Consolidated - Post Judgment Remedies
Consolidated - Post Judgment Remedies
Consolidated - Post Judgment Remedies
On May 29, 2003, petitioner filed a Notice of The determinative issue is whether the "fresh
Appeal dated May 28, 2003, stating instead that period" rule announced in Neypes could
he received a copy of the decision dated January retroactively apply in cases where the period for
16, 2003 only on March 8, 2003 and of the Order appeal had lapsed prior to 14 September 2005
dated May 9, 2003 denying his motion for when Neypes was promulgated.
reconsideration on May 19, 2003.
- Denied for having been filed out of time. The "fresh period rule" is a procedural law as it
prescribes a fresh period of 15 days within which
ISSUE: an appeal may be made in the event that the
motion for reconsideration is denied by the lower
WON the appeal was filed on time. YES. court. Following the rule on retroactivity of
procedural laws, the "fresh period rule" should be
HELD: applied to pending actions, such as the present
As early as 2005, the Court categorically declared
in Neypes v. Court of Appeals5 that by virtue of IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition is
the power of the Supreme Court to amend, repeal GRANTED. CA reversed.
and create new procedural rules in all courts, the
Court is allowing a fresh period of 15 days within
which to file a notice of appeal in the RTC,
counted from receipt of the order dismissing or
denying a motion for new trial or motion for
Section 1. How appeal taken; time for
filing. -- A party desiring to appeal from a
decision of the RTC rendered in the
exercise of its appellate jurisdiction may
file a verified petition for review with the
Court of Appeals, paying at the same
time to the clerk of said court the
corresponding docket and other lawful
Ross Rica Sales Center v. Spouses Ong fees, depositing the amount of ₱500.00 for
2005 costs, and furnishing the Regional Trial
Court and the adverse party with a copy
The [subsequent] filing of the Motion for of the petition. The petition shall be filed
Reconsideration may be deemed as an effective and served within fifteen (15) days from
withdrawal of the defective Notice of Appeal. notice of the decision sought to be
reviewed or of the denial of petitioner’s
(Fernandez) motion for new trial or reconsideration
filed in due time after judgment. Upon
FACTS: proper motion and the payment of the
full amount of the docket and other
The case originated from a complaint for lawful fees and the deposit for costs
ejectment filed by petitioners against respondents. before the expiration of the reglementary
Petitioners alleged the fact of their ownership of period, the Court of Appeals may grant
three (3) parcels of land. Petitioners likewise an additional period of fifteen (15) days
acknowledged respondent Elizabeth Ong’s only within which to file the petition for
ownership of the lots previous to theirs. Ross Rica review. No further extension shall be
Sales Center, Inc. and Juanito King and Sons, Inc. granted except for the most compelling
(petitioners) had acquired the lands from reason and in no case to exceed fifteen
Mandaue Prime Estate Realty. In turn, it appears (15) days.
that Mandaue Prime Estate Realty had acquired
the properties from the respondents through a Since the unlawful detainer case was filed with
Deed of Absolute Sale. this latter deed of sale and the MTC and affirmed by the RTC, petitioners
The transfers of title consequential thereto were should have filed a Petition for Review with the
subsequently sought to be annulled by Court of Appeals and not a Notice of Appeal with
respondents. the RTC. However, we consider this to have been
remedied by the timely filing of the Motion for
MTC ordered respondents to vacate. Reconsideration on the following day. Section 3,
RTC affirmed. Rule 50 of the Rules of Court allows the
On 8 May 1997, respondents filed a notice of withdrawal of appeal at any time, as a matter of
appeal. However, on the following day, they filed right, before the filing of the appellee’s brief.
a motion for reconsideration. Applying this rule contextually, the filing of the
Motion for Reconsideration may be deemed as an
ISSUE: effective withdrawal of the defective Notice of
Was the RTC was correct when it declared that
the Motion for Reconsideration was barred by the Perforce, the period of appeal was tolled by the
filing of the Notice of Appeal, no matter how Motion for Reconsideration and started to run
erroneous the latter mode was? YES. again from the receipt of the order denying the
Motion for Reconsideration. A Motion for
HELD: Additional Time to File the Petition was likewise
filed with the Court of Appeals. Counting fifteen
Rule 42 governs the mode of appeal applicable in (15) days from receipt of the denial of the Motion
this case. Sec. 1 provides: for Reconsideration and the ten (10)-day request
for additional period, it is clear that respondents
filed their Petition for Review on time. RTC affirmed.
In the case at bar, a petition for review before the On June 16, 2011, Intramuros filed its Petition for
Court of Appeals is the proper mode of appeal Review on Certiorari, assailing the April 14, 2011
from a decision of the RTC. Since the filing of the Decision of the Regional Trial Court.
notice of appeal is erroneous, it is considered as if
no appeal was interposed. ISSUE:
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The WON Certiorari was the correct remedy. NO.
Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 6 January
Third, cases of first impression warrant a direct It is not, however, necessary that all of these
resort to this court. In cases of first impression, no exceptions must occur at the same time to justify a
jurisprudence yet exists that will guide the lower direct resort to this court.
courts on this matter. In Government of the United
States v. Purganan, this court took cognizance of the In First United Constructors Corp. v. Poro Point
case as a matter of first impression that may guide Management Corp. (PPMC), et al., this Court
the lower courts: reiterated that it "will not entertain a direct
invocation of its jurisdiction unless the redress
In the interest of justice and to settle once and for desired cannot be obtained in the appropriate
all the important issue of bail in extradition lower courts, and exceptional and compelling
proceedings, we deem it best to take cognizance of circumstances justify the resort to the
the present case. Such proceedings constitute a extraordinary remedy of a writ of certiorari.
matter of first impression over which there is, as
yet, no local jurisprudence to guide lower courts. In this case, the presence of compelling
circumstances warrants the exercise of this Court's
Fourth, the constitutional issues raised are better jurisdiction. At the time the petition was filed,
decided by this court. In Drilon v. Lim, this court petitioners were incumbent party-list
held that: representatives. The possibility of their arrest and
incarceration should the assailed Orders be
... it will be prudent for such courts, if only out of a affirmed, would affect their representation of their
becoming modesty, to defer to the higher judgment constituents in Congress.
of this Court in the consideration of its validity,
which is better determined after a thorough WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTIALLY
deliberation by a collegiate body and with the GRANTED. The assailed Orders dated July 18, 2008
concurrence of the majority of those who and December 2, 2008 of the Regional Trial Court,
participated in its discussion. Palayan City, Branch 40 in Criminal Case Nos. 1879-
P and 1880-P are SET ASIDE. The case is remanded
Fifth, . . . Exigency in certain situations would to the Regional Trial Court, Palayan City, Branch 40
qualify as an exception for direct resort to this for further proceedings with due and deliberate
court. dispatch in accordance with this Decision.
St. Martin Funeral Homes vs. National Labor
Relations Commission and Bienvenido Arcayos
The Rules mandate that an appeal by notice of The MTC found merit in respondent's
appeal is deemed perfected upon the filing of contention, and ordered the case be
the notice of appeal in due time, due time being deemed submitted for decision as of 27
within fifteen (15) days after notice to the October 1997. On 13 January 1998, the
appellant of the judgment or final order MTC rendered judgment in favor of
appealed from. respondent.
