Mid Semester Test: The 2021-2022 School Year Subject: English Eight Grade Odd Semester

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The 2021-2022 School Year

Subject : English Eight Grade Odd Semester

Choose the best answer!

1. Andi : What can we do in the library? 6. Teacher : "________, we have to collect the
Maia : . . . . assignment now!"
a. You can play a loud music Students : "Yes, Ma'am!"
b. You must read books What is the best expression to complete the
c. You can do any experiment dialogue?
d. You can read books and use the computer a. Come here! c. Attention please!
b. Don't cheat! d. Do your test please!
2. Mrs. Fera : . . . . , Please?
Mila : Certainly. 7. Azzuma : "Wow, it's a wonderful painting!"
Radhit : "Oh, thanks a lot!"
What does Azzuma mean?
a. He gives appreciation to Radhit
b. He gives his opinion to Radhit
c. He gives permission to Radhit
d. He gives attention to Radhit

8. Rado : "What do you think of our new classmate,

a. Can you sweep the floor? Hasya : "I think he is a sociable student."
b. Can you clean the window? Rado : "Yes, I think so, too. He is able to make
c. Can you clean the whiteboard? friend easily. Nearly all of our friends know
d. Can you wash the floow? him well within just a month."
What is the dialogue about?
3. Angga : It's very hot. . . . , Please? a. Asking and giving appreciation
Dino : Sorry, but the fan doesn't work. b. Asking and giving permission
a. will you open the fan? c. Asking and giving opinion
b. will you turn on the fan? d. Asking and giving attention
c. will you turn down the fan?
d. will you turn off the fan? 9. Alisa : "I think our city is very hot at the moment."
Fira : "I don't think so. …………….. our city is much
4. Based on the picture below, we can conclude that…. cooler than other cities in the country."
What is the best expression to complete the
a. We should park in front dialogue?
of door a. I am thinking of it c. She forgot it
b. We can park in front of b. In my opinion d. I know it
c. We should not 10. Fahira : " ……………………………..….."
park in front of door Keisha : "Yes, I could play the piano since I was
d. We must park in front of four."
door What is the best expression to complete the
5. Mom : . . . . . a. Can you teach me how to play piano?
Salma : yes, i will do it soon. b. Can you play the piano?
c. Are you great pianist?
d. Do you love music?

11. Teacher : Santi, do you understand what I am

talking about?
Santi : Yes, Ma’am
“Do you understand” is expression of…………..

a. Can you clean your shoes? a. Ask someone's attention

b. Will you tie your shoes? b. Asking Opinion
c. Can you tie your shoes? c. compliment
d. Will you clean your shoes? d. Checking someone's understanding

12. Nana : Yesterday, I joined LIA English course, will

you join with me? It is Hannah who got it!
Sari : ………………………, I want to speak English too. Dimas: What a great job! Congratulation Hannah!
The best answer to complete dialogue above is… Hannah: Thank you very much.
a. Yes, I can. c. Yes, I will The underlined word is the expression used to …..
b. No, I can’t d. No, I won’t a. Check for understanding c. compliment
b. Asking for attention d. Asking for
13. "Do you know what I am talking?" opinion
The sentence above expresses ……..
a. Asking for opinion 23. Mita : ……....... you make a birthday cake?
b. Showing appreciation Yuni : Yes, of course I…………
c. Giving attention a. can / can't c. can / can
d. Checking for understanding b. can't / can d. can’t / can’t

14. Edo : Udin, will you help me to bring this book? 24. Karin : You look very happy Kiara, What happened?
Udin : Sure, I …….. bring it. Kiara : Guess what? i just got a perfect score on the
a. don't b. can’t c. help d. will last English test.
Karina : . . . . . Congratulations on your achievement!
15. Arrange the following words into a good sentence Kiara : Thank you
the – orphanage – will – visit – I a. I don't think so c. That’s amazing
1 2 3 4 5 b. I disagree with you d. I don’t believe it
a. 5-4-3-2-1 c. 5-3-1-2-4
b. 5-3-4-1-2 d. 5-1-2-4-3 25. “DO NOT STEP ON THE GRASS” What does the text
mean? *
16. Arrange the following words into a good sentence a. please keep off the grass
the dinner – and – I – Chantika – will – prepare b. please do not litter
1 2 3 4 5 6 c. wet floor
a. 4-3-1-1-5-6 c. 4-2-3-5-6-1 d. do not disturb
b. 4-3-2-1-5-6 d. 4-2-3-6-5-1
26. The expression " Do not make any scratch on your
17. We can ask for attention by saying following class wall" is ……….
statement, except……….. a. permission c. invitation
a. Attention please! c. I don’t understand b. prohibition d. instruction
b. Excuse me d. Can I have your
attention? 27. What does the picture mean?
18. If you got hiccup, you .............
a. should go to hospital a. Do not touch face
b. should drink medicine b. Do not be shy
c. should go to market c. Keep the face
d. should drink a lot of water d. Do not cough
19. If you don't want to be infected by Covid-19, you ......
a. must wear dress c. must drink medicine
b. must eat a lot d. must wear mask and 28. What should we do after see this sign?
wash hands

20. If you want to be the first rank, you…………….study a. Throw the rubbish
harder. b. Do not litter
a. must b. should c. musn’t d. shouldn’t c. Do not touch face
d. Do not go outside
21. What is your opinion of this?

29. It begins to rain, you ………...

a. mustn't bring umbrella
b. should drink medicine
c. should wear raincoat
d. do not need to go

a. In my opinion it is dirty 30. Anita : Mon, you looked pale, you ……... take a rest.
b. In my opinion it is good Mona : Yea, thanks
c. In my opinion it is crowded a. must c. musn’t
d. In my opinion it is beautiful b. should d. shouldn’t

22. Mr. Candra : The highest score for English test is 80.
Answer Key

1. d
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. b
11. c
12. c
13. d
14. d
15. b
16. c
17. c
18. d
19. d
20. a
21. a
22. c
23. c
24. c
25. a
26. b
27. a
28. b
29. c
30. b

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