False. Write Your Answer On The Space Provided Before The Number

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NAME: Ara Jessa D.

Aquino DATE: Jan 20,2021


Quarter 2
Self-Learning Module 3
Technology-Based Art:
Video Games/Digital/Painting/Imaging Videos

P R E T E S T:
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
false. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

T 1.Educational game can be considered as video games.

T2. Video is a powerful and innovative field that digital technology has
revolutionized in younger generation.
T3. Photoshop is one example of software program used in digital painting.
T4. Personal video can be uploaded to online platform like Youtube, etc.
F5. Imaging video cannot be used in medical and scientific purposes.

R E C A P:
Directions: Identify the term being described in the sentences below. Write
the letter
that corresponds to your answer on the space provided.
A 1. What do you call a communication device that allows you to generate
original works of art for an entire range of purposes?
a. Android Phone Computer c. Laptop
b. Computer d. Tablet

C 2. The following special features you can use to modify your images,
which one is NOT?
a. Banners c. Image Morphing
b. Cropping d. Filters

D 3. It is an image manipulation program that allows you to make collages

incorporating photos, stickers, text, and frames.
a. Doodle Booth c. Instragram
b. Flipagram d. Pic Collage

B 4. It is a downloadable application that allows you to bring yoir photos to

a. Doodle Booth c. Instragram
b. Flipagram d. Pic Collage

D 5. It is a type of digital camera which automatically makes all the

adjustmens in lighting, focus, zoom-in and zoom-out.
a. digital single lens reflex c. point-and-shot
b. digital double lens reflex d. point-and-shoot
A C T I V I T Y:
Name: Ara Jessa D. Aquino Date: Jan 20,2021
Grade & Section: 10-Narra Activity # 3
Digital Painting
W R A P – U P:
Now that you have already learned the Video Games/Digital Painting
and you have also recognized the imaging video that has a great of help to
us. I want you to answer the activity below.
Directions: In the given table below, write down the important ideas you’ve
learned in the lesson.

Videos Games Digital Painting Imaging Videos

Electronic game Creating art work using Technology that is
a computer used in medicine
Two- or three- Used printer to see the MRI
dimensional video result
Virtual reality headset Still use traditional CT Scan
or monitor painting mediums

V A L U I N G:
Directions: Answer the given question below.
Question: Is there a value to imaging videos apart from the entertainment
or even documentation purposes of regular videos? Give some examples.

P O S T T E S T:
Directions: Identify the term being described. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the space provided.
D 1. It is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface
to generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display
device such as a touchscreen, virtual reality headset or monitor/TV set.
a. Android Phone Computer c. Laptop
b. Computer d. Video Game

B 2. It is a method of creating artwork using a computer.

a. Drawing c. Digital Printing
b. Digital Painting d. Video Editing

D 3. It is a powerful technology that is used for creating and presenting

a. Digital Painting c. Instragram
b. Imaging Videos d. Video Technology

B 4. It is also a powerful and innovative technology that is used in medicine

to visualize images of patient internal anatomy.
a. Digital Painting c. Instragram
b. Imaging Videos d. Video Technology

C 5. It is the best-selling video game of all time, it allows players to move

through and build structures in a pixelated, block-like world.
a. Fortnite c. Minecraft
b. League of Legends d. Roblox

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