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MATH 705 Set Theory and Logic

Module 8


After studying this module, you should be able to:
1. define propositional functions, open sentences, and relation;
2. determine the solution sets and graphs of relations;
3. describe relations as sets of ordered pairs;
4. differentiate inverse, reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, and
equivalence relations; and
5. find the domain and range of a relation.

Mathematics is about relationships. This is what this chapter makes the learners realize.
Aside from dealing with sets of entities, the learners should be able to tell how such sets are
related. Observable properties of relations are given, including special relations. Theorems on the
properties of these relations are also proven.

Propositional Functions, Open Sentences

A propositional function defined on the Cartesian product A × B of two sets A and B is
an expression denoted by
P (x, y)
which has the property that P (a, b), where a and b are substituted for the variables x and y
respectively in P(x, y), is true or false for any ordered pair (a, b)  A × B. For example, if A is
the set of playwrights and B is the set play, then
P(x, y) = “x wrote y”
is a prepositional function on A × B. In particular,
P(Shakespeare, Hamlet) = “Shakespeare wrote Hamlet”
P(Shakespeare, Faust) = “Shakespeare wrote Faust”
are true and false respectively.
The expression P (x, y) by itself shall be called an open sentence in two variables or,
simply, an open sentence. Other examples of open sentences are as follows:

(1) “x is less than y.”
(2) “x weighs y pounds”
(3) “x divides y.”
(4) ”x is the wife of y.”

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(5) “The square of x plus the square of y is sixteen”, i.e. “x ² + y² = 16”.

(6) “Triangle x is similar to triangle y.”

In all of our examples there are two variables. It is also possible to have open sentences in
one variable such as “x is in the United Nations”, or in more than two variables such as “ x times
y equal z”.

A relation R consists of the following:
1) a set A
2) a set B
3) an open sentence P(x, y) in which P(a, b) is either true or false for any ordered pair (a,
b) belonging to A × B.

We then call R a relation from A to B and denote it by

R = (A, B, P(x, y))
Furthermore, if P(a, b) is true we write
which reads “a is related to b”. On the other hand, if P (a, b) is not true we write
which reads “a is not related to b”.

(1) Let R1 = (R#, R#, P(x, y)) where P(x, y) reads “x is less than y”. Then R 1 is a relation
since P(a, b), i.e. “a < b”, is either true or false for any ordered pair (a, b) of real numbers.
Moreover, since P(2, ) is true we can write 2 R 1  and since P(5, ) is false we can write 5
R1 .

(2) Let R2 = (A, B, P(x, y)) where A is the set of men, B is the set of women, and P(x, y)
reads “x is the husband of y”. Then R2 is a relation.

(3) Let R3 = (N, N P(x, y)) where N is the natural numbers and P(x, y) reads “x divides y).
Then R3 is a relation. Furthermore,
3 R3 12, 2 R3 7, 5 R3 15, 6 R3 13

(4) Let R4 = (A, B, P(x, y)) where A is the set of men, B is the set of women and P(x, y)
reads “x divides y”. Then R 4 is not a relation since P(a, b) has no meaning if a is a man and b is a

(5) Let R5 = (N, N, P(x, y)) where N is the natural numbers and P(x, y) reads “x is less
than y” . Then R5 is a relation.

Notice that R1 and R5 are not the same relation even though the same open sentence is used to
defined each relation.

Let R = (A, B, P(x, y)) be a relation. We then say that the open sentence P(x, y) defines a
relation from A to B. Furthermore, if A = B , then we say that P(x, y) defines a relation in A, or
that R is a relation in A.

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(6) The open sentence P(x, y), which reads “x is less than y”, defines a relation in the
rational numbers.

(7) The open sentence “x is the husband of y” defines a relation from the set of men to
the set of women.

Terminology: Some authors call the expression P(x, y) a relation. They then assume implicitly
that the variables x and y range, respectively, over some sets A and B , i.e. that P(x, y) is a
propositional function defined on some product set A × B. We shall adhere to the previous
terminology where P(x, y) is simply an open sentence and, hence, a relation consists of P(x, y)
and two given sets A and B.

