Molecular DNA Markers in Phylogeny and Systematics: V. V. Grechko
Molecular DNA Markers in Phylogeny and Systematics: V. V. Grechko
Molecular DNA Markers in Phylogeny and Systematics: V. V. Grechko
When we classify organisms, phenotypic classification is but the first step. The
second step is an attempt at making a conclusion about the genotype, this evo-
lutionarily formed genetic program, which is of a far higher cognitive and
prognostic value than phenotype. Phenotypes may possess similarity that is ir-
relevant, and only an examination of the genotype can establish, which similar
phenotypic traits are caused by convergence, and which express the ancestral
E. Mayr, 1968 [1]
Abstract—The review considers data on the use of the main evolutionary markers (ribosomal, mitochondrial,
and RAPD markers; dispersed and tandem repeats). Some circumstances impending analysis of these data are
a lower organism, nematode. However, microevolution On the one hand, referring to important authorities (I.I.
and direct phylogenetic analysis of millions of taxa can Schmalhausen, E. Mayr, A.N. Belozersky, and Th.
hardly be based on these results although the principle Dobzhansky), Antonov admits that phenotypic con-
of the choice of DNA regions as speciation markers will structions as such are not sufficiently substantiated in
be better understood. plant systematics and that “the system needs consider-
Molecular biologists who have dared to enter evolu- able revision”; he favorably presents the views of
tionary studies with their methodology and tools are M. Donohue (see [6] for reference) on the necessity to
faced with the necessity to participate in the current dis- construct a completely different, phylogenetic system-
cussion between the advocates of cladistical approach atics of plants. On the other hand, Antonov believes that
to systematization of living organisms (based only on genosystematic data only “can or must be taken into
phylogeny; Hennig 1965, cited from [8]) and their account by classical taxonomists, especially when they
opponents who find significant and yet insurmountable help to choose the best among the phylogenetic or sys-
shortcomings of this approach (see Emel’yanov 1989, tematic hypotheses proposed by them.” The author
cited from [9]) related exactly to its direct application even thinks that “since the evolutionary trees of pheno-
to classification and systematics. In my opinion, the types and genotypes are only similar but not identical,”
paradox of this situation lies in the fact that the propo- the attempts to “harness together a horse and a graceful
nents of cladistics, who attempted to circumvent the doe” are bound to be unsuccessful. However, the fac-
difficulties of the traditional, phenotype-based system- tual part of Antonov’s work, which analyses the contri-
atics by proposing to construct classification systems bution of molecular-based phylogeny to the modern
only on the basis of phylogenetic relationships among views on plant systematics, is in direct contradiction to
elementary evolutionary units, could not yet suggest the pessimistic closing sentence and suggests the
instead a balanced, understandable, and consistent necessity to consider molecular (and paleontological)
methodology for constructing such system [9]. phylogeny as the primary driving force in constructing
Another paradox lies in the fact that an advocate of the new and revising the available, Linnaean, systemat-
the Linnaean systematics in its pure form is unlikely to ics. Thus, the current situation in biology is character-
be found among biologists beginning from Darwin and ized by the fact that molecular phylogenetic studies
Haeckel (see [1]), and any phylogenetic verification, be employ the traditional operational methods of phenetic
it paleontological, osteological, karyological, or molec- systematics and are in delay (in relation to the tradi-
ular, is favorably received by taxonomists and tional systematics) in their estimations.
accounted for in constructing classifications. Linnaeus
himself understood the necessity of this (see the book There is also a counter movement, i.e., traditional
by N.N. Vorontsov [10]). However, in real life it is hard taxonomists use cladistic terminology describing rela-
to imagine a taxonomist who is waiting for the time tionships within large taxa in concrete works. However,
when the systematic position of a newly found taxon for instance, the cladistic notion of “sister taxon”
will be phylogenetically substantiated. implies that the authors using it accept the major cladis-
tic postulate that the ancestral species cease to exist at
This uncertainty results in the following situation: speciation giving rise to two new taxa, each of which
presenting new, molecular phylogenetic relationhips carries an autapomorphic character. So far, these con-
for a known groups, the critics of phenetic (in essence tradictions remain unresolved. The most consistent
Linnaean) approach nevertheless compare their adherents of cladistics, like, for example, President of
schemes to the phenetic ones. They are satisfied when the American Association of Systematics, M. Donohue
the conclusions based on the both approaches coincide; (cited from [6]) maintains that the whole Linnaean
if not, the preference is given to those more reasonably (phenetic) systematics as not based on taxon phylogeny
integrating the molecular and morphological results. is incorrect, the modern systematics lacks biological
The literature on molecular markers abounds with the meaning, and a completely new systematics must be
attempts at finding such integration. This may indicate developed.
that researchers implicitly assume that genetic related-
ness of groups based on their morphology obviously I would like to see a compromise between these two
reflects the formation history of the taxon and its ances- alternatives. The main reason is that the similarity
tors, i.e., the phylogenetic component. Another expla- between and comparison of phenetic characters is not
nation is “unscrupulousness” of adherents of the phylo- purely mechanistic and in most cases evidently reveals,
genetic approach who refute their results if they do not albeit implicitly, the shared genetic roots of the groups
conform to the standing notions of the classic system- examined. The occasional erroneous conclusions
atics. resulting from possible homoplasias (convergence and
This opinion of the author of the present study has reversion of development) can occur in any systems of
developed during her work with taxonomists and was weakly substantiated notions, of which the concept of
unexpectedly illustrated by a statement in a book by species is an example. This issue is discussed in the
A.S. Antonov [6] on the situation in the field of botany, treatise “Molecular Systematics” [11] and in other
in the case when molecular and genetic concepts overlap. monographs.
The second reason is that, as follows from the fur- structural genes or their blocks and the synthesis inten-
ther discussion, traditional constructions of systematics sity. The phenomena of horizontal gene transfer and
in many cases do nor enter into a categorical and complete genome duplication [20] contribute to the
unsolvable controversy with the data of molecular phy- complexity of this issue not only in lower, but also in
logeny regarded from a cladistic viewpoint. The contra- higher eukaryotes. For instance, recently reported strik-
dictions can be overcome, in case of lower taxa, by ing similarity of a dispersed repetitive sequence in
comparing phylogenies based on different markers and bovine DNA and that of some reptile species [21]
by searching for sources of possible homoplasias [12]. places these groups in one pseudo-monophyletic clade.
Resolving the complicated issues at the lever of Thus, the huge amount of literature contains few
higher taxa, the origin of life, multicellular organiza- unambiguous results while phylogenies based on dif-
tion, etc., is far more difficult, and the deficit of compar- ferent markers are often conflicting. It seems that we
ative morphological data and their difficult (and some- are in the formative period of the basic level of molec-
times impossible) comparison in case of distant taxa ular evolution and in search of the simplest and con-
(and often wrong selection of molecular markers) in trolled associations between biochemical and morpho-
many cases leaves grounds to doubt. Although the num- logical characters. In what follows, I will focus on the
ber of studies dealing with these issues has been main pro and contra of the use of the currently most
increasing, the controversy in the views of the phylog- popular molecular approaches.
