Principles. Elements. Techniques and Devices of Creative Nonfiction

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G11/12CNF-MELC 5.5 7
I What I Need to Know?

In order to provide a compelling personal creative nonfiction story, a writer has

to render the events truthfully as he or she writes from memory. The demand for
truthful writing makes the writer naked, ready to tell al the detours that life has taken
him or her. “The writer is committed to creative nonfiction as a way of inquiring and
knowing because creative nonfiction is located in the stories of daily experience
rendered with thoughtful care foe aesthetics and ethics” (Sinner, 2013).

At times. Creative nonfiction is looked upon as redundant phrases since it may

be viewed as fiction (Sinner, 2013). Nonetheless, it is normal for writers to experience
difficulty that feeling of being worn out as they try to reshape and rewrite the past.
“Throughout this process, we often find that we hardly know the half of it, and even the
half we think we know regularly remains uncertain. Yet this uncertainty need not be a
road block, but an opportunity- a chance to tell new” (Hollars, 2013).

A writer like a carpenter uses the basic principles in writing to wield a perfect
composition. These writing tools help shape the storyline. Brian Kiteley (2005) in The 3
A.M. Ephiphany recollects that while listening to William Gass who believes that each
sentence teaches the next sentence. This means that “each sentence educates the next
sentence, and each paragraph educates the next paragraph.” To achieve perfection is to
craft each sentence until the subsequent one comes along.

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Create samples of the different literary elements based on one’s
experience (e.g.metaphor to describe an emotion) HUMSS_CNF11/12-Ia-4

D What I Know?
Task 1: PRE-TEST

Direction: Read and analyze each statement and identify what is asked or described in
each statement. Choose your answer from the given choices.

1. It is the beginning information given by the writer in the story.

A. Inciting Moment C. Exposition
B. Dramatic Question D. Rising Action

2. It is the highest level of the storyline since it represents the turning point that marks
a change of the main character.
A. Climax C. Denouement
B. Falling Action D. Plot Devices

3. These are problems, issues or situations that the character needs to resolve through
A. Theme C. Climax
B. Plot Outline D. Conflict

4. It pertains to the idea that philosophers deeply think or it is simply the subject of the
A. Theme C. Character Voice

B. Characterization D. Alternating Person

5. It is where the story happens such as the location, historical period, or social
A. Dialogue C. Setting
B. Symbol D. Narrative

D What is It?

Using Elements of Creative Nonfiction





Hermeneutical Phenomenology as a Process of Analysis

Basic Elements of
The basic elements of hermeneutical phenomenology are the
following: (1) Data: Lifeworld which composed of human
Phenomenology language, lived-experience and social phenomenon, (2)
Hermeneutical Analysis, (3) Phenomenological Description;
and (4) Lived-Experiential Interpretation.

Hermeneutic- Hermeneutical phenomenology as a process of analysis is

Phenomenological called “Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Circle” which
Circle composed of: Data, Description, Meaning, Interpretation,
Understanding and Explanation.

E What’s More?
What’s New?
Activity 1: Share-a-Knowledge
Directions: Complete the concept map below by writing at least 4 types of literary
elements that you know.

Task 3: Find me Now!

Activity 2:
Directions: On the word search box, find the 10 important words that have learned from
the lecture above. Encircle all the words you found on the box.

E What can I Engage In?
Directions: Write your ideas on the 10 words you found on the word search box.
Literature- any written works that is written creatively.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________________

Task 5: WHAT’S IN?
Activity 5: Let’s DEAR! (Drop Everything And Read)
Directions: Read and understand the story entitled “The Witch by Edilberto K. Tiempo”.
See attached reading materials on your activity sheets.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the story all about?
2. Where and when does the story takes place?
3. Who tells the story?
4. What lesson does the story resembles in life?
Activity 6: Structure-It-Out
Based on the story, students will write the appropriate answers by determining the

TASK 6: Learning Takeaways

Directions: Please refer to the attached document titled “Literary Elements” for the
further information regarding the topics. It can be found on the book entitled Writing
Techniques in Creative Nonfiction.

Engagement: What’s More?

Activity 8. “Let’s Process!”
Directions: To check your comprehension on the short story, The Witch, you need to
answer the following side questions:
1. Do you think Minggay is really a witch? Explain your answer.
2. What is the relationship of the boy to Minggay?
3. What is the theme of the story? Explain your answer.
4. If you are the narrator of the story, how will you end it?
5. How did you feel while rewriting the ending of the story? Explain your answer.

