Magic - SCAG Expanded Melee Cantrips - GM Binder

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This document describes a collection of homebrew cantrip spells that deal additional damage or effects on weapon attacks.

Some of the cantrips described are Bonebreaker Blade, Bumping Blade, Corrosive Blade, and Crippling Blade.

For most cantrips, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 damage and other effect damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th levels.

We love SCAGtrips - Spells Collection

his is an expanded spell list based on the As part of the action used to cast this spell, you

cantrips present in Sword Coast Adventure's must make a melee attack with a weapon against

Guide, available for Sorcerers, Warlocks, one creature within the spell's range, otherwise

Wizards, and my own homebrew class the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the
attack's normal effects and a pool of acid fills a 5-foot cube
Bonebreaker Blade beneath the target until the start of your next turn. If a
Transmutation cantrip creature moves into the acid's space for the first time on a
Casting Time: 1 action turn or ends its turn there, it takes 1d8 acid damage, and the
Range: 5 feet spell ends.
Components: V, M (a weapon) This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
Duration: 1 round levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 acid
damage to the target, and the damage a creature takes for
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a ending its turn in the acid increases to 2d8. Both damage
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and its bones weaken and
crack until the start of your next turn. If the target takes a
reaction before then, it immediately takes 1d8 piercing
damage, and the spell ends.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
piercing damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for taking a reaction increases to 2d8. Both damage
rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
Bumping Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if it is a medium
creature or smaller, it is pushed 10 feet away from you. If the
target collides with something or someone, it takes
bludgeoning damage equal to your spellcasting ability
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
bludgeoning damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for colliding increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability
modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and
17th level.
Corrosive Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round

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Crippling Blade As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
Transmutation cantrip melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
Casting Time: 1 action suffers the attack’s normal effects, and dark energy invades
Range: 5 feet its body until the start of your next turn. If the target is
Components: V, M (a weapon) reduced to 0 hit points before then, all creatures of your
Duration: 1 round choice within 5 feet of it take necrotic damage equal to your
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard spellcasting ability modifier, as the corpse explodes in a
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a burst of negative energy, and the spell ends. A creature
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the behind total cover isn't damaged.
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target This spell’s damage increases when you reach higher
suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is crippled until the levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
start of your next turn. If the target takes the Dash, Dodge or necrotic damage to the target, and the damage creatures
Disengage action, or makes a Strength or Dexterity check takes for being close to the target when it dies increases to
and fails before then, it takes 1d8 slashing damage, and the 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls
spell ends. If the target is forced to make a check, it can increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
choose to fail it automatically and take no damage.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher Diseased Blade
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 Necromancy cantrip
slashing damage to the target, and the damage the target Casting Time: 1 action
takes for taking those actions or failing those checks Range: 5 feet
increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th Components: V, M (a weapon)
level and 17th level. Duration: 1 round
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Reaping Blade
Necromancy cantrip As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
Casting Time: 1 action spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
Range: 5 feet suffers the attack's normal effects, and it has disadvantage
Components: V, M (a weapon) on ability checks until the start of your next turn. If the target
Duration: 1 round regains hit points before then, it takes 1d8 poison damage, as
its body starts to mutate, and the spell ends.
At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 poison
damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for
regaining hit points increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls
increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
Frozen Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and its articulations
become sheathed in brittling cold until the start of your next
turn. If the target performs more than one melee or ranged
weapon attack before then, it immediately takes 1d8 cold
damage, and the spell ends.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 cold
damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for
performing more than one attack increases to 2d8 Both
damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.

