Student Teaching Ubd Unit Growth Mindset
Student Teaching Ubd Unit Growth Mindset
Student Teaching Ubd Unit Growth Mindset
First Grade
Submitted by
Eva Sanchez
Student Teaching UbD Unit Design Growth Mindset
Classroom Demographics:
The students are in a culturally diverse, English-speaking, general education classroom of 6- and 7-
year-old female and male first-grade students.
1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use
their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs.
1.W.1. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state
an opinion or preference, supply a fact (e.g., because race cars go faster than…) or reason for the
opinion, and end with a sentence that restates their opinion related to a feeling or emotion (e.g., it
makes me laugh; that was the scariest part).
1.MD.7. Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories. Ask and answer comparison and
quantity questions about the data.
Art Production: (Standard A) When students are engaged in the creative process, they have the opportunity
to explore various media, tools, and techniques as well as learn critical 21st
Century Skills such as creativity, innovation, problem-solving, decision
making, and collaboration with others.
A. Culturally responsive educators incorporate local ways of knowing and teaching in their work.
4. Provide opportunities for students to learn through observation and hands-on demonstration of cultural
knowledge and skills.
B. Culturally responsive educators use the local environment and community resources on a regular
basis to link what they are teaching to the everyday lives of the students.
1. Regularly engage students in appropriate projects and experiential learning activities in the surrounding
Science: Students will use brain anatomy vocabulary to explain the concept of neuroplasticity
Language Arts: Students will write an opinion paragraph to explain why or why not a growth mindset is important
and support their opinion with at least one fact.
Math: Students will collect data from online as well as in-person students to collect data to determine whether
students believe that a growth mindset is important then create a graph representing collected data.
Art: Students will use imaginative ways to visually represent important qualities of a growth mindset.
STAGE 1 – Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (Bank of EUs and EQs for Unit)
Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Questions to be Considered:
Students will understand that….
1. Students will understand that all of our 1. How can science be used to explain how we
brains have the ability to grow. learn?
2. Students will understand that they can 2. How can an opinion piece of writing help
effectively express their opinions on others to understand the importance of a
the importance of a growth mindset growth mindset?
through writing. 3. How can students use numbers to represent
3. Students will understand that numerical the concept of a growth mindset?
data, as it pertains to a growth mindset, 4. What ideas of a growth mindset can we express
can be collected and analyzed using a through art?
4. Students will understand that growth
mindset characteristics can be
presented and shared through art.
STAGE ONE: (Bank of Objectives for Unit) STAGE TWO: (Bank of Assessments for Unit)
Objectives/Learning Targets: Assessments Sources of Evidence of Learning
Knowledge and Skills: K & S ____________________________
___________________________ (Assessment bank here)
(Objective bank here)
(K) Students will explain how neuroplasticity Students will brainstorm differences between
contributes to a growth mindset. fixed and growth mindset.
(S) Students will create a ‘brain cap’ and explain Students will identify statements as either fixed
how neurons contribute to learning. or growth mindset.
(K) Students will explain how they can express their Students will create ‘Brain Cap’ and identify
opinion through writing. different lobes of the brain and each lobe’s
(S) Students will express their opinion through function.
writing on important ways to cultivate a growth Students will discuss the different lobes of the
mindset. brain and discuss the function.
(K) Students will describe how numbers can be Students will play game What Part Am I?
used to denote the number of people, both in Students will brainstorm personal examples of
class and at home, who think that a growth when practice made something easier to do and
mindset is important. make that connection to neural pathways.
(S) Students will collect (survey) and display data Students will answer T/F questions on GRIT.
(graph) on the number of people in their lives
that believe that a growth mindset is important. Students will brainstorm ways a person can
(K) Students will explain how art enhances develop GRIT.
their and other’s understanding of the Students will create opinion piece on how a
importance of a growth mindset. person can develop a growth mindset using
(S) Students will create a collage depicting what GRIT.
they perceive are the most important Students will include introduction, 1-3 reasons,
benefits of a growth mindset. and a conclusion in their writing.
Students will complete worksheet on reading
data from a survey sheet.
Students will survey classmates and family
members of growth mindset characteristics.
Students will represent data in a bar graph.
