A Brief History of FORTRAN:Fortran
A Brief History of FORTRAN:Fortran
A Brief History of FORTRAN:Fortran
A note on names
Both forms of the language name, FORTRAN and Fortran, are used.
This wonderful first FORTRAN compiler was designed and written from
scratch in 1954-57 by an IBM team lead by John W. Backus and staffed with
super-programmers like Sheldon F. Best, Harlan Herrick, Peter Sheridan,
Roy Nutt, Robert Nelson, Irving Ziller, Richard Goldberg, Lois Haibt
and David Sayre. By the way, Backus was also system co-designer of the
computer that run the first compiler, the IBM 704.
FORTRAN III (1958) was never released to the public. It made possible
using assembly language code right in the middle of the FORTRAN code.
Such "inlined" assembly code can be more efficient, but the advantages
of an HLL are lost (e.g. portability, ease of use).
The new ASA standard was published in 1966, and was known accordingly
as FORTRAN 66, it was the first HLL standard in the world.
FORTRAN 77 standard
Formally outdated many years ago, compilers for FORTRAN 77 are still
used today, mainly to re-compile legacy code.
FORTRAN 77 added:
The next Fortran standard (fortran 90) was published too many years
after Fortran 77 was out, allowing other programming languages to
evolve and compete with Fortran. For example, the system-programming
language C, and its evolved variant C++, became more popular in the
traditional strongholds of Fortran: the scientific and engineering
worlds, in spite of being non-computationally oriented.
<a href="http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/support/cc/staff/brian/forsaga.html">The
Fortran Saga</a>
Fortran 90 standard
A new standard has been designed and widely implemented in recent years.
It is unofficially called Fortran 90, and adds many powerful extensions
to FORTRAN 77. The language in its present form is competitive with
computer languages created later (e.g. C).
Fortran 90 added:
Fortran 95 standard
Fortran 95 added some minor improvements to the Fortran 90 standard.
A few years ago, in the COBOL era, one of the users resorted to
replying to questioners by showing them some function they liked
and asking "you tell me, what language was that written in?"