Vibration and Control UME05C06 - ODD 2021

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S5 (UME05C06) ME

B. Tech. 5th Semester Mid-Term Examination, 2021

Vibration and Control
Full Marks: 30 Time: 1 hour
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer Question 1 & Any Two from the Rest
1.a Derive the expression of decrease in amplitudes of a [5]
vibrating spring mass system sliding over a rough surface.
Assume necessary standard parameters.
1.b If the time period of oscillation is 2 second, the [1]
frequency of vibration is _____________________________
1.c Spring constant of cantilever beam of length ‘l’ with an [1]
end mass ‘m’ is:
i. 3EI/l3 ii. Wl3/3EI

iii. l3/3EI iv. ml2/12EI

1.d If a spring mass system undergoes a static deflection of [1]

xst due to its own mass ‘m’ , the natural frequency of
damped free vibration is given by:
i. g/ xst ii. xst/g

iii. (g/ xst)1/2 iv. (xst/g)1/2

1.e If an undamped free vibration system has an initial [1]

velocity of 30 mm/sec at t=0 and has an angular velocity 10
rad/sec, the amplitude of vibration is
i. 30 mm ii. 3 mm iii. 0.3 mm iv. 0

1.f In damped vibration, the part of the motion expression [1]

which gradually vanishes due to damping is called:
i. Periodic ii. Transient

iii. harmonic iv. steady state

2. A piston of mass 4.53 kg is travelling in a tube with a [10]

velocity of 15.24 m/s and engages a spring and damper as
shown in Figure 1. Determine the maximum displacement of
the piston after engaging the spring damper. How many
seconds does it take to cover the maximum displacement?

Figure: 1
3. A cylinder of mass m and mass moment of inertia J0 is free [10]
to roll without slipping but is restrained by two springs
of stiffness k1 and k2 as shown in Figure 2. Find its
natural frequency of vibration. Also find the value of ‘a’
that maximizes the natural frequency of vibration.
Figure: 2
4. A four-cylinder automobile engine is to be supported on [10]
three shock mounts, as shown in Figure 3. The engine block
assembly has mass of 250 kg. If the unbalance force
generated by the engine is given by 1000 sin 100πt N,
design the three shock mounts (each of stiffness k and
viscous damping constant c) such that the amplitude of
vibration is less than 2.5 mm. Assume ξ = 0.01

Figure: 3

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