Eemua 202
Eemua 202
Eemua 202
This Guide identifies and defines a set of common additional and modified
requirements to ISO 15649 and ANSI/ASME B31.3 necessitated by the PED. The
Guide includes an actions checklist, and tables identifying key requirements of the
PED and the corresponding clauses of the ISO/ANSI–ASME standards, together with
supplementary information.
The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), Directive 97/23/EC, entered into
force on 29th November 1999 and will be mandatory throughout the European
Economic Area (EEA) from 30th May 2002. Mandated harmonised European (CEN)
pressure equipment standards will have presumption of conformity with the PED, but
this does not preclude the use in the EEA of other pressure equipment standards,
provided the PED’s ‘essential safety requirements’ (ESRs) are satisfied.
The CEN piping standard is yet to be published. A draft is in the process of being
developed, but it represents a change from current oil and petrochemical industry
practice. According to a poll conducted by Europia of its members who are
European operators of oil refineries, current industry practice throughout Europe is
based on ANSI/ASME B31.3 Process Piping.
ANSI/ASME B31.3 is the de facto standard for piping for the oil, petrochemical and
chemical industries worldwide, including Europe. This has been recognised by the
publication of ISO 15649:2001 Petroleum and natural gas industries―Piping which
makes normative reference to B31.3. A transition to an unfamiliar CEN standard,
however sound it may be technically, would introduce risk that may have an impact
on the technical integrity of existing operations, and on the time and cost of projects
particularly when most ‘new’ projects in Europe are extensions to existing plant
constructed to B31.3. It would also place Europe at a competitive disadvantage in
the world market that will design, construct and operate to ISO 15649 / ANSI/ASME
B31.3. In order to provide for continued use of ANSI/ASME B31.3 in Europe while
also complying with the Pressure Equipment Directive, Europia and EEMUA co-
operated to produce the subject Guide to facilitate the use of ISO 15649 /
ANSI/ASME B31.3 in accordance with the requirements of the PED.
This publication is obtainable from EEMUA by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) /cash
/cheque /Bacs for a net price (excluding p/p) of £70.00. P/p rates: UK £4.00; Europe
£6.00; rest of world £11.50.
Full members of EEMUA are entitled to a discount on the net price of 25%.
e-mail: [email protected]
No: 202 : 2001 Guide to the Use of ISO 15649 and ANSI/ASME B31.3 for Piping in
Europe in Compliance with the Pressure Equipment Directive