2022 Cyber Defenders Playbook

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Why Read This Report .................................................................................................................................. 4

Scenario 1
IcedID Family Infection Involving a Data Exfiltration Attempt ........................................... 5

Scenario 2
Detection of Typosquatting Exposes Potential Data Leakage ............................................ 8

Scenario 3
Multi-Stage Ransomware Attack with Cobalt Strike Injections ......................................... 10

Scenario 4
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack Exploiting a Vulnerable Web Server ......................... 14

Scenario 5
Print Nightmare Vulnerability Leading to Remote Privilege Escalation ...................... 16

Scenario 6
Email-based Malware Distribution Campaign Leads to Ursnif Infection ..................... 18

Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................................... 21

About CyberProof ............................................................................................................................................. 22

© 2021 CyberProof Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2


Figure 1: Detecting Malicious Use of The ADFind Tool ...................................................................... 6

Figure 2: Obfuscated Script ............................................................................................................................ 6

Figure 3: Detection of Malicious Domains ............................................................................................... 6

Figure 4: File System Forensic Analysis .................................................................................................. 7

Figure 5: Summary of Steps Taken Against IcedID Data Exfiltration Threat .......................... 7

Figure 6: Evidence of MX Record ................................................................................................................. 9

Figure 7: Subdomains Mimicking The Client’s Real Environment ............................................... 9

Figure 8: Summary of Steps Taken Against Typosquatting Threat ............................................... 9

Figure 9: Cobalt Strike Payload Script ....................................................................................................... 11

Figure 10: Malicious JavaScript Code ......................................................................................................... 11

Figure 11: Analysis of Downloaded Malicious Zip File in Virus Total .................................................. 11

Figure 12: Gootloader IOCs Published in Twitter ................................................................................... 12

Figure 13: Summary of Steps Taken Against Multi-Stage Ransomware Attack ..................... 12

Figure 14: Multi-Stage Ransomware Attack Timeline ........................................................................ 13

Figure 15: Website Snip .................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 16: Summary of Steps Taken Against Cross-Site Scripting Threat ................................. 15

Figure 17: Summary of Steps Taken Against Print Nightmare Vulnerability ........................... 17

Figure 18: Suspicious Execution Tree ......................................................................................................... 19

Figure 19: HTA Dropper Script Analysis in VirusTotal .......................................................................... 19

Figure 20: Attempted Process by Attacker to Execute Payload .................................................... 20

Figure 21: Summary of Steps Taken Against Ursnif Infection ........................................................ 20

© 2021 CyberProof Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3


You’ve probably encountered numerous threat intelligence reports outlining top attack campaigns
in the past year. These reports are helpful in that they provide insight into common attacker
behaviors and methods, but most of them fail to help you to apply this insight or include examples
of the mitigation steps taken by defenders.

The aim of the report is to take those steps and turn them into a blueprint
for the future.
This playbook provides the mitigation steps taken by cyber defenders. Using six scenarios
depicting how individual teams within CyberProof worked together – including Level 1 and 2
SOC analysts, SIEM engineers, Digital Forensic and Incident Response (DFIR) specialists, threat
hunters, vulnerability management experts and Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) analysts – this
report illustrates how to detect and respond to some of the most persistent attacks in 2021. You’ll
learn from the highlighted techniques how different teams can collaborate effectively to mitigate
threats, and how use cases can be applied practically.

CyberProof’s L1 team detected an Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) alert for command-and-control (C&C)
malicious activity and potential shellcode execution. Collaboration between different teams – L1, L2, CTI, Threat
Hunting, and DFIR – successfully remediated the threat, which turned out to be a data exfiltration attempt by
means of an IcedID infection.


Cyber Threat Intelligence L1 analysts

(CTI) team • Initial Response & Triage
• Deep & Dark Web Research
• IOC Analysis & Expansion L2 analysts
• Incident Response
Threat Hunting team • Further Investigation
• Data Collection
• YARA Rule Development Digital Forensics & Incident
• SOC Feedback Response (DFIR) team
• Malware Analysis

1 L1 Initial Response & Triage – An EDR alert for C&C malicious activity and potential shellcode execution
was detected by the L1 team on an employee’s machine. The L1 team received the alert in the CyberProof
Defense Center (CDC) platform, prioritized it, and opened an incident. The team initiated an investigation,
then escalated it to the L2 analysts.

