DeRose, Keith - 'Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions'

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International Phenomenological Society

Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions

Author(s): Keith DeRose
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 913-929
Published by: International Phenomenological Society
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Accessed: 04/07/2012 12:34

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Philosophy and PhenomenologicalResearch
Vol. LI1,No. 4, December1992

Contextualism and Knowledge

New York University

I. Contextualism: Initial Exposition.

Consider the following cases.

Bank Case A. My wife and I are driving home on a Friday after-

noon. We plan to stop at the bank on the way home to deposit our
paychecks. But as we drive past the bank, we notice that the lines
inside are very long, as they often are on Friday afternoons.
Although we generally like to deposit our paychecks as soon as
possible, it is not especially important in this case that they be
deposited right away, so I suggest that we drive straight home
and deposit our paychecks on Saturday morning. My wife says,
"Maybe the bank won't be open tomorrow. Lots of banks are
closed on Saturdays." I reply, "No, I know it'll be open. I was
just there two weeks ago on Saturday. It's open until noon."

Bank Case B. My wife and I drive past the bank on a Friday after-
noon, as in Case A, and notice the long lines. I again suggest that
we deposit our paychecks on Saturday morning, explaining that I
was at the bank on Saturday morning only two weeks ago and dis-
covered that it was open until noon. But in this case, we have just
written a very large and very important check. If our paychecks
are not deposited into our checking account before Monday morn-
ing, the important check we wrote will bounce, leaving us in a
very bad situation. And, of course, the bank is not open on Sunday.
My wife reminds me of these facts. She then says, "Banks do
change their hours. Do you know the bank will be open tomor-
row?" Remaining as confident as I was before that the bank will
be open then, still, I reply, "Well, no. I'd better go in and make

Assume that in both cases the bank will be open on Saturdayand that there is
nothing unusual about either case that has not been included in my descrip-
tion of it. It seems to me that (1) when I claim to know that the bank will
be open on Saturdayin case A, I am saying something true. But it also seems
that (2) I am saying something true in Case B when I concede that I don't
know that the bank will be open on Saturday.Yet I seem to be in no better
position to know in Case A than in Case B. It is quite naturalto say that (3)
If I know that the bank will be open on Saturdayin Case A, then I also know
that it will be in Case B.
Is there any conflict here among (1), (2), and (3)? I hope not, because I
want to investigate and defend a view according to which all three of them
are true. Of course, it would be inconsistent to claim that (1) and (2) are
true, and also hold that (4) If what I say in Case A in claiming to know that
the bank will be open on Saturdayis true, then what I say in Case B in con-
ceding that I don't know that the bank will be open on Saturdayis false. But
there is a big difference between (3) and (4), and this difference is crucial to
the view I want to investigate and defend.
We may, following Peter Unger, call the view I want to investigate a
"contextual"' theory of knowledge attributions:it is a theory according to
which the truthconditions of sentences of the form "S knows that p" or "S
does not know that p" vary in certain ways according to the context in
which the sentences are uttered.2The contextualist can deny (4) even while
admitting that I am in no better position to know in Case A than in Case B.
The contexts of my utterancesin the two cases make it easier for a knowl-
edge attributionto be truein Case A than in Case B.
There are importantcontextual differences between Case A and Case B
which one might think are relevant. First, there is the importance of being
right. In Case B. a lot hinges on whetheror not the bank will be open on Sat-
urday, while in Case A it is not nearly as important that I be right. One

1 I take the terms "contextualism"and "invariantism"from Unger (1984).

2 The importance of this theory will not be confined to knowledge attributions. For in-
stance, in DeRose (1991) I argue that S's assertion, "It is possible that P," where the em-
bedded P is in the indicative mood, is true if and only if (1) no member of the relevant
community knowsthat P is false and (2) there is no relevantway by which members of the
relevantcommunity can come to knowthat Pis false. As I there argue, there is a great deal
of flexibility in the matter of who is and is not to be counted as a member of the relevant
community and what is and is not to be counted as a relevantway of coming to know: That
these mattersare determinedby aspects of the contexts in which the statementis made. If,
as I am here defending, there is a contextually-determined variation on how good an
epistemic position one must be in to count as knowing, then--since epistemic possibilities
have entirely to do with what is and is not known and what can and cannot come to be
known in certain ways-this variation will affect the content of epistemic modal state-
ments as well: As the standardsfor knowledge go up, and it becomes harderand harderfor
a knowledge attributionto be true, it will become easier and easier for an assertion of
epistemic possibility to be true.

might think that requirements for making a knowledge attributiontrue go
up as the stakes go Up.3

