Mike's Dungeons The Deep Levels

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The document details 117 dungeon levels that provide a massive complex for adventurers to explore from levels 1-14. Each level contains a simple map and key to allow dungeon masters to run the levels on the fly without much preparation.

Features include hydras guarding levels, white dragons' lairs, flame salamanders and their strange treasure. Dangers include the hydras that will fight to the death, three white dragons that never sleep, and a plasma globe that can cause radiation damage.

Treasures include diamond teeth from hydras, gems, magic items like a wand of negation, rings, necklaces and a tiara. Underwater treasures include pearls, rings and a small galley filled with treasures.


MIKE'S DUNGEONS: THE DEEP The entrance to dungeon level 79 is the

LEVELS was made using the 1981 trapdoor in room J of level 78 (detailed in
Dungeons & Dragons game (Basic rules MIKE'S DUNGEONS).
edited by Tom Moldvay, Expert rules
edited by David Cook with Steve Marsh). A Each dungeon level has a connection
brief perusal will show that these (typically stairs) with the levels
dungeons can also be easily used with immediately above and immediately below
other versions of the game. it. In addition, stairways connect the
following levels:
The present work is a sequel to MIKE'S
DUNGEONS (2019), but rest assured that 81 down to 86
it can be fully used and enjoyed all by 85 down to 116
itself. 86 up to 81
87 down to 95
LEVELS contains 39 additional dungeon 97 up to 93
levels below the 78 dungeon levels of 99 down to 115
MIKE'S DUNGEONS, together giving the 100 down to 105
overworked Dungeon Master a massive 101 down to 106
dungeon complex of 117 levels. These two 102 down to 104
parts of the dungeons will allow a party of 103 down to 112
seven 1st-level adventurers to achieve 104 up to 102
maximum level: 8th for halflings, 10th for 105 up to 100
elves, 12th for dwarves, and 14th for 106 up to 101
clerics, fighters, magic-users, and thieves. 112 up to 103
They are the only dungeons you will ever 115 up to 99
need. 116 up to 85
117 up to surface (via teleporter)
Each level is short and simple: a map and a
one-page key. The Dungeon Master does Ceilings in these deep levels of the
not need to study these dungeons dungeons are usually 25' high.
beforehand. They can be ran on the fly.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. A trapdoor in the ceiling 10' above the landing with jeweled hilts and scabbards (worth a total of
opens into room J of dungeon level 78. (See MIKE'S 4,000 gp), and a dozen rare mauve silks (worth a
DUNGEONS.) The stairs go down to room B. total of 4,800 gp). Long ago a wizard tasked 2
invisible stalkers to attack anyone coming within 20'
B. Two 11-headed hydras guard the entrance to the of the trove.
lower levels. They will attack anyone entering this
room, and they will fight to the death. The hydras I. 3 black puddings squelch about in this room.
will pursue out of the room, but they will not
ascend the stairs. When slain, each hydra's teeth J. A moldering skeleton of a man in chain mail lies
will turn to diamond, worth a total of 7,700 gp per towards the room's northwest corner, its right arm
hydra. stretched towards the northern entrance.

C. Bronze-plated human skeletons, each holding a K. An amber golem (80 hp) in the shape of a lion
javelin as well as a round shield emblazoned with will attack only those who disturb the exquisite
one of various horrible monsters, line all the walls, carved jade chess set (worth 32,000 gp) between its
facing inwards. They are not animated. front paws.

D. Bas-reliefs of life-sized men and women fill the L. A small pouch lies near the southern wall. Within
walls. The unknown artist depicted them in the are 4 yellow tetrahedrons (i. e., the Platonic solid
antique garb and armor of ancient times. with 4 sides).

E. A chill fills this room that all the inhabitants of M. 5 chaotic 9th-level wizards dwell here. They are
the dungeon level have good reason to shun. Herein armed with daggers and amongst them possess a
lair 3 white dragons (HD 9) that neither talk nor dagger +1, potion of fire resistance, ring of
sleep. Their treasure hoard consists of 6,454 ep, protection, 5' radius, wand of paralyzation
4,004 gp, 616 pp, 57 white gems (worth 100 gp (18 charges), and a displacer cloak. The wizards
each), 6 pieces of jewelry (worth 1,000 gp each), and will not attack if intruders agree to swiftly leave the
a wand of negation with 14 charges. chamber by the way they came. They have all
memorized the same spells:
F. Tempting aromas waft 20' outside the entrances.
In the chamber's center stands a sturdy oak table 1st: floating disk, hold portal, protection from
with chairs and settings for sixteen. It is laden with good
a rich harvest feast of pheasant, dark bread, root 2nd: continual light, invisibility, web
vegetables, spiced apples, and a magical red wine 3rd: dispel magic, hold person, lightning bolt
that never leads to drunkenness. Those who eat to 4th: wall of fire, wizard eye
repletion will be healed 2-12 hit points, but they will 5th: telekinesis
be so full and drowsy from the feast that they will
have a -1 penalty to their initiative rolls for the next N. The wizards in room M have made a pact with
2-5 hours. The food and drink will vanish for a 5 earth elementals (HD 8) to guard their treasure:
week after anyone is healed by it or if any is taken 721 gp, 578 pp, 7 pieces of jewelry (worth 550 gp
from the room. each), 5 onyx goblets (worth 800 gp each), a black
sapphire (worth 5,000 gp), a potion of treasure
G. A recently-slain giant crab with a cobalt blue finding, and a brazier commanding fire
shell lies on the floor. elementals.

H. Piled near the western wall are the following O. This empty room is particularly dusty. The stairs
treasures, seemingly unguarded: 1,032 pp, 4 swords descend to dungeon level 80.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The 5 fire giants who reside here wear antique G. The cyclopes in room D stable 3 gorgons here.
helmets and armor fashioned of bronze. They keep They are gold-plated and horned (worth 4,000 gp
their swords at their sides, and they have a pile of per gorgon). These beasts will always attack
throwing stones in the northeast corner. Concealed intruders, and they never leave this room unless
beneath the stones are five big sacks holding a total summoned by the cyclopes.
of 4,948 pp. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 79.
H. 2 hungry purple worms lurk here, awaiting
B. The fire giants in room A use this chamber to meals. One has swallowed 28 gems (worth 750 gp
store a dozen 60-gallon casks of honey mead, five each), and the other has wedged inside its maw a
huge wheels of cheese, 500 pounds of jerked beef in war hammer +3, returns if thrown by dwarf.
crates, and an equal amount of hardtack.
I. Bas-reliefs of purple worms cover the walls, and a
C. 4 aggressive wyverns fly around in this chamber. carving of a gaping purple worm mouth surrounds
They guard a set of 5 pale green crystalline the northern door.
amphorae worth a total of 6,000 gp. One amphora
holds a little glass bottle containing a potion of J. A 5' diameter dais has inscribed around its base in
giant strength. Careful observers will notice that an ancient, dead language: "STAND UPON ME,
one wyvern has in its shoulder a sword +2 buried to THEN SPEAK THE DUNGEON LEVEL YOU
the hilt. WISH." Anyone who does this will be magically
teleported to a random room within the stated
D. This is the lair of 2 stupid and brutish cyclopes dungeon level.
garbed in goat-skin tunics. They will eagerly attack
intruders to have them for dinner. If one cyclops is K. Herein are three chaotic 9th-level lords in plate
slain and the other has lost at least half of its hit mail. Each bears a shield +2, a sword, and a lance.
points, it will bellow for help. The gorgons in room There is a 60% chance that they will be mounted
G will arrive in 1 round, and the devil swine in upon their black dragons (from room L). If
room E have a 40% chance of coming in 2 rounds. mounted, they will immediately attack. Otherwise,
The latter will attack only if they think that the two of the cocksure lords will challenge intruders
cyclops will survive the battle. Otherwise they will while the third will go to retrieve their dragons
slink back to their lair. The cyclopes have two ivory (returning in 3 rounds). The lords wear jewelry
tusks (weighing 100 pounds each) expertly carved totalling 10,000 gp in value.
with Greek mythological pastoral scenes. They are
worth a total of 11,000 gp. L. The lords in room K keep herein their mounts:
3 black dragons (HD 7) that neither sleep nor speak.
E. Here dwell 2 sullen devil swine in hog form, Each wears a diamond-studded silver collar worth
slaves of the cyclopes in room D. They ignorantly 5,000 gp.
use a flying carpet as a sleeping mat, under which
they have hidden 248 ep from their masters. The M. Much of the stone of the floor and walls is
devil swine attack only in self-defense, though they scarred and pitted, as though burned by acid.
will not allow intruders to use the northern exit as
long as the cyclopes live. The devil swine might N. Slumped against the western wall is the skeleton
accept from a strong party an offer of alliance to of a dwarf in chain mail, shield, and helmet. It still
slay the cyclopes. grips a war hammer. The stairs go down to
dungeon level 81.
F. The cyclopes in room D have nine freshly-slain
and dressed sheep hanging from the ceiling.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
Within the 20' wide channel surrounding the dungeon F. This chamber is 111° Fahrenheit and dimly lit by the
level lazily flows clockwise a 5' deep river of dimly golden river, into which 3 laughing efreet throw small
glowing molten gold. It is 1,950° Fahrenheit, so anyone rocks and pieces of wood. They hate humans, but they
(other than a heat-loving creature such as a red dragon have nothing against demi-humans, so they will allow
or a hellhound) falling into it will be killed (no saving the latter to leave in peace. Each efeeti wears over one
throw). Liquid gold taken out of the channel will shoulder a sash (worth 5,000 gp) woven of gold and
solidify and lose its glow in 1 hour. As much as 3 tons richy bejeweled with red and blue gems.
of gold (equal to 60,000 gp) can be taken out of the
channel before all the molten gold remaining in the G. This chamber is 111° Fahrenheit and dimly lit by
channel magically vanishes. the river of gold. 6 hellhounds (HD 7) from hell wait
here to attack anything that breathes. They fight to the
A. On the floor at the top of the southern stairs lies a death and pursue victims to the ends of the earth.
leather scroll case. Within on a crumpled piece of
parchment is written in Common: "Take my advice: Go H-K. On pedestals rising only a few inches above the
straight down the stairs and take your chances with molten gold stand gold-plated statues of 6' tall,
whatever is there. This level is a fiery hell." The beautiful, naked women. The gold plating is too thin
southern stairs go down to dungeon level 82, and the to have any value.
northern stairs go up to dungeon level 80.
H. A priestess holding her arms up in veneration. Each
B. This empty chamber is magically kept at 44° of her irises is carved from a ruby worth 2,500 gp.
Fahrenheit. I. A warrior standing as though in combat and holding
a spear with a ruby tip worth 5,000 gp.
C. Immediately inside the door lies the charred corpse J. A thief who holds a dagger as though to backstab.
of an elf. Hidden within the hollow blade is a ruby worth
6,000 gp.
D. This chamber is 111° Fahrenheit and dimly lit by K. A witch wielding a wand of fire balls (12 charges).
the river of gold. Vast mounds of millions of "gold"
coins (which are really worthless pyrite) completely L. A green dragon (HD 11) that neither talks nor sleeps
cover the floor. Two red dragons (HD 9), which neither is chained to the east wall. It has the run of the room.
talk nor sleep, rest upon the hoard. They will both The dragon will attack all save the patriarchs in room
breathe fire upon anything that sets foot upon their M, and it obeys their commands.
coins. A small chest will be found after 1-6 man-hours
of digging through the coins. Within is a dagger +2, M. Here dwell 5 chaotic 9th-level patriarchs. They
+3 vs. orcs, goblins, and kobolds and a glass vial have malachite plate mail, helmets, and shields. Each
holding a bubbling red liquid (a potion of flying). bears a war hammer and mace (one a mace +2 and
another a war hammer +2). They also have a potion of
E. This chamber is 111° Fahrenheit and dimly lit by the control red dragon, potion of invulnerability, and
river of gold. Near the river are 7 gold amulets (each scarab of protection (4 charges). The clerics are not
worth 1,300 gp) set with red garnets, forming on each particularly aggressive or very nice. They all have the
amulet a single letter in the common tongue: A, B, G, same memorized spells:
L, O, R, and S. If the treasure is touched, 3 fire and
3 air elementals (HD 8) will appear in the chamber's 1st: cause light wounds, detect good, darkness
center. Their first attack is by surprise and takes a 2nd: hold person, resist fire, silence 15' radius
curious form: The air elementals will blow through the 3rd: continual darkness, cause disease, curse
fire elementals, forming a strong, fiery gust that does 4th: cause serious wounds (x2)
3-24 points of damage to all caught within it (that is, 5th: insect plague (works underground), finger of
on a successful attack roll). Those near the amulets death
must also save vs. death ray or be blown into the river
of gold. Subsequent attacks are normal. The stairs descend to dungeon level 86.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. There is a 25% chance of 1-3 orange trolls from H. The cloud giants in room G store herein a dozen
room B gathering some of the 6" to 12" tall mushrooms white or pale blue robes (sized for cloud giants) and
that grow everywhere from the floor. Each mushroom big barrels of beans and white wine.
is of swirled colors: half orange and half all of the
other colors of the rainbow. They are tasty and I. 2 blue dragons (HD 10), which neither talk nor sleep,
harmless, but if eaten they will turn one's skin and crouch upon their mound of treasure: 28,986 gp,
irises orange for 18 hours. The stairs go up to dungeon 5,020 pp, and 83 gems (worth 100 gp each). The
level 81. dragons will attack all intruders. They are allied with
the cloud giants (room G), and if one dragon is slain,
B. Here lair 9 trolls with orange skin and eyes (from the remaining one will roar for help. The giants will
eating the mushrooms in room A). Filth, refuse, and arrive after 2 rounds.
5,192 gp are scattered about.
J. Ice coats this 10° Fahrenheit chamber. Herein dwell
C. If anyone stays in this room for more than 1 minute, 4 frost giants who like to throw the huge chunks of ice
it fills with a glittering, silvery gas. All within must they keep in a pile in the middle of the room. Each
save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for 2-8 turns. giant wears a ring (worth 500 gp, 800 gp, 900 gp, and
Thereafter, the master thieves from room D will arrive 1,000 gp), and they guard with their lives a 2' tall
to finish off the party and steal all of their valuables. crystalline statuette of an ice princess worth 7,500 gp.
If 2 giants are slain, the others will yell for their frost
D. Here skulk 3 chaotic 9th-level master thieves. Each salamander allies in room L, which arrive after 2
wears leather armor +1, and they bear swords and rounds.
daggers. One has a potion of speed. They are
extraordinarily greedy. K. Ice coats this 10° Fahrenheit room. The frost giants
keep their bedrolls here.
E. A mosaic fills the north wall, depicting a cloaked
man standing in a dark street. He holds a small bag in L. Ice coats this 10° Fahrenheit room. 2 frost
his right hand. If the bag is pressed firmly, a stone in salamanders make it their lair, guarding a jeweled
the wall will slide inward, releasing a purple gas that crown worth 3,300 gp and a crystal ball. If a
fills the room. All must save vs. paralysis or fall under salamander is slain, the other will flee to its frost giant
a slow spell for 24 hours. allies in room J.

F. This chamber is a no man's land separating the M. Herein is a false wishing pool set-up by the master
cloud giants (room G) and blue dragons (room I) from thieves in room D. It is inscribed in Common: "Cast in
their sworn enemies: the frost giants in room J and the at least 500 gp (or equivalent) to receive a wish. You
frost salamanders in room L. Unless care is taken to be can use the wish whenever you want." In the water are
silent, there is a 50% chance that either the dragons or 1,000 ep. Allow PCs who throw in enough treasure to
the salamanders will charge in, enraged, and attack. be fooled into thinking that they have been granted a
This will lead to the other three groups of monsters wish. The master thieves collect all treasures (other
entering to join the fray, one group every other round. than the 1,000 ep) every day after lunch.
The monsters would rather attack each other than
intruders, so canny PCs can slink away and let the N. 2 vicious basilisks lair here, attacking anything
giants and their allies duke it out. coming through any of the doors.

