daemon.
• -p, --proxy-address – Upload segments to AWS X-Ray through a proxy. The proxy server's protocol
must be specified.

--proxy-address ""

• -n, --region – Send segments to X-Ray service in a specific region.

• -v, --version – Show AWS X-Ray daemon version.
• -h, --help – Show the help screen.

Using a configuration file

You can also use a YAML format file to configure the daemon. Pass the configuration file to the daemon
by using the -c option.

~$ ./xray -c ~/xray-daemon.yaml

Configuration file options

• TotalBufferSizeMB – Maximum buffer size in MB (minimum 3). Choose 0 to use 1% of host

• Concurrency – Maximum number of concurrent calls to AWS X-Ray to upload segment documents.
• Region – Send segments to AWS X-Ray service in a specific region.
• Socket – Configure the daemon's binding.
• UDPAddress – Change the port on which the daemon listens.
• TCPAddress – Listen for calls to the X-Ray service (p. 118) on a different TCP port.
• Logging – Configure logging behavior.
• LogRotation – Set to false to disable log rotation.
• LogLevel – Change the log level, from most verbose to least: dev, debug, info, warn, error,
prod. The default is prod, which is equivalent to info.
• LogPath – Output logs to the specified file path.
• LocalMode – Set to true to skip checking for EC2 instance metadata.
• ResourceARN – Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS resource running the daemon.
• RoleARN – Assume the specified IAM role to upload segments to a different account.
• ProxyAddress – Upload segments to AWS X-Ray through a proxy.
• Endpoint – Change the X-Ray service endpoint to which the daemon sends segment documents.
• NoVerifySSL – Disable TLS certificate verification.
• Version – Daemon configuration file format version. The file format version is a required field.

Example Xray-daemon.yaml

This configuration file changes the daemon's listening port to 3000, turns off checks for instance
metadata, sets a role to use for uploading segments, and changes region and logging options.

UDPAddress: ""

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Run the daemon locally

TCPAddress: ""
Region: "us-west-2"
LogLevel: "warn"
LogPath: "/var/log/xray-daemon.log"
LocalMode: true
RoleARN: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/xray-cross-account"
Version: 2

Running the X-Ray daemon locally

You can run the AWS X-Ray daemon locally on Linux, MacOS, Windows, or in a Docker container. Run the
daemon to relay trace data to X-Ray when you are developing and testing your instrumented application.
Download and extract the daemon by using the instructions here (p. 165).

When running locally, the daemon can read credentials from an AWS SDK credentials file (.aws/
credentials in your user directory) or from environment variables. For more information, see Giving
the daemon permission to send data to X-Ray (p. 167).

The daemon listens for UDP data on port 2000. You can change the port and other options by using
a configuration file and command line options. For more information, see Configuring the AWS X-Ray
daemon (p. 168).

Running the X-Ray daemon on Linux

You can run the daemon executable from the command line. Use the -o option to run in local mode, and
-n to set the region.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray -o -n us-east-2

To run the daemon in the background, use &.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray -o -n us-east-2 &

Terminate a daemon process running in the background with pkill.

~$ pkill xray

Running the X-Ray daemon in a Docker container

To run the daemon locally in a Docker container, save the following text to a file named Dockerfile.
Download the complete example image on Docker Hub.

Example Dockerfile – Amazon Linux

FROM amazonlinux
RUN yum install -y unzip
RUN curl -o daemon.zip https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-
RUN unzip daemon.zip && cp xray /usr/bin/xray
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/xray", "-t", "", "-b", ""]
EXPOSE 2000/udp
EXPOSE 2000/tcp

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Running the X-Ray daemon on Windows

Build the container image with docker build.

~/xray-daemon$ docker build -t xray-daemon .

Run the image in a container with docker run.

~/xray-daemon$ docker run \

--attach STDOUT \
-v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro \
--net=host \
-e AWS_REGION=us-east-2 \
--name xray-daemon \
-p 2000:2000/udp \
xray-daemon -o

This command uses the following options:

• --attach STDOUT – View output from the daemon in the terminal.

• -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws/:ro – Give the container read-only access to the .aws directory to let it
read your AWS SDK credentials.
• AWS_REGION=us-east-2 – Set the AWS_REGION environment variable to tell the daemon which
region to use.
• --net=host – Attach the container to the host network. Containers on the host network can
communicate with each other without publishing ports.
• -p 2000:2000/udp – Map UDP port 2000 on your machine to the same port on the container. This is
not required for containers on the same network to communicate, but it does let you send segments to
the daemon from the command line (p. 103) or from an application not running in Docker.
• --name xray-daemon – Name the container xray-daemon instead of generating a random name.
• -o (after the image name) – Append the -o option to the entry point that runs the daemon within the
container. This option tells the daemon to run in local mode to prevent it from trying to read Amazon
EC2 instance metadata.

To stop the daemon, use docker stop. If you make changes to the Dockerfile and build a new
image, you need to delete the existing container before you can create another one with the same name.
Use docker rm to delete the container.

$ docker stop xray-daemon

$ docker rm xray-daemon

Running the X-Ray daemon on Windows

You can run the daemon executable from the command line. Use the -o option to run in local mode, and
-n to set the region.

> .\xray_windows.exe -o -n us-east-2

Use a PowerShell script to create and run a service for the daemon.

Example PowerShell script - Windows

if ( Get-Service "AWSXRayDaemon" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ){

sc.exe stop AWSXRayDaemon
sc.exe delete AWSXRayDaemon

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Running the X-Ray daemon on OS X

if ( Get-Item -path aws-xray-daemon -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force aws-xray-daemon

$currentLocation = Get-Location
$zipFileName = "aws-xray-daemon-windows-service-3.x.zip"
$zipPath = "$currentLocation\$zipFileName"
$destPath = "$currentLocation\aws-xray-daemon"
$daemonPath = "$destPath\xray.exe"
$daemonLogPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\xray-daemon.log"
$url = "https://s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-west-2/xray-daemon/

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $zipPath

Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipPath, $destPath)

sc.exe create AWSXRayDaemon binPath= "$daemonPath -f $daemonLogPath"

sc.exe start AWSXRayDaemon

Running the X-Ray daemon on OS X

You can run the daemon executable from the command line. Use the -o option to run in local mode, and
-n to set the region.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray_mac -o -n us-east-2

To run the daemon in the background, use &.

~/xray-daemon$ ./xray_mac -o -n us-east-2 &

Use nohup to prevent the daemon from terminating when the terminal is closed.

~/xray-daemon$ nohup ./xray_mac &

Running the X-Ray daemon on AWS Elastic

To relay trace data from your application to AWS X-Ray, you can run the X-Ray daemon on your Elastic
Beanstalk environment's Amazon EC2 instances. For a list of supported platforms, see Configuring AWS
X-Ray Debugging in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide.
The daemon uses your environment's instance profile for permissions. For instructions about
adding permissions to the Elastic Beanstalk instance profile, see Giving the daemon permission
to send data to X-Ray (p. 167).

Elastic Beanstalk platforms provide a configuration option that you can set to run the daemon
automatically. You can enable the daemon in a configuration file in your source code or by choosing
an option in the Elastic Beanstalk console. When you enable the configuration option, the daemon is
installed on the instance and runs as a service.

The version included on Elastic Beanstalk platforms might not be the latest version. See the Supported
Platforms topic to find out the version of the daemon that is available for your platform configuration.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Using the Elastic Beanstalk X-Ray
integration to run the X-Ray daemon

Elastic Beanstalk does not provide the X-Ray daemon on the Multicontainer Docker (Amazon ECS)

Using the Elastic Beanstalk X-Ray integration to run

the X-Ray daemon
Use the console to turn on X-Ray integration, or configure it in your application source code with a
configuration file.

To enable the X-Ray daemon in the Elastic Beanstalk console

1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.
3. Choose Configuration.
4. Choose Software Settings.
5. For X-Ray daemon, choose Enabled.
6. Choose Apply.

You can include a configuration file in your source code to make your configuration portable between

Example .ebextensions/xray-daemon.config

XRayEnabled: true

Elastic Beanstalk passes a configuration file to the daemon and outputs logs to a standard location.

On Windows Server Platforms

• Configuration file – C:\Program Files\Amazon\XRay\cfg.yaml

• Logs – c:\Program Files\Amazon\XRay\logs\xray-service.log

On Linux Platforms

• Configuration file – /etc/amazon/xray/cfg.yaml

• Logs – /var/log/xray/xray.log

Elastic Beanstalk provides tools for pulling instance logs from the AWS Management Console or
command line. You can tell Elastic Beanstalk to include the X-Ray daemon logs by adding a task with a
configuration file.

Example .ebextensions/xray-logs.config - Linux

"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/tasks/taillogs.d/xray-daemon.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Downloading and running the X-
Ray daemon manually (advanced)

Example .ebextensions/xray-logs.config - Windows server

"c:/Program Files/Amazon/ElasticBeanstalk/config/taillogs.d/xray-daemon.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
c:\Progam Files\Amazon\XRay\logs\xray-service.log

See Viewing Logs from Your Elastic Beanstalk Environment's Amazon EC2 Instances in the AWS Elastic
Beanstalk Developer Guide for more information.

Downloading and running the X-Ray daemon

manually (advanced)
If the X-Ray daemon isn't available for your platform configuration, you can download it from Amazon
S3 and run it with a configuration file.

Use an Elastic Beanstalk configuration file to download and run the daemon.

Example .ebextensions/xray.config - Linux

command: yum remove -y xray
ignoreErrors: true
command: curl https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-daemon/
aws-xray-daemon-3.x.rpm -o /home/ec2-user/xray.rpm
command: yum install -y /home/ec2-user/xray.rpm

"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/tasks/taillogs.d/xray-daemon.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
"/etc/amazon/xray/cfg.yaml" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
LogLevel: "debug"
Version: 2

Example .ebextensions/xray.config - Windows server

command: Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\\temp\\installDaemon.ps1
waitAfterCompletion: 0

content: |

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
On Amazon EC2

if ( Get-Service "AWSXRayDaemon" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {

sc.exe stop AWSXRayDaemon
sc.exe delete AWSXRayDaemon

$targetLocation = "C:\Program Files\Amazon\XRay"

if ((Test-Path $targetLocation) -eq 0) {
mkdir $targetLocation

$zipFileName = "aws-xray-daemon-windows-service-3.x.zip"
$zipPath = "$targetLocation\$zipFileName"
$destPath = "$targetLocation\aws-xray-daemon"
if ((Test-Path $destPath) -eq 1) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $destPath

$daemonPath = "$destPath\xray.exe"
$daemonLogPath = "$targetLocation\xray-daemon.log"
$url = "https://s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-west-2/xray-

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $zipPath

Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipPath, $destPath)

New-Service -Name "AWSXRayDaemon" -StartupType Automatic -BinaryPathName

"`"$daemonPath`" -f `"$daemonLogPath`""
sc.exe start AWSXRayDaemon
encoding: plain
"c:/Program Files/Amazon/ElasticBeanstalk/config/taillogs.d/xray-daemon.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
C:\Program Files\Amazon\XRay\xray-daemon.log

These examples also add the daemon's log file to the Elastic Beanstalk tail logs task, so that it's included
when you request logs with the console or Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI).

Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon EC2

You can run the X-Ray daemon on the following operating systems on Amazon EC2:

• Amazon Linux
• Ubuntu
• Windows Server (2012 R2 and newer)

Use an instance profile to grant the daemon permission to upload trace data to X-Ray. For more
information, see Giving the daemon permission to send data to X-Ray (p. 167).

Use a user data script to run the daemon automatically when you launch the instance.

Example User data script - Linux

curl https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-daemon/aws-xray-
daemon-3.x.rpm -o /home/ec2-user/xray.rpm
yum install -y /home/ec2-user/xray.rpm

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
On Amazon ECS

Example User data script - Windows server

if ( Get-Service "AWSXRayDaemon" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
sc.exe stop AWSXRayDaemon
sc.exe delete AWSXRayDaemon

$targetLocation = "C:\Program Files\Amazon\XRay"

if ((Test-Path $targetLocation) -eq 0) {
mkdir $targetLocation

$zipFileName = "aws-xray-daemon-windows-service-3.x.zip"
$zipPath = "$targetLocation\$zipFileName"
$destPath = "$targetLocation\aws-xray-daemon"
if ((Test-Path $destPath) -eq 1) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $destPath

$daemonPath = "$destPath\xray.exe"
$daemonLogPath = "$targetLocation\xray-daemon.log"
$url = "https://s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-west-2/xray-daemon/

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $zipPath

Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipPath, $destPath)

New-Service -Name "AWSXRayDaemon" -StartupType Automatic -BinaryPathName "`"$daemonPath`" -

f `"$daemonLogPath`""
sc.exe start AWSXRayDaemon

Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon ECS

In Amazon ECS, create a Docker image that runs the X-Ray daemon, upload it to a Docker image
repository, and then deploy it to your Amazon ECS cluster. You can use port mappings and network
mode settings in your task definition file to allow your application to communicate with the daemon

Using the official Docker image

X-Ray provides a Docker container image that you can deploy alongside your application.

$ docker pull amazon/aws-xray-daemon

Example Task definition

"name": "xray-daemon",
"image": "amazon/aws-xray-daemon",
"cpu": 32,
"memoryReservation": 256,
"portMappings" : [
"hostPort": 0,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Create and build a Docker image

"containerPort": 2000,
"protocol": "udp"

Create and build a Docker image

For custom configuration, you may need to define your own Docker image.

Add managed policies to your task role to grant the daemon permission to upload trace data to X-Ray.
For more information, see Giving the daemon permission to send data to X-Ray (p. 167).

Use one of the following Dockerfiles to create an image that runs the daemon.

Example Dockerfile – Amazon Linux

FROM amazonlinux
RUN yum install -y unzip
RUN curl -o daemon.zip https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-
RUN unzip daemon.zip && cp xray /usr/bin/xray
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/xray", "-t", "", "-b", ""]
EXPOSE 2000/udp
EXPOSE 2000/tcp

Flags -t and -b are required to specify a binding address to listen to the loopback of a multi-
container environment.

Example Dockerfile – Ubuntu

For Debian derivatives, you also need to install certificate authority (CA) certificates to avoid issues when
downloading the installer.

FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends apt-transport-
https curl ca-certificates wget && apt-get clean && apt-get autoremove && rm -rf /var/lib/
RUN wget https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-daemon/aws-xray-
RUN dpkg -i aws-xray-daemon-3.x.deb
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/xray", "--bind=", "--bind-tcp="]
EXPOSE 2000/udp
EXPOSE 2000/tcp

In your task definition, the configuration depends on the networking mode that you use. Bridge
networking is the default and can be used in your default VPC. In a bridge network, set the
AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS environment variable to tell the X-Ray SDK which container-port to
reference and set the host port. For example, you could publish UDP port 2000, and create a link from
your application container to the daemon container.

Example Task definition

"name": "xray-daemon",
"image": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/xray-daemon",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Create and build a Docker image

"cpu": 32,
"memoryReservation": 256,
"portMappings" : [
"hostPort": 0,
"containerPort": 2000,
"protocol": "udp"
"name": "scorekeep-api",
"image": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/scorekeep-api",
"cpu": 192,
"memoryReservation": 512,
"environment": [
{ "name" : "AWS_REGION", "value" : "us-east-2" },
{ "name" : "NOTIFICATION_TOPIC", "value" : "arn:aws:sns:us-
east-2:123456789012:scorekeep-notifications" },
{ "name" : "AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS", "value" : "xray-daemon:2000" }
"portMappings" : [
"hostPort": 5000,
"containerPort": 5000
"links": [

If you run your cluster in the private subnet of a VPC, you can use the awsvpc network mode to attach
an elastic network interface (ENI) to your containers. This enables you to avoid using links. Omit the host
port in the port mappings, the link, and the AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS environment variable.

Example VPC task definition

"family": "scorekeep",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "xray-daemon",
"image": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/xray-daemon",
"cpu": 32,
"memoryReservation": 256,
"portMappings" : [
"containerPort": 2000,
"protocol": "udp"
"name": "scorekeep-api",
"image": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/scorekeep-api",
"cpu": 192,
"memoryReservation": 512,
"environment": [
{ "name" : "AWS_REGION", "value" : "us-east-2" },
{ "name" : "NOTIFICATION_TOPIC", "value" : "arn:aws:sns:us-
east-2:123456789012:scorekeep-notifications" }

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configure command line options
in the Amazon ECS console

"portMappings" : [
"containerPort": 5000

Configure command line options in the Amazon ECS

Command line options override any conflicting values in your image's config file. Command line options
are typically used for local testing, but can also be used for convenience while setting environment
variables, or to control the startup process.

By adding command line options, you are updating the Docker CMD that is passed to the container. For
more information, see the Docker run reference.

To set a command line option

1. Open the Amazon ECS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/.

2. From the navigation bar, choose the region that contains your task definition.
3. In the navigation pane, choose Task Definitions.
4. On the Task Definitions page, select the box to the left of the task definition to revise and choose
Create new revision.
5. On the Create new revision of Task Definition page, select the container.
6. In the ENVIRONMENT section, add your comma-separated list of command line options to the
Command field.
7. Choose Update.
8. Verify the information and choose Create.

The following example shows how to write a comma-separated command line option for the RoleARN
option. The RoleARN option assumes the specified IAM role to upload segments to a different account.


--role-arn, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/xray-cross-account

To learn more about the available command line options in X-Ray, see Configuring the AWS X-Ray
Daemon (p. 168).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Integrating AWS X-Ray with other

AWS services
Many AWS services provide varying levels of X-Ray integration, including sampling and adding headers
to incoming requests, running the X-Ray daemon, and automatically sending trace data to X-Ray.
Integration with X-Ray can include the following:

• Active instrumentation – Samples and instruments incoming requests

• Passive instrumentation – Instruments requests that have been sampled by another service
• Request tracing – Adds a tracing header to all incoming requests and propagates it downstream
• Tooling – Runs the X-Ray daemon to receive segments from the X-Ray SDK

The X-Ray SDKs include plugins for additional integration with AWS services. For example, you
can use the X-Ray SDK for Java Elastic Beanstalk plugin to add information about the Elastic
Beanstalk environment that runs your application, including the environment name and ID.

Here are some examples of AWS services that are integrated with X-Ray:

• AWS Lambda (p. 202) – Active and passive instrumentation of incoming requests on all runtimes.
AWS Lambda adds two nodes to your service map, one for the AWS Lambda service, and one for the
function. When you enable instrumentation, AWS Lambda also runs the X-Ray daemon on Java and
Node.js runtimes for use with the X-Ray SDK.
• Amazon API Gateway (p. 182) – Active and passive instrumentation. API Gateway uses sampling rules
to determine which requests to record, and adds a node for the gateway stage to your service map.
• AWS Elastic Beanstalk (p. 197) – Tooling. Elastic Beanstalk includes the X-Ray daemon on the
following platforms:
• Java SE – 2.3.0 and later configurations
• Tomcat – 2.4.0 and later configurations
• Node.js – 3.2.0 and later configurations
• Windows Server – All configurations other than Windows Server Core that have been released since
December 9th, 2016

You can use the Elastic Beanstalk console to tell Elastic Beanstalk to run the daemon on these
platforms, or use the XRayEnabled option in the aws:elasticbeanstalk:xray namespace.
• Elastic Load Balancing (p. 197) – Request tracing on Application Load Balancers. The Application
Load Balancer adds the trace ID to the request header before sending it to a target group.
• Amazon EventBridge (p. 198) – Passive instrumentation. If a service that publishes events to
EventBridge is instrumented with the X-Ray SDK, event targets will receive the tracing header and can
continue to propagate the original trace ID.
• Amazon Simple Notification Service (p. 203) – Passive instrumentation. If an Amazon SNS publisher
traces its client with the X-Ray SDK, subscribers can retrieve the tracing header and continue to
propagate the original trace from the publisher with the same trace ID.
• Amazon Simple Queue Service (p. 208) – Passive instrumentation. If a service traces requests by
using the X-Ray SDK, Amazon SQS can send the tracing header and continue to propagate the original
trace from the sender to the consumer with a consistent trace ID.

Choose from the following topics to explore the full set of integrated AWS services.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
API Gateway

• Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for AWS X-Ray (p. 182)
• Amazon EC2 and AWS App Mesh (p. 183)
• AWS AppSync and AWS X-Ray (p. 185)
• Logging X-Ray API calls with AWS CloudTrail (p. 185)
• Monitoring endpoints and APIs with CloudWatch (p. 187)
• Tracking X-Ray encryption configuration changes with AWS Config (p. 194)
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and AWS X-Ray (p. 197)
• AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS X-Ray (p. 197)
• Elastic Load Balancing and AWS X-Ray (p. 197)
• Amazon EventBridge and AWS X-Ray (p. 198)
• AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202)
• Amazon SNS and AWS X-Ray (p. 203)
• AWS Step Functions and AWS X-Ray (p. 207)
• Amazon SQS and AWS X-Ray (p. 208)
• Amazon S3 and AWS X-Ray (p. 210)

Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for

You can use X-Ray to trace and analyze user requests as they travel through your Amazon API Gateway
APIs to the underlying services. API Gateway supports X-Ray tracing for all API Gateway endpoint types:
Regional, edge-optimized, and private. You can use X-Ray with Amazon API Gateway in all AWS Regions
where X-Ray is available. For more information, see Trace API Gateway API Execution with AWS X-Ray in
the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.
X-Ray only supports tracing for REST APIs through API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway provides active tracing (p. 181) support for AWS X-Ray. Enable active tracing on
your API stages to sample incoming requests and send traces to X-Ray.

To enable active tracing on an API stage

1. Open the API Gateway console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/.

2. Choose an API.
3. Choose a stage.
4. On the Logs/Tracing tab, choose Enable X-Ray Tracing and then choose Save Changes.
5. Choose Resources in the left side navigation panel.
6. To redeploy the API with the new settings, choose the Actions dropdown, and then choose Deploy

API Gateway uses sampling rules that you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to
record. You can create rules that only apply to APIs, or that apply only to requests that contain certain
headers. API Gateway records headers in attributes on the segment, along with details about the stage
and request. For more information, see Configuring sampling rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76).

For all incoming requests, API Gateway adds a tracing header (p. 21) to incoming HTTP requests that
don't already have one.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
App Mesh

X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793

Trace ID Format

A trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-

a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

• The version number, that is, 1.

• The time of the original request, in Unix epoch time, in 8 hexadecimal digits.

For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds, or 58406520
in hexadecimal digits.
• A 96-bit identifier for the trace, globally unique, in 24 hexadecimal digits.

If active tracing is disabled, the stage still records a segment if the request comes from a service that
sampled the request and started a trace. For example, an instrumented web application can call an API
Gateway API with an HTTP client. When you instrument an HTTP client with the X-Ray SDK, it adds
a tracing header to the outgoing request that contains the sampling decision. API Gateway reads the
tracing header and creates a segment for sampled requests.

If you use API Gateway to generate a Java SDK for your API, you can instrument the SDK client by adding
a request handler with the client builder, in the same way that you would manually instrument an AWS
SDK client. See Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 248) for instructions.

Amazon EC2 and AWS App Mesh

AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS App Mesh to manage Envoy proxies for microservices. App Mesh
provides a version of Envoy that you can configure to send trace data to the X-Ray daemon running in
a container of the same task or pod. X-Ray supports tracing with the following App Mesh compatible

• Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

• Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

Use the following instructions to learn how to enable X-Ray tracing through App Mesh.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
App Mesh

To configure the Envoy proxy to send data to X-Ray, set the ENABLE_ENVOY_XRAY_TRACING
environment variable in its container definition.
The App Mesh version of Envoy does not currently send traces based on configured sampling
rules. Instead, it uses a fixed sampling rate of 5% for Envoy version 1.16.3 or newer, or a 50%
sampling rate for Envoy versions prior to 1.16.3.

Example Envoy container definition for Amazon ECS

"name": "envoy",
"image": "public.ecr.aws/appmesh/aws-appmesh-envoy:envoy-version",
"essential": true,
"environment": [
"value": "mesh/myMesh/virtualNode/myNode"
"value": "1"
"healthCheck": {
"command": [
"curl -s http://localhost:9901/server_info | cut -d' ' -f3 | grep -q live"
"startPeriod": 10,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS AppSync

"interval": 5,
"timeout": 2,
"retries": 3

To learn more about available Envoy region addresses, see Envoy image in the AWS App Mesh
User Guide.

For details on running the X-Ray daemon in a container, see Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon
ECS (p. 177). For a sample application that includes a service mesh, microservice, Envoy proxy, and X-Ray
daemon, deploy the colorapp sample in the App Mesh Examples GitHub repository.

Learn More

• Getting Started with AWS App Mesh

• Getting Started with AWS App Mesh and Amazon ECS

AWS AppSync and AWS X-Ray

You can enable and trace requests for AWS AppSync. For more information, see Tracing with AWS X-Ray
for instructions.

When X-Ray tracing is enabled for an AWS AppSync API, an AWS Identity and Access Management
service-linked role is automatically created in your account with the appropriate permissions. This allows
AWS AppSync to send traces to X-Ray in a secure way.

Logging X-Ray API calls with AWS CloudTrail

AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS CloudTrail to record API actions made by a user, a role, or an AWS service
in X-Ray. You can use CloudTrail to monitor X-Ray API requests in real time and store logs in Amazon
S3, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, and Amazon CloudWatch Events. X-Ray supports logging the following
actions as events in CloudTrail log files:

Supported API Actions

• PutEncryptionConfig
• GetEncryptionConfig
• CreateGroup
• UpdateGroup
• DeleteGroup
• GetGroup
• GetGroups
• GetInsight
• GetInsightEvents
• GetInsightImpactGraph
• GetInsightSummaries

To create a trail

1. Open the Trails page of the CloudTrail console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

2. Choose Create trail.

3. Enter a trail name, and then choose the types of event to record.

• Management events – Record API actions that create, read, update, or delete AWS resources.
Records calls to all supported API actions for all AWS services.
• Data events – Record API actions that target specific resources, like Amazon S3 object reads or
AWS Lambda function invocations. You choose which buckets and functions to monitor.
4. Choose an Amazon S3 bucket and encryption settings.
5. Choose Create.

CloudTrail records API calls of the types you chose to log files in Amazon S3. A CloudTrail log is an
unordered array of events in JSON format. For each call to a supported API action, CloudTrail records
information about the request and the entity that made it. Log events include the action name,
parameters, the response from X-Ray, and details about the requester.

Example X-Ray GetEncryptionConfig log entry

"userAgent"=>"aws-sdk-ruby2/2.11.19 ruby/2.3.1 x86_64-linux",

The userIdentity element contains information about who generated the request. The identity
information helps you determine the following:

• Whether the request was made with root or IAM user credentials.
• Whether the request was made with temporary security credentials for a role or federated user.
• Whether the request was made by another AWS service.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To be notified when a new log file is available, configure CloudTrail to publish Amazon SNS notifications.
For more information, see Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail.

You can also aggregate X-Ray log files from multiple AWS Regions and multiple AWS accounts into a
single Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions
and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Accounts.

