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MYP4-5 War-Photographer-Annotated - Correction War Poetry

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Metaphor Word Choice He is relieved on his return, as he has been

The image highlights the Imagery/Techniques surrounded by many horrors, that he wishes
horrors that the images contain. to leave behind. He doesn't feel at home
They are so horrific that they
SS anywhere, so he tries to make sense of things
literally become suffering itself. through his photos.

He has great respect for the

‘War Photographer’ The poet is compared to a
people included in these priest here because the way
images. The description is In his darkroom he is finally alone he prepares the photos for
reminiscent of a graveyard, so development is sombre,
immediately makes us think of with spools of suffering set out in ordered rows. respectful and almost
death. He feels like he needs ritualistic. It shows how
to find some order to what has The only light is red and softly glows, seriously the photographer
happened. He is trying to takes his job.
regain control. as though this were a church and he
Taken from the book of
The switching of the words
a priest preparing to intone a Mass. Isaiah. While the original
normally used in Mass, to a verse means that life is
list of warzone, highlights the Belfast. Beirut. Phnom Penh. All flesh is grass. nothing without god, Duffy
guilt and how morally wrong mentions no higher power
he thinks the images he and so implies that we all die,
captures are. Something and become earth again. A
revered (the church and He has a job to do. Solutions slop in trays dark image.
human life) is destroyed in
the pictures he takes. beneath his hands which did not tremble then
Short, blunt sentence shows
he tries to focus back on what
though seem to now. Rural England. Home again he is doing, rather than
Literally this refers to the
focusing on the horror of life.
solutions used to develop to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel,
the pictures. It also
suggests that he has the to fields which don't explode beneath the feet
power to evoke a solution Contrast between the horror
to the things he is of the war zones, and the
of running children in a nightmare heat. comfort of his life at home.
He allows himself to feel
upset and guilt now, but acted
Life back home is easy - in a professional manner at
sunshine can make us happy. A Something is happening. A stranger's features the time.
shocking contrast to the lives of
others. faintly start to twist before his eyes,
Again a contrast in lives. A Guilt - he takes a picture,
horrific image which shows the
a half-formed ghost. He remembers the cries because he has to show
plight of children in the areas people what is happening,
he has been to. No wonder he of this man's wife, how he sought approval but can't do anything else
feels guilty: he can only watch to help.
what happens, rather than without words to do what someone must
and how the blood stained into foreign dust.
The picture is half-developed,
Emphasises the
and shows a dead man. It looks
misery and
suffering they A hundred agonies in black-and-white ghostly and literally the image
haunts him.
from which his editor will pick out five or six
The pictures don't get for Sunday's supplement. The reader's eyeballs prick
the readership he
hopes for - they are an with tears between bath and pre-lunch beers.
add-on to the paper,
rather than taking the From aeroplane he stares impassively at where
centre stage he feels
Shows the lack of emotion
they deserve. he earns a living and they do not care. that the Editor shows when
faced with these images - he
Temporary emotional reaction that is almost forced from doesn't have the emotional
them before people get on with their lives and go back to He has to detach himself
from this world in order to connection the photographer
beers. Duffy's tone is anger here, as she makes us question does.
how we react to images of human suffering. The pace of the cope with his job and return
poem is quick here to emphasise this. to it once again.

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