Second, there is the mentioning of a possibility. In Case B my wife raises

the possibility that the bank may have changed its hours in the last two
weeks. One might think that if this possibility has been mentioned, I cannot
truly claim to know that the bank will be open on Saturday on the ground
that two weeks ago it was open on Saturdayunless I can rule out the possi-
bility that the bank's hours have changed since then. On the other hand, per-
haps I don't have to be able to rule out this possibility in order to truly say I
know if, as in Case A, no such possibility has not been suggested.4
Third, there is the consideration of a possibility. Since my wife raised the
possibility of the bank changing its hours in Case B, I have thatpossibility in
mind when I uttermy sentence. Perhaps,since I am considering this possibil-
ity, I must be able to rule it out in order to truthfully claim to know that
the bank will be open on Saturday.On the other hand, in Case A I am not
considering the possibility, so perhaps I do not have to be able to rule it out
in order to truthfully say that I know that the bank will be open on Satur-
day.5 (Of course, it must still be true that the bank will be open on Saturday
in order for m~eto know that it will be.)
Again following Unger, we may call someone who denies that the types
of contextual factors we have just looked at affect the truth conditions of
knowledge attributions an "invariantist." According to the invariantist,
such features of an utterance of a knowledge attributiondo not affect how
good an epistemic position the putative knower must be in for the attribu-
tion to be true. In considering the Bank Cases, for instance, the invariantist
will assert (4), which seems very plausible, and will therefore deny either
(1) or (2). Typically, the invariantistwill deny (1). In fact, Unger uses the
term "invariantism" to denote the position that the standards for true
knowledge attributionsremain constant and very high-as high as they can
possibly be. This position I will call "sceptical invariantism," leaving the
more general term "invariantism" to denote any position according to
which the truthconditions for knowledge attributiondo not vary in the way

That the importance of being right is an important contextual factor is suggested in

Austin (1961), p. 76, fn. 1. Dretske denies the importance of this factor in (1981a), pp.
David Lewis (1979) stresses this contextual factor, presenting an interesting account of
how the mentioning of sceptical possibilities can affect the range of relevant alternatives
by means of what he calls a "ruleof accommodation."In Chapter3 (see especially section
I) of DeRose (1990), I argue that Lewis's account is not complete, and I locate an indepen-
dent mechanism of standardchanging which, I now believe, is at least as important(and
probably considerably more important)to the application of contextualism to the prob-
lem of scepticism as is the mechanismLewis has located.
Alvin I. Goldman (1976) stresses the importanceof what possibilities the speaker is con-


the contextualist claims they do, whether or not the standardsare said to be
very high. I will then use "non-scepticalinvariantism"to refer to a position
according to which the standardsare held to be constant but relatively low.6
The sceptical invariantistwill deny (1). She may admit that I am warranted
in asserting that I know in Case A or that it is useful for me to say that I
know, but will insist that what I say in claiming that I know is, strictly
speaking, false. On the otherhand,similar maneuverscan be used by the non-
sceptical invariantist to deny (2). A non-sceptical invariantist may admit
that I should not say that I know in Case B, because my wife mistakenly
thinks that I must be able to rule out the possibility that the bank has
changed its hours in order to know that the bank will be open on Saturday,
and saying that I know will lead her to believe that I can rule out that possi-
bility. Still, my wife is mistaken about this requirement,and if I were to say
that I knew, I would be saying something that is, though misleading, true.
Thus, it is useful for me to assert that I don't know. But for all its useful-
ness, my assertion is, strictly speaking, false.
Contextualists, of course, can disagree about what types of features of
the context of utterance really do affect the truth conditions of knowledge
attributions and to what extent they do so. I will not here enter into this
thorny issue, although I have a preference for the more "objective" fea-
tures-like the importanceof being right and what has been said in the con-
versation-and tend to discount as relevant to truth conditions such
"subjective" features as what possibilities the speaker is considering.7 In
this paper I address some general issues that confront any contextualist. In
Part II, I distinguish between contextualism and a very prominent theory of

6 While Unger does not even consider the view that the standardsfor true knowledge attri-
butions don't change but are held constantat a fairly low level, non-sceptical invariantism
is defended (at least conditionally) by Robert Hambourger(1987). Hambourgerargues
that if the standards are constant (Hambourgerdoes not believe that this antecedent is
true), then they must be fairly low (pp. 256-57). In the terminology I have introduced,
Hambourgeris arguing that if some form of invariantismis correct, it must be a form of
non-sceptical invariantism.
7 My main reason for discounting as relevant to truth conditions the matter of what the
speaker is thinking, at least with respect to spoken interactionsbetween people, is that I
don't think that one should be able, merely by a private act of one's own thought to drasti-
cally "strengthen"the content of "know"in such a way that one can truly say to someone
who is quite certain that he is wearing pants, "You don't know you're wearing pants,"
without there having been anything in the conversation to indicate that the strength of
"know"has been raised. There mightyet be a fairly tight connection between what raises
the truthcondition standardsand what speakers tendto think or perhapswhat they should
think of the standardsas being. Perhaps the truth condition standardsare what a typical
speaker would take them to be or should take them to be, given what has gone on in the
conversation.But it seems unfair to one's interlocutorfor the truthcondition standardsof
a public,spokenknowledge attributionto be changed by an idiosyncratic,privatedecision.
It is far more plausible to suppose that when one is thinkingto one'sself about what is or
is not "known," the content of "know" is directly tied to the strength the thinker

