Mike's Dungeons The Deep Levels
Mike's Dungeons The Deep Levels
Mike's Dungeons The Deep Levels
C. Bronze-plated human skeletons, each holding a K. An amber golem (80 hp) in the shape of a lion
javelin as well as a round shield emblazoned with will attack only those who disturb the exquisite
one of various horrible monsters, line all the walls, carved jade chess set (worth 32,000 gp) between its
facing inwards. They are not animated. front paws.
D. Bas-reliefs of life-sized men and women fill the L. A small pouch lies near the southern wall. Within
walls. The unknown artist depicted them in the are 4 yellow tetrahedrons (i. e., the Platonic solid
antique garb and armor of ancient times. with 4 sides).
E. A chill fills this room that all the inhabitants of M. 5 chaotic 9th-level wizards dwell here. They are
the dungeon level have good reason to shun. Herein armed with daggers and amongst them possess a
lair 3 white dragons (HD 9) that neither talk nor dagger +1, potion of fire resistance, ring of
sleep. Their treasure hoard consists of 6,454 ep, protection, 5' radius, wand of paralyzation
4,004 gp, 616 pp, 57 white gems (worth 100 gp (18 charges), and a displacer cloak. The wizards
each), 6 pieces of jewelry (worth 1,000 gp each), and will not attack if intruders agree to swiftly leave the
a wand of negation with 14 charges. chamber by the way they came. They have all
memorized the same spells:
F. Tempting aromas waft 20' outside the entrances.
In the chamber's center stands a sturdy oak table 1st: floating disk, hold portal, protection from
with chairs and settings for sixteen. It is laden with good
a rich harvest feast of pheasant, dark bread, root 2nd: continual light, invisibility, web
vegetables, spiced apples, and a magical red wine 3rd: dispel magic, hold person, lightning bolt
that never leads to drunkenness. Those who eat to 4th: wall of fire, wizard eye
repletion will be healed 2-12 hit points, but they will 5th: telekinesis
be so full and drowsy from the feast that they will
have a -1 penalty to their initiative rolls for the next N. The wizards in room M have made a pact with
2-5 hours. The food and drink will vanish for a 5 earth elementals (HD 8) to guard their treasure:
week after anyone is healed by it or if any is taken 721 gp, 578 pp, 7 pieces of jewelry (worth 550 gp
from the room. each), 5 onyx goblets (worth 800 gp each), a black
sapphire (worth 5,000 gp), a potion of treasure
G. A recently-slain giant crab with a cobalt blue finding, and a brazier commanding fire
shell lies on the floor. elementals.
H. Piled near the western wall are the following O. This empty room is particularly dusty. The stairs
treasures, seemingly unguarded: 1,032 pp, 4 swords descend to dungeon level 80.
F. This chamber is a no man's land separating the M. Herein is a false wishing pool set-up by the master
cloud giants (room G) and blue dragons (room I) from thieves in room D. It is inscribed in Common: "Cast in
their sworn enemies: the frost giants in room J and the at least 500 gp (or equivalent) to receive a wish. You
frost salamanders in room L. Unless care is taken to be can use the wish whenever you want." In the water are
silent, there is a 50% chance that either the dragons or 1,000 ep. Allow PCs who throw in enough treasure to
the salamanders will charge in, enraged, and attack. be fooled into thinking that they have been granted a
This will lead to the other three groups of monsters wish. The master thieves collect all treasures (other
entering to join the fray, one group every other round. than the 1,000 ep) every day after lunch.
The monsters would rather attack each other than
intruders, so canny PCs can slink away and let the N. 2 vicious basilisks lair here, attacking anything
giants and their allies duke it out. coming through any of the doors.
G. Here lair 2 ugly and grumpy gray cloud giants who O. 3 chimerae guard a huge chest holding 6,491 gp, a
attack first and ask questions later. They keep their wand of fear (9 charges), and a spell scroll: light,
throwing boulders in the northwest corner. Each giant protection from evil, continual light, cure disease,
wears a jeweled belt worth 4,600 gp. They are allied create water, cure serious wounds, dispel evil. The
with the blue dragons in room I. If one giant is slain, chimerae will not allow anyone to go down the stairs
the other will flee to room I. to dungeon level 83.
