Behringer Pmp5000 Manual de Usuario

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User Manual
Version 1.0 November 2006
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 12) Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is
used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device
shall remain readily operable.

13) Only use attachments/accessories specified by the


14) Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table
specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the
apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving
the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove tip-over.
the top cover (or the rear section). No user
serviceable parts inside; refer servicing to qualified

WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not

expose this appliance to rain and moisture. The
apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or
splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such
as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus. 15) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or
when unused for long periods of time.

16) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.

This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to the
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been
presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage inside
damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug
the enclosure—voltage that may be sufficient to
is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
constitute a risk of shock.
into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to
rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been
This symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to
important operating and maintenance instructions 17) CAUTION - These service instructions are for use by
in the accompanying literature. Please read the qualified service personnel only. To reduce the risk of
manual. electric shock do not perform any servicing other than
that contained in the operation instructions unless you
are qualified to do so.

1) Read these instructions.

2) Keep these instructions.

3) Heed all warnings.

4) Follow all instructions.

5) Do not use this apparatus near water.

6) Clean only with dry cloth.

7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in

accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators,

heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including
amplifiers) that produce heat.

9) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or

grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades
with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug
has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide
blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If
the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult
an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.

10) Protect the power cord from being walked on or

pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles,
and the point where they exit from the apparatus.

11) The apparatus shall be connected to a MAINS socket

outlet with a protective earthing connection.


Dear Customer,
Welcome to the team of 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 4
EUROPOWER users 1.1 Before you get started ................................................... 4
and thank you very much 1.1.1 Shipment ............................................................... 4
for expressing your confi- 1.1.2 Initial operation ...................................................... 4
dence in BEHRINGER 1.1.3 Online registration ................................................ 4
products by purchasing 1.2 The manual ..................................................................... 4
this power mixer.
It is one of my most 2 CONTROL ELEMENTS ............................................... 5
pleasant tasks to write
this letter to you, because 2.1 Mono and stereo channels ............................................ 5
it is the culmination of 2.1.1 Input section ......................................................... 5
many months of hard 2.2 Equalizer and FBQ .......................................................... 6
work delivered by our 2.3 Effects section ............................................................... 7
engineering team to reach 2.4 Main and monitor section ................................................ 7
a very ambitious goal: 2.4.1 Connectors ........................................................... 8
to present you three 2.5 Rear panel ...................................................................... 8
outstanding power
mixers that give you 3 DIGITAL EFFECTS PROCESSOR ................................ 8
maximum flexibility and
performance with a unique sound character and broad range of
striking functions. The task to design the new PMP series certainly 4 INSTALLATION ........................................................... 9
meant a great deal of responsibility, which we assumed by
4.1 Mains connection ........................................................... 9
focusing on you, the discerning user and musician. It also meant
4.2 Audio connections ......................................................... 9
a lot of work and night shifts to accomplish this goal. But it was
4.3 Loudspeaker connections ........................................... 10
fun, too. Developing a product usually brings a lot of people
together, and what a great feeling it is when everybody who
participated in such a project can be proud of what we’ve 5 WIRING EXAMPLES ................................................. 11
It is our philosophy to share our joy with you, because you 6 SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................... 14
are the most important member of the BEHRINGER team. With
your highly competent suggestions for new products you’ve
greatly contributed to shaping our company and making it 7 WARRANTY .............................................................. 16
successful. In return, we guarantee you uncompromising quality
as well as excellent technical and audio properties at an extremely
favorable price. All of this will enable you to fully unfold your FCC— FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
creativity without being hampered by budget constraints. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION .................................. 17
We are often asked how we can make it to produce such high-
grade devices at such unbelievably low prices. The answer is
quite simple: it’s you, our customers! Many satisfied customers
means large sales volumes enabling us to get better conditions
of purchase for components, etc. Isn’t it only fair to pass this
benefit back to you? Because we know that your success is our
success, too!
I would like to thank all people whose help on “Project PMP”
has made it all possible. Everybody has made very personal
contributions, starting from the designers of the unit to the many
staff members in our company and finally to you, the user of
BEHRINGER products.

My friends, it’s been worth the trouble!

Thank you very much,

Uli Behringer
 We would like to point out that high volume levels may
damage your hearing and/or your headphones. Please
move down all faders in the MAIN section before turning
on the device. Always make sure that the appropriate
volume is set.

