Report Sarda Dairy

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SESSION 2021-22

Student READY In–Plant Training

10/12/2021 TO 28/03/2022

Submitted By:


B.Tech Dairy Technology (Final Year)



KUMAR SINGH, ARVIND KUMAR DAS student of B.Tech DT final year 2021-2022,
successfully completed training from 10/12/2021 To 28/03/2022 under the “Student READY
In-Plant Training” programme as a part of academic curriculum.

Signature Of :



I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility to
complete this report. A special thanks to our Dean Dr. SANJAY KUMAR & our final year
project coordinator Dr.MUNMUN SEN whose help, stimulating suggestion and encouragement,
helped us to coordinate our training specially in preparing this report.

I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the staff of Sarda
Dairy and Food Products Ltd. Kharora Raipur Mr. Sandip De (Sr.H.R.), Mr. H.K.Tamrakar
(G.M.), Mr. V.Raman (Plant Manager), Mr. R.K. Dwiwedi (Manager production), Mr.
A.Katakwar (Manager QA), Mr.Akshay Rathore (Manager R&D), Mr. R.K.Yadu (Dy.
Manager Maintenance), Mr.Prakash Chandrakar (Sr. Manager Procurement), Mr. Anoop
Jain (Head sales & Marketing) for their careful and precious guidance which was extremely
valuable for our study both theoretically and practically. We would to appreciate the guidance
given by other supervisor as well as the panels of Sarda Dairy especially in In-plant training that
has improved our training by their guidance.


1. Introduction 1-10
 Organizational Profile
 Organizational structure
 Product Profile
 Vachan Products
 Layout of Plant
 Certification
2. Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD) Section 11-16
 Salient Feature
 Unloading Operation
 Milk Collection by tankers at RMRD
 Weigh Bridge
 CIP of Tanker
 Tests performed at RMRD
 Equipment’s on RMRD
 Layout of RMRD section
3. 10 KL (Processing Section) 17-25
 Flow Diagram of Fluid Milk
 Layout of Processing Section
 Complete steps of processing of the fluid milk
 Cost analysis
4. FILL – Pack of milk 26-29
 Flow diagram for Pouch Filling
 Specification of Milk Pouch
 CCP’s for Packaging
 Nutritional facts of milk
 Layout of Fill Pack Packaging Section
5. Equipment Data 30-32
 Details of Silos
 Milk Chiller
 Pasteurizer
 Homogenizer
 Cream Separator
 Milk Pouch Filling Machine
 Pipe line CIP
 Pasteurizer CIP
 Storage tank CIP
 Cleaning Schedule
 Emergency shutdown of Pasteurizer
The standardized milk to send in different processing
7. Market Milk 36-42
 Details of Market Milk Product
 Process parameter & equipment’s
 Flow chart for manufacturing of market milk
 Vachan UNO (Toned milk)
 Vachan Fit-N-Fine (Double Toned Milk)
 Vachan Gold (FCM - Full Cream Milk)
 Vachan Farm Classic
 Vachan T Special Milk
8. 2KL (Curd Section) 43-54
 Details of Fermented Product
 Process parameter & equipment’s
 Layout of 2KL (curd) Section
 Manufacturing process of Dahi, Kadhidahi
 Vachan Dahi
 Vachan KadhiDahi
 Vachan MishtiDahi
 Flow chart for manufacturing of MishtiDahi
 Vachan Shrikhand
 Flow chart for manufacturing of shrikhand
 Vachan Sweet/Rose Lassi
 Flow chart for Manufacturing of Lassi
 CIP of Curd Section (2KL)
9. Paneer Section 55-59
 Paneer Section Details
 Nutritional Facts
 Standard for Paneer
 Layout of Paneer Section
 Flow chart for Manufacturing of Paneer
 Description of Paneer Manufacturing flow chart
 Equipments used in Paneer section
 CIP of Paneer Section
10. UHT Section 60-64
 UHT Section Detail
 Nutritional Fact
 Equipments in UHT section
 Layout of UHT Section
 Flow chart for manufacturing of UHT Milk
 CIP of UHT Section
11. Powder Plant 65-76
 Layout of Powder section
 Flow chart for manufacturing of Powder
 Skimmed Milk Powder
 Dairy Whitener
 Vachan Spray
 GulabJamun Mix
 Equipments in Powder section
 Operating Parameter for Condensing Unit
 Cleaning Schedule for Powder Plant
 Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Powder Plant
12. Flavoured Milk 77-80
 Nutritional Facts
 Ingredients
 Packaging Parameter
 Equipments in Flavored Milk Section
 Layout of Flavored Milk Section
 Flow chart for manufacturing of Flavored Milk
13. Peda 81-82
 Nutritional Facts
 Ingredients
 Equipments used in Peda Making
 Flow chart for manufacturing of peda
14. Butter 83-87
 Cream standard for butter making
 Chemical specification
 Storage Condition
 Continuous butter making machine
 Flow chart for manufacturing of butter
 Process specification
 Equipment specification
 Layout of Butter & Ghee section
15. Ghee 88-90
 Composition of ghee
 Equipment specification
 Process specification
 Flow chart for manufacturing of Ghee

16. Quality assurance lab 91-115
 Introduction
 Objectives and importance of quality assurance
 Role of Quality Assurance department
 Personal hygiene
 Layout of Quality Assurance section
 Test perform by section
 Brief description of tests
 Equipments in Laboratory

Microbiology laboratory
 Equipment in Microbiology Lab
 layout of Micro-lab
 Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products
 Procedure of Microbiological tests
 In Line Testing :
 Introduction
 R&D and FOOD
 Work of R&D
 Steps of R&D
 Introduction
 Boiler
 Refrigeration
 Electrical depertment
 Water Treatment Plant
 Effluent


FSSAI Food Safety and Standard Authority of India
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Kg Kilogram
gm Gram
sec. Second
% Percentage
i.e. That is
Fig. Figure
e.g. Example
Cfu Colony Forming Unit
TS Total Solid
SNF Solid Not Fat
min. Minute
@ At The Rate
H Hour
Temp. Temperature
cm Centimeter
C Degree Centigrade
Kw Kilo Watt
L Liter
LPH Liter Per Hour
KLPH Kilo Liter Per Hour
RMRD Raw Milk Reception Dock
RMT Raw Milk Tank
HMST Horizontal Milk Storage Tank
ml Milliliter
Kl Kilo Liter
HP Horse Power
CIP Cleaning In Place
SPC Standard Plate Count
PHE Plate Heat Exchanger
SS Stainless steel
COB Clot On Boiling
FDV Flow Diversion Valve
QC Quality Control
QA Quality Assurance
CCP Critical Control Point
FCM Full cream Milk
TM Toned milk
UHT Ultra High Treatment
DTM Double Toned Milk
SM Standardized Milk
BMC Bulk Milk Cooler
SMP Skim Milk powder
FC Farm Classic
FFS Form Fill Seal
CBMM Continuous Butter Making Machine
TVR Thermal Vapor Re-compressor
VCC Village Collection Center
PLC Programmable logic control
rpm Rotation Per Minute
M Meter
IU International Unit
Kcal Kilo Calorie
U Unit
Psi Pound Per Square inch
WTP Water Treatment Plant
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
AFBC Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion
TPH Ton per houre
CSPDCL Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited
RO Reverse Osmosis
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TDS Total Dissolve Solids
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
USAB Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
CCT Chlorine Contact Tank

Figure .No. Name

1. Front gate of plant
2. Layout of plant
3. RMRD section raw milk received by tanker
4. Tanker weighing at weigh bridge
5. Layout of RMRD section
6. 10 KL processing section
7. Layout of processing section
8. Standardization
9. Cream Separator
10. Homogenizer
11. Pasteurizer
12. Packaging Unit
13. Layout of fill pack packaging section
14. Silos
15. CIP tanks
16. Flow chart of market milk
17. Vachan Uno milk
18. Vachan Fit –n- fine milk
19. Vachan FCM
20. Vachan farm classic
21. Vachan T-special
22. Layout of 2 KL curd section
23. Vachan dahi
24. Vachan kadhi dahi
25. Vachan mishi dahi
26. Flow chart of Misthi Dahi
27. Vachan shrikhand
28. Flow chart for manufacturing of Shrikhand
29. Vachan Sweet lassi
30. Flow chart for manufacturing of lassi
31. Vachan paneer
32. Layout of paneer section
33. Flow chart for manufacturing of paneer
34. UHT milk (ZIYO)
35. Layout of UHT Section
36. Flow chart for manufacturing of UHT milk
37. Layout of powder section
38. Flow chart for manufacturing of Powder
39. Vachan Skimmed milk powder
40. Vachan Dairy whitner
41. Vachan spray
42. Vachan gubaljamun mix
43. Vachan cool flavored milk
44. Layout of flavored milk section
45. Flow chart for manufacturing of Flavoured milk
46. Peda
47. Flow chart for manufacturing of Peda
48. Continues Butter macking machine
49. Flow chart for manufacturing of Butter
50. Layout of butter & ghee section
51. Vachan ghee
52. Flow chart for manufacturing of Ghee
53. Layout of chemical quality lab
54. Equipments in chemical lab
55. Layout of Microbiology lab
56. AFBC Boiler system
57. Layout of boiler section
58. Flow chart of Steam Generation
59. Layout of Refrigeration Section
60. Process flow Diagram of Refrigeration unit
61. Layout of WTP plant
62. Process flow diagram of soft water
63. Process flow diagram of RO water
64. Layout of ETP plant
65. Process flow diagram of ETP plant

Table no. Name

1. Salient features of RMRD section
2. Specification of the weigh bridge
3. Equipment on RMRD section
4. Standardization of processed milk for different type of milk pouch
5. Cost analysis for processing 1 kg raw milk
6. Specifications of milk pouch
7. Details of silos
8. Details of chiller
9. Details of milk/cream PHE
10. Details of homogenizer
11. Details of cream separator
12. Details of milk pouch filling machine
13. Pipe line CIP
14. Pasteurizer CIP
15. Storage tank CIP
16. Cleaning schedule
17. Details of market milk products
18. Nutritional fact of vachan Uno milk
19. Nutritional fact of vachan Fit-n-fine milk
20. Nutritional fact of vachan FCM milk
21. Nutritional fact of vachan Farm classic milk
22. Nutritional fact of vachan T special milk
23. Details of fermented products
24. Process parameter & equipment
25. Nutritional fact of vachan dahi
26. Nutritional fact of vachan kadhidahi
27. Nutritional fact of vachan mishit dahi
28. Nutritional fact of vachan shrikhand
29. Nutritional fact of vachan lassi
30. CIP of curd section (2KL)
31. Details of paneer section
32. Nutritional fact of vachan paneer
33. Equipments used in paneer section
34. CIP of paneer section
35. Details of UHT section
36. Nutritional fact of vachan UHT milk
37. Equipments used in UHT section
38. CIP of UHT section
39. Nutritional fact of vachan SMP
40. Nutritional fact of vachan dairy whitner
41. Nutritional fact of vachan spray
42. Nutritional fact of vachan gulabjamun mix
43. Batch information of gulabjamun mix
44. Equipments used in powder section
45. Operating parameter for condensing unit
46. Operating parameter for drying unit
47. Cleaining schedule for powder plant
48. Weekly cleaning schedule for powder plant
49. Nutritional fact of vachan flavored milk
50. Equipments used in flavored milk section
51. Nutritional fact of vachan peda
52. Equipments used in peda unit
53. Details of butter section
54. Process specification of butter section
55. Equipments specification in butter section
56. Composition of ghee
57. Equipments specification ghee section
58. Process specification in ghee section
59. Acidity of Dairy products
60. MBRT Time Table

61. Microbial test for Milk & milk products

62. Data regarding of boiler used prior to new one
63. Details of 90KW system
64. Details of 55KW system
65. Electrical load in different section
66. Details of 1010 kVA DG
67. Operating parameter of soft water plant
68. Standard for treated water


Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd. is a milk processing plant situated at Dist.- Raipur,
Chhattisgarh. The project of Sarda Dairy & Food Products Ltd. was started on 30 th December,
2011. It is classified as non-government company and is registered at registrar of companies,
Chhattisgarh. This plant was came into run since 2015 with all the automated facilities presently
seen. Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd. is situated at about 4 Kms from Kharora and 40 Kms
of Raipur. There is no other factory near by the plant and the surrounding atmosphere is clean
and healthy.

We are a business house from Central India with a standing of over five decades in Industry and
now with a committed vision on Rural farming, Dairy and Cattle.

Vachan brand of milk and milk products aim to be the link between the farmers’ livelihood and
health conscious consumers of milk and milk products. And therefore, we differentiate on the
aspects of good and healthy products to customers linked to the rural farmers and their well

Our aim is to return back to the society from where we grew and to ensure chain of growth.

Fig.1 :Front Gate of Plant


Organizational Profile


“ Sarda Dairy & Food Products Ltd ”



 LOGO :


“Great Taste, Enriched Life”


Sarda Dairy and Food Products

Ltd. NayakTand, Kharora, Tilda

Road District- Raipur (C.G.)




“50-100 Crore”


“ Milk& Milk Products”


o Mr. PankajSarda (CEO)
o Mr. Padam Kumar Jain (Director)
o Mr. SaurabhRathi (Director)
o Mr. Gajender Singh Sahni (Independent Non-Executive Director)
o Mr. Sanjiv Agarwal (Director)
o Mr. Hemant Kumar Tamrakar ( Senior General Manager)
Installation - 1.5 kl/day
Working - 40-50 kl/day


General Shift - 09:30am to 06:00 pm

Shift A- 06:00 am to 02:00 pm

Shift B - 02:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Shift C - 10:00 pm to 06:00 am

 Plant Information :

Total Area - 1200 acre

Constructed Area - 250 acre (Plant

&Farm) Total Employee

 Regular 100
 Casual/daily wages 400
 Contractual 250

Post - Kharora, Dist.- Raipur (C.G.)

Pin Code - 493225


 Our aim is to alleviate the farmers of Chhattisgarh on cow rearing and their well
being for. This endeavor of ours, we believe will create an atmosphere of improved
rural livelihood linked with Dairy farming.
 Rural Development.
 Providing Employment.


 Service to Rural farmers.

 Committed to consumers on quality milk and milk products.
 Become valued partner and trustworthy.


 Develop the best eco-system of milk.

 Adhere to the best industry practices to ensure quality of products.
 Worlds’ best dairy technology and practices.

Some of Sarda group companies listed below :

 Sarda Energy & Mineral Ltd. has listed in BSE/NSE.

 Sarda Solutions & Technologies Pvt. Ltd.