knowledge which has been called the "relevant alternatives" theory (RA),
and in Part III, I respond to an important objection to which any form of
contextualism seems vulnerable.
By thus isolating and defending contextualism, I will do much to clear
the way for contextualist resolutions to sceptical arguments. Contextual
theories of knowledge attributions have almost invariably been developed
with an eye towards providing some kind of answer to philosophical scepti-
cism. For some sceptical arguments threatento show, not only that we fail
to meet very high requirements for knowledge of interest to philosophers
seeking absolute certainty, but also that we don't meet the truth conditions
of ordinary, out-on-the-street claims to know. They thus threaten to estab-
lish the startling result that we never, or almost never, truly ascribe knowl-
edge to ourselves or to other human beings. According to contextual analy-
sis, when the sceptic presents her arguments, she manipulates various con-
versationalmechanisms that raise the semantic standardsfor knowledge, and
therebycreates a context in which she can truly say that we know nothing or
very little. But the fact that the sceptic can thus install very high standards
which we don't live up to has no tendency to show that we don't satisfy the
more relaxed standardsthat are in place in ordinaryconversations.Thus, it is
hoped, our ordinaryclaims to know will be safeguardedfrom the apparently
powerful attacks of the sceptic, while, at the same time, the persuasiveness
of the sceptical argumentsis explained.8
Many find such contextualist resolutions of sceptical argumentsvery at-
tractive, especially since their main competition is the sceptical invariantist
resolutions according to which the persuasiveness of various sceptical argu-
ments is explained in a way as alarmingas it is simple: They seem persuasive
because they are indeed sound and successfully establish the startling con-
clusion that we never or almost never truly ascribe knowledge.9 But many,
while finding the contextualist resolutions a preferable alternative to an
unacceptablyradical form of scepticism, at the same time feel an initial re-
sistance, closely related to the appeal of (4), to the thought that contextual
factors of the types I've mentioned can really affect whether or not a subject
knows.10While many are willing to accept this thought in order to avoid the

8 While, as I've said, contextualist theories (including contextualist versions of RA) are
almost invariably developed with an eye towards philosophical scepticism, the most
thoroughly worked out contextualist attempts to resolve the problem of scepticism that
Iam aware of are to be found in Unger (1986), Cohen (1988) (see also Cohen (1987)), and
DeRose (1990), especially Chapter3. Fred Dretske has also applied this type of theory of
knowledge to the problem of scepticism in several places. See Dretske (1970), (1971),
(1981a), and (1981b).
9 See Unger (1975).
10 A typical objection one meets in presenting contextualism, as I know from personal ex-
perience, is: "How can our context have anything to do with whether or not Henry
knows?", where Henry is a characterin an example and so is not present in the room.


sceptical conclusion, there remains a feeling that the contextualist is asking
them to swallow pretty hard-although perhaps not quite so hard as the
sceptical invariantist would have them swallow. As contextualists have
rushed to apply their theories to the problem of scepticism, this initial resis-
tance has not yet been adequatelyaddressed.I will address this resistance, as
well as some explicit objections to contextualism that have been raised in
the philosophical literatureand which are based on the source of this resis-
tance, in Part III below. But first, in Part II, we must carefully distinguish
contextualism from RA.

II. Contextualism and "Relevant Alternatives."

The most popular form of contextualism, I think it is fair to say, is what has
been called the "relevant alternatives" view of knowledge (RA). But we
must be careful here. As we shall see, it is a bit tricky to say just in what
sense RA is a contextualist view. According to RA, a claim to know that p
is made within a certain framework of relevant alternatives which are in-
compatible with p. To know that p is to be able to distinguish p from these
relevant alternatives, to be able to rule out these relevant alternatives to p.
But not every contraryof or alternativeto p is a relevant alternative." In an
ordinarycase of, say, claiming to know that some animals in a zoo are zebras,
to borrow an example introduced by Fred Dretske,'2 the alternative that
they are cleverly painted mules is not a relevantalternative,and one need not
be able to rule it out in order truly to claim to know that the animals are ze-
bras. But in an extraordinarycase, that alternative might be relevant. How
can it become relevant?
In one of the standardpresentations of RA, Alvin Goldman (1976) pre-
sents various factors which can affect the range of relevant alternatives.
These factors may be divided into two groups. First, there are features of the
putative knower's situation; these I will call "subject factors."'3A subject
in an ordinarysituation can be truly said to know that what he sees up ahead
is a barn even if he cannot rule out the possibility that it is just a barn facade.
But, Goldman points out, if there are a lot of such facades in the putative
knower's vicinity, then the possibility that what the person is seeing is just a
facade is a relevant alternative,and the person does not know that he is see-
ing a barn,even if what he sees happensto be an actualbarn(pp. 772-73).
Second, there are features of the speaker's situation, which I will call
"attributorfactors." Goldman writes, "It is not only the circumstances of
the putative knower's situation, however, that influence the choice of alter-

