The Effectiveness Use of Virtual Reality Media in Physics Education of Solar System Towards Cognitive Learning Outcomes

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JPI, Vol. 9 No.

3, September 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

The Effectiveness Use of Virtual Reality Media in Physics

Education of Solar System Towards Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Sigit Dwi Saputro1*, Agung Setyawan2
1Pendidikan informatika, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
2Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Bangkalan, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Digital literacy skills in the context of mastering the use of digital media were needed to streamline
achievements in learning. One of the digital medias that can be applied in abstract learning is virtual reality.
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive learning outcomes which
include the presence or absence of the influence of the use of virtual reality media, the completeness of
learning outcomes based on KKM and the completeness of classical learning outcomes. This type of
research was pre-experimental by using one group pre-test post-test design. The sample used was class
VIII Al-Asyari Technology Middle School which consists cof only one class. The instruments used in the
study include description tests. The effect of learning outcomes was analyzed by t-test using SPSS, learning
outcomes will be analyzed based on the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) and classical completeness
while learning motivation was analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that physics learning using
effective virtual reality media on learning outcomes as evidenced by the influence of virtual reality media
on results with a significance of 0.000, learning outcomes reached the KKM value of 75 with an average
yield of 88.1. Classical learning completeness obtained a percentage of results of 86.3% included in the
excellent category.

Keywords: Media Virtual Reality, Structure, Learning Outcomes

1. Introduction
Physics is part of Natural Sciences subjects, at the junior high school level learning
objectives have been determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The purpose of
learning science is to understand simple science concepts and still maintain religious values. The
concept of simple science will be used to solve problems of the surrounding scientific phenomena,
while students' religiosity is expected to be able to connect natural phenomena with the greatness
of an almighty god (Hidayatullah, 2018; Yusriyah, 2015).
One of the competencies that must be mastered by students in the 2013 curriculum in
physics is the solar system. In the appendix of the Minister of Education and Culture for class VIII,
there is a range of core and basic competencies related to the solar system. The third core
competency is to understand and apply knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based
on the curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events that
appear to the eye. The fourth, processing, presenting, and reasoning in concrete domains (using,
parsing, arranging, modifying, and making) and abstract realms (writing, reading, counting,
drawing, and making) under what is learned in school and other sources in the same
perspective/theory (Poniman, 2016; Susanti & Jatmiko, 2016).
Material characteristics in the learning of the solar system which is expected students
understand the differences in gravity and the orbital path of each planet (Williamson & Willoughby,
2012; Yu ka Sahami & Denn G, 2010). So that the spatial ability is needed to master the solar
system material, this is due to the material the solar system cannot observe directly (Hegarty,
2010; Shen, J. & Confrey, 2010).The material of the solar system is an abstract lesson because
students cannot feel the conditions in a real way towards objects contained in the solar system.
If students are only given theory, it will have an impact on each student's concept dissimilarity.
Then what needs to be considered by every teacher is designing the learning process

*Corresponding author.
Received 20 January 2020; Accepted 01 August 2020; Available online 1 September 2020
© 2020 JPI. All Rights Reserved

