Schem SPI Enhanced Report Utility Users Guide

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SmartPlant Instrumentation

Enhanced Report Utility

User's Guide

Version 2013

March 2013

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Enhanced Report Utility .............................................................................................................................. 9
General Workflow When Working with the Enhanced Report Utility .................................................... 10
Features of the Enhanced Report Utility ............................................................................................... 11
Serial Fire and Gas Loops .................................................................................................................... 13
Using Enhanced Report Utility Help...................................................................................................... 13

Using Templates ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Using Templates Common Tasks ......................................................................................................... 15
Create a Custom Template ................................................................................................................... 16
Duplicate a Custom Template............................................................................................................... 16
Create a Template Using a Background Sheet .................................................................................... 17
Customizing Title Blocks ....................................................................................................................... 18
Create a Title Block File ........................................................................................................................ 19
Customize a Title Block ........................................................................................................................ 19
Define a Title Block Macro .................................................................................................................... 20
Title Block Macro List ............................................................................................................................ 20
Place Property Labels on a Drawing Sheet .......................................................................................... 24
Displaying Logos ................................................................................................................................... 25
Create a Logo Symbol .......................................................................................................................... 26
Define a Logo Path ............................................................................................................................... 26
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report .................................................................................................. 26
Delete a Logo ........................................................................................................................................ 27

Using Enhanced Report Layouts ............................................................................................................. 27

Defining Enhanced Report Layouts ...................................................................................................... 28
Display Enhanced Report Layouts ....................................................................................................... 29
Define General Enhanced Report Layout Properties ........................................................................... 29
Set the Title Block Position ................................................................................................................... 30
Specify the Title Block Size Manually ................................................................................................... 31
Set the Working Area Margins .............................................................................................................. 31
Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items ......................................................................................... 32
Duplicate an Enhanced Report Layout ................................................................................................. 32
Delete an Enhanced Report Layout ...................................................................................................... 33

Setting Enhanced Report Utility Parameters .......................................................................................... 35

Define Shared Symbol and Template Folders for Multiple Users ......................................................... 35
Set the Tag Priorities Within a Loop ..................................................................................................... 35
Reducing Generation Time for Enhanced Reports ............................................................................... 36
Reduce Generation Time for Enhanced Reports .................................................................................. 36
Setting the Wiring Representation ........................................................................................................ 36
Diagonal Representation ...................................................................................................................... 37
Orthogonal Representation ................................................................................................................... 38

Generating Enhanced Reports ................................................................................................................. 39

Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports ............................................................................................. 39
Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports from Wiring Signals ............................................................. 40

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 3


Generate an Enhanced Cable Layout Report ....................................................................................... 40

Generate an Enhanced Panel-Strip Report .......................................................................................... 41
Generate a Strip Signal Report ............................................................................................................. 41
Generate a Wiring Equipment Connections Report.............................................................................. 42
Generate a Fieldbus Loop Report......................................................................................................... 43
Generate a Profibus Report .................................................................................................................. 43
Generate a Segment Wiring Report ..................................................................................................... 44
Generate a Cable Harness Report ....................................................................................................... 44
Generate a Single Speaker Report ....................................................................................................... 45
Generate a PA Amplifier Report ........................................................................................................... 46

Using Filters ............................................................................................................................................... 47

Create Filters for Items ......................................................................................................................... 47
Edit Filters for Items .............................................................................................................................. 47
Delete Filters for Items .......................................................................................................................... 48
Set Filter Conditions for Item Properties ............................................................................................... 48

Using SmartText ........................................................................................................................................ 51

Add SmartText ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Edit SmartText ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Delete SmartText .................................................................................................................................. 52

Using Macros ............................................................................................................................................. 53

Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet .............................................................................. 54
Attach a Macro or a Macro Label to an Item ......................................................................................... 54
Edit a Macro or a Macro Label .............................................................................................................. 55
Delete a Macro or a Macro Label.......................................................................................................... 56
Add a Macro to a Control System Tag or Non-Wiring Tag Symbol File ............................................... 56
Control System Tag Macro List ............................................................................................................. 57
Non-Wiring Tag Macro List ................................................................................................................... 58
Incorporating Soft Tags Within an Enhanced Loop Drawing ................................................................ 60

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols ............................................. 61

Associate a Symbol with an Item .......................................................................................................... 64
Associate an Item with a User Defined Symbol on a Drawing Sheet ................................................... 65
Dissociate a Symbol from an Item ........................................................................................................ 65
Remove a User Defined Symbol from a Drawing Sheet ...................................................................... 66
Create a Location Layout Report .......................................................................................................... 66
Create a Panel Layout Report .............................................................................................................. 67
Generate an Enhanced SmartLoop Report Using User Defined (customized) Symbols ..................... 68
Add User Defined (customized) Symbols to an Enhanced Report ....................................................... 69
Position a Symbol Using the Symbol Position Command .................................................................... 70
Creating a Custom Layout with User Defined (customized) Symbols .................................................. 70
Create a Custom Layout with User Defined (customized) Symbols .............................................. 71
Add a Loop to a Custom Layout with User Defined (customized) Symbols ................................... 71
Using the Symbol Position Command: Workflow ................................................................................. 72
Connecting Individual Wires in an Custom Loop or Custom Signal Report ......................................... 74
Connect Individual Wires in a Custom Loop or Custom Signal Report .......................................... 75
Disconnect Individual Wires in an Enhanced Report ..................................................................... 75
Update an Assembly ............................................................................................................................. 76

4 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Off Page Connectors ................................................................................................................................. 77

Add an OPC Between Drawings to a Loop Drawing ............................................................................ 77
Off Page Connectors ............................................................................................................................ 78
Naming OPCs ....................................................................................................................................... 79
Add Text to an OPC Label .................................................................................................................... 80
Pair OPCs ............................................................................................................................................. 80
Open Target Loop Drawing From Paired OPC ..................................................................................... 80
Unpair a Paired OPC ............................................................................................................................ 81

Annotating Enhanced Reports ................................................................................................................. 83

Using Redlining Common Tasks........................................................................................................... 83
Add and Format a Redlining Item ......................................................................................................... 84
Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item ........................................................................................................ 84
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items ........................................................................................................ 85
Attach Redlining Symbols with Macros to Drawing Items .............................................................. 86
Delete Redlining .................................................................................................................................... 87

Formatting Enhanced Reports ................................................................................................................. 89

Inserting Sheets .................................................................................................................................... 89
Insert Additional Sheets in a Report ..................................................................................................... 89
Formatting Enhanced Reports Common Tasks .................................................................................... 90
Move a Macro ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Move a Redlining Item .......................................................................................................................... 91
Align Drawing Objects ........................................................................................................................... 91
Swapping Objects ................................................................................................................................. 92
Switching a Connector Side .................................................................................................................. 93
Splitting a Terminal Strip ....................................................................................................................... 93

Saving Enhanced Reports ........................................................................................................................ 95

Save a Report in a Different Format ..................................................................................................... 95
Saving Panel Strip and Connector Positions ........................................................................................ 96
Save Panel Strip and Connector Positions .................................................................................... 96
Saving Custom Changes to Enhanced Reports ................................................................................... 97
Save Custom Changes to an Enhanced Report ............................................................................ 97

Revising and Comparing Saved Enhanced Reports ............................................................................. 99

Updating Revisions ............................................................................................................................... 99
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 99
Update a Revision .......................................................................................................................... 99
Comparing Enhanced Reports .............................................................................................................. 99
Compare Reports ......................................................................................................................... 100
Compare Archived Reports .......................................................................................................... 101

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports ............................................................... 103

Editing Items ....................................................................................................................................... 103
Edit an Item .................................................................................................................................. 104
Generate Tag Documents ................................................................................................................... 104
Modify Terminal Type Symbols ........................................................................................................... 104
Change the Symbols for a Terminal Type .......................................................................................... 105
Associate a Symbol with an Instrument Type ..................................................................................... 105

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 5


Define and Use a Custom View .......................................................................................................... 105

Scale a Report to Fit Printer Paper Size ............................................................................................. 106
Display Binder Package Revision Attributes in an Enhanced Report................................................. 106

Symbol Editor .......................................................................................................................................... 109

The Symbol Explorer .......................................................................................................................... 109
Symbol Explorer Window ............................................................................................................. 111
View Documents with the Symbol Explorer.................................................................................. 112
View a Web Page with the Symbol Explorer ................................................................................ 112
Open Documents from the Symbol Explorer ................................................................................ 113
Move the Symbol Explorer ........................................................................................................... 113
Close the Symbol Explorer ........................................................................................................... 114
Working with User Defined (customized) Symbols in Enhanced Reports Common
Tasks ................................................................................................................................................... 114
Specify a Path for the Symbol Editor ............................................................................................ 115
Create a User Defined (customized) Symbol ............................................................................... 115
Creating User Defined (customized) Symbols for Specific Reports ............................................. 116
Creating a Wiring Equipment Symbol Assembly .......................................................................... 119
Align Drawing Objects .................................................................................................................. 120
Add SmartText to a Symbol File ................................................................................................... 121
Add a Macro to a Symbol File ...................................................................................................... 121
Add Connection Points to a Symbol File ...................................................................................... 122
Delete Connection Points ............................................................................................................. 123
Add Wire Macros to Connection Points ........................................................................................ 123
Add Starting Points to a Symbol File ............................................................................................ 124
Customize a Symbol..................................................................................................................... 124
Add a Label to an OPC................................................................................................................. 125
Update an Assembly .................................................................................................................... 126
Symbol Ribbon ............................................................................................................................. 127

Menu Commands..................................................................................................................................... 129

File Menu Commands ......................................................................................................................... 129
Save Custom Changes Command ............................................................................................... 129
Clear Position Command.............................................................................................................. 130
Sheet Setup Command ................................................................................................................ 130
View Menu Commands ....................................................................................................................... 130
Refresh Command (View Menu) .................................................................................................. 130
Actions Menu Commands ................................................................................................................... 131
Item ............................................................................................................................................... 131
Tag Documents Command (Actions Menu) ................................................................................. 132
Connection ................................................................................................................................... 132
Optimization .................................................................................................................................. 133
Alignment ...................................................................................................................................... 134
Redlining ....................................................................................................................................... 135
SmartText ..................................................................................................................................... 136
Macro ............................................................................................................................................ 137
Generate Item Report Command (Actions Menu) ........................................................................ 138
Compare Reports Command (Actions Menu) .............................................................................. 138
Revisions Command (Actions Menu) ........................................................................................... 139
Off Page Connector ...................................................................................................................... 139
Insert Menu Commands ...................................................................................................................... 139
New Sheet Command .................................................................................................................. 140

6 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Tools Menu Commands ...................................................................................................................... 140

Domain Explorer Command (Tools Menu) ................................................................................... 140
Reference Explorer Command (Tools Menu) .............................................................................. 140
Window Menu Commands .................................................................................................................. 141
New Window Command ............................................................................................................... 141
Cascade Command ...................................................................................................................... 141
Tile Horizontally Command .......................................................................................................... 142
Tile Vertically Command............................................................................................................... 142
Window List Command................................................................................................................. 142
Help Menu Commands ....................................................................................................................... 142
Printable Guides Command (Help Menu) .................................................................................... 142
Freeform Command (Draw Toolbar) ................................................................................................... 143

Windows and Dialog Boxes.................................................................................................................... 145

Attach Redlining Dialog Box ............................................................................................................... 145
Clear Position Dialog Box ................................................................................................................... 146
General Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box) ....................................................................................... 146
General Tab (OPC Label Text Dialog Box) ........................................................................................ 147
General Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box) ................................................................................ 148
Macro Text Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box) ................................................................................. 149
Save Custom Changes Dialog Box..................................................................................................... 150
Select OPC Pair Command ................................................................................................................ 150
Text Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box) ...................................................................................... 151

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 155

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 7


8 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Enhanced Report Utility

The Enhanced Report Utility allows you to generate graphical reports for items such as loops,
cables, and terminal strips. Enhanced reports make use of a generic engine that draws various
wiring objects based on database query retrieval. For example, in the case of a Panel-Strip
report, the report engine gathers the appropriate terminals, groups them according to their
terminal strips, sorts them in order according to the information in the database and displays the
appropriate connections.
Each enhanced report provides information on the database at a certain moment, such as
connected or disconnected wires in a loop.
The Enhanced Report Utility is compatible with other commercial software packages. For
example, you can save enhanced reports in formats that are compatible with SmartSketch,
AutoCAD, or MicroStation. For more information, about version compatibility, see the
SmartPlant Instrumentation Readme file, and click the Version Compatibility link.
To simplify your work, you can define a layout and assign it to a group of similar reports instead
of having to manipulate each report individually.
You can also define custom symbols for certain reports and associate these symbols with
specific SmartPlant Instrumentation items. Afterwards, you can place these symbols in a
desired location on a drawing sheet. On subsequent generation of the report for the item, the
graphical elements always appear in the positions where you initially placed them. For details
of how to create custom symbols, see the Symbol Editor Online Help
For details of how to associate a symbol with an item in an enhanced report, see Associate a
Symbol with an Item (on page 64).
Modifying Enhanced Reports
After the Enhanced Report Utility generates a report, you can modify the report in a number of
 Move terminal strips and connectors and then save the position. The next time you
generate the report, the graphical elements appear in their new positions.
 Add macros, SmartText, and redlining to the report to provide additional information.
 For some reports, you can invoke devices and wiring elements, view specification sheets,
and perform other activities concerning loops, devices, and wiring.
The software saves these items in different ways according to the item type, as summarized in
the following table.

Item — Saved at Level

Generated items such as — Layout or report
terminal strips and connectors (drawing)
that you have moved
Customized templates — Layout
Customized title blocks — Layout
Connector representations — Layout
(orthogonal or diagonal)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 9

Enhanced Report Utility

Item — Saved at Level

Some of the display options — Layout
SmartText — Individual report
Macros and macro labels — Layout
Redlining items (straight lines, — Layout or report
circles, and rectangles) (drawing)
Drawing symbols — Layout or report

 You associate items with the layout that you define using the Enhanced Report Layouts
dialog box.
 You can save bitmaps and redlining items other than straight lines, circles, and rectangles if
you make them part of a symbol.
 Modifications such as saving to the database, redlining, macros, and SmartText are not
available for multi-strip reports.
 For details of layout settings and so forth, refer to SmartPlant Instrumentation Online Help.

General Workflow When Working with the Enhanced

Report Utility
The following list of topics indicates the main workflow that you need to follow when you
generate enhanced reports.

Create a Template
Templates are files that specify the sheet size and orientation of your reports. Several standard
drawing templates are supplied when you install the Enhanced Report Utility. You can use one
of these templates or customize your own.
For more information about customizing templates and choosing title blocks, see Create a
Custom Template (on page 16).

Define a Layout
Each report that you generate must be associated with an enhanced report layout. In a layout,
you choose the template and title block, report logo and other parameters that affect the
appearance of general report elements.
For more information, see Using Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 27).

Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items

After you have defined your layouts, you need to assign a layout to one or more items before
you can generate reports for those items.
For more information, see Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items (on page 32).

10 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Enhanced Report Utility

Set Parameters for Report Generation

You can define various parameters that affect the performance and output of enhanced reports
that you generate. You can make these definitions at the level of each report type on the
Preferences dialog box, where they then become default values that you can modify when you
define a new layout.

Generate Enhanced Reports

There are two ways of generating enhanced reports: for some report types, you select an item in
SmartPlant Instrumentation, and with the appropriate menu command, the software generates
the report. For some reports, you can associate particular items with symbols and place those
symbols as desired on a drawing sheet to create the report.
For more information, see:
 Generating Enhanced Reports (on page 39).
 Creating Enhanced Reports Using Custom Symbols (see "Creating Enhanced Reports with
User Defined (Customized) Symbols" on page 61).

Add Text and Graphical Elements to Reports

You can add SmartText, macros, and macro labels to reports after generation, and then save
those items with the report so that they appear each time you generate the report. For more
information, see:
 Using SmartText (on page 51).
 Using Macros (on page 53).
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items This option allows you to add annotations and graphical items
to an enhanced report. You can add straight lines, rectangles, circles, and drawing symbols
and then attach them to a specific layout, a specific item, or to all the sheets of a particular
report. For more information, see Attach Redlining to Drawing Items (on page 85).

Features of the Enhanced Report Utility

The following list outlines the features supported by the Enhanced Report Utility, and describes
the actions that either you can perform or that the software performs automatically.

Feature Description of Actions

Display terminal type Different symbols distinguish terminals according to the predefined
terminal type:

disconnect switch


Also, you can define your own terminal types and associate with
them symbols that you specify.
Display terminals by terminal The terminal sequence is fixed in accordance with the actual
sequence physical arrangement. Switching cable entries to a box changes
the cable alignment.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 11

Enhanced Report Utility

Feature Description of Actions

Save position of elements You can drag a strip to change its location while preserving the
after dragging cable connections or you can drag the connections only. Clicking
Save Custom Changes allows you to save the position of
these elements per drawing or per layout the next time that you
generate the drawing.
Display shield and overall You can display the overall shield per strip.
Display all jumpers You can display jumpers within a device as a cross bar connecting
two terminals or as a separate jumper between the entry and the
exit of the signal for each terminal. On the SmartPlant
Instrumentation Preferences dialog box, you specify whether to
display jumpers.
Handle overlapping and When connections intersect in generation, you can specify that the
intersecting connections intersection appears with a gap. If you drag devices and the
connections intersect, you can gap them without regenerating by
clicking Gap . This command affects connected devices or
device panels. Wires converge into sets and sets converge into
cables, so that the arrangement of cables, sets, and wires in the
drawing matches their physical arrangement in reality.
Indicate discontinuities in a The software indicates an unconnected sequence of terminals with
sequence of terminals with a gapping (break) symbol.
gapping symbols

Display multiple drawing Where a drawing contains a large number of items, the software
sheets can generate several drawing sheets. You can move among the
sheets by means of the tabs or navigation arrows at the foot of the
Wrap signals between Signals belonging to drawing items that extend over several lines
multiple 'lines' or sheets wrap over those lines. Off-sheet connectors indicate signals that
wrap over two sheets.
Display Plug and Socket The software uses a separate graphical representation for plug and
devices socket devices as opposed to standard connection devices.
Display CS tag / cabinet The software can display a dynamic matrix of attributes for Control
attributes System (CS) tags or cabinets. Editing the matrix is identical to
editing title block items. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation
Preferences dialog box, you specify whether to enable the matrix.
Indicate unwired instruments The software enables you to indicate on Enhanced SmartLoop
reports that the displayed loop includes unwired instruments. The
instruments appear separately in a dynamic matrix that is similar to
the CS tag matrix. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation
Preferences dialog box, you specify whether to enable the matrix.

12 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Enhanced Report Utility

Feature Description of Actions

View drawing generation You can view the process of generating a loop in a separate
progress progress window. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences
dialog box, you specify whether to display the progress window.
Display fieldbus data The software displays fieldbus items in the Segment Wiring Report
and the Fieldbus Loop Report.
Display apparatus positions The software displays apparatus positions as an additional level
between strips and terminals. Positions are, in fact, terminal
groups and they appear like terminal groups.
Display report revisions The software assigns revisions to reports at the level of each
item. You add a revision to an enhanced report on the Loop
Drawing List dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation or via the
Revisions dialog box that you can access from the Enhanced
Report Utility. For multiple reports, you revise each of the included
reports in an item level revision on the Global Revisions dialog
box. The macro name for the revisions is, for example,
Rev_no_11, which functions as an index to the revision
number. You can set the revision display order on the title block to
appear in ascending or descending chronological order.
Display loops with The software can display loops with a certain amount of
discontinuities discontinuity; however, it cannot display loops with no connections
at all.
Select wire representation The software can display cable wiring and cross- wiring
connections either as orthogonal or diagonal lines.

Serial Fire and Gas Loops

In the Instrument Index module, you can define multi-tag loops for which all the tags have the
same functional type (flow, pressure, temperature, and so forth).
The Enhanced Report Utility provides the ability to generate reports for these multi-tag loops
where two or more tags appear connected in a line. A common use of this feature is to
represent gas or fire detectors, which are usually positioned in a sequential arrangement in a
row. Other devices can also be grouped in this way.

Using Enhanced Report Utility Help

You can access Help for the Enhanced Report Utility by making a selection from the Help
menu. You can view information about your copy of the software, including the version number
and the copyright, legal, and licensing notices. You can also use the Help menu to access the
table of contents for Enhanced Report Utility Help topics.
Enhanced Report Utility Help contains overview and procedural information about specific
software commands, such as sheet design, item placement, macros, SmartText, and redlining.
Other procedures that affect enhanced report generation, such as defining settings for items, are
described in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Online Help.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 13

Using Templates

Using Templates
Templates are files that determine the sheet size and orientation for enhanced reports. These
files have an .sma extension. The Enhanced Report Utility comes shipped with several
standard templates. These templates are located by default in the path: <SmartPlant
Instrumentation home folder>\RAD\Template.
The standard templates are:

Template File Description

A3tall.sma A3 portrait
A3wide.sma A3 landscape
A4tall.sma A4 portrait
A4wide.sma A4 landscape
Atall.sma 11 in x 8.5 in portrait
Awide.sma 11 in x 8.5 in landscape
Btall.sma 11 in x 17 in portrait
Bwide.sma 11 in x 17 in landscape
You can create your own customized templates that fit your drawings and your drawing
generation conventions. Two methods are available for customizing templates:
 Using the above template files together with separate title block (.sym) files. The advantage
of using this method is that you only need to modify the symbol once, and it becomes
updated in all the templates in which it appears. For more information about working with
title blocks, see Customizing Title Blocks (on page 18).
 Using the background sheets in the Normal.sma template, which contain definitions for each
of the page sizes shown in the above table. Each background sheet includes a page
border, a title block, and title block macros. A separate folder exists for each report type in
the path <SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder>\RAD\Template\Types\<report type
folder>, and the folder for each report type contains a Normal.sma file. This method was
implemented in earlier versions of SmartPlant Instrumentation (INtools) prior to 5.3.

 The software automatically configures the page layout and orientation for your printer
according to the template you select.
 Working with a larger template means that the drawing includes more details. The items
have fixed sizes that do not change relative to the sheet size.

14 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

Using Templates Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you create your own templates for enhanced
reports. For a complete list of tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then
click the procedure that you want.

Create a Custom Template

You can create a completely new drawing template according to your requirements.
For more information, see Create a Custom Template (on page 16).

Duplicate a Custom Template

You can duplicate and customize a standard shipped drawing template (.sma file) according to
your requirements.
For more information, see Duplicate a Custom Template (on page 16).

Create a Template Using a Background Sheet

You can create a drawing template using one of the background sheets in the Normal.sma file
as a starting point. This option does not require you to customize a separate title block file;
however, it provides less flexibility than the method of duplicating a standard shipped drawing
For more information, see Create a Template Using a Background Sheet (on page 17).

Customize a Title Block

You can customize for your own use the standard title blocks provided with enhanced reports.
For more information, see Customize a Title Block (on page 19).

Define General Enhanced Report Layout Properties

This procedure includes steps for associating a template and a title block with an enhanced
report layout.
For more information, see Define General Enhanced Report Layout Properties (on page 29).

Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items

This procedure describes how to associate one or more items, such as loops, with a layout that
includes a specific template and title block.
For more information, see Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items (on page 32).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 15

Using Templates

Create a Custom Template

1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Click File > New.
3. On the New dialog box, select the template on which you want to base your customized
4. Under Create new, click Template, and then click OK.
5. Click File > Sheet Setup.
6. Click the Size and Scale tab, if it is not already active.
7. Under Sheet size, do one of the following:
 Click Standard, and then select a standard sheet size from the list.
 Click Custom, and then type the desired width and height of the sheet. If you want,
select different units under Paper units.
Do not change any of the settings on the Background tab.
8. Click OK to close the dialog box.
9. Click View > Fit.
10. Click File > Save and type a name for the file.
The standard templates are located in the path: <SmartPlant Instrumentation home
folder>\RAD\Template. You should save your template in the Template folder if you want to use
it to create other templates.

Duplicate a Custom Template

1. From the SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Template folder path, open an existing
predefined template file, for example, A4wide.sma.
2. Click File > Sheet Setup.
3. Click the Size and Scale tab, if it is not already active.
4. Under Sheet size, do one of the following:
 Click Standard, and then select a standard sheet size from the list.
 Click Custom, and then type the required width and height of the sheet. If required,
select different units under Paper units.
Do not change any of the settings on the Background tab.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
6. Click View > Fit.
7. Click File > Save As.
8. Type a file name, for example A4wide_1.sma, and click Save.

16 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

Create a Template Using a Background Sheet

1. In the SmartPlant Instrumentation home folder, navigate to the RAD\Template\Types\Loop
folder and double-click the Normal.sma file.

 This file contains the background sheet templates used for drawing generation.
 Other Normal .sma files reside in the \Strip, \Telecom, \Fieldbus, \DCS, and \Cable
2. Click View > Working Sheets.
3. Click File > Sheet Setup.
4. Click the Size and Scale tab, if it is not already active.
5. Under Sheet size, do one of the following:
 Click Standard, and then select a standard sheet size from the list.
 Click Custom, and then type the required width and height of the sheet.
Do not change any of the settings on the Background tab.
6. Click View > Background Sheets.
7. Click Insert > New Sheet.
8. Click File > Sheet Setup.
9. Click the Size and Scale tab, if it is not already active.
10. Under Sheet size, select the same sheet size as you chose for the working sheet.
11. Click the Name tab.
12. In the Sheet name box, type a sheet name.
It is recommended that you type a sheet name that enables you to identify the sheet
size and orientation easily; for example, A4 Wide.
13. Click View > Fit.
14. Select a drawing sheet with a title block size similar to the background sheet that you intend
to create.
15. Click once anywhere on the background sheet and do one of the following:
 Click CTRL + A.
 Click Edit > Select All.
16. Do one of the following:
 Click CTRL + C.
 Click Edit > Copy.
17. Select the drawing sheet with the name that you have just inserted.
18. Click once anywhere on the background sheet and do one of the following:
 Click CTRL + V.
 Click Edit > Paste.
19. Click View > Fit.
20. On the main toolbar, right-click and ensure that on the shortcut menu, a check mark appears
beside Change. If no check mark appears, click Change.
21. Click once anywhere on the background sheet and do one of the following:
 Click CTRL + A.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 17

Using Templates

 Click Edit > Select All.

22. On the Change toolbar, click Scale.
23. Click anywhere on the title block.
24. Drag the handles to fit the title block to the sheet size and when they fit, click once.
You can also drag the title block from one of its sides to the required location.
25. If necessary, modify the graphical elements, macros, and so forth.
26. Click View > Working Sheets.
27. Click File > Save.