Production Quality Maintanace Procurement

Reserch& Sales &
Manager Manager Manager Manager
Development Marketing
Manager Manager

Senior Officer / Technical Officer

Chemist Microbiologist

Trained Worker

Product Profile of SardaDairy :-

S.NO. Product Packaging/ Price Shelf Life

Market Milk
1. Vachan Uno Milk 200ml : 10/- 2 days(below 5°C)
500ml : 24/-
2. Vachan Fit-N-Fine Milk 200ml : 9/- 2 days (below 5°C)
500ml : 21/-
3. Vachan Gold Milk (FCM- Full 500ml : 29/- 2 days (below 5°C)
Cream Milk)
4. Vachan Farm Classic Milk 500ml (Pouch) : 3 days (below 5°C)
200ml (bottle) :
1000ml (bottle) :
5. Vachan T Special Milk 500ml : 23/- 2 days (below 5°C)
UHT Milk
1. VachanZiyo Toned Milk 140ml : 10/- 90 days (No need of
450ml : 28/- refrigeration)
Beverage (FLM- Flavored Milk)
1. Vachan Cool Badam, Elaichi, 145ml :20/- 180 days
Kesar FL Milk
2. Vachan Cool Chocolate FL Milk 145 ml : 20/- 180 days
3. Vachan Chaach 200ml : 10/- 7 days
4. Vachan Masala Chaach (UHT) 185ml : 10/- 90 days
Fermented Products
1. Vachan Dahi 200gm : 15/- 9 days
400gm : 28/-
1kg (pouch) : 60/-
5kg (pouch) : 250/-
85gm (cup) : 10/-
200gm (cup) : 24/-
5kg (Tub) : 350/-

15kg (Matka) : 900/-

2. Vachan KadhiDahi 185ml (pouch) : 14/- 10 days
500ml (Pouch) : 29/-
3. Vachan MishtiDahi 80gm (Cup) : 15/- 15 days (below 5°C)
4. Vachan Shrikhand 80gm (cup) : 20/- 3 month
500gm (Cup) : 115/-
5. Vachan Sweet Lassi 180ml : 20/- 15 days
Fat Rich Dairy Products
1. Vachan Premium Ghee 15ml (pouch) : 10/- 9 months
40ml (Pouch) : 20/-
1 litre (jar) : 520/-
5 litre (Jar) : 2,550/-
15 litre(Tin) : 7,000/-
2. Vachan White Butter 200gm :
20kg :
Heat Coagulated Products
1. VachanPaneer 200gm : 75/- 25 days Vaccum pack
500gm : (below 5°C)
1kg : 325/-
5kg : 1,495/-
Dried Products
1. Vachan Dairy Whitner 13gm (Pouch) : 5/- 1 year
2. Vachan Skim Milk Powder 500gm : 1 year
25kg :
3. Vachan Spray 24gm : 10/- 9 month
500gm : 90/-
1kg : 380/-
4. Vachan GulabJamun Instant Mix 200gm : 140/- 6 month
Heat Dessicated Products
1. Vachan Peda 200gm : 100/- 7 days (room temp.)

Vachan Products

Fig.02 : Layout of Plant



 ISO 22000:2018
 ISO 9001 :2015
 Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS Certificate)
 AGMARK (For Ghee)
 AGMARK (For Butter)
 Factory License
 Food Safety Standard Authority Of India(FSSAI)
 HALAL Certified

2. Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD) Section

 Introduction:-
Raw Milk Reception Dock is the most important section of dairy plant. This is the place
where raw milk is received by various modes (Can/ Tanker) of transportation. Tankers from
chilling centers generally receive the milk, which is away from 100 KM. It has already
weighted sampled and cooled.

Fig.03 : RMRD SectionRaw Milk Received by Tanker

Table 1: Salient Features:

S.No. Particular Detail

1. Average milk collection per day 45,000-50,000 liter
2. Reception of milk by tankers 45,000-50,000 liter
3. Number of Tankers 10
4. Average composition of milk received Particular Cow milk Buffalo
FAT % 4 6.5
SNF% 8.2 8.6
5. Reception of milk by cans in BMC Morning – 4:00 am to 8:00 am
Evening – 5:00 am to 9:00 pm
6. Height of RMRD 4ft

 Unloading Operation :-
 Details of documents with the tanker driver : DC Recipt (Dispatch Challan)
 Datails of tanker:
1. Type : Stainless steel insulated tanker
2. Capacity : 10 kl, 15 kl, 20 kl
3. No. of compartments :2
4. Chassis make : Stainless steel
 Details of plunger used : Stainless steel (Corrision free, Durable)
 Duration of plunging for tankers : 15 min
 Temperature of milk : Below 5˚C
 Temperature measuring device used : Digital Thermometer
 Number of milk sample taken from tanker : 2 sample per tanker
 Volume of sample taken : 2 litre per tanker
 Coding scheme of sample : Front & Back Compartment (FC & BC)

 Milk Collection by tankers at RMRD:-

The milk from chilling center is usually transported in road tankers to the dairy. The tankers
drive straight to the reception area which is often large enough to accommodate several
vehicles. Milk received by tanker can be measured by weight or by volume. For volumetric
measurement, a flexible line is connected between the tanker milk delivery pump and flow
meter installed at the reception dock, The milk is pumped through the flow meter & milk
chiller into a largesilo. The flow meter continuously indicates the volume of milk received.
However, as it registers milk as well as air in the milk, the results become unreliable.
Measuring can be made more accurate by fitting deaerationtank (air eliminator) before the
flow meter. The tanker outlet valve is connected to the air eliminator and from this, milk free
from air, is pumped through the flow meter. The pump is started by the control system which
senses when the milk in the air eliminator has reached a preset level for preventing air from
being sucked into the line. The pump as soon as the milk level drops below a certain point.
The flow meter continuously indicates the total flow.

Alternatively, the tanker can be weighed before and after unloading to know the amount of milk
received at the dairy. The tanker is driven onto the weigh bridge at the dairy. The gross weight of
the tanker is recorded and the milk is pumped into the silo tanks in the dairy. After empting, the
tanker is again weighed and the tare weight is deducted from the previously recorded gross
weight. Weighing bridge is fitted with load cells- that supply electric signal proportional to the
weight of the tank.These cells are placed in the feet of the tank at its base. The strength of the
signal increases with the weight of the tank. The weight of the contents in the tank can be
recorded after all the milk is delivered. The milk is then pumped into the silo tanks until further

Fig.04 :Tanker Weighing at Weigh Bridge

 Flow process tanker weighing:-

Weighing at Weigh Bridge (Gross Weight, W1 )

Sampling then platform testing

Unloading (Net weight W1,W2)

Empty tankers are weighed on weigh Bridge (Empty Weight, W2)

 Description of process (Weigh Bridge) :-

 Operational Principle :
The principle of weigh bnridge is to weigh the incoming and out going tankers. First of
all, the loaded tankers come on the weigh bridge and checked for their gross weight and
tghen after unloading, the tare weight is taken so that final net weight of the product
would be determined.
 Awareness of software :
At weigh Bridge one ID number is given to the tanker and the vehicle number is entered
in the computer and then the computer automatically displays the type of vehicle,
contractor code, contractor name, root number and supplier name.
 Commodities Handles :
In the weigh bridge mainly three types of commodities handle, they are :
1. Raw milk from the chilling center.
2. Standardized milk dispatched.
3. Fuel oil & utilities.
 Table .02 : Specification of the weigh Bridge :-

S.No. Specification Particulars

01 Total no. 01
02 Purpose Weighing & data recording for milk/milk products
03 Type Static, electronic load cell operated microprocessor &
PC based having with PLC system
04 Capacity 50 Tonnes

 CIP of Tanker:-
Interior of the tankers is cleaned automatically with the help of Jet Sprayer. Hot and cold
water is used for final rinse of the tankerits called as full CIP. Outside of tanker is cleaned
with manually with the help of detergent and scrubber.
1. Tanker should be manually cleaned
2. Rinsing with tap water to remove milk residue.
3. Cleaning with hot water (85°C).
4. Rinse fresh water.
5. Caustic CIP Every (when appear high fat layer in surface)

 Tests performed at RMRD (Raw Milk) :-

1. Organolaptic Test
2. Temperature
3. COB (Clot-on-boiling)
4. MBRT (Methylene Blue Reduction Test)
5. Alcohol
6. Fat
7. SNF
8. Acidity
9. Adultration (Test for the detection of adultrants like Maltose, Sucrose, Urea,
Salt, Detergent, Starch, Glucose, Neutralizer, Formalin)
10. pH
11. Lactose

Table 03: Equipments on RMRD:-

S.No. Equipment Make Capacity
01 Raw Milk Transfer Pump ABB 20000 L/hr
02 Duplex SS filter Stainless Steel Upto 10-15 mesh
03 Hose Pipe Stainless Steel -
04 Chiller Stainless Steel 20 kl, 30 kl

 Crate Reception Dock:-

The crate returned from distributors are received here and washed out in crate washer.
This section is located on the Side of the 2KL section.

Above Crate washer

Type : Straight Through Crate Washer
Capacity : 1500 Crate / h
No. of Compartments :5

Washing Process:
1. Pre-rinse normal water at 40˚C.
2. Drain.
3. Jetting with caustic solution at 75˚C,of strength 0.6-0.8% NAOH, pressure 0.75Kg/cm2
and drain.
4. Hot water heated by steam at 80˚C and drain.
Note: 100 crates per day manual cleaning.

Fig.05 : Layout of RMRD section



Processing of milk is very important to get good quality of products. The raw milk coming to
dairy through road milk tankers of different capacities reaches the unloading way. After passing
all the platform tests viz. Organoleptic test,Temperature, COB, acidity, Fat, SNF etc. the raw
milk is unloaded, chilled to <4˚C via Raw milk chiller and stored in the silos or raw milk storage
tanks of processing section. It is a section where milk is chilled, fore warmed, clarified,
homogenized and pasteurized. In short it is a section where processing of products is done.

The processing section is aptly called “ The heart of a Dairy Plant.” For its performs the
following tasks effectively and efficiently. In Sarda Dairy two processing section are installed
one is 10 kl another is 2 kl (For curd milk processing). 10 kl its performs the following tasks
effectively and efficiently;
1. Preparation of various types of market milk, as per the daily indents, in the table below.
2. Supplying the required quantity of milk for product making, like Curd, paneer, peda, chhach,
lassi, shrikhand, UHT milk, flavored milk, skim milk and butter milk to powder section.
Cream to butter & ghee section. Toned milk , double toned milk, full cream milk to
packaging section.
 Capacity :1.5 KL/day
 Reception Line :01
 Reception Temp :below 5°C

Fig.06 :10KL (Processing) Section


 Flow Diagram of Fluid Milk:-



Return Reception of raw milk at the plant (Tanker)

Non conforming Sampling/ Testing raw milk temp.<7˚C Conforming sample

Connecting hose pipe

Storage after two stage filtration and chilling at <7˚C (Silo 1&2)

SMP Sampling/ Testing

Blender mixing Balance tank


Re-generation –I

Seperation Cream

Re-generation – II Skim milk

Homogenization Buffer tank

Pasteurization Cream Pasteurization

(CCP 80+/-2˚C for 15sec) (CCP 90+/-2˚C)

Re-generation- II Chilling (<12˚C)

Re-generation- I Cream Storage Tank

Chilling (Below 7˚C)

Storage in silo (<= 7˚C)

Sampling/ Testing

Deep chilling (4 to 6˚C)

HMST tank

Fig.07 :Layout of Processing Section (10KL)


Mass Balance

 Complete steps of processing of the fluid milk :-

I. Standardization process :-

Fig 08 : Strandardization process


II. Float controlled balance tank :-

There are 1 units of milk pasteurizer and 1 units of cream pasteurizer, Float controlled
balance tank have to receive the milk in the tank at a appropriate quantity as the flow rate in
heat exchanger.
III. Pre heating :-
Heating before the operation is called preheating(Re-generation). The milk is preheated for
efficient filtration and clarification and also for efficient processing for the cream separation
preheating becomes essentials if the incoming milk is cold, as otherwise the flow of milk is
hampered, preheating temperature around 35-45˚C at the heat exchanger.
IV. Filtration and clarification :-
To improve the asthetic quality of milk bye removing of visible foreign matter which is
unsightly and may therefore cause consumer complaints.
V. Cream separation :-
Here the milk is clarified as well as separated into cream and skim milk. The cream is
pumped to cream Pasteurizer while skim milk returns to pasteurizer.

Fig.09 : Cream Seperator


I. Starting and stopping of cream separator:-

1. Check the frame hood hinged bolts are tightened.
2. Release brake.
3. Check the oil.

II. Start and run up:-

1. Start motor.
2. Abnormal vibration of machine during run up may be due to bad cleaning. If also stop
machine and clean bowl.
3. Check the machine has come to full speed.
4. Feel bowl by operating liquid milk or water feed valve.
5. Check inlet pressure.

III. Stopping:-
1. Close the liquid feed valve.
2. Stop the motor.
3. Apply brake.
4. When bowl has stopped, release brake.
5. Never loosen any part of the machine until bowl has stopped.
Caution:- The separator must never be run without liquid circulating through it

VI. Homogenization :-
Homogenizer is the device that perform the process of homogenization in which tha fat
globules present in milk are broken down to smaller size (less than 2 micron <2µ). So that
they stay integrated rather than seperating cream. It is a purely physical process; nothing is
added to milk.

Fig.10: Homogenizer

VII. Pasteurization :-
Pasteurizer is the device that perform the process of pasteurization. It is the heat treatment of
milk to a certain temperature for definite period of time (time temperature combination) to
kill the pathogenic bacteria to render the milk safe for human consumption. The use of
pasteurization to kill pathogenic bacteria has helped reduce the transmission of diseases, such
as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, Q fever and dysentery.

Fig.11 : Pasteurizer

I. To render milk safe for human consumption by destruction of cent percent
pathogenic micro-organisms.
II. To improve the keeping quality of milk by destruction of almost all spoilage
organisms (85-95%).

Table04 : Standardization of processed milk for different type of milk products:-

Product Fat (%) SNF (%) MBRT Acidity Phosphatase

min(FSSAI min /hr (%L.A) test
Standard) (min)
Milk for Pouch 3.00 8.50 5 0.014 -ve
Milk for Cup 3.0 8.50 5 0.014 -ve
Milk for Pouch NMT 0.5 8.70 5 0.014 -ve
Milk for NMT 0.5 8.70 5 0.014 -ve
Milk for Low Fat 1.50 9.00 5 0.014 -ve

Table05 : Cost analysis for processing 1 litre of raw milk:

Particulars Quantity Coast (Rs.)

Water (kg) 1.1 0.28

Steam (kg) 0.2 1.2
Electricity (kWh) 0.16 0.2
Refrigeration (T.R.) 0.30


 Introduction:-
Pouches are checked for leakage while stacking in cold storage. There are two cold storage
rooms for storing. This section is very important as it gives the protection to the product and
improvers its attractiveness i.e. contributing for enhancing the acceptance.

This section is located front of Curd section (2KL). It is in between RMRD and process
section. The washed crates are received in fill pack section for placing the pouch of milk and
shifted to cold storage room. In this section, there five fill pack machines. This section is
laterally connected with cold storage.

The milk, which is pasteurized, homogenized or standardized, is received form storage tank
in overhead balance tank of fill pack machine at 4˚c. This milk flows from overhead balance
tank into the pouch by gravity. Machine operates on electronic and pneumatic principle .
Laboratory takes sample form each size of pack and after clearance regarding chemical
analysis, weight and length of pouch, from quality control laboratory; machine is run for
regular production.