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.2 Initial operation
Be sure that there is enough air space around the unit for
Congratulations! With the PMP1000/PMP3000/PMP5000 you cooling and, to avoid overheating, please do not place the
have acquired a state-of-the-art power mixer that sets new EUROPOWER near radiators, etc.
standards. Right from the very start it has been our goal to
design a revolutionary unit that can be used for a wide variety of  Blown fuses must be replaced by fuses of the same
applications. Indeed, this overwhelming power mixer gives you type and rating! Please refer to the
plenty of functionality and a broad range of connection and “SPECIFICATIONS” for details.
expansion options.
The mains connection is made using the enclosed power cord
Your PMP features our revolutionary COOLAUDIO amplifier and a standard IEC receptacle. It meets all of the international
technology, which reduces the weight and size of the unit safety certification requirements.
considerably and ensures extremely high output power.
Further advantages are the integrated Voice Canceller that
 Please make sure that all units have a proper
ground connection. For your own safety, never
removes vocal passages from playbacks, the FBQ function,
remove or disable the ground conductor from the
which detects feedback frequencies, and the Speaker
unit or on the AC power cord.
Processing function for loudspeaker alignment—all with a
resolution of 24 bits and 40 kHz. Plus, our tried and tested To avoid damage on the device, do not
XENYX Mic Preamps give you crystal-clear audio free of noise
and distortion when using microphones. - earth the loudspeaker outputs
- connect the loudspeaker outputs to each other
BEHRINGER is a company with its roots in professional
recording studio technology. For many years we have been - connect the loudspeaker outputs to those of other
successful in developing products for studio and live use. These amplifiers
include microphones and 19" units of all types (compressors,
enhancers, noise gates, tube processors, headphone amplifiers, IMPORTANT NOTES CONCERNING INSTALLATION
digital effects, DI boxes, etc.), monitor and P.A. speakers and The sound quality may diminish within the range of powerful
professional live and recording mixers. Our entire technical know- broadcasting stations and high-frequency sources. Increase
how has gone into your PMP power mixer. the distance between the transmitter and the device and use
shielded cables for all connections.
1.1 Before you get started
1.1.3 Online registration
1.1.1 Shipment Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER
equipment right after your purchase by visiting
Your PMP was carefully packed at the factory and the (alternatively and
packaging is designed to protect the unit from rough handling.
kindly read the terms and conditions of our warranty carefully.
Nevertheless, we recommend that you carefully examine the
packaging and its contents for any signs of physical damage Should your BEHRINGER product malfunction, our goal is to
which may have occurred during transit. have it repaired as quickly as possible. To arrange for warranty
service, please contact the retailer from whom the equipment
 If the unit is damaged, please do NOT return it to was purchased. Should your BEHRINGER dealer not be located
BEHRINGER, but notify your dealer and the shipping in your vicinity, you may directly contact one of our subsidiaries.
company immediately. Otherwise, claims for Corresponding contact information is included in the original
damage or replacement may not be granted. equipment packaging (Global Contact Information/European
Contact Information). Should your country not be listed, please
 We recommend that you use a flight case, so as to contact the distributor nearest you. A list of distributors can be
give your power mixer optimum protection during found in the support area of our website (
use or transport.
Registering your purchase and equipment with us helps us
 Always use the original packing carton to prevent
process your repair claims quicker and more efficiently.
damage during storage or transport. Thank you for your cooperation!

 Make sure that children cannot play unsupervised

1.2 The manual
with the device or its packaging.
This manual is designed to give you both an overview of all
 Please ensure proper disposal of all packing control elements and to provide details about how to use them.
materials. To provide you with a clear structure, we have grouped the
control elements according to their function. They can easily be
found on the enclosed numbered illustrations. If you need more
detailed information on specific topics, please visit our web site

PMP3000/PMP5000: When you press the PFL button (Pre
2 CONTROL ELEMENTS Fader Listening) the left LED shows the pre-fader
input gain of the channel. Adjust the optimum input gain (0
A detailed description of all functions of your power mixer can dB) with the TRIM control . When PFL is on, the corres-
be found in the following chapters. Please also refer to the ponding LED illuminates.
enclosed sheet with the numbered illustrations to get a good
overview of the control layout. If the LEVEL SET LED is illuminated constantly, the
signal is within the optimum operating level range. However,
if the CLIP LED indicates that the input gain is too high, you
2.1 Mono and stereo channels should reduce the level slightly with the TRIM control. The
Use the TRIM control to adjust the input gain. Be sure to CLIP LED should never be illuminated all the time, only with
set this control fully counter-clockwise before you connect signal peaks.
or disconnect a signal source to an input. TRIM controls The MUTE switch mutes the channel in the main mix. The
both the microphone and the LINE input. The black scale pre-fader signals (monitor buses) remain operative. When
shows the microphone gain (+10 to +60 dB on channels MUTE is pressed, the corresponding control LED illuminates.
with XENYX MIC PREAMPS and 0 to +40 dB on conventional
microphone inputs; PMP1000 only, channels 5/6 and 7/8). The channel fader controls the channel signal level in the
main mix.
The “LINE” scale indicates the sensitivity of the LINE input,
ranging from +10 to -40 dBu.
2.1.1 Input section
PMP1000: The mono/stereo combination channels 5/6 and Each mono input channel is equipped with a balanced
7/8 have a sensitivity of +20 to -20 dBu. microphone input (XLR connector) which provides
The LEVEL SET LED illuminates when an optimum operating +48 V phantom power for condenser microphones at the
level has been adjusted. touch of a button (see rear panel).

The mono channels are equipped with a high-slope LOW PMP1000: The two stereo channels 5/6 and 7/8 have an
CUT filter eliminating unwanted low-frequency signals like additional balanced XLR microphone input with +48 V
rumble noise. phantom power.