B. 2 amber golems fashioned in the shape of H. 4 black dragons (HD 7), which neither talk
tigers stand motionless in the middle of the nor sleep, lie upon their pile of coins: 10,202 gp
room, snarling and facing each other with a and 8,992 pp. They pretend to be sleeping, and
front paw extended. Between them is a chest they will attack with great suddenness (giving
holding 1,744 pp. The golems will attack if the them a +3 bonus to their first initiative roll).
chest is disturbed.
I. On the floor is the lower left leg of the inert
C. Lying on its back on a 3' high platform is an bronze golem in room C.
inert bronze golem. Both of its forearms, its
lower left leg, and its right foot are missing. If J. Levitating 8' above the center of the floor is
all four missing parts (in rooms D, G, I, and L) an invisible aquamarine (worth 3,600 gp)
are put in their proper places, they will expertly carved into the shape of a flame. It
reattach and the golem will attack in a berserk will remain invisible until touched by living
fury. If destroyed, its blood will solidify into a flesh.
half ton of gold nuggets worth 10,000 gp.
K. Long ago a mighty wizard, using ancient
D. On the floor is the right foot of the inert and powerful magic, bound 5 fire elementals
bronze golem in room C. (HD 12) to this chamber. They are tasked with
attacking anything that enters, rushing down
E. Murals of lions, goats, and dragons cover the upon intruders in torrents of living flame. They
walls, depicted as slaying men. Appropriately, will fight to the death.
3 chimera lair here, eager to also slay men.
They guard a loose pile of 8,111 gp near the L. On the floor is the right forearm of the inert
south wall. Hidden amongst the coins are a bronze golem in room C. The stairs descend to
potion of invisibility and a ring of spell dungeon level 89.
C. This chamber is the lair of 4 green dragons G. Dominating the room is a 3' high beige granite
(HD 11) that neither talk nor sleep. They rest upon a plinth upon which is the half-finished body of a 16'
vast mound of 28,596 ep, 15,422 gp, and 6,241 pp. tall bronze golem. No liquid fire courses through its
The dragons will leave their lair only to pursue inert mass. Braziers and various tools (hammers,
those who dare to steal their treasure. tongs, snips, etc.) are ranged along the walls.
D. No magic of any sort will work within this H. Tables and shelves are packed with high-quality
empty and spotlessly clean room. Anyone casting a items that a wizard could enchant into magic items:
spell herein will find that it fades from memory, daggers, rings, blank scrolls, amulets, bags, boots,
even though nothing else happens. Magic items will brooms, crystal balls, drums, bottles, cloaks, bowls,
cease to be magic (though their magic will return braziers, censers, stones, carpets, girdles, helms,
when taken from the room). Anyone under the medallions, mirrors, ropes, scarabs, rods, staffs,
effect of a spell, curse, magic item, etc. will find the wands, etc.
enchantment disappear and not return even when
he leaves the chamber. I. This is the former bed chamber and current
mausoleum of the wizard who spent his last
E. Wooden shelves line the walls, and two 10' long decades in rooms D through I. His bed, desk, and
by 5' wide oak tables are near the room's center. chairs are pushed against the walls to make room
Upon one table are skeletons and bones of various for his bier in the center of the chamber. The
species of owl and of bear. Upon the other table is wizard's perfectly preserved body lies in its blue
the complete skeleton of an owl bear. The shelves robes and conical hat, both covered with silver
hold hundreds of bottles containing bear and owl stars, planets, crescent moons, and comets. He has
body parts preserved in foul-smelling fluids. It was white hair of medium length and a long, white
in this very room long ago that genetic beard that reaches almost to his waist. If the body is
experimentation by an insane wizard (whose body removed from this chamber, it will disintegrate into
is in room I) created owl bears. Thanks a lot! fine ash within minutes.