Respondent Urban Bank filed a Motion to The period of appeal shall be interrupted by a timely
Dismiss Appeal on the ground that the appeal motion for new trial or reconsideration. No motion of
was not perfected within the reglementary extension of time to file a motion for new trial or
period. Respondent contended that reconsideration shall be allowed.
petitioners’ notice of appeal was filed five days
late, as it should have been filed on April 28, Jurisprudence is consistent in ruling that the perfection
1997, and not May 3, 1997. of an appeal in the manner and within the period
prescribed by law is not only mandatory but
The CA found merit in respondent’s contention jurisdictional, and failure to perfect an appeal has the
and granted the motion to dismiss. effect of rendering the judgment final and
executory, although the Court, in exceptional
circumstances,15 allowed the filing of a belated notice of
appeal. Thus, if the Court were to strictly apply the
jurisprudence in petitioners’ case, the inevitable
conclusion is that the CA was correct in dismissing their
appeal. It does not matter whether respondents’ motion
to dismiss was filed after the trial court already
approved their notice of appeal, or that they have
already paid the docket fees and filed their appellants’
brief. It should be borne in mind that the legality of an
appeal may be raised at any stage of the proceedings
in the appellate court, and the latter is not precluded
from dismissing the same on the ground of its being out
of time.
Land Bank and the DAR failed to file their The adoption of a petition for review as the mode of
appellees’ brief. During the pendency of the appeal is justified in order to "hasten" the resolution of
appeal, Land Bank filed a Motion for Leave to cases involving issues on just compensation of
Admit Defendant-Appellee[’s] Motion to expropriated lands under RA 6657. Thus the Court, still
Dismiss Appeal,6 maintaining that the appeal in the immediately cited Land Bank case, pronounced:
should be dismissed because an ordinary
appeal is the wrong remedy, the proper mode
being by way of a petition for review, citing The reason why it is permissible to adopt a petition for
Section 60 of Republic Act No. 6657 or the review when appealing cases decided by the Special
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. Hence, Agrarian Courts in eminent domain case is the need for
Land Bank concluded that the appellate court absolute dispatch in the determination of just
had no jurisdiction over the case, the SAC compensation. Just compensation means not only
decision having attained finality following Land paying the correct amount but also paying for the land
Bank of the Philippines v. De Leon7 which held within a reasonable time from its acquisition. Without
that failure of a party to file the proper remedy prompt payment, compensation cannot be considered
within fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice "just" for the property owner is made to suffer the
of the assailed decision renders it final. consequences of being immediately deprived of his
land while being made to wait for a decade or more
before actually receiving the amount necessary to cope
ISSUE: WON ordinary appeal is a wrong remedy? Yes. with his loss. Such objective is more in keeping with the
nature of a petition for review.
RULING: Yes. Following Land Bank of the Philippines
v. De Leon, the proper mode of appeal from decisions
Unlike an ordinary appeal, a petition for review
dispenses with the filing of a notice of appeal or
completion of records as requisites before any pleading
is submitted. A petition for review hastens the award of
fair recompense to deprived landowners for the
government-acquired property, an end not foreseeable
in an ordinary appeal. . . .
In petitions for correction, only clerical, spelling, Besides, granting that Rule 103 applies to this case and
typographical and other innocuous errors in the civil that compliance with the procedural requirements under
registry may be raised. Considering that the Rule 108 falls short of what is mandated, it still cannot
enumeration in Section 2, Rule 10834 also includes be denied that Mercadera complied with the
"changes of name," the correction of a patently requirement for an adversarial proceeding before the
misspelled name is covered by Rule 108. Suffice it to lower court. The publication and posting of the notice of
say, not all alterations allowed in one’s name are hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and the
confined under Rule 103. Corrections for clerical errors notices sent to the OSG and the Local Civil Registry
may be set right under Rule 108. are sufficient indicia of an adverse proceeding. The fact
that no one opposed the petition, including the OSG,
This rule in "names," however, does not operate to did not deprive the court of its jurisdiction to hear the
entirely limit Rule 108 to the correction of clerical errors same and did not make the proceeding less adversarial
in civil registry entries by way of a summary in nature. Considering that the OSG did not oppose the
proceeding. As explained, Republic v. Valencia is the petition and the motion to present its evidence ex
authority for allowing substantial errors in other entries parte when it had the opportunity to do so, it cannot
like citizenship, civil status, and paternity, to be now complain that the proceedings in the lower court
corrected using Rule 108 provided there is an were procedurally defective. Indeed, it has become
adversary proceeding. "After all, the role of the Court unnecessary to further discuss the reasons why the CA
under Rule 108 is to ascertain the truths about the facts correctly affirmed the findings of the lower court
recorded therein."35 especially in admitting and according probative value to
the evidence presented by Mercadera.
A serious scrutiny of this petition reveals a glaring lack
of support to the OSG’s assumption that Mercadera WHEREFORE, the December 9, 2008 Decision of the
intended to change her name under Rule 103. All that Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 00568-MIN is
the petition propounded are swift arguments on the AFFIRMED.
alleged procedural flaws of Mercadera’s petition before
the RTC. In the same vein, no concrete contention was
brought up to convince this Court that the dangers
sought to be prevented by the adversarial proceedings
prescribed in Rule 103 are attendant in this case.
Instead, the RTC found the documents presented by
Mercadera to have satisfactorily shown that she had
been known as MERLYN ever since, discounting the
possibility that confusion, or a modification of
substantive rights might arise. Truth be told, not a
single oppositor appeared to contest the petition
despite full compliance with the publication
Sec. 1. Filing of petition with Private respondent invokes the rule that courts
Supreme Court. — A person desiring generally avoid having to decide a constitutional
to appeal by certiorari from a question, especially when the case can be decided on
judgment or final order or resolution other grounds. As a general proposition that is correct.
of the Court of Appeals, the Here, however, there is an actual case susceptible of
Sandiganbayan, the Regional Trial judicial determination. Also, the constitutional question,
Court or other courts whenever at the instance of this Court, was raised by the proper
authorized by law, may file with the parties, although there was even no need for that
Supreme Court a verified petition for because the Court can rule on the matter sua
review on certiorari. The petition shall sponte when its appellate jurisdiction is involved. The
raise only questions of law which constitutional question was timely raised, although it
must be distinctly set forth. could even be raised any time likewise by reason of the
(Emphasis ours). jurisdictional issue confronting the Court. Finally, the
resolution of the constitutional issue here is obviously
Under the present Rule 45, appeals may be brought necessary for the resolution of the present case. 22
through a petition for review on certiorari but only from
judgments and final orders of the courts enumerated in The Court appreciate the ratiocination of private
Section 1 thereof. Appeals from judgments and final respondent but regret that It must reject the same. That
orders of quasi-judicial agencies are now required to private respondent could be absolved of the charge
be brought to the Court of Appeals on a verified petition because the decision exonerating him is final and
for review, under the requirements and conditions in unappealable assumes that Section 7, Rule III of
Rule 43 which was precisely formulated and adopted to Administrative Order No. 07 is valid, but that is
provide for a uniform rule of appellate procedure for precisely one of the issues here. The prevailing rule
quasi-judicial agencies. 21 that the Court should not interfere with the discretion of
the Ombudsman in prosecuting or dismissing a
It is suggested, however, that the provisions of Rule 43 complaint is not applicable in this administrative case.
should apply only to "ordinary" quasi-judicial agencies, That two decisions rendered by this Court supposedly
but not to the Office of the Ombudsman which is a imply the validity of the aforementioned Section 7 of
"high constitutional body." We see no reason for this Rule III is precisely under review here because of some
distinction for, if hierarchical rank should be a criterion, statements therein somewhat at odds with settled rules
that proposition thereby disregards the fact that Rule 43 and the decisions of this Court on the same issues,
even includes the Office of the President and the Civil hence to invoke the same would be to beg the
Service Commission, although the latter is even an question.