Customizing Title Blocks

The title blocks that appear in enhanced reports are files in .sym format. You can customize the
graphic design of the title block elements, change the logo, and associate macros with custom
title block fields. There are separate standard title blocks for each report type, and they are
located in the path ...\RAD\Template\Types in the appropriate report type folder as follows:

Report Type Path Standard Title Block Names

Cable Harness ...\RAD\Template\Types\Harness Cable_Tall.sym, Cable_Wide.sym
Cable Layout ...\RAD\Template\Types\Cable Cable_Tall.sym, Cable_Wide.sym
DCS/PLC (I/O Tag ...\RAD\Template\Types\DCS DCS_Tall.sym, DCS_Wide.sym
Enhanced ...\RAD\Template\Types\Loop Loop_Tall.sym, Loop_Wide.sym
Fieldbus Loop ...\RAD\Template\Types\FieldbusLoop Loop_Tall.sym, Loop_Wide.sym
Network Class ...\RAD\Template\Types\TelecomClass Telecom_Tall.sym, Telecom_Wide.sym
PA Amplifier ...\RAD\Template\Types\TelecomAmplifier Strip_Tall.sym, Strip_Wide.sym
Panel-Strip ...\RAD\Template\Types\Strip Strip_Tall.sym, Strip_Wide.sym
Segment Wiring ...\RAD\Template\Types\Fieldbus Fieldbus_Tall.sym, Fieldbus_Wide.sym
Single Speaker ...\RAD\Template\Types\TelecomSpeaker Telecom_Tall.sym, Telecom_Wide.sym
Strip Signal ...\RAD\Template\Types\StripSignal Strip_Tall.sym, Strip_Wide.sym
Telecom Internal ...\RAD\Template\Types\Internal Internal_Tall.sym, Internal_Wide.sym
When adding macros to a title block, SmartPlant Instrumentation must be closed.
See Also
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report (on page 26)

18 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

Create a Title Block File

This procedure explains how to create a file with a title block that can be superimposed over a
file with a background sheet. The title block file is created to fit the target background sheet
1. In the SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Template\Types folder, in the desired report type
folder, open the Normal.sma file.
2. In the Enhanced Report Utility, select File >Sheet Setup.
3. On the Size and Scale tab, select the Standard radio button and from the list, select the
desired sheet size.
4. Click to open the Symbol browser, and navigate to the desired title block symbol.
5. Drag the desired title block symbol onto the drawing sheet.
6. Click and select the title block, resize and position the title block on the drawing sheet.

7. Click , the cursor changes to (Origin Point) .

8. Place the cursor on the lower left corner of the title block and click.
9. On the Save As dialog box, type the desired title block name, and click Save.
Make sure that the title block name distinguishes the title block from other title blocks in
the selected folder, for example, A4wide, A4tall.

Customize a Title Block

1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Do one of the following:
 Click File > Open and navigate to the desired .sym file.
 In the Windows Explorer, double-click the .sym file you want to open.
The standard title blocks are located according to the report type in the path:
...\RAD\Template\Types\<report type>, where the brackets indicate that the specific report
type name applies; for example, for a strip report, <report type> = Strip; for a loop drawing,
<report type> = Loop.
3. Modify the title block as desired.
You can change the graphical elements of the title block, add or modify macros, or
change the logo.
4. Click File > Save As and type a name for the file.
When adding macros to a title block, SmartPlant Instrumentation must be closed.
See Also
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report (on page 26)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 19

Using Templates

Define a Title Block Macro

1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Do one of the following:
 Click File > Open and navigate to the required title block file.
 In the Windows Explorer, double-click the .sym file you want to open.
The standard title blocks are located according to the report type in the path:
...\RAD\Template\Types\<report type>, where the brackets indicate that the specific report
type name applies; for example, for a strip report, <report type> = Strip; for a loop drawing,
<report type> = Loop.
3. Place a SmartText box at the required location on the title block.
4. Select the text box and click Edit > Properties.
5. On the Text Box Properties dialog box, click the User tab.
6. Under Attributes, type the macro name in the Name list.
For a list of available macros, see Title Block Macro List (on page 20).
7. If appropriate for the macro, type a number in the Value box.
8. Click Add to assign the macro to the text box.

Title Block Macro List

You specify macros in your title block by adding SmartText and defining the appropriate macro
in the user properties. The following list summarizes the macros available for use in enhanced
report title blocks (where a macro name appears in parentheses, the main name is the macro
alias while the name in parentheses is the actual database name).

Name Description
plant_name or plnt_name Plant name
plant_UDF_C01 (up to C20) Plant UDF
area_name Area name
area_UDF_C01 (up to C20) Area UDF
sub_area_name Sub-area name
unit_name Unit name
unit_num Unit number
unit_note Note added for unit
unit_UDF_C01 (up to C20) Unit UDF
city City where plant is located
location Location of plant

20 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

Name Description
owner (owner_name) Owner name
domain_name (proj_name) Domain name
domain_desc (proj_desc) Domain description
eng_proj_name or proj_name Project name
eng_proj_desc or proj_desc Project description
date Date of drawing generation
time Time of drawing generation

 Up to 20 macros of each type can be used in a title block by adding the suffix _C01,
_C02, _C03, and so forth.
 Only the Plant UDF macro can be used in the Hook-Up and Drawing title blocks, the
Area and Unit UDF macros do not function in Hook-Up and Drawing title blocks.

Name Value Description
loop_name Loop name
loop_serv Loop service
loop_note Loop note
ref_name 1..5 Loop drawing reference name (for
revisions 1 to 5)
ref_desc 1..5 Loop drawing reference description (for
revisions 1 to 5)

Strip & Panel

Name Description
panel_name Panel name
panel_note Panel note
strip_name Strip name

Segment & Profibus

Name Description
group_name Segment name
Signal_note Segment note

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 21

Using Templates

Telecom Line
Name Description
line_name (tc_line_number_name) Telecom line name

Telecom Class
Name Description
class_name (tc_net_cls_name) Telecom class name

Telecom Speaker
Name Description
cmpnt_name Telecom speaker name
cmpnt_note Telecom speaker note

Name Description
cable_name (cable_num) Cable name
cable_note Cable note

Cable Harness
Name Description
harness_name (cable_harness_name) Cable harness name

Name Description
location_name (panel_loc_name) Panel location

Name Description
rack_name (cabinet_rack_name) Cabinet rack name

Name Description
hu_name Hook-Up name
gen_output_file Hook-Up output file name
hu_udf_co1 (up to C20) Hook-Up user defined fields

22 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

Name Description
hu_type_desc Hook-Up description
plant_UDF_C01 (up to C20) Plant UDF

Name Value Description
dwg_name Drawing name
dwg_desc Drawing description
dwg_num Drawing number
plant_UDF_C01 (up to C20) Plant UDF
cl_ck_by or cl_chk_by Client checked by
cl_ck_date or cl_chk_date Client checked date
cl_engr_by Client engineered by
cl_engr_date Client engineered date
cl_appr_by Client approved by
cl_appr_date Client approved date
ven_appr_by Vendor approved by
ven_appr_date Vendor approved date
ven_chk_by or ven_ck_by Vendor checked by
ven_ck_date or ven_chk_date Vendor checked date
ven_drwn_by Vendor drawn by
ven_drwn_date Vendor drawn date
ven_dsgn_by Vendor design by
ven_dsgn_date Vendor design date
ven_prop_by Vendor proposed by
ven_prop_date Vendor proposed date
loop_func (loop_func_name) Loop function
dwg_udf_c01... - Drawing user- defined
...dwg_udf_c102 character fields
loop_udf_c01... - Loop user-defined
...loop_udf_c50 character fields
curr_rev_name (current 1 Current revision name
revision number)
pid_name P&ID drawing name

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 23

Using Templates

Name Value Description

Sheet_no Current sheet number
Sheet_total Total number of sheets
Sheet_count <sheet_no> of

These macros have the structure [Macro_name.x.f1] where x is the revision number (max.value
=5), and f1 is the abbreviation for a user-defined function (optional).

Name Value Description

dwg_rev_num or rev_no 1..5 Drawing revision number (for

revisions 1 to 5)
dwg_rev_desc or 1..5 Drawing revision description
rev_desc (for revisions 1 to 5)
dwg_rev_date or 1..5 Drawing revision date (for
rev_date revisions 1 to 5)
curr_rev_num Last active revision
rev_create_by or 1..5 Revision created by (for
rev_drawn_by revisions 1 to 5)
rev_signed_by 1..5 Revision signed by (for
revisions 1 to 5)
rev_chk_by 1..5 Revision checked by (for
revisions 1 to 5)
rev_appr_by 1..5 Revision approved by (for
revisions 1 to 5)
rev_udf_c01... - Revision user-defined
...rev_udf_c20 character fields

Place Property Labels on a Drawing Sheet

1. Right-click on any toolbar, and on the shortcut menu, click Label.
2. On the Label toolbar, click Place Drawing Property Label .
3. On the Label Set list, select Drawing Properties.

24 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Templates

4. On the Field list, select the desired property label:

5. To edit the label font, click .

6. Edit the font and font size as desired:

7. Click on the drawing sheet in the desired location to add the label.

8. To further edit the appearance of the label, click the Select Tool .
9. Right-click the label and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
10. On the Text Box Properties dialog box, modify other label properties as desired, for
example, the text color.
You can double-click the label to view the .xml code used to specify the property.

Displaying Logos
You can add a user-defined logo for enhanced reports. Adding a logo involves several
operations. First, in the Enhanced Report Utility, you create a file with a .sym extension for use
as a logo. Next, in SmartPlant Instrumentation, on the Preferences dialog box, you define the
default layout settings and specify the file path and name of the logo .sym file. Then, in the
Enhanced Report Utility, you open the default title block and position the logo as you require.
The software links the logo to the designated position when you generate enhanced reports for
items that belong to the default layout.
See Also
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report (on page 26)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 25

Using Templates

Create a Logo Symbol

1. Create a bitmap using a drawing program; for example, Paintbrush.
2. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
3. Click File > New.
4. On the New dialog box, select the template you want to use for your logo.
5. Under Create new, click Document, and then click OK.
6. Copy the bitmap and paste it into the document.
7. If required, move the bitmap to a different location on the document.
8. Click Edit > Select All.
9. On the main toolbar, click Symbols .
10. On the symbol ribbon bar, click Create Symbol . The mouse pointer changes to a
cross-hair icon.
11. Click a point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.
The Save As dialog box automatically appears at this point.
12. On the Save As dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the symbol.
13. Type the name that you want for the symbol. The software saves the document with a .sym

Define a Logo Path

1. Open SmartPlant Instrumentation, and on the Preferences dialog box, expand Enhanced
2. Select the desired report and click File Paths.
3. Beside Logo file, click Browse and navigate to the logo file that you want to use.
See Also
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report (on page 26)

Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report

1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Click File > Open and navigate to the required default template for the specified report type.

 You can define the report type template either in the report layout or on the SmartPlant
Instrumentation Preferences dialog box, under Enhanced Reports > File Paths for the
particular report type.
 If your template contains a default title block, the title block displays the default
logo. Before placing a user-defined logo, select the default logo and press the Delete
3. Place an empty text box in place of the deleted logo.

26 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

The top-left x and y coordinates of the text box are also the top-left coordinates of your
4. Select and then right-click the text box.
5. On the shortcut menu, click Properties.
6. Click User.
7. In the Name box, type Logo.
8. Click Add and then click Save.
9. Specify the logo file path on the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box.

Delete a Logo
1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Do one of the following:
 Click File > Open and navigate to the title block .sym file.
 In the Windows Explorer, double-click the title block .sym file.
3. In the title block, select the text box you have defined for linking the logo when generating a
For the standard logo supplied with the title block, select the logo bitmap.
4. Press the Delete key.
See Also
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report (on page 26)

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

Every enhanced report that you generate must be based on a layout. The layout determines
the template, title block, and wire representation used for the report, as well as the title block
logo, title block position and drawing area margins. You can assign a report to an existing
layout, and the layout properties then apply to any report belonging to that layout.
Default layouts are defined for each of the report types. There are standard templates and title
blocks that you can select for your layout, or you can use them to customize your own templates
and title blocks.
You can also configure the title block alignment and drawing area margins for each layout.
You define the layouts in the SmartPlant Instrumentation environment by selecting one or more
items and clicking Enhanced Report Layouts on the shortcut menu.
For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9) .

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 27

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

Defining Enhanced Report Layouts

An enhanced report layout is a group of settings for one or more enhanced report items of a
particular report type such as Enhanced SmartLoop or SmartPlant Cable Layout reports. These
settings configure the display of the related generated drawings.
A layout includes a template for specifying the page size, a title block, various view options,
macros and redlining, title block alignment, and working area margins.
To make use of a layout, you select one or more enhanced report items and then you select a
layout and assign it to the items. Your user-defined layout settings then apply to all drawings
that you generate for those items. Layouts are available for the following items, which appear in
the Domain Explorer.
 Select one or more loops to define layouts for the following reports:
 Enhanced SmartLoop report
 Enhanced Fieldbus Loop report
 Select one or more cables to define layouts for the Cable Layout report.
 Select one or more Hook-Ups for the Hook-Up layout report.
 Select one or more panels or strips to define layouts for the following reports:
 Panel-Strip report
 DCS/PLC report
 Strip Signals report
 PA Amplifier report
 In the Tag Number Browser (for fieldbus items), select one or more fieldbus segments or
tags to define layouts for the following reports:
 Enhanced SmartLoop report
 Enhanced Fieldbus Loop report
 You can define layouts from the following supporting tables:
 Telecom Line Numbers (in the Instrument Index module)
 Single Speaker (in the Instrument Index module Standard Browser)
 Cable Harnesses (in the Wiring module)
 Network Classes (in the Wiring module)

 You can assign an enhanced report layout to more than one item; however, each item can
be assigned to only one layout.
 If you do not define any layouts, the software automatically assigns the default layout
settings to all the selected items. You can modify the default layout settings on the
Preferences dialog box per report type.
 You can edit, duplicate, or delete existing user-defined enhanced report layouts, other than
default layouts.
 If you duplicate an enhanced report layout, the software duplicates in the target layout any
attributes that apply at the layout level such as macros and redlining defined per layout.
 You can also create custom layouts that contain custom symbols. For more information, see
Creating a Custom Layout with Custom Symbols (see "Creating a Custom Layout with User
Defined (customized) Symbols" on page 70).
 For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9) .

28 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Display Enhanced Report Layouts

Use this procedure to display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box of the item for which
you want to define or modify a layout.
1. Do one of the following:
 Open one of the SmartPlant Instrumentation Explorer windows (for example, the
Domain Explorer).
 Open any suitable supporting table, such as those for telecom tags, that includes a
Layouts command button.
2. Highlight the desired items and do one of the following:
 From an Explorer window, on the shortcut menu, click Actions > Enhanced Report
 From a supporting table, click Layouts.

Define General Enhanced Report Layout Properties

Use this procedure to set various general and display properties for a group of enhanced
1. Display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box for the desired item. For details, see
Display Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 29).
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. Do one of the following:
 Click New to define a new enhanced report layout.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Properties to modify the existing settings.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Duplicate to duplicate the existing settings.
For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9) .
4. On the Layout Properties dialog box, click the General tab.
5. In the Layout field, type a name for the layout that you want to create.
6. If desired, in the Description field, type a new description of the layout.
7. From the Wire representation and Cross-wire representation lists, select one of the
following options to determine how the software represents connectors in enhanced reports:
 Select Diagonal to represent connectors as straight diagonal lines between the short
horizontal lines that come from the terminals.
 Select Orthogonal to represent connectors as lines consisting of horizontal and vertical

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 29

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

For a visual comparison of these options, see Setting the Wiring Representation (on
page 36).
8. Beside the Template file name and path field, click Browse and navigate to the desired
layout template file and path.
9. Beside the Title block file name and path field, click Browse and navigate to the desired
title block file and path.
10. Click the View tab and select the desired options.
11. Click OK to return to the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box.

Set the Title Block Position

Use this procedure to set the position of the title block and the drawing area offset relative to the
title block for one or more items for which you want to generate an enhanced report.
1. Display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box for the desired item. For details, see
Display Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 29).
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. Do one of the following:
 Click New to define a new enhanced report layout.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Properties to modify the existing settings.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Duplicate to duplicate the existing settings.
4. On the Layout Properties dialog box, click the Title Block tab.
5. Do one of the following:
 In the Alignment window, drag the title block icon to one of the corners of the graphic or
along one of its edges.
 Select values in the Horizontal and Vertical lists that position the title block where you
want it.
 Click Reset to specify the default settings (title block in bottom left corner with the
drawing area above).

The alignment options apply only when you use a symbol file (.sym) for the title
block. They do not apply when you use the normal.sma template, which already
includes a title block.
 The alignment specifies the location of the title block origin. Shipped title blocks
have their origin at the bottom left corner, and it is recommended that you specify
this position for the origin of any custom title blocks that you create.
 The alignment of the title block has no effect on its orientation. The design of the
title block symbol is what determines its orientation.
6. In the Drawing area relative to title block list, select an option to specify where the
drawing area should be located in relation to the title block.

30 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

Specify the Title Block Size Manually

The software defines the drawing area automatically according to the outer dimensions of the
title block symbols used in a report. For example, if the title block is aligned horizontally at the
bottom of a report, the software automatically allocates the area above the block for displaying
generated drawing elements. If your title block occupies a large area of the page, on generating
an enhanced report, the generated drawing elements may be displayed incorrectly. For
example, you could add headings at the top of a drawing sheet or vertical lines stretching from
the top of the page to the title block symbol at the bottom of the page.
To display the drawing elements correctly in such cases, you must specify the title block size
manually to ensure that the software does not place any generated drawing elements where
they would overlap the title block.
1. Open the Layout Properties dialog box.
2. Click the Title Block tab and under the Size group box, select Set size.
3. From the Units list, select the units for the title block height or width.
4. In the Maximum size box, type a value for the maximum height or width that you want the
software to allocate for the title block.
The dimension affected, height or width, depends on the alignment specified for the title

Set the Working Area Margins

This is a useful procedure for presetting the position of the strips for a group of enhanced
reports or for ensuring that margins are consistent when collecting a group of drawings in a
1. Display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box for the desired item. For details, see
Display Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 29).
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. Do one of the following:
 Click New to define a new enhanced report layout.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Properties to modify the existing settings.
 Highlight an existing layout and click Duplicate to duplicate the existing settings.
4. On the Layout Properties dialog box, click the Working Area tab.
5. In the Units list, select the units that you want to use for defining the margins: inches,
millimeters, or twips.
Twips are screen- independent units to ensure that the proportions of screen elements
are the same on all display systems. There are 1440 twips in an inch and 567 twips in a
6. Do one of the following:
 In the Working Area Margins window, drag the edges to the desired position.
 Enter values in the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes as desired.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 31

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

 Click Reset to specify the default settings (all four margins set to 20 twips).

 When you set the working area margins, the defined area includes the title block. The
software generates the drawing starting from the top left corner at the position relative to the
title block that you specified on the Title Block tab.
 If any drawing elements extend beyond the right and bottom limits of the working area,
those elements are displayed on a new sheet.
 The working area margins define the initial page margins during drawing generation
only. Once you have generated a report, you can modify it anywhere on the sheet,
including the region defined beyond the working area.

Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items

1. Select one or more items in an Explorer window and display the Enhanced Report Layouts
dialog box for the items. For details, see Display Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 29).
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. On the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box, highlight the layout that you require.
4. Click Assign to assign this layout to the selected items.
For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9).

Duplicate an Enhanced Report Layout

1. Display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box for the desired item.
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. Highlight the layout that you want to duplicate.
4. Click Duplicate to open the Layout Properties dialog box with the source layout values.
5. Edit the settings in the layout as you require.
When you duplicate an enhanced report layout, the software duplicates in the target
layout any attributes that apply at the layout level such as macros and redlining defined per
layout, but does not copy the positions of saved objects.

32 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

Delete an Enhanced Report Layout

This option enables you to delete a user-defined enhanced layout which is no longer in use. An
enhanced layout is a layout assigned to loops and wiring items for generating drawings and
reports using the Enhanced Report Utility.
On deleting a layout which is in use, the software re-assigns all the assigned items to
the default layout settings.
1. Display the Enhanced Report Layouts dialog box for the desired item. For details, see
Display Enhanced Report Layouts (on page 29).
2. From the Report type list, if more than one report type is available for the selected item,
select the report type that you require.
3. Highlight the layout that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 33

Using Enhanced Report Layouts

34 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Setting Enhanced Report Utility

In This Section
Define Shared Symbol and Template Folders for Multiple Users . 35
Set the Tag Priorities Within a Loop .............................................. 35
Reducing Generation Time for Enhanced Reports ....................... 36
Reduce Generation Time for Enhanced Reports .......................... 36
Setting the Wiring Representation ................................................. 36

Define Shared Symbol and Template Folders for

Multiple Users
To create shared symbol and template folders for use on a network, you must for each network
user, define in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences > Enhanced Reports > {Report
type, for example Enhanced SmartLoop} > File Locations, the path to the network drive and
folder where you want to store the symbol and template libraries.

Set the Tag Priorities Within a Loop

When generating a report, the Enhanced Report Utility retrieves the data related to the location
of each tag within the specific loop and displays it according to a predetermined order. You can
change this order, giving each tag within the loop its own sequential priority (numeric sequence).
1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, start the Instrument Index module
2. Click to open an Instrument Index Standard Browser view.
3. In the Internal Loop Order column, change the priority-within-a-loop number for the
required tags.
4. Press the Enter key to save the new priority settings.
You can also change the tag order from the Tag Number Properties dialog box, by
changing the number displayed in the Internal loop order field.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 35

Setting Enhanced Report Utility Parameters

Reducing Generation Time for Enhanced Reports

If you are generating a large number of enhanced reports, or if the individual reports contain a
large amount of data, the time for generation can be long. To reduce the generation time, you
can modify a number of settings on the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box that
disable some of the generation processes and therefore speed up report generation.
When you set these options, the software displays macros rather than retrieving data from the
SmartPlant Instrumentation database. To view the data, you can change the settings back to
their original values and regenerate the reports at a convenient time.

Reduce Generation Time for Enhanced Reports

1. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box, click Enhanced Reports.
2. Click to expand the tree and select General.
3. Select Disable macro generation and annotation options.
This option does not disable the default macros, they still appear on the drawing even
with this option selected. Any macros other than the default macros are disabled and do not
appear on the drawing.
4. Clear the following check boxes:
 Gap connectors on intersection.
 By-pass strips.
 Optimize overlapping connectors.
 Redraw all connections.
5. Generate the enhanced reports that you require.
You can perform the last four operations per individual report using the appropriate
commands on the Actions menu.

Setting the Wiring Representation

In SmartPlant Instrumentation, you determine how wires between terminals are represented in
enhanced reports. You define cable wiring and cross-wiring representations per layout. When
editing the default enhanced layout or creating a new one, you can set the wire representation to
be diagonal or orthogonal. This affects the wire paths when the terminals are not located on the
same horizontal row, as shown in the examples.

36 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Setting Enhanced Report Utility Parameters

Diagonal Representation

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 37

Setting Enhanced Report Utility Parameters

Orthogonal Representation

38 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Generating Enhanced Reports

Using the Enhanced Report Utility, you can generate reports in single or batch mode.
The Enhanced Report Utility prints PDFs using SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 and
publishes them to the output folder specified in File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports >
<Report Type> >Viewer Output Folder field for the specific report type. If no path is present
then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes the PDF to the Temp folder as specified in File
> Preferences > General.
Available enhanced reports include the following:
 Enhanced SmartLoop (see "Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports" on page 39)
 Cable Layout (see "Generate an Enhanced Cable Layout Report" on page 40)
 Panel-Strip (see "Generate an Enhanced Panel-Strip Report" on page 41)
 Strip Signal (see "Generate a Strip Signal Report" on page 41)
 Wiring Equipment Connections (see "Generate a Wiring Equipment Connections Report" on
page 42)
 Fieldbus Loop (see "Generate a Fieldbus Loop Report" on page 43)
 Profibus (see "Generate a Profibus Report" on page 43)
 Fieldbus Segment Wiring (see "Generate a Segment Wiring Report" on page 44)
 Cable Harness (see "Generate a Cable Harness Report" on page 44)
 Telecom Single Speaker (see "Generate a Single Speaker Report" on page 45)
 Telecom PA Amplifier (see "Generate a PA Amplifier Report" on page 46)
See also:
Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports from Wiring Signals (on page 40)

Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports

Use the Enhanced Report Utility to generate Enhanced SmartLoop reports automatically. You
can perform loop drawing generation in single or batch mode.
When generating Enhanced SmartLoop reports in batch mode, the software applies the
generation method defined on the Preferences dialog box, on the page Enhanced Reports >
Enhanced SmartLoop > View. The available settings are: By Loop, By Signal, Custom by
Loop, and Custom by Signal.
1. In the Domain Explorer, select one or more loops.
If among the loops that you selected there are loops assigned to the Manual method
(symbol M in the Domain Explorer), the software skips these loops when generating
drawings in batch mode.
2. Right-click and on the shortcut menu, select Reports > Generate Loop Drawings.
3. On the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, from the Generation method list, select
Enhanced SmartLoop.
4. Specify automatic save options if desired.
5. Click OK, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 39

Generating Enhanced Reports

 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 The Enhanced Report Utility prints PDFs using SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 and
publishes them to the output folder specified in File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports >
<Report Type> >Viewer Output Folder field for the specific report type. If no path is
present then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes the PDF to the Temp folder as
specified in File > Preferences > General.

Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports from Wiring

From the Wiring module Connection window, you can select one or more cables, cable sets, or
wires that have signals and generate an Enhanced SmartLoop drawing for each loop that is
associated with the signals.
1. In the Wiring module, select a cable or panel that includes one or more tag signals.
2. Right-click the selected item and on the shortcut menu, click Actions > Connection.
3. In the Connection window, select one or more cables, cable sets, or wires.
4. Do one of the following:
 Click Reports > Generate Enhanced Report.
 Right-click, and from the shortcut menu Generate Enhanced Report.

Generate an Enhanced Cable Layout Report

You can generate a SmartPlant Cable Layout report for any non-default cable. The report
displays the cable sets and wires, and the panels, strips, and terminals to which the cable ends
may be attached.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Cable Layout, and click Style 1 or Style 2.
3. On the Cable Selection for Layout dialog box, type values in the fields under Search
parameters if you need to find cables that meet a specific set of criteria.
4. Click Find to display the cables.
5. Highlight one or more cables (hold down CTRL for multiple selection).
The software requires a large amount of memory to display graphical items in
enhanced report previews. For this reason, we recommend that you do not select a large
number of cables at once for previewing reports.
6. Select Enable enhanced report.
7. Click Print, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.

40 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Generating Enhanced Reports

 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes PDFs to the output folder specified in File >
Preferences > Enhanced Reports > <Report Type>> Viewer Output Folder field for the
specific report type. If no path is present then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes
the PDF to the Temp folder as specified in File > Preferences >General. For Specification
Sheets, set the path in the Print Specs to PDF Files dialog box. For Document Binder
packages, set the path in the Print to file dialog box.
 If, in the Enhanced Report Utility, you save custom changes for this report, the software
does not save changed positions of items on the drawing sheet.