The L1 team identified several injected processes – including a suspicious query for domain admins using
the net command. They shared their findings with the L2 team, who continued gathering and investigating
related user activity.

2 L2 Incident Response & Further Investigation –
The L2 team isolated the infected machine. They
detected a user of the ADfind tool, who was querying
the Active Directory (AD). The ADFind tool is a free
command-line query tool that can be used for
gathering information from Active Directory.

A malicious document was detected, which was

executing a malicious payload to download a
script. The obfuscated script was downloaded to
CyberProof’s Red Lab, where they were able to test
and better understand the script in a simulated
environment. The team identified that the script had
gone through a few stages of obfuscation:

In addition, they detected several text files on the

machine that indicated the collection of sensitive
information. Figure 1: Detecting Malicious Use of
The ADFind Tool
The L2 team dynamically executed the malicious
document in the Red Lab environment to collect
additional indicators. The information that was gleaned was forwarded to the CTI team so that they could
assist in identifying the campaign.

Figure 2: Obfuscated Script

3 CTI Research – The CTI team searched for any exposed data that may have been gathered by the
attacker on the dark and deep web and on underground forums. They then discovered IOCs (Figure 3)
which included a malicious domain
with two subpages.

The CTI team took the list of IPs that

the injected processes communicated
to. They ran these IPs through a
custom-built script that analyzed the
IPs using a variety of open sources.
The team discovered that one of the
Figure 3: Detection of Malicious Domains
IPs that was freshly reported in open
communities was an IcedID Infra
Server used by the threat actor known as TA551 or Shathack. The investigation revealed that this IP was
used for data exfiltration, which was stopped by the machine isolation initiated by the L2 team.

4 Threat Hunting – The attack vector was revealed to be an attachment in a private email box. The Threat
Hunting team examined the suspicious email and confirmed that this was a known attack. Delivering a
malicious payload via private emails to corporate machines is a known technique to overcome enterprise
email security – because no checks are carried out by the email gateway for private emails. The team
looked for additional evidence that would help clarify whether the attack had moved laterally to other
hosts. The Threat Hunting team verified that the IOCs connected to the incident did not exist in the

The Threat Hunting team then identified a communication to one of the servers associated with the
attacker TA551, which might have been indicative of data exfiltration. They recommended blocking
relevant IPs. Finally, the Threat Hunting team performed a comprehensive hunt on the client’s
environment to make sure no malicious artifacts were left. As part
of their recommendations, the Threat Hunting team developed
YARA rules and recommended reimaging the infected host.

5 DFIR Response – The DFIR team initiated forensic analysis and

verified that data had not been exfiltrated.

Figure 4: File System Forensic Analysis

LI L2 CTI Threat Hunting DFIR

Detection of
C&C malicious Detects Recommends
activity and Continuous malicious Searches Examines blocking
potential information file Passes for any suspicious relevant IPs and
shellcode gathering and with IOCs exposed email and reimaging the Conducts
execution on investigation payload to onto data on confirms machine Root
employees of related download CTI deep and known and develops Cause
machine user activity script team dark web attack YARA rules Analysis

Identification Isolates Script Looks for Identifies

of several problematic tested in evidence communications
Discovers IP Verifies
injected machine Red Lab of to server used by
reported data has
processes lateral attacker
as IcedID used by not
threat actor TA551 been

CTI Threat
Escalation L2
Process to with Threat
with CTI team collaboration
L2 Team Hunters with DFIR

Figure 5: Summary of Steps Taken Against IcedID Data Exfiltration Threat

The CyberProof CTI team assisted one of its clients using several intelligence-gathering tools to compile a list of
recently registered domains that either resembled the official domain name of the organization or were similar to
the official domain name but had a typo. This information prompted an investigation that helped the client avoid
the potential danger of data leakage.


CTI team L1 analysts

• CTI Research • Initial Response & Triage
• Data Leakage Monitoring
• Deep & Dark Web Research L2 analysts
• Further Investigation
SIEM engineers • Incident Response
• Query Development
• SIEM Logic Deployment/Testing

1 CTI Research – By gathering, on a regular basis, recently registered domains that were typosquatted and/or
potentially malicious, the CTI team identified twenty potentially malicious domains that had been registered
in the preceding two weeks and resembled the organization’s official domain. The list also included all
relevant data about these domains, including: registration date, registrar and associated DNS records.

