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Multiple Choice Questions

Unit I- Mechanics of Metal Cutting

1. A cutting tool is

(A) Single point

(B) Multi point
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Pointless

2. Following is (are) machine tool(s)

(A) Lathe
(B) Shaper
(C) Milling
(D) all of the above

3-Flats jobs are generally machined by using

(A) Shaper
(B) Lathe
(C) Cylindrical grinding
(D) all of the above

4-Cylindrical jobs are generally machined by using

(A) Shaper
(B) Planer
(C) Lathe
(D) Surface grinding

5-Orthogonal cutting is ___ dimensional metal cutting.

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) three
(D) None of the above

6- Oblique cutting is ___ dimensional metal cutting.

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) three
(D) None of the above

7-In which of the following multi-point cutting tool is used

(A) Milling
(B) Lathe
(C) Shaper
(D) Boring

8-In which of the following single point cutting tool is used

(A) Milling
(B) Lathe
(C) Drilling
(D) Broaching

9-Following is (are) types of single point cutting tool(s)

(A) Solid type
(B) Tipped type
(C) Indexable inserts type
(D) all of the above

10-It is the angle between the face of the tool and a line parallel with base of the tool measured in
a perpendicular plane through the side cutting edge.
(A) Back rake angle
(B) Side rake angle
(C) End relief angle
(D) Side relief angle

11-This angle is provided on tool to provide clearance between work piece and tool so as to
prevent the rubbing of work- piece with end flake of tool.
(A) Back rake angle
(B) Side rake angle
(C) End relief angle
(D) Side relief angle

12-It is the angle that allows the tool to cut without rubbing on the work- piece.
(A) Back rake angle
(B) Side rake angle
(C) End relief angle
(D) Side relief angle

13. Why metal removal process is costly?

(A) More energy is required
(B) Some of the material is wasted
(C) Both more energy is required and some of the material is wasted
(D) None of the mentioned

14. In which machining process, removed metal is negligible?

(A) Surface finishing
(B) Metal removal
(C) Both surface finishing and metal removal
(D) None of the mentioned
15. Dimension accuracy is not affected in metal removal process?
(B) False

16. Which of the following process is not grouped under metal removal process?
(A) Boring
(B) Milling
(C) Tumbling
(D) Rolling

17. Which of the following is not groped under the surface finishing process?
(A) Sawing
(B) Tapping
(C) buffing
(D) polishing
18. Metal removal process gives poor contour on the compound.
(A) true
(B) false
19. In how many groups, metal removal process can be classified?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
20. In which type of metal removal process, grinding is included?
(A) Conventional machining
(B) Abrasive process
(C) Nontraditional machining
(D) None of the mentioned
21. ______ metal removal process includes milling.
(A) Conventional machining
(B) Abrasive process
(C) Nontraditional machining
(D) None of the mentioned
22. In which type of metal removal process, thermal energy is included?
(A) Conventional machining
(B) Abrasive process
(C) Nontraditional machining
(D) None of the mentioned
23. Which of the following is the type of nontraditional machining?
(B) Drilling
(C) Milling
(D) None of the mentioned
24. In which metal removal process, material is removed by particles?
(A) Conventional machining
(B) Abrasive process
(C) Nontraditional machining
(D) None of the mentioned
25. In which process, various energy forms other than sharp cutting tool is used to remove
(A) Conventional machining
(B) Abrasive process
(C) Nontraditional machining
(D) None of the mentioned
26. Metal removal process is also termed as primary production process.
(A) True
(B) False
27. Angle between the rake face and plane perpendicular to rake face is known as:
(A) Side rake angle
(B) Side relief angle
(C) End relief angle
(D) Back rake angle
28. Angle between the rake face flank of tool and perpendicular line drawn from cutting point to
base of tool is known as:
(A) Side rake angle
(B) Side relief angle
(C) End relief angle
(D) Back rake angle
29. Angle between side cutting edge and axis of tool is known as:
(A) Side rake angle
(B) Side relief angle
(C) Side cutting edge angle
(D) Back rake angle
30. Angle between end cutting edge and axis of tool is known as:
(A) Side rake angle
(B) Side relief angle
(C) End cutting edge angle
(D) Back rake angle
31. Angle between side cutting edge and end cutting edge in the top surface plane of tool.
(A) Side rake angle
(B) Side relief angle
(C) Side cutting edge angle
(D) Nose angle
32. With an increase in lip angle keeping side rake angle constant, strength of tool.
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remains constant
(D) None of the mentioned
33. For large positive back rake angle, tool will be
(A) Weaker
(B) Stronger
(C) Smoother
(D) Harder
34. For large negative back rake angle, tool will be
(A) Weaker
(B) Stronger
(C) Smoother
(D) Harder
35. Which of the following will give better chip flow?
(A) Positive back rake angle tool
(B) Negative back rake angle tool
(C) Zero back rake angle tool
(D) None of the mentioned
36. Which of the following will give large friction during chip flow?
(A) Positive back rake angle tool
(B) Negative back rake angle tool
(C) Zero back rake angle tool
(D) Small lip angle tool
37. Tool signature or Tool nomenclature has
(A) 4 elements
(B) 5 elements
(C) 6 elements
(D) 7 elements

