Small Signal Analysis

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EE105 Small Signal Analysis Hei Kam 9/16/08

1. How does the small signal analysis work?
Assume we know that . We want to know how a small change in xo , would change yo .
Say xo is changed by ∆x, which causes yo to change by ∆y

We know that if ∆x is small enough,

Hence ∆ ∆

∆x and ∆y are called the “small signals” ;
corresponds to a “small signal element” ;

Notice that depends on xo, and we call xo as “the DC bias” .

2. The Small Signal Equivalent Circuit of an NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor

Ic Large signal model:
Collector Current: exp 1
Based Current: exp

Small signal model:
For a small increase in VBE, Ic would increases slightly Æ we see a voltage control current source:
Similarly a small increase in VBE would increase IB slightly Æ we see a small signal resistor if we look
into the base terminal

And lastly, a small increase in VCE would increase IC slightlyÆ we see a small signal resistor ro if we
look into the collector terminal:

rπ vπ gmvπ ro
I seldom ask people to memorize formulas, BUT this is one of the few exceptions: memorize this
small signal equivalent circuit and the corresponding equations (or put it on your equation sheet)!
In midterms and final exam you won’t have time to re-derive this model.

3. Small Signal Circuit Analysis- A step by step approach

Step 1: Ignore all the small signals. Solve for the DC bias first.
A. Involve KCL and KVL
B. Check the region of operation (Is the BJT in forward active mode?)

Step 2: Convert the large signal circuit into a small signal circuit.
A. DC voltage sources become short circuit
B. DC current sources become open circuit
C. Linear circuit elements (e.g. linear resistors and capacitors) remain unchanged.
D. Replace nonlinear elements (e.g. P-N junction, BJT) with their corresponding small signal models.
The exact values of the small signal elements depends on the DC biases from Step 1

Step 3: Solve the problem using the small signal circuit.

Usually involve solving
A. Small signal voltage/current change at a node
B. Resistance at a node (input, output…)
C. Voltage/ current gain or transconductance

The following two examples should help you do HW#3. Note that the solutions are on the course

Example 1. Fall 07 HW#3 Problem 3

Problem 3 [20 points]: BJT Transconductance
Consider a silicon npn BJT maintained at 300K, with emitter area = 100µm × 100µm, base dopant
concentration NB = 1018cm-3, and quasi-neutral base width WB = 0.1µm, operating in active mode with
current gain β = 100. For simplicity, you may assume that the base is uncompensated.
a) Calculate the collector current IC for a base-emitter bias VBE = 0.7V. (You will need to use the plot of
mobility vs. dopant concentration provided in Homework Assignment #2 to determine the minority-
carrier mobility in the quasi-neutral base, and then use the Einstein relation to determine the minority-
carrier diffusion length in the quasi-neutral base.)
b) Calculate the transconductance, gm, for the bias condition in (a).
c) For the bias condition in (a), by how much would IC change, if VBE were to be increased by 10 mV?
What would be the resultant change in collector voltage Vout in the circuit below (for v1 = 10mV)?

d) Most applications require that the transconductance of a transistor remain relatively constant as the
signal level varies. Of course, since the signal changes the collector current, gm = IC/VT does vary.
Nonetheless, proper circuit design can ensure negligible variation, e.g. no more than ±10%. What is
the largest change in VBE (i.e. what is the largest value of v1 in the circuit above) that guarantees only
±10% variation in gm?

Example 2. Fall 07 HW#4 Problem 2

Problem 2 [10 points]: Input Resistance
Derive an expression for the (small signal) input resistance (Rin) of each of the circuits below. Assume VA
= ∞.
Rin should be expressed in terms of the circuit resistance(s), if any, and the transistor small-signal
parameters gm and/or rπ. If there are two transistors in the circuit, distinguish their small-signal
parameters with an additional subscript. (For example, the small-signal parameters for transistor Q2 are
gm2 and rπ2.)

For simplicity, you may use the notation “R1//R2” to indicate the parallel combination of R1 and R2, i.e.
(R1R2)/(R1+R2). (This notation is used in Lecture 7, Slide 23.) “R1//R2//R3” would indicate the parallel
combination of R1, R2, and R3.

Hint: You should replace each transistor with its (small signal) input resistance (ref. Lecture 6, Slide 25),
to determine Rin. For example, in (a) you would replace Q1 by the input resistance seen looking into its

(a) (b) (c)

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