The milk is pouched in various capacities with different types of milk. The milk pouches
areVachan UNO (Toned milk), Vachan FIT-N-FINE (Double Toned milk), Vachan Farm
Classic milk, Vachan T Special milk. VachanDahi and VachanKadhiDahi isalso packed in
this section. The pouches are filled in crates and stored in cold storage at 1˚c in stacks.
Stacking means keeping the crates on over other. Then go market pouch milk.

This product needs circulation in market as quickly as possible. After temporary storage
refrigeration at 1˚c, pouch milk is dispatched in vehicles.

Fig.12 : Packaging Unit

 Flow diagram for Pouch Filling :-

Milk from storage tank

Overhead balace tank

Filling cylinder

Vertical sealing and pouch

formation Filling of milk and

horizontal seal Milk pouch

Weighing and leakage testing

Filling of crates

Crate conveyor

Cold storage (Below 5˚C)


 Table No. 06 : Specification of Milk Pouch :-

Particulars Weight Bag length Bag width

200 ml 210 gm 9 cm 14.5 cm
500 ml 520 gm 15.5 cm 14.5 cm
1 liter 1.032 kg 22 cm 14.5 cm

 CCP’s for Packaging :-

1. Cold room must be started before 1hr of packaging.

2. Temperature of cold room should be less than 10˚C and should be checked after
each hour.
3. Door of cold room should be always closed.

 Pouch packaging and their capacities :-

Weight of polyethylene (LLDPE) bag with milk :-
1. 200 ml : 208 gm milk + 2 gm packaging material
2. 500 ml : 518 gm milk + 3 gm packaging material
3. 1000 ml : 1035 gm milk + 5 gm packaging material

 Air pressure in line : 8 bar

 Air pressure of machine : 6 bar

 Nutritional facts of milk :-

Amount Per 100 gm provide approx:
Energy : 62.50 Kcal
Total Fat : 3.50 g
Saturated Fat : 2.50 g
Carbohydrate : 4.75 g
Protein : 3.00 g
Calcium : 102.00 mg

Fig.13 :Layout of Fill Pack Packaging Section


 Equipment Data :-
The various equipment’s is processing are as follows :

1. Silo :- It is made by stainless steel and used every day to store the milk in the plant in to
preserve its quality. It must be clean after each milk collection.
 Agitator mounted on bulk tank and milk silo for properly mixing of milk.

Table07 : Details of Silos :-

Equipment Make Capacity No.

Milk Storage tank DAPL 30,000 L 02
Milk Silo DAPL 20,000 L 03

30,000 L 01

1,500 L 02

700 L 02

Cream Storage tank DAPL 5,00 L 02

Ghee Storage tank YSM, Biotech 3,000 L 01
Butter Pre DAPL 500 L 01
Stratification tank

Curd Milk Storage DAPL 5,000 L 04

Paneer Milk Storage DAPL 5,000 L 01
Lassi Storage silo DAPL
UHT Milk Storage DAPL 20,000 L 02
Powder Milk DAPL 20,000 L 01
Storage silo
Butter Milk Tank DAPL 3,000 L 01
CIP tanks DAPL 3,000 L 03

Fig.14 : Silos

2. Milk Chiller :-It is the type of plate heat exchanger in which metal plates (SS) are used to
heat transfer.
3. Pasteurizer :-Pasteurizer is the device that perform the process of pasteurization. It is the
heat treatment of milk to a certain temperature for definite period of time (time temperature
combination) to kill the pathogenic bacteria to render the milk safe for human consumption.
The use of pasteurization to kill pathogenic bacteria has helped reduce the transmission of
diseases, such as typhoid fever, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, Q fever and dysentery.

Table 09: Detail of Milk/Cream Plate heat exchanger :-

Parameter PHE-01 (10KL) PHE- 02 (2KL) PHE-03 (Lassi) PHE-04

Manufacture - - - -
PHE type Plate Plate Plate Plate
Design Temp 110°C 110°C 110°C 110°C
Capacity 15000 L/hr 10000 L/hr 9000 L/hr 10000 L/hr
Heating Medium Hot water Hot Water Hot Water Hot Water
Chilling Medium Chilled Water Chilled Water Chilled Water Chilled Water

4. Homogenizer :-Homogenizer is the device that perform the process of homogenization in

which tha fat globules present in milk are broken down to smaller size (less than 2 micron
<2µ). So that they stay integrated rather than sepwerating cream. It is a purely physical
process; nothing is added to milk.
Table10 : Detail of Milk Homogenizer :-
Parameter 10 kl 2kl UHT Powder
Manufacturer GEA GEA ReDA GEA
Pressure 280 bar 280 bar 280 bar 280 bar
Temperature 60±3°C 60±3°C 60±3°C 60±3°C
Total piston 03 03 03 03

5. Cream Separator :-A cream separator is a centrifugal device that seperates milk into cream
& skimmed milk by centrifugal force & gravitational force.
Table11 : Detail of Cream Seperator :-
Parameter 10kl 2kl
Manufacture GEA GEA
Pressure 4.5 kg/cm2 2 kg/cm2
Ele. Current frequency 50Hz 50Hz
Capacity 10,000 L 2,000 L
Direction Anti clock wise Anti clock wise

6. Packaging of fluid milk :-Packaging is a necessary aid for the storage & distribution of
Table12 : Detail of milk pouch filling machine :-
Particular 1 2 3 4 5
Manufactur Samarpan
Section of each 02 02 02 02 02
Pouch / minute 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70
Capacity of over head 50 liter 50 liter 50 liter 50 liter 50 liter
tank double tank double double tank double double
tank tank tank



To maintain the hygiene condition of plant proper cleaning, ventilation and CIP of
milkprocessing equipment in necessary. For CIP Nitric acid and Caustic Soda are used in the
required proportion. The pasteurizer’s are cleaned with CIP, while cleaning of Cream
Seperatyor and Duplex Filters is done manually after the 6 hrs in each shift.
I. Pipe line CIP.
II. Pasteurizer CIP.
III. Storage tanks CIP.

Table 13 :Pipe line CIP :-

S. No. Procedure Time
01. Pre Rinse of tap water 10 min
02. Caustic Circulation 10 min
03. Hot water circulation 10 min
04. Acid circulation 10 min
05. Tap water 10 min
06. Caustic circulation 10 min

Table 14 :Pasteurizer CIP :-

Procedure Temperature Strength Time

Pre Rinse of tap water 40-42°C - 10 min
Caustic + Detergent 76-78°C 1.0-1.5 % 15 min
Hot water 80°C 10 min
Nitric acid - 0.08-1.0% 5 min
Hot water 80°C - 10 min
Caustic re- circulation 76-78°C 1.0-1.5% 30 min
Hot water + sanitizer 80°C - 30 min

Table15 :Storage tank CIP :-

Procedure Temperature Strength Time

Pre Rinse of tap water 37-40°C 5 min
Hot water Flashing 70-72°C 5 min
Caustic circulation 70-72°C 1.0-1.5% 5 min
Hot water flashing 70-72°C 5 min
Water + sanitizer 30°C 5 min

Table 16 :Cleaning Schedule :-

S. No. Equipments Washing Frequency

01. Tanks, silos Full CIP 7 days interval
02. Pipelines Full CIP After every operation
03. Cream Seperator Manual cleaning After every operation
04. Homogenizer Manual cleaning After every operation

05. Pasteurizer Manual cleaning 6 months interval (or flow rate

is below 90% of through put)

Emergency shutdown of Pasteurizer :-

1. Close the milk line from the silo or dump tank to the balance tank.
2. Close the milk line from pasteurizer to storage tank. Pasteurized milk is allowed to
flow in balance tank. The over flow in balance tank is taken in cans.
3. Stop the steam and chilled water valves.

Fig.15 : CIP Tanks

The standardized milk to send in different processing section such as :-

 Market milk
 2 KL section (Curd section)
 Paneer
 Powder
 Butter/Ghee
 Lassi
 Shrikhand
 Flavored milk
 Butter milk

6. Market Milk

Sarda Dairy manufactured Five type of market milk are as follow :

1. Vachan Uno (Toned Milk)
2. Vachan Fit-N-Fine (Double Toned Milk)
3. Vachan Gold (FCM - Full Cream Milk)
4. Vachan Farm Classic Milk
5. Vachan T Special Milk

Table 17: Details of Market Milk Product:-

S.No. Type of milk Fat % MSNF %

01 Vachan Uno (Toned Milk) 3.00 8.50
02 Vachan Fit-N-Fine (Double Toned 1.50 9.00
03 Vachan Gold (FCM - Full Cream Milk) 6.00 9.00
04 Vachan Farm Classic Milk 3.50 8.50

05 Vachan T Special Milk 2.00 9.00

Process parameter &equipment’s :-

Capacity 10kl
Storage Tank 6
Pasteurizer (PHE)/Homogenizer
Pre-Heater (PHE) 40-45°C
Heater(PHE) 80±2°C
Chilling Below 5°C
Holding time & temperature 15 sec/ 80±2°C
Homogenizer pressure 2500 psi/ 500 psi
Storage room 1
Storage temp Below 5°C

Flow chart for manufacturing of market milk:-

Fig.16: Manufacturing of Market milk


 Vachan UNO (Toned milk) :-

Fig.17 :Vachan UNO Milk

Vachan UNO milk is the foremost product unfuried from the basket of Sarda Dairy and Food
Products Ltd.

Pasteurized is a state of art facility, the milk not only conform to the legal standards laid down by
FSSAI for TONED MILK, it also offers a little extra over toned milk of several other brands as
an attempt to beam that glee of satisfaction and trust with the start of your day.

With the goodness of milk intact, its an offering of taste and nourishment for your entire family.
Sarda Dairy manufactured 15,000Litre of Vachan UNO milk per day (quantity has changed on
the basis of demand on market ).
Ingredients : Pasteurized Homogenized Toned Milk (3.00-3.10% Fat & 8.50-8.57% SNF)

Table No.: 18 ; Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)
Energy 62.50 Kcal
Total Fat 3.00 g
Saturated Fat 2.50 g
Total Carbohydrates 4.75 g
Protein 3.00 g
Calcium 102.00 mg

 Vachan Fit-N-Fine (Double Toned Milk) :-

Fig.18 :Vachan Fit-n-Fine Milk

Vachan Fit-n-Fine milk is a healther choice for you and your family, simply because it contains
all the essentials present in milk. Since the caloruie count is low, this milk can be consumed by
people with special needs like diabetics, the overweight and the elderly. Consumption of Fit-n-
Fine milk helps restrict the percentage of fat intake considerably, especially the saturated fats
present in whole milk. This helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and thus decrease the chances
of heart disease taking place. The presence of calcium and vitamin D help in both the building
and maintenance of bones and teeth.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 10,000Litre of Vachan Fit-n-Fine (DTM) milk per day (quantity has
changed on the basis of demand on market ).
Ingredients : Pasteurized Homogenized Double Toned Milk (1.50-1.60% Fat & 9.00-9.12%

Table No. : 19 :- Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)
Energy 45.50 Kcal
Total Fat 1.50 g
Saturated Fat 1.00 g
Total Carbohydrates 4.90 g
Protein 3.10 g
Calcium 108.0 g

 Vachan Gold (FCM - Full Cream Milk) :-

Fig.19 :Vachan Gold Milk

Vachan Gold – Another offering by Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd. With impeccable blend
of richness and thickness while abiding by FSSAI standards for Full Cream Milk.

Hygienically handled and pasteurized in a technically equipped plant to render a safe and
wholesome product on your table.

Full of energy, Vachan Gold will surely give a tastefull satiation to your choice of milk and
cuisines from it.
Sarda Dairy manufactured 5,000Litre of Vachan Gold (FCM-Full Cream) milk per day (quantity
has changed on the basis of demand on market ).
Ingredients : Pasteurized Full Cream Milk (6.05-6.10% Fat & 9.00-9.17% SNF)

Table No. : 20 - Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)
Energy 71.30 Kcal
Total Fat 4.50 g
Saturated Fat 2.90 g
Total Carbohydrates 4.70 g
Protein 3.00 g
Calcium 108.00 mg

 Vachan Farm Classic :-

Fig.20 :Vachan Farm Classic Milk Pouch & Bottle

Vachan Farm Classic is a premium milk from Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd. that comes
from the cows nurtured in an extensively monitored scientific dairy farm under able supervision
of experienced vaterinarians.

Entirely intouched by human hands from the time of milking until you twist off contents, the
milk is strategically processed to serve you better than your expectations. Needless to say, it
surely conforms to legal standards laid by FSSAI for cow. We proudly share this pride of our
efforts with you.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 1500Litre of Vachan Farm Classic (Superior Cow) milk per day
(quantity has changed on the basis of demand on market )
Ingredients : Pasteurized Cow Milk (3.5% Fat & 8.40 % SNF)
Table No. : 21 - Nutritional Fact (Approx):-
Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)
Energy 62.70 Kcal
Energy from Fat 31.50 Kcal
Total Fat 3.50 g
Saturated Fat 2.30 g
Total Carbohydrates 4.80 g
Protein 3.00

 Vachan T Special Milk :-

Fig.21 :Vachan T Special Milk

Vachan T Special Milk is prepared especially for Tea making, its had high protein value which
gives better color and more cupages with good ttse and thick tea. Milk is homogenized which
gives more cream with good mouthfeel.

T Special comes withy more than 32 quality checks and it surely conforms to legal standard laid
by FSSAI for cow muilk. Make your Tea time moment tastier and healthy with high protein

Sarda Dairy manufactured 2500Litre of Vachan T Special milk per day (quantity has changed on
the basis of demand on market ).
Ingredients : Pasteurized Homogenized Double Toned Milk (2.30-2.40% Fat & 9.03-9.06%
Table No. : 22 - Nutritional Fact(Approx):-
Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)
Energy 50.00 Kcal
Total Fat 2.00 g
Saturated Fat 1.30 g
Total Carbohydrates 4.90 g
Protein 3.10 g
Calcium 108.0 g

7. Curd Section (2KL)

Indian Curd, known as Dahi, is a well known fermented milk product consumed by large
sections of the population throughout the century, either as a part of the daily diet or as a
refreshing beverage. In 1966, the production of dahi was estimated to be about 7.8 percent of the
total milk production in India.
According to PFA Rules (1976), dahi or curd is the product obtained from pasteurized or boiled
milk by souring, natural or otherwise, by a harmless lactic acid or other bacterial culture. Dahi
may contain additional cane sugar. It should have the same percentage of fat and solids-not-fat as
the milk from which it is prepared. Where dahi or curd, other than skimmed milk dahi, is sold or
offered for sale without any indication of class of milk, the standards prescribed for dahi
prepared from buffalo milk shall apply.There are two types of dahi prevalent in the century for
direct consumption, viz. a sweet/mildly sour variety with a pleasant flavor, and sour variety with
a sharp, acid flavour.
Sarda Dairy manufactured different types of fermented products in this section are as follows:-
I. VachanDahi
II. VachanKadhiDahi
III. VachanMishtiDahi
IV. VachanShrikhand
V. Vachan Sweet Lassi/Rose Lassi.