G. Here lair 2 ugly and grumpy gray cloud giants who O. 3 chimerae guard a huge chest holding 6,491 gp, a
attack first and ask questions later. They keep their wand of fear (9 charges), and a spell scroll: light,
throwing boulders in the northwest corner. Each giant protection from evil, continual light, cure disease,
wears a jeweled belt worth 4,600 gp. They are allied create water, cure serious wounds, dispel evil. The
with the blue dragons in room I. If one giant is slain, chimerae will not allow anyone to go down the stairs
the other will flee to room I. to dungeon level 83.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The sunken floor holds 2' of water. Dwelling F. The walls are of pale green marble. Classical
within are 6 water elementals (HD 8). They will bas-reliefs depict robed philosophers
attack only those who open the western door. At contemplating 8-sided Platonic solids.
the end of the passage behind that door is
treasure: 240 platinum, 8-sided Platonic solids G. 2 leonine amber golems will attack anyone
weighing one pound each, worth 50 gp each for a entering this chamber, but they will not pursue
total value of 12,000 gp, and a ring of telekinesis. beyond it. Each one will shatter when reduced to
The stairs go up to dungeon level 82. 0 hp, revealing the treasure inside: 240 platinum,
12-sided Platonic solids weighing one pound
B. Within this chamber meditate 4 chaotic each, worth 50 gp each for a total value of
10th-level patriarchs. Each wears plate mail +1, 12,000 gp per golem.
and all are armed with maces (one with a
mace +3). They will not attack if intruders do not H. The walls are of pale blue marble. Classical
persist in disturbing their mystic contemplations. bas-reliefs depict robed philosophers
The patriarchs all have the same memorized contemplating 12-sided Platonic solids.
I. The walls are of soft white marble. Classical
1st: cause light wounds, darkness, cause fear, bas-reliefs depict robed philosophers
resist cold contemplating 20-sided Platonic solids.
2nd: blight, hold person, resist fire, silence 15'
radius J. A fiery orange jacinth (worth 5,000 gp) rests
3rd: continual darkness, curse, striking upon a scarlet cushion on a pedestal. If disturbed
4th: cause serious wounds (x3) (other than by being gently prodded with a 10'
5th: commune, finger of death pole or something similar), it will vanish in a
burst of orange light. All within the room must
C. The walls are of pale yellow marble. Classical save vs. spells or become insanely greedy.
bas-reliefs depict robed philosophers Anyone affected will refuse to leave behind even
contemplating 4-sided Platonic solids. a single cp. This lasts until he makes his saving
throw, a new one allowed every 3 days.
D. The walls are of pale red marble. Classical bas-
reliefs depict robed philosophers contemplating K. 5 flame salamanders warm themselves around
6-sided Platonic solids. a giant brazier set with 28 red, orange, or yellow
gems (worth 500 gp each). Also near the fire is a
E. In the chamber's center stands a motionless, pair of boots of traveling and leaping.
16' tall bronze golem upon a 4' tall hollow
pedestal. A door in the pedestal pulls outward L. 6 stone giants guard big bags holding 9,752 gp,
with a screech. Within are 800 platinum, 20-sided a potion of clairaudience, and a sword +1, +2 vs.
Platonic solids weighing 1 pound each, worth lycanthropes. Throwing stones are liberally
50 gp each for a total value of 40,000 gp. The strewn on the floor. If at least two giants are slain,
golem will not attack (or even move) unless any one will run down the stairs to room A of
of the platinum is removed from the pedestal. dungeon level 84 and return in 5 rounds with all
4 stone giants who lair there.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Here dwell 4 stone giants amongst big throwing G. 3 devil swine in hog form lair here amongst stink
stones littering the floor. If any of these giants were and filth. They guard a chest holding 3,333 ep.
already slain in room L of dungeon level 83, they
will of course not be here. They attack only in H. This room is 118° Fahrenheit. In the center of the
defense of themselves or of other stone giants. The room is a 10' diameter pool of red-orange liquid that
stairs ascend to dungeon level 83. seethes waves of intense heat throughout rooms
H-K. Anyone so incandescently stupid as to plunge
B. This room is 0° Fahrenheit and covered in white into the pool will take 4-48 points of damage per
ice. In the center of the room is a 10' diameter pool round (no saving throw). Each day a fire elemental
of snow-white liquid that emanates waves of frigid (HD 8) congeals from the pool and moves to room J
cold throughout rooms B-E. Anyone so moronic as (though no more than 8 elementals will be in the
to plunge into the pool will take 4-48 points of dungeon level at one time). The pool will be
damage per round (no saving throw). The pool will destroyed if at least 7 gallons from the pool in room
be destroyed if at least 7 gallons from the pool in B is poured into it.
room H is poured into it.
I. This room is 118° Fahrenheit. 3 chimeras will rush
C. This room is 0° Fahrenheit and covered in white and roar at intruders, but they will not pursue out
ice. The 4 frost giants that live here will break huge, of rooms H-K. The largest one's goat head has
rock-hard icicles from the ceiling and use them to golden horns together weighing 1,000 pounds and
clobber intruders. worth a total of 10,000 gp. A staff of withering
(13 charges) leans against the northwest corner.
D. This room is 0° Fahrenheit and covered in white
ice. Herein lair 2 white dragons (HD 9) that neither J. This room is 118° Fahrenheit. 4 fire elementals
talk nor sleep. They will attack intruders, but they (HD 8) from room H's pool dart about, burning
will not pursue out of this chamber. They guard, intruders to a crisp.
loose upon the floor, 5,858 pp and 11 pieces of
jewelry worth 755 gp each. Hidden by the 2" thick K. This room is 118° Fahrenheit. 2 particularly nasty
opaque white ice, an empty mirror of life trapping red dragons (HD 10), which neither talk nor sleep,
hangs on the center of the east wall. will torch intruders. Each dragon's teeth are of ruby,
worth 25,000 gp per dragon. The walls are painted
E. This room is 0° Fahrenheit and covered in white with scores of 3' diameter gold rings set with rubies,
ice. The frost giants in room C keep most of their though the ring on the secret door is not painted
stuff here: bedrolls, blankets, sacks of dried beef, with a ruby.
barrels of ale, and assorted junk.
L. On the floor is a ring of regeneration.
F. In the center of the room is a 15' diameter pool of
water 3' deep. The pool is inscribed in the common M. The master thieves in room N keep here their
tongue: "TELEPORT POOL". Anyone fully bedrolls, 10 gallons of wine, and 6 weeks of iron
submerging himself will, upon surfacing, find rations.
himself (along with everything on his person) in a
random room of a random level of the deep N. 2 chaotic 10th-level master thieves lurk here.
dungeons (levels 79 through 117). Those following They wear leather armor +2 and are armed with
will almost certainly teleport to a different room swords, daggers, and crossbows. One has a dozen
and/or level. Only those surfacing at the same crossbow bolts +1. The master thieves will openly
moment will have a guarantee of teleporting to an attack only those obviously weakened, and they
identical location. will of course try to steal anything they can. The
stairs descend to dungeon level 85.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 2 green dragons (HD 8), which neither talk nor G. A 12-headed hydra guards 14,272 "gold" pieces
sleep, wait here to attack anything coming down made of worthless pyrite. Buried amongst them
the stairs from dungeon level 84. Curiously, they is an axe +2. Each of the hydra's 12 skulls
will not attack (except in self-defense) those (including the teeth) is made of unbreakable
entering by the passages. Some of the facial scales crystal worth 1,000 gp.
on the dragons are made of bright green gems
worth 9,000 gp per dragon. H. 3 gorgons dwell amongst their seven petrified
victims: a cleric, a dwarf, an elf, a fighter, a
B. 2 cyclopes dwell here, each wearing a golden halfling, a magic-user, and a thief.
fleece worth 5,000 gp. They guard a potion of
speed and a sword +1, +2 vs. spell users. I. 2 efreet will courteously converse with those
who are polite and deferential. They will caution
C. Scattered on the floor in the center of the room avoidance of "the cursed colossi" in rooms K-L.
are 101 gems (worth 100 gp each) of every The efreet will attack at the first sign of
imaginable color. If anything disturbs even a unpleasant behavior.
single gem, the 4 invisible stalker guards will
attack every living thing in the room. They will J. This luxurious chamber serves as the lounge of
not leave the room except in pursuit of the gems. the efreet (room I). The fragrance of rare and
exotic incense fills the room. Persian carpets, fine
D. This is the dwelling of 3 chaotic 10th-level silks, and rare unguents and incenses are worth a
lords in blue plate mail +1 and with blue total of 13,000 gp.
shields +1. All are armed with swords and
spears, and one wears gauntlets of ogre power. K. All three of these rooms are identical. 16' tall
Each wears a ring worth 1,500 gp. The lords are bronze statues of standing fire giants hold
not particularly aggressive, but they will not swords at their breasts. They face the northern or
allow people to use their rooms (D and E) as a southern door, as appropriate. Every one of the
passageway. statues has 2 emeralds (worth 2,750 gp each) for
eyes, free for the taking.
E. The lords in room D keep here racks holding
3-5 of each of the weapons on the rulebook's price L. A 16' tall bronze golem, holding a sword at its
list. breast, stands motionless facing the southern
door (past which the stairs descend far down to
F. In this chamber is a small basin and pedestal dungeon level 116). The golem's 2 eyes are
made of pale pink marble. A clear liquid, watery emeralds worth 2,750 gp each. It will attack only
but slightly oily, fills the basin. It is inscribed in if its eyes are touched or if the southern door is
Common: "PLACE WAND WITHIN TO opened.
RECHARGE." Unfortunately, the magic basin no
longer works reliably. It has a 48% chance of M. 2 vicious basilisks lair here, guarding a helm
recharging any wand to 20 charges, and a 52% of teleportation. They bleed liquid platinum
chance of destroying the wand and causing it to which solidifies after 3 turns. Each can bleed
go off (possibly affecting those in range). 87 pounds of platinum (worth 4,350 gp per

N. 2 hungry black puddings squelch about in

here. The stairs go down to dungeon level 86.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 4 neutral 11th-level master thieves in pastel hp/round within. All others will take 1 hp of
motley greet those coming down the stairs damage at the end of each turn. The stairs go
from dungeon level 85: "Welcome to the up to dungeon level 81.
dungeons' 86th level." All wear leather armor
+1 and are armed with swords, daggers, and H. All the stone of this room is vivid yellow.
slings. One has a set of drums of panic. Each Any primarily yellow creature will regenerate
master thief wears a necklace worth 4,000 gp, 1 hp/round within. All others will take 1 hp of
and one has a pouch of 27 gp. They attack only damage at the end of each turn.
in self-defense.
I. 2 blue dragons (HD 9), which neither talk nor
B. All the stone of this room is vivid red. Any sleep, lair in this room of blue stone, which
primarily red creature will regenerate 1 makes them (and any other primarily blue
hp/round within. All others will take 1 hp of creature) regenerate 1 hp/round within. All
damage at the end of each turn. others will take 1 hp of damage at the end of
each turn. They guard a mound of treasure:
C. All the stone of this room is vivid orange. 38,214 gp and 7 gems worth 1,000 gp each.
Any primarily orange creature will regenerate
1 hp/round within. All others will take 1 hp of J. Residing here are 3 frost salamanders in an ill
damage at the end of each turn. temper because they consider the room to be
beastly hot. They guard a pair of boots of
D. 3 black dragons (HD 7), spitting mad, attack speed and pale blue-white urns that contain
anything that moves and fight to the death. 5,112 ep.
They neither talk nor sleep.
K. 7 water elementals are stationed within this
E. An alabaster box (worth 30 gp) holds a chamber. They are servants of the cloud giants
complete set of 22 scrolls in an ancient, in room L. The elementals will attack anyone
forgotten language. They record a lost epic trying to leave the room by the west passage.
narrative poem of gods and heroes. The right
buyer would give 3,000 gp for the set. L. 2 white cloud giants in pale blue robes make
this their home. They keep piles of throwing
F. 2 ravenous purple worms lurk in this room stones in each of the room's four corners. Also
of purple stone, which makes them (and any in each corner is a chest or a box holding one
other primarily purple creature) regenerate 1 type of treasure: 2,888 ep, 6,051 gp, 3 crowns
hp/round within. All others will take 1 hp of (worth 1,800 gp each), and a medallion of ESP
damage at the end of each turn. Visibily 30'. If either giant loses more than half of its hit
embedded in the worms' bulks are 5,430 gp, 6 points, they will call for their water elemental
gems (worth 500 gp each), a ring of protection servants in room K, which will arrive in 2 or 3
+1, and a spell scroll: cure light wounds (x2), rounds.
cure disease, cure serious wounds, raise dead.
M. Gusts of cool air blow up the stairs from
G. All the stone of this room is vivid green. dungeon level 87. Torches will be blown out,
Any primarily green creature will regenerate 1 and lanterns have a 50% chance of going out.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 4 air elementals (HD 12) whirl about, causing all the wall's edge near the southeastern corner is
torches and lanterns to go out. They will attack written vertically in the common tongue:
anything coming into this room, but they will not "LOCATION?" Upon command, the tesserae will
pursue out of the room. The stairs go up to magically shift to spell-out (in Common) the
dungeon level 86. locations of PCs: "Glendor is on dungeon level 111,
room D" (or whatever).
B. Dropped on the floor near the western passage is
a scrap of parchment with the following scrawled in I. 4 earth elementals (HD 12) guard a pile of
elvish: "BEWARE THE WIZARDS!" 3,660 pp. They will not attack unless the treasure is
C. A vile, oily stink fills this lair of 8 hungry trolls.
Rubble, bones, pieces of rotted wood, and 375 gp J. The fresh corpse of a purple worm is stretched out
litter the floor. Hidden beneath the refuse is a small upon the floor.
chest containing 15 jade figurines of bizarre trolls
(each worth 1,000 gp). K. 5 wyverns fly about, attacking anything on two
legs. Some of the scales of the wyverns are made of
D. Dull copper plates cover the walls. 4 fire giants platinum. The precious scales on any given wyvern
roast the corpse of some hapless soul over the red weigh 41 pounds and are worth 2,050 gp. They
coals in their huge brazier, and the giants will not beasts also guard 6 crossbow bolts +2 and a potion
take kindly to having their meal interrupted. They of control human.
will yell at intruders to get out, unless they see a
dwarf ("good eating"), in which case they will L. On a small shelf on the south wall is a lantern
immediately attack. If any giants are slain, they will holding a glowing red gland of a fire beetle. It will
whistle for their hellhounds (room E), which will continue to glow for 5 days, and it will be
arrive in 2 rounds. The fire giants have big sacks unaffected by the air elementals in room A.
holding 5,050 gp and 47 fire opals (worth 500 gp
each). The stairs go down to dungeon level 95. M. Twisting and distubing runes daubed in
magenta blood cover most of the floor, walls, and
E. 4 hellhounds (HD 7) roll around on the floor, ceiling. 2 chaotic 10th-level wizards pore over a
fighting over bones. They will swiftly forget their moldering scroll, the only known copy of the
bones at the prospect of eating intruders. The prehistoric Fragments of Ng, which hint at
spiked iron collars they wear are worthless. appalling prehuman histories. It is worth 18,000 gp.
Both wizards are armed with curved daggers, and
F. The 5 flame salamanders that live here are one has a ring of telekinesis and a wand of fear
friendly with the fire giants (room D), but they (15 charges), and the other a wand of lightning
would not go so far as to help them in a fight. A bolts (19 charges). They have 52 gp and 58 pp in
sooty black idol of a humanoid flame deity stands their pouches. The wizards will blast anyone with
in the southeast corner of the room. It is hollow and the temerity to disturb their blasphemous
easily broken. Inside are concealed 13 gold researches. They have the same memorized spells:
necklaces (worth 1,000 gp each), 1 gold necklace set
with fiery rubies (worth 6,000 gp), and a helm of 1st: magic missile (x3)
telepathy. 2nd: mirror image, phantasmal force, web
3rd: fire ball (x2), hold person
G. What is the corpse of a kobold doing here? 4th: confusion, polymorph others, polymorph self
5th: cloudkill, feeblemind
H. The east wall is covered with a disarray of
mosaic tesserae of every color imaginable. Along The stairs descend to dungeon level 88.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The 7 stone giants here are really into their F. 2 unusually clever cyclopes sit on logs
"ball" game, laughing while they throw and playing chess. They do not care if anyone
kick huge rocks at each other. They will ignore watches them play, but they will not tolerate
intruders, though a dwarf, gnome, or halfling any noise. The chess pieces are of gold (with
will have a 15% chance per round of the kings set with emeralds and the queens
accidentally being mistaken for a rock, and so with pearls) and are worth a total of 7,500 gp.
picked up and thrown. (If the giant makes a One of the cyclopes also has a "stick" with
successful to hit roll, the hapless demi-human which he likes to fidget: a staff of striking with
has been thrown and will take 3-18 points of 17 charges. The other cyclops will curse anyone
damage.) Each intruder also has a 20% chance interrupting their chess game. The victim will
per round of accidentally getting hit by a rock. have a -4 to hit penalty which will last until a
The giants have big bags swinging from their remove curse spell is cast on him.
belts holding a total of 4,912 gp and 8 pieces of
jewelry worth 1,400 gp each. The stairs go up G. On the floor is the left forearm of the inert
to dungeon level 87. bronze golem in room C.

