Lab Assignment
Lab Assignment
Show the implementation of these circuits using Multisim and the resultant wave forms. You are
required to take the screenshot of your circuit and waveform and paste it as a word file with your
BITS ID mentioned on the waveform plots. The screen shot of the circuit should have the bits ID
as shown. This can be done as explained below.
For the circuit file the command is ctrl+Alt+A
There are two sections of the assignment.
The students are required to select two experiments from both the digital and assembly section
each, and submit it on the e-learning portal. Only the assignment submitted to the e-learning
portal will be evaluated. In making selection of two assignments, from the digital part, one has to
select one experiment, from each of the combination and sequential part
The assignment component carries 10 marks and each question is of 2.5 marks each.
The last date of submission will be 24th September 2021, midnight
The students are advised not to wait till the last date for the submission, as there are limited
number of licenses and last hour crowding may prevent from accessing the tool.
Digital Design
1. 2-bit Comparator Design a circuit that takes two unsigned 2-bit numbers (a and b), and
displays one of greater(a < b), lesser (a < b) or equal (a == b) signals.
2. Implement the function using Y= (1,2,3,4,6.7,9,14,15) the following list of components
3. Desgin a synchronous BCD counter using T flip flop and verify its performance using
4. Design a sequence detector circuit that produces an output pulse z=1 whenever the
sequence 1111 appears. Overlapping sequences are accepted; for example, if the input is
010101111110 the output is 000000001110. Realise the logic using JK flip-flop , Verify the
result using multisim and use four channel oscilloscope to show the waveforms as result.
The waveform should include the clk, IP signal and the states of the flip-flop.
5. Write an assembly language program to multiply the two 16-bit words in the memory
location called Multiplicand and Multiplier. The result is stored in the memory
location product
6. Write an assembly language program to take average of two Number named ONE-
NO and SECOND- NO and put the result in the memory location.
For all the assembly language assignment us 8086 emulator. You are required to show
the following screen shots . Bits ID needs to be mentioned on all the screen shots
a. Random access memory,
b. Flag
c. Stack
d. Emulator