Exam Trainer2017 Test 2

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Task 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There are three choices you do
not need to use.

Unique New Year Traditions

1 Ecuador has a unique custom of making scarecrows and burning them at

midnight. They dress up and fill the scarecrows with newspapers and pieces
of wood. As midnight approaches, everyone gathers outside their home and
each family burns their scarecrow. The tradition says that this destroys all
the bad things that took place in the past 12 months. The scarecrow also
scares bad luck. This fills their New Year with luck and happiness.

2 A strange and weird Danish New Year tradition is throwing breakable

crockery at your neighbour’s door. Strangely this makes them happy instead
of annoying them. The family with the biggest tower of broken plates, glasses,
and cups is considered to be the luckiest one because it means that they have
lots of loyal friends.

3 Talking to spirits is a part of Mexican belief. Mexicans strongly believe that

they can communicate with the souls of their dead loved ones. New Year’s
Eve is considered the best time to communicate with the dead spirits
to convey a message or ask for guidance. This is not done at home on an
individual basis but is practiced legally. Taos Inn, in New Mexico, offers 15
minute sessions of spiritualism and meditation for $15.

4 A dangerous Scottish festival around the New Year is the festival of Hogmanay.
The Hogmanay Festival is a New Year celebration with a touch of Scottish scent.
This festival takes place on 31st December every year. Men parade through
the streets holding blazing balls of fire. They continuously swing these balls
over their heads. According to the locals, the balls of fire bring purification and
sunshine. This celebration dates back as far as the Vikings.

5 In Mexico, as well as in Spain and some other Spanish-speaking countries, it is

common to eat twelve grapes as the clock strikes midnight, making sure to
eat each grape as a wish is made for the New Year. A similar interpretation
says that eating the 12 grapes at midnight helps bring good luck for each of
the upcoming 12 months.

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A Appealing to ancestors for a piece of advice

B Consuming a delicious juicy fruit
C Turning about burning round objects
D Watching the same show every year
E Breaking old furniture at the neighbours’ gateway
F Flaming the objects that frighten birds away
G Parading the streets with burning candles
H Cracking dishes at the entrance to people’s homes

Task 2
Read the text below. For questions (6 – 10) choose the correct answer (А, В, С or D).

Smoky, the World War II Yorkie War Hero

When people think of rescue and therapy dogs, they usually picture large breeds.
However, canine heroes come in all sizes. The first war therapy dog ever recorded
was a Yorkshire Terrier named Smoky. She was spotted, covered in mud and starving,
in an empty foxhole in the New Guinea jungle in 1944. Weighing only 4 pounds and
standing just 7 inches tall she was a petite canine. She was first thought to be a
Japanese war dog, but she knew no commands in Japanese or in English. Shortly after
being found, she was sold to Corporal William A. Wynne for two Australian pounds.

For the next several years she hitched a ride through the jungle in the backpack
of Corporal Wynne, sharing his rations and sleeping in his tent. Unlike the “official”
war dogs of World War II, Smoky had neither medical care nor a balanced diet
formulated especially for dogs. In spite of this, Smoky was never ill. She helped lift
spirits wherever they went. Smoky was credited with saving the lives of Wynne and
other soldiers. With her acute hearing and instincts she was able to sense danger,
warning the soldiers of incoming fire.

One feat caused Smoky to make national headlines in January 1945 when she helped
engineers build an airbase at Lingayen Gulf. A telegraph wire needed to be run across
an airplane strip through a 70-foot pipe that was only eight inches in diameter.
Construction work would take the strip out of action and expose American planes to
Japanese bombs. Instead, Smoky pulled the cable through the pipe, turning a three-
day dangerous project into an exercise of a few minutes.

Once the war was over, Corporal Wynne had to smuggle Smoky back to the United
States in a modified oxygen mask carrying case. Once home she became a celebrity,
performing for and charming the crowds. Wynne and Smoky were featured on the
front cover story with photographs in the Cleveland Press on December 7, 1945.