PMP3000/PMP5000 (stereo channels): Press the A/B button  Be sure to switch off your audio system before you
to switch from 1/4" jacks to RCA connectors, and vice activate the phantom power supply to protect your
versa. Position “A” = 1/4" jacks; position “B” = RCA monitor speakers from switch-on thumps.
Each mono input features one LINE IN connector
The HIGH control in the EQ section governs the high (1/4" jack), which can be used with either balanced or
frequency range of the respective channel. unbalanced signals.
Use the MID control to boost or cut the midrange  Please remember to use either the microphone or
frequencies. the line input on a specific channel. Never use both
PMP5000: The PMP5000 has an additional semi-parametric at the same time!
filter for the midrange frequencies in the mono channels  When you connect a mono line signal to a stereo
(tunable from 100 Hz to 8 kHz). Adjust the boost/cut with channel, always use the left input. The mono signal
the MID control, and the frequency with the FREQ control. will then be reproduced by both sides equally.
The stereo channels contain a stereo EQ section. The cut-  PMP1000: This does not apply to the mono/stereo
off frequencies of the high and low bands are 12 kHz and combination channels 5/6 and 7/8.
80 Hz respectively, while the center frequencies of the
high-mid and low-mid bands are 3 kHz and 400 Hz INSERT I/O. Insert points or simply inserts are used to
respectively. process a signal with dynamic processors or equalizers.
They are pre-fader, pre-EQ and pre-MON/FX SEND. Unlike
The LOW control allows you to boost/cut the low frequency reverb and other effects, which are usually added to the
range. dry signal, dynamic processors usually process the entire
With the MON(ITOR) control you can adjust the volume of signal. So, aux send buses are not the best solution.
each channel in the monitor mix. Dynamic processors need to be inserted directly into the
signal path. Once processed, the signal then returns to the
The PMP3000 and PMP5000 feature a second MON control mixing console at the same point where it left. Signal
(MON 2) for the volume of the second monitor bus. interruption takes place only if a plug is inserted into the
corresponding jack (1/4" stereo plug: tip = signal output,
The FX control determines the signal level sent from each ring = input). All mono input channels are equipped with
channel to the built-in effects processor; this signal is also inserts.
present at the FX SEND jack (see ).
The stereo channels have a TRIM control for gain
The PMP5000 has two FX controls (FX 1 and FX 2), so that adjustment, with the input sensitivity ranging from +20 to
you can use two effects simultaneously. Accordingly, the -20 dB.
PMP5000 also has two effect aux buses, which have one
output jack in common (see and ). PMP1000: The stereo channels 5/6 and 7/8 feature an
additional XLR connector for microphones whose gain
 Please note that the effects processor signal will can be set from 0 to +40 dB.
be inaudible, as long as the FX TO MON/MAIN
controls , , are set fully counter- Each stereo channel has two line-level inputs (1/4" jacks)
clockwise. for the left and right channels. If only the jack marked “L” is
used, the channel is mono. The signal will then be
The PAN(ORAMA) control determines the position of the reproduced on both sides.
channel signal in the stereo main mix.
 PMP1000: This does not apply to the mono/stereo
The BAL(ANCE) control for the stereo channels combination channels 5/6 and 7/8.
corresponds to the PAN control for the mono channels. It
determines the relative volume of the left and right input
signals before they are routed to the stereo main output.

 PMP1000: Channels 13/14 and 15/16 are routed to  Please note that the power delivered to the speaker
the main mix without additional tone or volume connected to OUTPUT B in BRIDGE AMP MODE is
adjustment. For example, using the channels 13/14 considerably higher than the power provided to the
and 15/16 you can connect a submixer and utilize speakers wired to the parallel speaker outputs.
the PMP1000’s power amplifier. Please read the information given on the rear panel
of the power mixer.
PMP3000: The stereo channels 9/10 and 11/12 are equipped
with additional RCA connectors.  Information on how to properly connect your
speaker with regard to polarity can be found on the
PMP5000: The stereo channels 13/14 and 15/16 are rear of the unit (PIN assignment) (see also
equipped with additional RCA connectors. and ).
 PMP3000/PMP5000: Please note that you need to set PMP5000: Use the BEHRINGER SPEAKER PROCESSING
the A/B selector to A (1/4") or B (RCA) when you switch to activate a filter that allows you to adapt the mixer
connect a signal to the input. to the characteristics of your loudspeakers. If the speakers
have a limited frequency response in the bass range, this
PMP3000/PMP5000: Each of the two stereo channels has
function allows you to filter this range at the output signal
two monitor controls (MON 1/2) and a LEVEL control .
of the mixer and thus adapt it optimally to the frequency
Like the other channels, they also feature a PFL switch.
response of the speakers.
Instead of a fader this channel has a rotary LEVEL control.
PMP1000/PMP5000: If STANDBY is pressed, all input
The phantom power supply provides the voltage necessary channels are muted. During pauses you can prevent the
for the operation of condenser microphones. Use the microphones from picking up noise or interference, which
PHANTOM switch to activate the supply for the XLR would then be reproduced by the P.A. system or possibly
connectors of the input channels. The +48 V LED will damage the speaker diaphragms. The benefit is that all
illuminate when phantom power is on. In most cases, faders can be left untouched while you play back music
dynamic microphones can still be used, as long as they are from CD via the CD/TAPE inputs (see ). There is also
connected in a balanced configuration. If in doubt, please no need to move the faders and lose your mix.
contact the manufacturer of your microphone!

