MAA - SL - Trigonometry - Revision - Markscheme 2021

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Y12 MAA SL Trigonometry

revision [148 marks]

Let f(x) = sin(x + π ) + k. The graph of f passes through the point ( π , 6).
4 4

1a. Find the value of k. [3 marks]

attempt to substitute both coordinates (in any order) into f (M1)
eg f ( π4 ) = 6, π
= sin(6 + π4 ) + k
correct working (A1)
eg sin 2 = 1, 1 + k = 6
k=5 A1 N2
[3 marks]
recognizing shift of π4 left means maximum at 6 R1)
recognizing k is difference of maximum and amplitude (A1)
eg 6−1
k = 5 A1 N2
[3 marks]

1b. Find the minimum value of f(x). [2 marks]

evidence of appropriate approach (M1)
eg minimum value of sin x is −1, − 1 + k, f ′ (x) = 0, ( 54π , 4)
minimum value is 4 A1 N2
[2 marks]

1c. Letg(x) = sin x. The graph of g is translated to the graph of f by the [2 marks]

vector ( ).
Write down the value of p and of q.

− π4
p=− π
, q = 5 (accept ( )) A1A1 N2
[2 marks]
Consider a circle with centre O and radius 7 cm. Triangle ABC is drawn such that its vertices are on
the circumference of the circle.

^ B = 1.058 radians.
AB = 12.2 cm, BC = 10.4 cm and AC

2a. Find ^ .
BAC [3 marks]

Notes: In this question, there may be slight differences in answers, depending
on which values candidates carry through in subsequent parts. Accept
answers that are consistent with their working.
Candidates may have their GDCs in degree mode, leading to incorrect
answers. If working shown, award marks in line with the markscheme, with FT
as appropriate.
Ignore missing or incorrect units.

evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)

sin A ^
sin B
eg a
= b
correct substitution (A1)
sin A sin 1.058
eg 10.4
= 12.2
^ = 0.837
[3 marks]

2b. Find AC. [5 marks]

Notes: In this question, there may be slight differences in answers, depending
on which values candidates carry through in subsequent parts. Accept
answers that are consistent with their working.
Candidates may have their GDCs in degree mode, leading to incorrect
answers. If working shown, award marks in line with the markscheme, with FT
as appropriate.
Ignore missing or incorrect units.

evidence of subtracting angles from π (M1)
eg ^C = π − A − C
correct angle (seen anywhere) A1
^ C = π − 1.058 − 0.837, 1.246, 71.4∘
attempt to substitute into cosine or sine rule (M1)
correct substitution (A1)
eg 12.22 + 10.42 − 2 × 12.2 × 10.4 cos 71.4, AC
sin 1.246
= 12.2
sin 1.058
AC = 13.3 (cm) A1 N3
evidence of choosing cosine rule M1
eg a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos A
correct substitution (A2)
eg 12.22 = 10.42 + b2 − 2 × 10.4b cos 1.058
AC = 13.3 (cm) A2 N3
[5 marks]

2c. Hence or otherwise, find the length of arc ABC . [6 marks]

Notes: In this question, there may be slight differences in answers, depending
on which values candidates carry through in subsequent parts. Accept
answers that are consistent with their working.
Candidates may have their GDCs in degree mode, leading to incorrect
answers. If working shown, award marks in line with the markscheme, with FT
as appropriate.
Ignore missing or incorrect units.

