Aisyah GDM Article

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Nielsen et al.

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41


From screening to postpartum follow-up – the

determinants and barriers for gestational diabetes
mellitus (GDM) services, a systematic review
Karoline Kragelund Nielsen1,2*, Anil Kapur2, Peter Damm3, Maximilian de Courten1 and Ib Christian Bygbjerg1,2

Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) – a transitory form of diabetes first recognised during
pregnancy complicates between < 1% and 28% of all pregnancies. GDM has important short and long-term health
consequences for both the mother and her offspring. To prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes and to prevent or
delay future onset of type 2 diabetes in mother and offspring, timely detection, optimum treatment, and preventive
postpartum care and follow-up is necessary. However the area remains grossly under-prioritised.
Methods: To investigate determinants and barriers to GDM care from initial screening and diagnosis to prenatal
treatment and postpartum follow-up, a PubMed database search to identify quantitative and qualitative studies
on the subject was done in September 2012. Fifty-eight relevant studies were reviewed.
Results: Adherence to prevailing GDM screening guidelines and compliance to screening tests seems sub-optimal
at best and arbitrary at worst, with no clear or consistent correlation to health care provider, health system or client
characteristics. Studies indicate that most women express commitment and motivation for behaviour change to
protect the health of their unborn baby, but compliance to recommended treatment and advice is fraught with
challenges, and precious little is known about health system or societal factors that hinder compliance and what
can be done to improve it. A number of barriers related to health care provider/system and client characteristics
have been identified by qualitative studies. Immediately following a GDM pregnancy many women, when properly
informed, desire and intend to maintain healthy lifestyles to prevent future diabetes, but find the effort challenging.
Adherence to recommended postpartum screening and continued lifestyle modifications seems even lower.
Here too, health care provider, health system and client related determinants and barriers were identified. Studies
reveal that sense of self-efficacy and social support are key determinants.
Conclusions: The paper identifies and discusses determinants and barriers for GDM care, fully recognising
that these are highly dependent on the context.
Keywords: Gestational diabetes mellitus, Health services, Barriers, Determinants, Lifestyle, Screening

Background increasing age of conception and child bearing, the rates of

Affecting between <1% and 28% of all pregnancies gesta- GDM will continue to rise as already seen in some studies
tional diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a fairly common medical [2-4]. GDM was earlier defined as “hyperglycaemia first rec-
condition associated with pregnancy in many settings [1]. ognized during pregnancy” and has more recently (2012)
As the epidemic of diabetes and pre-diabetes in the been described by the American Diabetes Association
general population grows with declining age of onset and (ADA) as diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy that is
not clearly overt diabetes [5]. GDM has health conse-
* Correspondence: [email protected] quences for both the mother and her offspring not only
Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, in the short term but also in the long term. It is well estab-
University of Copenhagen, Oester Farimagsgade 5, Building 9, Copenhagen
DK-1014, K, Denmark
lished that women with GDM are at increased risk of
World Diabetes Foundation, Brogaardsvej 70, Gentofte DK–2820, Denmark adverse pregnancy outcomes [6,7], as well as, several fold
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Nielsen et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 2 of 18

higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future Results

compared to women without GDM [8,9]. Studies show Search outcome
that achieving glycaemic control with lifestyle modi- A total of 1578 unique citations were identified; 977
fications and/or pharmaceutical intervention during preg- were excluded based on the title and another 500 were
nancy prevents or considerably reduces the risk of adverse excluded after reading the abstract. Of the remaining
pregnancy outcomes [10,11]. Clinical trials provide evi- 101, three papers were non English language (1 from
dence that lifestyle modifications as well as pharmaco- Poland, Spain and Mexico, respectively) and excluded.
logical interventions can prevent progression to type 2 The remaining 98 articles were read for relevance for
diabetes in women with a history of GDM and these inter- this review and a further 55 were excluded because of
ventions are as effective as in people with pre-diabetes lack of relevance i.e. studies did not look at determinants
[12-14]. Effective intervention requires universal antenatal or barriers to GDM services. One article was added
screening for GDM, optimal treatment and adherence, following suggestion from experts and 14 others were
and rigorous postpartum follow-up and preventive care. added after going through the reference lists of included
Nielsen et al. recently pointed out the urgent need for articles. Thus, a total of 58 papers were included in this
universally applicable simple screening and diagnostic review (see Figure 1).
procedures criteria for GDM [15]. In this paper we at- The studies included are listed in Tables 1, 2 and 3. The
tempt to identify determinants and barriers to implement- majority are from high-income countries: USA (N = 28),
ing effective and integrated public health initiatives to Canada (N = 8), Australia (N = 10), New Zealand (=1) and
address screening, diagnosis, treatment and postpartum European countries (N =7) and only four from low- and
care for GDM based on a review of published studies on middle-income countries.
the subject.
Determinants and barriers for GDM screening
Methods Ensuring timely detection of GDM is a prerequisite for ini-
We reviewed the literature to assess existing evidence on tiation of treatment and prevention of adverse outcomes
determinants and barriers for GDM services in high-, due to GDM. Only a few relevant studies related to GDM
middle- and low-income countries. GDM services were screening were identified, and they mostly looked at deter-
understood as 1) screening and diagnosis 2) treatment minants of compliance to screening recommendations.
during pregnancy 3) postpartum diabetes testing and 4)
continuation of postpartum lifestyle modification. Characteristics of health care providers and health care
Search strategy In the US over 20 years ago with various screening
PubMed database was searched in September 2012 using approaches available and no clear consensus on which
the terms “GDM/gestational diabetes mellitus/‘diabetes’ one to follow, Marreo et al. and Landon et al. conducted
and ‘pregnancy’” in combination with one of the terms two explorative studies on GDM screening and care
“barrier/barriers/challenge/challenges/determinant/deter- practices [16,17]. Marrero et al. examined practice differ-
minants/utilization/use/access/lifestyle change/self-ef- ence between family physicians and physicians specialis-
ficacy/social support”. The Mesh terms “gestational ing in obstetrics/gynaecology and found that the former
diabetes mellitus” and “access to health care” were were less likely to screen all pregnant women for GDM
also used. compared to latter (75% vs. 83%; P = 0.033) [17]. Landon
et al. investigated differences in screening practices among
Study selection, eligibility criteria and data abstraction members of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians (SPO)
Studies that only examined pre-gestational diabetes and members of the American College of Obstetricians
whether type 1 or type 2 diabetes were excluded as were and Gynaecologists (ACOG) and found that a significantly
studies where specific information on women with higher proportion of the former practiced universal
GDM was not available. The list of citations was scanned screening for GDM compared to the latter [16]. A more
and qualitative and quantitative research studies with recent study by Sievenpiper et al. [18] looked at whether
relevant titles examining determinants and/or barriers to the category of health care provider ordering a 2-step test
GDM services and related aspects, e.g. compliance to as recommended by the Canadian Diabetes Association
treatment, were included. The abstracts of these studies influenced if the recommendation was followed appropri-
were read and those with an abstract and subsequent ately i.e. whether an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
full-text reading indicating relevance to the purpose of was completed and found no association. Gazmararian
this review were selected. Finally, the reference lists of et al. [19] assessed whether the gender of the obstetrician
the selected publications were manually searched for and years since graduation influenced if the glucose chal-
additional relevant articles. lenge test was undertaken, and found that the likelihood
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 3 of 18