B. Here stands a petrified flame salamander in an H. 3 chaotic 12th-level patriarchs worship their
attitude of attack. It is composed of a glossy, deep enigmatic gods in this chamber covered with bas-
red stone. Any sharp blow will cause it to shatter reliefs of white eyes with pale pink irises 1' in
into flying, pointed shards that will cause 2-5 diameter. They wear plate mail +2 and bear
points of damage to anyone within 6' of the shields +3. Two are armed with maces +3, and
salamander. the third has a staff of striking (16 charges). They
have memorized the same spells:
C. 3 gray-skinned cloud giants in pale blue robes
make this their home. Giant-sized beds, tables, 1st: cause light wounds (x2), darkness, cause
and chairs furnish the room. Stuffed in the fear (x2)
feather mattresses are a total of 10,441 gp, 4 gems 2nd: blight, hold person (x2), resist fire, silence
(worth 500 gp each), and a ring of control human 15' radius
(which the giants do not suspect is magical). 3rd: continual darkness, cause disease (x2),
They would not mind putting the PCs on their curse
menu. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 93. 4th: cause serious wounds (x3), sticks to snakes
(with a total of 51 sticks)
D. The cloud giants in room C use this as their 5th: commune, insect plague (will work in the
food storage: tons (literally) of grain, dried beef, dungeons), finger of death
and dried fruits along with several hundred
gallons of beer. I. 6 frost giants will give intruders a chilly
welcome, always keeping big rocks handy for
E. The acrid smell of chlorine pervades this throwing. They have 20,357 gp in huge sacks.
chamber, so strong as to cause minor nosebleeds.
This is the lair of 3 weird green dragons (HD 8) J. This chamber seems empty, but stuck and
made entirely of translucent, bright green crystal. hidden underneath the thick soot on the ceiling
They neither talk nor sleep, but they will 20' above are 1,843 pp. They can be easily
immediately attack with a vengeance (and have a removed.
morale score of 12). Though they do not guard
any treasures, when each is slain it will shatter K. A pair of 11-headed hydras make life difficult
into chunks of crystal. Combing through the for anyone trying to go down the stairs to
remains will reveal an emerald (worth 6,600 gp) dungeon level 98, or trying to steal their
from each slain dragon. The gems served as the treasures: 3,294 gp loose on the floor and a high-
dragons' hearts. quality sword with jeweled pommel and
scabbard worth 5,000 gp.
F. This chamber is rather hot and muggy and
smells of oil. Lairing here are 13 loathsome trolls.
Eight of them wear ruby necklaces worth
1,800 gp each, and they have a hoard of 8,235 gp.
C. Lairing here are 3 red dragons (HD 11) that I. A wholesome feeling fills this chamber. Those
neither talk nor sleep. They lie upon their of lawful alignment will want to bask in it, while
treasure hoard scattered upon the floor: 8,448 ep, chaotics will find it repellent. If at least half of the
7,392 pp, a potion of control plant, and a ring of PC party is lawful, a gold dragon will materialize
invisibility. The dragons resent intrusion and in a burst of golden streamers of light. The
will greet visitors with great gouts of flame. They dragon, speaking Common in a deep, dignified
will pursue foes only within this chamber and voice, will tell the party that he is willing to
into room D. teleport any or all of them whenever they desire
from this room to the surface outside the
D. Along all the walls are pale gray pillars, each dungeons' entrance to the 1st level. The dragon
carved with a solemn warrior maid holding her will say nothing else. If attacked, he will vanish
sword pointed downwards. Real red roses in full before the blow or spell lands and will not
bloom upon thorned stalks twist and twine about reappear for those PCs ever again.
the pillars.
J. In the center of the room is a 13' diameter circle
E. Anyone coming into this room will be set upon painted on the floor with indelible mauve dye.
by 5 foul-tempered hellhounds (HD 7). They will Anyone and/or anything within the circle for
pursue prey up and down the hallways leading more than 30 seconds will be teleported into the
to this room, but they know better than to enter identical circle in room B.
rooms F or K.
K. 4 purple worms thrash about in this chamber
F. This room is 36° Fahrenheit. It serves as storage in mindless hunger. The worms have shattered
for the frost giants (room G). Great slabs of scores of white marble statues of noble men and
woolly mammoth meat hang from the ceiling, women. Also scattered about the chamber are
and along the west wall are stacked 12 mammoth 2,277 pounds of gold nuggets (worth a total of
tusks weighing 150 pounds each and worth 22,770 gp) and a crystal ball with clairaudience.
600 gp each. The stairs descend to dungeon level 99.
