Mobilization, Temporary Facilities and Controls

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1.01 Section Summary

A. Mobilization shall include, but not be limited to, these principal items:

1. Preparatory work and operations that must be performed before

beginning work on the project site.

2. Obtaining required permits.

3. Establishing and administering health and safety programs and


4. Moving tools, equipment, and personnel to and from the project site
and/or staging area(s).

5. Project management and coordination including, but not limited to,

providing updates, attending meetings, and the oversight and
supervision of Contractor’s personnel and all its subcontractors.

B. Temporary facilities and utilities required during construction.

1.02 References

A. North Dakota Department of Transportation “Standard Specifications for

Road and Bridge Construction”, 2014 Edition, as Revised.

B. Federal Highway Administration “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”

(MUTCD), 2009 Edition, as revised.

1.03 Submittals

A. At least 14 days prior to planned start of work:

1. Submit a traffic control plan to include the following:

a. Access, detour, and haul routes.

b. Traffic control measures and devices.

d. Permits or applications required by local authorities.

e. Temporary facilities required.

2019 City of Minot 1 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
2. Furnish a schedule for all temporary facilities and controls detailing
coordination and timeframe for completion.

B. At or before the preconstruction meeting:

1. Furnish names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least 2

individuals who will be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for
placement and maintenance of traffic control devices.

2. Submit proof of successful completion of the Traffic Control

Technician and Traffic Control Supervisor courses, if applicable.

C. Weekly during the project, submit documentation of all watch persons’

hours and activities.


2.01 Traffic Control Devices

A. Shall conform to the MUTCD.

2.02 Temporary Safety Fence

A. Shall conform to NDDOT Specification 752.04.E.


3.01 Mobilization

A. Move equipment, materials, personnel, and all other items required to

complete the work at the Project Site.

B. Temporarily hold or relocate utilities and any miscellaneous structures, such

as signs, power poles, guy wires, and mailboxes disturbed.

3.02 Salvage and Reinstall Signs and Mailboxes

A. Remove, store, and reinstall all signs, posts, etc. that may be within the
Project Site in accordance with Section 1500 – Removals.

B. Mailbox relocation shall be in accordance with Section 1500 – Removals.

3.03 Temporary Utilities

A. Provide and maintain all temporary facilities, controls, and utilities for as
long as needed to maintain safe and proper completion of the work.
Remove temporary facilities, controls, and utilities as work progresses or as
directed by the Engineer.

2019 City of Minot 2 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
B. Temporary Water for Construction

1. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor operate any valves or

hydrants to obtain water without the authorization of the Water and
Sewer Superintendent.

2. Provide temporary water service to properties whose service will be

interrupted for more than 12 hours.

a. All piping shall be rated for potable water use.

b. Minimum pipe size shall be 1-inch diameter for up to three

service connections and 2-inch diameter for four or more
connections. Use larger pipes where necessary to provide
adequate domestic service throughout the duration of the
temporary connection.

c. Valves shall be provided on temporary piping at intervals not

to exceed 500 LF.

d. The method of providing the temporary water service (which

hydrant to use, direction to feed, etc.) shall be an option of
the Contractor subject to the approval of the Engineer.

e. All temporary water mains and services shall be disinfected in

accordance with Section 2100.

f. One passing bacteria test per tested segment is required. No

connections will be allowed in a segment without a passing
bacteria test. One water sample per block at the end of a to-
be-connected service line shall be tested after the temporary
water line is flushed.

g. No additional contract time will be allowed for failure to pass

bacteria test(s).

3.04 Temporary Construction

A. Dewatering

1. Work to be performed may require draining, pumping, and

dewatering. These items shall be considered incidental unless
otherwise specified in a bid item.

2. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to obtain

permission from the City and/or landowner for the purposes
installing equipment and discharging water.

2019 City of Minot 3 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
3. The Contractor shall protect the site and adjacent property from
damages caused by dewatering and pumping.

4. The Contractor shall be responsible for designing the dewatering

system, obtaining permission for discharging on private property,
and obtaining the appropriate permits.

B. Bypass Pumping

1. Bypass all sewers affected by the work in accordance with Section

2310 – Bypass Pumping.