Figure 1 Flow chart of study search and selection.

increased if the obstetrician had graduated within the past compared to women attending ANC at general practi-
30 years, while gender had no significant effect. The tioners’ or obstetricians’ private practices [21].
authors acknowledged that glucose challenge test recom-
mendations were not universally adhered to, but did Client characteristics: ethnicity, body weight and age
not believe that time since graduation explained the Ethnicity
differences in test executions. A study from New Zealand – a country with universal
A rather unusual finding was reported by Ruengkhachorn screening recommendation for GDM, found that only
et al. from Thailand, where compliance to screening half of the women attending ANC were screened; being
guideline recommending universal screening was 88% in of non-European ethnicity significantly increased the
women at risk of GDM attending a non-private hospital likelihood; but still a large proportion of women with
setting in Bangkok, but only half amongst women attend- risk factors were not screened [22]. Ethnicity was also
ing the antenatal care (ANC) clinic at a private hospital identified as a significant determinant for GDM screen-
and none amongst those attending a private clinic. The ing by Blatt and colleagues in their study from the US,
authors hypothesised that the difference may be due to where non-white ethnicity increased the likelihood of
concerns of inconvenience, cost of test or negligence of being screened [23]. Two studies by Cullinan and col-
the physicians themselves, and noted that a screening leagues have investigated determinants of GDM screen-
guideline had not been fully implemented at the private ing in Ireland where no single policy on GDM screening
hospital [20]. Contrary to this, Moses et al. in their study is implemented, but the local authorities in the region
from Australia where screening of all pregnant women is where the studies were conducted advocate a universal
recommended found that women attending ANC at screening approach. The data in the studies are over-
public hospitals were less likely to be screened for GDM lapping in the sense that one paper uses data from five
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 4 of 18

Table 1 Overview of articles focusing on screening (n = 12) (alphabetic order)

Article Country Study design Study population Focus
Blatt et al. (2011) [23] USA Review of data from 924,873 pregnant women Characteristics of
Quest Diagnostics pregnant women
Cullinan et al. (2012a) [24] Ireland Hospital clinical data 9,842 pregnant women Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Cullinan et al. (2012b) [25] Ireland Hospital clinical data 4,414 pregnant women Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Gazmararian et al. (1996) [19] USA Review of prenatal 2,184 pregnant women Characteristics of health
care records care providers
Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Landon et al. (1990) [16] USA Cross-sectional mail 471 obstetricians and Characteristics of health
survey maternal-fetal specialists care providers
Marrero et al. (1992) [17] USA Mail survey 668 family practice physicians Characteristics of health
and obstetricians/gynaecologists care providers
Moses et al. (2003) [21] Australia Review of medical 1,648 pregnant women Characteristics of health
records care setting
Nielsen et al. (2012) [15] Various developing countries Qualitative. Interviews 10 GDM project implementers Barriers mentioned by
and questionnaire. project implementers
Pedula et al. (2009) [26] USA Review of medical records 21,758 pregnancies Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Ruengkhachorn (2006) [20] Thailand Review of antenatal 159 pregnant women Characteristics of health
care records care setting
Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Sievenpiper et al. (2012) [18] Canada Audit 1,026 pregnant women Characteristics of health
care providers
Characteristics of the
pregnant women
Yapa & Simmons (2000) [22] New Zealand Review of hospital 4,885 pregnant women Characteristics of the
medical records pregnant woman

health centres in West Ireland whereas the other paper is not stated. Cullinan et al. found in both their studies
only includes data from the largest of these five centres. that having a BMI over 30 kg/m2 significantly increased
Ethnicity was not found to be a statistically significant the likelihood of screening although this was not the case
determinant in either of the papers [24,25]. Pedula and for overweight women with a BMI between 25 and 30
colleagues reported differences in the proportion screened [24,25]. Likewise, Yapa & Simmons in their study from
among different ethnic groups in a hospital setting in New Zealand also found that higher body weight signifi-
Hawaii with a policy that GDM screening should be cantly increased the likelihood of screening in an environ-
routinely done among pregnant women [26]. ment where universal screening is recommended [22].

BMI and body weight Age

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists Several studies have investigated age as a determinant
recommends that all pregnant women without known for screening. Despite the policy stating that GDM
diabetes should have their risk for GDM assessed by screening should be routinely done among pregnant
reviewing their history, clinical risk factors, including women, Pedula et al. found that a higher proportion of
overweight/obesity, or by having laboratory screening younger women (≤ 25 years) rather than older women
tests done [27]. Yet, in their study from the US, Blatt et al. were screened [26]. Cullinan et al. and Blatt et al. found
found that women weighing more than 275 pounds that older women were more likely to be screened than
(125 kg) were 12% less likely to have a glucose tolerance their younger counterparts [23-25]. In Cullinan et al.'s
test than the women in the reference group who weighed studies universal screening was advocated locally but not
100–124 pounds (45–56 kg) [23]. However, whether the nationally, whereas in the study by Blatt et al. the
women in the higher weight category had their clinical recommendation is that women should have a glucose
risk factors assessed and subsequent intervention initiated test or their clinical risk factors/patient history assessed.
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 5 of 18

Table 2 Overview of articles focusing on treatment (n = 15) (alphabetic order)

Article Country Study design Study population Focus
Bandyopadhyay et al. (2011) [29] Australia Qualitative. Semi-structured 17 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Collier et al. (2011) [39] USA Qualitative. Focus group 4 focus group discussion Barriers mentioned by women
discussions. with women with GDM with GDM
Doran & Davis (2010) [30] Tonga Qualitative. Semi-structured 11 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by health
care providers
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Evans & O’Brien (2005) [31] Canada Qualitative. Interviews 12 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Hirst et al. (2012) [38] Vietnam Qualitative. Focus group 4 focus group discussions Experiences of living with GDM
discussions with women with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Hjelm et al. (2007) [36] Sweden Qualitative. Semi-structured 27 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Hjelm et al. (2008) [37] Sweden Qualitative. Semi-structured 23 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Landon et al. (1990) [16] USA Cross-sectional mail survey 471 obstetricians and Characteristics of health care
maternal-fetal specialists providers
Lawson & Rajaram (1994) [32] USA Qualitative. Interviews 17 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Marrero et al. (1992) [17] USA Mail survey 668 family practice physicians Characteristics of health care
and obstetricians/gynaecologists providers
Mersereau et al. (2011) [40] USA Qualitative. Focus group 6 focus groups with health Barriers mentioned by health
discussions care providers care providers
Neufeld (2011) [33] Canada Qualitative. Semi-structured 29 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Persily (1996) [35] USA Convenience sample of 29 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
women with GDM followed
from diagnosis through delivery
Persson et al. (2010) [34] Sweden Qualitative. Interviews 10 women with GDM Experiences of living with GDM
Barriers mentioned by women
with GDM
Ruggiero et al. (1990) [28] USA Cross-sectional survey 98 women with GDM Role of psychosocial factors