eny of the kingdoms and major taxa still persists (McIn-
tyre 1994; cited from [13]; [14–17]). This is largely MARKERS OF GENES FOR RIBOSOMAL RNAs
related to the development and evaluation of mathemat-
ical methods of data treatment (Philippe et al. 1996, Ribosomal RNAs and their genes have been used as
cited from [18]). However, even here molecular phy- a phylogenetic tool for more than two decades. Their
logeny becomes a decisive argument whereas unclear use in this respect is determined not only by their func-
subjects and inconsistencies require only further stud- tional significance but also by the amount of informa-
ies. Thus, today we witness the development of a new tion on relatively different evolution intervals of differ-
paradigm of evaluation of biological diversity and its ent parts of the enormous and complex operon of these
criteria. Molecular biologists should, in particular, cau- RNAs (Gerbi 1985, Rotschild et al. 1986, Humbi and
tiously use traditional systematics in attempts of its Zummer 1992, cited from [18]; see also [5, 22]). Thus,
phylogenetic understanding in terms of molecular in vertebrate operons having most complex organiza-
markers and employing tools of cladistics. tion, the structure of regions encoding ribosomal RNAs
(18S, 28S, 5.8S, 5S) is most conserved and used for
The hope that molecular markers can be a panacea studying the most ancient stages of evolution of the liv-
for understanding evolution seems to be overly optimis- ing matter. Other transcribed but not coding RNA parts
tic. The most general and main complication is the (spacers) are located within (Internal Transcribed
inconsistency of the assumption on the nonuniform rate Spacer, ITS) and at the ends (External Transcribed
and equal probability of mutations (Pauling and Zuck- Spacer, ETS) of the operon; they evolve at faster rates
erkandle 1965; Britten 1986; cited from [19]), i.e., the and are used for studying more close genetic relation-
“molecular clock” concept. The temporal changes of ships. The variability of nontranscribed (or, more
different genome parts and, as a consequence, genomic exactly, weakly transcribed) spacers (NonTranscribed
products are not uniform not only in different taxa but Spacer, NTS) separating tandemly positioned riboso-
even within one taxon [19]. Moreover, such issues as mal operons is even higher; in addition, lengths of
mutation regularities, the contribution of neutral muta- NTSs containing internal repeats depend on their num-
tions, different frequencies of codon usage in different ber. These regions can be used to study close relation-
taxa, frequencies of transitions and transversions, ships including within-population ones. More simply
ambiguity of splicing messenger RNA precursors lead- organized operons can lack ITSs or ETSs; the size of
ing to intragenic protein variability, and many other NTS varies producing operon sizes ranging from 6.8 kb
processes affecting molecular marker quality are still in Stilonichia (Protozoa) to 42 kb in Dictiostelium and
poorly understood and cannot be fully taken into 44 kb in the rat [23]. Thus, the main field of use of these
account in constructing phylogenies based on molecu- markers in higher eukaryotes is the relatedness of
lar markers but have an effect on the results. remote taxa, many of which have little morphological
The observed discrepancies between morphological similarity, and in prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes,
systematics and the data on different molecular markers minimal similarity.
in a taxon may be related to the fact that each morpho- First let us consider some of the enormous number
logical or behavioral trait on the molecular level is con- of studies using ribosomal markers that have marked an
trolled by several genes and depends on random muta- era in the development of molecular evolution. At the
tion in any of them. The formation of a morphological end of this section, I turn to the critical evaluation of
or behavioral trait involves not only structural genes of these advances in the most recent years. I would like to
protein synthesis, but also regulatory genes determin- emphasize, though, that the critical comments pertain
ing switching on and off of mRNA synthesis on the only to methodological aspects of the analysis not con-
cerning the standing value of the accumulated experi- orders of Homoptera—showed that all of them had a
mental material, the possibilities of additional and longer 18S rRNA molecule, each of which contained
repeated analysis of which are practically unlimited. apomorphic inserts. By including in the analysis
The discoveries of three superkingdoms of living sequences of other insects, a nonconflicting tree was
organisms—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucaria—by constructed which was better than the tree based on
K. Woese and his associates (Woese et al. 1990, cited similarities/dissimilarities at individual nuceotide posi-
from [18]) and of the absence of intermediate forms tions. Genes for 18S rRNA of modern insects retain as
between animals having two- and three-layer blasto- phylogenetic markers (various inserts) the traces of
phylla were of key importance permitting a radical revi- events having occurred in the Carbon when Hemiptera
sion of the phylogenetic tree of mammals [17]. and Oligoptera diverged (by one insert) and in the early
Permian where the clade Sternorrhincha was formed
Conserved regions permit studying the origin of (by three inserts) [24].
Metazoa and the evolution within Metazoa and Proto-
zoa, the evolution of Bilateria and Radiata (Field et al. The phylogeny within Arthropoda, which so far had
1988, Hendriks et al. 1990; cited from [17]), the origin different classification schemes, has been extensively
of Coelomata and Acoelomata, and other problems studied. Their monophyletic or polyphyletic origin
related to the search for the common ancestors of all according to morphological and development/life cycle
classes and other major taxa in animals (see [11, 24, 25]; traits has long been under active debate, the opponents
Cristen et al. 1991, cited from [17]). and proponents of each of these point of view using dif-
ferent variants of these traits (Turbeville et al. 1991,
Using small RNA genes, the monophyletic origin of cited from [27]). Cladistic analysis favors the mono-
Metazoa and early splitting of Animalia, which is also phyletic origin of Arthropoda based on synapomorphies.
monophyletic, have been demonstrated [26]. According The arbitration of these issues that involved examina-
to this evidence, animals and fungi have the common tion of partial sequences of 18S rRNA established the
evolutionary history and their last shared progenitor monophilmy of this group based on a representative set
was flagellates like the modern Choanoflagellata. The of species. Within Arthropoda, the monophilmy of the
similarity between animals and fungi is also indicated subtype Chelicerata including Arachnea and Acarina
by the similarity of elongation factors (cited in [26]) was demonstrated. This coinciding with morphological
and complex biosynthetic pathways including synthe- phylogeny result is important as such since it has a dou-
sis of oxyproline, chitin, cellulose, and ferritin. Thus, ble support. A modern phylogeny and taxonomy of
among variants of relationships of fungi, which were microbes based on ribosomal RNA genes has been
regarded as plants, protozoans, and even as an indepen- developed (see [7]), which led to important conclu-
dent kingdom, their close relationship to animals is sions: for instance, sulfate-reducing bacteria were not
most likely. included in one group and other examples. (On the phy-
The relatedness of major taxa was assessed in the logeny of primates, see the review by Tetushkin [28].)
group Protostomia whose monophyletic origin, as that
of Deuterostomia, was shown independently [17, 27]. It The literature on “ribosomal” phylogeny in plants is
turned out that the use of the trait of body segmentation enormous and involves both nuclear and chloroplast
to unite Annelida (Coelomata) and Arthropoda, which genes. In my review, I will not consider this special
were regarded as descendants of Annelida, was errone- field referring the reader to the review by Antonov and
ous. The classification of Protostomia based on riboso- Troitskii, 1995 (cited from [6]). In the context of criti-
mal markers corresponds to their molting capability cal evaluation of molecular marker methodology, note
and unites the monophyletic group of animals lacking that the situation in plants is no less, if not more, com-
the molting stage (Annelida, Mollusca, Plathyhel- plicated than in animals. Moreover, the danger of con-
mintes, and some others) and having this stage (Nema- vergent similarity of taxa due to reticular evolution is
toda, Arthropoda, Tardigrada, Priapulida) [27]. The likely to be substantially greater in the plant kingdom.
authors proposed new names for the first (Ecdisozoa, The list of example could be extended. Here,
i.e., molting) and the second group (Lophotrochozoa, I should only like to note that at present there is signif-
derived from “lophophorates,” the former name of ten- icant criticism of interpretation of data on ribosomal
tacled invertebrates). markers, as well as on any other markers describing the
In constructing phylogenies of individual groups of early stages of evolution. This is caused by the follow-
higher Metazoa on the basis of ribosomal genes, a ing interrelated and associated circumstances that I will
search for synapomorphic characters of the molecule attempt to classify.
