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Session: 2015-16 Semester: Spring
B. Tech.: 4th Semester Mechanical Engg.
Subject: Process Control & Assurance Science Dept. Code: ME233
Full marks: 100 This question paper contains 02 pages
Duration of examination: 3 hrs
Answer Any FIVE questions.
Answer all bits of a question in continuous pages.
Begin every question with new page.
Draw necessary neat sketches.
Use of statistical tables allowed.
Q No. Marks
1. a) A hole and shaft assembly has dimension 50 H8c8. Being given: 10+5
The standard tolerance i (m) =0.45 √D+0.001 D (D in mm).
Diameter steps are in mm: 1-3, 3-6, 6-10, 10-18, 18-30, 30-50, 50-80, 80-120, 120-
180, 180-250, 250- 315, 315-400 and 400-500.
Fundamental shaft deviation (m) for H hole= 0
Fundamental shaft deviation (m) for c shaft= -52D0.2 for 𝐷 ≤ 40 𝑚𝑚
= -(95+0.8D) for 𝐷 > 40 𝑚𝑚
IT grade IT5 IT6 IT7 IT8 IT9 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13 IT14 IT15 IT16
value 7i 10i 16i 25i 40i 64i 100i 160i 250i 400i 640i 1000i
i. Calculate the dimensions of plug and ring gauges to control the production the
given hole and shaft assembly.
ii. Draw neat sketches of the plug and ring gauges.
b) Draw tolerance disposition diagrams of interference, transitional and clearance fits. 5

2. a) Explain the working principle of Talysurf. Draw an arbitrary rough profile of a 5+5
surface on a graph sheet and calculate the surface roughness value in Ra.
b) Explain the ‘two wire’ method of measurement of effective diameter of a screw 10

3. a) Control charts for ̅ X and R are maintained for control of an important dimension of a 10
component. The sub-group size is settled as 6. Draw the control charts and comment on
the state of process from the 26 consecutive sub-groups data collected and tabulated below.
All dimensions are in mm.
sub-group 𝑋̅ R sub-group 𝑋̅ R sub-group 𝑋̅ R
1 22.65 2.47 10 23.93 3.43 19 22.07 2.41
2 23.32 3.19 11 22.49 2.62 20 22.45 3.07
3 23.49 2.73 12 23.36 4.89 21 22.48 4.18
4 23.23 3.13 13 22.51 3.56 22 23.85 1.39
5 23.38 2.09 14 23.96 3.28 23 23.60 1.55
6 22.79 3.37 15 23.49 4.58 24 21.60 1.69
7 23.69 4.21 16 23.47 4.13 25 23.60 3.07
8 23.27 3.30 17 23.03 4.10 26 23.34 3.14
9 23.65 3.14 18 23.05 1.75
b) The lower specification limit and upper specification limit for the component in 5+5

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above bit (a) are 18.00 mm and 27.50 mm, respectively. Assuming that process
standard has not changed and if the process mean shifts to 25.144 mm, calculate the
percentage scrap produced and the process capability ratio.

4. a) Design a single sampling inspection plan by attribute using Poisson distribution 5+5
which will meet or nearly meet the following requirements:
=0.05 p1=0.01
=0.10 p2=0.05
Draw the operating characteristic curve for the selected plan.
b) A double sampling plan with N=10,000, n1=100, c1=0, n2=200, c2=3 has been 10
employed for acceptance inspection of a product. Determine the probability that a lot
containing 1% defective will be rejected using Poisson distribution.

5. a) A system has the following configuration with the component reliabilities are stated 5+5
in the diagram below:

i. Determine the system reliability.

ii. What is the reliability of the system if component B fails?
b) Ten identical electric bulbs were put to life test and the failure times observed were 5+5
2000, 1800, 2200, 1900, 1700, 2500, 2300, 2100, 2400, 2300 hrs.
i. Determine the mean life of these bulbs.
ii. Calculate the reliability of the bulb for 1000 hours under similar operating

6. a) What are the three important considerations for lot formation? 4x5
b) If the number of factors = 3 and number of levels for each factor = 2, then estimate
the total number of runs in full factorial design and state the design matrix.
c) What is the importance of interchangeability with respect to engineering assembly?
d) If α=0.05, what is the probability of that five consecutive points on a p-chart will fall
outside control limits assuming the process is under control?
e) Draw ‘bath tub’ curve of failure rate of components and explain its various phases.

-End of paper-

Use the following data for ̅

X and R charts
Sample Size n A2 A3 d2 D3 D4 B3 B4
2 1.880 2.659 1.128 0 3.267 0 3.267
3 1.023 1.954 1.693 0 2.574 0 2.568
4 0.729 1.628 2.059 0 2.282 0 2.266
5 0.577 1.427 2.326 0 2.114 0 2.089
6 0.483 1.287 2.534 0 2.004 0.030 1.970
7 0.419 1.182 2.704 0.076 1.924 0.118 1.882
8 0.373 1.099 2.847 0.136 1.864 0.185 1.815
9 0.337 1.032 2.970 0.184 1.816 0.239 1.761
10 0.308 0.975 3.078 0.223 1.777 0.284 1.716

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