B. 2 amber golems fashioned in the shape of H. 4 black dragons (HD 7), which neither talk
tigers stand motionless in the middle of the nor sleep, lie upon their pile of coins: 10,202 gp
room, snarling and facing each other with a and 8,992 pp. They pretend to be sleeping, and
front paw extended. Between them is a chest they will attack with great suddenness (giving
holding 1,744 pp. The golems will attack if the them a +3 bonus to their first initiative roll).
chest is disturbed.
I. On the floor is the lower left leg of the inert
C. Lying on its back on a 3' high platform is an bronze golem in room C.
inert bronze golem. Both of its forearms, its
lower left leg, and its right foot are missing. If J. Levitating 8' above the center of the floor is
all four missing parts (in rooms D, G, I, and L) an invisible aquamarine (worth 3,600 gp)
are put in their proper places, they will expertly carved into the shape of a flame. It
reattach and the golem will attack in a berserk will remain invisible until touched by living
fury. If destroyed, its blood will solidify into a flesh.
half ton of gold nuggets worth 10,000 gp.
K. Long ago a mighty wizard, using ancient
D. On the floor is the right foot of the inert and powerful magic, bound 5 fire elementals
bronze golem in room C. (HD 12) to this chamber. They are tasked with
attacking anything that enters, rushing down
E. Murals of lions, goats, and dragons cover the upon intruders in torrents of living flame. They
walls, depicted as slaying men. Appropriately, will fight to the death.
3 chimera lair here, eager to also slay men.
They guard a loose pile of 8,111 gp near the L. On the floor is the right forearm of the inert
south wall. Hidden amongst the coins are a bronze golem in room C. The stairs descend to
potion of invisibility and a ring of spell dungeon level 89.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 3 black puddings lurk here, making meals of E. 3 white dragons (HD 8), which neither talk
anything so accommodating as to enter this nor sleep, lair in this chamber. They guard a
room. 3,409 pp are fortunately kept in 2 stone rope of climbing and 19,092 gp (made of white
coffers, preventing the puddings from gold, which is of the same value as other gold)
corroding the coins. The stairs go up to loose upon the floor. Bas-reliefs of weird
dungeon level 88. tentacled creatures fill the walls. The white
dragons have a healthy respect for the basilisks
B. 3 chaotic matriarchs dwell here amongst in room D.
fabrics and furniture so faded by time as to be
mere shadows of blue and green. They have F. 5 earth elementals (HD 12) are magically
bald heads and wear simple tunics, and they incapable of passing beyond rooms F and G.
never speak save to utter the weird syllables of A pile of 36 brown and black gemstones (worth
spells. Their mystical meditations have given 500 gp each) is by the south wall. The
them a natural AC of -2. All are armed with elementals will attack only those who disturb
maces, and one has a snake staff. Each wears a the gems.
slender belt of an unknown alien metal worth
7,000 gp. The matriarchs will attack anyone G. About 3" of mud covers the floor of this
entering from the east. To all others they will room, contested between the earth elementals
sternly point to the door they entered, (room F) and the water elementals (room H).
attacking if intruders do not beat a hasty
retreat. They have the same spells memorized: H. 5 water elementals (HD 12) are magically
incapable of passing beyond rooms G and H.
1st: cause light wounds, darkness, cause A pile of 36 pearls (worth 500 gp each) is by the
fear (x2) north wall. The elementals will attack only
2nd: blight, hold person, resist fire, silence 15' those who disturb the pearls.
3rd: continual darkness, cause disease, curse, I. The ceiling of this enchanted chamber shows
striking the actual sky, as though one were standing on
4th: cause serious wounds (x2), sticks to the surface at the entrance to level 1 of the
snakes (50 sticks) dungeons.
5th: insect plague (works underground),
quest, finger of death J. 2 blue dragons (HD 9), which neither talk nor
sleep, reside in this chamber. They guard a
C. The floor, walls, and ceiling are of polished mound of 8,615 gp and 1,623 pp. Mixed in the
blue-gray stone. A hush fills the chamber, for pile are a wand of metal detection (10 charges)
the matriarchs in room B regularly engage in and a spell scroll: lightning bolt, control
their mysterious meditations herein. weather. The dragons will attack only those
who attempt to steal their treasure or go down
D. 3 perpetually angry basilisks pace back and the stairs to dungeon level 90.
forth in this chamber, attacking all intruders. A
petrified white dragon is evidence of their

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. In this room 4 gorgons bellow and snort. They will gently wilt during the day but will have their
guard a spear +1 and twenty urns that contain freshness restored by the light of the moon. All
9,728 gp and a spell scroll: protection from evil, together they are worth 13,000 gp.
sleep, haste, charm monster, remove curse, wall of
ice, transmute rock to mud. The stairs ascend to H. Brightly-painted murals cover the walls,
dungeon level 89. depicting priests in robes of many shades of purple
venerating purple worms, some of which consume
B. Displayed in this chamber are dozens of stuffed sacrifices or destroy structures. Lairing here are 3
apes: various orangutans, gorillas, white apes purple worms that will attack all who do not give
(including one with four arms), chimpanzees, and a them worship. Scattered about are 839 gold nuggets
profusion of assorted gibbons. There are also a few worth a total of 7,611 gp and 8 deep purple garnet
stuffed rock baboons. None of the primates is of crystals worth 750 gp each.
value, all being dusty and quite worn.
I. A beautiful tapestry hangs upon the southern
C. In the center of the floor of this otherwise bare wall. It depicts four scenes:
room is a tetrahedron (with 11.5" edges) of pure
platinum that weighs 140 pounds and is worth 1. A warrior and a wizard shake hands.
7,000 gp. Anyone or anything getting within 1' of
the tetrahedron will enrage the 5 invisible stalkers 2. The two battle against four purple worms to save
that guard it. These beings will stop at nothing to a fair maiden. The warrior wields a two-handed
ensure that the platinum remains untouched. sword, and huge billowing clouds of sickly green
come from the wizard's outstretched hands.
D. Twisted bits of iron slag litter the floor, and the
walls and ceiling are blackened from intense fire. 3. The warrior and maiden stand, heads bowed,
before the bier of the slain wizard.
E. The air herein is oppressively sulfurous, and
smoldering coals illumine the chamber with an 4. The warrior and maiden stand upon a green,
eerie, red glow. 2 red dragons (HD 11), which sunlit hill, gazing into each other's eyes.
neither talk nor sleep, enjoy their environment and
would not mind enjoying a bit of supper. They The tapestry is 24' long, 8' tall, and weighs 95
guard a huge, opened chest that holds 8,787 pp. pounds. It is worth 8,350 gp.
Buried beneath the coins is a ring of 4 wishes. The
dragons will fight to the death rather than let J. Low tables along the south and west walls display
anyone take the ring. what remains of a dwarf's rock collection
(specimens labeled in dwarvish). All the valuable
F. The glossy black skeleton of a stegosaurus is stones have been looted, so the collection is now
displayed on a polished pedestal of petrified wood. worthless.
A small, shiny brass plaque reads in a mysterious,
unknown language: "STEGOSAURUS STENOPS". K. 11 trolls dwell here, guarding 4 rings (worth
1,000 gp each), a crown (worth 10,000 gp), a
G. The perfumed fragrance of roses in full bloom shield +1, and a sword +3. The trolls will fight
suffuses the air, through which gently waft fiercely, but they will not leave their lair. The largest
hundreds of moon rose petals in all the pallid hues troll will attack each round with the magic sword
of lunar rainbows. These are the treasured and with a bite.
possession of 6 air elementals (HD 12) which will
attack only those who seek to steal or harm the L. Rocky rubble on the floor makes walking
petals. If taken from the room, the moon rose petals difficult. The stairs descend to dungeon level 91.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
The entire dungeon level is 106° Fahrenheit, G. a cloud giant with only half of his total hit
but it is a dry heat. points
H. a frost giant (leader of the other 3 frost
A. Stationed here are 3 red dragons (HD 8) that giant prisoners)
neither talk nor sleep. They serve the fire giants
(room I) by torching, rending, and chomping I. This is the hall of the masters of this dungeon
anything that comes down the eastern stairs level: 7 arrogant fire giants. They keep the keys
from dungeon level 90, or ascends the western to the prison cells (rooms C-H) and to the chest
stairs from dungeon level 92. These dragons in room J. The giants' beds and foul belongings
are particularly vicious and will fight to the are ranged along the walls. Hidden in one of
death. Their treasures are scattered widely the beds is a girdle of giant strength. In the
across the floor: 21,309 gp and 55 red, orange, chamber's center is a cauldron over a fire, full
or yellow gems worth 100 gp each. of molten gold ore. If spilled and allowed to
cool over the course of 24 hours, there will be
B. This room serves as the guest quarters for chunks of gold weighing altogether a little over
7 flame salamanders from the earth's fiery 2 tons and worth 40,213 gp. If 3 of the giants
depths, invited here by the fire giants (room I) are slain, the others will whistle for their
as consultants for raising the dungeon level's hellhounds (room K), which will arrive in 2
temperature to something more comfortable. rounds. If 5 of the giants are slain, the
Bright orange, gem-like scales cover the remaining 2 will flee to room J to make a stand.
salamanders, worth 3,830 gp per salamander. A
shield +3 emblazoned with flames hangs on J. Lairing here are 2 hydras with 11 heads each
the north wall, and the giants have given their that all breathe fire. They guard a locked chest
guests a spell scroll: fire ball (x2), wall of fire (the key in room I) holding 3,775 gp, 2 fire
(x2), conjure fire elemental. The salamanders opals (worth 1,000 gp each), and a ruby (worth
will attack only in self-defense. 5,000 gp). The hydras are servants of the fire
giants in room I.
C-H. These serve as cells for prisoners of the
fire giants (room I). Each has a locked door K. This is the kennel of the fire giants' (room I)
with a small, barred opening. The fire giants 7 hellhounds (HD 7) that wear jeweled collars
have the keys. The frost giant prisoners will worth 780 gp each. The hellhounds will attack
certainly ally themselves with anyone who anything other than the fire giants or their
wishes to kill the fire giants and their allies. allies.
The cloud giants are willing to fight against the
fire giants only, but not their allies. L. An immovable throne faces the east wall
where a sheet of red flame continuously dances
C. a frost giant with an eye patch and flickers. Anyone seated upon the throne
D. a frost giant with his beard plucked out, so can, while gazing into the flames, issue a
enraged that his morale score is 12 command: "Show me level [whatever] of the
E. a frost giant with only one-third of his total dungeons!" He will then see the interior of a
hit points random room on that level. The power of the
F. a cloud giant throne can be invoked only three times per day.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 5 efreet have taken up residence in this chamber. F. This room is filled to the gills with everything an
Each bears a jeweled, golden scimitar worth alchemist could desire. Beakers, retorts, alembrics,
3,000 gp, and they guard a sword +1, flames on mortars and pestles, crucibles, alundels, etc. fill a 20'
command. The efreet can be reasoned with, though by 3' oak table. Shelves on the walls hold hundreds
they will not allow anyone to open the northern of small bottles containing the multitudinous
door. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 91. ingredients of the alchemist's art. In fact, a forgotten
potion of polymorph self is nestled amongst all the
B. Here reside 5 frost salamanders that guard 8 jade other bottles. Any wizard or elven wizard/lord
figurines (worth 1,000 gp each), a pale blue could use all the tools and materials in this chamber
transparent stone carved into the likeness of fish in to concoct 23 different magic potions of his choice in
a splashing wave (worth 12,000 gp), and eight only half the typical time and for only half the usual
arrows +2. cost.

C. This chamber is the lair of 4 green dragons G. Dominating the room is a 3' high beige granite
(HD 11) that neither talk nor sleep. They rest upon a plinth upon which is the half-finished body of a 16'
vast mound of 28,596 ep, 15,422 gp, and 6,241 pp. tall bronze golem. No liquid fire courses through its
The dragons will leave their lair only to pursue inert mass. Braziers and various tools (hammers,
those who dare to steal their treasure. tongs, snips, etc.) are ranged along the walls.

D. No magic of any sort will work within this H. Tables and shelves are packed with high-quality
empty and spotlessly clean room. Anyone casting a items that a wizard could enchant into magic items:
spell herein will find that it fades from memory, daggers, rings, blank scrolls, amulets, bags, boots,
even though nothing else happens. Magic items will brooms, crystal balls, drums, bottles, cloaks, bowls,
cease to be magic (though their magic will return braziers, censers, stones, carpets, girdles, helms,
when taken from the room). Anyone under the medallions, mirrors, ropes, scarabs, rods, staffs,
effect of a spell, curse, magic item, etc. will find the wands, etc.
enchantment disappear and not return even when
he leaves the chamber. I. This is the former bed chamber and current
mausoleum of the wizard who spent his last
E. Wooden shelves line the walls, and two 10' long decades in rooms D through I. His bed, desk, and
by 5' wide oak tables are near the room's center. chairs are pushed against the walls to make room
Upon one table are skeletons and bones of various for his bier in the center of the chamber. The
species of owl and of bear. Upon the other table is wizard's perfectly preserved body lies in its blue
the complete skeleton of an owl bear. The shelves robes and conical hat, both covered with silver
hold hundreds of bottles containing bear and owl stars, planets, crescent moons, and comets. He has
body parts preserved in foul-smelling fluids. It was white hair of medium length and a long, white
in this very room long ago that genetic beard that reaches almost to his waist. If the body is
experimentation by an insane wizard (whose body removed from this chamber, it will disintegrate into
is in room I) created owl bears. Thanks a lot! fine ash within minutes.