independent constitutional commission, unlike the
Office of the Ombudsman which is a constitutionally- Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 (Ombudsman Act
mandated but statutorily created body. of 1989) pertinently provides that:
Regarding the misgiving that the review of the decision In all administrative diciplinary cases, orders, directives
of the Office of the Ombudsman by the Court of or decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman may be
Appeals would cover questions of law, of fact or of appealed to the Supreme Court by filing a petition for
both, we do not perceive that as an objectionable certiorari within ten (10) days from receipt of the written
feature. After all, factual controversies are usually notice of the order, directive or decision or denial of the
involved in administrative disciplinary actions, just like motion for reconsideration in accordance with Rule 45
those coming from the Civil Service Commission, and of the Rules of Court.
the Court of Appeals as a trier of fact is better prepared
than this Court to resolve the same. On the other hand, It cannot validly authorize an appeal to this Court from
we cannot have this situation covered by Rule 45 since decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in
it now applies only to appeals from the regular courts. administrative disciplinary cases. It consequently
Neither can we place it under Rule 65 since the review violates the proscription in Section 30, Article VI of the
therein is limited to jurisdictional questions. * Constitution against a law which increases the
Appellate jurisdiction of this Court. No countervailing
The submission that because this Court has taken argument has been cogently presented to justify such
cognizance of cases involving Section 27 of Republic disregard of the constitutional prohibition which, as
Act No. 6770, that fact may be viewed as correctly explained in First Leparto Ceramics, Inc. vs.
The Court of Appeals, et al. was intended to give this thereover, relates to procedure only.[33] This is so
Court a measure of control over cases placed under its because it is not the right to appeal of an aggrieved
appellate Jurisdiction. Otherwise, the indiscriminate party which is affected by the law. That right has been
enactment of legislation enlarging its appellate preserved. Only the procedure by which the appeal is
jurisdiction would unnecessarily burden the Court. to be made or decided has been changed. The
rationale for this is that litigant has a vested right in a
As a consequence of our ratiocination that Section 27 particular remedy, which may be changed by
of Republic Act No. 6770 should be struck down as substitution without impairing vested rights, hence he
unconstitutional, and in line with the regulatory can have none in rules of procedure which relate to the
philosophy adopted in appeals from quasi-judicial remedy.
agencies in the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure,
appeals from decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman Furthermore, it cannot be said that transfer of appellate
in administrative disciplinary cases should be taken to jurisdiction to the Court of Appeals in this case is an act
the Court of Appeals under the provisions of Rule 43. of creating a new right of appeal because such power
of the Supreme Court to transfer appeals to
There is an intimation in the pleadings, however, that subordinate appellate courts is purely a procedural and
said Section 27 refers to appellate jurisdiction which, not a substantive power. Neither can we consider such
being substantive in nature, cannot be disregarded by transfer as impairing a vested right because the parties
this Court under its rule-making power, especially if it have still a remedy and still a competent tribunal to
results in a diminution, increase or modification of administer that remedy.
substantive rights. Obviously, however, where the law
is procedural in essence and purpose, the foregoing Thus, it has been generally held that rules or statutes
consideration would not pose a proscriptive issue involving a transfer of cases from one court to another,
against the exercise of the rule-making power of this are procedural and remedial merely and that, as such,
Court. This brings to fore the question of whether they are applicable to actions pending at the time the
Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 is substantive or statute went into effect[36] or, in the case at bar, when
procedural. its invalidity was declared. Accordingly, even from the
standpoint of jurisdiction ex hypothesi the validity of the
It will be noted that no definitive line can be drawn transfer of appeals in said cases to the Court of
between those rules or statutes which are procedural, Appeals can be sustained.
hence within the scope of this Court's rule-making
power, and those which are substantive. In fact, a WHEREFORE, Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770
particular rule may be procedural in one context and (Ombudsman Act of 1989), together with Section 7,
substantive in another.[29] It is admitted that what is Rule III of Administrative Order No. 07 (Rules of
procedural and what is substantive is frequently a Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman), and any
question of great difficulty.[30] It is not, however, an other provision of law or issuance implementing the
insurmountable problem if a rational and pragmatic aforesaid Act and insofar as they provide for appeals in
approach is taken within the context of our own administrative disciplinary cases from the Office of the
procedural and jurisdictional system. Ombudsman to the Supreme Court, are hereby
declared INVALID and of no further force and effect.
In determining whether a rule prescribed by the
Supreme Court, for the practice and procedure of the The instant petition is hereby referred and transferred
lower courts, abridges, enlarges, or modifies any to the Court of Appeals for final disposition, with said
substantive right, the test is whether the rule really petition to be considered by the Court of Appeals pro
regulates procedure, that is, the judicial process for hoc vice as a petition for review under Rule 43, without
enforcing rights and duties recognized by substantive prejudice to its requiring the parties to submit such
law and for justly administering remedy and redress for amended or supplemental pleadings and additional
a disregard or infraction of them.[31] If the rule takes documents or records as it may deem necessary and
away a vested right, it is not procedural. If the rule proper.
creates a right such as the right to appeal, it may be
classified as a substantive matter; but if it operates as a
means o implementing an existing right then the rule
deals merely with procedure.[32]
Relief from judgments, orders and other proceedings Court of Appeals held that the trial court did not abuse
its discretion in denying the motion for execution
pending appeal. According to the appellate court, it is
Sanchez clear from Section 2 Rule 39 of the Rules of Court that
it is discretionary for the trial court to grant or deny a
FACTS: motion for execution. Thus, it cannot be compelled to
allow execution, after finding that there was no cogent
Petitioner Valencia entered into a lease agreement with and good reason for it.
the Roman Catholic Bishop of Malolos (RCBM)
involving a fishpond, registered in the latter's ISSUES:
Private respondents alleged that they were the true 1) Was private respondents' appeal already
owners of the fishpond and that RCBM was a mere perfected when petitioner filed a motion for
trustee. execution? Yes.
After presentation of evidence and submission of the 2) Was there forum-shopping when petitioner
case for decision, Judge Masadao dismissed it motu filed a complaint for annulment of judgment
propio for lack of jurisdiction, opining that the case was with the Court of Appeals? Yes.
within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Agrarian Reform
Adjudication Board. Both parties moved to reconsider, 3) Should execution pending appeal be
which Judge Masadao granted, and the case was allowed?
scheduled anew for pre-trial. Petitioner was not
informed thereof, hence he failed to attend the pre-trial.
On that day, Judge Masadao issued an order stating 1. Yes. We find no merit in petitioner's argument. A
that the parties adopted the evidence already petition for relief under Rule 38 is only available against
presented and considered the case submitted for a final and executory judgment.18 In this case, the trial
decision. Petitioner's former counsel received a copy of court's judgment subject of the petition for relief has not
the order but failed to inform petitioner.Judge Masadao yet attained finality because of the timely appeal by
rendered judgment upholding the validity of RCBM's private respondents. Therefore, petitioner cannot
title and its lease contract with petitioner. require the judge to follow the procedure laid down in
Rule 38. The judge did not err nor abuse his discretion
when he deferred action on the petition.