 With phantom power switched on, you must never 2.2 Equalizer and FBQ
connect microphones to the console (or to a stage/ Your power mixer features a graphic 7-band equalizer,
wall box). Also, be sure to mute the monitor/P.A. which allows you to fine-tune the sound depending on the
speakers, before you turn on the phantom power room acoustics. In the center position the frequency
supply. After switching on, please allow the system response is not effected. To boost or cut a certain
to stabilize for about one minute, before you adjust frequency range, simply move the corresponding fader
the input gain. upward or downward respectively.

 Caution! Never use unbalanced XLR connectors  Please note that the equalizer behaviour depends
(pins 1 and 3 interconnected) on the MIC input jacks, on the position of the AMP MODE switch (see ).
if you are going to use the phantom power supply. Press the FBQ IN switch to activate the
Feedback Detection system (the FBQ will be
The AMP MODE switch determines the mode of operation
active only if you have switched on the
of the PMP amplifier stage:
equalizer before). Frequencies causing
PMP1000: feedback are shown by brightly lit fader
LEDs. All other LEDs will be darker. Now, cut the frequency
MAIN: In the “MAIN” position the mixer works as a stereo range in question until feedback disappears (the LED gets
amplifier. darker or goes out). This function is available for both the
MON: In this mode the monitor signal is present at OUTPUT main and monitor mix.
A and the main signal at OUTPUT B (both are PMP1000: The switch FBQ FEEDBACK DETECTION
mono). performs the same function as on the PMP3000 and
BRIDGE (bridged mono mode): In BRIDGE AMP MODE
the output power of OUTPUT A is added to that of OUTPUT Use the MAIN/MON 1 switch to select whether the equalizer
B, i.e. OUTPUT B delivers twice its normal output power. processes the main or the monitor mix. When not pressed,
the stereo equalizer processes only the main mix. When
PMP3000/PMP5000: the switch is pressed, the EQ processes only the monitor
MAIN L/MAIN R. In position MAIN MIX, the mixer works as mix.
a stereo amplifier. PMP1000: The MAIN MIX/MONITOR switch performs the
MON 1/MONO. In this mode the monitor 1 signal is present same function as on the PMP3000 and PMP5000.
at OUTPUT A and the main signal at OUTPUT B Press the EQ IN switch to activate the equalizer. The fader
(both are mono). LEDs illuminate when the EQ is on.
BRIDGE (bridged mono mode): In BRIDGE AMP MODE Use this LED display to control the output level of the main
the output power of OUTPUT A is added to that of OUTPUT signal. The upper LIM LED illuminates when the internal
B, i.e. OUTPUT B delivers twice its normal output power. amp protection circuit responds to levels that are too high.
 In BRIDGE mode, always connect only one PMP1000: The POWER LED is illuminated when you switch
loudspeaker with an impedance of at least 8 Ω to the unit on.
the OUTPUT B jack! Please note that OUTPUT A must
NEVER be used in BRIDGE mode!  The LIM LEDs and the LED display do NOT light up
when an external signal is fed in via the PWR AMP
 In all other operating modes, the minimum INSERT jacks .
impedance of the speaker must not fall below 4 Ω .

2.4 Main and monitor section
The SURROUND control determines the
effect intensity. This is a built-in effect, which
2.3 Effects section widens the stereo panorama, thus making
the sound more lively and transparent.
List of all multi-effects processor presets.
Press the XPQ TO MAIN switch to activate this effect.
The LED level meter on the effects module should always
show a sufficiently high level. Make sure that the Clip LED Pressing the AFL switch (after-fader listening) activates
illuminates with signal peaks only. If it is constantly illu- the solo function. If AFL is on for the corresponding channel
minated, the effects processor is overloading, which can in the main section, you will only hear the signal from this
lead to unpleasant distortion. The FX SEND fader (PMP1000) channel. Its volume can be adjusted with the fader.
or FX/FX 1/2 fader (PMP3000/PMP5000) controls the level Switching AFL on has no effect on the main or monitor mix,
sent to the effects module and to the FX SEND output as long as you don’t move the fader. In this way, you can
jacks. monitor one or several selected signals via the PHONES/
CTRL jack . When AFL is on, the corresponding control
The effects display always reads the currently selected LED illuminates.
 The PMP1000 does not have an AFL function.
PMP3000/PMP5000: Press the FX1/2 IN switch to activate
the effects processor. PMP1000: FX SEND fader.

PMP1000/PMP3000: Turn the PROGRAM control to select PMP3000: FX fader.

an effects algorithm (preset number starts flashing). Press PMP5000: FX 1/2 fader.
this control to activate the effect selected (PMP5000:
FX 1/2 (PUSH)). This is the master send fader for the signal routed to the
effects processor and to the FX SEND output (see
 PMP1000: The effects processor is operative all the also and ).
time. Adjust the effect intensity for the MAIN or
MON signals with controls or respectively. PMP1000: MON SEND fader.