2 Initial Response & Triage – The incident was escalated to the L2 team who in turn instructed the L1 team
to scan the organization’s logs for indications of traffic to or from any of the domains in the list provided by
the CTI team. The L1 team did not find any evidence of such traffic.

3 L2 Further Investigation – Based on information provided
by the CTI team, the L2 team knew that this domain had a Mail
Exchanger (MX) record registered – meaning that the server
could receive emails. A potential attacker could establish a mail
server using the typosquatted domain – and it could register
email addresses that mimicked the client’s real email addresses.
The potential attacker would then receive all emails sent to the
Figure 6: Evidence of MX Record
fake, typosquatted email addresses.

Predefined subdomains were found that mimicked the client’s

real environment. Together with CyberProof’s security analysts,
the L2 team searched for the users responsible for sending
emails to the typosquatted addresses. The team’s main goal
was to assess the severity of the potential data leak by gaining
more information about the type of information and documents
that were being sent outside the organization. The analysts
found multiple emails sent by the same sender to a variety of
recipients, all of whom shared the same typosquatted domain.

After further investigation, CyberProof’s security analysts

concluded that this was a mailbox used to send automatic
notifications for Purchase Orders and orders to multiple users. If
a user’s email address was added to the mailing list with a typo,
every email sent to that address would not reach its intended
Figure 7: Subdomains Mimicking The destination. Instead, it went to an external user’s mailbox.
Client’s Real Environment
This was indeed the problem: typos entered by employees by
mistake led to emails being sent externally.

4 SIEM Engineering – The L2 team asked the SIEM Engineering team to update the list of typosquatting
domains in predefined rules to detect any connection, email, or alert related to one of the typosquatting
domains in the list. Within a day, the team had identified a large number of outbound emails that had been
sent to one of the typosquatted email domains.

5 On-Site L2 Incident Response – When the client understood the severity of the incident and the potential
threat that typosquatting domains represent, they blocked the typosquatted domain in question in the email
gateway. Other typosquatted domains that appeared on the list shared by the CTI team also were blocked, as
a precaution.

CTI L1 SIEM Engineering L2 Customer

potentially Scans logs Discovers
malicious Discovers for Updates list of Rule triggers mailbox used to
domains relevant indications typosquatting outbound Finds list of send automatic Blocks
registered IOCs and of traffic domains used emails sent to senders order typosquatted
resembling client escalates using these in predefined typosquatted inside notifications to domains in
company name to L2 domains rules mail domain organization multiple users email gateway

Escalation L2 team L2
SIEM Engineering
Process to L2 Collaboration Collaboration
Team Who with SIEM with Customer
with L2
Instructs L1 Engineering

Figure 8: Summary of Steps Taken Against Typosquatting Threat

CyberProof assisted a client in dealing with a multi-stage ransomware attack that involving both automation
and human-operated techniques, which was detected by their EDR platform. CyberProof’s CTI team identified
the attack as a GootLoader campaign. With the assistance of our Threat Hunting team, SIEM engineers, and EDR
engineers, the L2 analysts were able to remediate the attack.


CTI team Threat Hunting team

• CTI Investigation & Response • Data Collection
• Threat Actor Tracking • Retro-hunting
• SOC Feedback
SIEM & EDR engineers
• SIEM Logic Deployment/Testing L1 analysts
• IOC Implementation • Initial Response & Triage

L2 analysts
• Incident Response
• Root Cause Analysis

1 Initial Response & Triage – The L1 team detected the malicious activity of a Cobalt Strike DLL injection.
The L1 team initiated the investigation, identifying a Ping command potentially loaded with Cobalt. A floating
module beacon was found in the Ping command process. The L1 team detected that a Rundll32.exe process
was executed by the Ping and communicated to a malicious IP related to a server known to host Cobalt
Strike. They also detected SMB connections to internal IPs. The L1 team turned to the L2 team, to carry out
further investigation.

2 L2 Incident Response – The L2 team isolated the machine, investigated the known IP related to the known
Cobalt Strike more deeply, and found a script related to a Cobalt payload.

Figure 9: Cobalt Strike Payload Script

3 L2 Investigation and Root Cause Analysis – The L2 team was able to trace the appearance of a suspicious
JavaScript execution, which later executed PowerShell and Ping. The infection started when a user visited
a website compromised by a “waterhole” that included a link to download a ZIP archive with a malicious
JavaScript. When the JavaScript was executed by the user, a PowerShell was downloaded from another
compromised website that delivered the PowerShell script to execute a memory DLL injection. The first
attack concluded by opening a door to the attacker via the Cobalt Strike C&C.