In both cases it could be hypothesised that age influ- et al. who found no statistically significant association
ences probability of screening, indicating an underlying between maternal age and screening for GDM in an
tendency to rely on risk factor based screening. On the environment with no consensus on the screening ap-
other hand, Yapa & Simmons did not find a significant proach [18,19].
association between age and screening for GDM in their
setting where universal screening was recommended [22]. Other factors
Similarly, Sievenpiper et al. found that maternal age did Gazmararian et al. also investigated whether marital
not affect the probability that the recommended 2-step status and trimester of entry to ANC influence the
approach was followed, as also the study by Gazmararian likelihood of a glucose challenge test being administered,
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 6 of 18

Table 3 Overview of articles focusing on postpartum follow-up (n = 36) (alphabetic order)

Article Country Study design Study population Focus
Almario et al. (2008) [41] USA Review of data from Laboratory 90 women with GDM Characteristics of health
Corporation of America and care setting
Quest Diagnostics
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Baker et al. (2009) [48] USA Mail survey 399 health care providers Characteristics of health
care providers
Barriers mentioned by
health care providers
Bandyopadhyay et al. (2011) [29] Australia Qualitative. Semi-structured 17 women with GDM Experiences of living
interviews. with GDM
Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Beischer et al. (1997) [47] Australia Cohort study using data 2,939 women with GDM Characteristics of health
from GDM follow-up care setting
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Bennett et al. (2011) [61] USA Qualitative. Semi-structured 22 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
interviews. women with GDM
Blatt et al. (2011) [23] USA Review of data from Quest 40,955 women with GDM Characteristics of women
Diagnostics with GDM
Clark et al. (2009) [55] Canada Randomized controlled trial 223 women with GDM Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Dietz et al. (2008) [46] USA Kaiser Permanente 461 women with GDM for Characteristics of health
Northwest data first part of the study and care setting
356 for second part.
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Ferrara et al. (2009) [58] USA Review of medical records 14,448 women with GDM Characteristics of women
with GDM
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Gabbe et al. (2004) [49] USA Mail survey 569 obstetricians/ Characteristics of health
gynaecologists care providers
Graco et al. (2009) [70] Australia Qualitative. Interviews 10 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Hoedjes et al. (2012) [62] The Netherlands Qualitative. Focus 5 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
group discussions women with GDM
Hunt & Conway (2008) [59] USA Prospective cohort study 707 women with GDM Characteristics of women
with GDM
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Kaufmann et al. (1999) [53] USA Cross-sectional survey 66 women with GDM Characteristics of health
care providers
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Keely et al. (2010) [50] Canada Fax and telephone survey 173 primary care providers Barriers mentioned by
and 140 women with GDM health care providers
Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 7 of 18

Table 3 Overview of articles focusing on postpartum follow-up (n = 36) (alphabetic order) (Continued)
Kim et al. (2008) [67] USA Cross-sectional survey 228 women with GDM Role of psychosocial factors
Kim et al. (2007) [57] USA Cross-sectional survey 217 women with GDM Experience of risk of
future diabetes
Kim et al. (2007a) [65] USA Cross-sectional survey 228 women with GDM Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Kim et al. (2006) [42] USA Review of hospital 533 women with GDM Characteristics of women
medical records with GDM
Characteristics of health
care providers
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Koh et al. (2010) [68] Australia Cross-sectional 331 women with GDM Characteristics of women
telephone survey with GDM
Role of psychosocial factors
Kwong et al. (2009) [60] Canada Retrospective 909 women with GDM Characteristics of women
cohort study with GDM
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Lawrence et al. (2010) [43] USA Kaiser Permanente 11,825 women with GDM Characteristics of services/
Southern California Medical treatment received
Care Program data
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Morrison et al. (2009) [49] Australia Cross-sectional mail survey 1,372 women with GDM Characteristics of health
care providers
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Characteristics of services/
treatment received
Neufeld (2011) [33] Canada Qualitative. Semi-structured 29 women with GDM Experiences of living
interviews with GDM
Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Nicklas et al. (2011) [71] USA Qualitative. Interviews and 3 focus group discussions Barriers mentioned by
focus group discussions with women with GDM, women with GDM
and interviews with 15
women with GDM
Razee et al. (2010) [72] Australia Qualitative. Semi-structured 57 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
interviews. women with GDM
Russell et al. (2006) [54] USA Retrospective cohort study 344 women with GDM Characteristics of health
care setting
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Shah et al. (2011) [51] Canada Population-level health 47,691 women with GDM Characteristics of health
care database care providers
Shea et al. (2011) [56] Canada Hospital laboratory and 262 women with GDM Characteristics of services/
provincial physician service treatment received
claims databases
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Smirnakis et al. (2005) [45] USA Review of medical records 197 women with GDM Characteristics of health
care providers
Characteristics of women
with GDM
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 8 of 18

Table 3 Overview of articles focusing on postpartum follow-up (n = 36) (alphabetic order) (Continued)
Smith et al. (2005) [64] Australia Telephone survey 226 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Role of psychosocial factors
Stage et al. (2004) [66] Denmark Mail survey 121 women with GDM Experience of risk of
future diabetes
Stuebe et al. (2010) [52] USA Survey 207 primary care providers Characteristics of health
and obstetrics & gynaecology care providers
care providers
Barriers mentioned by
health care providers
Swan et al. (2007) [69] Australia Mail survey 53 women with GDM Characteristics of women
with GDM
Symons Downs & Ulbrecht (2006) [73] USA Mail survey 28 women with GDM Barriers mentioned by
women with GDM
Zehle et al. (2008) [63] Australia Telephone survey 226 women with GDM Role of psychosocial factors
Characteristics of women
with GDM

