A Review of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in E-Learning

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A review of intelligent tutoring systems in e-learning

Article  in  ANNALS OF THE ORADEA UNIVERSITY Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering · December 2016
DOI: 10.15660/AUOFMTE.2016-3.3276


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4 authors, including:

Predrag Dašić Jovan Dašić

Academy of Professional Studies Sumadija SaTCIP d.o.o.


Veis Serifi



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Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering
ISSUE #3, December 2016, http://www.imtuoradea.ro/auo.fmte/



Predrag DAŠIĆ1,2, Jovan DAŠIĆ2, Bojan CRVENKOVIĆ2, Veis ŠERIFI2

High Technical Mechanical School of Professional Studies, Trstenik, [email protected]
SaTCIP Publisher Ltd., Vrnjačka Banja

teaching learning process, information and

Abstract—An ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) is a communication technologies have become an essential
complex, integrated software system that applies the principles part of the system. In that direction, multimedia,
and methods of artificial intelligence (AI) to the problems and computer networking and programming engineering,
needs of teaching and learning. They allow searching the have led to the emergence of a new generation of
student level of knowledge and learning strategies used to computer systems to learn. Modern information
increase or correct the students' knowledge. They are intended
technology, especially computer networks, intranet,
to support and improve the teaching and learning process in a
selected area of knowledge while respecting the individuality of internet, and in particular hypermedia together
the learner. In the paper a review of intelligent tutoring systems contributed to the establishment of Advanced Learning
(ITS) is given from the aspect of their application and usability Technology (ALT), Budin [1], Murray [2], Phobun and
in modern learning concepts. Vicheanpanya [3], Rosatelli and Self [4], Zhang, Ren and
Chen [5].
Keywords— Intelligent Tutoring System, Education, e- The new educational paradigm is oriented towards
learining students or in other words learner-centered paradigm,
Bruce and Bruce [6], Handa [7], Reigeluth, Aslan, Chen,
Dutta, Huh, Lee et al. [8]. The student is placed in the

I Norder to support the learning process of traditional

teaching, or as a replacement for such a teaching with
one of the new methods and ways of realization of the
center, while the surrounding learning resources (people,
knowledge, technology, media, organizations, etc.) in
terms of time, place and manner of learning (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The transition from traditional to new advanced teaching paradigm

Services of World Wide Web (WWW), primarily opportunities for learning, which is based on a static
informational, allowed the formation of thousands of view of the teaching content, a good part of the system
systems that can be considered as direct applications of should be able to be increased by adding interactive,
information technology. Due to their limited adaptable and intelligent functions.