PMP5000: The PMP5000 has two separate effects PMP3000/PMP5000: MON 1/2 fader.
processors, which can be used independently of one
These faders are used to set the monitor output volume
another. Enable one or both processors with the FX1/2 IN
(see also and ).
PMP1000: The main mix allows you to control the volume
PMP3000/PMP5000: The FX 1/2 TO MON 1 control allows
from the Main 1 output with both faders.
you to set the intensity of the multi-effects processors in
the monitor mix. No effect is sent to the monitor mix when PMP3000/PMP5000: The MAIN 1 fader controls the volume
this control is set fully counter-clockwise. of the EUROPOWER. The main signal is also provided at the
MAIN 1 output (see also ).
PMP1000: The FX TO MON control performs the same
function as on the PMP3000 and PMP5000. PMP3000/PMP5000: The MONO fader controls the mono
mix signal (see also ).
The FX 1/2 TO MON 2 control allows you to determine the
effect intensity of the multi-effects processor in the monitor PMP5000: The SUB FILTER filters out frequencies above
2 mix. No effect is sent to the monitor 2 mix with this control the selected setting, so that only low frequencies are sent
turned fully counter-clockwise. to an (active) subwoofer via the MONO OUT ). Set this
switch to “On” to activate the filter.
The FX 1/2 TO MAIN control allows you to determine the
effect intensity of the multi-effects processor in the main PMP5000: The SUB FREQ control determines the cut-off
mix. No effect is sent to the main mix with this control frequency for the subwoofer output. This value can be
turned fully counter-clockwise. adjusted from 30 to 200 Hz.
PMP1000: The FX TO MAIN control performs the same The PHONS/CTRL R control adjusts the headphone or
function as on the PMP3000 and PMP5000. control room volume (see also ).
PMP3000/PMP5000: The MAIN 2 control determines the
volume at the MAIN 2 output (see also ), which is the
same signal as at MAIN 1, but with extra output jacks and
separate volume control.
PMP3000/PMP5000: With the CD/TAPE IN control you can
adjust the volume of the line signal present at the CD/TAPE
INPUT . Use the PFL switch to monitor the signal.
PMP1000: With the CD/TAPE RET fader you can adjust
the line signal applied to the CD/TAPE INPUT . Use the
CD/TAPE MUTE switch to mute the channel.

The FX SEND connector can be used to route the FX
2.4.1 Connectors
SEND signal from the input channel, for example, to the
Use the CD/TAPE INPUT jacks (RCA) to connect an input of an external effects device. Since the PMP5000
external stereo signal, such as a CD player, tape deck or has two FX controls per input signal (see ), both FX
other line-level sources. SEND 1+2 are present at one jack.
The VOICE CANCELLER filters vocal-specific
frequencies from the CD/TAPE INPUT signal. This
 Please note: The SEND signal is in parallel with the
FX SEND jacks and with the effects processor, so
function can be used for karaoke, i.e. you can that both can be controlled together by one control.
remove the vocals from a song and then sing
along with the music yourself.  For the FX signals, use a 1/4" stereo plug connected
as follows: FX1 = tip; FX2 = ring
The CD/TAPE OUTPUT provides the line level stereo signal
(e.g. for a DAT recorder). The PHONS/CTRL connector allows you to connect a
pair of stereo headphones or an (active) monitor speaker.
 If the CD/TAPE OUT signal is connected to a
recording machine whose output signal is returned
to the CD/TAPE IN, feedback can occur when you 2.5 Rear panel
activate the record function on the recording The mains connection is via a standard IEC receptacle. An
machine. So, disconnect the CD/TAPE IN from the appropriate power cord is supplied with the unit.
recording machine before you start recording or
set the CD/TAPE input signal to zero! FUSE HOLDER. Before connecting the unit to the mains,
ensure that the voltage setting matches your local voltage.
PMP1000: The MAIN OUT jacks allow you to send the main Blown fuses should only be replaced by fuses of the same
line level signal to an external amplifier, when, for example, type and rating. Please also read the information given in
you want to use the mixer and effects section. The PMP3000 the “SPECIFICATIONS”.
and PMP5000 have two separately controllable line level
MAIN outputs (MAIN 1/2). Use the POWER switch to put your PMP into operation.
The POWER switch should always be in the “Off” position
Connect your monitor power amps or active monitor before connecting your unit to the mains.
speakers to the MON 1/2 SEND to monitor the signal mix
created with the MON controls or to route it to the musicians  Please note: The POWER switch does not fully
on stage. disconnect the unit from the mains. Unplug the
power cord completely when the unit is not used
The PMP Series comes with a POWER AMP INSERT for prolonged periods of time.
connection that is provided for various applications. This
connection enables you to use the power amplifier of the SERIAL NUMBER.
device to amplify the output signal of another preamp. For
This is where you find the cooling fan of the unit.
example, it is possible to connect a larger mixer or preamp
output (line signal) of an instrument amplifier. In this case, The PMP5000 has two cooling fans.
you only need an unbalanced, mono jack cable.
OUTPUT A (LEFT) provides either the left stereo main
Furthermore, it is possible to use the POWER AMP INSERT signal or the monitor signal in mono, depending on the
as a conventional insert to add a compressor or graphic operating mode selected (see ). NEVER use this output
equalizer to the signal path, for instance. Here, a balanced, in bridged mono mode.
stereo jack cable is required and the assignment of tip and
ring needs to be observed according to Figure 4.5 (see OUTPUT B (RIGHT/BRIDGE) provides either the right
Chapter 4.2 “Audio Connections”). In this case, the ring is stereo main signal, the main mix signal (mono) or the bridged
the so-called Send, which is connected to the input of the mono signal, depending on the operating mode selected.
additional device, and the tip is referred to as Return, which
is connected to the output of the additional device.
 In BRIDGE mode always connect only one
loudspeaker with an impedance of at least 8 Ω to
Lastly, it is possible to tap the output signal of the device’s the OUTPUT B jack! NEVER use OUTPUT A in BRIDGE
mixer section from the POWER AMP INSERT in order to use mode!
a second, external power amp. A balanced, stereo jack
cable is required with the ring (not the tip) connected to the
 In all other operating modes the impedance of the
connected loudspeaker must not fall below 4 Ω .
input of the external power amp. If you want to use the
internal and external power amps at the same time, just
wire the connector’s ring and tip together.
The FOOTSWITCH jack is for a standard footswitch. You
can activate an “effect bypass”, thereby muting the effects 24-BIT MULTI-EFFECTS PROCESSOR
processor. Use a dual foot switch for the PMP5000, so This built-in effects module produces high-grade standard
that you can enable/disable FX1 and FX2 independently of effects such as reverb, chorus, flanger, delay and various
each other. In this case, the tip of the 1/4" plug controls combination effects. The integrated effects module has the
FX1, and the ring FX2. advantage of requiring no wiring. This way, the danger of creating
ground loops or uneven signal levels is eliminated at the outset,
PMP3000/PMP5000: The MONO OUT is for connecting a completely simplifying the handling. These effect presets are
subwoofer. The PMP5000 has the additional possibility of designed to be added to dry signals.
setting the low-frequency range for the subwoofer.
Use the SUB FILTER control to adjust the frequency.
 Turn down the FX controls in those channel strips
whose signals you don’t wish to process.