Solution Sets and Graphs of Relations

Let R = (A, B, P(x, y)) be a relation. The solution set R* of the relation R consists of the
elements (a, b) in A × B for which P(a, b) is true. In other words,

R* = {(a, b)} │ a  A, b  B, P(a, b) is true}

Notice that R*, the solution set of a relation R from A to B , is a subset of A × B. Hence R* can
be displayed, i.e. plotted or sketched, on the coordinate diagram of A × B.

The graph of a relation R from A to B, consists of those points on the coordinate diagram
of A × B which belong to the solution set of R.

(1) Let R = (A, B, P(x, y)) where A = {2, 3, 4}, and P(x, y) reads “x divides y”. Then the
solution set of R is

R* = {(2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 3), (3, 6), (4, 4)}

The solution set of R is displayed on the coordinate diagram of A × B as shown in the figure

(2) Let R be the relation in the real numbers defined by

The shaded area in the coordinate diagram of R # × R# shown in the figure below consists of the
points which belong to R*, the solution set of R , that is, is the graph of R.

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Notice that R* consists of the points below the line y = x + 1. The line y = x + 1 is dashed in
order to show that the points in the line do not belong to R*.

Wait! … pause for a while, answer first the following question.

Let R be the relation in A = {2, 3, 4, 5} which is defined by the open sentence “x and y are
relatively prime “, i.e. “the only common divisor of x and y is 1”.
a) Find the solution set of R, that is, write R as a set of ordered pairs.
b) Sketch R on a coordinate diagram of A x A.
a) R = { (2,3), (2,5), (3,2), (3,4), (3,5), (4,3), (4,5), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4)}

Relations as Sets of Ordered Pairs

Let R* be any subset of A × B. We can define a relation R = (A, B, P(x, y)) where P(x,
y) reads
“The ordered pair (x ,y) belongs to R*”

The solution set of this relation R is the original set R*. Thus to every relation R = (A, B, P(x, y))
there corresponds a unique solution set R* which is a subset of A × B, and to every subset R* of
A × B there corresponds a relation R = (A, B, P(x, y)) for which R* is its solution set. In view of

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this one-one correspondence between relations R = (A, B, P(x, y)) and subsets R* of A × B, we
redefine a relation as, a relation R from A to B is a subset of A × B.
Although this definition of a relation may seem artificial it has the advantage that we do
not use in this definition of a relation the undefined concepts “open sentence” and “variable”.

(1) Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {a, b}. Then R= {(1, a), (1, b), (3, a)} is a relation from A
to B . Furthermore, 1 R a, 2 R b, 3 R a, 3 R b

(2) Let W = {a, b, c}. Then R = {(a, b), (a, c), (c, c), (c, b)} is a relation in W. Moreover,
a R a, b R a, c R c, a R b .

(3) Let
R = {(x, y) │ x  R , y R , y < x²}
# #

Then R is a set of ordered pairs of real numbers, i.e. a subset of R # × R#. Hence R is the relation
in the real numbers which could also be defined by
# #
R = (R , R , P(x, y))
where P(x, y) reads “y is less than x².

Remark: Let set A have m elements and set B have n elements. Then there are 2 different
relations from A to B, since A × B, which has an mn elements has 2 different subsets.

Domain and Range of a Relation

Let R be a relation from A to B, that is, let R be a subset of A × B. The domain D of the
relation R is the set of all first elements of the ordered pairs which belong to R, that is,
D = {a  A, (a, b)  R }
The range E of the relation R consists of all the second elements which appear in the ordered
pairs in R, that is,
E = {b │ b  B, (a, b)  R}
Notice that the domain of a relation from A to B is a subset of A, and its range is a subset of B.

(1) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {a, b, c}, and R = {(2, a), (4, a), (4, c)}. Then the domain of
R is the set {2, 4}, and the range of R is the set {a, c}.

(2) Let the relation R in the real numbers be defined by the open sentence “4x ² + 9y² =
# #
36”. R is displayed on the coordinate diagram of R × R as shown in the figure below. The
domain of R is the closed interval [-3, 3], and the range of R is the closed interval [-2, 2].

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Remark: Let a relation R from A to B be displayed on the coordinate diagram of A × B. then a ε

A is in the domain of R if, and only if, the vertical line through a contains a point of the graph of
R. Also, b  B is in the range of R if, and only if, the horizontal line through b contains a point of
the graph of R.

Inverse Relations
Every relation R from A to B has an inverse relation R from B to A which is defined by
R = {(b, a) │ (a, b)  R}
In other words, the inverse relation R consists of those ordered pairs which when reversed i.e.
permuted, belong to R.