Upon belatedly learning of said judgment, petitioner
moved for execution pending appeal, contending that
since the trial court found him entitled to possession of Corollarily, the Court of Appeals did not err in failing to
the fishpond, it is unfair to deprive him annul the portion of the trial court's judgment dismissing
thereof. Meanwhile, he filed a petition for relief from the petitioner's counterclaim for lack of due process. This
portion of the judgment dismissing his counterclaim, can well be settled in the petition for relief before the
where he alleged that his failure to move for trial court. Section 1, Rule 47 of the Rules of
reconsideration of or appeal from said judgment was Court19 provides that parties can avail of the action for
due to a mistaken belief of his former counsel that he annulment of judgment when a petition for relief is no
was no longer interested to pursue the counterclaim. longer available through no fault of the petitioner. In the
present case, the latter remedy was still available.
Petitioner avers that the trial court abused its discretion
when it denied the motion on the ground that the 2. Yes. On the issue of forum-shopping, the rule is,
portion of the decision sought to be executed had been there is forum-shopping when as a result of an adverse
vacated by private respondents' timely appeal. opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion
Petitioner avers that he received the trial court's (other than by appeal or certiorari) in another20 and that
decision on July 23, 1993, and he filed the motion on the actions that were filed involve the same
August 5, 1993, well within the 15-day period for transactions and the same essential facts and
appeal. Private respondents do not dispute these circumstances.21 There must also be identical causes of
action, subject matter and issues in the cases before petitioner offered no convincing proof. His insistence –
the two fora. that the trial court's decision upholding the lease
agreement between him and RCBM already entitled
The petition for relief in the trial court and the petition him to possession of the fishponds even without a writ
for annulment of judgment in the Court of Appeals and despite appeal – is premature. It is not enough for
emanate from the same transaction, which is the lease him to claim he needed a writ of execution without
contract between petitioner and the Roman Catholic detailing cogent and good reasons therefor. The trial
Bishop of Malolos (RCBM). They also involve the same court was within its bounds when it considered his
facts and circumstances. Recall that upon the imagined fears of a bloody confrontation not enough
execution of the aforecited contract, petitioner occupied reason to issue the writ.
the fishpond where he invested considerable amount of
money. When private respondents filed their complaint On the prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction, there
for cancellation of RCBM's title over the fispond, its are three requisites for the grant of the same: 1) The
possession was removed from petitioner, who invasion of the right is material and substantial; 2) The
consequently filed an answer in intervention, with right of complainant is clear and unmistakable; 3) There
counterclaim for the damages he incurred. The trial is an urgent and paramount necessity for the writ to
court disposed the complaint upholding the RCBM's prevent serious damage.22 Petitioner merely alleged the
title. However, the same court dismissed petitioner's presence of these elements, but did not substantiate
counterclaim. As petitioner failed to move for the same with convincing evidence. Consequently, we
reconsideration or appeal the portion of the decision find no meritorious reason for the issuance of said writ.
adverse to him, he filed the petition for relief with the
trial court, which in turn deferred action thereto. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision
Consequently, petitioner filed the petition for certiorari and resolution of the Court of Appeals dated October
with annulment of judgment with the Court of Appeals. 28, 1994 and February 10, 1995, respectively, are
Clearly, the two actions resulted from the same facts hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.
and circumstances. The two petitions also
involve identical cause of action. Both were for the
setting aside or annulment of that portion of the trial
court's judgment dismissing petitioner's counterclaim on
the ground of fraud. The two petitions also involve
the same subject matter or issue of whether petitioner
has meritorious counterclaim which, for alleged lack of
notice for the pre-trial conference, he failed to prove.
Clearly, there is forum-shopping and the Court of
Appeals did not err when it declared so in its resolution.
The petitioners then brought their case to the In its assailed decision, the CA denied the
Office of the President. In a resolution dated petitioners' petition for review. The CA,
Nov. 17, 2006, the OP dismissed the likewise, denied the petitioners' motion for
petitioners’ appeal for having been filed out reconsideration; hence, the filing of the
of time: present petition for review on certiorari with
this Court.
o A review of the records shows that
the HLURB Decision affirming the ISSUE:
Arbiter's decision was received by
the respondents/appellants WON the “fresh period rule” in Neypes applies to
(referring to the petitioners) on July administrative appeals, such as an appeal from a
decision of the HLURB Board of Commissioners to the
Office of the President
Although a TRO was initially issued by the his rule, however, is not without exceptions. In Pajo v.
Ago and Ortiz 5 we held:
RTC, it denied respondent’s application for a
preliminary injunction. On Feb 18, 1993, the
Respondent contends that petitioners should
TC acting on the petitioner’s motion, have filed a motion for reconsideration of the
dismissed the complaint of Philex Mining. order in question, or asked for the dissolution
of the preliminary injunction issued by the
Philex Mining moved for a reconsideration, trial court, before coming to us.
but this was denied. It then appealed to the
CA. This is not always so. It is only when the
questions are raised for the first time before
On February 16, 1994, petitioners filed a this Court in certiorari proceeding that the
Motion to Dismiss Appeal on the ground that writ shall not issue unless the lower court had
only questions of law were involved and, first been given the opportunity to pass upon
therefore, the appeal should be to the the same. In fine, when the questions raised
Supreme Court. However, the appellate court before this Court are the same as those
which have been squarely raised in and
denied petitioners' motion in a resolution,
passed upon by, the court below, the filing of
dated April 12, 1994. Without filing a motion
a motion for reconsideration in said court
for reconsideration, petitioners filed the before certiorari can be instituted in this
instant petition for certiorari. Court, is no longer prerequisite.
Rules so require. In such cases, the record on
The issues raised by petitioners in this petition are appeal shall be filed and served in like
substantially the same as those asserted by them in manner.
their Motion to Dismiss Appeal, dated February 14,
1994, before the Court of Appeals. The argument that (b) Petition for review. — The appeal to the
respondent has no right to expropriate petitioners' Court of Appeals in cases decided by the
mineral areas under Presidential Decree No. 463 has Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its
already been raised, argued, and submitted by appellate jurisdiction shall be by petition for
petitioners for resolution by the appellate court in review in accordance with Rule 42.
their Motion to Dismiss Appeal. To further file a
motion for reconsideration before the Court of (c) Appeal by certiorari. — In all cases where
Appeals would simply be to repeat their arguments. only questions of law are raised or involved,
For this reason, we hold that petitioners' failure to file the appeal shall be to the Supreme Court by
a motion for reconsideration is not fatal to the petition for review on certiorari in
allowance of their action. accordance with Rule 45.
"Sec. 14. Restrictions. – x x x.
No court shall hear any appeal or application
for remedy against the decision or findings of
the Ombudsman, except the Supreme Court
on pure question of law."
On February 15,1984 Freddie and Marconi Da Petitioner contends the following: first, that
Silva, as mortgagors, and Islamic Da'Wah the Court of Appeals should not continue to
Council of the Philippines (Council for hear the petition for annulment of judgment
brevity), as mortgagee, executed a real estate since it is already fully executed and the
mortgage over a parcel of land located in purpose for which the case for annulment
Cubao, Quezon City as security for the was filed will no longer be served, the parties
payment of a P1M promissory note in favor having already complied with the decision;
of the mortgagee. second, private respondents have no right to
question the validity or legality of the
The mortgagors were unable to pay their decision rendered foreclosing the mortgage
obligation, hence, the Council instituted since they are foreign to the transaction of
forclosure proceedings with the RTC. mortgage between petitioner and Freddie
and Marconi Da Silva; lastly, petitioner claims
Subsequently, the parties submitted a that private respondents have another
compromise agreement, which was then remedy in law and that is in Civil Case No. Q-
approved by the RTC. 46196 for Quieting of Title where the
question of ownership may be passed upon.