J. 5 aggressive devil swine lurk here, 4 in hog form.

Their leader (in human form) is armed with a two-
handed sword and a horn of blasting. They possess
bags holding a total of 4,326 ep, 4 gems (worth
1,000 gp each), and 4 gold crowns (worth 2,000 gp
each). The stairs go down to dungeon level 93.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Splashes of blood stain the walls and the floor. F. Water splashes from a fountain of pale yellow
The stairs go up to dungeon level 92. marble. It is skillfully carved in the shape of
maidens pouring water from amphorae.
B. As in room A, splashes of blood stain the walls
and the floor. G. 5 fire giants kneel before and venerate a gold
statue of a fire giant hero (weighing 3,200 pounds
C. This is the domicile of 3 chaotic 11th-level and worth 32,000 gp) that is flanked by burning
wizards who wear uncanny green robes. All are braziers and sits upon a pedestal by the center of
bald and clean-shaven. Their daggers (worth the north wall. Anyone entering through the
300 gp each) are curved and ornate. One has a southern passage will have a 50% chance of
wand of illusion (9 charges), another has an surprising the worshipers. The fire giants will
efreeti bottle, and the third has a potion of throw huge chunks of pyrite at intruders before
control human. Each wears a mysterious ring closing for melee.
(worth 2,000 gp) of an alien metal and set with an
unknown green gem. The wizards attack any H. 3 chaotic 11th-level lords dwell here. They
who dares disturb their recondite and arcane wear black plate mail +2. All bear black shields
cogitations. Their memorized spells are the same: and swords, one a sword +1, +2 vs. spell users
and another a sword +2. The third possesses a
1st: charm person, magic missile (x2), shield potion of speed which he will drink at the first
2nd: ESP, mirror image, phantasmal force sign of trouble. The lords keep a total of 10 gp
3rd: clairvoyance, dispel magic, hold person and 18 pp in their pouches.
4th: confusion, polymorph others, wall of fire
5th: feeblemind, telekinesis I. When any neutral or lawful character enters
6th: projected image this room, a magic mouth on the northern wall
will say in Common: "DO NOT TOUCH THE
The stairs descend to dungeon level 97. TREASURE! BEWARE OF THE CURSE! YOU
HAVE BEEN WARNED." On the floor are exactly
D. Scorch marks from lightning score the ceiling, 10,000 ep in one thousand stacks of ten coins
walls, and floor. arranged in ten groups of one hundred stacks. In
spite of the magic mouth's dire pronouncement,
E. Three statues of dragons in attitudes of anger the treasure can be taken without consequence.
and of battle stand amidst treasures loose on the
floor: 32,388 ep, 24 pieces of jewelry (worth J. This is the lair of 5 weird wyverns. Their tail
1,100 gp each), and a spell scroll: cure light stingers are of pure platinum (worth 1,200 gp
wounds, light. Each PC can (once) take up to each), and their eyes are purple gems (worth
1,000 ep, and nothing amiss will occur. Should 1,000 gp each). They guard pale pink urns
anyone try to take the spell scroll, any of the holding 7,023 gp. Leaning against the urns is a
jewelry, or more than 1,000 coins, then the three staff of healing.
statues will transform into blue dragons (HD 9)
that attack with a 50% chance of surprise. They K. Lurking here are 4 devil swine in hog form.
do not speak. The dragons will return to stone Their temperamental nature makes them charge
after 7 hours. all intruders, asking questions later. The stairs go
down to dungeon level 94.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 93. They cover the origins and ancient history of
thieves. The right scholar would pay up to
B. This room contains a library of a few hundred 1,000 gp for the lot.
scrolls written in an ancient, forgotten language.
They cover the origins and ancient history of G. This is the lair of 7 stone giants. They will fight
magic-users. The right scholar would pay up to only in self-defense. Their favorite mode of attack
2,000 gp for the lot. is throwing their 43 huge cairngorm crystals
(worth 500 gp each). If a cairngorm misses its
C. Here live 4 miserable frost salamanders, target, it will shatter into worthless shards when
wishing for some cooler temperatures. They long it hits the floor or wall. If 3 of the giants are slain,
to dwell in the Chamber of Snows (room E), but one giant will run to room K, returning with the
room D's red dragons (who hate frost 6 earth elementals 4 rounds later. The giants also
salamanders on general principles) will certainly guard a potion of gaseous form and a rod of
not allow the salamanders to go traipsing cancellation.
through their chamber. Consequently, the
salamanders (one of which knows the common H. This room contains a library of a few hundred
tongue) will offer the PCs an alliance: In scrolls written in an ancient, forgotten language.
exchange for the PCs and the salamanders They cover the origins and ancient history of
joining forces to slay the dragons, the PCs can fighters. The right scholar would pay up to
keep 50% of the dragons' treasure (including any 1,300 gp for the lot.
magic items). The salamanders can possibly be
bargained into allowing the PCs up to 75% of the I. Two lion-like amber golems sit motionless, each
treasure. If such an alliance succeeds in killing clamping a black sapphire (worth 8,000 gp)
the dragons, the chaotic salamanders will betray between its teeth. If anyone removes even one of
the PCs if they outnumber the PCs at least two- the sapphires from a golem's mouth, both will
to-one. animate and destroy all life within the chamber.
They will pursue outside of the room only those
D. Lying atop a hoard of 23,547 gp are 3 red who have one of the black sapphires in their
dragons (HD 10) that neither talk nor sleep. possession.
Mixed in with the coins are a shield +2 and a
broom of flying. Intruders will receive breath J. This room contains a library of a few hundred
weapon attacks, but if they immediately flee, the scrolls written in an ancient, forgotten language.
dragons will not pursue. If, however, anyone They cover the origins and ancient history of
dares to attack the dragons, the dragons will clerics. The right scholar would pay up to
pursue their attackers anywhere on this dungeon 1,700 gp for the lot.
K. 6 earth elementals (HD 12) lurk here, fighting
E. A hush fills this 30° Fahrenheit magical only in self-defense. Each of their bodies is
chamber. Big, fluffy snowflakes gently fall from partially composed of precious metals and
the ceiling onto 2' of snow on the floor. Frost gemstones weighing 22 pounds and worth
creatures within this room heal three times faster 3,770 gp.
than the normal rate.
L. 4 invisible stalkers hide here, attacking only
F. This room contains a library of a few hundred those who attempt to go down the stairs to
scrolls written in an ancient, forgotten language. dungeon level 95.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. At the foot of the stairs (which lead up to F. Two bronze golems march in an endless circle
dungeon level 94) lies the body of a freshly-slain around the room, the two always directly
magic-user. Bruises cover his body, and he has a opposite of each other. Each of the golems has
stab wound in his back. All of his belongings two fire opals (worth 6,000 gp each) for eyes. As
other than his clothes have already been looted. they pass the doors, the golems will point at the
one nearest it and say a single word in Common
B. The walls, ceiling, and floor herein are of in a deep, reverberating voice, "DOOR". The
beautifully banded sandstone in pale shades of golems will not attack unless someone tries to
tan, brown, yellow, red, pink, and ivory. A couple hinder them or tries to steal their eyes.
of large chunks of sandstone provide natural
benches for weary PCs. G. Lurking here are four chaotic 12th-level master
thieves. They all wear leather armor +3 and are
C. Three closed but unlocked chests 15' apart in armed with swords and crossbows. One wears
the center of the room contain, respectively, boots of speed, and another has a ring of
2,222 ep, 2,222 gp, and 2,222 pp. Taking exactly invisibility, and a third has a potion of
half of the coins out of any or all of the chests will diminution. Each master thief wears a total of
have no ill effects, but taking even one coin too 5,200 gp worth of jewelry. They recently
many or too few will result in an attack by 5 air backstabbed the magic-user in room A and took
elementals (HD 12) that appear out of thin air his valuables: 72 ep, 104 gp, 120 pp, and a wand
(4 in 6 chance of surprise). They will not pursue of fire balls with 3 charges. Having an idea of the
out of the room except into the hallway past the value of the paintings in room H, the master
north door. thieves will under no circumstances allow PCs to
go through the north door
D. Two arrows stick in a straw-stuffed target with
a bullseye painted on it standing by the west H. Hanging upon the walls are 11 paintings, each
wall. On the other side of the room are a short of which is between 2' x 3' and 3' x 4' in size. They
bow, a crossbow, 14 arrows, and 19 quarrels. skillfully depict purple worms being slain, purple
worms being venerated, purple worms wreaking
E. The temperature in this room is 97° Fahrenheit. destruction, etc. Each painting is worth 1,000 gp.
Stationed within are 6 fire elementals (HD 12)
that will attack any intruders and that will I. Around the room stand half a dozen different
pursue through the hallways but not into rooms dinosaur skeletons: a triceratops, an iguanodon, a
D or F. They guard 18 clear glass vials of fluid hadrosaurus, an allosaurus, an ankylosaurus, and
fire, a bright yellow liquid that is as bright as a a pteranodon (technically not a dinosaur, but
lantern and that is hot to the touch (but not hot still).
enough to do any damage or to burn anything).
Each vial is worth 1,000 gp. The elementals also J. This serves as the lair of 5 chimeras that will
guard a potion of control black dragon and a attack anyone trying to go down the stairs to
stone controlling earth elementals. dungeon level 96. They guard a snake staff and a
380-pound statuette of a chimera made out of
pure platinum set with 6 ruby eyes. The entire
thing is worth 31,000 gp. Each ruby is worth
2,000 gp.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Nothing but a coil of 50' of rope is in this 12,000 gp. Also in the elf's pouch is a wand of
room. The stairs go up to dungeon level 95. magic detection (14 charges). The basilisks will
not passively allow PCs to add the gemstones
B. The floor is sunk 1' below the level of the to their own pouches. They would much rather
doors. Waters that deep slosh back and forth add the PCs to their collection of statuary.
through the room. There is no good reason to
go into this room, for the 8,742 pp that seem to G. The walls of this chamber are carved with
lie below the water are illusions, and 6 water the images of dwarven heroes of old. A few of
elementals (HD 12) will angrily attack anyone them are damaged, melted away by acid, for
staying more than 1 minute in their lair. this is the lair of 4 black dragons (HD 7) that
neither talk nor sleep. They guard a hoard
C. A hush and a slight chill pervade this scattered upon the floor: 32,744 ep, 21,111 gp,
chamber of ghostly white marble. Within are 36 gems (worth 500 gp each), a wand of
similarly white marble statues of all the PCs paralyzation (12 charges), and a sword +1,
who have explored the dungeons. The statues +3 vs. dragons. The vicious dragons never
of those PCs who are still alive are depicted as leave their lair, but they will breath acid at
alive, while dead PCs are shown lying dead on those fleeing down any of the corridors.
biers. The statues will change appropriately as
PCs are slain and/or raised from the dead. H. The top half of a human skeleton lies on the
D. This is the dining room of the cyclopes
(room E). They have a giant table, chairs, and I. Two large spigots stick out of the north wall,
place settings. One of the "cups" is a helm of two out of the west wall, and one out of the
reading languages and magic. south wall. Each is made of 355 pounds of solid
gold and worth 3,550 gp. Touching one will
E. This chamber serves as the lair of 4 cyclopes cause a black pudding to pour out of it and
who tend a magical tree growing out of the attack. The first such attack will automatically
stone floor. It is similar to a gnarled oak, 20' be by surprise. Any given spigot will be safe to
high, but it bears a profusion of grapes so dark touch after it has ejected a black pudding.
a purple as to be almost black. Eating the
grapes will put one into a drunken stupor (no J. The bottom half of a human skeleton lies on
actions possible) for a number of hours equal the floor.
to 19 minus one's constitution score. Also
growing thereon are 20 amethysts worth K. A potion of control animal, a suit of plate
1,000 gp each. The cyclopes are not aggressive, mail +2, and four 3' tall vases of gray clay sit
but they will annihilate anyone messing with upright in the northwest corner. If the vases are
their tree. tipped over or if anything is stuck inside them,
4 furious efreet will emerge therefrom and
F. 5 basilisks wander among the statues of demand all of the PCs' gems and jewelry.
former victims: 11 humans, a dwarf, an elf, and Refusal will bring immediate attack. Each
even a cyclops. In the petrified pouches of efreeti wears a gold crown worth 3,650 gp. The
some statues are 18 gemstones worth a total of stairs descend to dungeon level 97.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Here dwell 6 flame salamanders that will G. This disgusting room serves as a dump for the
permit characters to come down the stairs from trolls in room F. Any parts of victims that they do
dungeon level 96, but will not allow them to go not eat, they throw in here. Consequently, about
back up without a fight. The salamanders guard 18" of bones and less pleasant remains cover the
a chest painted flame red that holds 6,288 ep and floor. A search of 1-6 turns will reveal an elven
24 gems (worth 1,000 gp each). cloak and elven boots.

B. Here stands a petrified flame salamander in an H. 3 chaotic 12th-level patriarchs worship their
attitude of attack. It is composed of a glossy, deep enigmatic gods in this chamber covered with bas-
red stone. Any sharp blow will cause it to shatter reliefs of white eyes with pale pink irises 1' in
into flying, pointed shards that will cause 2-5 diameter. They wear plate mail +2 and bear
points of damage to anyone within 6' of the shields +3. Two are armed with maces +3, and
salamander. the third has a staff of striking (16 charges). They
have memorized the same spells:
C. 3 gray-skinned cloud giants in pale blue robes
make this their home. Giant-sized beds, tables, 1st: cause light wounds (x2), darkness, cause
and chairs furnish the room. Stuffed in the fear (x2)
feather mattresses are a total of 10,441 gp, 4 gems 2nd: blight, hold person (x2), resist fire, silence
(worth 500 gp each), and a ring of control human 15' radius
(which the giants do not suspect is magical). 3rd: continual darkness, cause disease (x2),
They would not mind putting the PCs on their curse
menu. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 93. 4th: cause serious wounds (x3), sticks to snakes
(with a total of 51 sticks)
D. The cloud giants in room C use this as their 5th: commune, insect plague (will work in the
food storage: tons (literally) of grain, dried beef, dungeons), finger of death
and dried fruits along with several hundred
gallons of beer. I. 6 frost giants will give intruders a chilly
welcome, always keeping big rocks handy for
E. The acrid smell of chlorine pervades this throwing. They have 20,357 gp in huge sacks.
chamber, so strong as to cause minor nosebleeds.
This is the lair of 3 weird green dragons (HD 8) J. This chamber seems empty, but stuck and
made entirely of translucent, bright green crystal. hidden underneath the thick soot on the ceiling
They neither talk nor sleep, but they will 20' above are 1,843 pp. They can be easily
immediately attack with a vengeance (and have a removed.
morale score of 12). Though they do not guard
any treasures, when each is slain it will shatter K. A pair of 11-headed hydras make life difficult
into chunks of crystal. Combing through the for anyone trying to go down the stairs to
remains will reveal an emerald (worth 6,600 gp) dungeon level 98, or trying to steal their
from each slain dragon. The gems served as the treasures: 3,294 gp loose on the floor and a high-
dragons' hearts. quality sword with jeweled pommel and
scabbard worth 5,000 gp.
F. This chamber is rather hot and muggy and
smells of oil. Lairing here are 13 loathsome trolls.
Eight of them wear ruby necklaces worth
1,800 gp each, and they have a hoard of 8,235 gp.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 7 inky black wyverns (with glowing orange H. Snorting and bellowing can be heard well
eyes) on iron perches wait for victims. The stairs down the two halls that open into this room.
ascend to dungeon level 97. Within are 5 aggressive gorgons trampling
amongst the stone chunks and fragments of
B. In the center of the room is a 13' diameter circle former victims. The gorgons will not pursue if
painted on the floor with indelible mauve dye. intruders leave immediately upon entering the
Anyone and/or anything within the circle for room, unless any of the intruders is wearing a red
more than 30 seconds will be teleported into the cape. In that case, the gorgons will pursue the
identical circle in room J. unfortunates anywhere on the dungeon level.