(1) Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {a, b}. Then R = {(1, a), (1, b), (3, a)} is a relation
from A to B. The inverse relation of R is R = {(a,1), (1, b), (3, a)}.

(2) Let W = {a, b, c}. Then R= {(a, b), (a, c), (c, c), (c, b)} is a relation in W . The
inverse relation of R is R = {(b, a), (c, a), (c, c), (b, c)}.

Wait! … pause for a while, answer first the following question.

Consider the relation R = {(1,5), (4,5), (1,4), (4,6), (3,7), (7,6)}. Find a) the domain of R, b) the
range of R, and c) the inverse of R.
a) The domain of R consists of the set of first elements in R; hence the domain of R is {1, 4,
3, 7}.
b) The range of R consist of the set of second elements in R; hence the range of R is {5, 4,
6, 7}
c) The inverse of R consists of the same pairs as in R but in the reverse order; hence R -1 =
{(5,1), (5,4), (4,1), (6,4), (7,3), (6,7)}

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Reflexive Relations
Let R = (A, A, P(x, y)) be a relation in a set A, i.e. let R be a subset of A × A. Then R is
called a reflexive relation if , for every a  A.
(a, a)  R
In other words, R is reflexive if every element in A is related to itself.

(1) Let V = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = {(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 1), (4, 4)}. Then R is not a
reflexive relation since (2, 2) does not belong to R . Notice that all ordered pairs (a, a) must
belong to R in order for R to be reflexive.

(2) Let A be the set of triangles in the Euclidean plane. The relation R in A defined by
the open sentence “x is similar to y” is a reflexive relation since every triangle is similar to itself.

(3) Let R be the relation in the real numbers defined by the open sentence “x is less than
y”, i.e. “x < y”. Then R is not reflexive since a < a for any real number a.

(4) Let A be a family of sets, and let R be the relation in A defined by “x is a subset of
y”. Then R is a reflexive relation since every set is a subset of itself.

Symmetric Relations
Let R be a subset of A × A, i.e. let R be a relation in A. Then R is called a symmetric
relation if
(a, b) ε R implies (b, a) ε R
that is, if a is related to b then b is also related to a.

(1) Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and let R = {(1, 3), (4, 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), (3, 1)}. Then R is not a
symmetric relation since
(2, 3)  R but (3, 2)  R

(2) Let A be the set of triangles in the Euclidean plane, and let R be the relation in A
which is defined by the open sentence “x is similar to y”. Then R is symmetric, since if triangle a
is similar to triangle b then b is also similar to a.

(3) Let R be the relation in the natural numbers N which is defined by “x divides y”.
Then R is not symmetric since 2 divides 4 but 4 does not divide 2. In other words,
(2, 4)  R but (4,2)  R

Remark: Since (a, b)  R implies (b, a) belongs to the inverse relation R -1, R is a symmetric
relation if and only if
Anti-symmetric Relations
A relation R in a set A, i.e. a subset of A × A, is called an anti-symmetric relation if (a,
b)  R and (b, a)  R implies a = b. In other words, if a ≠ b then possibly a is related to b or
possibly b is related to a, but never both.


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(1) Let N be the natural numbers and let R be the relation in N defined by “x divides y”.
Then R is anti-symmetric since
a divides b and b divides a implies a = b
(2) Let W = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and let R = {(1, 3), (4, 2), (4, 4), (2, 4)}. Then R is not
an anti-symmetric relation in W since
(4, 2)  R and (2, 4)  R

(3) Let A be a family of sets, and let R be the relation in A defined by “x divides y”.
Then R is anti-symmetric since
A  B and B  A implies A = B

Remark: Let D denote the diagonal line of A × A, i.e. the set of all ordered pairs (a, a) ε A × A.
Then a relation R in A is anti-symmetric if and only if
R ∩ R-1  D

Transitive Relations
A relation R in a set A is called a transitive relation if
(a, b)  R and (b, c)  R implies (a, c)  R
In other words, if a is related to b and b is related to c, then a is related to c.

(1) Let A be the set of people on earth. Let R be the relation in A defined by the open
sentence “x loves y”. If a loves b and b loves c, it does not necessarily follow that a loves c.
Accordingly, R is not a transitive relation.