valid approach (M1)
^ = OA2+OC2−AC2 ^ = 2 × AB
eg cos AOC 2×OA×OC
correct working (A1)
eg ^
13.32 = 72 + 72 − 2 × 7 × 7 cos AOC, O = 2 × 1.246
^ = 2.492 (142.8∘ )
AOC (A1)
correct substitution for arc length (seen anywhere) A1
eg 2.492 = 7l , l = 17.4, 14π × 360
subtracting arc from circumference (M1)
eg 2πr − l, 14π = 17.4
^ reflex
attempt to find AOC (M1)
eg 2π − 2.492, 3.79, 360 − 142.8
correct substitution for arc length (seen anywhere) A1
eg l = 7 × 3.79, 14π × 360
arc ABC = 26.5 A1 N4
^ or BOC
valid approach to find AOB ^ (M1)
eg choosing cos rule, twice angle at circumference
^ or BOC
correct working for finding one value, ^ (A1)
2 2 2
eg ^ = 7 +7 −12.2 , AOB
cos AOB ^ = 2.116, BOC
^ = 1.6745
two correct calculations for arc lengths
eg AB = 7 × 2 × 1.058 (= 14.8135), 7 × 1.6745 (= 11.7216) (A1)(A1)
adding their arc lengths (seen anywhere)
eg ^ + rBOC,
rAOB ^ 14.8135 + 11.7216, 7(2.116 + 1.6745) M1
arc ABC = 26.5 (cm) A1 N4
Note: Candidates may work with other interior triangles using a similar
method. Check calculations carefully and award marks in line with

[6 marks]

The diagram below shows part of the graph of a function f .

The graph has a maximum at A(1, 5) and a minimum at B(3, −1) .

The function f can be written in the form f(x) = p sin(qx) + r . Find the value of

3a. p [2 marks]

valid approach to find p (M1)
eg amplitude = 2 , p=6
p=3 A1 N2
[2 marks]

3b. q [2 marks]
valid approach to find q (M1)

eg period = 4 , q =
q= 2 A1 N2
[2 marks]

3c. r. [2 marks]

valid approach to find r (M1)
eg axis = 2 , sketch of horizontal axis, f(0)
r=2 A1 N2
[2 marks]

Total [6 marks]
A Ferris wheel with diameter 122 metres rotates clockwise at a constant speed. The wheel completes
2.4 rotations every hour. The bottom of the wheel is 13 metres above the ground.

A seat starts at the bottom of the wheel.

4a. Find the maximum height above the ground of the seat. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg 13 + diameter , 13 + 122
maximum height = 135 (m) A1 N2
[2 marks]

After t minutes, the height h metres above the ground of the seat is given by

h = 74 + acos bt.

4b. (i) 25 minutes.

Show that the period of h is [2 marks]
(ii) Write down the exact value of b .
(i) period = 2.4
period = 25 minutes AG N0

(ii) b= 25
(= 0.08π) A1 N1
[2 marks]

4c. Find the value of a . [3 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg max − 74 , |a| = 2 , 74 − 13
|a| = 61 (accept a = 61 ) (A1)
a = −61 A1 N2
attempt to substitute valid point into equation for h (M1)
eg 135 = 74 + a cos( 2π×12.5
correct equation (A1)
eg 135 = 74 + a cos(π) , 13 = 74 + a
a = −61 A1 N2
[3 marks]

4d. Sketch the graph of h , for 0 ≤ t ≤ 50 . [4 marks]


A1A1A1A1 N4

Note: Award A1 for approximately correct domain, A1 for approximately

correct range,
A1 for approximately correct sinusoidal shape with 2 cycles.
Only if this last A1 awarded, award A1 for max/min in approximately correct
[4 marks]

4e. In one rotation of the wheel, find the probability that a randomly [5 marks]
selected seat is at least 105 metres above the ground.

setting up inequality (accept equation) (M1)
eg h > 105 , 105 = 74 + a cos bt , sketch of graph with line y = 105
any two correct values for t (seen anywhere) A1A1
eg t = 8.371 … , t = 16.628 … , t = 33.371 … , t = 41.628 …
valid approach M1
16.628−8.371 t −t 2(12.5−8.371)
eg 25
, 125 2 , 2×8.257
, 25
p = 0.330 A1 N2
[5 marks]
The diagram shows a circle of radius 8 metres. The points ABCD lie on the circumference of the circle.

BC = ^ = 104∘ , and BCD

14 m, CD = 11.5 m, AD = 8 m, ADC ^ = 73∘ .