3.05 Project Traffic Control

A. General

1. The Contractor is responsible for signing, barricades, and traffic

control devices to protect the traveling public and direct them around
the work zone.

2. A work zone consists of an area with construction, maintenance, or

utility work activities, and extends from the first sign to the last
device on any roadway segment.

3. All traffic control shall conform to MUTCD.

4. Traffic control devices shall be installed at the inception of the

construction process and shall be maintained for the duration of the
project. They shall remain in place only as long as they are needed
and shall be immediately removed thereafter.

5. Provide access for emergency vehicles to all properties at all times

except when the nature of the work makes emergency vehicle access
unachievable. In such cases, facilitate access as much as possible
and accommodate emergency workers.

6. No materials or equipment shall be placed on City streets that are

open to traffic if it interferes with traffic flow or creates an unsafe

B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

1. The Contractor shall not create a hazardous condition or block

movement of pedestrian or bicycle traffic without an appropriate ADA
compliant alternate route and closure established.

2019 City of Minot 4 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
2. The Contractor shall provide for pedestrian and bicycle traffic by
phasing construction operations and/or by providing alternative
pedestrian and bicyclist access through or adjacent to construction

3. Proper advance notice signage with reasonable detours shall be

installed and maintained through all phases of construction.

4. Access to pedestrian and bicycle devices at traffic signals shall be

maintained at all times.

5. At no time shall pedestrians be diverted into a portion of the street

used for vehicular traffic or on to private property unless proper
barriers, delineations, and adequate signage are in place.

C. Traffic Control Deficiencies

1. The Engineer, Owner, or any law enforcement agency will notify one
of the two 24-hour contact persons designated by the Contractor in
the project submittals of any deficiencies.

2. The Contractor will have one-hour from the time of first notification
to correct the deficiencies and thereby avoid a fee.

3. If the Contractor does not correct the deficiencies within one hour of
first notification, the Contractor will be subject to a fee as follows:

a. An initial fee of $900, plus a fee of $100 per hour for each
hour or any portion thereof that the Engineer determines the
deficiency still exists.

b. The minimum fee is $1,000 (initial fee plus one hourly fee).
There will be no charge, however, if the deficiency is
corrected within one hour of first notification.

c. The Engineer or Owner will notify the Contractor when the

charges begin.

d. Once the deficiencies have been corrected, the Contractor

shall notify the Engineer of same. If the Engineer concurs,
charges will be deemed to have stopped accruing at the time
of Engineer notification. Otherwise, the Contractor shall
correct remaining deficiencies and hourly charges will
continue to accrue until the Engineer concurs that the
deficiencies have been corrected.

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Temporary Facilities and Controls
4. If the Contractor is deemed by the Engineer or Owner to be non-
responsive and/or does not make reasonable efforts to correct the
deficiencies in a timely manner, work on the entire project will be
shut down until the deficiencies are corrected. Prior to resuming
construction activities, the Contractor shall provide a plan to the
Engineer as to how future problems will be avoided. All applicable
fees will accrue during the shutdown.

D. Local Traffic Control

1. This category of traffic control is generally used for sites with limited
outside traffic and limited exposure to the traveling public, such as
entrances to private construction sites and entrances to new
development projects.

2. The Contractor is responsible for signing and barricading entrance

points to the construction site to restrict access and maintain the
safety of the general public.

E. Traffic Control - Minor

1. This category of traffic control is used for short term stationary and
mobile operations where device installations are not used or left in
place at night. Examples include minor pavement maintenance,
crack filling, and minor boulevard utility or tree work.

2. The Contractor shall provide flaggers and have them stationed near
the work zone to assist the general public and construction vehicles
in and around the work zone.

F. Traffic Control – Type 1

1. This category of traffic control is for low-traffic areas and requires

the Contractor to provide a watch person to monitor and document
the site.

2. The Contractor shall provide flaggers in controlled access areas of

the work zone that has work occurring in the normal traveled lane.

3. The project shall be patrolled at least twice daily, at least once

during daylight hours before 10:00 am and,

a. on working days, at least once after the Contractor has shut

down for the day;

b. on non-working days, after 6:00 pm.