itself rRNA (e.g., insertions) may be promising [24]. (1) The rejection of the idea of “molecular clock”
RNA of the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Homoptera, after the appearance of numerous data that did not con-
Aphidiidae) is unusually long surpassing the range of firm it (Britten 1986, cited from [6]). The mutation rates
variation between, say, human and pea or Paramecium in different regions of nuclear, mitochondrial, and chlo-
(1.7 and 1.8 kb). Screening for different sequence roplast DNAs significantly differ in different taxa;
regions characteristic for the extra part of this RNA in sometimes DNA mutation rates are different even in
other insect taxa—in members of Hemiptera and four lineages of the same taxon. For instance, a comparison
of ribosomal gene evolution and evolution of phora- logical data or comparisons on a smaller evolutionary
minifer fossils yields the difference up to two orders of scale. In most cases the evidence of heterogeneity of
magnitude [29]. The rates of change of the ribosomal evolutionary rates is based on paleontological data
gene operon in some cases also differ. All these facts (Sorhannus 1996, Philippe 1997, Ayala 1997; cited
reduce the likelihood of phylogenetic constructions and from [16], see also [29]). An introduction of the
trees developed by distance analysis. Efforts have been assumption on the lack of constant sites and high and
made (and amply documented) to construct models different rates at the remaining sites considerably
accounting for errors in comparisons of distant increases the distance values (Sullivan and Swofford
branches in the neighbor-joining (NJ) method [30] as 1997, cited from [18]). The issue of different mutation
well as replacements of different sites in the maximum rates at different gene sites (e.g., three codon positions
likelihood (ML) procedure [31]. and others) is very important and actively debated. Not
Constructing models of alternative evolutionary accounting for this may result in the incorrect estima-
pathways as such is subject to criticism: in one of the tion of transversion and transition rates in protein
articles by Z. Yang [32] titled “How often incorrect genes, mutation rates of genes and other DNA sites, and
models produce correct phylogenies?” the author states ultimately to erroneous phylogenetic reconstructions
that the complexity of the task of phylogenetic tree (Yang 1996, Sorhannus 1996; cited from [16]).
reconstruction is apparently not fully understood and (4) The possibility of horizontal gene transfer
requires extensive theoretical elaboration and substan- became evident after the discovery of virus transduc-
tiation. tion, plasmid transfer inducing drug resistance in bac-
(2) The second most important circumstance fol- teria, and, later, transfer of mobile elements and multi-
lows from the first: the differences in mutation accumu- cellular organisms and the possibility of gene vaccina-
lation rates in the compared taxa may influence phylo- tion. This lead virtually to the change from the
genetic tree topologies and evaluation of the relative paradigm of conservative hereditary material to the par-
time of branching off. Overlooking this can result in the adigm of genome instability (see [34]) although some
so-called “Long Branch Attraction” (LBA), against authors maintain that the evolutionary significance of
which has cautioned Felsenstein in one of his early the latter phenomenon is considerably overestimated
papers (Felsenstein 1978, cited from [18]) and which is [35]. Indeed, it seemed at first that the phenomenon of
associated, in particular, with the choice of an outgroup horizontal transfer, which is in principle important, yet
upon rooting the tree. If any of the outgroups is long- does not play a substantial role in speciation because of
branched while one of the internal groups evolves at a its rare occurrence. However, at present we should not
higher rate than the others, the latter will appear at a overlook the fact that with accumulation of the com-
deeper level, which looks as if it were attracted by the plete DNA structures in a number of both pro- and
very long branch of the outgroup [18, 33]. The models eukaryotes taxa, the events of horizontal exchange of
of this phenomenon correlate with the observed data. genome parts or of their horizontal transfer recurred in
These problems led some authors to proclaim a crisis of evolution between nuclear DNA and DNA of
molecular phylogeny whose revision upon construct- organelles, between parasites and hosts, among bacte-
ing, for instance, the universal “tree of life” leads to an ria and between bacteria and eukaryotes (see [22]). As
assumption that this tree is based on eukaryotes rather mentioned above, the cases of the appearance of long
than prokaryotes, which are derived from eukaryotes DNA stretches (LINE-like repeats) of reptilians in
through loss of genes and nonorthologous substitutions mammalian genomes [21] are known.
[16]. The acknowledgment of this fact as well as the phe-
In other words, the order of branching off of the nomenon of reticulous evolution (speciation via inter-
“deep” branches mainly depends on the rate of evolu- specific crosses which has similar consequences)
tion. The most rapidly evolving taxon branches off ear- impose restrictions on the exclusively cladistic view of
lier, which does not always reflect its phylogeny as evolution (i.e., an idea of evolutionary process only as
exemplified by thermophilous Eubacteria (Gupta 1998, a dichotomy) and can lead to erroneous establishment
cited from [16]). Given these circumstances, some of phylogenetic relationships based on sequences bear-
authors cast doubt on, e.g., the phylogeny of arthropods ing foreign genes. The hazard of considering non-
based on nuclear ribosomal genes [13, 31]. The accu- orthologous sequences in comparisons of small parts of
mulation effect probably affects the structure of all phy- the ribosomal operon also exists. Modeling of such
logenies based on eukaryotic rRNA genes. events is currently in progress [36].
(3) During evolution, recurrent changes of a site can (5) In some cases, ribosomal operons exhibit vari-
occur, which are very difficult to test. If this is so, the ability (mainly in NTS quality and length) within an
actual mutation rates may be far higher than their individual and among individuals within a population
experimental estimates. Approaches to evaluating dif- (e.g., in the newt [37]). It is known that mutation rates
ferences in evolutionary rates of the “saturated” genes and 18S rRNA gene sequences are different at different
have been developed using various improved methods developmental stages in the same individual, as in Plas-
of the replacement number estimation [18], paleonto- modium vivax [38]. There are a few operons (orphons)
not connected with a tandem family and usually having electron transport and ATP synthesis, and a regulatory
structural defects. All this warrants caution in establish- part containing start sites of DNA replication and tran-
ing phylogenies on the basis of a few clones. Of course, scriptions. As with ribosomal genes, different stages of
the situation is different in different taxa. For instance, evolution can be marked by sequences of various DNA
Drosophila and Xenopus each have one ribosomal regions as well as by gene arrangement and the pres-
locus per chromosome, while more highly organized ence of indels.
organisms have several or many of them on different The advances in using mitochondrial markers
chromosomes or in different regions of the same chro- apparently depend on the degree of concerted evolution
mosome. Operons of different chromosomes may differ of cellular and mitochondrial DNA in the given taxon
in function. For example, in Drosophila, insertion of (see [41]). In many cases, this cannot be established
the X-chromosome rDNA region in the X chromosome a priori. However, in some instances this seems to be
that exhibits incomplete pairing with the Y chromo- the case as, for example, in whales, in which the phy-
some restores pairing at the site of the insertion. Inser- logenies of the major taxa (Mysticeti and Odontoceti)
tion of the autosomal rDNA does not affect X–Y chro- in relation to the closest to them mammals from the
mosome pairing. Thus, the ribosomal operon has a cel- order Artiodactyla [42] inferred from the complete
lular function except the direct function of rRNA mitochondrial genome sequences corresponds to the
synthesis (see also a review in [5]). other data. The closest relatedness to whales of the
In most studies using rDNAs as evolutionary mark- member of Suiformes, hippopotamus, not only con-
ers, the authors compare only relatively small operon firms the previous results on mitochondrial markers but
sequences. However, to exclude faulty conclusions, the permits to establish a reference paleontological “point”
number of characters in most commonly used programs for estimating mutation rate, since the time of diver-
should be at least 1000 (Nei et al. 1988b, cited from [39]). gence of Mysticeti and Odontoceti (32–34 Myr ago) is
These conclusions are confirmed in the study that pre- known. According to this reference point, the hippopot-
sents even higher estimates of the required character amus and whales diverged about 55 Myr ago.