but did not find a statistically significant association Determinants of and barriers for GDM treatment
[19]. Cullinan and colleagues noted that greater distance While there are only a few studies looking at determinants
to the screening site, residing in an urban, richer part of and barriers for screening as indicated in the foregoing,
town and high parity decreased the likelihood of partici- studies to assess determinants and barriers for GDM
pating in screening in a setting where universal screen- treatment are more extensive. Again, the majority of stud-
ing was advocated. In addition, a positive family history ies are from high-income countries (13 out of 15).
of diabetes did not significantly affect the decision to In their study from Indiana, US, published back in
attend GDM screening [24,25]. Furthermore, Sievenpiper 1992, Marrero et al. examined the specialisation of the
et al. found that a borderline result of the 50 g glucose health care provider in relation to insulin prescription
challenge test (GCT) did not predict if an OGTT would for GDM and found that family physicians were more
be performed as stated in the guideline [18]. In spite of likely to initiate insulin therapy than obstetricians [17].
the guideline on universal screening, Ruengkhachorn et al. Landon et al. found that the method for glucose surveil-
found that compliance to screening was more likely lance differed greatly among members of the American
amongst women with two or more risk factors for GDM College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) depen-
compared to those with only one risk factor [20]. ding on the post training duration of practice (≥ 15 years
These studies indicate that even in developed countries or ≤ 15 years) and with members of the Society of
adherence to prevailing guidelines for GDM screening Perinatal Obstetricians (SPO). Use of insulin was more
and compliance to screening tests seems sub-optimal frequent among SPO members who also used lower glu-
at best and arbitrary at worst. Very little information, cose thresholds for initiating insulin compared to ACOG
if any, is available on factors that favour or deter members [16]. Ruggiero et al. investigated the role of
screening and provide pointers to what can be done social support and dietary and insulin therapy compli-
to improve it. ance, and found a significant positive correlation; social
support accounted for 10 and 24% variance in reported
Barriers for GDM screening compliance to dietary advice and insulin therapy, res-
Nielsen et al. interviewed the implementing partners pectively [28].
of 11 GDM projects funded by the World Diabetes Other studies have taken a more anthropological ap-
Foundation in various developing countries and found proach to understanding the determinants and barriers to
various challenges in GDM screening and diagnosis in- GDM treatment. Six qualitative studies with focus on
cluding difficulties in screening women during the recom- women’s experiences with GDM diagnosis were identified
mended time period, applicability and relevance of the in our search. Most women expressed commitment and
risk factors used in selective screening programmes, motivation to manage their diabetes during pregnancy to
challenges in testing women in the fasting state and protect the health of the unborn baby, but behaviour
need for repeated testing, screening procedure being changes, and compliance to treatment were fraught with
too time consuming, scarcity of test consumables and lack challenges [29-34]. Two studies found that women inter-
of equipment etc. [15]. viewed later in their pregnancy had acquired familiarity
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 9 of 18

with their diabetes, and reported greater ability to cope preferences and cravings, concerns for baby’s growth and
with the stress as the treatment became part of a normal fear that too much physical activity would put a strain on
daily routine [31,34]. Persson et al. also noted that such the baby were other concerns that hindered compli-
adaptation was easier to achieve for women with GDM in ance to diet and exercise recommendations during GDM
a previous pregnancy [34]. In addition, both Evans & pregnancy [29].
O’Brien and Persson et al. reported that women described Two recent qualitative studies from the US have spe-
their experience as if being controlled by the disease, their cifically looked at barriers to treatment [39,40]. Collier
families and health care providers; with their behaviour et al. conducted focus group discussions with women
under surveillance, and as if their blood glucose levels who had GDM or pre-gestational diabetes during a re-
determined if they were ‘good mothers’ [31,34] and that cent pregnancy. Women mostly reported financial bar-
delivery was the ‘moment of truth’ when maternal and riers e.g. cost of health care, medical supplies and food,
fetal outcomes were revealed [34]. Lawson & Rajaram but also barriers related to access to care and insurance,
reported feelings amongst women with GDM: numb with and related to physical activity and maintaining healthy
fear for the baby’s wellbeing, guilt and being personally diet; difficulties in finding information and communicat-
responsible for the disorder, anxious about the future and ing with health care providers; lack of social support;
distressed with the treatment, losing autonomy when and barriers related to care, e.g. reluctance to inject in-
hospitalised and an inability to control the illness. It was sulin and treatment being seen as time consuming [39].
also reported that these feelings affected their own percep- Mersereau et al. conducted focus group discussions with
tion of self-worth [32]. In a quantitative study from 1996, health care providers to investigate barriers to good gly-
Persily reported that women who perceived GDM to have caemic control in women with GDM [40]. The barriers
a greater stress on their lives were less likely to self- identified by the health care providers were lack of
monitor their blood glucose [35]. Hjelm et al. studied knowledge and awareness among the women with
perceptions about treatment amongst women with GDM GDM, lack of access, including financial and insurance
attending a specialised diabetes clinic in Sweden [36]. issues, attitudinal barriers such as denial of the severity
Limited access and waiting time to meet health care of the disease, no motivation, lack of compliance, and
providers coupled with their perceived lack of competence social barriers. The authors note that most of the health
caused anxiety and loss of confidence; whereas provision care providers perceived the barriers to be outside their
of adequate information reduced anxiety and gave women locus of control [40]. Other barriers or challenges noted
a feeling of control over the situation [36]. In another in studies include difficulty in adhering to a diet when
study by Hjelm et al., cost of healthy food and lack of participating in social gatherings [31,34], and insufficient
advice and information about exercise in relation to GDM social support hampering compliance to treatment [34].
and waiting time to access health care providers for advice Finally, Doran & Davis in their study from Tonga high-
were mentioned by women with GDM as important light structural changes such as more cars leading to
barriers [37]. In her study about food perceptions and reduced physical activity, more unhealthy take away
concerns among aboriginal women with GDM in Canada, food options and lower rates of home cooking and
Neufeld points out a number of emotional and psycho- eating of traditional foods, as factors contributing to
logical challenges related to dietary management during unhealthy lifestyle and difficulties in adherence to
pregnancy: women found it difficult to adhere to the treatment [30].
dietary management plan due to pregnancy-related food Hence, with regard to treatment and factors influ-
preferences and cravings, plans being perceived as encing it, the published literature does provide some
stressful, adaptation of unhealthy eating patterns such direction. The majority of studies focusing on treat-
as ‘bulimia and binging’, and frequent use of ‘comfort ment has been qualitative and found that women express
foods’. Women mentioned that dietary messages were motivation and show commitment to manage their
sometimes contradictory, lacked adequate practical in- diabetes, but that several challenges exist. Social sup-
formation and they did not trust the nutrition edu- port has been identified in qualitative studies to be
cation messages received from health care providers key to proper management of diabetes in pregnancy and
[33]. Confusion over dietary recommendations, lack of data from the quantitative study by Ruggiero et al. sup-
sufficient advice and concerns about the effects of the ports this finding.
recommendations were also pointed out by Hirst et al. in
their study from Vietnam [38] as well as the study by Determinants and barriers for postpartum diabetes screening
Lawson & Rajaram from the US [32]. From a study on The literature dealing with postpartum follow-up of
immigrant South Asian women with GDM in Australia, women with GDM is either focussed on postpartum
Bandyopadhyay et al. reported difficulties in under- screening for diabetes or prevention of type 2 diabetes in
standing dietary recommendations [29]. In addition, food terms of maintaining healthy lifestyles.
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 10 of 18

