Building Bye Laws Hyderabad
Building Bye Laws Hyderabad
Building Bye Laws Hyderabad
Home Our Services Pa ments/Bookings Value A dded Services Enquir Others M , Feb 13, 2012
Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Revised Common Building Rules, 2006 Orders Issued
In the reference 1 st read above, Government have issued Comprehensive Building Rules which are applicable to
Corporations, Municipalities and areas covered by Urban Development authorities. Since then these Building Rules have g
building activities in urban areas.
2. It has been brought to the notice of the Government that the above building stipulations are cumbersome with to
parameters for regulating and controlling developments and building activities and there is a need for simplifying the building sti
by stipulating minimal parameters. Further due to changes in building technologies, massive and rapid urbanization, escala
prices, and certain shortcomings experienced relating to the existing building stipulations Government have decided to re
building stipulations and come out with comprehensive building rules thereby, making the building stipulations clear,
comprehend, user-friendly, promoting various types of development and building activities, besides giving design freedom an
with optimum usage of land on one hand, and reducing the trend of violations and unauthorized constructions on the other
compromising on the community good.
3. Initially a draft was prepared in consultation with experts from various fields and the same was notified in the Andhra
Extraordinary Gazette No. 4, dated 22.01.2005 for inviting public objections and suggestions. A number of object
suggestions were received from individuals, professionals Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Urban Development author
other Departments. Further discussions and deliberations were held at various levels involving various groups like builders, dev
architects, engineers, town planners, representatives of Urban Development Authorities and local bodies, public represe
academicians, officials and general public, and have received many suggestions and comments on the said draft building rul
careful examination of all the objections and suggestions received, Government have come to the conclusion to further ration
standards of Building requirements for different types of buildings, uses & occupancies in the Municipal Corporation of Hydera
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority and
Purnima Project Authority so as to have uniform application of the rules relating to regulation of building construction, etc. in th
areas. Therefore in supersession of the Rules issued vide G.O.Ms.No.423 M.A., dated 31-7-1998 and the Municipal Corpo
Hyderabad Building By-laws 1981 to the extent specified in these Rules Government hereby issue the following Notification
same will be published in Andhra Pradesh Extraordinary Gazette dated 04.03.200 .
4. A copy of this Order is available on the Internet and can be accessed at the address http://apts.go .in/apgos.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 585 read with 592 of the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Ac
and proviso under Sub Section (1) read with sub section (2) of Section 14,32,46 and 58 of the Andhra Pradesh Urba
(Development) Act,1975 , the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby issue the following rules applicable to Municipal Corpo
Hyderabad and other areas covered by Urban Development Authorities, viz. Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hy
Airport Development Authority, Cyberabad Development Authority and Buddha Purnima Project Authority, as appended
Notification. Any inconsistency or contradiction or conflict that may arise in the said existing rules / by-laws / regulations, e
inconsistency / contradiction or inconsistency shall stand modified and to that extent, the provisions in these rules shall
1. Short Title, Applicabilit & Commencement:
a) These Rules may be called Hyderabad Revised Building Rules, 2006
b) These rules shall be applicable to Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad area, rest of Hyderabad Urban Development A
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area, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority area, Cyberabad Development Authority area and Buddha Purnima
Authority area and shall come into force from the date of publication of the Notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazet
c) These rules shall apply to all building activity. All existing rules, regulations, bylaws, orders that are in conflict or inco
with these Rules shall stand modified to the extent of the provisions of these rules.
2. Definitions:
(i) Competent Authority means:
(a) the Vice Chairman of the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority / Hyderabad Airport Development Au
Cyberabad Development Authority/ Buddha Purnima Project Development Authority in the case of areas
Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad area,
(b) the Commissioner, in the case of Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad area.
(ii) Enforcement Authority means the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, the Commis
the Municipality or the Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat in case of areas outside the municipal area
Development Authority or a Special Unit created for the purpose of sanctioning and monitoring building and deve
(iii) Parking Complex/Parking Lot means a premises either built or open which is utilized purely for parking of veh
where parking fees is collected by the owner and permitted in specific areas. The minimum site shall be 300 square m
(iv) Transferable Development Right (TDR) means an award specifying the built up area an owner of a site or plo
or dispose or utilize elsewhere, whose site or plot is required to be set apart or affected for a community am
development for public purpose in the Master Plan or in road widening or covered in recreational use zone, etc.. Th
would be in the form of a TDR Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
(v) High-Rise building means a building 18 meters or more in height. However, chimneys, cooling towers, boiler
machine rooms, cold storage and other non-working areas in case of industrial buildings and water tanks, and arch
features in respect of other buildings may be permitted as a non-High Rise building. Buildings less than 18 m inclu
floor/parking floor stand excluded from the definition of high-rise buildings.