Monitoring endpoints and APIs with CloudWatch

AWS X-Ray integrates with Amazon CloudWatch to support CloudWatch ServiceLens, CloudWatch
RUM, and CloudWatch Synthetics in monitoring the health of your applications. By correlating metrics,
logs, and traces, ServiceLens provides an end-to-end view of your services to help you quickly pinpoint
performance bottlenecks and identify impacted users. To learn more about ServiceLens, see Using
ServiceLens to Monitor the Health of Your Applications.

With CloudWatch RUM, you can perform real user monitoring to collect and view client-side data
about your web application performance from actual user sessions in near-real time. With AWS X-Ray
and CloudWatch RUM, you can analyze and debug the request path starting from end users of your
application through downstream AWS managed services. This helps you identify latency trends and
errors that impact your end users.

ServiceLens integrates with CloudWatch Synthetics, a fully managed service that you can use to monitor
your endpoints and APIs from the outside in. Synthetics uses modular, lightweight canaries that run
24 hours per day, once per minute. Canaries are configurable scripts that follow the same routes and
perform the same actions as a customer. This enables the outside-in view of your customers’ experiences,
and your service’s availability from their point of view.

You can customize canaries to check for availability, latency, transactions, broken or dead links, step-
by-step task completions, page load errors, load latency for UI assets, complex wizard flows, or other
workflows in your application.

To get started with Synthetics, enable X-Ray for your APIs, endpoints, and web apps. For example,
you can do this for your APIs running on API Gateway (p. 182). Then, create a canary and observe
the Synthetics node in your service graph. To learn more about setting up Synthetics tests, see Using
Synthetics to Create and Manage Canaries.

• CloudWatch RUM and AWS X-Ray (p. 187)
• Debugging CloudWatch synthetics canaries using X-Ray (p. 188)

CloudWatch RUM and AWS X-Ray

With Amazon CloudWatch RUM, you can perform real user monitoring to collect and view client-side
data about your web application performance from actual user sessions in near-real time. With AWS
X-Ray and CloudWatch RUM, you can analyze and debug the request path starting from end users of
your application through downstream AWS managed services. This helps you identify latency trends and
errors that impact your end users.

After you turn on X-Ray tracing of user sessions, CloudWatch RUM adds an X-Ray trace header to allowed
HTTP requests, and records an X-Ray segment for allowed HTTP requests. You can then see traces and
segments from these user sessions in the X-Ray and CloudWatch consoles, including the X-Ray service

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

CloudWatch RUM doesn't integrate with X-Ray sampling rules. Instead, choose a sampling
percentage when you set up your application to use CloudWatch RUM. Traces sent from
CloudWatch RUM might incur additional costs. For more information, see AWS X-Ray pricing.

By default, client-side traces sent from CloudWatch RUM aren't connected to server-side traces. To
connect client-side traces with server-side traces, configure the CloudWatch RUM web client to add an X-
Ray trace header to these HTTP requests.
Configuring the CloudWatch RUM web client to add an X-Ray trace header to HTTP requests
can cause cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) to fail or invalidate the request's signature if the
request is signed with Signature Version 4 (SigV4). For more information, see the CloudWatch
RUM web client documentation. We strongly recommend that you test your application before
adding a client-side X-Ray trace header in a production environment.

For more information about real user monitoring in CloudWatch, see Use CloudWatch RUM. To set up
your application to use CloudWatch RUM, including tracing user sessions with X-Ray, see Set up an
application to use CloudWatch RUM.

Debugging CloudWatch synthetics canaries using X-

CloudWatch Synthetics is a fully managed service that enables you to monitor your endpoints and APIs
using scripted canaries that run 24 hours per day, once per minute.

You can customize canary scripts to check for changes in:

• Availability
• Latency
• Transactions
• Broken or dead links
• Step-by-step task completions
• Page load errors
• Load Latencies for UI assets
• Complex wizard flows
• Checkout flows in your application

Canaries follow the same routes and perform the same actions and behaviors as your customers, and
continually verify the customer experience.

To learn more about setting up Synthetics tests, see Using Synthetics to Create and Manage Canaries.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

The following examples show common use cases for debugging issues that your Synthetics canaries
raise. Each example demonstrates a key strategy for debugging using either the service map or the X-Ray
Analytics console.

For more information about how to read and interact with the service map, see Viewing the Service Map.

For more information about how to read and interact with the X-Ray Analytics console, see Interacting
with the AWS X-Ray Analytics Console.

• View canaries with increased error reporting in the service map (p. 189)
• Use trace maps for individual traces to view each request in detail (p. 190)
• Determine the root cause of ongoing failures in upstream and downstream services (p. 190)
• Identify performance bottlenecks and trends (p. 191)
• Compare latency and error or fault rates before and after changes (p. 192)
• Determine the required canary coverage for all APIs and URLs (p. 192)
• Use groups to focus on synthetics tests (p. 193)

View canaries with increased error reporting in the service map

To see which canaries have an increase in errors, faults, throttling rates, or slow response times
within your X-Ray service map, you can highlight Synthetics canary client nodes using the
Client::Synthetic filter (p. 64). Clicking a node displays the response time distribution of the
entire request. Clicking an edge between two nodes shows details about the requests that traveled that
connection. You can also view "remote" inferred nodes for related downstream services in your service

When you click the Synthetics node, there is a View in Synthetics button on side panel which redirects
you to the Synthetics console where you can check the canary details.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

Use trace maps for individual traces to view each request in

To determine which service results in the most latency or is causing an error, invoke the trace map by
selecting the trace in the service map. Individual trace maps display the end-to-end path of a single
request. Use this to understand the services invoked, and visualize the upstream and downstream

Determine the root cause of ongoing failures in upstream and

downstream services
Once you receive a CloudWatch alarm for failures in a Synthetics canary, use the statistical modeling
on trace data in X-Ray to determine the probable root cause of the issue within the X-Ray Analytics
console. In the Analytics console, the Response Time Root Cause table shows recorded entity paths.
X-Ray determines which path in your trace is the most likely cause for the response time. The format
indicates a hierarchy of entities that are encountered, ending in a response time root cause.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

The following example shows that the Synthetics test for API “XXX” running on API Gateway is failing
due to a throughput capacity exception from the Amazon DynamoDB table.

Identify performance bottlenecks and trends

You can view trends in the performance of your endpoint over time using continuous traffic from your
Synthetics canaries to populate a trace map over a period of time.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

Compare latency and error or fault rates before and after

Pinpoint the time a change occured to correlate that change to an increase in issues caught by your
canaries. Use the X-Ray Analytics console to define the before and after time ranges as different trace
sets, creating a visual differentiation in the response time distribution.

Determine the required canary coverage for all APIs and URLs
Use X-Ray Analytics to compare the experience of canaries with the users. The UI below shows a blue
trend line for canaries and a green line for the users. You can also identify that two out of the three URLs
don’t have canary tests.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
CloudWatch Synthetics

Use groups to focus on synthetics tests

You can create an X-Ray group using a filter expression to focus on a certain set of workflows, such
as a Synthetics tests for application “www” running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Use the complex
keywords (p. 69) service() and edge() to filter through services and edges.

Example Group filter expression

"edge(id(name: "www", type: "client::Synthetics"), id(name: "www", type:


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Config

Tracking X-Ray encryption configuration changes

with AWS Config
AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS Config to record configuration changes made to your X-Ray
encryption resources. You can use AWS Config to inventory X-Ray encryption resources, audit the X-Ray
configuration history, and send notifications based on resource changes.

AWS Config supports logging the following X-Ray encryption resource changes as events:

• Configuration changes – Changing or adding an encryption key, or reverting to the default X-Ray
encryption setting.

Use the following instructions to learn how to create a basic connection between X-Ray and AWS Config.

Creating a Lambda function trigger

You must have the ARN of a custom AWS Lambda function before you can generate a custom AWS
Config rule. Follow these instructions to create a basic function with Node.js that returns a compliant or
non-compliant value back to AWS Config based on the state of the XrayEncryptionConfig resource.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Creating a custom AWS Config rule for x-ray

To create a Lambda function with an AWS::XrayEncryptionConfig change trigger

1. Open the Lambda console. Choose Create function.

2. Choose Blueprints, and then filter the blueprints library for the config-rule-change-triggered
blueprint. Either click the link in the blueprint's name or choose Configure to continue.
3. Define the following fields to configure the blueprint:

• For Name, type a name.

• For Role, choose Create new role from template(s).
• For Role name, type a name.
• For Policy templates, choose AWS Config Rules permissions.
4. Choose Create function to create and display your function in the AWS Lambda console.
5. Edit your function code to replace AWS::EC2::Instance with AWS::XrayEncryptionConfig.
You can also update the description field to reflect this change.

Default Code

if (configurationItem.resourceType !== 'AWS::EC2::Instance') {

} else if (ruleParameters.desiredInstanceType ===
configurationItem.configuration.instanceType) {
return 'COMPLIANT';

Updated Code

if (configurationItem.resourceType !== 'AWS::XRay::EncryptionConfig') {

} else if (ruleParameters.desiredInstanceType ===
configurationItem.configuration.instanceType) {
return 'COMPLIANT';

6. Add the following to your execution role in IAM for access to X-Ray. These permissions allow read-
only access to your X-Ray resources. Failure to provide access to the appropriate resources will result
in an out of scope message from AWS Config when it evaluates the Lambda function associated with
the rule.

"Sid": "Stmt1529350291539",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"

Creating a custom AWS Config rule for x-ray

When the Lambda function is created, note the function's ARN, and go to the AWS Config console to
create your custom rule.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Example results

To create an AWS Config rule for X-Ray

1. Open the Rules page of the AWS Config console.

2. Choose Add rule, and then choose Add custom rule.
3. In AWS Lambda Function ARN, insert the ARN associated with the Lambda function you want to
4. Choose the type of trigger to set:

• Configuration changes – AWS Config triggers the evaluation when any resource that matches the
rule's scope changes in configuration. The evaluation runs after AWS Config sends a configuration
item change notification.
• Periodic – AWS Config runs evaluations for the rule at a frequency that you choose (for example,
every 24 hours).
5. For Resource type, choose EncryptionConfig in the X-Ray section.
6. Choose Save.

The AWS Config console begins to evaluate the rule's compliance immediately. The evaluation can take
several minutes to complete.

Now that this rule is compliant, AWS Config can begin to compile an audit history. AWS Config records
resource changes in the form of a timeline. For each change in the timeline of events, AWS Config
generates a table in a from/to format to show what changed in the JSON representation of the
encryption key. The two field changes associated with EncryptionConfig are Configuration.type and

Example results
Following is an example of an AWS Config timeline showing changes made at specific dates and times.

Following is an example of an AWS Config change entry. The from/to format illustrates what changed.
This example shows that the default X-Ray encryption settings were changed to a defined encryption

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Amazon SNS notifications

Amazon SNS notifications

To be notified of configuration changes, set AWS Config to publish Amazon SNS notifications. For more
information, see Monitoring AWS Config Resource Changes by Email.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and AWS X-Ray

You can install and run the X-Ray daemon on an Amazon EC2 instance with a user data script. See
Running the X-Ray daemon on Amazon EC2 (p. 176) for instructions.

Use an instance profile to grant the daemon permission to upload trace data to X-Ray. For more
information, see Giving the daemon permission to send data to X-Ray (p. 167).

AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS X-Ray

AWS Elastic Beanstalk platforms include the X-Ray daemon. You can run the daemon (p. 173) by setting
an option in the Elastic Beanstalk console or with a configuration file.

On the Java SE platform, you can use a Buildfile file to build your application with Maven or Gradle on-
instance. The X-Ray SDK for Java and AWS SDK for Java are available from Maven, so you can deploy only
your application code and build on-instance to avoid bundling and uploading all of your dependencies.

You can use Elastic Beanstalk environment properties to configure the X-Ray SDK. The method that
Elastic Beanstalk uses to pass environment properties to your application varies by platform. Use the X-
Ray SDK's environment variables or system properties depending on your platform.

• Node.js platform – Use environment variables (p. 270)

• Java SE platform – Use environment variables (p. 245)
• Tomcat platform – Use system properties (p. 245)

For more information, see Configuring AWS X-Ray Debugging in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer

Elastic Load Balancing and AWS X-Ray

Elastic Load Balancing application load balancers add a trace ID to incoming HTTP requests in a header
named X-Amzn-Trace-Id.

X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793

Trace ID Format
A trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-
a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

• The version number, that is, 1.

• The time of the original request, in Unix epoch time, in 8 hexadecimal digits.

For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds, or 58406520
in hexadecimal digits.
• A 96-bit identifier for the trace, globally unique, in 24 hexadecimal digits.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Load balancers do not send data to X-Ray, and do not appear as a node on your service map.

For more information, see Request Tracing for Your Application Load Balancer in the Elastic Load
Balancing Developer Guide.

Amazon EventBridge and AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray integrates with Amazon EventBridge to trace events that are passed through EventBridge.
If a service that is instrumented with the X-Ray SDK sends events to EventBridge, the trace context is
propagated to downstream event targets within the tracing header (p. 21). The X-Ray SDK automatically
picks up the tracing header and applies it to any subsequent instrumentation. This continuity enables
users to trace, analyze, and debug throughout downstream services and provides a more complete view
of their system.

For more information, see EventBridge X-Ray Integration in the EventBridge User Guide.

Viewing source and targets on the X-Ray service map

The X-Ray service map (p. 49) displays an EventBridge event node that connects source and target
services, as in the following example:

Propagate the trace context to event targets

The X-Ray SDK enables the EventBridge event source to propagate trace context to downstream event
targets. The following language-specific examples demonstrate calling EventBridge from a Lambda
function on which active tracing is enabled:


Add the necessary dependencies for X-Ray:

• AWS X-Ray SDK for Java

• AWS X-Ray Recorder SDK for Java

package example;

import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context;
import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.RequestHandler;
import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.SQSEvent;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.AmazonEventBridge;
import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.AmazonEventBridgeClientBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.model.PutEventsRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.model.PutEventsRequestEntry;

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Propagate the trace context to event targets

import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.model.PutEventsResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.eventbridge.model.PutEventsResultEntry;
import com.amazonaws.xray.handlers.TracingHandler;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.StringBuilder;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Collections;

Add the necessary dependencies for XRay:
public class Handler implements RequestHandler<SQSEvent, String>{
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Handler.class);

build EventBridge client
private static final AmazonEventBridge eventsClient = AmazonEventBridgeClientBuilder
// instrument the EventBridge client with the XRay Tracing Handler.
// the AWSXRay globalRecorder will retrieve the tracing-context
// from the lambda function and inject it into the HTTP header.
// be sure to enable 'active tracing' on the lambda function.
.withRequestHandlers(new TracingHandler(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder()))

public String handleRequest(SQSEvent event, Context context)
PutEventsRequestEntry putEventsRequestEntry0 = new PutEventsRequestEntry();
putEventsRequestEntry0.setTime(new Date());
PutEventsRequest putEventsRequest = new PutEventsRequest();
// send the event(s) to EventBridge
PutEventsResult putEventsResult = eventsClient.putEvents(putEventsRequest);
try {
logger.info("Put Events Result: {}", putEventsResult);
} catch(Exception e) {
return "success";


Add the following dependency to your requirements.txt file:


import boto3
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Propagate the trace context to event targets

# apply the XRay handler to all clients.


client = boto3.client('events')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

response = client.put_events(
'Source': 'foo',
'DetailType': 'foo',
'Detail': '{\"foo\": \"foo\"}'
return response


package main

import (

var client = eventbridge.New(session.New())

func main() {
//Wrap the eventbridge client in the AWS XRay tracer

func handleRequest(ctx context.Context, event events.SQSEvent) (string, error) {

_, err := callEventBridge(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "ERROR", err
return "success", nil

func callEventBridge(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {

entries := make([]*eventbridge.PutEventsRequestEntry, 1)
detail := "{ \"foo\": \"foo\"}"
detailType := "foo"
source := "foo"
entries[0] = &eventbridge.PutEventsRequestEntry{
Detail: &detail,
DetailType: &detailType,
Source: &source,

input := &eventbridge.PutEventsInput{
Entries: entries,

// Example sending a request using the PutEventsRequest method.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Propagate the trace context to event targets

resp, err := client.PutEventsWithContext(ctx, input)

success := "yes"
if err == nil { // resp is now filled
success = "no"
return success, err


const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk')

//Wrap the aws-sdk client in the AWS XRay tracer
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'))
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge()

exports.handler = async (event) => {

let myDetail = { "name": "Alice" }

const myEvent = {
Entries: [{
Detail: JSON.stringify({ myDetail }),
DetailType: 'myDetailType',
Source: 'myApplication',
Time: new Date

// Send to EventBridge
const result = await eventBridge.putEvents(myEvent).promise()

// Log the result

console.log('Result: ', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))


Add the following X-Ray packages to your C# dependencies:

<PackageReference Include="AWSXRayRecorder.Core" Version="2.6.2" />

<PackageReference Include="AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AwsSdk" Version="2.7.2" />

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Amazon;
using Amazon.Util;
using Amazon.Lambda;
using Amazon.Lambda.Model;
using Amazon.Lambda.Core;
using Amazon.EventBridge;
using Amazon.EventBridge.Model;
using Amazon.Lambda.SQSEvents;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.AwsSdk;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

[assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.Json.JsonSerializer))]

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

namespace blankCsharp
public class Function
private static AmazonEventBridgeClient eventClient;

static Function() {

static async void initialize() {

//Wrap the AWS SDK clients in the AWS XRay tracer
eventClient = new AmazonEventBridgeClient();

public async Task<PutEventsResponse> FunctionHandler(SQSEvent invocationEvent,

ILambdaContext context)
PutEventsResponse response;
response = await callEventBridge();
catch (AmazonLambdaException ex)
throw ex;

return response;

public static async Task<PutEventsResponse> callEventBridge()

var request = new PutEventsRequest();
var entry = new PutEventsRequestEntry();
entry.DetailType = "foo";
entry.Source = "foo";
entry.Detail = "{\"instance_id\":\"A\"}";
List<PutEventsRequestEntry> entries = new List<PutEventsRequestEntry>();
request.Entries = entries;
var response = await eventClient.PutEventsAsync(request);
return response;

AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray

You can use AWS X-Ray to trace your AWS Lambda functions. Lambda runs the X-Ray daemon (p. 165)
and records a segment with details about the function invocation and execution. For further
instrumentation, you can bundle the X-Ray SDK with your function to record outgoing calls and add
annotations and metadata.

If your Lambda function is called by another instrumented service, Lambda traces requests that
have already been sampled without any additional configuration. The upstream service can be an
instrumented web application or another Lambda function. Your service can invoke the function directly
with an instrumented AWS SDK client, or by calling an API Gateway API with an instrumented HTTP

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Amazon SNS

If your Lambda function runs on a schedule, or is invoked by a service that is not instrumented, you can
configure Lambda to sample and record invocations with active tracing.

To configure X-Ray integration on an AWS Lambda function

1. Open the AWS Lambda console.

2. Select Functions from the left navigation bar.
3. Choose your function.
4. On the Configuration tab, scroll down to the Monitoring tools card and select Edit.
5. Under AWS X-Ray, enable Active tracing.

On runtimes with a corresponding X-Ray SDK, Lambda also runs the X-Ray daemon.

X-Ray SDKs on Lambda

• X-Ray SDK for Go – Go 1.7 and newer runtimes

• X-Ray SDK for Java – Java 8 runtime
• X-Ray SDK for Node.js – Node.js 4.3 and newer runtimes
• X-Ray SDK for Python – Python 2.7, Python 3.6, and newer runtimes
• X-Ray SDK for .NET – .NET Core 2.0 and newer runtimes

To use the X-Ray SDK on Lambda, bundle it with your function code each time you create a new
version. You can instrument your Lambda functions with the same methods that you use to instrument
applications running on other services. The primary difference is that you don't use the SDK to
instrument incoming requests, make sampling decisions, and create segments.

The other difference between instrumenting Lambda functions and web applications is that the segment
that Lambda creates and sends to X-Ray cannot be modified by your function code. You can create
subsegments and record annotations and metadata on them, but you can't add annotations and
metadata to the parent segment.

For more information, see Using AWS X-Ray in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Amazon SNS and AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray integrates with Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to trace messages that
are passed through Amazon SNS. If an Amazon SNS publisher traces its client with the X-Ray SDK,
subscribers can retrieve the tracing header (p. 21) and continue to propagate the original trace from the
publisher with the same trace ID. This continuity enables users to trace, analyze, and debug throughout
downstream services.

Amazon SNS trace context propagation currently supports the following subscribers:

• HTTP/HTTPS – For HTTP/HTTPS subscribers, you can use the X-Ray SDK to trace the incoming
message request. For more information and examples in Java, see Tracing incoming requests with the
X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 246).
• AWS Lambda – For Lambda subscribers with active tracing enabled, Lambda records a segment with
details about the function invocation, and sends it to the publisher's trace. For more information, see
AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202).

Use the following instructions to learn how to create a basic context between X-Ray and Amazon SNS
using a Lambda subscriber. You will create two Lambda functions and an Amazon SNS topic. Then, in the
X-Ray console, you can view the trace ID propagated throughout their interactions.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• Node.js 8 with npm
• The Bash shell. For Linux and macOS, this is included by default. In Windows 10, you can install the
Windows Subsystem for Linux to get a Windows-integrated version of Ubuntu and Bash.

Creating a Lambda subscriber function

In the following steps, the sample Lambda function MessageSubscriber is implemented in Node.js
and is subscribed as an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic. The MessageSubscriber function creates
a custom process_message subsegment with the AWSXRay.captureFunc command. The function
writes a simple message as an annotation to the subsegment.

To create the subscriber package

1. Create a file folder and name it to indicate it's the subscriber function (for example, sns-xray-
2. Create two files: index.js and package.json.
3. Paste the following code into index.js.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {

AWSXRay.captureFunc('process_message', function(subsegment) {
var message = event.Records[0].Sns.Message;
subsegment.addAnnotation('message_content', message);

callback(null, "Message received.");


4. Paste the following code into package.json.

"name": "sns-xray-subscriber",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A demo service to test SNS X-Ray trace header propagation",
"dependencies": {
"aws-xray-sdk": "^2.2.0"

5. Run the following script within the sns-xray-subscriber folder. It creates a package-
lock.json file and a node_modules folder, which handle all dependencies.

npm install --production

6. Compress the sns-xray-subscriber folder into a .zip file.

To create a subscriber function and enable X-Ray

1. Open the Lambda console, and then choose Create a function.

2. Choose Author from scratch:

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Creating an Amazon SNS topic

• For Function name, provide a name (for example, MessageSubscriber).

• For Runtime, use Node.js 10.x.
3. Choose Create function to create and display your function in the Lambda console.
4. In Function code, under Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.
5. Choose the subscriber package you created. To upload, choose Save in the upper right of the
6. In Debugging and error handling, select the Enable AWS X-Ray box.
7. Choose Save.

Creating an Amazon SNS topic

When Amazon SNS receives requests, it propagates the trace header to its endpoint subscriber. In the
following steps, you create a topic and then set the endpoint as the Lambda function you created earlier.

To create an Amazon SNS topic and subscribe a Lambda function

1. Open the SNS console.

2. Choose Topics, and then choose Create topic. For Name, provide a name.
3. In Subscriptions, choose Create subscription.
4. Record the topic ARN (for example, arn:aws:sns:{region}:{account id}:{topic name}).
5. Choose Create subscription:

• For Protocol, choose AWS Lambda.

• For Endpoint, choose the ARN of the receiver Lambda function you created from the list of
available Lambda functions.
6. Choose Create subscription.

Creating a Lambda publisher function

In the following steps, the sample Lambda function MessagePublisher is implemented in Node.js. The
function sends a message to the Amazon SNS topic you created earlier. The function uses the AWS SDK
for JavaScript to send notifications from Amazon SNS, and the X-Ray SDK for Node.js to instrument the
AWS SDK client.

To create the publisher package

1. Create a file folder and name it to indicate it's the publisher function (for example, sns-xray-
2. Create two files: index.js and package.json.
3. Paste the following code into index.js.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {

var sns = new AWS.SNS();

// You can replace the following line with your custom message.
Message: process.env.MESSAGE || "Testing X-Ray trace header propagation",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Creating a Lambda publisher function

TopicArn: process.env.TOPIC_ARN
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
callback(null, "Message sent.");

4. Paste the following code into package.json.

"name": "sns-xray-publisher",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A demo service to test SNS X-Ray trace header propagation",
"dependencies": {
"aws-xray-sdk": "^2.2.0"

5. Run the following script within the sns-xray-publisher folder. It creates a package-lock.json
file and a node_modules folder, which handle all dependencies.

npm install --production

6. Compress the sns-xray-publisher folder into a .zip file.

To create a publisher function and enable X-Ray

1. Open the Lambda console, and then choose Create function.

2. Choose Author from scratch:

• For Name, provide a name (for example, MessagePublisher).

• For Runtime, use Node.js 10.x.
3. In Permissions, expand Choose or create an execution role:

• For Execution role, choose Create a new role from AWS policy templates.
• For Role name, provide a name.
• For Policy templates, choose Amazon SNS publish policy.
4. Choose Create function to create and display your function in the Lambda console.
5. In Function code, under Code entry type, choose Upload a .zip file.
6. Choose the publisher package that you created. To upload, choose Save in the upper right of the
7. In Environment variables, add a variable:

• For Key, use the key name TOPIC_ARN, which is defined in the publisher function.
• For Value, use the Amazon SNS topic ARN you recorded previously.
8. Optionally, add another variable:

• For Key, provide a key name (for example, MESSAGE).

• For Value, enter any custom message.
9. In Debugging and error handling, select the Enable AWS X-Ray box.
10. Choose Save.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Testing and validating context propagation

Testing and validating context propagation

Both publisher and subscriber functions enable Lambda active tracing when sending traces. The
publisher function uses the X-Ray SDK to capture the publish SNS API call. Then, Amazon SNS
propagates the trace header to the subscriber. Finally, the subscriber picks up the trace header and
continues the trace. Follow the trace ID in the following steps.

To create a publisher function and enable X-Ray

1. Open the Lambda console, and then choose the publisher function that you created previously.
2. Choose Test.
3. Choose Create a new test event:

• For Event template, choose the Hello World template.

• For Event name, provide a name.
4. Choose Create.
5. Choose Test again.
6. To verify, open the X-Ray console. Wait at least 10 seconds for the trace to appear.
7. When the service map is generated, validate that your two Lambda functions and the Amazon SNS
topic appear.
8. Choose the MessageSubscriber segment, and then choose View traces.
9. Choose the trace from the list to reach the Details page.
10. Choose the process_message subsegment.
11. Choose the Annotations tab to see the message_content key with the message value from the

AWS Step Functions and AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray integrates with AWS Step Functions to trace and analyze requests for Step Functions. You
can visualize the components of your state machine, identify performance bottlenecks, and troubleshoot
requests that resulted in an error. For more information, see AWS X-Ray and Step Functions in the AWS
Step Functions Developer Guide.

To enable X-Ray tracing when creating a new state machine

1. Open the Step Functions console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/states/.

2. Choose Create a state machine.
3. On the Define state machine page, choose either Author with code snippets or Start with a
template. If you choose to run a sample project, you can't enable X-Ray tracing during creation.
Instead, enable X-Ray tracing after you create your state machine.
4. Choose Next.
5. On the Specify details page, configure your state machine.
6. Choose Enable X-Ray tracing.

