English5 q1 Mod4 Lesson4 ComposingSentencesUsingAdverbsOfIntensityAndFrequency v2

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Quarter 1 – Module 4
Lesson 4: Composing Clear and
Coherent Sentences Using
Adverbs of Intensity and

English – Grade 5
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 4, Lesson 4: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using
Adverbs of Intensity and Frequency
First Edition, 2020

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Quarter 1 – Module 4
Lesson 4: Composing Clear and
Coherent Sentences Using
Adverbs of Intensity and
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) has been created so that you can continue
your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises,
and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pretests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the posttest to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests, and
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Good luck and happy learning!

What I Need to Know

This lesson will help expand your knowledge on adverbs which, in turn, can
enable you to be more vivid when describing actions and ideas in your writing.

In this module, you will learn to:

• define and describe adverbs of frequency and intensity;

• identify adverbs of frequency and intensity in a sentence; and
• compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: adverbs of intensity and frequency.

What I Know

Activity 1
Directions: Create a sentence using the following random words. You can add some
words to make meaningful sentences. Observe proper punctuations. Write your
answers in your answer sheet or activity notebook.






Activity 2
Directions: Find the hidden single-word adverb in each sentence. Once found,
write it in your notebook.

1. Playing under the sun always makes children happy.

2. They seldom go out with friends.
3. The dog barked repeatedly.
4. They almost won the championship game in basketball.
5. The nurse regularly checks the condition of the patient.

Activity 3
Directions: Look at the adverbs you found in Activity 2. Identify each as adverb of
frequency or adverb of intensity.

1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________

Lesson Composing Clear and Coherent

4 Sentences Using Adverbs of

Intensity and Frequency

What’s In

In the previous lessons, you have encountered adverbs or words that describe
adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. You may remember that many adverbs end with
-ly such as gracefully, beautifully, frequently, seriously, and quietly to name a
few. Because of this, you can immediately identify them when you see them in these

The restaurant serves food daily.

The barangay captain repeatedly announced the impending lockdown.
Our parents care about us deeply.

Take note also of the meaning of each word. Does the adverb talk about “how
often” something happens or “how much” something is felt or done?

Now, using this basic knowledge on adverbs, try the next activity.

Directions: Read the following sentences. Tell if the underlined adverb in each
sentence has something to do with frequency (how often something happens) or
intensity (how strong or weak, high or low something exists). Write your answers in
a notebook.

1. We need to work every day.

2. The drone flew extremely close to the ground.
3. My friend usually calls me “Tisoy.”
4. Unable to leave the house due to the lockdown, Jack felt exceedingly bored
and restless.
5. I was terribly hungry, so I ate four eggs, six slices of bread, two pieces of
chicken wings, a plate of pasta, and a gallon of ice cream.

What’s New

Directions: Using the correct words inside the bubbles, complete the sentence
parts that describe good parents. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

Thoughtful parents…

(1) are also _______________ attentive parents.

(2) _______________ think about their children’s future.

(3) make sure that the baby doesn’t eat _______________much.

(4) _______________ forget.

(5) know that kids _______________ need to play.

What Is It

Adverbs describe or modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Adverbs

are words that answer questions like how, when, where and to what extent.

In this module, we shall focus on two types of adverbs: adverbs of frequency

and adverbs of intensity.

A. Adverbs of Intensity
Adverbs of intensity are adverbs that tell “to what extent” something exists
or is done. Usually, adverbs of intensity are written before the verb, adjective, or
adverb that they modify although there are some exceptions. The words “very,”
“quite,” “too,” “absolutely,” “extremely,” and “so” are examples of adverbs of intensity.

1. You are working too diligently. (more diligent)

2. The water was extremely cold. (the cold is unbearable)
3. The movie was quite fascinating. (completely interesting)
4. The group just left. (they left very recently)
5. He has almost finished his assignment. (about to finish)

B. Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency tell “how often” an action is done. The most commonly
used adverbs of frequency are: always, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, never,
often, seldom, and usually. Adverbs of frequency are usually placed before a verb
since they describe the frequency of the act or event stated in the verb.

1. Lastikman always wears his mask on every mission.
2. Mary usually picks her up at the bus terminal.
3. Ben and Emma often go out for lunch together.
4. During rainy days, Jade sometimes comes to school wearing her raincoat.
5. Nick and Nadia rarely see each other because of the pandemic.

If we go back to your answers in the activity on the “thoughtful parents,” you

will notice that the answers consisted of both adverbs of frequency (always think,
never forget, and sometimes need) and adverbs of intensity (very attentive and too

What’s More

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs to make the sentence correct
and complete. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Today is (very, much) __________ colder than yesterday.