4.1 Mains connection

The mains connection is made using the enclosed power cord
and a standard IEC receptacle. It meets all of the international
safety certification requirements.
Blown fuses must be replaced by fuses of the same type and

 Please make sure that all units have a proper

ground connection. For your own safety, never
remove or disable the ground conductor from the
unit or of the AC power cord.
Fig. 4.3: XLR connectors

4.2 Audio connections

The inputs and outputs of your BEHRINGER EUROPOWER are
unbalanced 1/4" mono jacks—except for the mono channel line
inputs, which are balanced 1/4" stereo jacks. Of course, all
inputs and outputs work with both balanced and unbalanced
connectors. The tape in and outputs are on RCA connectors.

 Please ensure that only qualified personnel install

and operate the PMP. During installation and
operation, the user must have sufficient electrical
contact to earth. Electrostatic charges might affect
the operation of the unit.

Fig. 4.4: ¼" mono plug for footswitch

Fig. 4.1: ¼" TS connector

Fig. 4.5: Stereo ¼" TRS connector for power amp

ISR connection

Fig. 4.2: ¼" TRS connector

4.3 Loudspeaker connections
Your power mixer is equipped with high-quality loudspeaker
connectors (compatible to Neutrik® Speakon®), which ensure
safe and trouble-free operation. The Speakon® connector was
especially developed for high-power loudspeakers. Once it is
plugged in, it safely locks into position and cannot be accidentally
disengaged. It prevents the occurrence of electrical shock and
ensures the correct polarity. Each of the loudspeaker jacks
carries only the assigned single signal (see the information given
on the rear panel of the power mixer).

Fig. 4.7: Speakon® pin assignment

Fig. 4.6: Professional speaker connector with polarity


Please be sure to only use commercial Speakon® cables (type

NL4FC) for connecting your loudspeakers to the power mixer.
Please check the pin assignment of your loudspeakers and
cables dependent on the PMP speaker output you choose.

OUTPUT A 1+ 1- 2+ 2-
MAIN L x x
MONO x x
OUTPUT B 1+ 1- 2+ 2-
MAIN R x x
MONO x x
MONO x x

Tab. 4.1: Polarity configuration of speaker connectors


Fig. 5.2: Bridged mono operation

This illustration shows the power mixer with a sub-woofer

connected to OUTPUT B. For a bridged mono operation to
OUTPUT B, the AMP MODE selector switch must be set to
Fig. 5.1: Stereo operation its lower position “BRIDGE”. A separate stereo power amp
(BEHRINGER EUROPOWER EP1500) connected to the preamp
For stereo operation the POWER AMP switch must be set main outputs delivers the stereo main signal. Two active monitor
to its upper position (MAIN or MAIN L/MAIN R). Outputs A and B speakers for on-stage operation are connected to the preamp
provide the stereo main signal for passive speakers. The preamp monitor output.
monitor output is connected to two parallel active speakers,
which are used as on-stage monitors. Use the footswitch to
enable/disable the effects processor.