(vi) Height of building means height measured from the abutting road and in case of undulated terrain heigh
considered as average of the corresponding ground level or formation level of proposed site.
(vii) Sanctioning Authority means the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, the Commission
Municipality or the Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat in case of areas outside the municipal area of th
Development Authority or a Special Unit created for the purpose of sanctioning and monitoring building and deve
Te a de e i hich a e defi ed i he e R e ha ha e he a e ea i g a i he e ec i e e
eg a i /b -a f he e ec i e ca a h i ie a d a defi ed i he Na i a B i di g C de a he ca e a
e he c e he i e e i e .
3. Restriction on Minimum Building Plot Size along abutting roads in new developments and layouts:
There shall be restriction on the minimum building plot size along the abutting roads in all new developments areas and l
Abutting road
Minimum plot size Max. Plot size
Right-of-way (in allowed (in sq. m) allowed (in sq m)
9 and below 12.2 100 2000
R ad Righ - f- a ea he a a d id h e e ed f he ad i he a / Ma e P a / De e e
De e e Sche e he he he ad i de e ed/f ed he i e a d i c de he e ice ad, if a , be
4.1 Minimum Approach road requirement for sites in new areas/layout areas:
No site or parcel of land shall be used for building activity unless it has a clear and established approach road of minim
Black topped Road is provided by the developer/builder/owner at his own cost or deposits the necessary cost for layin
road by the sanctioning authority.
4.2 Access conditions & Requirements for plots/sites abutting Ring roads / Highwa s / B pass Roads of 30
above identified in the Master Plan / Zonal Development Plan:
In addition to the requirement of confirmation to the minimum plot size along the abutting roads, height and other requ
stipulated in the se rules, buildings abutting major roads of 30 M and above width shall be permitted only after black
service road of 7 M width with two-lane carriageway is provided to the extent of the building in question within the
Right-of way. It will be the responsibility of the developer / builder / owner to provide the above service road of the s
fixed by the Sanctioning Authority at his own cost. The Sanctioning Authority may consider sanctioning building perm
the developer / builder / owner deposits the full cost for laying such service road to the Sanctioned Authority.
4.3 The money so levied and collected under Rule 4.1 and 4.2 above shall be maintained in a separate exclusive accoun
sanctioning authority and utilised only for this purpose.
5. Restrictions of building activit in vicinit of certain areas:
(a) No building/ development activity shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies like river, or nala, and in the Full Ta
(FTL) of any lake, pond, cheruvu or kunta / shikam lands.
(b) The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as recreational/Green buffer zone, and no building
other than recreational use shall be carried out within:
(i) 30 meters from the boundary of Lakes of area 10 Ha and above;
(ii) 9 meters from the boundary of lakes of area less than 10 Ha / kuntas / shikam lands;
(iii) 9 meters from the boundaries of Canal, Vagu, etc.
(iv) 2 meters from the defined boundary of Nala
the above shall be in addition to the mandatory setbacks.
Unless and otherwise stated, the area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a lake / kunta shall be reckoned as m
or given in the Survey of India topographical maps/Irrigation Dept.
(c) Unless and otherwise specified in the Master Plan / Zonal Development Plan,
the space to be left in and around the Canal / Vagu (including the actual Canal / Vagu bed width and alignment)
minimum 15 m. This may be developed as Green Buffer/recreational and/or utilised for road of minimum 9m
wherever feasible.
In case of (b) (i) above, in addition to development of recreational/green belt along the foreshores, a ring
promenade of minimum 12.2 m may be developed, wherever feasible.
The above greenery/landscaping and development shall conform to the guidelines and provisions of the Nationa
Code of India,2005.
(d) For Building activity within the restricted zone near the airport or within 500 m distance from the boundary of
areas / Military establishments, necessary clearance from the concerned Airport Authority / Defence Authority /
obtained. For sites located within the Air Funnel zone, prior clearance from the Airport Authority shall be obtained
(e) In case of sites in vicinity of High Tension Electricity transmission lines besides taking other safety preca
minimum safety distance (both vertical and horizontal ) of 3 m (10 ft.) shall be maintained between the buildings
High Tension electricity lines, and 1.5 m for Low Tension Electricity lines.