To enable X-Ray tracing in an existing state machine

1. In the Step Functions console, select the state machine for which you want to enable tracing.
2. Choose Edit.
3. Choose Enable X-Ray tracing.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Amazon SQS

4. (Optional) Auto-generate a new role for your state machine to include X-Ray permissions by
choosing Create new role from the Permissions window.

5. Choose Save.

When you create a new state machine, it's automatically traced if the request is sampled and
tracing is enabled in an upstream service such as Amazon API Gateway or AWS Lambda. For
any existing state machine not configured through the console, for example through an AWS
CloudFormation template, check that you have an IAM policy that grants sufficient permissions
to enable X-Ray traces.

Amazon SQS and AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray integrates with Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) to trace messages that are
passed through an Amazon SQS queue. If a service traces requests by using the X-Ray SDK, Amazon
SQS can send the tracing header and continue to propagate the original trace from the sender to
the consumer with a consistent trace ID. Trace continuity enables users to track, analyze, and debug
throughout downstream services.

Amazon SQS supports the following tracing header instrumentation:

• Default HTTP Header – The X-Ray SDK automatically populates the trace header as an HTTP header
when you call Amazon SQS through the AWS SDK. The default trace header is carried by X-Amzn-

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Send the HTTP trace header

Trace-Id and corresponds to all messages included in a SendMessage or SendMessageBatch

request. To learn more about the default HTTP header, see Tracing header (p. 21).
• AWSTraceHeader System Attribute – The AWSTraceHeader is a message system attribute reserved
by Amazon SQS to carry the X-Ray trace header with messages in the queue. AWSTraceHeader is
available for use even when auto-instrumentation through the X-Ray SDK is not, for example when
building a tracing SDK for a new language. When both header instrumentations are set, the message
system attribute overrides the HTTP trace header.

When running on Amazon EC2, Amazon SQS supports processing one message at a time. This applies
when running on an on-premises host, and when using container services, such as AWS Fargate, Amazon
ECS, or AWS App Mesh.

The trace header is excluded from both Amazon SQS message size and message attribute quotas.
Enabling X-Ray tracing will not exceed your Amazon SQS quotas. To learn more about AWS quotas, see
Amazon SQS Quotas.
It is not currently possible to connect a trace passed into an SQS queue to the Lambda
consuming it on the other end. This is because although the trace header is propagated in the
SQS message, you cannot set it in the Lambda because segments in Lambda are immutable.

Send the HTTP trace header

Sender components in Amazon SQS can send the trace header automatically through the
SendMessageBatch or SendMessage call. When AWS SDK clients are instrumented, they can be
automatically tracked through all languages supported through the X-Ray SDK. Traced AWS services
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

To learn how to trace AWS SDK calls with your preferred language, see the following topics in the
supported SDKs:

• Go – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 223)
• Java – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 248)
• Node.js – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 273)
• Python – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 294)
• Ruby – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby (p. 331)
• .NET – Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 315)

Retrieve the trace header and recover trace context

To continue context propagation with Amazon SQS, you must manually instrument the handoff to the
receiver component.

There are three main steps to recovering the trace context:

• Receive the message from the queue for the AWSTraceHeader attribute by calling the
ReceiveMessage API.
• Retrieve the trace header from the attribute.
• Recover the trace ID from the header. Optionally, add more metrics to the segment.

The following is an example implementation written with the X-Ray SDK for Java.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Amazon S3

Example : Retrieve the trace header and recover trace context

// Receive the message from the queue, specifying the "AWSTraceHeader"

ReceiveMessageRequest receiveMessageRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest()
List<Message> messages = sqs.receiveMessage(receiveMessageRequest).getMessages();

if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
Message message = messages.get(0);

// Retrieve the trace header from the AWSTraceHeader message system attribute
String traceHeaderStr = message.getAttributes().get("AWSTraceHeader");
if (traceHeaderStr != null) {
TraceHeader traceHeader = TraceHeader.fromString(traceHeaderStr);

// Recover the trace context from the trace header

Segment segment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();


Amazon S3 and AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray integrates with Amazon S3 to trace upstream requests to update your application's S3
buckets. If a service traces requests by using the X-Ray SDK, Amazon S3 can send the tracing headers to
downstream event subscribers such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SNS. X-Ray enables trace
messages for Amazon S3 event notifications.

You can use the X-Ray service map to view the connections between Amazon S3 and other services that
your application uses. You can also use the console to view metrics such as average latency and failure
rates. For more information about the X-Ray console, see AWS X-Ray console (p. 49).

Amazon S3 supports the default http header instrumentation. The X-Ray SDK automatically populates
the trace header as an HTTP header when you call Amazon S3 through the AWS SDK. The default trace
header is carried by X-Amzn-Trace-Id. To learn more about tracing headers, see Tracing header (p. 21)
on the concept page. Amazon S3 trace context propagation supports the following subscribers: Lambda,
SQS, and SNS.

Configure Amazon S3 event notifications

With the Amazon S3 notification feature, you receive notifications when certain events happen in your
bucket. These notifications can then be propagated to the following destinations within your application:

• Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)

• Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
• AWS Lambda

For a list of supported events, see Supported event types in the Amazon S3 developer guide.

Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS

To publish notifications to an SNS topic or an SQS queue, you must first grant Amazon S3 permissions.
To grant these permissions, you attach an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy to the

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configure Amazon S3 event notifications

destination SNS topic or SQS queue. To learn more about the IAM policies required, see Granting
permissions to publish messages to an SNS topic or an SQS queue.

For information about integrating SNS and SQS with X-Ray see, Amazon SNS and AWS X-Ray (p. 203)
and Amazon SQS and AWS X-Ray (p. 208).

AWS Lambda
When you use the Amazon S3 console to configure event notifications on an S3 bucket for a Lambda
function, the console sets up the necessary permissions on the Lambda function so that Amazon S3 has
permissions to invoke the function from the bucket. For more information, see How Do I Enable and
Configure Event Notifications for an S3 Bucket? in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User

You can also grant Amazon S3 permissions from AWS Lambda to invoke your Lambda function. For more
information, see Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3 in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

For more information about integrating Lambda with X-Ray, see Instrumenting Java code in AWS

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting your application with
the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

Instrumenting your application for

Instrumenting your application involves sending trace data for incoming and outbound requests
and other events within your application, along with metadata about each request. There are
several different instrumentation options you can choose from or combine, based on your particular

• Auto instrumentation – instrument your application with zero code changes, typically via configuration
changes, adding an auto-instrumentation agent, or other mechanisms.
• Library instrumentation – make minimal application code changes to add pre-built instrumentation
targeting specific libraries or frameworks, such as the AWS SDK, Apache HTTP clients, or SQL clients.
• Manual instrumentation – add instrumentation code to your application at each location where you
want to send trace information.

There are several SDKs, agents, and tools that can be used to instrument your application for X-Ray

• Instrumenting your application with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (p. 212)
• Instrumenting your application with AWS X-Ray SDKs (p. 213)
• Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray SDKs (p. 213)

Instrumenting your application with the AWS

Distro for OpenTelemetry
The AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) is an AWS distribution based on the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation (CNCF) OpenTelemetry project. OpenTelemetry provides a single set of open source APIs,
libraries, and agents to collect distributed traces and metrics. This toolkit is a distribution of upstream
OpenTelemetry components including SDKs, auto-instrumentation agents, and collectors that are tested,
optimized, secured, and supported by AWS.

With ADOT, engineers can instrument their applications once and send correlated metrics and traces to
multiple AWS monitoring solutions including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch

Using X-Ray with ADOT requires two components: an OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray,
and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector enabled for use with X-Ray. For more information about
using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS services, see the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

ADOT includes the following:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrumenting your application with AWS X-Ray SDKs

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python
• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET

ADOT currently includes auto-instrumentation support for Java and Python. In addition, ADOT enables
auto-instrumentation of AWS Lambda functions and their downstream requests using Java, Node.js, and
Python runtimes, via ADOT Managed Lambda Layers.

Instrumenting your application with AWS X-Ray

AWS X-Ray includes a set of language-specific SDKs for instrumenting your application to send traces to
X-Ray. Each X-Ray SDK provides the following:

• Interceptors to add to your code to trace incoming HTTP requests

• Client handlers to instrument AWS SDK clients that your application uses to call other AWS services
• An HTTP client to instrument calls to other internal and external HTTP web services

X-Ray SDKs also support instrumenting calls to SQL databases, automatic AWS SDK client
instrumentation, and other features. Instead of sending trace data directly to X-Ray, the SDK sends JSON
segment documents to a daemon process listening for UDP traffic. The X-Ray daemon (p. 165) buffers
segments in a queue and uploads them to X-Ray in batches.

The following language-specific SDKs are provided:

• AWS X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 215)

• AWS X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 228)
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 265)
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 282)
• AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 305)
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby (p. 323)

X-Ray currently includes auto-instrumentation support for Java (p. 231).

Choosing between the AWS Distro for

OpenTelemetry and X-Ray SDKs
The SDKs included with X-Ray are part of a tightly integrated instrumentation solution offered by AWS.
The AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry is part of a broader industry solution in which X-Ray is only one of
many tracing solutions. You can implement end-to-end tracing in X-Ray using either approach, but it’s
important to understand the differences in order to determine the most useful approach for you.

We recommend instrumenting your application with the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry if you need the

• The ability to send traces to multiple different tracing backends without having to re-instrument your

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Choosing between the AWS Distro
for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray SDKs

• Support for a large number of library instrumentations for each language, maintained by the
OpenTelemetry community

We recommend choosing an X-Ray SDK for instrumenting your application if you need the following:

• A tightly integrated single-vendor solution

• Support for Ruby, which is not yet generally available as part of ADOT
• Integration with X-Ray centralized sampling rules, including the ability to configure sampling rules
from the X-Ray console and automatically use them across multiple hosts

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go

Working with Go
There are two ways to instrument your Go application to send traces to X-Ray:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go (p. 215) – An AWS distribution that provides a set of open
source libraries for sending correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions
including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service, via the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Collector.
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 215) – A set of libraries for generating and sending traces to X-Ray via the
X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

For more information, see Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
SDKs (p. 213).

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go

With the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go, you can instrument your applications once and send
correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS
X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Using X-Ray with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry requires two
components: an OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray, and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
Collector enabled for use with X-Ray.

To get started, see the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Go documentation.

For more information about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS
services, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

AWS X-Ray SDK for Go

The X-Ray SDK for Go is a set of libraries for Go applications that provide classes and methods for
generating and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon. Trace data includes information about incoming
HTTP requests served by the application, and calls that the application makes to downstream services
using the AWS SDK, HTTP clients, or an SQL database connector. You can also create segments manually
and add debug information in annotations and metadata.

Download the SDK from its GitHub repository with go get:

$ go get -u github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-go/...

For web applications, start by using the xray.Handler function (p. 221) to trace incoming requests.
The message handler creates a segment (p. 16) for each traced request, and completes the segment
when the response is sent. While the segment is open you can use the SDK client's methods to
add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also
automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

For Lambda functions called by an instrumented application or service, Lambda reads the tracing
header (p. 21) and traces sampled requests automatically. For other functions, you can configure
Lambda (p. 202) to sample and trace incoming requests. In either case, Lambda creates the segment and
provides it to the X-Ray SDK.
On Lambda, the X-Ray SDK is optional. If you don't use it in your function, your service map
will still include a node for the Lambda service, and one for each Lambda function. By adding
the SDK, you can instrument your function code to add subsegments to the function segment
recorded by Lambda. See AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Next, wrap your client with a call to the AWS function (p. 223). This step ensures that X-Ray instruments
calls to any client methods. You can also instrument calls to SQL databases (p. 225).

After you start using the SDK, customize its behavior by configuring the recorder and
middleware (p. 217). You can add plugins to record data about the compute resources running your
application, customize sampling behavior by defining sampling rules, and set the log level to see more or
less information from the SDK in your application logs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 226). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

When you have a lot of instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain a large
number of subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and
group subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 225). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code, and record metadata and annotations on the
subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

The X-Ray SDK for Go requires Go 1.9 or later.

The SDK depends on the following libraries at compile and runtime:

• AWS SDK for Go version 1.10.0 or newer

These dependencies are declared in the SDK's README.md file.

Reference documentation
Once you have downloaded the SDK, build and host the documentation locally to view it in a web

To view the reference documentation

1. Navigating to the $GOPATH/src/github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-go (Linux or Mac) directory or

the %GOPATH%\src\github.com\aws\aws-xray-sdk-go (Windows) folder
2. Run the godoc command.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

$ godoc -http=:6060

3. Opening a browser at http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-go/.

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Go

You can specify the configuration for X-Ray SDK for Go through environment variables, by calling
Configure with a Config object, or by assuming default values. Environment variables take precedence
over Config values, which take precedence over any default value.

• Service plugins (p. 217)
• Sampling rules (p. 219)
• Logging (p. 220)
• Environment variables (p. 220)
• Using configure (p. 221)

Service plugins
Use plugins to record information about the service hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – EC2Plugin adds the instance ID, Availability Zone, and the CloudWatch Logs Group.
• Elastic Beanstalk – ElasticBeanstalkPlugin adds the environment name, version label, and
deployment ID.
• Amazon ECS – ECSPlugin adds the container ID.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To use a plugin, import one of the following packages.


Each plugin has an explicit Init() function call that loads the plugin.

Example ec2.Init()

import (


func init() {
// conditionally load plugin
if os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT") == "production" {

ServiceVersion: "1.2.3",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


The SDK also uses plugin settings to set the origin field on the segment. This indicates the type of
AWS resource that runs your application. The resource type appears under your application's name in the
service map. For example, AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.

When you use multiple plugins, the SDK uses the following resolution order to determine the origin:
ElasticBeanstalk > EKS > ECS > EC2.

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

On AWS Lambda, you cannot modify the sampling rate. If your function is called by an instrumented
service, calls that generated requests that were sampled by that service will be recorded by Lambda. If
active tracing is enabled and no tracing header is present, Lambda makes the sampling decision.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To provide backup rules, point to the local sampling JSON file by using

Example main.go – Local sampling rule

s, _ := sampling.NewCentralizedStrategyWithFilePath("sampling.json") // path to local

sampling json
xray.Configure(xray.Config{SamplingStrategy: s})

To use only local rules, point to the local sampling JSON file by using

Example main.go – Disable sampling

s, _ := sampling.NewLocalizedStrategyFromFilePath("sampling.json") // path to local

sampling json
xray.Configure(xray.Config{SamplingStrategy: s})

The xray.Config{} fields LogLevel and LogFormat are deprecated starting with version

X-Ray uses the following interface for logging. The default logger writes to stdout at LogLevelInfo
and above.

type Logger interface {

Log(level LogLevel, msg fmt.Stringer)

const (
LogLevelDebug LogLevel = iota + 1

Example write to io.Writer

xray.SetLogger(xraylog.NewDefaultLogger(os.Stderr, xraylog.LogLevelError))

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for Go. The SDK supports the following

• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set the service name that the SDK uses for segments.
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK sends trace data to Use this variable if you have configured the daemon to
listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set the value to determine how the SDK handles missing context
errors. Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in the startup code when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new thread.
• RUNTIME_ERROR – By default, the SDK is set to throw a runtime exception.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

• LOG_ERROR – Set to log an error and continue.

Environment variables override equivalent values set in code.

Using configure
You can also configure the X-Ray SDK for Go using the Configure method. Configure takes one
argument, a Config object, with the following, optional fields.


This string specifies the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. If not specified, X-Ray uses the
value of the AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS environment variable. If that value is not set, it uses

This string specifies the version of the service. If not specified, X-Ray uses the empty string ("").

This SamplingStrategy object specifies which of your application calls are traced. If not specified,
X-Ray uses a LocalizedSamplingStrategy, which takes the strategy as defined in xray/

This StreamingStrategy object specifies whether to stream a segment when RequiresStreaming

returns true. If not specified, X-Ray uses a DefaultStreamingStrategy that streams a sampled
segment if the number of subsegments is greater than 20.

This ExceptionFormattingStrategy object specifies how you want to handle various exceptions.
If not specified, X-Ray uses a DefaultExceptionFormattingStrategy with an XrayError of
type error, the error message, and stack trace.

Instrumenting incoming HTTP requests with the X-

Ray SDK for Go
You can use the X-Ray SDK to trace incoming HTTP requests that your application serves on an EC2
instance in Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS.

Use xray.Handler to instrument incoming HTTP requests. The X-Ray SDK for Go implements the
standard Go library http.Handler interface in the xray.Handler class to intercept web requests.
The xray.Handler class wraps the provided http.Handler with xray.Capture using the request's
context, parsing the incoming headers, adding response headers if needed, and sets HTTP-specific trace

When you use this class to handle HTTP requests and responses, the X-Ray SDK for Go creates a segment
for each sampled request. This segment includes timing, method, and disposition of the HTTP request.
Additional instrumentation creates subsegments on this segment.
For AWS Lambda functions, Lambda creates a segment for each sampled request. See AWS
Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

The following example intercepts requests on port 8000 and returns "Hello!" as a response. It creates the
segment myApp and instruments calls through any application.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

Example main.go

func main() {
http.Handle("/", xray.Handler(xray.NewFixedSegmentNamer("MyApp"), http.HandlerFunc(func(w
http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil)

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

When a request is forwarded, the SDK sets an additional field in the segment to indicate this. If the
segment contains the field x_forwarded_for set to true, the client IP was taken from the X-
Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request.

The handler creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the following

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.
• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming
strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you create
the handler, as shown in the previous section.
You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 220).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use
if the hostname in the HTTP request doesn't match the pattern. To name segments dynamically, use
NewDynamicSegmentNamer to configure the default name and pattern to match.

Example main.go

If the hostname in the request matches the pattern *.example.com, use the hostname. Otherwise, use

func main() {
http.Handle("/", xray.Handler(xray.NewDynamicSegmentNamer("MyApp", "*.example.com"),
http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil)

Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Go

When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for Go tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 225). Traced AWS services and
resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

To trace AWS SDK clients, wrap the client object with the xray.AWS() call as shown in the following

Example main.go

var dynamo *dynamodb.DynamoDB

func main() {
dynamo = dynamodb.New(session.Must(session.NewSession()))

Then, when you use the AWS SDK client, use the withContext version of the call method, and pass it
the context from the http.Request object passed to the handler (p. 221).

Example main.go – AWS SDK call

func listTablesWithContext(ctx context.Context) {

output := dynamo.ListTablesWithContext(ctx, &dynamodb.ListTablesInput{})

For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services with

the X-Ray SDK for Go
When your application makes calls to microservices or public HTTP APIs, you can use the xray.Client
to instrument those calls as subsegments of your Go application, as shown in the following example,
where http-client is an HTTP client.

The client creates a shallow copy of the provided HTTP client, defaulting to http.DefaultClient, with
roundtripper wrapped with xray.RoundTripper.

<caption>main.go – HTTP client</caption>

myClient := xray.Client(http-client)

<caption>main.go – Trace downstream HTTP call with ctxhttp library</caption>

The following example instruments the outgoing HTTP call with the ctxhttp library using xray.Client.
ctx can be passed from the upstream call. This ensures that the existing segment context is used. For
example, X-Ray does not allow a new segment to be created within a Lambda function, so the existing
Lambda segment context should be used.

resp, err := ctxhttp.Get(ctx, xray.Client(nil), url)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

Tracing SQL queries with the X-Ray SDK for Go

To trace SQL calls to PostgreSQL or MySQL, replacing sql.Open calls to xray.SQLContext, as shown
in the following example. Use URLs instead of configuration strings if possible.

Example main.go

func main() {
db, err := xray.SQLContext("postgres", "postgres://user:password@host:port/db")
row, err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT 1") // Use as normal

Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray SDK

for Go
Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

Use the Capture method to create a subsegment around a function.

Example main.go – Custom subsegment

func criticalSection(ctx context.Context) {

//this is an example of a subsegment
xray.Capture(ctx, "GameModel.saveGame", func(ctx1 context.Context) error {
var err error

result := someLockedResource.Go()

xray.AddMetadata(ctx1, "ResourceResult", result)


The following screenshot shows an example of how the saveGame subsegment might appear in traces
for the application Scorekeep.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Add annotations and metadata to segments with the

X-Ray SDK for Go
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

In addition to annotations and metadata, you can also record user ID strings (p. 227) on segments. User
IDs are recorded in a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 226)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 226)
• Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Go (p. 227)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Go

Use annotations to record information on segments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.
• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations, call AddAnnotation with a string containing the metadata you want to associate
with the segment.

xray.AddAnnotation(key string, value interface{})

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling AddAnnotation twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Go

Use metadata to record information on segments that you don't need indexed for search.

To record metadata, call AddMetadata with a string containing the metadata you want to associate with
the segment.

xray.AddMetadata(key string, value interface{})

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Go

Record user IDs on request segments to identify the user who sent the request.

To record user IDs

1. Get a reference to the current segment from AWSXRay.

import (

mySegment := xray.GetSegment(context)

2. Call setUser with a String ID of the user who sent the request.

mySegment.User = "U12345"

To find traces for a user ID, use the user keyword in a filter expression (p. 64).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java

Working with Java

There are two ways to instrument your Java application to send traces to X-Ray:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java (p. 228) – An AWS distribution that provides a set of open
source libraries for sending correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions,
including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service, via the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Collector.
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 228) – A set of libraries for generating and sending traces to X-Ray via
the X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

For more information, see Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
SDKs (p. 213).

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java

With the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Java, you can instrument your applications once and
send correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions including Amazon CloudWatch,
AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Using X-Ray with ADOT requires two components: an
OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray, and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector enabled
for use with X-Ray. ADOT Java includes auto-instrumentation support, enabling your application to send
traces without code changes.

To get started, see the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Java documentation.

For more information about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS
services, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

AWS X-Ray SDK for Java

The X-Ray SDK for Java is a set of libraries for Java web applications that provide classes and methods
for generating and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon. Trace data includes information about
incoming HTTP requests served by the application, and calls that the application makes to downstream
services using the AWS SDK, HTTP clients, or an SQL database connector. You can also create segments
manually and add debug information in annotations and metadata.

The X-Ray SDK for Java is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit issues and pull
requests on GitHub: github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-java

Start by adding AWSXRayServletFilter as a servlet filter (p. 246) to trace incoming requests. A
servlet filter creates a segment (p. 16). While the segment is open, you can use the SDK client's methods
to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also
automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open.

Starting in release 1.3, you can instrument your application using aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
in Spring (p. 261). What this means is that you can instrument your application, while it is running on
AWS, without adding any code to your application's runtime.

Next, use the X-Ray SDK for Java to instrument your AWS SDK for Java clients by including the
SDK Instrumentor submodule (p. 230) in your build configuration. Whenever you make a call to a
downstream AWS service or resource with an instrumented client, the SDK records information about

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

the call in a subsegment. AWS services and the resources that you access within the services appear as
downstream nodes on the service map to help you identify errors and throttling issues on individual

If you don't want to instrument all downstream calls to AWS services, you can leave out the Instrumentor
submodule and choose which clients to instrument. Instrument individual clients by adding a
TracingHandler (p. 248) to an AWS SDK service client.

Other X-Ray SDK for Java submodules provide instrumentation for downstream calls to HTTP
web APIs and SQL databases. You can use the X-Ray SDK for Java versions of HTTPClient and
HTTPClientBuilder (p. 250) in the Apache HTTP submodule to instrument Apache HTTP clients. To
instrument SQL queries, add the SDK's interceptor to your data source (p. 251).

After you start using the SDK, customize its behavior by configuring the recorder and servlet
filter (p. 238). You can add plugins to record data about the compute resources running your
application, customize sampling behavior by defining sampling rules, and set the log level to see more or
less information from the SDK in your application logs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 255). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

When you have a lot of instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain
many subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and group
subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 253). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code, and record metadata and annotations on the
subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

You can download the X-Ray SDK for Java from Maven. The X-Ray SDK for Java is split into submodules
by use case, with a bill of materials for version management:

• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-core (required) – Basic functionality for creating segments and

transmitting segments. Includes AWSXRayServletFilter for instrumenting incoming requests.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk – Instruments calls to AWS services made with AWS SDK for
Java clients by adding a tracing client as a request handler.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2 – Instruments calls to AWS services made with AWS SDK for
Java 2.2 and later clients by adding a tracing client as a request intereceptor.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-instrumentor – With aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk,
instruments all AWS SDK for Java clients automatically.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2-instrumentor – With aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-
sdk, instruments all AWS SDK for Java 2.2 and later clients automatically.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-apache-http – Instruments outbound HTTP calls made with Apache
HTTP clients.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-spring – Provides interceptors for Spring AOP Framework applications.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-sql-postgres – Instruments outbound calls to a PostgreSQL database
made with JDBC.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-sql-mysql – Instruments outbound calls to a MySQL database made
with JDBC.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-bom – Provides a bill of materials that you can use to specify the version
to use for all submodules.
• aws-xray-recorder-sdk-metrics – Publish unsampled Amazon CloudWatch metrics from your
collected X-Ray segments.

If you use Maven or Gradle to build your application, add the X-Ray SDK for Java to your build
configuration (p. 230).

For reference documentation of the SDK's classes and methods, see AWS X-Ray SDK for Java API

The X-Ray SDK for Java requires Java 8 or later, Servlet API 3, the AWS SDK, and Jackson.

The SDK depends on the following libraries at compile and runtime:

• AWS SDK for Java version 1.11.398 or later

• Servlet API 3.1.0

These dependencies are declared in the SDK's pom.xml file and are included automatically if you build
using Maven or Gradle.

If you use a library that is included in the X-Ray SDK for Java, you must use the included version. For
example, if you already depend on Jackson at runtime and include JAR files in your deployment for that
dependency, you must remove those JAR files because the SDK JAR includes its own versions of Jackson

Dependency management
The X-Ray SDK for Java is available from Maven:

• Group – com.amazonaws
• Artifact – aws-xray-recorder-sdk-bom
• Version – 2.9.0

If you use Maven to build your application, add the SDK as a dependency in your pom.xml file.

Example pom.xml - dependencies


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent


For Gradle, add the SDK as a compile-time dependency in your build.gradle file.

Example build.gradle - dependencies

dependencies {
dependencyManagement {
imports {

If you use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy your application, you can use Maven or Gradle to build on-
instance each time you deploy, instead of building and uploading a large archive that includes all of your
dependencies. See the sample application (p. 134) for an example that uses Gradle.

AWS X-Ray auto-instrumentation agent for Java

The AWS X-Ray auto-instrumentation agent for Java is a tracing solution that instruments your Java web
applications with minimal development effort. The agent enables tracing for servlet-based applications
and all of the agent's downstream requests made with supported frameworks and libraries. This includes
downstream Apache HTTP requests, AWS SDK requests, and SQL queries made using a JDBC driver. The
agent propagates X-Ray context, including all active segments and subsegments, across threads. All
of the configurations and versatility of the X-Ray SDK are still available with the Java agent. Suitable
defaults were chosen to ensure that the agent works with minimal effort.