See Goldman(1976), p. 772; Stine (1976), p. 249; and Dretske(1970), p. 1022.

See Dretske(1970), pp. 1015-1016.
13 Please note that by "subject factors"I do not mean subjective (as opposed to objective)
factors. I rathermean factors having to do with the putativesubject of knowledge and her
surroundings(as opposed to the attributorof knowledge).

natives. The speaker's own linguistic and psychological context are also im-
portant." Goldman suggests that "if the speaker is in a class where
Descartes's evil demon has just been discussed," then certain alternatives
may be relevantwhich ordinarilyare not (p. 776).
Insofar as a relevant alternatives theorist allows attributor factors to
influence which alternatives are relevant, he is a contextualist. An invari-
antist can be a relevant alternatives theorist if he allows only subject fac-
tors to influence which alternatives are relevant.'4 Consider two situations
in which Henry has a good, clear look at what he takes to be-and what, in
fact, is-a barn.In Case C thereare no barnfacades around,but in Case D the
area Henry finds himself in is (unbeknownst to him) teeming with barn fa-
cades, although Henry is luckily looking at the only actual barn in the area.
This does not seem to be a pairof cases in which Henry is in equally good po-
sitions to know that what he is seeing is a barn; the conditional, If Henry
knows in Case C, then he knows in Case D does not seem to be true, so the
invariantist can agree that a sentence attributing knowledge to Henry in
Case C can be true, while one attributingknowledge to him in Case D is
false. And he can use the idea of "relevant alternatives"to explain the dif-
ference. Thus, although most versions of RA allow attributorfactors to be
relevant and are therefore contextualist views, an RA theorist need not be a
Of course, in first-personpresent tense knowledge claims, the attributor
of knowledge and the putative subject of knowledge are in the same situa-
tion (they are the same person at the same time). If Henry says, "I know that
that's a barn," there is no difference between the speaker and the putative
knower. In this situation the invariantist RA theorist will allow only fac-
tors that attach to Henry qua putative knower (e.g. the presence or lack of
facades in his vicinity) to matter in evaluating his claim for truth,while the
contextualist will also allow factors that attach to Henry qua attributorof
knowledge (such as whetheror not the issue of facades has been raised in the
conversation) to matter.'5
Although Goldman draws the distinction between what I am calling
subject factors and attributorfactors, he does not explain the importance of
this distinction. I am stressing it because it is crucial to some of the impor-

Thus, what Goldman calls the "first view" of RA, according to which "a complete
specification"of the putative knower's situation determines "a unique set of relevant al-
ternatives"(pp. 775-76), is an invariantistversion of RA. Goldman does not endorse this
view; he says he is "attractedby the second view" (p. 777), which clearly is a contextual-
ist version of RA.
5 Some factors, I believe, will both affect how good an epistemic position the
speaker/putativeknower is in and (at least according to the contextualist)how good a po-
sition he must be in to make his knowledge claims true. Thus, they will be both subject
and attributorfactors.


tant claims RA theorists have wanted to make about the meanings of
knowledge attributions.' Gail Stine, for example, writes:

In Dretske's zoo example, the animal's being a mule paintedto look like a zebra is not a relevant
alternative.So what one means when one says that John knows the animal is a zebra, is that he
knows it is a zebra, as opposed to a gazelle, an antelope, or other animals one would normally
expect to find in a zoo. If, however, being a mule painted to look like a zebrabecame a relevant
alternative,then one would literally mean something different in saying that John knows that
the animal is a zebra from what one meant originally and that something else may well be false.
(Stine (1976), p. 255)

But here we must be very careful. Much depends on how the animal's being a
painted mule has become a relevant alternative.Suppose that it has become a
relevantalternativedue to a change in subject factors:There has been a zebra
shortageand many zoos (even reputablezoos) have been using painted mules
in an attempt to fool the zoo-going public. This could come about without
the speaker's knowing it. Would one then mean something different by say-
ing that John knows that the animal is a zebra?I think not.
The meaning of "meaning," of course, is difficult to get hold of. But
there seems to be a fairly straightforwardand importantsense in which one
does mean something different if the range of relevant alternativeshas been
changed by attributorfactors but does not mean something different if the
range of relevant alternatives has been changed only by subject factors.
Stewart Cohen, whose version of RA clearly is a contextualist one, writes
that he

construes "knowledge"as an indexical. As such, one speakermay attributeknowledge to a sub-

ject while another speaker denies knowledge to that same subject, without contradiction.
(Cohen (1988), p. 97)