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ISSUE #3, December 2016, http://www.imtuoradea.ro/auo.fmte/
Web content that is dynamically generated can be tutoring or net established guide for scholars and is
utilized for the implementation and response. Using these established on smart retailers. One of these procedures
technologies enables the development of tutoring shells can respect the pupil characteristics like skills, behavior,
for building intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), and access and even emotions.
is provided by standard Web browsers. Web based Traditional intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) are
intelligent tutoring systems have been discussed in focused on the area advantage they are imagined to
papers by Nakabayashi, Koike, Maruyama, Touhei, reward and train, thus their management mechanisms are
Ishiuchi and Fukuhara [9]. often domain based more up to date ITSs pay extra
The term e-learning paradigm does not put out the use of attention to well-known problems and concepts of the
existing application software, on the contrary, examples tutoring approach, trying to separate architectural,
of student administration, human resources, business methodological, and manipulate disorders from the
administration, are critical components of e-learning domain expertise as so much as viable. The mainstream
environment that poses a real challenge to all existing of present study in the discipline is dominated with the
applications to be integrated into the service e- learning. aid of problems like collaborative studying, internet-
Today there are various classifications and different established instructing and finding out, pedagogical
names are applied for open, flexible and distributed agents, and the like Brusilovsky, Eklund and Schwarz
activities in the process of teaching and learning, which [11], Vassileva [16].
includes, Brusilovsky [10], Brusilovsky, J. Eklund, and ITSs are based on knowledge because they have:
E. Schwarz [11], Brusilovsky and Peylo, [12], Dašić, 1) knowledge they have about the domain
Dašić and Šerifi [13], Dašić Nedeff and Šehović [14], knowledge;
Phobun and Vicheanpanya [3], Reigeluth et al. [8], 2) knowledge of the principles by which the is
Wasson [15]: Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), taught;
Adaptive Hypermedia (AH), Distance Learning (DL), 3) Methods by which to apply these principles and
Distributed Learning (DL), Electronic Learning (e- knowledge of methods and techniques for
Learning) (Web site: http://elearning.europa.info/), modeling the flow of students to acquire
Intelligent Learning Environments (ILE), Learning knowledge and skills.
Content Management Systems (LCMS), Learning The traditional intelligent tutoring system (ITS) was
Environments (LE), Learning Management Systems built based on four interrelated software modules
(LMS), Mobile Learning (m-learning), Online Learning (Murray [17], Phobun and Vicheanpanya [3], Polson and
(OL), Open and Distance Learning (ODL), Remote Richardson [18], Psotka, Massey and Mutter [19],
Learning (RL), Tele-Learning (TL), Virtual Learning Sleeman and Brown [20], Zhang, Ren and Chen [5]), and
Environments (VLE), Web-Based Education (WBE), they are:
Web-Based Instruction (WBI), Web-Based Learning 1) Student module (SM) (student knowledge -
(WBL), Web-Based Training (WBT) or Internet-Based dynamic model of acquiring knowledge and skills
Training (IBT), Web-Based Learning Environments of students) covers all aspects of the student's
(WBLE or WLE), Web-Based Virtual Learning acquisition of knowledge and skills in a given
Environments (WB-VLE or WVLE) etc. domain knowledge. Student module is the holder
of students modeling procedure, which includes a
II. INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMS (ITS) student model and diagnostics of students'
Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) are complex, knowledge. Student model is a collection of data
integrated software systems that apply the principles and that shows the current level of knowledge and
methods of artificial intelligence (AI) to the problems skills, while the diagnostic process controls such
and needs of teaching and learning. They enable data and works with them in the evaluation of
searching models of student level of knowledge and use students' knowledge;
learning strategies to increase or correction of students' 2) Teacher module (TM) (tutoring skills), the unit
knowledge. They are based on the development and for controlling the process of acquiring
implementation of methods and techniques of artificial knowledge and skills of students. In this sense, the
intelligence (AI), and on that basis the content and teacher module is the holder of scenarios for
method of teaching presentations of topics can adjust to teaching and pedagogical knowledge possessed
individual abilities of the students. They are intended to by the "live" teacher;
support and improve the teaching and learning process in 3) Domain module (DM) (expert knowledge), as the
the chosen field of knowledge while respecting the holder of the domain knowledge, with which
individuality of the learner. during learning and teaching the student will
Scientific field of research of artificial intelligence communicate. Expert module is "... the crown of
started in 1970s Zhang, Ren and Chen [5], intelligent every intelligent tutoring system" Anderson, [21]
tutoring systems are a direct product of such research. and
ITS is an informed process which supplies individualized 4) User Interface (UI) or Communication module