Table 23: Details of Fermented Product:-

S.No. Type of fermented products Fat % MSNF % Price (Rs.)
01 VachanDahi 3.00 11.30 200gm (pouch) : 15/-
400gm (pouch) : 27/-
1kg (pouch) : 60/-
5kg (pouch) : 250/-
3.0 8.50 85gm (cup) : 10/-
200gm (cup) : 24/-
5kg (Tub) : 220/-
15kg (Matka): 900/-
02 VachanKadhiDahi 0.40 11.40 185gm (pouch) : 12/-
500gm (pouch) : 27/-

03 VachanMishtiDahi 6.00 11.80 80gm (cup) : 15/-

04 VachanShrikhand 3.30 8.90 80gm (cup) : 20/-
500gm (cup) : 115/-
05 Vachan Sweet Lassi/Rose 5.00 10.20 180ml (cup) : 20/-

Table 24 :- Process parameter &equipment’s :-

Capacity 2kl
Storage Tank 10kl
Starter Culture -
Starter addition tank 1,500 litre
Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE)
Pre-Heater (PHE) 40-45°C
Heater(PHE) 90+/- 2°C
Holding time & temperature 6 min / 90°C
Incubation an Storage temperature
Incubation room 2
Incubation Temp 43-45°C
Storage room 2
Storage temp Below 5°C

Fig.22 : Layout of 2KL (curd) Section


Manufacturing process of Dahi, Kadhi dahi :-

Receiving of milk (ST-1 OR ST-2)

Standardization (Q.A. Inspection)

Balance tank

Regenration - I

Regeneration - II

Homogenization ( 1st stage 1500 & 2nd stage 500 psi)

Heating (CCP 90±2°C for 6 min)


Regeneration – II

Regeneration – I

Cooling (<7°C)

Storage tank (ST-3 OR ST-4)

Pre-heating (45°C)

Addition of culture Inoculation vat (40 to 42°C)

Pouch/ Cup packaging machine

Incubation (43 to 45°C/ 4 to 6 hr)

Pouch curd/ Cup curd

Air blast (0-4°C)

Cold storage (<5°C)


 VachanDahi :-

Fig.23 :VachanDahi

Curd is formed by combining a right bacteria in milk. Curd is a great source of calcium
and phosphorous. Both these elements strengthen the bones. Hence, curds are very reliable
choice to fulfill the calcium requirement of the bones and teeth. Regular intake of curds allows
the bones to get stronger, which protects from issues such arthritis and osteoporosis.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 5,000Litre of VachanDahi per day (quantity has changed on the basis
of demand on market ).
Ingredients : Pasteurized Toned Milk (3.00-3.10% Fat & 11.10-11.35% SNF), Active Culture

Table No. : 25 - Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 59.0 Kcal
Total Carbohydrates 4.60 g
Total Fat 3.0 g
Added Sugar 0.0 g
Protein 3.40 g
Calcium 130.00 mg

Shelf Life :-18 Day (Cup), 7 Days (Pouch)

Storage Condition :- Below 7°C

 VachanKadhiDahi :-


Vachan Gold Milk – Another offering by Sarda Dairy with impeccable blend of richness and
thickness while abiding by FSSAI standards for Full Cream Milk.
Sour Curd is also known as “khatta Dahi &Kadhi Dahi”. It can be made by adding some certain
type of culture to the warm milk and keeping it out for a long time after it has set. Also left over
curd can be turned sour by keeping it out of refrigerator for 4 to 5 hours.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 3,000Litre of VachanKadhiDahiper day.

Ingredients : PasteurizedSkimmed Milk (0.04-0.7% Fat & 10.70-11.41% SNF), Active Culture.

Table No. 26 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 32.05 Kcal
Total Carbohydrates 4.20 g
Total Fat 0.05 g
Saturated Fat 0.03 g
Protein 3.70 g
Calcium 0.00 mg

 VachanMishtiDahi :-

Fig.25 :VachanMishtiDahi

MishtiDahi is prepared by boiling milk until it is slightly thickened, sweetening it either

caramelized sugar, either gura(brown sugar) and allowing the milk to ferment overnight with
lactobacillus culture. It is made with milk and sugar/Jaggery. It differ from plain yogurt because
of the technique of preparation.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 1200Litre of VachanMishtiDahi per day.

Ingredients : Pasteurized milk, Sugar(49iggery), Coloring agent, Active culture

Table No. 27 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 143.40 Kcal
Total Carbohydrates 20.60 g
Total Fat 5.00 g
Added Sugar 16.00 g
Protein 4.00 g

Flow chart for manufacturing of MishtiDahi:-


Fig. 26 : Manufacturing of Mishti Dahi


 VachanShrikhand :-

Fig.27 :VachanShrikhand

Shrikhand is and Indian sweet dish made of strained dahi.Shrikhand is a semi soft, sweetish sour,
whole milk product prepared from lactic fermented curd. It is prepared from hung curd, often
called as chakka in Marathi. It is usually flavored with saffron, nutmeg, cardamom, almonds and
pistachios. It I enjoyed during festivals with hot puffed puris.
The curd is partially strained through a cloth to remove the whey and thus produce a solid mass
called chakka( basic ingredient of shrikhand).

Sarda Dairy manufactured 200Kg of VachanShrikhand per day.

Ingredients :Chakka, Sugar, Flavouring agent.

Table No. 28 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 258.20 Kcal
Total Carbohydrates 46.0 g
Total Fat 5.80 g
Sugar 42.0 g
Protein 5.50 g
Calcium 0.00 mg

Flow chart formanufacturing of shrikhand :-

Fig. 28 : Manufacturing of Shrikhand


 VachanSweet/Rose Lassi :-

Fig.29 :Vachan Sweet Lassi

Lassi is a traditional dahi based drink or regional name for buttermilk in India. Lassi is a blend of
buttermilk, water, spices, often with the addition of fruit or sweetner. Namkeenlassi is similar to
doogh, while sweet and mango lassi are like milkshakes.
Lassi becomes in two distinct varieties: sweet and salty. The sweet version is often simply
flavoured with sugar, which balances the natural soureness of the buttermilk, but can also be
jazzed up with rose water, sffron or pureed druit.
Types of lassi : Sweet lassi and Rose lassi.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 3000Litre of Vachan Sweet Lassi per day.

Ingredients : Buttermilk, Sugar, Fruit or sweetner, Coroing agent.

Table No. 29 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 76.70 Kcal
Total Carbohydrates 13.30 g
Total Fat 1.50 g
Sugar 13.30 g
Protein 1.00 g
Calcium 0.00 mg

 Flow chart for Manufacturing of Lassi:-

Fig. 30 : Manufacturing of lasi

Table No 30 : CIP of Curd Section (2KL):-

S. No. Equipments Washing Frequency
01. StorageTank, Culture addition Full CIP After every operation
02. Pipe lines, PHE Full CIP After every operation

8. Paneer Section

Paneer is obtained through acid coagulation of the casein component of standardized buffalo
milk, entrapping through complex physico-chemical interactions almost all the fat, a part of
denatured whey proyeins and colloidal salts as well as a part of soluble nulk solids. Typically
paneer is marble white in appearance having a slightly spongy body, close knife texture and
sweetish acidity. Sarda Dairy manufacturedpaneer is a name of VachanPaneer.
This fat and protein rich succulent milk product by Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd., is
packed in one of the best vaccum packing machine of the world to deliver the finest quality
paneer to you while maintaining its goodness to the level as when packed.
Vaccum enables us to prevent the paneer from undergoing any oxidative changes or microbial
growth by cutting off the possible atmospheric contamination when constantly maintained under
refrigeration so that you are 100% sure of its quality and thus you find yourself compelled to go
for VachanPaneer again and again. Capacity of the paneer plant is 5000L. Since its not
automated therefore manual processing need a bit more time & care.
Sarda Dairy manufactured700-850kg of VachanPaneer per day.
Ingredients :- Pasteurized milk, Coagulation agent.

Table No.31 :Paneer Section Details :-

S.No. Particular Capacity
01 Capacity 5000 litre milk/day
02 No. of Vat’s 03
03 Capacity of Vat’s 500 litre
04 Coagulant -

Fig.31 :VachanPaneer

Table No.32: Nutritional Facts (Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 285.40Kcal
Energy From Fat 225.00g
Total Fat 25.00g
Saturated Fat 15.00g
Trans Fat 0.00g
Cholesterol 67.00g
Total Carbohydrates 2.10g
Added Sugar 0.00g
Protein 13.00g
Calcium 477.00g
Standard forPaneer : –
According to FSSAI moisture max. 60 % (m/m) and milk fat is min. 50% (m/m) on dry matter

Fig.32 :Layout of Paneer Section


Flow chart for Manufacturing of Paneer :-

Fig no 33

 Description of Paneer Manufacturing flow chart :-

Standardized milk from 10kl process section is takento paneermilk silo 5 kl which is
standardized for high fat paneer ratio is 0.650 to0.651 FAT/SNF ratio. Milk is taken in
vatthroughPHE to heat the milk up to90°C for 5 min. Heated milk is cooled to 80°C. After
cooling the milk, coagulant solution is added as a coagulant in milk and solution at 5 % of milk
quantity. Temp of citric acid solution should be 80°Catthetime ofaddition.

Then holding it for 10 minuteswithoutstirring. Draining ofpaneerwhey and hooping

to15minutestoachievedesiredmoistureinpaneer.Coolingofpaneerblocksat4°C orabout 4 hours.
Then transfer block in blast room for 12 to 15 h. then Cutting and vacuum packaging of paneer.
After packing of individualpacks in cbx it is transferredin todeep freeze at -18°c or
below.Aftergetting clearance from lab. That is to be hand over to finishgoodstorefordispatch.
Table No 33 :Equipments used in Paneer section :-

S.No. Particular Quantity Capacity

01 Milk storage tank 01 5000 litre
02 Whey storage tank 01 3000 liter
03 Paneer vat 02 500 litre
04 Milk PHE 01 2 KL
05 Pressing unit 02 2 kg/cm2 for 4 min
06 Coagulant vat 01 500 litre
07 SS tray - -
08 SS Hoop - -
09 Weight Balance 01 50kg max.
10 Cutting Knife 01 -
11 Automatic Vaccum Packaging Machine 01
12 Printing Machine 01 600 packets/hr
13 Chilled Water Vat (for dipping Paneer 01 5,000 litre

Table No 34 : CIP of Paneer Section :-

S. No. Equipments Washing Frequency
01. StorageTank, Whey Tank Full CIP After every operation
02. Pipe lines, PHE Full CIP After every operation
03. SS Tray, SS Hoop, Coagulation Manual cleaning After every operation
04. Muslin cloths Manual cleaning After every operation

9. UHT Section

UHT (Ultra High Temperature) process means there milk is heated at high temperature. There
time temperature combination is NLT 138oC for few second. For increase the shelf life of milk.
No live micro-organism present In UHT milk. After processing milk has packaging in aseptic

In Sarda Dairy, UHT section 6.5 KL/hr capacity sterilizer installed. They are manufacture UHT
(Fortified with vitamin A&D) milk sa name ZIYO UHT Milk. They processed toned milk,
double toned milk & butter milk. They pack milk in poly form packaging material, shelf life of
milk is up to 3 month.

Sarda Dairy manufactured 13000-14000Litre of VachanZiyo (UHT milk)per day.

Ingredients :- Sterilized, Homogenized Toned Milk.

Table No :35 : UHT Section

S.No. Particular
01 Capacity 20kl
02 Storage tank 2
03 Sterilizer 6.5 kl/hr
04 Aseptic Packaging Machine – 2 (75-80 packs/min)

Fig.34 :Vachan ZIYO UHT Milk


Table No. 36 : Nutritional Fact(Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 58.20Kcal
Energy from Fat 27.0Kcal
Total Fat 3.0g
Saturated Fat 2.0g
Total Carbohydrates 4.80g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Added Sugar 0.0g
Protein 3.0g
Added Vitamin A 75 mcg
Added Vitamin D 50 Cg

Table No.37 :Equipments in UHT section :-

S.No. Particular Quantity Capacity

01 Milk Silo 02 20 KL
02 Sterilizer unit 01 7 KL/hr
03 Homogenizer 01 7 KL/hr
04 Packaging machine 04 -
05 Milk return tank 01 700 litre
06 Incubation room Temp. 35-38 oC
07 Cardboard box taping machine 01 30 ox/min

Fig.35 : Layout of UHT Section


 Flow chart for manufacturing of UHT Milk:-

Fig. 36 : Manufacturing of UHT milk


Table No 38: CIP of UHT Section :-

S. No. Equipments Washing Frequency

01. StorageTank Full CIP After every operation

02. Over all UHT section Full CIP After every operation

10. Powder Plant (10 TPD)

Milk powder is milk that has been turned into dry substance by evaporating its water content.
This increases its shelf life and results in a product that is extremely suitable for use in the food
and beverage industry. The powder is mainly available in two varieties: skimmed milk powder
and whole milk powder. Whole milk powder is made by evaporating full cream milk as it is.
Skimmed milk powder is made by evaporating milk that has had the cream skimmedoff.In sarda
Dairy there are one unit of powder plant at 10 TPD.

Complete powder plant is equipped with machine manufactured by SSP Pvt. Ltd. Its Capacity is
nearly 120000 liters on running for 20 hrs-a-day.