This lack of contradictionis the key to the sense in which the knowledge at-
tributorand the knowledge denier mean something different by "know." It
is similar to the sense in which two people who think they are in the same
room but are in fact in differentrooms and are talking to each over an inter-
com mean something different by "this room" when one claims, "Frankis
not in this room" and the other insists, "Frankis in this room-I can see
him!" There is an importantsense in which both do mean the same thing by
"this room," in which they are using the phrase in the same sense. But there
is also an importantsense in which they do not mean the same thing by the

I furtherdiscuss the importanceof this distinction between subject factors and attributor
factors and the resulting contextualist view according to which content varies in response
to attributorfactors in Chapter 1 of DeRose (1990). In particular,I there discuss, in addi-
tion to the issues treated in the present paper, the advantages such a view according to
which content varies over a range has over theories like that put forward in Malcolm
(1952) according to which there are two distinct senses of 'know'; a strong sense and a
weak one.

phrase;this is the sense by which we can explain the lack of contradictionbe-
tween what the two people are saying. To use David Kaplan's terminology,
the phrase is being used with the same character, but with different con-
tent.17 Similarly, in Bank Case B from PartI of this paper, when, in the face
of my wife's doubt, I admit that I don't know that the bank will be open on
Saturday,I don't contradictan earlier claim to know that I might have made
before the doubt was raised and before the issue was so importantbecause, in
an importantsense, I don't mean the same thing by "know"as I meant in the
earlier claim: While "know"is being used with the same character, it is not
being used with the same content. Or so the contextualist will claim.
But if the range of relevant alternativesis changed by subject factors, the
meaning of "know" is not in the same way changed. If very many nearby
banks have discontinued their Saturdayhours in the last two weeks, then it
seems that my original claim to know may well have been false, and if I ad-
mit that I did not know after this surprisingfact about local banks is called
to my attention, I will be taking back and contradictingmy earlier claim to
have known.
Recall the two cases in which Henry has a good, clear look at what he
takes to be a barn.(In Case C, thereare no barnfacades around,but in Case D,
the fields are filled with barn facades, but Henry is luckily looking at the
only actual barn in the area.) In each case, insert two people in the back seat
of the car Henry is driving, and have the first say to the second, "Henry
knows that that is a barn."It seems that, in the sense under discussion, what
the first person means by "knows" in each of the two cases is the same. In
Case C what she is saying is true, while in Case D it is false. The presence of
the barn facades has changed the truth value, but not the truth conditions or
the meaning (content), of the first person's knowledge attribution.
So attributorfactors affect the truth values of knowledge attributionsin
a different way than do subject factors: attributorfactors working in such a
way that they affect the content of the attribution,but subject factors work-
ing in a different way that does not affect its content. These different ways
can be explained as follows. Attributorfactors set a certain standardthe pu-
tative subject of knowledge must live up to in order to make the knowledge
attributiontrue: They affect how good an epistemic position the putative
knower must be in to count as knowing. They thereby affect the truthcondi-
tions and the content or meaning of the attribution.Subject factors, on the
other hand, determine whether or not the putative subject lives up to the
standardsthat have been set, and thereby can affect the truthvalue of the at-

17 See Kaplan(1989), esp. pp. 500-507.


tribution without affecting its content: They affect how good an epistemic
position the putative knower actually is in."8
To make use of the character/contentdistinction, the "character"of "S
knows that p" is, roughly, that S has a true belief that p and is in a good
enough epistemic position with respect to p; this remains constant from at-
tribution to attribution.But how good is good enough? This is what varies
with context. What the context fixes in determining the "content" of a
knowledge attributionis how good an epistemic position S must be in to
count as knowing that p. The mentioning of alternativeslike painted mules,
or barnfacades, or changes in bankinghours, when there is no special reason
for thinking such possibilities likely, can be seen as raising the strength and
changing the content of "know"because the ability to rule out such alterna-
tives would only be relevant if one were after a strong form of knowledge
(if one were requiringthe putative knower to be in a very good position in
orderto count as knowing).
Subject factors, then, are best construed, not as affecting the truthcondi-
tions of knowledge attributions,but rather as affecting whether those truth
conditions are satisfied. This fact severely limits RA's prospects for ex-
plaining variations in the content of knowledge attributions. RA, for all
I've said, may be a helpful tool for determining or explaining why certain
attributionsof knowledge have the truth values they have.19Note, however,
that for RA to be successful in this capacity, it must allow subject factors to
affect the range of relevant alternatives,for, as Goldman's barn cases (cases
C and D) clearly show and as is evident in any case, subject factors can affect
these truthvalues.