Jesus Araneta filed with the RD a notice of lis
pends in connection with the civil case for ISSUE:
ejectment. The complaint was converted into
an action for collection of rentals with Who may properly institute a petition for annulment
damages but was later on withdrawn by the of judgment
The Council filed with the RTC of QC a
The next issue raised in this petition deals with the
complaint for Quieting of Title, Recovery of
question of who may properly institute a petition for
Possession and Damages with Preliminary
annulment of judgment. It is petitioner's contention
Mandatory Injunction against Araneta. that the remedy is available only to one who is a party
to the case where the judgment sought to be annulled
While the case was pending, the heirs of is rendered. Private respondents, on the other hand,
Jesus Amado Araneta filed with the CA a allege that "there are sufficient facts and
petition to annul the judgment in the Civil circumstances sufficient to show prima facie that
case for foreclosure. [they] have a substantial interest in the ownership of
the property which had been foreclosed without their
knowledge and consent" [Rollo, p. 90]. In fine, the
question deals with whether or not the heirs of and the Council as would adversely affect them. This
Araneta have a cause of action against the Council. allegation, if fully substantiated by preponderance of
evidence, could be the basis for the annulment of Civil
In Militante v. Edrosolano [G.R. No. L-27940, June 10, Case No. Q-43476.
1971, 39 SCRA 4731, an action for annulment of Finally, the Council asserts that the remedy of
judgment in Civil Case No. 6216 between Edrosolano annulment of judgment applies only to final and
and Belosillo was filed by Militante. The petition executory judgment and not to that which had already
stemmed from a complaint instituted by Militante on been fully executed or implemented.It is the Council's
September 6, 1965 against Edrosolano for damages contention that as the judgment in the foreclosure
arising from a breach of contract of carriage. On case had already been executed evidenced by the fact
January 18,1966 Militante obtained an order of that title to the property in question had been
preliminary attachment on the property of transferred in its name the judgment can no longer be
Edrosolano. Alleging that he purchased all of annulled. The Council's contention is devoid of merit.
Edrosolano's TPU equipment on February 28, 1966, In Garchitorena u. Sotelo, supra, the Court affirmed
Belosillo filed a third-party claim. It appears that on the trial court's annulment of the judgment on
February 25, 1963 Belosillo obtained a judgment by foreclosure notwithstanding the fact that ownership
default against Edrosolano in Civil Case No. 6216 for of the house and lot subject of the mortgage had
collection of amount of P45,000.00, the value of the passed from the mortgagee who foreclosed the
promissory note executed by the latter on February 1, mortgage and purchased the property at public
1960. After a recital of these antecedent facts, auction to a person who bought the same and finally
Militante, in his petition for annulment of judgment to another individual in whose name the Torrens
contended, inter alia, that (1) Civil Case No. 6216 "was certificate of title stood by the time the case reached
based on a fictitious cause of action because [the] this Tribunal.
promissory note was without lawful consideration In view of the foregoing the Court finds that the Court
whatsoever" [at 476]; (2) Edrosolano did not file any of Appeals neither acted without jurisdiction nor
answer to Belosillo's complaint and allowed the latter committed grave abuse of discretion in giving due
to obtain a judgment by default which judgment course to the petition for annulment of judgment as
attained finality without the former appealing would warrant the issuance of the extraordinary writ
therefrom; and, (3) while judgment in Civil Case No. of certiorari in this case.
6216 was promulgated iii 1963 it was "only on January
19, 1966 when . . . Belosillo caused the execution DISPOSITIVE:
thereof after [Militante] had already instituted his civil
case for damages against ... Edrosolano and an order WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED and
for issuance of preliminary attachment issued" [at the orders of the Court of Appeals dated November 10
477]. The trial court however dismissed Militante's and December 2 and 3,1987 are AFFIRMED.
action for annulment on finding that it did not state a
cause of action. Thereafter, Militante filed an appeal
to this Tribunal and in setting aside the trial court's
order of dismissal'.
ISSUE: WON the petition was filed on time? (NO) The finality of decision is a jurisdictional event which
cannot be made to depend on the convenience of the
HELD: party. To rule otherwise would completely negate the
purpose of the rule on completeness of service, which is
Rule 124 – Procedure in the Court of Appeals. to place the date of receipt of pleadings, judgment and
processes beyond the power of the party being served to
Section 14. Motion for New Trial. – At any time after the determine at his pleasure.
appeal from the lower court has been perfected and
before the judgment of the Court of Appeals convicting DISPOSITION:
the accused becomes final, the latter may move for a
new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition is
material to his defense. The motion shall conform to the DISMISSED. Costs against the petitioner.
provisions of section 4 Rule 121. (Emphasis supplied.)
Post-Judgment Remedies| Period of appeal Rule 41, Section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
Blanza states:
The right to appeal is neither a natural right nor a part SEC. 3. Period of ordinary appeal. ― The appeal shall be
of due process. It is merely a statutory privilege and taken within fifteen (15) days from the notice of the
may be exercised only in the manner and in accordance judgment or final order appealed from. Where a record
with the provisions of law. Thus, one who seeks to avail on appeal is required, the appellant shall file a notice of
of the right to appeal must comply with the appeal and a record on appeal within thirty (30) days
requirements of the Rules. Failure to do so often leads from the notice of judgment or final order.
to the loss of the right to appeal. The period to appeal is
fixed by both statute and procedural rules
The period to appeal shall be interrupted by a timely
motion for new trial or reconsideration. No motion for
extension of time to file a motion for new trial or
reconsideration shall be allowed. (emphasis supplied)
Neypes, et, al, (petitioners) filed an action for annulment
of judgment and titles of land and/or reconveyance
Based on the foregoing, an appeal should be taken within
and/or reversion against private respondents.
15 days from the notice of judgment or final order
appealed from. A final judgment or order is one that
In the course of the proceedings, the parties filed various finally disposes of a case, leaving nothing more for the
motions with the trial court. court to do with respect to it. It is an adjudication on the
merits which, considering the evidence presented at the
Later on, RTC dismissed petitioners’ complaint on the trial, declares categorically what the rights and
ground that the action had already prescribed. obligations of the parties are; or it may be an order or
judgment that dismisses an action.
Petitioners filed MR but was denied. After 5 days, they
filed their Notice of Appeal To standardize the appeal periods provided in the Rules
and to afford litigants fair opportunity to appeal their
RTC denied their NOA (8 days late); MR for this also cases, the Court deems it practical to allow a fresh period
denied. of 15 days within which to file the notice of appeal in the
Regional Trial Court, counted from receipt of the order
dismissing a motion for a new trial or motion for
Petition for certiorari and mandamus under Rule 65 filed
also dismissed. MR also denied.