Characteristics of health care providers and health care significantly predicted testing was a visit to an endocrin-
setting ologist after delivery [42].
Screening for diabetes following an index GDM preg- Almario et al. looked at the effect of the gyn/obst-spe-
nancy is in general reported to be low. Depending on cialists’ practice setting (‘office type’) and found that gyn/
the definition of ‘postpartum diabetes screening’ including obst-specialists working in a high-risk pregnancy setting
the type of test and follow-up period, studies identified in in the US were more likely to provide postpartum diabetes
this review – all from the US or Australia – found post- screening compared to their colleagues working in a nor-
partum diabetes screening rates ranging from 19 to 73% mal (non-high risk) pregnancy setting [41]. Likewise, in
[23,41-45]. Studies that have assessed the frequency of their study also from the US, Dietz et al. found that prac-
postpartum screening over time show that the proportion tice site was predictive of clinician ordering the test but
of women with GDM completing a postpartum screening not for the test being actually taken [46]. Smirnakis et al.
test has increased; thus between 1999 and 2004 Dietz studied a population of women with a history of GDM in
et al. found that the proportion of women with confirmed Massachusetts, US, and found that practice site had a
GDM who completed a postpartum screening test within borderline effect on postpartum screening in univariate
3 months increased from 9 to 58% in their research setting analysis, but not after adjustment for potential confoun-
in north-west US [46]. In their study from Australia, ders [45]. Moreover, Russell et al. reported that type of
Beischer et al. found that overall postpartum follow-up referral clinic did not predict postpartum testing in their
attendance was 71% and attendance had increased from study from Rhode Island, US [54].
43.7% in 1981 to 84.4% in 1995 [47]. Reminders and advice on postpartum screening have
A number of studies have examined possible deter- been assessed by four studies. Hence, two studies from
minants for postpartum screening. Three studies investi- Canada found that receiving reminders about testing
gated how frequently health care providers screen women increased the likelihood of testing [55,56]. Similarly, an
with GDM for diabetes postpartum [48-50]. In their study Australian study by Morrison et al. found that providing
from US, Baker et al. found that only 21% of respondents postnatal written information or individualised risk re-
always screen for diabetes postpartum, whereas Keely duction advice significantly increased the likelihood for
et al. reported that 37% of primary care providers in postpartum screening [44], and in the US, Kim et al.
Ottawa, Canada had their GDM patients complete a post- found that women who recalled receiving advice on
partum OGTT [48,50]. Gabbe et al. reported that 74% of postpartum screening were more likely to report actually
obstetricians and gynaecologists in the US routinely being tested [57].
performed a postpartum evaluation of glucose intolerance Finally, the immediate postpartum OGTT was found
in women diagnosed with GDM and physicians younger to be an important predictor of subsequent follow-up
than 40 years of age were more likely to routinely perform test in a study by Beischer et al. from Australia. The
postpartum tests (87.6% vs. 73.2%, p = 0.005) [49]. Shah study moreover noted that whereas patients attending a
et al. found that internists/endocrinologists in Ontario, public clinic were more likely to receive postpartum
Canada ordered the majority of postpartum diabetes OGTT, private patients who received the postpartum
screening test and obstetricians the fewest [51], and test were more likely to be enrolled in the long-term
Stuebe and colleagues found primary care providers being follow-up programme [47].
more likely than OBGYN specialists in Massachusetts, The studies focusing on identifying health care
US, to order a postpartum screening test for women provider- or health care setting-related determinants for
with a known history of GDM [52]. In contrast, postpartum screening show that often postpartum screen-
Baker et al. and Kaufmann et al. found in their ing rates are sub-optimal. Studies that focus on the health
studies from the US that physicians’ speciality did care provider or setting seem not to provide a clear pic-
not significantly influence the likelihood of postpar- ture, but this may be due to different practice between
tum testing [48,53]. countries and/or over time. Yet, receiving reminders or
Morrison et al. assessed two-way interactions and postnatal information appear to have a positive impact on
found that being under the care of an endocrinologist the likelihood of postpartum screening, as does recollec-
insignificantly increased the likelihood of postpartum tion of receiving advice on postpartum testing. For longer-
screening among less educated Australian women, and term follow-up it has been indicated that the immediate
being seen by a diabetes educator significantly increased postpartum test and attendance in a private clinic may be
the likelihood of postpartum screening among Australian predictors, at least in Australia.
women under the care of an obstetrician [44]. Kim et al.
investigated different scenarios to predict postpartum Barriers according to health care providers
glucose testing in a university hospital in Michigan, USA. Three studies – two from the US and one from Australia -
After adjusting for confounders the only scenario that reported on health care providers’ perceptions of barriers
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 11 of 18