In this powder plant many type of powder product are manufactured:

1. Vachan Skimmed Milk Powder

2. Vachan Dairy Whitner
3. Vachan Spray.
4. VachanGulab-jamun Instant mix.

Fig.37 : Layout of Powder section


Flow chart for manufacturing of Skimmed milk powder:-


Fig no 38

I. Skimmed Milk Powder:-

SMP is the product resulting from the removal of fat and awater from milk and
contains the lactose, Milk proteins and milk minerals in the same relative properties
as in the fresh milk from which it was made. SMP manufactured under strict quality
assurance procedures which are enforced at all times. A typical clean neutral tatsing,
slightly sweet with no distinctive off – flavours.
Ingredients :-Skimmed milk

Fig.39 :Vachan Skinned Milk Powder

Table No. 39 : Nutritional Fact(Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 357.20 kcal
Total Fat 1.0g
Saturated Fat 0.75g
Trans Fat 0.0g
Total Carbohydrate 52.50g
Added Sugar 0.0g
Protein 34.50g

II. Dairy Whitener :-

Low fat Dairy Whitner prepared by spray drying of cow milk, buffalo milk or a
mixture there of. The milk may be modified by partial removal of milk solids (not-
fat) with carbohydrates such as sucrose, dextrose. Granular substances intended to
sustitute for milk of cream as an additive to coffee or other beverages. It is easily
dissoved in hot liquid because it replaced most of the milk fat with vegetable oil, and
reduced the milk protein.
Ingredients :-Skimmed milk, Sugar

Fig.40 :Vachan Dairy Whitner

Table No. 40 : Nutritional Fact(Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 382.0Kcal
Total Fat 6.0g
Saturated Fat 3.90g
Total Carbohydrates 48.0g
Trans Fat 0.33g
Added Sugar 18.0g
Protein 34.0g
Calcium 820.0mg

III. Vachan Spray:-

Vachan Spray is a spray dried milk powder fortified with added vitamins and
essential minerals. This could be a composite milk food which could taarget every
genre of consumers starting with children, young kids, youth and old consumers. This
is specially pack.
Ingredients :-Skimmed milk , Sugar

Fig.41 :Vachan Spray (Instant Milk Food)

Table No. 41 : Nutritional Fact(Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 500gm)

Protein 20g
Fat 18g
Carbohydrates 50g
Added Suger 18g
Vitamin A (as Retinol) 350 ug
Vitamin D (as Ergocalciferoli) 4.5 ug
Thiamine 185 ug
Riboflavin 275 ug
Vitamin B12 0.7 ug

IV. GulabJamun Mix :-

The freshest and purest dairy ingredients vital to VachanGulabJamun Mix for its great
flavour and taste is produced and manufactured at sarda dairy statee of the aasrt
integrated dairy unit by adopting highest level of safety and hygiene ensuring the
safety and purest delicacy at the convenience of your home. “The mix which will
surely make you a great Halwai”.
Ingredients :- Skimmed milk powder, Maida(Refined wheat flour),
Hydrogenated Vegetable oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Malic acid and


Fig.42 :VachanGulabJamunIntant Mix

Table No. 42 : Nutritional Fact(Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy Value 404.5Kcal
Fat 12.5g
Saturated Fat 7.5g
Trans Fat 0.6g
Protein 17.0g
Total Carbohydrates 56.0g
Added Sugar 0.0g

Preliminary ptrcautions:-
I. Batch making of ingredients as per R&D formulation.
II. Cleaning of Hot air oven and Roasting of Maida at 65°C to 75°C for 50 to 60 min to
remove moisture and cool it to room temprerature and pack in air tight LDPE linear.
(QA check- moisture level below 9%) – Not Ok than again dry to match the limit.
III. Melting of hydrogenated vegetable fat as per 65°C.
IV. Cleaning of mixing machine, sieving machine- QA check for verification of cleaning.
V. Ensure cleaning of exhaust system, circulation of positive air pressure, floor cleaning
and production area is free from other final products to avoid cross contamination.

Manufacturing process of Gulabjamun mix:-

Addition of roasted maida, skimmed milk powder, malic acid,sodium bicarbonate and fiber

Addition of melted hydrogenated vegetable oil

Mixing for 45 to 50 minutes to make it uniform

Sieving mechanically through max. 1500µ mesh sieve

Discharge to LDPE linear eith identification (Product name/Batch no./Date/Shift) cooling to

room temperature, QA check for SFG Quality parameters.

Packaging inlaminates As Per SKU followed by pack in monocarton. (Ensure quality

parameters, Weight, seal, variable prints, labeling-QA check)

Shrink wrapping of monocarton and shrink sleeving. (QA check for proper sealing)

Packaging in CFC (QA check for printing and weight)

Transfer to FG store for storage and distribution

(Ensure weight, seal, variable prints, carton size, labeling, tapes & strapping/shrink wrap)

Table No.43 : Batch formulation of Gulabjanum mix :-

S.No. Name of Ingredients Quantity per 100 kg

1 Skimmed milk powder 49 kg
2 Roasted maida (Moisture below 9%) 33.5 kg
3 Hydrogenated vegetable oil 12.5 kg
4 Malic acid 1.2 kg
5 Sodium bicarbonate 3.0 kg
6 Fiber 0.8 kg
Total 100 kg

Table No.44 :Equipments in Powder section :-

S.No. Particular Quantity

01 Condensing Unit
02 Type Falling film evaporator
03 No of effect Four effect with finisher
04 Make
05 Calendria 04
06 Vapour separator 04
07 Flash vessel 01
08 No. of high heater 01
09 No of tubes in Cal.-I 01
10 No of tubes in Cal.-II 01
11 No of tubes in Cal.-III 01
12 No of tubes in Cal.-IV 01
13 No of tubes in Finisher
14 Diameter of tubes (inner/outer) 35 mm./58mm
15 Height of tubes 4.5 m.
16 No of condensate pump 02
17 No of vacuum pump 02
18 Water cooling system Cooling tower
19 Homogenizer 01
20 Condensed milk tank For condensed milk
21 Spray drying unit
22 Make
23 Type of flow Co-current
24 Type of atomization Nozzle Atomizer
25 No. of drying stage Single stage + secondary drying in
the fluidized bed.
26 Chamber cylindrical height (Approx.)
27 Diameter of cylindrical part (Approx.)

28 Type of feed pump Roto-pump (Positive displacementtype)

29 No. of cyclone separator 02
30 No. of exhaust fan 01
31 No. of star valve 01
32 No. of rotary valve
33 No. of conveyers
34 No. of blow back fan
35 Hot air for Dryer (temp. 185-210) 01

Table No.45 : Operating Parameter for Condensing Unit :-

S.No. Particular Unit SMP

01 Main steam pressure kg/cm3 10-12

02 High heater temp. °C 92-95

03 DIS temp. °C 85

04 Flash vessel temp. °C 75-78

05 CalandriaI Jacket temp. °C 79-82

06 Calendria I temperature &vacuum °C&mmHg 65-70/-520.6

07 Calendria II temperature &vacuum °C&mmHg 60-64/-564.3

08 Calendria -IIItemperature&vacuum 57-59/-605.1

09 Calendria -IVtemperature&vacuum °C&mmHg 46-49/-653.1

10 Flash vessel vacuum mmofHg -430

11 Holding time of milk in evaporator Minute 4approx

12 Condenser water inlet temperature °C 25-28

13 Condenser water outlet temperature °C 30-33

14 Density Kg/m3 1120

15 Flow kg/hr. 5000-6000

16 Outlet temp. °C 80-82


Table No. 46 : Operating Parameter for Drying Unit:-

S.No. Particular Unit SMP

01 Hot air inlet temperature "C 180-190
02 Hot Air humidity " 72-80
03 Hot air outlet temperature "C 75-80
04 High presser steam in Kg/cm3
05 Concentrate feed temperature 'C 68 -73
06 Concentrate milk pressure Kg/cm‘ 120-180
07 Homogenization pressure Kg/cm‘ I-90, II-50
08 Nozzle size mm 1.2 — 1.4
09 Drying chamber vacuum mm of water -3 to -1
10 Vibroftuidizer vacuum mm of water -6 to -4
11 Outlet powder temperature 'C 37-40

Table 47 : Cleaning Schedule for Powder Plant :-

S. No. Equipments Time
01. Evaporator
Full CIP Once in 20 hours
CIP of homogenizer Once in 20 hours
Brushing of tubular heater Once in 20 hours
Brushing of calendria Checking once in a week and
brushing as
and when required
02. Dryer
Nozzle After every feed line CIP
Concentrate line CIP Once in 20 hours
Wet cleaning of chamber Once in a month
Dry cleaning of chamber and cyclone As and when required
Replacement of filter cloth of Daily, before setup of air heater
conveying duct line

Table48 : Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Powder Plant :-

Day Place Equipment’s & Machinery

Monday Ground floor  Evaporator bottom
 Vapor separator
 Pre-heater
 Tanks, line, motors & floor
Tuesday 1st floor  FBD outer FBD supply, FBD
bottom, fan
 Line, steam, child water line
 Store room
Wednesday 2nd floor  Evaporator middle, line
(product, steam, vacuum )
 Steam filter, IFBD, supply fan
 Steam line, duct line (hot air
Thursday 3rd floor  Calandria top
 Steam main header and line
 Cyclones bottom, rotary valve
 Root blower and supply fans,
line 9stram, air )
Friday Top floor  Chamber outer wall & top
 Radiator 7 air line
 Exhaust fan cyclone top, exhaust
Saturday Top floor  Supply fan HEPA filter
 Exhaust fan cyclone top, exhaust
Sunday  Exhaust fan and net
 Silo side area

11. Flavoured Milk

Flavored milk is a sweetened dairy drink made with milk, sugar, food colorings and artificial or
natural flavorings. Permitted fruit flavors/essences together with permitted (matching) colors and
sugar are used for flavored milk manufacturing. At Sarda dairy, homogenized Double toned milk
is used for the preparation of flavored milk thus there is no separation of cream.

This prepared mix/blend is then sterilized (in bottle sterilization) making the product bacteria
free. This process makes the product harmless to consumer as well as product do not need
refrigerated temperature for storage.

At Sarda Dairy, 4 varieties flavored milk in name of Vachan Cool are manufactured:

 Vachan Cool Kesar

 Vachan Cool Badam
 Vachan Cool Chocolate
 Vachan Cool Kesar

Vachan Cool Elaichi Vachan Cool Badam

Vachan Cool Chocolate Vachan Cool Kesar

Fig no 43

Table No. 49 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100gm)

Energy 95.0Kcal
Total Fat 3.0g
Saturated Fat 2.0g
Total Carbohydrates 14.0g
Added Sugar 10.0g
Protein 3.0g

Ingredients :-Standardized milk, flavor, colour, Sugar

Packaging Parameter :- In bottle

Table No. 50 :Equipments in Flavored Milk Section :-

S.No. Particular Capacity

01 Milk tank 2 KL
02 Bottle filling & capping machine 25 bottle/hr
03 In bottle Sterilizer 400 litre/hr
06 Sleeve sealing Machine 30 bottle / min

Fig. 44 :Layout of Flavored Milk Section


 Flow chart for manufacturing of Flavored Milk:-

Fig no 45

12. Peda

Peda is a traditional Indian dairy product. Peda is a sweet prepared from pindi variety
of khoa by the addition of sugar. Peda have religious importance as they are offered as
“Prasad” during worship of God in the temples. Peda is also offered to guests at the time of
ceremonial celebration like marriages etc. Some region specific varieties are popular in
different regions of the country. Doodhpeda is the common variety and is popular all over
India. Peda is characterized as a circular slightly flattened ball with low moisture content
and white to creamy white in colour and smooth texture.

Fig.46 :Vachan PEDA

Table No.51 : Nutritional Facts (Approx):-

Parameter Value (Amount per 100%)

Moisture 12.4
Lactose 17.2
Protein 17.5
Fat 18.5
Ash 3
Sucrose 30

Ingredients :-Khoa, Sugar, Flavour


Table No.52 :Equipments used in Peda Making:-

S.No. Particular Specification

01. Double Jacketed Open Pan 80 litre
02. SS trey 3
03. SS Palta 2
04. Plastic Peda Stamping 2
05. Weight machine 20 kg max
Flow chart for manufacturing of peda :-

Fig no 47

12. Butter

Butter of sarda dairy is semi automaticplant,where only white butter is manufactured under brand
name of ‘vachan’. The capacity of butter plant is 3K/hr.


White butter is usually made for ghee production and packed in 20kg cartoon and then stored in
refrigerated store room. White butter is generally used in lean season during shortage of cream.

Cream standard for butter making :-

 fat - 37-45%
 temperature - <15oc
 aging - min. 5hour

Table no. 53 :Chemical specification :-

Parameters %
Moisture 15
Fat 82%(min.)
Curd 3%
Ingredients :- Cream.
Shelf Life :-Shelf life of the product is 6month.
Storage Condition :-when stored under Cold room at -18oC
About continuous butter making machine :-

Fig.48 : Continuous butter making machine


Cream is pumped to the Continuous butter making machine(CBMM) where churing cylinder is
fitted with beater. The variable speed motor drives the beater . In churning cylinder, a rapid
conversion of oil in water take place. The churning cylinder is doubled jacketed in which chilled
water is circulated through the jacket to keep the temperature low and reduce fat losses in
buttermilk. After the ending of the churning, the butter grains and buttermilk are formed. There
is rational screw whose direction of rotation of screw is such that the butter is conveyed up and
thus bing liquid portion, buttermilk flows downward to the buttermilk tank. This opposite flow of
buttermilk and rotational screw commence the working of butter. After the formation of butter
grains, washing fg butter is done by pasteurized chilled water or by buttermilk. Butter is send to
the packaging section where butter is wrapped in vegetable parchment paper and placed in
cartoon of desired shape. Butter is stored in butter cold storage where temperature is maintained
below 4-5oc.

Flow chart for manufacturing of butter :-

Fig. No. 49

Table No. 54 :Process specification :-

Parameters details
cream balance tank temperature 5-11oc
Incoming cream temperature 10-11oc
Fat 37-43%
Acidiy 0.0
Butter churn inlet temperature 9-11oc
Cream flow rate 465
Churning speed 1465rpm
Working speed 18-48rpm
Buttermilk Washing temperature 3-3.5oc

Yield of butter :-

Yield = (Quantity of cream * total fat in cream%*1.22)/100

Table No. 55 :Equipment specification :-

Sr. Epuipment Make Capacity


1. Cream pump - 3kl/hr

2. Cream PHE - 3kl/hr
3. Hot water PHE - 3kl/hr
4. Continuous butter making machine - 3kl/hr
5. Butter milk pump Bharat bijlee --
6. Cream pasteurizer pump Crompton greaves -
7. Cream pasteurizer booster pump siemence -
8. Hot water recirculation pump cream Grandfos -
9. Cream dispatch pump siemence -
10. Cream roto pump - -

Fig.50 : Layout of Butter & Ghee section


13. Ghee

Fig.51 :Vachan ghee

Ghee production is the largest segment of milk utilization in India. Ghee is the most preffered
Indigenous milk product. It is not only the bestway of preservation of milk fat nut also to utilize
the sour milk and curd.

According to the PFA rules, Ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi
butter or from cream to which no coloring matter is added. The standard quality of ghee
produced in state or unioin territory specified in 40 to 43 butyrorefractometer reading at 40 oc
should be as specified against the sid state or union territory.

Sarda dairy manufactures the ghee under the brand name of “Vachan ghee” with the AGMARK
special grade.

Sarda dairy procure and produce bulk amount of milk , which is separated into skim milk and
cream. This cream is used for butter production and butter is used as ghee production.

Table No. 56 :Composition of ghee ;-

Particular Parameters
Flavour and color Pleasant and golden yellow
Moisture 0.5max
Free fatty acid 0.2%max
RM value 26-32
P value 1.0-2.0
BR reading at 40oc 40-43
Ingredients :- Cream

Shelf Life :-Shelf life of the product is 6month.