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Moonlight Blade charged until the start of your next turn. If the target hits you
Evocation cantrip with a melee attack before then, it takes lightning damage
equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, as the electric
Casting Time: 1 action charge returns to you, and the spell ends.
Range: 5 feet This spell’s damage increases when you reach higher
Components: V, M (a weapon) levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
Duration: 1 round lightning damage to the target, and the damage the target
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a takes for hitting you with a melee attack increases to 1d8 +
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.
suffers the attack's normal effects, and a dim bright shines
on a target's weak spot, making weapon attacks score a Pest-Bearing Blade
critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 until the start of your next Necromancy cantrip
turn. If the target is hit with a critical hit before then, it takes Casting Time: 1 action
1d8 radiant damage, and the spell ends. Range: 5 feet
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher Components: V, M (a weapon)
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 Duration: 1 round
radiant damage to the target, and the damage the target takes As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
for being hit with a critical hit increases to 2d8. Both damage melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level. spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
Lightning-Charged Blade suffers the attack's normal effects, and diseases invade its
Evocation cantrip body until the start of your next turn. If the target doesn't
take damage before then, itt takes poison damage equal to
Casting Time: 1 action your spellcasting ability modifier, and the spell ends.
Range: 5 feet At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 poison
Components: V, M (a weapon) damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for not
Duration: 1 round taking damage increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the 17th level.
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack’s normal effects, and it becomes

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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Censuring Blade
Enchantment cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and its mouth is covered
by a violet veil until the start of your next turn. If the target
willingly speaks before then, it immediately takes psychic
damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, and the
spell ends.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
psychic damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for speaking increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting
ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th
level and 17th level.
Spell-Shattering Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if it is the target of a
spell, the caster of the spell takes force damage equal to your
spellcasting ability modifier if it is within 60ft of the target.
As a reaction, the caster can end the spell to not receive the
damage. If the target is being affected by multiple spells of
different casters, a random one takes the damage.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 force
damage to the target, and the damage the caster takes
increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both
damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.

Created by /u/Enderluck (discord Enderluck#8624).

Art from:
Corrosive Blade: Miguel Regodon
Death Reaper Blade: Jaan van Eeden
Diseased Blade: Heylenne
Lightning-Charged Blade: ValentrisRRock
Spell-Shattering Blade: dleoblack
Last review: XXXX

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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The following is WIP*
*work in progress. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Th
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the levels
Weeping-Wounds Blade spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target thund
Necromancy cantrip suffers the attack's normal effects, and its body is cover in takes
Casting Time: 1 action thin fragile ice until the start of your next turn. If the next incre
Range: 5 feet weapon attack made against the target before then hits, it and 1
Components: V, M (a weapon) takes 1d8 cold damage as the ice shatters with the target's
Duration: 1 round flesh. Hit or miss, the spell ends.
This spell's damage and temporaty hit points increase
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the deals an extra 1d8 cold damage to the target, and the damage
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target the target takes for being hit with an attack increases to to
suffers the attack's normal effects and it is badly injured 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th
until the start of your next turn. If the target misses you with level.
a melee weapon attack before then, it takes slashing damage
equal to your spellcasting ability modifier and the spell ends, Thorny-Vine Blade
as you take advantage of its fail to quickly hit it in its wounds. Conjuration cantrip
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher Casting Time: 1 action
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 Range: 5 feet
slashing damage to the target, and the damage the target Components: V, M (a weapon)
takes for missing you a weapon attack increases to 2d8. Both Duration: 1 round
damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
Compelling Blade melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
Enchantment cantrip spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
Casting Time: 1 action suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is entangled with
Range: 5 feet vines and thorns until the start of your next turn. If the next
Components: V, M (a weapon) weapon attack made against the target before then miss, it
Duration: 1 round takes 1d8 piercing damage as the vines take advantage of the
momentary distraction to hurt the creature. Hit or miss, the
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a spell ends.
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
suffers the attack's normal effects and it is compelled to by piercing damage to the target, and the damage the target
your blade until the start of your next turn. If the target move takes for being missed with an attack increases to 2d8. Both
away from you or attack a creature other than you before damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
then, it takes 1d8 psychic damage and the spell ends. The
spell also ends if you move away from the creature. Quivering Blade
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher Evocation cantrip
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 Casting Time: 1 action
psychic damage to the target, and the damage the target Range: 5 feet
takes for attacking a creature other than you increases to Components: V, M (a weapon)
2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th Duration: 1 minute
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
North-Wind Blade melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
Evocation cantrip spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
Casting Time: 1 action suffers the attack's normal effects, and you set harmless
Range: 5 feet vibrations on the target's body for the duration. While the
Components: V, M (a weapon) creature has these vibrations, the creature can't become
Duration: 1 round hidden from you, and if it's invisible, it gains no benefit from
that condition against you. If you hit the target with this spell
while it is already been affected by the spell, it takes 1d8
thunder damage as the vibrations resonate damaging its