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 389

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

The results of an interview with a physics subject teacher in one of the junior high schools
in Bangkalan district showed that the learning process in solar subjects uses textbooks. Besides,
teachers also use video media to deliver material related to the planet. The learning process that
has been carried out so far makes students feel bored and even less interested in listening to the
material delivered by the teacher. Students cannot understand that each planet has a different
speed, gravitational differences between planets, and the planet can rotate following the stability
of its orbit (Plummer et al., 2015). Besides, there are 98% of students experiencing
misunderstandings related to the distance of planets in the solar system (Schneps et al., 2014).
Still found a serious error when teaching solar system material that the teacher uses a piece of
paper and then draw the types of planets (Shen & Confrey, 2010). The method does not provide
a learning experience for students. Students are passive and only receive information conveyed
by the teacher.
Teachers can use a variety of ways to be able to present space life. One way to present
space life is to create a learning medium. In full, learning media are defined as physical or non-
physical tools used as intermediaries between teachers and students in understanding learning
material to be more effective and efficient, so that learning material is quickly accepted by students
and arouses interest in further learning (Musfikon, 2012). Learning media is a component of
learning resources or physical vehicles that contain instructional material in the student
environment that can stimulate students to learn (Arsyad, 2013).
Thus, in the learning process requires media to explain a concept. Learning media can
also have an impact on several aspects obtained by students, including cognitive, social, and
emotional competencies (Balkun, 2011). Cognitive competence is related to student learning
outcomes. The effectiveness of learning outcomes is influenced by student goals and knowledge.
Learning objectives will be evaluated both in detail for each individual and the general picture
through several samples which asked by educators (Hamdani, 2011). While knowledge can be
measured by evaluating formal learning both through a midterm and the end of the semester.
Solar system learning requires special media to learn science to students. The things that
affect the cognitive abilities in learning the solar system one of which is the media. Media that
needs to be considered in the design is related to the size and position of the perspective of the
use of the media by students (Yu et al., 2016). Improving the quality of learning requires the ability
of the teacher to master the material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset that supports the
subjects taught develops learning materials that are taught creatively and utilizes information and
communication technology to develop themselves.
The development of Science and Technology has an impact on rapidly changing
information technology. The limitations of the five senses in the solar system required three-
dimensional media (Dahsah & Phonphok, 2012). One example of technology that can be created
in three-dimensional learning media is Virtual Reality. Helps define what is often referred to as
"Virtual Reality". This is a computer-based technology that combines special input and output
devices so that users can interact deeply with virtual environments as if they were in the real world
(Susilowati, 2017). Virtual reality media are needed because of limited hardware media
(Papachristos, Vrellis, & Mikropoulos, 2017; Ashfaq Amin, Diane Gromala, Xin Tong, 2016).
Virtual reality is a technology that allows users to interact with the environment of computer
simulation results in cyberspace which can evoke an atmosphere of three or even four
dimensions. So that users seem to be directly involved physically in the environment. Virtual
Reality can be the right choice for learning media that cannot be reached by human hands
(Susilowati, 2017). The benefits of applying Virtual reality to the learning process can have a real
effect on students' experiences (Shi et al., 2019). By using Virtual Reality technology we can
create a space environment (Bailey & Bailenson, 2017). Students find it difficult to make
observations related to the solar system so that virtual effects must be packaged in virtual reality
(DeJong, 2017; Makransky, G. Lilleholt, 2017).
The use of virtual reality media has a positive impact on student understanding (Leder et
al., 2019). Simulation of the use of virtual reality gets better learning outcomes than traditional
learning (Clark, B. Tanner-Smith, E. Killingsworth, 2016). This causes the experience of using
these media to make learning meaningful so that cognitive abilities increase (Alahabi, 2016;
Passig, D. Tzuriel, D. & Eshel-Kedmi, 2016; Webster, 2016).