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Smoky soon became a national sensation. Over the next 10 years Smoky and
Wynne travelled to Hollywood and all over the world to perform demonstrations of
her remarkable skills, which included spelling her own name from letters cut from
cardboard boxes and walking a tightrope while blindfolded. Smoky appeared with
Wynne on TV including their own show called Castles in the Air featuring some of
Smoky’s unbelievable tricks. Amazingly, Smoky performed in 42 live television shows
without ever repeating a trick. Smoky and Wynne were also very popular entertainers
at the veteran’s hospitals.
A special monument honouring Smoky, “World War II’s littlest soldier and most
famous war dog” stands at the Eastlake Doggie Park, in the eastern suburbs of
Cleveland, Ohio.

6. Which of the following is TRUE about the first war therapy dog Smoky?

A She ran out of the New Guinea jungle.

B She was noticed by Corporal Wynne.
C She was hungry and dirty when found.
D She used to be a Japanese therapy dog.

7. What does the author state about Smoky’s army service?

A Smoky kept well due to her balanced ration.

B Smoky’s appearance made people feel better.
C Smoky hid in Wynne’s tent during shell fire.
D Smoky’s sense of smell helped to save soldiers’ lives.
8. Describing the incident at the airbase, the author mentions that...

A the US mass media widely covered Smoky’s deed.

B the engineers worked on the project for three days.
C the telegraph wire was badly damaged by bombing.
D the construction of the air strip was interrupted.
9. What is said about Smoky’s life after the war?

A Smoky appeared in a Hollywood film.

B Smoky stayed in hospital with Wynne.
C Smoky learnt more than forty tricks.
D Smoky was given a high TV award.

10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A The US took good care of their war dogs.

B The corporal purchased the terrier cheaply.
C Wynne secretly took Smoky to the USA.
D Smoky got a monument as a great actor.

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Task 3

Read the texts below. Match choices (A - H) to (11 - 16). There are two choices you do
not need to use.

11 Bryce Canyon is one of Utah’s amazing natural features.

The Canyon extends down 2000 feet in elevation, and has unique rock
formations called “hoodoos” which are spires formed by the frost. Visitors to
Bryce Canyon National Park can go to scenic viewpoints to see the amazing
spires. In addition, Bryce Canyon is an amazing destination for stargazing,
which can be enjoyed at the Night Sky Program.

12 Located in southeastern New Mexico, this park is one of many amazing

locations in New Mexico. Throughout the summer visitors can enjoy the night
sky events hosted at the park. Carlsbad Caverns are a great place to explore
an amazing cave. The Caverns have guided tours as well as areas open for self-
guided tours. Carlsbad Caverns also have Ranger led programs emphasising
astronomy and nocturnal creatures.

13 This national park is a beautiful destination within Ohio. Visitors can enjoy
the beautiful Cuyahoga River, as well as the many different natural habitats in
the area. The Towpath Trail follows the route of the Ohio & Erie Canal. Guests
can also visit the Brandywine Falls. Another fantastic activity within this
park is the train rides on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, which gives
visitors a look into the history of the Cuyahoga Valley.

14 This national park provides visitors with a look back in time to the Battle of
Gettysburg and the Civil War. The Gettysburg National Military Park Museum
and Visitor Center is a good starting point for visiting the park. The museum
has an impressive collection of exhibits about Gettysburg during the Civil
War. After learning about this spot’s significance, visitors can take a tour of
the battlefield, including self-guided auto tours.

15 Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park is a stunning introduction to the

beautiful Rocky Mountains. During the summer months, when the weather
is at its best, the Rocky Mountain National Park really allows visitors to
Colorado to experience all of the nature and wildlife of the Rocky Mountains.
Children will love the Ranger- led programs, including guided horseback
tours, and the After Dark program. Campers should be sure to look out for
elk, bighorn sheep and many other species of wildlife.

16 Shenandoah National Park is 105 miles long. Shenandoah’s visitor centers have
plenty of fascinating exhibits, and the park has plenty of hiking opportunities.
There are over 500 miles of trails, and much of the parks 196,000 acres are
open to backcountry camping, nature viewing and more. Old Rag Mountain
is also in Shenandoah National park, which happens to be a very popular,
challenging and dangerous hike, great for the more adventurous hikers.

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Which of these parks offers an opportunity to _____________________ ?

A examine the territory driving a car on your own

B enjoy fishing, canoeing and kayaking
C have a good time taking long risky walks
D see one of the world's tallest waterfalls
E have a terrific excursion sitting on an animal
F observe icy peaks in the mountains
G investigate a natural hole in land formation
H take pleasure from the tour by a moving vehicle

Task 4

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (17-22).
There are two choices you do not need to use.