18 Unger makes a similar division in (1986), where he distinguishes between the "profile of
the context," which corresponds roughly to how good a position the putative knower
must be in to count as knowing, and the "profileof the facts," which correspondsroughly
to how good a position the putativeknower actually is in (see esp. pp. 139-40). Unger does
not there discuss RA, and so does not use the distinction to distinguish contextualism
from RA. He does, however, introducean importantcomplication which I have ignored in
this paper, since it has little effect on the points I'm making here. Unger points out that
there are many differentaspects of knowledge and that in different contexts, we may have
different demands regardingvarious of these aspects. Thus, for example, in one context,
we may demanda very high degree of confidence on the subject's partbefore we will count
him as knowing while demandingrelatively little in the way of his belief being non-acci-
dentally true. In a different context, on the other hand, we may have very stringent stan-
dards for non-accidentality but relatively lax standardsfor subject confidence. As Unger
points out, then, things are not quite as simple as I make them out to be: Our standardsare
not just a matter of how good an epistemic position the subject must be in, but ratherof
how good in which respects. Stewart Cohen also suggests a related division, his more
closely aligned with the spirit of RA. See note 22 below.
19 Thus what I take to be RA's basic idea-that to know that P. one must be able to rule out
all of the relevant alternativesto P-may be sound.

But RA theorists have wanted to make claims about the meaning of
knowledge attributions": Many of them have thought that the meaning of
knowledge attributionschanges from case to case depending upon various
factors, and they have thought that this change in meaning amounts to a
change in the range of alternatives that are relevant.2' But we can now see
that the content of a given knowledge attributioncannot be specified by cit-
ing what the range of relevantalternativesis, because that range is a function
of subject factors (which do not affect the content of the attribution) as
well as attributorfactors (which do). There can be a drastic change in the
range of relevant alternatives from one attributionto another without there
being any change in meaning between the two attributions,then, because the
change in the range of relevant alternativescan, and often will, be the result
of differences in subject factors, which will not have any affect on the mean-
ing of the attribution.22

20 RA's basic idea (see note 19, above) is not about contextual variations in meanings. In-
deed, as I've pointed out, an RA theoristcan be an invariantist.It is, then, in going beyond
this basic idea that RA theoristshave, by my lights, gone wrong by tying the meaning of a
given attributiontoo closely to what the range of relevant alternatives is.
21 In additionto the Stine passage we have looked at, see, for example, Goldman (1976), pp.
775-77 (esp. p. 777), where Goldman seems to think that whatproposition is expressed by
a given knowledge attributionis specified by what the range of relevant alternatives is.
Something similarseems to be suggested in Lewis (1979), esp. pp. 354-55. Lewis seems to
think of the "conversational score" of a given context, with respect to knowledge attri-
butions and epistemic modal statements,to be something that can be specified by giving
the range of possibilities that are relevant in that context.
22 A different view which escapes this problem but is still well within the spirit of RA is
that the characterof "S knows that p" is that S has a true belief that p and can rule out all
alternativesto p that are sufficientlyprobable. The context of utterancecan then be seen as
fixing the content by determiningjust how probablean alternativemust be to count as be-
ing sufficiently probable. Something like this alternative view is suggested by Cohen
(1988), according to whom context determines "how probable an alternative must be in
orderto be relevant"(p. 96). (This view is only suggested by Cohen because he never says
that this probability level for alternative relevance is all that context fixes in determin-
ing the content of an attribution.)Expandingthis idea, we might then take aspects of the
putative knower's situation to affect how probable a given alternative is. Instead of the
meaning being specified by the range of alternatives that are relevant, this view, more
plausibly, has it specified by the standards (in terms of probability) alternatives must
meet to count as relevant. This still seems more precise than my admittedly vague talk of
how good an epistemicposition one must be in to count as knowing. I fear, however, that
this precisification will not work. Among other reasons for doubting that the notion of
probabilitycan do all the work assigned to it here is this: The complication Unger raises
about the many different aspects of knowledge (see note 18 above) shows that no single
measure like the probability an alternative must have to be relevant can capture all that
context does in fixing the content of a knowledge attribution.This probability standard
of alternativerelevance can be, at best, one among several aspects of knowledge the stan-
dardsfor which are fixed by context.