Storage Condition :-when stored under coland dry condition

Table No. 57 : Equipment specification :-

Sr. Equipment Capacity Make

1. Continuous butter making machine 1000kg/hour
2. Butter melting vat 1000kg/hour
3. Ghee boiler 2000kg YSM, biotech
4. PST tank 500L YSM, biotech
4. Ghee residue tank 500L YSM,Biotech
5. Ghee storage tank 3000kg YSM, biotech
6. Melting coil
EQUIPMENT Make capacity No. of disc RPM
1. Ghee clarifier YSM, 2000kg/hr 60 4200
Equipment Make capacity Volts RPM
1. Ghee clarifier pump ABB 2.2Kv 415 2875
2. Ghee filling transfer Lawkim 0.75Kv 415 2800
3. Sealing machine ----- 500tin/hr 52 3800
Equipment Make speed Air
1. Ghee pouch packing Nichrome 20-25 pouches/min of 4.5kh/cm2
machine 20ml
2. Ghee jar packaging 45-50jar/min 6kg/cm2

Table No. 58 :Process specification :-

Parameters Temperature
Butter melting temperature 55oC (Hot water is used for melting)
Steam pressure 2kg/cm2
Boiler temperature 115oC
Ghee temperature during packaging 45-47oC

Flow chart for manufacturing of Ghee:-

Fig. No. 52


 Introduction ;
Quality assurance is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products
avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customer which is ISO 9000
defines as “part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality
requirement will be fulfilled.
Quality Assurance is the set of activities wwhich ensure that the quality levels of products
and services are properly maintained and that the supplier and customer quality issues are
properly resolved. Quality assurance gives adequate confidence that product or service will
satisfy given requirement for quality.
Quality assurance ensures a high level of quality during the development of products or
services. A business can build a positive reputation for reliability when it ensures a
consistent level of quality in its products or services.
 Objectives and importance of quality assurance :-
 To maintain legal standards and legal requirements.
 To fulfill customers requirement in terms of various attributes-
a) Physical (body, texture, colour, etc.)
b) Chemical composition.
c) Microbiological
d) Safety
e) Consumers should get what they pay for
f) This leads to increased consumer satisfaction and less complaints.
 To check adultration in incoming material in order to prevent substandard
product, hazard or problem in the process.
 To check efficiency of process; heating, cooling, removing hardness from water,
effluent treatment etc.
 To safeguard nutritive value of milk and milk products.
 To check wastage of material.
 To help research and developments.
 To ensure general cleanliness and sanitation in factory premises.

 Role of Quality Assurance department :-

 Sanitation standard operating procedure (SSOP).
 Standard operating procedure (SOP).
 Good manufacturing practices (GMP).
 Foreign material control.
 Quality control : Chemical quality and microbioligical quality.
 Safe guard the health of the consumer.
 Detect adulteration.
 Check hygiene of milk production.
 Estimate shelf life.
 Hazard material control.
 Allergen protocol for controlling allergenic material.
 Record control.
 Callibration.
 Water quality and water treatment programme.
 Sensory traing and sensory evaluations.
 Receiving, storage and control for raw ingredients and packaging material.
 Handling customers complaints.
 Labelling: application and control of labels.
 Preventive maintanace.
 Waste water(effluent treatment programme).
 Product identification traceability and product recall.
 Build public image.

 Personal hygiene :-
 Always wear head cap
 No necklaces
 clean shaven
 No fancy rings or bracelets
 Wear apron
 Clean hands

Fig. 53 : Layout of Chemical Quality section

In Sarda Dairy and Food Products Ltd. Quality Assurance department assigned two different
sections of testing of milk and milk products, section are as follows:

1. Chemistry Laboratory.
2. Microbiology Laboratory.

 Chemistry Laboratory :-

Following test is routinely performed by this section :-


 Organoleptic tests
 Fat
 Acidity
 COB (Clot-on-boiling)
 Alcohol test
 MBRT (Methylene Blue Reduction Time)
 Adulteration test
a) Sugar test
b) Neutralizer test
c) Salt test
d) Maltose test
e) Glucose test
f) Urea test
g) Antibiotics test
h) Starch test


Along with the tests stated above following tests are also done to ensure the required standard.

 Phosphatase test
 Creaming index (for homogenization efficiency)


All the products are first checked on their physical appearances i.e. packaging material, color of
or the product and then orgenoleptic evaluation is done for taste and flavor of thee product.


 Moisture
 Fat


 Fat
 Acidity


 Fat
 Moisture
 Curd


 Free fatty acid

 Moisture
 RM value
 P- value
 BR reading


 Total Solids
 Fat
 Acidity


 Fat
 Acidity
 Total solids


 Moisture
 Total solids

SMP/WMP Powder

 Moisture
 Fat
 Total Solids
 Acidity
 pH
 Bulk density

UHT Milk

 Fat
 Acidity
 Turbidity
 Orgenoleptic test

Flavor Milk

 Fat
 Turbidity

Brief description of tests:-

(A) Fat test of milk:-

The fat test is done by following two methods:
(a) By Gerber Centrifuge method.
(b) By electronic milko tester.

(a) By Gerber Centrifuge method :-

Take 10ml conc. H2SO4 in milk butyrometer

Add 10.75 ml of milk sample/ or add dissolved product (i.e. peda, paneer)

Add 1 ml iso-amyl alcohol

After capping with stopper mix it properly

Cetrifuge it for about 3 minutes

Read the fat percentage (adjust fat level if necessary using rubber stopper)

Calculation of Fat %
For milk, fat%= Butyrometer reading
For UHT milk , fat%= 2 X butyrometer reading
For milk products(peda,paneer), fat%= 11.25 X butyrometer reading
NOTE: Dilution of acid is done, for fat estimation in flavored milk.

Different butyrometer is used for fat esmitation in butter, and butyrometer reading is
considered as fat percentage.

Product Fat%
Paneer 25.08
Peda 15.80

(b) By Electronic Milko Tester (EMT) :-

This instrument works on the principle of photometric measurement of light scattered by
the fat globules of milk sample. Milk is diluted by a solution of EDTA, NaOH,
antifoaming agent and emulsifier (Triton X-100). Homogenization is carried put to
increase the surface area and uniform size of fat globules.

Measuring range of EMT 0-13% fat

Measuring temperature 5-45°C
Sample volume 0.5 ml for each test
Range of fat globules size in EMT 0.5-1.5 micron
Weight of EMT 16 kg

(B) SNF test:- By lactometer:-

SNF is conducted by the lactometer reading. Lactometer is used for rapid determination
of specific gravity of milk. The method is based on law of floating which states that when
a solid immersed in a liquid.

Milk sample

Warm the milk to 29oc & filled in stainless steel cylinder

Lactometer dipped into the cylinder containing milk

Note the lactometer reading

Two types of lactometer are used:-

a. Small lactometer (generally used for raw milk at 29°C)

Formula: SNF= CLR/4 + [0.2*FAT+0.72]
b. Big lactometer (generally used for processed milk at 27°C)
Formula: SNF= CLR/4 + [0.25*FAT+0.44]

Fat and snf of milk is tested for each batch from each milk tanks for standardization
purpose and also for processed milk to ensure that milk is ready to dispatch.

(C) Titratable acidity:-

Take 10 ml milk sample

Add few drops of phenolphthalein indicator

Titration it by adding 0.1N NaOH solution till appearance of pink colour

Note the volume of NaOH solution used & calculate the titratable acidity

Formula for calculation of TA :Acidity= 9 A N/W

Where, A=Titrate value, N=Normality of NaOH

W=Amount of sample taken

Table No. 59 :Products and their Acidity:-

product Acidity (LA%)

Milk 0.14

Dahi 0.94

lassi 0.60

shrikhand 0.99

Paneer 0.99

(D) Clot-on-Boiling (COB):-

Clot on boiling of milk is done to check the heat stability of milk for processing

 Take 5ml milk in test tube

 Boil the sample of milk for 5-6min
 Examine for the precipitation

A positive COB Test indicates the high developed acidity due to the bacterial growth , such
milk cannot stand the heat treatment process and therefore not uitable for distribution as
liquid milk.

(E) Alcohol test:-

This test is done with three different ethyl alcohol concentration solution (60%- raw milk,
68%- processed milk, 72%- UHT milk).

 2ml milk is placed inpetri plate and equal amount of alcohol solution is added
 Mix he solution well in petri plate and observe the cloth on plate
 Flakes of milk denote the +ve alcohol test.
i.e. the milk is susceptible to heat coagulation.

(F) Methylene Blue reduction Time:-

Take 10ml of milk in a sterilized test tube add 1ml of MBRT dye with a sterile
corkinvert the tuvert the tube to mix the content and incubate at 37 oC in water bath. Then
length of time taken by milk to decolorize the dye is recorded
Table No. 60
MBRTime Milk Quality
5hrs & above Very good
3-4hrs Good
1 -2 hrs Fair
½ hrs&less Poor

(G)Adulteration tests:-
Kit for detection of adultrants is present at Sarda dairy, in which the reagents for
detection of different adultrants in milk are kept. The test procedures of different
adultrants are as follows:.
 For sugar:-
Sucrose is absent in milk and its presence in milk indicate adulteration. Presence of
sucrose in milk can be determined by the following method.
Qualitative Method: Modified Seliwanoff’s Method Fructose in cane sugar
(sucrose) reacts with resorcinol in HCl to give red colour.

Reagent: Resorcinol Solution (0.5%): Weigh 0.5 g of resorcinol in about 40 ml of

distilled water. Add 35 ml of concentrated HCl (12 N) to it and make up the volume
to 100 ml using distilled water.
Note: The resorcinol flakes should be white in colour.

Procedure :
Take 1 ml of milk in a test tube. Add 1 ml of Resorcinol Solution and mix. Place the
tube in boiling water bath for 5 min. Withdraw the tube and observe the colour.
Appearance of deep red colour indicates presence of sucrose, or a ketose sugar. In
pure milk samples no such red color is developed and sample remains white in nature.
The limit of detection of method is 0.1.

 For salt:-
The presence of extraneously added sodium chloride in milk can be detected by silver
nitrate and potassium chromate reagent.
Reagents :
A. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution: 0.1 N, aqueous.
B. Potassium chromate (K2CrO4) solution: 10% (w/v) aqueous.
Take 5.0 ml of milk sample and add 1.0 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate solution (10%). Mix
the content thoroughly and add 0.5 ml of 10% potassium chromate solution and
observe the colour. Appearance of chocolate brown precipitate indicates the absence
of dissolved chloride in milk and appearance of yellow colour indicates presence of
dissolved chloride. The limit of detection of method is 0.02%.

 For neutralizer:-
Neutralizers (NaOH, 0.1% for Na2CO3 and 0.2% for NaHCO3) are added to milk to
neutralize the developed acidity in milk. Rosalic acid method can be used for the
detection of presence of these neutralizers in milk. The other method available for
detection of neutralizers in milk is through determination of alkalinity of ash

A. Rosalic acid solution (0.1%, w/v): Weigh 100 mg of rosalic acid powder and dissolve it in
the 30 ml ethyl alcohol and make up the volume with distilled water to obtain final volume of
100 ml.
B. Ethyl alcohol (95%): Take 95 ml of ethyl alcohol in a 100 ml volumetric flask and make
the volume up to the mark with distilled water and mix well.
Procedure :
To 10 ml of milk add equal volume of 95% alcohol in a test tube. Add a few drops of
0.1% alcoholic solution (w/v) rosalic acid. If alkali is present a rose red colour
appears whereas pure milk shows only a brownish colour. The limit of detection of
method is 0.1% for NaOH, 0.1% for Na2CO3 and 0.2% for NaHCO3.

 For starch:-
Milk contains relatively large amount of fat. Addition of carbohydrate to milk
increases its solid content. There by reducing the amount of fat present in the milk.
Starch is one such component that is added to adulterate milk. The test to detect
starch in milk uses iodine solution, addition of which turns the milk solution to blue
black color due to the formation of starch –Iodo complex, in the presence of starch.
Procedure : -
Measure out 3ml milk into a test tube. The test tube is then kept for incubation in
boiling water bath for 5 minutes. After incubation, the test tube is then cooled and
few drops of 1% iodine solution and mix the contents well. Appearance of blue black
color indicates presence starch in milk.

 For urea:-
This method is based on the principle that urea forms a yellow complex with DMAB
in a low acidic solution at room temperature
Preparation of reagents; DMAB reagent (1.6%, w/v): Dissolve 1.6 g DMAB in 100
ml ethyl alcohol and add 10 ml concentrate HCl

Mix 1 ml of milk with 1 ml of 1.6% DMAB reagent. Distinct yellow colour is
observed in milk containing added urea. The control (normal milk) shows a slight
yellow colour due to presence of natural urea. The limit of detection of method is

 For maltose:-
Flow chart

Take 20ml milk sample in glass test tube

Heat the milk in water bath 55oc till cream layer appear

Remove the cream layer and add 1ml lactic acid

After coagulation add0.5ml enzyme solution

Wait for 2-3min. then Dip diastix strip in whey portion

Note the change in coor and match with color chart

 For glucose:-
 Take milk sample in beaker
 Dip the diastix strip

Note change in color and match with color chart

(H)Alkaline phosphatase test:-

a) Sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer- Dissolve 3.5g of anhydrous sodium carbonate
and 1.5g of bicarbonate in one litreof distilled water.
b) Buffer substrate- Disslove 1.5g of disodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate in one litre of
sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer. This solution is stable if stored in refrigerator at 40c
or less for one month but coour control test should be carried out suchstoredsolklution

Flow diagram

Pipette out 5ml buffer substrate

Add 1ml of milk sample

Place it in wather bath 370c

After 2hr remove the test tube from water bath

Result- White color- pasteurized milk

Yellow color -raw milk

(I) Creaming index (for homogenization efficiency):-

50ml of milk sample at 20oc added in two glass tubes ( with outside diameter 24mm.
length with stopper 245 graduated from 0 to 50ml.) centrifuge for 15min. at
1000rev./min. using separate pipette take 5ml sample from upper part of tubes, carefully
taking the cream that adheres to walls of the tube and transfer into a container ( cream
portion) . then partially empty and discard the middle layer and piettee out 5ml sample
from lower layer of the two tubes into a separate container. Measure the fat content of
cream and skm milk by gerber method
Formula ; cream index = [(A-B/B]*100
Where, A = fat content of cream portion
B = fat content of skim milk portion

(J) Total solids& Moisture:-

Weight the emptydish.

Then take the sample about 5gm in dish in weighingbalance.

The dish kept in hot oven at 1050C for2hours.

After 2 hours put the dish in desiccators for cooled down for10min.

Take the weight and note the first reading.

Then again put the dish in hot oven for30min.

After 30min put into desiccators and after 10min take weight of it and note finalweight.

Take thedifference between primary weight of dish with sampleandfinal weight of this.
This difference is divided by the sample taken in dish gives % total solid content in the


For Total Solid = (initial wt - final wt) x100/ wt of sample

For moisture %- [ {gross wt.- after dry wt.}/samle wt.]*100
(K)Free fatty acid of ghee:-
Flow diagram-

Take 50ml 100% concentrated ethanaol in conical flask

Add 3-4 drop phenopthalene indicator and titrate against 0.1N

NaOH Note burette reading where color is change to pink

Add 10g butter and boil it

When butter is o boil

When butter is to boil titrate with 0..1NNaOHumtil color changed to

pink Note the burette reading where color is changed to pink


Calculation ;

28.2*Br*N/ product wt.= %

Where, N= normality

Br= burette reading

Range of FFA = 0.3%

(L) RM-value of ghee:-Flow diagram

5gram of ghee sample in RM flask

Add 20ml glycerol

Add 2ml NaOH(50% concentration)


Add boiling water 100ml

Add H2SO4 50ml(1N)


Collect the distelate sample in measuring flask ,after cooling for 19-20min.

