Ae8501 - Flight Dynamics

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Reg. No.


Fifth Semester
B.E – Aeronautical Engineering
(Regulation 2017)
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Answer All Questions
PART - A (10 x 2= 20 Marks)

1 Draw a drag polar for a typical fighter aircraft. CO1

2 List the Conditions for minimum drag and power required. CO1

3 How the landing distance is reduced for an aircraft? CO2

4 Define minimum rate of sink and shallowest angle of glide. CO2
5 What is aerodynamic balancing? CO3
6 Define static stability and dynamic stability of an airplane. CO3
7 Differentiate stick fixed and stick free stability. CO4
8 Enumerate the requirements of rudder. CO4
9 Define dutch roll. CO5
10 What is dorsal fin? State its uses. CO5

PART - B (5x16=80 Marks)

11 (a) i. An airplane has a wing of plan form area 51m2 and span 20 (16) CO1
m. It has a fuselage of frontal area 4.2 m2 and two nacelles
having a total frontal area of 3.25 m2. The total plan form
area of horizontal and vertical tails is 18.6 m2. Obtain a rough
estimate of the drag polar in a flight at a speed of 430 kmph
at sea level, when the landing gear is in retracted position.
11(b) i. An airplane weighing 100000 N is powered by an engine (16) CO1
producing 20000 N of thrust under sea level standard

conditions. If the wing area be 25 m2, calculate

(a) Stalling speeds at sea level and at 10 km altitude,

(b) (CD /CL) min, (CD/CL3/2) min, Trmin, Prmin, Vmd and
Vmp under sea level conditions. Assume CLmax = 1.5, CD =
0.016 + 0.064CL2.
12 (a) i. Define Take off distance and derive a suitable formula for (16) CO2
estimating the take of distance. Describe the factors affecting
the take off performance of an aircraft.
12 (b) i. What is V-n diagram? Explain the significance of V-n (16) CO2
diagram. State the procedure to construct V-n diagram.

13 (a) i. Derive the equation for overall contribution of aircraft (16) CO3
pitching moment about C.G
13 (b) i. Explain the function of different types of aerodynamic (8) CO3
ii. Show that the elevator angle for trim is (8) CO3
𝐶𝑚𝑜 𝐶𝐿𝑜 + 𝐶𝑚𝑎 𝐶𝐿 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑚
𝛿𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑚 = [ ]
𝐶𝑚𝛿 𝐶𝐿𝑎 − 𝐶𝑚𝑎 𝐶𝐿𝛿
14 (a) i. Explain the following: CO4
a) Dihedral effect (8)
b) Adverse yaw (8)
14 (b) i. Explain the contribution of various components of an aircraft (16) CO4
for the static directional stability.
15 (a) i. How does Dutch roll, auto rotation and spin happen in an (16) CO5
airplane? Explain with neat sketch.
15 (b) i. A typical longitudinal Stability quadratic for an aircraft (16) CO5
having a mass of 20,000 kg and wing area 50 m2. Aircraft is
flying at 240 m/s where the relative density is 0.5. The
Characteristic equation is λ4+ 4.5λ3 +8.3 λ2 +0.5λ+0.06+0.
Determine the roots of the equation, Time period of the
phugoid motion and write comments on the modes of

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