Sec. 39. Appeals. – The period for appeal from final We thus hold that petitioners seasonably filed their
orders, resolutions, awards, judgments, or decisions of notice of appeal within the fresh period of 15 days,
any court in all these cases shall be fifteen (15) days counted from July 22, 1998 (the date of receipt of notice
counted from the notice of the final order, resolution, denying their motion for reconsideration). This
award, judgment, or decision appealed from. Provided, pronouncement is not inconsistent with Rule 41, Section
however, that in habeas corpus cases, the period for 3 of the Rules which states that the appeal shall be taken
appeal shall be (48) forty-eight hours from the notice of within 15 days from notice of judgment or final order
judgment appealed from. x x x (BP 129) appealed from. The use of the disjunctive word "or"
signifies disassociation and independence of one thing
from another. It should, as a rule, be construed in the Respondents moved to dismiss the appeal claiming that
sense in which it ordinarily implies. Hence, the use of the NOA failed to state the ground of the appeal and was
"or" in the above provision supposes that the notice of filed beyond the reglementary period
appeal may be filed within 15 days from the notice of
judgment or within 15 days from notice of the "final RA gave due course to the NOA.
order," which we already determined to refer to the July
1, 1998 order denying the motion for a new trial or
Respondents went to CA insisting that both notices of
appeal were infirm for failure to state the grounds for an
To recapitulate, a party litigant may either file his notice
of appeal within 15 days from receipt of the Regional
CA denied respondents’ petition.
Trial Court’s decision or file it within 15 days from receipt
of the order (the "final order") denying his motion for
new trial or motion for reconsideration. Obviously, the Petitioners pray that their Notices of Appeal to the
new 15-day period may be availed of only if either DARAB be given due course on the ground that they have
motion is filed; otherwise, the decision becomes final and substantially complied with the rules as set forth in
executory after the lapse of the original appeal period Section 2, Rule XIII of the 1994 DARAB New Rules of
provided in Rule 41, Section 3. Procedure. They posit that their appeal on "questions of
fact and law" should suffice, even if they omitted the
phrase "which if not corrected would cause grave
irreparable damage and injury to them". They argue that
the stringent application of the rules denied them
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the substantial justice.
assailed decision of the Court of
Appeals REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, let the
Respondents reiterate that the notices of appeal are
records of this case be remanded to the Court of Appeals
"mere scraps of paper" for failure to state the grounds
for further proceedings.
relied upon for the appeal and for containing forged
signatures. They insist that giving effect to the Notice of
REGIONAL AGRARIAN REFORM ADJUDICATION BOARD Appeal would countenance an act which is criminal in
V. CA nature. Respondents maintain that there should be strict
Post-Judgment Remedies| Perfection of appeal adherence to the technical rules of procedure because
Blanza the DARAB rules frown upon frivolous and dilatory
Rules of procedure are tools to facilitate a fair and
orderly conduct of proceedings. Strict adherence thereto ISSUE: WON petitioners properly perfected their appeal?
must not get in the way of achieving substantial justice. (YES)
So long as their purpose is sufficiently met and no
violation of due process and fair play takes place, the
rules should be liberally construed, especially in
agrarian cases.
The defects found in the two notices of appeal are not of
such nature that would cause a denial of the right to
appeal. Placed in their proper factual context, the defects
are not only excusable but also inconsequential.
Respondents (owners of lands) filed a complaint for
ejectment against petitioners (agri-lessees) for non-
Alleged failure to specify grounds for appeal
payment of rentals before the DARAB, CSFP.
There is nothing sacred about the forms of pleadings or
Regional Adjudicator (RA) ruled in favor of respondents.
processes, their sole purpose being to facilitate the
application of justice to the rival claims of contending
Petitioners filed two separate NOA (both not signed by parties. Hence, pleadings as well as procedural rules
their lawyer). should be construed liberally. Dismissal of appeals purely
on technical grounds is frowned upon because rules of
procedure should not be applied to override substantial
justice. Courts must proceed with caution so as not to
deprive a party of statutory appeal; they must ensure from the receipt of the order, resolution or decision
that all litigants are granted the amplest opportunity for appealed from, and serving a copy thereof on the adverse
the proper and just ventilation of their causes, free from party, if the appeal is in writing.
technical constraints. If the foregoing tenets are followed
in a civil case, their application is made more imperative b) An oral appeal shall be reduced into writing
in an agrarian case where the rules themselves provide by the Adjudicator to be signed by the
for liberal construction, thus: appellant, and a copy thereof shall be served
upon the adverse party within ten (10) days
Rule I from the taking of the oral appeal.
General Provisions
Section 2. Grounds. The aggrieved party may appeal to
Section 2. Construction. These Rules shall be liberally the Board from a final order, resolution or decision of the
construed to carry out the objectives of the agrarian Adjudicator on any of the following grounds:
reform program and to promote just, expeditious, and
inexpensive adjudication and settlement of agrarian a) That errors in the findings of fact or
cases, disputes or controversies. conclusions of laws were committed which, if
not corrected, would cause grave and
xxxx irreparable damage and injury to the appellant;
Section 3. Technical Rules Not Applicable. The Board and b) That there is a grave abuse of discretion on
its Regional and Provincial Adjudicators shall not be the part of the Adjudicator; or
bound by technical rules of procedure and evidence as
prescribed in the Rules of Court, but shall proceed to hear c) That the order, resolution or decision is
and decide all agrarian cases, disputes or controversies in obtained through fraud or coercion.
a most expeditious manner, employing all reasonable
means to ascertain the facts of every case in accordance
with justice and equity.
Section 5. Requisites and Perfection of the Appeal. a) The
Notice of Appeal shall be filed within the reglementary
period as provided for in Section 1 of this Rule. It shall
Rule VIII state the date when the appellant received the order or
Proceedings before the Adjudicators and the Board judgment appealed from and the proof of service of the
notice to the adverse party; and
Section 1. Nature of Proceedings. The proceedings before
the Board or its Adjudicators shall be non-litigious in b) An appeal fee of Five Hundred Pesos
nature. Subject to the essential requirements of due (₱500.00) shall be paid by the appellant within
process, the technicalities of law and procedure and the the reglementary period to the DAR Cashier
rules governing the admissibility and sufficiency of where the Office of the Adjudicators is situated.
evidence obtained in the courts of law shall not apply. x x xxx
Non-compliance with the above-mentioned requisites
Guided by the foregoing principles, we find that the shall be a ground for dismissal of the appeal.
Notices of Appeal substantially complied with all that is
required under the 1994 DARAB Rules. The following
Both Notices of Appeal stated that the petitioners were
provisions are instructive in making this conclusion:
appealing the decision "on the grounds of questions of
fact and of law," which we find sufficient statement of
Rule XIII the ground for appeal under Section 2(a), Rule XIII of the
APPEALS DARAB Rules. While the notices omitted to state that
"the decision would cause grave and irreparable damage
Section 1. Appeal to the Board. a) An appeal may be and injury to the appellant," we find such punctilious
taken from an order, resolution or decision of the fidelity to the language of the DARAB Rules unnecessary.
Adjudicator to the Board by either of the parties or both, Surely by appealing the Decision of the Regional
orally or in writing, within a period of fifteen (15) days Adjudicator, the petitioners were already manifesting
that they will be damaged by the assailed decision. public market on a substantial portion of his land without
Requiring a literal application of the rules when its his consent
purpose has already been served is oppressive
superfluity. MTC ruled in his favor; MOI filed its NOA but the MTC
denied due course.
It must be stressed that the purpose of the notice of
appeal is not to detail one’s objections regarding the MOI filed petition for certiorari in the RTC to assail the
appealed decision; that is the purpose of the appellants’ denial of due course by the MTCgranted.
memorandum. In the context of a DARAB case, the
notice of appeal serves only to inform the tribunal or
Upon Bueno’s death, petitioners substituted him and
officer that rendered the appealed decision (i.e., the
moved for a reconsiderationdenied.
Regional Adjudicator) of the timeliness of the appeal and
of the general reason for the appeal, and to prepare the
records thereof for transmission to the appellate body Petitioners appealed to the CA by petition for review
(i.e., the DARAB). Petitioners’ Notices of Appeal contain under Rule 42.
everything that is necessary to serve these purposes.
