SOCO P-2 Syllabus

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1. Introduction to Forensic Science: Definition, Basic Principles of Forensic Science and
its Significance, Need of Forensic Science, Nature and Scope of Forensic Science,
Organizational Structure of Forensic Science Laboratories in India, Ethics in Forensic
Science, Frye Case and Daubert Standard.
2. Criminology: Introduction, scope of criminology, History – Famous criminologists-
Definition of crime, criminal behavior - types of crimes, causes of crime, Juvenile
delinquency, criminal profiling.
3. Crime: Definition, theories of causation of crime: Pre-classical and Neo-classical,
constitutional, geographical, economic, psychological, sociological, Multiple
causation approach. General factors of crime, forms of punishment in brief.
4. Crime Scene Investigation: Definition of crime scene, Classification of crime scenes
indoor & outdoor, primary & secondary, macroscopic & microscopic crime scenes,
Significance of crime scene and ethics of crime scene investigation.
5. Physical Evidence: Definition, Importance, Classification, Sources, Significance and
value of physical evidence. Types of Crime scene evidence (Direct, Circumstantial,
Physical, Chemical, Biological, Digital, Documents), Class and individual
characteristics, identification and individualization of physical evidence, Locards’s
exchange principle. Linkage between crime scene, victim and criminal.
6. Crime Scene Procedure: Role of the First Responding Officer (First Officer at the
Scene, Recording the Time, Assisting the Victim, Search for and Apprehension of
Accused, Securing the Crime Scene), Initial Crime Scene Response, Crime Scene
Communication, Legal Implications for Crime Scene Searches.
7. Crime Scene Documentation: Plan of Action, Note Taking, Crime scene search for
physical evidence, Crime Scene photography, Types of Cameras, Types of Media,
Number of Photographs, Admissibility of Photographs, Videography of the Crime
8. Collection & Preservation of Physical Evidence: Fingerprints, Impression Evidence,
Hair and Fiber Evidence, other Trace Evidence (Glass, Paint and Soil), Firearms and
Tool Marks, Biological Evidence (Blood, Body Fluids and Tissue), Accelerants and
Flammable Fluids, Explosive Material, Questioned Document, Drug Evidence and
Bite Mark Evidence.
9. Crime Scene Search & Preservation: Crime Scene Search (Collection, Preservation,
Packaging, labelling, sealing and transportation of Physical Evidence), Sketching the

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Crime Scene, Information Included in Crime Scene Sketches, Equipment, Types of
Sketches, Locating Objects in the Sketch, Admissibility of Sketches, Comparison of
Sketching, Photography and maintaining the chain of custody.
10. Introduction to Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology: Introduction, Nature & Scope
Distillation and Fractionation of petroleum products. Commercial uses of different
Petroleum Product and their analysis. Analysis of Alcohol and Non-alcoholic
beverages. Introduction to Explosives and explosive substances and their
classification. Definition of Poison, Classification of Poison, Types of Poisoning, Sign
and Symptoms of Poisoning. Toxicological Exhibits in Fatal and Survival Cases and
their Preservation, Treatment in Cases of Poisoning. Routes of administration, action
and symptoms of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Different methods of
extraction of poisons and drugs, clean up procedures, analysis and field tests.
11. Qualitative and Quantitative analysis: Sample preparation, dissolution, digestion and
fusion, Nature of trace analysis, spot tests and spectroscopic methods. Screening tests
commonly engaged in chemical analysis of drugs samples. Volumetric, Gravimetric
and Spectrophotometric analysis.
12. Chromatography: Introduction, principle, procedure and applications of – Paper
chromatography, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Gas Chromatography and High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
13. Forensic Biology, Serology and DNA: Evaluation of blood and blood stain - Visual
examination, Ultra Violet, Infrared examination, Microscopy, Spectroscopy,
Spectrophotometry, Chromatography, Colour and crystal tests, Luminol tests.
Composition and biochemical functions of body fluids such as blood, semen, saliva,
urine sweat, biochemical nature and forensic significance. Identification of semen,
seminal stains and spermatozoa. Visual observation test, Physical test, Ultra Violet
test, Microscopic test, Chemical tests and enzymatic tests. Hair Anatomy and
Examination of Hairs from Animal and Human Origin. Types and properties of
antigens and antibodies, principles. Determination of species origin of blood and
blood stains, Blood grouping techniques in fresh and dried blood stains. Blood
grouping types and their importance in Forensic analysis. Estimation of age of blood
stains. Secretors and non-secretors status. Types of DNA and their role in human
identification. Extraction of DNA from different types of biological samples, DNA
extraction methods. Determining quality and quantity of DNA samples, PCR and
DNA fingerprinting/profiling methods such as RFLP and STR.

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14. Forensic Physics: Density, Refractive Index, Birefringence; Other Optical Properties
of Crystalline Material. Examination of Soil, Dust, Paints, Glass, Fiber, Tool Marks,
Restoration of Erased / Obliterated Marks , Examination of Wire/ Cables, Counterfeit
Coins. Physical Matching of Severed / Broken Objects.
15. General Idea about Firearms and ammunitions: History and Background of Firearms,
Various Components of Firearms, Different systems and their functions,
Improvised/Country-Made/Imitative Firearms. Types of Ammunition, Classification
and Constructional features of different types of Firearms and Cartridges, Types of
Primers and Priming Composition, Propellants and their Compositions, Various
Types of Bullets and Compositional aspects, Smooth Bore Firearm Projectile,
Identification of Origin, Improvised Ammunition and Safety Aspects for Handling
16. Forensic Questioned Documents: Various types of forensic documents - genuine and
forged documents, Classification of forensic documents, Specimen writings, admitted
writings, Handling, preservation, marking and packing of documents, Types of
Questioned Documents examination, Types of forgeries, Basic Tools needed for
forensic documents examination and their use.
17. Introduction to Computer & Cyber Forensic: Introduction to Computers, Computer
History, Software, Hardware, Classification, Computer Input-Output Devices,
Windows, Basic Computer Terminology, Internet, Networking, Computer Storage,
Mobile Phone Forensics (Android, APFS, Windows), Computer Ethics and
Application Programs. Cyber Forensic Basics - Introduction to Cyber Forensics,
Storage Fundamentals, File System Concepts, Data Recovery, Operating Systems.
Voice Production, Theory-Vocal Anatomy, Speech Signal Processing & Pattern
Recognition - Basic Factors of Sound in Speech, Acoustic Characteristics of Speech
18. Cyber Crimes: Definition, Categories of Cyber Crimes, Hacking, Virus, Worms,
Cookies, Obscenity and Pornography, Programme Manipulation, Software Piracy,
Intellectual Property and Computer Security, Relevant Section of Information
Technology Act.
19. Forensic Psychology: Polygraph Analysis - Lie Detector with MRI; Brain
Fingerprinting and its Use in the Criminal Identification; Narco Analysis - Basics of
Narco Analysis and its Significance in Forensic Science.

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