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Option Volume Ventilation

Infinity® Acute Care System™ – Dräger Babylog® VN500:

Combining the benefits of Volume Guarantee ventilation (VG)
with the enhanced safety of Mandatory Minute Ventilation
(PC-MMV), the Volume Ventilation option for the Babylog® VN500
ventilation unit is the most advanced volume ventilation tool for
neonatal respiratory care Dräger has ever developed.

NEW VOLUME GUARANTEE variation in respiratory drive and other
FUNCTIONALITY parameters, often on a breath-to-breath
– Volume Guarantee ventilation is used basis. Surfactant therapy can have a rapid
as an adjunct to the Pressure Control and profound impact on compliance
(PC-) CMV, SIMV, A/C and PSV values.1 Assuring the accurate delivery of
modes, providing accurate tidal volume tidal volumes during changes in
control for these pressure-controlled compliance, resistance and leak volumes
modes. is a technically challenging prospect, but
– Our highly advanced PC-MMV/VG one that’s well worth the effort. Scientific
mode functions much like PC-SIMV documentation have shown that strategies
with Volume Guarantee continuously utilizing Volume Guarantee can significantly

regulates the rate of mandatory cycles lower mean airway pressures and avoid
to maintain a minimum set minute potential risks such as overdistension,
volume. barotrauma and hypocarbia.2 The goal is
– Volume Guarantee can also be used in not just to provide guaranteed tidal The Babylog® VN500 with Infinity®
conjunction with the High Frequency volumes, but to ventilate in harmony with Medical Cockpit™ C500
Oscillation (PC-HFO/VG) option to the baby. So Dräger has now combined
automatically regulate the pressure the tidal volume-based advantages of
amplitude required to maintain the Volume Guarantee (VG) with a new
set tidal volume during high-frequency minute volume based mode – Mandatory
ventilation. Minute Ventilation (PC-MMV). The result
– Our new Spontaneous CPAP mode is enhanced synchrony, a reduction of
with Volume Support (SPN-CPAP/VS) mean airway pressures and a more
regulates Pressure Support to main- comfortable infant.3
tain tidal volumes during spontaneous
VOLUME GUARANTEE – THE GOLD The Dräger Mandatory Minute Volume
STANDARD IN NEONATAL VENTILATION (PC-MMV) mode is based on conventional
Respiratory regulation in premature pressure-controlled synchronized
neonates can sometimes be erratic. These intermittent mandatory ventilation. By
babies frequently demonstrate substantial continuously analyzing volume and flow

90 66 364 | 15.06-3 | Communications & Sales Marketing | PP | PR | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2015 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
rates including changes in resistance and CPAP WITH VOLUME SUPPORT 4. A Crossover analysis of mandatory minute
compliance, this mode maintains a (SPN-CPAP/VS) ventilation compared to synchronized
minimum set minute volume by adjusting The Babylog VN500 Volume Ventilation intermittent mandatory ventilation in
the mandatory cycle frequency. This mode option also allows you the ability to neonates, Guthrie SO, Lynn C, LaFleur BJ,
includes integrated apnea ventilation, and regulate Pressure Support in infants Donn SM, Walsh WF: Journal of
Pressure Support can be provided to help breathing spontaneously to achieve target Perinatology, 2005 25:643-646.
support spontaneous breathing efforts tidal volumes.
between mandatory cycles. In neonates
with erratic respiratory drive and regulation, Volume Guarantee has been integrated
this sophisticated Volume Guarantee into protocols around the world. Benefits
solution results in improved synchrony are documented not only on a scientific
and more stable blood gas concentrations. level but from patient and practitioner
Excessive inflation is rapidly recognized feedback responsible for delivering care.
and corrected, helping to avoid It’s those experiences that drive us to

complications such as pneumothorax. provide even the smallest patients with
When combined, scientific evidence innovative tools and relevant technology.
Volume Guarantee allows tidal volume control in
suggest that these benefits can
pressure limited ventilation.
significantly reduce ventilation related References
time.3 1. Reduction in lung injury after combined
surfactant and high frequency ventilation,
HIGH FREQUENCY OSCILLATION JC Jackson, WE Truog, et al, American
OPTION USING VOLUME GUARANTEE Journal of Respiratory Critical Care
This unique feature, available in Medicine, August; 150(2):253-9, 1994.
conjunction with the High Frequency
Oscillation option for the Babylog VN500, 2. High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
maintains stable minute volumes in the
versus conventional mechanical ventilation
HFO mode. By continuously regulating for very-low-birth-weight-infants, Sherry
the oscillation amplitude, PC-HFO/VG Courtney, M.D., et al. New England Journal
During PC-MMV a minimum minute ventilation
compensates for dynamic changes in both of Medicine, Volume 347, No 9, 2002. can be set.
the lung and the breathing circuit. Blood
gases are again less subject to variation 3. Computer-controlled minute ventilation in
and complications associated with preterm infants undergoing mechanical
uncontrolled hyperventilation, such as ventilation, Claure N, Gerhardt T, Hummler
periventricular leucomalacia (PVL), can H, Everett R, Bancalari E: Journal of
be avoided.4 pediatrics, Volume 131, Number 6, 1997.

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