The Life in The Ocean

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 The oceans are filled with an abundance of beauty, color and life. We can
capture images of all extraordinary wildlife that lives underneath the water. It´s
home for up to 80% of all life in Earth and with the vast majority of our seas still
unexplored until this day, for me, the oceans are na indestructible source of

 When dolphins and wales return to the surface to breathe, they fertilize tiny
marine plants in the ocean called phytoplankton, wich every year absorb four
times the amount of carbon dioxide than the amazon rain forest does, and
generates up to 85% of the oxygen we breathe. So in a world concerned with
carbon and climate change, protecting these animal meant protecting the
entire planet. If the dolphins and whales die, the ocean dies, and if the ocean
dies, so do we.


 In japan, whale hunting is still a thing and in Taiji this industry can still be seen
operating from the coast, where each year over 700 dolphins and small whales
are killed.

 When these fishing boats return to the coast, they bang poles into the water to
try to scare a huge pod of dolphins closer to the land, and then maneuver them
into a cove. (they kill the dolphins)

 Im sure you all liked to go to marine parks, to watch the dolphins and the seals
do tricks, but have you even questioned yourself about how did the animals got
there? (whale hunting)

 From 2000 to 2015, for every one dolphin captured, at least 12more were
killed. So, theres the question, “Why kill the dolphins that arent selected to
captivity?” And the answer to that question is pest control. The fishermen view
the dolphins as competition. They feel that they eat too many fish and if they
get rido f the dolhpins, there will be more fish available for them to catch. So
the slaugther of these dolphins is a reaction to the overfishing. But blaming the
dolphins for the crime of eating too many fish was a lie. In reality, what they
were doing was killing dolphins as a scapegoat for the overfishing.


 Bycatch was all the other marine life caught while trying to catch a target
 Studies estimate that up to 40% of all marine life caught gets thrown right back
overboard as bycatch and most of them die before they even hit the water.

 In those fisheries where er have a better understanding of bycatch, the

numbers can be alarming. For exemple,in Iceland, in a one-month fishery, that
fishery caught 269 harbor porpoises, something like 900 seals of four differnt
species and 5,000 seabirds- and that’s just one little fishery in one little parto f
iceland. Taken across the world’s ocean the amount of bycatch is huge.

 Over 300,000 whales and dolphins are killed every single year as bycatch of
industrial fishing.

 Everyone loves dolphins but they dont know that by eating fish they’re actually
putting a death sentence on the dolphin population.

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