number (of the order of 3000) [39]. This may be the rea- The results concerning some species of fish (Slo-
son why phylogenies of the same taxon based on ribo- bodyanuyk et al. 1995, cited from [43]), birds, croco-
somal operons and other markers are often incongruent. diles, and mammals seem quite plausible. According to
In spite of the tremendous advances in computer them, birds and crocodiles are more closely related [44]
simulation and phylogenetic tree construction, these (which corresponds to osseous fossil data) and in the
methods are being constantly improved taking into family of snakes, position 13 (of 16 shown by morphol-
account various assumptions and conditions underlying ogists) corresponds to the most congruent views of sys-
the actual evolutionary process [30]. Analysis of the sit- tematics [45] and the hypothesis stating that the earliest
uation in this field is beyond the scopes of the present snake progenitors are Scolecophidia and all snakes may
study. I should only like to note ongoing debates and have passed a subterranean stage in early evolution.
constantly arising criticisms of the most commonly Informative results were obtained from comparisons
used algorithms of phylogenetic construction such as of long mtDNA sequences (over 7500 bp) in order to
maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony establish relationships among three classes—Polycha-
(MP) procedures (Stewart 1993, Hillis et al. 1994; cited eta, Hirudinea, and Oligochaeta—within the type
from [31]). Annelida as well as between the types Annelida and
Pogonophora. Hirudinea, Oligochaeta and Pogono-
MITOCHONDRIAL GENE MARKERS phora cannot be distinguished by gene arrangements
whereas Polychaeta differ from them by the position of
In the early 1980s, mitochondria gave a new impe- several tRNA genes, the presence of two additional
tus to evolutionary genetics, which was based on their tRNA genes and of a large noncoding sequence in this
maternal clonal inheritance, rapid evolutionary rate, region. A comparison of gene arrangements in other
properties of the global molecular clock, and high tran- taxa confirms the existence of the common clade Mol-
sition/transversion imbalance. These properties under- lusca-Annelida which does not include Arthropoda.
lie the standing dogma on high value of mitochondrial This suggests that Pogonophora do not form a separate
markers. However, today this dogma has been ques- type as was proposed upon their discovery but can be
tioned, which is discussed below (see [40]). included in Annelida. These results are in agreement
Let us consider the most impressive advances in the with some other evidence [46].
use of mitochondrial markers. Recall that the circular Macey et al. (1997, 1997a; cited from [47]) com-
eukaryotic mtDNA (except in plants) is relatively pared about 1500-bp mtDNA region including
small; it size ranges from 15 700 to 19 500 kb, which is sequences for eight tRNAs and fragments of three
2500 times smaller than the size of the smallest enzymes. These authors found a shift in the order and
genomic DNA in animals. It contains two genes for the secondary structure of mitochondrial tRNA in
rRNAs (12 and 16S), 22 genes for mitochondrial agama Uromastics acanthinarus, which they interpret
tRNAs, 13 genes for protein subunits of enzymes of as caused by DNA replication errors. These phenom-
ena, as well as the replication start site of the light chain of a Hawaiian Drosophila species had threefold differ-
(QL) are taxon-specific in iguana lizards, which allows ent mutation rates (see [50] for references).
studying their phylogeny. Agama has a unique gene These circumstances may explain the cases when
arrangement, in which the tRNAIle and tRNAGln genes the use of mitochondrial markers did not produce posi-
are positioned in the order typical for vertebrates, but tive results. The conclusions of these studies are often
QL has a different position, and tRNACys is devoid of controversial demonstrating the necessity of a complex
dihydrouridine stem. Iguana lizards (Scelopus occiden- approach combining different molecular markers, espe-
talis) lack these properties. Using these markers, the cially using nuclear markers for the same taxon. An
authors showed distinct monophyly of two major example is provided by investigation of phylogeny of
groups of iguana lizards (Acrodonta and Iguanidae), the order of turtles (Testudines) which is regarded as a
which had been a stumbling block that could not be sister taxon of archeosaurs (birds, crocodiles, and dino-
removed by examining many dozens of morphological saurs), lepidosaurs (lizards, snakes, tuataras), or as a
traits; these data agree with one of the two proposed sister clade of the common clade for the former two
and very dissimilar systems of these reptiles. The ones. Data obtained with different molecular markers
within-clade relationships of genera are essentially dif- testify for different viewpoints (see [51]). Unfortu-
ferent from those accepted in systematics and are by no nately, the mitochondrial marker mutation rates in
means ultimately resolved. snakes are extremely high and incomparable to other
However, investigation of parasitic flat worms of the lepidosaurs, which raises the issue of attributing snakes
genus Schistosoma (Plathyhelminthes) showed that to the same clade with lizards. A comparison of the
two closely related species of this genus differ in posi- complete mtDNA sequences of a skink species and the
tions of mitochondrial genes in the genome. This green turtle confirms the least popular idea that turtles
implies the necessity of preliminary examination of are a sister group in relation to archeosaurs which share
within-taxon variability for this character which was a common ancestor with lepidosaurs [51]. It is clear,
seemingly “immune” for homoplasias [48]. However, though, that this conclusion will be repeatedly chal-
the issue of low probability of homoplasias in the charac- lenged and verified.
ter of gene arrangement is not obvious and have been sub-
A comparison of nucleotide and amino-acid
jected to doubt (Dowtin and Austin 1999, cited from [49]),
sequences for all 13 mitochondrial proteins in 19 taxa
although phylogenetic congruence of data for this char-
(from lancelet to human) yielded data that are at vari-
acter and other molecular markers confirms the orthol-
ance with the accepted phylogeny of chordates and, within
ogous structure of the genome (Carole and Kocher
this group, vertebrates (Naylor 1998, cited from [51]). The
1999, cited from [49]).
data on the assignment of Logomorpha to Rodentia are
In view of this, consider the value of data on mtDNA controversial (see [52]). The topology of three trees on
gene arrangement. The mitochondrial gene order was the mtDNA COII gene constructed for mammals is
regarded as a powerful phylogenetic character (Boore ambiguous: among eight orders examined, only human
1999, cited from 46). Earlier, it was found that it can and ape were similarly close on all of the trees. The
vary within a taxon, and the genes can have different positions of the other taxa were unstable; the orders
orientation (Brown 1985, Wolstenholme et al. 1985; grouped differently on different trees, which may also
cited from [49]). This character was mainly used as spe- depend on the relatedness of the taxon taken as out-
cific for vertebrates (fish, amphibians, and mammals). group.
However, duplications of some genes, their rearrange-
ment, and loss of evident recognition sites for light The molecular systematics of higher primates cast
DNA chain replication start between two tRNA genes doubt on the suitability of mitochondrial markers for
were later reported (see [47] and references therein). In constructing phylogenies. The application of the maxi-
other phyla (insects, worms, urchins, and others) the mum likelihood analysis to mtDNA data for four pri-
order of genes is changed due to transpositions and mate species (taking into account possible losses and
inversions (Dowling et al. 1996, see [40]) or, as we can acquirements of restriction sites and different probabil-
suggest now, due to recombination. In some cases, ities of transversions and transitions as well as using
mtDNA evolves 5 to 10 times faster than the one-copy model situations) resulted in combining gorilla and
nuclear DNA, at the rate varying according to the chimpanzee into a clade separate from human. This is
taxon; different regions of mtDNA evolve at a different in contradiction with a set of other, both molecular and
rate (Brown 1985, cited from [49]). However, for exam- paleontological, data that place human and chimpanzee
ple, in urchins and some fishes these rates are approxi- closer to one another than each of them to gorilla
mately equal. These estimates are relative since they are (see [28]). However, according to other authors (Ruvolo
based on times of divergences that are measured with et al. 1991, cited from [28]), a comparison of a frag-
different accuracy depending on the taxon. Some exam- ment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase only 700 bp
ples cast doubt on the principal possibility of using in size testifies to closer relatedness between human
mtDNA mutation dynamics as a character for species and chimpanzee.
phylogeny. For instance, in the case of particularly rap- In some cases, attempts to solve complicated prob-
idly evolving Drosophila mtDNA, even two strains (!) lems of phylogeny and taxonomy at the family level did
not assist to their resolution. For instance, the attempts to summarize the disadvantages of using mitochondrial
to infer relationships among three species of Baikalian markers.