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 390

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

Besides, learning using virtual reality learning media affects students' cognitive (Leder et
al., 2019). Virtual reality becomes unique learning Maximize the long-term memory ability of
students (Valdesolo et al., 2017). Other benefits include improving students' spatial ability (Jang
et al., 2017). This is inseparable from the role of virtual reality that can make classes active and
interactive (Leder et al., 2019). This shows that the visualization effect provided by virtual reality
media can provide an understanding of material concepts. Because the advantages of using
virtual reality media over video or other image media have a more detailed display of content that
can visualize three dimensions (Gavish et al., 2015).
Theoretically, the use of virtual reality media is better than using video media because
students can learn interactively (Chittaro & Buttussi, 2015; Buttussi & Chittaro, 2018). Things that
need to be considered when before the use of virtual reality is the presence of breafing first of its
use procedures to reduce the sense that arises as an adaptation to new media (Lackey, Salcedo,
Szalma, & Hancock, 2016; Breedt & Labuschagne, 2019). Learning using virtual reality media
has an impact on student motivation (Makransky, G. Bonde, M. T. Wulff, J. S. G. Wandall, J.
Hood, M. Creed, 2016; Makransky, G., Thisgaard, M. W., & Gadegaard, 2016; Thisgaard, M. &
Makransky, 2017; Shapira, Amores, & Benavides, 2016). The impact of motivation is linear to
student learning outcomes (Pekrun, 2016; Holley, Hobbs, & Menown, 2016). If learning has led
to the addition of individual student interests this will have an impact on the optimal learning
process (Renninger, K. A; & Hidi, 2016).
Virtual reality media is one type of digital media. In general, digital media has several
advantages, among others. Therefore, digital media can have opportunities for more effective
teaching processes. Some things that need to be considered in the practice of learning to use
digital media related to social, feelings of love, and ethics. So in developing digital technology, an
educator must think of ways of presenting information that is effective, interesting to improve the
learning process, and still maintain a structured way of thinking, attitudes, social practices, and
bold practices in real experiments (Arsyad, 2013). There are main components that must be
designed by an educator when using digital media, namely developing critical thinking skills,
developing communication skills, developing creativity, and student-centered learning (Balkun,
2011; Hirsh-pasek, Zosh, Michnick, Gray, & Robb, 2015).
The benefits of implementing digital media are improving skills in using technology
(Schmid & Petko, 2019). The study involved 31 schools with 879 students who wanted to find out
how the impact of open teaching methods that apply digital technology can enhance digital skills
and ICT confidence in learning. Schools that use open teaching methods show that there is an
increase in students in using ICT when in school. This means that students become accustomed
to using ICT when a teacher applies an open teaching method. Automatically, they use ICTs to
dig up information or find solutions to tasks. This shows that students are skilled in using digital.
The high frequency of using ICT also shows that students begin to have perceptions related to
self-efficacy and positive attitudes towards ICT as a tool for learning.
The function of the application of digital media influences metacognition in the learning
process (Norman & Furnes, 2016). Research that has been done is to find out the results of
metacognitive comparisons between those who use digital or non-digital. Both can be measured
in digital or non-digital relations after being given a short linear text reading. The metacognitive
indicators measured are forms of self-regulation and learning in different study contexts. Although
digital usage has limited scope in reading text that appears on the screen but in the form of a
linear text can have the same impact on students' metacognitive abilities. This finding implies that
there is an important note for teachers to better adapt to digital media because it empirically
impacts on students' metacognition, and more importantly, is how to design in digital media so
that it is more focused on student metacognition.
Based on the benefits of using virtual reality media that have been explained, then the
effectiveness of using this media in solar learning will be measured. Effective learning is a learning
strategy that is used to measure the extent to which learning objectives can be achieved. Effective
learning is a measure of teacher success in managing classes (Nurjanah & Poernomo, 2016;
Derlina & Mihardi, 2015; Nur, 2015). Effectiveness relates to goals or objectives determined from
the beginning before the learning process is measured through achievement tests. So meaningful

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 391

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

effectiveness produces effects or effects of learning treatment. Thus, effective learning is learning
where goals are achieved.
Evaluation of Learning Outcomes by Educators in Primary and Secondary Education
Article 8 paragraph 1 states, the completeness of learning outcomes is the level of attainment of
minimum attitudes competencies, knowledge competencies and skills competencies which
include completeness of mastery of material and mastery of learning in the context of the study
period (Sarah, 2019; Hasanah et al., 2017; Kustijono & HM., 2014). This study measures the
effectiveness of cognitive learning outcomes in drawing virtual reality media in solar system
subjects. The effectiveness of learning outcomes is limited by three things, there are the influence
of the use of virtual reality media on learning outcomes, learning outcomes exceed the minimum
completeness criteria (KKM) ie a score of 75 and, learning outcomes exceed the classical
completeness of 75%.