If both types of elementals charge in, 50% of their 1st: charm person, magic missile (x2), shield
attacks will be directed at their elemental foes rather 2nd: invisibility, phantasmal force, web, wizard
than at PCs. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 101. lock
3rd: fire ball, hold person, lightning bolt
B. Five granite bowls atop pedestals are full of 4th: confusion, wall of ice, wizard eye
water. If any are disturbed, a water elemental 5th: cloudkill, feeblemind, pass-wall
(HD 12) will erupt from each bowl and attack with 6th: anti-magic shell, projected image
a 4 in 6 chance of surprise. They will never pass
beyond rooms A or B. G. The wizards in room F have traced in silvery
particles on the floor various magical diagrams:
C. Coals burn in six censers atop tripods. If any are pentacle, magic circle, thaumaturgic triangle,
disturbed, a fire elemental (HD 12) will burst from pentagram, and thaumaturgic circle.
each censer and attack with a 4 in 6 chance of
surprise. They will never pass beyond chambers A H. This is the bedchamber of the wizards in room F.
or C. While the furnishings are nice, none is of particular
D. Two amber golems in the form of tigers pace in
circles around a treasure hoard heaped in the I. Clomping around are 5 gorgons with hoofs of
chamber's center: 11,022 ep, 5,662 gp, 1,302 pp, and weird, alien, magnetic metal. Each of the 20 hoofs is
a medallion of ESP 90'. The golems will attack any worth 1,000 gp. The gorgons guard a sword +1 and
who pass through the circle walked by the golems. a spell scroll: stone to flesh. The stairs go down to
Clever PCs who acquire the treasure without dungeon level 104.
passing by the golems will not be attacked.
J. 4 efreet reside here, guarding a ring of x-ray
E. No violence of any sort, whether direct or vision. They wear silks of various shades of red,
indirect, can be perpetrated in this room. Offensive orange, and yellow woven from rays of the sun
spells and magic items simply will not work herein. (total worth: 22,500 gp). The efreet are not
If there is any doubt in the DM's mind as to whether aggressive, but they will attack anyone who is rude
something counts as violence or not, it counts. to them.
F. Four chaotic 12th-level wizards spend most of K. A gnome or a dwarf must have lost one of his
their time in this research and study room. They boots, which lies near the stairs which descend to
have the following magic items: wand of cold dungeon level 103.
(14 charges), efreeti bottle, ring of control animal,
potion of gaseous form, and ring of telekinesis.
Each wizard wears a rich silken robe (worth
C. A herd of 6 gorgons resides here. Scattered H. This is the domicile of a strange group of
throughout the room are 394 spheres of pure stone giants that will never speak to anyone
platinum, each weighing 1 pound and worth other than fellow stone giants, and never about
50 gp. PCs can take up to 50 of the spheres anything other than the precepts of their cult.
without the beasts seeming to care, but They devote all their time to meditating upon
beginning with the 51st sphere taken, there is a and venerating past stone giant heroes. Along
5% chance per sphere over 50 of the gorgons the west wall are stone shelves holding 29
losing patience and attacking. statuettes (about 1' high) of their cult figures,
carved from various colors of jasper in
D. Shriveled red rose petals are strewn across exquisitely grotesque fashion. Each is worth
the floor, giving the room a pleasant fragrance. 500 gp. The giants also have 5,199 gp, a potion
The stairs ascend to dungeon level 101. of growth, and a wand of trap detection
(14 charges). The stairs descend to dungeon
level 107.
B. Some spilled mead and a few scraps of F. A hush fills this vast, chill chamber. Loose
roasted mammoth meat are on the floor. upon the floor in the center of the room are
6,443 pp and a sword +1, +3 vs. undead.
C. A big brazier of glowing red-orange coals Against the west and east walls are 5 huge
near the western wall illumines this chamber masses of transparent ice, a white dragon
which serves as the dwelling of 8 fire giants. (HD 9) in the midst of each. They are frozen in
Their cots are arranged along the other three attitudes of attack. Intruders can travel through
walls, and an oaken table and benches are in and even stay in this room without danger, but
the chamber's middle. The giants spend much woe to those who so much as touch the
of their time sharpening, oiling, and otherwise treasure! If that happens, the dragons (which
caring for their huge swords. They possess neither talk nor sleep) will explode from the ice
24 rubies (worth 1,000 gp each) and an amulet and viciously attack.
vs. crystal balls and ESP. The giants will give
directions to the frost giants in room H and G. This room appears to be identical to room E,
will make and honor the following offer: "Go but there is nothing of value herein.