38. In Tool signature 0-7-6-8-15-16-0.8, side rake angle is

(A) 0 degree
(B) 7 degrees
(C) 6 degrees
(D) 8 degrees

39. In Tool signature 0-7-6-8-15-16-0.8, back rake angle is

(A) 0 degree
(B) 7 degrees
(C) 6 degrees
(D) 8 degrees

40. As the tool advances, maximum stress is exerted ___ the shear plane.
(A) Along
(B) Perpendicular to
(C) Inclined to
(D) None of the above

41. The type of chips edge formed is basically a function of the

(A) Work material
(B) Cutting conditions
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

42. Continuous chip obtained while machining

(A) Brass
(B) Cast Iron
(C) Bronze
(D) Copper

43. Discontinuous chip obtained while machining

(A) Mild steel
(B) Cast Iron
(C) Copper
(D) All of the above

44. Non homogenous chips are developed during machining

(A) Copper
(B) Cast Iron
(C) Titanium
(D) All of the above

45. Following is (are) the function(s) of coolant

(A) Decreases adhesion between chip and tool
(B) Provides lower friction
(C) Provides smaller built up edge
(D) All of the above

46. Which of the following is correct about chip thickness ratio ‘r’?
(A) r<1
(B) r=1
(C) r>1
(D) None of the mentioned
47. If t1 denotes the uncut chip thickness and t2 denotes cut chip thickness ratio then, which of
the following equation is correct about chip thickness ratio ‘r’?
(A) r=t1/t2
(B) r=t1/t2
(C) r=t1*t2
(D) None of the mentioned

48. Which of the following is the correct relation for chip thickness ratio ‘r’?
Given that: φ=shear angle
α=rake angle
(A) tan φ= cosα/(1-r*sinφ)
(B) tan φ= rcosα/(1-r*sinφ)
(C) tan φ= rcosα/(1-sinφ)
(D) tan φ= cosα/(r-r*sinφ)

49. Horizontal force exerted by tool on work piece is known as

(A) Cutting force
(B) Frictional resistance
(C) Backing up force
(D) Shear force

50. Metal resistance to shear during chip formation is known as

(A) Cutting force
(B) Frictional resistance
(C) Backing up force
(D) Shear force

51. Force exerted by work piece on chip in normal direction of shear plane is known as
(A) Cutting force
(B) Frictional resistance
(C) Backing up force
(D) Shear force

52. Force exerted by tool on chip normal to tool face is known as

(A) Cutting force
(B) Frictional resistance
(C) Backing up force
(D) Shear force

53. Which of the following assumption is not valid for merchant circle diagram?
(A) Continuous Chips
(B) Discontinuous chips
(C) Cutting edge remains sharp
(D) No built up edge
54. Which of the following assumption is not valid for the merchant circle diagram?
(A) Continuous Chips
(B) Sharpness of cutting edge reduces gradually
(C) Cutting edge remains sharp
(D) No built up edge

55. which of the following is correct equation for shear force FS=? φ is the shear angle?
(A) FS=FCcosφ-FTsinφ
(B) FS=FCcosφ/FTsinφ
(C) FS=FCcosφ*FTsinφ
(D) FS=FCcos&o#966;+FTsinφ

56. .Cutting will be called orthogonal when

(A) λ = 0
(B) λ = 0 and φ= 90o
(C) chip flows along πo plane
(D) λ = 0 and r (nose radius) = 0