An EDR alert was detected, this time for a Cobalt Strike injection from the Ping process into the “Rundll32.
exe” process. The CyberProof team believed this was done because of the greater capabilities “Rundll32”
offers. The attack continued with the threat actor scanning the network over ports 137 and 445 with the
objective of enumerating the environment (discovery phase). As soon as the threat actor found a Domain
Controller (DC), they started a connection over LDAP protocol to pull Active Directory information.

The initial vector was a zipped document. A search in the email gateway logs revealed nothing, but when the
browsing history was analyzed, the team found the source of the file download. This information (together
with other indicators like domains) was provided to the CTI team to facilitate campaign identification.

Figure 11: Analysis of Downloaded Malicious Zip

Figure 10: Malicious JavaScript Code
File in Virus Total

4 CTI Research – The CTI team discovered that the IOCs probike[.]com and meenajewel[.]com were
associated with a GootLoader campaign as well as with BlueCrab/Sodinokibi ransomware. The payloads
of these two types of malware are distributed via SEO poisoning, a social engineering technique in which
threat actors compromise legitimate and highly trafficked websites. They edit the content to improve Search
Engine Optimization (SEO), and add ZIP files named with terms that they expect will appeal to their targets.
The ZIP files contain malware that website visitors then download. For this reason, there was no detection
of phishing emails in the email security

The GootLoader malware operates in

the model of "Initial-Access-as-a-Service"
(Figure 8). After successfully compromising
an enterprise network, it sells access to
other threat actors to further the attacks,
usually to ransomware groups.

5 Threat Hunting – The Threat Hunting

team gathered IOAs for malicious behavior
and used EDR and SIEM platforms to
verify that this threat had not spread or
infected other hosts. In this way, the team
Figure 12: Gootloader IOCs Published in Twitter
was able to limit the scope of the alert
and prove that the rest of the network
was not infected. Furthermore, the Threat Hunting team investigated the malicious files (e.g., JavaScript, the
PowerShell script, and additional linked executables found online) using sandbox and file analysis and added
these IOCs to the gathered IOC list provided by the CTI team.

The Threat Hunting team executed retro-hunts for these indicators within the EDR and SIEM logs and
found no indication of infection. They recommended that the customer reset all credentials for domain
administrators and other privileged accounts.

6 SIEM and EDR Engineering – The SIEM and EDR engineering teams implemented the IOCs and the L1
team searched for IOCs in the environment.

L1 L2 CTI Threat Hunting SIEM/EDR

Carries out
initial Conducts Root
investigation Cause Identifies IOCs Gathers Recommends
into malicious Analysis, linked with IOAs and customer
ping tracing back to GootLoader uses SIEM Executes resets all
Detects command a user campaign and and EDR retro-hunts for credentials
Cobalt and SMB compromised BlueCrab / to verify these IOCs for domain Implements
Strike connections Isolates by a Sodinokobi no other and finds no admins and IOCs into
DLL into internal the "waterhole" ransomware hosts are indication of privileged EDR and
injection IPs machine attack infected infection accounts SIEM

Investigates Investigates
known IP and malicious files and
L1 L2 CTI Threat Hunters
finds a script Collaboration gathers additional Collaboration
Collaboration Collaboration
related to Cobalt with Threat IOCs using sandbox with SIEM and
with L2 Team with CTI team
Strike payload Hunters and file analysis EDR engineers

Figure 13: Summary of Steps Taken Against Multi-Stage Ransomware Attack

Automated procedure Human procedure
Scanning over SMB ports 137, 445
Communication over LDAP ports 389, 3268
July 15, 2021,
at 11:22:03 PM
July 16, 2021,
• User clicks on Execution July 15, 2021 at July 16, 2021 at at 02:33 AM Isolation
a suspicious 11:25:32 PM 02:31:47 AM
link on a 2nd EDR
Ping.exe Rundll32 alert
website process process • Rundll32.exe
• WScript.exe creation creation was injected
executes • Injection of • Injection of with Cobalt
malicious Cobalt Strike Cobalt Strike Strike
JavaScript DLL beaconing DLL beaconing beaconing