The Letter That Changed History

Have you ever written a letter and wished (17)________ ? Albert Einstein wrote a
letter like that in 1939. Concerned by reports (18)________ , Einstein wrote to the
United States President Franklin Roosevelt, suggesting that recent nuclear research
might make it possible “to build extremely powerful bombs of a new type”. Einstein
advised speeding up research (19)________ . He also recommended that the United
States take action to secure an adequate supply of uranium.
This letter set off a chain reaction of its own, eventually resulting in the Manhattan
Project – the enormous effort to create the first atomic bomb.
By 1945, many scientists were alarmed by the power of this new weapon – especially
(20)________ that Germany wasn’t building one of its own. Einstein wrote Roosevelt
another letter, asking him to meet with scientists (21)________ . But the president
died (22)________ .
Einstein later said the first letter was “the single greatest mistake of my entire life”.

A who opposed its use

B you could take it back
C since it was now clear
D before he could read it
E before the Germans got there first
F that the letter was considered too controversial
G you could be impressed with the scientist’s abilities
H that German scientists had succeeded in splitting the atom

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Use of English
Task 5
Read the text below. For questions (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

One of the Great Myths

If you thought Columbus had to convince people the world was round — you’ve
been misled by a writer named Washington Irving. Irving is well (23)__________ today
for short stories like “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” But in 1838
he wrote a best-selling history book about Columbus. One chapter (24)__________
a dramatic confrontation in which Columbus sought to win over a gathering of
(25)__________ Spanish scholars who argued that the world was flat.

Nice story. The (26)__________ is that Aristotle proved the earth was round two
thousand years earlier, pointing out the curved shadow it casts on the moon. By
Columbus’s time, virtually all learned people (27)__________ that for granted.

Columbus really did meet with the scholars, but the (28)__________ he had with them
was about something (29)__________ different: the size of the globe. And Columbus
was totally (30)________ : he thought the earth was small enough and it would be a
short sail to India.

But Irving’s romantiuised version made Columbus the enlightened hero (31)__________
myth and superstition. That’s what people wanted to (32)__________ , and that’s what
became history.

23 A known B famous C popular D familiar

24 A describes B indicates C expresses D reports
25 A indecisive B indefinite C disbelieving D hesitating
26 A truth B correctness C proof D rightness
27 A received B admitted C took D accepted
28 A contest B objection C argument D opinion
29 A completely B finally C fully D thoroughly
30 A unfair B wrong C false D unjust
31 A overcoming B outrunning C overtaking D outdoing
32 A believe B regard C understand D expect

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Task 6

Read the texts below. For each of the empty spaces (33-42) choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).

The World’s Smallest House

This house has been a childhood dream for artist builder Jay Shafer who created it.
The entire house is only 96 square feet, basically (33)________ than most of people’s
bathrooms. It (34)________ with a stainless-steel kitchen, storage and has a classy
wood interior. The (35)________ next dream is to create a community of (36)________
small houses, connected by walking paths, (37)________ the same shrunken size as
the homes.

33 A small B smallest C smaller D the smallest

34 A equips B equipped C is equipped D has equipped
35 A artists B artist’s C artist D artists’
36 A like B so C such D as
37 A have B to have C having D are having

Why Are Candies on Sticks Called “Lollipops”?

At the end of the nineteenth century, (38) ________ candies were too large and
dangerous for a child’s mouth, and because they were sold (39)________ , they
inevitably caused a sticky mess on clothes, faces, and fingers. That was enough
to make many parents (40)________ their children from buying them. In a stroke of
marketing genius, George Smith of Connecticut (41)________ the problem by putting
the candy on a stick. He named his (42)________ after a famous racehorse of the time,
Lolly Pop.

38 A much B most C the most D more

39 A to unwrap B unwrap C unwrapped D unwrapping
40 A keeping B to keep C to be keeping D keep
41 A solving B solved C solve D has solved
42 A invention B invent C inventor D inventive

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43. Your pen friend has sent you a letter in which he/she complains that his/her
history classes at school are boring, though generally he/she likes history.
Write a letter to your pen friend in which you say

`` if it is important to know history well

`` whether you find your history classes exciting
`` what your favourite school subject is and why

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates,
addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate


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