The X-Ray agent solution is best suited for servlet-based, request-response Java web application servers.
If your application uses an asynchronous framework, or is not well modeled as a request-response
service, you might want to consider manual instrumentation with the SDK instead. 

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

The X-Ray agent is built using the Distributed Systems Comprehension toolkit, or DiSCo. DiSCo is an
open source framework for building Java agents that can be used in distributed systems. While it is not
necessary to understand DiSCo to use the X-Ray agent, you can learn more about the project by visiting
its homepage on GitHub. The X-Ray agent is also fully open-sourced. To view the source code, make
contributions, or raise issues about the agent, visit its repository on GitHub.

Sample application
The eb-java-scorekeep sample application is adapted to be instrumented with the X-Ray agent. This
branch contains no servlet filter or recorder configuration, as these functions are done by the agent.
To run the application locally or using AWS resources, follow the steps in the sample application's
readme file. The instructions for using the sample app to generate X-Ray traces are in the sample app’s
tutorial (p. 134).

Getting started
To get started with the X-Ray auto-instrumentation Java agent in your own application, follow these

1. Run the X-Ray daemon in your environment. For more information, see X-Ray daemon.
2. Download the latest distribution of the agent. Unzip the archive and note its location in your file
system. Its contents should look like the following.

### disco-java-agent.jar
### disco-plugins
    ### aws-xray-agent-plugin.jar
    ### disco-java-agent-aws-plugin.jar
    ### disco-java-agent-sql-plugin.jar
    ### disco-java-agent-web-plugin.jar

3. Modify the JVM arguments of your application to include the following, which enables the agent.
Ensure the -javaagent argument is placed before the -jar argument if applicable. The process to
modify JVM arguments varies depending on the tools and frameworks you use to launch your Java
server. Consult the documentation of your server framework for specific guidance.


4. To specify how the name of your application appears on the X-Ray

console, set the AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable or the
com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.tracingName system property. If no name is provided, a default
name is used.
5. Restart your server or container. Incoming requests and their downstream calls are now traced. If you
don’t see the expected results, see the section called “Troubleshooting” (p. 237).

The X-Ray agent is configured by an external, user-provided JSON file. By default, this file is at the root
of the user’s classpath (for example, in their resources directory) named xray-agent.json. You
can configure a custom location for the config file by setting the com.amazonaws.xray.configFile
system property to the absolute filesystem path of your configuration file.

An example configuration file is shown next.

    "serviceName": "XRayInstrumentedService",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

    "contextMissingStrategy": "LOG_ERROR",
    "daemonAddress": "",
    "tracingEnabled": true,
    "samplingStrategy": "CENTRAL",    
    "traceIdInjectionPrefix": "prefix",    
    "samplingRulesManifest": "/path/to/manifest",    
    "awsServiceHandlerManifest": "/path/to/manifest",    
    "awsSdkVersion": 2,    
    "maxStackTraceLength": 50,    
    "streamingThreshold": 100,    
    "traceIdInjection": true,    
    "pluginsEnabled": true,    
    "collectSqlQueries": false

Configuration specification
The following table describes valid values for each property. Property names are case sensitive, but their
keys are not. For properties that can be overridden by environment variables and system properties, the
order of priority is always environment variable, then system property, and then configuration file. See
the Environment Variables for information about properties that you can override. All fields are optional.

Property Type Valid values Description Environment System Default

name variable property

serviceName String Any string The name AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME

of your
service as it
will appear
in the X-Ray

IGNORE_ERRORtaken by the
agent when
it attempts
to use the X-
Ray segment
but none is

daemonAddressString Formatted The address AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS

IP address the agent
and port, or uses to
list of TCP communicate
and UDP with the X-
address Ray daemon.

tracingEnabledBoolean True, False Enables AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED

by the X-Ray

LOCAL, sampling
NONE, ALL strategy
used by the

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

Property Type Valid values Description Environment System Default

name variable property
agent. ALL
captures all
captures no

String Any string Includes the N/A N/A None
provided (empty
prefix before string)
trace IDs in

String An absolute The path to N/A N/A DefaultSamplingRules.json
file path a custom
rules file to
be used as
the source
of sampling
rules for
the local
strategy, or
the fallback
rules for
the central

String An absolute The path to N/A N/A DefaultOperationParamete
file path a custom
allow list,
from AWS
SDK clients.

awsSdkVersionInteger 1, 2 Version of N/A N/A 2

the AWS
SDK for Java
you’re using.
Ignored if
awsServiceHandlerManifest is
not also set.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

Property Type Valid values Description Environment System Default

name variable property

Integer Non- The N/A N/A 50
negative maximum
integers lines of a
stack trace
to record in
a trace.

Integer Non- After at N/A N/A 100
negative least this
integers many
are closed,
they are
streamed to
the daemon
band to
avoid chunks
being too

traceIdInjectionBoolean True, False Enables X- N/A N/A TRUE

Ray trace
ID injection
into logs
if the
in logging
config are
also added.

pluginsEnabledBoolean True, False Enables N/A N/A TRUE

that record
the AWS
operating in.
See plugins.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

Property Type Valid values Description Environment System Default

name variable property

Boolean True, False Records N/A N/A FALSE
SQL query
in SQL
on a best-
effort basis.

Boolean True, False Automatically N/A N/A TRUE
if true.
uses Thread
to store
and manual
threads is

Logging configuration
The X-Ray agent's log level can be configured in the same way as the X-Ray SDK for Java. See
Logging (p. 242) for more information on configuring logging with the X-Ray SDK for Java.

Manual instrumentation
If you’d like to perform manual instrumentation in addition to the agent’s auto-instrumentation, add
the X-Ray SDK as a dependency to your project. Note that the SDK's custom servlet filters mentioned in
Tracing Incoming Requests (p. 246) are not compatible with the X-Ray agent.
You must use the latest version of the X-Ray SDK to perform manual instrumentation while also
using the agent.

If you are working in a Maven project, add the following dependencies to your pom.xml file.


If you are working in a Gradle project, add the following dependencies to your build.gradle file.

implementation 'com.amazonaws:aws-xray-recorder-sdk-core:2.9.0'

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Auto-instrumentation agent

You can add custom subsegments (p. 253) in addition to annotations, metadata, and user IDs (p. 255)
while using the agent, just as you would with the normal SDK. The agent automatically propagates
context across threads, so no workarounds to propagate context should be necessary when working with
multithreaded applications.

Since the agent offers fully automatic instrumentation, it can be difficult to identify the root cause of a
problem when you are experiencing issues. If the X-Ray agent is not working as expected for you, review
the following problems and solutions. The X-Ray agent and SDK use Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL). To
see the logging output, ensure that a bridge connecting JCL to your logging backend is on the classpath,
as in the following example: log4j-jcl or jcl-over-slf4j.

Problem: I’ve enabled the Java agent on my application but don’t see anything
on the X-Ray console
Is the X-Ray daemon running on the same machine?

If not, see the X-Ray daemon documentation to set it up.

In your application logs, do you see a message like "Initializing the X-Ray agent recorder"?

If you have correctly added the agent to your application, this message is logged at INFO level when your
application starts, before it starts taking requests. If this message is not there, then the Java agent is not
running with your Java process. Make sure you’ve followed all the setup steps correctly with no typos.

In your application logs, do you see several error messages saying something like "Suppressing AWS
X-Ray context missing exception"?

These errors occur because the agent is trying to instrument downstream requests, like AWS SDK
requests or SQL queries, but the agent was unable to automatically create a segment. If you see many
of these errors, the agent might not be the best tool for your use case and you might want to consider
manual instrumentation with the X-Ray SDK instead. Alternatively, you can enable X-Ray SDK debug
logs to see the stack trace of where the context-missing exceptions are occurring. You can wrap these
portions of your code with custom segments, which should resolve these errors. For an example of
wrapping downstream requests with custom segments, see the sample code in instrumenting startup

Problem: Some of the segments I expect do not appear on the X-Ray console
Does your application use multithreading?

If some segments that you expect to be created are not appearing in your console, background threads
in your application might be the cause. If your application performs tasks using background threads that
are “fire and forget,” like making a one-off call to a Lambda function with the AWS SDK, or polling some
HTTP endpoint periodically, that may confuse the agent while it is propagating context across threads.
To verify this is your problem, enable X-Ray SDK debug logs and check for messages like: Not emitting
segment named <NAME > as it parents in-progress subsegments. To work around this, you can try joining
the background threads before your server returns to ensure all the work done in them is recorded. Or,
you can set the agent’s contextPropagation configuration to false to disable context propagation
in background threads. If you do this, you’ll have to manually instrument those threads with custom
segments or ignore the context missing exceptions they produce.

Have you set up sampling rules?

If there are seemingly random or unexpected segments appearing on the X-Ray console, or the segments
you expect to be on the console aren’t, you might be experiencing a sampling issue. The X-Ray agent

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

applies centralized sampling to all segments it creates, using the rules from the X-Ray console. The
default rule is 1 segment per second, plus 5% of segments afterward, are sampled. This means segments
that are created rapidly with the agent might not be sampled. To resolve this, you should create
custom sampling rules on the X-Ray console that appropriately sample the desired segments. For more
information, see sampling.

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Java

The X-Ray SDK for Java includes a class named AWSXRay that provides the global recorder. This is a
TracingHandler that you can use to instrument your code. You can configure the global recorder to
customize the AWSXRayServletFilter that creates segments for incoming HTTP calls.

• Service plugins (p. 238)
• Sampling rules (p. 240)
• Logging (p. 242)
• Segment listeners (p. 244)
• Environment variables (p. 245)
• System properties (p. 245)

Service plugins
Use plugins to record information about the service hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – EC2Plugin adds the instance ID, Availability Zone, and the CloudWatch Logs Group.
• Elastic Beanstalk – ElasticBeanstalkPlugin adds the environment name, version label, and
deployment ID.
• Amazon ECS – ECSPlugin adds the container ID.
• Amazon EKS – EKSPlugin adds the container ID, cluster name, pod ID, and the CloudWatch Logs

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To use a plugin, call withPlugin on your AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/WebConfig.java - recorder

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorderBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.EC2Plugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.ElasticBeanstalkPlugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.sampling.LocalizedSamplingStrategy;

public class WebConfig {
static {
AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard().withPlugin(new
EC2Plugin()).withPlugin(new ElasticBeanstalkPlugin());

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

URL ruleFile = WebConfig.class.getResource("/sampling-rules.json");

builder.withSamplingStrategy(new LocalizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));


The SDK also uses plugin settings to set the origin field on the segment. This indicates the type of
AWS resource that runs your application. The resource type appears under your application's name in the
service map. For example, AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.

When you use multiple plugins, the SDK uses the following resolution order to determine the origin:
ElasticBeanstalk > EKS > ECS > EC2.

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

On AWS Lambda, you cannot modify the sampling rate. If your function is called by an instrumented
service, calls that generated requests that were sampled by that service will be recorded by Lambda. If
active tracing is enabled and no tracing header is present, Lambda makes the sampling decision.

To provide backup rules in Spring, configure the global recorder with a

CentralizedSamplingStrategy in a configuration class.

Example src/main/java/myapp/WebConfig.java - recorder configuration

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorderBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.EC2Plugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.sampling.LocalizedSamplingStrategy;

public class WebConfig {

static {
AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard().withPlugin(new

URL ruleFile = WebConfig.class.getResource("/sampling-rules.json");

builder.withSamplingStrategy(new CentralizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));


For Tomcat, add a listener that extends ServletContextListener and register the listener in the
deployment descriptor.

Example src/com/myapp/web/Startup.java

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorderBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.EC2Plugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.sampling.LocalizedSamplingStrategy;

import java.net.URL;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;

public class Startup implements ServletContextListener {

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard().withPlugin(new

URL ruleFile = Startup.class.getResource("/sampling-rules.json");

builder.withSamplingStrategy(new CentralizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));


public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) { }

Example WEB-INF/web.xml


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


To use local rules only, replace the CentralizedSamplingStrategy with a


builder.withSamplingStrategy(new LocalizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));

By default, the SDK outputs ERROR-level messages to your application logs. You can enable debug-level
logging on the SDK to output more detailed logs to your application log file. Valid log levels are DEBUG,
INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. FATAL log level silences all log messages because the SDK does not log
at fatal level.

Example application.properties
Set the logging level with the logging.level.com.amazonaws.xray property.

logging.level.com.amazonaws.xray = DEBUG

Use debug logs to identify issues, such as unclosed subsegments, when you generate subsegments
manually (p. 253).

Trace ID injection into logs

To expose the current fully qualified trace ID to your log statements, you can inject the ID into the
mapped diagnostic context (MDC). Using the SegmentListener interface, methods are called from the
X-Ray recorder during segment lifecycle events. When a segment or subsegment begins, the qualified
trace ID is injected into the MDC with the key AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID. When that segment ends, the key is
removed from the MDC. This exposes the trace ID to the logging library in use. When a subsegment ends,
its parent ID is injected into the MDC.

Example fully qualified trace ID

The fully qualified ID is represented as TraceID@EntityID


This feature works with Java applications instrumented with the AWS X-Ray SDK for Java, and supports
the following logging configurations:

• SLF4J front-end API with Logback backend

• SLF4J front-end API with Log4J2 backend
• Log4J2 front-end API with Log4J2 backend

See the following tabs for the needs of each front end and each backend.

SLF4J Frontend

1. Add the following Maven dependency to your project.


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide


2. Include the withSegmentListener method when building the AWSXRayRecorder. This adds
a SegmentListener class, which automatically injects new trace IDs into the SLF4J MDC.

The SegmentListener takes an optional string as a parameter to configure the log statement
prefix. The prefix can be configured in the following ways:

• None – Uses the default AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID prefix.

• Empty – Uses an empty string (e.g. "").
• Custom – Uses a custom prefix as defined in the string.

Example AWSXRayRecorderBuilder statement

AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder

.standard().withSegmentListener(new SLF4JSegmentListener("CUSTOM-PREFIX"));

Log4J2 front end

1. Add the following Maven dependency to your project.


2. Include the withSegmentListener method when building the AWSXRayRecorder. This will
add a SegmentListener class, which automatically injects new fully qualified trace IDs into the

The SegmentListener takes an optional string as a parameter to configure the log statement
prefix. The prefix can be configured in the following ways:

• None – Uses the default AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID prefix.

• Empty – Uses an empty string (e.g. "") and removes the prefix.
• Custom – Uses the custom prefix defined in the string.

Example AWSXRayRecorderBuilder statement

AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder

.standard().withSegmentListener(new Log4JSegmentListener("CUSTOM-PREFIX"));

Logback backend

To insert the trace ID into your log events, you must modify the logger's PatternLayout, which
formats each logging statement.

1. Find where the patternLayout is configured. You can do this programmatically, or through an
XML configuration file. To learn more, see Logback configuration.
2. Insert %X{AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID} anywhere in the patternLayout to insert the trace ID in
future logging statements. %X{} indicates that you are retrieving a value with the provided key
from the MDC. To learn more about PatternLayouts in Logback, see PatternLayout.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Log4J2 backend

1. Find where the patternLayout is configured. You can do this programmatically, or through a
configuration file written in XML, JSON, YAML, or properties format.

To learn more about configuring Log4J2 through a configuration file, see Configuration.

To learn more about configuring Log4J2 programmatically, see Programmatic Configuration.

2. Insert %X{AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID} anywhere in the PatternLayout to insert the trace ID in
future logging statements. %X{} indicates that you are retrieving a value with the provided key
from the MDC. To learn more about PatternLayouts in Log4J2, see Pattern Layout.

Trace ID Injection Example

The following shows a PatternLayout string modified to include the trace ID. The trace ID is printed
after the thread name (%t) and before the log level (%-5p).

Example PatternLayout With ID injection

%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %X{AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID} %-5p %m%n

AWS X-Ray automatically prints the key and the trace ID in the log statement for easy parsing. The
following shows a log statement using the modified PatternLayout.

Example Log statement with ID injection

2019-09-10 18:58:30.844 [nio-5000-exec-4] AWS-XRAY-TRACE-ID:

1-5d77f256-19f12e4eaa02e3f76c78f46a@1ce7df03252d99e1 WARN 1 - Your logging message here

The logging message itself is housed in the pattern %m and is set when calling the logger.

Segment listeners
Segement listeners are an interface to intercept lifecycle events such as the beginning and
ending of segments produced by the AWSXRayRecorder. Implementation of a segment listener
event function might be to add the same annotation to all subsegments when they are created
with onBeginSubsegment, log a message after each segment is sent to the daemon using
afterEndSegment, or to record queries sent by the SQL interceptors using beforeEndSubsegment to
verify if the subsegment represents an SQL query, adding additional metadata if so.

To see the full list of SegmentListener functions, visit the documentation for the AWS X-Ray Recorder
SDK for Java API.

The following example shows how to add a consistent annotation to all subsegments on creation with
onBeginSubsegment and to print a log message at the end of each segment with afterEndSegment.

Example MySegmentListener.java

import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.listeners.SegmentListener;

public class MySegmentListener implements SegmentListener {



AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

public void onBeginSubsegment(Subsegment subsegment) {

subsegment.putAnnotation("annotationKey", "annotationValue");

public void afterEndSegment(Segment segment) {
// Be mindful not to mutate the segment
logger.info("Segment with ID " + segment.getId());

This custom segment listener is then referenced when building the AWSXRayRecorder.

Example AWSXRayRecorderBuilder statement

AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder

.standard().withSegmentListener(new MySegmentListener());

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for Java. The SDK supports the following

• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments. Overrides the service
name that you set on the servlet filter's segment naming strategy (p. 247).
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK uses for both trace data (UDP) and sampling (TCP). Use this variable if you
have configured the daemon to listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.

• Same port – address:port
• Different ports – tcp:address:port udp:address:port
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your
instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.

Valid Values
• RUNTIME_ERROR – Throw a runtime exception (default).
• LOG_ERROR – Log an error and continue.

Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in startup code that runs when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new

Environment variables override equivalent system properties (p. 245) and values set in code.

System properties
You can use system properties as a JVM-specific alternative to environment variables (p. 245). The SDK
supports the following properties:

• com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.tracingName – Equivalent to AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME.

• com.amazonaws.xray.emitters.daemonAddress – Equivalent to AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS.
• com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.contextMissingStrategy – Equivalent to

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

If both a system property and the equivalent environment variable are set, the environment variable
value is used. Either method overrides values set in code.

Tracing incoming requests with the X-Ray SDK for

You can use the X-Ray SDK to trace incoming HTTP requests that your application serves on an EC2
instance in Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS.

Use a Filter to instrument incoming HTTP requests. When you add the X-Ray servlet filter to your
application, the X-Ray SDK for Java creates a segment for each sampled request. This segment includes
timing, method, and disposition of the HTTP request. Additional instrumentation creates subsegments
on this segment.
For AWS Lambda functions, Lambda creates a segment for each sampled request. See AWS
Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

When a request is forwarded, the SDK sets an additional field in the segment to indicate this. If the
segment contains the field x_forwarded_for set to true, the client IP was taken from the X-
Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request.

The message handler creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the
following information:

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.
• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

• Adding a tracing filter to your application (Tomcat) (p. 246)
• Adding a tracing filter to your application (spring) (p. 247)
• Configuring a segment naming strategy (p. 247)

Adding a tracing filter to your application (Tomcat)

For Tomcat, add a <filter> to your project's web.xml file. Use the fixedName parameter to specify a
service name (p. 247) to apply to segments created for incoming requests.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

Example WEB-INF/web.xml - Tomcat


Adding a tracing filter to your application (spring)

For Spring, add a Filter to your WebConfig class. Pass the segment name to the
AWSXRayServletFilter constructor as a string.

Example src/main/java/myapp/WebConfig.java - spring

package myapp;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter;

public class WebConfig {

public Filter TracingFilter() {
return new AWSXRayServletFilter("Scorekeep");

Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming
strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a
hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you initialize
the servlet filter, as shown in the previous section (p. 246). This has the same effect as creating a
fixed SegmentNamingStrategy by calling SegmentNamingStrategy.fixed() and passing it to the
AWSXRayServletFilter constructor.
You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 245).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use
if the hostname in the HTTP request does not match the pattern. To name segments dynamically in
Tomcat, use the dynamicNamingRecognizedHosts and dynamicNamingFallbackName to define the
pattern and default name, respectively.

Example WEB-INF/web.xml - servlet filter with dynamic naming


For Spring, create a dynamic SegmentNamingStrategy by calling

SegmentNamingStrategy.dynamic(), and pass it to the AWSXRayServletFilter constructor.

Example src/main/java/myapp/WebConfig.java - servlet filter with dynamic naming

package myapp;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.SegmentNamingStrategy;

public class WebConfig {

public Filter TracingFilter() {
return new AWSXRayServletFilter(SegmentNamingStrategy.dynamic("MyApp",

Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Java
When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for Java tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 253). Traced AWS services
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

The X-Ray SDK for Java automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients when you include the aws-
sdk and an aws-sdk-instrumentor submodules (p. 229) in your build. If you don't include the
Instrumentor submodule, you can choose to instrument some clients while excluding others.

To instrument individual clients, remove the aws-sdk-instrumentor submodule from your build and
add an XRayClient as a TracingHandler on your AWS SDK client using the service's client builder.

For example, to instrument an AmazonDynamoDB client, pass a tracing handler to


Example MyModel.java - DynamoDB client

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.handlers.TracingHandler;

public class MyModel {
private AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard()
.withRequestHandlers(new TracingHandler(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder()))

For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

To instrument downstream calls to AWS services with AWS SDK for Java 2.2 and later, you can omit
the aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2-instrumentor module from your build configuration.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

Include the aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2 module instead, then instrument individual

clients by configuring them with a TracingInterceptor.

Example AWS SDK for Java 2.2 and later - tracing interceptor

import com.amazonaws.xray.interceptors.TracingInterceptor;
import software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.config.ClientOverrideConfiguration
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.DynamoDbClient;
public class MyModel {
private DynamoDbClient client = DynamoDbClient.builder()
.addExecutionInterceptor(new TracingInterceptor())

Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services with

the X-Ray SDK for Java
When your application makes calls to microservices or public HTTP APIs, you can use the X-Ray SDK
for Java's version of HttpClient to instrument those calls and add the API to the service graph as a
downstream service.

The X-Ray SDK for Java includes DefaultHttpClient and HttpClientBuilder classes that can be
used in place of the Apache HttpComponents equivalents to instrument outgoing HTTP calls.

• com.amazonaws.xray.proxies.apache.http.DefaultHttpClient -
• com.amazonaws.xray.proxies.apache.http.HttpClientBuilder -

These libraries are in the aws-xray-recorder-sdk-apache-http (p. 228) submodule.

You can replace your existing import statements with the X-Ray equivalent to instrument all clients, or
use the fully qualified name when you initialize a client to instrument specific clients.

Example HttpClientBuilder

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import com.amazonaws.xray.proxies.apache.http.HttpClientBuilder;
public String randomName() throws IOException {
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet("http://names.example.com/api/");
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
try {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
InputStream inputStream = entity.getContent();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, String> jsonMap = mapper.readValue(inputStream, Map.class);

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

String name = jsonMap.get("name");

return name;
} finally {

When you instrument a call to a downstream web api, the X-Ray SDK for Java records a subsegment with
information about the HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate an inferred
segment for the remote API.

Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"name": "names.example.com",
"namespace": "remote",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "168416dc2ea97781",
"name": "names.example.com",
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5153bb58284b67678aa78c",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200
"inferred": true

Tracing SQL queries with the X-Ray SDK for Java

Instrument SQL database queries by adding the X-Ray SDK for Java JDBC interceptor to your data source

• PostgreSQL – com.amazonaws.xray.sql.postgres.TracingInterceptor

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

• MySQL – com.amazonaws.xray.sql.mysql.TracingInterceptor

These interceptors are in the aws-xray-recorder-sql-postgres and aws-

xray-recorder-sql-mysql submodules (p. 228), respectively. They implement
org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.JdbcInterceptor and are compatible with Tomcat connection
SQL interceptors do not record the SQL query itself within subsegments for security purposes.

For Spring, add the interceptor in a properties file and build the data source with Spring Boot's

Example src/main/java/resources/application.properties - PostgreSQL JDBC



Example src/main/java/myapp/WebConfig.java - Data source

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceBuilder;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.config.EnableJpaRepositories;

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.net.URL;

public class RdsWebConfig {

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
public DataSource dataSource() {
logger.info("Initializing PostgreSQL datasource");
return DataSourceBuilder.create()
.url("jdbc:postgresql://" + System.getenv("RDS_HOSTNAME") + ":" +
System.getenv("RDS_PORT") + "/ebdb")

For Tomcat, call setJdbcInterceptors on the JDBC data source with a reference to the X-Ray SDK for
Java class.

Example src/main/myapp/model.java - Data source

import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource;

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

DataSource source = new DataSource();

The Tomcat JDBC Data Source library is included in the X-Ray SDK for Java, but you can declare it as a
provided dependency to document that you use it.

Example pom.xml - JDBC data source


Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray SDK

for Java
Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

To manage subsegments, use the beginSubsegment and endSubsegment methods.

Example GameModel.java - custom subsegment

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
public void saveGame(Game game) throws SessionNotFoundException {
// wrap in subsegment
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("Save Game");
try {
// check session
String sessionId = game.getSession();
if (sessionModel.loadSession(sessionId) == null ) {
throw new SessionNotFoundException(sessionId);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {

In this example, the code within the subsegment loads the game's session from DynamoDB with a
method on the session model, and uses the AWS SDK for Java's DynamoDB mapper to save the game.
Wrapping this code in a subsegment makes the calls DynamoDB children of the Save Game subsegment
in the trace view in the console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

If the code in your subsegment throws checked exceptions, wrap it in a try block and call
AWSXRay.endSubsegment() in a finally block to ensure that the subsegment is always closed. If a
subsegment is not closed, the parent segment cannot be completed and won't be sent to X-Ray.

For code that doesn't throw checked exceptions, you can pass the code to
AWSXRay.CreateSubsegment as a Lambda function.

Example Subsegment Lambda function

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;

AWSXRay.createSubsegment("getMovies", (subsegment) -> {

// function code

When you create a subsegment within a segment or another subsegment, the X-Ray SDK for Java
generates an ID for it and records the start time and end time.

Example Subsegment with metadata

"subsegments": [{
"id": "6f1605cd8a07cb70",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "Custom subsegment for UserModel.saveUser function",
"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"

For asynchronous and multi-threaded programming, you must manually pass the subsegment to the
endSubsegment() method to ensure it is closed correctly because the X-Ray context may be modified
during async execution. If an asynchronous subsegment is closed after its parent segment is closed, this
method will automatically stream the entire segment to the X-Ray daemon.

Example Asynchronous Subsegment

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

public ResponseEntity<?> api() {
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("Async Work");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();

Add annotations and metadata to segments with the

X-Ray SDK for Java
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

In addition to annotations and metadata, you can also record user ID strings (p. 257) on segments. User
IDs are recorded in a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 255)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 256)
• Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 257)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Java

Use annotations to record information on segments or subsegments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.
• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from AWSXRay.