III. The Objection to Contextualism.
Having distinguished contextualism from RA, I will now seek to defend
contextualism from a certain type of importantobjection. The obvious at-
traction of contextualism, besides (and closely related to) the resolution of
sceptical argumentsit purportedlyprovides, is that it seems to have the re-
sult that very many of the knowledge attributions and denials uttered by
speakersof English are true-more than any form of invariantismcan allow
for, and certainly more than sceptical invariantismcan allow for. Thus, re-
calling the Bank Cases, contextualism allows us to assert both (1) and (2),
and many of us will find both (1) and (2) compelling. Unfortunately, con-
textualism seems to be vulnerable to a certain type of powerful objection
which is closely related to the,appeal of (4). Suppose, to recall an example
we've already considered, that two people see some zebras in a zoo. Palle
Yourgrau constructs the following conversation, and claims that
"something is amiss" in it:

A: Is that a zebra?
B: Yes, it is a zebra.
A: But can you rule out its being merely a cleverly painted mule?
B: No, I can't.
A: So, you admit you didn't know it was a zebra?
B: No, I did know then that it was a zebra. But after your question, I
no longer know.13

This absurddialogue is aimed at contextualists who think that the mention-

ing of a possibility incompatible with what one claims to know is enough to
require that one rule the possibility out before one can truly claim to know.
But this type of attack can work against other contextualists, also. Dia-
logues much like the above dialogue but with the following last lines seem
equally absurd:

B': No, I did know then that it was a zebra. But now that it has be-
come so importantthatit be a zebra, I no longer know.
Be: No, I did know then that it was a zebra. But now that the possi-
bility of its being a painted mule has occurred to me, I no longer

3 Yourgrau(1983), p. 183. The absurdityof such a conversation, along with the worry that
it causes problems for theories of knowledge attributionslike the one I am investigating,
was originally suggested to me by Rogers Albritton, who has been making such sugges-
tions since well before Yourgrau'sarticle came out.

924 KErTDERosE
The general point of the objection is that whether we know something or
not cannot depend on, to use Peter Unger's words, "the contextual interests
of those happeningto use the terms on a particularoccasion" (Unger (1984),
p. 37).
How shall the contextualist respond? The objection as I have put it for-
ward, though it explains much of the initial resistance many feel toward
contextualism, is based on a mistake. The contextualist believes that certain
aspects of the context of an attributionor denial of knowledge attribution
affect its content. Knowledge claims, then, can be compared to other sen-
tences containing other context-sensitive words, like "here."One hour ago, I
was in my office. Suppose I truly said, "I am here." Now I am in the word
processing room. How can I truly say where I was an hour ago? I cannot
truly say, "I was here," because I wasn't here; I was there. The meaning of
'here', is fixed by the relevant contextual factors (in this case, my location)
of the utterance,not by my location at the time being talked about.
Similarly, the contextualist may admit that the mentioning of the
painted mules possibility affects the conditions under which one can truth-
fully say that one knows an animal to be a zebra: one now must be able to
rule out that possibility, perhaps. But the contextualist need not, and should
not, countenancethe above dialogue. If in the context of the conversationthe
possibility of painted mules has been mentioned, and if the mere mention of
this possibility has an effect on the conditions under which someone can be
truly said to "know," then any use of "know" (or its past tense) is so af-
fected, even a use in which one describes one's past condition. B cannot truly
say, "I did know then that it was a zebra";that would be like my saying, "I
was here."B can say, "My previous knowledge claim was true,"just as I can
say, "My previous location claim was true." Or so I believe. But saying
these things would have a point only if one were interested in the truth-
value of the earlier claim, ratherthan in the question of whether in the pre-
sent contextually determined sense one knew and knows, or didn't and
Yourgrau writes of the zebra case, "Typically, when someone poses a
question regardingwhether we really know that P obtains ratherthan some
alternative to P, if we cannot satisfactorily answer the question, we con-
clude that our earlierclaim to know was faulty" (p. 183). But do we? We do
not stubbornly repeat ourselves, to be sure: "Still, I know that it is a ze-
bra!"We might even say, "I don't know" or "I didn't know." All of this the
contextualist can handle. But do we (or should we) admit that our earlier
claim wasfalse? I am on the witness standbeing questioned.

Lawyer: Were there any zebras in the zoo on April 23?

Me: Yes.
L: Do you know that?


M: Yes.
L: How do you know?
M: I saw some there.
L: So, you knew that they were zebras?
M: Yes.
L: Could you rule out the possibility that they were only
cleverly painted mules?
M: No, I suppose not.
L: So, did you really know that they were zebras?
M: Is there any reason to think that they were painted mules,
of all things?
L: Just answer the question!

Well, how should I answer the question? If there is no special reason to

think they were painted mules then I certainly wouldn't want to admit that
I didn't know they were zebras, but maybe I'm just being stubborn.Suppose
I do admit it:

M: I guess I didn't know that they were zebras.