2. Method
Research at Al-Asyari Technology Middle School, Kwanyar District, Bangkalan Regency.
This research was experimental research using one group pre-test post-test design. The
treatment is the provision of Virtual Reality media during the learning process. Research subjects
included populations and samples. The population in the study was all students in Al-Asyari
Technology Middle School which consisted of one class with 22 students. The sampling technique
used in this study was saturated sampling. This study used a saturated sample which was taking
all samples because the population was less than 100.
The instrument used to measure student learning outcomes was the description test.
Making questions focus on Basic Competency 3.2 namely Describe the solar system, the sun as
the center of the solar system, as well as the position and characteristics of members of the solar
system. Instrument grid as Table 1.

Table 1. Test instrument Grid

No Indicator Number of Question

1 Explain the order of the solar system 2
2 Explain the basic concepts of the sun 1
3 Understand the positions and characteristics of solar 3,4,5
system members

The results of the implementation of the to find out the level of influence of giving virtual
reality media tests to the results, the effect of learning outcomes is analyzed by t-test using SPSS.

3. Results and Discussion

Learning Outcomes Pre-Test Data
This data was obtained through learning outcomes tests. To find out the frequency
distribution of learning outcomes before using virtual reality media was presented in Table 2 and
Figure 1.

Table 2. Data on Student Learning Outcomes before using virtual reality media

No Interval Class Frequency Percentage

1 30-39 1 5%
2 40-49 7 32%
3 50-59 8 36%
4 60-69 3 14%
5 70-79 3 14%
Total 22 100%

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 392

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

It appears that the learning outcomes data before the use of virtual reality have the highest
frequency with 8 students in the 50-59 interval. The lowest frequency is 1 student in the 30-39
interval. Then the histogram is presented in Figure 1.

4 Fequency

30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79

Figure 1. Histogram of learning outcomes before using virtual reality media.

Learning Outcomes Post-Test Data

This data is obtained through learning outcomes tests. To find out the frequency
distribution of learning outcomes after using virtual reality media is presented in Table 3 and
Figure 2. It appears that the learning outcomes data after the use of virtual reality have the highest
frequency with 9 students in the 92-100 interval. The lowest frequency is 1 student in the 72-78

Table 3. Data on Student Learning Outcomes after using virtual reality media

No Interval Class Frequency Percentage

1 65-71 3 14 %
2 72-78 1 5%
3 79-85 6 27%
4 86-92 3 14%
5 92-100 9 41%
Total 22 100%

Then the histogram is presented in Figure 2.

4 Frequency

65-71 72-78 79-85 86-92 92-100

Figure 2. Histogram of learning outcomes after using virtual reality media

A summary of the results of the pretest and posttest

The description of the learning outcome data presented includes the comparison Pre-test
and post-test scores as in Table 4.

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 393

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

Table 4. Description of learning outcomes data using virtual reality media

Learning Outcomes
Total Standard
Max. Min. Average
Data Deviation
Pre Test 22 75 30 52,27 12,05
Pos Test 22 100 65 88,18 11,8

In Table 4, the comparative data on learning outcomes pre-test with post test using virtual
reality media. For pre-test the highest learning outcomes with a score of 75, while the lowest score
is 30, the average score is 52, 27 and the standard deviation is 12.05. For post test the highest
learning outcomes with a score of 100, while the lowest score is 65, the average score is 88.18
and the standard deviation is 11,18. Based on these data it can be concluded that the learning
outcomes of the solar system using virtual reality media are greater than before using the media.

The effect of the use of virtual reality media on learning outcomes

First, related to the influence of using virtual reality media on learning outcomes. Before
testing the hypothesis, the researcher conducts the normality test beforehand on the collected
data. Based on the normality test for the results of data using SPSS in Table 5.

Table 5. Normality Test Results

(Kolmogorov- (Shapiro-Wilk)
No Smirnova) Alpha = 0,05 Conclusion
Alpha = 0,05
1 Pre-Test 0,118> 0,05 0,284> 0,05 Normal Data
2 Post Test 0,001< 0,05 0,005< 0,05 Data Not Normal

The test items for the pre-test both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test results
are included in the normal category, while the post-test both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Shapiro-Wilk test results are not normal.
As for the homogeneity test of learning outcomes between before using virtual reality
media (pre-test) and after virtual reality media (post-test) as Table 6.