Fig. 5.3: Dual mono operation

For a dual mono operation, the AMP MODE switch must

be set to its center position (MON1/MONO for PMP3000/PMP5000
or MON for PMP1000)! The two loudspeaker outputs provide the
main and the monitor signals, separately from each another. Fig. 5.4: Standard set-up (example)
Each of these signals is then sent to two speakers wired in
parallel. The illustration shows just one channel configuration possible,
comprising mono and stereo sources and additionally the tape
input/output for recording the mix signal or feeding in a playback


Fig. 5.5: Expanded set-up

This application is an expanded set-up based on the standard set-up as shown in fig. 5.4, and provides additional connection
options. Again, this is just an example, which can be expanded in various ways.

PMP1000 PMP3000 PMP5000
Type XLR, electronically balanced, discrete input circuit
Mic E.I.N. (20 Hz - 20 kHz)
@ 0 Ω source resistance -134 dB / 136 dB A-weighted
@ 50 Ω source resistance -131.5 dB / 134 dB A-weighted
@ 150 Ω source resistance -129 dB / 131 dB A-weighted
< 10 Hz - 155 kHz (-1 dB)
Frequency response
< 10 Hz - > 200 kHz (-3 dB)
Gain +10 dB, +60 dB
Max. input level +12 dBu @ +10 dB gain
Impedance approx. 2.6 kΩ balanced / 1.3 kΩ unbalanced
Signal-to-noise ratio 109 dB / 112 dB A-weighted (0 dBu IN @ +10 dB gain)
Distortion (THD+N) 0.002% / 0.0018% A-weighted
Type 1/4" TS connectors, balanced
Impedance approx. 20 KΩ
Max. input level +21 dBu
Type 1/4" TRS connectors, unbalanced
Impedance > 3.6 kΩ
Max. input level +22 dBu
Low 80 Hz / ±15 dB
Mid 2.5 kHz / ±15 dB 100 Hz - 8 kHz / ±15 dB
High 12 kHz / ±15 dB
Type RCA
Impedance approx. 3.6 kΩ, balanced
Max. input level +21 dBu
Type 1/4" TRS connectors, unbalanced
Impedance approx. 150 Ω, unbalanced
Max. output level +21 dBu
Type 1/4" TRS connectors, unbalanced
Impedance approx. 150 Ω, unbalanced
Max. output level +21 dBu
Type - 1/4" TRS connectors, unbalanced
Impedance - approx. 150 Ω, unbalanced
Max. output level - +21 dBu
Impedance approx. 1 kΩ approx. 1 kΩ
Max. output level +21 dBu +21 dBu
MAIN MIX @ -oo
-102 dB/-106 dB A-weighted -96 dB/-100 dB A-weighted
Channel fader -oo
-88 dB/-91 dB A-weighted -86 dB/-89 dB A-weighted
Channel fader -oo
-84 dB/-86 dB A-weighted -83 dB/-85 dB A-weighted
Channel fader @ 0 dB
® ®
Type compatible to NEUTRIK SPEAKON
Load impedance
BRIDGE 8 - 16 Ω


PMP1000 PMP3000 PMP5000

Converter 24-Bit Delta-Sigma, 64/128-times oversampling
Dynamics D/A 90 dB
Sampling rate 46.875 kHz
Delay Time max. 5 s
Signal run time (Line In à Line Out) approx. 1.5 ms
Type dual 7-segment LED 2 dual 7-segment LED
RMS @ 1 % THD (sine wave), both channels driven:
8 Ω per channel 90 W 215 W
4 Ω per channel 130 W 450 W
RMS @ 1 % THD (sine wave), bridged mode:
8Ω 200 W 900 W
Peak Power, both channels driven:
8 Ω per channel 135 W 300 W
4 Ω per channel 250 W 600 W
Peak Power, bridged mode:
8Ω 500 W 1200 W
Mains voltage 100 - 240 V~, 50 / 60 Hz 230 V~, 50 Hz
Power consumption 500 W 1000 W
Fuse T 5 A H 250 V T 6,3 A H 250 V
Mains connector Standard IEC receptacle
Mains voltage 100 - 240 V~, 50 / 60 Hz 120 V~, 60 Hz
Power consumption 500 W 1000 W
Fuse T 5 A H 250 V T 10 A H 250 V
Mains connector Standard IEC receptacle
Mains voltage 100 - 240 V~, 50 / 60 Hz 100 V~, 50 / 60 Hz
Power consumption 500 W 1000 W
Fuse T 5 A H 250 V T 10 A H 250 V
Mains connector Standard IEC receptacle
Mains voltage 100 - 240 V~, 50 / 60 Hz 220 V~, 50 Hz
Power consumption 500 W 1000 W
Fuse T 5 A H 250 V T 6,3 A H 250 V
Mains connector Standard IEC receptacle
4 7/8" x 15 3/8" x 16 3/4" 4 7/8" x 18 3/4" x 18 1/8" 4 7/8" x 23 1/2" x 19 1/2"
Dimensions (H x W x D)
122 x 390 x 425 mm 122 x 476 x 460 mm 122 x 596 x 496 mm
15.435 lb. 23.815 lb. 28.665 lb.
8 kg 10.8 kg 13.3 kg

BEHRINGER is constantly striving to maintain the highest professional standards. As a result of these efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing products without prior notice.
Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or illustrated.