Generate an Enhanced Panel-Strip Report

You can generate a SmartPlant Panel-Strip report, in SmartPlant Instrumentation or in the
Enhanced Report Utility, for any device at the strip level. The report displays the selected
device, the device adjacent to it, and the strip level connections between them.
1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, start the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Panel - Strip > With Adjacent Connections (Enhanced Report).
3. On the Panel - Strip Selection dialog box, click Find to display the available strips.
You can type values in the fields under Search parameters to find panels that meet a
specific set of criteria.
4. Highlight one or more strips (hold down CTRL for multiple selections).
The software requires a large amount of memory to display graphical items in
enhanced report previews. For this reason, we recommend that you do not select a large
number of strips at once for previewing reports.
5. Click Print.
6. At the prompt click Yes to view the report in the Enhanced Report Utility.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes PDFs to the output folder specified in File >
Preferences > Enhanced Reports > <Report Type>> Viewer Output Folder field for the
specific report type. If no path is present then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes
the PDF to the Temp folder as specified in File > Preferences >General. For Specification
Sheets, set the path in the Print Specs to PDF Files dialog box. For Document Binder
packages, set the path in the Print to file dialog box.

Generate a Strip Signal Report

You can generate and print a SmartPlant Strip Signal report for any panel strip in the Wiring
module. A Strip Signal report displays all the connections from either side of a strip, in contrast
to the Panel-Strip report, which displays only the connection to the adjacent device in a
particular strip.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Panel-Strip Signals.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 41

Generating Enhanced Reports

3. On the Panel-Strip Selection dialog box, type values in the fields under Search
parameters if you need to find panels that meet a specific set of criteria.
4. Click Find to display the strips.
5. Highlight one or more strips (hold down CTRL for multiple selections).
The software requires a large amount of memory to display graphical items in
enhanced report previews. For this reason, we recommend that you do not select a large
number of strips at once for previewing reports.
6. Click Print, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

Generate a Wiring Equipment Connections Report

You can generate and print a SmartPlant I/O Tag Assignment report for a particular DCS/PLC in
the Wiring module. These reports are associated with DCS/PLC cabinets only. These cabinets
require a different drawing due to their multi connections as specified.
A SmartPlant I/O Tag Assignment report displays all the connections from a DCS/PLC and
forward, in contrast to the Panel-Strip report, which displays only the connection to the adjacent
device in a particular strip.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Wiring Equipment Connections.
3. On the Wiring Equipment Connections dialog box, type values in the fields under Search
parameters if you need to find panels that meet a specific set of criteria.
4. Click Find to display the strips.
5. Highlight one or more strips (hold down CTRL for multiple selections).
The software requires a large amount of memory to display graphical items in
enhanced report previews. For this reason, we recommend that you do not select a large
number of strips at once for previewing reports.
6. Click Print, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes PDFs to the output folder specified in File >
Preferences > Enhanced Reports > <Report Type>> Viewer Output Folder field for the
specific report type. If no path is present then SmartPlant PDF Converter 4.51 publishes

42 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Generating Enhanced Reports

the PDF to the Temp folder as specified in File > Preferences >General. For Specification
Sheets, set the path in the Print Specs to PDF Files dialog box. For Document Binder
packages, set the path in the Print to file dialog box.
See Also
Generate an Enhanced Panel-Strip Report (on page 41)

Generate a Fieldbus Loop Report

You can generate a fieldbus loop report for any fieldbus tag in a segment. The report displays
the tag and all of its wiring connections in the loop.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. In the Fieldbus Segments folder, select a tag in the desired segment.
3. Right-click the desired segment and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Enhanced
Fieldbus Loop.
4. At the print preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

Generate a Profibus Report

You can generate a Profibus report for any Profibus segment. The report displays the layout of
all the tags in the segment.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. In the Fieldbus Segments folder, select the Profibus tag in the desired segment.
3. Right-click the desired segment and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Enhanced
Profibus Layout.
4. At the print preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 43

Generating Enhanced Reports

Generate a Segment Wiring Report

Use this procedure to display an enhanced report for a fieldbus segment.
You must install the Enhanced Report Utility on your local machine to be able to
generate Segment Wiring reports. For details, see the Enhanced Report Utility Installation
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. In the Fieldbus Segment folder, select the desired segment.
3. Right-click the desired segment and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Enhanced
Segment Wiring.
4. Click Print, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

Generate a Cable Harness Report

The Cable Harness report displays details of every cable in a particular harness, which includes
the cable sets and wires, and the panels, strips, and terminals to which the cable ends may be
attached. If you select more than one cable harness, the software generates a separate
enhanced report for each cable harness.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Cable Harness.
3. On the Cable Harness Selection dialog box, in the Cable harness field under Search
parameters, type the name of a specific cable harness that you want to find, or leave the
field blank if you want to display all the cable harnesses.
4. Click Find to display the cable harnesses.
5. Under Search results, highlight one or more cable harnesses (hold down CTRL for multiple
The software requires a large amount of memory to display graphical items in
enhanced report previews. For this reason, we recommend that you do not select a large
number of cables at once for previewing reports.
6. If desired, under Print options, select Page break per cable to display details of each
cable on a separate sheet of the report.
7. Click Print, and at the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.

44 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Generating Enhanced Reports

 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.
 If, in the Enhanced Report Utility, you save custom changes for this report, the software
does not save changed positions of items on the drawing sheet.

Generate a Single Speaker Report

You can generate a report that displays the connections for a selected single speaker tag
You must install the Enhanced Report Utility on your local machine to be able to
generate PA amplifier reports. For details, see the Enhanced Report Utility Installation Guide.
1. Open the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Telecom > Single Speaker Report.
3. On the Enter Tag Number dialog box, do one of the following:
 Type the tag number of a telecom tag.
 Click Find to open the Find Telecom Tag dialog box and select a tag number.
4. Select the strip that you require and click Print.
5. At the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 45

Generating Enhanced Reports

Generate a PA Amplifier Report

You can generate a report that displays the complete PA (public announcements) speaker
network connected to a specific amplifier.
You must install the Enhanced Report Utility on your local machine to be able to
generate PA amplifier reports. For details, see the Enhanced Report Utility Installation Guide.
1. Open the Wiring module.
2. Click Reports > Telecom > PA Amplifier Report.
3. On the Panel - Strip Selection dialog box, click Find to display available telecom panels
and strips.
4. Select the strip that you require and click Print.
5. At the preview prompt, do one of the following:
 Click Yes to open the print preview of the generated report. Choose this option if you
want to modify or annotate the report.
 Click No to start printing the report without displaying its print preview.

 On the General page of the Preferences dialog box, you can set the software to display a
print preview always, never or with your approval.
 If you select not to preview a report, and you are using Acrobat Distiller as your default
printer, make sure that Distiller is configured to enable report generation without prompting
for the output file location. To do this, open the Distiller Preferences dialog box and under
Output Options, clear the check boxes Ask for PDF file destination and Ask to replace
existing PDF file.

46 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Using Filters
In an Enhanced SmartLoop report, you can create one or more filters for filtering macros and
redlining for an item, according to selected properties of the item.

Create Filters for Items

1. In the Domain Explorer, highlight and right-click the desired loop.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Actions > Define Filter for Item.
3. From the Filter for list, select an item.

4. Click beside the Filter list.

5. On the Item Filters dialog box, click New to add a row to the data window.
The item that you selected on the Define Filter for Item dialog box appears
automatically in the Item column.
6. Type a name for the filter in the Filter column.
7. Click OK to save the settings and close the Item Filters dialog box.
8. On the Define Filter for Item dialog box, set the filter conditions for the created filter. For
details, see Display Enhanced Report Layouts (see "Set Filter Conditions for Item
Properties" on page 48).

Edit Filters for Items

1. In the Domain Explorer, highlight and right-click the desired loop.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Actions > Define Filter for Item.
3. From the Filter for list, select an item.

4. Click beside the Filter list.

5. On the Item Filters dialog box, edit the values under the Filter and Description columns as
you require.
You can type a filter name in the Find filter box; the corresponding row in the data window
is highlighted as you type.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 47

Using Filters

Delete Filters for Items

If you delete a filter, all filter conditions defined for an item associated with this filter
are lost.
1. In the Domain Explorer, highlight and right-click the desired loop.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Actions > Define Filter for Item.
3. From the Filter for list, select an item.

4. Click beside the Filter list.

5. On the Item Filters dialog box, in the data window, select the filter that you want to delete.
6. Click Delete.
7. When prompted, click Yes to remove the highlighted row from the data window.
On the Define Filter for Item dialog box, the filter is deleted from the Filter list defined for
the item selected in the Filter for list.

Set Filter Conditions for Item Properties

This option enables you to define the conditions which you can use for filtering macros and
redlining that you add to an Enhanced SmartLoop report. In the SmartPlant Instrumentation
database, a filter is associated with a specific item, so that you cannot use the same filter for
another item. If necessary, you can define several filters for the same item.
1. In the Domain Explorer, highlight and right-click the desired loop.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Actions > Define Filter for Item.
3. From the Filter for list, select an item.
4. From the Filter list, select a filter.

To create a new filter, click beside the Filter list to open the Item Filters dialog
box, where you can define a set of filters for the selected item For details, see Create
Filters for Items (on page 47).
5. Click Edit to enable access to the command buttons on the right.
When clicked, the Edit button changes to Apply.
6. Click Add to append a new data row.
7. From the Property column, select one of the item properties.

 If the property that you are looking for does not appear in the list, select Display
browser list, and in the Browser list that appears in the data window, select another
 In addition to the standard browsers, you can add a PowerSoft browser and configure it
for use with enhanced reports. For details, see SmartPlant Instrumentation Online
Help > Browser Views and Browser Manager > Adding New Browsers > Adding New
Browsers Common Tasks > Add a PowerSoft Browser.
8. To define an appropriate conditional expression for the filter, click the Operator data field
and select a suitable operator to determine how the selected field will relate to the
expression in the Value field.
9. In the Value field, do one of the following:

48 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Filters

 Select a value from the list of values registered in SmartPlant Instrumentation for the
selected field.
 Type a text field value.
10. Depending on whether you want to add another filtering condition, in the Logic data field, do
one of the following:
 Leave the Logic field empty if you have defined only one filtering condition.
 Click the Logic field and select either And or Or if you have defined several filter
conditions. Selecting And includes the next expression in the filtering
condition. Selecting Or accepts either the previous or the next expression in the
filtering condition.
11. Click Verify to check the validity of the current filtering condition.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 49

Using Filters

50 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Using SmartText
In the Enhanced Report Utility, you can add SmartText to a drawing sheet. Each time you
generate an enhanced report for a particular item, the text is retained on the drawing.
You can define SmartText properties, such as font, size, underlining, alignment in the text box,
and rotation. Also, you can create a watermark using SmartText and display a SmartText item
on any specific drawing sheet, or on all the drawing sheets in a report.

Add SmartText
1. Click Actions > SmartText > New.
You can also access this command by clicking New SmartText on the Actions
2. Click the General tab.
3. Type text in the Caption box, if required.
You can type an unlimited number of lines with up to 28 characters in each line.
4. Select Set as watermark if you want to define the text as a watermark that appears in a
layer below other drawing items.
5. Under Textbox display, do one of the following:
 Click Current sheet to display the SmartText item on the current drawing sheet only.
 Click All sheets to display the SmartText item on all the sheets of the drawing.
If you choose All sheets, you only need to edit the SmartText properties on one of the
sheets, and the software applies the changes to all the other sheets.
6. Click the Text tab to define the text properties such as font, font size, rotation, and
7. Click a blank area on the drawing sheet to position the text box.
8. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

Edit SmartText
1. Select a text box.
2. Click Actions > SmartText > Properties.
You can also access this command by clicking SmartText Properties on the
Actions toolbar.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Edit the text in the Caption box as required.
You can type an unlimited number of lines with up to 28 characters in each line.
5. Click the Text tab.
6. Click Font to open a dialog box where you can specify the text font, font style, size, color,
and other properties.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 51

Using SmartText

 The default font, font style, and size are determined in the Preferences dialog box in
SmartPlant Instrumentation per enhanced report type; the default font color is
Black. Note that if you select a default font other than a TrueType font (indicated by a
TT symbol), the Enhanced Report Utility displays all SmartText with a yellow-green font,
regardless of any subsequent change you try to make to the font color in the Enhanced
Report Utility.
 The Strikeout effect does not work with SmartText.
7. In the Horizontal and Vertical lists, select options to align text within the text box
8. Select Show Border if you want to display the text box border.
9. In the Rotation box, do one of the following:
 Enter a positive value in degrees to rotate the text counter-clockwise (CCW).
 Enter a negative value in degrees to rotate the text clockwise (CW).
You can enter values that include decimals, such as 22.5°.
10. In the Orientation list, select a text box orientation.
In the vertical orientation, the software rotates the letters 45° CCW.
11. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also click Save Custom Changes on the Main toolbar.

Delete SmartText
1. Select a SmartText item.
You can only select and delete one SmartText item at a time. The font and border
color of the item change when you select the SmartText.
2. Click Actions > Delete SmartText.

 You can also access this command by clicking Delete SmartText on the Actions
 You should always use this method, and not the Delete key, to delete all the
occurrences of a SmartText item that appears on several sheets of a multiple sheet
3. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also access this command by clicking Save Custom Changes on the
Main toolbar.
When you delete a SmartText item, it is not pasted to the Clipboard and cannot be
reinserted. However, you can restore a SmartText item by immediately using Undo.

52 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Using Macros
You can add macros to standard items in enhanced reports. Standard items are drawing items
that automatically appear on a generated enhanced report, such as panels, strips, terminals,
cables, cable sets, wires, ports, and pins. You can select a standard item and define a macro
for all occurrences of such an item on the sheet. Alternatively, you can select a macro filter to
assign a macro only to the selected item.
Also, you can attach a label to the left of a macro on a sheet. The software associates the
attached label in the database with this particular macro and attaches the label to all
occurrences of the macro on the sheet.
Adding a macro involves the following:
 Selecting a standard macro type.
 Selecting a macro name associated with this macro type.
 Applying a filter to the macro, if needed.
 Defining the macro text properties such as font, size, alignment in the text box, and rotation.
 Attaching a label to the macro, if needed.
 Defining the label text properties.
When you modify or move a macro for an item, it affects all occurrences of that item on the
sheet, unless a filter is used, in which case only those items to which the filter applies are

 For items that have left and right sides, such as apparatus terminals and wires, when you
modify or move a macro for such an item, the action applies only to the corresponding side
for all the items that are defined by the specific macro or filter.
 If, for a default macro such as a panel name, you define a filter that hides a particular macro,
a dot appears in place of the macro. The dot is needed to allow editing of the macro filter,
adding new macros to the item associated with the hidden macro, or editing of the item. If
you want to hide the dots, for example when printing the report or saving it in a different
format, you need to define the parameter HideEntities = Y in the Smartloop.ini file.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 53

Using Macros

Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet

1. Ensure that no items are selected on the drawing sheet.
2. Click Actions > Macro > New.
You can also access this command by clicking New Macro on the Actions
3. Click the General tab.
4. From the Macro type list, select an option.
5. From the Macro list, select a macro for the chosen macro type.
6. In the Caption box, type a label name if you want to associate a label with the new macro.
The label appears to the left of the macro on the drawing sheet.
7. Click the Macro Text tab to define the macro text properties.
8. Click the Caption Text tab to define the label text properties.
9. On the drawing sheet, click where you want the macro to appear.
10. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also access this command by clicking Save Custom Changes on the Main

Attach a Macro or a Macro Label to an Item

If you want to use a filter during this operation, you must first define the filter using
the Define Filter command. For further details, see Set Filter Conditions for Item Properties
(on page 48).
1. Click an item, such as a panel header, to select it.
2. Click Actions > Macro > New.
You can also access this command by clicking New Macro on the Actions
3. Click the General tab.
4. From the Macro type list, select an option.
5. From the Macro list, select a macro for the chosen macro type.
6. If needed, select a filter from the Filter list and then select the Use filter check box.
Using a filter allows you to add the macro to only the subsets of the selected items on
the drawing. For example, you can choose to add the macro only to those panels that are
junction boxes. To cancel the filter, clear the Use filter check box. If you do not use a filter,
the software adds the macro to all items of the same type.
7. In the Caption box, type a label name if you want to associate a label with the new macro.
The label appears to the left of the macro on the drawing sheet.
8. Click the Macro Text tab to define the macro text properties.
9. Click the Caption Text tab to define the label text properties.
10. On the drawing sheet, click where you want the macro to appear relative to the position of
the selected item.

54 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Macros

The macro position is fixed relative to the corresponding item so that if you move the
item, the macro moves with it; however, you can move the macro independently by using
the Move Macro command.
11. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also access this command by clicking Save Custom Changes on the Main
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

Edit a Macro or a Macro Label

1. Select a macro or a macro label on a drawing sheet.
2. Click Actions > Macro > Properties.
You can also access this command by clicking Macro Properties on the Actions
3. Click the General tab.
4. Under Macro definition, if required, select a different macro type or macro name.
5. To apply a filter to the macro, under Filter, select a filter from the Filter list and select the
Use filter check box.
You define filters using the Define Filter command. For further details, see Set
Filter Conditions for Item Properties (on page 48).
6. Click the Macro Text tab.
7. Click Font to open a dialog box where you can specify the text font, font style, size, color,
and other properties.
The default font, font style, and size are determined in the Preferences dialog box in
SmartPlant Instrumentation per enhanced report type; the default font color is Black. Note
that if you select a default font other than a TrueType font (indicated by a TT symbol), the
Enhanced Report Utility displays all macros and labels with a yellow- green font, regardless
of any subsequent change you try to make to the font color in the Enhanced Report Utility.
8. In the Horizontal and Vertical lists, select options to align text within the text box
9. Select Show Border if you want to display the text box border.
10. In the Rotation box, do one of the following:
 Enter a positive value in degrees to rotate the text counter-clockwise (CCW).
 Enter a negative value in degrees to rotate the text clockwise (CW).
You can enter values that include decimals, such as 22.5°.
11. In the Orientation list, select a text box orientation.
In the vertical orientation, the software rotates the letters 90° CW.
12. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also click Save Custom Changes on the Main toolbar.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 55

Using Macros

Delete a Macro or a Macro Label

1. Select a macro or a macro label.
2. Click Actions > Delete Macro.
You can also access this command by clicking Delete Macro on the Actions
3. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You can also access this command by clicking Save Custom Changes on the
Main toolbar.
When you delete a macro or a macro label, it is not pasted to the Clipboard and cannot
be reinserted. However, you can restore a macro or a macro label by immediately using Undo.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

Add a Macro to a Control System Tag or Non-Wiring

Tag Symbol File
1. Open one of the following symbol files:
 DCSHeader.sym or DCSDetail.sym for adding macros to control system tags.
 TagListDetail.sym for adding macros to non-wiring tags.
2. Place a SmartText box at the desired location on the symbol.
3. Select the text box and click Edit > Properties.
4. On the Text Box Properties dialog box, click the User tab.
5. Under Attributes, type the macro name in the Name list.
For a list of suitable macros, see Control System Tag Macro List (on page 57) or Non-
Wiring Tag Macro List (see "Non-Wiring Tag Macro List" on page 58).
6. If appropriate for the macro, type a number in the Value box.
7. Click Add to assign the macro to the text box.
8. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

 To display control system data in generated enhanced reports, in the SmartPlant

Instrumentation Preferences dialog box, under Enhanced Reports, View for the particular
report type, select Display DCS / PLC attributes, if appropriate.
 To display non-wiring tags in generated enhanced reports, in the Preferences dialog box,
under Enhanced Reports, View for the particular report type, select Display non-wiring
tag list, if appropriate.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

56 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Macros

Control System Tag Macro List

You can add Control System tag macros to enhanced reports. The following list summarizes
the available Control System tag macros.

Name Value Description

cs_tag_name / cstag Control System tag
cs_network_no / network Control System network number
cs_node_no / node Control System node
cs_udf_c01... - ...c100 Control System user-defined fields
cstag_io_type_name / cstagiotype Control System tag I/O type name
cmpnt_sys_io_type_name / iotype Control System tag I/O type
cmpnt_sys_io_type_desc / Control System tag I/O type description
channel_header Channel / Subslot header
channel_name / ch Channel
cabinet_name / cab 1,2 Cabinet name (1 - primary; 2 - secondary)
sec_cabinet_name / sec_cab Secondary cabinet name
file_header / fileheader CS tag file header for Nest / File / Rack
ip_adress IP address
module_header Module header
module_no / module Module number
nest 1,2 Nest / File / Rack data (1 - primary; 2 -
sec_nest Secondary Nest / File / Rack data
panel_address1_header Address1 / Highway / Network header
panel_address2_header Address1 / Device / Node header
panel_mfr_name Panel manufacturer name
panel_mfr_desc Panel manufacturer description
position_header / posheader CS Tag position header for Slot / Position
remote_sys_cable / syscable Remote system cable
slot 1,2 Slot / Position data (1 - primary; 2 -
sec_slot Secondary Slot / Position data

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 57

Using Macros

Non-Wiring Tag Macro List

You can add macros for tags without wiring to enhanced reports. The following list summarizes
the available tag macros.

Name Description
calib_range_max Maximum calibration range
calib_range_min Minimum calibration range
calib_range_uflg_max Absolute / Gage flag for
maximum calibration range
calib_range_uflg_min Absolute / Gage flag for
minimum calibration range
calib_range_uom_max Units of measure for maximum
calib_range_uom_min Units of measure for minimum
capacitance Capacitance
capacitance_uom Units of measure for capacitance
chg_date Change date
chg_status Change status
cmpnt_drawing_seq Tag drawing sequence
cmpnt_find_rem Tag note / remarks indication
cmpnt_mfr_name Tag manufacturer name
cmpnt_mod_name Tag model name
cmpnt_name Tag name (for example:
cmpnt_num Tag number (for example: 100)
cmpnt_quality_flg Tag quality
cmpnt_seq Tag sequence
cmpnt_serv Tag service
cmpnt_suff Tag number suffix
cmpnt_type_id Component type
dcs_range_max Maximum DCS range
dcs_range_min Minimum DCS range
dcs_range_uflg Absolute / Gage flag for DCS
dcs_range_uom Units of measure for DCS range

58 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Using Macros

Name Description
inst_range_max Maximum instrument range
inst_range_min Minimum instrument range
inst_range_uflg_max Absolute / Gage flag for
maximum instrument range
inst_range_uflg_min Absolute / Gage flag for
minimum instrument range
inst_range_uom_max Units of measure for max.
instrument range
inst_range_uom_min Units of measure for min.
instrument range
item_price Item price
load_watt Load value
loop_name Loop name (for example:
loop_num Loop number (for example: 100)
loop_serv Loop service
loop_trans_name Loop internal name
old_cmpnt_name Old tag number
pipe_class Pipe class
prefix Prefix
req_no Requisition number
spec_cmpnt_mounting Mounting
spec_cmpnt_po_item_no Purchase order item number
spec_cmpnt_po_no Purchase order number
spec_cmpnt_power_supply Power supply
spec_cmpnt_price Price
spec_cmpnt_sn Tag serial number
tag_trans_name Tag internal number
tc_fire_area Typical tag fire area
tc_location_layout Typical tag location
type_gen Drawing generation method
user_name User name
udf_c01... - ...c135 Character custom fields 1- 135
udf_n01... - ...n10 Number custom fields 1-10

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 59

Using Macros

Name Description
udf_d01... - ...d05 Date custom fields 1-5
udt_support_id1 Custom table 1
udt_support_id2 Custom table 2
udt_support_id3 Custom table 3
udt_support_id4 Custom table 4

Incorporating Soft Tags Within an Enhanced Loop

The Enhanced Report Utility allows you to generate loop drawings for loops that include soft
tags. For example, a loop that contains an air-conditioning system with temperature gauges,
lines, engines, compressors, and so forth. The temperature gauges send signals to a DCS
panel and from there to a computer. A software code that functions as a thermostat, interprets
the signal and sends a command to start the engine. The compressor, connected to the
engine, compresses more gas through the lines to lower the room temperature (closed loop).
To generate an Enhanced Report Utility drawing that includes a soft tag you need to create a
symbol representing the tag using the Symbol Editor. Then you associate the symbol with the
tag in SmartPlant instrumentation, associate the tag with a loop and generate the appropriate

60 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Creating Enhanced Reports with User

Defined (Customized) Symbols
A number of reports allow you to use symbols that you have designed and to specify exactly
where want to place the symbols on the drawing sheet. Once you have created such a report,
you can display it at any time and the software will show the latest data for the items shown on
the report. For details of how to create user defined (customized) symbols, see Create a User
Defined (customized) Symbol (on page 115) in the Symbol Editor User's Guide.
The following reports can use user defined (customized) symbols:
 Location Layout Report - used to show a general layout drawing of a location in which
panels reside. For details, see Create a Location Layout Report (on page 66).
 Panel Layout Report - used to show the layout of a panel. For details, see Create a Panel
Layout Report (on page 67).
 Rack Layout Report - used to show the layout of a rack. The principle of creating this report
is similar to the creation of a Panel Layout Report.
 Enhanced SmartLoop Report using user defined (customized) symbols - used to show the
layout of loops and their associated panels and connections to the control center. For this
mode, you generate the report using the Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal generation
methods after you have designed your own symbols to represent various items in the
loop. For details, see Generate an Enhanced SmartLoop Report Using User Defined
(customized) Symbols (on page 68).
 Fieldbus Loop Report using user defined (customized) symbols. The principle of creating
this report is similar to the creation of an Enhanced SmartLoop Report using customized

 To enable generation of Location Layout, Panel Layout, and Rack Layout reports, you must
specify on the Preferences dialog box the correct path on the File Locations page for the
particular report under Symbol folder.
 To enable generation of Enhanced SmartLoop and Fieldbus Loop reports using the Custom
by Loop or Custom by Signal generation methods, you must specify on the Preferences
dialog box the correct path on the File Locations page for the particular report under
Custom symbol folder.
 A shipped title block (.sym file) is available for each Layout report. You can modify these
title blocks according to your needs. For details, see Customize a Title Block (on page 19).