to performing postpartum diabetes screening [48,50,52]. model conducted on data from Michigan, but found that
Barriers mentioned were diverse: not seeing the patient, it did not predict postpartum glucose testing when inclu-
the patient being lost to follow-up and lack of commu- ded in multivariate analysis [42]. Dietz et al. and Hunt &
nication/collaboration between health care providers were Conway have both looked at the timing of the test during
the most widely mentioned issues. Other barriers men- pregnancy, but found that it neither influenced postpar-
tioned were inconsistent guidelines or lack of familiarity tum test order and test completion [46] nor whether the
to guidelines; not aware about history of GDM; patients women returned for postpartum screening [59]. On the
not considering the test necessary, or declining testing, or other hand attending a postpartum visit with an OBGYN
unable to complete test; testing not affordable; patient provider was found to greatly increase the likelihood of
uninformed or lack understanding of need for test, and postpartum glucose testing in two other studies from the
practice being too busy etc. [48,50,52]. US [43,54] and if conducted within 3 months of delivery it
also increased the likelihood of completing the test [46].
Characteristics of the client with GDM Multiple visits were likewise shown to be positively associ-
Studies from high-income countries have also focused ated with postpartum testing [42,58].
on client characteristics and other determinants for post- Ten studies have assessed the effect of treatment type
partum diabetes screening. for GDM on postpartum glucose testing. Six of these
Studies from the US conducted by Almario et al. and were from the US, including the study by Almario et al.
Ferrara et al. found that women had an increased like- which found that women receiving pharmacotherapy
lihood of being screened postpartum if their GDM during pregnancy (treated with insulin or glyburide as a
was diagnosed early - before 24 weeks and 20 weeks of combined variable) were more likely to be screened com-
gestation, respectively - compared to women later in pared to women treated with diet [41]. Hunt & Conway
pregnancy [41,58]. In contrast, Hunt & Conway did not on the other hand found that women who failed to return
find a significant association between gestational age at for postpartum testing were more likely to have had
diagnosis and glucose testing postpartum [59]; but they required medication to treat their GDM [59]. Dietz et al.
found that women missing the postpartum testing had investigated predictors for physician ordering postpartum
higher fasting and 1-h OGTT glucose levels at GDM glucose testing and for test completion and found that use
diagnosis [59]. Almario et al. noted that women diag- of insulin or glyburide during pregnancy was not signifi-
nosed with a GCT had an increased likelihood of post- cantly associated with these outcomes [46]. Studies from
partum screening compared to women diagnosed with the US have also looked at the use of insulin and glyburide
GDM using a 3-h 100 g OGTT [41]. Blatt et al. found as two independent variables. Ferrara et al. and Hunt &
that women who did not return for postpartum testing Conway looked at glyburide, but whereas Ferrara et al.
had significantly lower glucose concentration in their found that the use of glyburide increased the likelihood of
2-h OGTT than those who returned [23]. Other stud- postpartum glucose testing [58] Hunt & Conway did not
ies from the US found no significant effect of the results find a statistically significant difference in the use of gly-
of the fasting or the OGTT on postpartum screening buride among women who returned and did not return
irrespective of the glucose load [42,58]. Smirnakis et al. in for postpartum testing [59]. Six studies have looked at in-
their study from Massachusetts, US [45] also found no sulin use, but their results differ: two studies from the US
significant effect of the 1-h, 2-h and 3-h OGTT re- and one from Australia found no significant association
sults, but found that women with glucose concentra- with use of insulin and postpartum glucose screening
tions ≥ 98 mg/dl (5.4 mmol/l) in their fasting glucose [42-44], one study from the US and two studies from
test or ≥171 mg/dl (9.5 mmol/l) at 1-h at the 50 g Canada found on the other hand that insulin signifi-
GCT were more likely to undergo postpartum screen- cantly predicted postpartum glucose testing [56,58,60].
ing than were women with concentrations below these In addition, Beischer et al. found that requiring insulin
levels. Similarly Beischer et al. from Australia found that during pregnancy predicted enrolment and maintenance
the results of the 50 g GCT significantly predicted both in follow-up program for postpartum testing in Australia
enrolment and maintenance in postpartum follow-up [47], but Hunt & Conway found that women in their
screening program [47]. Kwong et al. however found no US population who failed to return for postpartum
significant association between the results of the 50 g testing were more likely to have used insulin [59]. Finally,
GCT and postpartum screening in their study from Lawrence et al. found that the use of oral agents alone
Canada [60]. Studying a population in the US, Hunt & decreased the likelihood of testing among their study
Conway found that women not returning for postpartum population from Southern California [43].
testing had higher mean fasting, preprandial and 2-h Studies from the US looking at self-monitoring [59]
postprandial glucose levels during pregnancy [59]. Kim and nutrition visit during pregnancy [46], as well as a
et al. included total number of prenatal visits in their study Canadian study focusing on HbA1c level during pregnancy
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 12 of 18

[60] found no significant association with postpartum Equally variable results are seen when it comes to
testing. assessing whether age, income, education, ethnicity/
When assessing obstetrical history as a predictor for race and marital status are predictors of screening
postpartum testing studies found no significant associa- [23,41-47,53,54,56,58-60]. One study from Australia
tions with gravidity [42,53], number of prior pregnancies and two from the US investigated effect of primary
with GDM [41], prior macrosomia [59], multiple births language and found no significant association [44-46].
with affected pregnancy [42], prior history of preeclamp- Two studies looked at country at birth as a predictor
sia or eclampsia [42]. When it comes to the role of par- for postpartum testing and whereas Morrison et al. in
ity [43,46,53,54,58-60], study results from the US and their study from Australia found no effect of whether
Canada, are inconsistent. Kaufmann et al. included subse- one was born in or outside Australia [44], Lawrence et al.
quent pregnancies in their analysis on US data but found in their study from the US found that women born
no association with postpartum testing [53]. Hunt & Con- outside the US had significantly higher odds for testing
way found that women who failed to return for postpar- compared to US born women [43]. Family history of type
tum glucose testing were more likely to have a history of 2 diabetes did not predict postpartum glucose testing
GDM compared to women who returned [59], but other according to five of the six studies who included it in
studies from the US as well as from Australia and Canada their analysis [41,42,44,56,59,60]. Studies have also
investigating the effect of previous GDM on postpartum looked at employment status [44], antenatal tobacco use
testing did not find statistically significant associations [54], changes in diet [53], changes in exercise [53], and
[42,44,54,56,60]. health insurance status [45,54] without finding significant
Studies from the US have also investigated whether associations with postpartum screening.
occurrences in the current GDM pregnancy influences No studies from low- or middle-income countries have
the likelihood of postpartum glucose testing, but the examined determinants for postpartum screening, but
findings are no different from studies looking at occur- studies from high-income countries investigating this have
rences in past pregnancies, and no significant association shown inconsistent results or only found statistically insig-
is found between preeclampsia [59], gestational week at nificant associations when it comes to determinants re-
delivery [42,54,59], having a caesarean delivery [43,54,59], lated to the GDM screening test conducted during
macrosomia [42,46,58,59], live birth [42], need for neo- pregnancy, treatment, obstetric history, current preg-
natal intensive care [54] and postpartum diabetes testing. nancy, demography, weight, lifestyle changes, family his-
However, Lawrence et al. found that year of delivery sig- tory of type 2 diabetes, and socio-economic factors.
nificantly influenced the likelihood of postpartum glucose However, having a postpartum visit with an OBGYN
testing within 6 months from delivery, with women deliv- provider seem to increase the likelihood of postpartum
ering in the years 2000 to 2006 having a higher likelihood testing and the likelihood is further increased with more
for testing than women in 1999 [43]. The Australian study postpartum visits.
by Beischer et al. similarly found that the year of the preg-
nancy influenced the likelihood of enrolment in postpar- Barriers according to women with GDM
tum testing programme [47]. Only two studies - one survey and one qualitative study -
Two studies from the US investigated the effect of asked women with a history of GDM about barriers to
weight gain during pregnancy and one looked at weight postpartum diabetes screening [50,61]. Keely et al. investi-
changes in general, but none of them found a significant gated why women in Ottawa, Canada with a history of
association with postpartum testing [42,53,59]. Hunt & GDM did not complete postpartum screening for diabetes
Conway in addition found that women who did not using an OGTT. By far the most frequent reason was time
return for postpartum glucose testing weighed more pressure, but lost requisition was mentioned by almost
prior to pregnancy than those who returned [59]. Other 20% respondents [50]. In the qualitative study by Bennet
studies focusing on maternal weight likewise found that et al. conducted among women with GDM attending a
obesity or increasing weight significantly reduced the like- high risk obstetric clinical practice in Baltimore, US, a
lihood of testing [23,58]. Studies focusing on BMI are number of themes were identified including recent deliv-
available from US, Australia and Canada; however, they ery experience and baby’s health issues; adjustment to the
have in general not found any significant association with new baby (emotional stress, feeling overwhelmed and lack
postpartum glucose testing. Hence, only one – a study of time and burden of child care); concerns about post-
from Canada - of the nine studies assessing BMI as a partum and future health (feeling healthy and not in need
predictor for screening [41,42,44-46,54,56,59,60] found a for care, and fear of receiving bad news); and experiences
significant association with women being normal or over- with medical care and services (dissatisfaction with care
weight being more likely to go for any postpartum glucose and logistics of accessing care) as barriers to postpartum
testing than obese women [56]. follow-up care [61].
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 13 of 18