July 15, 2021, July 15, 2021 at July 15, 2021, at July 16, 2021 at 02:32:39 AM July 16, 2021,
11:21:36 PM 11:24:17 PM 11:29 PM Rundll32.exe suspicious at 02:40 PM
Download PowerShell 1st EDR alert AD communication Compromise
completed of executes • Ping.exe process Privilege • 45MB transmitted internally, d machine
malicious ZIP malicious was injected with Escalation 234MB Received over port Isolation
• User searched for script Cobalt Strike 389 (LDAP) • Machine
“Virginia timber beaconing isolated the
Initial • Base64
land hunting encoded machine
lease” in Google Access • Attacker
and clicked on foothold
one of the results breakdown
• Download
started at July 15,
2021, 11:21:34 PM

Figure 14: Multi-Stage Ransomware Attack Timeline

CyberProof's CTI analysts noticed random strings of content on a client’s website - the result of an XSS attack.
CyberProof’s CTI team, Vulnerability Management team, and L1 & L2 analysts worked together to learn more about
the attack and assist the client in restoring its web servers to their original states.


CTI team L1 analysts

• Vulnerability Intelligence • Initial Response & Triage
• CTI Research
L2 analysts
Vulnerability Management • Further Investigation
team • Incident Response
• Vulnerability Mapping • Root Cause Analysis
• Comparing CTI’s Data to VM reports
• Patching Relevant Servers


1 Initial Response & Triage – Unusual content was found

on a client's website. The content consisted of two random
strings – in two different HTML tags – on one of the pages
of the client’s website. Having recognized this as potentially
malicious activity, the CTI team escalated to the L1 team to
follow up. After initial investigation, the L1 team found the
source of the exploit. They discovered that the appearance
of the random strings on the client’s website resulted
from a vulnerability scan of the client’s web applications
that had a US-located source IP. The L1 team escalated the
Figure 15: Website Snip
incident to the L2 team via the CDC platform to validate
and conduct root cause analysis.

2 L2 Further Investigation and Root Cause Analysis – The L2 team validated the findings and established
the scope of the attack – they determined that a single web server was affected. They revealed that multiple
types of attack were exposed by the vulnerability scan, including: SQL injection, XSS, Remote File Inclusion,
and more. The team identified these strings in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) logs and concluded that
this was an XSS attack exploiting a vulnerability in the Oracle ColdFusion app, which was installed on the
Internet Information Services (IIS) server, the most common Microsoft Web server. The L2 team escalated the
incident to the CTI team, via the CDC platform – to obtain additional information.

3 CTI Research – The CTI team located the relevant vulnerabilities that were recently referenced – on clear
web sources – to the ColdFusion app, and shared the information with the L2 team.

4 L2 Incident Response – The L2 team consolidated all information, drew conclusions, formulated
recommendations, and escalated the incident to the onsite lead and the Vulnerability Management
team. The on-site L2 lead was responsible for validating the response actions, includes restoring and
patching the target server.

5 Vulnerability Management – CyberProof’s Vulnerability Management team conducted internal

vulnerability mapping and compared the information from the CTI team to VM reports. This allowed
them to draw a clearer picture of the situation, which gave our client the ability to patch the vulnerable
servers. The web servers were restored to their original state before the attack.

L1 L2 CTI L2 Vulnerability On-Site L2

Concludes an
vulnerability Maps
Discovers XSS attack
information vulnerabilities On-site lead to
source of has occured
referencing against CTI validates
Identifies exploit is a exploiting a
the Consolidates all reports to response
suspicious Escalates result of a Validates vulnerability application actions incl.
information, draws provide clearer
strings on to L1 team vulnerability findings in the Oracle
across conclusions and picture of restoring and
client's via CDC scan from a from L1 ColdFusion
intelligence formulates vulnerabilities patching target
website platform US IP investigation app
sources recommendations to remediate server

Reveals scan has

exposed multiple
attacks including
SQL injection, XSS,
Remote File
inclusion and more

L1 Team L2 CTI
Collaboration Collaboration between L2 and
Escalation Collaboration
with L2 Vulnerability Management Teams
Process to L2 with CTI

Figure 16: Summary of Steps Taken Against Cross-Site Scripting Threat

Print Nightmare has been one of the most frequently discussed cyber security discoveries of the last year. It presents
a serious vulnerability in the Print Spooler service that can lead to remote privilege escalation on every system in
which the service is active. Cyberproof’s CTI, SIEM, Threat Hunting, L1 and L2 teams worked proactively to mitigate
this risk for our clients.