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
Segment document = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();


import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
Subsegment document = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();

2. Call putAnnotation with a String key, and a Boolean, Number, or String value.

document.putAnnotation("mykey", "my value");

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling putAnnotation twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same
segment or subsegment.

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/GameModel.java – Annotations and metadata

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
public void saveGame(Game game) throws SessionNotFoundException {
// wrap in subsegment
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("## GameModel.saveGame");
try {
// check session
String sessionId = game.getSession();
if (sessionModel.loadSession(sessionId) == null ) {
throw new SessionNotFoundException(sessionId);
Segment segment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();
subsegment.putMetadata("resources", "game", game);
segment.putAnnotation("gameid", game.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Java

Use metadata to record information on segments or subsegments that you don't need indexed for
search. Metadata values can be strings, numbers, Booleans, or any object that can be serialized into a
JSON object or array.

To record metadata

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from AWSXRay.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
Segment document = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();


import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
Subsegment document = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();

2. Call putMetadata with a String namespace, String key, and a Boolean, Number, String, or Object

document.putMetadata("my namespace", "my key", "my value");


Call putMetadata with just a key and value.

document.putMetadata("my key", "my value");

If you don't specify a namespace, the SDK uses default. Calling putMetadata twice with the same key
overwrites previously recorded values on the same segment or subsegment.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/GameModel.java – Annotations and metadata

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;
public void saveGame(Game game) throws SessionNotFoundException {
// wrap in subsegment
Subsegment subsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("## GameModel.saveGame");
try {
// check session
String sessionId = game.getSession();
if (sessionModel.loadSession(sessionId) == null ) {
throw new SessionNotFoundException(sessionId);
Segment segment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();
subsegment.putMetadata("resources", "game", game);
segment.putAnnotation("gameid", game.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {

Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Java

Record user IDs on request segments to identify the user who sent the request.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To record user IDs

1. Get a reference to the current segment from AWSXRay.

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Segment;
Segment document = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();

2. Call setUser with a string ID of the user who sent the request.


You can call setUser in your controllers to record the user ID as soon as your application starts
processing a request. If you will only use the segment to set the user ID, you can chain the calls in a
single line.

Example src/main/java/scorekeep/MoveController.java – User ID

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
@RequestMapping(value="/{userId}", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public Move newMove(@PathVariable String sessionId, @PathVariable String gameId,
@PathVariable String userId, @RequestBody String move) throws SessionNotFoundException,
GameNotFoundException, StateNotFoundException, RulesException {
return moveFactory.newMove(sessionId, gameId, userId, move);

To find traces for a user ID, use the user keyword in a filter expression (p. 64).

AWS X-Ray metrics for the X-Ray SDK for Java

This topic describes the AWS X-Ray namespace, metrics, and dimensions. You can use the X-Ray SDK
for Java to publish unsampled Amazon CloudWatch metrics from your collected X-Ray segments. These
metrics are derived from the segment’s start and end time, and the error, fault, and throttled status
flags. Use these trace metrics to expose retries and dependency issues within subsegments.

CloudWatch is essentially a metrics repository. A metric is the fundamental concept in CloudWatch and
represents a time-ordered set of data points. You (or AWS services) publish metrics data points into
CloudWatch and you retrieve statistics about those data points as an ordered set of time-series data.

Metrics are uniquely defined by a name, a namespace, and one or more dimensions. Each data point has
a timestamp and, optionally, a unit of measure. When you request statistics, the returned data stream is
identified by namespace, metric name, and dimension.

For more information about CloudWatch, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

X-Ray CloudWatch metrics

The ServiceMetrics/SDK namespace includes the following metrics.

Metric Statistics available Description Units

Latency Average, Minimum, The difference between Milliseconds

Maximum, Count the start and end time.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Metric Statistics available Description Units

Average, minimum, and
maximum all describe
operational latency.
Count describes call

ErrorRate Average, Sum The rate of requests Percent

that failed with a 4xx
Client Error status
code, resulting in an

FaultRate Average, Sum The rate of traces Percent

that failed with a 5xx
Server Error status
code, resulting in a

ThrottleRate Average, Sum The rate of throttled Percent

traces that return
a 419 status code.
This is a subset of the
ErrorRate metric.

OkRate Average, Sum The rate of traced Percent

requests resulting in an
OK status code.

X-Ray CloudWatch dimensions

Use the dimensions in the following table to refine the metrics returned for your X-Ray instrumented
Java applications.

Dimension Description

ServiceType The type of the service, for example,

AWS::EC2::Instance or NONE, if not known.

ServiceName The canonical name for the service.

Enable X-Ray CloudWatch metrics

Use the following procedure to enable trace metrics in your instrumented Java application.

To configure trace metrics

1. Add the aws-xray-recorder-sdk-metrics package as a Maven dependency. For more

information, see X-Ray SDK for Java Submodules (p. 229).
2. Enable a new MetricsSegmentListener() as part of the global recorder build.

Example src/com/myapp/web/Startup.java

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRayRecorderBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.EC2Plugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.plugins.ElasticBeanstalkPlugin;
import com.amazonaws.xray.strategy.sampling.LocalizedSamplingStrategy;

public class WebConfig {
static {
AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder = AWSXRayRecorderBuilder
.withPlugin(new EC2Plugin())
.withPlugin(new ElasticBeanstalkPlugin())

URL ruleFile = WebConfig.class.getResource("/sampling-rules.json");

builder.withSamplingStrategy(new LocalizedSamplingStrategy(ruleFile));


3. Deploy the CloudWatch agent to collect metrics using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2),
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon

• To configure Amazon EC2, see Deploying the CloudWatch Agent and the X-Ray Daemon on
Amazon EC2.
• To configure Amazon ECS, see Deploying the CloudWatch Agent and the X-Ray Daemon on
Amazon ECS.
• To configure Amazon EKS, see Deploying the CloudWatch Agent and the X-Ray Daemon on
Amazon EKS.
4. Configure the SDK to communicate with the CloudWatch agent. By default, the SDK communicates
with the CloudWatch agent on the address You can configure alternate addresses by
setting the environment variable or Java property to address:port.

Example Environment variable


Example Java property


To validate configuration

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Open the Metrics tab to observe the influx of your metrics.
3. (Optional) In the CloudWatch console, on the Logs tab, open the ServiceMetricsSDK log group.
Look for a log stream that matches the host metrics, and confirm the log messages.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Passing segment context between threads in a

multithreaded application
When you create a new thread in your application, the AWSXRayRecorder doesn't maintain a reference
to the current segment or subsegment Entity. If you use an instrumented client in the new thread, the
SDK tries to write to a segment that doesn't exist, causing a SegmentNotFoundException.

To avoid throwing exceptions during development, you can configure the recorder with a
ContextMissingStrategy that tells it to log an error instead. You can configure the strategy in code with
SetContextMissingStrategy, or configure equivalent options with an environment variable (p. 245) or
system property (p. 245).

One way to address the error is to use a new segment by calling beginSegment when you start the
thread and endSegment when you close it. This works if you are instrumenting code that doesn't run in
response to an HTTP request, like code that runs when your application starts.

If you use multiple threads to handle incoming requests, you can pass the current segment or
subsegment to the new thread and provide it to the global recorder. This ensures that the information
recorded within the new thread is associated with the same segment as the rest of the information
recorded about that request. Once the segment is available in the new thread, you can execute any
runnable with access to that segment's context using the segment.run(() -> { ... }) method.

See Using instrumented clients in worker threads (p. 163) for an example.

Using X-Ray with Asynchronous Programming

The X-Ray SDK for Java can be used in asynchronous Java programs with SegmentContextExecutors].
The SegmentContextExecutor implements the Executor interface, which means it can be passed into all
asynchronous operations of a CompletableFuture]. This ensures that any asynchronous operations will be
executed with the correct segment in its context.

Example Example App.java: Passing SegmentContextExecutor to CompletableFuture

DynamoDbAsyncClient client = DynamoDbAsyncClient.create();


// ...

client.getItem(request).thenComposeAsync(response -> {
// If we did not provide the segment context executor, this request would not be traced
return client.getItem(request2);
}, SegmentContextExecutors.newSegmentContextExecutor());

AOP with Spring and the X-Ray SDK for Java

This topic describes how to use the X-Ray SDK and the Spring Framework to instrument your application
without changing its core logic. This means that there is now a non-invasive way to instrument your
applications running remotely in AWS.

To enable AOP in spring

1. Configure Spring (p. 262)

2. Add a tracing filter to your application (p. 262)
3. Annotate your code or implement an interface (p. 263)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AOP with Spring

4. Activate X-Ray in your application (p. 263)

Configuring Spring
You can use Maven or Gradle to configure Spring to use AOP to instrument your application.

If you use Maven to build your application, add the following dependency in your pom.xml file.


For Gradle, add the following dependency in your build.gradle file.

compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-xray-recorder-sdk-spring:2.9.0'

Configuring Spring Boot

In addition to the Spring dependency described in the previous section, if you’re using Spring Boot, add
the following dependency if it’s not already on your classpath.




compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aop:2.5.2'

Adding a tracing filter to your application

Add a Filter to your WebConfig class. Pass the segment name to the AWSXRayServletFilter
constructor as a string. For more information about tracing filters and instrumenting incoming requests,
see Tracing incoming requests with the X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 246).

Example src/main/java/myapp/WebConfig.java - spring

package myapp;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter;

public class WebConfig {

public Filter TracingFilter() {
return new AWSXRayServletFilter("Scorekeep");

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AOP with Spring

Annotating your code or implementing an interface

Your classes must either be annotated with the @XRayEnabled annotation, or implement the
XRayTraced interface. This tells the AOP system to wrap the functions of the affected class for X-Ray

Activating X-Ray in your application

To activate X-Ray tracing in your application, your code must extend the abstract class
AbstractXRayInterceptor by overriding the following methods.

• generateMetadata—This function allows customization of the metadata attached to the current

function’s trace. By default, the class name of the executing function is recorded in the metadata. You
can add more data if you need additional information.
• xrayEnabledClasses—This function is empty, and should remain so. It serves as the host for a
pointcut instructing the interceptor about which methods to wrap. Define the pointcut by specifying
which of the classes that are annotated with @XRayEnabled to trace. The following pointcut
statement tells the interceptor to wrap all controller beans annotated with the @XRayEnabled

@Pointcut(“@within(com.amazonaws.xray.spring.aop.XRayEnabled) && bean(*Controller)”)

The following code extends the abstract class AbstractXRayInterceptor.

public class XRayInspector extends AbstractXRayInterceptor {
protected Map<String, Map<String, Object>> generateMetadata(ProceedingJoinPoint
proceedingJoinPoint, Subsegment subsegment) throws Exception {
return super.generateMetadata(proceedingJoinPoint, subsegment);

@Pointcut("@within(com.amazonaws.xray.spring.aop.XRayEnabled) && bean(*Controller)")
public void xrayEnabledClasses() {}

The following code is a class that will be instrumented by X-Ray.

public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
private final MyEntityRepository myEntityRepository;

public MyServiceImpl(MyEntityRepository myEntityRepository) {
this.myEntityRepository = myEntityRepository;

@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<MyEntity> getMyEntities(){

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AOP with Spring

try(Stream<MyEntity> entityStream = this.myEntityRepository.streamAll()){

return entityStream.sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());

If you've configured your application correctly, you should see the complete call stack of the application,
from the controller down through the service calls, as shown in the following screen shot of the console.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript

Working with Node.js

There are two ways to instrument your Node.js application to send traces to X-Ray:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript (p. 265) – An AWS distribution that provides a set of
open source libraries for sending correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions,
including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service, via the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Collector.
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 265) – A set of libraries for generating and sending traces to X-Ray via
the X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

For more information, see Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
SDKs (p. 213).

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript

With the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) JavaScript, you can instrument your applications
once and send correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions including
Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Using X-Ray with AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry requires two components: an OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray, and the
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector enabled for use with X-Ray.

To get started, see the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry JavaScript documentation.
ADOT JavaScript is supported for all server-side Node.js applications. ADOT JavaScript is not
able to export data to X-Ray from browser clients.

For more information about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS
services, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js

The X-Ray SDK for Node.js is a library for Express web applications and Node.js Lambda functions
that provides classes and methods for generating and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon. Trace
data includes information about incoming HTTP requests served by the application, and calls that the
application makes to downstream services using the AWS SDK or HTTP clients.
The X-Ray SDK for Node.js is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit
issues and pull requests on GitHub: github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-node

If you use Express, start by adding the SDK as middleware (p. 271) on your application server to trace
incoming requests. The middleware creates a segment (p. 16) for each traced request, and completes
the segment when the response is sent. While the segment is open you can use the SDK client's methods
to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also
automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open.

For Lambda functions called by an instrumented application or service, Lambda reads the tracing
header (p. 21) and traces sampled requests automatically. For other functions, you can configure

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Lambda (p. 202) to sample and trace incoming requests. In either case, Lambda creates the segment and
provides it to the X-Ray SDK.
On Lambda, the X-Ray SDK is optional. If you don't use it in your function, your service map
will still include a node for the Lambda service, and one for each Lambda function. By adding
the SDK, you can instrument your function code to add subsegments to the function segment
recorded by Lambda. See AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Next, use the X-Ray SDK for Node.js to instrument your AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js
clients (p. 273). Whenever you make a call to a downstream AWS service or resource with an
instrumented client, the SDK records information about the call in a subsegment. AWS services and the
resources that you access within the services appear as downstream nodes on the service map to help
you identify errors and throttling issues on individual connections.

The X-Ray SDK for Node.js also provides instrumentation for downstream calls to HTTP web APIs and
SQL queries. Wrap your HTTP client in the SDK's capture method (p. 274) to record information about
outgoing HTTP calls. For SQL clients, use the capture method for your database type (p. 276).

The middleware applies sampling rules to incoming requests to determine which requests to trace.
You can configure the X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 267) to adjust the sampling behavior or to record
information about the AWS compute resources on which your application runs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 278). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

When you have a lot of instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain a large
number of subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and
group subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 276). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code, and record metadata and annotations on the
subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

For reference documentation about the SDK's classes and methods, see the AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js
API Reference.

The X-Ray SDK for Node.js requires Node.js and the following libraries:

• atomic-batcher – 1.0.2
• cls-hooked – 4.2.2
• pkginfo – 0.4.0
• semver – 5.3.0

The SDK pulls these libraries in when you install it with NPM.

To trace AWS SDK clients, the X-Ray SDK for Node.js requires a minimum version of the AWS SDK for
JavaScript in Node.js.

• aws-sdk – 2.7.15

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Dependency management

Dependency management
The X-Ray SDK for Node.js is available from NPM.

• Package – aws-xray-sdk

For local development, install the SDK in your project directory with npm.

~/nodejs-xray$ npm install aws-xray-sdk

[email protected]
### [email protected]
# ### @aws-sdk/[email protected]
# ### @aws-sdk/[email protected]
# ### @types/[email protected]
# # ### @types/[email protected]
# ### [email protected]
# ### [email protected]
# # ### [email protected]
# # # ### [email protected]
# # ### [email protected]
# # ### [email protected]
# ### [email protected]
### [email protected]
### [email protected]
### [email protected]

Use the --save option to save the SDK as a dependency in your application's package.json.

~/nodejs-xray$ npm install aws-xray-sdk --save

[email protected]

If your application has any dependencies whose versions conflict with the X-Ray SDK's dependencies,
both versions will be installed to ensure compatibility. For more details, see the official NPM
documentation for dependency resolution.

Node.js samples
Work with the AWS X-Ray SDK for Node.js to get an end-to-end view of requests as they travel through
your Node.js applications.

• Node.js sample application on GitHub.

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Node.js

You can configure the X-Ray SDK for Node.js with plugins to include information about the service that
your application runs on, modify the default sampling behavior, or add sampling rules that apply to
requests to specific paths.

• Service plugins (p. 268)
• Sampling rules (p. 268)
• Logging (p. 269)
• X-Ray daemon address (p. 270)
• Environment variables (p. 270)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Service plugins
Use plugins to record information about the service hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – EC2Plugin adds the instance ID, Availability Zone, and the CloudWatch Logs Group.
• Elastic Beanstalk – ElasticBeanstalkPlugin adds the environment name, version label, and
deployment ID.
• Amazon ECS – ECSPlugin adds the container ID.

To use a plugin, configure the X-Ray SDK for Node.js client by using the config method.

Example app.js - plugins

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


The SDK also uses plugin settings to set the origin field on the segment. This indicates the type of
AWS resource that runs your application. The resource type appears under your application's name in the
service map. For example, AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.

When you use multiple plugins, the SDK uses the following resolution order to determine the origin:
ElasticBeanstalk > EKS > ECS > EC2.

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

On AWS Lambda, you cannot modify the sampling rate. If your function is called by an instrumented
service, calls that generated requests that were sampled by that service will be recorded by Lambda. If
active tracing is enabled and no tracing header is present, Lambda makes the sampling decision.

To configure backup rules, tell the X-Ray SDK for Node.js to load sampling rules from a file with

Example app.js - sampling rules from a file

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


You can also define your rules in code and pass them to setSamplingRules as an object.

Example app.js - sampling rules from an object

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var rules = {
"rules": [ { "description": "Player moves.", "service_name": "*", "http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*", "fixed_target": 0, "rate": 0.05 } ],
"default": { "fixed_target": 1, "rate": 0.1 },
"version": 1


To use only local rules, call disableCentralizedSampling.


To log output from the SDK, call AWSXRay.setLogger(logger), where logger is an object that
provides standard logging methods (warn, info, etc.).

By default the SDK will log error messages to the console using the standard methods on the console
object. The log level of the built-in logger can be set by using either the AWS_XRAY_DEBUG_MODE or
AWS_XRAY_LOG_LEVEL environment variables. For a list of valid log level values, see Environment
variables (p. 270).

If you wish to provide a different format or destination for the logs then you can provide the SDK with
your own implementation of the logger interface as shown below. Any object that implements this

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

interface can be used. This means that many logging libraries, e.g. Winston, could be used and passed to
the SDK directly.

Example app.js - logging

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

// Create your own logger, or instantiate one using a library.

var logger = {
error: (message, meta) => { /* logging code */ },
warn: (message, meta) => { /* logging code */ },
info: (message, meta) => { /* logging code */ },
debug: (message, meta) => { /* logging code */ }


Call setLogger before you run other configuration methods to ensure that you capture output from
those operations.

X-Ray daemon address

If the X-Ray daemon listens on a port or host other than, you can configure the X-Ray
SDK for Node.js to send trace data to a different address.


You can specify the host by name or by IPv4 address.

Example app.js - daemon address

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


If you configured the daemon to listen on different ports for TCP and UDP, you can specify both in the
daemon address setting.

Example app.js - daemon address on separate ports

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

AWSXRay.setDaemonAddress('tcp:daemonhost:8082 udp:daemonhost:8083');

You can also set the daemon address by using the AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS environment
variable (p. 270).

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for Node.js. The SDK supports the
following variables.

• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your

instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.

Valid Values
• RUNTIME_ERROR – Throw a runtime exception (default).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

• LOG_ERROR – Log an error and continue.

Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in startup code that runs when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK uses for both trace data (UDP) and sampling (TCP). Use this variable if you
have configured the daemon to listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.

• Same port – address:port
• Different ports – tcp:address:port udp:address:port
• AWS_XRAY_DEBUG_MODE – Set to TRUE to configure the SDK to output logs to the console, at debug
• AWS_XRAY_LOG_LEVEL – Set a log level for the default logger. Valid values are debug, info, warn,
error, and silent. This value is ignored when AWS_XRAY_DEBUG_MODE is set to TRUE.
• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments. Overrides the
segment name that you set on the Express middleware (p. 271).

Tracing incoming requests with the X-Ray SDK for

You can use the X-Ray SDK for Node.js to trace incoming HTTP requests that your Express and Restify
applications serve on an EC2 instance in Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS.

The X-Ray SDK for Node.js provides middleware for applications that use the Express and Restify
frameworks. When you add the X-Ray middleware to your application, the X-Ray SDK for Node.js creates
a segment for each sampled request. This segment includes timing, method, and disposition of the HTTP
request. Additional instrumentation creates subsegments on this segment.
For AWS Lambda functions, Lambda creates a segment for each sampled request. See AWS
Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

When a request is forwarded, the SDK sets an additional field in the segment to indicate this. If the
segment contains the field x_forwarded_for set to true, the client IP was taken from the X-
Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request.

The message handler creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the
following information:

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

• Tracing incoming requests with Express (p. 272)
• Tracing incoming requests with restify (p. 272)
• Configuring a segment naming strategy (p. 272)

Tracing incoming requests with Express

To use the Express middleware, initialize the SDK client and use the middleware returned by the
express.openSegment function before you define your routes.

Example app.js - Express

var app = express();

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


app.get('/', function (req, res) {



After you define your routes, use the output of express.closeSegment as shown to handle any errors
returned by the X-Ray SDK for Node.js.

Tracing incoming requests with restify

To use the Restify middleware, initialize the SDK client and run enable. Pass it your Restify server and
segment name.

Example app.js - restify

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var AWSXRayRestify = require('aws-xray-sdk-restify');

var restify = require('restify');

var server = restify.createServer();
AWSXRayRestify.enable(server, 'MyApp'));

server.get('/', function (req, res) {


Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming
strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a
hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you initialize
the middleware, as shown in the previous sections.
You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 270).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use
if the hostname in the HTTP request does not match the pattern. To name segments dynamically, use

Example app.js - dynamic segment names

If the hostname in the request matches the pattern *.example.com, use the hostname. Otherwise, use

var app = express();

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


app.get('/', function (req, res) {



Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js
When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for Node.js tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 276). Traced AWS services,
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

You can instrument all AWS SDK clients by wrapping your aws-sdk require statement in a call to

Example app.js - AWS SDK instrumentation

var AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

To instrument individual clients, wrap your AWS SDK client in a call to AWSXRay.captureAWSClient.
For example, to instrument an AmazonDynamoDB client:

Example app.js - DynamoDB client instrumentation

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var ddb = AWSXRay.captureAWSClient(new AWS.DynamoDB());

Do not use both captureAWS and captureAWSClient together. This will lead to duplicate

For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services using

the X-Ray SDK for Node.js
When your application makes calls to microservices or public HTTP APIs, you can use the X-Ray SDK for
Node.js client to instrument those calls and add the API to the service graph as a downstream service.

Pass your http or https client to the X-Ray SDK for Node.js captureHTTPs method to trace outgoing

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

Calls using third-party HTTP request libraries, such as Axios or Superagent, are supported
through the captureHTTPsGlobal() API and will still be traced when they use the native
http module.

Example app.js - HTTP client

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var http = AWSXRay.captureHTTPs(require('http'));

To enable tracing on all HTTP clients, call captureHTTPsGlobal before you load http.

Example app.js - HTTP client (global)

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var http = require('http');

When you instrument a call to a downstream web API, the X-Ray SDK for Node.js records a subsegment
that contains information about the HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate
an inferred segment for the remote API.

Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"name": "names.example.com",
"namespace": "remote",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "168416dc2ea97781",
"name": "names.example.com",
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5153bb58284b67678aa78c",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

"inferred": true

Tracing SQL queries with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js

Instrument SQL database queries by wrapping your SQL client in the corresponding X-Ray SDK for
Node.js client method.

• PostgreSQL – AWSXRay.capturePostgres()

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var pg = AWSXRay.capturePostgres(require('pg'));
var client = new pg.Client();

• MySQL – AWSXRay.captureMySQL()

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var mysql = AWSXRay.captureMySQL(require('mysql'));
var connection = mysql.createConnection(config);

When you use an instrumented client to make SQL queries, the X-Ray SDK for Node.js records
information about the connection and query in a subsegment.

Including additional data in SQL subsegments

You can add additional information to subsegments generated for SQL queries, as long as it's mapped to
a whitelisted SQL field. For example, to record the sanitized SQL query string in a subsegment, you can
add it directly to the subsegment's SQL object.

Example Assign SQL to sugsegment

const queryString = 'SELECT * FROM MyTable';

connection.query(queryString, ...);

// Retrieve the most recently created subsegment

const subs = AWSXRay.getSegment().subsegments;

if (subs & & subs.length > 0) {

var sqlSub = subs[subs.length - 1];
sqlSub.sql.sanitized_query = queryString;

For a full list of whitelisted SQL fields, see SQL Queries in the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide.

Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray SDK

for Node.js
Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

Custom Express subsegments

To create a custom subsegment for a function that makes calls to downstream services, use the
captureAsyncFunc function.

Example app.js - custom subsegments Express

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


app.get('/', function (req, res) {

var host = 'api.example.com';

AWSXRay.captureAsyncFunc('send', function(subsegment) {
sendRequest(host, function() {


function sendRequest(host, cb) {

var options = {
host: host,
path: '/',

var callback = function(response) {

var str = '';

response.on('data', function (chunk) {

str += chunk;

response.on('end', function () {

http.request(options, callback).end();

In this example, the application creates a custom subsegment named send for calls to the sendRequest
function. captureAsyncFunc passes a subsegment that you must close within the callback function
when the asynchronous calls that it makes are complete.

For synchronous functions, you can use the captureFunc function, which closes the subsegment
automatically as soon as the function block finishes executing.

When you create a subsegment within a segment or another subsegment, the X-Ray SDK for Node.js
generates an ID for it and records the start time and end time.

Example Subsegment with metadata

"subsegments": [{
"id": "6f1605cd8a07cb70",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

"name": "Custom subsegment for UserModel.saveUser function",

"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"

Custom Lambda subsegments

The SDK is configured to automatically create a placeholder facade segment when the it detects it's
running in Lambda. To create a basic subsegement, which will create a single AWS::Lambda::Function
node on the X-Ray service map, call and repurpose the facade segment. If you manually create a new
segment with a new ID (while sharing the trace ID, parent ID and the sampling decision) you will be able
to send a new segment.

Example app.js - manual custom subsegments

const segment = AWSXRay.getSegment(); //returns the facade segment

const subsegment = segment.addNewSubsegment('subseg');
//the segment is closed by the SDK automatically

Add annotations and metadata to segments with the

X-Ray SDK for Node.js
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

In addition to annotations and metadata, you can also record user ID strings (p. 280) on segments. User
IDs are recorded in a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 278)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 279)
• Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 280)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js

Use annotations to record information on segments or subsegments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var document = AWSXRay.getSegment();

2. Call addAnnotation with a String key, and a Boolean, Number, or String value.

document.addAnnotation("mykey", "my value");

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling addAnnotation twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same
segment or subsegment.

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

Example app.js - annotations

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
var ddb = AWSXRay.captureAWSClient(new AWS.DynamoDB());
app.post('/signup', function(req, res) {
var item = {
'email': {'S': req.body.email},
'name': {'S': req.body.name},
'preview': {'S': req.body.previewAccess},
'theme': {'S': req.body.theme}

var seg = AWSXRay.getSegment();

seg.addAnnotation('theme', req.body.theme);

'TableName': ddbTable,
'Item': item,
'Expected': { email: { Exists: false } }
}, function(err, data) {

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js

Use metadata to record information on segments or subsegments that you don't need indexed for
search. Metadata values can be strings, numbers, Booleans, or any other object that can be serialized into
a JSON object or array.