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials
used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Shimmering Blade This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
Evocation cantrip levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 acid
damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for
Casting Time: 1 action being covered in acid increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls
Range: 5 feet increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round ¿? Blade
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Evocation cantrip
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the Casting Time: 1 action
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target Range: 5 feet
suffers the attack's normal effects, and it sheds dim light in a Components: V, M (a weapon)
5-foot radius until the start of your next turn. If a hostile Duration: 1 round
creature other than the target ends its turns within the dim As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
light, the creature takes radiant damage equal to your melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spellcasting ability modifier, and the spell ends. spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher suffers the attack's normal effects, and the spell ends. On a
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 miss, the weapon becomes electrically charged until the end
radiant damage to the target, and the damage a creature of your next turn. If you hit a creature with the weapon
takes for ending its turn in the area of dim light increases to before then, it takes 1d8 lightning damage, as the electric
2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th charge shocks the creature, and the spell ends. You have
level. advantage on attack rolls with the weapon while it is
Immolating Blade electrically charged against target that are wearing armor
Evocation cantrip made of metal.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
Casting Time: 1 action levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
Range: 5 feet lightning damage to the target, and the damage a creature
Components: V, M (a weapon) takes for hitting it with the charged weapon increases to 2d8.
Duration: Instantaneous Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the Soul-Cutting Blade
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target Necromancy cantrip
suffers the attack's normal effects, and you can choose to Casting Time: 1 action
make it explodes in a burst of flames. Each creature within 5- Range: 5 feet
foot radius of the target takes fire damage equal to your Components: V, M (a weapon)
spellcasting ability modifier. A creature behind total cover Duration: Instantaneous
isn't damaged. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
damage to the target, and the damage creatures takes for suffers the attack's normal effects, and if you hit the target
being close to the target increases up to 1d8 + your by 5 or more, it takes 1d8 force damage as you cut part of its
spellcasting ability modifier (you can choose if you want to soul. You have advantage on this spell's attack roll against
roll the additional damage dice). Both damage rolls increase ethereal creatures, such as ghost.
by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level. This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
Acid-Splashing Blade levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
Evocation cantrip bludgeoning damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for you hitting it with a heavy strike increases to 2d8.
Casting Time: 1 action Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is covered in acid
until the end of its next turn. The target or a creature that
can touch it can use its action to scrape or wash the acid off.
If the target ends its turn covered in acid, it takes acid
damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, and the
spell ends.

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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Silver-Viper Blade Branding Blade
Transmutation cantrip Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon) Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects and if you are hidden from suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is marked with a
the target, it takes 1d8 poison damage as you backstab it dim glow making opportunity attacks against the target have
from behind. If you aren't hidden from the target, but another advantage until the start of your next turn. If the target is hit
enemy of the target that isn't incapacitated is within 5 feet of with an opportunity attack before then, it takes 1d8 radiant
it, the target takes half as much damage, as you hit it while it damage, and the spell ends.
is distracted by the creature. This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target, and the damage the target takes
poison damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for being hit with an opportunity attack increases to 2d8.
for you backstab it increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Armor-Shattering Blade
Spectral Blade Transmutation cantrip
Illusion cantrip Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 5 feet
Range: 5 feet Components: V, M (a weapon)
Components: V, M (a weapon) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and if the target is using a
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if there is no other shield, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and drops
creature within 5 feet of it, it takes 1d8 psychic damage, as a the shield. If the target is not using a shield but wearing
shadowy blade stab it from the back. heavy armor, the target takes half as much damage.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
psychic damage to the target, and the damage the target bludgening damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for the shadowy blade increases to 2d8. Both damage takes using a shield or heavy armor increases to 2d8. Both
rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level. damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Echoing Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and an arcane echo of
your weapon follows your swing in a straight line up to 15
feet before vanishing. If the echo would strike a creature,
that creature must use its reaction to avoid the strike.
Otherwise, it takes 1d8 force damage and the echo vanishes.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 force
damage to the target, and the damage a creature takes for the
echo increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at
11th and 17th level.