5a. Find AC. [3 marks]

evidence of choosing cosine rule (M1)
eg c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C , CD2 + AD2 − 2 × CD × AD cos D
correct substitution A1
eg 11.5 2 + 82 − 2 × 11.5 × 8 cos 104 , 196.25 − 184 cos 104
AC = 15.5 (m) A1 N2
[3 marks]

5b. (i) Find ^ .

ACD [5 marks]

(ii) Hence, find ^ .

(i) METHOD 1
evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)
sin A sin B sin AĈD sin D
eg a
= b
, AD = AC
correct substitution A1
sin ACD sin 104
eg 8
= 15.516…
^ = 30.0∘
evidence of choosing cosine rule (M1)
eg c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C
correct substitution A1
e.g. 82 = 11.52 + 15.516…2 − 2(11.5)(15.516 …) cos C
^ = 30.0∘

(ii) subtracting their ^ from 73

ACD (M1)
^ , 70 − 30.017 …
eg 73 − ACD
^ = 43.0∘

[5 marks]

5c. Find the area of triangle ADC. [2 marks]

correct substitution (A1)
eg area ΔADC = 12 (8)(11.5) sin 104
area = 44.6 (m2) A1 N2
[2 marks]

5d. Hence or otherwise, find the total area of the shaded regions. [4 marks]
attempt to subtract (M1)
eg circle − ABCD , πr2 − ΔADC − ΔACB
area ΔACB = 12 (15.516 …)(14) sin 42.98 (A1)
correct working A1
eg π(8)2 − 44.6336 … − 12 (15.516 …)(14) sin 42.98 , 64π − 44.6 − 74.1
shaded area is 82.4 (m2) A1 N3
[4 marks]

Total [6 marks]

The following diagram shows a triangle ABC.

The area of triangle ABC is 80 cm2 , AB = 18 cm , AC = x cm and BAC = 50∘ .

6a. Find x. [3 marks]

correct substitution into area formula (A1)
eg 2 (18x) sin 50
setting their area expression equal to 80 (M1)
eg 9x sin 50 = 80
x = 11.6 A1 N2
[3 marks]
6b. Find BC. [3 marks]

evidence of choosing cosine rule (M1)
eg c2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab sin C
correct substitution into right hand side (may be in terms of x) (A1)
eg 11.6 2 + 182 − 2(11.6)(18) cos 50
BC = 13.8 A1 N2
[3 marks]

The following diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius r cm.

^ = 1.4 radians .
Points A and B are on the circumference of the circle and AOB
^ O = π radians .
The point C is on [OA] such that BC

7a. Show that OC = r cos 1.4 . [1 mark]

use right triangle trigonometry A1
eg cos 1.4 = OC
OC = r cos 1.4 AG N0
[1 mark]

7b. The area of the shaded region is 25 cm2 . Find the value of r . [7 marks]

correct value for BC

eg BC = r sin 1.4 , √r2 − (r cos 1.4)


area of ΔOBC = 12 r sin 1.4 × r cos 1.4 (= 12 r2 sin 1.4 × cos 1.4) A1

area of sector OAB = 12 r2 × 1.4 A1

attempt to subtract in any order (M1)
eg sector – triangle, 12 r2 sin 1.4 × cos 1.4 − 0.7r2
correct equation A1
eg 0.7r2 − 12 r sin 1.4 × r cos 1.4 = 25
attempt to solve their equation (M1)
eg sketch, writing as quadratic, 0.616…
r = 6.37 A1 N4
[7 marks]
Note: Exception to FT rule. Award A1FT for a correct FT answer from a
quadratic equation involving two trigonometric functions.