CTI team Threat Hunting

• Vulnerability Intelligence • Data Collection
• Retro-hunting
SIEM Engineering • Mitigation Advice
• Log Validation
• Query Development L1 analysts
• SIEM Logic Deployment/Testing • Alert Monitoring
• Alert Creation
L2 analysts
• Incident Response


1 CTI Vulnerability Intelligence – The CTI team identified IOCs for the Windows Print Spooler Remote Code
Execution vulnerability and provided each of our clients with the official Microsoft mitigation – which involved
disabling the print service when it was not required. However, in situations where the servers could not be
disabled, such as print servers, the official mitigation did not resolve the issue and further work was required.

2 Threat Hunting – The Threat Hunting team collaborated with the CTI team to gather external sources of
information on which the hunt was based. The Threat Hunting team then proceeded to investigate by:

∙ Categorizing the hunt according to the type of platform (SIEM or EDR) in which the indicators would need

∙ Searching for logs or events that could indicate an exploitation of this vulnerability, such as: execution of
Remote Procedure Call (RPC); addition of a new printer driver; suspicious process execution tree; creation
of suspicious DLL files spawned in a dedicated folder; or execution of a printer process with the Process
Integrity Level “SYSTEM.”

∙ Identifying mitigation steps and other hardening policies – such as disabling inbound remote printing
through Group Policy and restricting the installation of new, unsigned printer drivers.

3 L2 Incident Response – The Threat Hunting team shared its findings with the L2 team and SIEM engineers,
who were involved in the response process. The L2 team coordinated with each client to implement the
necessary workarounds. They conducted research to identify means of mitigating the risk for servers that
could not be patched – and shared the logic they uncovered with the SIEM engineers.

4 SIEM Engineering – The SIEM engineers validated the logs required for creating the logic in the SIEM. They
provided logging requirements (where needed), developed a query for each SIEM system used by our clients,
deployed the logic in the SIEM, tested this logic, and created alerts.

5 L1 Alert Monitoring – The L1 team continues to monitor and investigate the alerts fired by the new rules that
have been developed.

CTI Threat L2 SIEM L1

Hunting Engineering
to monitor
Identifies Identifies Validates and
IOCs for Categorizes mitigation Work with Shared logs Deploys investigate
Windows hunt to SIEM steps and clients to logic with required and tests alerts
Spooler and EDR hardening implement SIEM for creating SIEM created by
vulnerability platform policies workarounds engineers SIEM logic rule logic new rules

Searches for Develops

evidence of query for
exploitation each SIEM
system used
by clients
CTI Threat L2 SIEM
Collaboration Hunting Collaboration Engineering
with Threat Collaboration with SIEM Collaboration
Hunting Team with L2 Engineering with L1

Figure 17: Summary of Steps Taken Against Print Nightmare Vulnerability

Ursnif is one of the most common banking trojans. CyberProof’s team revealed that this attack was linked to TA551
(Threat Actor ID 551), a financially motivated threat group that has been active at least since 2018, and helped the
client remediate the attack.


CTI team L2 analysts

• CTI Research • Further Investigation
• Root Cause Analysis
L1 analysts • Incident Response
• Initial Response & Triage


1 Initial Response & Triage – An alert was received by the L1 team from a Microsoft Office application. The alert
involved a suspicious execution tree; winword.exe which was observed to be spawning cmd.exe.

The L1 team received the alert via the CDC platform, triaged it, and opened an incident. Having carried out an
initial investigation, the L1 team decided to escalate it to the L2 team.

2 L2 Further Investigation and Root Cause Analysis – The L2 team validated the findings and gleaned
additional details about the attack. The victim had received a phishing email with a weaponized macro
document, which contained a command to download a malicious .hta script from a Microsoft domain and
run it with cmd.exe.

Figure 18: Suspicious Execution Tree

While pulling the script from the compromised host, the L2 team found obfuscated visual basic
script blacklisted on many engines in VirusTotal.

Figure 19: .HTA Dropper Script Analysis in VirusTotal

After deobfuscation, it was discovered that the script attempted to download the final payload
from the C2 server and run it with regsvr.exe:

Figure 20: Attempted Process by Attacker to Execute Payload

The destination file was masqueraded as a .JPG file but seemed to be the target DLL payload
file. The attempt to download the final payload from the C2 server was blocked by the firewall
geolocation enforcement, which ended the execution chain.