57. Deviation of chip flow from po ( ? )Does not depend upon

(A) Cutting velocity
(B) Feed
(C) Depth of cut
(D) Nose radius

58. In turning mild steel the value of ζ will be

(A) > 1.0
(B) < 1.0
(C) = 1.0
(D) None of the above

59. The value of shear angle, βo depends upon

(A)Tool rake angle
(B) Friction at chip-tool interface
(C) Built – up – edge formation
(D) All of the above

60. .Shaping grey cast iron block will produce

(A) Continuous chip with BUE
(B) Continuous chip without BUE
(C) Discontinuous chip of irregular size & shape
(D) Discontinuous chip of regular size & shape

61. The value of chip reduction coefficient, ζ does not depend upon
(A) Cutting velocity
(B) Depth of cut
(C) Cutting tool material
(D) Tool rake angle

62. A single-point cutting tool with 120C rake angle is used to machine a steel work-piece. The
depth of cut, i.e., uncut thickness is 0.81 mm. The chip thickness under orthogonal machining
condition is 1.8 mm. The shear angle is approximately
(A) 220C
(B) 260C
(C) 560C
(D) 760C
63. In a single point turning tool, the side rake angle and orthogonal rake angle are equal. ϕ is the
principal cutting edge angle and its range is 00<ϕ<900. The chip flows in the orthogonal plane.
The value of ϕ is closest to
(A) 00
(B) 450
(C) 600
(D) 900

64. In an orthogonal machining operation:

Uncut thickness = 0.5 mm
Cutting speed = 20 m/min
Rake angel = 150
Width of cut = 5 mm Chip thickness = 0.7 mm
Thrust force = 200 N Cutting force = 1200 N
The values of shear angle and shear strain, respectively, are
(A) 30.30 and 1.98
(B) 30.30 and 4.23
(C) 40.20 and 2.97
(D) 40.20 and 1.65
65. Which of the following parameters govern the value of the shear angle in continuous chip
(A) True feed
(B) Chip thickness
(C) Rake angle of the cutting tool
(D) All of the mentioned

66. In determining the various forces on the chip, Merchant assumed that the
(A) cutting edge of the tool is sharp and it does not make any flank contact with the work piece
(B) only continuous chip without built up edge is produced
(C) cutting velocity remains constant
(D) all of the mentioned
67. Cutting forces can be measured using a
(A) Transducer
(B) Dynamometer
(C) Load cell
(D) All of the mentioned
68. Transducers have a much __________ natural frequency and stiffness than dynamometers.
(A) Higher
(B) Lower
(C) Equal
(D) None of the mentioned
69. In metal machining, the zone where the heat is generated due to friction between the moving
chip and the tool face is called
(A) friction zone
(B) work tool contact zone
(C) shear zone
(D) none of the mentioned
70. In metal machining, the zone where the maximum heat is generated due to the plastic
deformation of metal is called:
(A) friction zone
(B) work tool contact zone
(C) shear zone
(D) none of the mentioned
71. The ratio of the cutting force to the cross-sectional area being cut is called:
(A) Specific cutting force
(B) Thrust force
(C) Frictional force
(D) None of the mentioned
72. The specific cutting energy used for establishing the mach inability of the metal depends
upon its
(A) Coefficient of friction
(B) Micro-structure
(C) Work hardening characteristics
(D) All of the mentioned
73. For machining a mild steel work piece using carbide tool, the maximum material will be
removed at a temperature of
(A) 500
(B) 1000
(C) 1750
(D) 2750
74. For machining a mild steel work piece by a high speed steel tool, the average cutting speed is
(A) 5 m/min
(B) 10 m/ min
(C) 15 m/min
(D) 30 m/min
75. For machining a cast iron work piece by a high speed steel tool, the average cutting speed is
(A) 10 m/min
(B) 15 m/min
(C) 22 m/min
(D) 30 m/min
76. The machining of titanium is difficult due to
(A) High thermal conductivity of titanium
(B) Chemical reaction between tool and work
(C) Low tool-chip contact area
(D) None of the mentioned
77. The factor considered for evaluation of maintainability is
(A) Cutting forces and power consumption
(B) Tool life
(C) Type of chips and shear angle
(D) All of the mentioned
78. In machining metals, chips break due to _____________ of work material.
(A) Toughness
(B) Ductility
(C) Elasticity
(D) Work hardening
79. In machining metals, surface roughness is due to
(A) Feed marks or ridges left by the cutting tool
(B) Fragment of built up edge on the machined surface
(C) Cutting tool vibrations
(D) All of the mentioned
80. The tool material, for faster machining, should have
(A) wear resistance
(B) red hardness
(C) toughness
(D) all of the mentioned
81. Which of the following is not a constituent of High speed steel?
(A) V
(B) Cr
(C) W
(D) Ni