SmartPlant Instrumentation and the SmartPlant Enhanced Report Utility, store symbols used by
the application in two folders, the Symbols folder and the Custom folder. After installing the
application these folders can be found in the SmartPlant home folder > Instrumentation >
Rad > Symbols (> Custom).
The Symbols folder contains all the symbols supplied with the application that are used for the
generation of regular mode reports. The Custom folder (found in the Symbols folder) holds all
those symbols supplied with the application that are used for the generation of custom mode
reports. These custom symbols, are called custom symbols because they are for use with

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 61

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

custom generation mode reports and not because they were created or edited (customized) by
the user. Custom mode reports include the following;
 Custom mode Loop Drawings
 Custom mode Fieldbus Loop reports
 Location Layout reports
 Panel Layout reports
 Rack Layout reports
 Profibus reports
 Hook-Up reports
 Cable-Block Diagram reports
Generally, when saving a symbol that is required for use in a regular mode generated report,
store the symbol in the Symbols folder, for a symbol required for use in a custom mode
generated report, store the symbol in the Custom folder.
The paths for these folders are set by the user in the SmartPlant Instrument preferences under
Enhanced Reports > Enhanced SmartLoop > File Locations. These paths are saved as
relative paths with the symbols. For example, if the preferences is set to
C://Programfiles/SmartPlant/Instrumentation/RAD/Symbols and the symbol has the path
C://Programfiles/SmartPlant/Instrumentation/RAD/Symbols/MyTerminal.sym, then
MyTerminal.sym becomes the relative path, if the symbol was in the Custom folder, for
C://Programfiles/SmartPlant/Instrumentation/RAD/Symbols/Custom/MyTerminal.sym, the
relative path would be Custom/ MyTerminal.sym.
This rule also applies to symbols you create or edit using the Symbol Editor. If you use an
existing symbol to create a user defined symbol (customized) then save it to the Symbols folder
if you want to use the user defined symbol in regular mode, or to the Custom folder for use with
the custom mode generation method. If you create a new symbol in Symbol Editor for use with
regular mode drawings and reports then save the symbol in the Symbols folder, for use with
custom mode drawings and reports then save the symbol in the Custom folder. If you want to
use the symbol in both regular mode and custom mode, then save the symbol in both folders.
Software tags and Off Page Connectors (OPC) drawing-to drawing symbols, act slightly
different than regular or user defined symbols. These symbols are normally saved according to
the saved drawing generation method. For example, a regular mode generated loop drawing,
that has Software tags or OPC symbols dragged from the Symbol Explorer and associated on
the drawing, after saving the loop the symbols are saved to the (regular mode) Symbols folder.
Regenerating the loop retrieves the Software tags and OPC symbols from the Symbols folder.
If the generation method is custom then the Software and OPC symbols are saved, with a path
relative to, and retrieved from the Custom (mode) symbols folder. If for some reason the
symbols are moved from their folder, the software cannot retrieve them and display them on
your drawing.
When dragging items, from the Domain Explorer, that have Software or OPC tags associated
with the item, the application sets the symbols relative path according to the generation method.
If the generation method is regular the application sets the symbol path to the Symbols folder. If
the generation method is custom the application sets the symbol path to the Custom folder.
After saving and regeneration of the drawing, the application looks for the Software and OPC
symbols in the Custom (mode) symbols folder, unless the symbol was saved with its full path.

 When saving Software or OPC symbols with a regular mode generated drawing, the
application changes the relative path of the symbols to the full path, so that on regeneration
of the drawing the symbols can be found

62 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

 If the software tags are associated with Software tag symbols through their properties, and
the Software tag symbols reside in the Symbols folder and not in the Custom symbols
folder, then the symbols will not appear after regeneration, regardless of the generation
In order to always see the Software or OPC tag symbols on your drawing, you can place a
copy in the Symbols and Custom folder, this way the application always finds the symbol
irrespective of the generation method.
It is recommended that the Symbols folder contain symbols for the following types of reports:
 Panel-Strip
 Wiring Connections
 Strip Signals
 Multi Strips
 Panel Signals
 Harness
Symbols that are associated with component function types (Set in the Instrument Index
module > Instrument Types > Instrument Type Profile > Enhanced SmartLoop symbol)
should be stored in the Symbols folder.
Special panel symbols for Device panels (regular and plug and socket), Field device (regular
and plug and socket), Multi-Input and Multi-Input plug and socket, should be stored in the
Symbols folder.
User defined terminal type symbols should be stored in the Symbols folder:
The following symbols are stored in the Symbols folder:
 Loop drawing reference symbols:
 LoopDwgRefDetail.sym
 LoopDwgRefHeader.sym
 The DCS detail symbol (DcsDetail.sym) and the DCS header symbols (primary
DcsHeader.sym and secondary SecDcsHeader.sym).
 Redlining symbols (regardless of generation method) and Cloud symbols for the Drawing
Comparison command (Cloud.sym, and CloudText.sym).
It is recommended that the Custom folder contain symbols for the following types of reports:
 Rack Layout
 Panel layout
 Location Layout
 Profibus
 Custom mode Loop Drawings
 Custom mode Fieldbus Loop reports
 Profibus reports
 Hook-Up reports (except for the following Hook-Up tag and list symbols;
HookUpItemListDetail.sym, HookUpItemListHeader.sym, HookUpTagListDetail.sym,
HookUpTagListHeader.sym, and LeftListPosition.sym.)
 Cable-Block Diagram
The default symbols used for custom Enhanced SmartLoop reports should be stored in the
Custom folder. These are, FirstPin.sym, FirstTerminal.sym, Pin.sym, and Terminal.sym.
Symbols associated with the Associate Symbol command in the Enhanced Report drawings
are saved in the Custom folder. For example, Software tag symbols, OPC symbols, and
symbols associated with dynamic panels, dynamic strips, and dynamic connectors.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 63

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Symbols associated with Enhanced reports through the properties of an item (Associate
Symbols tab) should reside under the Custom folder.
The Origin point symbol (Origin.sym) is stored in the Custom folder.

Associate a Symbol with an Item

 Make sure that you have defined a custom symbol folder in the SmartPlant Instrumentation
Preferences dialog box for the appropriate enhanced report type before you associate a
symbol with an item.
 When you associate a symbol with an item that can have more than one possible relation to
other items for which you want to display data, make sure that the symbol you select uses
macros with the appropriate relations. If a macro has an incorrect relation, the software
cannot display the data.
1. In the Domain Explorer, select the desired item, for example, a particular panel.
2. Right-click the item and click Properties.
3. Click the Associate Symbols tab.
4. Click New.
5. In the Name > Report Type column, select the desired report type.
6. Beside the Symbol File column, click Browse.
7. Navigate to the desired .sym file.
8. If you require, repeat steps 4 -7 to associate symbols with the item for other report types.
When associating symbols with a panel, for example, you will use one symbol to represent
the panel in a Location Layout report, and another symbol to represent the panel in a Panel
Layout report.

 You can associate each item with one symbol only per available report type.
 You can associate the same symbol with more than one item if you desire.
 When using custom terminal symbols in enhanced reports, there are two ways of displaying
the terminals on the drawing sheet:
 Associating a symbol with a panel, where the symbol exactly represents the
panel-strip-terminal configuration, and dragging the panel onto the drawing sheet. With
this method, the software displays the entire panel.
 Associating a symbol with each individual terminal and dragging the desired terminals
onto the drawing sheet. With this method, the software displays the selected terminals
with their associated strips and panels, together with the appropriate macros.

64 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Associate an Item with a User Defined Symbol on a

Drawing Sheet
 Make sure that you have defined a folder in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences
dialog box for the appropriate enhanced report type before you associate an item with a user
defined (customized) symbol.
 When you associate a symbol with an item that can have more than one possible relation to
other items for which you want to display data, make sure that the symbol you select uses
macros with the appropriate relations. If a macro has an incorrect relation, the software
cannot display the data.
1. On the Main toolbar, click to open the Symbol Browser.
2. Navigate to the desired folder and drag a symbol onto an open drawing sheet.
3. Select the symbol.
4. In the Domain Explorer, select an item, for example, a panel.
If necessary, open the Domain Explorer by clicking on the Actions toolbar.
5. Click Actions > Item > Associate.
You can also access this command by clicking Associate Item on the Actions toolbar.
Before you can delete a symbol with an associated item from the report, you must first
dissociate it using the Dissociate menu command.

Dissociate a Symbol from an Item

1. In the Domain Explorer, select the desired item, for example, a particular panel.
2. Right-click the item and click Properties.
3. Click the Associate Symbols tab.
4. In the data window, select the row with the report type for which you want to dissociate the
5. Do one of the following:
 Delete the file path that appears under the Symbol File column.
 Click Delete to delete the entire line.
6. If necessary, repeat the previous steps for symbols of other report types associated with the

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 65

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Remove a User Defined Symbol from a Drawing Sheet

1. On an open drawing sheet, select the desired symbol.
2. Click Actions > Item > Dissociate.
3. If necessary, repeat the previous steps for other symbols.
4. Click on a blank area of the sheet.
5. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
6. Click View > Refresh.
If you remove a user defined symbol that includes wiring connections, the software
replaces the user defined symbol with an appropriate default symbol when you regenerate the

Create a Location Layout Report

1. If needed, using the Symbol Editor, create and associate new location and panel symbols
appropriate for this report. For details, see Create Symbols for a Location Layout
(symboleditor409.chm::/Create_Location_Layout_Symbol_1h.htm) in the Symbol Editor
User's Guide.
2. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, click to display the Domain Explorer.
3. Expand the Panels by Location folder and select one of the locations.
4. Right-click the location, and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Layout.
5. At the print preview prompt, click Yes.
The print preview prompt appears according to the settings in the Preferences dialog
box, on the General page.
6. In the Enhanced Report Utility, click to display the Domain Explorer.
7. Associate each panel under the selected location with an appropriate symbol for use in the
Location Layout report.
To locate the panels belonging to the location more conveniently, select the location
name on the drawing and click Actions > Item > Find in Domain Explorer, and then
expand the location to display the panels.
8. Drag each panel that you associated with a symbol from the Domain Explorer onto the
drawing sheet in the desired position; this action adds the panel symbols with appropriate
data to the report.
9. If you have moved any symbols that were already on the drawing, click File > Save Custom

 For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9).
 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.

66 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Create a Panel Layout Report

1. If needed, using the Symbol Editor, create and associate new panel and rack symbols
appropriate for this report. For details, see Create Symbols for a Panel Layout
(symboleditor409.chm::/Create_Panel_Layout_Symbol_1h.htm) in the Symbol Editor User's
2. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, click to display the Domain Explorer.
3. Do one of the following:
 Expand the Panels by Location folder and select one of the panels under a location.
 Expand the Panels by Category folder and under the desired panel category, select a
4. Right-click the panel, and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Layout.
5. At the print preview prompt, click Yes.

 The print preview prompt appears according to the settings in the Preferences dialog
box, on the General page.
 The software automatically displays each rack belonging to the panel in a position
specified by the value of the rack's Sequence property.
6. If you have moved any symbols that were already on the drawing, click File > Save Custom

 You can apply this procedure in a similar way to create a Rack Layout report showing racks
with associated cards.
 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 67

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Generate an Enhanced SmartLoop Report Using User

Defined (customized) Symbols
1. If needed, using the Symbol Editor, create and associate new symbols appropriate for the
wiring items that will appear in the Enhanced SmartLoop report. For details, see Create
Symbols for an Enhanced SmartLoop Report
(symboleditor409.chm::/Create_Enhanced_SmartLoop_Symbol_1h.htm) in the Symbol
Editor User's Guide.
2. Associate each symbol with the desired wiring items. For a general explanation of how to
associate symbols with items, see Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64).
Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) only works if the
associated symbols are for item types of Panel, Strip, or Terminal. If you associated a
symbol to a different item type, for example Channel, the Save at layout level command
saves the custom symbols at the layout level, but when opening a different report with the
same layout, the report will be corrupted.
3. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, click to display the Domain Explorer.
4. Navigate to the Loops folder and select the desired loop for which you want to generate a
5. Right-click the loop, and on the shortcut menu, do one of the following:
 Click Apply Generation Method > Enhanced SmartLoop > Custom by Loop.
 Click Apply Generation Method > Enhanced SmartLoop > Custom by Signal.
6. Right-click the loop again, and on the shortcut menu, click Reports > Generate Loop
7. In the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, from the Generation method list, select
Enhanced SmartLoop.
8. Click OK.
9. At the print preview prompt, click Yes.
The print preview prompt appears according to the settings in the Preferences dialog
box, on the General page.
10. Modify the report as you desire.
11. If you have moved any symbols that were already on the drawing, click File > Save Custom
If you generate an Enhanced SmartLoop report using the Custom by Loop or Custom
by Signal generation methods, and no suitable custom symbol is associated with a particular
wiring item that includes standard terminals, the software uses the symbol FirstTerm.sym as the
default symbol for the first terminal in a group of terminals, and the symbol Term.sym for all
subsequent terminals - provided that these symbols already exist in the custom symbol folder
specified in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box for the Enhanced
SmartLoop report. FirstTerm.sym includes macros for the panel, strip, and terminal; Term.sym
includes macros for the terminal only.

68 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Add User Defined (customized) Symbols to an

Enhanced Report
1. If needed, using the Symbol Editor, create and associate new symbols appropriate for the
wiring items that will appear in the enhanced report. For details, see Create a User Defined
(customized) Symbol (on page 115) in the Symbol Editor User's Guide.
2. Associate each symbol with the desired wiring items.
For a general explanation of how to associate symbols with items, see Associate a
Symbol with an Item (on page 64).
3. Display the report in the Enhanced Report Utility.
4. Click to display the Domain Explorer.
5. Expand the tree as needed and select the desired item, such as a panel.
6. Drag the item to the desired location on the drawing sheet.
7. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

 When using custom terminal symbols in enhanced reports, there are two ways of displaying
the terminals on the drawing sheet:
a. Associating a symbol with a panel, where the symbol exactly represents the panel-
strip-terminal configuration, and dragging the panel onto the drawing sheet. With this
method, the software displays the entire panel.
b. Associating a symbol with each individual terminal and dragging the desired terminals
onto the drawing sheet. With this method, the software displays the selected terminals
with their associated strips and panels, together with the appropriate macros.
 If you choose to display a wiring item that includes standard terminals and no suitable
custom symbol is associated with that item, the software uses the symbol FirstTerm.sym as
the default symbol for the first terminal in a group of terminals, and the symbol Term.sym for
all subsequent terminals - provided that these symbols already exist in the custom symbol
folder specified in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box for the Enhanced
SmartLoop report. FirstTerm.sym includes macros for the panel, strip, and terminal;
Term.sym includes macros for the terminal only.
 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).
See Also
Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (customized) Symbols (on page 61)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 69

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Position a Symbol Using the Symbol Position

This procedure is used with loops generated using the Custom by Loop or
Custom by Signal generation methods.
1. Drag the required symbol onto the active drawing.
2. Highlight the required symbol.
3. Click on the Symbol toolbar.
4. On the Symbol Position dialog box, use the Row and Column number spinners to enter
the row and column numbers of where you want the selected symbol to appear.
5. Click OK.
6. Select File > Save Custom Changes.
7. In the Save Custom Changes dialog box, select the required options. For more details,
see Saving Custom Changes to Enhanced Reports (on page 97).
8. Click OK.

Creating a Custom Layout with User Defined

(customized) Symbols
Under certain circumstances, user defined (customized) symbols can be saved at the layout
level of an Enhanced SmartLoop or Enhanced Fieldbus Drawing. The software saves, along
with the symbol position, the user defined (customized) symbol name and the path to the folder
where the symbol is stored. Each time you generate a drawing using this layout, the default
symbols are replaced by the assigned user defined (customized) symbols.
For a user defined (customized) symbols to be saved at the layout level the following
parameters must be met:
 The preference Save custom symbol with layout must be selected. This preference is
found in SmartPlant Instrumentation under File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports >
Enhanced SmartLoop (or Fieldbus Loop) > View.
Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) only works if the
associated symbols are for item types of Panel, Strip, or Terminal. If you associated a
symbol to a different item type, for example Channel, the Save at layout level command
saves the custom symbols at the layout level, but when opening a different report with the
same layout, the report will be corrupted.
 The user defined (customized) symbols are assigned to the required items from within
SmartPlant Instrumentation on the Master loop (the first loop that was generated and saved
per layout).
You cannot generate a drawing and then assign user defined (customized) symbols
to the drawing from in the SmartPlant Report Utility (drag and drop).
 The sequence of items in subsequent drawings must be the same as the original drawing on
which the layout is based. For example, if the original drawing contained a junction box, 2
marshalling racks, and a DCS cabinet in this order, the new drawing must have the same
number of items for the custom symbols to appear in their correct positions.

70 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Create a Custom Layout with User Defined (customized)

1. In SmartPlant instrumentation select File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports > Enhanced
SmartLoop > View.
2. On the View preferences dialog box select the Save custom symbols with layout
(Custom mode) check box, and click OK.
Save custom symbols with layout (Custom mode) only works if the
associated symbols are for item types of Panel, Strip, or Terminal. If you associated a
symbol to a different item type, for example Channel, the Save at layout level command
saves the custom symbols at the layout level, but when opening a different report with the
same layout, the report will be corrupted.
3. Associate the required custom symbols with the items that appear in your loops. For more
information, see Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64).
4. Assign the loop you want to generate with a layout. For more information, see Assign a
Layout to Enhanced Report Items (on page 32).
5. Generate the Enhanced Loop.
The generated loop must be of type Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal.
6. On the generated loop drawing, position the items as required.
7. Select File > Save Custom Changes.
8. On the Save Custom Changes dialog box, under Save position at, check Layout level.
9. Click OK.
If the loop drawing already contains user defined (customized) symbols, these user
defined (customized) symbols, will be displayed and not those saved with the layout.

Add a Loop to a Custom Layout with User Defined

(customized) Symbols

 The preference Save custom symbol with layout must be selected. This preference is
found in SmartPlant Instrumentation under File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports >
Enhanced SmartLoop (or Fieldbus Loop) > View.
 The sequence of items in subsequent drawings must be the same as the original drawing on
which the layout is based. For example, if the original drawing contained a junction box, 2
marshalling racks, and a DCS cabinet in this order, the new drawing must have the same
number of items for the user defined (customized) symbols to appear in their correct
1. Assign the loop to the layout that contains the user defined (customized) symbols. For more
information, see Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items (on page 32).
2. Generate the loop drawing. The drawing opens using the positions and symbols saved in
the assigned layout.

 If the loop drawing has already been saved at the drawing level, the symbols displayed will
be those saved with the loop drawing and not the user defined (customized) symbols saved
with the custom layout.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 71

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

 If the loop drawing already contains user defined (customized) symbols, these user defined
(customized) symbols will be displayed and not those saved with the layout.
 The generated loop must be of type Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal

Using the Symbol Position Command: Workflow

The following examples are designed to give a basic understanding of when and how to use the
Symbol Position command.

Example 1 - Setting a Symbol Position on a Layout

When you have many drawings assigned to a layout, you may want that a database item, for
example a terminal strip, always appears in the same position, on every drawing assigned to the
layout, that the item appears on. To do this you do the following:
1. Open a drawing (you can open a blank drawing if required) that is assigned to the required
layout, where the position you want the item to appear is empty. For our example Row 2,
Column 3.

2. Drag and drop the required symbol onto the drawing (the position on the drawing is not
important) and then associate the symbol with the required item in the Domain Explorer.

72 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

3. Use the Symbol Position command to set the Row and Column attributes, in our example
Row 2, Column 3.

4. Close and then reopen the Symbol Position dialog box, the dialog box now displays the
position of the symbol.

5. Use the Save Custom Changes command to save the drawings settings.
6. Open any drawing assigned to this layout that has an item assigned to Row 2, Column
3. The item is displayed in the exact position of the symbol in step 2.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 73

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Example 2 - Reading a Symbol Position from a Layout

When you have many drawings assigned to a specific layout, some of the drawings have an
item located at a specific location while other drawings do not have items at that specific
location. You want to add an item to the drawing that reads its location from the layout
information, so that the item appears on the drawing precisely at the same place, every
time. To do this you do the following:
1. Open a drawing (you can open a blank drawing if required) that is assigned to the required
layout, where the position you want the item to appear is empty. For our example Row 2,
Column 3.
2. Drag and drop the required symbol onto the drawing (the position on the drawing is not
important) and then associate the symbol with the required item in the Domain Explorer.
3. Use the Connection command to connect the symbol with another item on the
drawing. The symbol automatically generates Row and Column attributes based on the
connection to the other item.
4. Select the Clear Position command. When another drawing assigned to this layout has an
item with the same row and column attributes, the next time the current drawing is
generated, its position is not the initial position you dragged the symbol to instead the
symbols position is read from the layout.

 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Connecting Individual Wires in an Custom Loop or

Custom Signal Report
After generating an enhanced report using the Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal
generation methods, you can then connect individual wires between symbols that contain
connection points directly on your drawing.

74 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Connect Individual Wires in a Custom Loop or Custom

Signal Report
This procedure explains how to connect individual wires on a generated custom loop or custom
signal report in the Enhanced Report Utility. You can only connect wires between symbols that
have connection points.
1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, generate your custom loop or custom signal report.
2. In the Enhanced Report Utility, open the Domain Explorer.
3. In the Domain Explorer, navigate to the cable and select the wire you want to connect.
4. Do one of the following:
 On the Actions toolbar, click Activate Connection Mode .
 Select Actions > Connection > Activate Connection Mode.
5. Click on the first terminal connection point to which you want to connect the wire.

 The connection point of the terminal becomes highlighted as you move the mouse
pointer over it.
 The Side 1 wire end is connected to the first terminal that you select.
6. Click the second terminal connection point to which you want to connect the wire.
After you have made the wire connections, the newly-connected wire is displayed.

 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Disconnect Individual Wires in an Enhanced Report

1. Display the desired report.
2. Click the line that represents the wire that you want to disconnect.
3. Click Actions > Connection > Dissociate Wiring Item .

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 75

Creating Enhanced Reports with User Defined (Customized) Symbols

Update an Assembly
An assembly is a symbol created by combining a number of symbols to form one symbol. After
making changes to a symbol that is a component of an assembly symbol, the changes are not
automatically displayed in the assembly symbol. You must run the Update Assembly
Command for the changes made to the component symbol to become part of the assembly

 This procedure cannot be reversed! It is advisable to make a backup of your symbols before
proceeding with updating the assembly.
 The Update Assembly Command checks the assembly's component symbols for changes
in their original source folder. If you have copied the component symbols to another folder or
drive, for example from you C: drive to a network drive so that other users have access to
the symbols, and made changes to the copied component symbols, then the changes are
not updated in the assembly. You must delete the original symbols from their source folder
for the Update Assembly Command to update the copied symbols, or make your changes
to the original symbols.
1. Make the required changes to the component symbols, not to the assembly, and save them.
2. Click Tools > Customize.
3. On the Customize dialog box, click the Toolbars tab.
4. In the Categories pane, select Custom Commands.
5. Do one of the following:
 From the Custom Commands pane, select the UpdateAssemblyCmnd90.dll.
 Click Browse to locate the RAD folder installed in the SmartPlant Instrumentation
installation folder, click OK and then select the UpdateAssemblyCmnd90.dll.
6. Drag the the toolbar.
7. On the Custom Button dialog box select a button to assign to the
8. Click Assign.
9. Click Close on the Customize dialog box.
10. Click the Update Assembly Command button
11. On the Update Assembly dialog box, navigate to the folder where you saved the
component symbol.
12. Do one of the following:
 From the Select file pane, select the symbols you want to update.
 Click Select all to select all the symbol files.
13. Click OK.
You must close and re-open the drawing to view the changes made to the assembly.
You can add the Update Assembly Command to your toolbar by clicking Tools >
Customize and from the Customize dialog box selecting the UpdateAssemblyCmnd90.

76 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Off Page Connectors

The Enhanced Reports Utility uses two types of OPCs (Off Page Connector)
 OPC between drawings
 OPC between sheets
The OPC between drawings is a user defined custom symbol that is associated with a loop
drawing. Placing the OPC on a loop drawing allows you to generate the associated drawing
directly from the currently open drawing. You can add a text label to an OPC, where you can
add notes, or explanations about the OPC or drawing to which the OPC is connected. You can
also Pair an OPC with an OPC on a different drawing, this allows you to open the second
drawing, from the open drawing, and zoom in automatically to the OPCs exact location on that

 The OPC between drawings can only be used in loop drawings.

 The OPC between sheets is generated automatically when connected items are displayed
on different sheets of the same drawing. For example, a device panel connected to a
junction box, when there is not enough room on one drawing sheet to display all the loop
drawing items and the connecting cable, the software automatically adds a second sheet to
the drawing. The new sheet contains the continuation of the loop drawing and the OPC. The
OPC appears on both sheets displaying the related sheet number and an identical index
number, for example, on Sheet 1 appears Sheet 2, #1, while on Sheet 2 appears Sheet
 When working in As-Built/project, you cannot associate an OPC between a drawing in the
As-Built and a drawing in a project.

Add an OPC Between Drawings to a Loop Drawing

To add an OPC between drawings to a loop drawing, you must first create a custom
symbol of type Document. For more information, see Create a User Defined (customized)
Symbol (on page 115).
1. From SmartPlant Instrumentation, generate the loop drawing on which you want to place the
2. In the Enhanced Report Utility, do one of the following to open the Domain Explorer;
 Click Tools > Domain Explorer.
 Press F7 on the keyboard.
3. Click , to open the Symbol Browser.
4. In the Symbol Browser, locate the OPC symbol.
5. Drag the OPC symbol to the open loop drawing.
If an OPC Label text box exists on the OPC, you can add or edit the text from your
drawing. For more information, see Add Text to an OPC Label (on page 80).
6. Associate the OPC symbol with the loop drawing you want to generate from the open loop
drawing. For more information, see one of the following:
 Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 77

Off Page Connectors

 Associate an Item with a User Defined Symbol on a Drawing Sheet (on page 65)
7. Do one of the following:
 Click .
 Click Actions > Generate Item Reports.
8. In the Generate Item Reports dialog box select Loop or Fieldbus Loop.
9. Click OK, the loop drawing associated with the OPC is generated in the Enhanced Report

 After adding and associating an OPC to your drawing, the drawing is automatically saved at
the drawing level. Any changes made after associating the OPC should be saved using the
Save Custom Changes command.
 A loop that has an OPC associated with it and has been saved at the layout level, looses the
OPC association if the loop is assigned to another layout. Even if the loop is then reassigned
to the original layout, clicking the OPC just results in a blank drawing being generated.
 When working in As-Built/project, you cannot associate an OPC between a drawing in the
As-Built and a drawing in a project.
See also
Remove a Custom Symbol from a Drawing Sheet (see "Remove a User Defined Symbol from a
Drawing Sheet" on page 66)

Off Page Connectors

To create an OPC between drawings, you must first create a custom symbol of type
Document. For more information, see Create a Custom Symbol (see "Create a User Defined
(customized) Symbol" on page 115).
1. In the SmartPlant Instrumentation Domain Explorer, locate the loop drawing that you want
the OPC to open.
2. Associate the custom OPC symbol with the selected loop drawing. For more information,
see Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64)
3. From SmartPlant Instrumentation, generate the loop drawing on which you want to place the
4. In the Enhanced Report Utility, do one of the following to open the Domain Explorer;
 Click Tools > Domain Explorer.
 Press F7 on the keyboard.
5. On the Domain Explorer in the Enhanced Report Utility, locate the loop drawing that you
want to open with the OPC.
6. Drag the loop drawing to the open loop drawing, the custom OPC symbol associated with
the drawing appears on the open drawing.
7. Do one of the following:
 Click .
 Select the OPC and click Actions > Generate Item Reports.
If an OPC Label text box exists on the OPC, you can add or edit the text from your
drawing. For more information, see Add Text to an OPC Label (on page 80).
8. In the Generate Item Reports dialog box select Loop or Fieldbus Loop.

