D.Pharm 1 Year ER20-15T-Social Pharmacy: Tuberculosis

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Pharm 1st year

ER20-15T- Social Pharmacy

MR. Lav Goyal
Assistant Professor
ISF College of Pharmacy, MOGA
[email protected]
• Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most prevalent
infections of human beings and contributes
considerably to illness and death around the world.

• It is spread by inhaling tiny droplets of saliva from

the coughs or sneezes of an infected person.
• It is a slowly spreading, chronic, granulomatous
bacterial infection, characterized by gradual weight

• TB is the world’s second most common cause of

death from infectious disease after HIV/AIDS.

• Tuberculosis is the infectious disease primarily

affecting lung parenchyma is most often caused by
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.

• It may spread to any part of the body including

meninges, kidney, bones and lymph-nodes.

1. Pulmonary Tuberculosis

2. Avian Tuberculosis (mycobacterium avium: of


3. Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis: of


4. Miliary tuberculosis/Disseminated Tuberculosis

(Invade the blood stream and spread to all organs).

• With the increased incidence of AIDS, TB has become

a great problem in the U.S., and around the world.

• India is the highest TB burden country in the world,

home to 20% of cases occurring globally.

• Each year 1.8 million develop TB.

• In India 0.37 million people die because of TB every

Risk factors

• Close contact with some one who have active TB.

• Immuno compromised status

• Drug abuse and alcoholism

• People lacking adequate health care

• Pre existing medical conditions (diabetes, chronic

renal failure)
• Immigrants from countries with higher incidence of

• Living in substandard conditions

• Occupations
Clinical manifestation

• Anorexia

• Low grade fever

• Night sweats

• Fatigue

• Weight loss

• Dyspnea
• Chest tightness

• Non productive cough

• Chest pain

• Inflammation

• Non resolving bronchopneumonia


• Biopsy of the affected tissue

• Bronchoscopy

• Chest CT scan

• Chest X-ray

• Interferon-gamma release blood test such as the QFT-

Gold test
• Sputum examination and cultures

• Tuberculin skin test (PPD) test

Quantiferon gold test

• QFT-Gold test measures interferon-gamma in the

patient’s blood after incubating the blood with
specific antigens from M. tuberculosis proteins.
Tuberculin skin test

• 0.1 ml of PPD is injected forearm.

• After 48-72 hours, check for induration at the site

• If induration is equal to and more than 10mm:-


• Spinal pain and joint destruction may result from TB

that infects your bones

• Meningitis

• Liver or kidney failure

• Cardiac tamponade

• TB pneumonia
Medical management

• First line antitubercular medications-

1. Streptomycin- 15mg/kg/day

2. Isoniazide- 5mg/kg (300mg max/day)

3. Rifampicin- 10mg/kg/day

4. Pyrazinamide- 15-30mg/kg/day

5. Etambutol- 15-25 mg/kg daily

• Second line management-

1. Capreomycin- 12-15 mg/kg

2. Ethionamide- 15 mg/kg

3. Para-aminosalycilate sodium- 200-300 mg/kg

4. Cycloserine- 15 mg/kg
• Third line drugs-
1. Rifabutin
2. Clarithromycin
3. Linezolid
4. Thioacetazone
5. Thioridazine
6. Arginine
Adverse reactions of anti-TB drugs

Drugs Adverse effects

Isoniazid Peripheral neuropathy
Rifampicin Vomiting
Abdominal pain
Pyrazinamide Joint pain
Ethambutol Optic neuritis
Streptomycin Renal damage
Auditory and vestibular nerve
Other management strategies

• Nutritional therapy

• Lifestyle modification

• Cough hygiene

• Regular follow up

• Prevention of complications

• DOTS (directly observed treatment, short-course), is the

name given to the World Health Organization
recommended tuberculosis control strategy that combines
five components-
1. Government commitment (including both political will
at all levels, and establishing a centralized and
prioritized system of TB monitoring, recording and
2. Case detection by sputum smear spectroscopy
3. Standardized treatment regimen directly observed by a
healthcare worker or community health worker for at
least the first two months.
4. A regular drug supply
5. A standardized recording and reporting system that
allows assessment of treatment results.
Multiple-drug therapy

• MDT means taking several different antitubercular

drugs at the same time.

• The standard treatment is to take isoniazid, rifampin,

ethambutol and pyrazinamide for 2 months.
Treatment is then continued for at least 4 months with
fewer medicines.
Nursing diagnosis

1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to pulmonary

infection and potential for long term scarring with
decreased lung capacity

• Administer and teach self administration of

medications ordered

• Encourage rest and avoidance of exertion

• Monitor breath sounds, respiratory rates, sputum
production and dyspnoea.

• Provide supplemental oxygen as ordered.

• Encourage increase fluid intake.

2. Risk for spreading infection related to nature of disease and
patients symptoms

• Be aware that TB is transmitted by respiratory droplets.

• Use high efficiency particulate masks for high risk

procedures including endoscopy.

• Educate patient to control the spread of infection by covering

nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing.
• Isolation of patients

• Instruct about risk of drug resistance if drug regimen

is not strictly and continuously followed.

• Carefully monitor vital signs and observe for

temperature changes.
3. Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirement related
to poor appetite, fatigue and productive cough
• Explain the importance of eating nutritious diet to
promote healing and defense against infection.
• Provide small frequent meals
• Monitor weight of the patient
• Administer vitamin supplements as ordered
4. Non compliance related to lack of motivation and lack
of treatment
• Educate patient about etiology transmission and effects
of TB.
• Review adverse effects of drug therapy
• Participate in observation of medicine taking, weekly
pill counts or programs designed to increase compliance
with the treatment for TB.
• Explain that TB is a communicable disease and that
taking medications is most effective way of
preventing transmission.

• Instruct about medications schedule and side effects.


• Isolation

• Ventilate the room

• Cover the mouth

• Wear mask

• Finish entire course of medication

• Vaccinations

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