8a. Let sin 100∘ = m. Find an expression for cos 100∘ in terms of m. [3 marks]
Note: All answers must be given in terms of m . If a candidate makes an error
that means there is no m in their answer, do not award the final A1FT mark.
valid approach involving Pythagoras (M1)

e.g. sin 2 x + cos2 x = 1 , labelled diagram

correct working (may be on diagram) (A1)

e.g. m 2 + (cos 100)2 = 1 , √1 − m 2
cos 100 = −√1 − m2 A1 N2
[3 marks]

valid approach involving tan identity (M1)
e.g. tan = cos
correct working (A1)
sin 100
e.g. cos 100 = tan 100
cos 100 = m
tan 100
A1 N2
[3 marks]

8b. Let sin 100∘ = m . Find an expression for tan 100∘ in terms of m. [1 mark]
tan 100 = − m (accept m ) A1 N1
√ 1−m2 −√ 1−m2
[1 mark]

tan 100 = m
cos 100
A1 N1
[1 mark]

8c. Let sin 100∘ = m. Find an expression for sin 200∘ in terms of m. [2 marks]

valid approach involving double angle formula (M1)
e.g. sin 2θ = 2 sin θcosθ

sin 200 = −2m√1 − m2 (accept 2m (−√1 − m2 )) A1 N2

Note: If candidates find cos 100 = √1 − m 2 , award full FT in parts (b) and
(c), even though the values may not have appropriate signs for the angles.
[2 marks]

valid approach involving double angle formula (M1)
e.g. sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ , 2m × m
tan 100
sin 200 = tan 100
(= 2m cos 100) A1 N2
[2 marks]
Let f(x) = acos(b(x − c)) . The diagram below shows part of the graph of f , for 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 .

The graph has a local maximum at P(3, 5) , a local minimum at Q(7, − 5) , and crosses thex-axis at R.

9a. Write down the value of [2 marks]

(i) a;
(ii) c.

(i) a = 5 (accept −5 ) A1 N1
(ii) c = 3 (accept c = 7 , if a = −5 ) A1 N1
Note: Accept other correct values of c, such as 11, −5, etc.
[2 marks]

9b. Find the value of b . [2 marks]

attempt to find period (M1)

e.g. 8 , b = period
0.785398 …

b= 8
(exact), π4 , 0.785 [0.785, 0.786] (do not accept 45) A1 N2
[2 marks]
9c. Find the x-coordinate of R. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
e.g. f(x) = 0 , symmetry of curve
x = 5 (accept (5 ,0)) A1 N2
[2 marks]

The following diagram shows a circular play area for children.

The circle has centre O and a radius of 20 m, and the points A, B, C and D lie on the circle. Angle AOB
is 1.5 radians.

10a. Find the length of the chord [AB]. [3 marks]

Note: In this question, do not penalise for missing or incorrect units. They are
not included in the markscheme, to avoid complex answer lines.
choosing cosine rule (must have cos in it) (M1)
e.g. c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C
correct substitution (into rhs) A1
202 + 202 − 2(20)(20) cos 1.5 , AB = √800 − 800 cos 1.5
AB = 27.26555 …
AB = 27.3 [27.2, 27.3] A1 N2
[3 marks]
choosing sine rule (M1)
e.g. sina A = sin B AB
, sin O
= AO
sin B
correct substitution A1
AB 20
e.g. sin 1.5
= sin(0.5(π−1.5))
AB = 27.26555 …
AB = 27.3 [27.2, 27.3] A1 N2
[3 marks]

10b. Find the area of triangle AOB. [2 marks]

correct substitution into area formula A1
e.g. 12 (20)(20) sin 1.5 , 12 (20)(27.2655504 …) sin(0.5(π − 1.5))
area = 199.498997 … (accept 199.75106 = 200 , from using 27.3)
area = 199 [199, 200] A1 N1
[2 marks]
10c. Angle BOC is 2.4 radians. [3 marks]
Find the length of arc ADC.

appropriate method to find angle AOC (M1)
e.g. 2π − 1.5 − 2.4
correct substitution into arc length formula (A1)
e.g. (2π − 3.9) × 20 , 2.3831853 … × 20
arc length = 47.6637 …
arc length = 47.7 (47.6, 47.7] (i.e. do not accept 47.6) A1 N2