(f) In case of sites in the vicinity of oil/gas pipelines, clearance distance and other stipulations of the respective
shall be complied with.
(g) In case of Banjara Hills-Jubilee Hills area covered by Block 1 & 2 , and part of Block No. 3 of ward no. 8,
Corporation of Hyderabad area, the building restrictions imposed vide G.O.Ms.No.601 MA dated 5 11-1988 r
G.O.Ms.No.423 M.A., dated 31-7-1998 would be applicable.
(h) For areas covered under G.O.Ms.No.111 MA dated 08.03.1996 (protection of Catchment area of Osmans
Himayatsagar lakes), the restrictions on building and development activity imposed in the said Government ord
be applicable.
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Mi i ab i g
ad id h
T e/ U e f B i di g e i ib e e i ed
(i e e )
The e f b i di g & i e i f de e e
ha be . . . he ab i g ad id h, i .,
B1 Non-High Rise Residential Buildings including 9*
Apartment Complexes; Buildings with shopping
on GF and residences on upper floor; Basic level
social amenities like Nursery School / Religious
Place / Public Health Center / Dispensary /
Diagnostic Laboratory/ Police outpost/Post
Office/ Neighbourhood Library cum Community
Center and all buildings up to 15 m height
B2 In addition to B 1 above, High Rise Building/ 12.2
Complex of height above 18 m and up to 24 m;
Group Housing Scheme; Primary School, Middle
school / Tutorial institution / General Industry /
Godown / Petrol/diesel Filling station; High
School, Junior College / Commercial Complex,
Computer units/ Office Building, ITES Complex,
Nursing Home / Community Hall /
Function/Marriage Hall / Assembly Hall/Cinema
Theater; Service establishment/ Workshop;
Others not specified in the Table and all non high-
rise buildings up to 18 m height
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i e b ilding p o 18 m heigh
B3 In addi ion o B 1 & B 2 abo e, High Ri e 18
b ilding abo e 24 m and p o 30 m heigh ;
Gene al Deg ee and o he non-p ofe ional
College / Pol echnic, ITI; P ofe ional College
Camp ; M l iple Comple e , Shopping Mall ,
Ho pi al and all non high- i e b ilding p o 18
m heigh
B4 In addi ion o B 1 o B 3 abo e, High Ri e 24 and abo e
B ilding abo e 30 m heigh
P o ided in ca e of ingle plo b-di i ion app o ed b he anc ioning a ho i , a mean of acce of minim m 3.6 m pa h
ma be con ide ed fo indi id al e iden ial b ilding and 6m fo Apa men Comple e / Comme cial Comple e and o he non
i e b ilding .
(i) In ca e of (A) abo e, he e he e i ing oad i le han 6 m, b ilding in he i e o ld be allo ed af e e ing bac
b ilding 4.5 m f om he cen e line of ch e i ing oad.
(ii) In ca e of e i ing b ilding app o ed p io o he e R le , f he addi ion of floo on he ea lie pe mi ed b ilding
be con ide ed ei he a pe he e le o he hen le in fo ce in e pec of e back , hiche e i he applican op
Thi ill no appl fo b ilding e en ion o ede elopmen en e in ch i e .
(iii) Building line is from the edge of the Road Right-of- a ( hether e isting or proposed)
The e a e no plo i e ip la ion ba ed on e o occ panc of he b ilding. The e back and heigh ip la io
he e nde a e applicable fo all pe of b ilding .
(BUILDINGS BELOW 18 heigh i c i e f i / a i gf ):
(i) The heigh of b ilding pe mi ible in a gi en i e/plo hall be bjec o e ic ion gi en in A e e I III
(ii) The e a e no pecific Floo A ea Ra io and plo co e age ip la ion . The pe mi ible co e age o ld
minim m e back o be lef i hin he gi en i e. The minim m e back and pe mi ible heigh o ld be a pe
belo .
B i di g Li e Mi i F
Mi i Se bac
Ma i Se bac (i M .)
he ide (i
Heigh f Ab i g ad id h M .)