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ISSUE #3, December 2016, http://www.imtuoradea.ro/auo.fmte/
(CM) (system and the environment of students Debugger in Learning system) will be able locate,
learning process - interaction "student-teacher- pinpoint and explain logical errors of programs. If there
knowledge"), a global principle represents the are no errors, it will be able to explain the meaning of the
principle of students and intelligent tutoring program. Adil is based on the design of the Conceiver, an
systems. automated program understanding system. Developed by
ITS was first mentioned as a term artificial intelligence Syed Abdullah Mohd Zin, Ahmad Aljunid, Zarina
(AI) for computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in 1970 by Shukur and Mohd Jan Nordin, at Universiti Teknologi
Carbonell [22], in the development of the SCHOLAR Mara (UiTM) / University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),
system is the initial step in this area and therefore, quite from Bangui (Selangor - Malaysia) in 2000 Zin, Aljunid,
often, in many discussions Carbonell [22] is called the Shukur and Nordin [23].
"father" of intelligent systems for teaching and learning. ADIS (Animated Data Structure Intelligent Tutoring
A little later, in 1982, Sleeman and Brown [20], point out System) is a Java-based Web-enabled intelligent tutoring
that the meaning of the term ITS, is identical with the system (ITS) developed as a teaching support to enhance
meaning of the term ICAI (Intelligent Computer-Aided students' understanding of data structures such as linked-
Instruction). lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs. ADIS has the
E-learning was introduced for the first time during the capability to display data structures graphically on the
sixties, when a wide group of experts noticed the computer screen as well as allowing graphical
educational potential of computers (primarily manipulation of the data structure created. There is a
psychologists and pedagogues), and engineers the tutorial mode incorporating exercises, where students can
possibilities of application, so that their research can be learn basic algorithms (insertion, deletion etc.) of data
seen by observing them as: structures visually. ADIS is completely implemented in
1) group with the engineering approach, or applied Java to allow platform-independent standalone usage or
researchers which today can be attributed to the internet delivery. Developed by Kai Warendorf and Colin
merit of developing a system of teaching based on Tan, at Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL), of School
computers Computer-Based Instruction (CBI) and of Applied Science, of the Nanyang Technological
2) group with the access to research or advanced University (NTU), from Singapore in 1997 (Warendorf,
researchers which today can be attributed [24], Warendorf and Tan [25]).
contribution to development Intelligent Tutoring BITS (Bayesian Intelligent Tutoring System) is a Web-
Systems (ITS). based intelligent tutoring system (WITS) for computer
A useful addition to ITS is the adaptive hypermedia programming. The decision making process conducted in
which is used in educational hypermedia, information BITS intelligent system is guided by a Bayesian network.
and online help systems, as well as institutional BITS can help the student in navigation through the
information systems. Adaptive educational hypermedia materials online, and also can suggest learning target and
modifies what the student sees to adjust the content to his purpose and generate suitable learning sequences. As an
goals, abilities, needs, interests, and knowledge of the example, a student may want to learn (adding operation)
subject, by providing hyperlinks that are most relevant to without having to learn every concept discussed in the
the user in an effort to shape the user's cognitive load. previous materials. BITS can determine the minimum
The teaching tools "adapt" to the learner. On-line prerequisite knowledge needed in order to understand
information systems provide reference access to (adding operation) and display the links for these
information for users with a different knowledge level of concepts in the correct learning sequence. Developed by
the subject. An adaptive hypermedia system should C.J. Butz, S. Hua and R.B. Maguire, at Department of
satisfy three criteria: it should be a hypertext or Computer Science, of the University of Regina, from
hypermedia system, it should have a user model and it Regina (Saskatchewan - Canada) in 2004 Butz, Hua and
should be able to adapt the hypermedia using the model. Maguire [26,27,28,29].
DCG (Dynamic Courseware Generation) is an
III. A REVIEW OF DEVELOPED INTELLIGENT TUTOR intelligent tutoring system (ITS) based on an ITS-shell
SYSTEMS (ITS) IN EDUCATION architecture, whose main idea is applying AI planning
Below is a list of intelligent tutoring system (ITS) techniques to determine the content of instruction. The
arranged in alphabetical order. system dynamically generates instructional courses. The
Adil (Automated Debugger in Learning System) is a course-plan is created individually for a given student
software system for automated debugging based on with a given teaching goal. Main advantage of this
knowledge, designed as an intelligent tutoring system approach is that it allows automatically building goal-
(ITS). It assists students in mastering basic debugging directed adaptive Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)
skills of their programs, as a target for the C courses which is impossible within the traditional CAL
programming language. It localizes bugs and explains to concept of courseware. Developed by Julita Vassileva
these programs. Given a syntax error-free program and and Ralph Deters, at Universität der Bundeswehr
its specification, this debugger called Adil (Automated München (UniBwM) / Bundeswehr University Munich,

Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering
ISSUE #3, December 2016, http://www.imtuoradea.ro/auo.fmte/
from Neubiberg (Germany) in 1992 (Vassileva [16]; Modelling Intelligent Tutoring) is an intelligent tutoring
Vassileva and Deters [30]). system (ITS) for entity-relationship (ER) modelling.
DM-Tutor (Decision-Making Tutor) is a constraint- Database design is an open-ended task: although there is
based tutor intelligent tutoring system (ITS) which is an outcome defined in abstract terms, there is no
embedded within an existing system, the management procedure to use to find that outcome. So far, constraint
information system (MIS) for oil palm plantation based modelling has been used in a tutor that teaches a
management. The goal of DMTutor is to provide database language (SQL-Tutor) and a system that teaches
scenario-based training using real-life operational data punctuation and capitalization rules (CAPIT). KERMIT
and actual plantation conditions. The goal of DM-Tutor is implemented in Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) and
is to help users apply theoretical concepts of plantation supports the entity relationship data model. Developed
analyses into real-life plantation decision-making. by Pramuditha Suraweera and Antonija Mitrović, at
Developed by Sagaya Amalathas and Antonija Mitrović, Intelligent Computer Tutoring Group (ICTG),
at Department of Computer Science and Software Department of Computer Science, of the University of
Engineering, University of Canterbury, from Canterbury, from Christchurch (New Zealand) in 2002
Christchurch (New Zealand), Saravanan Ravan, at (Mitrović Mayo, Suraweera and Martin [37], Suraweera
RANN Consulting Sdn. Bhd., from Kuala Lumpur and Mitrović [38,39], Weerasinghe and Mitrović [40]).
(Malaysia) and David Evison, at Department of Forestry, MBITS (Multicriteria Bayesian Intelligent Tutoring
University of Canterbury, from Christchurch (New System) is Web-based intelligent tutoring system (WITS)
Zealand) in 2009 (Amalathas, Mitrović and Saravanan which is supported by Bayesian Network (BN). It
[31,32]). functions as a Web application which is interactive and
ELM-ART (ELM (Episodic Learner Model) – ART easy to use. MBITS was intended to assist students to
(Adaptive Remote Tutor)) is a Web-based intelligent better understand the concept of the course using
tutoring system (WITS) designed for teaching students multicriteria approach to evaluate different solution and
programming in LISP (List Processing) programming information gathering actions using the same set of
language. It integrates intelligent educational system with criteria. Developed by Ettarres Yamna and Khaled
electronic textbook program in a unique environment in Mellouli, at Laboratoire de Recherche Opérationnelle, de
which the user can broaden and deepen previously Décision et de Contrôle de Processus (LARODEC), of
acquired knowledge. It was used as an intelligent the University of Tunisie, Cité Bouchoucha (Le Bardo -
interactive electronic textbook on programming in LISP Tunisie) and Pierre-Henri Wuillemin, at Laboratorie
programming language logic. ELM-ART system is d'Informatice de Paris six departments (LIP-6), of the
developed based on ELM-PE programming environment Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), from Paris
based on knowledge. Originally developed by Peter (France) in 2010 (Yamna, Mellouli and Wuillemin [41]).
Brusilovsky, at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) from ML-Tutor (Machine Learning Tutor) is a Web-based
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania - USA) and Elmar Schwarz and client server system which has been built with the
Gerhard Weber, at Department of Psychology, University intention of combining Internet technology with
of Trier, from Trier (Germany) in 1996 (Brusilovsky educational hypertext. The client component of the
[11], Weber and Brusilovsky [33,34]). system incorporates the user interface and runs in a
JITS (Java Intelligent Tutoring System) is the research WWW browser. The client captures data which are
project that involves the development of a programming transmitted to the server using Internet technology. The
tutor designed for students in their first programming server component of the system is executed when
course in Java™ at the college and university level. This requested by the client. The server contains a machine
project is a prototype being constructed which will model learning component (MLC) which analyses the received
the domain of a small subset of the Java™ programming data and transmits results to the client. Developed by A.
language in a very specific context. Research is in Serengul Smith-Atakan, at Middlesex University, School
progress and it is hypothesized that the completed of Computing Science, from London (United Kingdom)
prototype will be sufficient to prove the concept and that and Ann Blandford, at University College London
a fully developed Java™ intelligent tutoring system will (UCL), Interaction Centre, from London (United
provide an interactively-rich learning environment for Kingdom) in 2003 (Smith-Atakan and Blandford [42]).
students resulting in increased achievement. Developed NORMIT (Normalisation Intelligent Tutor) is an
by Edward R. Sykes, at School of Computing and intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that teaches database
Information Management, of the Sheridan College, from normalization to university students. NORMIT is a Web-
Oakville (Ontario - Canada) and Franya Franek, at enabled system, and its architecture and techniques are
Department of Computing and Software, of the Faculty used to deal with multiple students. NORMIT is the first
of Science, of the McMaster University, from Hamilton in the series of constraint based tutors developed at ICTG
(Ontario - Canada) in 2003 (Sykes, [35], Sykes and that teaches a procedural task. It is written in Allegro
Franek [36]. Common Lisp (ACL) and uses the AllegroServe Web
KERMIT (Knowledge-Based Entity Relationship server which is open sourced as a way to demonstrate

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ISSUE #3, December 2016, http://www.imtuoradea.ro/auo.fmte/
network programming in ACL as an extensible server. electronic technology, for individualized teaching and
Developed by Antonija Mitrović, at University of learning with the help of intelligent tutoring system.
Canterbury, Department of Computer Science, Intelligent Intelligent tutoring systems during today's application
Computer Tutoring Group (ICTG), from Christchurch have helped improve the teaching process adapted to the
(New Zealand) in 2002 (Mitrović [43,44]). individual needs of students and have proven usefulness
SQL-Tutor (SQL (Structured Query Language) Tutor) in education. In relation to this a number of successes
is a variant of an intelligent tutoring system (ITS), based have been achieved especially in the detection of certain
on knowledge, learning and teaching SQL language traditional teaching strategies (partnership, mentoring,
databases. It is based on the CBM (modeling based on development of collaborative software and learning
limitation) modeling approach to students. Implemented through work).
in Allegro Common Lisp (ACL) programming language.
Developed by Antonija Mitrović, Pramuditha Suraweera, REFERENCES
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