82. In a single point turning operation with a cemented carbide and steel combination having a
Taylor exponent of 0.25, if the cutting speed is halved, then the tool life will become
(A) Half
(B) Two times
(C) Eight times
(D) Sixteen times

83. A drill bit of 20mm diameter rotating at 500 rpm with a feed rate of 0.2 mm/revolution is
used to drill a through hole in Mild Steel plate of 20mm thickness. The depth of cut in this
drilling operation is
(A) 100 mm
(B) 20 mm
(C) 10 mm
(D) 0.2 mm

84. The tool life increases with the

(A) Increase in side cutting edge angle
(B) Decrease in side rake angle
(C) Decrease in nose radius
(D) Decrease in back rake angle

85. Match list I and II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I (Cutting tools) List II (Major constituent)
a. Stellite 1. Tungsten
b. HSS 2. Cobalt
c. Ceramic 3. Alumina
d. UCON 4. Columbium
5. Titanium
(A) a-5, b-1, c-3, d-4
(B) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
(C) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4
(D) a-2, b-5, c-3, d-4

86. In the Taylor’s tool life equation, VT^n = C, the value of n=0.5. The tool life has a life of 180
minutes at a cutting speed of 18 m/min. If the tool life is reduced to 45 minutes, then the cutting
speed will be
(A) 9 m/min
(B) 18 m/min
(C) 36 m/min
(D) 72 m/min

87. Match list-I (Cutting tool material) with List-II (Typical value of tool life exponent ‘n’ in the
Taylor’s equation V.T^n=C) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II
a. HSS 1. 0.18

b. Cast alloy 2. 0.12

c. Ceramic 3. 0.25

d. Sintered carbide 4. 0.5

(A) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
(B) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4
(C) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
(D) a-1, b-2, c-4, d-3

88. The cutting velocity in m/sec, for turning a work piece of diameter 100 mm at the spindle
speed of 480 rpm is
(A) 1.26
(B) 2.51
(C) 48
(D) 151

89. Which of the following tool materials have cobalt as a constituent element?
1. Tungsten carbide 2. CBN 3. Stellite 4. UCON
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(A) 1 & 2
(B) 1 & 3
(C) 1 & 4
(D) 2 & 3

90. The approximately variation of the tool life exponent ‘n’ of cemented carbide tools is
(A) 0.03 to 0.08
(B) 0.08 to 0.20
(C) 0.20 to 0.48
(D) 0.48 to 0.70

91. The coating materials for coated carbide tools, include

(A) TiC, TiN and NaCN
(B) TiC and TiN
(C) TiN and NaCN
(D) TiC and NaCN

92. Match List-I (Cutting tool materials) and List-II (Fabrication processes) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I List II

a. HSS 1. Casting
b. Stellite 2. Powder metallurgy

c. Carbide 3. Forging

d. UCON 4. Extrusion

5. Rolling
(A) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
(B) a-1, b-5, c-3, d-4
(C) a-2, b-4, c-3, d-5
(D) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-5

93. Using the Taylor equation VT^n=c, calculate the percentage increase in tool life when the
cutting speed is reduced is reduced by 50% (n=0.5 and c=400)
(A) 300%
(B) 400%
(C) 100%
(D) 50%

94. Consider the following actions:

1. Mechanical abrasion
2. Diffusion
3. Plastic deformation
4. Oxidation
Which of the above are the causes of tool wear?
(A) 2 & 3
(B) 1 & 2
(C) 1, 2 & 4
(D) 1 & 3

95. Match List-I (Material) with List-II (Related Cutting Speed in m/min) and select the correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I (Material) List II (Related cutting speed in m/min)

a. Plastics 1. 305

b. Cast Iron (medium) 2. 15

c. Stainless steel 3. 20-30

d. Aluminium 4. 450

5. 220
(A) a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4
(B) a-4, b-2, c-5, d-1
(C) a-1, b-2, c-5, d-4
(D) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1

96. Tool material not suited to resistance welding is

(A) Aluminium oxide
(B) Stellite
(C) High speed steel
(D) Masonite

97. Consider the following statements:

Chipping of a cutting tool is due to
1. Tool material being too brittle
2. Hot hardness of the tool material
3. High positive rake angle of the tool
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 & 3
(B) 1 & 3
(C) 2 & 3
(D) 1 & 2