2019 City of Minot 6 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
4. Watch Person(s)

a. Watch person(s) shall be provided to patrol the project to

ensure that the traffic control devices are properly placed in
accordance with the traffic control plans and standards.

b. The Contractor shall keep written documentation of all watch

persons’ hours and activities on the project.

c. The Contractor shall immediately assist the watch person

whenever necessary to correct conditions that cause erratic
traffic movement, unexpected braking, etc., and erect, repair,
replace, or relocate the required traffic control devices. In
such instances, the Contractor shall provide emergency
assistance to motorists affected by the deficient conditions.

d. Upon written request to the Engineer, suspension of watch

person service may be permitted during periods of authorized
work suspension or after substantial completion of the work,
provided the project site is in a safe condition.

5. Qualifications of Watch Person(s)

a. Watch person(s) shall have completed a NDDOT-approved

Traffic Control Technician (TCT) course.

b. Watch person(s) shall be familiar with the traffic control

requirements outlined herein as well as the plans and
specifications for the project.

G. Traffic Control – Type 2

1. This category of traffic control is for high-traffic areas and requires

the Contractor to provide a traffic control supervisor in addition to
watch person(s) to monitor and document the site.

2. Flagging, patrol, and watch person requirements shall be per Traffic

Control – Type 1 except that watch person duties must be performed
by a traffic control subcontractor.

2019 City of Minot 7 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls
3. Traffic Control Supervisor

a. The Contractor shall designate a qualified traffic control

supervisor in addition to the watch person(s) to supervise the
installation, operations, inspection, maintenance, and removal
of the traffic control system, and to serve as the watch person
in his/her absence.

b. Traffic control supervisor shall correct traffic control

conditions that cause erratic vehicle movements, unexpected
braking, etc. and propose changes to improve traffic flow
through the work zone.

c. The traffic control supervisor shall be accessible to the job

site within one hour of notification and be “on call” on a 24-
hour basis.

d. In the event the traffic control supervisor becomes

unavailable during the project, the Contractor shall designate
a qualified replacement supervisor.

4. Qualifications of Traffic Control Supervisor

a. Not an employee of the Contractor. Duties must be carried

out by a subcontractor.

b. Traffic control supervisor shall have completed a NDDOT-

approved Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) course.

c. Traffic control supervisor shall be familiar with the traffic

control requirements outlined herein as well as the plans and
specifications for the project.

d. Traffic control supervisor shall have completed a total of at

least 12 months of field experience with traffic control plans,
layouts, and maintenance.

e. Traffic control supervisor must be competent to supervise

personnel in traffic control operations.

3.06 Temporary Barriers and Enclosures

A. Provide approved temporary covers, enclosures, markers, and barriers as

necessary to protect the work.

B. Install safety fence around all excavations where work is suspended and
other areas that pose a hazard to workers and/or the public.

2019 City of Minot 8 Section 1100

Temporary Facilities and Controls

A. Mobilization

1. Shall be paid for on a Lump Sum (LS) basis in accordance with

NDDOT Specification Section 702.06.

2. If the Project has more than one (1) Work Unit and Mobilization is
provided for in the Bid Form for each Work Unit, each Work Unit’s
Mobilization item shall be paid for on a lump sum basis.

B. Traffic Control

1. No bid item will be provided for Local Traffic Control. All costs
associated with providing Local Traffic Control as specified herein
shall be included in the prices bid for other items.

2. Traffic Control – _____: Shall be paid for on a Lump Sum (LS) basis
and shall include all work as specified herein. This shall be
considered payment in full for all labor, equipment, and materials
associated with required traffic control devices for the entire project.

3. If the project has more than one (1) Work Unit and Traffic Control is
provided for in the Bid Form for each Work Unit, each Work Unit’s
Traffic Control item shall be paid for on a lump sum basis.

4. Partial payments will be made as follows:

First Partial Payment 50% of Traffic

Control Item

Percent of Original Contract Earned – 50 75% of Traffic

Control Item

Percent of Original Contract Earned – 100 100% of Traffic

Control Item

Partial payments as indicated on the table above will be paid by

either the Original Contract amount for a single Traffic Control bid
item or per the Contract amount per each Work Unit if there is a
Traffic Control bid item per Work Unit.

C. All costs to properly complete the work specified herein and/or shown on
the Plans shall be included in the prices bid for these or other items unless
applicable bid items are included on the Bid Form.


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Temporary Facilities and Controls

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