Notes: Candidates may misread the question and use AÔC = 2.4 . If working
shown, award M0 then A0MRA1 for the answer 48. Do not then penalize
AÔC in part (d) which, if used, leads to the answer 679.498 …
However, if they use the prematurely rounded value of 2.4 for AÔC ,
penalise 1 mark for premature rounding for the answer 48 in (c). Do not then
penalize for this in (d).
[3 marks]

10d. Angle BOC is 2.4 radians. [3 marks]

Find the area of the shaded region.

calculating sector area using their angle AOC (A1)
e.g. 12 (2.38 …)(202 ) , 200(2.38 …) , 476.6370614 …
shaded area = their area of triangle AOB + their area of sector (M1)
e.g.199.4989973 … + 476.6370614 … , 199 + 476.637
shaded area = 676.136 … (accept 675.637 … = 676 from using 199)
shaded area = 676 [676, 677] A1 N2
[3 marks]
10e. Angle BOC is 2.4 radians. [4 marks]
The shaded region is to be painted red. Red paint is sold in cans which cost $32
each. One can covers 140 m2 . How much does it cost to buy the paint?

dividing to find number of cans (M1)
e.g. 676
, 4.82857 …
5 cans must be purchased (A1)
multiplying to find cost of cans (M1)
e.g. 5(32) , 140
× 32
cost is 160 (dollars) A1 N3
[4 marks]

The diagram below shows part of the graph of f(x) = acos(b(x − c)) − 1 , where a > 0 .

The point P ( π ,2) is a maximum point and the point Q ( 3

4 4
,−4) is a minimum point.

11a. Find the value of a . [2 marks]

evidence of valid approach (M1)
max y value−min y value
e.g. 2 , distance from y = −1
a=3 A1 N2
[2 marks]

11b. (i) Show that the period of f is π. [4 marks]

(ii) Hence, find the value of b .

(i) evidence of valid approach (M1)
e.g. finding difference in x-coordinates, π2
evidence of doubling A1
e.g. 2 × ( π2 )
period = π AG N0
(ii) evidence of valid approach (M1)

e.g. b= π
b=2 A1 N2
[4 marks]

11c. Given that 0 < c < π , write down the value of c . [1 mark]

c= 4
A1 N1
[1 mark]

Let f(x) = (sin x + cos x)2 .

12a. Show that f(x) can be expressed as 1 + sin 2x . [2 marks]

attempt to expand (M1)
e.g. (sin x + cos x)(sin x + cos x) ; at least 3 terms
correct expansion A1
e.g.sin2 x + 2 sin x cos x + cos2 x
f(x) = 1 + sin 2x AG N0
[2 marks]

12b. The graph of f is shown below for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π . [2 marks]

Letg(x) = 1 + cos x . On the same set of axes, sketch the graph of g for
0 ≤ x ≤ 2π .

A1A1 N2

Note: Award A1 for correct sinusoidal shape with period 2π and range [0, 2],
A1 for minimum in circle.

12c. The graph of g can be obtained from the graph of f under a horizontal [2 marks]

( ).
stretch of scale factor p followed by a translation by the vector
Write down the value of p and a possible value of k .

p = 2 , k = − π2 A1A1 N2
[2 marks]
The following diagram shows a triangle ABC.

BC = 6 , C ÂB = 0.7 radians , AB = 4p , AC = 5p , where p > 0 .

13a. (i) Show that p2 (41 − 40 cos 0.7) = 36 . [4 marks]

(ii) Find p .

(i) evidence of valid approach (M1)
e.g. choosing cosine rule
correct substitution (A1)
e.g. 62 = (5p)2 + (4p)2 − 2 × (4p) × (5p) cos 0.7
simplification A1
e.g. 36 = 25p2 + 16p2 − 40p2 cos 0.7
p2 (41 − 40 cos 0.7) = 36 AG N0
(ii) 1.85995 …
p = 1.86 A1 N1
Note: Award A0 for p = ±1.86 , i.e. not rejecting the negative value.
[4 marks]
Consider the circle with centre B that passes through the point C. The circle cuts theline CA at D, and
AD̂B is obtuse. Part of the circle is shown in the following diagram.