L: AhaMThe witness has contradictedhis earlier claim. First he says
that he knew; now he says he didn't. Now which is it, Mr.

Surely something is amiss in this dialogue; my lawyer should object. I

haven't contradicted my earlier claim, as much as it looks as if I have. It
would be as if the following had occurred. While standing in a bright yel-
low room, I said, "This room is yellow." The lawyer then dragged me by the
ear into a room in which all was grey and got me to say, "This room is grey,"
and now he is jumping all over me: "First he says, 'This room is yellow,'
then he says, 'This room is grey.' Which is it?" The contextualist maintains
that something very much like this has happened in my original dialogue
with the lawyer. Of course, there is room for the invariantist to deny this
contextualist claim. But it isfar from clear that in cases like the one Your-
grau brings to our attention, we should admit that our earlier claim was
false or that our later claim contradicts it.
So, the objection that whether we know something or not does not de-
pend on contextualfactors of the type we have been considering is based on a
mistake. But Unger does not make this mistake when he raises an objection
similar to the one we have been considering.24He writes of "our belief that

4 Actually, Unger does make this mistake at one point, not about knowledge but about
flatness. Throughout his epistemological writings, Unger compares knowledge attribu-
tions with claims about the flatness of objects. In (1984), Unger describes an invariantist
semantics for "flat"according to which an object must be as flat as possible in orderfor a

the semantics of these expressions ["know"is one of the expressions being
considered] is appropriatelyindependent, that the conditions do not depend
on the contextual interests of those happening to use the terms on a particu-
lar occasion" (Unger (1984), p. 37). Insofar as we do have this belief, that
the conditions for truly saying that someone knows do not depend on the
sorts of contextual factors we have been discussing, then contextualism
goes against at least one of our beliefs. But it seems that much of the appeal
of this belief derives from the plausibility of the thesis (with which the
contextualist can agree) that whether we know something or not does not
depend on such factors. The answer to the question, "Does she know?", in
whatever context it is asked, including a philosophy paper, is determinedby
facts independentof contextual factors (or what I have been calling attribu-
tor factors). These contextual or attributorfactors affect the content of the
question, but once the question is asked with a specific content, its answer is
determinedby subject factors, which are precisely the kinds of factors which
can very plausibly be thought to affect whether or not the subject knows.
Going back to our opening examples, the contextualist can affirm (3) in any
context in which it is uttered:If I know in Case A, then I know in Case B. Of
course, the contextualist must deny (4), and (4) sounds very plausible, but
much of the appeal of (4) comes from the plausibility of (3). And since we
must give up either (1), (2), or (4), those who, like me, find (1) and (2) very
plausible will be well-motivated to give up (4), especially since (3) can
still be affirmed.
In general, then, when it looks as if the contextualist has to say some-
thing strongly counter-intuitive, what he must say turns out to be, on the
contrary, something fairly theoretical concerning the truth conditions of
certain sentences. Do we really have strong intuitions about such things? At
any rate, the contextualist can go along with the simple facts that we all
recognize: that if I know in Case A, then I know in Case B, and that whether

sentence like "That is flat" to be true of it, and a contextualist semantics for "flat" ac-
cording to which how flat something must be in order for a sentence like "Thatis flat" to
be true of it varies with context, and he claims that there is no determinate fact as to
which semantics is correct. In attacking the contextualist semantics for "flat," Unger
writes: "How can the matterof whether a given surface is flat, in contradistinctionto, say,
whetherit is suitable for our croquetgame, depend upon the interests in that surface taken
by those who happen to converse about it? This appears to go against our better judge-
ment" ((1984), p. 39). But the contextualist need not and should not claim that "the mat-
ter of whether or not a given surface is flat" depends "upon the interests in that surface
taken by those who happen to converse about it," although the contextualist will say that
the truthconditionsfor the sentence "Thatis flat" do depend upon such contextual inter-
ests. I believe that the above passage is just a slip on Unger's part;he is usually more care-
ful in making his attack on contextualism. But it is revealing that Unger makes this slip:
It shows how easy it is to confuse the claim (a) that whether or not something is flat or is
known does not depend on contextual interests with the claim (b) that the truth condi-
tions for a sentence about flatness or about knowledge do not depend on contextual inter-
ests, which does not follow from (a).


we know something or not does not typically depend on our current inter-
ests or on other such contextual factors.25

Austin, J. L., (1961) "OtherMinds," in J. L. Austin, Philosophical Papers
(Oxford University Press): 44-84.
Cohen, Stewart, (1987) "Knowledge, Context, and Social Standards,"Syn-
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Knowledge,"Philosophical Studies 51: 241-69.
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25 I am indebted to Robert M. Adams, Rogers Albritton, Peter Unger, and an anonymous

referee for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research for comments on previous drafts
of this paper.

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