2. Electric cars (never, sometimes) use gasoline.
3. The Philippines is (much, very) __________ rich in natural resources.
4. Liza Soberano’s looks are (quite, often) __________ stunning.
5. My brother and I (usually, extremely) __________ play basketball in the
6. Typhoons (absolutely, often) __________ form in the Pacific.
7. Sander is a (completely, highly) __________ skilled computer technician.
8. I (seldom, sometimes) __________ eat shrimp due to my allergy.
9. The concert was (wildly, absolutely) __________ wonderful.
10. People are (too, only) afraid to go out nowadays.

What I Have Learned

Here is a summary of what you have learned today. Read each sentence aloud
and try to remember these general ideas.

• Adverbs are words that describe adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.
• There are many types of adverbs including adverbs of frequency and
adverbs of intensity.
• Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that tell how often something
• Adverbs of intensity are adverbs that tell about the degree of an action
or condition.

What I Can Do

Activity 1
Directions: Complete the answer to the question in each number by adding the
correct adverb hidden among the choices inside the box. You can only use the adverb
once, so make sure that you match the correct adverb with the sentence. Write the
adverb in your notebook.

exactly enough
very monthly
too frequently
every day

1. How would you describe the North Pole?

The North Pole is _______________ cold.
2. How often should we wash our hands to prevent getting sick with COVID-19?
We should wash our hands _______________.
3. How often should children take a bath?
Children should take a bath_______________.
4. How do you best describe a cheetah?
A cheetah can run _______________fast.
5. What can you say about a test asking you to count from 1 to 10?
Counting 1 to 10 is _______________ easy.

Activity 2
Directions: Go back and look at your answers for Activity 1. This time tell if the
adverb you wrote is an adverb of frequency or an adverb of intensity. Do this also in
your notebook.
1. ________________ 4. _______________
2. ________________ 5. _______________
3. ________________


Activity 1
Directions: Write an answer in response to each question. Each sentence must
contain an adverb of frequency or an adverb of intensity.

1. How often should people wear mask if they want to go out during a pandemic?

People should ____________________mask.

(adverb of frequency)

2. What will you say to a friend if you can’t reach a fruit high above the ground.

Please get a ladder. It’s _____________________________to reach.

(adverb of intensity)

3. What will you tell others if you can’t carry a sack of rice because of its weight?

Sorry, I can’t carry the sack of rice. It’s ________________for me.

(adverb of intensity)

4. Do you eat exotic food like insects and frogs?

No, I _________________.
(adverb of frequency)

5. How easy is it to do adding one-digit numbers?

_____________________ one-digit numbers.

(adverb of intensity)

Activity 2
Directions: Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence. Write the
sentences in your notebook.

1. frequently, brownouts, happen

2. feel, incredibly, great, I
3. never, room, messy, we, leave, should, our
4. arm, Alita’s, broken, completely, was
5. pray, us, silently, let

Additional Activities

Directions: Write three sentences using in response to the questions. Use the
specific type of adverb indicated in the item. Do this in your notebook.

A. How would you describe your siblings? (Adverb of Intensity)

B. How often do you do some activities with your pet? (Adverb of Frequency)

What’s In What I Know
1. Frequency
2. Intensity Activity 1
3. Frequency 1. I always thank God or I thank God always.
4. Intensity 2. Turtles move very slowly.
5. Intensity 3. The sun rises every day.
4. We celebrate our fiesta annually.
5. Alena never watches scary movies.
What’s New
Activity 2
1. very
2. always 1. always
3. too 2. seldom
4. never 3. repeatedly
5. sometimes 4. almost
5. regularly
What’s More
Activity 3
1. much 6. often 1. adverb of frequency
2. never 7. highly 2. adverb of frequency
3. very 8. seldom 3. adverb of frequency
4. quite 9. absolutely 4. adverb of intensity
5. usually 10. too 5. adverb of frequency
Answer Key
Activity 1
1. People should always wear mask.
2. It’s too high to reach.
3. It’s too heavy for me.
4. No, I never eat insects and frogs.
5. It is very easy to add one-digit numbers.
Activity 2
6. Brownouts happen frequently or Brownouts frequently
7. I feel incredibly great.
8. We should never leave our room messy.
9. Alita’s arm was completely broken.
10. Let us pray silently.
What I Can Do
Activity 1
1. extremely
2. frequently
3. everyday
4. very
5. too
Activity 2
1. adverb of intensity
2. adverb of frequency
3. adverb of frequency
4. adverb of intensity
1. adverb of intensity
Additional Activities (Answers may vary)

“Adverb,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, May 29, 2020 https://


Gayol, Victor. “Frequency Adverbs and Household Chores,” LIVEWORKSHEETS,

Accessed May 29, 2020

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Department of Education –Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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