P Si e (i Pa i g b i di g
S .M . i i 12.2 M . 18 M .
e i ib e Le a d & e 30 M . Rea O he
(i M .) ha be ha 30 & ide ide
12.2 M . 18 M . M . ab e
(1) (2) (3) (4a) (4b) (4c) (4d) (5) (6)
(A) OLD CITY / CONGESTED AREAS (Ca eg -I a gi e i A e e-I)
Le han
- 7 1.0 -
100 & p o
- 10 1.5 1.5
Abo e 200
- 10 2.0 1.5
& p o 300
Abo e 300 S il floo
12 2.5 2
& p o 400 allo ed *
1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
Abo e 400 S il floo
12 3 3
& p o 500 allo ed *
Abo e 500 S il floo
12 4 4
& p o 750 allo ed *
S il +
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Si +
Ab e 750 15 5 5
Ce a
a ed **
B i di g Li e Mi i F
Mi i Se bac
Se bac (i M .)
Ma i he ide (i
Heigh f Ab i g ad id h M .)
P Si e (i Pa i g
b i di g
S .M . i i 12.2 M . 18 M .
e i ib e Le 30 M .
a d & e Rea O he
(i M .) ha &
be ha 30 ide ide
12.2 M . ab e
18 M . M .
(1) (2) (3) (4a) (4b) (4c) (4d) (5) (6)
Ab e 200
- 10 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 2.0 1.5
& 300
Ab e 300 Si f
12 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 2.5 2.5
& 400 a ed
Ab e 400 Si f
As an encouragement for developing U type buildings with central courtyards, the setbacks of sides and rear, except
setback, can be reduced provided:
(a) the area so saved is transferred to the central area/space or court yard;
(b) the minimum open space on sides and rear except front, shall be 1.5 m for normal buildings, & 6 m in cas
rise buildings up to 21 m height and 7 m in respect of buildings 21m – 30 m height. Such high rise buildings
obtain prior clearance from the Fire Services Department;
(c) the depth of such courtyard shall be at least 50% of the average building depth.
9.1 High Rise buildings / Complexes shall be permissible only in areas other than those given in Annexure I and II.
buildings shall not be allowed in Congested areas/existing areas and settlement areas/ Abadi /Gram khantam areas.
9.2 The minimum size of plot for High Rise building shall be 2000 sq. m. For buildings in the Skyscraper zone as
Annexure III, the minimum plot size shall be 4000 sq m
9.3 The building bulk, coverage and height shall be governed by the minimum alround setbacks to be left, the organis
spaces to be left and the height restrictions imposed by the Airport authority (if applicable) / Defence7/21
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spaces to be left and the height restrictions imposed by the Airport authority (if applicable) / Defence autho
applicable) and Fire Services Department and the City-level Impact fee on built up area required to be paid, as applica
(i) The front open space shall be on the basis on the abutting road width and shall be either as given in shall be either
in Col. 3 of above Table IV or the Building line given Table III whichever is more.
(ii) The abutting road has to be black-topped with minimum 2 lane carriageway. Service roads where required
Rules shall be minimum 7 m wide with minimum 2-lane black topped carriageway.
(iii) For upper floors from 2nd floor onwards, the balcony projection of up to 2 m may be allowed projecting onto
(iv) The open space to be left between two blocks shall be equivalent to the open space mentioned in Column (3)
Table IV.
(v) In case of high rise buildings upto 30 m height, it is permitted to transfer upto two metres of setback from one sid
other side, which needs to be uniform at any given point, subject to maintaining of minimum setback of 7 m on all
(vi) Where the lighting and ventilation of a building is through the means of a chowk or inner courtyard or inter
space/duct, such open space shall be open to sky and of area at least 25 sq m and no side shall be less than 3 m.
9.7 TOWER AND PODIUM TYPE HIGH RISE STRUCTURE UPTO 50 M may be allowed with the following:
(a) For podium, i.e., Ground plus first floor: alround setbacks shall be 7 m alround
(b) For the Tower block: The coverage and alround setbacks shall be minimum 50 % of the Podium Block,
atleast 3m from the Podium edge on all sides,
(c) the fire safety and fire escape measures for the Tower Block shall be independent of the Podium Block.
9.9 (a) In every high rise building site, an organised open space shall be utilised as greenery, tot lot or soft landscap
shall be provided over and above the mandatory open spaces to be left in and around the building. This space s
least 10% of total site area and shall be of regular shape. This may be in one or more pockets.