2. If the product needs to be modified or adapted in order to
7 WARRANTY comply with applicable technical or safety standards on a national
§ 1 OTHER WARRANTY RIGHTS AND NATIONAL LAW or local level, in any country which is not the country for which
the product was originally developed and manufactured, this
1. This warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory modification/adaptation shall not be considered a defect in
rights provided by national law, in particular, any such rights materials or workmanship. The warranty does not cover any
against the seller that arise from a legally effective purchase such modification/adaptation, irrespective of whether it was
contract. carried out properly or not. Under the terms of this warranty,
BEHRINGER shall not be held responsible for any cost resulting
2. The warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable
from such a modification/adaptation.
unless they constitute an infringement of national warranty law.
3. Free inspections and maintenance/repair work are expressly
excluded from this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER equipment handling of the product by the user. This also applies to defects
right after your purchase by visiting caused by normal wear and tear, in particular, of faders,
(alternatively and kindly read the terms and crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/buttons, tubes, guitar strings,
conditions of our warranty carefully. illuminants and similar parts.

Registering your purchase and equipment with us helps us 4. Damages/defects caused by the following conditions are not
process your repair claims quicker and more efficiently. covered by this warranty:

Thank you for your cooperation! V improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in
compliance with the instructions given in BEHRINGER user
§ 3 WARRANTY or service manuals.
1. BEHRINGER (BEHRINGER International GmbH including all V connection or operation of the unit in any way that does
BEHRINGER subsidiaries listed on the enclosed page, except not comply with the technical or safety regulations
BEHRINGER Japan) warrants the mechanical and electronic applicable in the country where the product is used.
components of this product to be free of defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year* from the original date V damages/defects caused by force majeure or any other
of purchase, in accordance with the warranty regulations condition that is beyond the control of BEHRINGER.
described below. If the product shows any defects within the
5. Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized
specified warranty period that are not excluded from this
personnel (user included) will void the warranty.
warranty as described under § 5, BEHRINGER shall, at its
discretion, either replace or repair the product using suitable 6. If an inspection of the product by BEHRINGER shows that the
new or reconditioned parts. In the case that other parts are used defect in question is not covered by the warranty, the inspection
which constitute an improvement, BEHRINGER may, at its costs are payable by the customer.
discretion, charge the customer for the additional cost of these
parts. 7. Products which do not meet the terms of this warranty will be
repaired exclusively at the buyer’s expense. BEHRINGER will
2. If the warranty claim proves to be justified, the product will be inform the buyer of any such circumstance. If the buyer fails to
returned to the user freight prepaid. submit a written repair order within 6 weeks after notification,
BEHRINGER will return the unit C.O.D. with a separate invoice
3. Warranty claims other than those indicated above are expressly
for freight and packing. Such costs will also be invoiced
separately when the buyer has sent in a written repair order.
1. To obtain warranty service, the buyer (or his authorized dealer)
This warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer
must call BEHRINGER (see enclosed list) during normal business
(customer of retail dealer) and is not transferable to anyone
hours BEFORE returning the product. All inquiries must be
who may subsequently purchase this product. No other person
accompanied by a description of the problem. BEHRINGER will
(retail dealer, etc.) shall be entitled to give any warranty promise
then issue a return authorization number.
on behalf of BEHRINGER.
2. Subsequently, the product must be returned in its original
shipping carton, together with the return authorization number to
the address indicated by BEHRINGER. Failure of BEHRINGER to provide proper warranty service shall
not entitle the buyer to claim (consequential) damages. In no
3. Shipments without freight prepaid will not be accepted.
event shall the liability of BEHRINGER exceed the invoiced value
§ 5 WARRANTY REGULATIONS of the product.

1. Warranty services will be furnished only if the product is

accompanied by a copy of the original retail dealer’s invoice.
* Customers in the European Union please contact BEHRINGER
Any product deemed eligible for repair or replacement under the
Germany Support for further details.
terms of this warranty will be repaired or replaced.

Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. The names
of companies, institutions or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use
neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by BEHRINGER nor affiliation of the trademark owners with BEHRINGER. BEHRINGER accepts no
liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained
herein. Colours and specification may vary slightly from product. Products are sold through our authorised dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not
agents of BEHRINGER and have absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER by any express or implied undertaking or representation. No part of this
manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for
any purpose, without the express written permission of BEHRINGER International GmbH. BEHRINGER® is a registered trademark.


Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germany.
Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 4903


Responsible party name: BEHRINGER USA, Inc.

Address: 18912 North Creek Parkway, Suite 200
Bothell, WA 98011, USA
Phone/Fax No.: Phone: +1 425 672 0816,
Fax: +1 425 673 7647
hereby declares that the product

EUROPOWER PMP1000/3000/5000
complies with the FCC rules as mentioned in the following paragraph:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

V Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

V Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
V Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
V Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

Important information:
Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by BEHRINGER USA can
void the user’s authority to use the equipment.


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