Guidelines For New Dev Projects Issue 5 - Update 2020
Guidelines For New Dev Projects Issue 5 - Update 2020
Guidelines For New Dev Projects Issue 5 - Update 2020
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We are committed and aligned to Dubai’s 8 Principles
and 50-Year Charter supporting the UAE’s directions
through the delivery of global leading services and
innovative energy solutions enriching lives and
ensuring the happiness of our stakeholders in a
sustainable manner.
Our Values
Stakeholders Happiness
Good Governance
Our Motto
For generations to come.
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
4. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT......................................................................................................................................................................9
6. SUBMISSIONS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................10
7. NEXT STEPS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
8. ANNEXURE......................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide developers/consultant with adequate information to help with the preparation
and submission of their development master plan. The Guidelines include all requirements related to project’s water
demands and phasing, population, land use, network information and models, etc. to be submitted as part of the master
plan submission for DEWA’s review and approval. This project information once approved will be used by DEWA for Water
Infrastructure planning activities.
It is therefore essential for developers and their consultant to ensure that development master plan is prepared in line with
DEWA’s Guidelines for a timely and efficient approval process.
This document includes itemized requirements for each of the development master plan components.
The chart below outlines the Development Master Plan Approval Process.
Water Demand
Approval Submission No
WTP Department. Complete
Head Office
Design &
Forward Project
Construction NOC
with Comments
PWD Department. Project Type
to PWD
Al Quoz Office
• II&P: Infrastructure Information & Permits. ISSUANCE OF
• PWD: Projects Water Distribution. Yes
• Water PE & New Connections: Water APPROVAL
Projects and Engineering & New Connections LETTER
• WTP: Water Transmission Planning
2. Valid DEWA’s Information NOC issued for the project (NOC validity is 6 months).
3. Coloured location map and layout of the project (all soft file in CAD or GIS system shape file format, should be geo-
referenced to DLTM coordinate system).
4. Project’s water demand calculation sheets, (all demand calculations should be provided in MS Excel spreadsheet
format including all assumptions/formulas used along with supporting data files).
Consumption rates and peak factors used to calculate Average and Peak Demands along with justification of the
same, as applicable.
6. Land use classified demand calculations including percentage of land use types and year wise percentage of expected
7. Year wise cumulative demand, plot wise/zone wise and phase wise demands.
8. Statements for plots / corridors availability for the development as per DEWA requirements (if applicable.)
Internal network layout indicating proposed take offs/connection points, year required and expected pressure at
each of take points. (PDF & CAD format).
10. Epanet compatible hydraulic modelling file(s) developed for the Project’s network study (geo-referenced to the
Dubai coordinate system (DLTM).
o Domestic
o Commercial
o Industrial
• Digital
calculations worksheets based on information used to estimate the total water demands, such as population,
land use, consumption rates, etc.
In line with DEWA Sustainability, Developers/Consultants are encouraged to avoid the use of potable water demand
maximum rate value while calculating the demands, unless there are valid justifications based on the requirements of the
Consumption Rates
User Category
(L/Cap. Day)
Based Metal Chemical Zone 100
Day Clinic (per Medical Practitioner) including Visitors 300 - 450
Club house/Recreation 100
Commercial Buildings 60-100
Entertainment & Leisure/Theater 10-60
Events 10-50
Guardhouse 60-75
Headquarters 60-80
Hotels (per employee) 60-80
Hotels (per guest) 200-300
Laboratory 60-80
Labour Accommodation 80-150
Local Plaza/Retail/Town Center 60-82
Logistic, Academic & Business Center 60-75
Manufacturing/Mineral 60-80
Medical (per bed) 350-450
Mixed Used Commercial 60-80
Mixed Used Residential 250-350
Mosques 10 - 60
Nursery/Child Care Centre 50-70
Offices 45-60
Public Amenities 10 - 50
Residential Buildings (flat) 200-300
Restaurant (per meal) 10-15 l/d per meal
Schools/University 40-60
Shops 45-60
Theatre 10-50
Villas 250-350
Visitors 14-40
Industrial (Workshops/Machinery/Warehouse, etc.) 60-80
Source: Standard Practices & Information from Development Projects Master Plans.
Water features without human contact (lagoons, fountains, etc. for landscaping and beautification purposes).
Unavailability or shortage of TSE supply, or the requirement by DM for alternative back-up supply.
• Temporary supply of potable water for non-potable purposes (DC, Irrigation, Water features, etc. excluding construction).
• The
developer to acknowledge that priority of potable water supply is given to customers for domestic purposes.
• separate connection from DEWA potable water system should be designed with adequate protection to prevent back
flow for health and safety reasons as per DEWA requirements.
Back-up connection will only be used during emergency or shortage/disruption of TSE supply.
The developer to adopt the most efficient and sustainable irrigation techniques in order to reduce irrigation water
• Filling
of firefighting tank should be done as per the approved flow rate and during off-peak demand.
• For
temporary supply, the developer should provide DEWA with official written commitment to fully and permanently
switch to TSE water as soon as it is made available.
DEWA encourages Developers/Consultants to adopt innovative and sustainable solutions in all aspects of their development
projects design, considering optimal designs, minimizing leakage and the need for future network modifications, while
maintaining a safe and reliable water supply.
DEWA Water Transmission Planning Engineers will coordinate with the Developer/Consultant for any queries/issues
associated with the submission. Meetings may be arranged as required.
• the development project is classified as Distribution Project, the submission will be forwarded to Projects Water
Distribution Section under Projects and Engineering Department, Water and Civil Division Al Quoz office. The
Developers/Consultants will be notified to coordinate with them accordingly.
• DEWA will process the application and issue an approval letter to the Developer/Consultant.
The Developer is required to confirm the receipt of the approval and, if applicable, the acceptance of any associated
The Developer shall coordinate with DEWA’s Water & Civil Division, Projects & Engineering Department, Water Projects
Department in Al Quoz Office for design NOC and connection matters.
• All information related to Design NOC and connections is available with DEWA Water & Civil Division, Al Quoz Office.
Project Name:__________________________________________________________________
Developer : ____________________________________________________________________
Consultant: ____________________________________________________________________
Consumption rates and factors used to calculate Average, and Peak Demands
along with justification of the same, as applicable.
and use wise demand calculations including percentage of land use types and
year wise percentage of expected occupancy.
7. Year-wise phased total demand, plot wise /zone wise and phase wise demands .
Statements for plots / corridors availability for the development as per DEWA
requirements (if applicable)
igital file of internal network design indicating proposed take off /connection
9. points, year required and expected pressure at each of them. (PDF & CAD
Epanet compatible hydraulic models file(s) developed for the network study
geo-referenced to the actual Dubai coordinate system (DLTM)