To record metadata

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

var document = AWSXRay.getSegment();

2. Call addMetadata with a string key, a Boolean, number, string, or object value, and a string

document.addMetadata("my key", "my value", "my namespace");


Call addMetadata with just a key and value.

document.addMetadata("my key", "my value");

If you don't specify a namespace, the SDK uses default. Calling addMetadata twice with the same key
overwrites previously recorded values on the same segment or subsegment.

Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Node.js

Record user IDs on request segments to identify the user who sent the request. This operation isn’t
compatible with AWS Lambda functions because segments in Lambda environments are immutable. The
setUser call can be applied only to segments, not subsegments.

To record user IDs

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var document = AWSXRay.getSegment();

2. Call setUser() with a string ID of the user who sent the request.

var user = 'john123';


You can call setUser to record the user ID as soon as your express application starts processing a
request. If you will use the segment only to set the user ID, you can chain the calls in a single line.

Example app.js - user ID

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
var uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
var ddb = AWSXRay.captureAWSClient(new AWS.DynamoDB());
app.post('/signup', function(req, res) {
var userId = uuidv4();
var item = {
'userId': {'S': userId},
'email': {'S': req.body.email},
'name': {'S': req.body.name}

var seg = AWSXRay.getSegment().setUser(userId);

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

'TableName': ddbTable,
'Item': item,
'Expected': { email: { Exists: false } }
}, function(err, data) {

To find traces for a user ID, use the user keyword in a filter expression.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python

Working with Python

There are two ways to instrument your Python application to send traces to X-Ray:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python (p. 282) – An AWS distribution that provides a set of open
source libraries for sending correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions,
including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service, via the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Collector.
• AWS X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 282) – A set of libraries for generating and sending traces to X-Ray via
the X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

For more information, see Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
SDKs (p. 213).

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python

With the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Python, you can instrument your applications once and
send correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions including Amazon CloudWatch,
AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Using X-Ray with ADOT requires two components: an
OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray, and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector enabled
for use with X-Ray. ADOT Python includes auto-instrumentation support, enabling your application to
send traces without code changes.

To get started, see the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Python documentation.

For more information about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS
services, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

AWS X-Ray SDK for Python

The X-Ray SDK for Python is a library for Python web applications that provides classes and methods for
generating and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon. Trace data includes information about incoming
HTTP requests served by the application, and calls that the application makes to downstream services
using the AWS SDK, HTTP clients, or an SQL database connector. You can also create segments manually
and add debug information in annotations and metadata.

You can download the SDK with pip.

$ pip install aws-xray-sdk

The X-Ray SDK for Python is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit
issues and pull requests on GitHub: github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-python

If you use Django or Flask, start by adding the SDK middleware to your application (p. 289) to trace
incoming requests. The middleware creates a segment (p. 16) for each traced request, and completes the

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
X-Ray SDK for Python

segment when the response is sent. While the segment is open, you can use the SDK client's methods
to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also
automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open. For other
applications, you can create segments manually (p. 291).

For Lambda functions called by an instrumented application or service, Lambda reads the tracing
header (p. 21) and traces sampled requests automatically. For other functions, you can configure
Lambda (p. 202) to sample and trace incoming requests. In either case, Lambda creates the segment and
provides it to the X-Ray SDK.
On Lambda, the X-Ray SDK is optional. If you don't use it in your function, your service map
will still include a node for the Lambda service, and one for each Lambda function. By adding
the SDK, you can instrument your function code to add subsegments to the function segment
recorded by Lambda. See AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

See Worker (p. 154) for a example Python function instrumented in Lambda.

Next, use the X-Ray SDK for Python to instrument downstream calls by patching your application's
libraries (p. 293). The SDK supports the following libraries.

Supported Libraries

• botocore, boto3 – Instrument AWS SDK for Python (Boto) clients.

• pynamodb – Instrument PynamoDB's version of the Amazon DynamoDB client.
• aiobotocore, aioboto3 – Instrument asyncio-integrated versions of SDK for Python clients.
• requests, aiohttp – Instrument high-level HTTP clients.
• httplib, http.client – Instrument low-level HTTP clients and the higher level libraries that use
• sqlite3 – Instrument SQLite clients.
• mysql-connector-python – Instrument MySQL clients.
• pg8000 – Instrument Pure-Python PostgreSQL interface.
• psycopg2 – Instrument PostgreSQL database adapter.
• pymongo – Instrument MongoDB clients.
• pymysql – Instrument PyMySQL based clients for MySQL and MariaDB.

Whenever your application makes calls to AWS, an SQL database, or other HTTP services, the SDK
records information about the call in a subsegment. AWS services and the resources that you access
within the services appear as downstream nodes on the service map to help you identify errors and
throttling issues on individual connections.

After you start using the SDK, customize its behavior by configuring the recorder and
middleware (p. 284). You can add plugins to record data about the compute resources running your
application, customize sampling behavior by defining sampling rules, and set the log level to see more or
less information from the SDK in your application logs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 297). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

When you have a lot of instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain a large
number of subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and
group subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 296). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code. You can then you can record metadata and
annotations on the subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

For reference documentation for the SDK's classes and methods, see the AWS X-Ray SDK for Python API

The X-Ray SDK for Python supports the following language and library versions.

• Python – 2.7, 3.4, and newer

• Django – 1.10 and newer
• Flask – 0.10 and newer
• aiohttp – 2.3.0 and newer
• AWS SDK for Python (Boto) – 1.4.0 and newer
• botocore – 1.5.0 and newer
• enum – 0.4.7 and newer, for Python versions 3.4.0 and older
• jsonpickle – 1.0.0 and newer
• setuptools – 40.6.3 and newer
• wrapt – 1.11.0 and newer

Dependency management
The X-Ray SDK for Python is available from pip.

• Package – aws-xray-sdk

Add the SDK as a dependency in your requirements.txt file.

Example requirements.txt


If you use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy your application, Elastic Beanstalk installs all of the packages in
requirements.txt automatically.

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Python

The X-Ray SDK for Python has a class named xray_recorder that provides the global recorder. You can
configure the global recorder to customize the middleware that creates segments for incoming HTTP

• Service plugins (p. 285)
• Sampling rules (p. 286)
• Logging (p. 287)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• Recorder configuration in code (p. 287)

• Recorder configuration with Django (p. 287)
• Environment variables (p. 288)

Service plugins
Use plugins to record information about the service hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – EC2Plugin adds the instance ID, Availability Zone, and the CloudWatch Logs Group.
• Elastic Beanstalk – ElasticBeanstalkPlugin adds the environment name, version label, and
deployment ID.
• Amazon ECS – ECSPlugin adds the container ID.

To use a plugin, call configure on the xray_recorder.

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all

xray_recorder.configure(service='My app')
plugins = ('ElasticBeanstalkPlugin', 'EC2Plugin')

Since plugins are passed in as a tuple, be sure to include a trailing , when specifying a single
plugin. For example, plugins = ('EC2Plugin',)

You can also use environment variables (p. 288), which take precedence over values set in code, to
configure the recorder.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Configure plugins before patching libraries (p. 293) to record downstream calls.

The SDK also uses plugin settings to set the origin field on the segment. This indicates the type of
AWS resource that runs your application. The resource type appears under your application's name in the
service map. For example, AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.

When you use multiple plugins, the SDK uses the following resolution order to determine the origin:
ElasticBeanstalk > EKS > ECS > EC2.

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

On AWS Lambda, you cannot modify the sampling rate. If your function is called by an instrumented
service, calls that generated requests that were sampled by that service will be recorded by Lambda. If
active tracing is enabled and no tracing header is present, Lambda makes the sampling decision.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

To configure backup sampling rules, call xray_recorder.configure, as shown in the following

example, where rules is either a dictionary of rules or the absolute path to a JSON file containing
sampling rules.


To use only local rules, configure the recorder with a LocalSampler.

from aws_xray_sdk.core.sampling.local.sampler import LocalSampler


You can also configure the global recorder to disable sampling and instrument all incoming requests.

Example main.py – Disable sampling


The SDK uses Python’s built-in logging module with a default WARNING logging level. Get a reference
to the logger for the aws_xray_sdk class and call setLevel on it to configure the different log level
for the library and the rest of your application.

Example app.py – Logging


Use debug logs to identify issues, such as unclosed subsegments, when you generate subsegments
manually (p. 296).

Recorder configuration in code

Additional settings are available from the configure method on xray_recorder.

• context_missing – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your instrumented code
attempts to record data when no segment is open.
• daemon_address – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener.
• service – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments.
• plugins – Record information about your application's AWS resources.
• sampling – Set to False to disable sampling.
• sampling_rules – Set the path of the JSON file containing your sampling rules (p. 286).

Example main.py – Disable context missing exceptions

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder


Recorder configuration with Django

If you use the Django framework, you can use the Django settings.py file to configure options on the
global recorder.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• AUTO_INSTRUMENT (Django only) – Record subsegments for built-in database and template rendering
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your
instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener.
• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments.
• PLUGINS – Record information about your application's AWS resources.
• SAMPLING – Set to False to disable sampling.
• SAMPLING_RULES – Set the path of the JSON file containing your sampling rules (p. 286).

To enable recorder configuration in settings.py, add the Django middleware to the list of installed

Example settings.py – Installed apps


Configure the available settings in a dict named XRAY_RECORDER.

Example settings.py – Installed apps

'AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME': 'My application',
'PLUGINS': ('ElasticBeanstalkPlugin', 'EC2Plugin', 'ECSPlugin'),
'SAMPLING': False,

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for Python. The SDK supports the
following variables:

• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments. Overrides the service
name that you set programmatically.
• AWS_XRAY_SDK_ENABLED – When set to false, disables the SDK. By default, the SDK is enabled
unless the environment variable is set to false.
• When disabled, the global recorder automatically generates dummy segments and subsegments
that are not sent to the daemon, and automatic patching is disabled. Middlewares are written as a
wrapper over the global recorder. All segment and subsegment generation through the middleware
also become dummy segment and dummy subsegments.
• Set the value of AWS_XRAY_SDK_ENABLED through the environment variable or through direct
interaction with the global_sdk_config object from the aws_xray_sdk library. Settings to the
environment variable override these interactions.
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK uses for both trace data (UDP) and sampling (TCP). Use this variable if you
have configured the daemon to listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

• Same port – address:port
• Different ports – tcp:address:port udp:address:port
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your
instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.

Valid Values
• RUNTIME_ERROR – Throw a runtime exception (default).
• LOG_ERROR – Log an error and continue.

Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in startup code that runs when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new

Environment variables override values set in code.

Tracing incoming requests with the X-Ray SDK for

Python middleware
When you add the middleware to your application and configure a segment name, the X-Ray SDK
for Python creates a segment for each sampled request. This segment includes timing, method, and
disposition of the HTTP request. Additional instrumentation creates subsegments on this segment.

The X-Ray SDK for Python supports the following middleware to instrument incoming HTTP requests:

• Django
• Flask
• Bottle

For AWS Lambda functions, Lambda creates a segment for each sampled request. See AWS
Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

See Worker (p. 154) for a example Python function instrumented in Lambda.

For scripts or Python applications on other frameworks, you can create segments manually (p. 291).

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

When a request is forwarded, the SDK sets an additional field in the segment to indicate this. If the
segment contains the field x_forwarded_for set to true, the client IP was taken from the X-
Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request.

The middleware creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the
following information:

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.
• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

• Adding the middleware to your application (Django) (p. 290)
• Adding the middleware to your application (flask) (p. 291)
• Adding the middleware to your application (Bottle) (p. 291)
• Instrumenting Python code manually (p. 291)
• Configuring a segment naming strategy (p. 292)

Adding the middleware to your application (Django)

Add the middleware to the MIDDLEWARE list in your settings.py file. The X-Ray middleware should be
the first line in your settings.py file to ensure that requests that fail in other middleware are recorded.

Example settings.py - X-Ray SDK for Python middleware


Add the X-Ray SDK Django app to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your settings.py file. This will allow
the X-Ray recorder to be configured during your app's startup.

Example settings.py - X-Ray SDK for Python Django app


Configure a segment name in your settings.py file (p. 287).

Example settings.py – Segment name

'AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME': 'My application',

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

'PLUGINS': ('EC2Plugin'),

This tells the X-Ray recorder to trace requests served by your Django application with the default
sampling rate. You can configure the recorder your Django settings file (p. 287) to apply custom
sampling rules or change other settings.

Adding the middleware to your application (flask)

To instrument your Flask application, first configure a segment name on the xray_recorder. Then, use
the XRayMiddleware function to patch your Flask application in code.

Example app.py

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask.middleware import XRayMiddleware

app = Flask(__name__)

xray_recorder.configure(service='My application')
XRayMiddleware(app, xray_recorder)

This tells the X-Ray recorder to trace requests served by your Flask application with the default sampling
rate. You can configure the recorder in code (p. 287) to apply custom sampling rules or change other

Adding the middleware to your application (Bottle)

To instrument your Bottle application, first configure a segment name on the xray_recorder. Then,
use the XRayMiddleware function to patch your Bottle application in code.

Example app.py

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

from aws_xray_sdk.ext.bottle.middleware import XRayMiddleware

app = Bottle()

xray_recorder.configure(service='fallback_name', dynamic_naming='My application')


This tells the X-Ray recorder to trace requests served by your Bottle application with the default
sampling rate. You can configure the recorder in code (p. 287) to apply custom sampling rules or
change other settings.

Instrumenting Python code manually

If you don't use Django or Flask, you can create segments manually. You can create a segment for each
incoming request, or create segments around patched HTTP or AWS SDK clients to provide context for
the recorder to add subsegments.

Example main.py – Manual instrumentation

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

# Start a segment

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

segment = xray_recorder.begin_segment('segment_name')
# Start a subsegment
subsegment = xray_recorder.begin_subsegment('subsegment_name')

# Add metadata and annotations

segment.put_metadata('key', dict, 'namespace')
subsegment.put_annotation('key', 'value')

# Close the subsegment and segment


Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming
strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a
hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you configure
the recorder, as shown in the previous sections (p. 290).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use if
the hostname in the HTTP request doesn't match the pattern. To name segments dynamically in Django,
add the DYNAMIC_NAMING setting to your settings.py (p. 287) file.

Example settings.py – Dynamic naming

'AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME': 'My application',
'DYNAMIC_NAMING': '*.example.com',
'PLUGINS': ('ElasticBeanstalkPlugin', 'EC2Plugin')

You can use '*' in the pattern to match any string, or '?' to match any single character. For Flask, configure
the recorder in code (p. 287).

Example main.py – Segment name

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Patching libraries

xray_recorder.configure(service='My application')

You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 288).

Patching libraries to instrument downstream calls

To instrument downstream calls, use the X-Ray SDK for Python to patch the libraries that your
application uses. The X-Ray SDK for Python can patch the following libraries.

Supported Libraries

• botocore, boto3 – Instrument AWS SDK for Python (Boto) clients.

• pynamodb – Instrument PynamoDB's version of the Amazon DynamoDB client.
• aiobotocore, aioboto3 – Instrument asyncio-integrated versions of SDK for Python clients.
• requests, aiohttp – Instrument high-level HTTP clients.
• httplib, http.client – Instrument low-level HTTP clients and the higher level libraries that use
• sqlite3 – Instrument SQLite clients.
• mysql-connector-python – Instrument MySQL clients.
• pg8000 – Instrument Pure-Python PostgreSQL interface.
• psycopg2 – Instrument PostgreSQL database adapter.
• pymongo – Instrument MongoDB clients.
• pymysql – Instrument PyMySQL based clients for MySQL and MariaDB.

When you use a patched library, the X-Ray SDK for Python creates a subsegment for the call and records
information from the request and response. A segment must be available for the SDK to create the
subsegment, either from the SDK middleware or from AWS Lambda.
If you use SQLAlchemy ORM, you can instrument your SQL queries by importing the SDK's
version of SQLAlchemy's session and query classes. See Use SQLAlchemy ORM for instructions.

To patch all available libraries, use the patch_all function in aws_xray_sdk.core. Some
libraries, such as httplib and urllib, may need to enable double patching by calling

Example main.py – Patch all supported libraries

import boto3
import botocore
import requests
import sqlite3

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch_all


To patch a single library, call patch with a tuple of the library name. In order to achieve this, you will
need to provide a single element list.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

Example main.py – Patch specific libraries

import boto3
import botocore
import requests
import mysql-connector-python

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch

libraries = (['botocore'])

In some cases, the key that you use to patch a library does not match the library name. Some
keys serve as aliases for one or more libraries.

Libraries Aliases

• httplib – httplib and http.client

• mysql – mysql-connector-python

Tracing context for asynchronous work

For asyncio integrated libraries, or to create subsegments for asynchronous functions (p. 296), you
must also configure the X-Ray SDK for Python with an async context. Import the AsyncContext class
and pass an instance of it to the X-Ray recorder.
Web framework support libraries, such as AIOHTTP, are not handled through the
aws_xray_sdk.core.patcher module. They will not appear in the patcher catalog of
supported libraries.

Example main.py – Patch aioboto3

import asyncio
import aioboto3
import requests

from aws_xray_sdk.core.async_context import AsyncContext

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
xray_recorder.configure(service='my_service', context=AsyncContext())
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patch

libraries = ('aioboto3')

Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for Python
When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for Python tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 296). Traced AWS services
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

The X-Ray SDK for Python automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients when you patch the botocore
library (p. 293). You cannot instrument individual clients.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services using

the X-Ray SDK for Python
When your application makes calls to microservices or public HTTP APIs, you can use the X-Ray SDK for
Python to instrument those calls and add the API to the service graph as a downstream service.

To instrument HTTP clients, patch the library (p. 293) that you use to make outgoing calls. If you use
requests or Python's built in HTTP client, that's all you need to do. For aiohttp, also configure the
recorder with an async context (p. 294).

If you use aiohttp 3's client API, you also need to configure the ClientSession's with an instance of
the tracing configuration provided by the SDK.

Example aiohttp 3 client API

from aws_xray_sdk.ext.aiohttp.client import aws_xray_trace_config

async def foo():

trace_config = aws_xray_trace_config()
async with ClientSession(loop=loop, trace_configs=[trace_config]) as session:
async with session.get(url) as resp
await resp.read()

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

When you instrument a call to a downstream web API, the X-Ray SDK for Python records a subsegment
that contains information about the HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate
an inferred segment for the remote API.

Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"name": "names.example.com",
"namespace": "remote",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "168416dc2ea97781",
"name": "names.example.com",
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5153bb58284b67678aa78c",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200
"inferred": true

Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray SDK

for Python
Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

To manage subsegments, use the begin_subsegment and end_subsegment methods.

Example main.py – Custom subsegment

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

subsegment = xray_recorder.begin_subsegment('annotations')
subsegment.put_annotation('id', 12345)

To create a subsegment for a synchronous function, use the @xray_recorder.capture decorator. You
can pass a name for the subsegment to the capture function or leave it out to use the function name.

Example main.py – Function subsegment

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

@xray_recorder.capture('## create_user')
def create_user():

For an asynchronous function, use the @xray_recorder.capture_async decorator, and pass an async
context to the recorder.

Example main.py – Asynchronous function subsegment

from aws_xray_sdk.core.async_context import AsyncContext

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
xray_recorder.configure(service='my_service', context=AsyncContext())

@xray_recorder.capture_async('## create_user')
async def create_user():

async def main():

await myfunc()

When you create a subsegment within a segment or another subsegment, the X-Ray SDK for Python
generates an ID for it and records the start time and end time.

Example Subsegment with metadata

"subsegments": [{
"id": "6f1605cd8a07cb70",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "Custom subsegment for UserModel.saveUser function",
"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"

Add annotations and metadata to segments with the

X-Ray SDK for Python
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

In addition to annotations and metadata, you can also record user ID strings (p. 299) on segments. User
IDs are recorded in a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 298)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 299)
• Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Python (p. 299)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Python

Use annotations to record information on segments or subsegments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.
• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from xray_recorder.

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

document = xray_recorder.current_segment()


from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

document = xray_recorder.current_subsegment()

2. Call put_annotation with a String key, and a Boolean, Number, or String value.

document.put_annotation("mykey", "my value");

Alternatively, you can use the put_annotation method on the xray_recorder. This method records
annotations on the current subsegment or, if no subsegment is open, on the segment.

xray_recorder.put_annotation("mykey", "my value");

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling put_annotation twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same
segment or subsegment.

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Python

Use metadata to record information on segments or subsegments that you don't need indexed for
search. Metadata values can be strings, numbers, Booleans, or any object that can be serialized into a
JSON object or array.

To record metadata

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from xray_recorder.

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

document = xray_recorder.current_segment()


from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

document = xray_recorder.current_subsegment()

2. Call put_metadata with a String key; a Boolean, Number, String, or Object value; and a String

document.put_metadata("my key", "my value", "my namespace");


Call put_metadata with just a key and value.

document.put_metadata("my key", "my value");

Alternatively, you can use the put_metadata method on the xray_recorder. This method records
metadata on the current subsegment or, if no subsegment is open, on the segment.

xray_recorder.put_metadata("my key", "my value");

If you don't specify a namespace, the SDK uses default. Calling put_metadata twice with the same
key overwrites previously recorded values on the same segment or subsegment.

Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Python

Record user IDs on request segments to identify the user who sent the request.

To record user IDs

1. Get a reference to the current segment from xray_recorder.

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

document = xray_recorder.current_segment()

2. Call setUser with a String ID of the user who sent the request.


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrument serverless applications

You can call set_user in your controllers to record the user ID as soon as your application starts
processing a request.

To find traces for a user ID, use the user keyword in a filter expression (p. 64).

Instrumenting web frameworks deployed to

serverless environments
The AWS X-Ray SDK for Python supports instrumenting web frameworks deployed in serverless
applications. Serverless is the native architecture of the cloud that enables you to shift more of your
operational responsibilities to AWS, increasing your agility and innovation.

Serverless architecture is a software application model that enables you to build and run applications
and services without thinking about servers. It eliminates infrastructure management tasks such as
server or cluster provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, and capacity provisioning. You
can build serverless solutions for nearly any type of application or backend service, and everything
required to run and scale your application with high availability is handled for you.

This tutorial shows you how to automatically instrument AWS X-Ray on a web framework, such as
Flask or Django, that is deployed to a serverless environment. X-Ray instrumentation of the application
enables you to view all downstream calls that are made, starting from Amazon API Gateway through
your AWS Lambda function, and the outgoing calls your application makes.

The X-Ray SDK for Python supports the following Python application frameworks:

• Flask version 0.8, or later

• Django version 1.0, or later

This tutorial develops an example serverless application that is deployed to Lambda and invoked by API
Gateway. This tutorial uses Zappa to automatically deploy the application to Lambda and to configure
the API Gateway endpoint.

• Zappa
• Python – Version 2.7 or 3.6.
• AWS CLI – Verify that your AWS CLI is configured with the account and AWS Region in which you will
deploy your application.
• Pip
• Virtualenv

Step 1: Create an environment

In this step, you create a virtual environment using virtualenv to host an application.

1. Using the AWS CLI, create a directory for the application. Then change to the new directory.

mkdir serverless_application
cd serverless_application

2. Next, create a virtual environment within your new directory. Use the following command to
activate it.

# Create our virtual environment

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrument serverless applications

virtualenv serverless_env

# Activate it
source serverless_env/bin/activate

3. Install X-Ray, Flask, Zappa, and the Requests library to your environment.

# Install X-Ray, Flask, Zappa, and Requests into your environment

pip install aws-xray-sdk flask zappa requests

4. Add application code to the serverless_application directory. For this example, we can build
off of Flasks's Hello World example.

In the serverless_application directory, create a file named my_app.py. Then use a text editor
to add the following commands. This application instruments the Requests library, patches the Flask
application's middleware, and opens the endpoint '/'.

# Import the X-Ray modules

from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask.middleware import XRayMiddleware
from aws_xray_sdk.core import patcher, xray_recorder
from flask import Flask
import requests

# Patch the requests module to enable automatic instrumentation


app = Flask(__name__)

# Configure the X-Ray recorder to generate segments with our service name
xray_recorder.configure(service='My First Serverless App')

# Instrument the Flask application

XRayMiddleware(app, xray_recorder)

def hello_world():
resp = requests.get("https://aws.amazon.com")
return 'Hello, World: %s' % resp.url

Step 2: Create and deploy a zappa environment

In this step you will use Zappa to automatically configure an API Gateway endpoint and then deploy to

1. Initialize Zappa from within the serverless_application directory. For this example, we used
the default settings, but if you have customization preferences, Zappa displays configuration

zappa init

What do you want to call this environment (default 'dev'): dev

What do you want to call your bucket? (default 'zappa-*******'): zappa-*******
It looks like this is a Flask application.
What's the modular path to your app's function?
This will likely be something like 'your_module.app'.
We discovered: my_app.app

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrument serverless applications

Where is your app's function? (default 'my_app.app'): my_app.app

Would you like to deploy this application globally? (default 'n') [y/n/(p)rimary]: n

2. Enable X-Ray. Open the zappa_settings.json file and verify that it looks similar to the example.

"dev": {
"app_function": "my_app.app",
"aws_region": "us-west-2",
"profile_name": "default",
"project_name": "serverless-exam",
"runtime": "python2.7",
"s3_bucket": "zappa-*********"

3. Add "xray_tracing": true as an entry to the configuration file.

"dev": {
"app_function": "my_app.app",
"aws_region": "us-west-2",
"profile_name": "default",
"project_name": "serverless-exam",
"runtime": "python2.7",
"s3_bucket": "zappa-*********",
"xray_tracing": true

4. Deploy the application. This automatically configures the API Gateway endpoint and uploads your
code to Lambda.

zappa deploy

Deploying API Gateway..
Deployment complete!: https://**********.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev

Step 3: Enable X-Ray tracing for API Gateway

In this step you will interact with the API Gateway console to enable X-Ray tracing.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the API Gateway console at https://
2. Find your newly generated API. It should look something like serverless-exam-dev.
3. Choose Stages.
4. Choose the name of your deployment stage. The default is dev.
5. On the Logs/Tracing tab, select the Enable X-Ray Tracing box.
6. Choose Save Changes.
7. Access the endpoint in your browser. If you used the example Hello World application, it should
display the following.

"Hello, World: https://aws.amazon.com/"

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrument serverless applications

Step 4: View the created trace

In this step you will interact with the X-Ray console to view the trace created by the example application.
For a more detailed walkthrough on trace analysis, see Viewing the Service Map.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. View segments generated by API Gateway, the Lambda function, and the Lambda container.
3. Under the Lambda function segment, view a subsegment named My First Serverless App. It's
followed by a second subsegment named https://aws.amazon.com.
4. During initialization, Lambda might also generate a third subsegment named initialization.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Instrument serverless applications

Step 5: Clean up
Always terminate resources you are no longer using to avoid the accumulation of unexpected costs. As
this tutorial demonstrates, tools such as Zappa streamline serverless redeployment.