Determinants and barriers for healthy postpartum was independently associated with high self-efficacy
lifestyle and prevention of future diabetes and social support; yet more than half of the women
Studies have also investigated determinants for main- in their Australian study reported never receiving sup-
taining a healthy lifestyle (diet or exercise) after an index port in the form of assistance with household work or
GDM pregnancy. Hoedjes et al. reported in their study others exercising with them [64]. Another Australian
from the Netherlands that although women expressed study by Koh et al. found a similar significant association
that they intended to live a healthy postpartum lifestyle, of social support and self-efficacy for physical activity, but
it was generally not achieved [62]. This notion is sup- noted that these concepts could only explain a small pro-
ported by two studies from Australia which found that portion of the variance in physical activity among women
among women with GDM in the past 6–24 months un- with recent GDM in their study population [68]. In their
healthy diet was prevalent [63] and only 33.6% reported study from the US, Kim and colleagues examined the as-
sufficient physical activity [64]. A reason may be that sociation between self-efficacy and social support for both
women with a history of GDM do not perceive them- physical activity and diet and found similar results except
selves to be at increased risk of future diabetes. Hence, that the adjusted association between self-efficacy and
Kim et al. examined risk perception for diabetes among dietary quality just missed significance [67]. The role of
women with a history of GDM in a US population and various socio-demographic variables in physical activ-
found that although 90% of women recognized GDM as ity and weight management among women with recent
a risk factor for future diabetes, only 16% believed they GDM has been investigated by two Australian studies but
themselves were at high risk of developing diabetes, no significant association was noted [68,69].
though the proportion increased to 39% when asked to es- When it comes to continuing lifestyle modifications
timate their risk assuming they maintained their current postpartum, studies indicate that intention may be there,
lifestyle [65]. In a study from Denmark, Stage et al. found but many women do not succeed in continuing their
that 40% of women with a history of GDM were very modifications. This may be influenced by their percep-
worried about developing diabetes in the future, 46% were tion of risk of future diabetes and particularly by self-
a little worried and 14% were not worried at all [66]. In efficacy and social support.
addition, whereas Stage et al. found no correlation between
worrying and postpartum weight loss, Kim et al. found that Barriers for healthy postpartum lifestyle
women who perceived themselves to be at no or slight risk A number of studies from Australia, US and the
of diabetes were less likely to modify their lifestyle [65,66]. Netherlands have investigated barriers to a healthy post-
In Neufeld’s study among aboriginal women with a history partum lifestyle among women with history of GDM
of GDM or currently experiencing a GDM affected preg- [62,64,70-73]. Lack of time and/or energy was a com-
nancy in Canada it was noted that many women tried to mon barrier mentioned in all studies [29,62,64,70-73]
continue eating healthy postpartum to protect their health; and so was lack of child care support [62,70-73]. Other
however, some postpartum women felt they no longer had barriers identified in the studies included not feeling well
to worry about what they were eating as their dietary in- and/or emotional distress [72,73]: lack of motivation
take would no longer impact the health of the baby [33]. [70,71]; financial barriers [70,71]; other domestic respon-
The importance of self-efficacy and social support for sibilities such as cooking [72]; lack of knowledge [62,64]:
postpartum healthy lifestyle has been investigated for lack of understanding about GDM [62]; lack of social
both diet [63,67] and physical activity [64,67,68]. Zehle support [64,70-72] lack of health care provider support
and colleagues investigated cognitive and social factors, [62]; feeling of solitude, dullness and isolation from fam-
including the role of self-efficacy and social support, ily and friends [62,70]; poor body image [70]; bad wea-
related to postpartum dietary behaviours among women ther [70]; considering oneself to be too young to be on a
with recent GDM in Australia [63]. They found that restricted diet [29]; obstacles at work [71]; unsuitable
non-English speaking women consumed less vegetables local neighbourhood or no access to exercise equipment
and bread and more fried food than English speaking [64,71]; cultural expectations e.g. needs of women come
women. Self-efficacy was associated with high vegetable last in the family [70,72]; and lack of enjoyment of phys-
consumption, ability to cook healthy foods, and report- ical activity [64]. Moreover, in a study among immigrant
ing that healthy diet is not a difficult change and that women in Australia it was mentioned that breastfeeding
dislike of healthy foods by other household members is was a barrier to postpartum weight reduction as it made
not a barrier for them. Moreover, self-efficacy when busy them increase their food intake [29].
and not reporting a dislike of healthy foods by others at
home were associated with high fruit consumption [63]. Discussion
Focusing on physical activity, Smith and colleagues found This review of scientific literature on barriers and
that in multivariate analysis sufficient physical activity determinants for screening, diagnosis, management and
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 14 of 18