78 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Off Page Connectors

9. Click OK, the loop drawing associated with the OPC is generated in the Enhanced Report

 After adding and associating an OPC to your drawing, the drawing is automatically saved at
the drawing level. Any changes made after associating the OPC should be saved using the
Save Custom Changes command.
 A loop that has an OPC associated with it and has been saved at the layout level, looses the
OPC association if the loop is assigned to another layout. Even if the loop is then reassigned
to the original layout, clicking the OPC just results in a blank drawing being generated.
 When working in As-Built/project, you cannot associate an OPC between a drawing in the
As-Built and a drawing in a project.
See also
Remove a Custom Symbol from a Drawing Sheet (see "Remove a User Defined Symbol from a
Drawing Sheet" on page 66)

Naming OPCs
A unique name, consisting of the OPCs target loop drawing name, is given automatically to an
OPC when the following criteria are met:
 In the Symbol Editor when creating your OPC symbol, you selected OPC text box on the
General tab of the SmartText Properties dialog box.
 The OPC has been associated with a loop drawing.
You can edit the OPC name by doing the following:
1. Open the loop drawing that contains the OPC you want to add text to.
2. Select the OPC and do one of the following.

 Click .
 Click Actions > Off Page Connectors > OPC Label Text.
3. On the General tab of the OPC Label Text dialog box, in the OPC name field, type the text
you want to appear in the OPC name.

 You can delete the automatically generated name, or add your text after the generated
 The OPC name field can hold up to 50 characters.
4. Click OK, the OPC name now appears when you pair the OPC in the Select Pair
OPC dialog box.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 79

Off Page Connectors

Add Text to an OPC Label

You can only add text to an OPC that has an OPC Label text box.
1. Open the loop drawing that contains the OPC you want to add text to.
2. Select the OPC and do one of the following.

 Click .
 Click Actions > Off Page Connectors > OPC Label Text.
3. On the General tab of the OPC Label Text dialog box, under Text, type the text you want to
appear in the OPC Label.
4. Click OK.

Pair OPCs
The Pair button on the Select Pair OPC dialog box is a dynamic button that
changes automatically to Unpair if the source OPC is already paired with another OPC. If the
OPC is already paired, the paired OPC is highlighted in the Target OPC selection box.
1. On your open loop drawing, select the source OPC to be paired.
2. Do one of the following:

 Click
 Click Actions > Off Page Connector > Pair OPC.
3. On the Select Pair OPC dialog box, select the target OPC from the list of OPCs.
 Only those OPCs where you selected the OPC text box on the General tab of
the SmartText Properties dialog box, are displayed in the list of OPCs.
4. Click Pair, to create the pairing and close the dialog box.
If the selected OPC has already been paired, selecting a new target OPC and clicking Pair,
unpairs the selected OPC from the current target and then pairs with the new target.

Open Target Loop Drawing From Paired OPC

1. On your open loop drawing, select the paired OPC.
2. Do one of the following:
 Click .
 Click Actions > Generate Item Reports.
3. In the Generate Item Reports dialog box select Loop or Fieldbus Loop.
4. Click OK, the target loop drawing is generated and the software then Zooms-in
automatically to show the paired target OPC.

80 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Off Page Connectors

Unpair a Paired OPC

1. On your open loop drawing, select the OPC to be unpaired.
2. Do one of the following:

 Click .
 Click Actions > Off Page Connector > Pair OPC.
On the Select Pair OPC dialog box, click Unpair to unpair the highlighted OPC from the
selected OPC and close the dialog box.
You can also select a new target OPC and click Pair, the highlighted OPC is unpaired from
the selected OPC and the highlighted OPC is then paired with the selected OPC instead.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 81

Off Page Connectors

82 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Annotating Enhanced Reports

In This Section
Using Redlining Common Tasks ................................................... 83
Add and Format a Redlining Item .................................................. 84
Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item ................................................ 84
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items ................................................ 85
Delete Redlining ............................................................................ 87

Using Redlining Common Tasks

You can include redlining items for making annotations or adding watermarks in enhanced
reports. The following tasks are used frequently when you use redlining. For a complete list of
tasks, click the appropriate topic on the Contents tab and then click the procedure that you

Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item

You can add standard or modified drawing symbols as redlining items to enhanced reports.
For more information, see Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item (on page 84).

Attach Redlining to Drawing Items

You can attach straight lines, circles, rectangles, and drawing symbols to SmartPlant
Instrumentation items. By attaching redlining, you associate one or more graphic items with an
item name and save these associations to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database. It is
possible to attach a redlining item to an item per report, or per enhanced report layout. Also,
you can set a redlining item in a fixed position on the drawing or relative to an item.
For more information, see Attach Redlining to Drawing Items (on page 85).

Move a Redlining Item

You can move redlining items that are attached relative to items using a special menu
For more information, see Move a Redlining Item (on page 91).

Delete Redlining
When you no longer need redlining items, you can delete them from individual reports or from a
group of reports associated with a particular layout.
For more information, see Delete Redlining (on page 87).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 83

Annotating Enhanced Reports

Add and Format a Redlining Item

1. On an enhanced report, add one or more of the following types of items as required:
 Lines
 Circles drawn by the center point
 Rectangles or squares
 Drawing symbols
2. Move the item to the desired location on the sheet, and adjust the size, if required, by
selecting the sizing handle and dragging.
3. To format a redlining item that is a line, a circle, a square, or a rectangle, select the item and
click Edit > Properties.
4. Click the Format tab.
5. Select a predefined style from the list or select the color, width, and line type that you
6. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
Other types of drawing items such as ellipses and freesketch lines do not get saved to the
database with the report; however, you can save all types of drawing items in an external .sym
See also:
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items (on page 85)
Attach Redlining Symbols with Macros to Drawing Items (on page 86)

Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item

1. After opening an enhanced report, on the main tool bar, click the Browser command .
2. Navigate to the location of the folder containing the drawing symbol you want to add.
The default symbol path is: ..\RAD\Symbols.
3. Drag a drawing symbol from the Browser to the desired location on the sheet.
4. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
The Save Custom Changes command does not save any scaling changes that you may
make to the symbol.
See also:
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items (on page 85)
Attach Redlining Symbols with Macros to Drawing Items (on page 86)

84 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Annotating Enhanced Reports

Attach Redlining to Drawing Items

1. Add a graphical item to a drawing.
Graphical items that you can use for attaching as redlining items are lines, circles,
rectangles, and drawing symbols. If you add other types of drawing items such as ellipses
and freesketch lines, you cannot attach them to drawing items or save them with the
drawing to the database.
2. While pressing CTRL, first select an item and then select the graphical item that you want to
attach to the item.
If you want to use a filter during this operation, you must first define the filter
using the Define Filter command. For further details, see Set Filter Conditions for Item
Properties (on page 48).
3. Click Actions > Redlining > Attach.
You can also access this command by clicking Attach Redlining on the Actions
4. On the Attach Redlining dialog box, under Save, do one of the following:
 Click For this drawing only to save the redlining item with the item in the current
 Click For all drawings assigned to the current layout to save the redlining item with
the item in the current drawing and in all subsequent drawings that belong to the same
layout as the current drawing.
If you have already defined the save option as For all drawings assigned to the
current layout and want to change it to For this drawing only, the software detaches
redlining from all the drawings assigned to this layout.
5. Under Position, do one of the following:
 Click Fixed to fix the position of the selected redlining item on the sheet and attach the
redlining item to the selected item name only.
 Click Relative to <item name> to attach the redlining item relative to the position of the
selected item name and for all the occurrences of that item name per drawing or per
layout. For this option, when you move an item, the attached redlining item moves with
Once you have set the redlining item position as Relative to <item name>, after
clicking OK, you cannot change the position to Fixed.
6. When choosing Relative to <item name>, if needed, select a filter from the Filter name list
and then select the Use filter check box.
Using a filter allows you to attach the redlining items to only the subsets of the selected
items on the drawing. For example, you can choose to attach the redlining items only to
those panels that are junction boxes. To cancel the filter, clear the Use filter check box. If
you do not use a filter, the software attaches redlining to all items of the same type.
7. Click OK.
8. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 85

Annotating Enhanced Reports

Attach Redlining Symbols with Macros to Drawing Items

1. Create or open a symbol, using the Symbol Editor. See Customize a Symbol (on page 124).
2. Add a macro to the symbol using the Symbol Editor, and define the macro type according to
the item you want to attach the macro to (for example: Tag_Number, Panel_Type, and so
forth). For more details, see Add a Macro to a Symbol File (on page 121).
3. Add the created Symbol to the required loop drawing. See Add a Symbol as a Redlining
Item (on page 84)
4. While pressing CTRL, first select the loop drawing item, and then the symbol you placed
next to it.
5. Click Actions > Redlining > Attach.
If you want to use a filter during this operation, you must first define the filter
using the Define Filter command. For further details, see Set Filter Conditions for Item
Properties (on page 48).
You can also access this command by clicking Attach Redlining on the Actions
6. On the Attach Redlining dialog box, under Save, do one of the following:
 Click For this drawing only to save the redlining item with the item in the current
drawing and in all subsequent drawings in which the item appears.
 Click For all drawings assigned to the current layout to save the redlining item with
the item in the current drawing and in all subsequent drawings that belong to the same
layout as the current drawing.
If you have already defined the save option as For all drawings assigned to the
current layout and want to change it to For this drawing only, the software detaches
redlining from all the drawings assigned to this layout.
7. Under Position, do one of the following:
 Click Fixed to fix the position of the selected redlining item on the sheet and attach the
redlining item to the selected item name only.
 Click Relative to <item name> to attach the redlining item relative to the position of the
selected item name and for all the occurrences of that item name per drawing or per
layout. For this option, when you move an item, the attached redlining item moves with
Once you have set the redlining item position as Relative to <item name>, after
clicking OK, you cannot change the position to Fixed.
8. When choosing Relative to <item name>, if needed, select a filter from the Filter name list
and then select the Use filter check box.
Using a filter allows you to attach the redlining items to only the subsets of the selected
items on the drawing. For example, you can choose to attach the redlining items only to
those panels that are junction boxes. To cancel the filter, clear the Use filter check box. If
you do not use a filter, the software attaches redlining to all items of the same type.
9. Click OK.
10. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

86 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Annotating Enhanced Reports

Delete Redlining
1. Select a redlining item.
To select several items, hold CTRL and click each item. The font and border color of
the items change when you select them.
2. Do one of the following:
 Press the Delete key.
 Click Actions > Delete Redlining.
You can also access this command by clicking Delete Redlining on the Actions
3. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
You cannot restore deleted redlining items. If you have saved the redlining per layout,
the software dissociates the redlining from the layout. In this case, you can no longer use this
redlining in other drawings you generate for the items assigned to the layout.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 87

Annotating Enhanced Reports

88 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Formatting Enhanced Reports

In This Section
Inserting Sheets ............................................................................. 89
Insert Additional Sheets in a Report .............................................. 89
Formatting Enhanced Reports Common Tasks ............................ 90
Move a Macro ................................................................................ 91
Move a Redlining Item ................................................................... 91
Align Drawing Objects ................................................................... 91
Swapping Objects .......................................................................... 92
Switching a Connector Side........................................................... 93
Splitting a Terminal Strip ................................................................ 93

Inserting Sheets
You can insert additional sheets in enhanced reports. This option is useful if you want to add
extensive graphical or textual notes to a report. Sheets that you insert are based on the same
template as any existing sheets, and the title block appears on inserted sheets in the same
position as for existing sheets.
You can add SmartText items to a sheet and display the textbox on all the sheets, including any
sheets that you inserted.

Insert Additional Sheets in a Report

1. Click Insert > New Sheet.
The new sheet is based on the same template as the existing sheets and includes a
title block.
2. Add SmartText or redlining items to the inserted sheet as required.
3. When done, click File > Save Custom Changes.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 89

Formatting Enhanced Reports

Formatting Enhanced Reports Common Tasks

After you generate or edit items for an enhanced report, you can perform a number of formatting

Cut and Paste Items

You can cut and paste drawing items on a single sheet or between sheets. If you remove all
items on a sheet, the software automatically deletes the sheet the next time you generate the

Move a Macro
You can move macros to alternative positions on a drawing sheet. If you apply a filter to a
macro, the software moves only those elements that are defined by the filter.
For more information, see Move a Macro (on page 91).

Move a Redlining Item

After you attach a redlining item to an item, you can move redlining items independently of the
items. If you apply a filter to a redlining item, the software moves only those items that are
defined by the filter.
For more information, see Move a Redlining Item (on page 91).

Align Drawing Objects

With this feature, align any group of objects on a report. Note that it is not possible to align
macros and redlining items that are attached relative to items on the drawing sheet.
For more information, see Align Drawing Objects (on page 91).

Fix Misaligned Items

A number of commands are available that enable you to fix connections strips that are
misaligned (overlapping or intersecting) after you generate a report or perform an editing
operation. For general cleaning-up, it is recommended to apply these commands in the
following order:
 Redraw All Connections - Redraws all the connectors on the sheet to minimize the
number of connector overlaps and intersections.
 By-Pass Strips - Moves each connector (cable) that intersects a strip so that the
connector by-passes the strip.
 Optimize Overlapping Connectors - Separates overlapping connectors from one
 Gap Connectors - Shows gapping for connectors that intersect one another.
All of these commands are available on the Actions menu.

90 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Formatting Enhanced Reports

Move a Macro
1. Make sure that no macros are selected.
2. Click Actions > Macro > Move.
You can also access this command using on the Actions toolbar.
3. Select a macro text box and drag it to a new position.

 The software repositions by the same displacement all other items that are specified by
the same macro.
 You can move one item of a macro, instead of all items associated to the macro, by
pressing CTRL on the keyboard, clicking Move Macro , and then dragging the item
to its new position. This results in the item being disassociated from the main macro
and then only this item is moved, instead of the software moving all the other items that
are specified by the same macro (this affects the current drawing only). You can only
reverse this action by using the Undo command in the Edit menu or by regenerating the
drawing without clicking Save Custom Changes.
4. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

Move a Redlining Item

1. Make sure that no redlining items are selected.
2. Click Actions > Redlining > Move.
You can also access this command by clicking Move Redlining Item on the
Actions toolbar.
3. Select a redlining item and drag it to a new position.
The software repositions by the same displacement all other items that are attached to
the same redlining item.
4. Click File > Save Custom Changes.

Align Drawing Objects

1. Select two or more graphical elements on the report or drawing.

 Hold down the CTRL key while selecting each object individually.
 The first graphical element that you select is the one with which all the other selected
graphical elements are aligned.
2. Click Actions > Alignment > By Objects.
You can also access this command by clicking Align Objects on the Actions
3. On the Alignment ribbon, click one of the following icons according to the alignment you

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 91

Formatting Enhanced Reports

 Align left edges

 Align right edges
 Align top edges
 Align bottom edges
 Align to center horizontally to first selection
 Align to center vertically to first selection
 Align tangent objects horizontally
 Align tangent objects vertically
 Space evenly horizontally
 Space evenly vertically

 The alignment commands use the first object selected as the base to align the other objects.
 The Space Evenly commands require at least 3 objects to be selected. The spacing is then
based on the first two objects selected.

Swapping Objects
This procedure explains how to use the Swap Objects command to swap the position of two
objects on an Enhanced Report, for example two terminal strips. This command only functions
on the drawing display to create a customized visual display for your monitor or for printing. It
has no effect on the sequencing, connections, and so forth.
This procedure is for custom mode reports only.
If the objects you want to swap are part of a group of objects, for example terminals
on a terminal strip, then you must first use the Ungroup command on the terminal strip so that
you can then select the individual terminals.
1. On the report drawing select the two objects whose positions you want to swap.
You can only swap position between two objects.
2. Do one of the following:
 Click .
 Select Actions > Alignment > Swap Objects.
3. Select File > Save Custom Changes.

92 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Formatting Enhanced Reports

Switching a Connector Side

Switching the connector side on an Enhanced Report drawing is designed to help
with visual clarity of your drawing when viewing on a monitor or printing. In no way does this
switching change any of the connection data in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
This procedure explains how to switch connectors from one side of a terminal to the opposite
side of the same terminal. This procedure does not allow you to change the position or
sequence of the terminal within its strip.

 For this procedure to work, there must be enough connection points on both sides of the
terminal so that all the connectors from one side can be switched with the opposite side. For
example, a terminal with 3 connectors on one side cannot be switched to the opposite side
of the terminal if the opposite side has only 2 connectors. If though the opposite side has 2
connectors and a third, free connection point, the command is carried out successfully.
 This procedure works in Custom Mode only.
1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, select File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports >
Enhanced SmartLoop (or Fieldbus Loop) > View and select the Switch terminal
connector side (drawing only) check box.
This allows the switch to be displayed on your drawing after refreshing the display.
2. Generate the loop drawing or fieldbus loop and select Yes to display the print preview.
3. On the drawing select the terminal strip.
4. On the Change toolbar, click the Ungroup icon .
5. Select the terminal whose sides you want to modify.
6. Do one of the following:

 Click .
 Select Actions > Alignment > Switch Connector Side.
7. Select File > Save Custom Changes.
8. On the Save Custom Changes dialog box, click OK.

Splitting a Terminal Strip

You can split a terminal strip into a number of smaller sections and position them on your
drawing where you require.

 You can only split a terminal strip whose symbol is not constructed from a number of other
symbols (symbol assembly).
 This procedure can only be carried out in a Custom mode loop drawing.
1. Generate a custom loop in the Enhanced Report Utility.
2. Select the terminal strip you want to split.
3. From the Change toolbar, click Ungroup.
Only click on Ungroup once, clicking more than once will cause the
system to fail to save the item (panel, strip, terminal etc.) symbol position.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 93

Formatting Enhanced Reports

4. Select the terminal(s) you want to reposition and drag them to their new positions
5. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
6. On the Save Custom Changes dialog box, from the Save at position group box, select the
level at which you want to save your drawing.
After saving the custom changes, it is impossible to regroup the terminal symbols into
a terminal strip unless you use the File > Clear Position command at both the Layout and
Drawing level. This returns the loop drawing to its default layout before any changes were
7. Click OK.

94 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Saving Enhanced Reports

You can specify automatic saving of enhanced reports after generation. The software saves the
data in the format and file path that you specify on the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences
dialog box for each type of enhanced report. When working in an owner operator domain, you
can define a separate path for each engineering project.
Also, you can save a generated report in a different format for use with an external CAD
application such as SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation.

 SmartSketch versions lower than version 4 are incompatible with files saved in the native
.sma format; however, SmartSketch is compatible with files saved in .dxf, .dgn, or .dwg
 You can open an enhanced report that you have saved under any file format (.dxf, .dwg, and
so forth), in AutoCAD, provided that you update the Write Version parameter in the Itacad.ini
file for the appropriate AutoCAD version as follows:
 'Write Version=14' (for AutoCAD 14)
 'Write Version=2000' (for AutoCAD 2000)
 When saving a report in a format for use with an external CAD program, such as .cgm, .dgn,
.dwg, or .dxf, the embedded or linked images are saved as a separate .tiff file and are
placed in the same directory as the saved CAD file. This graphics file is linked, not
embedded, to the drawing.

Save a Report in a Different Format

1. Open an enhanced report.
2. Click File > Save As and save the drawing in one of the following formats, according to the
appropriate extension:
 .sma - Intergraph Enhanced Report
 .dgn - MicroStation
 .dwg or .dxf - AutoCAD
When saving a report in a format for use with an external CAD program, such as .dgn,
.dwg, or .dxf, the embedded or linked images are saved as a separate .tiff file and are placed in
the same directory as the saved CAD file. This graphics file is linked, not embedded, to the

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 95

Saving Enhanced Reports

Saving Panel Strip and Connector Positions

In the Enhanced Report Utility, you can save the positions of panel strips and connectors. First,
you generate an enhanced report for an item. You can then move around any panel strips and
connectors on the drawing sheet as required. You can also cut and paste panel strips on a
single drawing sheet or between drawing sheets. After making the changes, you can save the
new positions of these items per drawing or per layout. If you save the position for the drawing
only, each of these graphical elements that you moved appears in the specified position on any
drawings that you subsequently generate for the item that you selected in SmartPlant
Instrumentation. If you save the position per layout, all corresponding graphical elements
appear in the same position on any drawing to which the same layout is assigned.
When you save the position per layout, it is essential that all the drawings to which
the layout is assigned are associated with the same template and that they have similar
graphical elements to avoid overlapping.

 If you move a strip that is split between sheets from the edge of a sheet to the middle and
then regenerate the drawing after saving the position of the graphical elements, that strip
appears on one sheet only.
 If you remove all elements on a particular sheet, that sheet is deleted the next time you
generate the drawing.
 You can save the position at the layout level for custom layouts only, not for the default

Save Panel Strip and Connector Positions

1. Select a panel strip or a connector.
2. Change the position of the element as required.
3. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
4. On the Save Custom Changes dialog box, click For this drawing only or For all
drawings assigned to the current layout.
5. Click Actions > Refresh.

 The new connector positions appear on a drawing after you refresh the screen or
regenerate a drawing for the same SmartPlant Instrumentation item.
 This is a useful procedure for presetting the position of the strips on a group of enhanced
You can save the position at the layout level for custom layouts only, not for the default

96 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Saving Enhanced Reports

Saving Custom Changes to Enhanced Reports

In the Enhanced Report Utility, you can save to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database
updates to macros, SmartText, and redlining that you have added in a report. In this way, the
next time you generate a report for an item, these elements appear on the sheet at the specified
positions and with the characteristics that you defined for them.
The software saves SmartText items at the report level for a specific item such as a loop, a strip,
or a cable. The software saves macros in a report according to the layout definition for all items
to which that layout is assigned.
The software can save the following redlining items per report or per layout as required:
 Straight lines
 Circles
 Rectangles
 Drawing symbols

 For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9).
 To specify whether a redlining item is saved to the database per report or per layout, when
you attach the redlining item to an item, you select the option that you require in the Attach
Redlining dialog box (on page 145).
 You can save other redlining items and bitmaps if you make them part of a symbol.
 The software cannot save changes to the properties of drawing elements to the database;
for example, if you change the color, thickness, or line style of a connector.
 For a symbol that is associated to a hook-up item, Save Custom Changes can only apply
to a symbol that is saved as a .sym file on the default layer of the drawing, with the top left
corner of the symbol positioned on the drawing where you want the symbol to appear the
next time the drawing is generated.
 When using the Save Custom Changes command, after regenerating the drawing, the
macro setting Display Null may not be saved correctly.
 After generating a loop, and saving it using Save Custom Changes, you cannot change the
generation method of the loop to Custom by signal or Custom by loop. Changing the
generation method causes the generation of the drawing to contain inaccuracies. To change
the generation method, you must first clear the custom changes using the Clear Position

Save Custom Changes to an Enhanced Report

1. Open an enhanced report.
2. Do either of the following:
 Add or modify a macro, redlining, or SmartText in the report.
 Move drawing elements such as panel strips or connectors to a new position on the
drawing sheet.
3. Click File > Save Custom Changes.
4. On the dialog box, select the desired options.

 For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 97

Saving Enhanced Reports

 For a symbol that is associated to a hook-up item, Save Custom Changes can only apply
to a symbol that is saved as a .sym file on the default layer of the drawing, with the top left
corner of the symbol positioned on the drawing where you want the symbol to appear the
next time the drawing is generated.
 When using the Save Custom Changes command, after regenerating the drawing, the
macro setting Display Null may not be saved correctly.
 After generating a loop, and saving it using Save Custom Changes, you cannot change the
generation method of the loop to Custom by signal or Custom by loop. Changing the
generation method causes the generation of the drawing to contain inaccuracies. To change
the generation method, you must first clear the custom changes using the Clear Position

98 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Revising and Comparing Saved

Enhanced Reports
In This Section
Updating Revisions ........................................................................ 99
Comparing Enhanced Reports ...................................................... 99

Updating Revisions
You can add or update revisions for any enhanced report by accessing the Revisions dialog
box. After you refresh the report, the revision data appears in the title block or wherever the
report includes revision macros.

Update a Revision
1. Click Actions > Revisions.
You can also access this command by clicking Revisions on the Actions toolbar.
2. On the Revisions dialog box, add a revision or modify existing revision data as you require.
3. Click Actions > Refresh to view data changes that appear on the report.

Comparing Enhanced Reports

Report comparison is available if you have saved revisions for a particular enhanced
report. For every saved report revision, there is an archived report, stored according to the
archiving option that the Domain Administrator defines in SmartPlant Instrumentation for
enhanced reports. When comparing reports, you can generate a comparison report in
SmartPlant Instrumentation showing the fields where the values differ. The software indicates
differences on enhanced reports graphically by means of cloud symbols.
Using report comparison, you can do the following:
 Compare the currently previewed report with an archived report. For details, see Compare
Reports (on page 100).
 Compare two archived reports. For details, see Compare Archived Reports (on page 101).

 Comparison of enhanced reports is only available if the Domain Administrator has selected
one of the options for saving revisions of the specified report in the Report Management
dialog box in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Administration module.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 99

Revising and Comparing Saved Enhanced Reports

 You must perform the revisions in the Enhanced Report Utility. For details, see Update a
Revision (on page 99). If you perform a revision from SmartPlant Instrumentation, the
software does not create an archive.
 If the report can be archived as an enhanced report or as a standard (PowerSoft) report,
both report types will be available for comparison. If you compare reports generated by
both methods, you will obtain an incorrect comparison result. You must therefore ensure
that you select only reports that were archived as enhanced reports.
 Report comparison does not work in By custom symbol mode.
 Report comparison does not include any graphical modifications such as changing strip
positions or changing the width of a symbol.

Compare Reports
1. Click Actions > Compare Reports.
You can also access this command by clicking Compare Reports on the Actions
2. On the Report Comparison Actions dialog box, click Compare the current report with
an archived report.
3. On the Report Revision Archive dialog box, select the revision corresponding to the
archived report that you require.
If there is a long list of revisions in the data window, type the required revision number
in the Revision filter box and select Activate.
4. Click OK to open a comparison report in SmartPlant Instrumentation displaying a list of
differences between enhanced reports, and a view of both reports in Enhanced Report
Utility with a graphical indication of the differences on each report.

 If the archived and the currently previewed reports are different, the software indicates the
differences graphically by means of cloud symbols.
 If the report can be archived as an enhanced report or as a standard (PowerSoft) report,
both report types will be available for comparison. If you compare reports generated by
both methods, you will obtain an incorrect comparison result. You must therefore ensure
that you select only reports that were archived as enhanced reports.
 Report comparison does not include any graphical modifications such as changing strip
positions or changing the width of a symbol.

100 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Revising and Comparing Saved Enhanced Reports

Compare Archived Reports

1. Click Actions > Compare Reports.
You can also access this command by clicking Compare Reports on the Actions
2. On the Report Comparison Actions dialog box, click Compare two archived reports.
3. On the Select Archived Revisions for Report Comparison dialog box, from the Compare
data window, select the revision corresponding to the source archived report.
4. From the With data window, select the revision corresponding to the target archived report
that you want to compare with the source report.
If there is a long list of revisions in either of the data windows, type the required revision
number in the Revision filter box and select Activate.
5. Click OK to open a comparison report in SmartPlant Instrumentation displaying a list of
differences between enhanced reports, and a view of both reports in the Enhanced Report
Utility with a graphical indication of the differences on each report.