C. Lairing here are 3 red dragons (HD 11) that I. A wholesome feeling fills this chamber. Those
neither talk nor sleep. They lie upon their of lawful alignment will want to bask in it, while
treasure hoard scattered upon the floor: 8,448 ep, chaotics will find it repellent. If at least half of the
7,392 pp, a potion of control plant, and a ring of PC party is lawful, a gold dragon will materialize
invisibility. The dragons resent intrusion and in a burst of golden streamers of light. The
will greet visitors with great gouts of flame. They dragon, speaking Common in a deep, dignified
will pursue foes only within this chamber and voice, will tell the party that he is willing to
into room D. teleport any or all of them whenever they desire
from this room to the surface outside the
D. Along all the walls are pale gray pillars, each dungeons' entrance to the 1st level. The dragon
carved with a solemn warrior maid holding her will say nothing else. If attacked, he will vanish
sword pointed downwards. Real red roses in full before the blow or spell lands and will not
bloom upon thorned stalks twist and twine about reappear for those PCs ever again.
the pillars.
J. In the center of the room is a 13' diameter circle
E. Anyone coming into this room will be set upon painted on the floor with indelible mauve dye.
by 5 foul-tempered hellhounds (HD 7). They will Anyone and/or anything within the circle for
pursue prey up and down the hallways leading more than 30 seconds will be teleported into the
to this room, but they know better than to enter identical circle in room B.
rooms F or K.
K. 4 purple worms thrash about in this chamber
F. This room is 36° Fahrenheit. It serves as storage in mindless hunger. The worms have shattered
for the frost giants (room G). Great slabs of scores of white marble statues of noble men and
woolly mammoth meat hang from the ceiling, women. Also scattered about the chamber are
and along the west wall are stacked 12 mammoth 2,277 pounds of gold nuggets (worth a total of
tusks weighing 150 pounds each and worth 22,770 gp) and a crystal ball with clairaudience.
600 gp each. The stairs descend to dungeon level 99.

G. This room is 31° Fahrenheit. Lairing herein are

7 frost giants who throw huge chunks of ice at
foes and who use giant icicles for clubs. Each
giant wears a silver ring (worth 2,000 gp) set with
tiny flecks of diamond. In their bags they keep a
total of 7,832 gp and 12 normal-sized gold
flagons worth 250 gp each.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The stairs coming down from dungeon level C. This chamber, room B, and the corridor
98 open into a thick forest of fungus that fills this connecting them are filled with what seems to be
vast chamber and gives it a damp, earthy smell. a petrified marketplace, full of scores of buyers
All the fungi are of various shades of brown, and sellers. On the floor is a fragment of a statue
green, and tan. Their size ranges from tiny to of a noble warrior: its head and right arm and
"trees" towering up to the roof 30' above. There shoulder. It is part of the statue in room A of
are mushrooms, toadstools, morels, corals, dungeon level 115.
puffballs, earthstars, stinkhorns, etc. Eating any
of the fungi is not a good bet. If a saving throw D. A pale green gas, smelling of burning garbage,
vs. poison is failed, roll on the following table: rises from two dozen small vents in this room
and in chamber E. Herein lurk 5 chimeras. Their
1. Extremely ill for 3-36 hours. Unable to do lion heads have manes of very fine, spun gold
anything other than walk at half speed. weighing 75 pounds and worth 6,000 gp each.
2. Dances uncontrollably for a number of minutes
equal to constitution score, then must rest E. A pale green gas, smelling of burning garbage,
for an equal number of turns. rises from two dozen small vents in this room
3. Hallucinates impossible technicolor and in chamber D. Sculptures of pegasi stand in
dreamworlds for 6-24 hours. Can do the four corners. The one in the northwest corner
nothing other than be guided by hand at has a hollow head, concealing a platinum
one-third speed. statuette of a pegasus worth 1,375 gp.
4. Forgets how to cast spells for 24 hours.
5. Forgets everything, including who he is, for 24 F. Some joker has painted in Common on the
hours. north wall: BILBO WAS HERE.
6. Loses 1 point to a random ability score for 24
hours. G. A forest of natural quartz crystals fills this
7. Gains 1 point to a random ability score for 24 chamber. 8 stone giants call it home. They are not
hours. an unpleasant sort, and they will attack only in
8. Has a delicious meal! Goes well with butter. self-defense or to protect the beauty of the
crystalline forest. One giant has a scarab of
Skulking through the forest of fungi are 4 green protection, and there are 392 pale blue quartz
dragons (HD 8) that neither talk nor sleep. They crystals that are worth 50 gp each.
will attack with a 50% chance of surprise. One
has a ring of control plant embedded in the H. This chamber is 22° Fahrenheit. It serves as the
scales of its belly. The only other treasure in the lair of 5 frost salamanders. Their treasure is 26
chamber are the 19 pounds of distinctive, rainbow ice crystals worth 1,000 gp each and a
rainbow-swirled tooth-fungi (worth 1,000 gp per wand of enemy detection (15 charges). Note that
pound). the ice crystals will melt and become worthless in
temperatures over 32°. For every 10 minutes of
B. This chamber, room C, and the corridor melting, a crystal will lose 100 gp of its value. The
connecting them are filled with what seems to be stairs descend all the way to dungeon level 115.
a petrified marketplace, full of scores of buyers
and sellers. Lairing here are 5 basilisks that guard I. An odorless, pale blue mist obscures the floor
6 treasure chests holding a total of 4,842 ep, to a depth of 1'. The stairs go down to dungeon
11,437 gp, an axe +1, and a potion of longevity. level 100.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The freshly-slain corpse of a red dragon lies on the reveal it to be crafted of precious and semi-precious
floor. It is riddled with arrows. The stairs ascend to gemstones. The gnomish word for "Autumn" is
dungeon level 99. figured near the bottom of the work. It is worth
31,000 gp.
B. 6 invisible stalkers have been bound to this room
and to the adjoining corridors. They may not go past G. This huge chamber fluctuates between 1° above and
the doors into rooms A, C, H, or J. As soon as anyone 1° below freezing. The walls and ceiling alternately
or anything steps foot into this chamber, the invisible freeze and slowly melt, and a cold, humid mist fills the
stalkers will attack, pursuing their victims through the room. Making their lair here are 5 white dragons
passageways if need be. (HD 8) that neither talk nor sleep. They will attack
anything with the effrontery to wander into their
C. The odor of ozone fills this chamber as well as the home. They guard "Winter", which is a framed,
corridors leading to the east. The stone of the walls, circular (2' diameter), colorful depiction of a white-
ceiling, and floor has been polished to a dull, silvery- haired crone leaning on a staff amongst a scene of
gray sheen. Here lair 3 blue dragons (HD 9) that snow and ice. At first glance it looks like stained glass,
neither talk nor sleep. They will not immediately but closer inspection will reveal it to be crafted of
attack intruders. Instead, they will demand a magic precious and semi-precious gemstones. The gnomish
item in return for safe passage through the room. The word for "Winter" is figured near the bottom of the
PCs can choose which magic item to surrender since work. It is worth 31,000 gp.
the dragons are not particular. Note that the demand
will be renewed if the PCs return to this chamber. The H. Dwelling here are 6 hellhounds (HD 7) that guard
dragons guard a potion of heroism, a scroll of "Summer". This is a framed, circular (2' diameter),
protection from elementals, and "Spring". This latter colorful depiction of a beautiful woman in a flame-red
is a framed, circular (2' diameter), colorful depiction of dress amongst green-leaved trees and flowers in full
a young maiden in a green dress amongst a scene of bloom. At first glance it looks like stained glass, but
spring: baby animals, young buds, etc. At first glance closer inspection will reveal it to be crafted of precious
it looks like stained glass, but closer inspection will and semi-precious gemstones. The gnomish word for
reveal it to be crafted of precious and semi-precious "Summer" is figured near the bottom of the work. It is
gemstones. The gnomish word for "Spring" is figured worth 19,500 gp.
near the bottom of the work. It is worth 25,000 gp.
I. On the floor in several small heaps are a total of
D. Scorch marks from lightning darken the floor and 26,865 ep. If anyone picks up any of the coins, he must
walls. make a saving throw vs. spells or turn (along with
everything in his possession) into a pile of electrum
E. A hush fills this chamber, and any words spoken pieces equal in number to his experience points
will echo loudly. divided by 1,000. The following spells will restore such
a transformed victim: remove curse, dispel magic, or
F. Images of giant, brazen hammers adorn the walls. stone to flesh. A wish will restore any number of PCs,
Standing near the chamber's center are 2 bronze and it can also be used to eradicate the magic of the
golems, one facing southeast and the other northwest. coins, thus allowing them to be taken.
They will attack only those who disturb the treasure
hanging on the northern wall by the stairs (which J. 3 cloud giants lair here. Their only treasure is an
descend to dungeon level 105): "Autumn". This is a electrum piece. If the PCs wish to go down the stairs to
framed, circular (2' diameter), colorful depiction of a dungeon level 101, the giants will insist upon first
kindly 50-year-old woman in a dress of smoky brown- flipping their coin. Heads means that they will allow
orange. She stands amidst red, orange, and yellow passage down, tails means that they will not allow it.
autumn foliage, while at her feet are pumpkins and an
abundance of other fruits of the harvest. At first glance
it looks like stained glass, but closer inspection will

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Oozing around on the walls, ceiling, and floor G. Atop a pedestal in the northwest corner sits a
are 4 black puddings that are blood red in color. censer controlling air elementals. Removing it
In the center of the chamber stands a gold statue from the pedestal will cause 5 air elementals
(weighing 2,238 pounds and worth 22,380 gp) of (HD 12) to appear and attack. They will pursue
a rearing black pudding. Leaning against it are a only to recover the censer. The stairs descend to
war hammer +1 and a scroll of protection from dungeon level 106.
undead. The black puddings will attack only
those who move the statue. The magic items are H. A scattering of black coals is near the western
free for the taking. The stairs ascend to dungeon wall.
level 100.
I. Two 12-headed, scarlet-striped hydras lair here,
B. This is the lair of 6 flame salamanders who do guards of the fire giants in room J. An open chest
not particularly miss hot temperatures because overflows with 6,695 gp, and a ruby (worth
they carry their warmth within them: Their blood 1,000 gp) sits atop the coins. The hydras will
is molten gold. Spilled blood will harden and always attack, and they will not leave this room
cool in 3 hours. Each salamander's blood weighs except to pursue prey into room J.
420 pounds and is worth 4,200 gp.
J. Half a dozen big braziers heat this chamber and
C. On the floor are 9 pieces of flat, irregularly- give it a sullen glow. Residing here are 6 fire
shaped gold worth 2 gp each. giants amongst their giant beds, tables, and
chairs. The monsters all carry 5 throwing stones
D. Puddles of dark, dirty water cover about a in their pouches. If hungry (75% chance), the
third of the floor. giants will immediately attack intruders. Once
half of the giants are slain, they will yell for their
E. A wet, rotting, swampy odor fills this chamber. hydra guards (room I), which will arrive in 2 or 3
Shallow puddles of foul water dot the floor. rounds. Each giant wears a gold necklace (worth
Lairing here are 4 black dragons (HD 7) that 2,000 gp) and a gold ring (worth 1,000 gp).
neither talk nor sleep. They wile away their time Hidden in one of the beds is a small sack holding
counting and re-counting their 10,490 gp and 51 blue tourmaline crystals (worth 100 gp each), a
admiring their 10 gold necklaces (worth 700 gp spell scroll: raise dead, and a wand of secret
each) and a sword +1, wishes (with 4 wishes). A door detection (15 charges).
magic mouth on the southern wall will truthfully
declare (in Common) to intruders: "THE K. Scrawled on the southern wall in the common
TREASURES." L. Lairing here are 3 cyclopes that guard 11
amphorae containing a total of 482 platinum,
F. In this chamber are hoarded piles of magic Platonic solids weighing 1 pound each and worth
armor: leather, chain mail, plate mail, and shields 50 gp each. There are roughly equal numbers of
of +1, +2, or +3 enchantment. Most are of each of the five types of Platonic solids. The stairs
curiously archaic and ornate fashion. Typically, go down to dungeon level 102.
only by leaving armor of equal sort can armor be
taken from the pile, though each PC has a one-
time, 1% chance of being able to take one shield
or suit of armor without leaving any behind.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. On top of a pedestal in the center of the room is a 2,000 gp) of heliotrope with intricate patterns of
huge oriental amethyst worth 21,500 gp. If the gem arcane symbols woven in platinum threads. Also,
is disturbed, roll on the following table: each wizard wears a platinum choker set with
unknown black gems (worth 7,200 gp). Items of
1: The water elementals from room B rush in and value in the room include: vials of various powered
attack. precious stones (worth a total of 14,000 gp), a small
2: The fire elementals from room C rush in and platinum cage worth 1,000 gp, and (written in a lost,
attack. prehistoric language) "a quaint and curious volume
3-4: Both the water elementals (room B) and the fire of forgotten lore" (worth 8,000 gp). The wizards
elementals (room C) rush in and attack. have the same spells memorized:

If both types of elementals charge in, 50% of their 1st: charm person, magic missile (x2), shield
attacks will be directed at their elemental foes rather 2nd: invisibility, phantasmal force, web, wizard
than at PCs. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 101. lock
3rd: fire ball, hold person, lightning bolt
B. Five granite bowls atop pedestals are full of 4th: confusion, wall of ice, wizard eye
water. If any are disturbed, a water elemental 5th: cloudkill, feeblemind, pass-wall
(HD 12) will erupt from each bowl and attack with 6th: anti-magic shell, projected image
a 4 in 6 chance of surprise. They will never pass
beyond rooms A or B. G. The wizards in room F have traced in silvery
particles on the floor various magical diagrams:
C. Coals burn in six censers atop tripods. If any are pentacle, magic circle, thaumaturgic triangle,
disturbed, a fire elemental (HD 12) will burst from pentagram, and thaumaturgic circle.
each censer and attack with a 4 in 6 chance of
surprise. They will never pass beyond chambers A H. This is the bedchamber of the wizards in room F.
or C. While the furnishings are nice, none is of particular
D. Two amber golems in the form of tigers pace in
circles around a treasure hoard heaped in the I. Clomping around are 5 gorgons with hoofs of
chamber's center: 11,022 ep, 5,662 gp, 1,302 pp, and weird, alien, magnetic metal. Each of the 20 hoofs is
a medallion of ESP 90'. The golems will attack any worth 1,000 gp. The gorgons guard a sword +1 and
who pass through the circle walked by the golems. a spell scroll: stone to flesh. The stairs go down to
Clever PCs who acquire the treasure without dungeon level 104.
passing by the golems will not be attacked.
J. 4 efreet reside here, guarding a ring of x-ray
E. No violence of any sort, whether direct or vision. They wear silks of various shades of red,
indirect, can be perpetrated in this room. Offensive orange, and yellow woven from rays of the sun
spells and magic items simply will not work herein. (total worth: 22,500 gp). The efreet are not
If there is any doubt in the DM's mind as to whether aggressive, but they will attack anyone who is rude
something counts as violence or not, it counts. to them.