fish from the cottoid complex with an unclear status, (1) The assumption on maternal inheritance and the
comprising more than 20 formal families, from the data absence of recombination in mitochondrial propagation
on ATPase and cytochrome c genes did not correspond, is not totally correct: about 50 to 70 paternal mitochon-
first, to each other and, second, to the accepted generic dria are introduced into oocyte upon fertilization (see
classification within families (Grachev et al. 1992, [40]) and recombination events were found in repro-
cited from [53]). In this study, small (~607 bp) mtDNA duction of mitochondria in plants, fungi, protozoans,
regions were compared. Increasing the species number nematodes, and human [56]. If this is so, then the pos-
permits to make comparisons with morphological data, sibility of within-species variation cast doubt practi-
which show significant similarity between some taxa cally on all results not accounting for this fact. It may
[53]. However, the number of species examined clearly be that discrete positions of the group compared on the
was not sufficient for establishing phylogeny of this basis of these markers and often the congruence of the
group. trees based on morphological and molecular characters
The mtDNA-based phylogenetic constructions for indicates that the situation is not so catastrophic.
lizard genera from the family Lacertidae substantially Apparently, it becomes complicated only in the case of
diverge. Using partial sequences (12S and 16S rDNAs, past hybridization or transfer events, particularly when
954 bp) and different algorithms of tree construction these occurred in remote past, when mtDNA recombi-
yields incongruent trees [54]. The results of estimating nation could take place. This issue is analyzed in the
within-genus relationships of lizards from the genus monograph by R.B. Khesin [34]. Note also that in some
Lacerta based on mtDNA markers (cyt b, ~650 bp; cases (e.g., in nine Drosophila species) recombination
ATPase, ~338 bp) and on allozyme markers reported by events in mtDNA were not found [57].
the same authors (Fu and Murphy 1997, cited from (2) The symbiotic origin of mitochondria from rick-
[54]) do not coincide. Averaging over the two mtDNA ettsia-like bacteria poses a question whether the nuclear
markers, and then colliding with the allozyme data, sur- and mitochondrial genomes evolve in concert and
prisingly yields reasonable conclusions that allow to whether the evolution of the latter reflects the evolution
identify three major clades with the more or less consis- of the organism or is associated with it. The same ques-
tent species composition. tion is valid for studies using chloroplast genome mark-
The repeated attempts to revise and test the existing ers. It is unclear whether the symbiont formation
systems in identification of Artiodactyla comprising the occurred only once, at the most ancient cell stages, or
suborders of Ruminantia and Nonruminantia, or Sui- repeatedly, after the beginning of the divergence of cel-
formes, so far produced only partially successful results lular organisms.
because of the extreme complexity of the task. Only (3) Various and diverse (in different taxa) mutation
about 20 out of 5 modern families and 225 genera are rates of nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial
examined using dispersed and satellite repeats as mark- genomes create additional difficulties for interpretation
ers [21, 55]. It is problematic to draw definite conclu- of the phylogenetic data [58]. For instance, it is unclear
sions on the basis of these data since different authors how to interpret the results that mtDNA of lemurs
examine different sets of species. diverge at a slower rate than that of other primates. The
The attempts to infer relationships among Tet- same is typical of the strains of Hawaiian Drosophila
rapoda, Actinopterigii, Crossopterigii (Coelocantes, species. As noted in the previous section, this problem
Latimeria), and Dipnoi (Sarcopterigii) from mitochon- is also characteristic of ribosomal markers. It is of par-
drial markers (cyt b and 12S rDNA) has been so far ticular importance in constructing phylogenies on the
unsuccessful. Three scenarios are possible, each of basis of mitochondrial protein genes, because not
which is partially confirmed by morphological and accounting for different substitution rates in different
osteological data. Mitochondrial markers support the taxon lineages, imbalance in nucleotide composition,
tree in which Crossopterigii and Sarcopterigii split transitions, and transversions, different mutation rates
from the Tetrapoda branch after branching off of Acti- in different codons and at different positions of the
nopterigii. However, this is in disagreement with the same codon can lead to incorrect phylogenies (Honey-
globin data which trade places of Crossopterigii and cutt et al. 1995, cited from [58]).
Sarcopterigii; in other studies, also based on mitochon- The above circumstances can lead to the artifact of
drial markers, the Crossopterigii–Tetrapoda clade is “long branch attraction” (LBA) that distorts the tree
questioned (see [22]). topology as noted in the previous section. The within-
What are the reasons for such great discrepancies in taxon mtDNA mutation rates probably depend on body
the results based on mitochondrial markers? Appar- size in various groups: the tree position of species with
ently, assumptions underlying their use are only par- smaller body size (e.g., some birds [59]) tends to shift
tially (or only in some cases) valid, and some circum- toward the base of the tree. In higher mammals, this
stances are completely overlooked in the incredibly trend is absent. By contrast, a comparison of mtDNA in
numerous publications on this topic. Below, I attempt three human populations and three species of humanoid
apes showed that judging from the paleontological fos- the employment of mitochondrial markers exactly as
sil dating, nonsynonymous substitutions in protein- phylogenetic markers for major taxa.
coding and RNA genes accumulate at approximately
equal rates [60].
The second problem mentioned in the previous sec-
tion is the substitution accumulation in sites at different The method of randomly amplified polymorphic
accumulation levels in different taxa and different DNA (RAPD; Williams et al. 1990) is also known as
transversion and transition rates in different taxa. This AP–PCR (Arbitrary Primers–PCR, Welsh et al. 1990)
problem is also relevant to mitochondrial markers and DAF (DNA Amplified Fragments, Caetano-
(Brown 1985, cited from [49]). Some authors think that Anolles et al. 1991). In this method, electrophoresis of
these differences are not fundamental and do not lessen a set of products translated from different DNA regions
the value of mitochondrial markers in phylogenetic randomly chosen by the primer produces a series of
studies [61]. bands (pattern) of different intensity (see [65] for refer-
ences to the papers mentioned in this paragraph). The
(4) Heteroplasmy, i.e., (mtDNA polymorphism in change rates of RAPD patterns in various major taxa
different (including reproductive) tissues of the organ- (primates, Drosophila, horned ungulates) are signifi-
ism and even in the same cell, is another phenomenon cantly different. However, within a taxon, the pattern
rarely taken into consideration but hazardous for phylo- divergence level is related to the time of the taxon diver-
genetical use of mitochondrial markers. gence [66]. The pattern polymorphism depends on the
(5) Horizontal gene transfer among nuclear and specific DNA and primer, primer length, the amplifica-
mitochondrial (and chloroplast) genomes has been con- tion and annealing conditions, and the enzyme quality.
clusively demonstrated (see [62]) although its mecha- Some of these conditions are objective while others
nism and functional consequences are still unclear. depend on the strict reproduction and protocol of the
Mundy et al. [62] found in human nuclear DNA a huge experiment.