13b. Write down the length of BD. [1 mark]

BD = 6 A1 N1
[1 mark]

13c. Find AD̂B . [4 marks]

evidence of valid approach (M1)
e.g. choosing sine rule
correct substitution A1
sin AD̂B sin 0.7
e.g. 4p
= 6

acute AD̂B = 0.9253166 … (A1)

π − 0.9253166 … = 2.216275 …
AD̂B = 2.22 A1 N3
[4 marks]

13d. (i) Show that CB̂D = 1.29 radians, correct to 2 decimal places. [6 marks]
(ii) Hence, find the area of the shaded region.
(i) evidence of valid approach (M1)
e.g. recognize isosceles triangle, base angles equal
π − 2(0.9253 …) A1

CB̂D = 1.29 AG N0
(ii) area of sector BCD (A1)
e.g. 0.5 × (1.29) × (6)2
area of triangle BCD (A1)
e.g. 0.5 × (6)2 sin 1.29
evidence of subtraction M1
5.92496 …
5.937459 …
area = 5.94 A1 N3
[6 marks]

^ Q = 70∘ and PQR

The following diagram shows ΔPQR , where RQ = 9 cm, PR ^ = 45∘ .

14a. Find ^Q .
RP [1 mark]

^ Q =65∘
RP A1 N1
[1 mark]

14b. Find PR . [3 marks]

evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)
correct substitution A1
PR 9
sin 45∘
= sin 65∘
PR = 7.02 A1 N2
[3 marks]

14c. Find the area of ΔPQR . [2 marks]

correct substitution (A1)
e.g. area = 2 × 9 × 7.02 … × sin 70∘
area = 29.7 A1 N2
[2 marks]

Consider the following circle with centre O and radius r .

The points P, R and Q are on the circumference, PÔQ = 2θ , for 0 <θ< π


15a. Use the cosine rule to show that PQ = 2r sin θ . [4 marks]

correct substitution into cosine rule A1
e.g. PQ2 = r2 + r2 − 2(r)(r) cos(2θ) , PQ2 = 2r2 − 2r2 (cos(2θ))
substituting 1 − 2sin2 θ for cos 2θ (seen anywhere) A1
e.g. PQ2 = 2r2 − 2r2 (1 − 2sin2 θ)
working towards answer (A1)
e.g. PQ2 = 2r2 − 2r2 + 4r2 sin2 θ
2r2 − 2r2 = 0 (including crossing out) (seen anywhere)
e.g. PQ = 4r2 sin 2 θ , PQ = √4r2 sin 2 θ
PQ = 2rsinθ AG N0
[4 marks]

15b. Let l be the length of the arc PRQ . [5 marks]

Given that 1.3PQ − l = 0 , find the value of θ .

PRQ = r × 2θ (seen anywhere) (A1)
correct set up A1
e.g. 1.3 × 2r sin θ − r × (2θ) = 0
attempt to eliminate r (M1)
correct equation in terms of the one variable θ (A1)
e.g. 1.3 × 2 sin θ − 2θ = 0
θ = 1.22 (accept 70.0∘ (69.9)) A1 N3
[5 marks]

15c. Consider the function f(θ) = 2.6 sin θ − 2θ , for 0 < θ < 2 .
[4 marks]
(i) Sketch the graph of f .
(ii) Write down the root of f(θ) = 0 .

A1A1A1 N3

Note: Award A1 for approximately correct shape, A1 for x-intercept in

approximately correct position, A1 for domain. Do not penalise if sketch starts
at origin.
(ii) 1.221496215
θ = 1.22 A1 N1
[4 marks]

15d. Use the graph of f to find the values of θ for which l < 1.3PQ . [3 marks]

evidence of appropriate approach (may be seen earlier) M2
e.g.2θ < 2.6 sin θ , 0 < f(θ) , showing positive part of sketch
0 < θ < 1.221496215
0 < θ = 1.22 (accept θ < 1.22 ) A1 N1
[3 marks]

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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