F. Four chaotic 12th-level wizards spend most of K. A gnome or a dwarf must have lost one of his
their time in this research and study room. They boots, which lies near the stairs which descend to
have the following magic items: wand of cold dungeon level 103.
(14 charges), efreeti bottle, ring of control animal,
potion of gaseous form, and ring of telekinesis.
Each wizard wears a rich silken robe (worth

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Clumps of dirt cover the floor to a depth of 6". E. Two dozen unremarkable paintings (none
Trudging through it are 5 earth elementals larger than 4' by 3') hang from the walls. Most are
(HD 16) that will ignore intruders the first time worthless, but 3 particularly ugly paintings of
that they enter this chamber. If, however, they farmers going about their daily tasks are by an
ever come back, the elementals will attack. artist whose work is unaccountably valued by
Within each elemental are 9 gems worth 500 gp collectors, who would pay 4,000 gp for each of
each. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 102. the two larger paintings, and 3,800 gp for the
smaller one.
B. Swirls of dark, choking smoke whirl around
this room. After 1 turn, the smoke will coalesce F. This room is 103° Fahrenheit, which is on the
into 5 angry efreet which immediately attack. cool side for the 7 flame salamanders making it
They are bound to never go beyond rooms B and their lair. They will attack humans, but demi-
C. humans will be attacked only in self-defense.
Each of the salamanders has 2 topaz eyes worth
C. A sourceless light as of the moon illumines the 2,000 gp each. They guard 826 gp in a bag and a
low, smooth dunes of pale golden sand that cover suit of golden plate mail +3 taken from a slain
the floor. In the middle of this great chamber, lord. (See room G.) The stairs descend to
towering up to the 30' high ceiling, is a deserted dungeon level 112.
palace of jeweled bronze out of a dream of an
Arabian night. Though on the outside it is only G. 3 chaotic 12th-level lords dwell here, each
40' in diameter, it seems endlessly vast when wearing golden plate mail +3 and wielding a
entered. Within it is full of all riches and two-handed sword. They have a locked chest
opulence: Persian carpets, silks, gold, jewels, etc. (with one lord wearing the key upon a chain
Any treasures taken out of the room will vanish around his neck) holding 3,823 pp. The lords
in a wisp of blue-gray smoke, reappearing in the passionately hate the salamanders in room F for
palace. Even a wish cannot alter this. slaying one of their comrades, so the lords will
offer an alliance to PCs to help wipe-out their
D. Small, stinking toadstools growing from the hated foes. They will propose that the PCs keep
floor and walls provide the 9 trolls living here any and all treasure won from the salamanders
most of their meals, so they are eager to add except for the suit of magical golden plate mail.
some fresh meat to the menu. When each of these The lords will honor their agreement.
trolls is finally slain, it will melt into about a
quart of iridescent ichor that is worth 2,100 gp. H. Two bronze golems stand motionless, one
The trolls guard 657 gp, a spear +2, and a potion facing each open passageway. The golems wear
of invulnerability. If anyone is so unwise as to extraordinary golden gloves that weigh only
eat the toadstools, he must make a saving throw 20 pounds each in spite of being worth 7,000 gp
vs. poison or suffer 1-8 points of damage and each. One also wears beneath its right glove a
continue taking 1-8 points of damage each round ring of control animal. Of course, the golems will
until he makes his saving throw (a new one attack if foolish PCs start tugging on the gloves.
allowed at the beginning of each round).
I. Exceptionally greedy characters will want to
pick up the copper piece on the floor. The stairs
go down to dungeon level 104.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. 5 chimeras keep watch over a herd of 50 snow- F. Oafishly written on the walls in frost giantish
white goats. The chimeras will not harm those are rude comments about dwarves and gnomes.
peacefully passing through, but woe betide
anyone who attempts to harm or steal one of the G. Huge blocks of ice keep this chamber 32°
goats or their treasure! In that case, the chimeras Fahrenheit. The 6 frost giants lairing here can use
will attack with such utter ferocity that they will the icy chunks as missile weapons. If the PC
add +2 to their "to hit" rolls. In the dead-end is a party does not contain any dwarves or gnomes,
polished, white marble box containing 3,000 pp, then the frost giants will propose an alliance to
a gold goblet (worth 150 gp), 19 gems (worth slay the hellhounds in room J, honorably
1,000 gp each), and a staff of power (17 charges). agreeing to split the wine guarded therein. Such a
The stairs ascend to dungeon level 103. deal will be offered only 50% of the time to a
party including a dwarf or gnome (and the party
B. A troll corpse, burned to a crisp, lies on the will be attacked without question the other 50%
floor. The stairs go up to dungeon level 102. of the time). Each giant's jeweled helm is worth
800 gp. Their treasure trove consists of 7 human-
C. This is the lair of 12 trolls so dark a green as to sized platinum combs (worth 300 gp each),
be almost black. An elven corpse has 107 gp and 6,011 gp, 32 green and blue gems (worth 100 gp
12 pp in its pouch. Small ledges on the walls hold each), and a war hammer +2.
23 grotesque, gold statuettes (worth 1,000 gp
each) of troll heroes. H. A huge, brazen double-pan balance scale fills
the room. If a creature stands in either pan, his hit
D. Lairing here are 7 wyverns, their scaly hides a points will permanently shift 1-6 hp towards
rainbow pattern. Whenever one is slain, its body average. For example, a 13th-level lord with a
dissolves into a sparkling rainbow mist that constitution score of 17 has an average of 66 or 67
disappears in 3-18 hours. If such a mist is bottled hp. Suppose a 13th-level lord with a
(quart-sized or larger), it will not dissipate and 17 constitution had 62 hp and stood in the pan.
will be worth 2,500 gp. The wyverns guard He would gain 1-6 hp (up to a maximum new
172 gp, a magic bow +1, and a potion of healing. total of 67 hp). But if we suppose that he instead
had 71 hp, then he would lose 1-6 points (down
E. 4 green dragons (HD 8) that neither talk nor to a minimum new total of 66 hp). There will be
sleep brood upon their vast mound of 41,596 ep. no effect on those whose hp are already average,
They know exactly how many coins in their or on those who have already stood on one of the
hoard, having counted them many times. The pans.
dragons will allow passage to any who give them
all of their electrum coins. Those without such I. The only thing in this room is the pronounced
coins or who refuse to yield them will be smell of vanilla.
attacked. The wicked drakes particularly like it
when prey flees down the false staircase that J. Lairing in this room are 7 hellhounds (HD 7).
ends in a stone wall. Such unfortunates will find A wine rack on the eastern wall holds 44 bottles
themselves choking to death on the dragons' of old, rare wines (worth 400 gp each) of elven,
chlorine gas. dwarven, and gnomish makes. The stairs go
down to dungeon level 105.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Two tiger-shaped amber golems stand in front E. In this chamber the PCs will hear echoes of
of the western door. The patriarchs in room B themselves from an earlier time in the dungeon.
have commanded them not to move unless the While this is uncanny, the real problem is that
door is touched, in which case the golems will each time they enter this room, there is a 1 in 4
attack. Unless ordered by the patriarchs, they will chance that the echo they hear will be of one of
not leave this chamber. The stairs ascend to their clerics, elves, or magic-users (regardless of
dungeon level 104. whether he is living or dead) casting an offensive
spell, which will affect the party. Normal saving
B. This is the fane of an evil feline god. 6' tall, throws apply.
black stone statues of panther-headed humans
line all of the walls, a burning oil lamp at the feet F. Several dozen hydra teeth are scattered upon
of each statue. Anyone entering ("Blasphemers!") the floor. The stairs go up to dungeon level 100.
will be attacked by the 3 chaotic 13th-level
patriarchs who worship within. They all have G. Lurking here are 3 chaotic 13th-level master
plate mail +2, shields +2, and war hammers +3. thieves. They wear leather armor +3 and are
One also wields a staff of withering (16 charges). armed with short swords +2 and magic bows +1.
Every patriarch carries 11 tiger's eye gemstones, One also has a potion of invisibility, and another
holy to their cult, worth 1,000 gp each. They have wears boots of traveling and leaping. They have
the same memorized spells: a small chest holding 118 gp, 86 pp, 42 gems
(worth 500 gp each), and a necklace (worth
1st: cause light wounds (x3), darkness, cause 2,000 gp). The thieves have a grudge against the
fear patriarchs in room B, and they will try to convice
2nd: blight, hold person, resist fire, silence 15' the PCs to help them kill the patriarchs. These
radius, speak with animal unpleasant fellows, however, will attack the PCs
3rd: continual darkness (x2), cause disease, as soon as the patriarchs are defeated.
curse, striking
4th: cause serious wounds (x4) H. All the stones of the walls and ceiling of this
5th: commune, insect plague (will work vast chamber are painted sky blue with white,
underground), quest, finger of death wispy clouds. It serves as the lair of 4 blue
dragons (HD 9) that neither talk nor sleep. Each
C. A musty smell fills this empty chamber. of them wears a huge collar set with topazes
worth 7,000 gp. The dragons guard an antique
D. Three 12-headed hydras lair here, liking lyre worthy of the finest musician (worth
nothing more than to bite and eat. When any of 3,000 gp) and a ring of spell storing that contains
their heads takes at least 8 points of damage, it the following 6 spells: invisibility, infravision,
will explode into a shower of 7 gems (worth lightning bolt, massmorph, feeblemind, and
50 gp each). The hydras will certainly pursue disintegrate.
prey. They guard a potion of diminution and a
displacer cloak. I. Each of the 4 cyclopes lairing here has a
glowing green gem (worth 7,500 gp) for an eye.
The gems will cease glowing 1 round after its
cyclops is slain. The monsters guard a wand of
polymorph (10 charges). The stairs go down to
dungeon level 106.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. This is the dwelling of 7 fire giants who will E. The fresh corpse of an elf has seemingly
allow intruders to pass through their home-- been looted of all of its valuables. The elf,
once. They will be told in no uncertain terms to however, succumbed to a strange and
not come this way again. The giants have big, sorcerous curse: His heart was transmuted into
black lava rocks that they can use as missile a beautiful chunk of agate of more than a
weapons. In their bags are a total of 1,049 gp. dozen different shades of green. It is worth
Displayed on a long table are a ring of fire 11,000 gp. If anyone respectfully disposes of
resistance and 20 small glass vials of an the corpse (burial, entombment, cremation,
unusual liquid gold that is room temperature etc.), the heart will magically emerge from the
and never solidifies. While the liquid gold does body.
not have any magic powers in and of itself, it
does have magical potentialities, so a magic- F. This chamber is 21° Fahrenheit with icicles
user or an alchemist would pay 1,000 gp per hanging from the ceiling and a thin film of ice
vial. The stairs lead up to dungeon level 105. coating the walls. Patches of ice cover about a
third of the floor. Luxuriating here are 5 white
B. Atop a table of polished black wood near the dragons (HD 9) that neither talk nor sleep.
north wall is a sword +1, +3 vs. regenerating They idle away their days gazing upon and
creatures and 18 tiny bottles containing fondling the 3,144 chunks of perfectly clear and
delicately-colored liquids. Each in fact is a rare colorless rock crystal (worth 10 gp each) that
and unique perfume mixed by an ancient they guard. The dragons are not aggressive,
perfumer using secret formulae lost to time. A but they will defend their treasure fiercely, and
wealthy woman would give 1,500 gp per bottle. they will grow irritated if anyone spends more
Unfortunately, 8 invisible stalkers will attack than 4 minutes in their home.
anyone who takes more than a step away from
the table with the sword and/or the perfumes G. Scraping sounds seem to come from the
in his possession. The stalkers will leave the other side of the door on the east wall. When
room only to retrieve the treasures they guard. opened, however, nothing is there.

C. A herd of 6 gorgons resides here. Scattered H. This is the domicile of a strange group of
throughout the room are 394 spheres of pure stone giants that will never speak to anyone
platinum, each weighing 1 pound and worth other than fellow stone giants, and never about
50 gp. PCs can take up to 50 of the spheres anything other than the precepts of their cult.
without the beasts seeming to care, but They devote all their time to meditating upon
beginning with the 51st sphere taken, there is a and venerating past stone giant heroes. Along
5% chance per sphere over 50 of the gorgons the west wall are stone shelves holding 29
losing patience and attacking. statuettes (about 1' high) of their cult figures,
carved from various colors of jasper in
D. Shriveled red rose petals are strewn across exquisitely grotesque fashion. Each is worth
the floor, giving the room a pleasant fragrance. 500 gp. The giants also have 5,199 gp, a potion
The stairs ascend to dungeon level 101. of growth, and a wand of trap detection
(14 charges). The stairs descend to dungeon
level 107.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Slumped against the southwestern corner is (worth 5 gp each). Those without helmets must
a dwarf who died three days ago. The corpse is save vs. paralysis or take 1-3 points of damage.
burned and bears signs of frostbite. The dwarf
wears chain mail and helm, and he bears a E. The ceiling and walls are completely covered
shield and war hammer. In his hands are pen by huge bas-reliefs of hideously intertwined
and parchment, with the following written in a tentacles, feelers, eyes, mouths, and
shaky hand: "DON'T GO NORTH. BEWARE protuberances. All except those of chaotic
THE..." The stairs go up to dungeon level 106. alignment will feel creeped-out. Lairing here
are 4 purple worms, thrashing about waiting
B. A harsh, sulfurous stench fills this grand for their next meal to wander in. Scattered on
chamber, and small puddles of flaming oil give the floor are 281 weird purple crystals, each
it a hellish glow. Here lair 4 red dragons one unique, of an unknown substance (worth
(HD 10) that neither talk nor sleep. The 100 gp each).
temperamental monsters will instantly torch
anything that comes into the chamber, for they F. An invisible barrier prevents anyone besides
are obsessed by the thought of thieves coming thieves from entering this room, and even
to steal their hoard: 1,126 weird red crystals, thieves will be able to push through the
each one unique, of an unknown substance enchantment only with great effort. A large,
(worth 25 gp each) and a sword +1, casts light opened chest sits near the center of the western
on command (30' radius). wall. It is full to overflowing with the following
treasures: 1,412 gp, 1,420 pp, 17 gems (worth
C. This chamber is -9° Fahrenheit. Thick 100 gp each) of all different colors, and a gold
draperies of opaque ice coat the walls, and necklace (worth 1,600 gp) set with amethysts.
icicles up to 10' long hang from the ceiling. Between the chest and the room's entrance are
Enjoying the frosty temperature are 5 frost four corpses, all of which look like thieves.
salamanders, which will charge to attack Anyone entering the room must save vs. death
intruders. They guard 387 weird white crystals, ray at -2 or drop dead.
each one unique, of an unknown substance
(worth 75 gp each). G. This is the lair of 5 black dragons (HD 7)
that neither talk nor sleep. They guard 382
D. The stone of this chamber is pure white weird black crystals, each one unique, of an
alabaster. A barrier of thick clouds obscures the unknown substance (worth 50 gp each).
ceiling. Dwelling here are 4 white-skinned
cloud giants in white robes. They will H. A petrified black dragon rears up as though
imperiously order intruders to immediately to attack. Lurking around it are 5 weird
leave by the way they came. Those disobeying basilisks with bright purple hides that dimly
will be pelted with boulders. The giants guard glow.
a scroll of protection from lycanthropes and a
potion of control cloud giant. Should all four I. A dead, purple-skinned basilisk lies before
giants be slain, the clouds overhead will burst the western door. Its body is burned with acid.
into a rain of 2,727 solid drops of platinum The stairs descend to dungeon level 108.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Waiting for their next victims to come worth, various parts of them (eyes, sword hilts,
strolling in, 5 devil swine in human form belt buckles, chestplates, crowns, etc) are
spend most of their time at a table arguing adorned with a total of 47 gems worth 500 gp
while playing card games. They will pretend to each.
be friendly, warning of the "elementals" in
chamber C, and offering to sell a bowl "that E. Three chaotic 14th-level master thieves plot
will make all elementals obey you". It is in fact mischief here. They all wear leather armor +3
a bowl commanding water elementals. They and are armed with short swords +3 and
will ask for 9,000 gp, but can be haggled down crossbows with 6 crossbow bolts +2 each.
to 4,000 gp. If weakened characters come Amongst them they also have a ring of x-ray
staggering back to this room, the devil swine vision, boots of levitation, and boots of
will finish them off and reclaim their bowl to traveling and leaping. The thieves will feign
sell to the next band of fools. The devil swine friendship if the PCs look powerful, but they
keep 12,016 gp and 2,401 pp in three chests. will attack otherwise. They wear a total of
The stairs go up to dungeon level 107. 7 pieces of jewelry (4 worth 2,000 gp each,
3 worth 4,000 gp each) and keep a total of
B. A magic mouth on the north wall will say in 99 pp in their pouches.
BOWL TRICK?" F. Gravity does not exist in this room. Slowly
floating about are 77 ep.
C. A blue glow illumines this chamber, coming
from the river of weird blue lava that flows G. Covering the walls are mosaics formed of
towards the northeast. The temperature herein ceramic tesserae that depict many and varied
is over 100° Fahrenheit. This room is a war scenes of ancient life: a running race, female
zone between 5 fire elementals (HD 16) to the dancers, hunters shooting a wild bull,
northwest of the lava and 5 earth elementals worshipers bowing before a three-headed
(HD 16) to the southeast of the lava. Seven statue of a goddess, people reclining while
dead earth elementals lie in the southeast part eating and drinking, etc.
of the room, and thirteen lie on the other side
of the lava. All of the earth elementals (whether H. This is the lair of 6 gorgons which have a
living or dead) include an unknown, glowing 50% chance of attacking each minute that the
green metal in their bulk (worth 1,600 gp each). PCs are in the room. Standing in various spots
The thought processes of the elementals are too are seven perfectly realistic statutes (victims of
alien to permit of an alliance with non- the gorgons): a cleric, a dwarf, an elf, a fighter,
elementals. a halfling, a magic-user, and a thief. Hidden
inside of their petrified packs are the following
D. Trapped in this room by the heat and lava of treasures, unharmed by the gorgons' vaporous
room C are 5 black puddings. Their voracious breath: 212 gp, 54 pp, 32 gems (worth 500 gp
hunger will drive them to immediately attack. each), a potion of clairvoyance, and a sling +1.
Lining the walls are two dozen 8' tall statues of The stairs descend to dungeon level 109.
grim warlords from the ancient past. While the
heavy, dark stone statues are themselves of no