(5842-bp) untranslated mtDNA region bearing several The RAPD method can be used for studying genetic
protein and tRNA genes which seems not to be derived intrapopulation polymorphism and segregation; popu-
from modern mitochondria. lation history and geography, hybridization at the range
(6) The wide use of the order and polarity of gene boundaries of allopatric populations and species, the
arrangement in the total mtDNA molecule as a phylo- mechanism of formation of hybrid parthenogenetic
genetic marker and the presence of indels (see the forms, parental analysis and paternity identification in
beginning of this section for examples) are also open to polyandrous communities; searching for relatedness of
doubt (Boore et al. 1998, cited from [46]). The mito- wild and domesticated forms; identifying criteria for
chondrial gene arrangement and orientation exhibit isolation of the notions of species–subspecies–popula-
variation within a taxon, in the number of small repeats, tion; and for related problems (Hadris et al. 1992, cited
and in the length of the control regions. Nevertheless, as from [65]).
substantiated by Macey et al. [47], the gene order and Here, I consider mainly the problems falling outside
even its fine differences, as well as some other proper- this scope into the realm of phylogeny, where the
ties of mitochondrial genome organization, can serve as results depend on polymorphism of a particular taxon
a criterion of the phylogenetic taxon position. Further and the choice of a primer that would transcribe more
research and accumulation of data may be very helpful conserved DNA sequences. Some of the positive exam-
for evaluating of this important evolutionary character. ples are as follows. In our experiments (Mel’nikova
et al. 1993, cited from [67]), domesticated and wild
(7) The overwhelming majority of studies using sheep forms exhibited strikingly similar RAPD patterns
mitochondrial markers consider as a phylogenetic char- obtained with different primers, which testifies to their
acter small (of the order of several hundred bp) DNA close relatedness within the species and corresponds to
regions. The necessity of taking at least 1000 characters our other data on taxonoprint analysis [68]. For
noted in the previous section is confirmed by many instance, the RAPD tree of species from the families
facts when partial fragments yielded conclusions con- Bovidae and Cervidae (in three subfamilies: Cervinae,
tradicting other evidence. For instance, the phylogeny Odocoileinae, and Muntjaconae) was in good agree-
of a crustacean based on one mitochondria protein gene ment with these systematic gradations according to
was different from the phylogeny based on seven genes cluster analysis and genetic distances, when both fami-
[63]. The trees of the lizard family Lacertidae con- lies were systematically remote, and subfamilies clus-
structed from the data on small mitochondrial genome tered separately from one another (Comincini et al.
regions were different from the trees based on allozyme 1996, cited from [65]), which, however, was at variance
and satellite DNA analysis [54, 64]. with the corresponding mtDNA data (see the relevant
Here, I do not discuss the ample literature on using section). This method was employed for examining
hypervariable mtDNA regions for within- and among- some ungulates (Glazko et al. 1997), serpents (Wang
population studies. The objective of the presented et al. 1996), fishes (Borowsky et al. 1995, Sultman et al.
material is to note the most likely stumbling blocks in 1995) (see [65, 66] for references in this paragraph).
The RAPD method has been recently subjected to males and ZW in females) probably yielded W-specific
substantial criticism. The reports casting doubt on its fractions. Such data can be helpful for studying the
correctness because of the appearance of artifact bands mechanisms of sex determination and parthenogenesis.
[69] warrant caution in treating the previously pub- The presence of species-specific RAPD characters
lished results. Note the following RAPD aspects that makes it possible to use these markers in studying
require careful consideration upon analysis of RAPD hybridization in the context of speciation. The data on
data. First, same-size fragments can be transcribed individual variation of parental populations are
from different loci or, conversely, bands of different required for experiments on interspecific hybridization
sizes could contain homologous loci. Second, ortholo- upon investigating, e.g., reticulate evolution. The prob-
gous fragments which can be detected by hybridization ability of speciation through cross evolution is particu-
nevertheless are not checked in most works. Poor band larly high for plants.
resolution in short agarose gels can also lead to the
location of nonorthologous fragments in one band. In our works, we have proven the hybrid origin of
Third, we cannot exclude the possibility of the appear- lizard parthenogenetic species and identified bisexual
ance of artifact bands due to the formation of secondary lizard species that had been parental in the past (Gre-
structures in the primer or the products. These concerns chko et al. 1998, Kan et al. 1998, Ryabinina et al. 1999;
were confirmed in the study showing that a band con- see [72]). This line of studies is facilitated by mono-
tained fragments of equal length having different morphism and stability of RAPD pattern in parthenoge-
sequences (see [65]). netic reptilian populations, on the one hand, and by low
parental species heterogeneity, on the other.
The situation is somewhat improved by the follow-
ing facts. First, the critically-minded authors them- The studies on RAPD product identification are cur-
selves admit that the appearance of artifacts depends on rently in progress, which is promoted by combining
the properties of the DNA and primer and thus can be this method with Southern transfer followed by hybrid-
controlled by using appropriate procedures. Second, ization with the selected primer. The RAPD markers
the appearance of artifact fragments due to the forma- stop being anonymous. Apparently, all DNA types
tion of secondary, only partially transcribed sequences (unique genes, middle and high repeats) are present
of the copied DNA, random interchain interactions of among the amplification products; for instance, in soy-
single DNA chains during denaturation/renaturation, bean DNA six out of eleven fragments examined were
and the presence of nested sites for the primer within transcribed from unique genes, while three and two,
one region can be stochastic and, hence, make the from the above repeats, respectively (Williams et al.
experiment not reproducible. By obtaining reproduc- 1990, cited from [65]). In another plant study, the
ible results via selecting an optimal primer, the amplified fragments were transcribed mainly from repeti-
researcher overcomes the false band count. If, on the tive sequences (Kazan et al. 1993, cited from [65]). The
other hand, these processes are not stochastic, then they sequenced RAPD DNA fragments of parasitic nema-
reflect specific properties of the given DNA and can todes from the genus Trichinella mainly contain unique
consequently be regarded as meaningful characters. In and low-repetitive sequences including genes for chiti-
some cases, the reading is not stochastic: for example, nase, maturase, and numerous sequences homologous
samples of clonal individuals of parthenogenetic to genes of nematode Caenorhabditis elegans [73].
insects [70] and lizards [67] are totally identical with Apparently, one can expect to find any locus among
regard to these RAPD markers. RAPD fragments depending largely on the primer spec-
I think that RAPD markers remain a useful tool of
molecular genetics, but the early euphoric enthusiasm Thus, if adequately used and interpreted, the RAPD
considering the possibilities of this approach is being method is an informative modern tool for studying
replaced by the realization that RAPD data should be genetic diversity of species in nature.
treated and interpreted with more caution. The RAPD
method still has possibilities. It may prove useful for
searching for chromosome-specific amplification prod-
ucts. In birds, the sequenced product of a W-chromo-
some-specific band turned out to be a conservative reg- The history of investigating the structure, function,
ulatory protein of DNA structuring (CHD2; Bello and and distribution of dispersed repeats is in essence the
Sanchez 1999). Specific Y-chromosomal markers were history of investigating the genome evolution (Cook
found in the sheep (Gutierrez-Adan et al. 1997), pig and Tristem 1997, Buntjer 1997; cited from [2] and
(Castellanos et al. 1996), cattle (Antoniou and Skid- [74]). Since the very discovery of the intermediate
more 1995); two species of cattle differed with regard repeat fraction it became evident that they are taxon-
to the presence of this fragment (Teale et al. 1995; see specific [74]. After the discovery of the short and long
[71] for references). The scanning of the products interspersed repeat families (SINEs and LINEs) it was
obtained with 700 primers in males and females of the demonstrated that these repeats are indeed characteris-
wild (Bombyx mandarina) and domestic (B. mori) silk- tic (sometimes markedly) of the species and higher-
worm species (whose sex chromosomes are ZZ in rank taxa [75]. However, the significance of the func-
tion of these repeats was long doubted due to hypnotic ness of the sequences at the specific and generic levels.
but probably unproductive ideas on the existence of Its convenience is due to the fact that most eukaryotes,
“junk” or “selfish” DNA in the genome [76, 77]. as noted above, probably contain SINE-like repeats
At present the importance of the repeat functions (Okada 1991, cited from [2]).
has been becoming clearer. These functions include Note that, strictly speaking, the problem of conver-
regulation of gene transcription via repeat retroposition gence in comparisons of dispersed sequences is still
(Dobrowski et al. 1991, Britten 1994; cited from [2]); standing, which is also true for other marker types. For
protein synthesis regulation upon cellular stress by two- instance, since the common ancient precursors of each
strand RNA products that interact, e.g., with the kinase from the superfamilies of the B repeats have not been
initiation factor of retroposons eIF2 (RKR) (Chu et al. found yet and may not be recognizable because of
1989, cited from [2]); the pathogenic effect of newly numerous accumulated mutations, convergent similar-
formed Alu repeats associated with a hereditary disease ity of, say, primates and rodents by these repeats cannot
(Labuda et al. 1995, Schmid 1996; cited from [2]); an be excluded [2]. The high similarity of LINE Bov-A
obvious association with the development regulation family in ruminants and the LINE family in some rep-
due to different methylation of, e.g., Alu repeats of the tiles (snakes and lizards) [21] casts doubt on the abso-
male and female germline cells (see [2]). lute phylogenetic comparisons based exclusively on the
Moreover, retropositions of dispersed repeats dispersed repeats.