3 CTI Research – The CTI team conducted further research about the campaign, confirmed the analysis of the
L2 team and identified IOCs to check for further compromise. They revealed that this attack was linked to
TA551 (Threat Actor ID 551), a financially-motivated threat group that has been active at least since 2018 and
primarily targets English, German, Italian, and Japanese speakers through email-based malware distribution
campaigns. The current campaign was researched by Palo Alto Unit 42, who observed that the final payload
of IcedID malware was replaced with Ursnif malware – just days before this attack was first seen in the
customer environment. All the indicators matched those of the attack CyberProof were dealing with at this
point in time (see tweets/2021-06-21-TA551-IOCs-for-Ursnif.txt at master · pan-unit42/tweets · GitHub).

4 L2 Incident Response – The on-site lead coordinated the remediation steps – deleting the malicious email,
isolating the host, implementing network restrictions, and raising the risk related to the use of personal
mailboxes, as a lesson learned from this incident.6

L1 L2 CTI On-Site L2 Lead

Conducts malicious
Validates Root Cause Identifies email, Provides
Creates findings and Analysis and IOCs isolates host recommendations
Detects incident analyzes script confirms linked and against use of
and and from payload with TA551 implements personal emails for
triages escalates compromised execution is threat network future
alert to L2 host blocked group restrictions consideration

Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration
with L2 Team with CTI team with On-Site L2

Figure 21: Summary of Steps Taken Against Ursnif Infection

Our goal in describing these scenarios is to highlight best practice processes and techniques that can be adopted to
improve the efficiency of security operations in any organization. By working together and focusing on collaborative
approaches to problem-solving, security teams can increase the speed of detection & response – thereby reducing
the potential impact of an attack.

∙ Having a CTI team on hand to conduct research across

the open, deep and dark web on IOCs – Throughout these
scenarios, the CTI team was vital in helping the various
experts within the SOC to understand if any of the IOCs
Some of the key elements
discovered in the network were being used as part of attack
mentioned in this report, which
campaigns. Without this rapid collaboration with a CTI team,
contributed to successfully
the SOC would have been unable to anticipate the next
mitigating these attack scenarios,
steps of the attacker. Similarly, without the input of the CTI
team, Threat Hunters would have been unable to obtain the
information they needed to search for evidence of these
attacks in hidden areas of the network.

∙ Using a proven Threat Hunting methodology – We’ve

seen that the scope of Threat Hunting goes way beyond
the actual hunting itself. CyberProof’s Threat Hunters
played a critical role not only in searching across the client’s
environment to find evidence of compromise, but also in
providing feedback to the SOC that improved the client’s
security posture. What’s important is having a defined
methodology in place that covers the following phases:
∙ Conducting data collection from the network, endpoint,
cloud instances, email gateway and more
∙ Acquiring leads from threat intelligence or incident reports
∙ Forming an actionable hypothesis
∙ Executing the hunt using live and historic data
∙ Validating the identified events
∙ Providing feedback for improving future security

∙ Using a centralized SOC delivery platform – Having a

single SOC platform such as the CyberProof Defense Center
(CDC) platform, which is integrated with existing security
technology, enabled each of our teams to collaborate in real
time capturing relevant data and orchestrating response
actions quickly.


CyberProof is a security services company that helps organizations to intelligently

manage incident detection and response. Our advanced cyber defense platform
enables operational efficiency with complete transparency to dramatically
reduce the cost and time needed to respond to security threats and minimize
business impact.

SeeMo, our virtual analyst, together with our experts and your team automates
and accelerates cyber operations by learning and adapting from endless
sources of data and responds to requests by providing context and actionable
information. This allows our nation-state cyber experts to prioritize the most
urgent incidents and proactively identify and respond to potential threats.

We collaborate with our global clients, academia, and the tech ecosystem to
continuously advance the art of cyber defense.

CyberProof is part of the UST family. Some of the world’s largest enterprises trust
us to create and maintain secure digital ecosystems using our comprehensive
cyber security platform and mitigation services. For more information,
see: www.cyberproof.com

Barcelona | California | London | Paris | Singapore | Tel Aviv | Trivandrum


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