CA dismissed the petition (not being the proper mode of
DISPOSITION: appeal; that the assailed orders had been issued by the
RTC in the exercise of its original jurisdiction); MR also
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED and the
assailed June 9, 2004 Decision of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. SP No. 79304, which gave no legal effect to Petitioners’ contention Although petition for review
petitioners’ Notices of Appeal, is hereby ANNULLED and under Rule 42 was inappropriate, they substantially
SET ASIDE. The August 5, 2003 Order of the Regional complied with the requirements of an ordinary appeal
Adjudicator giving due course to the two Notices of under Rule 41, and pray that the Court exercise its equity
Appeal is REINSTATED. Let the records of the case be jurisdiction because a stringent application of the Rules
transmitted forthwith to the Adjudication Board which of Court would not serve the demands of substantial
is DIRECTED to proceed to dispose of the appeal with justice.
deliberate dispatch.
ZAMBALES WON the mode of appeal (Rule 42) was proper? (NO)
Appeal from judgments/final orders of the RTCs (Rule 42)
Blanza HELD:
The plea for liberality is unworthy of any sympathy from An appeal brings up for review any error of judgment
the Court. We have' always looked at appeal as not a committed by a court with jurisdiction over the subject of
matter of right but a mere statutory the suit and over the persons of the parties, or any error
privilege.1âwphi1 As the· parties invoking the privilege, committed by the court in the exercise of its jurisdiction
the petitioners should have faithfully complied with the amounting to nothing more than an error of judgment. It
requirements of the Rules of Court. Their failure to do so was, therefore, very crucial for the petitioners and their
forfeited their privilege to appeal. Indeed, any liberality counsel to have been cognizant of the different modes to
in the application of the rules of procedure may be appeal the adverse decision of the RTC in the special civil
properly invoked only in cases of some excusable formal action for certiorari brought by the Municipality of Iba.
deficiency or error in a pleading, but definitely not in Such modes of appeal were well delineated in the Rules
cases like now where a liberal application would directly of Court, and have been expressly stated in Section 2,
subvert the essence of the proceedings or results in the Rule 41 of the Rules of Court since July 1, 1997, to wit:
utter disregard of the Rules of Court.
Section 2.Modes of appeal.
(a) Ordinary appeal.- The appeal to the Court of
Bueno (tenant-farmer beneficiary) brought an ejectment Appeals in cases decided by the Regional Trial
suit in the MTC of Iba against the Municipality of Iba Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction
(“MOI”) claiming that the latter had constructed the shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal with
the court which rendered the judgment or final other lawful
order appealed from and serving a copy thereof fees with the
upon the adverse party. No record on appeal RTC.
shall be required except in special proceedings When RTC Upon the upon
and other cases of multiple or separate appeals loses perfection of perfection of
where the law or these Rules so require. In such jurisdiction the appeal the appeal
cases, the record on appeal shall be filed and filed in due AND the
served in like manner. time AND the expiration of
expiration of the time to
(b) Petition for review.- The appeal to the Court the time to appeal of the
of Appeals in cases decided by the Regional Trial appeal of the other parties
Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction other parties
shall be by petition for review in accordance Effect of Ground for dismissal
with Rule 42. non-
payment of
(c) Appeal by certiorari.-In all cases where only docket fees
questions of law are raised or involved, the Immediate Clerk of court Does not arise
appeal shall be to the Supreme Court by petition transmittal of the RTC is except upon
for review on certiorari in accordance with Rule burdened to order of the
45. immediately CA, when
undertake the deemed
transmittal of necessary.
Rule 41 Rule 42
the records by
Nature of is a matter of is a matter of
verifying the
the appeal right discretion (aka
refers to the is taken from
of the records
right to seek the decision or
of the case;
the review by final order
the transmittal
a superior rendered by a
to the CA must
court of the court in the
be made
judgment exercise of its
within 30 days
rendered by primary
from the
the trial court, appellate
perfection of
exists after the jurisdiction,
the appeal.
trial in the first may be
instance disallowed by
the superior
court in its
WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the resolutions of the
discretion. (CA
Court of Appeals promulgated on October 28, 2003 and
has the
February 10, 2004 in C.A. G.R.SP No. 78706; and ORDERS
the petitioners to pay the costs of suit.
whether to
due course to
the petition for
review or not)
Appeal from judgments or final orders of the Court of
How appeal File NOA in the upon the
Appeals| Rule 45 v. Rule 65
is perfected RTC w/in a timely filing of
period of 15 the petition for
days from review before
notice of the the CA.
judgment of
the RTC + full Petitioner PBCOM filed for sum of money against private
payment of respondents in the RTC of Makati City.
court docket &
Private respondents moved for the dismissal full aggrieved party is to elevate the matter through a special
payment + RTC had no jurisdiction over the case because civil action under Rule 65. Clearly, contrary to the CA's
PBCOM failed to pay the correct docket fees. finding, PBCOM availed itself of the correct remedy in
questioning the disallowance of its notice of appeal.
RTC ordered PBCOM to pay additional docket fees;
PBCOM paid but its Compliance was filed later thus RTC EXCEPTIONS to the requirement of MR prior filing of the
dismissed the complaint for failure to comply; MR petition under Rule 65:
denied. (a) where the order is a patent nullity, as where the
court a quo has no jurisdiction;
PBCOM timely filed a NOARTC denied due course (said (b) where the questions raised in
appeal is not the proper remedy); PBCOM did not file any the certiorari proceedings have been duly raised and
MR. passed upon by the lower court, or are the same as those
raised and passed upon in the lower court;
(c) where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution
PBCOM filed a Petition for Certiorari and Mandamus with
of the question and any further delay would prejudice
the CAdenied (wrong mode of appeal+mandatory
the interests of the Government or of the petitioner or
requirement of a MR)
the subject matter of the action is perishable;
(d) where, under the circumstances, a motion for
ISSUE: reconsideration would be useless;
(e) where petitioner was deprived of due process and
WON a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is the proper there is extreme urgency for relief;
remedy in the instant case? (YES) (f) where, in a criminal case, relief from an order of arrest
is urgent and the granting of such relief by the trial court
HELD: is improbable;
(g) where the proceedings in the lower court are a nullity
Rule 45 Rule 65 for lack of due process;
Decisions, final orders or Is a special civil action; is (h) where the proceedings were ex parte or in which the
resolutions of the Court of an independent action petitioner had no opportunity to object; and
Appeals in any based on the specific (i) where the issue raised is one purely of law or where
case, i.e., regardless of the grounds therein public interest is involved.
nature of the action or provided and, as a
proceedings involved, may be general rule, cannot be The first exception applies in this case.
appealed by filing a petition availed of as a substitute
for review, which would be for the lost remedy of an Rule 41, Section 13 of the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure
but a continuation of the ordinary appeal, states:
appellate process over the including that under
original case. Rule 45. SEC. 13. Dismissal of appeal. - Prior to the transmittal of
the original record or the record on appeal to the
When a party adopts an improper remedy, his petition appellate court, the trial court may, motu proprio or on
may be dismissed outright. motion, dismiss the appeal for having been taken out of
time or for non-payment of the docket and other lawful
In the assailed Decision, the CA appears to have confused fees within the reglementary period.
the RTC Order dismissing PBCOM's complaint with the
RTC Order denying PBCOM' s notice of appeal, and In Salvan v. People, this Court held that the power of the
mistakenly ruled that the petition for certiorari and RTC to dismiss an appeal is limited to the instances
mandamus filed by PBCOM was a wrong mode of appeal. specified in the afore-quoted provision. In other words,
the RTC has no jurisdiction to deny a notice of appeal on
Notably, in its petition before the CA, PBCOM assailed an entirely different ground - such as "that an appeal is
the RTC Order denying due course to its notice of appeal. not a proper remedy."