 If the archived and the currently previewed reports are different, the software indicates the
differences graphically by means of cloud symbols.
 If the report can be archived as an enhanced report or as a standard (PowerSoft) report,
both report types will be available for comparison. If you compare reports generated by
both methods, you will obtain an incorrect comparison result. You must therefore ensure
that you select only reports that were archived as enhanced reports.
 Report comparison does not include any graphical modifications such as changing strip
positions or changing the width of a symbol.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 101

Revising and Comparing Saved Enhanced Reports

102 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Performing Miscellaneous Activities in

Enhanced Reports
In This Section
Editing Items .................................................................................. 103
Generate Tag Documents ............................................................. 104
Modify Terminal Type Symbols ..................................................... 104
Change the Symbols for a Terminal Type ..................................... 105
Associate a Symbol with an Instrument Type ................................ 105
Define and Use a Custom View ..................................................... 105
Scale a Report to Fit Printer Paper Size ........................................ 106
Display Binder Package Revision Attributes in an Enhanced Report
....................................................................................................... 106

Editing Items
When you generate an enhanced report, you can edit SmartPlant Instrumentation data for
generated items directly from the report. You can edit data for the following items:
 Tag numbers
 Cables
 Cable sets
 Wires
 Panels
 Strips
 Terminals
Also, you can generate the following tag documents for the tag numbers in a drawing:
 Specification
 Process Data
 Calculation
 Tag Signal Diagram
 Loop Signal Diagram
 SmartLoop (standard)
 I/O Tag Assignment Report
 CAD (to view the associated loop drawing using a CAD application)
 Segment Map
 Other (to view an external document created in another application)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 103

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports

Edit an Item
1. Select the name of a wiring item such as a tag number, cable, cable set, wire, panel, strip,
or terminal.
2. Click Actions > Item > Properties.
You can also access this command by clicking Item Properties on the Actions
3. Change the properties of the item as you require on the dialog box that opens.

Generate Tag Documents

1. On a drawing sheet, select the name of the desired tag number.
2. Click Actions > Tag Documents.
You can also access this command by clicking Tag Documents on the Actions
3. Click an available item in the pop-up window to open the desired tag document.

Modify Terminal Type Symbols

1. If needed, in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Wiring module, open the Terminal Type table
and create a new terminal type.
2. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Enhanced Report Utility.
3. If you want to open an existing symbol file, do one of the following:
 Click File > Open and navigate to the desired .sym file.
 In the Windows Explorer, double-click the .sym file you want to open.
To assist you with creating a symbol of the correct size, we recommend that you open
the file Term.sym and draw your symbol in relation to the border of the terminal symbol that
appears in the file. Term.sym is located in the path: <SmartPlant Instrumentation home
4. Modify the symbol as desired.
5. Select the lines and other graphical elements that you want to include as part of the symbol.
6. On the main toolbar, click .
7. On the symbol ribbon bar, click . The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair icon.
8. Click the cross-hair icon at the point on the sheet where you want to set the origin of the
9. On the Save As dialog box, navigate to the path: <SmartPlant Instrumentation home
folder>\RAD\Symbols, and under File name, type a name for the symbol (.sym) file you
have created that is the same as the name of the terminal type that you want to associate
with the symbol. For example, if the terminal type name is Fuse, you should save the
symbol file under the name Fuse.sym.

104 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports

Change the Symbols for a Terminal Type

This option enables you to select a symbol for terminals according to their type. When you
generate a drawing, the software automatically retrieves and displays data related to the
terminal and its symbol.
1. Start the Wiring module.
2. In the Wiring Explorer, expand the device panel for which you want to display its strips and
3. Right-click a terminal and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
4. On the Terminal Properties dialog box, in the Type list, select a terminal type.

Associate a Symbol with an Instrument Type

1. In the Instrument Index module, open the Instrument Type table and select an instrument
2. Click Profile.
3. Under Enhanced SmartLoop symbol, click Browse beside the Symbol file name and
path box and navigate to the symbol (.sym) file that you want to associate with the selected
instrument type.
4. Generate an Enhanced SmartLoop drawing for one or more loops that include tags of the
selected instrument type.
5. After viewing the result, adjust the symbol file as necessary to display the symbol in the
desired position relative to the instruments and at the desired size.

Define and Use a Custom View

1. Press F7 to open the Domain Explorer or F8 to open the Reference Explorer.
2. Click above the toolbar.
3. On the Custom View Properties dialog box, click New.
4. Type a custom view name and then click OK.
5. Do one of the following:
 Right-click a single folder in the tree view pane.
 Right-click multiple folders in the Items pane.
6. On the shortcut menu, click Mark for Custom View and then click the command for the
appropriate custom view.

 To remove a folder from a custom view, right-click a folder and then on the shortcut menu,
click Remove from Custom View.
 When a custom view is displayed, any changes made in the Domain Explorer in
SmartPlant Instrumentation are not reflected in the custom view until you exit and then
reopen the custom view.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 105

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports

Scale a Report to Fit Printer Paper Size

When printing a report, the size of the printed report is taken from the template selected in the
Enhanced Reports > File Locations (Preferences). For example, if you have selected
A4tall.sma as the template file for your reports, all your reports are printed to fit A4 size paper. If
you try to print to A3 size paper the report is still printed as if the paper is A4 size. To scale to fit
a different sized paper from the one selected in the File Locations preferences, you must do
the following:
1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, click File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports.
2. Click to expand the required report, for example Enhanced Smart Loop.
3. Click Page and Revisions Options.
4. In the Page and scaling options group box, from the Scale to page size list, select the
size of the paper for printing, for example A3.
5. Click OK.
6. Generate the report.
7. At the Report Preview prompt, click No to send the report directly to the printer. The report
is scaled to fit the size selected in the Page and scaling options and not printed according
to the size in the report template.

 If you preview the report in the Enhanced Report Utility, the paper size for printing is
taken from the report template as selected in the File Locations (Preferences).
 The following paper sizes are not supported by this function:
 A0 Tall
 A0 Wide
 A1 Tall
 A1 Wide
 A2 Tall
 A2 Wide

Display Binder Package Revision Attributes in an

Enhanced Report
If you have Enhanced Reports that are part of a document binder package, for example, Panel
Strip reports, it is possible to generate those reports and display in the report title block the
revision attributes of the binder package. This involves creating a new title block template, with
different attributes from those supplied with the default template, and associating the new title
block with the required report type.
1. Create a new title block file. For details, see Create a Title Block File (on page 19).
2. Define the title block macros, using the attributes in the following table. For details on
defining title block macros, see Define a Title Block Macro (on page 20).
Attribute name Source (database table and column)
p_chg_num revision.chg_num
p_chg_status revision.chg_status

106 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports

p_chg_date revision.chg_date
p_user_name revision.user_name
p_rev_no revision.rev_no
p_rev_create_by revision.rev_create_by
p_rev_date revision.rev_date
p_rev_desc revision.rev_desc
p_rev_chk_by revision.rev_chk_by
p_rev_appr_by revision.rev_appr_by
p_rev_sign revision.rev_sign
p_rev_udf_c01 revision.rev_udf_c01
p_rev_udf_c02 revision.rev_udf_c02
p_rev_udf_c03 revision.rev_udf_c03
p_rev_udf_c04 revision.rev_udf_c04
p_rev_udf_c05 revision.rev_udf_c05
p_rev_udf_c06 revision.rev_udf_c06
p_rev_udf_c07 revision.rev_udf_c07
p_rev_udf_c08 revision.rev_udf_c08
p_rev_udf_c09 revision.rev_udf_c09
p_rev_udf_c10 revision.rev_udf_c10
p_rev_udf_c11 revision.rev_udf_c11
p_rev_udf_c12 revision.rev_udf_c12
p_rev_udf_c13 revision.rev_udf_c13
p_rev_udf_c14 revision.rev_udf_c14
p_rev_udf_c15 revision.rev_udf_c15
p_rev_udf_c16 revision.rev_udf_c16
p_rev_udf_c17 revision.rev_udf_c17
p_rev_udf_c18 revision.rev_udf_c18
p_rev_udf_c19 revision.rev_udf_c19
p_rev_udf_c20 revision.rev_udf_c20
pkg_name package.pkg_name
pkg_desc package.pkg_desc
p_dwg_name drawing.dwg_name
3. In SmartPlant Instrumentation click File > Preferences > Enhanced Reports > [Report
type for example, Panel Strip] > File Locations.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 107

Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Enhanced Reports

4. Click Browse next to the Title block for default layout field and select the new title block
as your default title block.
5. Click OK.

108 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Symbol Editor
Using the Symbol Editor, you can customize symbols to fit your own design conventions
specifically for Layout reports and for Enhanced SmartLoop drawings that use the Custom by
Loop or Custom by Signal generation methods.
The Symbol Editor is not intended for customizing symbols for other types of enhanced
When you create a symbol, you define the symbol type (panel, strip, rack, card, terminal, and so
forth), and you can then assign to the symbol itself macros appropriate for that symbol
type. You can also add connection points to a terminal's symbol and specify the properties of
the connection points such as the left or right side of the terminal and the angle at which the
connection appears on the report.
The software provides you with the flexibility to create multi-level symbols, for example, you can
create a symbol for a terminal and then use this symbol as a component of a strip symbol
according to the number of terminals in the strip. The terminal symbols are added as
sub-symbols of each strip symbol. Similarly, you can create various panel symbols that contain
one or more strip symbols.
In this way, you can build up a library of symbols which you then associate with appropriate
items in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
For a catalog of the symbols that come shipped with the software, view the
SymbolsDescription.xls file. This file is located in the folder: <SmartPlant Instrumentation
home folder>/RAD/Help/.

The Symbol Explorer

You can use Symbol Explorer to drag symbols from a directory to the current document. You
can also use Symbol Explorer to view document directories on your computer or a network
drive. Symbol Explorer can also display HTML pages on the World Wide Web or your
When you click Symbol Explorer on the Main toolbar , Symbol Explorer is displayed on the
right side of the main window. The buttons on the Symbol Explorer are similar to the ones in
the Windows Explorer. For example, you can click a Favorites button to go to one of your
favorite web sites.
If you set the path of the Symbol Explorer to point to a directory, you see a tree view, the
contents of the directory, and the Attribute Viewer. If you set the path to an HTML page, you
see the contents of that page, if Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later is installed. If Internet
Explorer is not installed, then the software prompts you to install it.

Placing Symbols
The main use of the Symbol Explorer is to drag symbols from a directory to the current
document. The Symbol Explorer acts much like the Windows Explorer. To view symbols, you
can type the name of the directory in the Address Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer; or

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 109

Symbol Editor

you can click the Explore Elsewhere button and set the directory path that the Symbol
Explorer looks in.
If you click Home at the top of the Symbol Explorer, it displays the home page for the symbols
that are associated with the template on which the active document is based. You can override
this property by setting a new address with Properties on the File menu. On the Properties
dialog box, you click the Browser tab to set the option.
After the Symbol Explorer displays the symbols, you can drag a symbol from the Symbol
Explorer to the current document.

Displaying HTML Pages

The Symbol Explorer can display HTML pages on the World Wide Web or your computer. To
view an HTML page in the Symbol Explorer, you must enter the entire directory path and
filename in the Address Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer.
To view HTML pages on the World Wide Web, you must type the HTTP address in the Address
Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer. When you do this, the Symbol Explorer displays the
HTML page of the address you entered. The Symbol Explorer can display any web site that
you have permissions to access.
HTML pages appear only if Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later is installed.

Searching Document Directories

You can view the Symbols of any directory on your computer or the network with the Symbol
Explorer. You can type the path of the directory in the Address Box; or you can click Browse
and set the directory path on the dialog box.
After the Symbol Explorer displays the symbols of the directory that you want, you can
double-click any document, much like the Windows Explorer, and the software that created the
document opens and displays the document for editing.
You can drag any document created by software that supports OLE 2.0 into the current
document. These documents can include .igr, .dgn, .dwg, and .dxf types.

Symbol Explorer Settings

When you set options for the Symbol Explorer, the current document stores and uses these
the next time you open the document. You can define a different home page for each document
in the Symbol Explorer with Properties on the File menu.
On the Properties dialog box, you click Browser to set the option. When you set the address
for the home page on the Properties dialog box, the Symbol Explorer goes to that address
when you click the Home button at the top of the Symbol Explorer.
The address can be a directory on a local or network drive or an HTTP address to a web
See Also
Close the Symbol Explorer (on page 114)
Move the Symbol Explorer (on page 113)
Open Documents from the Symbol Explorer (on page 113)

110 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

Symbol Explorer Window

Displays files in a directory or World Wide Web pages (HTML pages). You can use the Symbol
Explorer window just like you would the Windows Explorer or Windows Internet Explorer. You
can also use Symbol Explorer to place symbols (.sym) from the Symbol Explorer window to
the current document.
Within the Symbol Explorer window, you can access several commands that allow you to
change or filter the view in the window. For example, you can change the window to show only
symbols. You can also add directories or web addresses to a list of favorites. If you want to
place several copies of a symbol, you can click the Stamp Here command. To access these
commands, place the pointer in the Symbol Explorer window and right-click.

Window Options

Back - Takes you backward to the previous location of the Symbol Explorer, either a web
page or a directory path.

Forward - Takes you forward to the previous location of the Symbol Explorer, either a web
page or a directory path.

Stop - Halts the loading of an HTML page.

Refresh - Reloads the current HTML page or directory.

Home - Takes the Symbol Explorer back to the home page that you set with Properties on
the File menu. If you do not set the home page with this command, the Symbol Explorer opens
the symbols directory associated with the template that the active document is based on.
Address - Sets the current location for the Symbol Explorer. You can type in a directory or a
World Wide Web address and then press Enter. Some examples of what you can type in are as

 If you want to view an HTML page on your hard drive, you must enter the entire path and
filename in the address box.
 If you set the path of the Symbol Explorer to a directory, you can see a tree view and a
shell view. If you set the path to an HTML page, you can see the symbols of that page in the
style of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or earlier, if that version is installed. If Microsoft
Internet Explorer is not installed, the software prompts you to install it.
See Also
Close the Symbol Explorer (on page 114)
Move the Symbol Explorer (on page 113)
Open Documents from the Symbol Explorer (on page 113)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 111

Symbol Editor

View Documents with the Symbol Explorer

1. On the Main toolbar, click Symbol Explorer . The Symbol Explorer opens on the right
of the main window.
2. In the Address Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer, type the name of the directory to go
to and press Enter. For example, you can type the following: C:\DRAWING FILES.
You can also change the directory by clicking Explore Elsewhere at the top of the Symbol
Explorer to display the Modify Location dialog box. You can then enter another directory for
the Symbol Explorer to look in.

 You can filter the view of documents in the Symbol Explorer. If you want to view just one
type of document, such as symbols, pause the pointer in the Symbol Explorer window and
right-click. On the shortcut menu, click View, and then File Type.
 If you double-click a document in the Symbol Explorer, the software that created the
document opens and displays the document. For example, if you double-click the
SYMBOL.sym document, the software opens and displays the SYMBOL.sym document.
Or, if you double-click a document with an .htm extension, the Microsoft Internet Explorer
 If you open or create a document while the Symbol Explorer is open, you must click Home
to display the symbols directory associated with the current document.
 You can filter the view in the Symbol Explorer window to display only certain types of
documents, such as MicroStation, AutoCAD, or other types. You can click View File Type
on the shortcut menu in the Symbol Explorer window.
 For example, to display only AutoCAD documents, select the AutoCAD option for .dwg
documents. When you set this option, the Symbol Explorer window displays only .dwg
 If you set the path of the Symbol Explorer to a directory, you can see a tree view and a
shell view., a shell view, and the Attribute Viewer. If you set the path to an HTML page, you
can see the symbols of that page in the style of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or earlier, if
that version is installed. If Microsoft Internet Explorer is not installed, the software prompts
you to install it.

View a Web Page with the Symbol Explorer

1. On the Main toolbar, click Symbol Explorer . The Symbol Explorer opens on the right
of the main window.
2. In the Address Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer, type the name of the HTTP address
and press Enter. For example, you could type the following:
The World Wide Web page appears inside the Symbol Explorer.
If you cannot see the entire Web page, you can double-click the bar at the top of the
Symbol Explorer to undock it. You can then resize the Symbol Explorer window so that you
can see the entire page.

 You can use many of the same tools to view web pages that are available in the Windows
Internet Explorer. For example, if you click Back at the top of the Symbol Explorer, the
Symbol Explorer returns to the previous page.
 If you open or create a document while Symbol Explorer is open, you must click Home to
display the symbols directory associated with the current document.

112 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

Open Documents from the Symbol Explorer

1. On the Main toolbar, click Symbol Explorer . The Symbol Explorer opens on the right
side of the main window.
2. In the Address Box at the top of the Symbol Explorer, type the name of the directory that
you want to go to and press Enter. For example, you could type the following:
You can also change the directory by clicking Explore Elsewhere at the top of the
Symbol Explorer to display the Modify Location dialog box. You can then enter another
directory for the Symbol Explorer to look in.
3. Double-click a document in the Symbol Explorer. The software that created the document
opens and displays the document. For example, if you double-click on the SYMBOL.sym
document, the software opens and displays the SYMBOL.sym document. Or, if you
double-click a document with an .htm extension, the Microsoft Internet Explorer opens.

 You can drag any document that supports OLE 2.0 from the Symbol Explorer to the
drawing sheet.
 If you set the path of the Symbol Explorer to a directory, you can see a tree view, a shell
view, and the Attribute Viewer. If you set the path to an HTML page, you can see the
symbols of that page in the style of the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or earlier, if that
version is installed. If Microsoft Internet Explorer is not installed, then the software prompts
you to install it.

Move the Symbol Explorer

1. On the Main toolbar, click Symbol Explorer . The Symbol Explorer opens on the right
of the main window.
2. Double-click the bar at the top of the Symbol Explorer to display it as a separate window
from the main window. You can now drag the Symbol Explorer and relocate it. You can
also resize the Symbol Explorer window.

 If the Symbol Explorer is displayed as a separate window from the main window,
double-click the bar at the top to make it part of the main window again. You can dock the
Symbol Explorer at any place in the window.
 If you resize the Symbol Explorer and then double-click it to make it part of the main
window, the Symbol Explorer size remains the same.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 113

Symbol Editor

Close the Symbol Explorer

 On the Main toolbar, click Symbol Explorer .
You can also close the Symbol Explorer by clicking Toolbars on the View menu. On
the Toolbars dialog box, you should clear the Symbol Explorer check box.

Working with User Defined (customized) Symbols in

Enhanced Reports Common Tasks
You can create symbol (.sym) files and customize them to fit your design conventions for Layout
reports and for loops that are set to use the Custom by Loop or Custom by Signal generation

Create a User Defined (customized) Symbol

You can create symbols with macros for various types of items.
For more information, see Create a User Defined (customized) Symbol (on page 115).

Add SmartText to a Symbol File

This option allows you to add SmartText to a symbol file. You can specify the size and
properties of SmartText fonts.
For more information, see Add SmartText to a Symbol File (on page 121).

Assign an Item Type to a Symbol

For each symbol that you create, you must specify an item type. The symbol's item type
determines which macros are available for adding in the symbol file.

Add a Macro to a Symbol File

This option allows you to add macros to symbol files. The available macros depend on the
symbol type, which is based on the item for which the symbol is defined.
For more information, see Add a Macro to a Symbol File (on page 121).

Add Connection Points to a Symbol File

You can add connection points to symbol files that represent terminals, apparatus, or
channels. For each connection point, you define the terminal side (left or right) and the
connection angle.
For more information, see Add Connection Points to a Symbol File (on page 122).

Add Starting Points to a Symbol File

You can add starting points to symbol files that represent panels for use in Panel Layout reports
or to symbol files that represent racks for use in Rack Layout reports. In Panel Layout reports,
for each starting point, you define the way in which racks should be added, the spacing between
the racks, and the maximum number of racks allowed in the specified row or column. In Rack
Layout reports, for each starting point, you define the way in which cards should be added, the
spacing between the cards, and the maximum number of cards allowed in the specified row or
For more information, see Add Starting Points to a Symbol File (on page 124).

114 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

Specify a Path for the Symbol Editor

1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, open the Preferences dialog box.
2. In the tree, expand the hierarchy Enhanced Reports > Symbol Editor > File Locations.
3. Beside the Symbol folder field, click Browse and navigate to the desired folder.
Before you generate a report that uses a custom symbol, you must specify path to your
custom symbols. In SmartPlant Instrumentation > Preferences, select File Locations for the
appropriate report type and navigate to the path of the Symbol folder field for Layout reports, or
of the Custom symbol folder field for Enhanced SmartLoop reports.

Create a User Defined (customized) Symbol

 Before creating symbols, make sure that you have first specified a path for the Symbol
Editor where your symbols will be located by default. For details, see Specify a Path for the
Symbol Editor (on page 115).
 You must start Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation in order to establish a
connection to the database.
1. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation main menu, click Tools > Symbol Editor.
2. Draw your symbol as you require using the drawing tools.
3. Select all the drawing elements on the sheet.
When creating a symbol using different elements, press CTRL while choosing
elements with the Select tool.
4. Click Symbols to display the symbol ribbon bar.
5. On the symbol ribbon bar, click Create Symbol . The mouse pointer changes to a
cross-hair icon.
6. Click a point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.
The Save As dialog box automatically appears at this point. You do not need to use
Save As on the File menu to open this dialog box.
7. On the Save As dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the symbol.
8. Type the name that you want for the symbol.
The software saves the symbol at this point and reopens it as a separate sheet in the
Symbol Editor.
9. On the Actions toolbar, click Assign Item Type .
10. On the Assign Item Type dialog box, select the desired item type to assign to the symbol.

 After you have selected an item type, only macros appropriate for that item type are
available for the symbol.
 For an I/O card, select Wiring Equipment as the item type.
 For an OPC, select Document as the item type.
11. Add macros, text labels, and connection points to the symbol as needed. For details, see:
 Add a Macro to a Symbol File (on page 121).
 Add Connection Points to a Symbol File (on page 122).

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 115

Symbol Editor

12. Save the file.

Creating User Defined (customized) Symbols for Specific

The following section contains topics on creating user defined (customized) symbols for use in
specific reports.
You must start Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation in order to
establish a connection to the database.

Create Symbols for a Location Layout Report

 Before creating these symbols, make sure that you have first specified a path for the Symbol
Editor where your symbols will be located by default. For details, see Specify a Path for the
Symbol Editor (on page 115).
 You must start Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation in order to establish a
connection to the database.
1. Start the Symbol Editor from the SmartPlant Instrumentation program.
2. Open a new drawing sheet and draw an outline for the location, which can be a site,
building, floor plan, or room as you require.
3. Select the outline that you have drawn.
4. Click Symbols to display the symbol ribbon bar.
5. On the symbol ribbon bar, click Create Symbol . The mouse pointer changes to a
cross-hair icon.
6. Click a suitable point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.
You must specify accurately the position of the symbol's origin so that the symbol is
placed correctly relative to the page origin; usually, this is the lower left corner of the
drawing sheet.
The Save As dialog box automatically appears at this point. You do not need to use
Save As on the File menu to open this dialog box.
7. On the Save As dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the symbol.
8. Type the name that you want for the symbol.
9. Draw the panels as desired using the location outline as a guide and save each panel
drawing as a separate symbol.
Use rectangles to represent common sizes of panels such as 80 x 80 cm enclosures,
and so forth.
10. Return to the location symbol and click Actions > Assign Item Type.
11. In the Assign Item Type dialog box, from the Item type list, select Location.
12. Add macros as needed and save the symbol.
13. For each panel symbol, assign item type Panel.
14. Add macros as needed on each panel symbol and save the symbols.
15. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, associate the room symbol with the desired location item and
associate each cabinet symbol with the desired panel, selecting Location Layout report as

116 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

the name of the report type. For details, see Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64)
in the Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide.

Create Symbols for a Panel Layout Report

 Before creating these symbols, make sure that you have first specified a path for the Symbol
Editor where your symbols will be located by default. For details, see Specify a Path for the
Symbol Editor (on page 115).
 You must start Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation in order to establish a
connection to the database.
1. Start the Symbol Editor from the SmartPlant Instrumentation program.
2. Open a new drawing sheet and draw an outline for a panel with appropriate rack columns.
3. Select all the components of the panel that you have drawn.
4. Click Symbols to display the symbol ribbon bar.
5. On the symbol ribbon bar, click Create Symbol . The mouse pointer changes to a
cross-hair icon.
6. Click a suitable point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.
You must specify accurately the position of the symbol's origin so that the
symbol is placed correctly relative to the page origin; usually, this is the lower left corner of
the drawing sheet.
The Save As dialog box automatically appears at this point. You do not need to use
Save As on the File menu to open this dialog box.
7. On the Save As dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the symbol.
8. Type the name that you want for the symbol.
9. Draw a rack using the panel outline as a guide and save the rack drawing as a separate

 You must specify the position of the symbol's origin at the starting point where each rack
is to be added to the panel, for example, the top left corner.
 Make a note of the dimensions of the rack so that you can use it to specify the correct
Symbol displacement value when specifying the start points on the panel.
10. Return to the panel symbol and click Actions > Assign Item Type.
11. In the Assign Item Type dialog box, from the Item type list, select Panel.
12. Add macros as needed.
13. On the Actions toolbar, click Place Starting Points .
14. On the Starting Points ribbon bar, from the Placement order list, select one of the
following options:
 Left to Right
 Right to Left
 Top to Bottom
 Bottom to Top
15. Enter values for the Symbol displacement and Symbols per row / column properties.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 117

Symbol Editor

As an example, suppose that you want to add the racks in stacks of up to 8 racks in
vertical columns, starting from the top of the panel. In this case, you select from Placement
order the option Top to Bottom, then for Symbols per row / column, type 8. For the
Symbol displacement property, type a value of 1.00 to specify a height allowance of 1 inch
for each rack.
16. Click the mouse pointer at each point where you want to add a starting point. Note that the
Row / Column number value increments by one each time you add a new start point.
17. Save the panel symbol.
18. Open the rack symbol and assign to it item type Rack.
19. Add macros as needed.
20. Save the rack symbol.
21. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, associate the panel symbol with a panel that has one or
more racks, selecting Panel Layout report as the name of the report type. For details, see
Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64) in the Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide.
22. Associate each rack in the selected panel with the rack symbol that you created, selecting
Panel Layout report as the name of the report type.
The order in which the software places the racks is determined by the rack Sequence

Create Symbols for an Enhanced SmartLoop Report

 Although this procedure refers to strips and terminals, you can apply it to any situation
where you create a symbol with sub-symbols. For general details of how to create
individual custom symbols, see Create a User Defined (customized) Symbol (on page 115).
 You must start Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation in order to establish a
connection to the database.
1. On the SmartPlant Instrumentation main menu, click Tools > Symbol Editor.
2. Create a new terminal symbol.