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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Stone-Warder Blade Casting Time: 1 action
Abjuration cantrip Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon) As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
Duration: 1 round melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is slowed by your
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the cold magic until the start of your next turn. If the target
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target attacks you before then, you can use your reaction to make
suffers the attack's normal effects, and you gain a number of the target take 1d8 cold damage, as you quickly exploit the
temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability target's slowed strike to hit it with your magic, and the spell
modifier until the end of your next turn. ends.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 cold
bludgeoning to the target, and the temporary hit points damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for you
increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both exploiting the target's slowed strike increases to 2d8. Both
rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level. damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Parrying Blade / Fencing Prismatic Blade
Abjuration cantrip Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon) Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and you enter in a suffers the attack's normal effects, and the weapon reacts to
defensive stance until the start of your next turn. If the target one of the target resistances. If the target has resistance or
attacks you, you immediately gain a bonus to your AC equal immunity to acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison damage, the
to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1), and the target takes 1d8 damage of the same type the target is
spell ends. resistant to, and the weapon momentarily glows orange, blue,
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher red, yellow or green depending on the resisted damage type,
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 respectively. If a target has resistance or immunity to
slashing damage to the target. The damage roll increase by multiple damage types, the weapon reacts to one of them
1d8 at 11th level and 17th level. randomly.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
Twin-Edge Blade levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
Transmutation cantrip radiant damage to the target, and the damage the target takes
Casting Time: 1 action for the weapon reacting to one of its resistances increases to
Range: 5 feet 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th
Components: V, M (a weapon) level.
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if you had advantage
on the attack roll, you can use your bonus action to make the
target take 1d8 slashing damage as you strike it with the
other edge of the blade.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
slashing damage to the target, and the damage the target
takes for you striking it with the other edge of the blade
increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th
and 17th level.
White-Rime Blade
Divination cantrip
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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Blood-Thirsty Blade
Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and you can then choose
to make it take an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. If the
target dies, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal
to half that amount for 1 minute. Otherwise, you take
necrotic damage equal to half that amount. The damage you
take can't be reduced by any mean.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
necrotic damage to the target, and the damage you can make
the target to take increases up to 2d8 (you can choose if you
want to roll the additional damage dice). Both damage rolls
increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Frenzy Blade
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects and it takes 1d8 necrotic
damage. On a miss, you take half as much that necrotic
damage. You make this weapon attack with advantage if you
are missing any of your hit point.
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
necrotic damage to the target, and the necrotic damage the
target takes increases to 2d8. Both damage roll increase by
1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
and the damage the necrotic damage you take on a mis

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials
used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Redescargar: Lightning:

Lightning-Charged Blade (hits you)

Crippling Blade (for the wound?) ** (on miss, advantage against armor)

Diseased Blade (for the explosion?) **

Frozen Blade, Moonlight Blade
Lightning-Charged Blade X Pychic:

Pest-Bearing Blade Censuring Blade (speaks)

Spell-Shattering Blade Compelling Blade (attacks other than you)

Cantrips: Spectral Blade (no other creature within 5ft of target)

1d8: Booming Blade, Bonebreaker Blade, Corrosive Blade, X Radiant:

Diseased Blade, Frozen Blade, Moonlight Blade. Moonlight Blade (19-20 crit, crit)

Mod: Green-Flame Blade, Crippling Blade, Lightning- Shimmering Blade (a creature ends turn within 5ft of the
Charged Blade, Pest-Bearing Blade, Silence Blade Mod target)

¿? Death Reaper Blade, Spell-Shattering Blade

Branding Blade (attack of opportunity)
Withering Blade

Beacon Blade
Death Reaper Blade / Reaping Blade (dies, AoE)

Dazzling Blade
Blood-Thirsty Blade (sacrifice HP, on kill THP)

Shocking Blade
Frenzy Blade (on miss take damage)
Branding blade

Brilliant Blade
Vengeful Blade?
Spell-Shattering Blade (damage spellcaster)

Jagged-Edge Blade
Echoing-Blade (15-line, one creature reaction to avoid)

Backstabbing Blade
Soul-Cutting Blade (on +5, advantage on ethereal)
Air-Cutting Blade

Cursed Blade

Stagerring Blade
Crippling Blade (Dash, Dodge or Disengage, fail a Atlh or
Cauterizing Blade Acrb check)

Thorny-Vine Blade modificar (se puede errar aproposito....) Weeping-Wounds Blade (miss you)

Death Reaper Blade 5ft -> 5-foot radius?

