Organizational Behavior in Walmart

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Organizational Behavior in Walmart’s Wage Increase

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Organizational Behavior In Walmart’s Wage Increase

Weaver, A. (2018). Walmart boosts starting wages to $11 an hour, citing tax

reform. Politico. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from


Walmart announced in January 2018 that it would increase starting wages to $11

per hour following tax reforms implemented by the Republican government. The

company also announced that it would offer a one-time bonus for eligible associates

in the same move. The move was made possible by the tax overhaul implemented by

the GOP in 2018 that saw large companies receive tax relief. The move was hailed as

an important step towards empowering working Americans and improving their lives.

Also included in the package was longer paternity and maternity leave as well as

financial aid for associates who wished to adopt children in the company. The one-

time bonus would be determined by the period that the associates would have worked

with the company at the point of the implementation of the new policy in February

2018. employees who had been with the company for over 20 years would be eligible

for up to a $1000 bonus. Analysts and policymakers concurred that the move was a

positive indication of how tax laws impact the lives of ordinary working-class

Americans, even as the tax reforms were vehemently opposed by the Democratic

Party in Congress.

Walmart’s decision to increase the starting wages to $11 per hour and offer its

associates one-time bonuses is an example of organizational behavior and how it can

be applied to the organizational setting. Organizational behavior is a theory that

examines the behavior of individuals in an organizational setting, how individuals

interact within an organization and with the organization, and how an organization

behaves within itself and how it interacts with the general society. There are three

levels of organizational behavior defined by the specific entity that is being examined.

Micro-level organizational behavior is an examination of the behavior of individuals

within an organizational setting. The meso-level organizational behavior is defined by

the interaction between individuals in a group within an organization and the

relationship between groups and the organization. Macro-level organizational

behavior is defined as the behavior of an organization as a whole and the relationship

between an organization and the society within which it operates.

On the micro-level of organizational behavior, the move by Walmart to increase

the starting wages and offer associates one-time bonuses would affect how individual

associates interact with and relate to the organization. Employees would experience

increased job satisfaction emanating from higher financial independence. That would

lead to improved well-being among employees who would be in a position to make

better financial decisions and investments in both themselves and their relatives. The

ensuing impact would be that the employees would have better brand loyalty and

there would be less turnover rates within the organization. The move would also be

expected to lead to improved performance and higher productivity among the

employees. Employees will have better peace of mind and will spend less time

worrying about their financial well-being and more time and energy would be

invested in achieving organizational goals. The decision to increase starting wages for

its associates and offer a one-time bonus for eligible associates in Walmart would

have a protracted impact on employee behavioral patterns, serving as an instance of

organizational behavior theory.

On the meso-level, Walmart’s decision to increase the starting wage and offer a

one-time bonus for its associates will have an impact on how employees interact with

each other within groups in the organization and how groups interact with and relate

to the organization. Relationships among employees within groups such as

departments in the organization are bound to improve once the new remuneration plan

is implemented. Groups within the organization are bound to be more committed to

organizational goals and are bound to increase their performance and productivity

levels. Groups will feel a greater obligation to perform better to justify their improved

remuneration under the new plan. Individuals within the groups will also feel

obligated to work harder to achieve group goals as they are aware that these are the

goals that coalesce into organizational goals. On the macro-level of organizational

behavior, the decision by Walmart to increase starting wages and offer a one-time

bonus to its employees would serve to present the company in a good light. It is a

major public relations move that portrays the Walmart brand and image positively.

The move shows that Walmart is committed to the empowerment of its employees

and is not only concerned with gaining the most out of their talents, skills, and

knowledge. Brand loyalty among the employees and their dependents is bound to

increase exponentially as they experience the positive impacts of a better financial

position emanating from the new remuneration plan. Among the employees, the

company will experience higher levels of loyalty and reduced turnover rates as the

employees view the company in a more positive light. The move will therefore have a

generally positive impact on the company both internally and externally.

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