 For a terminal symbol, assign item type Terminal.

 Add macros and connection points as needed on the terminal symbol.
3. Open a new drawing sheet and draw an outline for your terminal strip with width based on
the terminal width and with height determined by the number of terminals in the strip stacked
on top of one another.
4. Select the outline you have drawn.
5. Click Symbols to display the symbol ribbon bar.
6. On the symbol ribbon bar, click Create Symbol . The mouse pointer changes to a
cross-hair icon.
7. Click a point on the drawing sheet to define the origin of the symbol.

 The symbol's origin point is important in this case because the software places the
sub-symbols relative to one another within the main symbol.
 The Save As dialog box automatically appears at this point. You do not need to use
Save As on the File menu to open this dialog box.

118 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

8. On the Save As dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the symbol.
9. Type the name that you want for the symbol.
10. Assign item type Terminal Strip for the symbol.
11. Add macros as needed on the strip symbol.
12. Open the Symbol Browser and drag two or more terminal symbols into the strip outline.
When dragging the terminal symbols, the software assigns the symbol order of
each terminal in sequence. For this reason, it is essential that you place the terminals in the
order that you want their numbering to be assigned.
13. Save the strip symbol.
14. Open a new drawing sheet and draw an outline for your panel.
15. Create a panel symbol from the drawing.
16. Assign item type Panel for the symbol.
17. Add macros as needed on the panel symbol.
18. Drag two or more strip symbols into the panel outline in the desired order.
19. Save the panel symbol.
20. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, associate the panel symbol with the desired panel. For
details, see Associate a Symbol with an Item (on page 64) in the Enhanced Report Utility
User's Guide.
If you generate an Enhanced SmartLoop report using the Custom by Loop or Custom
by Signal generation methods, and no suitable custom symbol is associated with a particular
wiring item that includes standard terminals, the software uses the symbol FirstTerm.sym as the
default symbol for the first terminal in a group of terminals, and the symbol Term.sym for all
subsequent terminals - provided that these symbols already exist in the custom symbol folder
specified in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box for the Enhanced
SmartLoop report. FirstTerm.sym includes macros for the panel, strip, and terminal; Term.sym
includes macros for the terminal only.

Creating a Wiring Equipment Symbol Assembly

A symbol assembly is created by combining a number of symbols to form one symbol. You can
use pre-existing symbols or construct your own symbols and combine them to form an
This section describes how to construct a wiring equipment symbol, for use in Cable Block
Diagrams, from the following user-defined symbols:
 A connector symbol.
 A terminal strip symbol.
 A wiring equipment symbol.
You can apply the same procedure to construct other symbol assemblies.
1. Do the following to create a connector symbol:
a. Click .
b. On the new drawing sheet, use the drawing tools to draw your symbol.
c. Click to open the Symbol ribbon.
d. Select the symbol and click

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 119

Symbol Editor

e. Drag the Origin Point symbol to where you want the origin point to be on your symbol,
and click to place.
f. In the Save dialog box, type the name of your symbol and click Save.
g. Click and in the Assign Item Type dialog box select the item type for the symbol.
In this case Connector.
h. Click and then click on the symbol where you want your connection points to be

 For further information, see Add Connection Points to a Symbol File (on page 122).
 When the symbol is of type Connector, the Connection Point ribbon is inactive as
there is no left or right terminal side.
i. Click to add macros. For more information, see Add a Macro to a Symbol File (on
page 121).
j. Click and close the symbol.
2. Now do the following to create a terminal strip symbol and combine it with the connector
a. Repeat steps a to f of part one of this procedure.
b. Click and in the Assign Item Type dialog box select the item type for the symbol.
In this case Terminal Strip.
c. Click to add macros.
d. On the Symbol Explorer, locate the connector symbol that you created.
e. Drag and drop the connector symbol on to your terminal strip symbol.
f. Click and close the symbol.
3. Finally do the following to create a wiring equipment symbol and combine it with the terminal
strip symbol:
a. Repeat steps a to f of part one of this procedure.
b. Click and in the Assign Item Type dialog box select the item type for the symbol.
In this case Wiring Equipment.
c. Click to add macros.
d. On the Symbol Explorer, locate the terminal strip symbol that you created.
e. Drag and drop the terminal strip symbol on to the wiring equipment symbol you created.
f. Click and close the symbol.
Select the Show all macros for assembled symbols from the Enhanced SmartLoop .>
View preferences in SmartPlant Instrumentation, if you want to display all macros associated
with assembled symbols on a report. Do not select this preference if you want to display only
those macros associated to an assembly that are connected to a signal.

Align Drawing Objects

1. Select two or more graphical elements on the report or drawing.

 Hold down the CTRL key while selecting each object individually.
 The first graphical element that you select is the one with which all the other selected
graphical elements are aligned.

120 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

2. Click Actions > Alignment > By Objects.

You can also access this command by clicking Align Objects on the Actions
3. On the Alignment ribbon, click one of the following icons according to the alignment you
 Align left edges
 Align right edges
 Align top edges
 Align bottom edges
 Align to center horizontally to first selection
 Align to center vertically to first selection
 Align tangent objects horizontally
 Align tangent objects vertically
 Space evenly horizontally
 Space evenly vertically

 The alignment commands use the first object selected as the base to align the other objects.
 The Space Evenly commands require at least 3 objects to be selected. The spacing is then
based on the first two objects selected.

Add SmartText to a Symbol File

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file.
2. On the Actions toolbar, click New SmartText .
3. Click the General tab.
4. In the Caption box, type the text that you require.
You can type an unlimited number of lines with up to 28 characters in each line.
5. Click the Text tab to define the text properties such as font, font size, rotation, and
6. Click on the symbol to position the text box.
7. Click File > Save.

Add a Macro to a Symbol File

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file.
If you want to use a filter during this operation, you must first add a filter in
SmartPlant Instrumentation using the Macro Filter command.
2. On the Actions toolbar, click New Macro .
3. Click the General tab.
4. From the Macro type list, select an option if more than one is available.
5. From the Macro name list, select a macro for the chosen macro type.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 121

Symbol Editor

6. If you are adding a macro for an item that is part of a hierarchy, such as a channel or
terminal strip that can be associated with more than one parent item type, select the relation
for the item from the Relation list.
You must specify the correct relation for the software to retrieve the data for the
specified macro.
7. Define a filter, if needed.
If you do not use a filter, the software adds the macro to all items of the same type.
8. In the Caption box, type a label name if you want to associate a label with the new macro.
The label appears to the left of the macro on the symbol.
9. Click the Macro Text tab to define the macro text properties.
10. Click the Caption Text tab to define the label text properties.
11. On the symbol, click where you want the macro to appear.
12. Click File > Save.
Symbols created before Version 2007, that contain macros with labels, display the label
even if the value is null. To correct this you must create new macros on each symbol. Symbols
created from Version 2007 do not need to be fixed.

Add Connection Points to a Symbol File

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file.
You can only add connection points to symbols for which the assigned item type is
Terminal or Pin.
2. On the Actions toolbar, click Place Connection Points .
3. On the Connection Points ribbon bar, from the Type list, select the type of connection
point that you want to add: Connector or Jumper.
By default, the first connection point is specified as being on the left side. On the
Connection Points ribbon bar, you can specify the right side for the first connection point if
4. Click the mouse pointer at the position where you want to place the first connection point,
then move the pointer to specify the desired angle.

 You can add more than one connection point on each terminal side if needed. If you do
so, it is recommended that you place the points alongside one another or specify a
different connection angle for each point.
 Graphical symbol elements are defined on the Default layer and these elements
determine the symbol boundaries. Connection points are defined on the Connection
layer, which means that placing connection points beyond the symbol boundaries does
not affect the calculation of spacing between symbols in drawings.
5. Click the mouse pointer to place the second connection point in a similar way.
6. If you require, add wire macros to each connection point. For details, see Add Wire Macros
to Connection Points (on page 123).
7. On the toolbar, click Finish.
8. Click File > Save.

122 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

Delete Connection Points

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file.
2. Select a connection point.
If the connection point is on a graphical object, you may need to move the object or use
the Send to Back command to make the connection point available for selecting.
3. Do one of the following:
 On the keyboard, press Delete.
 Click Edit > Delete.
If you delete a connection point that has associated macros, the software also deletes the

Add Wire Macros to Connection Points

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file and select a connection point.
2. On the Actions toolbar, click New Macro .
3. Click the General tab.
4. From the Macro type list, select one of the available options: CABLE, CABLE SET, or
5. From the Macro name list, select a macro for the chosen wire macro type.
6. In the Caption box, type a label name if you want to associate a label with the new macro.
The label appears to the left of the macro.
7. Click the Macro Text tab to define the macro text properties.
8. Click the Caption Text tab to define the label text properties.
9. On the symbol, click where you want the macro to appear.

 Graphical symbol elements are defined on the Default layer and these elements
determine the symbol boundaries. Macros are defined on the Macro layer, which
means that placing macros beyond the symbol boundaries does not affect the
calculation of spacing between symbols in drawings.
 For terminals that have connections on both sides, if you want the cable macro names
to appear between the connection points, it is recommended that you place cable macro
names on one side of the symbol only to avoid duplication for each terminal to which the
cable is connected.
10. Click File > Save.

 The software only displays wire macros for connection points that actually have
 If you delete a connection point, the software automatically deletes from the symbol all
macros belonging to that connection point.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 123

Symbol Editor

Add Starting Points to a Symbol File

1. In the Symbol Editor, open the desired .sym file.
You can only add connection points to symbols for which the assigned item type is
Panel or Rack.
2. On the Actions toolbar, click Place Starting Points .
3. On the Starting Points ribbon bar, from the Placement order list, select one of the
following options:
 Left to Right
 Right to Left
 Top to Bottom
 Bottom to Top
4. Enter values for the Symbol displacement and Symbols per row / column properties.
As an example, suppose that you want to add the racks in stacks of up to 8 racks in
vertical columns, starting from the top of the panel. In this case, you select from Placement
order the option Top to Bottom, then for Symbols per row / column, type 8. For the
Symbol displacement property, type a value of 1.00 to specify a height allowance of 1 inch
for each rack.
5. Click the mouse pointer at each point where you want to add a starting point. Note that the
Row / Column number value increments by one each time you add a new start point.
6. On the toolbar, click Finish.
7. Click File > Save.

Customize a Symbol
1. Do one of the following:
 On the SmartPlant Instrumentation main menu, click Tools > Symbol Editor.
 On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant
Instrumentation > Symbol Editor.
 In any file browser, double-click the .sym file you want to open. (For this option to work,
the file type must be registered to open with the Symbol Editor.)
If you use the last two methods of opening a file, you will not be able to perform
certain actions that require connectivity to the SmartPlant Instrumentation database, for
example changing the item type. For this reason, it is generally recommended that when
customizing a symbol, you open the Symbol Editor from within SmartPlant Instrumentation.
2. Customize the symbol as you require. You can make any of the following changes:
 Edit graphical elements.
 Change the item type.
 Add, modify, or delete SmartText.
 Add, modify, or delete macros.
 Add, modify, or delete connection points (for terminals).
 Add, modify, or delete starting points (for panels with racks).
3. Click File > Save.
If you change a symbol's item type, the software automatically deletes from the symbol all
macros belonging to the original item type.

124 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

See Also
Add a Macro to a Symbol File (on page 121)

Add a Label to an OPC

1. Open the Item Type: Document (OPC) symbol.
For more information, see one of the following in the Enhanced Reports Utility help:
 Associate a Symbol with an Item
 Associate an Item with a Custom Symbol on a Drawing Sheet
2. Do one of the following:
 Click .
 Click Actions > SmartText > New.
3. On the OPC Label dialog box, click the General tab.
4. Under Options, check the Set as Off Page Connector box.
5. Under Text in the Caption field, type the text you want to appear in the OPC label.

 You can also add or edit text in the OPC Label from the Enhanced Report Utility.
 Click the Text tab, if you want to adjust the formatting of the label text.
6. Click OK, the cursor changes to cross-hairs.
7. Click on the OPC symbol where you want the label to appear.
8. Save and close the OPC symbol.

General (SmartText Properties)

Sets general options for SmartText.
Adds an OPC Label text box and descriptive text, to an OPC symbol if opened from the Symbol
If opened from a loop drawing in the Enhanced Report Utility allows you to add text or edit
existing text in an OPC Label, and give the OPC a unique name.

Caption —Type the text that you want to appear on the OPC Label text box.
You can leave this blank and add text later in your loop drawing.

Set various options for how the SmartText is displayed.
Set as watermark (not available with OPC Label) — Select the box if you want to use the text
as a watermark, which means that it appears behind other drawing items.
Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) (Only available in the Symbol Editor) — Select the check
box to add an OPC Label text box to the OPC symbol.
Off Page Connector Name (Only available when Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) has been
selected, and the OPC has been associated with a drawing.) — Displays the target loop name
of an associated OPC, as the name of the OPC, creating a unique name for the OPC. You can
add text to this field if required. This field holds up to 50 characters.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 125

Symbol Editor

Textbox display
These options are only available when you add SmartText for the first time.
Current sheet (not available with OPC Label) — Click to display the SmartText item on the
current drawing sheet only.
All sheets (not available with OPC Label) — Click to display the SmartText item on all the
drawing sheets.

Update an Assembly
An assembly is a symbol created by combining a number of symbols to form one symbol. After
making changes to a symbol that is a component of an assembly symbol, the changes are not
automatically displayed in the assembly symbol. You must run the Update Assembly
Command for the changes made to the component symbol to become part of the assembly

 This procedure cannot be reversed! It is advisable to make a backup of your symbols before
proceeding with updating the assembly.
 The Update Assembly Command checks the assembly's component symbols for changes
in their original source folder. If you have copied the component symbols to another folder or
drive, for example from you C: drive to a network drive so that other users have access to
the symbols, and made changes to the copied component symbols, then the changes are
not updated in the assembly. You must delete the original symbols from their source folder
for the Update Assembly Command to update the copied symbols, or make your changes
to the original symbols.
1. Make the required changes to the component symbols, not to the assembly, and save them.
2. Click Tools > Macro.
3. On the Custom Command dialog box, in the Look in field, navigate to the Smart Plant
Instrumentation installation folder and click SmartPlant > Instrumentation >RAD.
4. Select the .dll UpdateAssemblyCmnd90.
5. Click Open.
6. On the Update Assembly dialog box, navigate to the folder where you saved the
component symbol.
7. Do one of the following:
 From the Select file pane, select the symbols you want to update.
 Click Select all to select all the symbol files.
8. Click OK.
You must close and re-open the drawing to view the changes made to the assembly.
You can add the Update Assembly Command to your toolbar by clicking Tools >
Customize and from the Customize dialog box selecting the UpdateAssemblyCmnd90.

126 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Symbol Editor

Symbol Ribbon
Create Symbol - Allows you to create a symbol. You must first select graphics on the

drawing sheet before this button is available. Click this button to display an origin cursor ,
which you use to set the symbol origin and to open the Save As dialog box.
To find out the name of an option on the ribbon, pause the pointer over an option and read
the ToolTip. Ribbon Options.
Default Style — Places a symbol in the style you select when you drop the symbol in the active
document. Setting Style as drawn displays the symbol graphics as drawn in the original symbol
document. Setting Active style gives the symbol the line style currently set in the active
Angle — Specifies the angle that the symbol is rotated when you drop it into the active
document. The default angle is 0 and is horizontal to the bottom of the screen. You can
specify a new angle. The number of degrees increases in the counter-clockwise direction, for
example, 90 degrees is at the top of the screen. You can also type positive or negative values:
a positive value is counter-clockwise from the x axis, and a negative value is clockwise from the
x axis.
Scale factor — Specifies the scale factor that symbols use when you drag and drop them into
the active document. The scale factor used is relative to the symbol's model units, for example,
if you set the scale factor to 2 and the symbol has 1 cm square in model units, it appears 2 cm
square when you drag and drop it into the active document.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 127

Symbol Editor

128 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Menu Commands
In This Section
File Menu Commands.................................................................... 129
View Menu Commands.................................................................. 130
Actions Menu Commands.............................................................. 131
Insert Menu Commands ................................................................ 139
Tools Menu Commands................................................................. 140
Window Menu Commands............................................................. 141
Help Menu Commands .................................................................. 142
Freeform Command (Draw Toolbar) ............................................. 143

File Menu Commands

Save Custom Changes Command ................................................ 129
Clear Position Command ............................................................... 130
Sheet Setup Command ................................................................. 130

Save Custom Changes Command

Opens the Save Custom Changes dialog box with options for saving to the SmartPlant
Instrumentation database custom changes that you make for the following graphical elements:
 Redlining, macros, and SmartText.
 For Enhanced SmartLoop reports, the position of panel strips and connectors that you have
 Hook-Up drawings, including Hook-up symbol, general blocks, Tag list, Item list, and other
drawing elements.
You can save these elements per drawing or per layout. The next time you generate a report
for the same item, the elements appear on the sheet in the specified positions and with the
characteristics that you defined for them. If you save the graphical elements per layout, they
appear in the same position on any report to which the same layout is assigned.

 For more information on items that are saved at the Layout level, see Enhanced Report
Utility (on page 9).
 The software cannot save changes to the properties of drawing elements to the database;
for example, if you change the color, thickness, or line style of a connector.
 For a symbol that is associated to a hook-up item, Save Custom Changes can only apply
to a symbol that is saved as a .sym file on the default layer of the drawing, with the top left
corner of the symbol positioned on the drawing where you want the symbol to appear the
next time the drawing is generated.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 129

Menu Commands

 When using the Save Custom Changes command, after regenerating the drawing, the
macro setting Display Null may not be saved correctly.
 After generating a loop, and saving it using Save Custom Changes, you cannot change the
generation method of the loop to Custom by signal or Custom by loop. Changing the
generation method causes the generation of the drawing to contain inaccuracies. To change
the generation method, you must first clear the custom changes using the Clear Position

Clear Position Command

Clears the settings you make after manually positioning drawing elements on a sheet and
saving using the Save Custom Changes command. After clearing the position, the next time
you generate the report for the same item, the elements appear on the sheet in the default
positions that the software defines.

Sheet Setup Command

Defines the properties of the working sheet. You can display and modify the following
properties: the name, size, and scale used in the working sheet; and the properties of the
working sheet margin. You can also select the background sheet you want to use.
You can save settings only for the active working sheet. These settings can also be saved so
that they are used when you add a new working sheet to the document. To display a working
sheet, use Working Sheets.
You can use Tools > Customize to place the Sheet Setup button on a toolbar.

View Menu Commands

Refresh Command (View Menu) ................................................... 130

Refresh Command (View Menu)

Refreshes the report with updated data.

130 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

Actions Menu Commands

Item ................................................................................................ 131
Tag Documents Command (Actions Menu) .................................. 132
Connection ..................................................................................... 132
Optimization ................................................................................... 133
Alignment ....................................................................................... 134
Redlining ........................................................................................ 135
SmartText ...................................................................................... 136
Macro ............................................................................................. 137
Generate Item Report Command (Actions Menu) ......................... 138
Compare Reports Command (Actions Menu) ............................... 138
Revisions Command (Actions Menu) ............................................ 139
Off Page Connector ....................................................................... 139

Item > Associate Command (Actions Menu) ................................. 131
Item > Dissociate Command (Actions Menu) ................................ 131
Item > Properties Command (Actions Menu) ................................ 132
Item > Define Filter Command (Actions Menu) ............................. 132

Item > Associate Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to associate the selected item with a specific symbol type. This option applies for
the Custom Symbol generation method only.
Before you can choose this command, you must select an item.

Item > Dissociate Command (Actions Menu)

Dissociates the selected item from the symbol type with which it is associated.
Before you can choose this command, you must select an item.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 131

Menu Commands

Item > Properties Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the appropriate dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation for editing the selected item, for
example, tag number, panel, terminal, cable, and so forth.

 Before you can choose this command, you must select an item.
 To view data changes that appear on the report, click View > Refresh.

Item > Define Filter Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the Define Filter for Item dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation to allow you to define
or modify a filter. The filter determines whether or not the software displays macro values for a
particular item.

Tag Documents Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the Documents window in SmartPlant Instrumentation where you can view and edit
documents related to the tag such as specification sheet, process data sheet, signal diagrams,
and so forth.
Before you can choose this command, you must select a tag number.

Connection > Connection Window Command (Actions Menu) ..... 132
Connection > Activate Connection Mode Command (Actions Menu)
....................................................................................................... 133
Connection > Associate Wiring Item Command (Actions Menu)... 133
Connection > Dissociate Wiring Item Command (Actions Menu).. 133

Connection > Connection Window Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the Connection window in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Wiring module to allow you to
edit the wiring connections of the selected item.

 Before you can choose this command, you must select a strip or a terminal.
 To view data changes that appear on the report, click View > Refresh.

132 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

Connection > Activate Connection Mode Command (Actions


Allows you to add connectors or jumpers between connection points on a custom symbol.
Before you can choose this command, you must select a strip or a terminal.

Connection > Associate Wiring Item Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to associate a connector symbol (line) on a drawing sheet with a particular cable,
set, or wire. This option applies for the Custom Symbol generation method only.
Before you can choose this command, you must select a strip or a terminal.

Connection > Dissociate Wiring Item Command (Actions Menu)

Disconnects selected wire from the connected item.

 This command only functions on custom drawings and when the Domain Explorer is
open in the Enhanced Report Utility.

Optimization > Redraw All Connections Command (Actions Menu)
....................................................................................................... 133
Optimization > By-Pass Strips Command (Actions Menu) ............ 134
Optimization > Optimize Overlapping Connectors Command (Actions
Menu) ............................................................................................. 134
Optimization > Gap Connectors Command (Actions Menu) ......... 134

Optimization > Redraw All Connections Command (Actions


Redraws all the connectors on the sheet to minimize the number of connector overlaps and

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 133

Menu Commands

Optimization > By-Pass Strips Command (Actions Menu)

Moves each connector (cable) that intersects a strip so that the connector by-passes the strip.

Optimization > Optimize Overlapping Connectors Command

(Actions Menu)

Repositions overlapping connectors so that they do not overlap on the drawing.

Optimization > Gap Connectors Command (Actions Menu)

Shows gapping for connectors that intersect one another.

Alignment > By Objects Command (Actions Menu) ...................... 134
Alignment > By Connection Command (Actions Menu) ................ 135
Alignment > Swap Objects Command (Actions Menu) ................. 135
Alignment > Switch Connector Side Command (Actions Menu) ... 135

Alignment > By Objects Command (Actions Menu)

Displays the Alignment ribbon for setting the alignment of two or more graphical
elements. You can align items by their left, right, top, or bottom edges and also by centering the
objects. Other options available on the Alignment ribbon are tangent (side by side) alignment
where the objects are moved next to each other on the horizontal or vertical plane, and the
space evenly option where the space between the objects is adjusted to be the same.

 Hold down the CTRL key while selecting each object individually.
 It is not possible to align macros and redlining items that are attached relative to items on
the drawing sheet.

134 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

Alignment > By Connection Command (Actions Menu)

Displays the Alignment ribbon for setting the alignment of two or more connected graphical
elements based on the position of the connector between them. You can align items by the left
or right connector position (for vertically aligned connectors), or by the top or bottom connector
position (for horizontally aligned connectors).
It is not possible to align macros and redlining items that are attached relative to items on
the drawing sheet.

Alignment > Swap Objects Command (Actions Menu)

This command is used to swap the positions of two objects on your report.
This command only affects the report display and has no effect on the sequencing,
connections, and so forth.

Alignment > Switch Connector Side Command (Actions Menu)

Switches the connectors and their wires from one side of a terminal to the opposite side of
the terminal.

 This command only functions on the drawing display to create a customized visual display
for your monitor or for printing. It has no effect on the sequencing, connections, and so
 You must select from the SmartPlant Instrumentation preferences, the preference Switch
terminal connector side (drawing only) under Enhanced Reports > Enhanced
SmartLoop or Fieldbus Loop > View to allow the report drawing to display the modification
after performing Refresh.

Redlining > Attach Command (Actions Menu) .............................. 136
Redlining > Move Command (Actions Menu) ................................ 136
Redlining > Delete Command (Actions Menu) .............................. 136

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 135

Menu Commands

Redlining > Attach Command (Actions Menu)

Attaches a redlining item (line, circle, rectangle, or drawing symbol) to the current drawing sheet
or layout, as you specify.

 Before you can choose this command, you must select a redlining item.
 You can also select an item and then select a redlining item to attach to all the items that are
of the same type as the selected item.
 To retain redlining items when you regenerate the report, click File > Save Custom

Redlining > Move Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to move redlining items (lines, circles, rectangles, or drawing symbols) that are
attached relative to items on the current drawing sheet or layout.

 You must choose this command before you can select a redlining item to move.
 To retain the new positions of the redlining items when you regenerate the report, click File
> Save Custom Changes.

Redlining > Delete Command (Actions Menu)

Deletes a redlining item.

 Before you can choose this command, you must select a redlining item.
 If you delete a redlining item that you attached to an item type or to a layout, the software
deletes all instances of the redlining item that appear with the item type or on the drawing
sheets that belong to the layout.

SmartText > New Command (Actions Menu) ................................ 137
SmartText > Properties Command (Actions Menu) ....................... 137
SmartText > Delete Command (Actions Menu) ............................. 137

136 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

SmartText > New Command (Actions Menu)

Adds SmartText to the report.

 You can specify whether the SmartText appears on the current drawing sheet or all the
sheets in the case of a multiple sheet drawing.
 To retain the SmartText when you regenerate the report, click File > Save Custom

SmartText > Properties Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to view and edit the text and font properties of a SmartText item.
Before you can choose this command, you must select an existing SmartText item.

SmartText > Delete Command (Actions Menu)

Deletes SmartText items.

 Before you can choose this command, you must select a SmartText item. Only one
SmartText item at a time can be selected and deleted.
 You should use this command, rather than the Delete key, if you want to delete all
occurrences of a SmartText item that appear on all the sheets of a multiple sheet drawing.

Macro > New Command (Actions Menu) ....................................... 137
Macro > Properties Command (Actions Menu) ............................. 138
Macro > Move Command (Actions Menu) ..................................... 138
Macro > Delete Command (Actions Menu) ................................... 138

Macro > New Command (Actions Menu)

Adds a macro to a symbol.

To add a macro to a symbol, you must first assign an item type for the symbol.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 137

Menu Commands

Macro > Properties Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to edit the properties of a macro or a macro label.

Before you can choose this command, you must select an existing macro or macro label.

Macro > Move Command (Actions Menu)

Allows you to move macros for generated items (panels, strips, terminals, cables, cable sets,
wires, ports, pins, and so forth) on the current drawing sheet or layout.

 You must choose this command before you can select a macro to move.
 To retain the new positions of the macros when you regenerate the report, click File > Save
Custom Changes.

Macro > Delete Command (Actions Menu)

Deletes a macro with its label.

Before you can choose this command, you must select an existing macro or macro label.

Generate Item Report Command (Actions Menu)

With an item selected on the current report, opens a dialog box from which you can select any
other report type that is available for the item for generating a report.