In Neplum, Inc. v. Orbeso, this Court ruled that a trial
court's order disallowing a notice of appeal, which is The authority to dismiss an appeal for being an improper
tantamount to a disallowance or dismissal of the appeal remedy is specifically vested upon the CA and not the
itself, is not a decision or final order from which an RTC. Rule 50, Section 1 of the same Rules states:
appeal may be taken. The suitable remedy for the
SECTION 1. Grounds for dismissal of appeal. - An appeal Alcaraz filed a petition for review with the City
may be dismissed by the Court of Appeals, on its own Prosecutor's Office, DOJSOJ Perez granted and ordered
motion or on that of the appellee, on the following the withdrawal of the information.
Gonzalez filed a MRdenied.
Gonzalez then filed a petition for review under Rule 43
(i) The fact that [the] order or judgment appealed from claiming that the Secretary acted beyond his authority;
is not appealable. (Emphasis supplied) that by invoking self-defense, Alcaraz thereby admitted
his intention to kill him; the claim of self-defense should
In fine, the assailed RTC Order, denying due course to be ventilated during trial on the merits.
PBCOM's notice of appeal on the ground that it was a
wrong remedy, is a patent nullity. The RTC acted without CA granted the petition reversing the assailed resolutions
or in excess of its jurisdiction. of the SOJ; Alcaraz filed his MR but was denied.
Respondentthe Secretary of Justice acted as a quasi-
Review of final judgments or final orders of quasi-judicial
judicial officer when he reviewed the resolutions of the
City Prosecutor; hence, the same may be reviewed by the
CA via petition for review under Rule 43 of the Rules of
This case involves the collision between Gonzales and
Atty. Alcaraz which resulted in the latter to shoot the car
Whether the petition for review under Rule 43 of the
of Gonzales twice.
Rules of Court was the proper remedy of respondent?
Gonzalez filed an attempted homicide against Atty.
It bears stressing that the Resolution of the Justice Sps. Morales filed with the RTC for judicial foreclosure of
Secretary affirming, modifying or reversing the resolution the H & L against Juliet Vitug Madarang, Romeo
of the Investigating Prosecutor is final. Under the 1993 Bartolome, and the Spouses Rodolfo and Ruby Anne
Revised Rules on Appeals (now the 2000 National Bartolome on account of Sps. Bartolome’s failure to pay
Prosecution Service Rules on Appeals), resolutions in their loan secured by the REM. (the spouses who loaned
preliminary investigations or reinvestigations from the died)
Justice Secretary's resolution, except the aggrieved party,
has no more remedy of appeal to file a motion for
Defendants’ answerdefendants assailed the
reconsideration of the said resolution of such motion if it
authenticity of the REM specifically the Spouses
is denied by the said Secretary. The remedy of the
Bartolome’s signatures and that the complaint was
aggrieved party is to file a petition for certiorari under
already barred since it had been dismissed in another
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court since there is no more
branch of the RTC of QC for failure to comply with an
appeal or other remedy available in the ordinary course
order of the trial court.
of law.
RTC ruled for Sps. Morales. MR filed denied.
In the present case, respondent filed a petition for review
under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, assailing the
resolutions of the Justice Secretary. Instead of dismissing NOA filed with RTC but was denied due course for having
the petition, however, the CA gave due course to it and been filed out of time (their lawyer received the copy of
thereafter granted the petition, on its finding that the the order denying the MR on June 24, 2010 thus they
Justice Secretary erred in reversing the resolution of the have (15 days) or until July 9, 2010 to appeal but their
Investigating Prosecutor which found probable cause NOA was filed only on Aug. 11, 2010)
against petitioner for attempted homicide. Patently, the
ruling of the CA is incorrect. September 24, 2010defendants filed a petition for
relief from judgment, blaming their 80-year-old lawyer
DISPOSITION: who failed to file the notice of appeal within the
reglementary period; arguing that their lawyer’s failure
to appeal within the reglementary period was a mistake
and an excusable negligence due to their former lawyer’s
is GRANTED. The assailed Decision and Resolution of the
old age DENIED (filed beyond 60 days from the finality
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 75589 are NULLIFIED.
of the trial court’s decision)
A petition for relief from judgment is an equitable relief MR filed also denied.
granted only under exceptional circumstances. To set
aside a judgment through a petition for relief, parties ISSUE: Whether the petition for relief from judgment was
must file the petition within 60 days from notice of the filed out of time? (YES)
judgment and within six (6) months after the judgment
or final order was entered; otherwise, the petition shall HELD:
be dismissed outright.
A petition for relief from judgment must be filed within these periods, which are definitely jurisdictional, must
60 days after petitioner learns of the judgment, final always be observed. (Sps. Reyes v. CA)
order, or proceeding and within six (6) months from
entry of judgment or final order. Thus, the decision became final 15 days after January 29,
2010, or on February 13, 2010. Petitioners had six (6)
HOW TO COUNT THE 60-DAY PERIOD? months from February 13, 2010, or until August 12, 2010,
to file a petition for relief from judgment.
Sec. 3. Time for filing petition; contents and verification.–
A petition provided for in either of the preceding sections Since petitioners filed their petition for relief from
of this Rule must be verified, filed within sixty (60) days judgment on September 24, 2010, the petition for relief
after petitioner learns of the judgment, final order, or from judgment was filed beyond six (6) months from
other proceeding to be set aside, and not more than six finality of judgment. The trial court should have denied
(6) months after such judgment or final order was the petition for relief from judgment on this ground.
entered, or such proceeding was taken; and must be
accompanied with affidavits, showing the fraud, accident, ALSO...Even if we assume that petitioners filed their
mistake or excusable negligence relied upon and the facts petition for relief from judgment within the reglementary
constituting the petitioner’s good and substantial cause period, petitioners failed to prove that their former
of action or defense, as the case may be. (Emphasis counsel’s failure to file a timely notice of appeal was due
supplied) to a mistake or excusable negligence.
The double period required under Section 3, Rule 38 is Under Section 1, Rule 38 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
jurisdictional and should be strictly complied with. A Procedure, a petition for relief from judgment may be
petition for relief from judgment filed beyond the filed on the ground of fraud, accident, mistake, or
reglementary period is dismissed outright. This is excusable negligence:
because a petition for relief from judgment is an
exception to the public policy of immutability of final
Section 1. Petition for relief from judgment, order, or
other proceedings.
It should be noted that the 60-day period from Petitioners argue that their former counsel’s failure to
knowledge of the decision, and the 6-month period from file a notice of appeal within the reglementary period
entry of judgment, are both inextendible and was "a mistake and an excusable negligence due to [their
uninterruptible. We have also time and again held that former counsel’s] age." This argument stereotypes and
because relief from a final and executory judgment is demeans senior citizens. It asks this court to assume that
really more of an exception than a rule due to its a person with advanced age is prone to incompetence.
equitable character and nature, strict compliance with This cannot be done.
There is also no showing that the negligence could have
been prevented through ordinary diligence and
prudence. As such, petitioners are bound by their
counsel’s negligence.