(b) In addition to the above, a minimum 2 m wide green planting strip in the periphery on all sides within the setb
required to be developed and maintained in all high rise building sites.
(i) The building requirements and standards other than heights and setbacks specified in the National Building Code, 2
be complied with.
(ii) Such buildings shall be undertaken by owners by engaging registered architect, licenced builders/developers and
structural engineers. The designs and building plans shall be countersigned by the owner, licenced developer, re
architect, licenced engineer and a qualified & licenced structural Engineer who shall be responsible for the sup
structural safety, fire safety and specifications compliance of such buildings. Buildings shall be designed for complia
earth quake resistance and resisting other natural hazards. The Completion Certificate shall contain mention that th
have been followed in the design and construction of buildings for making the buildings resistant to earthquake, co
with structural safety and fire safety reqirements.
(iii) The work of the building services like sanitation, plumbing, fire safety requirements, lifts, electrical installations, a
utility services shall be executed under the planning, design and supervision of qualified and competent technical per
(iv) In addition to the required staircases and lifts, there shall be at least one fire escape staircase and lift. These s
and lifts shall be got certified from the manufacturer s authorised Service technical personnel from time to time.
(v) Provision for power generator shall be made in such buildings.
(vi) These buildings shall be planned, designed and constructed to ensure fire safety requirements are met and mainta
shall comply in accordance with the Fire Protection Requirements of National Building Code of India.
(vii) The facilities for providing fire protection and fire fighting facilities in such buildings should be in compliance
stipulations laid down and clearance issued by the Fire Department from time to time. NOC from the Fire Departm
be obtained from time to time regarding the fire safety requirements and facilities installed.
(viii) The parking requirements shall comply as given in these rules. The parking facilities and vehicles driveways etc.
maintained to the satisfaction of the sanctioning Authority.
(ix) Provide for solar water heating system in the building and solar lighting in the site for outdoor lighting, etc. and giv
guarantee to this effect to the sanctioning authority for compliance of the same.
(x) All Public and semi-public buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide facilities to the physically han
persons as prescribed in the National Building Code of India.
(xi) In all high rise buildings, the requirements of parts of the building like size and area requirements of habitable
kitchen, bathrooms and Water closets, other areas, corridor and staircase widths, service ducts, etc. shall confor
National Building Code of India.
10.1 Such developments shall be considered where the site is developed together with building constructions and all a
and facilities and not disposed as open plots.
10.2 All Group Development Schemes, Group Housing Scheme / Cluster Housing Scheme applications shall in additio
requirements under these Rules, be accompanied by:
a) A Services and Utilities Plan as per standards for water supply system, drainage and storm water disposal
sewerage system , rain water harvesting structures, and for other utilities.
b) A landscaping plan including rain water harvesting/ water recycling details.
c) Parking & internal Circulation Plan along with Common pool parking area plan, if any.
The above shall be drawn on suitable scale with relevant details.
10.3 The minimum plot size for Group Housing Schemes and Group development Schemes shall be 40009/21
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sq m
10.3 The i i i e f G H i g Sche e a d G de e e Sche e ha be 4000
i i ab i g ad id h ha be 12.2 ide a d b ac ed.
10.4 I ca e f h i g i a ge b c , he a h d be ed i h he i edia e i e e
acce ibi i f he i e f he ea e ai ad b a f a a ed R ad De e e Pa b he c
a h i iha i i id h f 12.2 hich h d be i e e ed b he ice ced de e e i hi a e i d
ea . A ad ide i g e i ed ha be dee ed be a ed de he e R e a d ha be adhe ed
e / ca b d / ice ced de e e .
10.5 A G H i g Sche e / G De e e Sche e / C e h i g / Re ide ia E c a e a d
de e e che e ha be de e ed ih c e e i fa c e faci i ie a d a e i ie a a ed
ab e.
10.6 The e ha be a icab e i ca e f G e e ed H i g Sche e/ a ed NGO i a e che
he g ide i e a d e ie e a gi e i he Na i a B i di g C de f L C H i g/ G e e de
f ed.
G H i g Sche e a e ec ed a A a e b c i e b c . The e c d be high- i e
a - i .G De e e Sche e a e ec ed a B i di g i e b c i a ca i e, a
be a heigh b i di g high- i e b c c bi a i f b h.