kill the frost giants. You can keep whatever
treasures you win from them. We'll give you a H. This room is the feasting hall of a band of 10
ruby for every frost giant head you bring us." frost giants, all brothers. They spend their days
eating the breads, meats, and cheeses that
D. Brightly-colored silks and cushions cover magically replenish themselves each day upon
the floor, and the odor of sweet incense fills the their table, washing it down with an endless
room. Lounging upon the cushions are 5 efreet, supply of mead. The giants keep hidden in
taking turns smoking from an enormous their pockets 24 sapphires (worth 1,000 gp
hookah of solid gold. Every efreeti wears a each) and a wand of cold (12 charges). They
golden crown (worth 4,300 gp) set with red will propose to the PCs a joint foray against the
and blue gems. The efreet are effusive in their fire giants in room C. They will agree to let the
courtesy and will even share their hookah. If PCs keep the fire giants' treasures. The stairs
the efreet are attacked, the hookah, silks, and descend to dungeon level 112.
cushions will vanish, leaving only a mace +1
behind. The efreet will fight to the death.
B. Illumination a little brighter than daylight fills this F. Lairing here are 6 chimeras. They will attack all
hot chamber (temperature: 110° Fahrenheit). Lairing intruders, but they will never pass beyond the doors of
within are 7 flame salamanders, guarding a set of this chamber. On the floor is a human skeleton
drums of panic and enjoying their memento that they wearing a helm and a breastplate. Both are silvered
brought from another star: A 3" globe of indestructible, and set with white and blue gems arranged in the
colorless glass that contains yellow star-essence shapes of eagles with outstretched wings. The helm is
(plasma) from Gamma Virginis B. While it shines worth 5,300 gp, and the breastplate is worth 8,000 gp.
brighter than the sun, it emits no heat. The right buyer
would give 13,000 gp for this unique treasure. The G. Both of the two landings measure 10' by 30', and on
only way to release the plasma from the globe is with a the southern landing is a 25' long river boat (30 hull
wish, and whoever makes that wish had better be points) with 8 oars. The vast chamber itself is filled
standing far away. The released plasma will consume with fresh water 120' deep, and within slowly swims a
itself with a blast of unearthly radiation, causing the dragon turtle. If someone or something is in the water,
following amount of damage (no saving throw) to all the dragon turtle has a cumulative 10% chance per
living things: round of attacking. On the map, X marks the spot for
100 points of damage to all within 50' treasure. There, beneath 120' of water, is a small galley
90 points of damage to all within 51' to 60' with about four dozen human skeletons within as well
80 points of damage to all within 61' to 70' as three large chests that together hold the following
70 points of damage to all within 71' to 80' treasures:
60 points of damage to all within 81' to 90' 14,017 pp
50 points of damage to all within 91' to 100' 11 pink pearls worth 10 gp each
40 points of damage to all within 101' to 110' 12 white pearls worth 50 gp each
30 points of damage to all within 111' to 120' 16 lavender pearls worth 100 gp each
20 points of damage to all within 121' to 130' 10 sea green pearls worth 500 gp each
10 points of damage to all within 131' to 140' 3 black pearls worth 1,000 gp each
7 platinum and aquamarine rings worth 500 gp each
C. This is the lair of three 12-headed hydras which will 8 platinum and aquamarine bracelets (1,000 gp each)
fiercely attack all intruders. They guard a mace +3 and 11 platinum and aquamarine necklaces (1,000 gp each)
an unparalleled seashell about 6" in size. Its volutes, 1 platinum and aquamarine tiara worth 5,000 gp
whorls, spikes, tubercles, and nodules are a ring of water walking
bewilderingly complex yet with an inner harmony that
defies logic and a beauty that eludes description. Its H. This room is empty, but about half a minute after
swirled hues are all the colors of the spectrum, but anyone enters, an illusion appears of two bearded men
faded to the subtlest of tints as though by a million in shirts with uncouth, alien letters upon them
years of being washed by the sea. The discerning (spelling "GARY" and "DAVE"). They will say in the
collector would pay 5,500 gp for it. On the wall at the common tongue, "We hope you boys have been
location of the secret door is a 6' tall mosaic of a sword. enjoying yourselves. If you've had enough, this will
teleport you to the surface." Then a shimmering
D. Lying on the floor is a normal sword. Though it is doorway will appear in midair, showing the surface
of exceptional make, there is nothing fancy or world at the entrance to the 1st level of the dungeons.
superfluous about it. It is in fact an heirloom, passed Those stepping through will be safely teleported there.