Activity 9. “Tagged by Freytag”
Directions: Identify the basic elements of the story All Summer In a Day by filling in
the Freytag pyramid below.

a. Exposition:
b. Rising action the
c. Climax
d. Falling action
e. Denouement
What I Can Do.
Activity 10: “Who Says What?”
Directions: Identify the type of point of view used in the following statement.


1. “He died a long time ago, when
my boy was eleven.”
2. In just a few simple steps, you
can make a big change in your
3. “When I was twelve years old, I
used to go to Libas, about nine
kilometers away from the
4. “She is Minggay, she was
known as the witch in Leyte.”
5. “You are unbelievable!...I told

Activity 11: “It’s Your Time To Shine!”

Directions: Write your own story.

1. You will be tasked to tell your own story of “aswang” from your neighborhood or
provinces. You may ask or interview your parents, grandparents, uncle or aunts for any
urban legend they know.
2. If there is no urban legend that your family can tell, you may try to recall a story you
read, heard or watched that is similar with the short story, The Witch.
3. After hearing the story from your family or recalling a story you read, heard or
watched, you will need to rewrite it down making sure that plot, settings, conflict,
theme, characters, and climax are present.


Day 4
Enrichment Activity
Activity 12: “Mic’s On”
Directions: Interview your parents/guardians about an experience that
caused them to feel great fright, or an experience that changed their belief
in life. Write it down.

Activity 13. ”Yours VS Mine!”
Directions. You will be tasked to compare the climax of your own
frightening experience and the experience of your parents/guardians by
filling in the table below.

The climax of my The climax of my Any similarities

experience parents’/guardians’ and/or differences

What have I learned?
Activity 14: “Problem Solving”
Directions: demonstrate your learned concepts by filling in this table of conflict.

Type Of Conflict Personal Experience My Solution

One character against
another character
A character against
A character against
A character against

Activity 15. “The Mighty Pen”

1. You will be tasked to interview your brother/sister or cousin about their
most unforgettable experience in school. You may record it on your mobile
phones or you may use your notebooks to write down notes.
2. After listening to the story of your brother, sister or cousin, you will need
to rewrite the story using the third person point of view.

Activity 16. “Going with the Flow”

Directions. Demonstrate your learned concepts by filling in the flow chart below.



A What I have Learned?

Task 5: EXIT VISA: 3-2-1 CHART

Task: 3-2-1 chart

Have you learned so much from this module? Let us check the level of your
understanding through 3-2-1 chart.

3 best things I learned today:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2 things that caught my interest:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

1 thing that I wanted to learn more about:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________
A What I can Do?


Activity 4: Test what you Know. Encircle the correct answer.

1. Among the elements of drama, what refers to the action; the basic storyline of the
A. plot C. genre
B. theme D. characters

2. Which of the following best describe characters in fiction?

i. The person in a work of fiction.
ii. They resemble to real people.
iii. They limit themselves as protagonist and antagonist.
iv. They are motivated and life-like.
A. i,ii, ii C. i, ii, iv

B. ii, iii, iv D. i, iii, iv
3. Lyra wrote a story. She is the narrator of the story, she just acted as a narrator but
part of the story. What point of view did she employ?
A. Objective C. Third Person
B. Limited D. Omniscient
4. You want to get the sequence of the story that you read, what elements of fiction you
will consider?
A. Plot C. Theme
B. Setting D. Characters
5. It was raining hard in the movie that you have watched, what setting you can
on the movie?
A. Place C. Time
B. Weather condition D. Social Conditions
6. Rico wants to narrate what happen, but as a writer he wants to alienate himself from
the story. What narrative point of view he can employ?
A. 1st Person C. 2nd Person
B. 3rd Person D. Narrative Voice
7. Ioannie wrote her experiences as a Grade 11 student, her thoughts were revealed
while writing. What narrative voice did she employ?
A. Stream of Consciousness C. Epistolary Voice
B. Narrative Voice D. Unreliable Voice
8. Ma’am Ashly, teacher in Creative Nonfiction, asks her students to write a fictional
She reminded everyone to make the characters known based on the description
present on the story. What type of characterization you can employ?
A. Direct C. Indirect
B. Free D. Alternating
9. Which conflict pertains to the conflict in natural disasters or calamities?
A. Against environment C. Against self
B. Against society D. Against man
10. What element talks about the opposition of forces and essential to the plot?
A. Setting C. Conflict
B. Character D. Climax
_____________7. It refers to the inward sense of the characteristics and features of the
data as captured from the experience of a person.
_____________8. It refers to the outward cognitive expression of the description, meaning
and understanding of the interpreted data.
_____________9. It refers to the characteristics of the data as it appears in the
consciousness / as experience by the person.
_____________10. It refers to the essential features retained in the person out of the
interpretation of the meaning of the data.


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