To remove your application from Lambda, API Gateway, and Amazon S3, run the following command in
your project directory by using the AWS CLI.

zappa undeploy dev

Next steps
Add more features to your application by adding AWS clients and instrumenting them with X-Ray. Learn
more about serverless computing options at Serverless on AWS.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET

Working with .NET

There are two ways to instrument your .NET application to send traces to X-Ray:

• AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET (p. 305) – An AWS distribution that provides a set of open
source libraries for sending correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions
including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service, via the AWS Distro for
OpenTelemetry Collector.
• AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 305) – A set of libraries for generating and sending traces to X-Ray via
the X-Ray daemon (p. 165).

For more information, see Choosing between the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and X-Ray
SDKs (p. 213).

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET

With the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET, you can instrument your applications once and send
correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS monitoring solutions including Amazon CloudWatch, AWS
X-Ray, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. Using X-Ray with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry requires two
components: an OpenTelemetry SDK enabled for use with X-Ray, and the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
Collector enabled for use with X-Ray.

To get started, see the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry .NET documentation.

For more information about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with AWS X-Ray and other AWS
services, see AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry or the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Documentation.

For more information about language support and usage, see AWS Observability on GitHub.

AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET

The X-Ray SDK for .NET is a library for instrumenting C# .NET web applications, .NET Core web
applications, and .NET Core functions on AWS Lambda. It provides classes and methods for generating
and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon (p. 165). This includes information about incoming requests
served by the application, and calls that the application makes to downstream AWS services, HTTP web
APIs, and SQL databases.
The X-Ray SDK for .NET is an open source project. You can follow the project and submit issues
and pull requests on GitHub: github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-dotnet

For web applications, start by adding a message handler to your web configuration (p. 312) to
trace incoming requests. The message handler creates a segment (p. 16) for each traced request, and
completes the segment when the response is sent. While the segment is open you can use the SDK
client's methods to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls.
The SDK also automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open.

For Lambda functions called by an instrumented application or service, Lambda reads the tracing
header (p. 21) and traces sampled requests automatically. For other functions, you can configure
Lambda (p. 202) to sample and trace incoming requests. In either case, Lambda creates the segment and
provides it to the X-Ray SDK.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

On Lambda, the X-Ray SDK is optional. If you don't use it in your function, your service map
will still include a node for the Lambda service, and one for each Lambda function. By adding
the SDK, you can instrument your function code to add subsegments to the function segment
recorded by Lambda. See AWS Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Next, use the X-Ray SDK for .NET to instrument your AWS SDK for .NET clients (p. 315). Whenever
you make a call to a downstream AWS service or resource with an instrumented client, the SDK records
information about the call in a subsegment. AWS services and the resources that you access within the
services appear as downstream nodes on the service map to help you identify errors and throttling issues
on individual connections.

The X-Ray SDK for .NET also provides instrumentation for downstream calls to HTTP web
APIs (p. 316) and SQL databases (p. 318). The GetResponseTraced extension method for
System.Net.HttpWebRequest traces outgoing HTTP calls. You can use the X-Ray SDK for .NET's
version of SqlCommand to instrument SQL queries.

After you start using the SDK, customize its behavior by configuring the recorder and message
handler (p. 308). You can add plugins to record data about the compute resources running your
application, customize sampling behavior by defining sampling rules, and set the log level to see more or
less information from the SDK in your application logs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 320). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

When you have many instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain a large
number of subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and
group subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 320). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code, and record metadata and annotations on the
subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

For reference documentation about the SDK's classes and methods, see the following:

• AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET API Reference

• AWS X-Ray SDK for .NET Core API Reference

The same package supports both .NET and .NET Core, but the classes that are used vary. Examples in this
chapter link to the .NET API reference unless the class is specific to .NET Core.

The X-Ray SDK for .NET requires the .NET Framework 4.5 or later and AWS SDK for .NET.

For .NET Core applications and functions, the SDK requires .NET Core 2.0 or later.

Adding the X-Ray SDK for .NET to your application

Use NuGet to add the X-Ray SDK for .NET to your application.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Dependency management

To install the X-Ray SDK for .NET with NuGet package manager in Visual Studio

1. Choose Tools, NuGet Package Manager, Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
2. Search for AWSXRayRecorder.
3. Choose the package, and then choose Install.

Dependency management
The X-Ray SDK for .NET is available from Nuget. Install the SDK using the package manager:

Install-Package AWSXRayRecorder -Version 2.10.1

The AWSXRayRecorder v2.10.1 nuget package has the following dependencies:

NET Framework 4.5

AWSXRayRecorder (2.10.1)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- AWSSDK.Core (>=
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AspNet (>= 2.7.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AwsSdk (>= 2.8.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.EntityFramework (>= 1.1.1)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- EntityFramework (>= 6.2.0)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.SqlServer (>= 2.7.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.System.Net (>= 2.7.3)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)

NET Framework 2.0

AWSXRayRecorder (2.10.1)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- AWSSDK.Core (>=
| |-- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (>= 2.0.0)
| |-- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (>= 2.0.0)
| |-- System.Net.Http (>= 4.3.4)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AspNetCore (>= 2.7.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (>= 2.0.0)
| |-- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (>= 2.0.0)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AwsSdk (>= 2.8.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.EntityFramework (>= 1.1.1)

| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational (>= 3.1.0)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.SqlServer (>= 2.7.3)
| |-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)
| |-- System.Data.SqlClient (>= 4.4.0)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.System.Net (>= 2.7.3)
|-- AWSXRayRecorder.Core (>= 2.10.1)

For more details about dependency management, refer to Microsoft's documentation about Nuget
dependency and Nuget dependency resolution.

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for .NET

You can configure the X-Ray SDK for .NET with plugins to include information about the service that your
application runs on, modify the default sampling behavior, or add sampling rules that apply to requests
to specific paths.

For .NET web applications, add keys to the appSettings section of your Web.config file.

Example Web.config

<add key="AWSXRayPlugins" value="EC2Plugin"/>
<add key="SamplingRuleManifest" value="sampling-rules.json"/>

For .NET Core, create a file named appsettings.json with a top-level key named XRay.

Example .NET appsettings.json

"XRay": {
"AWSXRayPlugins": "EC2Plugin",
"SamplingRuleManifest": "sampling-rules.json"

Then, in your application code, build a configuration object and use it to initialize the X-Ray recorder. Do
this before you initialize the recorder (p. 314).

Example .NET Core Program.cs – Recorder configuration

using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;

If you are instrumenting a .NET Core web application, you can also pass the configuration object to the
UseXRay method when you configure the message handler (p. 314). For Lambda functions, use the
InitializeInstance method as shown above.

For more information on the .NET Core configuration API, see Configure an ASP.NET Core App on

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• Plugins (p. 309)
• Sampling rules (p. 309)
• Logging (.NET) (p. 311)
• Logging (.NET Core) (p. 311)
• Environment variables (p. 312)

Use plugins to add data about the service that is hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – EC2Plugin adds the instance ID, Availability Zone, and the CloudWatch Logs Group.
• Elastic Beanstalk – ElasticBeanstalkPlugin adds the environment name, version label, and
deployment ID.
• Amazon ECS – ECSPlugin adds the container ID.

To use a plugin, configure the X-Ray SDK for .NET client by adding the AWSXRayPlugins setting. If
multiple plugins apply to your application, specify all of them in the same setting, separated by commas.

Example Web.config - plugins

<add key="AWSXRayPlugins" value="EC2Plugin,ElasticBeanstalkPlugin"/>

Example .NET Core appsettings.json – Plugins

"XRay": {
"AWSXRayPlugins": "EC2Plugin,ElasticBeanstalkPlugin"

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

On AWS Lambda, you cannot modify the sampling rate. If your function is called by an instrumented
service, calls that generated requests that were sampled by that service will be recorded by Lambda. If
active tracing is enabled and no tracing header is present, Lambda makes the sampling decision.

To configure backup rules, tell the X-Ray SDK for .NET to load sampling rules from a file with the
SamplingRuleManifest setting.

Example .NET Web.config - sampling rules

<add key="SamplingRuleManifest" value="sampling-rules.json"/>

Example .NET Core appsettings.json – Sampling rules

"XRay": {
"SamplingRuleManifest": "sampling-rules.json"

To use only local rules, build the recorder with a LocalizedSamplingStrategy. If you have backup
rules configured, remove that configuration.

Example .NET global.asax – Local sampling rules

var recorder = new AWSXRayRecorderBuilder().WithSamplingStrategy(new


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWSXRayRecorder.InitializeInstance(recorder: recorder);

Example .NET Core Program.cs – Local sampling rules

var recorder = new AWSXRayRecorderBuilder().WithSamplingStrategy(new


Logging (.NET)
The X-Ray SDK for .NET uses the same logging mechanism as the AWS SDK for .NET. If you already
configured your application to log AWS SDK for .NET output, the same configuration applies to output
from the X-Ray SDK for .NET.

To configure logging, add a configuration section named aws to your App.config file or Web.config

Example Web.config - logging

<section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK.Core"/>
<logging logTo="Log4Net"/>

For more information, see Configuring Your AWS SDK for .NET Application in the AWS SDK for .NET
Developer Guide.

Logging (.NET Core)

The X-Ray SDK for .NET uses the same logging options as the AWS SDK for .NET. To configure logging
for .NET Core applications, pass the logging option to the AWSXRayRecorder.RegisterLogger

For example, to use log4net, create a configuration file that defines the logger, the output format, and
the file location.

Example .NET Core log4net.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender,log4net">
<file value="c:\logs\sdk-log.txt" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %level %logger - %message%newline" />
<logger name="Amazon">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

Then, create the logger and apply the configuration in your program code.

Example .NET Core Program.cs – Logging

using log4net;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;

class Program
private static ILog log;
static Program()
var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));
log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
static void Main(string[] args)

For more information on configuring log4net, see Configuration on logging.apache.org.

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for .NET. The SDK supports the following

• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments. Overrides the service
name that you set on the servlet filter's segment naming strategy (p. 314).
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK uses for both trace data (UDP) and sampling (TCP). Use this variable if you
have configured the daemon to listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.

• Same port – address:port
• Different ports – tcp:address:port udp:address:port
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your
instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.

Valid Values
• RUNTIME_ERROR – Throw a runtime exception (default).
• LOG_ERROR – Log an error and continue.

Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in startup code that runs when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new

Instrumenting incoming HTTP requests with the X-

Ray SDK for .NET
You can use the X-Ray SDK to trace incoming HTTP requests that your application serves on an EC2
instance in Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

Use a message handler to instrument incoming HTTP requests. When you add the X-Ray message
handler to your application, the X-Ray SDK for .NET creates a segment for each sampled request. This
segment includes timing, method, and disposition of the HTTP request. Additional instrumentation
creates subsegments on this segment.
For AWS Lambda functions, Lambda creates a segment for each sampled request. See AWS
Lambda and AWS X-Ray (p. 202) for more information.

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

The message handler creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the
following information:

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.
• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

• Instrumenting incoming requests (.NET) (p. 313)
• Instrumenting incoming requests (.NET Core) (p. 314)
• Configuring a segment naming strategy (p. 314)

Instrumenting incoming requests (.NET)

To instrument requests served by your application, call RegisterXRay in the Init method of your
global.asax file.

Example global.asax - message handler

using System.Web.Http;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.AspNet;

namespace SampleEBWebApplication
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public override void Init()
AWSXRayASPNET.RegisterXRay(this, "MyApp");

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Incoming requests

Instrumenting incoming requests (.NET Core)

To instrument requests served by your application, call UseXRay method before any other middleware
in the Configure method of your Startup class as ideally X-Ray middleware should be the first
middleware to process the request and last middleware to process the response in the pipeline.
For .NET Core 2.0, if you have a UseExceptionHandler method in the application, make sure
to call UseXRay after UseExceptionHandler method to ensure exceptions are recorded.

Example Startup.cs
<caption>.NET Core 2.1 and above</caption>

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

// additional middleware

<caption>.NET Core 2.0</caption>

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

// additional middleware

The UseXRay method can also take a configuration object (p. 308) as a second argument.

app.UseXRay("MyApp", configuration);

Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
AWS SDK clients

strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a
hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you initialize
the message handler, as shown in the previous section (p. 313). This has the same effect as creating a
FixedSegmentNamingStrategy and passing it to the RegisterXRay method.

AWSXRayASPNET.RegisterXRay(this, new FixedSegmentNamingStrategy("MyApp"));

You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 312).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use if
the hostname in the HTTP request does not match the pattern. To name segments dynamically, create a
DynamicSegmentNamingStrategy and pass it to the RegisterXRay method.

AWSXRayASPNET.RegisterXRay(this, new DynamicSegmentNamingStrategy("MyApp",


Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for .NET
When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for .NET tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 320). Traced AWS services
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

You can instrument all of your AWS SDK for .NET clients by calling RegisterXRayForAllServices
before you create them.

Example SampleController.cs - DynamoDB client instrumentation

using Amazon;
using Amazon.Util;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2;
using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.DocumentModel;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.AwsSdk;

namespace SampleEBWebApplication.Controllers
public class SampleController : ApiController
private static readonly Lazy<AmazonDynamoDBClient> LazyDdbClient = new
Lazy<AmazonDynamoDBClient>(() =>
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(EC2InstanceMetadata.Region ??
return client;

To instrument clients for some services and not others, call RegisterXRay instead of
RegisterXRayForAllServices. Replace the highlighted text with the name of the service's client

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls


For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

Tracing calls to downstream HTTP web services with

the X-Ray SDK for .NET
When your application makes calls to microservices or public HTTP APIs, you can use the X-Ray SDK
for .NET's GetResponseTraced extension method for System.Net.HttpWebRequest to instrument
those calls and add the API to the service graph as a downstream service.

Example HttpWebRequest

using System.Net;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.System.Net;

private void MakeHttpRequest()

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://names.example.com/

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Outgoing HTTP calls

For asynchronous calls, use GetAsyncResponseTraced.


If you use system.net.http.httpclient, use the HttpClientXRayTracingHandler delegating

handler to record calls.

Example HttpClient

using System.Net.Http;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.System.Net;

private void MakeHttpRequest()

var httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpClientXRayTracingHandler(new

When you instrument a call to a downstream web API, the X-Ray SDK for .NET records a subsegment
with information about the HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate an
inferred segment for the API.

Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"name": "names.example.com",
"namespace": "remote",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call

"id": "168416dc2ea97781",
"name": "names.example.com",
"trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5153bb58284b67678aa78c",
"start_time": 1484786387.131,
"end_time": 1484786387.501,
"parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a",
"http": {
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://names.example.com/"
"response": {
"content_length": -1,
"status": 200

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

"inferred": true

Tracing SQL queries with the X-Ray SDK for .NET

The X-Ray SDK for .NET provides a wrapper class for System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand, named
TraceableSqlCommand, that you can use in place of SqlCommand. You can initialize an SQL command
with the TraceableSqlCommand class.

Tracing SQL queries with synchronous and asynchronous

The following examples show how to use the TraceableSqlCommand to automatically trace SQL Server
queries synchronously and asynchronously.

Example Controller.cs - SQL client instrumentation (synchronous)

using Amazon;
using Amazon.Util;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.SqlServer;

private void QuerySql(int id)

var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RDS_CONNECTION_STRING"];
using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var sqlCommand = new TraceableSqlCommand("SELECT " + id, sqlConnection))

You can execute the query asynchronously by using the ExecuteReaderAsync method.

Example Controller.cs - SQL client instrumentation (asynchronous)

using Amazon;
using Amazon.Util;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.SqlServer;
private void QuerySql(int id)
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RDS_CONNECTION_STRING"];
using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var sqlCommand = new TraceableSqlCommand("SELECT " + id, sqlConnection))
await sqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync();

Collecting SQL queries made to SQL Server

You can enable the capture of SqlCommand.CommandText as part of the subsegment created by your
SQL query. SqlCommand.CommandText appears as the field sanitized_query in the subsegment
JSON. By default, this feature is disabled for security.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
SQL queries

Do not enable the collection feature if you are including sensitive information as clear text in
your SQL queries.

You can enable the collection of SQL queries in two ways:

• Set the CollectSqlQueries property to true in the global configuration for your application.
• Set the collectSqlQueries parameter in the TraceableSqlCommand instance to true to collect
calls within the instance.

Enable the global CollectSqlQueries property

The following examples show how to enable the CollectSqlQueries property for .NET and .NET Core.


To set the CollectSqlQueries property to true in the global configuration of your application
in .NET, modify the appsettings of your App.config or Web.config file, as shown.

Example App.config Or Web.config – Enable SQL Query collection globally

<add key="CollectSqlQueries" value="true">

.NET Core

To set the CollectSqlQueries property to true in the global configuration of your application
in .NET Core, modify your appsettings.json file under the X-Ray key, as shown.

Example appsettings.json – Enable SQL Query collection globally

"XRay": {

Enable the collectSqlQueries parameter

You can set the collectSqlQueries parameter in the TraceableSqlCommand instance to true to
collect the SQL query text for SQL Server queries made using that instance. Setting the parameter to
false disables the CollectSqlQuery feature for the TraceableSqlCommand instance.
The value of collectSqlQueries in the TraceableSqlCommand instance overrides the value
set in the global configuration of the CollectSqlQueries property.

Example Example Controller.cs – Enable SQL Query collection for the instance

using Amazon;
using Amazon.Util;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.SqlServer;

private void QuerySql(int id)


AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RDS_CONNECTION_STRING"];

using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var command = new TraceableSqlCommand("SELECT " + id, sqlConnection,
collectSqlQueries: true))

Creating additional subsegments

Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

To manage subsegments, use the BeginSubsegment and EndSubsegment methods. Perform any work
in the subsegment in a try block and use AddException to trace exceptions. Call EndSubsegment in a
finally block to ensure that the subsegment is closed.

Example Controller.cs – Custom subsegment

AWSXRayRecorder.Instance.BeginSubsegment("custom method");
catch (Exception e)

When you create a subsegment within a segment or another subsegment, the X-Ray SDK for .NET
generates an ID for it and records the start time and end time.

Example Subsegment with metadata

"subsegments": [{
"id": "6f1605cd8a07cb70",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "Custom subsegment for UserModel.saveUser function",
"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"

Add annotations and metadata to segments with the

X-Ray SDK for .NET
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 321)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for .NET (p. 321)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for .NET

Use annotations to record information on segments or subsegments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.
• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations

1. Get an instance of AWSXRayRecorder.

using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
AWSXRayRecorder recorder = AWSXRayRecorder.Instance;

2. Call addAnnotation with a String key and a Boolean, Int32, Int64, Double, or String value.

recorder.AddAnnotation("mykey", "my value");

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling addAnnotation twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same
segment or subsegment.

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for .NET

Use metadata to record information on segments or subsegments that you don't need indexed for
search. Metadata values can be Strings, Numbers, Booleans, or any other Object that can be serialized
into a JSON object or array.

To record metadata

1. Get an instance of AWSXRayRecorder.

using Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core;
AWSXRayRecorder recorder = AWSXRayRecorder.Instance;

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

2. Call AddMetadata with a String namespace, String key, and an Object value.

recorder.AddMetadata("my namespace", "my key", "my value");


Call AddMetadata with just a key and value.

recorder.AddMetadata("my key", "my value");

If you don't specify a namespace, the SDK uses default. Calling AddMetadata twice with the same key
overwrites previously recorded values on the same segment or subsegment.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby

The X-Ray SDK is a library for Ruby web applications that provides classes and methods for generating
and sending trace data to the X-Ray daemon. Trace data includes information about incoming HTTP
requests served by the application, and calls that the application makes to downstream services using
the AWS SDK, HTTP clients, or an active record client. You can also create segments manually and add
debug information in annotations and metadata.

You can download the SDK by adding it to your gemfile and running bundle install.

Example Gemfile

gem 'aws-sdk'

If you use Rails, start by adding the X-Ray SDK middleware (p. 328) to trace incoming requests. A
request filter creates a segment (p. 16). While the segment is open, you can use the SDK client's methods
to add information to the segment and create subsegments to trace downstream calls. The SDK also
automatically records exceptions that your application throws while the segment is open. For non-Rails
applications, you can create segments manually (p. 329).

Next, use the X-Ray SDK to instrument your AWS SDK for Ruby, HTTP, and SQL clients by configuring
the recorder (p. 331) to patch the associated libraries. Whenever you make a call to a downstream
AWS service or resource with an instrumented client, the SDK records information about the call in a
subsegment. AWS services and the resources that you access within the services appear as downstream
nodes on the service map to help you identify errors and throttling issues on individual connections.

Once you get going with the SDK, customize its behavior by configuring the recorder (p. 324). You can
add plugins to record data about the compute resources running your application, customize sampling
behavior by defining sampling rules, and provide a logger to see more or less information from the SDK
in your application logs.

Record additional information about requests and the work that your application does in annotations
and metadata (p. 333). Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are indexed for use with filter
expressions (p. 64), so that you can search for traces that contain specific data. Metadata entries are less
restrictive and can record entire objects and arrays — anything that can be serialized into JSON.
Annotations and Metadata
Annotations and metadata are arbitrary text that you add to segments with the X-Ray SDK.
Annotations are indexed for use with filter expressions. Metadata are not indexed, but can be
viewed in the raw segment with the X-Ray console or API. Anyone that you grant read access to
X-Ray can view this data.

When you have a lot of instrumented clients in your code, a single request segment can contain a large
number of subsegments, one for each call made with an instrumented client. You can organize and
group subsegments by wrapping client calls in custom subsegments (p. 332). You can create a custom
subsegment for an entire function or any section of code, and record metadata and annotations on the
subsegment instead of writing everything on the parent segment.

For reference documentation for the SDK's classes and methods, see the AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby API

The X-Ray SDK requires Ruby 2.3 or later and is compatible with the following libraries:

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

• AWS SDK for Ruby version 3.0 or later

• Rails version 5.1 or later

Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

The X-Ray SDK for Ruby has a class named XRay.recorder that provides the global recorder. You can
configure the global recorder to customize the middleware that creates segments for incoming HTTP

• Service plugins (p. 324)
• Sampling rules (p. 325)
• Logging (p. 327)
• Recorder configuration in code (p. 327)
• Recorder configuration with rails (p. 328)
• Environment variables (p. 328)

Service plugins
Use plugins to record information about the service hosting your application.


• Amazon EC2 – ec2 adds the instance ID and Availability Zone.

• Elastic Beanstalk – elastic_beanstalk adds the environment name, version label, and deployment
• Amazon ECS – ecs adds the container ID.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sampling rules

To use plugins, specify it in the configuration object that you pass to the recorder.

Example main.rb – Plugin configuration

my_plugins = %I[ec2 elastic_beanstalk]

config = {
plugins: my_plugins,
name: 'my app',


You can also use environment variables (p. 328), which take precedence over values set in code, to
configure the recorder.

The SDK also uses plugin settings to set the origin field on the segment. This indicates the type of
AWS resource that runs your application. The resource type appears under your application's name in the
service map. For example, AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment.

When you use multiple plugins, the SDK uses the following resolution order to determine the origin:
ElasticBeanstalk > EKS > ECS > EC2.

Sampling rules
The SDK uses the sampling rules you define in the X-Ray console to determine which requests to record.
The default rule traces the first request each second, and five percent of any additional requests across
all services sending traces to X-Ray. Create additional rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76) to customize the
amount of data recorded for each of your applications.

The SDK applies custom rules in the order in which they are defined. If a request matches multiple
custom rules, the SDK applies only the first rule.
If the SDK can't reach X-Ray to get sampling rules, it reverts to a default local rule of the first
request each second, and five percent of any additional requests per host. This can occur if the
host doesn't have permission to call sampling APIs, or can't connect to the X-Ray daemon, which
acts as a TCP proxy for API calls made by the SDK.

You can also configure the SDK to load sampling rules from a JSON document. The SDK can use local
rules as a backup for cases where X-Ray sampling is unavailable, or use local rules exclusively.

Example sampling-rules.json

"version": 2,
"rules": [
"description": "Player moves.",
"host": "*",
"http_method": "*",
"url_path": "/api/move/*",
"fixed_target": 0,
"rate": 0.05
"default": {
"fixed_target": 1,
"rate": 0.1

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Sampling rules

This example defines one custom rule and a default rule. The custom rule applies a five-percent sampling
rate with no minimum number of requests to trace for paths under /api/move/. The default rule traces
the first request each second and 10 percent of additional requests.

The disadvantage of defining rules locally is that the fixed target is applied by each instance of the
recorder independently, instead of being managed by the X-Ray service. As you deploy more hosts, the
fixed rate is multiplied, making it harder to control the amount of data recorded.

To configure backup rules, define a hash for the document in the configuration object that you pass to
the recorder.

Example main.rb – Backup rule configuration

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
my_sampling_rules = {
version: 1,
default: {
fixed_target: 1,
rate: 0.1
config = {
sampling_rules: my_sampling_rules,
name: 'my app',

To store the sampling rules independently, define the hash in a separate file and require the file to pull it
into your application.

Example config/sampling-rules.rb

my_sampling_rules = {
version: 1,
default: {
fixed_target: 1,
rate: 0.1

Example main.rb – Sampling rule from a file

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
require config/sampling-rules.rb

config = {
sampling_rules: my_sampling_rules,
name: 'my app',

To use only local rules, require the sampling rules and configure the LocalSampler.

Example main.rb – Local rule sampling

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
require 'aws-xray-sdk/sampling/local/sampler'

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

config = {
sampler: LocalSampler.new,
name: 'my app',

You can also configure the global recorder to disable sampling and instrument all incoming requests.

Example main.rb – Disable sampling

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
config = {
sampling: false,
name: 'my app',

By default, the recorder outputs info-level events to $stdout. You can customize logging by defining a
logger in the configuration object that you pass to the recorder.

Example main.rb – Logging

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
config = {
logger: my_logger,
name: 'my app',

Use debug logs to identify issues, such as unclosed subsegments, when you generate subsegments
manually (p. 332).

Recorder configuration in code

Additional settings are available from the configure method on XRay.recorder.

• context_missing – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your instrumented code
attempts to record data when no segment is open.
• daemon_address – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener.
• name – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments.
• naming_pattern – Set a domain name pattern to use dynamic naming (p. 330).
• plugins – Record information about your application's AWS resources with plugins (p. 324).
• sampling – Set to false to disable sampling.
• sampling_rules – Set the hash containing your sampling rules (p. 325).

Example main.rb – Disable context missing exceptions

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
config = {
context_missing: 'LOG_ERROR'

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Recorder configuration with rails


Recorder configuration with rails

If you use the Rails framework, you can configure options on the global recorder in a Ruby file under
app_root/initializers. The X-Ray SDK supports an additional configuration key for use with Rails.

• active_record – Set to true to record subsegments for Active Record database transactions.

Configure the available settings in a configuration object named Rails.application.config.xray.

Example config/initializers/aws_xray.rb

Rails.application.config.xray = {
name: 'my app',
patch: %I[net_http aws_sdk],
active_record: true

Environment variables
You can use environment variables to configure the X-Ray SDK for Ruby. The SDK supports the following

• AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME – Set a service name that the SDK uses for segments. Overrides the service
name that you set on the servlet filter's segment naming strategy (p. 330).
• AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS – Set the host and port of the X-Ray daemon listener. By default, the
SDK sends trace data to Use this variable if you have configured the daemon to
listen on a different port (p. 168) or if it is running on a different host.
• AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING – Set to LOG_ERROR to avoid throwing exceptions when your
instrumented code attempts to record data when no segment is open.

