#27 Standard Chartered Bank ("SCB") v. SCB, 552 SCRA 284

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G.R. No. 161933. April 22, 2008.* law.

law. The factual findings by quasi-judicial agencies, such as the Department of Labor and
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK EMPLOYEES UNION (SCBEU-NUBE), petitioner, vs. Employment, when supported by substantial evidence, are entitled to great respect in view of
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK and ANNEMARIE DURBIN, in her capacity as Chief their expertise in their respective fields. Judicial review of labor cases does not go so far as to
Executive Officer, Philippines, Standard Chartered Bank, respondents. evaluate the sufficiency of evidence on which the labor official’s findings rest. It is not our
Labor Law; Managerial Employees; Labor Unions; The disqualification of managerial function to assess and evaluate all over again the evidence, testimonial and documentary,
and confidential employees from joining a bargaining unit for rank and file employees is adduced by the parties to an appeal, particularly where the findings of both the trial court
already well-entrenched in jurisprudence.—The disqualification of managerial and (here, the DOLE Secretary) and the appellate court on the matter coincide, as in this case at
confidential employees from joining a bargaining unit for rank and file employees is already bar. The Rule limits that function of the Court to the review or revision of errors of law and
well-entrenched in jurisprudence. not to a second analysis of the evidence. x x x Thus, absent any showing of whimsical or
While Article 245 of the Labor Code limits the ineligibility to join, form and assist any capricious exercise of judgment, and unless lack of any basis for the conclusions made by the
labor organization to managerial employees, jurisprudence has extended this prohibition to appellate court be amply demonstrated, we may not disturb such factual findings.
confidential employees or those who by reason of their positions or nature of work are PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals.
required to assist or act in a fiduciary manner to managerial employees and hence, are likewise    The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
privy to sensitive and highly confidential records.   Jonathan P. Sale for petitioner.
Same; Confidential Employees; Labor Unions; Qualifications of Bank Cashiers as   Mercado, Aguillardo and Aceron Law Firm for respondents.
Confidential Employees.—As regards the qualification of bank cashiers as confidential AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.:
employees, National Association of Trade Unions (NATU)—Republic Planters Bank For resolution is an appeal by certiorari filed by petitioner under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Supervisors Chapter v. Torres, 239 SCRA 546 (1994) declared that they are confidential Court, assailing the Decision1 dated October 9, 2002 and Resolution 2 dated January 26, 2004
employees having control, custody and/or access to confidential matters, e.g., the branch’s issued by the Court of Appeals (CA), dismissing their petition and affirming the Secretary of
cash position, statements of financial condition, vault combination, cash codes for telegraphic Labor and Employment’s Orders dated May 31, 2001 and August 30, 2001.
transfers, demand drafts and other negotiable instruments, pursuant to Sec. 1166.4 of the Petitioner and the Standard Chartered Bank (Bank) began negotiating for a new Collective
Central Bank Manual regarding joint custody, and therefore, disqualified from joining or Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in May 2000 as their 1998-2000 CBA already expired. Due to a
assisting a union; or joining, assisting or forming any other labor organization. deadlock in the negotiations, petitioner filed a Notice of Strike prompting the Secretary of
Same; Same; Confidential employees such as accounting personnel, radio and Labor and Employment to assume jurisdiction over the labor dispute.
telegraph operators who, having access to confidential information, may become the source of On May 31, 2001, Secretary Patricia A. Sto. Tomas of the Department of Labor and
undue advantage.—Golden Farms, Inc. v. Ferrer-Calleja, 175 SCRA 471 (1989), meanwhile Employment (DOLE) issued an Order with the following dispositive portion:
stated that “confidential employees such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph “WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Standard Chartered Bank and the
operators who, having access to confidential information, may become the source of undue Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union are directed to execute their collective bargaining
advantage. Said employee(s) may act as spy or spies of either party to a collective bargaining agreement effective 01 April 2001 until 30 March 2003 incorporating therein the foregoing
agreement.” Finally, in Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. National Labor Relations dispositions and the agreements they reached in the course of negotiations and conciliation.
Commission, 210 SCRA 339 (1992), the Court designated personnel staff, in which human All other submitted issues that were not passed upon are dismissed.
resources staff may be qualified, as confidential employees because by the very nature of their The charge of unfair labor practice for bargaining in bad faith and the claim for damages
functions, they assist and act in a confidential capacity to, or have access to confidential relating thereto are hereby dismissed for lack of merit.
matters of, persons who exercise managerial functions in the field of labor relations. Finally, the charge of unfair labor practice for gross violation of the economic provisions
Same; Compensation; We uphold the public respondent’s Order that no employee of the CBA is hereby dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
should be temporarily placed in a position (acting capacity) for more than one month without SO ORDERED.”3
the corresponding adjustment in salary.—We uphold the public respondent’s Order that no Both petitioner and the Bank filed their respective motions for reconsideration, which
employee should be temporarily placed in a position (acting capacity) for more than one were denied by the Secretary per Order dated August 30, 2001. 4
month without the corresponding adjustment in the salary. Such order of the public respondent Petitioner sought recourse with the CA via a petition for certiorari, and in the assailed
is not in violation of the “equal pay for equal work” principle, considering that after one (1) Decision dated October 9, 20025 and Resolution dated January 26, 2004, 6 the CA dismissed
month, the employee performing the job in an acting capacity will be entitled to salary their petition and affirmed the Secretary’s Orders.
corresponding to such position. Hence, herein petition based on the following grounds:
x x x x In arriving at its Order, the public respondent took all the relevant evidence into I.
account and weighed both parties arguments extensively. Thus, public respondent concluded THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN DECIDING THAT THERE WAS NO BASIS FOR
that a restrictive provision with respect to employees being placed in an acting capacity may REVISING THE SCOPE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM THE APPROPRIATE BARGAINING
curtail management’s valid exercise of its prerogative. At the same time, it recognized that UNIT UNDER THE CBA.
employees should not be made to perform work in an acting capacity for extended periods of II.
time without being adequately compensated. x x x THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN DECIDING THAT A ONE-MONTH OR LESS
Appeals; Judicial review of labor cases does not go so far as to evaluate the sufficiency TEMPORARY OCCUPATION OF A POSITION (ACTING CAPACITY) DOES NOT
of evidence on which the labor official’s findings rest.—[T]he office of a petition for review MERIT ADJUSTMENT IN REMUNERATION.7
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court requires that it shall raise only questions of