(a) The e ace / e bac f ch e f de e e ha be a f :
Distance to be
Height of building maintained from Distance
block peripher to building between two
block blocks
U 10 * 3 2
Ab e 10 & 15 4 3
15 & 18 ** 5 4
Ab e 18 A e a d e bac e i ed de High-
i e b i di g gi e i Tab e IV
Stilt floor permissible and is e clusive of height of building up to 15 m. Height of stilt floor shall not e ceed 2.5
b) C a e i ie a d faci i ie i e h i g ce e ,c i ha ce e / c b h e e c. a e e i ed
ided i 5 % f he a ea a d ha be a ed a d de e ed i ca e he e he i a e ab e 50
a d be a f he e ide ia b c .
c) A h gh b ic acce ad f 9 id h i h 2- a e b ac - ed i be de e ed a e ide a
a e i abi i a d fea ibi i f he c e ie ce f acce ibi i f he i e a d a d ca ed i he i e i .
d) I ca e f b c 12 heigh , acce h gh a h a f6 id h b a chi g f he i e a
ad d be a ed. A i e a ad a d a h a ha be de e ed a e a da d .
e) Mi i f 10 % f i e a ea ha be ea a ed f ga i ed e ace a d be i i ed a g ee e ,
a d ca i g, e c. a d ha be ided e a d ab e he a da e ace . Thi ace a be i e
c e .
) I 5 , ,
/ . 5% .
)I R T S P ,
R (11).
(vii) Stilt floor /Cellar parking floor shall be used only for parking and not for any habitation purpose. Misuse of
specified for parking of vehicles for any other use shall be summarily demolished / removed by the Enfo
(viii) For parking spaces in basements and upper storeys of parking floors, at least two ramps of minimum 3.6 m
one ramp of minimum 5.4 m width and adequate slope shall be provided. Such ramps may be permitted in
and rear setbacks after leaving sufficient space for movement of fire-fighting vehicles. Access to these may
accomplished through provisions of mechanical lifts.
(ix) Basement/cellar shall be set back at least 1.5 m from the property line.
(x) Up to 10% of cellar may be utilised for utilities and non-habitation purpose like A/C Plant room, Generato
STP, Electrical installations, Laundry, etc,
(xi) Space over and above 6m in front setback may be considered as off-street parking space.
(xii) Visitors parking to be provided shall be 10 % of the area mentioned in Table VI, and may be accommodat
mandatory setbacks other than the front setback, wherever such setbacks are more than 6m.The Visitors
facility shall be open to all visitors.
(xiii) In respect of Apartment Complexes / Building / Block, in sites up to 750 sq m the Parking requirement
deemed to be met if the entire stilt floor is left for parking. A WC/Toilet facility shall be provided for watch and
the stilt floor.
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Such parking facility enclaves may be permitted along or off main commercial roads, city center, close to Bus
Railway Stations and any public transport system so as to encourage use of public transport, etc. Access to these
spaces in such Complexes may be accomplished through provision of mechanical lifts. Such areas may be identifie
sanctioning authority and notified to public every year by 1 st April.
Only the following Projections shall be allowed in the mandatory open spaces / setbacks / interior open spaces:
L No balcony projections or corridor shall be permitted beyond the setbacks i.e., projecting within the mandato
spaces in case of non-high rise buildings. These, if provided for, shall be set back as per the minimum mandato
spaces and the setback shall be clear from the edge of the balcony or corridor.
L L Cornice, Chajjas / weather shades only of width not exceeding 60cm shall be allowed in the mandatory setbacks.
a. Sump, septic tank, well may be allowed in the rear and side open spaces. These shall need to be setback at
m from the property or boundary line of the plot.
b. Parking sheds, generator room may be allowed in the rear and side open spaces.
c. In the front setback only a security guard booth of 2 sqm
The height of these accessory buildings shall not be more than 2.50 m and shall not occupy more than 1/4
For certain areas as well as sites abutting major roads of 30 mt and above, the Sanctioning Authority may enforce urba
and architectural control. These shall be detailed out keeping in view the development conditionalities and requirements
these Regulations and the National Building Code norms. For this purpose, urban design and architectural control shee
approved by the Sanctioning Authority shall be complied with.
14. Obliga ion of he o ne and licenced de elope /b ilde / licenced echnical pe onnel o implemen and de
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14. Obligations of the owner and licenced developer/builder / licenced technical personnel to implement and dev
Master Plan/Statutor Plan circulation network and specific land uses:
(1) W / M P
R D P ,
S A .N
(2) U ,
T D R (TDR) R 15 .