Students will present data to classmates.
Students will create art collage that depicts what
a growth mindset means to them.
The school principal has asked you to become the Growth Mindset Ambassadors for the lower
elementary (k-2 grades). You are asked to teach the other students why it is so important to create a
growth mindset. In your presentation, you will be asked to explain the brain science in creating a
growth mindset. You will also be asked to read a few of your most persuasive opinion pieces explaining
why it is so important to have a growth mindset. Your presentation will include the data that you
collected and report what students think are the most important aspects in creating a growth mindset.
Last, you will share and explain your art pieces that demonstrate what a growth mindset means to you.
Students can recognize that their attitude can greatly impact their success.
Students can articulate that through practice, everyone can get better -
Unit Overview/Introduction/Main Hook (Make a connection with students’ backgrounds using an authentic
to do anything I set my mind to.
What do you do when things get hard? Why?
Fixed vs Growth Mindset Statements Game
Play Video:
Lesson Mini Hook: 1. Teacher will discuss how our Provide step by step instructions
1 Title brains are divided into that are both visual and oral that
Read book Your Fantastic different parts. students can follow in creating
Meet Elastic Brain 2. Teacher will describe what their design Content.
Your each part of the brain does. Teach parts of brain and function
Brain 3. Students will color the using the senses - orally, visually,
different parts of the brain on a and tactile Content.
‘brain cap’. Group discussions will engage
4. Students will discuss what the schemas for all students-
different parts of the brain do. Content/Action and
5. Teacher will demonstrate that Expression.
it is hard-wired to learn new Allow students to collaborate
things with yarn showing how with one another during lesson,
the brain changes as we thus scaffolding those that
practice new things. require it and reinforcing the
6. Students will provide concept to those students
examples from personal helping- Action and Expression.
experience how the more they Mini Quiz is oral as well as visual
practiced, the easier it got. allowing students to scaffold
knowledge and ability
1. Students will create ‘Brain Cap’
and identify different lobes of
the brain and each lobe’s
2. Students will play game What
Part Am I? (formative).
3. Students will brainstorm
personal examples of when
practice made something
easier to do and make that
connection to neural
Objective: (K) Students will explain how they can express their opinion through writing.
(S) Students will express their opinion through writing on important ways to cultivate a growth
1. T/F Worksheet.
2. GO on opinion piece.
3. Opinion Piece
Materials for lesson #3:
Lemonade for Sale
Survey Anchor Chart
Charts and Graphs Assessment
Growth Mindset Survey
Growth Mindset Bar Graph
Objectives: (K) Students will describe how numbers can be used to denote the number of people, both in
class and at home, who think that a growth mindset is important.
(S) Students will collect (survey) and display data (graph) on the number of people in their lives
that believe that a growth mindset is important.
1. Brainstorm what a survey is.
2. Survey/Data Interpretation
3. Growth Mindset Survey
4. Growth Mindset Graph
Materials for lesson #4:
Construction Paper
Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #4:
Essential Question: What ideas of a growth mindset can we express through art?
Objectives: (K) Students will explain how art enhances
their and other’s understanding of the
importance of a growth mindset.
(S) Students will create a collage depicting what
they perceive are the most important
benefits of a growth mindset.
Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #4:
Art Production: (Standard A) When students are engaged in the creative process, they have the opportunity
to explore various media, tools, and techniques as well as learn critical 21st
Century Skills such as creativity, innovation, problem-solving, decision
making, and collaboration with others.
Lesson Mini Hook: 1. Teacher will discuss how a Provide step by step instructions
4 Title simple picture brings to mind that are both visual and oral that
Display Pictures on what that image represents to students can follow in creating
Collage SmartBoard and ask us as individuals-a playground: their design Content.