98. A milling cutter of 70 mm diameter with 12 teeth is operating at a cutting speed of 22 m/min
and a feed of 0.05 mm/tooth. The feed rate per minute is
(A) 110 mm/min
(B) 35 mm/min
(C) 6 mm/min
(D) 60 mm/min

Prepared By
Dr.Manisha Lande
Associate Professor, VPKBIET Baramati
Multiple Choice Questions
Unit II- Gear and Thread Manufacturing
1. Gear shaping is related to.......
B.Form tooth process

2. Which of the following methods produces gear by generating process.......

B. Casting

3. Gears are best mass produced by.........


4. Which of the following is a gear finishing operation......

D.Shaping and brushing

5. Which of the following operation is different from the rest.......


6. Hobbing process is also used for which of the following application?

A. Punching
B. Metal bending
C. Rust removal
D. Sprocket cutting

7. Hobbing is a special type of which of the following?

A. Casting
B. Grinding
C. Drilling
D. Milling

8. In the process of gear cutting by hobbing, the angle between the hob’s spindle axis and
the work piece’s spindle axis is fixed.
A. True
B. False

9. For spur gear manufacturing, angle between the hob’s spindle axis and the workpiece’s
spindle axis should be equal to____
A. (helix angle of the hob)/2
B. 2*(helix angle of the hob)
C. (helix angle of the hob)
D. (helix angle of the hob)2

10. For helical gears, the angle between hob’s spindle axis and workpiece’s spindle axis
must be _____ as the helix angle of the helical gear.
A. increased by the same amount
B. increased by the half amount
C. decreased by the same amount
D. decreased by the half amount

11. Hobbing machines are characterised by _____

A. production rate
B. largest module or PCD it can generate
C. accuracy of the machine
D. size of the machine

12. 5in (125 mm) capacity machine can generate gears upto_____ pitch diameter.
A. 5in
B. 10in
C. 15in
D. 20in

13. The gear hob is a formed tooth milling cutter with helical teeth.
A. True
B. False
14. As the number of threads on the hob increases, it’s accuracy_____
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains same
D. can’t say

15. As the number of threads on the hob increases, production rate______

A. increases
B. decreases
C. with each thread, increases by 25%
D.can’t say

16. Ideally how many gear threads should be there or each hob thread?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 45
D. 10 times the number of hob threads

17. Which of the following methods delivers the better rolling performance and higher
strength of the manufactured bevel gear?
A. Face milling completing and hard finishing by grinding
B. Face hobbing and hard finishing by lapping
C. Face milling with five-cut and hard finishing by lapping
D.Face milling completing and hard finishing by lapping

18. Face milled gear sets are manufactured in_____

A. Single-indexing—one slot at a time
B. Single-indexing¬—two slots at a time
C. Double-indexing—two slots at a time
D. All the slots at a time

19. A certain tooth depth taper is applied in all face milled completing bevel gears.
A. True
B. False

20. What is a shaping process?

A. A type of casting process
B. A type of grinding process
C. A metal removal process in which reciprocating work piece is fed against a stationary
D. A process in which metal is removed by a reciprocating tool fed against a
stationary work piece

21. Which of the following is the advantage of shaping process?

A. Large objects can be machined easily
B. Thin or fragile work piece can also be machined
C. Lower machining time
D. Higher tool life

22. What is the purpose of the RAM in shaping machine?

A. To hold the tool
B. To hold the tool head
C. To hold the saddle
D. To hold work piece

23. What is the use of clapper block in the shaper?

A. To hold the tool post
B. To hold the feed handle
C. To house the down feed screw
D. To operate the angular graduation scale

24. Clapper block is connected to the clapper box by means of hinge pin.
A. True
B. False

25. How many types of shapers are there?

A. 5
B. 8
C. 10
D. 11

26. In draw type shaper, the metal is removed when the ram moves towards the machine.
A. True
B. False

27. In travelling head type shaper, ram can move only in vertical direction.
A. True
B. False

28. Which of the following is true about push type shapers?

A. The work piece moves away from the column machining
B. The ram moves away from the machine column while cutting the metal
C. The ram moves towards the machine column while cutting the metal
D. The ram moves away and the work piece moves towards the machine column