Filtrate the distillate

Take 100ml in conical flask

2-3drops phenopthalene indicator titrate against NaOH (0.1N)

Calculation= 1.1(br -0.5)


(M) P-value:-
Iodometric method
Hydroperoxides are the first detectable products of autooxidation and are sufficiently
stable to keep accumulating for some time. Hydroperoxides are oxidizing agent and they
liberate iodine from KI and the liberated iodine can be estimated by titrating against
standard sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) using starch as indicator. The liberated iodine is
directly proportional to PV of the ghee sample.
Acetic acid – Chloroform solution - Mix 3 volumes of acetic acid with 2 volumes of
B. Potassium iodide solution, saturated – Dissolve excess KI in freshly boiled water.
Excess solid must remain. Store in dark. Test daily by adding 0.5 ml to 30 ml
CH3COOH-CHCl3 (solution a), then add 2 drops of 1% starch solution. If solution turns
blue requiring more than 1 drop of 0.1 N Na2S2O3 to discharge colour, prepare fresh
C. Sodium Thiosulphate standard solution – 0.1 N and 0.01N. For 0.01 N dilute 0.1 N
with freshly boiled and cooled water
Weigh 5±0.5 g sample in a 250 ml glass stoppered Erlenmeyer flask. Add 30 ml of acetic
acid – chloroform solution and swirl to dissolve. Add 0.5 ml of saturated KI solution
from Mohr pipette, let stand with occasional shaking 1 minute and add 30 ml water.
Slowly titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate solution with vigorous shaking until yellow
is almost gone. Add about 0.5 ml of starch solution and continue titration shaking
vigorously to release all iodine from chloroform layer until blue just disappears. If less
than 0.5 ml 0.1 N Na2S2O3 is used, repeat determination with 0.01 N Na2S2O3.
Conduct blank determination (must be less than 0.1 ml 0.1N Na2S2O3). Subtract from
sample titration.
Peroxide Value (millieqvt oxygen / kg oil) = S x N x 1000Weight of Sample
S = ml NaS2O3 (blank corrected) and
N = Normality of NaS2O3

(N) BR reading of ghee:

 Wipe & clean the prismsurface

 2-3 drops of sample (at 400C) in lowerprism

 Put upper prism in lowerprism

 Look in to eye price and see the light shadow

 Note the reading

(O)Turbidity of UHT milk and Flavored milk:-

The turbidity test depends upon the denaturation of proteins of milk especially albumin after
sterilisation. When solutions of inorganic salts or acids are added albumin separates with the
casein. The sample after treatment with ammonium sulphate is filtered and heating of the filtrate
shows turbidity due to presence of albumin on account of insufficient heat treatment. If milk has
been sterilised properly all albumin will have been precipitated and no turbidity will be produced.
The test is not suitable for UHT milk.
A. Ammonium sulphate AR.
B. Conical flask, 50 ml.
C. Graduated cylinder, 25ml.
D. Test tubes 150 /16 mm.
E. Funnels, 6 cm dia.
F. Beaker, 400 ml.
G. Whatman No. 12 or equivalent, 12.5 cm folded filter paper.
H. Pipette, 20 ml.

Pipette 20 ml of milk in a 50 ml conical flask, add 4.0±0.1 g of ammonium sulphate.
Shake the flask till the ammonium sulphate is completely dissolved. Allow the mixture to
settle for 5 min, filter through a folded filter paper in a test tube. Keep about 5 ml of the
above filtrate in a boiling water bath for 5 min. Cool the tube in a beaker of cold water

and examine the contents for turbidity by moving the tube in front of an electric light
shaded from the eyes of the observer.
Interpretation:- The milk is considered sterilized when the filtrate shows no turbidity.

(P) HARDNESS of Water:-

1. Conical flask – 100ml
2. Measuring cylinder – 50 ml
3. Pipette – 10ml
4. Glass rod

1. EDTA solution 0.02 N
2. Eriochrome black – T indicator
3. Ammonia buffer solution

1. Withdrawn 50ml of water solution in to a cylinder and transfer into a conical flask
2. Add 0.5 ml Ammonia solution
3. Add few particles of Eriochrome black- T indicator with the aid of glass rod
4. Mix well and titrate against 0.02 N EDTA solution till blue colouration persists
5. Note the Reading
6. Calculation –
Hardness (PPM) as CaCO3 = Reading *20

 Equipments in Laboratory:-

Incubator BOD Incubator Waterbath

Hot Air oven Gerber centrifuge

Weighing balance

(Fig. no. 54)


 Microbiology laboratory :-
Microbiology of dairy product is one of important parameter to check the performance of
process and post processing contamination in the product. Milk and milk products in rich
in nutrient, so there chances of spoilage is very high. Spoilage and pathogens both micro-
organisms are survive and grow. Different type of test are performed for identify the
specific bacteria.Microbiology lab is specially design for prevention contamination at the
time of testing.

Equipment in Microbiology Lab :-

 BOD Incubator
 Incubator
 Muffle furnace
 RM-unit
 Desiccator
 Laminar air flow
 Water bath
 Bulk density apparatus
 SPC counter
 Weigh machine

Fig no 55 : Layout of Microbialogy lab

Table No. 61 :Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products:-

Product name Test Method

Milk Total count Standard plate count
Incubation with mac-
Coliform test
VRBA Agar plating
Yeast and
Potato-dextrose agar
Using Methylene blue
Butter Yeast andmold Potato dextrose agar plating

Coliformcount VRBA agar plating


Paneer Total count Standard plate count

andmold Potato dextrose agar plating

Coliformcoun VRBA agar plating

Dried milk Total count Standard plate count

Coliform count VRBA agar plating

Dahi Total count Standard plate count
andmold Potato dextrose agar plating

Coliformcoun VRBA agar plating


 Procedure of Microbiological tests:-

a) SPC (Standard plate count) or TVC:-

This test is carried out to determine the total number of viable bacteria in processed milk.
This test is done as follows:-
 Take 1ml milk sample in pipette
 Transfer if into a test tube containing 9 ml saline solution
 Transfer 0.1ml of the previous diluted into another test tube containing 9ml saline solution Take
1ml of the previous diluted sample solution in a Petridis
 Add about 10-15ml of nutrient agar media Mix
 ProperlyKept it to get solidified Incubate at 370C for 48 hr.
 Count the colonies (by colony counter0 Calculation the SPC
b) Coliform count:-
Coliform bacteria are commonly found in milk & milk products, when handled under
unsanitary condition. Their presence in milk products is indication of possible
contamination. This test is done as follows:-
 Take 1 ml milk sample in pipette
 Transfer into a test tube containing 9ml of saline solution
 Take 1ml of the previous diluted sample solution in a peter dish
 Add about 10-15ml of VRBA agar media
 Mixing properly

 Kept to get solidified incubate at 370C for 24 h

 Count the colonies
 Calculation the Coliform
c) Yeast and mould count :-
 Take 1ml of well mixed sample in test tubes
 Add 9ml of ringer solution to get a sol. Of1:10
 Transfer 1ml of 1:10 sol. To subsequent tube to make serial dilution
 Transfer 1ml of each tubes to the each sterile Petri dish
 Add PDA agar in each petri dish under aseptic condition
 Adjust the ph to 3.5 with sterile 10 % tartaric acid
 Allow the medium to solidify and then transfer to incubation for 4-5 days
 Count the collies formed
 Count number of colonies oer plate & multiply with dilution

In Line Testing :

When a microbial count are visible on plate then to fine out the contamination source in line
testing are performed. At the time of production SWAB test is taken for plating. Section Sampling point

1 Process Milk silo

dispatch pasteurizer
Packaging line
2 Butter Cream outlet
pasteurized cream
cream in tank
Butter after churning
3 Powder Before concentration.
conc. tank powder
Before packing-Bag sample
4 Ghee Settling tank.
pack sample.
5 Dahi For dahi after incubation
Silo of milk
Cup filling machine
6 Paneer Paner vat
Chilling tank
From environment of section


Introduction :-
Systematic activity combining both basic and applied research aimed at discovered new products
or discovering new knowledge for improving the effectiveness of existing products for the
innovation of business enterprise.

Research and development (R&D) includes activities that companies undertake to innovate and
introduce new products and services. The goal is typically to take new products and services to
market and add to the company’s bottom line.

The basic aim of food industy and dairy industry research and development (R&D) is to create
new products and launch them successfully on the market. These benefits come either from
constant gradual product improvement or a significant product step change.

 R&D is considered as a products conception.

 R&D strategy depends on the size of the business of industry.
 In smaller business R&D trends to focus more on product improvement because of
budget and cost
 In larger business can able to dedicate more time and resources to R&D to introduce new
products as well as improving existing ones.
R&D is a core part of the modern business world. R&D is of greater importance as the level of
competition, production processes and methods are rapidly increasing. R&D have greater
importance as the level of competition in business increases.

R&D and FOOD :-

 Food and dairy industry rarely appreciate the value of R&D.
 In food, beverage and dairy industry, however almost all senior business managers have a
background in marketing with little knowledge of or experience in dealing with the
research and development arm of the company.

 R&D managers in food-processing companies therefore may need to spend more time
than their counterparts in other industries do in justifying the R&D fuction.
 In addition, they may have to spend much more time encouraging their R&D staff to take
the initiative and to create technical advances for their companies.

Work of R&D:-
 Development of new product:-
The primary fuction of R&D is to develop new products, which are essential if the
company is to generate profits in the medium and long term. All products have a finite
commercial life where new technological developments are occurring continuously.

 Maintanace of existing products:-

Existing products must be maintained to ensure that they can be produced to
specification. For eg. A component required for an existing product may become
obsolete. When this happens R&D are expected to find an alternative quickly so that
production of the product will not be delayed.

 Enhancement of existing products:-

The commercial life of a product may be increased by enhancing it in some way, giving it
extra features, improving it performance, changing its appearance or making it cheaper to
produce. Many companies enhance their products to keep their product ahead of the
competition and yield large capital.

 Interfacing with production:-

While a new products is being developed, developmental staff and production staff
interact to ensure that the product is manuacturable. The intention is to ensure low cost
production and short production times, while maintaining quality standards. The R&D
production interface is vital not only it ensure low production costs, but by reducing
production times.

 Technology aspects of regulatory compliance:-

It is a legal requirement that products used in the community must comply with the
relavent directives. R&D department is primarily responsible for ensuring this case.

Steps of R&D :-

New idea generation

New product development

Source of ingredient

Product development


Self study

Sensory evaluation

Technical innovation

Commercial trial

Analysis and self study

Market distribution

Final SOP(Standard Operating Procedure) submit to Quality Assurance & Production Section


Milk is highly perishable and so it requires immediate treatment as soon as it comes out of cow’s
udder to sustain for a longer period of time. In orderto increase its shelf life milk is either chilled
or heat treated which involvesthe use of hot water or steam or cooling or chilled water, etc.,
dependingon the type of treatment. Not only for milk but for its conversion to variousproducts,
steam or water or refrigeration or electricity is employed insome or other way. Like for
pasteurization, UHT, evaporation, drying, water or steam or hot air is required. For
cooling, chilling or freezing,refrigeration system is required. For cleaning or even for blending of
someingredients, water is required; and for most of the machinery to work electricityis required.
Therefore, these common utilities play a key role forproper functioning of dairy industry.

In SARDA Dairy, there all utilities under the maintenance department. They run, repair
and maintain all requirements. Utilities are :-

I. Boiler
II. Refrigeration
III. Electrical department
IV. Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
V. Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)


Steam is utilized in various heat treatments of dairy industries like pasteurization,sterilization,

UHT, evaporation, CIP, etc. and is an excellentmedium for conveying heat. In dairy applications,
latent heat of steam andsome sensible heat of hot water are utilized.The steam is produced
generally from centralized boiler houses. Boilersare pressure vessels designed to produce steam
or produce hot water or anenclosed container that provide a means for heat from combustion to
betransferred into working media (usually water) or a gas (steam) until itbecomes heated.In an
industrial/technical context, the concept “steam boiler” (alsoreferred to as “steam generator”)
includes the whole complex system for producing steam for use e.g. in a turbine or in industrial
process. It includesall the different phases of heat transfer from flames to water/steam

mixture(economizer, boiler, super heater, re-heater and air preheater). It alsoincludes different
auxiliary systems (e.g., fuel feeding, water treatment,flue gas channels including stack).

Sarda dairy has installed total 6.5 TPH (Tone Per Hour) capacity boiler, there two boiler one has
4 TPH & another is 1.5 TPH. Total capacity in kg/cm 3 is 17.5. There Atmospheric Fluidized
Bed Combustion (AFBC) boilers provide optimum combustion proving to be most efficient,
cost-effective and reliable source for steam generation. Boilers multi-fuel firing, uniform
temperature distribution and high efficiency make an ideal choice for power generation.


 Multi-fuel firing.

 Optimum combustion with staged secondary air system.

 Membrane type water wall with fin tubes provide gas tight enclosures for better
efficiency of boiler & minimum refractory.

 Underbed as well as over bed firing system offered based on type of fuel used.

 Inbed tubes will be studded.

 2 stage/3 stage super heater with inter-stage spray attemperator.

 Hooper bottom design for specific applications.