, :
(a) For the Master Plan road network undertaken and developed: 100 %
(b) For conservation and development of lakes / water bodies / nalas foreshores & Recreational buffer development wit
greener , etc: 50 % .
( ) F H : 50 %
/ / .T TDR C C
C A .
T S A G , P ,
/ / / R R
M R T S / L R T / MMTS M P ,
G .
(1) W C L I I F ,
T pe I : B 15
T pe II : B 15 ( )
T C I I F B T II :
F 15 5 ( ): N I
F : T :
Height of Building (in metres) and rate in Rs. per sq m of built up area
Occupanc / Use A 15 & A 21 & A 30 & A 50
21 30 50
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21 30 50
500 750 1500 3000
250 500 1000 2000
1000 1500 2500 5000
500 1000 2000 4000
I , 300 500 1000 2000
&O (
100 200 400 800
(2) A , TDR R 14 ,
R /P .T G
(3) T G D U D A
(4) T R
.A I P A P
C F .
( ) F , F D O
( ) T / , ,
O C , 3
O C . I ,
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( ) T R A
.O R D
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A) In addition to the enforcement powers and responsibilities given in the respective laws of the local authority, in re
these Rules:
(i) The Enforcement Authority concerned shall be wholly and severally responsible for ensuring and maintaining the r
of way/width and building restrictions as given in these Rules. The Enforcement Authority shall particularly
buildings/structures for any violations along all main roads/public roads and take action to remove these.
(ii) The Enforcement authority shall summarily remove any violation or deviation in building construction in mainta
road widths and building line.
S.P. Singh,
Secretary to Government.
The Commissioner, Printing, Stationary and Stores Purchase, Hyderabad.
(with a request to public in the extraordinary Gazette of AP on 04.03.2006 and furnish 1000 copies to Government)
The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad.
The Vice-Chairman, Cyberabad Development Authority, Hyderabad.
The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad.
The Vice-Chairman, Buddha Purnima Project Authority, Hyderabad.
The Director of Town and Country Planning, Hyderabad.
All Departments of Secretariat,
All Heads of Departments.
The Director General, Fire Services, Hyderabad.
The Chairman and Managing Director, APTRANSCO., Hyderabad.
The Managing Director, H.M.W.S. & S.Board, Hyderabad.
The Managing Director, APIIC., Hyderabad.
The Engineer-in-Chief (Public Health), Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, L.B.Nagar / Kukatpally / Malkajgiri / Kapra / Uppal Kalan / Qutubullahpur / Alwal / Rajendranagar / Serilinga
Gaddiannaram / Ramachandrapuram / Patancheru.
The Commissioner and I.G. of Registration and Stamps, Hyderabad
The Managing Director, A.P.Housing Board, Hyderabad.
The District Collector, Hyderabad District, Hyderabad.
The District Collector, Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad.
The District Collector, Medak District, Sangareddy.
Copy to:
The Special Secretary to Hon ble Chief Minister.
The P.S. to M ( M A & UD).
The P.S. to Secretary to Government, MA&UD.
// Forwarded By Order //
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The Minimum Height of High Rise Buildings permissible in this Zone is 12 floors (36 Metres) and above.
The Minimum Plot Size Is 4000 Sq M and the minimum approach road shall be 24 m
(I) All Along the Inner Ring Road outside present MCH limits.
(II) Along River Musi outside present MCH limits.
(III) Gachi Bowli Raidurg Khajaguda - Manikonda Area.
(IV) South of International Airport Mankhal - Bagh Mankhal Harshagudem Area.
(V) APHB Singapore Township Rampally- Ghatkesar.
(VI) Kollur Edulanagupallii Velimella Nanakramguda - Gopanpalli Area.
(VII) Nallagandla Tellapur Area.
(VIII) Miyapur - Aminpur Sultanpur Area.
(IX) All Sites Abutting Proposed 29 Radial Roads outside present MCH limits.
(X) All along the Outer Ring Road up to a depth of 500 meters on either side in areas other than those co
G.O.Ms.No.111 MA, dated 08.03.1996.
(xi) 1 km radius from MMTS Stations located in areas other than in Annexure II.
S.P. Singh,
Secretary to Government.
Section Officer.
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