clearly are not random and have preferential insertion The discovery of the dispersed repeat MIR (Mam-
sites (Tatout et al. 1998, cited from [74]). Thus, it has malian Interspersed Repeat) (see [80]), like formerly
been becoming increasingly likely that evolutionary the discovery of families B1 and B2, made a significant
“survival” of repetitive sequences, including dispersed contribution to the phylogeny of rodents and related
repeats, is explained by selection favoring them due to taxa [81, 82]. Investigation of Alu repeats has provided
their participation in cell functioning. A comparison of valuable taxonomic data showing that primates are
SINEs of remote taxa revealed a very conserved con- more closely related to tarsiers than to other monkeys
sensus sequence CORE-SINE which is present in taxa [83]. The nonrandom localization of Alu repeat in the
of various organisms from plants to mammals [74]. human genome is evidenced by computer-aided analy-
Hence, the sequences of any type are likely to play a sis of DNA sequences of human chromosomes 21 and 22.
significant role in speciation or, at least, to be directly This analysis revealed positive correlation between the
associated with them. Alu repeat distribution and protein exons on the chro-
D.A. Kramerov [78] suggested to use SINEs mosome and the same number of repeat units in the
directly as phylogenetic markers. This suggestion was direct and reverse orientations [84]. This testifies to a
in agreement with earlier considerations, e.g., in a significant role of interspersed repeats in the evolution
review by Singer [75]. Singer noted that dispersed of mammals.
sequences could make a contribution to the traits tradi- To sum up this short section which but outlines the
tionally distinguishing species and genera. This opin- extensive area of using dispersed repeats and is far from
ion supported by other authors (Ryan and Dugaiczyk comprehensive, I would like to once again emphasize
1989, Buntjer 1997; cited from [79]) is currently uni- the main point of it. The diversity and different levels of
versally accepted [79]. homology of these repeats permits studying the related-
Thus, the presence or absence of a particular SINE ness of major taxa at the level of classes, orders, and
group is in itself a marker of the clade, not mentioning families and in some cases, even at the level of species
sequence specificity and the properties of flanking and populations.
sequences which were shown to be nonrandom upon
retroposition of a new monomer (Tatout et al. 1998,
cited from [2]; see also [74]). Since SINEs do not trans- TANDEM REPEATS AS MOLECULAR MARKERS
pose, their independent (convergent) origin is OF EVOLUTION
extremely unlikely. A taxon lacking this repeat proba- Tandem (satellite) DNA repeats which vary in struc-
bly branches out before a taxon having it though the ture and sequences form an enormous group. These
losses are not excluded. The variants of orthologous repeats are organized in continuous clusters with the
sequences and their different homology also permit “head-to-tail” orientation of monomer units. The length
determination of relative times of their origin and clas- of monomers in a cluster ranges from several to several
sifying on the basis of similarity of repeat groups. thousand base pairs; their number in various families
Using SINEs as molecular markers is productive in vary from several dozens to several million. Strict clas-
all variants: in simple comparisons of homologies of the sification of tandem repeats on the basis of these fea-
repeats themselves, in more complex examination of their tures is problematic and arbitrary. The team of Jeffreys
localization and flanking sequences, and in in-depth anal- has proposed to classify these repeats as microsatellites
ysis of consensus sequences. This approach has a great (2–6 bp per unit), minisatellites (up to 100 bp), midis-
phylogenetic value as it ensures the orthologous char- atellites (about 100–400 bp), and macrosatellites (up to
acter of the compared DNA sequences and the unique- several thousand) [85]. However, other athors do not
strictly adhere to this scheme. The term “satellites” is of the method. The first cluster include species that are
often used to denote any specific and clearly distinct very close to one another by other criteria (morphology,
family of tandem repeats except microsatellites. hybridization, and karyology). The species grouping in
the second cluster does not significantly contradict data
Any organism probably contains sets of particular
of morphology and ecology; moreover, the satellite pat-
tandem repeat families many of which are polymorphic
tern is paralleled by that of polytene inversions.
for the series length and intrinsic monomer arrange-
ment slightly differing in sequences. Discussing the The results obtained in the 1980s indicated that the
mechanism of mutation and polymorphism formation prevailing for two decades opinion that “highly repeti-
is beyond the scope of the present study and can be tive DNAs lack function and are selectively neutral, is
found in [85] and another review [3]. Here I would only wrong and the new data of 1990s evidently mark a
like to note that individual polymorphism revealed by revival for interest for microsatellites showing that it is
fingerpringting, due to the specificity of this method, at least hazardous to consider the hypothesis on satellite
mainly reflects length polymorphism of some tandem neutrality as plausible” [91]. Let us consider some
series and DNA fragments containing these series. The examples.
level of sequence polymorphism can be higher or lower The only satellite family of darkling beetles
but generally conforms to the notion of concerted evo- (Coleoptera, family Tenebrionidae) is genus- and spe-
lution of tandem repeats which implies relatively rapid cies-specific (see [92] for references). In the genera of
spreading of adaptive mutation throughout the series. burying beetles and leaf beetles, species-specific satellites
A monomer sequence contains strictly conserved were found (King and Cummings 1997, cited from [92]).
regions (i.e., mutation involves only particular mono- Satellites were examined in Hymenoptera (Palomeque
mer regions). Because of this, some tandem repeat fam- et al. 1999, see [92] for reference) and Decapoda
ilies are preserved during million years of evolution and (see [88]). A satellite family of an ancient origin was
can serve as markers at different time periods. The described in a nematode species [93].
objective of the last section of the present review is to Among vertebrates, fishes were studied. For this
show these facts and examine the relationship between class, satellite markers may serve as a pilot for navigat-
satellite specificity and speciation/taxon formation. ing in extreme variability and morphological diversity
Microsatellites deserve special consideration of its members (see, e.g., [94, 95]). In Atlantic salmon
beyond this review. High variability makes them a tool (Salmo salar), several tandem loci were found showing
of population genetics, but some facts testify that some different degrees of relatedness to DNA of the family,
of them (e.g., telometic [86] or core in pericentric chro- subfamily, and genera of this group [96].
matin satellites [87]) are conserved. Conservation of In caudate amphibians, the families Salamandridae
some microsatellite localization at orthologous posi- and Plethodontidae differ with regard to satellite mark-
tions was recorded in various taxa. Based on this, this ers [91]; all examined newt species contain satellites of
character can be used as phylogenetically significant. different specificity in different combinations [97]. It
The involvement of microsatellites in hereditary has been suggested that some satellites are present as
pathologies also may reflect their important role in spe- precursors for all modern newts and persisted for over
ciation. 20 Myr since the paleonthological divergence of the
genus (Cremisi et al. 1988, cited from [97]).