29. What will be the cutting time for machining the work piece of width 1000 mm when
the bull wheel is rotating at 150 rpm with the feed of 2 mm per stroke?
A. 90 sec
B. 120 sec
C. 200 sec
D. 500 sec

30. The gears are used to connect two parallel shafts except
A.Spur gear
B.Helical gear
C.Double helical gears
D.Bevel gears

31. The gears used to connect non-parallel and non-intersecting shafts is

A.Straight bevel gears
B.Spiral bevel gears
C.Spiral gears
D.Double helical gears

32. To connect two intersecting shafts we use

A.Spur gear
B.Helical gear
C.Worm and wheel
D.Bevel gears

33. The gear used to convert rotary motion into translating motion is
A.Worm and wheel
B.Crown gear
C.Rack and pinion
D.Spiral Bevel gear

34. Which of the following type of gear has inclined teeth?

A.Spur gear
B.Helical gear
C.Spiral gear
D.All of the above
35. The point of contact of two pitch circles of mating gears is called
A.Pressure point
B.Pitch point
D.Contact point

36. The circular pitch of a gear is given by

Where d=diameter of pitch circle
t=number of teeth

37. The module of a gear is given by

Where d=diameter of pitch circle
t=number of teeth

38. Which of the following does not give velocity ratio of gears?

39. Which of the following is a form of teeth?

D.All of the above

40. Which of the following pressure angle (in degrees) is commonly used for gears?

41. The portion of the gear tooth between the pitch circle and outer circle is called

A) Top land
B) Face
C) Flank
D) Bottom land

42. An automobile gearbox has

(A) Simple gear train

(B) Compound gear train
(C) Epicyclic gear train
(D) None of the above

43. When the velocity ratio is high and space is limited, use

(A) Spur gears

(B) Bevel gears
(C) Worm gears
(D) Helical gears

44. The angle through which a gear turns from the beginning of contact of a pair of teeth
until the contact arrives at the pitch point is known as

(A) Angle of contact

(B) Angle of recess
(C) Angle of approach
(D) Angle of action
45. Compared with full depth teeth, stub tooth has

(A) Short addendum and short dedendum

(B) Long addendum and long dedendum
(C) Same addendum and same dedendum
(D) Short addendum and same dedendum
46. The gear tooth system that will transmit very high load is

(A) 20° full depth involute

(B) 20° full stub involute
(C) 14.5° full depth involute
(D) 14.5° stub involute
47. Lewis equation of gear tooth is based on

(A) Maximum crushing stress in gear tooth

(B) Maximum bending stress in gear tooth
(C) Maximum shear stress in gear tooth
(D) Maximum contact stress in gear tooth

48. What is the effect of improper alignment of each tooth?

A. Tooth thickness increases
B. Face width decreases
C. Load will not distributed evenly
D.Pitch of teeth reduced

49. Which of the following is not true about concentricity of teeth?

A. Fluctuating velocity will be noticed when not concentric
B. Can be checked by using projector
C. Inaccuracy of parts when not concentric
D. Should be tested to ensure the proper heat treatment

50. Which of the following option is true about an analytical method of inspection of
A. Analytical method is widely used for industries
B. This method is fast
C. All individual elements of gear teeth are checked
D. More accurate

51. Which of the following element is not determined by analytical inspection?

A. Profile
B. Composite vibrations
C. Spacing
D. Pitch

52. Which of the following option is correct for given statements about gear
Statement 1: Improper alignment of each teeth will cause high bearing stresses.
Statement 2: Gear blank should be tested for dimensional accuracy.
A. T, F
B. F, F
C. F, T
d) T, T

53. Which of the following is not determined by the functional type of inspection?
a) Lead
b) Noise level
c) Variation in action
d) Vibration

54. Which of the following statement is true about inspection of gear?

a) Profile is determined by functional inspection
b) Backlash is determined by analytic inspection
c) Analytic test require running test of gear
d) Thickness of tooth is measured by functional inspection

55. Which of the following machine is used for rolling tests?

a) Parkson gear tester
b) Tooth caliper
c) Base pitch measuring instrument
d) Involute profile testing machine

56. If reference circle of gear is eccentric then which error is reflected by this
a) Cyclic error
b) Periodic error
c) Pitch error
d) Undulation

57. Which of the following option is true for given statements about gear measurement?
Statement 1: There is no effect of cutter accuracy on the accuracy of gear.
Statement 2: Accuracy of individual elements is necessary for precision gears.
a) T, F
b) F, F
c) T, T
d) F, T

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