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Living here are 4 cloud giants, their chamber F. An odor of brine pervades this shrine.
filled with typical giant-sized furniture and Performing unspeakable rites to their
supplied with plenty of throwing boulders. The blasphemous marine gods are 3 chaotic 14th-level
giants are not unfriendly, and they will offer to patriarchs. They all wear plate mail +3 and bear
join forces with the PCs to wipe-out the shields +2 and war hammers +3. One also wields
hellhounds in room G. In return, the PCs can a staff of commanding (20 charges). The
keep all of the hellhounds' treasure. The giants patriarchs will attack anyone who dares to enter
will honor their bargain, unless the PCs are so their fane. Near the walls squat platinum idols of
obviously weakened that they could be defeated aquatic abominations, and the patriarchs wear
with little effort. In the giants' bags are a total of similarly execrable platinum jewelry set with a
2,602 pp and a wand of lightning bolts (13 total of 22 pearls (each worth 1,000 gp) of weird,
charges). The stairs go up to dungeon level 108. watery colors. The idols and jewelry are so
abhorrent as to be worthless unless melted down,
B. Pacing back and forth herein are 3 leonine which will yield 220 pounds of platinum worth
amber golems. They will not permit anyone to 11,000 gp. The patriarchs have memorized the
approach the treasures hanging on the south same spells:
wall: 3 ancient spears, 3 ancient shields, and a
sword +2, charm person, all of exotic make and 1st: cause light wounds (x2), darkness, cause
barbaric splendor. A sage could identify the arms fear (x2), resist cold
and armor as having been born by a mighty 2nd: blight, know alignment, hold person, resist
worm-slayer of old, who won eternal renown by fire, silence 15' radius
his victories over purple worms. Each spear and 3rd: continual darkness, cause disease (x2),
shield is worth 3,400 gp. curse, striking
4th: cause serious wounds (x5)
C. An empty water glass of perfect clarity hangs 5th: insect plague (will work underground),
suspended in midair in the center of the room. quest, finger of death (x2)
Nothing can move the glass from its place. If a
beneficial magic potion is poured into the glass, G. Chewing and hacking on bones are 8
the potion will be transmuted into a different hellhounds (HD 7). The foul-tempered brutes
beneficial potion (determined randomly). Any will immediately make a run at intruders. Each
given potion can be transmuted only once. There hellhound wears a jeweled collar worth 1,600 gp.
is a 1 in 20 chance that the glass will instead A mangled human corpse still has 219 gp in his
change a potion into a delicious (but not magical) backpack.
white wine.
H. Some fresh blood stains are on the floor of this
D. Lairing here are four 12-headed hydras. empty room.
Scattered about the room are 30 arrows +1. Each
of the hydras' 48 heads has green crystalline teeth I. This is the nesting place of 5 purple worms
worth 415 gp per head. which will eagerly swallow any intruders. Six of
the teeth of each worm are made of amethyst
E. Hideous demon faces are carved into the three (worth 1,000 gp per tooth). Carelessly tossed onto
doors' interior sides. the floor is a ring of djinni summoning. The
stairs descend to dungeon level 110.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The choking odor of chlorine pervades this infravision working just fine. They neither talk
chamber. Carved on the walls are dozens of nor sleep. The dragons will not attack anyone
bas-reliefs of grinning or leering faces (10' who does not touch their treasure trove of
diameter), many with their tongues stuck out. 24,302 gp.
Lairing here are 4 green dragons (HD 8) that
neither talk nor sleep. They spend most of their F. Three cyclopes rest on thick, white fleeces
time reclining upon their mounded treasure while eating huge black grapes the size of
hoard of 29,336 gp. The wicked drakes will slay grapefruits. One cyclops, gingerly holding
anyone entering their den. The western stairs open a normal-sized scroll, reads from it in an
go up to dungeon level 109, and the eastern ancient tongue to the other two. The cyclopes
stairs go down to dungeon level 111. will ignore intruders who do not disturb them.
The cyclopes possess 24 scrolls containing lost
B. Here lies a troll's head seared by acid. and ancient philosophical texts written in a
dead language. Each scroll is worth 1,000 gp.
C. Here stand five statues of beautiful, semi- The cyclopes will fight to the death to protect
transparent, aqua blue waves (8' high at their their scrolls from theft, and one of the cyclopes
apex) just before crashing. Even a dwarf or a will lay a dying curse (-2 to all saving throws
gnome will not recognize the stone of which for the entire party) on those who steal the
the statues are made, but it sure looks valuable. scrolls.
Because the statues are far too heavy to budge,
greedy adventurers might be tempted to try to G. Here lie two troll heads seared by acid.
break pieces off of them. Unfortunately, the
statues are in fact 5 water elementals (HD 16) H. Two bronze golems stand motionless,
in a weird form of rest, and hitting one will flanking the entrance to the corridor leading
cause it to animate and attack. A second one north. On the eastern wall (where a "secret
will similarly animate and attack the next door" is marked on the map) is an 8' high by
round, and a third the round after that, etc., 5' wide mirror of perfect clarity. It casts an
until all five are in melee. The elementals will undistorted reflection with an uncanny
not leave this room. addition: It reflects two bronze golem heads, as
though they were on the floor directly in front
D. 13 stinking trolls enjoy a horrid repast of of the mirror. If the heads of the bronze golems
dwarf, elf, halfling, and human (provided by (who will not give up their heads without a
the last party of adventurers to come this way). fight!) are put in that place, the mirror will
The beasts will welcome additions to their magically transform into a normal door.
feast, hurrying to add PCs to the spread.
Grotesquely, the trolls all wear rings, crowns, I. In the room's center is a low table covered in
bracelets, necklaces, etc. worth a total of an exceedingly dark purple velvet. Displayed
21,700 gp. thereon are 298 brilliant gems (worth 100 gp
each) of every imaginable color.
E. Many continual darkness spells keep this
chamber perpetually inky black. Lurking J. In yellow paint on the eastern wall is the
within are 5 black dragons (HD 7), their following in Common: "DON'T TRY IT!"

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Six black puddings are conjoined in one big, E. Pale, pearlescent light as from the full moon
disgusting, quivering mass. If disturbed, they fills this room with a cold, soft glow. Scattered
will detach at the rate of 1 black pudding per upon the floor are about 50 pounds of rubble
round and attack. If the puddings are not from a broken piece of granite. Appearing as
disturbed but the PCs remain in the room for at one of the stones (about 1" in diameter) is a
least 1 turn, the black puddings will detach at polished precious opal that displays every
the same rate and attack. When each monster is color of the spectrum against its white
killed, it will shrivel and congeal into an background. It is worth 12,000 gp. The illusion
amorphous lump of pure platinum weighing masking the opal's true nature persists only as
86 pounds and worth 4,300 gp. The stairs long as the mysterious light of this room shines
ascend to dungeon level 110. upon it.

B. Some spilled mead and a few scraps of F. A hush fills this vast, chill chamber. Loose
roasted mammoth meat are on the floor. upon the floor in the center of the room are
6,443 pp and a sword +1, +3 vs. undead.
C. A big brazier of glowing red-orange coals Against the west and east walls are 5 huge
near the western wall illumines this chamber masses of transparent ice, a white dragon
which serves as the dwelling of 8 fire giants. (HD 9) in the midst of each. They are frozen in
Their cots are arranged along the other three attitudes of attack. Intruders can travel through
walls, and an oaken table and benches are in and even stay in this room without danger, but
the chamber's middle. The giants spend much woe to those who so much as touch the
of their time sharpening, oiling, and otherwise treasure! If that happens, the dragons (which
caring for their huge swords. They possess neither talk nor sleep) will explode from the ice
24 rubies (worth 1,000 gp each) and an amulet and viciously attack.
vs. crystal balls and ESP. The giants will give
directions to the frost giants in room H and G. This room appears to be identical to room E,
will make and honor the following offer: "Go but there is nothing of value herein.
kill the frost giants. You can keep whatever
treasures you win from them. We'll give you a H. This room is the feasting hall of a band of 10
ruby for every frost giant head you bring us." frost giants, all brothers. They spend their days
eating the breads, meats, and cheeses that
D. Brightly-colored silks and cushions cover magically replenish themselves each day upon
the floor, and the odor of sweet incense fills the their table, washing it down with an endless
room. Lounging upon the cushions are 5 efreet, supply of mead. The giants keep hidden in
taking turns smoking from an enormous their pockets 24 sapphires (worth 1,000 gp
hookah of solid gold. Every efreeti wears a each) and a wand of cold (12 charges). They
golden crown (worth 4,300 gp) set with red will propose to the PCs a joint foray against the
and blue gems. The efreet are effusive in their fire giants in room C. They will agree to let the
courtesy and will even share their hookah. If PCs keep the fire giants' treasures. The stairs
the efreet are attacked, the hookah, silks, and descend to dungeon level 112.
cushions will vanish, leaving only a mace +1
behind. The efreet will fight to the death.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Anyone entering this room will be attacked wall is a chest of polished white oak containing
by the 7 insane wyverns perched on T-shaped a potion of fire resistance and a suit of azure
posts, swooping down upon intruders. The plate mail +1.
wyverns will fight to the death. Casually
tossed on the floor near the northeast corner is E. A couple hundred pounds of shattered ice
a bag of holding that contains 12 pieces of melt upon the floor in this otherwise empty
jewelry: 1 bracelet worth 400 gp, 10 rings worth room.
1,200 gp each, and a gold necklace set with
sapphires worth 5,000 gp. The stairs go up to F. All three entrances slope down about a foot
dungeon level 111. into this chamber that is filled with 1' of
stinking, stagnant, brown-green water. Twisted
B. Several inches of translucent blue ice coat trees hanging with thick moss grow out of the
the walls, floor and ceiling of this 6° Fahrenheit floor. Lurking in the midst of this hideous
chamber. The floor is so slippery that a PC in forest are 4 black dragons (HD 10) that neither
combat will either have to be careful not to fall talk nor sleep. They have a 50% chance of
(thus having a -2 to hit), or he can throw surprising PCs. Near the northern wall is a 10'
caution to the winds (in which case he must high statue of a rearing black dragon, carved
roll equal to or under his dexterity score on a from black marble. It is hollow and will break
20-sided die at the end of each melee round, after taking 20 points of damage. Within the
failure indicating that he has fallen and will be statue is concealed 5,615 pp and a ring of
unable to attack the next round). The protection +1, 5' radius.
treacherous footing does not affect the 5 frost
salamanders which make this their lair. As each G. The stone of this chamber is black granite,
one is slain, its head will shatter into 55 white and bas-reliefs of demonic drakes cover the
crystals (worth 100 gp each) that are inalterably walls. This serves as the domicile of 4 chaotic
as cold as ice. The frost salamanders guard a 13th-level lords in black plate mail +3, bearing
sword +1, +3 vs. enchanted monsters. black shields +3, and wielding swords +3.
Their ornate, draconic helms are covered with
C. The roars of the chimeras in room D can be black gemstones and worth 6,600 gp each. One
heard clearly here. Colorful murals cover the lord wears a girdle of giant strength, and
walls, depicting heroes mounted upon pegasi another has a horn of blasting. These
fighting against chimeras, dragons, wyverns, desperately wicked men will attack all who do
and purple worms. not yield to them all of their treasures. The
lords have a total of 78 pp in their pouches. The
D. Lairing here are 6 chimeras. They will stairs ascend to dungeon level 103.
ferociously roar at intruders, giving them 3
rounds to leave the way they came before H. This chamber is completely filled all the
attacking. Mottled green and red metallic way up to the ceiling with crystal clear water.
scales cover the chimeras' dragon heads. The Some enchantment keeps the water from
scales of each head weigh 26 pounds and are spilling out of the room. The stairs descend to
worth 6,500 gp. Against the middle of the east dungeon level 113.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
With the exception of room B, this dungeon level chest holding 6,173 pp, a crystal ball with ESP,
is made of pale, blue-white marble. A hush, a and a spell scroll: remove curse, cure serious
chill (48° Fahrenheit), and a disturbing feeling wounds, raise dead.
that things are not quite right fill the level. The
PCs have only a 1 in 6 chance of surprising C. Milky white quartz crystals (worthless) that
monsters (except for the dragons in room B). dimly glow cover the walls. Any human (demi-
humans are immune) spending at least 5 minutes
With the exception of the coins in room B, all of in this room must save vs. turn to stone, failure
the non-magical treasure in this dungeon level indicating that his flesh has transmuted into
are 6" tall statuettes made of a pastel stone that animate milky white quartz. Such a character can
even dwarves and gnomes cannot identify. About still do anything that he could normally do, and
50% of the statuettes are pale yellow, and the he will still heal 1-3 hp per day of complete rest.
others are either lavender, mauve, or coral. The His natural AC becomes 3, but if he is reduced to
statuettes are of human figures that are beautiful 25% or less of his full hp, there is a 50% chance
and graceful, yet disquieting. Each is unique and that he will shatter with each hit he thereafter
worth 1,000 gp. takes in melee. A remove curse will be
ineffective, but a wish will restore the character
A. This is the domain of 4 mysterious, chaotic to normal.
13th-level wizards. They possess the following
magic items: staff of power (28 charges), wand of D. This is the lair of 6 gorgons whose breath
negation (18 charges), crystal ball with turns victims into white stone. 11 such statues are
clairaudience, mirror of life trapping, ring of in the chamber. The gorgons guard 21 of the
protection +1, ring of spell storing (invisible disturbing statuettes and a staff of commanding
stalker). The wizards wear hooded, pale yellow (15 charges).
robes that hide their entire bodies and faces. They
will move to block PCs from leaving by any way E. In this chamber are 6 white statues (victims of
other than the stairs up to dungeon level 112. The the gorgons in room D) and 9 black statues
wizards never make a sound, even when casting (victims of the basilisks in room F).
spells. They have the same spells memorized:
F. Lairing here are 5 basilisks whose gaze turns
1st: charm person (x2), darkness, shield victims into black stone. 5 such statues are in this
2nd: invisibility, mirror image, phantasmal room. The basilisks guard 14 of the disturbing
force, web statuettes, a mace +2, and a scroll of protection
3rd: clairvoyance, dispel magic, hold person (x2) from undead.
4th: confusion, dimension door, wall of ice
5th: cloudkill, feeblemind, teleport G. Herein are 8 black puddings that are pure
6th: anti-magic shell, disintegrate, flesh to stone white in color. 36 of the disturbing statuettes are
displayed on shelves on the east wall.
The wizards have 37 of the disturbing statuettes.
If slain, their bodies fade away into nothingness. H. If the black (white) puddings in room G have
not already been exterminated, there is a 40%
B. An impossible forest of lodgepole pine fills this chance of 2-5 of them being in this room. The
chamber, and a thin mist slowly swirls along the stairs descend to dungeon level 114.
floor. Lairing within are 4 green dragons (HD 11)
that neither talk nor sleep. They guard a large