It!! students to express how fun, laughing, exercise. Group discussions will engage
picture makes them feel. Schoolhouse: learning, schemas for all students-
teachers, rules. Content/Action and
2. Students will brainstorm Expression
examples of pictures that elicit As students brainstorm pictures
that same level of images to and related emotions, provide
them (formative). visual examples of Smartboard
3. Students will brainstorm (visual) as they discuss (visual)-
images that they think best Content.
represent a growth mindset. Students can demonstrate
4. Students will create their own learning in a variety of ways by
collage of what a growth either drawing or using pictures
mindset means to them either from magazines to create their
using magazine cutouts or collage-Assessment.
pencil drawings (with or Allow students to collaborate
without color) (summative). with one another during creative
5. Students will present their process, thus scaffolding those
artistic representations to that require it and reinforcing
their class and explain the the concept to those students
purpose of each image in their helping- Action and Expression.
personal construction of the Allow those students with motor
meaning of a growth mindset skill disabilities to create their
(summative/performance). collage by dragging and pasting
from internet commons area
For those students that cannot
Assessment present their collage verbally,
1. Students will brainstorm how give option to write or record
images elicit certain feelings or their explanation that will be
memories. read or listened to in class-
2. Students will brainstorm Assessment
images that they think best
represent a growth mindset.
3. Students will create their own
collage of what a growth
means to them either using
magazine cutouts or pencil
drawings (with or without
color) (summative).
4. Students will present their
artistic representations to
their class and explain the
purpose of each image in their
personal construction of the
meaning of a growth mindset
Unit Closure: Bring it all together with the focus of the lesson and the Objective. Tie the closure for each lesson in
with the Main Hook, the Objective, and the Essential Question.
Science: Students will use brain anatomy vocabulary to explain the concept of neuroplasticity
Language Arts: Students will write an opinion paragraph to explain why or why not a growth mindset is important
and support their opinion with at least one fact.
Math: Students will collect data from online as well as in-person students to collect data to determine whether
students believe that a growth mindset is important then create a graph representing collected data.
Art: Students will use imaginative ways to visually represent important qualities of a growth mindset.
Students will have Growth Mindset Party and discuss how each of the content area lessons helped
them to better understand how to develop a growth mindset. Each will express what was the most
helpful to them in their idea of a growth mindset.
o Understand the science and brain and CNS anatomy behind a growth mindset.
o Express through writing how a person can develop a growth mindset.
o How their opinions can be expressed through surveys, displayed through a graph, and
o How art helped them to express the importance of a growth mindset.
Cultural Capital: Discuss how this Unit increases your students’ access to “Cultural Capital.”
During the course of this entire lesson, I have integrated real-world scenarios into my student’s understanding of the
importance of creating a growth mindset. This creates a lesson that is authentic and applicable to their lives as students in
Seward, Alaska. I have explicitly explained vocabulary and engaged student schema at the beginning of each lesson that
allowed them to connect new learning to their current knowledge, hopefully increasing the chances that they will truly
appreciate the enduring understandings of this lesson. I have provided multiple points of differentiation and allowed students
to perform tasks through the lens of their families, their culture, their world.
A. Attachments: Graphic Organizers, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessment Rubrics etc. for each Lesson.
(You can embed them as screenshots)
Math and Growth Mindset: Survey and Bar Graph
Growth Mindset Survey
What do you think is most important in creating a
growth mindset?
Characteristic Tally Marks Tally Total
Hard Work
Data Bar Graph
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Opinion Piece GRIT True/False
Opinion Piece Writing Prompts
Is it important to have a Growth Mindset? Why or Why
Word Bank
important best effort redo
don’t quit take time practice
determination courage yet
Name: __________________________
In your opinion, is it important to have a growth
mindset? Why or why not?
Math and Growth Mindset: Survey and Bar Graph
Opinion Piece GRIT T/F
Opinion Piece Writing Prompt
Art and a Growth Mindset
O.J. noted that a growth mindset makes her feel happy and like she can do anything she wants to, as long
as she practices and works hard at her goal. The cartoon characters are her vision of happiness. She
noted that the picture of the group on the log is each person helping the other [collaborating] and ‘that
makes all of them better together’.
A.F. noted that a growth mindset makes her feel safe and happy. She feels safe because she and her
family are moving soon and she has been experiencing some anxiety about the move. With a growth
mindset, she’s not so afraid anymore because now she knows that she can do new things and ‘I can make
a lot of new friends if I really try’.
F.K. feels like a growth mindset makes her feel powerful! She feels like a growth mindset has made her
braver and more excited to try new things. She’s ready to tackle the world!