Twin-Edge Blade (advantage, bonus ac)

Corrosive Blade ¿and the spell ends? Gigant-Slayer Blade (more HP)
Weeping-Wounds Blade que escuela?

Frozen Blade debil en niveles bajos?

X Parrying Blade (+AC, no second damage)
Stone-Warder Blade fuerte en niveles altos? Bludgeoning:

Blood, AoE damage, self damage. Bumping Blade (push)

Fire, Acid, Thunder, Lightning, Piercing. Armor-Shattering Blade (shield, half if heavy armor)

Smashing Blade (less HP)


Green-Flame Blade (2nd creature)

X Stone-Warder Blade (THP, no second dmg)
Immolating Blade (AoE)

* Bonebreaker Blade (reaction)

Thorny-Vine Blade (next attack miss against the target)

Frozen Blade (mutiattack)

North-Wind Blade (next attack hits against the target)

White-Rime Blade (on attack, reaction)

X Poison:

Pest-Bearing Blade (takes no damage)

Diseased Blade (semi-poison, regains HP)

Silver-Viper Blade (hidden, half if adjacent enemy creature)


Corrosive Blade (semi-bonfire, doesn't move)

Acid-Splashing Blade (concentration, damage next turn)


Booming Blade (moves)

Quivering Blade (hitting twice)

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used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Muy Fuerte This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire
Giant-Slayer Blade [too easy] damage to the target, and the damage the target takes for
Evocation cantrip being on flames increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase
by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet Titanic Blade
Components: V, M (a weapon) Transmutation cantrip
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Range: 5 feet
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the Components: V, M (a weapon)
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target Duration: Instantaneous
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if the creature has As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
more hit points that your current hit points, the creature
takes slashing damage equal to your spellcasting ability melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
modifier. spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher suffers the attack's normal effects, and if you hit the target
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 by 5 or more, it takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage as you
slashing damage to the target, and the damage the creature damage its internal organs. You have advantage on this
takes for have more hit points increases to 1d8 + your spell's attack roll if your target is one size smaller than you.
spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
1d8 at 11th and 17th level. levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
bludgeoning damage to the target, and the damage the target
Smashing Blade takes for you hitting it with a heavy strike increases to 2d8.
Evocation cantrip Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Casting Time: 1 action Counter Blade
Range: 5 feet Divination cantrip
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a Components: V, M (a weapon)
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the Duration: Instantaneous
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and if the creature has As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
fewer hit points that your current hit points, the creature melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
takes bludgeoning damage equal to your spellcasting ability spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
modifier. suffers the attack's normal effects, and you enter in a
This spell's damage increases when you reach higher defensive stance until the start of your next turn. If the target
levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 attacks you, you can use your reaction to make the target
bludgeoning damage to the target, and the damage the take 1d8 slashing damage, as you quickly attack through its
creature takes for have fewer hit points increases to 1d8 + defences, and the spell ends.
your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase This spell's damage increases when you reach higher
by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level. levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8
slashing damage to the target, and the damage the target
Re-Skin takes for you using your reaction increases to 2d8. Both
damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th and 17th level.
Immolating Blade You can wait until after you roll a damage die before
Evocation cantrip deciding to roll another damage die of the additional
Casting Time: 1 action necrotic damage you can cause the creature to take, but
Range: 5 feet must decide before the creature takes the damage.
Components: V, M (a weapon)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a
melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the
spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target
suffers the attack's normal effects, and it is set on fire until
the end of its next turn. The target or a creature that can
touch it can use its action to end the fire. If the target ends
its turn in flames, it takes fire damage equal to your
spellcasting ability modifier, and the spell ends.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials
used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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using GM Binder.

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