post-partum follow up of GDM pregnancies examined in different ethnic groups to replicate the findings of these
58 full text papers published in peer reviewed journals. studies with encouraging initial positive results [81-83].
In the final stage of literature review we excluded 3 non- The diagnosis of GDM should initiate a long-term inter-
English articles. This of course may entail some bias, vention and diagnostic process to minimize the risk of de-
missing out some of the additional local issues that may veloping diabetes or to diagnose it as early in the course
have been highlighted in these articles. The decision to of disease as possible [80]. Moreover, women with one
limit the search to not include grey literature, reports GDM affected pregnancy are at high risk of developing
and book chapters was made due to allowed journal GDM in subsequent pregnancies [84]. The need to ad-
space for a review article. dress barriers to postpartum follow-up and lifestyle modi-
The review does not cover determinants and barriers fications are therefore imperative. In view of the emerging
to ANC attendance in general. GDM screening will only burden of GDM in populous low- and middle-income
occur when women are able to overcome barriers to countries, it is remarkable that all except four of the in-
ANC attendance in the first place. Others have pub- cluded studies were conducted in high-income countries.
lished extensively on determinants and barriers for ANC It is equally remarkable that few studies sought to identify
attendance [74,75]. barriers and how they might be overcome by including
There are serious barriers to proper GDM services, the pregnant and postpartum women’s opinions and prop-
management and care even in high-income countries ositions, including the role of breastfeeding.
and across study settings (see Table 4). Although some Studies on the magnitude of the GDM burden in
determinants and barriers to GDM management are recent years have shown that GDM is a fast growing
consistent across studies, many are contextual or problem in low- and middle-income countries. Studies
culture-specific. The barriers operate at different levels – from South India and China found prevalence rates of
cultural and societal; health system resources; health care 17.8% and 17.5%, respectively [85,86]. At the same time
provider and client characteristics. Lack of knowledge and many developing countries are experiencing rapidly in-
perceived seriousness about the issue amongst policy creasing diabetes prevalence rates [87] and continue to
makers, health care providers, affected women and their struggle with high rates of maternal mortality and mor-
family and lay people in general is perhaps the biggest bidity and inadequate emergency obstetric care [88].
hurdle. Compartmentalisation of care is another import- Availability, affordability and access to services for GDM
ant barrier - as noted earlier- not seeing the patient, the are likely to be even bigger barriers in low- and middle-
patient being lost to follow-up and lack of communica- income countries than what has been illustrated in this
tion/collaboration between health care providers were the review. GDM increases the risk of macrosomia, shoulder
most widely mentioned issues by the health care providers dystocia and obstructed labour and so pregnancies com-
as barriers to postpartum follow up. Following delivery plicated by GDM without proper access to obstetrical
women with GDM usually no longer have diabetes and care can be fatal or result in debilitating outcomes. For-
are no longer pregnant and therefore unlikely to visit phy- tunately, a number of developing countries have started
sicians or gynaecologists for check-ups and thus perceived to pilot or implement GDM programmes [15]. Health
to be lost to follow-up. However these women do visit care providers, health care planners, public health pro-
health services focused on the wellbeing of their babies, fessionals and policy makers need to understand and
for instance for the child’s vaccination program and take these barriers into consideration to ensure proper
follow-up and are likely to do so at regular intervals for at initiatives to address GDM are put in place, without for-
least five years. So why cannot this opportunity be used to getting to involve the women at risk.
provide them follow-up advice and conduct necessary
tests? Why cannot the health system tag the mother’s Conclusions
GDM status to the child for the benefit of both? [76]. This systematic review has evaluated determinants and
Studies have shown that lifestyle modifications and/or barriers to proper GDM services. Very few studies from
pharmaceutical intervention following a GDM pregnancy low- and middle-income countries were found. Compli-
is as effective in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 ance to screening tests was sub-optimal, but little infor-
diabetes as in the case of other people with pre-diabetes mation is available on what factors influence poor
[12,13,77-79]. Clinical trials now provide grade A evidence compliance and thereby identify what can be done to
for the impact of multiple interventions to prevent the improve it. While women express commitment and mo-
progression to type 2 diabetes in women with a history of tivation for treatment to protect their health and thereby
GDM. Both lifestyle modification and pharmacological the health of the unborn baby, behaviour changes and
therapies (metformin, troglitazone, and pioglitazone) have compliance to treatment are associated with challenges
been shown to reduce diabetes development by 50% or and a number of barriers have been identified, particularly
more [80]. Several prospective studies have been initiated in the qualitative studies. Also postpartum screening for
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 15 of 18

Table 4 Barriers identified in high-income and low- and middle-income countries

High-income countries Low- and middle-income countries
• No studies focusing on barriers to GDM screening and diagnosis • Barriers to GDM screening and diagnosis include difficulties in
were identified. screening women during the recommended time period, applicability
and relevance of the risk factors used in selective screening programmes,
challenges in testing women in the fasting state and need for repeat
test, screening procedure being too time consuming, scarcity of test
consumables and lack of equipment.
• Barriers to treatment include lack of social support, stress, cost of • Barriers to treatment include confusion over dietary recommendations,
healthy food, cost of health care and medical supplies, lack of lack of sufficient advice, concerns about the effects of the
advice and information about diet and exercise, dietary messages recommendations, structural changes such as more cars leading to
being contradictory, dietary messages being difficult to understand, reduced physical activity, more unhealthy take away food options and
lack of trust in messages received from the health care providers, lower rates of home cooking and eating of traditional foods.
waiting time to access health care providers for advice, lack of
access to health care and health insurance, pregnancy-related food
preferences and cravings, diet plans being perceived as stressful,
adaptation of unhealthy eating patterns such as bulimia and binging,
frequent use of ‘comfort foods’, difficulty in adhering to a diet when
participating in social gatherings, concerns for baby’s growth and
putting a strain on the baby, reluctance to inject insulin, treatment
being time consuming, lack of knowledge, denial of severity, lack of
motivation, other social barriers.
• Barriers to postpartum screening include health care provider not • No studies focusing on barriers to postpartum GDM screening were
seeing the patient, the patient being lost to follow-up, lack of identified
communication/collaboration between health care providers,
inconsistent guidelines or lack of familiarity to guidelines, not aware
about history of GDM, patients not considering the test necessary,
or declining testing, or unable to complete test, testing not affordable,
patient uninformed or lack understanding of need for test, practice
being too busy, time pressure (women), lost requisition, recent
delivery experience, baby’s health issues, adjustment to the new baby
(emotional stress, feeling overwhelmed and lack of time and burden
of child care), concerns about postpartum and future health
(feeling healthy and not in need for care, and fear of receiving
bad news), and experiences with medical care and services
(dissatisfaction with care and logistics of accessing care).
• Barriers to healthy postpartum lifestyle include lack of time and/or No studies focusing on barriers to healthy postpartum lifestyle were
energy, lack of child care support, not feeling well, emotional distress, identified
lack of motivation, financial barriers, domestic responsibilities such
as cooking, lack of knowledge, lack of understanding about GDM,
lack of social support, lack of support from health care provider,
feeling of solitude, dullness and isolation from family and friends,
poor body image, bad weather, considering oneself to be too young
to be on a restricted diet, obstacles at work, unsuitable local
neighbourhood, no access to exercise equipment, cultural
expectations, lack of enjoyment of physical activity, breastfeeding
as it made some women increase their food intake.

diabetes is unsatisfactory and a number of determi- Competing interests

nants and barriers have been identified, including pa- The authors have no competing interests to declare.
tients being lost to follow-up, lack of time and lost
requisition etc. Variable results were found for many de- Authors’ contributions
terminants. Following a recent GDM pregnancy many KKN, AK, PD, MdC, ICB designed the study; KKN carried out the
literature search and selection; KKN, AK, PD, MdC, ICB contributed
women desire and intend to maintain healthy lifestyles to
to the analysis; KKN wrote the first draft of the manuscript; KKN, AK,
prevent future diabetes but find the effort challenging. PD, MdC, ICB critically revised the manuscript and approved the
Self-efficacy and social support are important deter- final version.
minants in this regard. Understanding determinants and
Author details
barriers within the local context is vital in designing public 1
Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology,
health interventions to address the growing burden of University of Copenhagen, Oester Farimagsgade 5, Building 9, Copenhagen
DK-1014, K, Denmark. 2World Diabetes Foundation, Brogaardsvej 70, Gentofte
GDM and diabetes. Therefore, studies from low- and
DK–2820, Denmark. 3Center for Pregnant Women with Diabetes, Department
middle-income countries where the prevalence of GDM is of Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9,
rapidly increasing are especially warranted. Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark.
Nielsen et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:41 Page 16 of 18

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Cite this article as: Nielsen et al.: From screening to postpartum follow-
up – the determinants and barriers for gestational diabetes mellitus
(GDM) services, a systematic review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
2014 14:41.

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