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The resolution of this case has been overtaken by the execution of the parties’ 2003-2005 fiduciary manner to managerial employees and hence, are likewise privy to sensitive and
CBA. While this would render the case moot and academic, nevertheless, the likelihood that highly confidential records.15
the same issues will come up in the parties’ future CBA negotiations is not far-fetched, thus In this case, the question that needs to be answered is whether the Bank’s Chief Cashiers
compelling its resolution. and Assistant Cashiers, personnel of the Telex Department and HR staff are confidential
Courts will decide a question otherwise moot if it is capable of repetition yet evading review. 8 employees, such that they should be excluded.
The CBA provisions in dispute are the exclusion of certain employees from the As regards the qualification of bank cashiers as confidential employees, National
appropriate bargaining unit and the adjustment of remuneration for employees serving in an Association of Trade Unions (NATU)
acting capacity for one month. —Republic Planters Bank Supervisors Chapter v. Torres16 declared that they are confidential
In their proposal, petitioner sought the exclusion of only the following employees from employees having control, custody and/or access to confidential matters, e.g., the branch’s
the appropriate bargaining unit—all managers who are vested with the right to hire and fire cash position, statements of financial condition, vault combination, cash codes for telegraphic
employees, confidential employees, those with access to labor relations materials, Chief transfers, demand drafts and other negotiable instruments, pursuant to Sec. 1166.4 of the
Cashiers, Assistant Cashiers, personnel of the Telex Department and one Human Resources Central Bank Manual regarding joint custody, and therefore, disqualified from joining or
(HR) staff.9 assisting a union; or joining, assisting or forming any other labor organization. 17
In the previous 1998-2000 CBA,10 the excluded employees are as follows: Golden Farms, Inc. v. Ferrer-Calleja18 meanwhile stated that “confidential employees
A. All covenanted and assistant officers (now called National Officers) such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph operators who, having access to
B. One confidential secretary of each of the: confidential information, may become the source of undue advantage. Said employee(s) may
1. Chief Executive, Philippine Branches act as spy or spies of either party to a collective bargaining agreement.” 19
2. Deputy Chief Executive/Head, Corporate Banking Group Finally, in Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. National Labor Relations
3. Head, Finance Commission,20 the Court designated personnel staff, in which human resources staff may be
4. Head, Human Resources qualified, as confidential employees because by the very nature of their functions, they assist
5. Manager, Cebu and act in a confidential capacity to, or have access to confidential matters of, persons who
6. Manager, Iloilo exercise managerial functions in the field of labor relations.
7. Covenanted Officers provided said positions shall be filled by new recruits. Petitioner insists that the foregoing employees are not confidential employees; however, it
C. The Chief Cashiers and Assistant Cashiers in Manila, Cebu and Iloilo, and in any failed to buttress its claim. Aside from its generalized arguments, and despite the Secretary’s
other branch that the BANK may establish in the country. finding that there was no evidence to support it, petitioner still failed to substantiate its claim.
D. Personnel of the Telex Department Petitioner did not even bother to state the nature of the duties and functions of these
E. All Security Guards employees, depriving the Court of any basis on which it may be concluded that they are
F. Probationary employees, without prejudice to Article 277 (c) of the Labor Code, as indeed confidential employees. As aptly stated by the CA:
amended by R.A. 6715, casuals or emergency employees; and “While We agree that petitioner’s proposed revision is in accordance with the law, this
G. One (1) HR Staff11 does not necessarily mean that the list of exclusions enumerated in the 1998-2000 CBA is
The Secretary, however, maintained the previous exclusions because petitioner failed to contrary to law. As found by public respondent, petitioner failed to show that the employees
show that the employees sought to be removed from the list qualify for exclusion. 12 sought to be removed from the list of exclusions are actually rank and file employees who
With regard to the remuneration of employees working in an acting capacity, it was are not managerial or confidential in status and should, accordingly, be included in the
petitioner’s position that additional pay should be given to an employee who has been serving appropriate bargaining unit.
in a temporary/acting capacity for one week. The Secretary likewise rejected petitioner’s Absent any proof that Chief Cashiers and Assistant Cashiers, personnel of the Telex
proposal and instead, allowed additional pay for those who had been working in such capacity department and one (1) HR Staff have mutuality of interest with the other rank and file
for one month. The Secretary agreed with the Bank’s position that a restrictive provision employees, then they are rightfully excluded from the appropriate bargaining unit. x x
would curtail management’s prerogative, and at the same time, recognized that employees x”21 (Emphasis supplied)
should not be made to work in an acting capacity for long periods of time without adequate Petitioner cannot simply rely on jurisprudence without explaining how and why it should
compensation. apply to this case. Allegations must be supported by evidence. In this case, there is barely any
The Secretary’s disposition of the issues raised by petitioner were affirmed by the at all.
CA.13 The Court sustains the CA. There is likewise no reason for the Court to disturb the conclusion of the Secretary and the
Whether or not the employees sought to be excluded from the appropriate bargaining unit CA that the additional remuneration should be given to employees placed in an acting capacity
are confidential employees is a question of fact, which is not a proper issue in a petition for for one month. The CA correctly stated:
review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. 14 This holds more true in the present case in “Likewise, We uphold the public respondent’s Order that no employee should be
which petitioner failed to controvert with evidence the findings of the Secretary and the CA. temporarily placed in a position (acting capacity) for more than one month without the
The disqualification of managerial and confidential employees from joining a bargaining corresponding adjustment in the salary. Such order of the public respondent is not in violation
unit for rank and file employees is already well-entrenched in jurisprudence. While Article of the “equal pay for equal work” principle, considering that after one (1) month, the
245 of the Labor Code limits the ineligibility to join, form and assist any labor organization to employee performing the job in an acting capacity will be entitled to salary corresponding to
managerial employees, jurisprudence has extended this prohibition to confidential employees such position.
or those who by reason of their positions or nature of work are required to assist or act in a xxxx