(2) Let R be the relation in the real numbers defined by “x is less than y”. Then, as
previously shown,
a < b and b < c implies a < c
Thus R is a transitive relation.

(3) Let W = {a, b, c} and let R = {(a, b), (c, b), (b, a), (a, c)}. Then R is not a transitive
relation since (c, b)  R and (b, a)  R but (c, a)  R.

(4) Let A be a family of sets, and let R be the relation in A defined by “x is a subset of
y”. Then R is a transitive relation since

A  B and B  C implies A  C

Equivalence Relations
A relation R in a set A is an equivalence relation if
1) R is reflexive, that is, for every a  A, (a, a)  R,
2) R is symmetric, that is, (a, b)  R implies (b, a)  R,
3) R is transitive, that is, (a, b)  R, and (b, c)  implies (a, c)  R.

In a later chapter we will more fully study equivalence relations in sets. Now we just give two
examples of equivalence relations.


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(1) Let A be the set of triangles in Euclidean plane. Let R be the relation on A defined by
“x is similar to y”. Then, as proven in geometry, R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. Thus R
is an equivalence relation.

(2) The most important example of an equivalence relation is that of “equality”. For any
elements in any set:
1) a = a
2) a = b implies b = a,
3) a = b and b = c implies a = c.
Wait! … pause for a while, answer first the following question.
Each of the following open sentences defines a relation in the natural numbers N.
(1) x is greater than y (3) x times y is the square of a number
(2) x is a multiple of y (4) x + 3y = 12
State whether or not each of the relations is reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive, or

(1) anti-symmetric, and transitive
(2) reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive
(3) reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence relation
(4) anti-symmetric, and transitive

Relations and Functions

A function f of A into B is a subset of A × B in which each a  A appears in one and
only one ordered pair belonging to f.

Since every subset of A × B is a relation, a function is a special type of relation. In fact,

the term “domain” and “range” appeared both in the discussion of functions and in the discussion
of relations.

An important problem in the mathematics is to determine whether or not a relation R in

the real numbers defined by an equation of the form
F(x, y) = 0
is, in fact, a function. In other words, does or does not the relation defined by
F(x, y) = 0
define a function y = f(x)?
In general, this problem is extremely difficult. Here, we are only able to answer this
question for every simple equations.

(1) Let R be the relation in the real numbers defined by
x²+ y² = 25
R is displayed on the coordinate diagram of R# × R# as shown in the figure below

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Notice that R is a circle of radius 5 with center at the origin. Notice, further that many vertical
lines contain more than one point of R. In particular, (3,4) ε R and (3, -4) ε R. Thus the relation R
is not a function.
(2) Let A = [-15, 5], B = [0, ∞), and let R be the relation from A to B defined by
x²+y² = 25
R is displayed on the coordinate diagram of A × B shown in figure below.
Notice that R is the upper half of a circle. Notice further that each vertical line contains one and
only one point of R; hence R is a function.

(3) Let R be the relation in the real numbers defined by

2x – 3y = 6
R is displayed on the coordinate diagram of R × R# shown in the figure below. Notice that R is a

straight line and that every vertical line contains one and only one point of R; thus R is a
function. Furthermore, by solving for y in terms of x on the equation above, we obtain a formula
that defines the function R, y = f(x) = .

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Activity No. 8
1. Let R be the relation in A = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} defined by the open sentence “x - y is divisible
by 3”. Write R as a set of ordered pairs.

2. Let R = { (x,y)  x R#, y  R#, y > x2}

R’ = { (x,y)  x R#, y  R#, y < x + 2}
Note that R and R’ are both relations in the real numbers.
a) Sketch the relation R  R’ on a coordinate diagram of R# x R#.
b) Find the domain of R  R’.
c) Find the range of R  R’.

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3. Let W = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Consider the following relations in W:

R1 = {(1,1), (1,2)} R3 = {(1,3), (2,4)}
R2 = {(1,1), (2,3), (4,1)} R4 = {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)}
R5 = W x W
State whether or not each of the relations is reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric,
transitive, or equivalence.

4. Let R be the relation in the natural numbers N defined by the open sentence “(x – y) is
divisible by 5”; that is, let R = {(x,y) x  N, y  N, (x – y) is divisible by 5}. Prove that
R is an equivalence relation.

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