Valid Values
• RUNTIME_ERROR – Throw a runtime exception (default).
• LOG_ERROR – Log an error and continue.

Errors related to missing segments or subsegments can occur when you attempt to use an
instrumented client in startup code that runs when no request is open, or in code that spawns a new

Environment variables override values set in code.

Tracing incoming requests with the X-Ray SDK for

Ruby middleware
You can use the X-Ray SDK to trace incoming HTTP requests that your application serves on an EC2
instance in Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS.

If you use Rails, use the Rails middleware to instrument incoming HTTP requests. When you add the
middleware to your application and configure a segment name, the X-Ray SDK for Ruby creates a
segment for each sampled request. Any segments created by additional instrumentation become

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Using the rails middleware

subsegments of the request-level segment that provides information about the HTTP request and
response. This information includes timing, method, and disposition of the request.

Each segment has a name that identifies your application in the service map. The segment can be named
statically, or you can configure the SDK to name it dynamically based on the host header in the incoming
request. Dynamic naming lets you group traces based on the domain name in the request, and apply a
default name if the name doesn't match an expected pattern (for example, if the host header is forged).
Forwarded Requests
If a load balancer or other intermediary forwards a request to your application, X-Ray takes the
client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header in the request instead of from the source IP in the
IP packet. The client IP that is recorded for a forwarded request can be forged, so it should not
be trusted.

When a request is forwarded, the SDK sets an additional field in the segment to indicate this. If the
segment contains the field x_forwarded_for set to true, the client IP was taken from the X-
Forwarded-For header in the HTTP request.

The middleware creates a segment for each incoming request with an http block that contains the
following information:

• HTTP method – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

• Client address – The IP address of the client that sent the request.
• Response code – The HTTP response code for the completed request.
• Timing – The start time (when the request was received) and end time (when the response was sent).
• User agent — The user-agent from the request.
• Content length — The content-length from the response.

Using the rails middleware

To use the middleware, update your gemfile to include the required railtie.

Example Gemfile - rails

gem 'aws-xray-sdk', require: ['aws-xray-sdk/facets/rails/railtie']

To use the middleware, you must also configure the recorder (p. 328) with a name that represents the
application in the service map.

Example config/initializers/aws_xray.rb

Rails.application.config.xray = {
name: 'my app'

Instrumenting code manually

If you don't use Rails, create segments manually. You can create a segment for each incoming request,
or create segments around patched HTTP or AWS SDK clients to provide context for the recorder to add

# Start a segment
segment = XRay.recorder.begin_segment 'my_service'
# Start a subsegment
subsegment = XRay.recorder.begin_subsegment 'outbound_call', namespace: 'remote'

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Configuring a segment naming strategy

# Add metadata or annotation here if necessary

my_annotations = {
k1: 'v1',
k2: 1024
segment.annotations.update my_annotations

# Add metadata to default namespace

subsegment.metadata[:k1] = 'v1'

# Set user for the segment (subsegment is not supported)

segment.user = 'my_name'

# End segment/subsegment

Configuring a segment naming strategy

AWS X-Ray uses a service name to identify your application and distinguish it from the other applications,
databases, external APIs, and AWS resources that your application uses. When the X-Ray SDK generates
segments for incoming requests, it records your application's service name in the segment's name
field (p. 122).

The X-Ray SDK can name segments after the hostname in the HTTP request header. However, this header
can be forged, which could result in unexpected nodes in your service map. To prevent the SDK from
naming segments incorrectly due to requests with forged host headers, you must specify a default name
for incoming requests.

If your application serves requests for multiple domains, you can configure the SDK to use a dynamic
naming strategy to reflect this in segment names. A dynamic naming strategy allows the SDK to use the
hostname for requests that match an expected pattern, and apply the default name to requests that

For example, you might have a single application serving requests to three subdomains–
www.example.com, api.example.com, and static.example.com. You can use a dynamic naming
strategy with the pattern *.example.com to identify segments for each subdomain with a different
name, resulting in three service nodes on the service map. If your application receives requests with a
hostname that doesn't match the pattern, you will see a fourth node on the service map with a fallback
name that you specify.

To use the same name for all request segments, specify the name of your application when you configure
the recorder, as shown in the previous sections (p. 329).

A dynamic naming strategy defines a pattern that hostnames should match, and a default name to use if
the hostname in the HTTP request doesn't match the pattern. To name segments dynamically, specify a
naming pattern in the config hash.

Example main.rb – Dynamic naming

config = {
naming_pattern: '*mydomain*',
name: 'my app',


You can use '*' in the pattern to match any string, or '?' to match any single character.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Patching libraries

You can override the default service name that you define in code with the
AWS_XRAY_TRACING_NAME environment variable (p. 328).

Patching libraries to instrument downstream calls

To instrument downstream calls, use the X-Ray SDK for Ruby to patch the libraries that your application
uses. The X-Ray SDK for Ruby can patch the following libraries.

Supported Libraries

• net/http – Instrument HTTP clients.

• aws-sdk – Instrument AWS SDK for Ruby clients.

When you use a patched library, the X-Ray SDK for Ruby creates a subsegment for the call and records
information from the request and response. A segment must be available for the SDK to create the
subsegment, either from the SDK middleware or a call to XRay.recorder.begin_segment.

To patch libraries, specify them in the configuration object that you pass to the X-Ray recorder.

Example main.rb – Patch libraries

require 'aws-xray-sdk'

config = {
name: 'my app',
patch: %I[net_http aws_sdk]


Tracing AWS SDK calls with the X-Ray SDK for

When your application makes calls to AWS services to store data, write to a queue, or send notifications,
the X-Ray SDK for Ruby tracks the calls downstream in subsegments (p. 332). Traced AWS services
and resources that you access within those services (for example, an Amazon S3 bucket or Amazon SQS
queue), appear as downstream nodes on the service map in the X-Ray console.

The X-Ray SDK for Ruby automatically instruments all AWS SDK clients when you patch the aws-sdk
library (p. 331). You cannot instrument individual clients.

For all services, you can see the name of the API called in the X-Ray console. For a subset of services, the
X-Ray SDK adds information to the segment to provide more granularity in the service map.

For example, when you make a call with an instrumented DynamoDB client, the SDK adds the table name
to the segment for calls that target a table. In the console, each table appears as a separate node in the
service map, with a generic DynamoDB node for calls that don't target a table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item

"id": "24756640c0d0978a",

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Custom subsegments

"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,
"name": "DynamoDB",
"namespace": "aws",
"http": {
"response": {
"content_length": 60,
"status": 200
"aws": {
"table_name": "scorekeep-user",
"operation": "UpdateItem",

When you access named resources, calls to the following services create additional nodes in the service
map. Calls that don't target specific resources create a generic node for the service.

• Amazon DynamoDB – Table name

• Amazon Simple Storage Service – Bucket and key name
• Amazon Simple Queue Service – Queue name

Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray

Subsegments extend a trace's segment (p. 16) with details about work done in order to serve a request.
Each time you make a call with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records the information generated
in a subsegment. You can create additional subsegments to group other subsegments, to measure the
performance of a section of code, or to record annotations and metadata.

To manage subsegments, use the begin_subsegment and end_subsegment methods.

subsegment = XRay.recorder.begin_subsegment name: 'annotations', namespace: 'remote'

my_annotations = { id: 12345 }
subsegment.annotations.update my_annotations

To create a subsegment for a function, wrap it in a call to XRay.recorder.capture.

XRay.recorder.capture('name_for_subsegment') do |subsegment|
resp = myfunc() # myfunc is your function
subsegment.annotations.update k1: 'v1'

When you create a subsegment within a segment or another subsegment, the X-Ray SDK generates an ID
for it and records the start time and end time.

Example Subsegment with metadata

"subsegments": [{
"id": "6f1605cd8a07cb70",
"start_time": 1.480305974194E9,
"end_time": 1.4803059742E9,

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Annotations and metadata

"name": "Custom subsegment for UserModel.saveUser function",

"metadata": {
"debug": {
"test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser"

Add annotations and metadata to segments with

the X-Ray SDK for Ruby
You can record additional information about requests, the environment, or your application with
annotations and metadata. You can add annotations and metadata to the segments that the X-Ray SDK
creates, or to custom subsegments that you create.

Annotations are key-value pairs with string, number, or Boolean values. Annotations are indexed for use
with filter expressions (p. 64). Use annotations to record data that you want to use to group traces in the
console, or when calling the GetTraceSummaries API.

Metadata are key-value pairs that can have values of any type, including objects and lists, but are not
indexed for use with filter expressions. Use metadata to record additional data that you want stored in
the trace but don't need to use with search.

In addition to annotations and metadata, you can also record user ID strings (p. 334) on segments. User
IDs are recorded in a separate field on segments and are indexed for use with search.

• Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby (p. 333)
• Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby (p. 334)
• Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby (p. 334)

Recording annotations with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

Use annotations to record information on segments or subsegments that you want indexed for search.

Annotation Requirements

• Keys – Up to 500 alphanumeric characters. No spaces or symbols except underscores.

• Values – Up to 1,000 Unicode characters.
• Entries – Up to 50 annotations per trace.

To record annotations

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from xray_recorder.

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
document = XRay.recorder.current_segment


require 'aws-xray-sdk'

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

document = XRay.recorder.current_subsegment

2. Call update with a hash value.

my_annotations = { id: 12345 }

document.annotations.update my_annotations

The SDK records annotations as key-value pairs in an annotations object in the segment document.
Calling add_annotations twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same
segment or subsegment.

To find traces that have annotations with specific values, use the annotations.key keyword in a filter
expression (p. 64).

Recording metadata with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

Use metadata to record information on segments or subsegments that you don't need indexed for
search. Metadata values can be strings, numbers, Booleans, or any object that can be serialized into a
JSON object or array.

To record metadata

1. Get a reference to the current segment or subsegment from xray_recorder.

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
document = XRay.recorder.current_segment


require 'aws-xray-sdk'
document = XRay.recorder.current_subsegment

2. Call metadata with a String key; a Boolean, Number, String, or Object value; and a String

my_metadata = {
my_namespace: {
key: 'value'
subsegment.metadata my_metadata

Calling metadata twice with the same key overwrites previously recorded values on the same segment
or subsegment.

Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

Record user IDs on request segments to identify the user who sent the request.

To record user IDs

1. Get a reference to the current segment from xray_recorder.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Recording user IDs with the X-Ray SDK for Ruby

require 'aws-xray-sdk'
document = XRay.recorder.current_segment

2. Set the user field on the segment to a String ID of the user who sent the request.

segment.user = 'U12345'

You can set the user in your controllers to record the user ID as soon as your application starts processing
a request.

To find traces for a user ID, use the user keyword in a filter expression (p. 64).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
X-Ray and AWS CloudFormation templates

Creating X-Ray resources with AWS

AWS X-Ray is integrated with AWS CloudFormation, a service that helps you to model and set up your
AWS resources so that you can spend less time creating and managing your resources and infrastructure.
You create a template that describes all the AWS resources that you want, and AWS CloudFormation
provisions and configures those resources for you.

When you use AWS CloudFormation, you can reuse your template to set up your X-Ray resources
consistently and repeatedly. Describe your resources once, and then provision the same resources over
and over in multiple AWS accounts and Regions.

X-Ray and AWS CloudFormation templates

To provision and configure resources for X-Ray and related services, you must understand AWS
CloudFormation templates. Templates are formatted text files in JSON or YAML. These templates
describe the resources that you want to provision in your AWS CloudFormation stacks. If you're
unfamiliar with JSON or YAML, you can use AWS CloudFormation Designer to help you get started with
AWS CloudFormation templates. For more information, see What is AWS CloudFormation Designer? in
the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

X-Ray supports creating AWS::XRay::Group and AWS::XRay::SamplingRule resources in AWS

CloudFormation. For more information, including examples of JSON and YAML templates, see the X-Ray
resource type reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Learn more about AWS CloudFormation

To learn more about AWS CloudFormation, see the following resources:

• AWS CloudFormation
• AWS CloudFormation User Guide
• AWS CloudFormation API Reference
• AWS CloudFormation Command Line Interface User Guide

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Tag restrictions

Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and

Tags are words or phrases that you can use to identify and organize your AWS resources. You can add
multiple tags to each resource. Each tag includes a key and an optional value that you define. For
example, a tag key might be domain, and the tag value might be example.com. You can search and
filter your resources based on tags that you add. For more information about ways to use tags, see
Tagging AWS resources in the AWS General Reference.

You can use tags to enforce tag-based permissions on CloudFront distributions. For more information,
see Controlling Access to AWS Resources Using Resource Tags.
Tag Editor and AWS Resource Groups do not currently support X-Ray resources. You add and
manage tags by using the AWS X-Ray console or API.

You can apply tags to resources by using the X-Ray console, API, AWS CLI, SDKs, and AWS Tools for
Windows PowerShell. For more information, see the following documentation:

• X-Ray API – See the following operations in the AWS X-Ray API Reference:
• ListTagsForResource
• CreateSamplingRule
• CreateGroup
• TagResource
• UntagResource
• AWS CLI – See xray in the AWS CLI Command Reference
• SDKs – See the applicable SDK documentation on the AWS Documentation page

If you cannot add or change tags on an X-Ray resource, or you cannot add a resource that has
specific tags, you might not have permissions to perform this operation. To request access,
contact an AWS user in your enterprise who has Administrator permissions in X-Ray.

• Tag restrictions (p. 337)
• Managing tags in the console (p. 338)
• Managing tags in the AWS CLI (p. 339)
• Control access to X-Ray resources based on tags (p. 342)

Tag restrictions
The following restrictions apply to tags.

• Maximum number of tags per resource – 50

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Managing tags in the console

• Maximum key length – 128 Unicode characters

• Maximum value length – 256 Unicode characters
• Valid values for key and value – a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, and the following characters: _ . : / = + - and @
• Tag keys and values are case sensitive.
• Don't use aws: as a prefix for keys; it's reserved for AWS use.

You cannot edit or delete system tags.

Managing tags in the console

You can add optional tags as you create an X-Ray group or sampling rule. Tags can also be changed or
deleted in the console later.

The following procedures explain how to add, edit, and delete tags for your groups and sampling rules in
the X-Ray console.

• Add tags to a new group (console) (p. 338)
• Add tags to a new sampling rule (console) (p. 338)
• Edit or delete tags for a group (console) (p. 339)
• Edit or delete tags for a sampling rule (console) (p. 339)

Add tags to a new group (console)

As you create a new X-Ray group, you can add optional tags on the Create group page.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration, and choose Groups.
3. Choose Create group.
4. On the Create group page, specify a name and filter expression for the group. For more information
about these properties, see Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90).
5. In Tags, enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. For example, you can enter a tag key of Stage,
and a tag value of Production, to indicate that this group is for production use. As you add a tag,
a new line appears for you to add another tag, if needed. See Tag restrictions (p. 337) in this topic
for limitations on tags.
6. When you are finished adding tags, choose Create group.

Add tags to a new sampling rule (console)

As you create a new X-Ray sampling rule, you can add tags on the Create sampling rule page.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration, and choose Sampling.
3. Choose Create sampling rule.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Edit or delete tags for a group (console)

4. On the Create sampling rule page, specify a name, priority, limits, matching criteria, and matching
attributes. For more information about these properties, see Configuring sampling rules in the X-Ray
console (p. 76).
5. In Tags, enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. For example, you can enter a tag key of Stage,
and a tag value of Production, to indicate that this sampling rule is for production use. As you add
a tag, a new line appears for you to add another tag, if needed. See Tag restrictions (p. 337) in this
topic for limitations on tags.
6. When you are finished adding tags, choose Create sampling rule.

Edit or delete tags for a group (console)

You can change or delete tags on an X-Ray group on the Edit group page.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration, and choose Groups.
3. In the Groups table, choose the name of a group.
4. On the Edit group page, in Tags, edit tag keys and values. You cannot have duplicate tag keys.
Tag values are optional; you can delete values if desired. For more information about other
properties on the Edit group page, see Configuring groups in the X-Ray console (p. 90). See Tag
restrictions (p. 337) in this topic for limitations on tags.
5. To delete a tag, choose X at the right of the tag.
6. When you are finished editing or deleting tags, choose Update group.

Edit or delete tags for a sampling rule (console)

You can change or delete tags on an X-Ray sampling rule on the Edit sampling rule page.

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the X-Ray console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration, and choose Sampling.
3. In the Sampling rules table, choose the name of a sampling rule.
4. In Tags, edit tag keys and values. You cannot have duplicate tag keys. Tag values are optional; you
can delete values if desired. For more information about other properties on the Edit sampling rule
page, see Configuring sampling rules in the X-Ray console (p. 76). See Tag restrictions (p. 337) in
this topic for limitations on tags.
5. To delete a tag, choose X at the right of the tag.
6. When you are finished editing or deleting tags, choose Update sampling rule.

Managing tags in the AWS CLI

You can add tags when you create an X-Ray group or sampling rule. You can also use the AWS CLI to
create and manage tags. To update tags on an existing group or sampling rule, use the AWS X-Ray
console, or the TagResource or UntagResource APIs.

• Add tags to a new X-Ray group or sampling rule (CLI) (p. 340)
• Add tags to an existing resource (CLI) (p. 341)

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Add tags to a new X-Ray group or sampling rule (CLI)

• List tags on a resource (CLI) (p. 342)

• Delete tags on a resource (CLI) (p. 342)

Add tags to a new X-Ray group or sampling rule (CLI)

To add optional tags as you're creating a new X-Ray group or sampling rule, use one of the following

• To add tags to a new group, run the following command, replacing group_name with the name
of your group, mydomain.com with the endpoint of your service, key_name with a tag key,
and optionally, value with a tag value. For more information about how to create a group, see
Groups (p. 117).

aws xray create-group \

--group-name "group_name" \
--filter-expression "service(\"mydomain.com\") {fault OR error}" \
--tags [{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}]

The following is an example.

aws xray create-group \

--group-name "AdminGroup" \
--filter-expression "service(\"mydomain.com\") {fault OR error}" \
--tags [{"Key": "Stage","Value": "Prod"},{"Key": "Department","Value": "QA"}]

• To add tags to a new sampling rule, run the following command, replacing key_name with a tag key,
and optionally, value with a tag value. This command specifies the values in the --sampling-rule
parameter as a JSON file. For more information about how to create a sampling rule, see Sampling
rules (p. 114).

aws xray create-sampling-rule \

--cli-input-json file://file_name.json

The following are the contents of the JSON file file_name.json that is specified by the --cli-
input-json parameter.

"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "rule_name",
"RuleARN": "string",
"ResourceARN": "string",
"Priority": integer,
"FixedRate": double,
"ReservoirSize": integer,
"ServiceName": "string",
"ServiceType": "string",
"Host": "string",
"HTTPMethod": "string",
"URLPath": "string",
"Version": integer,
"Attributes": {"attribute_name": "value","attribute_name": "value"...}
"Tags": [

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
Add tags to an existing resource (CLI)


The following command is an example.

aws xray create-sampling-rule \

--cli-input-json file://9000-base-scorekeep.json

The following are the contents of the example 9000-base-scorekeep.json file specified by the --
cli-input-json parameter.

"SamplingRule": {
"RuleName": "base-scorekeep",
"ResourceARN": "*",
"Priority": 9000,
"FixedRate": 0.1,
"ReservoirSize": 5,
"ServiceName": "Scorekeep",
"ServiceType": "*",
"Host": "*",
"HTTPMethod": "*",
"URLPath": "*",
"Version": 1
"Tags": [

Add tags to an existing resource (CLI)

You can run the tag-resource command to add tags to an existing X-Ray group or sampling rule This
method might be simpler than adding tags by running update-group or update-sampling-rule.

To add tags to a group or a sampling rule, run the following command, replacing the ARN with the ARN
of the resource, and specifying the keys and optional values of tags that you want to add.

aws xray tag-resource \

--resource-arn "ARN" \
--tag-keys [{"Key":"key_name","Value":"value"}, {"Key":"key_name","Value":"value"}]

The following is an example.

aws xray tag-resource \

--resource-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:01234567890:group/AdminGroup" \
--tag-keys [{"Key": "Stage","Value": "Prod"},{"Key": "Department","Value": "QA"}]

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
List tags on a resource (CLI)

List tags on a resource (CLI)

You can run the list-tags-for-resource command to list tags of an X-Ray group or sampling rule.

To list the tags that are associated with a group or a sampling rule, run the following command,
replacing the ARN with the ARN of the resource.

aws xray list-tags-for-resource \

--resource-arn "ARN"

The following is an example.

aws xray list-tags-for-resource \

--resource-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:01234567890:group/AdminGroup"

Delete tags on a resource (CLI)

You can run the untag-resource command to remove tags from an X-Ray group or sampling rule.

To remove tags from a group or a sampling rule, run the following command, replacing the ARN with the
ARN of the resource, and specifying the keys of tags that you want to remove.

You can remove only entire tags with the untag-resource command. To remove tag values, use the X-
Ray console, or delete tags and add new tags with the same keys, but different or empty values.

aws xray untag-resource \

--resource-arn "ARN" \
--tag-keys ["key_name","key_name"]

The following is an example.

aws xray untag-resource \

--resource-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:01234567890:group/group_name" \
--tag-keys ["Stage","Department"]

Control access to X-Ray resources based on tags

You can attach tags to X-Ray groups or sampling rules, or pass tags in a request to X-Ray. To control
access based on tags, you provide tag information in the condition element of a policy using the
xray:ResourceTag/key-name, aws:RequestTag/key-name, or aws:TagKeys condition keys. To
learn more about these condition keys, see Controlling access to AWS resources using resource tags.

To view an example identity-based policy for limiting access to a resource based on the tags on that
resource, see Managing access to X-Ray groups and sampling rules based on tags (p. 37).

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
X-Ray SDK for Java

Troubleshooting AWS X-Ray

This topic lists common errors and issues that you might encounter when using the X-Ray API, console, or
SDKs. If you find an issue that is not listed here, you can use the Feedback button on this page to report

• X-Ray SDK for Java (p. 343)
• X-Ray SDK for Node.js (p. 343)
• The X-Ray daemon (p. 344)

X-Ray SDK for Java

Error: Exception in thread "Thread-1" com.amazonaws.xray.exceptions.SegmentNotFoundException: Failed
to begin subsegment named 'AmazonSNS': segment cannot be found.

This error indicates that the X-Ray SDK attempted to record an outgoing call to AWS, but couldn't find an
open segment. This can occur in the following situations:

• A servlet filter is not configured – The X-Ray SDK creates segments for incoming requests with a filter
named AWSXRayServletFilter. Configure a servlet filter (p. 246) to instrument incoming requests.
• You're using instrumented clients outside of servlet code – If you use an instrumented client to
make calls in startup code or other code that doesn't run in response to an incoming request, you must
create a segment manually. See Instrumenting startup code (p. 156) for examples.
• You're using instrumented clients in worker threads – When you create a new thread, the X-
Ray recorder loses its reference to the open segment. You can use the getTraceEntity and
setTraceEntity methods to get a reference to the current segment or subsegment (Entity),
and pass it back to the recorder inside of the thread. See Using instrumented clients in worker
threads (p. 163) for an example.

X-Ray SDK for Node.js

Issue: CLS does not work with Sequelize

Pass the X-Ray SDK for Node.js namespace to Sequelize with the cls method.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
Sequelize.cls = AWSXRay.getNamespace();
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password');

Issue: CLS does not work with Bluebird

Use cls-bluebird to get Bluebird working with CLS.

var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');

var Promise = require('bluebird');
var clsBluebird = require('cls-bluebird');

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide
The X-Ray daemon

The X-Ray daemon

Issue: The daemon is using the wrong credentials

The daemon uses the AWS SDK to load credentials. If you use multiple methods of providing credentials,
the method with the highest precedence is used. See Running the daemon (p. 167) for more information.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Document History for AWS X-Ray

The following table describes the important changes to the documentation for AWS X-Ray. For
notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.

Latest documentation update: May 20, 2021

update-history-change update-history-description update-history-date

Integrated CloudWatch With AWS X-Ray and December 3, 2021

RUM (p. 345) CloudWatch RUM, you can
analyze and debug the request
path starting from end users
of your application through
downstream AWS managed
services. For more information,
see CloudWatch RUM and AWS

Integrated AWS Distro for The AWS Distro for September 23, 2021
OpenTelemetry (p. 345) OpenTelemetry (ADOT) provides
a single set of open source
APIs, libraries, and agents to
collect distributed traces and
metrics. ADOT enables you to
instrument your application for
X-Ray and other tracing back-
ends. For more information, see
Instrumenting your app.

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now integrates May 20, 2021
with Amazon Virtual Private
Cloud, enabling resources in your
Amazon VPC to communicate
with the X-Ray service without
going through the public
internet. For more information,
see Using AWS X-Ray with VPC

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now integrates with May 6, 2021
AWS CloudFormation, enabling
you to provision and configure
X-Ray resources. For more
information, see Creating X-Ray
resources with CloudFormation.

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now integrates with March 2, 2021
Amazon EventBridge to trace
events that are passed through
EventBridge. This provides
users with a more complete
view of their system. For more
information, see Amazon
EventBridge and AWS X-Ray.

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Added daemon to ECR (p. 345) The daemon can now be March 1, 2021
downloaded from Amazon
ECR. For more information, see
Downloading the daemon.

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now supports October 15, 2020
insights related notifications to
Amazon EventBridge. This allows
you to take automatic actions on
insights using EventBridge. For
more information, see Insights

Added Downloadable AWS X-Ray introduces support October 1, 2020

Daemons (p. 345) daemon for Linux ARM64. For
more information, see AWS X-
Ray daemonbrazil ws

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now supports September 24, 2020
active integration with Amazon
CloudWatch Synthetics. This
allows you to see details about
a Synthetics canary client
node such as response time
and status. You can also do
analysis in the Analytics console
based on information from
a Synthetics canary client
node. For more information,
see Debugging CloudWatch
synthetics canaries using X-Ray .

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now supports tracing September 14, 2020
end-to-end workflows for AWS
Step Functions. You can visualize
the components of your state
machine, identify performance
bottlenecks, and troubleshoot
requests that resulted in an
error. For more information, see
AWS Step Functions and AWS X-

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray introduces insights September 3, 2020
to continuously analyze
trace data in your account to
identify emergent issues in your
applications. Insights records
incidents and track incident
impact until resolution. For more
information, see Using insights
in the AWS X-Ray console

AWS X-Ray Developer Guide

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray introduces the September 3, 2020
Java auto-instrumentation
agent, enabling customers
to collect trace data without
having to modify existing
Java-based application. You
can now trace Java web and
servlet based applications with
minimal configuration change
and no code change. For more
information, see AWS X-Ray
auto-instrumentation agent for

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray has added a new August 24, 2020
Groups page to the X-Ray
console to help ease the creation
and management of groups of
traces. For more information, see
Configuring groups in the X-Ray

Added functionality (p. 345) AWS X-Ray now lets you add August 24, 2020
tags to groups and sampling
rules. You can also control
access to groups and sampling
rules based on tags. For more
information, see Tagging X-
Ray sampling rules and groups
and Managing access to X-Ray
groups and sampling rules based
on tags.


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