Table 6. Homogeneity Test Results

Significance Decisions Conclusions

Cognitive = Ho
0,73 > 0,05 Homogeneous

Table 6 shows that homogeneity testing on learning outcomes. The P-value (significance
of the dependent variable) is more than (>) 0.05, so it was decided that Ho was rejected and it
was concluded that the sample came from a homogeneous distribution population.
The normality assumption test is not fulfilled, so to know the effects of using virtual reality
media on learning outcomes using non-parameterized tests. The non-parametric test used the
SPSS program with the type of paired t-test, namely Kruskal Wallis in Table 7.

Tabel 7. paired t-tes

No Groups P Conclusions
1 Pre-Tes 0,000 *Significan
2 Pos-Tes

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 394

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

The results of the research hypothesis test using a paired t-test with Kruskal Wallis
obtained results of the significance of 0,000 or smaller than 0.05. These results indicate that virtual
reality media influences student learning outcomes. Based on the comparison of learning
outcomes the average post-test is greater than the pre-test.

Completion of Learning Outcomes

Second is the achievement of learning outcomes for KKM. The results of the comparison
between learning outcomes with KKM are summarized in Table 8.

Table 8. Comparison of post-test learning outcomes with KKM

Target of KKM Learning Outcomes

Total Max. Min. Average
75 22 100 65 88,18

The average learning outcomes after using the reality virtual media 88.18 while the KKM
values that have been determined are 75. It can be concluded that learning physics using virtual
reality media can reach a predetermined KKM.

Classical Completeness
Third is classical completeness, based on table 8. To find out the percentage of classical
completeness always using virtual reality media summarized in Figure 3. Based on Figure 3 The
percentage of classical completeness that is equal to 86% while students who do not complete
number 3 with a percentage level of 14%. Thus, it can be concluded that learning physics using
virtual reality media can achieve classical completeness because the percentage of completeness
can exceed 75% of students.






Not complete Completeness

Figure 3. Percentage of classical completeness after using virtual reality media

In this study, digital media is not in the form of online media but media designed to use
software to replace video media during solar system learning with digital virtual reality media. In
contrast to online digital-based learning (Schmid & Petko, 2019). Digital media is more focused
on the use of software in the form of virtual reality, measured by the effectiveness of three main
factors, namely the effect of learning outcomes, KKM, and classical completeness.
First, the influence of virtual reality media on cognitive learning outcomes. Based on the
results of the t-test with a significance level of 0.05 calculated by SPSS, the results obtained were
0.00. Specifically, the influence has been summarized in table 4, namely the maximum target
score with a score of 100, for an average pretest of only 52, 27 while the posttest class average
reached 88.18. Thus, students who use virtual reality media are better able to master the concept
of solar matter cognitively compared to learning before applying virtual reality media.