Compare Reports Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the Report Comparison Actions dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation to allow you
to compare the current enhanced report with an archived report or to compare two archived
reports. The software displays the comparison as a standard SmartPlant Instrumentation data
report and also by indicating graphical differences on both of the reports by means of cloud
Report comparison is only available if the SmartPlant Instrumentation Domain
Administrator has selected one of the options for saving revisions of the specified report in the
Report Management dialog box in the Administration module.

138 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

Revisions Command (Actions Menu)

Opens the Revisions dialog box in the SmartPlant Instrumentation Loop Drawings module to
allow you to add or update revisions for the selected item. Revision data appears in the report
title block.
To view data changes that appear on the report, click View > Refresh.

Off Page Connector

OPC Label Text Command............................................................ 139
Select OPC Pair Command ........................................................... 139

OPC Label Text Command

Actions > Off Page Connector > OPC Text Label

This command is only available if the selected OPC has an OPC Label text box assigned
to it.
You use this command to add text to an OPC Label text box, or to edit existing text, added to an
OPC symbol.

Select OPC Pair Command

Actions > Off Page Connector > Pair OPC.

This command is only available if you have previously selected an OPC on your loop
You use this command to open the Pair OPC dialog box. The Pair OPC dialog box, allows you
to select a target OPC from a list that is associated with the target loop drawing and Pair one of
them with the selected OPC. You also use this dialog box to unpair one OPC from another.

Insert Menu Commands

New Sheet Command .................................................................... 140

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 139

Menu Commands

New Sheet Command

Creates a new drawing sheet in the document using the default drawing sheet settings. You
can change the default settings using Sheet Setup.
You can create either a working sheet or a background sheet with this command. To create a
background sheet, set the Background Sheets toggle on the View menu before selecting New
Sheet. To create a working sheet, clear the Background Sheets toggle before selecting New
You can use the Tools >Customize command to place the Insert Sheet button on a

Tools Menu Commands

Domain Explorer Command (Tools Menu) .................................... 140
Reference Explorer Command (Tools Menu) ................................ 140

Domain Explorer Command (Tools Menu)

Displays the Domain Explorer, from which you can associate items with symbols, or drag items
with symbol associations onto the drawing sheet. You can also use F7 to display the Domain

 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.
 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Reference Explorer Command (Tools Menu)

Displays the Reference Explorer, from which you can associate items with symbols, or drag
items with symbol associations onto the drawing sheet. You can also use F8 to display the
Reference Explorer.

 Do not drag items from the Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer of SmartPlant
instrumentation to an Enhanced Report Utility drawing.
 The Enhanced Report Utility does not support the duplication of items in the Reference
Explorer or Domain Explorer, or the dragging of items from the Reference Explorer to the
Domain Explorer.

140 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

 The Domain Explorer or Reference Explorer referenced in the Enhanced Report Utility
documentation refers only to the Enhanced Report Utility explorers (unless otherwise stated
in the documentation).

Window Menu Commands

New Window Command ................................................................ 141
Cascade Command ....................................................................... 141
Tile Horizontally Command............................................................ 142
Tile Vertically Command ................................................................ 142
Window List Command .................................................................. 142

New Window Command

Opens a new window that displays the same document as the active window. The new
window appears on top of all the other windows and becomes the active window. If you change
the contents of the open document in one window, the other windows that contain the same
document reflect the changes.

You can use Tools > Customize to place the New Window button on a toolbar.
See Also
Cascade Command (on page 141)

Cascade Command
Overlaps windows diagonally across the screen.
You can use Tools > Customize to place the Cascade Windows button on a toolbar.
See Also
New Window Command (on page 141)

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 141

Menu Commands

Tile Horizontally Command

Arranges windows to fit horizontally on the screen. All the windows appear at an even distance
from each other on the screen.
See Also
New Window Command (on page 141)
Cascade Command (on page 141)

Tile Vertically Command

Arranges windows to fit vertically on the screen. All the windows appear at an even distance
from each other on the screen.
See Also
New Window Command (on page 141)
Cascade Command (on page 141)

Window List Command

Displays an alphabetical list of open document windows below the commands on the Window
menu. You can easily access another open document by clicking one of the window names on
the list.
See Also
New Window Command (on page 141)
Cascade Command (on page 141)

Help Menu Commands

Printable Guides Command (Help Menu) ...................................... 142

Printable Guides Command (Help Menu)

Opens the Printable Guides Help page for accessing the printable guides in PDF format.

142 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Menu Commands

Freeform Command (Draw Toolbar)

Draws freeform curves, or splines.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 143

Menu Commands

144 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Windows and Dialog Boxes

In This Section
Attach Redlining Dialog Box .......................................................... 145
Clear Position Dialog Box .............................................................. 146
General Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box) ................................. 146
General Tab (OPC Label Text Dialog Box) ................................... 147
General Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box) ........................... 148
Macro Text Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box) ............................ 149
Save Custom Changes Dialog Box ............................................... 150
Select OPC Pair Command ........................................................... 150
Text Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box)................................. 151

Attach Redlining Dialog Box

Sets options for attaching redlining items to items on a drawing. You use this dialog box to
define the position and save options for the redlining item.

For this drawing only — Click to save the selected redlining item with the item it is attached to
on all the drawings that you generate for that item.
For all drawings assigned to the current layout — Click to save the selected redlining item
with the item it is attached to on all drawings that belong to the same layout as the current

These options are only available when you select an item with the redlining item.
Fixed — Click to fix the position of the selected redlining item on the sheet and attach the
redlining item to the selected item only.
Relative to <item name> — Click to attach the redlining item relative to the position of the
selected item and for all the occurrences of that item per drawing or per layout. For this option,
when you move an item, the attached redlining item moves with the item.

When you attach a redlining item to an item, you attach it to all the items of the same type; for
example, to all panels. Using a filter allows you to attach redlining to specific items belonging to
the item type selected on the drawing; for example, only to those panels that are junction
boxes. You define filters in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Filter — Select a filter from the list of definitions.
Description — Type a meaningful description for the filter.
Use filter — Select this check box if you want to use the filter when setting the redlining position
as relative to an item. If you clear the check box, the software applies the macro to all
occurrences of the specified item type, such as panels, on the drawing.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 145

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Defines the color, margin settings, and background sheet display information.
Background sheet — Specifies the background sheet that you want to use for the working
sheet. If you have not created a background sheet, this box does not display any options. You
must first create a background sheet before you can select it from the list.
All graphics on the background sheet display on the working sheet. Changing the background
sheet updates the size and margin settings of the working sheet to the values defined by the
selected background sheet.
Show background — Displays the background sheet graphics on the selected working sheet.
Preview — Displays the range of the graphic to print on the printer paper.

Clear Position Dialog Box

Sets options for clearing the position of panel strips and connectors that you previously
positioned manually and saved after generating an enhanced report. The next time you
generate the report, these drawing elements appear in their default positions. You can clear the
position per drawing or per layout.

Clear position for

This drawing only — Select to clear the position of the drawing elements for the current report
All drawings assigned to the current layout — Select to clear the position of the drawing
elements for all reports that belong to the same layout as the current drawing.
Layout level for soft tags only — Select to clear the position of soft tags at the layout level,
other items positions are cleared at the drawing level.

General Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box)

Sets general options for defining a macro.

Macro definition
Macro type —Select the type that describes the selected item most accurately; for example,
select Instrument, Panel, or another type. Macros are categorized according to the type of
items that they influence.
Macro — Select a macro such as Panel Name, Manufacturer, or Model. The available
macros depend on the macro type that you selected.
Relation — For cases where the selected macro represents the property of an item that can
relate to the current item in several possible ways, you must select the particular relation that
you want to apply. For example, you can have a loop with a strip belonging to wiring equipment
in a rack, and another loop with a strip that is located directly in a rack. To resolve the rack data
correctly, you must define a macro with a different relation for each loop. When creating a
layout, the macro relation path must reflect the actual relationship between the items. For this
reason, you can only use that layout for loops where the relationship between the items is

146 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Macro function
You can add a function to a macro that is carried out on the macro, when the macro is used on a
drawing. For example, to remove spaces between sections of displayed tag numbers, you would
select the RemSpace function. You define the properties of the macro function in the
User-Defined Macro Function Properties dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation > Loop
module > Tables > User-Defined Macro Functions > Properties.
Function —Select the function you want performed on the Macro.
Description - Displays a description of the selected function.

When you add a macro to an item, you add it to all the items of the same type; for example, to
all panels. Using a filter allows you to add a macro to specific items belonging to the item type
selected on the drawing; for example, only to those panels that are junction boxes. You define
filters in SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Filter —Select a filter from the list of definitions.
Description - Type a meaningful description for the filter.
Use filter — Select this check box if you want to use the filter when adding the macro. If you
clear the check box, the software applies the macro to all occurrences of the specified item type,
such as panels, on the drawing.

Caption — Type the text that you want to appear as the label caption. Press the Enter key to
start a new line.
Display caption only — Select to display only the macro caption without the data value of the
item. This option only displays the caption if the selected property has a data value or if the
Display 'Null' when no data is available check box is selected.
Display 'Null' when no data is available — Select to display the string 'Null' in the case where
no value for the property exists in the database.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)

General Tab (OPC Label Text Dialog Box)

Adds an OPC Label text box and descriptive text, to the OPC symbol if opened from the Symbol
If opened from a loop drawing in the Enhanced Report Utility allows you to add text or edit
existing text in an OPC Label, and give the OPC a unique name.

Caption —Type the text that you want to appear on the OPC Label text box.
You can leave this blank and add text later in your loop drawing.

Set various options for how the SmartText is displayed.
Set as watermark (not available with OPC Label) — Select the box if you want to use the text
as a watermark, which means that it appears behind other drawing items.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 147

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) (Only available in the Symbol Editor) — Select the check
box to add an OPC Label text box to the OPC symbol.
Off Page Connector Name (Only available when Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) has been
selected and the OPC has been associated with a drawing.) — Displays the target loop name of
an associated OPC, as the name of the OPC, creating a unique name for the OPC. You can add
text to this field if required. This field holds up to 50 characters.

Textbox display
These options are only available when you add SmartText for the first time.
Current sheet (not available with OPC Label) — Click to display the SmartText item on the
current drawing sheet only.
All sheets (not available with OPC Label) — Click to display the SmartText item on all the
drawing sheets.

General Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box)

Sets general options for SmartText.

Caption —Type the text that you want to appear on the Enhanced SmartLoop drawing.

Set as watermark — Select the box if you want to use the text as a watermark, which means
that it appears behind other drawing items. This option is only available when you add
SmartText for the first time.
Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) (Only available in the Symbol Editor) — Select the check
box to add an OPC Label text box to the OPC symbol.
Off Page Connector Name (Only available when Set as Off Page Connector (OPC) has been
selected and the OPC has been associated with a drawing.) — Displays the target loop name of
an associated OPC, as the name of the OPC, creating a unique name for the OPC. You can add
text to this field if required. This field holds up to 50 characters.

Textbox display
These options are only available when you add SmartText for the first time.
Current sheet — Click to display the SmartText item on the current drawing sheet only.
All sheets — Click to display the SmartText item on the all the drawing sheets.

148 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Macro Text Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box)

Sets text properties such as font, size, alignment in the text box, and rotation.

The preview window displays the appearance of the selected font.
Font —Click to open the standard Windows Font dialog box to define the font, font style, size,
color, and other properties. Note that the default font, font style, and size are determined in the
Preferences dialog box in SmartPlant Instrumentation per enhanced report type; the default font
color is Black. If you select a default font other than a TrueType font (indicated by a TT
symbol), the Enhanced Report Utility displays the text with a yellow-green font, regardless of
any subsequent change you try to make to the font color in the Enhanced Report Utility.

Show border — Select this option to display a border around the text.

Horizontal — Select the horizontal alignment of the text: left, center, or right.
Vertical — Select the vertical alignment of the text: top, center, bottom, or justified.

Rotation — Type the rotation angle of the text in degrees. You can enter positive values from 0
to 360 degrees, or negative values to 180 degrees. The text rotates clockwise when you type a
negative value.
Orientation — Select horizontal or vertical orientation of the text inside the text box.
See Also
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Sheet (on page 54)
Defines the name of a drawing sheet. You can also change the name of a drawing sheet.
Sheet name — Specifies a name for the drawing sheet. You can also use this box to rename a
drawing sheet by selecting the sheet in the document before clicking Sheet Setup on the File
To change the default setting of the Sheet Tab name permanently you must
change the name in the SmartPlantEN.dll. For more information, consult the SmartPlant
Instrumentation Administration module help.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 149

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Save Custom Changes Dialog Box

Sets options for saving the position of Hook-Ups, panel strips and connectors that you moved
after generating an enhanced report, or for saving SmartText, macros, or redlining that you
added or modified in the report. You can save custom changes per drawing or per layout.
Save macros and annotations —- Select to save custom changes that you made to macros or
Save position —- Select to retain the position of drawing elements (symbols, connectors) that
you moved during the current drawing session.

Save position at
When you select the Save position check box, the following options become available:
 Drawing level —- Select to retain the position of the drawing elements for the current
drawing only.
 Layout level —- Select to retain the position of the drawing elements for all reports that
belong to the same layout as the current drawing. Note that this option applies for custom
layouts only, not for the default layout.
 Layout level for soft tags only — Select to retain the position of soft tags for all reports
that belong to the same layout as the current drawing. When you select this option, all other
drawing elements are saved at the level of the drawing.
After generating a loop, and saving it using Save Custom Changes, you cannot change
the generation method of the loop to Custom by signal or Custom by loop. Changing the
generation method causes the generation of the drawing to contain inaccuracies. To change the
generation method, you must first clear the custom changes using the Clear Position

Select OPC Pair Command

Actions > Off Page Connector > Pair OPC.
This command is only available if you have previously selected an OPC on your loop
You use this command to open the Pair OPC dialog box. The Pair OPC dialog box, allows you
to select a target OPC from a list that is associated with the target loop drawing and Pair one of
them with the selected OPC. You also use this dialog box to unpair one OPC from another.
Defines details for the drawing sheet size, scale, and print setup information.
Sheet size — Sets the size for the drawing sheet.
Same as print setup — Sets the drawing sheet size using the current print setup definition. For
example, if the printer is set up as 8 1/2 X 11, the drawing sheet size is set up as 8 1/2 X 11.
Standard — Defines the drawing sheet size from a list of standard ANSI and ISO paper sizes.
Custom — Defines the drawing sheet size according to the entered width and height values.
Drawing scale — Sets options for the scale of the drawing sheet.
Scale (1:1) — Sets the drawing scale to a 1:1 ratio. As a result, the representation of the objects
on the drawing sheet is the same size as the real- world object being described.

150 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Select Scale — Sets the drawing scale to a standard ratio. The specified ratio defines the size
of the drawing in relation to the size of the real-world object. For a 2:1 ratio, the 2 represents the
size of the drawing and the 1 represents the size of the real-world object.
Custom — Defines a custom or scale ratio. The first value defines the distance on the drawing
sheet and the second value defines what this distance is equal to in the real world.
Paper units — Sets the paper units for the drawing sheet.
Units — Controls the display of numeric values in dialog boxes that define the size of
non-scaled objects. Some examples of non-scaled object values are text height and line width.
This setting does not affect dimension units.
Only value boxes use this option. For example, if you are working in feet and inches, you can
specify that you want to read and enter values for text height in fractional inches. (1/8" instead of
When printing or plotting a drawing sheet, the non-scaled items appear on the printed
document with the exact size that you specify.
Precision — Sets the number of significant figures to display, or the accuracy of the unit
readout value. The precision setting does not change the numbers that you can type in the
fields, only the display of the numbers in the field. Values ending in 5 are rounded up to the next
whole number.
For example, if you set this control to .001 and you draw a line that is 2.1056 inches, then the
line length value is rounded. The length value appears as 2.106 inches. If you set this control to
0.01 and you type a line length value of 3.5 mm, the length value appears as 3.50 mm.

Text Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box)

Sets text properties such as font, size, alignment in the text box, and rotation.

The preview window displays the appearance of the selected font.
Font —Click to open the standard Windows Font dialog box to define the font, font style, size,
color, and other properties. You determine the default font, font style, and size in the
SmartPlant Instrumentation Preferences dialog box enhanced report type; the default font color
is Black. If you select a default font other than a TrueType font (indicated by a TT symbol), the
Enhanced Report Utility displays the text with a yellow-green font, regardless of any subsequent
change you try to make to the font color in the Enhanced Report Utility.
The text effect Strikeout does not function with SmartText.

Show border — Select this option to display a border around the text.

Horizontal — Select the horizontal alignment of the text: left, center, or right.
Vertical — Select the vertical alignment of the text: top, center, bottom, or justified.

Rotation — Type the rotation angle of the text in degrees. You can enter positive values from 0
to 360 degrees, or negative values to 180 degrees. The text rotates counter-clockwise when
you type a positive value.

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 151

Windows and Dialog Boxes

Orientation — Select the orientation of the text inside the text box: horizontal or vertical.

152 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

Windows and Dialog Boxes

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 153


Actions Menu Commands • 131 Cascade Command • 141
Add a Label to an OPC • 125 Change the Symbols for a Terminal Type •
Add a Loop to a Custom Layout with User 105
Defined (customized) Symbols • 71 Clear Position Command • 130
Add a Macro or a Macro Label to a Drawing Clear Position Dialog Box • 146
Sheet • 54 Close the Symbol Explorer • 114
Add a Macro to a Control System Tag or Compare Archived Reports • 101
Non-Wiring Tag Symbol File • 56 Compare Reports • 100
Add a Macro to a Symbol File • 121 Compare Reports Command (Actions
Add a Symbol as a Redlining Item • 84 Menu) • 138
Add an OPC Between Drawings to a Loop Comparing Enhanced Reports • 99
Drawing • 77 Connect Individual Wires in a Custom Loop
Add and Format a Redlining Item • 84 or Custom Signal Report • 75
Add Connection Points to a Symbol File • Connecting Individual Wires in an Custom
122 Loop or Custom Signal Report • 74
Add SmartText • 51 Connection • 132
Add SmartText to a Symbol File • 121 Connection > Activate Connection Mode
Add Starting Points to a Symbol File • 124 Command (Actions Menu) • 133
Add Text to an OPC Label • 80 Connection > Associate Wiring Item
Add User Defined (customized) Symbols to Command (Actions Menu) • 133
an Enhanced Report • 69 Connection > Connection Window
Add Wire Macros to Connection Points • Command (Actions Menu) • 132
123 Connection > Dissociate Wiring Item
Align Drawing Objects • 91, 120 Command (Actions Menu) • 133
Alignment • 134 Control System Tag Macro List • 57
Alignment > By Connection Command Create a Custom Layout with User Defined
(Actions Menu) • 135 (customized) Symbols • 71
Alignment > By Objects Command (Actions Create a Custom Template • 16
Menu) • 134 Create a Location Layout Report • 66
Alignment > Swap Objects Command Create a Logo Symbol • 26
(Actions Menu) • 135 Create a Panel Layout Report • 67
Alignment > Switch Connector Side Create a Template Using a Background
Command (Actions Menu) • 135 Sheet • 17
Annotating Enhanced Reports • 83 Create a Title Block File • 19
Assign a Layout to Enhanced Report Items Create a User Defined (customized)
• 32 Symbol • 115
Associate a Symbol with an Instrument Create Filters for Items • 47
Type • 105 Create Symbols for a Location Layout
Associate a Symbol with an Item • 64 Report • 116
Associate an Item with a User Defined Create Symbols for a Panel Layout Report •
Symbol on a Drawing Sheet • 65 117
Attach a Macro or a Macro Label to an Item Create Symbols for an Enhanced
• 54 SmartLoop Report • 118
Attach Redlining Dialog Box • 145 Creating a Custom Layout with User
Attach Redlining Symbols with Macros to Defined (customized) Symbols • 70
Drawing Items • 86 Creating a Wiring Equipment Symbol
Attach Redlining to Drawing Items • 85 Assembly • 119

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 155


Creating Enhanced Reports with User G

Defined (Customized) Symbols • 61
General (SmartText Properties) • 125
Creating User Defined (customized)
General Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Box)
Symbols for Specific Reports • 116
• 146
Customize a Symbol • 124
General Tab (OPC Label Text Dialog Box) •
Customize a Title Block • 19
Customizing Title Blocks • 18
General Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog
Box) • 148
D General Workflow When Working with the
Define a Logo Path • 26 Enhanced Report Utility • 10
Define a Title Block Macro • 20 Generate a Cable Harness Report • 44
Define and Use a Custom View • 105 Generate a Fieldbus Loop Report • 43
Define General Enhanced Report Layout Generate a PA Amplifier Report • 46
Properties • 29 Generate a Profibus Report • 43
Define Shared Symbol and Template Generate a Segment Wiring Report • 44
Folders for Multiple Users • 35 Generate a Single Speaker Report • 45
Defining Enhanced Report Layouts • 28 Generate a Strip Signal Report • 41
Delete a Logo • 27 Generate a Wiring Equipment Connections
Delete a Macro or a Macro Label • 56 Report • 42
Delete an Enhanced Report Layout • 33 Generate an Enhanced Cable Layout
Delete Connection Points • 123 Report • 40
Delete Filters for Items • 48 Generate an Enhanced Panel-Strip Report •
Delete Redlining • 87 41
Delete SmartText • 52 Generate an Enhanced SmartLoop Report
Disconnect Individual Wires in an Enhanced Using User Defined (customized)
Report • 75 Symbols • 68
Display Binder Package Revision Attributes Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports •
in an Enhanced Report • 106 39
Display Enhanced Report Layouts • 29 Generate Enhanced SmartLoop Reports
Displaying Logos • 25 from Wiring Signals • 40
Dissociate a Symbol from an Item • 65 Generate Item Report Command (Actions
Domain Explorer Command (Tools Menu) • Menu) • 138
140 Generate Tag Documents • 104
Duplicate a Custom Template • 16 Generating Enhanced Reports • 39
Duplicate an Enhanced Report Layout • 32
E Help Menu Commands • 142
Edit a Macro or a Macro Label • 55
Edit an Item • 104 I
Edit Filters for Items • 47
Incorporating Soft Tags Within an
Edit SmartText • 51
Enhanced Loop Drawing • 60
Editing Items • 103
Insert Additional Sheets in a Report • 89
Enhanced Report Utility • 9
Insert Menu Commands • 139
Inserting Sheets • 89
F Item • 131
Features of the Enhanced Report Utility • 11 Item > Associate Command (Actions Menu)
File Menu Commands • 129 • 131
Formatting Enhanced Reports • 89 Item > Define Filter Command (Actions
Formatting Enhanced Reports Common Menu) • 132
Tasks • 90 Item > Dissociate Command (Actions
Freeform Command (Draw Toolbar) • 143 Menu) • 131

156 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide


Item > Properties Command (Actions Place Property Labels on a Drawing Sheet •
Menu) • 132 24
Position a Symbol Using the Symbol
M Position Command • 70
Printable Guides Command (Help Menu) •
Macro • 137 142
Macro > Delete Command (Actions Menu) •
Macro > Move Command (Actions Menu) • R
138 Redlining • 135
Macro > New Command (Actions Menu) • Redlining > Attach Command (Actions
137 Menu) • 136
Macro > Properties Command (Actions Redlining > Delete Command (Actions
Menu) • 138 Menu) • 136
Macro Text Tab (Macro Properties Dialog Redlining > Move Command (Actions
Box) • 149 Menu) • 136
Menu Commands • 129 Reduce Generation Time for Enhanced
Modify Terminal Type Symbols • 104 Reports • 36
Move a Macro • 91 Reducing Generation Time for Enhanced
Move a Redlining Item • 91 Reports • 36
Move the Symbol Explorer • 113 Reference Explorer Command (Tools
Menu) • 140
N Refresh Command (View Menu) • 130
Remove a User Defined Symbol from a
Naming OPCs • 79 Drawing Sheet • 66
New Sheet Command • 140 Revising and Comparing Saved Enhanced
New Window Command • 141 Reports • 99
Non-Wiring Tag Macro List • 58 Revisions Command (Actions Menu) • 139

Off Page Connector • 139 Save a Report in a Different Format • 95
Off Page Connectors • 77, 78 Save Custom Changes Command • 129
OPC Label Text Command • 139 Save Custom Changes Dialog Box • 150
Open Documents from the Symbol Explorer Save Custom Changes to an Enhanced
• 113 Report • 97
Open Target Loop Drawing From Paired Save Panel Strip and Connector Positions •
OPC • 80 96
Optimization • 133 Saving Custom Changes to Enhanced
Optimization > By-Pass Strips Command Reports • 97
(Actions Menu) • 134 Saving Enhanced Reports • 95
Optimization > Gap Connectors Command Saving Panel Strip and Connector Positions
(Actions Menu) • 134 • 96
Optimization > Optimize Overlapping Scale a Report to Fit Printer Paper Size •
Connectors Command (Actions Menu) • 106
134 Select OPC Pair Command • 139, 150
Optimization > Redraw All Connections Serial Fire and Gas Loops • 13
Command (Actions Menu) • 133 Set Filter Conditions for Item Properties • 48
Set the Tag Priorities Within a Loop • 35
P Set the Title Block Position • 30
Pair OPCs • 80 Set the Working Area Margins • 31
Performing Miscellaneous Activities in Setting Enhanced Report Utility Parameters
Enhanced Reports • 103 • 35
Place a Logo on an Enhanced Report • 26 Setting the Wiring Representation • 36

SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide 157


Sheet Setup Command • 130 W

SmartText • 136
Window List Command • 142
SmartText > Delete Command (Actions
Window Menu Commands • 141
Menu) • 137
Windows and Dialog Boxes • 145
SmartText > New Command (Actions
Working with User Defined (customized)
Menu) • 137
Symbols in Enhanced Reports Common
SmartText > Properties Command (Actions
Tasks • 114
Menu) • 137
Specify a Path for the Symbol Editor • 115
Specify the Title Block Size Manually • 31
Splitting a Terminal Strip • 93
Swapping Objects • 92
Switching a Connector Side • 93
Symbol Editor • 109
Symbol Explorer Window • 111
Symbol Ribbon • 127

Tag Documents Command (Actions Menu)
• 132
Text Tab (SmartText Properties Dialog Box)
• 151
The Symbol Explorer • 109
Tile Horizontally Command • 142
Tile Vertically Command • 142
Title Block Macro List • 20
Tools Menu Commands • 140

Unpair a Paired OPC • 81
Update a Revision • 99
Update an Assembly • 76, 126
Updating Revisions • 99
Using Enhanced Report Layouts • 27
Using Enhanced Report Utility Help • 13
Using Filters • 47
Using Macros • 53
Using Redlining Common Tasks • 83
Using SmartText • 51
Using Templates • 14
Using Templates Common Tasks • 15
Using the Symbol Position Command
Workflow • 72

View a Web Page with the Symbol Explorer
• 112
View Documents with the Symbol Explorer •
View Menu Commands • 130

158 SmartPlant Instrumentation Enhanced Report Utility User's Guide

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