Satellites of various sizes will be further considered
as phylogenetic markers, regardless of their size and Although reptiles are very poorly studied, the avail-
structure (see also [3, 88–90 for review]. As early as in able data are in good agreement. Complete species-
1970s, data have started to accumulate showing that specificity was demonstrated for lizards from the fam-
repeated DNA components can contain rather con- ily Lacertidae (Podarcis [98], Lacerta, Eremias, and
served (even in a series of relatively remote species) Ophisops [64]); species-specificity with distinct distri-
sequences (Dover 1980, cited from [88]). This contra- bution of one minisatellite among species was found in
dicted the notion on random mutation accumulation in more than 20 lacertid species, one of groups of which
repeats and on the secondary role of this DNA in organ- was isolated in a separate genus based on a unique
ism functioning (the “junk DNA” hypothesis). Pioneer- minisatellite [72].
ing works of Dover’s team showed that the distribution In mammals, rodents are studies in most detail. This
of 15 different satellite DNA fractions in seven very family is the first among higher animals that showed
similar Drosophila species is not random: some of them species- and genus-specific properties of satellites
contain fractions that are species-specific or shared by (Southern 1975, Horz and Zachau 1977, Brown and
two or three species. The relationship scheme con- Dover 1980a, Horz and Altenburger 1981; see [88] for
structed as enkapsis (a system of circles of different references). Based on restriction analysis of DNA sat-
diameters enclosing each other, the smallest of which ellites in mouse species from the genus Apodemus, phy-
shows the closest relatedness) revealed two species clus- logeny of its five species was constructed and molecu-
ters (melanogaster–simulans–mauritiana and erecta– lar organization of satellites was studied. A substan-
jakuba–tessieri) although the author specified statisti- tially altered satellite of the class described in mice was
cal nonsignificance of these results and the limitations found in other genera (Nannomys, Pyromys, Rattus,
Coelomys, Mastomys; see [90, 99]). Specificity was These and numerous other results indicate that the
found within these genera (Fry, Salser 1977; Witney condition and structure of tandem DNA repeats are
and Furano 1984; Epstein et al. 1984; Rossi et al. 1990; associated with evolution. The evidence showing this
see [88] for references). Important conclusions on the association suggest its causal nature. If this is true, then
phylogeny of rodents were made from the level of sat- tandem DNA repeats must have functional significance
ellite genus-specificity (Rossi et al. 1990, cited from underlying their selective persistence. The vast part of
[88]). Rossi et al. note that these satellites persist for far chromosomes, their heterochromatin regions, are
longer time that it is thought possible for ostensibly indeed composed of satellites but, in spite of this, satel-
excessively heterogenizing satellites. These authors lites play no apparent role in mitosis and meiosis [88].
believe that these genes could be highly selectively This facts bred skepticism with regard to the evolution-
advantageous in some situations which may explain ary significance of satellites. Probably, the functional
rapid species formation in a short time period. The data role is mediated by other properties of these repeats.
on the family Cricetidae (hamsters) are in principle The data on the functional role of satellites are summa-
similar (Chelomina et al. 1990, Fatyol et al. 1994, rized in the review by E.N. Trifonov [108], who
Ivanova and Modi 1996, Khrapov et al. 1998, for refer- hypothesizes on the function of tandem repeats as reg-
ences, see the abstract of the dissertation by S.G. Potapov ulators in tuning the concerted operation of genes
[100] and also [101]). ensuring the adaptive potential of an organism. The
important point is that the notion of repeats as “selfish”
The order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates), in
or “junk” DNA has been rejected (see [109]).
particular the family Bovidae (cattle) and Cervidae
(deer) ranks second in the level of being studied. I will Some examples. The properties of long polymers, par-
not discuss this evidence here because of its incom- ticularly tandem repeats, enable them to form higher-order
pleteness and contradictiory nature. A number of sev- structures, e.g., those described by curvature of the mole-
eral complexly organized satellites of seven (out of cule (Israelewski 1983, cited from [110]). This curvature
eight present) Artiodactyla families are considered in is supposed to participate in the positioning of nucleo-
the review [102] as well as in other studies (Queresci some core particles and in forming compact satellite
and Blake 1995; Lee and Lin 1996; Lee 1997; see [103] heterochromatin (Israelewski 1983; Radic et al. 1987,
for references). The authors do not doubt the correla- Constanzo et al. 1990; see [111] for references) as well
tion between taxonomy and satellite organization and as in binding of particular proteins [112]. A specific
resolve many disputable issues in this context. role of, say, alphoid DNA in compaction of centromeric
nucleosomes cannot be excluded [113]. This is sup-
Arnason et al. (1993) used conserved satellites to ported by the evidence of [114] showing that upon
study relationships in the group Cetacea (whales). In introducing in human or hamster cells, YAC constructs
this group, each taxon is characterized by a specific sat- containing alphoid DNA from centromeric regions
ellite or satellite variant depending on the degree of form structures with cytologically observed centro-
genetic relatedness (Arnason et al. 1993, cited from meric properties. They are destroyed when the cell
[104]). Generally similar results were obtained in infer- enters anaphase and interact with specific antiserum to
ring phylogeny of carnivores (the order Carnivora) proteins CENP-A, -B, and -C. The satellite found in the
from satellite markers (Fanning et al. 1987, 1988; Modi genome of lizard Lacerta graeca, is found to be similar
et al. 1988; Potapov et al. 1991; Ivanov et al. 1991a; see to the CENP-B box [115]. Investigation of the chromo-
[22] for references). Giant panda and spectacled bear some evolution of South American rodent tuco-tuco
originated from the modern bears, and lesser panda is (Ctenomys) revealed correlation between chromosome
derived from another lineage leading to the modern rac- rearrangements and a deletion of a major satellite of
coons (see [22]). this animal [116]. Human megasatellite RS447 encodes
In the studies of the incomplete taxonomy of kanga- a deubiquitinating enzyme, and transcription of the
roos (Marsupialia), satellite repeats assisted in solving same region of the opposite chain producing antisense
the problem of close relationship between giant and red RNA can modulate the enzyme expression level in the
kangaroo and other issues (Elizur et al. 1982, cited brain [117].
from [105]). The examination of primate satellites indi- Other structural elements found in satellite
cates a closer relationship between human and chim- sequences include reverse repeats capable of forming
panzee and their clustering with gorilla rather than doubly symmetrical structures (Bigot et al. 1990, cited
orangutan (Jorensen et al. 1992, Laursen et al. 1992; from [118]). This is supported by Plohl et al. [118] who
see [5] for references). Primates have specific satellite examined satellites in beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrion-
fractions [28, 106]. In three lemur genera (family idae). These authors advances a hypothesis that evolu-
Lemuridae), lemur and semi-lemur were shown to be tionary similarity may concern the higher, rather than
more closely related than lemur and eulemur (Montag- only the primary, satellite structure which is thus main-
non et al. 1993, cited from [28]). Each of the general tained in evolution. For instance, satellite sequences in
from the monkey tribe Pitheciini (hairy saki, black saki, beetles Tenebrio molitor and T. obscurus, on the one
and uakari) has the taxon-specific satellite derived from hand, and Palorus ratzenbergii, on the other, are similar
a very early ancestor [107]. in the tertiary, but not the primary, structure (Plohl and
Ugarkovic 1994, cited from [118]). The complete analy- of genetically determined characters should be congru-
sis of the problem can be found in [119]. ent with other such studies based on different sets of the
characters of the same organism. Congruence between
Using the properties of dispersed and tandem
studies is strong evidence that the underlying historical
repeats as phylogenetic markers, the author of the
pattern has been discovered; conflict may indicate theoret-
present review and coworkers have proposed a simple
ical or procedural problems in one or both analyses. Or it
method of general characterization of all DNA
may indicate that additional data are needed to resolve the
repeats—taxonoprint (Fedorov et al. 1992, Grechko
phylogenetic relationship in question” (D.M. Hillis,
et al. 1997; see [120] for references). We proceeded
“Molecular Versus Morphological Approach to Systemat-
from the assumption that the amounts of mutation vari-
ics” [12]).
ability and distribution of mutations in any sequence is
indirectly reflected in the number of restriction
enzymes recognition sites. Splitting a repeat family in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
each monomer with a restriction endonuclease yields
fragments of equal length from all monomers with the This study was supported by the Russian Founda-
same sequence. Mutations at restriction sites of this of tion for Basic Research, grant nos. 00-04-48245 and
related families will change the set of resultant frag- 99-04-49334.
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