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
All of the non-magical treasure in this dungeon sleep. They will attack intruders, but they will
level is a scattered set of 49 scrolls of not pursue out of the room (except to recover
parchment made from blue dragon hide, faded their treasures), content to send lightning bolts
with extreme age to a pale sky blue. The scrolls down the corridors. Buried in the sand near the
are immune to the effects of fire and of middle of the east wall is a sandalwood box
electricity (whether mundane or magical). holding 14 of the ancient scrolls and a pair of
They consist of well over a thousand subtly boots of levitation.
linked prose poems (in a dead and forgotten
tongue) of exquisite delicacy and refinement E. Flames about 1' high dance upon the floor,
that perhaps allude to a unified story or theme. and anyone within the room will take 1-8
The words thereof "are clear as crystal, limpid points of damage per round from the fire. On a
and musical as bubbling springs, words which stone pedestal in the southwest corner are 10 of
sparkle and glow like...poisoned diamonds... the ancient scrolls. If the scrolls are disturbed,
more precious than jewels, more soothing than 6 fire elementals (HD 16) will rise from the
music, more awful than death". Each scroll is flames and attack with a 50% chance of
worth 2,700 gp individually, while the surprise. They will leave this room only in
complete set of 49 scrolls will command pursuit of the scrolls.
140,000 gp from the discerning bibliophile.
F. Lazily pacing within this room are 4 leonine
A. On the floor is the burned-out stub of a amber golems which will attack only in self-
torch. The stairs ascend to dungeon level 113. defense. Vaguely visible inside their semi-
transparent amber bodies are a total of 8 of the
B. Two bronze golems stand motionless in the ancient scrolls. On the floor is a sword +1,
center of the room. They face one another and locates objects, free for the taking. The golems
together hold a small chest of pale pink marble. will leave this room only to recover the scrolls
If the chest is touched, one golem will attack that they keep.
while the other will set the chest down and join
the fight the following round. The golems will G. A 30' by 30' carpet of intricate geometrical
never pass through a door. Within the chest are designs covers much of the floor. The tramping
9 of the ancient scrolls and a scroll of of countless feet have rendered it worthless.
protection from magic.
H. In the center of the room is an iron-bound
C. Two oaken tables and eight chairs are in this chest with 8 alert hellhounds (HD 7) lying
room, and oak shelves filled with scrolls in around it. They will whine and snarl as though
dead and lost languages cover the walls. The longing to attack but forbidden to do so. If
scrolls are of nearly every subject imaginable. anyone disturbs the chest or goes into the
Amongst all these worthless scrolls is 1 of the midst of the hellhounds, they will all attack
ancient scrolls worth 2,700 gp. every living thing in the room, pursuing prey
into the eastern corridor. Within the chest are 7
D. Soft, white-tan sand covers the floor to a of the ancient scrolls, a potion of ESP, and a
depth of 6". Lairing within this chamber are dagger +1. The stairs descend to dungeon
5 blue dragons (HD 12) that neither talk nor level 115.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. Standing in the middle of the chamber is a life- 1st: charm person, light, magic missile, shield
sized marble statue of a noble warrior, its head and 2nd: invisibility, mirror image, phantasmal force,
right arm and shoulder missing. If the statue's lost web
fragment (in room C of dungeon level 99) is joined 3rd: dispel magic, fire ball, hold person, lightning
to the rest of the statue, it will animate just long bolt
enough to bestow a wish (which can be used at any 4th: confusion, polymorph others, polymorph self,
time) upon its benefactor. The stairs lead up to room wall of fire
H of dungeon level 99. 5th: cloudkill, feeblemind, teleport
6th: anti-magic shell, disintegrate, projected image
B. This is the home of 4 cloud giants. In their
pockets are 6 normal-sized gold necklaces (worth F. A human skull sits upright on the floor near the
1,100 gp each), and one giant wears a jeweled belt west wall, facing the stairs that go up to dungeon
worth 900 gp. On a table are a spear +3 and a spell level 114.
scroll: wall of ice, contact higher plane, control
weather. The giants are not particularly aggressive, G. Bas-reliefs of life-size purple worms, writhing
but they are dismissive of "little runts". and intertwining, completely fill the walls. Lairing
here are 7 purple worms, which will attack with
C. The cloud giants in room B throw into this blind hunger, along with 4 burned and putrefying
chamber their unwanted table scraps. purple worm carcasses, slain by the wizard and
witch from room E. Her staff of wizardry
D. A burning smell as of scorched minerals fills this (20 charges) has been dropped on the floor about
chamber. Rough, broken, black lava rock covers the halfway between the two doors. Each purple worm,
floor to a depth of 3". 4 red dragons (HD 13), that living and dead, has 42 amethysts (for a total of
neither talk nor sleep, make this their lair. They 462 gemstones), worth 100 gp each, embedded in its
spend most of their time resting upon their great bulk.
mound of treasure: 12,985 pp and an efreeti bottle.
They will not necessarily attack intruders, and H. Dwelling here are 5 efreet, come from the City of
might even allow free passage (once). If, however, Brass to rescue their brother trapped in the efreeti
anyone should steal so much as a single coin of bottle in room D. If the PCs will go on a joint foray
their hoard, the dragons will pursue him to the ends with the efreet against the dragons, the efreet will
of the earth and will fight to the death. honorably agree to allow the PCs to keep the
dragons' entire hoard except for the bottle. Every
E. A chaotic 14th-level wizard and his sister, a efreeti wears 8 gold rings (each set with a
chaotic 14th-level witch (a female wizard), plot differently-colored gem: red, orange, yellow, green,
mischief here. They wear blood red robes, and he blue, purple, black, or white) worth 500 gp per ring.
has a staff of wizardry (5 charges), a ring of control They will agree to give the PCs a complete set of
plant, and a dagger +3, while she has a wand of fire 8 rings for every dragon head they bring back from
balls (12 charges), a wand of polymorph room D, or all 40 rings if they bring back to them
(19 charges), and a ring of djinni summoning. The the efreeti bottle. The stairs descend to dungeon
witch dropped her staff of wizardry in a losing level 116.
battle with the purple worms in room G. The
siblings will demand that the PCs help them
retrieve the staff, promising the PCs all of the
worms' gemstones. This is a lie, for the two will
attack the PCs as soon as the witch has her staff in
hand. They have the same spells memorized:

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
All the stone of this dungeon level is a reddish tan D. Grazing upon the hardy grasses growing in big
sandstone. The doors are also made of sandstone, clumps out of the sandy floor are 8 Triceratops.
swinging open on massive stone hinges. The doors' Scattered about are 529 pounds of platinum nuggets
stonework will impress even dwarves and gnomes. (worth a total of 26,450 gp). If the PCs move silently
Sand covers all the floors to an average depth of 3". and slowly from one entrance to another, the
The temperature throughout the level is 88° Triceratops will take no notice. Loud noises, sudden
Fahrenheit. movements, or spending more than 1 turn herein
will cause the Triceratops to charge those disturbing
A. Crude wooden racks hold scores of weapons their primeval silence. Clever PCs, if they open the
made entirely of wood and stone: battle axes, eastern door, can get the Triceratops to charge into
spears, daggers, clubs, short bows, and arrows. room E and engage the 4 Tyrannosaurus rex in a
Abstract designs in red dye (in the style of battle to the death.
prehistoric cave paintings) cover much of the walls
and ceiling. The stairs go up to dungeon level 115. E. Lairing here are 4 voracious and truly nasty
Tyrannosaurus rex. They will instantly attack
B. In the southwest corner is an 11' high sandstone anything that moves. Scattered on the floor are the
sculpture of a noble and intelligent Cro-Magnon following uncut gems: 14 worth 10 gp each, 20
head, wearing curious headgear, facing towards the worth 50 gp each, 34 worth 100 gp each, and 39
center of the room. The lords in room C know this worth 500 gp each. By opening the door to room D,
as the Oracle. If addressed, the Oracle will boom clever PCs can get all 4 of the Tyrannosaurus rex to
out in a melodious prehistoric language: "ASK. OF go into the lair of the 8 Triceratops for a fight to the
THE DUNGEONS, I KNOW ALL." It will answer death.
any one question regarding the dungeons
(including their inhabitants and contents) with F. The western wing of this room is filled with
complete accuracy. The Oracle will treat other dozens of stinking man-ape pelts. Dinosaur bones
questions or comments with stony silence. After a and skulls cover the floor of the rest of the room.
question is answered, it will speak again: "A MOON
MUST WAX AND WANE BEFORE YOU ASK G. This is the lair of 8 Stegosaurus, munching on the
AGAIN." In other words, the Oracle will answer a thick grasses growing out of the sandy floor. They
question from the PCs only once per month. will angrily attack anything that dares intrude upon
their lair. Scattered on the ground are 260 pounds of
C. This is the dwelling of five neutral 14th-level platinum nuggets (worth a total of 13,000 gp),
lords. They have the features of Cro-Magnons, and 43 uncut gems worth 10 gp each, and 130 uncut
they are dressed only in hide loincloths and gems worth 100 gp each.
sandals. Every one of them has an 18 strength,
dexterity, and constitution. All are armed with stone H. Wallowing on the muddy floor are 7 giant
battle axes, spears, daggers, and short bows. They crocodiles, eager for their next meal to come
speak only a prehistoric language (the same as walking in. Mixed in the mud are 569 uncut gems of
spoken by the Oracle in room B). The lords are not every shade of green imaginable, each worth 50 gp.
particularly aggressive, but they will not hesitate to The stairs leading north go up to dungeon level 85,
attack offensive PCs. They will agree to help PCs and the stairs leading east go down to dungeon
wipe-out the 4 Tyrannosaurus rex in room E for an level 117.
equal share of the treasure. The lords have a pile of
69 uncut gemstones worth 500 gp each.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)
A. The strong stench of goats fills this room, which down from father to son for centuries, lost in battle by
serves as the lair of 4 cyclopes. Hidden beneath one of the Castellan (see dungeon module B2: THE KEEP
the piles of worthless skins that they use for beds is a ON THE BORDERLANDS) years ago. He would pay
pair of gauntlets of ogre power. When the last cyclops 10,000 gp for its return.
is slain, it will turn to stone and crumble. Amongst the
rubble will be 199 gems worth 100 gp each. The stairs E. On the floor are the shattered remains of a vase
ascend to dungeon level 116. painted with images of chimeras.

B. Illumination a little brighter than daylight fills this F. Lairing here are 6 chimeras. They will attack all
hot chamber (temperature: 110° Fahrenheit). Lairing intruders, but they will never pass beyond the doors of
within are 7 flame salamanders, guarding a set of this chamber. On the floor is a human skeleton
drums of panic and enjoying their memento that they wearing a helm and a breastplate. Both are silvered
brought from another star: A 3" globe of indestructible, and set with white and blue gems arranged in the
colorless glass that contains yellow star-essence shapes of eagles with outstretched wings. The helm is
(plasma) from Gamma Virginis B. While it shines worth 5,300 gp, and the breastplate is worth 8,000 gp.
brighter than the sun, it emits no heat. The right buyer
would give 13,000 gp for this unique treasure. The G. Both of the two landings measure 10' by 30', and on
only way to release the plasma from the globe is with a the southern landing is a 25' long river boat (30 hull
wish, and whoever makes that wish had better be points) with 8 oars. The vast chamber itself is filled
standing far away. The released plasma will consume with fresh water 120' deep, and within slowly swims a
itself with a blast of unearthly radiation, causing the dragon turtle. If someone or something is in the water,
following amount of damage (no saving throw) to all the dragon turtle has a cumulative 10% chance per
living things: round of attacking. On the map, X marks the spot for
100 points of damage to all within 50' treasure. There, beneath 120' of water, is a small galley
90 points of damage to all within 51' to 60' with about four dozen human skeletons within as well
80 points of damage to all within 61' to 70' as three large chests that together hold the following
70 points of damage to all within 71' to 80' treasures:
60 points of damage to all within 81' to 90' 14,017 pp
50 points of damage to all within 91' to 100' 11 pink pearls worth 10 gp each
40 points of damage to all within 101' to 110' 12 white pearls worth 50 gp each
30 points of damage to all within 111' to 120' 16 lavender pearls worth 100 gp each
20 points of damage to all within 121' to 130' 10 sea green pearls worth 500 gp each
10 points of damage to all within 131' to 140' 3 black pearls worth 1,000 gp each
7 platinum and aquamarine rings worth 500 gp each
C. This is the lair of three 12-headed hydras which will 8 platinum and aquamarine bracelets (1,000 gp each)
fiercely attack all intruders. They guard a mace +3 and 11 platinum and aquamarine necklaces (1,000 gp each)
an unparalleled seashell about 6" in size. Its volutes, 1 platinum and aquamarine tiara worth 5,000 gp
whorls, spikes, tubercles, and nodules are a ring of water walking
bewilderingly complex yet with an inner harmony that
defies logic and a beauty that eludes description. Its H. This room is empty, but about half a minute after
swirled hues are all the colors of the spectrum, but anyone enters, an illusion appears of two bearded men
faded to the subtlest of tints as though by a million in shirts with uncouth, alien letters upon them
years of being washed by the sea. The discerning (spelling "GARY" and "DAVE"). They will say in the
collector would pay 5,500 gp for it. On the wall at the common tongue, "We hope you boys have been
location of the secret door is a 6' tall mosaic of a sword. enjoying yourselves. If you've had enough, this will
teleport you to the surface." Then a shimmering
D. Lying on the floor is a normal sword. Though it is doorway will appear in midair, showing the surface
of exceptional make, there is nothing fancy or world at the entrance to the 1st level of the dungeons.
superfluous about it. It is in fact an heirloom, passed Those stepping through will be safely teleported there.

Tony Maguire (Order #29936199)

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