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In arriving at its Order, the public respondent took all the relevant evidence into account
and weighed both parties arguments extensively. Thus, public respondent concluded that a
restrictive provision with respect to employees being placed in an acting capacity may curtail
management’s valid exercise of its prerogative. At the same time, it recognized that employees
should not be made to perform work in an acting capacity for extended periods of time without
being adequately compensated. x x x”22
Thus, the Court reiterates the doctrine that:
“[T]he office of a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
requires that it shall raise only questions of law. The factual findings by quasi-judicial
agencies, such as the Department of Labor and Employment, when supported by substantial
evidence, are entitled to great respect in view of their expertise in their respective fields.
Judicial review of labor cases does not go so far as to evaluate the sufficiency of evidence on
which the labor official’s findings rest. It is not our function to assess and evaluate all over
again the evidence, testimonial and documentary, adduced by the parties to an appeal,
particularly where the findings of both the trial court (here, the DOLE Secretary) and the
appellate court on the matter coincide, as in this case at bar. The Rule limits that function of
the Court to the review or revision of errors of law and not to a second analysis of the
evidence. x x x Thus, absent any showing of whimsical or capricious exercise of judgment,
and unless lack of any basis for the conclusions made by the appellate court be amply
demonstrated, we may not disturb such factual findings.”23
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Chico-Nazario, Nachura and Reyes, JJ., concur.
Petition denied.
Note.—A managerial employee is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives to lay
down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall,
discharge, assign or discipline employees, or to effectively recommend such managerial
actions; a Dean of Student Affairs exercises managerial functions. (Cainta Catholic School vs.
Cainta Catholic School Employees Union [CCSEU], 489 SCRA 468 [2006])

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