Fig. 56: AFBC(Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion type Boiler


Layout of Boiler section :

Fig no 57

Table No.62 :- Data regarding of Boiler used prior to new one

Number of Boilers 2 Working pressure 10.5 kg/cm3

Coal consumption 500 kg of coal/hr
Type Fire tube Water storage capacity
Type based on heating Coal fired Height of chimney 32 meter

Fuel used Coal Steam pressure 17 kg/cm3

Capacity 4 TPH
Bed temp. 992oC(Set value) Stack temp. 250oC(Set value)
Flame temp. 954oC(Set value) MDC 250oC(Set value)
Air temp. 158oC (Set value) Steam Temp. 300oC(Set value)
Presser of Steam line 17 kg/cm3 stop Coal hopper feeder speed 199 rpm for
16.5kg/cm3restart (Depending on steam 4TPH
load) 158 rpm for

Main Component of Boiler :-

a) Boiler Shell
Made up of steel plate bend into cylindrical form and riveted or weldedtogether. The ends
of the shell are closed by means of end plate and shouldhave enough space for water and
b) Furnace
This is also-called fire box, where fuel is actually burnt. There coal are used as fuel. Here
one common furnace for both 4 & 1.5 TPH boiler.

c) Combustion Chamber
Burners are placed here and the combustion process takes place. Temperatureinside the
combustion chamber increase very rapidly. Combustion chambersare generally made of
steel or cast iron.
d) Heat Exchangers (Tube type)
Here, heat transfer takes place that converts water to steam. Heat exchangerscan be of
steel tube bundle, cast iron.
e) Exhaust Stack
It is piping that conveys hot combustion gases away from the boilers tooutside. These
pipes are generally made of steel or stainless steel.
f) Boiler Mountings
Boiler mountings are mounted on boilers for its proper and safe functioning.All
combustion equipment must be operated properly to prevent disastersfrom occurring,
causing personal injury and property loss. The basiccause of boiler explosion is ignition
of a combustible gas that has accumulatedwithin the boiler. There is a tremendous
amount of stored energywithin a boiler. The state change of superheated water from a hot
liquidto a vapor (steam) releases an enormous amount of energy.
g) Pressure Gage
Pressure gage measures the pressure of steam inside the boiler. These aregenerally
Bourdon type. The bourdon pressure gage consists of an elasticbourdon tube whose one
end is connected to steam space in the boilerand fixed. Due to pressure, the elliptical
cross section of the tube tends toround out. Since the tube is encased in circular curve,
therefore it tends tobecome circular. The pointer moves due to the elastic deformation
withhelp of pinion and sector arrangements. The gage pressure is directlyshown on the
calibrated scale as the pointer moves.
h) Water Level Indicator
It is the safety device generally placed in front. These are two in number toindicate the
level of water inside boiler. When water level is drop, shell is automatic fill water.

i) Flame Detector
It consists of flame rod and ultraviolet or infrared scanner to monitor theflame condition
and deactivate the burner in event of non-ignition andother unsafe condition. Flame
safeguard controls are programmed to operatethe burner and cycle through the stages of
j) Safety Valves
Safety valves blow of the steam when pressure of steam inside the boilerexceeds the
working pressure. Safety valves are fitted on the steam chestto prevent explosion,
because of extreme internal pressure of steam.
k) Steam Stop Valve
It is usually attached at the highest part of the shell with the help of flangeand is the
largest valve of the steam boiler. The main function of the steamstop valve is to supply
control flow of steam to the main steam pipe fromthe boiler and to completely shut down
steam when steam is not required.
l) Blow Off Cock
This is attached to the bottom of the boiler and consists of body or casingfitted with
conical plug. Blow off cock is generally used to discharge mudscale and sediment from
the bottom of the boiler and to clear the boilerwhenever necessary.
m) Feed Check Valve
This is fitted to the shell little below water level of the boiler and is a non-returnvalve
fitted to screwed spindle to regulate the lift and control thesupply of water by feed pump
that is pumped into the boiler.
n) Fusible Plug
The main function of the fusible plug is to put off fire in the furnace whenthe water level
in the boiler goes to a very low or unsafe limit and henceavoid explosion that may occur
due to over -heating of furnace plate.This is generally placed on furnace crown plate.

Process Flow Diagram of Steam Generation :-

Fig.58 :Steam Generation in Boiler


Maintenance of Boiler :-

A. 1.5 TPH
a) Oiling &Greasing : In one month at proper remaining condition.
b) After 4 week open boiler for cleaning.
c) Hydraulic test performed every 1 year.

B. 4 TPH
a) Oiling & Greasing : In one month at proper remaining condition
b) After 8 week open boiler for cleaning.
c) Hydraulic test performed every 1 year.

The process for removal of heatfrom a substance under controlled conditions is termed as
refrigeration.Refrigeration means continuous extraction of heat from the body at alower
temperature than its surrounding.‘Ton of refrigeration’ is the practical unit of
refrigeration and is defined as the amount if refrigeration effect produced by uniform
melting of one tonof ice from and at 0°C in 24 hours.

Sarda dairy refrigeration unit :

a) Advance Techno System has installed refrigeration unit.
b) There refrigeration capacity is 210 KW with different division are 90 KW & 55 KW for
cold room 1, 2, 3 and production section. 30 KW for cold room 4 and 5, for a ice-plant
30 KW.
c) Type of compressor :- Screw compressor
d) Temp. of chilled water supply : -4 to +2
e) Refrigerant :R-717 Ammonia (B.P.-33°C $ F.P.-77°C).
f) In Sarda Dairy approx. 46% electricity is used in refrigeration section

Layout of Refrigeration unit :- (Fig. No.59)

Main Component of Refrigeration :-

a) Compressor: The compressor is used to compress the vapor NH3 gas of low pressure
and temperature from theevaporator drawn in it by suction valve where it is compressed
tohigh pressure and temperature. The high pressure and temperaturevapor refrigerant is
discharged into condenser through dischargevalve. There 4 compressor in different unit,
90 KW, 55 KW. 30 KW &30 KW.

b) Oil Separator :Oil separators are used on refrigeration systems for oil return from the
evaporator. Oil separators are installed in the compressor/ compressors discharge line.
They’re usually a vertical container with the discharge gas connections at the top and an
oil return port at the bottom. This return line may be piped directly to the suction line on
single compressor units or on multiple compressor racks would be piped to a holding
tank called an oil reservoir.

c) Condenser: Here the high pressure and temperature vapor refrigerant (NH3 gas) is
cooled and condensed in coils of pipe. The surrounding condensing medium either water
or air is used to condense vapor refrigerant. This process takes place as it gives up its
latent heat to the condensing medium and converts to liquid refrigerant. The liquid
refrigerant obtained here is at high temperature and high pressure.

d) Receiver: Before entering the expansion valve the liquid refrigerant is stored in receiver
from where it is fed to expansion valve in required quantity.

e) Expansion valve: The liquid refrigerant at high pressure and temperature is fed to
expansion valve where its pressure and temperature is reduced and is fed to evaporator
at controlled rate some of the liquid refrigerant evaporates as it enters the expansion
valve but most of the liquid changes to vapor in evaporator as it absorbs heat from the
region to be cooled.

f) Evaporator: The liquid vapor refrigerant at low pressure and temperature in coils of the
pipes of evaporator extracts the heat from the outer surface in contact with the coils and
cools that area and the transferred heat causes the liquid refrigerant to convert to vapor
refrigerant of low pressure and temperature.

g) Cooling Tower :In refrigeration system cooling tower is used to cool refrigerant after
compressing it. Because of compressing temp. of refrigerant is increase they require to
cool farther processing. Water is use as cooling medium. PHE used for heat exchange.

Process Flow Diagram Refrigeration :-

Fig no 60

Operating parameters of Refrigeration:-

Table No. 63 :90 KW system :-

Name Parameters
Oil temp. +64.3 to +51.3
Low pressure tank Temp. -4.2
High pressure tank Temp. +65.3
Low pressure +37.8 PSI
High pressure +170.3 PSI
ODP 1 pressure +128 PSI
ODP 2 pressure +4.6 PSI
OP +165.7 PSI
FP +167.1 PSI
LVDT +70%

Table No. 64 :55 KW system :-

Name Parameters
Oil temp. +65 to +55.6 OC
Low pressure tank Temp. -3.2 OC
High pressure tank Temp. +63.3 OC
Low pressure +34.8 PSI
High pressure +180.1 PSI
ODP 1 pressure +127 PSI
ODP 2 pressure +17.7 PSI
OP +162.3 PSI
FP +177.7 PSI
LVDT +78%


Dairy industry consumes considerable amount of energy in processing of milk and milk
products. The service block of the plant comprises of boiler section, generator room, electrical
sub-station, refrigeration section, water supply, water softening plant, compressed air supply
system, quality control section, workshop, production section and an effluent treatment plant for
removal of pollutants from waste disposal water from the plant.

Electricity is the most essential input to the dairy industry. State Electricity Board supplies
electricity to dairy plant. At the sub-station of Sarda dairy, High voltage (33 KW) is supplied and
is stepped down through a step down transformer to low voltage (440 volts) to avoid line losses.
Energy provided by CSPDCL.

Table No. 65 :Electrical load in Different section :-

S.N. Section Name Load (KW)

I. 2 KL Curd section 53.95
II. 10 KL Milk processing section 149.2
III. Powder plant 55.3
Powder packing machine 33.42
Drier 119.2
IV. Pouch pecking machine 7.22
V. Ghee & Butter section 43.05
VI. HMST section 29.4
VII. Cup-curd packing section 3.32
VIII. Lassi plant 25.6
IX. Paneer plant 4.66
X. Bolwmoulding machine 32.75
XI. Sleev machine 0.56
XII. UHT plant 173.2
XIII. Caret washer 15.9
XIV. RO plant 17.7
XV. Water treated plant 12

XVI. ETP 26.49

VII. Refrigeration unit 267.6
VIII. Ice plant 42.15
XIX. Blast cold room 60
XX. Boiler 4 TPH 43.36
Boiler 1.5 TPH 21.27
XXI. Borewell 11
XII. Total load 1248.17
Distribution of Electricity :-

There are one circuit break on main incoming line. After that one Main I/C & one DG I/C.
electricity has distributed on the basis of there total load. Capacitor arrange in powder plant,
UHT section Refrigeration and heavy electrical required section for proper running. On a each
section electrical panel are arrange a each machinery.

Generator :-

An the situation of power cut, all the process has stop suddenly, in that case some critical
situation faces. So resolve the problem of power cut situation they have 1010 kVA Diesel

Table no66 :Detail of 1010 kVA DG:-

S.N. Name Specification

01. Type LSC 62 L
02. Voltage 415 V
03. Current 1405 A
04. Cos ϕ 0.8
05. Phase 3
06. Ambient 40 oC
07. RPM 1500 rpm
08. Frequency 50 z


We all know that water is an important utility for dairy plants as it governs the hygiene of plants.
In the past, abundant and inexpensive sources of water were taken for granted in the dairy
processing industry and not much thought was given to economize its use. But recent technology
has very efficient use of water. Ratio of milk/water is very less. Dairy processors, therefore,
are aggressively challenged to conserve water necessitating the need for not only reducing
water consumption but also to employ measures for recovery and recycling of process water
without compromising on the hygienic quality and safety of the products.

WTP of Sarda dairy is total 25,000 l/h capacity, there 20,000 l/h is soft water and remain 5000 is
RO water. Total requirement of water is depend on production, when all section has running then
2 to 2.5 lakh liter water require per day. Soft water storage tank is 50,000 l capacity.

Layout of WTP plant ;-

Fig no. 61

Process flow diagram of Soft Water :-

Fig. No.62: Soft water process


Table no. 67 :Operating parameter of Soft water plant :-

S.N. Name Parameter

01. Raw water pump 5 HP
02. Multigrade filter presser 2 kg/cm2
03. Razin (softner ) <5 ppm
04. Water load presser 2 kg/cm2
05. Water unload presser 3.5 kg/cm2
06. Flow rate of raw water 20000 l/h
07. Softner charged in every cycle of 3,20,000 l
water processed

08. Salt requirer for charge softner 320 kg

j) RO Waterplant :-
Reverse osmosis (RO) unit is a separation process that is able to separate dissolved
solutesfrom solvent mostly through pressure driven membrane separation process. The solute
may range in size from 1–10 angstrom orless and either organic or inorganic in nature. RO is
capable of removing90% of dissolved solute weather organic or inorganic. RO is mostly
applicablefor treatment of raw water. RO membranes are generally constructedfrom
cellulose, acetate, polyamides or other polymers.

In Sarda dairy there 5000 l/h capacity RO plant has installed. The use RO water for drinking and
standardization process. RO water storage tank is 10,000 l/h capacity

Process flow diagram of RO water :-

Fig. no63: RO Water processs

Process :-

When salt solution is separated from demineralized water by semi permeablemembrane, the salt
solution of high osmotic pressure causes flow of demineralizedwater into salt solution section.
The rise in solution water equalsosmotic pressure continues to increase as water will flow from
water to saltsolution. By exerting pressure on the salt solution compartment water can bemade to
flow in reverse direction. This is reverse osmosis The osmosis pressure is based on the specific
solute and its concentrationin water, practically to produce first drop of pure water from the
solutionof solute at specific concentration the minimum pressure requirement isosmotic pressure.
Very fine pores are used for membrane in reverse osmosisof order 5 angstrom units. The

rejection rate of the membrane depends onionic, for example, higher ionic charge of an ion, the
better rejection thereforemonovalent salt will pass the membrane at higher rate than
multivalent.For production of permeate and concentrate, pressure is applied to feedthe stream by
pump. The level of solids is high in concentrates and low inpermeates.


ETP is a imported part of dairy industry. The wastewater of dairy is contains dissolved sugars,
proteins and fast which is organic in nature and biodegradable. So that dairy wastewater is
considered as high concentration of organic matter and high BOD. Such untreated wastewater
pollutes land and river system so that proper treatment of dairy wastewater is necessary before
disposal in environment. Poorly treated wastewater with high degree of pollutants resulted from
poor design, operation and treatment system creates major environmental problems in present
situation. Labor cost and also disposal problem of sludge generated form the treatment plant.

Due to high BOD & COD of dairy west water ETP is necessary. In sarda dairy 3,00,000 l/day
capacity ETP established. There west water is tread in Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
(USAB) type. ETP has run continuously, there no buffering time.

Table no. 68 : Standard for Treated Water :

S.N. Constitutes Parameter

01. Temp. <45 oC

02. Total Suspended Solids 110 mg/l

03. Total Dissolve Solids 2100/l

04. COD 250 mg/l

05. BOD 30 mg/l

06. Oil & Grease 10 mg/l


Layout of ETP :-

Fig no 64

Process flow diagram of ETP plant :-

Fig. no.65: Flow process ETP


Process :-

l) Fat chamber :At first west water is incoming in a fat chamber. In a fat chamber fat
present in west water is formed layer in a surface of chamber due to density difference.
Fat layer is removed.
m) Collection tank :After that west water is go on collection tank. Their water is collected
for further process.
n) Primary clarifier :Water is pumped in primary clarifier. There is a first stage to
o) Mixing Tank :Chemical are mix in chemical mixing tank. Chemical (Urea, DAP, Lime)
are neutralized the charge partial present in west water.
p) Buffer Tank : Chemical treated water is collect in buffer tank. Buffer tank is partially
storage called.
q) Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (USAB): The basic components of a typical
UASB reactor are a sludge blanket, gas-solid separator, influent-distribution system and
the effluent-withdrawal system. In the UASB reactor, the influent is distributed at the
bottom and travels in up-flow mode Dairy wastewater contains fats and the inhibitory
action of the fat to the anaerobic treatment does not allow fast and increased removal
efficiency. Cow dunk is used in USAB chamber. In that chamber 75 % caw dunk film
layer in parallel.
r) Aeration :Aeration provides oxygen to bacteria for treating and stabilizing the
wastewater. Oxygen is needed by the bacteria to allow biodegradation to occur. The
supplied oxygen is utilised by bacteria in the wastewater to break down the organic
matter containing carbon to form carbon dioxide and water. Without the presence of
sufficient oxygen, bacteria are not able to biodegrade the incoming organic matter in a
reasonable time. In the absence of dissolved oxygen, degradation must occur under
septic conditions which are slow, odorous, and yield incomplete conversions of
pollutants. Under septic conditions, some of the biological process convert hydrogen and
sulphur to form hydrogen sulphide and transform carbon into methane. Other carbon
will be converted to organic acids that create low pH conditions in the basin and make
the water more difficult to treat and promote odour formation. Bio-degradation of
organic matter in the absence of oxygen is a very slow biological process.

s) Secondary Clarifier :Secondary clarifiers are used to remove the settlable suspended
solids created in biological treatment processes such as the activated sludge and trickling
filter process.
Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) :
u) Useable water :After treatment of CCT water is ready for a use.

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