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 395

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

These findings reinforce the results of previous studies, learning media can also have an
impact on cognitive, social, and emotional competence (Balkun, 2011). Learning using virtual
reality learning media affects students' cognitive (Leder et al., 2019). So that the target
effectiveness of one of the elements is the cognitive ability of students in the cognitive domain is
Second, the learning outcomes exceed the minimum completeness criteria (KKM), which
is a score of 75. Based on the results of the post-test, the average learning outcomes after using
virtual reality media are 88.18 while the KKM value that has been determined is 75. Thus, students
in one class are using virtual reality media has exceeded the minimum target cognitive outcomes
that have been determined.
The effectiveness of learning outcomes is influenced by the goals and knowledge of
students. The effectiveness of student knowledge is measured after the teacher conveys a subject
matter discussion on learning (Hamdani, 2011). The research process has applied the
measurement principle, the minimum target achievement has been determined that a score of 75
has been reached so that the virtual reality media is effective.
Third, learning outcomes exceed the classical completeness of 75%. Based on the post-
test results, the percentage of classical completeness that is equal to 86% complete number 19
while students who do not complete number 3 with a percentage level of 14%. Thus, students in
a class that uses virtual reality media who understand concepts in a cognitive way above a
predetermined standard are far more numerous than students under a standard of cognitive
The number of students who have cognitive understanding above the standard has been
set apart from the role of virtual reality media that has been researched (Leder et al., 2019).
Theoretically, the use of virtual reality media is better than using video media because it is more
able to provide a real experience to users that can encourage generative processing. Other things
can be explained that they can provide a deeper understanding so that they can produce higher
retention and transfer of knowledge.
Based on the three factors of the effectiveness of learning outcomes, it can be concluded
that learning physics uses virtual reality media effectively on learning outcomes. The effectiveness
of cognitive learning outcomes is inseparable from the benefits of using learning media, namely
as an intermediary between teachers and students in understanding learning material to be more
effective and efficient so that learning material is quickly accepted by students and arouses
interest in learning more than the target material (Musfikon, 2012). The results of this study
reinforce previous research, namely virtual reality media can influence students' cognitive
knowledge (Leder et al., 2019; Alahabi, 2016; Passig, D. Tzuriel, D. & Eshel-Kedmi, 2016;
Webster, 2016).
Based on observations, students are more active in the learning process. During the
learning process students focus on being able to use virtual reality media to minimize sleepiness,
discussion, and other activities outside of learning. Students independently explore the material
presented in virtual box media. Presentation of planets in three dimensions so that students can
understand deeply the order of the planets from depressed to the farthest to the sun, students
can rotate 3600 to find the position of the planets. Students who still need certain planetary
information can move towards it and can access information repeatedly. A more interactive virtual
reality media design makes students happier during the learning process. Thus virtual reality
media can provide benefits to foster independent learning activities by providing learning
experiences to students (Smaldino S. E, Deborah L. L, 2011).
Based on facts in observing learning, students are very interested and happy to know
information content from virtual reality media independently. These observations indicate that
virtual reality can provide opportunities for students to try without coercion from others
(Puschmann, 2015). Because the principle of digital media will motivate students to independently
learn to explore information or find solutions to this task, it shows that students are skilled in using
digital (Schmid & Petko, 2019). This finding reinforces previous research that learning using virtual
reality media impacts student learning motivation (Makransky, G. Bonde, M. T. Wulff, J. S. G.
Wandall, J. Hood, M. Creed, 2016; Makransky, G., Thisgaard, M. W., & Gadegaard, 2016;
Thisgaard, M. & Makransky, 2017; Shapira, Amores, & Benavides, 2016). So that virtual reality

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 396

JPI, Vol. 9 No. 3, Oktober 2020
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i3.23105

media teaching strategies can create interactive-active classes, teaching efficiency can be
achieved and measurable levels of material achievement (Pekrun, 2016; Holley, Hobbs, &
Menown, 2016).
Based on the facts in the observation of learning, students are very interested and happy
to So that it can affect the increase in learning outcomes. The number of 22 students tested using
virtual reality media was only one student who did not experience an increase of 95% of students
who used virtual reality media on the subject of the solar system experienced an increase in
grades figure.

60 Pre_Test
40 Post_Test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Figure 4. Increased learning outcomes in using virtual reality media

Limitations in this study were the minimum number of students in the study, and only use
one class in the study and measurement only in the cognitive domain. The effect of the treatment
test was using a non-parametric test due to abnormal posttest data. Learning achievement was
only seen in the cognitive domain, not measuring the attitude of students' skills. The implication
of this finding was when conducting research using virtual reality media to increase the number
of research subjects by comparing it with other groups. In addition to examining other skills such
as digital literacy or student communication skills.

4. Conclusion
Based on the research hypothesis and the results of testing the hypothesis as described
previously, it can be concluded that learning physics using effective virtual reality media on
learning outcomes. Classical learning completeness obtained a percentage of results included in
the excellent category. This research is still limited to measuring the cognitive domain, with the
largest number of samples. Recommendation to educators and researchers, it is advisable to
conduct similar research by paying attention to weaknesses or limitations in this study, for
example by adding/expanding research samples, measuring students' spatial abilities and
memory abilities.

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